Gross~ Pointe E,Ws 42 Pagel 30 Cents Vol 44 - No
FUjI-. ~ - • Gross~ Pointe e,ws 42 Pagel 30 cents Vol 44 - No. 20 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, May 19, 1983 '. Economics govern-Pointe preservation By Mike Andrzejczyk the architecture of the Pomte!> has Historic preservatiOn efforts mg, according to one realtor, is Berry, Dodge, Whitman, Alger, become a question of economiCS, "It's a shame 0 0 0 so contmue in the Pointes, WIth hIS- the ,rchitecture and detail the home embodies Some features Trowbridge and SChlotman. accordmg to W Hawkms Ferry, many beautiful homes tone commiS!>ions lookmg at var. author of "The BUildmg of Det- IOUS SItes for markers The old include oak paneling and inter- The names evoke a different rOit" and other works about arctu- have been torn down re- homes along Lakeshore, descnbed iors, Lake Superior stone foundat- age m the Pointes when the ribbon tecture. cently 0" by one realtor as "dmosaurs," ion and bowed leaded glass win- farm!> of the prevIOUS century be- remam d1fflcult to save because of dows. The home is ~aid to be the There is an architectural hent- Anything is possible came rolhng estates facmg the the cost of purchasing the pro- first built and deSIgned by Albert age to preserve m the area, he lake Homes deSigned by Albert destroy that, you destroy the best perty as well as contmued main- Kahn Only in America could a Ford saId, addmg the large estates that Kahn, George Mason, Frank inhentance of the commumty " tenance, urban planners agree get together wIth a Reuther, have fallen to the wreckmg ball, The home was originally copied Jom the Hare Krishna move.
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