306A 42nd Street Department of Office: (512) 471-5742 Austin, TX 78751 University of Texas at Austin Mobile: (843) 214-6645 [email protected] Austin, TX 78712


Greek Archaeology Religion Studies Mycenaean Ceramic Studies Minoan and Mycenaean Religion Latin Pedagogy


University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology, 2011 Dissertation: Mycenaean Religion at Knossos

M.A. in Classics, 2000 Thesis: Hermes and Ares in the Linear B Texts: The Continuity of their Cult from the Bronze Age to the Classical Period

B.A. in Classics, 1998 Honor’s Thesis :Handmade Burnished Ware and the LH IIIB2/IIIC Early Transitional Phase

American School of Classical Studies, , Regular Member, Bert Hodge Hill Fellow, 2002–2003

New York University, New York, NY B.A. in Classical Archaeology, 1993


University of Texas at Austin, Department of Classics Lecturer and AI Coordinator: 2014-Present Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Writing Systems and Decipherment: 2014-2016 Assists Director in the everyday operations of the Institute, including organizing bi-monthly seminars with scholars in various university departments, composing and distributing meeting minutes, maintaining organization of program archives, overseeing graduate student assistants. Lecturer: 2013–2014

College of Charleston, Department of Classics Special Adjunct Instructor: 2007–2013

University of Texas at Austin, Department of Classics Assistant Instructor: 2001–2007 Distance Education Instructor: 2004–2006 Teaching Assistant: 2000–2001 Research Assistant, Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory: 1999

PUBLICATIONS AND CONFERENCES Edited Book KE-RA-ME-JA: Studies Presented to Cynthia W. Shelmerdine, (co-edited with Dimitri Nakassis and Sarah James). INSTAP Academic Press, 2014.

Book Chapters “Gazetteer of Sites and Off-site Scatters” (co-authored with Michael Cosmopoulos, Cynthia W. Shelmerdine, and Jennifer Glaubius). In The Political Geography of a Mycenaean District: The Archaeological Survey at Iklaina, edited by Michael Cosmopoulos, Athens (2016) 103-156.

“Pottery and Other Ceramic Artifacts,” (co-authored with Cynthia W. Shelmerdine). In The Political Geography of a Mycenaean District: The Archaeological Survey at Iklaina, edited by Michael Cosmopoulos, Athens (2016) 157-191.

Published Articles “Mycenaean Cooking Vessels from Iklaina,” (co-authored with Cynthia W. Shelmerdine). In From Cooking Vessels to Cultural Practices in the Late Bronze Age Aegean, edited by Julie A. Hruby and Debra A. Trusty. Oxbow Publishers, 2017.

“di-u/wi-ja and po-si-da-e-ja: Examples of Indo-European Female Consorts?” In Proceedings of the 14th Mycenological Colloquium held in Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2-6, 2015. (2018).

“The Minoan Goddess(es): Textual Evidence for Minoan Religion,” (co-authored with Dimitri Nakassis). In KE-RA-ME-JA: Studies Presented to Cynthia W. Shelmerdine. edited by Dimitri Nakassis, Joann Gulizio and Sarah James. INSTAP Academic Press (2014) 115-128.

“Textiles for the Gods: Linear B Evidence for the Use of Textiles in Religious Ceremonies.” In KOSMOS: Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age, Proceedings of the 13th International Aegean Conference, University of Copenhagen, Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, 21-26 April 2010. Aegeaum 33, edited by Marie-Louis Nosch and Robert Laffineur, Liège and Austin (2012) 279-285.

“Mycenaean Religion at Knossos.” In Colloquium Romanum: atti del XII colloquio internazionale di micenologia, Roma, 20-25 febbraio 2006, Pisa and (2008) 351-358.

“Religion in the Room of the Chariot Tablets,” (co-authored with Kevin Pluta and Thomas G. Palaima). In Potnia: Deities and Religion in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference, Göteborg University, 12-15 April, 2000, edited by Robert Laffineur and Robin Hägg. Aegaeum 22. Liège and Austin (2001) 453-461.

“A-re in the Linear B Tablets and the Continuity of the Cult of Ares in the Historical Period.” In Journal of Prehistoric Religion 15 (2001) 32-38.

“Hermes and e-ma-a2: The Continuity of his Cult from the Bronze Age to the Historical Period.” Živa Antika 50 (2000) 105-116.

Studies in Mycenaean Inscriptions and Dialects: 1994-1995, Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory, Department of Classics, University of Texas at Austin 1999, contributor.

Conference Presentations “di-u/wi-ja and po-si-da-e-ja: Examples of Indo-European Female Consorts?” Presented at the 14th Mycenological Colloquium in Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2-6, 2015.

“Mycenaean Cooking Vessels from Iklaina,” (co-authored with Cynthia W. Shelmerdine). Presented at the 115th AIA and APA Joint Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, January, 2014.

“A Preliminary Examination of the Miniature Vessels from the Bronze Age Site of Iklaina.” Presented at the 114th AIA and APA Joint Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, January 3-6, 2013.

“Textiles for the Gods: Linear B Evidence for the Use of Textiles in Religious Ceremonies.” Presented at KOSMOS: Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age held in Copenhagen, April 19- 23, 2010.

“Mycenaean Religion at Knossos.” Presented at the 12th International Mycenological Colloquium held in Rome, February 20-25, 2006.

“The Minoan Goddess(es): Textual Evidence for Minoan Religion,” (co-authored with Dimitri Nakassis). Presented at the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), April 4-6, 2002.

“Hermes and e-ma-a2: The Continuity of his Cult from the Bronze Age to the Historical Period.” Presented at the International Conference Antiquitas Viva in Ohrid, FYROM, 5-7 December 2000.

“Religion in the Room of the Chariot Tablets,” (co-authored with Kevin Pluta and Thomas G. Palaima). Presented at the 8th International Aegean Conference held in Göteborg, Sweden, 12-15 April 2000.

Auditor and organizing assistant, 11th International Mycenological Colloquium held at the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory, University of Texas at Austin, 8-12 May 2000.


Latin Language Intensive Elementary Latin: Accelerated introduction to the basic components of Latin grammar and introduction to reading original Latin authors. University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014

Elementary Latin I: Introduction to the basic components of Latin grammar. College of Charleston: Fall 2007, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Fall 2012

Elementary Latin I – Web-based course: Introduction to the basic components of Latin grammar taught entirely online. University of Texas at Austin: Spring 2017

Elementary Latin II: Continuation of Latin grammar introduction. College of Charleston: Fall 2009, Spring 2009, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Summer 2012, Spring 2013

Elementary Latin II – Web-based course: Continuation of Latin grammar introduction taught entirely online. University of Texas at Austin: Spring 2018

Beginning/Intermediate Latin: Introduction to advanced concepts of Latin grammar and transition to reading the works of Roman authors, including Caesar, Petronius’Satyricon, poems of Catullus, and letters of Cicero. College of Charleston: Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Summer 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Summer 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Summer 2010, Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Spring 2014 University of Texas at Austin: Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Fall 2003, Spring 2007, Fall 2013, Spring 2014

Intermediate Latin: Directed readings in Caesar’s De Bello Civile University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2015

Intermediate/Advanced Latin: Directed readings in Vergil’s and/or Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita. College of Charleston: Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2012, Spring 2013 University of Texas at Austin: Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2006, Fall 2014

Advanced Latin: Directed readings in Cicero’s Pro Caelio and the poems of Catullus. University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2015

Ancient Elementary Greek I: Introduction to the basic components of Greek grammar. University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2016

Intermediate Greek I: Directed readings in Lysias and University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2017

Classical Civilization Classical Mythology: Survey of mythology from the Greek and Roman world. College of Charleston: Summer 2008, Summer 2009, Summer 2011, Summer 2012, Summer 2013

Roman Civilization: Introductory course on Roman culture focusing on the Augustan era. College of Charleston: Fall 2012

Introduction to Ancient Rome: Introductory course on Roman culture and history from the beginning of the Republic to the foundation of the Empire. University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2017

Introduction to Ancient Rome – Web-based course: Introductory course on Roman culture and history from the beginning of the Republic to the foundation of the Empire. University of Texas at Austin: Spring 2016, Fall 2016

Introduction to : Introductory course on Greek history and culture from the Neolithic period to the conquest of Greece by Rome. University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2015

Introduction to Greek Archaeology: Survey of Greek archaeology from the Bronze Age to the . University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2006, Spring 2018

Introduction to Roman Archaeology: Survey of Roman archaeology from the Iron Age to . University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2017

Ancient Mediterranean World: Introductory course on the civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome with an intensive writing component. University of Texas at Austin: Spring 2017

History of Ancient Greece – Post-: Intermediate undergraduate lecture course surveying the history from Greece from the Peloponnesian War to the Roman conquest of Greece. Includes discussion section component. University of Texas at Austin: Spring 2016

Making Classical Art and Architecture: Intermediate undergraduate lecture course examining the methods used in the construction of Greek temples, sculpture and vase painting. College of Charleston: Spring 2011, Spring 2013

Shrines, Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in the Classical World: Intermediate undergraduate lecture course surveying religious architecture from the Bronze Age to the Roman period. College of Charleston: Fall 2011

Kings and Heroes of the Aegean Bronze Age: Intermediate undergraduate lecture course surveying the prehistory of Greece from the Neolithic period to the end of the Bronze Age. Includes a discussion section component. University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2016

Ancient Greek Religion: Advanced undergraduate research seminar examining elements of Greek religion from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period. College of Charleston: Fall 2008, Fall 2010

Graduate Courses Supervised Teaching in Latin: Graduate-level pedagogy course. University of Texas at Austin: Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018

Directed Research Panathenaia and the Year-End Festivals in Athens: Supervised a student’s Bachelor’s essay, whose research was published in Chrestomathy, the College of Charleston’s journal for undergraduate research. College of Charleston: Fall 2009–Spring 2010

The Woman and the Oath in Ancient Greece: Second reader on student’s Honor’s thesis, University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2015–Spring 2016


Iklaina Archaeological Project, Messenia, Greece Director: Michael Cosmopolous, University of Missouri, St. Louis Ceramics Specialist: 1999–Present

Pylos Tablet Digital Project Directors: Kevin Pluta, University of Texas, Austin and Dimitri Nakassis, University of Colorado, Boulder Fabric Analysis Specialist: Summers 2015-2016

Corinth Excavations, Corinth, Greece Director: Guy Sanders, American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece Supervisor: 2003

Athenian Excavations, Athens, Greece Director: John McK. Camp II, American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece Assistant Supervisor: 2001 –2003 Excavator: 2000


Professor of the Semester, Senate of College Councils, University of Texas at Austin, Spring 2015 Outstanding Service to First Year Students Award, College of Charleston, 2012–2013 Adjunct Instructor Teaching Award, College of Charleston, 2008 Bert Hodge Hill Fellowship, American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece, 2002–2003 Graduate Research Internship, Department of Classics, University of Texas at Austin, 1998–1999 Honor’s Thesis Scholarship, Dean of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin, 1998 Kuhlman Scholarship, Department of Classics, University of Texas at Austin, 1997


LPAC Committee Member: Department of Classics, University of Texas at Austin, 2015-Present AI Coordinator: Department of Classics, University of Texas at Austin, 2015-Present Language Coordinator, Department of Classics, University of Texas at Austin, 2015-Present Classics Club Faculty Advisor, Department of Classics, College of Charleston, 2010–2013 Graduate Student Representative, Department of Classics, University of Texas, 1999–2000 Committee Member, Martin Luther King Statue Committee, University of Texas, 1998–1999