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THE PILOT LUNAR GEOLOGIC MAPPING PROJECT: SUMMARY RESULTS AND RECOMMEDATIONS FROM THE COPERNICUS QUADRANGLE. J. A. Skinner, Jr., L. R. Gaddis, and J. J. Hagerty, Astrogeology Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, 2255 N. Gemini Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 ([email protected]). Introduction: The first systematic lunar geologic brium), Eratosthenian mare basalts (central Mare Im- maps were completed at 1:1M scale for the lunar near brium) and crater materials, and young Copernican side during the 1960s using telescopic and Lunar Or- impact and related deposits. Previous geologic maps biter (LO) photographs [1-3]. The program under (at various scales), and numerous topical studies, have which these maps were completed established prece- detailed the origin, distribution, and composition of dents for map base, scale, projection, and boundaries geologic units within this region [e.g., 12-14]. in order to avoid widely discrepant products. A variety Data and Methods: We processed, orthorectified, of geologic maps were subsequently produced for and coregistered data using image processing and geo- various purposes, including 1:5M scale global maps graphic information system software. Geologic map- [4-9] and large scale maps of high ‘scientific interest’ ping layers included a LO-IV photomosaic (60 m/px; (including the Apollo landing sites) [10]. Since that [e.g., 12]), Clementine 5-band ultraviolet and visible time, lunar science has benefitted from an abundance range mosaics (100 m/px, [13]), 6-band near infra-red of surface information, including high resolution im- data (500 m/px, [14]), derived maps of iron [15] and ages and diverse compositional data sets, which have titanium, Clementine-derived topographic data [16], yielded a host of topical planetary investigations. Earth-based 3.8 cm radar (3.1 km/px; [17]), and opti- The existing suite of lunar geologic maps and topical cal maturity (OMAT) [18]) data. We also used high (9 studies provide exceptional context in which to un- m/px) and very-high (1.3 m/px) resolution LO-IV ravel the geologic history of the Moon. However, there frames of the Copernicus crater floor, wall, and central has been no systematic approach to lunar geologic peak [12]. We did not define a particular data set as the mapping since the flight of post-Apollo scientific or- dedicated geologic base map so that we could inde- biters. Geologic maps provide a spatial and temporal pendently evaluate each in regard to unit delineation. framework wherein observations can be reliably All digitization was completed in a geodatabase benchmarked and compared. As such, a lack of a sys- format to simplify data compilation, vector attribution, tematic mapping program means that modern (post- topological cleaning, interlayer analyses, and data Apollo) data sets, their scientific ramifications, and the sharing. Vector linework was digitally streamed be- lunar scientists who investigate these data, are all mar- tween 1:500K (20% of the publication map scale) and ginalized in regard to geologic mapping. Marginaliza- 1:1.25M (50% of publication map scale) in order to tion weakens the overall understanding of the geologic assess sufficiency in detailing geologic contacts and evolution of the Moon and unnecessarily partitions features for both hard-copy and digital map publica- lunar research. tions. Linework was streamed directly into a GIS data- To bridge these deficiencies, we began a pilot geo- base in Mercator projection using a digital mapping logic mapping project in 2005 as a means to assess the tablet. The placement of vertices varied from 500 to interest, relevance, and technical methods required for 1250 meters (1 vertex per 1 mm at digitizing map a renewed lunar geologic mapping program [11]. scale). Attributes were assigned using attribute do- Herein, we provide a summary of the pilot geologic mains stored within the geodatabase, which was itera- mapping project, which focused on the geologic mate- tively refined and updated over the course of the pro- rials and stratigraphic relationships within the Coper- ject. Geologic map symbols were derived from FGDC nicus quadrangle (0-30°N, 0-45°W). Digital Cartographic Standards for Geologic Map Geologic Setting: The Copernicus region is domi- Symbolization and adapted where necessary to convey nated by high-albedo units of the young (~0.8 Ga) the geologic information unique to the quadrangle. Copernicus crater. These units are superimposed on Results: The iterative and exploratory approach that older basin rim and ejecta units of Imbrium basin we employed for the pilot mapping project provided (highlands of Montes Carpatus), as well as old or in- scientific and technical observations that significantly termediate-aged highlands, mare, pyroclastic, and im- expanded the results afforded by previous lunar map- pact crater (e.g., Eratosthenes, diam. 58 km) units. ping efforts. These include: Mapped geologic units within the quadrangle include Spectral data permit us to advance beyond “mor- the Lower Imbrian materials of Imbrium basin (Alpes phostratigraphic” mapping, allowing units to be di- and Fra Mauro Fms.), Upper Imbrian mare basalts, vided by morphology and spectral characteristics. cones, dark-halo craters, and pyroclastic deposits Stratigraphic relationship takes precedence over (Mare Insularum, Sinus Aestuum, and SE Mare Im- compositional or morphologic characteristic. For ex- 20 ample, we use "Ccra--Copernican-age, crater unit, preference and down-selection for timely comple- rim sub-unit, member a" versus "Ccrh--Copernican- tion. age, crater unit, rim sub-unit, hummocky member.” Compositional information is fundamental to a re- Broad heterogeneity in optical maturity, reflectance, newed geologic mapping program and critical to the and morphology of Copernicus wall, floor, and delineation, description, and interpretation of geo- ejecta units suggests that materials have diverse logic units. As a result, there is a need for multiple composition and, in some locations, were not inti- base maps for a particular mapping project. How- mately mixed during crater formation. ever, these should be carefully selected and justified Local ‘KREEP-rich’ rock unit is not present in Co- in order to avoid narrowing the objective scope of pernicus due to a lack of thorium enrichment. the geologic map. The northernmost ejecta of Imbrium basin may con- Emphasis should be placed on the explicit delinea- tain materials from excavated pre-Imbrium (Nec- tion of multiple impact crater facies, contrary to re- tarian) basement rocks, based on rocks exhumed by cent geologic maps of other planetary bodies. The Eratosthenes crater, which partly overlies highlands pervasive nature of surface impact as a predominant units of Imbrium basin rim deposits. contributor to the evolution of the lunar crust is criti- Clementine-derived OMAT data allow for the strati- cal to placing compositional observations into ap- graphic re-evaluation of some small-diameter impact propriate context. craters (including Aristillus, Autolycus, Taruntius, Geologic maps should closely adhere to the guide- O’Day, Eudoxus, and Pytheas). However, the de- lines provided in the recent Planetary Geologic rivative nature of OMAT data does not allow them Mapping Handbook [19], so that there is visual and to supersede cross-cutting relationships and crater contextual continuity between USGS published geo- counts, where available, for stratigraphic sub- logic map products. division. Conclusions: Lunar geologic mapping is undergo- Ruled and dashed patterns are helpful in indicating ing a renaissance similar to that experienced by Mars unit subdivision based on color variations within a geologic mapping following the flight of Mars Global single geologic unit. Surveyor. Lunar geologic map products are expected Minor secondary scatters and chains are identified to hone closely to cartographic standards, which by a crater ray pattern, though overlapping rays of evolve over time as a result of increased types and Copernicus, Kepler, and Aristarchus craters are not scales of planetary observation. Moreover, the emer- differentiated within the mapped ray patterns. We do gence of geospatial mapping and analytical environ- not discriminate secondary rays, craters, or materials ments has provided a need for the expedited evolution when they superpose primary rim materials of the of lunar mapping strategies. The pilot lunar geologic parent impact. mapping project has successfully raised awareness in Recommendations: The results of the pilot lunar regard to the need for a renewed geologic mapping geologic mapping project serve to outline the critical program funded through NASA PGG. We note that pathway for formalized and systematic lunar mapping. geologic maps are expected (and suggested) at higher These results guide our recommendations on the stra- scales (smaller areas) based on recent and ongoing tegic approach of a renewed lunar geologic mapping acquisition of high resolution LROC data. program. References: 1] Schmitt et al. (1967), USGS I-515. Renewed geologic mapping should follow a 1:2.5M [2] Wilhelms and McCauley (1971), USGS I-703. [3] scale mapping scheme that subdivides the lunar sur- Shoemaker and Hackman (1962), Symp. 14 IAU, 289. face into 30 discrete quadrangles using three differ- [4] Wilhelms and McCauley (1971), USGS I-703. [5] ent and latitude-specific projections. The scheme Lucchitta (1978), USGS I-1062. [6] Wilhelms et al. sufficiently balances the areal coverage and scale of (1979), USGS I-1162. [7] Wilhelms