Comparing QPR ProcessGuide Versions with Visio

Microsoft Visio QPR ProcessGuide You wish to: QPR ProcessGuide Standard Edition Xpress Process Modeling Support

Work horizontally and vertically?

Customize your modeling notation?

Work with model templates?

Customize your object attributes?

Link external information to objects?

Integrate with SharePoint?

Define what is shown in layers?

Auto-number your process map objects?

Reuse process objects on multiple maps?

Create process map hierarchies?

Merge process maps / process elements?

Connect flows betweeen elements that are on different maps?

Define relations between objects?

Generate editable object hierachy trees?

Change the type of created objects?

Simulate process models?

Create links between models?

Centrally administrate multiple model attributes, notation, available resources etc.)

View and edit models using matrix views?

Allow multiplpe designers to work on a model simultaneously?

Work on models offline and check them in later?

Import models in XPDL?

© QPR Software Plc Comparing QPR ProcessGuide Versions with Microsoft Visio

Microsoft Visio QPR ProcessGuide You wish to: QPR ProcessGuide Standard Edition Xpress Process Publishing Support

Publish in HTML?

Publish in ?

Publish in Microsoft PowerPoint?

Publish in ?

Publish in Microsoft SharePoint?

Publish in XPDL?

Publish in BPEL?

Publish in XML?

Publish a model in multiple natural languages?

Collaborating with Colleagues

Communicate process information in a portal?

Define and manage access rights to process information?

Add and share comments, incident reports, suggestions, lessons etc. to process maps?

Assign tasks and monitor progress?

Customize comments and task types (web forms)?

Provide process analys capabilities to many users?

Allow colleagues to share analysis views online?

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© QPR Software Plc