High Speed Rail ( - Crewe) Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement 9ROXPH7HFKQLFDODSSHQGLFHVPDSERRN Agriculture, forestry and soils $*΂$*$*

)HEUXDU\΂ - E67_VOL5_AG_FLATTENED.indd 2 22/06/2017 00:29:11 High Speed Rail (West Midlands - Crewe) Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement 9ROXPH7HFKQLFDODSSHQGLFHVPDSERRN Agriculture, forestry and soils $*΂$*$*

)HEUXDU\΂ - High Speed Two (HS2) Limited has been tasked by the Department for Transport (DfT) with managing the delivery of a new national high speed rail network. It is a non-departmental public body wholly owned by the DfT.

High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, Two Snowhill Snow Hill Queensway Birmingham B4 6GA


General email enquiries: [email protected]

Website: www.hs2.org.uk

A report prepared for High Speed Two (HS2) Limited:

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Copyright in the typographical arrangement rests with High Speed Two (HS2) Limited.

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Mapping explanatory notes

Data dictionary and definitions

Map series name AG-01 - Agricultural Holdings AG-02 - Soil Associations AG-04 - Agricultural Land Quality These maps identify the extent of farm holdings and the These maps show the distribution of soil types. These maps show the distribution of agricultural land location of key farm buildings. quality within the construction boundary. Farm names have been provided by Ordnance Survey Farm names have been provided by Ordnance Survey Map series description Master Map. In some cases farm names have been Master Map. In some cases farm names have been amended or added to reflect the name used by the current amended or added to reflect the name used by the current owner or occupier; these are represented by brown text. owner or occupier; these are represented by brown text. Community Area name CA1 Fradley to Colton 9 9 9 CA2 Colwich to Yarlet 9 8 8 CA3 Stone and Sywnnerton 8 8 8 CA4 Whitmore Heath to Madeley 9 9 9 CA5 South Cheshire 9 8 8

Mapping explanatory notes

Structure of the HS2 Phase 2a Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 and the Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement

This map book is part of the suite of documents that make up the Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 (SES2) and the Additional Provision Environmental Statement 2 (AP2 ES) for Phase 2a of the proposed High Speed Two (HS2) rail network between the West Midlands and Crewe.

The SES2 and the AP2 ES are separate documents. However, they are bound together and presented in a number of volumes as described below:

x Non-technical summary (NTS). This provides a summary in non-technical language of the SES2 (Part 1) and the AP2 ES (Part 2). It presents a summary of any likely residual significant environmental effects (i.e. effects that are likely to remain after mitigation measures are put in place), both beneficial and adverse, which are new or different to those reported in the Environmental Statement (ES) submitted to Parliament in July 2017 in support of the hybrid Bill for Phase 2a of HS2 (‘the main ES’), as amended by SES1 and, where relevant, AP1 ES; x Glossary of terms and list of abbreviations. This contains any new or different terms and abbreviations used throughout the SES2 and the AP2 ES, which are not already explained in the main ES or SES1 and AP1 ES; x Volume 1: Introduction to the SES2 and the AP2 ES. This introduces the supplementary environmental information and changes to the design and construction assumptions included within the SES2 and amendments within the AP2 ES. The report explains the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process that has been applied; x Volume 2: Community area reports and map books. These report the supplementary environmental information and changes to the design and construction assumptions included within the SES2 (Part 1), amendments within the AP2 ES (Part 2) and any new or different likely significant environmental effects arising from these changes or assumptions and amendments in each community area. These effects are compared to those reported in the main ES, as amended by SES1 (and by SES2 for AP2). The AP1 amendments are also taken into account where relevant. The maps relevant to each community area are provided in separate Volume 2 map books and should be read in conjunction with the relevant community area report; x Volume 3: Route-wide effects. This describes any new or different likely significant environmental effects arising at a route-wide level from the supplementary environmental information and changes to the design and construction assumptions included within the SES2 (Part 1) and the amendments within the AP2 ES (Part 2) compared to those reported in the main ES, as amended by SES1 (and by SES2 for the AP2 amendments). The AP1 amendments are also taken into account where relevant; and x Volume 5: Appendices and map books. These contain supporting environmental information and associated maps.

A Volume 4: Off-route effects report was produced as part of the main ES. A separate Volume 4 has not been produced as part of the SES2 and AP2 ES. Any new or different significant effects arising from the AP2 amendments are reported in the most relevant Volume 2 community area report. Certain reports and maps containing background information and data (BID) have been produced, which do not form part of the SES2 and AP2 ES. These documents are available online at www.gov.uk/hs2.. The BID documents and maps present background survey information and other relevant background material. Copyright statements

Copyright statements are presented in the Data dictionary and definitions section at the front of the map book, due to limited space to include this on the individual maps themselves.

Ordnance Survey data

All maps produced as part of the SES2 and the AP2 ES contain Ordnance Survey (OS) data. HS2 Ltd use the most up to date mapping available, where possible, supplied by the OS and as such, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies within this data.

As part of our licence conditions, all digital maps carry a watermark.


Most of the maps presented as part of the SES2 and the AP2 ES have a chainage value shown next to the alignment. Chainage is presented on the maps in black font, in the form of XX+YYY. E.g. 192+000 or 239+500.

Chainage (known as reference chainage) is referenced from Euston Station, which is 0+000, and the value presented is in metres. E.g. 192+000 refers to the point, 192,000m, or 192km, from Euston Station. Chainage values increase in intervals dependant on the map scale. For maps at 1:50,000 scale chainage is shown at 5km intervals. For maps at 1:25,000 scale chainage is shown at 2km intervals. For maps at 1:20,000, 1:10,000, 1:5,000 and 1:2,500 scales, chainage is shown at 1km intervals.

Chainage has been included on the maps as a useful tool for comparing different map sets showing the different environmental themes or engineering plans, due to map sets having different scales and therefore showing differing amounts of alignment on the map.

Map sheet layout

Each map in Volume 2 is presented twice, with the main ES map (published July 2017) on the left hand page, where relevant, and the SES2 and the AP2 ES map on the right. For the maps which show the amendment to the Handsacre Junction connection the map from the relevant Phase One Additional Provision Environmental Statement (e.g. AP2 or AP4) is on the left hand page. For the CT-05 and CT-06 map series, the SES2 and the AP2 ES map is annotated with different coloured clouds which highlight the areas of change. The coloured text box provides a brief description of the design change and amendment, and gives the SES2 and the AP2 ES reference number. Only maps which have been amended as a result of the SES2 and the AP2 ES are included within the map books. Other design changes which are within the existing limits of the Bill and do not result in new or different likely significant effects are also shown on the maps, but are not indicated by a cloud. The below table highlights the coloured clouds used, and their description.

Cloud / text box colour Description Blue Design changes relating to the SES2 (Part 1 of each Volume 2 report). Red Proposed amendments relating to the AP2 ES (Part 2 of each Volume 2 report). Grey Proposed design changes and amendments relating to SES1 changes and AP1 amendments, provided for reference.

SES changes and AP amendments (now referred to as SES1 changes and AP1 amendments) were denoted in the SES and AP ES documents and maps as follows: SES-00X-00X or AP-00X-00X. In order to clearly distinguish between SES1 and SES2 changes and AP1 and AP2 amendments, references in the SES2 and AP2 ES documents and maps relating to SES1 changes and AP1 amendments are now denoted as follows: SES1-00X-00X or AP1-00X-00X.

Each Volume 5 map is annotated to describe the change to a receptor or significant effect, and to give the SES2 and the AP2 ES reference number. For more detailed information about the SES2 and the AP2 ES annotation, refer to the map series legend. Only maps which have been amended as a result of the SES2 and the AP2 ES are included within the map book. Changes to receptors or significant effects relating to SES1 or AP1 ES are also provided for reference. Where this is the case they are shown in a faded box.

Further details on the approach to mapping is set out in Section 6 of Volume 1 of the SES2 and AP2 ES.

Map orientation

The majority of the maps presented in these map books are presented with the railway alignment running horizontally across the page. The direction of travel to London would be following the alignment to the right hand side of the page, and Crewe to the left.

The exception to this, are map series LV-03 and LV-04 which present the alignment running from bottom to top of the page. This is to allow more of the modelled outputs to be shown at the appropriate map scale. In this instance, the direction of travel to London would be to the bottom of the page, and Crewe to the top.

Map books

In total there are 16 map books which make up the SES2 and the AP2 ES, spread across volumes 2 and 5. A list of the titles is provided below for reference.

Name Volume 2: Map book – CA1: Fradley to Colton Volume 2: Map book – CA2: Colwich to Yarlet Volume 2: Map book – CA3: Stone and Swynnerton Volume 2: Map book – CA4: Whitmore Heath to Madeley Volume 2: Map book – CA5: South Cheshire Volume 5: Map book – Agriculture, forestry and soils (AG-01, AG-02, AG-04) Volume 5: Map book – Air quality (AQ-01) Volume 5: Map book – Community (CM-01) Volume 5: Map book – Committed developments (CT-13) Volume 5: Map book – Cultural heritage (CH-01, CH-02, CH-03) Volume 5: Map book – Ecology - designated sites (EC-01) Volume 5: Map book – Landscape and visual (LV-00, LV-02, LV-07, LV-08) Volume 5: Map book – Socio-economics (SE-01) Volume 5: Map book – Sound, noise and vibration (SV-01, SV-02, SV-03, SV-04) Volume 5: Map book – Traffic and transport (TR-03, TR-04, TR-08) Volume 5: Map book – Water resources (WR-05, WR-06)

High Speed Rail (West Midlands - Crewe) Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement 'DWDGLFWLRQDU\DQGGHȴQLWLRQV Data dictionary and definitions

Legend features Definition Source Copyright © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100049190. Holdings assessed derived from the Farm Impact Surveys undertaken by the environmental You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to Agricultural and forestry holdings consultants for HS2 Ltd, augmented where access was not available by published High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided assessed information from Defra. you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. The Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) provides a method for assessing the quality of farmland. The ALC system classifies land into five grades, with Grade 3 subdivided into Agricultural land classification: Subgrades 3a and 3b. Grade 1 - excellent

Grade 2 - very good The best and most versatile land is defined as Grades 1, 2 and 3a. This is the land which is Grade 3a - good Natural © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data most flexible, productive and efficient in response to inputs. Grade 3b - moderate High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd © Crown copyright and database right 2018

Grade 4 - poor Predictive Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) undertaken by the environmental Grade 5 - very poor consultants for HS2 Ltd, based on an interpretation of existing published data, existing Other land detailed ALC surveys obtained from Natural England and soil and ALC surveys undertaken by the environmental consultants for HS2 Ltd. © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100049190. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to Community area boundary The Environmental Statement has been split into 5 sections called Community Areas. High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100049190. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to County boundary County boundaries from Ordnance Survey boundary mapping. Ordnance Survey respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. Extends to cover operational footprint of each depot and station and the footprint of each Depot, station, headhouse or portal tunnel vent shaft and headhouse at surface level. Excludes any ancillary buildings High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd building associated with these structures. © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100049190. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to District/Borough boundary Ordnance Survey local authority boundary mapping. Ordnance Survey respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100049190. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to Existing rail line Existing railway stations derived from Ordnance Survey Vector map data. Ordnance Survey respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100049190. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to Existing railway station Existing railway stations derived from Ordnance Survey Vector map data. Ordnance Survey respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form.

Legend features Definition Source Copyright Boundary defining the maximum possible extent of construction works required to build HS2 as far as the current level of design allows. This only covers surface works and includes Land potentially required during all tunnel portals, vent shafts and headhouses, but does not apply to wholly tunnelled High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd construction sections or to air rights. It also encompasses associated highway, access, drainage and utility works. © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100049190. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to Main operational agricultural and Main operational buildings derived from the Farm Impact Surveys undertaken by the High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided forestry buildings environmental consultants for HS2 Ltd. you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. NATMAP is a 1:250,000 scale map of England and Wales, showing the locations of the 297 National Soil Map soil association distinct soil associations wherever they occur. Soil data © Cranfield University (NSRI) and for the Controller Cranfield University codes and names From Cranfield University (2001), The National Soil Map of England and Wales, National of HMSO 2018 Soil Resources Institute. Route in tunnel Represents the proposed route of HS2, split into route on surface and tunnelled sections. High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd Route on surface © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100049190. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to Any mass of water having definite hydrological, physical, chemical and biological Water body Ordnance Survey respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided characteristics. you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. Any channel through which water flows, can be natural or manmade. They are split into two © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2018. Watercourse categories (main rivers or ordinary watercourses) in England and Wales for regulation Environment Agency All rights reserved. purposes.

This page is left intentionally blank High Speed Rail (West Midlands - Crewe) Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement &$΂)UDGOH\WR&ROWRQ $*΂$JULFXOWXUDO+ROGLQJV $*6RLO$VVRFLDWLRQV $*$JULFXOWXUDO/DQG4XDOLW\ k

o Marchington

o r k Gayton STAFFORD The Draycott in Tutbury B o Br o Stony Brook Woodlands g n n i o Blythe CHESHIRE k t DISTRICT the Clay c y

o a t G

S EAST Hanbury Salt Rolles Crewe Stowe-by-Chartley

B o u Amerton Brook rn Drointon B NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME

ro o T k Hanbury a d DISTRICT Br AG-01-104-R3 oo Woodend COLWICH Hixon Lea k COLWICH Heath ook Dunstal Brook Br d Pur Brook n Ela Newton Moreton Brook viaduct Anslow TO YARLET Newborough Anslow Gate Rough Ingestre Abbots Hay k Bromley o AG-01-103-R3 o Mires Brook r B FRADLEY h STAFFORD


A BURTON Moreton Brook DISTRICT UPON TRE Hoar TO COLTON Admaston Cross Great Rangemore Rugeley Tixall Haywood AG-01-104-R1 AG-01-103-R2 EAST w o LICHFIELD S S r DISTRICT taf ive for R dsh DISTRICT ire Tatenhill a nd W al Little an or c C e e g ster shir Haywood Milford L k AG-01-104 in o o rt Mersey Br Cressel Brook ho rook S Colton rook Bishton Stonyford Brook B Dunstall Old B ook rd Br AG-01-103-R1 S taffo he S r Blithbury Map Series Information: B ro o B5014 k Newlands Lane Road overbridge These maps identify the extent of farm holdings and the location Brocton Oldacre Brook overbridge Hamstall Yoxall of key farm buildings. Rugeley Trent Valley Ridware Woodhouses Morrey Farm names have been provided by Ordnance Survey Master R iv e Barton-under-Needwood Map. In some cases farm names have been amended or added AG-01-104-L1 AG-01-103 r B li th k e Broo RUGELEY River Trent viaduct on Walton-on-Trent to reflect the name used by the current owner or occupier; these Hill rt R a ive B Pipe r Swarb are represented by brown text. Ridware rn ourn Bu ednall th Slitting Lu Ridware Rive r T Bentley Brook r e Mill n Rugeley Mavesyn t Old River Trent Kings SOUTH To w n Ridware Bromley Kings Bromley viaduct DERBYSHIRE Me and rse Tre nt y C Craw DISTRICT anal ley Brook k


o r

B Orgreave


n i k Armitage oo s n r i r e B B ou STAFFORDSHIRE R Catton Rileyhill Hall Fallow Stream ok Alrewas Upper Curborough Bro Longdon Longdon Connection to HS2 Phase One r AG-01-102-L1 k ire B oo o psh k o hro r S B l Mutchills Gutter Longdon l a


s e Green Fradley Croxall P

k o ro Huntington B n e Fradley B k roo SOUTH l B LICHFIELD

Ful South e

Hednesford m STAFFORDSHIRE k a roo DISTRICT B Hilliard's T Cannock n r o e ls v DISTRICT CANNOCK i i Edingale B Elmhurst Cross R Wood k ease CANNOCK o M CHASE o r r Gentleshaw ve B ok i C l e Bro R e i a ar Farewell r rc n M DISTRICT o u en a it B ok Cov try C m ro h s A Chorley Harlaston Mapl e B roo k Lichfield The Beck atherton Trent Elford Haunt k o r o or B Valley mo Cannock Red

our Leamonsley Brook LICHFIELD F i osses s Wyrley and Essington Canal h e r Chasewater Lichfield w i Norton k c Burntwood o k o r B B Heaths City r Lakeside d o

l o

e Whittington k i f

k Halt n Norton u r Canes Chasetown T Hademore Pipehill B ok ir (Church m w Bro in g Leaso h Street) a Combe m rfo rd a n B roo d k

F Brownhills West a z e l C e r an y e C

B Barracks Note: Not all data layers in the legend are represented on every a

ro n Landywood ok a Wigginton

Wall l map.

Main Map Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-INDEX-CA1 circumstances, which arise from the Map sheets included in this reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in community area with amendment Route on surface Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. I Map sheets included in this community Index Map of: Depot, station, headhouse or portal building area with no amendment Agricultural Holdings Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:90,000 Community area boundary Map sheets not included Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, SES2 and AP2 ES Birmingham B4 6GA. !( Existing railway station in this community area 0 900 1,800 2,700 3,600 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511001-P03 Date: 23/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H

³1 For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-102


³3 ³3

³4 ³4

³5 ³5

Different significent effect at New Farm (CA1/62), (as a result of LICHFIELD ³6 amendment: AP2-001-001) DISTRICT ³6

³7 ³7

³8 ³8

See text for full description and extent of significant effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. ³9 ³9

Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor

³10 Removed effect Added effect Different effect ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-102-L1 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511202-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H

See text for full description and extent of significant ³1 effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect.

Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-103-R1 SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect removed at Blithbury Significant effect descriptor ³2 Reindeer Lodge (CA1/28), (as a result of amendment SES2-001-006) Removed effect Added effect Different effect

Significant effect removed at Land at Luthbur (CA1/22), (as a result ³3 of amendment AP2-001-011). ³3


³4 0 ³4

-1 B5014 Uttoxeter 1

-0 Road overbridge LICHFIELD DISTRICT AG


e For Continuation Refer to Ma






³5 a ³5
















i ³6 p Number AG-01-104 t ³6







³7 ³7

Significant effect removed at ³8 ³8 Blackflatts Farm (CA1/34), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015)

³9 ³9 Significant effect added at Land at Luthbur (CA1/22), (as a result of amendment AP-001-003)

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-103 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511103-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H See text for full description and extent of significant ³1 effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-103-R2 Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result Significant effect added at SES2/AP2 Rookery Farm (CA1/89), (as a result of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. of amendment AP2-001-015) Significant effect descriptor ³2 Removed effect Added effect Different effect

EAST ³3 ³3 STAFFORDSHIRE DISTRICT Significant effect added at Ashbrook Farm (CA1/88), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015) ³4 ³4


or Continuati ³5 ³5


n Refer to Map Number AG-01-104-R1


³7 ³7

³8 ³8

Significant effect added at Forge Farm (CA1/75), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015)

³9 ³9

For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-103

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-103-R1 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511303-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H

³1 Significant effect added at Bromley Wood Farm (CA1/76), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015)

For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-103-R3

³2 Significant effect added at Forge Farm (CA1/75), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015)

Significant effect added at Land North of Blunts Hollow (CA1/77), (as ³3 ³3 a result of amendment AP2-001-015)

Significant effect added at Land South of Blunts Hollow (West) (CA1/79), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015) ³4 ³4

Significant effect added at Bentilee Park (CA1/81), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015)

³5 Significant effect added at ³5 Ashbrook Farm, (CA1/88), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015) EAST STAFFORDSHIRE DISTRICT ³6 Significant effect added at Land ³6 West of Glass Lane (CA1/83), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015)

Significant effect added at ³7 South Hill Farm (CA1/85), (as a ³7 result of amendment AP2-001-015)

³8 ³8


See text for full description and extent of significant effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. ³9 ³9

Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-103-R1 change ref. Significant effect descriptor

³10 Removed effect Added effect Different effect ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-103-R2 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511403-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H


Significant effect added at ³2 Park Farm (CA1/64), (as a Significant effect added at result of amendment AP2-001-015) Daisy Bank Farm(CA1/68), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015) Significant effect added at Field House Farm (CA1/67), (as a result of amendment ) ³3 AP2-001-015 ³3

Significant effect added at Land at ³4 Newborough End (CA1/72), (as a ³4 result of amendment AP2-001-015)

For Con

tinuation ³5 ³5 EAST Refer to Map Number AG-01-104-R3 STAFFORDSHIRE DISTRICT

³6 ³6 Significant effect added at Newborough End Farm (CA1/73), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015)

³7 Significant effect added at ³7 Bromley Park Farm (CA1/66), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015)

Significant effect added at Forge Farm (CA1/75), (as a ³8 ³8 result of amendment AP2-001-015)

See text for full description and extent of significant effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. ³9 ³9 For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-103-R2 Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 Significant effect added at of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Bromley Wood Farm (CA1/76), (as Significant effect descriptor a result of amendment AP2-001-015) ³10 Removed effect Added effect Different effect ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-103-R3 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511503-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H See text for full description and extent of significant effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 EASTis reason for significant effect. ³1 STAFFORDSHIRE DISTRICT Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor ³2 Removed effect Added effect Different effect For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-104-R1

Significant effect removed at Land North of Different significant effect at Hurstwood Farm Significant effect removed at Land North of Hollow Lane (CA1/40), (as a result (CA1/37),(as a result of Bank Top Farm (CA1/41), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015) amendment AP2-001-015). of amendment AP2-001-015) ³3 ³3

LICHFIELD DISTRICT Newlands Lane overbridge ³4 ³4



1 - ³ 1 ³ 5 0 5 -


A r







For Cont a


o ³6 t ³6


e f i nuat e


n ion Refer to Map Number AG-01 io t



in t




³7 r ³7



³8 -105a ³8 Significant effect removed at Hurst Wood Meadow (CA1/42), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015)

³9 ³9 Significant effect removed at Holding no. 2 Old Wood Farm (CA1/43), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015) For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-104-L1

Different significant effect at ³10 Holding No 8 Old Wood Farm (CA1/39), ³10 (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015). ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-104 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511104-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H See text for full description and extent of significant ³1 effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect.

Resource/significant effect For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-104 removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor ³2 Removed effect Added effect Different effect

³3 ³3

Significant effect removed at ³4 Blackflatts Farm (CA1/34), (as a ³4 result of amendment AP2-001-015) LICHFIELD DISTRICT

³5 ³5

³6 ³6

³7 ³7

Significant effect removed at ³8 CANNOCK ³8 CHASE Cawarden Springs Farm (CA1/45), (as a DISTRICT result of amendment AP2-001-015)

³9 ³9

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-104-L1 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511204-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H See text for full description and extent of significant ³1 effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. Significant effect added at Forge Farm (CA1/75), (as a result Resource/significant effect of amendment AP2-001-015) removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor ³2 Removed effect Added effect Different effect

Significant effect added at Ashbrook Farm (CA1/88), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015) ³3 ³3


³4 R ³4 -



1 EAST - 1






³5 N ³5




o t


e f


R Significant effect added at n

io Beacon Bank Farm (CA1/92), (as Significant effect added at Land east t a ³6 a result of amendment AP2-001-015) of Newlands Lane (CA1/90), (as a result u ³6 in t


of amendment AP2-001-015) o





³7 ³7

³8 ³8

LICHFIELD DISTRICT For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-104

³9 ³9

Significant effect added at Rookery Farm (CA1/89), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015)

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-104-R1 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511404-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H



³3 3 ³3 R -

Significant effect added at 3


1 Park Farm (CA1/64), (as a - 1

0 result of amendment AP2-001-015) -

AG r



m ³ u ³ 4 N 4




o t


e f




o i t


³5 u ³5

in t





Significant effect added at ³6 Bromley Park Farm (CA1/66), (as a ³6 result of amendment AP2-001-015)

³7 ³7

³8 ³8

Significant effect added at Bromley Wood Farm (CA1/76), (as a result of amendment AP2-001-015) See text for full description and extent of significant effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. ³9 ³9

Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor

³10 Removed effect Added effect Different effect ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-104-R3 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511604-P03 Date: 18/01/19 Church the Hill Field Broughton Bramshall CHESHIRE R Bear's Brook i v e DERBYSHIRE pool Brook r Uttoxeter EAST B l i t

h DERBYSHIRE DALES e Milwich DISTRICT Coton Crewe Wall Brook STAFFORD Sudbury Foston DISTRICT Gratwich Etwall Dutton's Brook NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME Fradswell DISTRICT

Fradswell Brook Marchington Scropton Hilton n Sandon Hatton Marston Kingstone on Dove Draycott Grindley Tutbury and Hatton on yt Marchington a ok G ro Gayton The Draycott in Tutbury B Woodlands Stocking Brook Blythe Stony Brook the Clay Egginton STAFFORD Hanbury Salt DISTRICT Rolleston Stowe-by-Chartley Drointon Rugeley Tad Brook Hanbury Bourn Brook Amerton Brook Woodend Hopton COLWICH Hixon Lea COLWICH Heath Dunstal Brook Newto LICHFIELD Pur Brook Eland Brook Solne DISTRICT TO YARLET Newton Anslow Ash Brook Newborough Anslow EAST Gate Rough Abbots STAFFORDSHIRE Ingestre Moreton Brook viaduct Hay MiresBromley Brook DISTRICT

Moreton Brook BURTON UPON TRENT Hoar Admaston Cross Stapenhill Great Map Series Information: ngston Brook Rangemore Burton-on-Trent Tixall Haywood AG-02-101-R1 er Penk River Sow These maps show the distribution of soil types.

Newlands Lane FRADLEY Tatenhill Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal Little overbridge Weeping Haywood TO COLTON Cross Milford Lin Brook k

oo Cressel Brook r Bishton Colton Stonyford Brook Short Brook Mersey Dunstall Old B Stafford Brook Blithbury B5014 Uttoxeter Stanton Sher Brook Road overbridge Brocton Oldacre Brook Hamstall Yoxall Rugeley Trent Valley Ridware Woodhouses Morrey Barton-under-Needwood SOUTH l RUGELEY Hill River Trent viaduct Barton Brook Walton-on-Trent DERBYSHIRE Pipe Bednall Ridware River Swarbourn DISTRICT Slitting Ridware Luth Burn Bentley Brook Mill Rugeley Town R iv Mavesyn e Caldwell

Old River Trentr

Kings T r Ridware e Bromley Kings Bromley viaduct n t Rosliston Linton

Crawley Brook Orgreave Armitage Bourne Brook Connection to HS2 Phase One Catton Coton in Trent and Mersey CanalRileyhill Hall the Elms Fallow Stream Alrewas llBrook Upper Curborough Brook ssa Longdon Pe ook Br Longdon g in is Shropshire Brook R arston Mutchills Gutter Longdon Green Fradley Croxall Huntington STAFFORDSHIRE

SOUTH Fradley Lullington Ne e

STAFFORDSHIRE Full Brook South m

a Ben Brook T Hednesford Hilliard's r DISTRICT Cannock e v i Edingale CANNOCK Bilson Brook Elmhurst Cross R Wood ase CANNOCK e CHASE Gentleshaw R M rook iv er Farewell Ashmore Brook are B DISTRICT M LICHFIELD LEICESTERSHIRE Circuit Brook DISTRICT Ch Chorley Clifton M Harlaston aple Campville Bro ok The Beck

Hatherton k Elford Haunton o o r or B mo Cannock Red Lichfield Trent Valley Four Coventry Canal Leamonsley Brook LICHFIELD Crosses Wyrley and Essington Canal Thorpe Norton Lakeside Burntwood Lichfield City Fisherwick Brook Constantine Halt Chasewater Heaths Trunkfield Brook Whittington Norton Hademore k Canes Pipehill oo Br Chasetown ow Leas (Church mberford Newton C o B r ook Regis Brownhills West Street) Seckington C ra NORTH ne B Barracks Note: Not all data layers in the legend are represented on every Landywood ro ok Wall Wigginton WARWICKSHIRE areshill map. Birmingham and Fazeley Canal DISTRICT Little Main Map Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-02-INDEX-CA1 circumstances, which arise from the Map sheets included in this community reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in area with amendment Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. I Route on surface Map sheets included in this community Index Map of: Depot, station, headhouse or portal building area with no amendment Soil Associations Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:110,000 Community area boundary Map sheets not included Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, SES2 and AP2 ES Birmingham B4 6GA. !( Existing railway station in this community area 0 1,100 2,200 3,300 4,400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-512001-P03 Date: 17/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J

³1 ³1

³2 ³2

³3 711f ³3 431f


³4 ³4 711m 712b EAST STAFFORDSHIRE DISTRICT 711b ³5 572f ³5 714b Staffordshire 711b County 714b 711m 714b

543 711n ³6 ³6 711m 572l

712f 711m 541r ³7 711c ³7 712f 541r 543 711m

³ ³ 8 711m 8 572f 572f 572m 813a 711b

571l 813a 572l 711m ³9 813c ³9 STAFFORD LICHFIELD 572f 572f DISTRICT DISTRICT 541r

551d 813a 831c813c

10 572f 10 ³ 541r ³ 711b 541b 541r ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I 551d ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any National Soil Map soil assocation 561a - Wharfe 631e - Goldstone 712b - Denchworth 821b - Blackwood AG-02-101-R1 circumstances, which arise from the Route in tunnel Watercourse codes and names: reproduction of this map after alteration, 0561a - Wharfe 711b - Brockhurst 1; 712f - Crewe 831c - Wigton Moor amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Route on surface Water body 431 - Worcester U711b - Brockhurst 1 Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. 572c - Hodnet 713a - Bardsey 861b - Isleham 2 541b - Bromsgrove 711c - Brockhurst 2 I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building !( Existing railway station Soil Associations 572f - Whimple 3 714b - Oak 1 962 - Neutral RST 541r - Wick 1 711f - Wickham 2 Opencast Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:50,000 Community area boundary Existing rail line SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, 572l - Flint 811a - Enborne Birmingham B4 6GA. County boundary 543 - Arrow 711m - Salop 1022a - Altcar 1 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 572m - Salwick 813a - Midelney © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 551a - Bridgnorth 711n - Clifton Lake- as identified by Community Area 1: Metres District/Borough boundary OS 100049190 631b - Delamere 813c - Fladbury 2 National Soil Map Fradley to Colton 551d - Newport 1 711o - Rufford dataset Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-512104-P03 Date: 17/01/19 k

o Marchington

o r k Gayton The Draycott in Tutbury

B o Br o Stony Brook Woodlands g n n i o Blythe CHESHIRE k t the Clay c y

o a

t G S EAST Hanbury Salt Rolle Crewe Stowe-by-Chartley

B o u r Drointon n B NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME r Amerton Brook o o T Hanbury k a d AG-04-104-R3 DISTRICT B P ro u r Woodend Lea ok B Hixon k r o o o COLWICH o r COLWICH k Heath Dunstal Brook B d n la E Newton Anslow TO YARLET Moreton Brook viaduct Anslow k Newborough Riv e o o r r T B Gate re h Rough n s Ingestre t Abbots A Hay Mo Bromley r AG-04-103-R3 e Mires Brook to n STAFFORD STAFFORD B ro EAST BURTO ok DISTRICT DISTRICT STAFFORDSHIRE UPON TR Hoar DISTRICT Admaston Cross re Canal Great rshi te Rugeley es Rangemore Tixall rc w o o Haywood W S d r n e AG-04-104-R1 a v AG-04-103-R2 i e R ir h s LICHFIELD rd o ff ta DISTRICT S FRADLEY Tatenhill Little ng Haywood TO COLTON s Milford k AG-04-104 Lin o

ook o Merse Br Cressel Brook k r Shorto Colton ro B Bishton Stonyford Brook B d AG-04-103-R1 k Dunstall Ol Broyo fford S Sta he r Blithbury Map Series Information: B ro o B5014 Uttoxeter k Newlands Lane Road overbridge These maps show the distribution of agricultural land quality Brocton Oldacre Brook overbridge Rugeley Hamstall Yoxall within the construction boundary. Trent Ridware Woodhouses Valley Morrey Farm names have been provided by Ordnance Survey Master R iv AG-04-103 e Barton-under-Needwood Map. In some cases farm names have been amended or added r B li th k e Broo RUGELEY River Trent viaduct on Walton-on-Trent to reflect the name used by the current owner or occupier; these Hill rt R a iver B Rugeley Ridware Pipe Swarbourn are represented by brown text. Bednall Burn Slitting uth To w n Ridware L Mill Bentley Brook Mavesyn Kings Old River Trent SOUTH Ridware Bromley Kings Bromley viaduct DERBYSHIRE d Mer t an se Tre n y DISTRICT C Craw anal ley Brook k


o r

B Orgreave


i k Armitage oo s n r i r e B B ou R Catton Rileyhill Hall Fallow Stream ook Alrewas STAFFORDSHIRE Upper Curborough Br Longdon Longdon Connection to HS2 Phase One Br k hire oo o ps k AG-04-102-L1 o hro r S B l Mutchills Gutter Longdon l a


s e Green Fradley Croxall P

k o ro Huntington B n Fradley e B rook ull B F South e


k a roo B Hilliard's T Cannock n r SOUTH Hednesford o e ls v CANNOCK i i Edingale B Elmhurst Cross R STAFFORDSHIRE Wood k ease CANNOCK o M CHASE o r r Gentleshaw LICHFIELD ve B ok i DISTRICT C l e Bro R e i a ar Farewell r rc n M DISTRICT o u en a it Brook DISTRICT Cov try C m h s A Chorley Harlaston Mapl e B roo k Lichfield The Beck Hatherton Trent Elford Hau k o r o or B Valley mo Cannock Red

Four Leamonsley Brook LICHFIELD F i rosses s Wyrley and Essington Canal h e r Chasewater Lichfield w i k c Burntwood o k o r B B

Heaths City r o

ld o

e Whittington k i f



Norton u Chasetown r Norton T Hademore Canes Pipehill B ook (Church Street) ir Lakeside m Br in asow g Le h Halt a m Comber fo a rd n o d B r ok F a z Brownhills e l C e r y an West e C Note: Not all data layers in the legend are represented B Barracks a

ro n o a

Landywood k Wall l Wigginton on every map. Littl Main Map Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-INDEX-CA1 circumstances, which arise from the Map sheets included in this community reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in area with ammendment Map Name Route on surface part or issued incomplete in any way. Map sheets included in this community I Index Map of: Depot, station, headhouse or portal building area with no amendment Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:90,000 Community area boundary Map sheets not included Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, SES2 and AP2 ES Birmingham B4 6GA. !( Existing railway station in this community area 0 900 1,800 2,700 3,600 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514001-P03 Date: 23/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J

³1 ³1 For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-102

³2 ³2

³3 ³3

³4 ³4

³5 ³5


³6 ³6

³7 ³7

³8 ³8

³9 ³9

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-102-L1 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural land classification: Grade 3b - moderate amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body Grade 1 - excellent Grade 4 - poor I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building Grade 2 - very good Grade 5 - very poor Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction Grade 3a - good Other land SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 100 200 300 400 Community area boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511202-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J

³1 ³1

For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-103-R1

³2 ³2

³3 ³3

B5014 Uttoxeter Road overbridge

For Continuation Refer to


³4 0 ³4












³5 a ³5


Map Number AG















i ³6 -04-104 t ³6







³7 ³7

³8 ³8

³9 ³9

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-103 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural land classification: Grade 3b - moderate amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body Grade 1 - excellent Grade 4 - poor I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building Grade 2 - very good Grade 5 - very poor Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction Grade 3a - good Other land SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 100 200 300 400 Community area boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514103-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J

³1 ³1 For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-103-R2

³2 ³2


³4 ³4

For Continuation Refer to Map Number

³5 ³5

³6 ³6


³7 ³7

³8 ³8

³9 ³9

For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-103

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-103-R1 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural land classification: Grade 3b - moderate amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body Grade 1 - excellent Grade 4 - poor I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building Grade 2 - very good Grade 5 - very poor Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction Grade 3a - good Other land SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 100 200 300 400 Community area boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514303-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J

³1 ³1 For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-103-R3

³2 ³2

³3 ³3

³4 ³4


³6 ³6

³7 ³7

³8 ³8


³9 ³9

For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-103-R1

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-103-R2 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural land classification: Grade 3b - moderate amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body Grade 1 - excellent Grade 4 - poor I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building Grade 2 - very good Grade 5 - very poor Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction Grade 3a - good Other land SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 100 200 300 400 Community area boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514403-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J

³1 ³1

³2 ³2

³3 ³3

For Continuat

³4 ³4

ion Refer to Map Number



³6 ³6

³7 ³7

³8 ³8

³9 For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-103-R2 ³9

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-103-R3 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural land classification: Grade 3b - moderate amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body Grade 1 - excellent Grade 4 - poor I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building Grade 2 - very good Grade 5 - very poor Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction Grade 3a - good Other land SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 100 200 300 400 Community area boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514503-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J


³2 For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-104-R1 ³2

³3 ³3

³4 ³4

For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-105a

³5 ³5



1 -


0 -



³6 r ³6 e













n i t






F ³8 ³8

³9 ³9

For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-104-L1

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-104 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural land classification: Grade 3b - moderate amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body Grade 1 - excellent Grade 4 - poor I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building Grade 2 - very good Grade 5 - very poor Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction Grade 3a - good Other land SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 100 200 300 400 Community area boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514104-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J

³1 ³1

³2 ³2

³3 ³3


R -



1 -


0 ³4 ³4 G-




EAST mb u


o t

For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-105a-R1 r ³5 e ³5 f




o i t



n i t




r ³6 o ³6 F

³7 ³7


For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-04-104

³9 ³9

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-104-R1 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural land classification: Grade 3b - moderate amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body Grade 1 - excellent Grade 4 - poor I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building Grade 2 - very good Grade 5 - very poor Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction Grade 3a - good Other land SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 100 200 300 400 Community area boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514404-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J

³1 ³1

³2 ³2

³3 ³3


R -



1 -


0 -



r ³4 e ³4







o t


e f


R ³5 ³5 n

o i t







³6 ³6

³7 ³7

³8 ³8

³9 ³9

³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-104-R3 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural land classification: Grade 3b - moderate amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body Grade 1 - excellent Grade 4 - poor I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building Grade 2 - very good Grade 5 - very poor Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction Grade 3a - good Other land SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 100 200 300 400 Community area boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 1: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Fradley to Colton District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514604-P03 Date: 18/01/19 High Speed Rail (West Midlands - Crewe) Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement &$&ROZLFKWR

R Bramshall

Jolpool i ' Brook v

ar s e EAST Be r Bl B ith e rook STONE Crewe Aston Lodge Brook STONE AND Milwich Coton NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME SWYNNERTON Wall Brook DISTRICT Dutton's Brook Gratwich

Aston-By-Stone Fradswell

k o ro l B el sw ad Fr STAFFORD DISTRICT Burston

Sandon AG-01-109a COLWICH Rugeley A34 Stone Road Overbridge Kingstone TO YARLET Grindley LICHFIELD DISTRICT Riv er T rent

k ok o ro

Yarlet o B Gayton r n The B to Ga y St g ony in Broo Blythe k k c to Whitgreave S

k oo Br Map Series Information: d Salt Ta

Marston These maps identify the extent of farm holdings and the location Stowe-by-Chartley of key farm buildings. Great AG-01-108 Bridgeford Drointon Farm names have been provided by Ordnance Survey Master k Riv o er S o o r FRADLEY Map. In some cases farm names have been amended or added w STAFFORD B FRADLEY n to to reflect the name used by the current owner or occupier; these r


A B are represented by brown text. o Hopton u rn TO COLTON Br oo Lea Hixon k M a Heath rs to n B r oo sley Brook k B5066 Sandon Road Newton EAST overbridge Kingston Brook STAFFORDSHIRE Seighford DISTRICT M ill AG-01-107 ian Th e Darl B Ingestre rook M ing o r e t o n B r Bro o o ad A518 Weston Road k M C eado la overbridge n w fo r d

B r o Sa o nd k yfo AG-01-106 rd B D ro oxey o B k r oo k Admaston

STAFFORD Pea rl Bro ok Great Stafford Tixall Haywood



Derrington o r B AG-01-105b l a it

p S Great Haywood St affo rds hir viaduct e a nd W o rce ok ste ro rsh Little B ir g e R isin C anal Haywood Weeping Cross Milford Moreton Brook Cressel Brook viaduct Colton Bishton Tren Short Brook t and Mersey C Mersey an al k rd Broo affo S St h er


r ook

i o r v SOUTH o B e k

r d


Brook OldacreBrocton Brook ks o o h t o P Rugeley Trent Valle Note: Not all data layers in the legend are represented on every STAFFORDSHIRE map. Main Map Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-INDEX-CA2 circumstances, which arise from the Map sheets included in this reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in community area with amendment Route on surface Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. I Map sheets included in this community Index Map of: Depot, station, headhouse or portal building area with no amendment Agricultural Holdings Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:60,000 Community area boundary Map sheets not included Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, SES2 and AP2 ES Birmingham B4 6GA. !( Existing railway station in this community area 0 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 2: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Colwich to Yarlet District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511002-P03 Date: 23/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H

Different significant effect at ³1 EAST Moreton House Farm (CA2/6), STAFFORDSHIRE (as a result of amendment AP2-002-002). DISTRICT

For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-105b-R1 ³2

³3 ³3

³4 ³4

For Cont Moreton Brook viaduct

inuation Refer LICHFIELD ³5 DISTRICT ³5


10 -

to Map Number AG-01-106 01 -



r ³6 be ³6 m





o t

er f STAFFORD e R DISTRICT on ³7 i ³7 t


n i







³8 ³8

See text for full description and extent of significant effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. ³9 ³9

Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-105b-L1 ³10 Removed effect Added effect Different effect ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-105b circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 2: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Colwich to Yarlet District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511405-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H See text for full description and extent of significant Different significant effect at ³1 effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. Farley Farm (CA2/9), (as a result of Resource/significant effect amendment AP2-002-004) removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor Significant effect added at Land at ³2 Removed effect Added effect Different effect Tolldish Barn (CA2/45), (as a result of amendment AP2-002-004)

³3 ³3

Great Haywood viaduct Significant effect added at ³4 Ingestre Manor Farm (CA2/20), (as ³4 a result of amendment AP2-002-010)


5 AG-01-107









r ³5 e ³5 b









tion Refer to Map Number





R ³6 ³6 n


i STAFFORD t a For Continua DISTRICT u in







F ³7 ³7

Different significant effect at Tixall Manor Farm (CA2/23), (as a result of amendment AP2-002-010). ³8 ³8

³9 ³9 Different significant effect at Tithebarn Farm (CA2/7), Significant effect added at Land at (as a result of amendment AP2-002-004). Tixall Lane (CA2/21), (as a result of amendment AP2-002-008) ³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-106 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings I Agricultural Holdings Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 2: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Colwich to Yarlet District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511106-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H


Different significant effect at Park Farm (CA2/26), (as a result of amendment AP2-002-013) ³2

³3 ³3






t i ³4 n ³4 u


t i o




f A518 Weston e r

t Road overbridge o



p ³5 ³5 N










- 1


6 ³6 ³6

For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-108 STAFFORD DISTRICT

³7 ³7

³8 ³8

See text for full description and extent of significant effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. ³9 ³9

Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor

³10 Removed effect Added effect Different effect ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-107 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 2: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Colwich to Yarlet District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511107-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H



³3 ³3

³4 ³4 B5066 Sandon

Road overbridge F o r


o n

t in


a t i ³ o ³ 5 n 5 Map Number AG-01-109a


e f e


efer to t o



ion R p


u m

³6 b ³6 ontinuat e r STAFFORD A G-


1 - 1

0 7

³7 ³7

³8 ³8

See text for full description and extent of significant effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. ³9 ³9

Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor

³10 Removed effect Added effect Different effect ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-108 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 2: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Colwich to Yarlet District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511108-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H



³3 ³3



r ³ ³ 4 C 4




i n






erAG-01-110 DISTRICT e




t ³5 o ³5











³6 -0 ³6 1




For Continuation Refer to Map Numb

³7 ³7

³8 ³8

See text for full description and extent of significant effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. ³9 ³9

Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor

³10 Removed effect Added effect Different effect ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-109a circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 2: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Colwich to Yarlet District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511109-P03 Date: 18/01/19 This page is left intentionally blank High Speed Rail (West Midlands - Crewe) Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement &$:KLWPRUH+HDWKWR0DGHOH\ $*΂$JULFXOWXUDO+ROGLQJV $*6RLO$VVRFLDWLRQV $*$JULFXOWXUDO/DQG4XDOLW\ Chorlton

D e a n B Wybunbury ro o CHESHIRE k

ry B ro k EAST W nbu o y b u

Forge Brook Longport Crewe Mere Gutter T re n t a n d M e rs Halmer e y Can NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME Betley al SOUTH End DISTRICT


o CHESHIRE West Coast Main w l e


Line (WCML) B




k Che AshfieldBrook ckl e y Bro o Blakenhall Wrinehill k STOKE-ON-TRENT STAFFORD C Leycett a ldon C a DISTRICT n

a l

CHESHIRE Silve Silverdale rdale Bro EAST ok Rugeley

LICHFIELD DISTRICT Haze ley Bro Keele CITY OF ok L ym e Madeley Br STOKE-ON-TRENT o ok


R i DISTRICT Birch v all e

B r L Map Series Information: r

oo e k a These maps identify the extent of farm holdings and the location of key farm buildings. STAFFORDSHIRE Buerton Madeley tunnel Farm names have been provided by Ordnance Survey Master Chitlings Broo Map. In some cases farm names have been amended or added Onneley to reflect the name used by the current owner or occupier; these Whitmore Heath are represented by brown text. tunnel

Woore A525 Bar Hill Road overbridge Meece Brook SHROPSHIRE viaduct

Madeley Hanchurch Pa rk k B o Park ro o ok r n B n gto Pipe Lo Whitmore Gate Dorrington River Lea viaduct Baldwin's STONE AND Gate

AG-01-113b R i SWYNNERTON v e


TO MADELEY Blackbrook Knowl Wall Tittensor Norton in Hales Beech A53 Newcastle Chapel Road overbridge Maer Chorlton AG-01-113b-L1 Mucklestone Betton




r B Swi iver Ter nch e R n ur c ch e Br e ook M

Loggerheads Cranberry Podmore STAFFORD Swynnerton Note: Not all data layers in the legend are represented on every DISTRICT Chatcull Brook map.

Main Map Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-INDEX-CA4 circumstances, which arise from the Map sheets included in this reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in community area with amendment Route on surface Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. I Map sheets included in this community Index Map of: Depot, station, headhouse or portal building area with no amendment Agricultural Holdings Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:60,000 Community area boundary Map sheets not included Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, SES2 and AP2 ES Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 !( Existing railway station in this community area © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 4: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Whitmore Heath to Madeley District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511004-P03 Date: 24/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H



³3 ³3

STAFFORD DISTRICT Whitmore Heath Meece Brook tunnel viaduct ³4 NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME ³4 DISTRICT

³5 ³5

³6 ³6

³7 AG-01-112 Number Map to Refer Continuation For ³7

A34 Newcastle

For Continuation Refer to Map NumberAG-01-114 Road overbridge

³8 ³8

Significant effect removed at See text for full description and extent of significant Rose Cottage (CA4/3), (as a result effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. ³9 ³9 of amendment AP2-004-002) Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor

³10 Removed effect Added effect Different effect ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-113b circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 4: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Whitmore Heath to Madeley District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511613-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H



³3 ³3

³4 ³4

³5 ³5


³6 ³6

³7 ³7


³8 ³8

See text for full description and extent of significant effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect. ³9 ³9 Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). change ref. Significant effect descriptor ³10 Removed effect Added effect Different effect ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-113b-L1 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 4: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Whitmore Heath to Madeley District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514813-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J

³1 ³1

551a ³2 ³2 551a 631b 572f M6

541r ³3 ³3 631e 572f

631b 711b 572m 541r ³4 ³4 821b 711n 631e 551a 551a 541r 551a 1022a Staffordshire 541r 572f 811a ³5 County ³5 541r 572f 1022a 541b

572f ³ 711n NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME ³ 6 DISTRICT 6 541b 572c 551a 631e 551a CHESHIRE EAST ³7 711n ³7 1022a 711n

631e STAFFORD 551a DISTRICT ³8 861b ³8


551a SHROPSHIRE 631e ³9 ³9


³10 ³10

³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any National Soil Map soil assocation 561a - Wharfe 631e - Goldstone 712b - Denchworth 821b - Blackwood AG-02-104 circumstances, which arise from the Route in tunnel Watercourse codes and names: reproduction of this map after alteration, 0561a - Wharfe 711b - Brockhurst 1; 712f - Crewe 831c - Wigton Moor amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Route on surface Water body 431 - Worcester U711b - Brockhurst 1 Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. 572c - Hodnet 713a - Bardsey 861b - Isleham 2 I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building !( Existing railway station 541b - Bromsgrove 711c - Brockhurst 2 Soil Associations 572f - Whimple 3 714b - Oak 1 962 - Neutral RST 541r - Wick 1 711f - Wickham 2 Opencast Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:50,000 Community area boundary Existing rail line SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, 572l - Flint 811a - Enborne Birmingham B4 6GA. County boundary 543 - Arrow 711m - Salop 1022a - Altcar 1 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 572m - Salwick 813a - Midelney © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 551a - Bridgnorth 711n - Clifton Lake- as identified by Community Area 4: Metres District/Borough boundary OS 100049190 631b - Delamere 813c - Fladbury 2 National Soil Map Whitmore Heath to Madeley 551d - Newport 1 711o - Rufford dataset Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-512201-P03 Date: 17/01/19 Green Gre Valley Brook sty Brown W Broo Hall Engles e k ea B l ro l o s k CITY OF g Edge r e CHESHIRE e n STOKE-ON-TRENT B ro STAFFORDSHIRE EAST ok MOORLANDS Cheney Brook DISTRICT Crewe B Stockton a s f Barthomley Che o Brook r Norton er Brook d Weston B NANTWICH r o Green o k NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME Nantwich Shavington Swill Bro DISTRICT eanB D ro o ok k Edleston Brook Audley Hough Gorstyhill Wereton Chorlton Balterley Wybunbury Brook y ur M b Stapeley e u n Longport b r y e W G ook u STAFFORD Br Howbeck Brook t le te rt r A Halmer DISTRICT Betley End


EAST Brook F West Coast Main o Rugeley w

l Line (WCML) e SOUTH a B

r o W o Blakenhall Wrinehill AshfieldBrook k LICHFIELD CHESHIRE DISTRICT



e v

F a C in e ck aldon n C he l Sil Ca a e ve W rda nal y Silverdale le T k r B e B ro r r e ro o e iv ok k n B R t r o a o n k d M STAFFORDSHIRE e L rs Stoke-on-Trent Ha ym e zel y ey B e C roo Keele B a k r n Hankelow oo a l Map Series Information: Madeley k





r These maps show the distribution of agricultural land quality L Bir e c a within the construction boundary. ha llB ro WHITMORE HEATH ok

t n e r Farm names have been provided by Ordnance Survey Master T r Longton TO MADELEY e Audlem iv Map. In some cases farm names have been amended or added Madeley tunnel NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME R Buerton to reflect the name used by the current owner or occupier; these DISTRICT Chitlings Brook Onneley Cockster Brook are represented by brown text. Whitmore Heath tunnel

w o Kinsey k



D Woore r Heath A525 Bar Hill e v Meece Brook i Road overbridge R

CoxbankS viaduct N ewst h e ad Broo r

o k


s Madeley h Pa r ir Hanchurch k Br k e o o Coxbank BrookU Park ok r o n n B io Pipe gto n on C Whitmore L a n Gate a l River Lea Dorrington viaduct Baldwin's Gate Adderley AG-04-113b Crowcrofts Knowl n Blackbrook Wall Norton in Hales Tittensor Barlaston A53 Newcastle Maer Beech SHROPSHIRE Road overbridge Chapel AG-04-113b-L2 Chorlton M Mucklestone e

e c

Betton e


r o

S o

k STONE AND Mo winc STONE AND n hurc r Ter h e B v ro i ok R STAFFORD SWYNNERTON Loggerheads DISTRICT SWYNNERTON Cranberry Podmore Swynnerton Oulton Longslow ok Bromley Br o Standon Ch a Cotes Stone tcull Br Almington ok Chatcull o MARKET o ok h Br

otc DRAYTON c S ongford Hales F Wetwood i lly Broo k Millmeece

Br ockton Bro Yarnfield Fairoak ok STONE Coldmeece Aston Lodge Brook Y Co arn al Brook Slindon fie ld B ro Croxton ok


i Note: Not all data layers in the legend are represented v

e SHROPSHIRE r S on every map. o

w Chipnall Main Map Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-INDEX-CA4 circumstances, which arise from the Map sheets included in this community reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in area with ammendment Route on surface Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Map sheets included in this community I Index Map of: Depot, station, headhouse or portal building area with no amendment Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:90,000 Community area boundary Map sheets not included Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, SES2 and AP2 ES Birmingham B4 6GA. !( Existing railway station in this community area 0 900 1,800 2,700 3,600 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 4: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Whitmore Heath to Madeley District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514004-P03 Date: 24/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J

³1 ³1

³2 ³2

³3 ³3

STAFFORD DISTRICT Meece Brook ³4 Whitmore Heath Viaduct ³4

Tunnel 2

A53 Newcastle 11

Road overbridge 4-

³5 0 ³5 AG-










³6 r ³6

e f

to Map NumberAG



ti a

tion Refer


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³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-113b circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural land classification: Grade 3b - moderate amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body Grade 1 - excellent Grade 4 - poor I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building Grade 2 - very good Grade 5 - very poor Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction Grade 3a - good Other land SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 100 200 300 400 Community area boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 4: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Whitmore Heath to Madeley District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514613-P03 Date: 18/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J

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³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-04-113b-L2 circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural land classification: Grade 3b - moderate amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body Grade 1 - excellent Grade 4 - poor I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building Grade 2 - very good Grade 5 - very poor Agricultural Land Quality Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction Grade 3a - good Other land SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 100 200 300 400 Community area boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 4: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 Whitmore Heath to Madley District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-514813-P03 Date: 18/01/19 High Speed Rail (West Midlands - Crewe) Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement CA5 South Cheshire $*΂$JULFXOWXUDO+ROGLQJV igh Worleston Le ton B rook Rode Brook Heath Trent and Mersey Canal CHESHIRE w le Fo EAST

Crewe Haslington Church ALSAGER Lawton NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME DISTRICT CREWE Alsager Valley Brook

W is t Crewe as ton Br En o gles o ea k B r Rease o o W k Heath istaton Brook Radway Crewe Green G re sty B Hall rook STAFFORD DISTRICT


e l ls g r ee n B ro o k SOUTH Rugeley Cheney Brook LICHFIELD Barthomley DISTRICT B a CHESHIRE s CHESHIRE


heer Br o r NANTWICH d EAST B ook r o o Nantwich k Shavington

n Bro De a o S k HS2 Main Line wil l B ro Map Series Information: o k WHITMOREAudley HEATH k Bro o Edleston Hough These maps identify the extent of farm holdings and the location Chorlton viaduct Wereton of key farm buildings. Gorstyhill Balterley TO MADELEY Chorlton Farm names have been provided by Ordnance Survey Master Wybunbury Map. In some cases farm names have been amended or added Den Lane East Viaduct to reflect the name used by the current owner or occupier; these Stapeley ok ro are represented by brown text. B y ur H b owb u n eck Brook yb W M e k re oo G r u B tt e e

tl r r

A Halmer Betley Blakenhall viaduct End

F STAFFORDSHIRE o r g e Lyme B S B r h o r o o p k s h i r e

U n i o NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME n Chec C kl Br e y oo a k Blakenhall Wrinehill DISTRICT n a l



inn Den Lane West a r ke

r e B v r o a viaduct o e Silverdale k W r e Ri v

Hazeley Brook Keele Hankelow AG-01-115b Madeley Checkley Brook viaduct

Birchall B ro River Lea ok

Audlem Buerton



o k c Kinsey u D Woore r Note: Not all data layers in the legend are represented on every e Heath iv R Coxbank map. Meece Brook Main Map Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-INDEX-CA5 circumstances, which arise from the Map sheets included in this reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in community area with amendment Route on surface Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. I Map sheets included in this community Index Map of: Depot, station, headhouse or portal building area with no amendment Agricultural Holdings Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:60,000 Community area boundary Map sheets not included Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, SES2 and AP2 ES Birmingham B4 6GA. 0 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 !( Existing railway station in this community area © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 5: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 South Cheshire District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511005-P03 Date: 24/01/19 ³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H See text for full description and extent of significant ³1 effects. (*) Where SES2/AP2 is reason for significant effect.

Resource/significant effect removed/added (as a result SES2/AP2 of amendment*: AP2-XXX-YYY). For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-115b-R1 change ref. Significant effect descriptor ³2 Removed effect Added effect Different effect

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³6 a ³6








Checkley Brok A viaduct Madeley Tunnel G


For Continuation Refer to Map Number AG-01-116 0



1 ³7 1 ³7



³8 ³8

³9 ³9 Different significant effect at Grange Farm (CA5/1), (as a result of amendment AP2-005-002).


³A ³B ³C ³D ³E ³F ³G ³H ³I ³J Legend Map Number HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any AG-01-115b circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, Route in tunnel Watercourse Agricultural and forestry holdings assessed amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in Map Name part or issued incomplete in any way. Route on surface Water body H! Main operational agricultural and forestry buildings Agricultural Holdings I Depot, station, headhouse or portal building CA1/16 Unique identifier Community area (CA) no. Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Scale at A3: 1:10,000 Land potentially required during construction SES2 and AP2 ES Registered office: 2 Snowhill, Queensway, or Community forum area (CFA) no. for Phase One Birmingham B4 6GA. Community area boundary 0 100 200 300 400 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Community Area 5: Metres County boundary OS 100049190 South Cheshire District/Borough boundary Doc Number: 2PT02-ARP-EV-MAP-000-511515-P03 Date: 18/01/19 This page is left intentionally blank