Jvaanriaitntt Nî (Eanata
Oh* JVaanriaitntt nî (Eanata dottïte Eatahllelfro in (Banana 8>Qmt ijftatorir BiUB ...t«... Œanaoa anb Nerofnnnblanb Annual Strçrurt 19ir Qfat J\a00riattan o, au* E:;iablitïlnù in (Cauaba #0m? étaient &\UB ...ttt. (Eanana ann NpuifmtttMatrâ Annual BiUnurt RE -LAYING OF THE CORNER STONE OF THE NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS BY HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT. GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA. 1ST OF SEPT.. 1916 PAGE 30 îfy'iBtuvu IGanômarka Àfiaonation nf Ûlattaba Patron FIELD MARSHAL HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, THE DURE OF OONNAUGHT AND STRATHEARN, K.G., G.C.M.G., Etc. Visitor HIS EXCELLENCY THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, K.G., G.C.M.G., Etc. Governor General of Canada. Honorary President THE RT. HONORABLE .SIR ROBERT LAIRD BORDEN, P.C., G.C.M.G. Prime (Minister. President PEMBBRTON SMITH, Esq., Montreal. Vice-Presidents P. B. CASGRAIN, Esq., K.C., Quebec. W. D. LIGHTHALL, KJC, F.R.S.C., Montreal. SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LLJD., FJLS.C, Toronto. General Secretary MRS. J. B. SIMPSON, 173 Percy St., Ottawa. French Secretary BENJAMIN SULTE, LLJD., F.R.S.C, Ottawa. Treasurer GEORGE DURNFORD, Esq., FJCA., Montreal. COUNCIL—-The.President, Vice-iPresidents, Secretaries, Treasurer, all subscribing Fellows of Sections I and II of the Royal Society of Canada, and one representative from each corresponding Society (with power to add.) ANNUAL MEETING—Held yearly in connection with the meeting of the Royal Society of Canada. 3 GUIDE. TO "HISTORICAL SOCIETIES" ESTABLISHED IN CANADA. (Corresponding Members of the Historic Landmarks Association) ANTIQUARIAN AND NUMISMATIC SOCIETY OP MONTREAL. Chateau de Ramezay. W. D. Lighthall, Esq., K.C., F.R.S.C, President, Quebec Bank Building, Montreal, Que.
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