Testing the Neoflightless Hypothesis: Propatagium Reveals Flying Ancestry
J Ornithol DOI 10.1007/s10336-015-1190-9 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Testing the neoflightless hypothesis: propatagium reveals flying ancestry of oviraptorosaurs 1 2 Alan Feduccia • Stephen A. Czerkas Received: 4 September 2014 / Revised: 31 December 2014 / Accepted: 23 February 2015 Ó Dt. Ornithologen-Gesellschaft e.V. 2015 Abstract Considerable debate surrounds the numerous Zusammenfassung avian-like traits in core maniraptorans (ovirap- torosaurs, troodontids, and dromaeosaurs), especially in the Die ,,Neoflightless‘‘-Hypothese im Test: Halsflughaut Chinese Early Cretaceous oviraptorosaur Caudipteryx, (Propatagium) offenbart flugfa¨hige Vorfahren der which preserves modern avian pennaceous primary remi- Oviraptorosauria ges attached to the manus, as is the case in modern birds. Was Caudipteryx derived from earth-bound theropod di- Es gibt eine ausgiebige Debatte u¨ber die zahlreichen vo- nosaurs, which is the predominant view among palaeon- gela¨hnlichen Eigenheiten der Maniraptora (Oviraptosaurus, tologists, or was it secondarily flightless, with volant avians Troodontidae, Dromaeosaurus), vor allem des (gefiederten) or theropods as ancestors (the neoflightless hypothesis), Oviraptorosauria Caudipteryx aus der fru¨hen chinesischen which is another popular, but minority view. The discovery Kreidezeit, der genau wie rezente Vo¨gel Handschwingen here of an aerodynamic propatagium in several specimens hatte, die an den Handknochen ansetzen. Stammt Cau- provides new evidence that Caudipteryx (and hence ovi- dipteryx von den nur am Erdboden lebenden Theropoda ab - raptorosaurs) represent secondarily derived flightless die unter den Pala¨ontologen vorherrschende Meinung -, oder ground dwellers, whether of theropod or avian affinity, and war er sekunda¨r flugunfa¨hig und stammte von flugfa¨higen that their presence and radiation during the Cretaceous may Theropoden ab - die ,,Neoflightless‘‘-Hypothese, eine alter- have been a factor in the apparent scarcity of many other native, wenn auch nur von Wenigen unterstu¨tzte These.
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