AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 to INFINITY and BEYOND? Last October I Star Ted a R Egular R Un of About 2.2 Miles 4 Or 5 Times a Week
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UNITED REFORMED CHURCH ST GILES' CHURCH OF ENGLAND Contact Secr etar y: Celia Miller Rector : The Revd Felicity Davies Tel: 01895 904556 The Rector y, 38, Swakeleys Road Administr ator : Shellie D'Ar cy Ickenham, UB10 8BE Chur ch: 01895 634280 Tel: Rector y 01895 622970 Tel: Chur ch 01895 622971 Editor : Susan Owen-Thursfield Email: [email protected] For events: Submit online at I cFkor adeverntisinhg: adavertimsing@i or T elN: 07913e 430w989 s Donations: c/o Patricia Lee at The Office, St Giles' Church, Ickenham, UB10 8BG Visit ICN Online at: Ickenham URC at: I ckenham URCS tc oGvielensa' natte: dw wwwit.sht gSilte sGchiluersc'h C.cho.uurkch of England August 2018 September 2018 URC Daytim e Ser vices Sunday Evening Ser vi ces St Gi l es' Dayti m e Ser vi ces Sunday Mor nings 11.00am The two chur ches join together on Sunday Evenings at Sunday Mor nings - 8.00am Holy Communion - incl. Junior Chur ch most Sundays 6.30pm in St Giles' as follow s: - 9.45am Holy Communion (w ith - Childr en's space available dur ing all - 2nd Sun - Chor al Evensong ................................Junior Chur ch and Cr èche) ..ser vices - 3r d Sun - Wor ship + The Wor d (band led ser vice) - 1st Sunday 9.45am All-Age Ser vice - Holy Communion, 3r d Sunday - 4th Sun - "O Lor d, hear our pr ayer " (pr ayer ser vice) Thur sdays - 10.00am Holy Communion A VILLAGE DAY IN PERFECT WEATHER This year 's Festival Village Day saw the ar r ival at Milton Cour t of new enter tainments. After the Par ade around the Village ther e wer e flower s and music, tea par ties, people on stilts, Punch and Judy, a man blow ing huge bubbles, Zumba, Love2sing, tr ains and other r efr eshments. One favour ite was the fairground music complete w ith galloping hor ses and r efr eshments. Still mor e to come - a gr and concer t at Glebe School, featur ing the singer , Jeni, the pr esentation of the Ickenham Shield, a sw ing band and beautiful fir eworks! AFN DROP-IN FOR THE BEREAVED - St Giles' Chur ch Back Hall, Need To talk? 2.00pm-3.30pm, Thir d Monday in the month. Come in for a fr iendly and infor mal WE ARE HERE TO LISTEN chat over a cup of tea w ith other ber eaved people and ber eavement visitor s. Just At St Giles' Chur ch on Thur sdays come along or , if you w ould like to speak to someone fir st, please r ing 01895 622970. from 6.00pm-8.00pm and Satur days The next meeting is on Monday 20th August, then Monday 17th September and from 10.30am-12.30pm. No Monday 15th October after that. appointment needed - just come in. 2 ICKENHAM CHURCH NEWS AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 TO INFINITY AND BEYOND? Last October I star ted a r egular r un of about 2.2 miles 4 or 5 times a week. Not far by ser ious r unning standar ds, but str aight out of the front door and easy to keep as a good habit. A few days ago I was r unning along waiting to get my ?second w ind?. Why is it that no matter how fit I get, I have to get to the end of myself (and feel as though I?m about to pass out) befor e a r egular br eathing patter n sets in and I feel as though I could r un for ever ? I have no idea what would happen if I just star ted out For est Gump style and r an until I stopped natur ally. I?ve tr ied for cing that br eathing patter n earlier in the r un, but it just doesn?t work. I have to set out and wait for it to come. Not at a par ticular spot, or after a cer tain time, but w hen my body gives up and something extr aor dinar y happens that shifts the r un into a natur al r hythm. Per haps we?r e made this way ? I don?t know ? but what I do know is that I can?t manufactur e that ?second w ind? no matter how much I analyse the process of r unning. Life can be a bit like my mor ning r un. Most of us ar e r esilient, r esour ceful, and self-r eliant, coping w ith all that life throws at us in our ow n str ength ? until the day when we cease coping. If we hand control of our lives to Jesus, He sets the tasks, and they may seem to be beyond us ? just as the thought of a longer or faster r un may seem to be an impossible goal. But He also gives us the str ength, so that all w e have to do is set out in the dir ection that God is leading and wait for that ?second w ind?. We can?t for ce the pace, but at some point (providing we ar e follow ing His lead) we shall suddenly r ealise that feeling of ?r ightness? as we r ecognise the pr esence of God in a situation and know His peace. The bible says that ?With God all things ar e possible? ? things way beyond our w ildest dr eams and our deepest desir es ? things beyond our under standing and imagination. With God our destination is to infinity and beyond? I?m w ith Him! With love, Fel i ci ty HOPE At the time of w r iting the weather is swelter ingly hot, the boys who have been tr apped in the cave in Thailand ar e midway through being r escued, England is through to the Semi Finals of the World cup, Wimbledon is w ide open w ith so many seeds out and the summer holidays str etch befor e me full of activity and anticipation. Hope is incr edible; it is so difficult to gr asp, it is the feeling that allows us to move for war d, to take steps to new and better things. Hope that we haven?t destroyed the planet beyond r ecover y sends scientists on quests to find ways to clean oceans, developing new fuels, innovative ways to use plastics in housing in developing countr ies etc. Hope is what sends r escue worker s to places w her e natur al disaster s have happened, and diver s halfway round the globe to see if r escue is possible. Hope is par t of faith. In the letter to the Hebr ews the w r iter says ?Faith is to be sur e of w hat we hope for , to be cer tain of the things we cannot see.? (Hebr ews 11.1). And again Paul w r ites in Romans, ?For it was by hope that we wer e saved; but if we see what we hope for , then it is not r eally hope. For w ho of us hopes for something we see?? So what is it that Chr istians hope for ? Our hope is in the promises of God. That through belief in Jesus, in His death and r esur r ection and His coming again we w ill be w ith God. That while our tr ust in God doesn?t protect us from the tr ials of life, w e have the promise of God?s Gr ace w ith us to help us. Our hope is that you too come to know and tr ust in God for your self. LIZ BOYES, URC ELDER ICKENHAM CHURCH NEWS AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 3 A FESTIVAL TO REMEMBER! As well as Village Day (see front page), w hat a Festival w e've all enjoyed this year ! We've all got our favour ites but w e can't r esist going to the Open Gar dens, of w hich ther e w er e tw enty w ell spr ead around the village and mostly providing a delicious selection of tea and cakes. Not only that, they wer e collecting for a var iety of char ities, w hich, put together , amounted to a substantial boost for local funds. We wer e delighted to meet up w ith those people w ho live round the cor ner yet w e come together only dur ing Festival time. We ar e also glad to see so many childr en, many of w hom have par ticipated in activities such as Concer ts, the Ar t Competitiion, Fancy Dr ess, Rock Painting, Gar dening and Spor t. Shar e our memor ies w ith the pictur es above and on pages 4, 5 and 6. AFN NIKKI COLLECTS THE SHIELD On a chilly but br ight summer 's evening, a thousand Ickenham Festival suppor ter s came to hear the concer t, this year staged in the grounds of Glebe School, and w itness the awar d of the Ickenham Festival Shield. The ver y wor thy w inner was the popular Nikki Summer field (pictur ed centr e) w ho has been the Festival Secr etar y for sixteen year s. "Thanks to her dedication", the citation said, "the Festival had achieved higher levels of success than ever in its histor y." It stated that Nikki had demonstr ated exceptional qualities of inspir ation and leader ship and also involved her ow n family in key Festival activities' including the design of the Festival progr amme.