White Tables and Chairs /or Rent

Artistic and Elegant Furniture and Old Sheffield Silver Imported Novelties, &c, &c. H. R. Leonard Furniture Co. 265-267-269 WOODWARD A VENUE

I fiSSET§ OVER $11,6.50,000.00 Founded 1867 The Old flirqigau ilutual i£ifr lJusurunrr Qrnmpaun OF DETROIT Stands for the Best in Life Insurance Paid to policy holders in one year (1911) - $ 1,494,826~i5 Total amount paid to policy holders since the organization of the Company - 20,386,125.27 Total amount paid to policy holders since organization, plus the amount now held for their benefit - 30,968,831.16 A Record of Actual Results which speaks for itself ALL RESULTS GUARANTEED ·NO ESTIMATES

0. R. LOOKER. President A. F. MOORE, Secretary W4t Jrnplrs ~tatr Iaauk CORNER FORT AND SHELBY STREETS

CA·PITAL, $1,500,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $2,000,000



OFFICEflS . GEO. H. Rt"SSEL, President GEO. E. LAWSON, Vice-President R. "'.'"· S:\IYLIE., Mgr. Credits and Audits R. S. MASON, Vice-President J. R. BODDE. Assistant Cashier F. A. SCHULTE, Vice-President CHARLES H.· AYERS. Assistant Cashier B. s. COLB"C"R~., Vice-President EX-OCH S:\IITH, Assistant Cashier AUSTIN' E. WIN'G, Cashier R. T. Ceo:vroRE. Assistant Cashier- H. P. BORG:\IAN, Cashier Savings Dept." GE~. T. CO"t"RTXEY, Auditor .

DIRECTORS · Russell .-\.. Alger Jeremiah Dwyc>r H. B. Led~·ard Angus Smitli George H. Barbour Frank J. Hecker P. H. M:c:\-Iillan F. A. Schulte W. T. Barbour Fred ".,.· Hodges R. S. l\Iason Hugo Scherer H. l\1'. Campbell J. C. Hutchins Fred T. :\Io ran Henn· Russel B. S. Colburn .Tames T. Keena l\'.I. J. ~Iurphy George H. Russel C. A. Ducharme Geo. E. Lawson "-- Howie l\Iuir

A special department for women's commercial accounts in the Woman's Washington Arcade. The convenience of location with the sep­ arate facilities offered· 't\·ill commend this department to women Department desiring to keep their own commercial or household accounts.

4 MISS L. C. O'LEARY i£xrlusittr 1fl' urrirr IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER





This is an age of progress. Are you progressive ? Oxypathy is the acme of modem curative science. Everybody is talking of Oxygen and the Oxypathor, how it cured _them of this or that ailment-how simple and fine it was to obtain such splendid re­ sults through its use. Stop using drugs. If you bore your friends with complaints of Insomnia or Nerves some one will surely say, -get an Oxypathor. If it's possible that you are not informed, call or phone and have our representative give you our literature and proposition. If it's not an Oxypathor, ifs not the best.

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Lowest Rates of Insurance Automobile Van Service

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OJ4t ii~it Wta ~4np J!Jnn.e .:!Bain 42ll 124 Jiarm.rr,, nrar 1Jn4n il ~trrrt tJ[ Arrangements can be made for Card ]:>arties, Bridge Luncheons, Teas or Dinners. tJ[ Special care taken of Clubs, Sororities, etc., in new Colonial Rooms. Lunch from 11 :30 to 2:30 . Dinner every evening, 6:00 to 7 :30

s Jrrfart

I{ E Thirteenth Edition of the iUm ilnnk possesses some new features which we trust will entitle it to T retain the high place in public fa,}or that has been accorded its predecessors. We desire especially to thank our lady patrons for their cordial appreciation of our efforts. }leither time nor money has been spared to make this work as complete and ·-;:aluable as possible. The diffi­ culty attending the compiling of such a book can be easilJ,' appreciated; and we therefore trust that any omissions will be brought to our notice, that thes may be corrected in future. We hope to 1nake the iUu.r itnnk as nearl"J' perfect as it is possible to make such a voliune. We do not claim the illu.r ilnnk is either a City Directory or absolutely an Elite Director's; neither do wt· pretend to· pass upon the social or financial standing of the parties whose names are contained therein. It is simpZ,y,, a coni­ pilation of about fourteen hundred names of the 1nost promi­ nent householders published in the most con'i.,·em·ent form for reference b}1 our lady patrons. The title 0 jllne iSnnk.'' is given the work hecause of its blue co·uer. It does not refer to blue blood, as ;=rnny people suppose. Webster's definition of Blue Book is as follows: "Blue Book-a book containing a list of fasizfr1nable addresses." The data for this work have 11ot been compiled from cir­ culars or from other directories. Experienced men, particu­ larly adapted for such work, ha'i.,'e been assigned to each localit:y, and the greatest care has been used in selecting these names.

Please send G1Z}' illformation 1•ou nzaJ h.a.·ve that will aid in keeping the records correct to Dau Publishiug Co., 40 West 33d Street, lvew York CitJ,'. THE PUBLISHERS KENNETH C. CRAIGIE Jfl'urrirr



146 Woodward Ave. DETROIT, MICH.

JO Club List

1 ACANTHUS CLUB 10 Al.'"DCBOX CL"CB President, H. :\I. Utley; Secretary, President, Thomas E. X ewto1- ; Vice­ Rev. Paul Ziegler. (See list of mem­ Presiden t, F. Postal; Secretary­ bers in back of bo-ok.) Treasurer, \Y. H. Allison . 2 ACADEMY OF MEDICI~E 11 \\-OLVERINE AUTO)IOBILE ASSO­ President, Dr. P. :VI. Hickey; Vice­ CIATIOX President, Dr. C. D. Aaron ; Secre­ )Ir. G. H. Andrews, 688 Trumbull tary and Treasurer, Dr. Ray Connor. aYenue ( See back of book for list of mem­ 12 BAXKERS' CLUB bers.) President, Charles A. Dean; Vice• 3 .-\.DCRAFT CLUB President, George E. Lawson; Secre• President, ~:-m. C. Radcliffe ; 1st tary and Treasurer, J. W. Staley Vice-President, W. A. Shryer; 2d Yice-President, Joseph ::\Ieadon; Sec­ 14 BO.-\.RD OF GRAPHIC ARTS retary, R. C. Fowler; Treasurer, J. :\Ir. George E. Kunze, 602 "\Voodwarcl R. Cordon. aYenue -1 A::\IERICAX HISTORICAL ASSOC!• 15 BOYLSTOX CL'CB ATION :\Ir. Ora E. Butterfield, 93 Putnam 16 CHA:\IBER l\IUSIC SOCIETY avenue President, :Miss Clara E. Dyar ; Vice­ 5 Al\IERICAX INSTITuTE OF ARCH· President, Mrs. F. l\L Alger; Secre­ ITECTS tan·, Paul \\:-eadock; Treasurer, President, John Scott; Vice-Presi• Archibald Carey. dent, H. J. :\I. Grylls; Secretary, :\1. 21 COLLEGE CLUB OF DETROIT R. Burrowes; Treasurer, Charles Secretary, liiss Winnifred MacLoch­ Kotting; Director, .J. SI. Donaldson. lan, 2 2 Wi there11 ( See list of members in back ot book) ::!l COLLEGE EQ"C"AL SUFFRAGE LEA- 6 AMERICA~ NATIOXAL RED GUE CROSS President, Dr. liary T. Stevens; Sec­ President, Sidney T. :Miller ; Treasu• retan;, ::\frs. Mary H. Grosvenor, 1429 rer, Emory W. Clark; Se~retary, Grand River avenue Ralph M. Dyar 2 2 ASSOCIATIO~ OF COLLEGIATE 7 A:i\IERICAX SOCIETY OF CIVIL ALUl\IN-~E (DETROIT BRANCH) EXGIXEERS President, :Mrs. L. W. Atkinson; Vice­ 8 ARCHAEOLOGICAL IXSTITuTE President, :\:Irs. :Mary L. Dexter ; Re­ OF AMERICA cording Secretary, Mrs. I. S'tellwag­ President, Charles :\Ioore; Vice-Pres­ en Hurst ; Corresponding Secretar~·. idents, George Williams Bates, F. D. :\!rs. J. X. Keal; Treasurer, :Miss A. Taylor, :VIerton E. Farr and Prof. ::\IcSweeney; Auditor, l\Iiss :\I. P. ~:Iartin L. D'Ooge; Secretary, Percy ,Yaples · !Yes, 502 Cass avenue; Tr1?asurer, \\ralter C. Boynton 2 :3 COLU?\1BL\. .ALU:\1XI ASSOCIA- 9 SOCIETY OF ARTS .. AND CRAFTS TIOX OF DETROIT President, Dr. E. T. Tappey; Yice­ President. H. J. :l-Iaxwell Grylls; 1st President, Dr. H. \\,.._ Longyear ; Sec­ Vice-President, G. D. Pope; Second retary-Treasurer, Dr. T. A. l:IcGraw, Vice-President, Alexandrine :\-IcEw­ Jr. en; Treasurer, W. B. Stratton; Sec­ 25 COl.'"XTRY CLUB OF DETROIT retary, Helen Plumb. ( See list of President, Frederick l\:I. Alger; Vice­ members in back of book) President, \\,.._ Howie Muir ; Secre- Party and Reception Footwear IN ALL SHAPES AND COLORINGS Special Pairs to Order to Match Costumes An excellent line of Ready-to-Wear Slippers, Pumps, Ties, etc. . in Black and Colors, Plain and Beaded Vamps. -:-

We invite your inspection 183-185 Woodward Avenue

The Dexter· ·School An Individual School For Boys

Elementary and College Preparatory- Training

Frederick Dexter Green, Head Master

Telephone, Grand 575-577 Woodward Avenue


tan·, L. H. Paddock; Treasurer, B. 38 DETROIT CRIBBAt 30 DETROIT ATHLETIC CLl:"B building President, J. C. Kelsey; Vice-Presi­ dent. \\-. H. Ducharme; Secretary, E. -12 DETROIT FEDERATIOX OF "\YO- A. Bresler, (;;:; Fort, ·w.; Treasurer, :\IAX'S CLCBS C. J. Guthard President, ::.\Irs. G. C. Caron; Recor~1- 32 ASSOCL-\TIOX OF TUE BAR OF ing-Secretary, llrs. Geo. Seabold; THE CITY OF DETROIT Corresponding-Secretary. :\Irs. D. w·. President, Allan H. Frazer; 1st Vice­ Fox. -11S Canton aYenue; Financial .President, Sidney T. :Miller: 2d Vice­ Secretary, llrs. F. Kennedy ; Treas­ President, Robert T. Gray; Secre­ urer. :\Irs. J. A. ::\Iorse tary, Harry .J. Dingeman; Treasurer, -!3 DETROIT FISHIXG AXD HUXT­ \\·ade ::.\Iillis IXG ASSOCL\TIOX 33 DETROIT BOARD OF CO:.\IlIERCE President, M. A. licRae; Vice-Presi­ H DETROIT GOLF CL"CB dent, G. D. Pope; 2d· Vice-President. President, J. H. Emmert; Vice-Pres­ Bernard Ginsburg; Treasurer. .J. H. ident. A. J. Hood; Secretary and Haass; .. Secretary,- L. E. Wilson Treasurer, A. P. Ewing 34 DETROIT BOAT CLV"B 45 DETROIT lIOTOR BOAT CL"CB President, C. A. Newcomb, Jr.; Vice­ Commodore. \\.illiam E- Scripps ; President, E. G. 1v·asey; Secretary. ·vice-Commodore. v\:--illiam J. Gordon : S. 1Yells Utley; Treasurer, George I. Rear Commodore, Emmet P. Gray ; Berridge Secretary, George "\Y. Grayes; treas­ 36 DETROIT CH"CRCH CL"CB OF THE urer. A. D. ::.\iaguire; Fleet Captain. DIOCESE OF MICHIGAX J. K. ~Yebster; Fleet Surgeon, Dr. ,v. President. Dudley ·w. Smith: 1st D. Ford; Measurer, Eugene M. Em­ Vice-President, Robert :\I. Chamber­ mons; Quartermaster. 1\1. H. H. Von lain ; 2d Vice-President. E. A. Sum­ .Jasmund n<'r; Treasurer, J. B. Howarth; Sec­ retary. Charles 0. Ford 4 7 DETROIT M"C"SEU:M OF ART President, Bryant ,Valker; Treasurer, 37 DETROIT CLuB Percy !Yes, 502 Cass aYenue: Secre­ President. Charles F. l\1€.llish; ls: tary and Director, A. H. Griffith ; As­ Vice-President, \\:--m. H. Burtenshaw; sistant Director, C. H. Burroughs 2d Yice-President. E. G. Swift; Sec­ retary. Allen F. Edwards; Trc>asurer, 48 DETROIT IXSTITUTE OF SCI- Henry H. Sanger ; Auditor. Rufus G. EXCE Lathrop ; Chairman of House Com­ President, Jefferson Butler; Vice­ mittee, Frederick H. Holt; :VIembers President, C. E. Pressland; Secretary of House Committee, George \\-. and Treasurer, F. E. :McCain Alexander ,Frederick M. Alger. ( See 49 DETROIT XE\\:--SPAPER "\YO:\1EX list of members in bacl~ of book) President. Mrs. Ella A. ~IcCormick ; Jt4ntn9rap4y .... IN DIRECT NATURAL COLOUR IS AN INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS AT .THE STUDIOS OF -:- -:- FRANK- SCOTT CLARK 654 WOODWARD AVENUE





W. M. WALKER A. F. WALKER J. V. WALKER E. J. WALKER ltlalkrr iirns.~




1-l DETROIT 15

Secretary, :llrs. Sara T. :lioore; Treas­ Lothrop aYenue; Treasurer, Mrs. G. urer, :\:Iiss Ida F. Wain E. Van Syckle; Federation Secre­ 50 DETROIT PHILATELIC CLl.7B tary, :\!rs. S. L. Case; Custodian, President, Gen. ·C. A. Coolidge ; Vice­ 1\-Irs .Z. Rice; Auditor, :\Irs. J. B. President, Herbert Bowen; Secre­ ~·oolfenden tary-Treasurer, C. F. Heyerman; 61 DETROIT ,YOMAX'S PRESS CLUB Sales Superintendent, R. E. Smith. Honorary President-Mrs. Lucy A. ( See back of book for list of mem­ Leggett ; President, ~Irs. Delphine D. bers) Ashbaugh ; · Vice-President, :Miss 52 DETROIT RACQUET AND CURLIXG Elizabeth Stocking; Recording Sec­ CLUB retary, l\Irs. Della Bather; Corre­ President, Sidney T. l\Iiller; Vice­ sponding Secretary, )1rs. S. T. ::\Ic­ President, Russel A. Alger; Secre­ Callum ; Treasurer, :\iirs. Franc tary-Treasurer. Philip H. :\-Ic:\Iillan. Xichols ( See list of members in back of 63 DETROIT YACHT CL"CB book) Commodore, Thomas H. Be:;:-ry ; Vice­ 53 DETROIT SElIINARY ALC')I:N'AE Commodore Hugh B. Gunnison ; Rear ASSOCIATIOX Commodore. Charles Zink ; Fleet Cap­ President, :Mrs. George P. Codd; 1st tain, J. A. Owen Vice-President, :\Irs. 1Villiam E. 64 DIVERSITY LITERARY CLt;B Heames; Recording-Secretary, :\Iiss President, ::\frs. \\~. L. Heafon ; Vice­ :\Iargaret Sayres ; Corresponding Sec­ President, :\Irs. H. "';\'"ellington, Yates; retar;\·, :\Irs. Jonathan Palmer, Jr.. Recording Secretarr, :Mrs. J. S. 109 Theodore; Treasurer, :.\Iiss Thatcher; Corresponding Secretary, Blanche Jerome lirs. Thomas Forman; Treasurer, :Mrs. 55 DETROIT XAVAL RESERVES F J. Roehm; Scribe, ~Irs. J. D. Butter­ President, H. 0. Pierce; Vice-Presi­ field dent, Reginald Albertus, \\:-. J. :\Iar­ 66 FELLOW'"CRAFT CLl:B shall Auto Co., 703 ·woodward ave­ President, Harry Austin; Yice­ nue ; Secretary Treasurer; :\I. W. Rudd President, Wm. Van Sickle; Treasu­ 56 DETROIT SOCIETY OF °""OlL-\X rer, George H. Kirchner; Secretary, PAIX.';t'ERS v;.:--m. H. McBryan ; Manager, Frank President, lliss L. Crapo Smith; F. Baribeau Vice-President. :\liss Eleanor Cand­ 67 FIXE ARTS SOCIETY ler ; Treasurer, :\iiss Helen Keep ; President, Charles P. Larned; 1st Secretary, Mrs. Clarence A. Black Vice-President, 1\ralter S. Russel; 2d 5 7 DETROIT SOROS IS Yice-President, Hedley V. Richard­ President, :Mrs. W. L. Bullard; Vice- · son; Secretary. J. Edward Bland; President, :\Irs. v;,r_ H. Covell ; Re­ Treasurer, Mrs. :Mary H. Christie. cording Secretary, :\Irs. H. J. Clark ; ( See list of members in back of Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. C. book) \\:--alker; Treasurer, Mrs. J. "\"\T. 70 GREEX BAG CL-CB Holmes; Custodi~1n. :Mrs. S. Xetzorg: Seri \·ener, George B. Perry Literary Director, Mrs. F. G. Pickell ,~ HARVARD CLUB I~ MICHIGAX 58 DETROIT STRIXG ORCHESTRA President, Charles Moore ; Vice­ ASSOC IA.TI OX President. A. L. Cross; Secretary­ Countess A. G. V. Antona Treasurer, Dr. C. S. Oakman, 602 59 DETROIT WHIST CLUB Fine Arts building 60 DETROIT WOlIAX'S CLUB 73 HARMO~IE SOCIETY President, l\Irs. L. S. ·Nichols: 1st )Ir. T. J. Bosquett. 1434 :llajestic Vice-President, Dr. Lucy J. °CttC'r; building Second Yice-President. :\Irs. J. E. 7 4 HYPATL-\. CLUB Dickinson; Recording-Secretary, l\tirs. President, Mrs. F. J. Miller; Vice­ F. J. Hunt: Corresponding Sec­ President. :\Irs. S. \\~. Jackson; Re­ retary, Dr. :\Iaria B. CoolidgP. 160 cording Secretary, Mrs. W. S. Brow- i;nnutr-e,uttnn


207 Washington Arcade DETROIT

BEAUTIFUL HAIR CAN BE YOURS BY USING FAMO THE ONE HAIR REMEDY that keeps the hair and scalp clean-Promotes hair health Contains no alcohol nor scalp irritants FAM O destroys the cause of dandruff-Stops falling hair, itching of the scalp, makes the hair fluffy and full of life, and invigorating and refreshing to the scalp. HIGH CLASS REFERENCES ON REQUEST F AMO (12 oz. bottle) i 5c. at your druggist or THE FAMO CO. 502 Trombley Ave. DETROIT, MICH.


nell: Corresponding Secretary, )!rs. son ; Senior Vice-President, :\!rs. Thomas D. Bennett, 5 3 Forest ave­ Charles A. Coolidge, 510 Pasad.enu nue, \\-. ; Treasurer; :\Irs. C. :\I. .\pt. Hotel; Junior Vice-President, Beach. Mrs. Silas K. Pierce; Recorder, ·Mrs. i5 JE'\"V"ISH "·o:\IAX'S CLt:"B Julian G. Dickinson ; Treasurer, ~lrs. Hi LAFAYETTE AVE~TE BRIDGE Henry R. l\lizner, Jr.; Rt>ghstrar, CLUB :\Irs. :Xorman Flo,vers; 1.::istorian. :\Ils. J. C. Hutchins, 1-19 McDougall :.\Irs. S:..-Ivester Larned avenue 87 :\IICHIGAX SOCIIETY OF THE , , ALLIA:XCE FRAXCAISE :\IAYFLO\\-ER DESCEXDAXTS President d'Honneur, ::.\I. .Joseph Be­ Governor, B. S-. Colburn; Deputy langer; President Honoraire. :\I. The­ GoYernor, George AlYin Loud; Secre­ ophile Francois; President Actif, ::.\I. tary, Jessie Clara Chase; Treasur<'r, Charles Louis Palms: Yice-Presiclent. :.\frs. Austin Yates Ladue; Historian, )I. Regnar Kidde: Tresoriere, :\!me. Bessie llitchell "\Yest. ( See list of .Joseph Belanger; Secretaire, :\I. B. members in back of book) E. de :i\Iontigny Gingras. -!08 Fine SS :\IICHIGAX STATE Ht:")L\XE .\S- Arts building; Secretaire .-\djoint, SOCIATIOX ).l?ue. B. E. de ~Iontigny Gingras. President, Carl G. Kleinstueck; ~ec­ ( S'e1' back of book for list of mem­ retan· and Attorney, Jefferson Butler, bers) 111 7 ; Treasurer, B. A. iS LA \\-YERS' CLt:"B OF DETROIT Finney ; ExecutiYe Board. Carl G. President, ::.\Ir. James D. :\'lay; Secre-• Kleinstueck: J. C. Richardson. Isaac tan·, Rarmond E. Van Syckle; Treas­ X. Pa~-n<', B. A. Finney, Frederick "\Y. urer, ,Yilliam S. Sayres, Jr.; Execu­ :Xewton, Attorney James F. Hill, C. S. tive Board, :Matthew ~- Bishop_ t:"clell, \\-. E. Talmadge. Attorney Jef­ ,vard X. Choate and Edward :\I. Slo­ ferson Butler; Vice-Presidents, Ange­ ~an line Fowler Branch. F. D. Taylor, Dr. 79 LOYAL LEGIOX J ..T. Goodyear, )!rs. J. Eastwood, :.\Irs. ::.\Ir. F. :\I. Alger, 1203 Ford building Edith C. :\lunger, )!rs. :!\-1. E. Dunke, 80 :.\L\.GAZIXE CLUB John :\I. Hall, ~liss Rebecca L. Rich­ S1 ~IICHIGA~ A"CDt;BO:X SOCIETY mond, James L. Sibben. Charles H. President, Jefferson Butler; 1st ,-ice­ Throop, ::\Irs. Anna "\Valter, Hon. "\Ym. President, l\Irs. Edith C. :Munger : 2d B. :\Iershon, Hon. Theodore F. Shep­ Yice-President. :\Iiss Clara· Bates: ard. )!rs. t:". S. Hilts. Hon. Samuel Secretary, :'..\!rs. Anna W"alker Folz, :\Iiss Clara Bates, ,George -G. s:3 )IlCHIG..\.X n.-\.XKERS ..\SSOCL\.- ::\Ioore. D. T. \\·eis TIOX 89 :.\IICHIGAX ST-~TE FEDER.\TIOX President, Ber.Jamin F. DaYis; Vice­ OF \\-O:\IEX'S CLrB President, George E. Lawson; 2d 90 ~IICHIGAX STATE SOCIETY OF Vice-President, James R. 1Vylie; Sec­ THE DA t:"G HTERS OF FOUXD­ retary, H. M. Brown; Attorney, Hal ER~ AXD PATRIOTS H. Smith; Treasurer, James )I. Rose :\!rs. H. B. Joy, Grosse Pointe Farms 85 :\IICHIGAX SOCIETY OF COLOX- 91 :\IOl:-:XT VERXOX SOCIETY OF DE- IAL \\' A-RS TROIT Governor, John Xewbury Bagley; President, :\.I~s. Frederick B. SteYens; Deputy Governor. Edward Waldo 1st Yice-President, "Mrs. ,Yillard F. Pendleton; Secretary, 1Villiam Coop­ Parlier: 2d Yicc-Presid~nt, )!rs. Ed­ er Harris ; Treasurer, Charles :Moore ; ward ,,. Stoddard ; Recording Secre­ Registrar and Historian- Clarence :\·I. tary, )!rs. ,Ym. R. Chittick; Corres­ Burton : Chaplain. Lee S. :.\IcColles­ ponding Secretary, )fo;;s )Iarie T. Cole; ter. ( See back of book for list of Treasurer, )Irs. O. B. Taylor members) 92 XATIOXAL FOVXDERS' ASSOCL\­ 86 :.\IICHIGAX SOCIETY, DA:.\IES OF TIO:X THE LOYAL LEGIO:X Secretary, J. M. Taylor, 915 Hammond President, :!\.frs. "\"\rmiam Stephen- buildjng American Garment Cleaning Co .


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There is only one genuine OXYDONOR - which is the sole discO\·ery and im•ention of Dr. Hercules Sanche. All devices offered under a similar name are worthless and dangerous imitations, de,ised by former, unscrupulous Sales Agents for Oxydonor, to deceh·e the unwary by using the mar'\"elous record of the genuine as a bait. The g_enuine OXYDOXOR has the name of Dr. H. Sanche as well as the numbers and dates of the SEVEX PA.TEXTS controlling it, stamped in the lfetal. The imitations prove the BA.RE FRAUD by their BARE FROXT.- OXYDOXOR asks and demands INVESTIGA TIOX of its own wonderful record of 23 years public serYice. Wherever failurE>s are reported. a close inquiry will show that some imitation had been passed off as an "DIPROVED" O:X:Y­ DOXOR. Beware of those who claim to ha,e impro\·ed something that cannot be impro-ved, as Oxydonor is not a mechanical but an ORGANIC device, the right principle of ·which has become known only to its disco-verer after 34 years of untiring studies and experiments in Xature and with Xature. For full informaton. lit~rature and proofs-for the TRCTH and nothing but the Truth about 0:S:YDOXOR, addr<:'ss or call OXYDONOR SALES DEPARTMENT Third Floor-·woodward Arcade MAIN 2413 -:- CITY 6911 244 Woodward A venue DETROIT, MICH.


93 ~ATIONAL SOCIETY OF VXITED President, "\Yilliam P. Holliday; Sec­ STATES DAuGHTERS OF 181~ retary, \\"illiam H. H. Hutton, Jr.; President, ~Irs. John V. ::\Ioran; 1st Treasurer, Hamilton Dey Yice-President, :Mrs. 1Ym. R. Farrand; 104 ORPHEUS CLL"B 2d Yice President, Mrs. J. B. Xichols; President. Hedley V. Richardson; Recording Secretary, :V.Crs. James J. Vice-President, W. A. Kerr; Secre­ Brownlee ; Corresponding Secretary, tar;\·, A. L. C. Henry, 512 :.\Iajestic Miss Elizabeth Champe ; Treasurer, building; Treasurer, E. Xelson Hig­ Mrs. J. "\V. Champman gins ; Director, Frederick Alexander 94 KEEDL:::,voRK GL"ILD 105 PATRIOTIC SOCIETY OF SPAX- President, :\'.Irs. William T. E2rbour; ISH "\\:--AR VETERAN'S Vice-President, :Mrs. George T. Hen­ Commander, Louis M. Hefner ; Sen­ drie; Secretary, :i\Irs. Edith Knight ior Yice-Commander, Edward C. Butler; Treasurer, Mrs. R. :\IcC. l\Ioll ; Junior "\"ice-Commander, Her­ Brady man Bl•nton; Officer of Guard, Mar­ 9~ DETROIT XEW CE~TrRY CLUB shall M. Johnson; Chaplain, Charles President, F. S. Burgess : 1st Yice­ C. Scarlett; Adjutant. Ray Scarlett; President, :Mrs. C. E. Kilburn; Re­ Board of Trustees. John Considine, cording Secretary, i\Irs. "\Ym. H. Sul­ Jr.. Edward C. Moll, David C. :\Icll­ li\·an, 83 l\Iarston avenue; Corre­ wain sponding Secretary, :Mrs. l\1. B. 106 PHOEXIX CL'CB Brownell ; Treasurer, l\Irs. E. A. 108 PRIS)IATIC CLl"B :Maas 'President, Roy J. Cram; Yice-Presi­ 96 XE\Y ENGL.\XD SOCIETY dent, \\". S. Blau'\"'elt; Secr('tarr, Geo. President, Charles Moore; Secretary, .A. Ducharme; Treasurer, James S. Dr. Charles S. Oakman ; Treasurer, Holden. ( See back of book for list Charles A. Warren of members) 97 NE\\:-- THO"C"GHT CL"CB 112 RCSH)IERE CLUB President, C. B. Patterson; 1st Yice­ l\Ir. F. :vr. Aiken, 985 \\~oodward a,·e­ President. Mrs. ,vm. A. King; Secre­ nue a tn·-Treasurer, Miss Florence Saxby, 111 ST. AXDREW'S SOCIETY 844 Fo~rteenth avenue President, John Henry; 1st Yicc­ 98 N"E\\:-- YORK SOCIETY OF DE- President, Robert ,Vatson; 2d Yice­ TROIT President, Peter \\:--ilson; Treasurer, President, A. M .. Fisher; 1st Yice­ Alexander ,vatson; Financial Secre­ President, G. A. Lewis; 2d Vice-Pres­ tan·, G. A. L. \\ratson; Recording ident, Dr. C. L. Crittenden ; Secre­ Secretary, Da'\"id T. Rodger tar~-. S. C. Root; Treasurer, H. ,T. 112 AL"C'MXAE AXD LITERARY ASSO- "Cnder};lill CIATIOX OF THE ACADE::VIY 99 XORTH CHAN~EL CLUB OF THE SACRED HEART President, M. Orvice R. Leonard; President, Mrs. S. G. l\Iiner ; Yice­ Vice-President, Fred G. Rog: ~-ecrP­ Presiden t, l\Irs. .John Sullivan; Re­ tary and Treasurer, A. D. B. Yan cording Secretary, Mrs. F. B. Mc­ Zandt Veigh; Corresponding Secretary, l\:Uss 100 KORTHWESTERN' RE S E A R C H Grace Johnson; Trea~urC'r. lliss Ce­ CLUB celia Corcoran; Historian, )!rs. August :.\Irs. Henry X. Campbell. 42 hirby Goebel aYenue, \\-est 113 SOCIETY OF COLOXIAL DA:MES 102 OHIO SOCIETY OF DETROIT Honorary President, Mrs. Henry President, Sherman D. Callender ; Francis Le Hunte Lyster; President. Vice-President, Dudley \\r. Smith; l\Irs. John Xewbury Bagley; 1st Treasurer, Ralph Collamore ; Secre­ Vice-President, :Mrs. H. H. H. Crapo­ tary, George Trendle Smith ; 2d Vice-President, l\'.Irs. Jas. 103 OLD CLUB Cosslett Smith ; Recording Secre­ President, Richard P. Joy; Vice- tary, l\Irs. \\-illiarn S. Conant : Cor- EVERYTHING IN THE REALM OF MUSIC SOLE REPRESENTATIVES STEINWAY PIANOS GRINNELL BROS. (~~) SOHMER VOSE, STERLING, ETC. "PIANOLA"PLAYER PIANOS AN IMMENSE STOCK OF VICTOR,TALKING MACHINES, VICTROLAS EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, ETC GRINNELL BROS. GRINNELL BLDG. HEADQUARTERS 243-247 WOODWARD AVE.


Among Pianos, one illm:trious make-STEINWAY-is universally acknowledged to be supreme. It is the World's Leader-the Standard by which all other Pianos are judged. (_j[ Similarly in the realm of the Motor Car the name GRINNELL is accepted as a guaranty of Highest Quality, Smartest Style and Ut­ most Reliability. This Matchless Car has set a new standard for Luxuriousness and Efficiency. «.ii The Grinnell Electric is 1,uilt in Detroit by the GRIN~ELLS of Music House fame. This in itself establishes the high character and worth of the Car, for if it did not fully embody the Grinnell ideals of QUAL­ ITY and SERVICE-if it did not fully measure up to the splendid reputation of this great House-it would not bear the name .. Grinnell.•• GRINNfLL flfCTRIC CAR CO. GARAGE AND SALESROOM 467-469 WOODWARD AVE.


rt>sponding ~••(·retary. :\Iiss CornPlia ,Yilliam P. Hamilton; Secretary, L. Lois Campbell: Treasurer. :\Irs. S. Trowbridge, Jr. Frederick T. Ranney : Registrar. :\Iiss 124 l7XIYERSITY 0.F :\I.ICHIGAX CLDB Harriet E. Prt•sc-ott Farnsworth : Pres., L. C. Stanley, '76; Vice-Pres., Historian, :\Iiss Helen Elizabeth F. D. Xicol. '07; Treas., R. E. Yan Keep Syckle, '91; Secy., F. G. Dewey, 02; 114 SOCIETY OF COLOXIAL \YA.RS Asst. Secy. and Treas., C. E. \Vise. '08. I~ TIIE STATE OF :\IICHI­ 125- VASSAR STuDEXTS AID SO- GAN CIETY Go\"ernor, John Xewbur~- Bagley; Dep­ :\lrs. Alex. K. Gage uty GoYernor, Edward "\'\:-aldo Pen­ 126 "\'\-AYXE C01;XTY :\IEDICAL SO­ dleton ; Secretary, "\'\.illiams Cooper CIETY Harris; Treasure1·, Charles :\Ioore; Dr. .James B. Book Registrar and Historian, Clarence 127 "\'\-AYXE CLt.:"B :M:. Burton ; Chaplain, Lee S. l\'IcCol­ 128 ,YEDXESD.\ Y HISTORICAL CLLB Iester. (See back of book for list of members) 129 "\YILLL.\:v.I~ COLLEGE ALD:v.IXI A.S- 115 SOCIETY OF FOREIGX "\'\:--A.RS SOCIATIOX OF' :MICHIGAX 116 MICHIGAX SOCIETY SOXS OF President. Dr. "Ray Ccmnor; Vice­ THE A.:MERICAX -{EVOLU- President, Frederick T. Harward; Sec­ TIOX retary, E. Crosby Doughty President, Re\·. Lee S. l-IcCollester, 132 ,vr)IODAUGHSIS CLUB . D. D.; Vice-President, Joseph Greu­ President, :Mrs. George E. Lawson; sel, Secretary, "\Yilliam C. Harris; Vice-President, :Mrs. \\--. A. C. Miller; Treasurer, Enoch Smith; Registrar, Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. W. P. Hol­ Raymond E. Yan S:rckle : Chaplain, lida::-·, 68 DaYenport Rt. ReY. Charles D. "\'\:-illiams; His­ 131 \\-OMA.X'S HISTORICAL CLUB torian, Clarence ~I. Burton President. Mrs.• Jasper Gates; Yice­ 117 TAG BETA SORORITY President, :\Irs. Louis Goux; Secre­ :\frs. Ernest )I. Baker,_ 223 E. Grand tary, Mrs. L. M. :\Iorse : Treasurer, houl<'\"ard :\Irs. George A. Lewis 119 TRAXSPORTATIOX CL"CB 132 "\'\-0:\-IAX'S IXDOOR ATHLET'IC Presiderit, L. ~I. ,Yhite; Vice-Presi­ CLl:-B dents, F. "·· Dolle and A. Christian­ President. lfrs. S. Hendrie; Vice­ sen: Secretary, \Y. lt. Hurl<·'~- : Tr•-'a":• President, Mrs. T. G. Fletcher; Secre­ urer. Homer .ilerman LiebPrman : tary, ::\Iiss E. Armstrong: Treasurer, Chairman of the Entertainment Com­ :Mrs. H. B. Jo::-·. ( See back of book mittee. \\·alter C. )lu<'lkr for li8t of members) 120 Tl:-ESDAY :\lt.:"SICALE 133 YALE ALuMXI ..-\SSOCIATIOX President, Mrs. Boris L. Ganapol; Vice­ :\Ir. Edward Donnelly, "Rathmor," President, Mrs. J. F. MacFarland; Bloomfield Hills. l'.Iich. Secretary, ::\Iiss Elizabeth Bennett, 134 YOXDOTEGA CLrB 481 John R.; Treasurer, :\!rs. Louise Chairman, Philip H. l\Ic:\1illan ; Vice­ Unsworth Cragg President, Cameron Currie ; Bursar, 122 T\VEXTIETH CEXT"CRY CLUB Henry Ledyard: Rt'gistrar. F. l\L President. :Mrs. HomC'r E. Safford; AlgC'r. ( See back of l>ook for Jist of Yice-President, Mrs. S. J. SerYice: Re­ members) cording Secretary, :\Irs. C. "\'\-. Case; 137 Y. ,~/. C. A. Corresponding Secretary, :Miss Bessie Mr. George O. Begg Smith ; Treasurer, ::\frs. 0. R. Bald­ Mrs. Claude S. Briggs win. ( See back of book for list of 139 AFTERXOOX STCDY CLrB members) 140 BL00:\1FIELD HILLS cor:\'TRY 12 3 l:"XIVERSITY CLGB CLUB President, Henry E. Bodman; Vice­ President, Edwin S. G<>orge; Vice­ President, )I. B. Snow ; Treasurer. President, ,Villiam T. Barbour; Sec- DIAMOND CUTTERS, DIAMOND SETTERS, ENGRAVERS. DESIGNERS. ENAMELERS. REPAIRERS OF SILVER­ WARE. GOLD A~D SIL\'ER PLATI~G. APPRAISERS.

TRADE MARK ltry4iug fSrns. ilfg. C!rn.



FACTORY, WHOLESALE A~D RETAIL SALESROOMS 237-241 WoodiYard Ave. DETROIT, MICH. ,rd Floor Annis Fur Building

The Imported and Domestic Lingerie Place te Get Smart Things Neckware and Coat Sets

Bridal Trousseaux Lounging Robes, Maternity and House a Specialty Gowns and Breakfast Jackets Imported and Lingerie Bouquets Silk Hosiery Perfumes and Toilet Luxuries

Mrs. Marie Phone P. Wreaks THE SMART SHOP Cherry 1857-R Room 203, Second F_loor Scherer Building Between Farmer S~eet and Broadway Entrance 27 Grand River East (Opposite The LB King Building)


retary and Treasurer, John ,Y. Sta­ Presidt:>nt. lliss Lo1a B. Gregory; Re­ ley cording Secretary, Miss Lillian Ber- 1-11 C.\THOLIC STl:-DY CLUB 1-y; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Mrs. V. D. Cliff, 3-l Longfe1low an·­ Samuel Russell; Treasurer, Miss Har­ nue riet Barrier. H:! CLIO CLUB 151 I>ETROIT TrBERCl:-LOSIS SAXI­ President, l\.frs. X ettie :M. Coulter ; TORil:-lI ASSOCIA:rIOX Yice-President, :\frs. :Mary E. Chand­ l\.Ir. Sherman L. Depew, 1781 ,Jeffer­ ler ; Secretar:-:-Treasurer, :Miss Loui!":e son avenue Digneit; Corresponding :--ec>retary. 1 :i:! FEDERATIOX OF :\IEX'S CHURCH Mrs. Laura Smith; First Director. ORGAXIZATIOXS OF DETROIT )!rs. B<'rtha Sessions ; Second Direc­ :\Ir. Wm. S. Power, 1003 Pasadena tor. :\lrs. Xe1lie Payne Apartment 1-1:~ DETROIT EQCAL S"CFFR.\GE AS­ 15:~ HCROX l-IOC'XTAIX CL'CP. SOCI.-\.TIOX President, John M. Longyear; Yice­ Mrs. R. Ainsworth, 16-1 Ferry a \-enue. President. Char1es H. Hodges; Secre­ '\Vest tary and Tr<'asurer. Bryant \\-alker. 14-l DETROIT HO:\IE ~!AKERS' CLUB ( See back of book for list of mem­ President, ::VIrs. H. ::i.\I. Snyder ; Yice­ bers) President, Mrs. D. Vt. Beck;_ Record­ 15-1 lHCHIG.\X XAVAL BRIGADE ing Secretary, Mrs. D. H. Hall ; C01·­ Commander, D. B. Duffield ;· Lieuten­ responding Secretary, Mrs. E. Harris ; antCommander. J. F. Lewis; Paymas­ Treasurer. :\.Iiss M. Pettibone : Histor­ ter, J. G. l\IcHenn,·; Lieutenants, H. ian and Custodian, :\Irs. J. Treadwell H. Emmons, E. J. Shipman, C. B. Lun­ 145 DETROIT :MEDICAL CLUB dy, S. "'· 'C'tley ; Lieutenant Junior Dr. F. B. "\Yalker, 612 \\'.""ashington grades, Edward Donnelly, M. ,v. Arcade Rudd; Ensigns, \\i... illiam J. :\Iarshall. 146 DETROIT PARLIAliEXTARY LA\\. D. lI. )Iason, Hubert )I. O'Brien ; CL"GB Assistant Surgeon, William F. Kahl. President, l\.Irs. Emma ·A. Fox; 1st 155 XO. \\-OOD\YARD '\\~OME~'S CLl:-B Vice-President, Mrs. J. C. Hickey; 2d Mrs. Frank H. Bamlet, 2-120 '\\;rood­ Vice-Presi-d.ent, :Mrs. George G. Ca­ wa1·d a venue ron; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Geo. 156 PARlIEXAS CLl:-B I. Berridge ; Treasurer, )Irs. George> President. :\Irs. George Streh1inger: D. 'Wilcox \"ice-President, Mrs. \Yalter T. Brad­ 147 DETROIT REAL ESTATE BO.\RD ford; Recording Secretary, :\.frs. C. E. :Mrs. F. H. Bessenger, 812 l7nion Campbell : Corresponding Secretary, Trust building :\!rs. J. R. Fortune; Treasurer, lirs. 148 DETROIT REVIE'\Y CLl:B F . .J. Robinson President, Mrs. E. S. Leonard: 1st 15i SCHUBERT CL"CB Vice-President, Mrs. George Seabold; President, George F. w·. Reid: Secre­ 2d Vice-President, Mrs. Theo. Young; tan:, J. S. Van Alstyne; Treasun'r, Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. P \\rood­ I,. C. Bridgman ward; Corresponging S<'cretar~-. Mrs. 15 8 SO1.:-THER~ SOCIETY OF DE- A. E. Stewart; Treasurer, Mrs. \\:""m. TROIT C. Newton President, Frank C. Sibley; Vice­ 149 DETROIT ROTARY CL1J"B President. Rev. John H. Boyd; 2d President. C. Edward Knight: Vice­ Yice-President: George L. Mathias: Presidents. F. J. Robinson. W. T. Treasurer, ·Rev. .J. T. l\IcGarvey, 61 Gregory: Treasurer, F. J. Campbell; Euclid avenue; Secretary, B. C. Secn•tary, D. H. Bower; Statistician, Gaines G. F. '\V. Reid; Sergeant-at-Arms, \\·. 159 YALHALLA CLUB B. "\Vood: Directors. '\\;r. T. Gregory, 160 ,vITEXAGEMOTE CLUB Harold· Helmer. F. X...... ull, J. \\:"'. ExecutiYe Committee, Jas. Caslett Ballantine, A. B. Lowrie Smith, I. T. Cowles. J. ::\Iaxwell Grylls. 150 DETROIT STrDY CLUB ( See back of book for list of mem­ President, Mr~. B. B. Pe1ham; Vice- bers) WIKANDER INSTITUTE

YOU CAN BECOME 100% EFFICIENT THROUGH OUR SYSTEM OF "Natural" Treatments We can make you STRONG and VIGOROUS, full of life and energy. We can free you from CHRONIC AILMENTS, make every organ of your body strong as nature intended. ' Our System of Treatments include SWEDISH MASSAGE AND MOVEMENTS, SYSTE­ MATIC AND CURATIVE EXERCISES, VIBRATORY AND ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS, ELECTRIC ... $:~:;."~:•.::::•••;\a: ••••• LIGHT. BATHS, HYDRO-­ PATHIC TREATMENTS, DIETETICS, ETC.

Our Institution is equipped with the finest and most up­ to--date appliances.


We guarantee thorough and skillful treatment by compe­ tent operators.


161 W.. O:VIAX'S RESEARCH CLrn Henry. ( See bac-k of book for list President, :Mrs. Charles H. Smith : 1st of members) Yice-President, :V.Crs. \Ym. H. Beck: 1 ,O FOXTIXALIS CLL"B 2d Vice-President. ::\frs. Arthur G. President, Henry Russel; Secretary, Rathbone; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Henry Ledyard; Treasurer, H. L. Sarra Garratt; Corresponding Secre­ Jenness. ( See back of book for list tary, ::.\Irs. \Yilliam :i\I. Berridge, 16~ of members) Cal. aYenue; · Treasurer, :\I rs. A. \V. Barbier 171 DETilOIT ORCHESTRAL ASSOCL\- TJOX lG~ .AUTO::.\IOBILE CLrB OF DETROIT President, \Ym. H. l\Iurphy; Yice­ President, Frank H. \Yhelden: Yice­ President, Frederick Alger; Secre­ President, Abner E. Larned : Treas­ :vr. tary, Xewton J. Corey; Treasurer, u rcr, Cullen Brown: Secretary, llen­ ry L. \Yalker Charles ::\Ioore 163 GROSSE POIXTE RIDIXG AXD 1 ,2 SHAKE~PEAR S'f"C"DY CL-CB HuXT CL"CB President, ::\Irs. "-- ~I. TreYor; Di­ President, Burns Henry: Yice-Presi­ rector, )lrs. :.\I. A. Bolt dent. Henry T. Cole: Secretary and 1 ,;3 GROSSE ILE COL"XTRY CL"CB Treasurer, Edward A. Sumner. (See President, H. Leonard \\'.""ilton; Vicc­ back of book for list of membl•rs) President, Dr. Ernest L. Shurly: 16-1 DETROIT TEXXIS CLl7B Secn•tary. \Ym. H. Gage ; . Treasurer. President, Charles P. Spicer Robert A. Alexander 165 IXDL\X YILLAGE CL"CB 1 i -1 THE \YEST EXD CL"CB President, \Yayland D. Stearns: Yice­ Honorary President, Judge Henry S. President. l'1iss liadeleine X. Xew­ Hulbert: President, L. S. Trowbridge. man; Secretary and Treasurer, R. Jr.; Secretan·, \Yetmon~ Hodges: )ilcClelland Brady. ( For list of mem­ Treasurer. C. B. Hull, Jr. ; Instructor, bers see back of book) Thomas Sayres 166 THEATRE ARTS' CLl;B 1 ,5 YISITIXG XURSE ASSOCIATIOX President, Mrs. Charles P. Larned: President. )!rs. Lucian S. l\Ioorl:! ; Vice-President, :VIrs. Xellie P. Saun­ Yice-President, :Mrs. Frederick !\I. dPrs; Se'cretary, :\!rs. James :\Iurfin : Alger: Secretary, .Miss Est<.>lle .-\rm­ Treasurer, l-Irs. Edwin Denby. ( See strong; Treasurer, Mrs. Frederick E. back of book for list of members) Searle 16, THE PLAYERS l ,G ALCMXAE SOCIETY OF LIGGETT Chairman, Charles P. Larned: Yice­ SCHOOL Chairman, Leonard L. Carle~· : Treas­ :\Iiss Helen H. Hamlin, 719-2 a ,enue urer, Alexander K. Gage ; Se:::'.retary, 111 DETROIT SOCIETY FOR THE Edgar Bowen STL"DY" AXD PREYEXTIOX OF 168 GARDEX CLUB OF :\IICHIGAX TUBEHC"CLOSIS President. Mrs. Francis King: ls~ President, )-!rs. Hermann Dey; 1st Vice-President, ),frs. Truman H. Xew­ Vice-President, Dr. Herbert :\L Rich; berry ; 2d Vice-President, ::.\Irs. Ben­ 2d Yke-President. :Miss Clara E. jamin S. \Yarren; 3d Yice-Pre~ident. Dyar; Secretary, :\Irs. Clara B. Ar­ :\.Irs. Charles A. DuCharme; Record­ thur: Treasurer, :!.\-Irs. B. C. \\-hitney ing Secretary, ::.\-Irs. Edward H. 1 i S ALL":\1XI SOCIETY OF HARPER Parker; Corresponding ~ecretary, HOSPITAL ::.\Irs. Andrew H. Gn•en. Jr.: ·rreas­ Honorary Presidents. Dr. H. 0. urer, :\Irs. Henry L. -n-alker: Libra­ \\-alker, Dr. Angus :\IcLean. Dr. P. rian, :VI rs. HarYy ::\:Iiller. ( See bar;k l\L Hiekey: President. Dr. J. K. of book for list of members) Gail('y; 1st Yice-President, Dr. A. E. 169 .AERO CL"C"B OF :\ITCHIGAX Owen; 2d Yice-President. Dr. Grant President, R.. A. Alger; Treasurer. ::\IcDonald; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. R. D. Chapin ; Secretary, Burns Alexander \\-. Blain HIDY& JEWELERS WOODWARD AVENUE AT GRAND RIVER


2G An Exclusive Women's Shop

in the heart of the shopping district. It is delightful when you are tired of the department store confusion and hurry, to step into this pleasant shop, devoted exclusively to Women's and Children's Fine Footwear, and be intelligently fitted with comfortable shoes. CJ! Stop in the next time you are in the neigh­ borhood, and look over the grand assortment of beautiful Styles in Dress and Walking Boots, Pumps, Oxfords, Evening Slippers, in fact there is everything, in Fine Footwear, that a woman may want. -:- -:- -:- SHOCKEY The Store of Famous Shoes 215 Woodward

Detroit Society Alpabetical Index

~ BBOTT, l\Ir. and )Irs. Edwin \Y. ( :\faps) ..-\dams. :\Ir. l\Iichad A. ..&\. l--Iiss Lillian Abbott · 960 Cass avenue 179 Selden avenue )Ir. John James Adams Clubs, Mr. 45 :Miss Isabel A. Adams Abel, :\Ir. and lfrs. Frederic L. (Le-ggett) _-\iken, :\Ir. and Mrs. Friend :iVI. ( Carrier) 1900 ,Yoodward a\·enue 46 \Yarren avenue, East Sum. Res.: The ,Ymows, Pontiac, Sum. Res.: Bay View, l\Iich. Mich. Clubs, 2"5-33-37-110-16:2-164-lfrs. 25- Recei\·es 1Vednesday 91. Clubs. Mr. 54-10:2-115-:\Irs. 17-26- Ailes, :\Ir. and :\Irs. James ":-in (Bradley) 54-120-122-175 The Addison AppartmPnts, "\\:-ood­ ..-\bre~-. :\Ir. and :Mrs. George T. (Abbott) wa rd street. cor Charlotte street 985 Second avenue Clubs, Mr. 33-102 Sum. Res. : Grande Pointe, St. _\ ins·worth, :VIr. and Mrs. Ralph Clair Flats (Eisenhart) Ackley, :\Ir. and :\Irs. X. Bates 164 Ferry aYenue. ,Yest (Waterman) Cluus. )Irs. 60-122-14:1 47 Euclid avenue East .\lbee, lir. and )Irs. Orton \Y. (Littell) Clubs, :M:r. 44 1 71 7 ,v oodward a venue Adams, :Miss Annie Graves Sum. Res.: near So. Bristol, :Maine 726 Jefferson a"·enue Receives Tuesday Receives Friday Clubs. Mr. 33-37-41. Adams, l\tlrs. Francis (Duncan) Albertson, Mr. and :\!rs. Frank L. 1002 The Pasadena ( Elliott) :\'.liss Katharine l. Adams (Sigma 300 Warren aYenue. W Gamma) Sum. Res.: "The "\\1 aldemere," Clubs, :Mrs. 91-122 Mullet Lake. :\Iich. Figures refer to club mcmber8-.,;;ce front of book. 28 THE SOCIE1.'Y BLUE BOOK

Albertus, lir. and Mrs. Harold Y. _-\lger, ):Jr. and Mrs. Rus~ell A. (Jarves) ( Annie :\I. Randall) "The ::\Ioorings," Grosse Pointe 199 Webb avenue Farms, :Mich. Mr. Harold R. Albcrtus. 55 Clubs. ).fr_ 25-33-34-37-45-52-55-63- ::'.\ir. Reginald C. _-\lbertus, 55 103-116-134-16'.2-163-169, also Xcw Clubs, l\Ir. 11-55 York Yacht Club; Aero Club of Albrecht, :\Ir. Albert A. America and Automobile Club of 57 Martin place Americ·a-Mrs. 29-6,-1:32-168-17;',. Sum. Res.: Grosse Pointe .Allan. liiss Mr. ,valter G. Albrecht. 7 3 care of ::\Irs. ":--idrnan l\Ir. Edward L. Albrecht, 73 204 Atkinson aYenue Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pfeiffer (Albrecht) Clubs, )Ir. 73 Allee, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Herbert D. (Coit) Clubs. Mr. 12-33-73-83-110 32 Delaware :n·enue Albrecht, Mr. and l\iirs. Gustav J. (Hess) )Ir. ,v. C. Allee, -14 (Princeton 556 Brush BouleYard "Cniversity) l\Iiss Florene<:' A. Albrecht Clubs. Mr. 3,-H-:\Irs. 1~~ ).fiss Sybilla II. .A.lbrecht ..\llen, Mr. and l\Irs. Albert " .. ( \Yhitaker) Clubs, Mr. 6:l 16 91. Brush street Alden, ::'.\frs. Margaret H. :\Ir. B:rron "-- Allen 147 Englewood aYenue Clubs, l\Irs. 122 Allen, ReY. and :.\Irs. Chas. B. (Andrc~·s) Aldrich. Hon. and Mrs. Fred H. (Isbell) 110 Hazelwor>d a\·enue 272 Ferry aYenue, E Clubs, Rev. I::s5-152-)[rs. 26-!ti; Sum. Res. : CharleYoix. l\Iich. Allen. :\Iiss l\largard Receives Wednesday · Care of :\iirs. '\Yilkinson :Mr. Fred H. Aldrich, Jr. :380 Cadillac an"nue Mr. F. Co~"!pton Aldrich )Ir. and )!rs. :\Iark \Y. ()Ia:--h'n 1 :\fiss :Mae Aldrich Miss Corinne Aldrich -125 Hurlbut a\·enue Clubs, Mrs. 7 4 Clubs, :Mr. 30-63-66-73-116 Aldrich. l\fr. and Mrs. Ralph L. (Beagle) .Allen, :\Ir. On-me C . · 282 Troquoi~ ::iYenuP l 30 Dubois street Clubs. :\Ir. 32-33-34-36-37-123-:\1:rs. ReceiYes Friday 20-94-122 :Miss Fredrika D. Allen Miss Elinor Sheldon Allen Alexander. :\Ir. and ::.\!rs. Archibald (Linn) Clubs. Mr. 79, also Army and :XaY~• ·'Willowbank,., Grosse Ile. Club. Kew York City; Grosse Ile Alexander. Mr.- George °":-· Country Club "The Palms." 44i Jefferson a,·enue Clubs. Mr. 16-25-29-34-3i-135-li5 Allen, Mr. Richard "-­ Alexander, Mrs. George "'\\-. The CharlesYoix 203 The Pasadena, 724 Jefferson Clubs, l\Ir. 116 • avenue Allen ::\Iiss SylYia Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile. 99 Eliot street Miss Emily Alexander :;,\Iiss Julia Larned Allen. "67-122 Clubs, :Mrs. 86 Clubs, :.\fiss 6, -122-137 · Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland B 1\ ,,,. -n:- H ( ~ ( Sibley) Allen: .l:fr. and .;.urs. n' m. . Johnson) 1055 .Tefferson a1:enue lZO Stanton a Yenue Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile. Allen. :'.\Ir. and ::\Irs. "-illiam H. Clubs, Mr. 16-25-52-67-123-124-l\'.Irs. j., (Raymond) 16-20-21-67-125-166 "Island View." Grosse Ile Alexander, Mr. and l\frs. Robert A. "-- R. Solony Lodge Gr~~s~erl:.y) Alley, :i\Ir. and ::.\:Irs .•John J. (Roberts) Alger, Mrs. Annette (wid. Russel A. 86 Forest avenue, ,Y (Henry) Alley. :Miss Sadie :\I. 150 Fort Street. W 356 Fort street. "- Clubs, :Mrs. 26-122. Allison, Dr. and l\Irs. Frank B. (Perkins) Alger, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick. l\Ioulton 39 Alexandrine aYenue, ":- (Swift) ;· Clubs, Dr. 126. Grosse Pointe, Mich. .,i -"""-'ltlan d , 1,·":\I r. and 1M rs. D an 'l F•. R eceiYes Tu~sday ("Toodbur:v) Clubs, Mr. 25-29-33-37-47-52-67-72- Grosse Pointe Farms 79-103-116-123-134-162-163-169. also Clubs, l\Ir. ~5-32.-37-,0-123; also Metropolitan Club. Washington, D. Park Club and Kalamazoo Coun- c...- ; University Club of Chicago : try Club of Kalamazoo-::\Irs. 9-132- N. Y. Yacht Club: Aero Club J>f - . 17~ America: Army and Navy Club (t)f:.. ::~:... ,vashington; 1.:"niversity Club of Amberg, Mrs., )Iary (:Mauch) Xew York. and HarYard Club of- 287 Parker a,·enue Xew York-Mrs. 16-67-132-168-175 :\Ir. Adolph Amberg, 33 Figures refer to club members-see front of bool,·. DETROIT

Anderson. Dr. and lfrs. Brue<' (:\IcYittie) Andrews, :i\tir. and ::\Irs. Cor~- L. ( \Yilson) i78 Forest aYnne. E aYenue Sum. Res. : Brandon. Yt. :\Iiss Catherine ..-\ndrus • :.\Irs. James T. Birchard ( \Yhite) Clubs. :\Ir. 25-:H-37-G7-~ll"s. 67-120- :\iirs. :Marion l-1. Shepn rd 132 Clubs, :\Ir. 12 Angell, Hon. and :\-!rs. AlE>xis C. ( Cooley J Anderson. :\Ir. and Mrs. George S. (Boyle) -19 "\Yatson street The Xortlrwood Ap:1rtments, G:~o ::\Iiss Sarah C. Angell, 9-20-67-77-125- Cass aYenue 1:37 :.\fr.• James B. Angell, 2d ..-\nderson, Dr. and 1\Irs. Gilbert .J. Clubs, Hon. 25-32-33-70-96-108-123- (Bennett) 124-135-lirs. 122-137-175 408 Penns~·lvanta aYenue Clubs, Dr. 126-175 · Angell, :i\Ir. George Hall 607 The Pasadt-na Anderson. :\'!rs. Ida )I. (Tibball~) Clubs. )fr. :!5-3-i-37-52-123, also The 6 Adams aYenue, "\Y Hunt Club Re·ceiYes Thursda~- :\Irs. Harriett G. 'fibballs .-\nketell, :\Ir. nnd ::\Irs. Thomas Jackson C:.\Iills) Anderson, :\Ir. and l\Irs. John :::u. ( Sims 'i 195 ::\!,:~Dougall aYenuc 312 Putnam an~nue Sum. Res. : Croswell, l\Iich. Clubs, l\Ir. 39-:.\Irs. HS l\Irs. ~·ildman l\Iills Anderson, :\Ir. and :\lrs. John "\Y. (Doeltz) Clubs, :\Ir. 12-25-33-~6-37-66-83-1-10- 196 Iroquois a Yenue 162, also Calum<'t Club of Chicago Clubs. l\Ir. 18-25-32-33-3-1-36-37-70-l:J6- · )!rs. 9-91-113-175 123~134-165 .\ngstman, l\Ir. and Mrs. Oscar Edward Anderson, Mr. and :.\Irs. Kenneth (Smith) (:i\ilcYittie) 277 Putnam aYenue 149 Canfield aYenue. "\Y Sum. Res. : "\Yillow Bank Cottage, Oxley, Canada. Anderson. l\Irs. l\1ar:r B. ( SteYE'ns) ::\:Iiss Charlotte S. Angstman, 20-22- 140 Canfield a Yenue, "\Y 1 •)•~ Anderson, :\Irs. Thomas H. (Coburn) Mr. Roger "-·· Angstman 37 Hancock a\·,,nue. E Clubs, l\Ir. 1-32-!\frs. 22-42-54-89- :\Ir. Fred H. .\nderson. 66 122-124-175 Anderson. :\,Ir. ~:-ells X. Annis. :\Ir. and Mrs. Xewton (CulYer) 34 Blaine aYenue The Addison )Iiss Julie D. Anderson Clubs. lir. -1-1-66-~'.t.rs. 120-122 Anderson, Mr. and :Mrs .. ,~·illiam C. Anthony, l\Irs. Elizabeth S. (Cole) 65 Rowena street 79 "-·inder aYenue :Miss A. Lynelle Anderson :\fiss Anna J. Warren Clubs, :.V.Ir. 11-25-37 -103-::\Irs. 175 Clubs. ::VIrs. 122 ..1.nderson. l\Ir. and l\-Irs. ,Vm. H. •.\nthony, :\Ir. and :.\Irs. G('orge R . (McYittie) ( Hollo,va~-) 302 Penns:i,-lYania aYenue l;i-1 Longfellow a,·enue Miss Mary M. Anderson Clubs, :\Ir. 44 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. 30 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Anthony, l\fr. and ::\lrs. Howard B. Armstrong, )Jr. and :\!rs. J. Gourley {Fairbairn) ( :Vleddaugh) 1216 Cass avenue Grosse Pointe :\-liss Margaret E. Anthon~• Armstrong. Dr. Oscar S. Clubs. l\Ir. 33-39--43-110-116-:\Irs. 8G Hancock avenue, \\·. 19-42-122-137 l\Iiss ..:-\ rmstrong Antisdel. :Mr. John P. Mr. Harold H. Armstrong, 78 · 319 Jefferson aYenue Clubs, Dr. 126-127 :\Iiss Ella M. Antisdel, 26-12::! Miss l\finnie B . ..-\.ntisdel, 26 Arnold, Mrs. H .•J. ( Shaffer) Clubs. Mr. 32-78-116-135 208 Chandler avenue Antona, Count and Countess Alessa.ndro l'.Iiss Carrie S. Arnold G. V. (Halliday) _.\rthur, Mrs. James (P~ters) 223 Alger a,·enue 96 Boston boulevard E Sum. Res.: near Arona, Lali:f-' Sum. Res.: "Echo Hill," ,Vestfield, l\Iaggiore. Italy X. B. Receives "-·ednesda~- ::Vlr. Kenneth A. Arthur. 34-44. also Clubs, Count 67-171-Countess 9-5S- Detroit Tennis Club · · 61-67-112-122-14 3-171 :\Iiss Nathalie Arthur, 143 Apel, Mr. and l\lrs. Franz A.. (O'Connell) Miss :vruriel Arthur 894 °"'oodward avenue Clubs, :\!rs. 57-122-143 :Miss Aileen Apel _.\shbaugh, l\'.Ir. and Mu~. Rie H. (Dodge) l\Iiss Bell Apel 33 Boston boulevard. E Appelbe, Dr. and Mrs. ,vmiam (Luke) Clubs. )lrs. 42-61-89-122-137-148, 279 Commonwealth avenue also Detroit Equal Suffrage I..ea­ Receives third Thursday guE:'. ::\lichigan State Press Asso­ Apthorp, Miss Ella L. ciation Care of )!rs Olds, 632 Cass avenue ..\shley. l\Ir. and )Irs. Edward H. Archer, :Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. (Parson~> (Belknap) 81 Philadelphia avenue, E il Garfield avenue Receives Thursday Clubs, :.V.Crs. 122-175 Clubs. Mrs. 9 5 Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Percr (Reid) Armstrong, )Irs. Albert John 45 Hazelwood avenue · ( Glenna Paige) Clubs, Mr. 45-102-:VCrs. 95-14 2 960 Second avenue Sum. Res.: ::\Iarine City. :Mich. Aspinall, ~Irs. l\1ary C. {Gray) Armstrong, Mr. and :\lrs. Aikman ( Eddy) 864 Cass avenue 355 Hurlbut avenue Atchison, l\'Irs. _-\lice (t.:Jark) Armstrong, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Arthur R. Grosse Ile ( Clark) _.\ tkins, :\Ir. Edward 7 6 2 Brush street The Adison Clubs. Mr. 34 Clubs, Mr. 36 • Armstrong, :\fr. and Mrs. Edwin Eugene (Mccutcheon) _.\ tkinson, Dr. and :\Irs. Arthur S. 67 °"·atson street (:VlcFaul) Sum. Res. : Langholm Lodge, Port J 08 Brainard strPet Huron. :Mich. Sum. R~s.: Ba~·field. Ont. Receives :\-Ionda~· lfr. Garnet S. Atkinson Mr. Philip McCutcheon Armstrong. Clubs, Dr. 1~6 25-34-123 , Atkinson, l'Ir. and )[rs. Frank ,Y. ( Lang) :v.nss Josephine l\-Ioo1·e Armstrong 112 Eliot street Clubs. Mr. 25-33-3-l-:37 Clubs. )Ir. 78-104 Armstrong, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Geo. A. (Howard) _-\tkinson. Mr. and Mrs. John (James) 6 8 King a venue 734 Brush street Clubs, Mr. 33-43-110 Mr. Charles Frederic ::\Iorse Armstrong, Miss Harriett l\l Atkinson. Re,·. and 1\-Irs. ,Ym. A. 355 Lincoln avenue 85 ::VIissouri a ,·enue :Miss Louise Armstrong Clubs, :.\:lrs. 22 :Miss Jane Armstrong Armstrong, Mr. and )1rs. Henry T. Atterbury. Mrs. Harriet Xichols (Aikman) Grosse Pointe F~rms 307 John R. str<'et Sum. Res.: Grosse PointP Farms Sum. Res., Gratiot Beach Clubs, Mrs. 16-2:-i-94-120-132, also Miss Estelle R. A rm~trong Fine Arts, Grosse Pointe Riding Mr. Henry I. Armstrong. .Jr. and Hunt Clubs, Mr. 37 ..-\.twater. :\Ir. and :\Irs. _\lmon B. Armstrong, Mr. and :VCrs. Herb<'rt · (Thompson) (Bolton) 60 Hanc-oek ave>nue. E 293 Burns avenue Sum. Res. : Pointe aux Barques Receives Frida)- lliss Mary Thompson Miss Minnie Arm~trong Clubs. :Mr. 7-3:l-:14-39-44-102-108-116- Clubs, :Mr. 34-:\Jrs. 132-175 140-)lrs. 9-91-122-131 l'i!Jure8 refer to club members-see front of book. DETROIT 31

Austin, :\Ir. and Mrs. ]yederic George Bachmann, :\fr. and ::\Irs. Charles A. (Smith) ( \\:-e bster) 1-135 Champlain street 292 Putnam a \·enue Clubs, Mr. 25-3-1-37-13-1. Clubs, :\Ir. 34 Austin, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Harry cw·arren) Bachner, :\Ir. Xathaniel E. 286 Grand boulevard, E 100 Trumbull an~nuc Clubs, l\Ir. :3-1--15-66 Austin, Miss Helene Backus, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Albert P. ( Farr) 75 Ledyard street 153 Blaine avenue Averill, :\Ir. and Mrs. Frank \\'". (Sanders) :\:Irs. E. F. Buck 313 ,Yarren aYenue. "\V. Backus, Mr. and ::\'.Irs. Charles F. )Iiss Harriet G. Sanders (Goc>bel) :\'liss Marv J. Sanders 84 Canfield aYenue. E. Clubs. Mr·s. 14 8 :Miss :.\1argaret L. Backus Axery Mr. ·and Mrs. Clarence "\Y Miss Christine D. Backus ("\Varner) l\Ir. Charles F. Backus, Jr. 364 :Montclair street Clubs, Mr. 30-39-50-66-73 Clubs, ::.\lrs. 2~ lJackus, Mrs. Charles K. (Standish) AYery~ Mrs. George E. (Tarbell) 51 Ferry a Yenue, E 3063 East Grand boule\·ard Clubs, lir-s. 26-86 ..-\ Yery, Mr. Harry Eugene :! 0 Kirb,· street. W"" Backus. lir. Henry X. Clubs, )Ir. ·2=>-66-Gi-116 The Plaza, 26-36 liadison aYenue AYery, :Mr. and Mrs .•John H. (Smith) ::\Iiss Eloise Backus Oxford. :Mich. Backus, lir. and Mrs. :Xewton D. "\Vint. Res.: 565 Jefferson avenue (Farrell) Detroit 739 Second aYenue Miss Florence Olcott Asery, 9-67-132 Clubs, :Mr. 63 Miss Eliza beth ..-\ very Backus, l\fr. and ::\Irs. Standish ( Boyer J Clubs. :\Ir. 12-2:'i-33-34-37-83-103-114- 115 Palmer a \·enue, E 116-124-13-l, also Caledon :\It. Club::::. :\Ir. 2 5-:3 2-33-34-3 7 -103-123-t '.!-l­ Trout Club-:.\Trs. 26-11::S l-10 Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. 181 King avenu1' Backus, Mr. and :\!rs. Theodore L. ( Geist) Mr. LeRoi J. ,vmiams 4 6 Garfield a Yenue Mr. Harold "\"\:-imams Clubs, Mr. 3(i-:39, also Detroit Lawn Clubs, Mr. 12-34-66-83-8 7-116 Bowling Club .A very, :\Ir. and Mrs. \\'aldo A. (:Morrison) Bader, :\Ir. and lfrs. George T. (Bosset) "Stornowa~·:· Grosse .Pointe Farms 5-1 "\Vestminster avenue Receives Satur-day :\I iss :\Iignonne Bader Mr. S. L. A Yen"" (Chicago) Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile Mr. \\,.._ .\.. _.\xery, Jr., ( Portland Clubs, lir. 33, 1-17 Ore.) Baetc:ke, :\frs. R. E. fferson aYenue Babcock, Mrs. ,T. R. (O"Xeill) Clubs, l\Ir. 25-37-52-116-134 731 Second avenue Bahl, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Geo. L. (Bailey) Babcock. Mr. and :\Irs. Samuel S. (E\"erts) 65-1 Ea~t Jefferson aYenue 163 :\Ierrick aYenue Sum. Res. : Pointe aux Barques, ::\fiss l\fyrtle E. Babc·ock :\Iich. lVfiss Myra E. Babcock, (:\LO) Miss Elizab<'th :\Iarie Bahl Clubs, l\frs. 64 Clubs, Mr. 25-37-:\Irs. 113 Babcock, Dr. and :Mrs. \\·arr(:>n L. ("\Vood) 81 \\'ill is a \·enue, E Bailie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. (Brown) Sum. Res.. Eden. N". Y. 32 \\'arren aYenue E Clubs. Dr. 50-98-126-135 Sum. Res.: Golden Crest. Sou!· Dakota · Bachmann. Mrs. August H. (:\loots) 412 Putnam asenue :VIiss Louise Brown :Miss Eleanore C. Bac·hmann Baird. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles "William :Miss Sophie C. Ba<'hmann ( \\'"illiams) Miss Augusta Moots 173 Parker- aYenue Clubs, :\Irs. 86 Club~. llr. 12-25-37-10::t. Figure8 refer to c-lub membcr8-sce front of bonk. 32 TlIF. SOCIETY BL'C'E BOOK

Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest !VI. ( Stroh) Ball. l\Ir. and Mrs. "\Villiam H. (de Kraft) 203 E. Grand boulenud 409 The Pasadena Clubs, :\Ir. :!5-1:23-::.\Irs. 11 7 :\-liss l\Iarjorie Ball Baker, l\Iiss Frances :\Iiss Mary H. Ball Care of Mr. Holton. Clubs, 1\-Ir. 25-33-34-37-103. 620 Trumbull avenue Ballard, l\Ir. and :!.\Irs. James A. Baker, lVIrs. Frederick "\Y. (McKinstry) -12 Hancock avenue, "\Y 450 Vinewood avenue Clubs, Mrs. 122 Clubs, Mr. 66-:\Irs. 1:!2 Baker, Mr. Herbert L. Ballard, Miss :Mary 55 Forest avenue. "\Y "Ballard Farms." Grosse Ile Clubs, l\Ir. 32-3 4-10 S Miss Clara Ballard Baker, Mr.. John E. Halle, ::Vlr. and Mrs. Christian J. C:,\1oran) 1041 Cass avenue 484 Field an~nue Clubs, Mr. 37 :\Iiss Eleanore Balle ::\Iiss ::\'.[a,- :\I. Ba lie Baker, lfrs. Kate M. (Mead) :\-Ir. Frederick :\I. Balle 1006 The Pasadena :\Iiss Josephine Balle Baker, Mrs. Mary E. (Alford) :\-Iiss l\Iarie Balle 439 Cass avenue · Miss Elizabeth 13alle :\!rs. :\I. B. Sloane (Baker) Clubs, :.\fr. 11-7~ ::.\fiss Carrie E. Baker Baker, :.\Ir. and l\'.Irs. Patrick C. Ballin. Dr. and Mrs. l\Iax (L<•ppel) (Doherty) 9-! Rowena aYenue 332 Grand boule\"arr, ReY. and :Vlrs. Hobart H. Clubs. )Ir. 25-a:~-=34-123, also Presi­ ( "\"\r olfenden) dent Cornell Alumni .:\ss·n.-)Irs. 25 2-15 Grand bouleYard, E Barbour, Mr. and :\frs. Edwin S. ( Henr~-) Baldwin. :\fr. and Mrs. F'rank ll. 1707 Jefferson dvenue · ("\°\'oodyard) Clubs, l\Ir. 25-29-34-37-116-13-1-163 621 Cass avenue Barbour, :\Ir. and :Mrs. George H. l\Uss Isabelle Baldwin 13-! Lafayette boulevard Mrs. Isabelle C. "\Yoodyard Sum. Res.: ,vatch Hill. R. I. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. George 0. )Irs. Estelle Barbour Stillman (Leavenworth) Clubs, Mr. 12-25-33-37--! 7-66-96-116- 55 Pingree avenue ::\Irs. 19-76-91-114-1:>l Sum. Res.: Mace Day Lake, :.\rich. Barbour lVIr. and Mrs. George H., J"r. :::.\Irs. F. H. LeaYenworth (Dodge) (Dickinson) Baldwin, )Ir. Lyman I-I. 613 .Jefferson street 1550 Jefferson a~~nue Clubs, Mr. 25-37-52 )Iiss Celia )I. Baldwin Barbour, Hon. and Mrs. LeYi L. Clubs, )Ir. ;34 (Hooper) 661 "\"\r:oodward avenue Baldwin, Mr. and ::\Irs. Orrin R. (Hibbard) :\Iis8 ::\Iercedes de Goenagay Fuertes 17 5 Palmer a Yenue, E Clubs. lion. 1-8-32-:J7-108-123-12-l: :Miss Abbie B. Gray Barbour. ::\Ir. and l\Irs. "\Villiam T. Mr. George Burgoyne · (Chittenden) Clubs, :\Irs. 122 Birmingham, llich. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. (Davis) "\Vint. Res.: 885 Jefferson a,·enue, 140 Euclid aYenue, W Detroit. Mich. Miss Mamie Bali Clubs, l-1r. 11-12-:!5-33-34-36-27-~?-67- Mr. Robert S. Ball 1:J-l:-Mrs. 19-26-67-91-122-175 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. DETROIT 33

Barclay, lliss Agnes L. Barton, )Ir. and ::.\lrs. Henn· Lester 32 Garfield aYenue (Askew) · :\!rs. L. B. Deyo (Barclay) 1 :! :! 1 ~;, Parker a \"C'nue Mr. V•lilliam Barclay Deyo 1:15 Clubs. :\Ir. 11-25-:rn-36-37-45-:\Irs. Clubs, :.\liss 5 7 16-122 Barclay, l\Ir. and ::VIrs. "\Yilliam L. Barton, :\fr. and l\lrs. James G. (Page) (Sutton) 33 Horton aYrnue 85 Ferry a Yenue. E Mr. Harry Page Barton Sum. Res.: Bay View, :\Iieh. :\Ir. Joseph l\Iarsh Barton 30 Barie, l\Ir. and :Mrs. Hiram W. (Xichols) Barton, :\Ir. and l\Irs.• James G., Jr. 665 Second aYenue (Greene) Clubs, :\'Ir. 44-:\frs. 91-1 :t~ The Algonquin, .Jefferson an~nue Barie, Mr. and :.\Irs. Robert F. (Hurd) Bassett, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Arthur (Fancher) 235 Seyburn aYenue 105 Hancok aYenue E Clubs, :\Ir. 11-34-45-66 Sum. R<'S.: \"insetta Farm, l\Iich. :\fr. Arthur F. Bas~ett Barker, )Ir. and Mrs. Arthur E. (Ha:-·) )Ir. Gilbert L. Bassett 41 Van D:-.·kf' Pl::tC'f' Clubs, l\Ir. 25-37-:\IrR. 17:> Bassett, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Jay (Baker) 96 Canfield aYenue. \\" Barkley, ReY. and :VIrs . .Tamps :\f. Sum. Hes.: Birmingham, :Mich. (Conwell) 309 Putnam ~treet Bassett, )Ir. and :\!rs. L~ werne ( Clark) S'um. RE'S. : Olton. :\lich. 334 A,·en· an:.nue Dr. Earl C. Barkle:',·. 67 Sum. R<'s·. : Gro~se Ile :Mi~s Glad~·s Barkley :\!rs. Amanda :\I. Bassett Clubs. Re\·. 1:iS )Ir. Clark L. Bassett Clubs. l\'Ir. 32-:\-Irs. 137 Barnard. Mrs. Henry D. (:\Ioran) 38:3 Jeffer~on a Vt'nue Bastedo. :\Ir~. B. Cameron (Buckley) :Miss ::Vfary Barnard 107 \\-estminster aYenue :Miss Jo~ephine E. Barnard Clubs, :\!rs. 2 6 ::\Iiss Emily Y. Barnar Hackett 124-140-:.\Irs. 26-91-96-12 2 Clubs, :Mrs. 120 Bates, :\!rs. Kenzie (.JC'nnings) "Bashure," Grosse Ile Rarnes, !\Ir. and :VIrs. Thomns \\". (Knight) :rn35 Grand bonleYard. E Bates, l\Ir. and :\[rs. R. T .. (Emmert) 1\-Ir. Thomas \\:--. Barnes. .Jr. 2913 Grand bonlenud. \\-" Baumgartner. ::\Ir. and :Mrs. Frank ,v. Barney, )Iiss B<'rtha C. (Connolly) 299 Vinewood aYenuE' !l-t Delaware a\·enue :\fiss Blanc-he K. Barney 1~2-143 Sum. Res.: RYh"an LakP. ::\Iicll. Club~, )Iiss 143 l\Ir. F. Roydon Baumgartner Barnum. Mis!=; Hc-len A. :\Iiss :\-Iarjorie Katharine Baumgart­ 20 Kirby aY<'nue, \\- ner (St. l\Iary·s in the \\-oods) Miss Shirley Marie- Baumgartner Barr, l\-Ir. ancl Mrs.. Tam~~ F. (Dewf'y) ( St. l\.1ary·s in the \\"oods) 3 !) Chandl<:>r a \·en ue Clubs, :\Tr~. 122 Clubs, Mr. 33-66-110 Baxter, )Ir. and )'[rs. Charles E. Barrett. :\fr. nnd Mrs.. Tames E. (\\-alsh) (Re>lclwr) 696 Trumbull aYenu~ 2989 E. Grand boule,·ard Barter, )fr. Percy- L. :\fr. Kenneth 8. Baxte,r i>67 CongresR street. F Clubs, :\Ir. 116-129-::\Irs. 7 4 ::\lrs. Thomas o .. Barter ( Pn-1. tt) Baxter, :M:r. and l\Irs. Charles R. (\\Tright) l\fiss Edith M. Barter 111 Clairmount ~xenue Clubs, Mr. 11-25-33 :\iiiss Florence ..:-\. Baxter Barton. :\Ir. and l\frs. Frank G. Clubs, :Mr. 102 (Emerson) Bayley, lfr. and l-Irs. Frank .T. 42 Long-fellmv :n·enu<.=> ( Bergmoser) Sum. Re~.: Yotmg-!=;town, X. Y. S8 Edmund plaC'<' Clubs. :\Irs. 122 ReC'eiw•s Thur::-

. Bayley, Mr. and :\frs. Yolne:v P. Belanger, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ()Iartha Elisabeth )lack) 300 East Grand boulevard 5 8 High street, E :\Ir. I-IarYe)- F. BPlanger. 68, also Receives Wednesday Knights of Columous Clubs, Mr.. National G(~ographic Mr. Charles A. Belanger, 33-3-1-41 Society-Mrs. 137 Clubs, Mr. 32-33-77, also Knights of Beach. )fr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Columbus-Mrs. 77-112 · (Woodruff) Belanger, :\1r. and Mrs. Joseph T. (Ross) 590 Cass avenue 910 Brush street Clubs, :\:Ir. 66-:\-Irs. 122 Clubs. Mr. 3-1-:\Irs. 112 Beal, :\fr. Alexander \\~. Belknap, l\Irs. John CharleYoix Apartments 20 "\Villis avenue. E Clubs, Mr. :33-3-1-37--1-1 Bell. Mr. and Mrs. James H. ( Esperson) Beardsley, Mr. and ::.urs. Howanl 530 "\Yoodward a ,·enue 493 McGraw aYenu·e Sum. Res.: St. Clair Flats Beardsley, Mr. Carlton A. Bell, l\Ir. and :\:Irs. "\Yilliam C. 2967 Grand houleyard, E The Eldorado. 30 "-inder street )Ir. and lirs. Llo:yd Beardsh•~• (Palmer) Bcnallack. )Ir. and :\!rs. "·imam T. Mr. \\""alter Boies · (Anthony) Clubs, Mr. 123 -16 Erskine street Sum. Res.: The Xook, Algonac, Beaumont, Mr. and Mrs. John "\Y. Mich. (Burrows) Clubs, Mr. 33 242 Seminole avenue Clubs. Mr. 32-33-3-1-37-70-78-108-123- Benedict, :\-Ir. and :\Irs. James H. 163~ also :\fichigan Bar Ass'n and (Mason) American Bar Association. 211 Seyburn avenue Bechtel, Prof. and Mrs. George G. Clubs. :\fr. 34-37-Mrs. 91-94 ( ::\fonroe) Benham, l\Ir. and ::\Irs. Theron D. ( Hart) 32 \\""oodward T~rrace 65 Ledyard street Beck, Mr. Albert L. Miss Helen Hawkins Care of 24 "\Voodward a ,·C'nne :\Iiss Charlotte Hawkins Beck, Mr. and Mrs. George Benham, Mr. and Mrs. Victor (Steinitz) 1033 Cass avenue 115 Selden avenue Miss Charlotte l\f. Beck :\Irs. L. Steinitz Clubs. Mr: 36-103 Benham, l\ilr. and ::\frs. \\""alter D. ( Smith) Becker, Dr. and :\Irs. Sigurd (Toepel) 67 Ledyard street 2 84 Grand boulevard, E Bennett, Mr. Alfred Clubs, Dr- 11-73 149 Axery aYetiue Beecher, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. (Kane) :\fr. Arthur I-I. Bennett, 63 495 Third a venue Miss Inez Bennett Beecher, Mr. and :Mrs. George L. Bennett, :\fr. and Mrs. Charles D. ( Clark) (Peckham) SO Rhode Island avenue. I-I. P. 1165 """oodward avenue lfiss Helen Clark Bennett Sum. Res. : Greenfield Hills. Conn. Clubs, Mr. 33-34--14-135 Mr. George A. Beecher, 34, also Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Town Club (Paige) Mrs. Chadwick H. l\loore ( Gol

Bentle)", )lrs. )Iaury Davis ()loslwr J Biddle, Dr. and ::.\Irs. Andrew P. (\\"ilkins) 3 7 Stimpson place 187 Seminole avenue )Ir. and )lrs. J. Louis Parks, Jr. Receives Frida,· (New York Cit:n l\'.Iiss Bea trice Bradish Biddle Clubs, Mrs. 67-120 ( Liggett's School) Bentley, :\Ir. and Mrs. '\Yalter Hugh Clubs, Dr. 2-126-16:j (Hyde) Biddlecombe. )Ir. and )Irs. Pere,· E. 170 'l'aYlor avenue (Jerome) ~ R<'ceives ,Vedne$day 2977 Grand Boulevard. East Berenson, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sum. Res.: Grande Pointe, ::.\Iich. (Galowsky) Receives \\·ednesday 2928 ""cgt Grand Boulevard Bidwell. Mr. and :\Irs. Lamont C. Berkery, ::\!rs. l'Iaybury C. ( :\laybury) · (Clarke) :1:.:.G Lafayette Boulevard Miss Imelda l:I. Berken· 48 ""\Yestminster a,·enue Bernard, Dr. and :\Tr~. Herbert (Holly) l-Iiss Hazel Clarke Bidwell Nortln-ill<', Mich. Bit>ber, l\Ir. Charles H. Clubs, Dr. Gu 98 ::\Iarston aYenue, Bernart. l\Irs. '\Yilliam :\Ir. Charks Howard Bieber, Jr. · 51 Hendrie an=-nue :\Iiss Marguerite F. Bieber (U. of Mr. Eugene T. Bernart, 34-63-66 M.) l'.Iiss Adele :\I. Bernart Clubs, lfr. -l-l-119 Berridge, Mr. and Mrs. George I. Bielman, lfr. and :\lrs. Charles F. ( Mae Starrett) (Barium) 345 B<'wick avenue 285 Hancock avenue, ·west Sum. Res.: Hickory Island, :\lich. l\Iiss Florence C. Bielman Clubs, lfr. 33-34-:Mrs. 42-1-1:6-161, :\fr. C. FredPrick Bielman, Jr. also Shakespeare Study Club Clubs, l\Ir. :l3-37-59-73-119-135-l'Irs. Berridge, Mr. and Mrs. ""\Villiam )I. 59 (Combe) Bierce. Mr. and ::.\Irs. '\~lilliam B. 162 California a venue, H. P. · C\Vhittemore) Clubs, Mrs. 161 25 \Yillis avenue, East B~rry, Miss Lottie D. Bigelow, Mr. and )Irs. Edson E Grosse Pointe (Gaul) Miss Adelaide Berry 162 Reed aYenue Miss Sarah Berry Bigelow, :\Ir. and ::.v.Irs. \\:--arren (Race) liiss Caroline V. Marshall 162 Putnam ayenue Berry, .Mr. Thomas 1100 Jefferson avenue Biggers, Mr. and Mrs. '\V. D. ( Fisse) Sum. Res.: Harbor Point. :Ylich. 80 Hague a Yenue Miss Eliza beth :\:I. Bern· :\Ir. .John D. Biggers, 3 ( Toledo, 0.) Miss ·-Martha C. Bern·· l\fr. R. L. Biggers Clubs, :\Ir. 12-103-1-10. Clubs. l\Ir. ::;_3:;;-135-149 Berry, Mr. and Mrs. \\"illiam J. Biggers, l\fr. and l\Irs. \\rm. Edmund ( Saunders) (Curtiss) Sum. Res. : Highland Park, :\Iich. 29 Hague aYenue Miss Margaret B('rry Clubs, Mr. 135 Mr. William C. Berry Bigler, 1\-Ir. and Mrs. Frank S. (Shearer) Clubs, Mrs. 95 The Plaza. 36 Madison aYenue Besancon, ::.\Ir. and Mrs. Edmon F. Res. Phone. Chern· 1316 (-Manderscheid) Clubs, l\I-r. 33-34-4 i-123-:Mrs. 122 3G2 )lorrell stre('t Bigsby, Mr. and :\Irs. Bernard (Tasker) Sum. Res. : Orchard Lake 5 3 Da ,·enport street Receives Thursday Miss Ethel M. Bigsb~- Miss Bertha M. Besancon l\ir. Frederick Besancon Billing, ::.\Ir. and :Mrs. George J. (Pierce) Clubs. )Ir. 66-Mrs. 77 3049 Grand boulC'Yard. ""est Bessenger. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Clubs, Mrs. 95 · (Earll) BU.ls, Mr. John C. 144 Chicago Boulevard 211 The Pasadena Clubs, :\fr. 33-66-1-17 Clubs, Mr. -H-78-119-123-135 Bewick, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ( Young) Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard 1680 Jefferson a,·enue 965 Second aYenue Mr. William R. Bewick Clubs. Mr. 33-34-36-37-l\fr$ 91-12! Miss Bessie E. Bewick Birchard. Mrs. James T. (\\'nite) Bezner, Mr. Frederick 0~ 10:i Ferry a,enue, East Grosse Pointe Shores Bird, :\Ir. and llrs. Charles E. (Upright) Miss Irene lL Bezner 115 Medbury aYeriue Miss Florence C. Bezner Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Seaman L. (WaJdo) Clubs, ~Ir. 11-25-33-34-37-45-52-66- 152 Putnam avenue 135-140, also Aero Club of America, l\Ir. Harrie W. Bird, 66 Detroit Tennis Club, and Automo­ Mr. Ralph S. Bird. 66 bile Club of D<'troit Clubs. Mr. 44-66-::.\frs. 122 Figures rP.fer to club members-see front of booT.-. 36 THE SOCIETY BLT.:E BOOK

Bishop, :\Irs. Harriette A. ('Warner) Blair, )Jr. and :\Irs. Frank ,v. (Farrier) 7 4 Pitcher stre1.•t 59 Atkinson a\·enue :\Iiss Helen Louise Bishop, 20-22-12-:1:- Clubs. :\fr. 12-37-S3-l f:i2-:Mrs. 122 125 Blakeslee, :\Iiss Th<'resa ::\'Iiss Elizabeth Loraine Bishop, 22- c~u<' )!rs. Cramt)ton, 143 Canfield 125 aYenue, \Yest Miss Martha S. "\Varner, S-22-125- 128 Bland, :\:Ir. J. Edward Clubs, Mrs. 20-22-125 H-1 Watson street Clubs, :\fr. 32-3-:l:-36-66-67-78-1 ~-:I: Bishop, :\Ir. and Mrs. J. Remsen (Xewbold) 110 Baldwin avenue BlauYelt, :\Ir. and Mrs. ,varren S. Sum. Res.: Point Au· Baril, Ont. (\\~oodbury) Receh·es Friday Grosse Ile, Mich. :\-Ir. Xewbold Bishop ::\fiss Helen BlauYelt Miss l\1ildred R. Bishop :Miss Constance Blauvelt :\Iiss Anstiss B. Bishop Clul.,s, )Ir. 36 :\Ir. Remsen Bishop Blay, :\Ir. and Mrs. Bartholomew A Clubs, :\fr. 72-116 (Spratt) 435 Field avenue Bissell, Mr. Edward 1\T. 750 Jefferson aYenu<➔ Bleazby, :\Ir. ~\rthur Andrew l\:Iiss Blanche -n:-. Bisse:l 141 Owen aYenue Clubs, :\Ir. 25-10:3-116 Sum. Res.: Petoske~-. l\tlich. )Ir. Arthur Judson Bleazby Bissell, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miss Anna Leah Bleazby 6-19 Jefferson avenue Blessed. Mrs. .T ohn :\fr. Vrilliam Sidney Bissell · 609 Second aYenue Clubs, Mr. 32-36 :Miss Margaret McGregor Biss(•ll, :\fr. Roman A. Clubs, ::\Irs. 5 7 750 Jefferson aYenue Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Clubs, :\Ir. 3-:l:-96-116-123-133 (Hayden) Bisset, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Ernest II. (Thomas) 175 Van Dyke aYenue 4 9 Canfield a Yenue, W Clubs. Mr. 116-::\frs. 91-175 Clubs, Mr. 34-37-67-167-:\Irs. 34-67 Blodgett. l\irs. S. C. Black, ~fr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Care of :\Irs. Palmer, 4 6 Seward (\Vin slow) avenue 1065 v;.:--oodward a\·enue Blodgett, Dr. and Mrs. "~- E. (Bishop) Sum.. Res.: St. Helen's Isle, ::Vlus­ 470 Iroquois aYenue koka Clubs, Dr. 16-5-:1:-58-67-72-:\Irs. 16- Miss Ruth W. Black . 54-58-67 Clubs, :\fr. 8-37-103-Mrs. 91-175 Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Xelson A. 3063 E. Graiad boulevard Black, :\'.Ir. and Mrs. George :\I. Mr. Elton Bloom (Benjamin) Mr. John Bloom 92 Forest aYenue, W Miss Minnie Robb Clubs. )Ir. 12-23-:H-:3,-119. also Wind- Blue. )Ir. and lirs. Charles Frederic, Jr. sor Club · (Marie E. Stroh) Black, Miss Margaret .-\. 345 E. Grand boulevard 795 Cass avenue Clubs, Mr. 2v-37 ::\'Iiss Bessie G. Black Bobertz, Dr. and l\1rs. Gustav H. Black, Mr. and Mrs. :vraurice ( Stukering) (Van Adestine) 564 Woodward avenue 92 Kirby avenue, "\V Boda, :\Ir. and Mrs. OrYille S. (Lytle) Clubs, Mrs. 122 111 Delaware aYenue Clubs, Mr. 66-:\frs. 95 Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. H·enry (Crimmins) Bodde, Mr. and ::\frs. Frank (Cramer) 22 Harmon avenue 495 Field aYenue Blackwood, Mr. and :\!rs. James R. Mr. John R. Bodde, 12-25-33-34-66-73- (Arnold) 83 Abroad )fr. Anthony Bodde l\'.Ir. James A. Blackwood Miss Matilda Bodde Blain, Dr. Alexander W. Boden, Mrs. Jane (Poole) 1105 .Jefferson aYenue 112 Pingree avenue Sum. Res.: ,v·aterford. Mich. Miss Minnie Boden Clubs. Dr. 33-37-63-126-173. also )·1iss Jennie Boden Royal Society of Arts of London, Mr. Arthur Gibson England ; Fellow American Ass'n Boden, :\Ir. and Mrs. John :\I. (Anscomb) for tbe A.d,ancement of Science 5-17 Trumbull aYenue Blain, Mr. and Mrs. Bethune D. (Dunn) Miss Clara M. Boden 1105 Jefferson avenue :Miss Charlotte A. Boden Sum. Res.: Waterford, Mich. Boden, Mr. and Mrs. :Marshall T. ( Haines) Clubs, l\Ir. 11-3~-120-:\Irs. 120 43 Commonwealth avenue Figures refer to club members-see front of book. DETROIT 37

Bodman, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Henry E. (Taylor) Booth, :\fr. and :\Irs. Edwin J. ( Crawford) 169 Van Dyke avenue 51 Stimson place Clubs. :Mr. 25-32-33-3 7 -67-102-123-12-1- Clubs, :Mr. 33-34 165-:\Irs. 67-120 Booth. Mr. and :Mrs. George G. (Scripps) Bogart, :\:Ir. and )!rs. Frank E. ( Shaw) "Cranbrook." Bloomfield Hills, 85 Hague a venue :\Iich. . Receives :M and 4th Thursday Miss Grace E. Booth Clubs, Mrs. 9-l-175 )Tr. """arren S. Booth 8og-uc-. :\lrs. George G. (Harris) Clubs, :Mr. 9-33-37-47-67-1-l0-162. also 697 Cass a ,·enue Detroit School of Design. Bloom­ Sum. Res.: Rushmere Club field Country Club-:\Irs. 9-67 l\:lr. ::.\Iyron H. Bogue, 1 i. 0 Booth. )Ir. and )Ir$. ,fa.mi's Scripps Clubs, Mrs. 26-121 ( l\lcLa ughlin) Bogue, :\fr. and l\Irs. ,Yayne C. 1096 Cass avenue (Lawrence) Reeeh·es Tm•sday 30 Edmund place Clubs. :\Ir. 37-1\Irs. Sigma Gamma Clubs. :\Ir. :17 Sorority Boi<'S, :\Ir. \Ya lte1· Booth, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Ralph H. 2~167 Grand houlc-vanl, E (Batterman) Abroad Boldn·. :\:Ir. and )Irs. "C'lvsses T. · · · ( \Yhithorne) · Clubs. :VIr. 25-3-1-37-::\Irs. 175 109 :\Iedbury avenue Borgman, :\Ir. and )!rs. Henry P. · (Kremer) Bolles, :\Ir. and lfrs. .J. E. ( \Yhitmore) 30 Edison avenue ~J-18 Cass a venue )Ir. Harold Borgman Sum. Res.: "Porch-View·• Cottage Clubs, :\Ir. 12-63-73-1-17 Lake Orion Rec·ei\·es 1st Tuesda~-. Oct. to June Borgman, )Ir. and )!rs. :\Iartip. G. lfr. :.\Iartin V. B. \\'"hitmore (Harvey) ::\Iiss Bessie Baldwin Xowlin 295 Seminole a venue Clubs. Mr. 33-1:35-1-19. also Society :\Ir. Albert S. Borgman for Prevention of Cruelty to Chil­ Clubs, :\Ir. 3:3-3-1-!36-:37-165-:Mrs. 122 dren. Pres. Lake Orion A~sembly Bornman, l-Ir. and :\!rs. Charles F. Resort-l!rs. -12-89-9-1-~l;i--l.22-1:r;· - ( Daniels) 14fi. also Soci<'t~- for Pn•,·en tion 1:~-1 DPla,vare a,·enue or Cruelty to Children Clubs. )Ir. =~-:{:i-:rn-GG Bolle~, l\Ir. and Mrs. \Yilliam E. ( Glass) Bornman. :\Ir. and ::,\,lrs. J olm (Holstein) :120 ":-arren aY«-nue. \Y 10S .--\Iexandrine. '\\.,.est ~um. Res.: Birch- BN1ch. )Iich. Clubs. :\Ir. 6-33-5-1-88-1:35-:\Irs. 137 Bolt, l\Irs. :\Iildred A. ( Xewman) Bosley, :llr. and :\frs. Albert ,Y. 1191 Jefferson avenue ( l-leG-ra th) Bolton, )fr:• and l\Irs. Louis D. 89 \\"arren avenue, E 127 Burns avenue :\Ir. Edgar :\I. Bosley Clubs, l\lr. 37-)Irs. 122 Clubs. :\fr. -14-116 Bonning. Dr. and l\Irs. Carl (Kh-•fer) Bosquett, :VIr. and :Mrs. Thomas .T. 3 7 Chandler street (:\Iireau) Dr. Herman Kiefer 1 7 Marston a venue :Miss Irma Rose Bonning, 20 Receives Thursda).· Miss Bertha F. Bonning Clubs, Mr. 11-30-3:3-37-43--1-1-7:l-98- Clubs. Dr. 126 110-1-10 Book. Dr. and l\:lrs. James B. ( Palms) Boss, :\Ir. and Mrs. Howard C. (Dewey) The Palms, -14 7 .Jefferson a Yenue 8:2 Collingwood a venue Mr. Frank P. Book Mr. Herbert V. Book Botsford. Mr. and :VI rs. A. H. (Hanna) Clubs. Dr. 2-S-12-2;'.")-:1:l-!14-37-S!~-SS- 20-1 Avery avenue 12:3-124-126-V~z:i. also Caledon )It. Botsford. :\Ir. and Mrs. Henry E. (Carson) Trout Club. · 181 Alexandrine avenue, "·· Book, :\-Ir. and Mrs. James B. Jr. (Peck) Sum. Res. : Keewadhdin Beach, 1815 Jeffers-on a ,·enue :Xorth Port Huron Clubs, Mr. 25-37-163 Botsford, ~frs. Madeline Boone. :\-Ir. and :\Irs. Clifford C. (.Pierce) 59 Ferry avenue. E 81 ""\Vestminster a ,·enue Boulter, Dr. and lirs. James H. Clubs, :\fr. 33-116-135 (Crawford) Booth. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Clarenee -H. 12 Atkinson avenue (Coleman) Clubs, Dr. 126 31 Euclid avenue. \\.,. Bourke. l\'.Ir. and Mrs. Frederick \\.... Clubs. Mr. 140-Mrs. HO · (Gray) Booth. !\fr. Clar<:>nc-e l\I. 156 Forest avenue. ""\\:­ The Addison Apartments ::\:liss Helen ~:I. Bourke Clubs, :\'Ir. 37-44-66 Club~, Mr. 34 Figure.c; refer to club members-see front of book. 38 '.l'HE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Bourke, l\fr. and ::\frs. Michael J. (Nester) Boynton, Mr. and :\Irs. George H. 160 East Grand boulevard (Gregory) Mr. Thomas Bourke The Charlevoix: Mr. Dick Bourke l\frs. Jane E. Gregory Mr. Harry F. Bourke Clubs, Mr. 66 Boutell, Mr. Alexander A. Boynton, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. E. Forest Apartments, 827 Second• (Farwell) a\·enue The· Pasadena, 724 .Jefferson ave. Miss Alice M. Boutell, 60-143-144 Clubs, Mr. 25-34-37-103-134 Clubs, !\Ir. 37-103 Boynton, l\Ir. and :\-!rs. "\Valter C. Boutell, Mr. Horace S. (Goddard) 398 Fourth avenue 71 Atkinson avenue Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert (Graves) Mrs. Albert G. Boynton, 60-122. 33 Forest avenue, ,v Clubs. Mr. 8-34-58-108-116-123-124- Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile, :Mich. l\Irs. 20-58-124 Miss Mabyn Bowen Miss Ethe1 Bowen Brabb, )Ir. and Mrs. liarvil I. (Collins) Mr. Winfred G. Bowen 651 "\Yoodward aYenue Miss Evelyn Parkhill :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Roy C. Brabb Clubs, Mr. 32-108 (Lucking) Clubs, ::V.Cr. 103-:\frs. 26 Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Lem W. (Woodbury) 5 4 Peterboro street Brace, ~Ir. ,Villiam H. Sum. Res. : Mackinac Island 13 2 Bagg street Mr. Charles C. Bowen, 2d, 34 Clubs, Mr. 25 Mr. Paul M. Bowen Bradbeer. )[r. Brad~r Mr. Edgar \\·. Bowen, 34 503 The Pasadena Mr. Julian P. B-owen, 34 Clubs, Mr. ll-12-25-34-37-67-103-12~ Bradbeer, :\Ir. and :Mrs. George J. -Mrs. 67 (Lenox) Bowers, Mrs. Harriet N. (Kenney) 6 0 Lincoln a Yenue 181 Lothrop avenue Clubs, :\Ir. 34-103 Sum. Res. : Port Hope, Ont. Bradbeer. Mrs. Isabelle C. (Croul) :\Ir. Keene J. Bowers 44-66 5 0 3 The Pasadena Mrs. Rena M. Macdougall (Bowers) Clubs, lvirs. 26 Miss Bessie M. Bowers Miss Ruth H. Bowers Bradbeer, 2\Ir. and :Mrs. Thomas J. ( "'o.odside) Mr. and Mrs. George L. Turner 180 Selden a Yenue (Bow~rs) Sum. Res. : :Marshland. St. Clair Bowles, Dr. and Mrs. George C. Flats · (Hopkins) Miss :\lay Bradbeer 32 Warren avenue, ~: Miss Florence Edith Bowles Bradbeere, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Miss F. M. Hopkins. 20 (Abbott) Mr. George C. Bowles, Jr. 178 Selden avenue Clubs, Mrs. 60 Bradford, :\Irs. Edbert C. (Dunklee) Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. 30 Seward avenue 195 Palmer avenue, E Bradley, Mrs. Lottie (Gates) Miss l\1:abel Bowman 1014 Brooklyn avenue Mr. Hugh L. Bowman Miss Eliza Gates Clubs, Mr. 119 Brady, Mr. George N. Bowman, Mrs. Eustace C. (Gainey) Berryholm, Bi_rmingham, :Mich. 97 Haneock avenue. E :\!rs. Robert \\·. Berr)· Miss Edn·a Bowman, 112 Clubs, Mr. 6-33-3-:1:-36-37-4 7-103-108- Boyce, Mr._ and Mrs. Charles L. (Eames) 116-140 11;:, Taylor a venue Brady, lVIr. and :Mrs. James J. Miss Helen E. Boyce (Kreis) Mr. Harvey E. Boyce 455 Grand boule\·ard East Clubs, Mr. 66-l\Irs. 95 Clubs, Mr. 11-12-52 Boydell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank (Dixon) 95 l\Ierrick avenue Brady, M:r. and :\!rs. John H. Clubs, Mr. 33-66 (Ranger) Grosse Pointe Shores Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph (Libby) (;lubs, Mr. 11-44-63 637 Woodward avenue Receives Monday Brady, l\Ir. and Mrs. Robert :\IcCielland Mr. George W. Boyer, 44 (Holland) Mr. Joseph Boyer, Jr., Town Club 2 4 9 Seminole a venue Clubs, Mr. 11-25-37-44-103-l\:Irs. Clubs. ~fr. 27-29-33-34-36-123-135- 91-122 Mrs. 175 Boylan, Mrs. Annie M. (Mooney) Brainerd, Mr. Chauncey X. 700 Second avenue 36 Seward avenue Miss Helen M. Boylan Clubs. Mr. 116 Figures 'refer to cZub members-see front of book. DETROIT 39

Brandon, :\Ir. and :Mrs. "\Yalter C. Briggs. :\Ir. and )!rs. ·waiter 0. (Bethune) (Janey Cameron) 529 Cadillac aYenue 2872 E Grand Boulevard Clubs, Mr. 34 Sum. Res. : ,valker's Point. llich. Brankin, Mr. and :Mrs. Edward Receives ::\londay (Xeilon) · Clubs. l!r. ll-33-37-45-66-73-110-140 329 John R. street -:Mrs. 137 ·clubs. :\Ir. :3 7 Broadwell, llr. and ::\Irs. Edward Herbert Brede, lfr. Frederick ""\Y. 3050 E Grand Boulevard 139 Se,vard a,·enue Sum. Res. : Grosse Pointe Clubs, :Mr. 73 Brodhead, :\Irs.. John T. Brede, l!r. and l\Irs.. T. Conrad (""\Yillis) (Reuther) :il)7 Jefferson aYenue ,H) l:Ielbourne a ,·enul~ Sum. Res.: Grosse Ile Miss Hertha I. Brede Recei\"eS Fridav :Miss Hulda A. Brede ::Vfiss Archangc- Brodhead lTiss :Minnie Brede :Miss Alexandrine Brodhead l'lr. Richard Brede :\fr. John Ilrodhead. 25 Clubs, Mr. 73 Mr. "~mis Brodhead Bredin, l\Ir. and l\Irs. Charles TL Clubs, llrs. 2 6 (Leonard) Brodhead. lliss Nellie 81 Elliot street "Archdak,"' Grosse Ile :\Iiss Elizabet·h L. Bredin l!iss Katherine Brodhead ):Ir. Lewis L. Bredin Brodie. Dr. and l\-Irs. Benjamin P. Clubs, :\Ir. 37-4-:1:-H0-:\Irs. 91 (Tallant) Breisacher. Dr. Leo 1055 .Teffrrson avenuE' 233 Seminole an•nue Clubs, Dr. 2 5-2 9-34-37-73-79-123-12-1- :Miss Breisacher 1 ~6-1:H. also Santa Barbara Club, Mrs. S. Breisaeher Cal., and Santa Barbara Country Clubs, Dr. 11-37-73-123-126 Club, Cal.-Mrs. 29 · Breitmeyer, Mrs. Anna Bromley, l\fr. and )Irs. Frank L. 831 E Grand BouleYard (Thompson) 142 Putnam aYenue Breitmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sum. Res.: Bloomfield Hills (:\1aude E. Bamlet) Clubs, ::V.Cr. 33-34-37-lirs. 122 68 :\Iarston Court Bronner. :l-fr. and ::\Irs. Edmund D. Clubs, Mr. 11-66-110 · (Bailey) Breitmeyer, Mr. and l\Irs. Philip 38 Garfield aYenue (Grass) · Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile 66 Delaware avenue Receives Tuesday Miss Katharine Breitmeyer Mr. and lfrs. Joseph Harry Clubs, ::V.Cr. 11-12-25-30-:33-34-37-39- Clubs, :Mr. :34-37-45-162-:Vlrs. 1::i6 43-45-4 7-63-66-73-110-lirs. 122-155 Broock, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Max. ( Forkel) Brennan, 1\fr. and :Mrs. Arthur Tra ,·er 7 3 Erskine street · 2047 John R. street Sum. Res.: Pontiac, Mich. Clubs, :lfrs. 26-95 Clubs, Mr. ll-30-33-39-63-73-Hi, also Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank :\I. N" a tional Geographic Soc iety-:\I rs. (Sibley) 122 2 05 E Grand BouleYard Brooke, Mr. and :\Irs. Howard (Clark) Clubs, Mr. 34-123-124-::\Jrs. 117 280 Burns avenue Brennan, l\fr. and Mrs. John \\~. Clubs, Mr. 33-34-35-36-37-i9-135 (Engels) Brooks, llr. and Mrs. Alanson S. 307 Warren aYenue ,Yest (Hubbard) Clubs, :\Ir. 33-44 'i 10 The Pasadena Clubs, Mr. 6-11-25-33-34-114-134 Brennan, l\.::Ir. Robert J. Brooks, :Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. 2946 Grand bouleYard East (Xeilson) Clubs, Mr. 66 202 The Pasadena BreYoort, Judge and Mrs. Henry X. Clubs, Mr. 25-33-34-37-44-i3-ll 9-135 The Palms Apartments Brooks, l\Ir. and Mrs. Frank W., Jr. Clubs, Mrs. 122 ( Carol N e,-.·berry) 2 0 2 The Pasadena Brewer, Dr. and :Mrs. A. S'utphin Clubs. Mr. 34, also Delta Kappa (Golder) Epsilon 31 Roy Court Apts., 31 S Randolph Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua :\I. street · 876 Second avenue Briggs, :\fr. and Mrs. Claude S. ::\Tr. H. Aldrich Brooks (Hupp) Clubs. Mrs. 148, also S. S. C. 1 i Bethune avenue, ,~:est Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Sum. Res. : Topinabee. Mich. (Fisher) Clubs, Mr. 11-33-34-36-Mrs. 26-120- 1 i 8 Kirby avenue, \\~. 13i-151 Clubs. Mrs. 122 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. 40 'l'IJE SOCIE'I.'Y BIXE BOOK

Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown, l\Ir. and l\Irs. Robert S. (Patterson) (Henchey) 230 Parker avenue 1:rn '\Vestminster aYenue Sum. Res.: Mackinac Island. l\:Iich. Sum. Res.: \Ya tkins Lake. ::\:Iich. Receives Friday :lfr. Dennis Henchey Clubs, :lfr. 11-29-33-34-162-l\'.Irs. 91 Miss :Mav Brown :\Ir. Raymond Brown Brooks, :\-Ir. and Mrs. ":--alter ( Holt) Clubs, :\-Ir. 66 255 Burns avenue Sum. Res.: Mackinac l8lancl, :.\Iich. Brown, :\Ir. and :\'.lrs. Sheldon \Y. (Erb) Receives Friday :rn King a ,·enue Clubs, Mr. 25-29-33-:H-37-71-72-135- :VIiss Catherine .-\_ Brown l 62 Clubs, :Vfr. 37--l-l Brov,n, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Thomas H. Brossy, :Mr. and ::\Trs. Franc·is E. (Gregory) (Gray) 260 Smith a Y(•nue 197 Burns aYenue :Mr. Louis R. Brossy Brown, :\Ir. and :\Irs. \Yallac·e E. Clubs, :Vlr. I 2-:3:3-:37 -1 o:~-:\Irs. ;) , (Clark) Grosse Ile, :\lic-h. Brown, l\Ir. and ::\Jrs. Cullen Clubs, :\Ir. 11-:3:1-~-t-:37-45-102 (\Vesley) 227 Seminole aYenue Brown, Mr. and :Vlrs. \Ym. Sum. Res. : Sia!'-consr-t. :\lass. ( Krolik) 2::,-3:-;-:~-:1-:; 12 0 Yirginia a ,·enue Clubs. )Ir. 7-(,G-1:;Z>-1G2 :\!rs. S. E. Krolik ( Ewell) Brown, )Ir. and :Mrs. Da\·id A. Clubs, ::\lrs. 22 (Kahn) Brown. :\Ir. and :Vlrs. '\Ym. F'. 98 Lawrence aYenue ( "\Y ommocl-:) Clubs. :\Ir. 3-11-:3:~-6t.i-1 :35-H !l-)Irs. H:!5 Twenn·-fourth street 22--12-7 4 Clubs. .:\1 r. 66 • Brown, Mr. and Mrs. DaYid J. Brownell, ::\Ir. and Mrs. Charles A. ( '\Vest) (:McDonald) 114 King a,·enue 262 Smith avenue Sum. Res.: Steens Island, St. Lawr('nce River Brown, Mr. and :.\ilrs. Edwin C. (Blake) :\Ir. and :.\ifrs. Blaine Brownell, Bir­ 129 Alger aYenue mingham. Ala. ::\Iiss Dais,- Bro·wne'l Brown, lVIr. and Mrs. Edwin Hewitt )Ir. and :\Irs. E. \\". Brownell, Bir­ ( llelntosh) mingham, Ala. Gros..~e Poinre, Mich. Clubs, :.\11·. 3-:~:3-:37. also Exchange Clubs. )Jr. 1:.i-:37-123-1U3-)Irs. 175 Club Brown, l\Ir. and :Mrs. George Y. Brownell. :Mrs. l\tlan· B. (Craigie) ·· 135 Delawa1·e aYenue 40 Pingree ::!. .Yenue Brownell. Dr. and :\frs. -n-m. S. l\Iiss E. Laurern·e Brown ( St.. John) :\-Tr. Lest<'r Brown 53 '\Yoodward terra<"e Clubs, Mr. 66 :.\Trs. FlorencP St ..Tohn Brown, Mrs. Jane F. Clubs. Mrs. 7 -t 70:~ Trumhull a,·<'nue Browning, )Jr. and ::\1rs. Henry H. (Harlow) Brown. Mrs. Jennie E. 37 Caufield a YPnue. E. 709 Cass avenue ::\Iiss Je~sie H. Browning Brown, :Miss Louise )frs. J. E. :.\farkham (Browning) Care :Vlr~. Bailie. :~2 1Varren ave­ Clubs. Mr. H-.:\-Irs. 16 !1Ue, East Browning, Mrs. Mary L. ::\JePherson Brown, Miss Marjory , v. (McPherson) 51 Eliot street 26 Ferry a \·enue, \\'". :Miss Dorothy F. Brown, 11 7 Mr. "'"illiam :Vlc.-Pherson Browning, Clubs, :\'.liss 117 25-3-t-52 )figs Elizalwth Browning Brown, Mr. and Mrs. :Mason L. Clubs. Mrs. 1:!:! (Vanier) Bruce, ::\Ir. and ::\Irs. Junius I. 292 Averv avenue (Rawson) Sum. Res. : Lake Township on -10 Euclid a,·enue. "\Y. Lake St. Clair Clubs, l\Ir. 33-:H--H-(i6-::\frs. 122 :\Ir. Prescott G. Brown (U. of :\L) Brush. l\Ir. Alfred E. :\Ir. Leslie T _ Brown 192 Yan D,·kf• :n·enve Miss Marie L. Bro,vn (at ":--enesley) Clubs, :Mr. :!5-52-163-16-1 Miss Christine Brown Bryant, Mr. and ::\'.lrs.· \Yillard Clubs, :\fr. 33-41-66 ( Slad<') Brown, Mr. and Mrs. -Paul J. 29:!4 (;rand BouleYard, East (La Ferte) l\Irs. lVfartha Slade 3079 \Vest Grand BouleYard Clubs. !\fr. 66 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. DETROIT 41

Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. "\Villiam E. BurgOJ"Ill'. )Ir. <_;eorge (Upton) 175 Palnwr a n·nue East 177 Avery avenue Burke, The )Jis:ses lfr. and Mrs. Henry Howard Flint care of )Irs. La Ferte. ~27 "\\·ood- (Bryant) ward avenue · Clubs, Mr. 66 Burke, Dr. and :\Irs. Frederick B. ()Iiller) Bucknall, Dr. and l\Irs. .J. Austin 87:_{ Trumbull a Yenue (Foster) )!rs. T. W. Burke (Beach) 129 Kirby avenue, Ea~t Clubs, Dr. 33-12-1-16-1-:\-Irs. 1~:!-137 Burlage, )Ir. and )Irs. Edward II. (St<>inmetz 1 Buehler, l\Ir. and Mrs. Oscar L. 1:;4 Palmer avenue "\Yest (Seeger) Clul>s, )Ir. 67-104-:\Irs. 67 124 Garfield a,·enue Burnett. )Ir. and )Irs. Harr~· _.\.lbert Buhl, :\Ir. and )Irs. Arthur II. ()lay) t :.\Iood~·) 258 Iroquois avenue 2-19 Edison avenue Clubs. )Ir. 25-3:{-34-37-4~-103-162-160- Hecl'iv<'s Tuesdav 171 C 1u us. )Ir. :1:3 • Buhl, )!rs. 'J'lwodore D. (\Yalker) Burnham. )Irs. Andrew lHlO .Jeffprson avenue 144 Baldwin aYcnue Hecei ve::; Friday )liss Sara Burnham )Ir. Lawrence D. Buhl 11-:34-:37 Burnham. )Ir. and )lrs. Ralph E. ( Strong) )Iiss 1~:uzabeth B. Warren -l:.!9 Seminole aYenue Clubs, )lrs. 19-25 :\Jrg. Fannif• E. )I. Strong Buhl, l\Irs. \Yalter (Bradford) Club::-. )Ir. :3:3-G-29-:3-1-37-71 :\Ir.. Jo~cph _\. Burns Bulkley, )Ir.. and )Irs. Harr~· Conant Clubs, )Ir. 44 t. Strong) Burr. )Ir. and )lrs. Harry II. (Ling) l(;;i Seminole avenue 95 liedbur:r an•nu<' )Ir. Leavitt .James Bulkl<'Y (The Hill Clubs. )lr. 88-1:{Z>-)Irs. 42-i -l-137 School. Pottstown, Pa.) Clubs. ::.\Ir. 25-:32-33-3i-123-124-134- Burt. ~!rs. A .•Judson ( Swift) 1U3-Also American Bar Assn. 48::. John R. Bullen, )Ir. and )!rs. Harry B. ()IcLallan) Sum. Hes. : Toppinabet'. :\Iich. 117 Hazelwood a n'nm~ :\Iiss Edna :\I. Burt :\li::;;s.. Ent Rull<.'D Burt. )Irs. Lou ank. )Ir. and :\Irs.• John A. (Williams) Clubs. )Ir. :H-)Irs. 175 · 1t,1 Alger avenu(' Burt. :\Ir. Solon ReceiYes \Yesnesday 1a1a JetI~rson avenue Clubs. )Ir. ::,9 Burtt-n:-;haw, ~Irs.. Jam<"s (Hawley) Burch. )Ir. Albert C. 204 The Pasadena · 99 Pasad('na Apt. Hotel :\Iiss Sara H. Burtenshaw Clubs, :\Ir. 25 Burtenshaw. )Ir. and )!rs. "\\-illiam H. Burch. )Ir. Edwin A. ( Knous 1 · 4:3 Davenport street ::;;:;o .Jefferson a,·enue Sum. Res. : Country Club Cluus. :\Ir. 2;";-:J7-11G-l:_{4-)Irs. 113 )Iiss Grace Burch 1~~2 Burton. )Irs. Charles F. (Ellsworth) Clubs, :Mr. 12-2:j-3:{-34-4:~-66-73-110 118 Delaware avenu<' Burden. )Ir. and )!rs. Fredt'rick C. Sum. Res. : ·•)fountain Yiew Park," · ( Salling) \Yaterford, :\Iicb. Grosse Pointe Farms )Iis:-: _.\._ Grace Burton Sum. Res.: Rushmere )Iiss Ethel G. Burton Clubs. )Ir. 11-30-:3:.{-3S-39-43-43-110- Burton. :\Ir. and )Irs. Charles W. 135-162 ( ·widen man ·1 Burgess, ::\Ir. and )!rs. Frederick S. (Smith) :;4 Euclid a,enue "\\·est 78 Bethune av<'nue Ea:-:t Cluhs. :\Ir. :30-45-63-G(i-73-124-135-147- Clubs, l\Ir. 33-:H-:36-f;(;-73-)Irs. 73-95 149 Figure.-; refer to club members-see front of book. 42 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Burton, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Clarence )I. Butterworth, l\Ir. and llrs. Irvin (Bridges) ()Ionroe) 121 Ferry avenue East 27 Brainard street Receives Tuesday Sum. Res. : Goderich, Ont. Clubs. !\:'.Cr. 33-34-37-44-66-102-)Irs. l\Iiss M. Agnes Burton, 26-113 65-122 l\Ir. Ralph Burton Buttrick, Dr. and )Irs. Theodore Romeyn Mr. Frank Burton ( llillichamp) Mr. Sidney L. l\Ionroe 18 Ferry avenue ·west Clubs, Mr. 4-33-85-114-116-147. )lich­ Sum. Res. : Grosse I le igan Historical Society-)Irs. 26 Receives l\Ionday Bury, llrs. Frank C. ( Hancock) Clubs, llrs. 122 40 Seward a,enue Sum. Res. : Groose Isle Sum. Res.: :Marine City Butzel. )Ir. and !\Irs. Leo :\I. (Heavenrich) )Ir. George Bury 44 66 Palister avenue :Mr. Frank Jermaine Bury Clubs. )Ir. 32 44 45 106 164 )liss E!-:thE'r Louise Bury )Ir. and l\Irs. Fred Van R. ·woodford Byram, )Ir. and )Irs. Theodore P. (Laurense) Bush, Mrs. Emily )I. (Chapoton) 191 llcDougall aYenue 1055 Jefferson a,enue Sum. Res. : ·walkerYille, Canada )Iiss Gertrude Viger l\Iiss Katrina l\I. BJ-ram Bush, Mr. and llrs. Frank P. (Smith) )Iiss Carrie Byram 105 l\Iassachusetts avenue H. P. Byrne, l\Ir. and ::\Irs. Frank P. (Oakes) Bush, llr. and )lrs. 'Willard K. ( Salsbury) 2-! Pallister aY<'IllH' 119 Pingree aYenue )Irs. Frances B. )lcVeigb (Bvrne) )Iiss )Iildred L. Bush Clubs. :\Ir. 12-25-!{3-:37-44-66-)Irs. 175 Clubs, :\-Ir. 11-33-66 Butcher, ~Ir. and l\Irs. Bertram B. ( Pen berth~·) /-frADIEFX, )frs. E ..K. (King) 1782 Third a,enue \?,I.,, 148 Putnam avenue :\Jr. and Mrs. Geo. D. King (Peat), Butler, )Ir. and )lrs. Charles J. ( Seiberling) 122 223 Iroquois avenue Clubs, :\Irs. 122 )Ir. Charles M. Butler Clubs. )Ir. 25-38-:14-:~7-162-165-1\!rs. Cadieux. Dr. and !\Irs. Henry (King) 25-175 · The Pasudena Butler, l\Ir. and llrs. Edward H. (Burbridge) Cadwallader. .Mr. and ::\Irs. Charles H. 949 ·w oodward a ,enue (Huston'1 Sum.· Res. : Ste. Claire Flats 541 Second aYc>nue Clubs. )Ir. 6-12-25-38-37·-103-116-123- Cadwell, :\Ir. Edwin R. 124 Xew York City Butler, :Mr. and )!rs. Frederick E. (l\Iundy) Clubs, l\Ir. 25-37-162 The Pasadena. 720 .Tefferson aYenue Cadwell, )Irs. George B. (Page) lfiss Laura Offt.it But10r 111 Blaine aYenue lliss :Mary S. Butler Cady, )Ir. and )lrs. David D. (Brewster) Club!-:. l\Ir. 25-34-10:3-116-:\Irs. 25-113- 57 ·watson street 175 )Iiss :\Ialwl H. Cad)- 26-{;7-122 Butler, )Ir. and )lrs. Jeffc-rson l\Ir. Hal David Cady 34 r court Butler, )Ir. and )Irs. Lawrence K. (Gregory) R<'cei YPS Tu0sda. 569 .Jefferson a,enuc Clubs. lir. :~-9-:~3-34-96-114-116-123- Clubs, )Ir. 25-34 124-1G7, Beta Th<>ta Pi Fraternity, Butler, )fr. and l\Irs. LPwis Case (Currey) :.\". Y. 53 Spruce street Cady, )Ir. and llrs. "William B. (Post) !77 SeYhurn aYenue Butler, )Ir. and ~Irs. William A.., Jr. Clubs. l:i:r. 2;;-:-;2-:~4-:3 i-12:1-124-Mrs. (Knight) 20-22 -883 Second a,enue llrs. Edith Kni~ht Butler 94-175 Callender, )Ir. ancl :\Irs. Slwrman D. Clubs, :\Ir. 25-:H-!~7-47-103-llf,-124; (Cornell) also 'Windsor Cluh-:\Irs. 26-27-76- 73 Ping-re<' a Yf'nU<' 87-91-94--112-113-132-17;3 Clubs. :\Ir. :~2-3:~-:1-l--78-96-102-116-135- li;7-llrs. 20-22-122-156 Butterfield. l\Ir. and l\Irs. Ora E. (Dunklee) CalYert, )Ir. and llrs. Charles B. (Bethune) 93 Putnam avenu~ 121 Erskine street lfiss Helen Butt<>rfic-ld Heceh·es Wednesday Clubs, )Ir. 4-96-)Irs. 26-!J6-122-143 )Iiss Lucy B. CalYert Butterfield. !\Irs. Rebecca J. )Ir. Charles B. Calvert. Jr. 1001 Second a,enue )Ir. Edward B. Calvert Fiuures refer to dub members-see front of book. DETROIT 43

Calvert, )Ir. and lirs. Gf'orge T. (Cruegcr) Campbell, )Ir. and :\Irs. Robert ( Stevenson) 899 Second avenue 125 Josephine avenue Clubs, :Mr. 66 Clubs, )Ir. 66 Camek,n, Dr. and l\Irs. Thomas P. Campbell, )Ir. and :\Irs. SC'aton D. tHartwell'I 369 Vinewood a venue 154 Pallister a,·enue Campbel], )Ir. and )Irs. "\"\"alt('r E. Clubs, Dr. 60 (,on ·witzleben) Campau. Miss Charlotte C. 551 Cass avenue 310 The Pasadena )Iiss Chrystal E. Campbell Clubs. Miss 25 )Iiss Esther Campbell Campau, :\lrs. George T. (,Yoo 1sc·y ) Clubs. )Ir. 37-103 603 The Pasadena CampbE>ll. :\Ir. and Mrs. "\"\·altf'r S. :Miss Elise Campau 5S Forest axenue East Campau, :Mrs. Helen ~I. )Ir. Arthur J. Campbell 919 Jefferson avenue )Iiss Eleanor H. Campbell The \Yitberell Campbell, )Ir. and :\lrs. ,Yillia m R. Campau. :\!rs. R. :McDougall (Batchelor) (Phillips) 189 P:u-ker a,enue 12:1 Canfield avenu(' ,Yest )Irs. Charles ·w. Batchelor )Ir. Robert P. Campl>l'll Clubs, )lrs. 19-91 Candl<'r. )Iiss Anna E. Campau-Thompson. llrs. (Campau) 101J5 Jefferson avenue 842 Jefferson a venue )Iiss Emma L. Candler Sum. R<'s. : ~iasconset, )lass. Clubs. :Miss 122 Campbell. Mr. and l\Irs. Allan (Barton) Candlc>r. )Ir. and )!rs. De Forest \Y. 34 ,varren avenue ·west (Gregg) Clubs. l\Ir. ::H--78-111-123-124 70 Blaine a,enue Campbell. llr. Charles Hotchkiss Candler, )Ir. and )Ir~. George ·v. (Xall) 712 The Pasadena. 720 Jefferson 37 Hendrie a,enue avenue Clubs, :\-Ir. 34-123-147 )Iiss Cornelia Lois Campb('ll 113 Clubs, :\Ir. 25-32-3-l-:-rn-37-123-124-134, Candler, :\fr. and )!rs. Henry E. ( Boyer) also l."niversit)· Club of ~- Y. 120 Ferry a,enue East Clubs. )Ir. 12-:3:3-:{4-S3-96-123-124-135- Campbell, Dr. and :Mrs. Christopher 1G4-:.\Irs. 96-137 ()IcElroy) 318 Grand boulc,ard \Y('st Candler. :\Ir. James D. Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. Don lI. (Douglas) S2 Smith avenu(' Grosse Pointe Farms :'.\Ir. Clar€'nce Leslie Candler C1ubs, Dr. 2::.-33-34-37-54-lll-)lrs. )Ir. "'."'illiam \Yallace C. Candler 132 Clubs, )Ir. 3:l-:H-36-SS-14 7 Campbell,--Dr. and lirs. Duncan ..-\.. Candler, )Ir. James "\"\·. (Cumnwr, 27 )lelbourne an•nue ~Vindsor. Canada :Miss Cora A. Candler Clubs. Dr. 34 :\Ir. ..-\.lfrC'd G. Candler 36-14'i. :\Iasons Clubs. :\Ir. :l:~-3-l-36-S8-147. )Iasons. Campbell, )Ir. and l\Irs. llenrr )I. :\Ir. and )Jrs. Charles 0. Ford (Burtenshaw) (Candler) 913 Jefferson avenue Clubs, l\lr. F .. 36, Masons. Sum. Res. : Huron )Iountain Club Receives Friday Candler, :Mrs. \Yilliam R. (Van Dusen) l\Ir. Henry :Munroe Campbell. Jr., ~5- 85 Putnam aYenue 34-72-123-163 ReceiYes Monday :\Ir. Douglas Campbell ( Ilar,ard Law l\Iiss :\Iariam L. Candler 48 School) )Iiss .Ada l\I. Candler 120-137 Clubs, )Ir. 2~-27-32-33-~4-37-55-108- )Ir. ·w. Robert Candler 33-34 12:~-124-134-153-160-)lrs. 9 :Miss ElC'anor S. Candler 20-48-137 Clubs. )Irs. 8 Campbell, :\Ir. and )Irs. Henry W .. (Hill) 42 Kirby avenue West Canfield, )Ir. Frank I-I. Receives Tuesday 837 JE>fferson avenue )Ir. Ross \Yalton Campbell :\Ir. "William B. Canfield 12:3 )Iiss Helen Campbell )Iiss Elizabeth C. Canfield l\Ir. Frank C. Huston Clubs. :\Ir. 32 Clubs. :Mr. 8-11-:\1:rs. 100-122-143. Canfield, :\Ir. and )Irs. George L. (Croul) also Industrial School and Free (>5G J<>ffc>rson a,enue Kindergarten Ass'n Sum. Res.: Pointe Aux Barques Campbell. l\Ir. and :\lrs. John 0. :.\Iiss .Adelaide Canfield 140 Chandler an•nue :.\Ir. "William Croul Canfield l\frs. l\Iary Campbell Clubs. Mr. 25-32-33-70-78-108-123-124 Clubs. l-fr. 37-66 Carhartt, :\Ir. and lVIrs. Hamilton ( Welling) Campbell. :.\Irs. )Iarion 84:~ Jefferson a,enue 3000 Grand boulevard East Clubs. :llr. 25-34-:rr-71-116-:\Irs. 26 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. 44 THE SOCIETY BL'CE BOOK

Carhartt. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Jr. Carstens, Dr. and ::\Irs. J. Henry ( Rohnert) (Palms) 620 \Yoodward avC'nue Grosse Pointe Farms ::\Iiss Hattie l\I. Carstens 122 Clubs, Mr. 25-37-52 lliss Edith L. Carstens Carhartt, Mr. and Mrs. ~:-ylie \\,.._ )Ir. Henry R. Carstens (Patterson) l\Iiss )IildrC'd Y. Carstens Grosse Pointe Farms Clubs, Dr. 11-37-73-126 Clubs, llr. 25-123 Cart<'r, )Irs.. \llen 0. (Hawley-, Carle, l\Irs. )Iary E. (Reeve) 66 For('St a Yenue East 48 Ferry an•nue "~est Cart<'r, )lrs. David ( Leonard) lliss Lena )l. Carle 40 Dan~nport street Carleton, )Ir. and :\!rs. Frank E. ()Iorton) Sum. Iks. : Grosse Point 62:1 Fourth a ,·enue Carter. )Ir. Da,·id S. Sum. Res. : York Beach. ~le. Gross<' PointP Receives Fridav · Clul>. )Ir. 2;:';-33-34-:17-116 l\lr. Roland Carleton Carter, ::\.lrs. Delia Carleton, )Ir. and )lrs. George (Boyd) 2:. Canfield a n•nue. \Yest 143 Hancock avenue East Carter, :\fr. and :\Irs. Francis E. (Bruce) Clubs, :\Ir. 44-73 24 Pitcher strc>et Carley, )Ir. and )Irs. Leonard R. (~e,ille) )lrs. L. E. Bruce 244 Parkc>r an=-nue Clul>s. l\Irs. 122 :\Irs. John ~eYille Cart<'r. ::\Ir. and )!rs. Horace E. Clubs, )lr. 2:i-167 60 \Yestminster an•nue Carmichael. )Ir. and )Irs. Andrew T. Carton, Dr. and ::\Irs . .Anton E. (Hamilton) OlcAlpine) 4::; Bagg strN~t 18f>4 ,Joseph Campau avenue llr. Edward Carmichael Car~-. )Ir. ·waiter B. Dr. Robert H. Carmichael :lOUH East Grand bouleYard )Ir~. Ida )I. Cary Carmichac>l, )Ir. and )Irs. )lilton Clubs. )Ir. 11-:1:;.:rn--1;;-GG-llO 161 Philadelphia avenue ·west ::\Ir. Otto CarmichaC'l 2:i-34 Case. ::\Ir. Louis II Cluhs. )Ir. 3-:~:J-:n, and Detroit Con­ Hti7 .Jl'fferson av,•nue vention Bureau Clul>s, )Ir. 2:i-:{-t-:·:7-52-14,2 Caron, Dr. and :Mrs. G<'orge G. (Clark) Cal'-<', )Ir. and ::\!rs. S. Xile::-:: ( Watrou:-) f>2 Davenport street ,on Trumbull avenue )Ir. George Clark Caron :\Ir. Herbert E. Case Clubs. )lrs. ti-1-122 ::\Iiss Bella F. Case Clubs, l\Irs. 60 Carpenter. )Ir. and )!rs.. James C. (Dixon) 16;3 Palnwr aYPnue East Case, ::\Ir. and ::\Irs. \Yillis E. (Forsythe) )Irs. M. E. Gleason 104 \Yillis aYenue West Clubs, )!rs. :3!)-122-148 ~um. He:-;. : 'l'opinaheP. :\Iich. )Iiss Eloise Case Carpenter. )Ir. Xorman D. (Judd) Casgrain, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles "·· 13S Ragg strPet (Hammond) Clubs. )Ir. 34-:~7 57;"; Jefferson avenue Carpenter.• Judge and )!rs. \Yilliam L. Clubs. ::\Ir. :{2-:J:1-34-37-78. also .\lil('ri­ (Ferguson) can Bar Asso.. \Yindsor Cluh. Es­ 109 Seward a vPnu<' sex Count~· Golf and Country C'Iuh, )Iiss Lela E. Carpenter \Yindsor: Catholic Club. X. \:. and :\Ir. Rolla Louis Carpenter (Prince­ National Geographic Society. ton) ::\Iiss Charlotte (;ha~e Casgrain Clubs. Judge :::7-44-::\Irs. 122-1:~S ::\Iiss Adelaide II. Cas~rain Carran, !\:Ir. Charles M. :\Ir. Hammond Ca:-grain (Carlton i:;o Forest an'.•nue "·est Acadc>my. Summit. X .•J.) Clubs, )Ir. 37-73 )Ir. \Yilfred Casgrain Caughey, l\Ir. and )lrs. Frank T. Carrow, Dr. I·... lemming (Shumway) Office. r,0:1 Wa~bington Arcade Grosse Point,• Clubs, Dr. 37-126-158 Clubs, :\fr. 3!3-::-1-:,7.fi(j Carrow. )Ir. and )!rs. Herbert P. (Ruple;y) Caulkins. )Ir. Edward R ll!l Palnwr a,enue East 1::;9;. J<•ff<•rson ~n·enue Clubs, )Ir. 33-34-12:~ :\Irs. E. K Leadlwater Carson, )Ir. and ::\Irs. HenrJ· C. ( Hakes) Clubs, :\Ir. 25-52 10!l9 Fourteenth avenue Caulkins. :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Horace .J. (Peck) Clubs, )Ir. :16 . 7 4 Edmund pla.c<' Carson, ::\Ir. and )!rs. LC'wis Clinton ::\Ir. George Peck C'aulkins (Ball) l\fr. Horace .T. Caulkins.. Jr. 247 Hancock a venu0 \Y <:'St :\Ir. Henry Caulkins ~um. Hes.: OxlP)". Ont. Can•rl(')". )Irs. Fanni<• .. \. Clubs. :\Ir. 1-72-124-::\Irs. 122 (i!l \Yarr<>n ~wenue Ea8t F!.gures refer to club members-see front of 1>ook. DETROIT 4G ------Chalmers. llr. and llrs. Hugh ( Houser) Chase, )Ir. and llrs. Edward D. ( Root) 2i;:» Iroquois avenue .::;11 Cass avenue Clubs. llr. 3-23-33-3i-4~-102-140 Chase, )Irs. Harriet E. ( ShC'rwin) Chambe, )Iiss Louise 7:JH Cass a venue 1:30 Grand houlevard East :\Ir. Alfred \Y. Chast• :;4 )Iiss llatilda Cbambe :Miss .-\ lice Sherwin Chase 122 lliss Addell Chambe Chase. lliss Jpssie C. Chamberlain, )Ir. and llrs. )Ian-in II. Ansonia Apartments. 491 Second care of ;:;1:~ \Yoodward an~nu<• ayenue Clubs, llr. S-25-37-140-lirs. 1:12 Cluhs. lliss 20-2G-8i-90-94 Chatfield, )Ir. and llrs. Leston 0. Chamherlain. :\Ir. and llrs. ~Iarvin H .. Jr. ()IcKnigbtJ (Smalley) · 7z:i .ToY street 40 Atkinson an.•nm• lir. .Toho Chatfield Clubs. )Ir. 4-:1: llr. Yictor Chatfield Chamberlain, )Ir. and llrs. RobPrt )I. ( Lee 1 llr. RobC'rt D. Chatfi<-1<1 124 Bagg street CllC'eseman. llr. and llrs. Clifford J. lli:ss Caro F. Cha mhPrlain (Chilman 1 Clubs, )Ir. :~:,!-:;:•i-!~U-66-iB-90-123-129- Rhode Island aYenue H .. P. l;•;r;, also ..-\lpba Delta Phi-llrs. 96- Clubs. )Ir. 3:.~ 122-1:n Ch<.'esc-man. )Ir. and llrs. Lester II. Chaml>(•rlain. )Ir. and )!rs. Erastus I-I. ( "·inegar) I Da;\·) ::i-1 California aYenue 130 llarper avenue ( 'hen(')'. )Ir. and llrs. Chas. E. :\Tr. AlhC'rt D. ChamhC'rlain =~ooo \Yest Grand bouleYard lliss ..-\lice Chamb<•rlain Clubs. )Irs. 122 Chamberlin. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. ChPnC'y, llr. and llrs. Charh'S E. (LeSu<'r 1 oule,·ard l1iss Charlotte A. Chambc.. rlin Iletroit llich. Chambers, )Ir. and llrs. Charles A. Win. Res. : llonroe. La. ( FisbE'r) Hec<•ives Tbursda Y Royal Oak. Mich. Constance Cheney · Sum. Res.: Coloma, llich. Cluhs. :\Ir. 11-G:~---llrs. 12:? lliss )Iarie Chambers Clwshrough. )Ir. and llrs. Frank P. Clubs, llr. 66, al!m The llilitary Clul> tlicCormick) of Cincinnati. Obio. Grosse Pointe Farms Chambers, Dr. and :Mrs. Charles Lewis :\Ir. William ,T. Clwsbrough (Yale) ( Starret) )Ir. Erwin Chesbro:.1gb 140 Canfield avenue "·est Clubs, l\Ir. ~:i Cluhs, llrs. 122 ('lw~ehrou~h. )Ir!-:. Geor~C' Latimer ChamhPrf;. )Ir. ano lirs.. Tosf'phu~ C. 91 Rowena street ;L I Trainer 1 )Ir:--. )lalwl Hohinson U!>l Cass c:1.VC'nue Clwse!Jrough. )Ir. and llrs. William Griswold l\lr. and llrs. n. C. Fenton ( :\Iiller1 Champe, )Ir. and llrs. Ray ll. 1 Plass 1 The .Arthur .-\partment$. 96:3 .JC'ffer­ 122 Chope place son a ,·enuC' Sum. Res.: Kavanaugh Lake\ )Iich. )Ir. LP Roi I-"". )filler lli:--s ChristinP F. liiller (at Dobbs Chapin, l!r. Roy D. FC'rr~· School) Grosse Pointe Farms Cluh~, )Ir. 16-:~4-48-123-124 Clubs, )Ir. :3-11-23-:33-34-:Ji-~2-l 2:~ Chidsey, llr. and )Ir~. Charles .:\. (Davis) Chapin, Hon. and :\lrs. \Yilliam \Yhiting j;~ a\ lgt•r a \"C'IllH' ( Collier) llin~s I-iP len ChidsC'Y 60 Smith aYf'nue Club:--. )Ir. 11-liti . Clubs. llr. 32-:H-llrs. 2ti-!}(i Chidse,·. )Ir:-;. Fredt•rick Grout Chapman, )Ir. and )Irs. Benjamin (;. · · earp of llis~ Barnum. 20 Kirhy (Hopkins) a,·enue, \YC'st The Palms )Ii:-;s I-IP l._.n Chids(',Y Sum. Res. : Grass<' BPach. Lake Child, )Ir. and ::\lrs. FrC'd 0 k P. (Ashworth) Huron 47 ~mith :lV<'IlUC :\Ir. Charles Chapman )lrs.. John "·· .,\shworth 95 l\liss Louise Chapman )Ii$~ Katharine Child Clubs. :\Ir. 37 )Jig~ Isabel f'hild Chapman. )!rs. S. Clubs. llr!-:. n::; 2S1 Agnes a,·enue f'hih-<•rs. )Ir. and ::\Irs. Thomas II. Chapoton. Dr. and llrs. Edmund .\.. . I La WrC'nC(') ( ShC'rland) :rn:; Lincoln a,·enlll' :liO "·oodward av,:,nue ('hitt<'nd('n. )Ir. ..\.lpheus \Y. )Ir. ..-\le:xis F. Chapoton ··Rrm' Rurn." Rirmingham. llich. :\Ir. nnd )!rs. F . .T. O"P.rh•n (Clrnpo­ 180:j Ford Buildi n~ ton) Clu I)!-:. lir. :i-!>-25-~7-28-::;-l-37-52-67- t.::,outh Bend. Trnl. 1 11 (i-t 2:~ Figure.'! refer to dub members-8ec front of book. 46 TIIF. SOCIETY BL'tE BOOK

Chittenden. )Ir. Gl'orge C. Clark, Mrs. Kate A. 187 Van Dyke an:uue ;35 Brskine street Chittenden. l\Ir. W. J. Clark, )Ir. and )!rs. Le Vert (Parke) Office, 180l:> Ford Building, Detroit, :rn Peterboro str<>et ::\lich. Sum. RPs. : "Bel ,·edere." Charle­ Sum. Res. : "Brae Burn," Bloom­ voix. Mich. field Hills, Birmin~ham, l\Iicb. Clubs, )ir. 32, also l\Iichigan Bar A.ssn. Clubs, )Ir. 11-12-34-36-.:s7-66-96 Clark, ::.\Ir. and )Irs. Lorenzo E. ( Sheley) Chittenden. )Ir. and Mrs. "·· J. Jr. 595 Woodward avenue · (Stevens) Clubs, )Ir. 25-34-37 The Pontchartrain Clubs, :\Ir. 25-36-:li-116 Clark, )Ir. and :\!rs. Stephen E. Chittick, Dr. and l\Irs. "·miam R. (Kent) ( Dorn berger) 22 Edmund place 39 Tyler avenue~ Highland Park Clubs, Dr. 37-67-)Irs. 67-91 Clubs. !\Ir. 66-119 Cbope, !\Ir. and l\Irs. Frank F. ( Gabriel) Clay, 'l'he :\Iisses 70 Longfellow a n~nue care of :Mrs. Tannahill. 63 Boston )Iiss Edna l\I. Chope boule,ard · l\Ir. "William E. Chope 66 Cleland, Dr. Jame's Christian. )liss Blanche 161 Forest a ,·enue ".est ·'Halcyon place." care of )lrs. Scott :\fiss _.\gnl:'s A. Cleland Grosse Ile, l\Iich. )Ir. and :Mrs. Charles Hosmer Welch Christie. :llrs. Mary H. (Hutton) Cleland, Dr. and )!rs. Jam<>s. Jr. ( Seibert) · 199 John R. street 1042 Second avenue Clubs, Mrs. 54-67-94-120 Receives Friday Ciliax, )Ir. and l\Irs. Gustav O. (Domine) Clubs, Dr. 33-126-)Irs. 89-122 100 Philadelphia a,enue East Cleland, )lrs. )Iargaret ("·alker) )liss Bertha L. Ciliax 41 "·ims avenue East Clubs. l\Ir. H3-Q6 :\Iiss Marjorie )I. Cleland Clark, )Ir. and l\Irs. Arthur James (Smith) Cliff )Ir. and )Irs. Vincent D. ()IcCabe) 43 l\iarston court a4 Longfellow avenue )Iiss :Mary F. Smith Clubg, l\lr. S-2~-33-:H-44-162-:\Irs. 8- Clark, l\Ir. and l\Irs. Charlemagne (Smith) 67-112-132-141 44 Delaware a,enue Coaney, l\Ir. and )!rs. George D. ("West) Miss Xellie Smith 2361 Jeff<>rson avenue Clark. )Ir. and l\lrs. EmorJ- "\V. ("·ing) Clubs, )Ir. 25-12:1 1740 Jefferson avenue "·in. · Res., "l\lilford," Pinewood, Coate, Mr. and )Irs. Orlistus S. ( Hunt) S. C. 84 Commonwealth a venue Clubs, Mr. 6-12-25-34-37-52-83-85-103- )Iiss )Iaude Coate 184 Cobb, l\Irs. Julia Fergl.\SOn Clark, )Ir. and l\Irs. Frank H. (Poor) 54 Boston boulevard East Country Club of Detroit Clubs. )lrs. 137 Sum. Res. : Cautaumet. l\Iass. Cochrane, )Ir. and l\Irs. Douglas l\Ir. Frank H. Clark. Jr. (Freeman) )Ir. John "·· Clark GOO Cass avenue Mr. M. Lindsa~· Clark Clubs, :\Ir. 32-44-74-78 l\Ir. Richard B. Clark Clubs, l\Ir. 25-37-134 Codd, Hon. and ::\Irs. George P. ('Yarner) Clark, :Mr. and )!rs. Frank ~cott (Foster) 47 "·arren avenue East 654 "·oodward avenu(' Sum. Res.: Pine Lake, Mich. l\Irs. Annie W"ard Fost<>r ( Ward) )Ir. John W. Codd l\Iiss Annie ".ard Fost(•r )Ir. George C. Codd Clark, Dr. George E. Clubs. Hon. 25-:30-32-33-39-7:3-78-111- 397 Hurlbut avenue 123 Cody, :\Ir. and l\lrs. Frederick (Stedman) Clark. l\Ir. George ":-· · 56-60 Adams avenue East 12 Forest avenue East Sum. Res.: Cags Lak<>. :llich. Clubs, )Ir. 44 Clubs. )Ir. 33-7:1-13::i Coffin, l\lr. and )!rs. Howard E. (Allen) Clark, !\lrs. Helen ..:\. ( Sten'ns) Grosse Pointe Farms 43 "·atson · str<>et Clubs, )Ir. 11-25-3:1-:H-37-41-1G2-:\Irs. 22 Clark, Rev. (D.D.) and :llrs.. Tohn Brittan Coffin, l\Irs. )Iaria ( Woodbridge 1 1014 Cass av<•nue (;2 Canfi<>ld avC'nne Ea~t Sum. Res. : BC'rk~hire Hills. l\Iass. Coffin, )!rs. Sarah E. (Jone's) l\Irs. C. L. ":-oodridge 4H4 Caclilb1c avenue Clubs, :\frg_ 9 Sum. Res.: Grosse Pointe Farms Clark. Dr. and )Irs. John E. (Hutchins) Cogswell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. 73f> Second a,enue (Kuerner) )Ir. Harold Clark 388 Second aw nue Miss Frances Clark )Irs. Harriet "·iggins (Cogswell) Clubs, Dr. 36-38-44-126-127-::\:Irs. 19 Clubs, )Ir. 116 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. DETROIT 47

Colburn, :\Ir. and )lrs. Burnham S. (Pierce) Collins, :\Ir. anu )Irs. Lucius H. (Johnson) 215 Burns avenue 200 Grand boule\·ard, East Clubs, :Mr. 9-12-25-33-34-37-50-67-85- Recei"\"es Friday 87-103-11-1-12 3-135-140-163-165, Clubs. )Ir. 11-:12-:H-116 also Turtle Lake Club-Mrs. 9-67- Collver, :\Ir. and )!rs. Burton (Klipfel) 122-132-137 32 Alger a venue Colburn, )Irs. )Iary S. (Standish) )Iiss Lillian Inez Collver 1298 \Voodward avenue Colton, )Ir. and )!rs. Arthur (Dorling) Receives l\I onda:r 483 Grand l>oulevarcl Bast )Iiss Elizabeth H. Colburn )Ir. Reginald Colton Colby, Dr. and )!rs. Frank C. (Bayrd) )liss :Mary Ann Darling The Lenox, uO :Madison an•nue Comstock, l\Ir. "William A. Colby, )Ir. and :Mrs. Frederick L. (Berry) Alpena, :\Iich., also Detroit Club 188 Parker avenue Clubs. )Ir. 25-37-:32-123-124 Sum. Hes. : Harbor Point. :\Iich. Comstock. ,Yr. "William H. Clubs. l\Ir. 34-:fi-9(;-133-)Irs. 137 Detroit Club Cole, )Irs. Delos O (Tiffany) Clubs, )Ir. 37 20G Sevburn avenue Conant, )Ir. and )!rs. Frank H. )Iiss )farie L. Cole 91 (Heichlin) Clubs, )!rs. 26-91 93 .-\lg-er avenue Cole, )Ir. and :\-Irs. Henry T. (Day) Clubs, ~Ir. 34 Grosse Pointe Farms Conant, )Ir. and )!rs. John S. ()IacLaren) Clubs, llr. 2;:.-:1:1-:-~4-;:i2-1G3 504 The Pasadena, 728 Jefferson Cole, )Ir. and Mrs. Xorris A. ( Hughes) a,·enue 39 \Y<-'~tminster avenue Sum. Res.: Bass Rocks. )Iass. l\Ir. Louis II. Cole Clubs. )Ir. 34-:JG-37-79-116. also G. A. Coleman, )Ir. and l\·Irs. Harry B. (Swinton) R. 6r. Erskine street Conant, )Ir. and :\Irs. \Yilliam S. Clubs, :\-Ir. 3-1-:36--H-)Jrs. :~..J.--1--1- (Wendling) 186 Seminole avenue Coleman. l\Ir. and )Irs. P. H. (Stephenson) ClulJs. :'.\Ir. l;j-:!::.-:w-:~:1-34-:37-)Irs. 113 ;':\Iagnolia" Grosse Ile )Ir. and :\Irs. Homer D. Coleman Conely, :\Iis8 Edith F. 562 Cass avenue Coleman, )!rs. Silas B. (Yan Husan) 908 The Pasadena Conely, )Ir. and )Irs. Clarl•nce (Brooks) Clubs, )Irs. 2G 74 Westminster avenue Coleman. )Ir. and )frs. William S. Conkling, )!rs. .James S. •·The !::;land House:· (iro::;se Ile 610 The Pasadena )Ir. Samuel P. Conkling 25-34-37 Collamore. )Ir. and l\frs. Ralph ( Rhead) Clubs, )Irs. 91 25 Hancock avenue West Clubs, :\lr. 5-41-H6-102-)1rs. 94 Conlon, )Ir. and )!rs. Thomas A. (Loughray) 40 For(•st aYenue West Collier, :\Ir. and )!rs. George X. )I. ClulJs, :\Ir. 32-GG (Brown) )ledbury Apartments. :,6 :.\Iedbury Conn, )Ir. and :\Irs. Herl)('rt J. (Lamb) avenue and John R street ::?65 Burns a venue Collins, Dr. and )!rs. Alvah X. (Stebbins) )Ir. Clarence n. Conn 20 )fartin place Clubs, )Ir. 11-34-)Irs. 172 Sum. Hes. : 1-Iarboi: Bc-ach, )Iich. Conn, :Mrs. John E. (Ryckman) )lrs. )I. F. StPhl>ins 27 Bethune avenue East Clubs, Dr. 2-126 Receh·es Friday )Ir. and )!rs.. John Rvckman Collins, Mr. Charles F. ,v. 31 ,Yillis a Yenue ,Yest )Ir. Gordon Roy Conn ct. of )I.) 34 :Miss .Annie C. Collins Connolly, Judge and )!rs. William F. )Ir. Edward I-1. Collins 12 (Cameron) Clubs, )Ir. 12-:33-i7 2904 Grand boule,·ard East Collins, Mr. and ).Irs. Ch~rles II. Clubs, Judge 32-73 (La Ferte) Connor, Dr. and llrs. Guy L. (Wicks) SO Blaine avenue Sl Euclid aYenue. \YE-st )Iiss Elise .-\. Collins Clubs, Dr. 2-:H-126-129. Zeta Psi Collin~, :\Ir. ancl )Ir~. Charles P. (Cotton) Connor, nr. Ra~- The .Alhamb·ra. 62 Bagg street 81 Euclid avenue \Yest Sum. HPs.: --1dkwild Cottage;' St. Clubs, Dr: 2-:H-96-10:J-126-129 Clair 1:1ats Connor, )Ir. ~nd )lrs. Rowland )Ianly )Ii~::; Irene Collins 148 (Gibson) Cluu~. )lr. 3~;-)Jrs. 2G-122-148 46 I-Iig-hland ayenue, II. P. Collin:., m,v. and )Irs. Edward (Bishop) Sum. H.es. : St. Claire Fla ts G0-1 Brush street Recein•s ,Yednesda~- Mr. Reggie Collins Clubs. )Ir. 32-3:~-44-96 Figures refer to club members-see front

Cono,·er. liiss Grace Rosamond Coots, l\Ir. and :\Irs. "William H. · 121 Philadelphia a,enue ·west ( ReJ·nolds) liiss :\Iar)· Conover 40 Blaine a venue ~fr. and :\!rs. -:"~tierson Butler Recei,es l\Ionday Miss Clara L. Gage Clubs, llr. 36, also Armitage Club. Conwa:v. Mr. and l\Irs. Robert J. ( Fletcher) Copland. :\fr. Alexander "\\... ~ · 101 Clairmount avenue 509 Tbe Pasadena :\Ir. and l\Irs. Robert J. Conwar. Jr. liiss :\Iarie R. Copland (Thorpe) :vnss Su~anne D. Copland lir. Lester Conway Clubs, )Ir. 33-34-52 Clubs. Mr. 36 Cook, Mr. and l\Irs. Charles T. (Remick) Corbett. )Ir. and l\Irs. Cornelius (Corby) :30 Bagg streE't i)14 ,Jpfferson an,nue )Ir. Royal R. Cook Receh·es Friday liiss :\Iary ..-\. Cook 122 lir. Vincent Corbett )Iiss Luc, R. Cook f>7 lliss Edith Corbett Miss Hannah T. ,Yarn.er :'.\Iiss "\\-inifrenue :Miss C0cPlia C'orcoran llrs. F. Farauhar Clubs. lliss 112 Clubs. :\Ir. 103 Corey. l\Ir. and lfrs. Xewton J. (BenC'dict) Cook. ~Ir. anrl )lrs. "\Ye~son Olean)·) :{8 Woodward terrace The Palms. 449 Jeffc>rson avenue RC'cein•s ·wednesday Receives Frida~- Clubs, l\Ir. 37-67-171-lirs. 67-171 Cooke. l\lrs. GPorge G. (Patterson) Corliss. Hon. John B. 466 Cadillac avenue · ~4 CanfiC'ld aY<'nue "\\"est l\Ir. RussPl Y. Cooke 116 "'.\fr . .Tohn B. Corliss. Jr. lliss J. I. Cooke :\fr. Cull<'n D. Corliss 34 Cooley, Mrs. Elizaheth S. :'.\liss S. :\Iaria Cox Grosse Pointe C'Iubs. Hon. 32-38-34-37-44-116 l\Iiss Cooley Corns, Dr. G<'orge "\\"'. Clubs. l\frs. 168 32 High street • C'ool<'y. Dr. and )Irs. r.<'org<' r .. .Tr. (..\ ll<•n) Corns. Dr. and ::\Irs. Hem·~- C. (Burden) 77 · Euclid a,enue \Yest :lO Wind<'r street Clubs, Dr. 44 ~um. R€'s. : ~t. Claire Flats Coole,. Dr. and )Irs. Thomas R. (IlulJbard) C'luhs. Dr. 30-33-39-110-124-l~;i · 90 For<'st avenue ,Ye::-t Cotn0r. )Ir. and :\Irs.. Tacob. Jr. (Burke) )Ir. ~orman I-T. Pratt 70 Yirg'inia park Receives Mond::is :\Ir. Emerson Cotn<'r Cluhs. Dr. 2-44-12:~-120 :\fiss Katherinf' Cotn<'r Coolidg~. G<'n. and l\Irs. Chas. A. (Lowry) Cluhs. l\Ir. 3:~-:_.;7 .44.. 102-13ri-lfrs. 122- lHO The Pasadena 137 Rf'cC'i,es Friday Cott0r. lir. and )Irs. \Yilliam (\Yi0greffe) Cluhs. Gen. 2;'}-79-116, also D0troit :;5 Peterboro strC'et Philatelic Society and Mich. Soc. Sum. Res.: CharleYoix, Mich. Na'°al and Military Ordc>r Spanish )fiss LE'ota P. Cott<'r Am. Wars-lfrs. 2i}-26-86 ~Ii~s Ethel l-f. CottC'r Coon. )Ir. and lirs. Hf'nry F. ( Hayes) Clubs. "'.\Ir. 33-37-44 125 Perr\' aY0nue Ea::-t Cottrell. )fr. anrl )Irs. Elwr W. ( Smith) :Miss .-\nnal>Pl Hay<'S 13G Lafayette bouleYard )Jiss Lorabel Coon Ch1b$. Mr. 11-25-36-37-4~-99, ::ilso Clubs. l\Ir. 45 Calendon Mt. Trout Club-::\Irs. Coonle)·, lfrs. Dwight l\1. ( .Tonesi 229 Seyburn a,enue 19 Dr. Ra"mond R. ('oonky Counselman. "'.\Ir. and ::\lrs. Lee Clubs. llrs. 122-148 271 Eagt CTrand bouleYard Cooper, :Mrs. James Clubs. )Ir. 37 64 •.\ lf'xa ndrin<" a venu<', \Y C'St Courti~. )Ir. and :\Irs. \YilJiam )I. (Folger) l!iss Harriet P. C'oo1wr 3!~~ lferrick a Yf'nu<• Cooper, :Mrs: J'ohn S. (Curtis) llr. Rectnald P. Courtis G3 209 The Pasadena lfiss Olga Courtis Clubs, l\Irs. 86 Cluh~. )Ir. 116-::\lrs. 26 Figures refer to club members-see front of bool.". DETROIT 49

Courtnev. )Ir. and :\Irs. George T. (Kingsley J Cramer, )Ir. and )Ir8.• John L. ( Young) · • 24 Pingree a venue 306:~ East Grand boulevard )lrs. Kingsley Clul>s. :\Ir. ;~7-44 :\Iiss Kings!.-~· Crampton, )Ir. ancl )!rs. ""illiam A. Clubs, )Ir. 12-S:3-:\Irs. 112-122-141 , Blakeslee) Cousino, )Ir. ancl )Jr:-;. Elmer L. (Whitmore) 1-1)1 Canfield aYenue \Yest -U7 Seminole avenue )[r. William I-I. Crampton Clubs, )Ir. 63 )Iiss 'l'bc>resa BlakPslee Cousins. :\Ir. and )!rs. ~\rchiuald Y. (Kidner) Clubs, :\Ir. llG-:\Irs. 91 · lH-l Commonwealth avenue Crandell, :\Ir. and )lrs. Frank ( Raymond) Club:-:. )Ir. :~u-G~{ 2G ~Iartin place Cousins, )Ir. ancl :\Irs.. Jim 1-1. (Yarley) ~um. Res. : Ogunquit, :\Ie. 19S .\v('n· avenue Cluos. :\Irs. 2U H<.'C<.'in~s ·Fridnv Crapo, )Ir. and )Ir:,;. ~tan ford T. ()Iorlcy) :\Ir. Ja1rn,s Y. Y:irley GG 180 SNninole a ,·cnue :\Iiss )Iary Y:1r11._,. Sum. H<-s.: Pointe aux Barques, )Ii:c-s )Iarion Com:ins )Iich. Clubs, )Ir. :_1::-:-W-8n )Ir. Wm. Crapo Couzens, )Ir. and :\Ir8.. Tames CluhR. llr. 2:;.:::.;.:H--14-12:3-133-160- 94 Long-fellow avenue )Irs. 9-2::i-·H-SS-H-l Clubs. :\Ir. 12-2;;-:::.;.34.:i 7-:{9--l-l-66-103 Crawford. )Ir. and )lr~. Ge.•orgt> A. Cowie, Dr. and )Ir~. Ilrnry (\Yood) · t. ~an1ge.1 ·- ISO Caufil'ld a n•nue \\·e::-t 75 Blaine' a,·«>mw Cowles. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Israel Town<' H(•cein•s :\lornhn· (Howard) Cluhs. :\Ir. Hti-11!)-·-:\[r:,;. 9:; 1-lS S<'yhurn av«>nu«' Crawford. )fr. Samuel X. R Cluh8. )Ir. -:l--2:i-:.;2.:.;-1-:.;7-nG-12:3-1:14- 220 \Yatcrman a n•nue 1-1:7-H,0-)Ir:-;. ~7-nt-9:► -122 )Ii:--~ Grace C. Crawford, 44 '\\·alker- Cox, :\Ir. and )irs. Allan Priest (Knauss) ville Countr~· Club, Associated :.rn:J Cass HV('Illll' Chariti<'s . Clubs. )Ir. :32-til.,-7:::-78-1~4 )Ir. Harrie A. Crawford. ·walk<'n·ille Cox, :\liss S. )fa ria Countrv -Club . .-\.~sociated Chariti<'S care! of lion ..J. B. Corliss. :H Can­ Clubs. :\Ir. ::::{-4-l. Walkerville Country field a \"(.'DlH' \Yest Club. ~\s:-;ociatecl Charities Co~·l, :\Irs. )Iary n. (Throop) CrcssPv. )Ji:,;s France::- R l!l4 Charlotte• a n•nue · 7!) \Yat:,;on :-;treet Club~. )!rs. 2G-!)l :\Ir. ,Y. I>. :Morton Craig, )Jr. ~rncl )Irs.. Tame:-;. Pr. (.\spinall) SG-l Cass ave•nue Crcuscl. nr. and )lrs. Francis II. Oiach'an) )J,r. I-Iarvey Aspinall Craig 34 1HO TarI01· avenue :\Ir::;. )lar~· C ..:\:-;pinall ( Gray J 34 Clubs, Dr. 3-l-67 )Ir. Lyman .T. Craig ::-:1 Cristy. )Ir. and :\Irs. Jame's Crapo (Hart) Clubs. )Ir. :H-)Irs. :1-1 v;::~ Iroquois aYenue Craig. )Ir. and )lr8. Thomas G. ( E,·ans) Sum. RC'~. : Drer Lak<'. :\Iich. 10:~ .-\lexandrinc ~1n~nue ·west :\Ir. Harlan. Pag-<' CristJ· Mr. Iltred \Y. Craig-. 3-1 Clubs. )lr. H-1-16G Clubs, :\Ir. 6U Crittenden. )fr. and )!rs. Fred A. (\Yenzel) Craig, )Ir~. '\Yilliam (Blodgett) s:; Palmer av<"nue East 180;3 \Yoodward an•nm! )Iiss Glydys Crittenden Sum. Hes. : Harbor Beach )[r. Ualnh C. Craig :34 CrittcndC'n. )Ir. and )[rs. K(~nn('th ( Hook) )Ir.. Tames B. Craig a-1:~ I-Iurluut a\"cnue Cluhs. )Ir~. 1::!i , Cromhi<', )Ir.• Jamc-s )I. Craigic, )Ir. and :\Irs. K(•nnf•th C. (Pickard) 2:{ Parsons streC't 2G llighland avenue II. P. Clubs. :\Ir. :17 Cram, :llr. and :\lrs. a\rthur B. (Sill) Crosman. )Ir. Rufus X. (;0 For<•st aYenm~ East 1~3 .-\lg<.'r an•nue :\liss )lary Cram Clubs. )Ir. :H; :\Ir. John E. Cram )Ii~s Elizabc•th Cram Cross, :\Ir. and :\lrs. '\\·imam II. Clubs. )Ir. 3(i f>7 Hazelwood a,enue Cram, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Ron~ .T. (ParnwlN•I Croul. )!rs. Ellen (Parsons·, :W Hancock aYenuc '\Yest · fiS:; .J cffC'rson a n•nue ~um. He~.: Gratiot Beach HPceivps Fridav Clubs, )Ir. 10S-1 Hi-:\Irs. 2(;-91-122 Clubs, )!rs. 2;'.> • Cramer. l\lr. and )!rs. Charles B. Croul. )Ir. and )!rs. Elwood (Hoffman) (Topliff I 2 Shipherd court 44 Cllone place Hecei ,C's Friday Clubs, lfr. 12 Clubs, )Ir. :34.12:1 Figures refer to e:lub members-see front of book. 50 THE SOCIETY BL'CE BOOK

Croul, )Ir. and :Mrs. Frank Hobbs (Toll) Cushman, )Ir. and :\Irs. B('nnPtt B 148 )IcDougall avenue (Arl<'e )I. :McKnightJ Sum. Res. : Old Club The Palms. Receives Friday l\Iiss Florence- .A. Cushman Clubs. )Ir. 11-25-26-37-45-73-103-134- Clubs. )Ir. 33-44-4;j 135-Hi2, also Autom::>bile Club. Co­ Cutcheon, )Ir. and )lrs.. Tames I-I. (Drolet) lonial Danes-l\lrs. 25-77-93-10:'.;-113- 128 Hancock an'nue East 132, also Automobile Club. Cutler, :Mr. and l\Irs. Dwight (Bowen) Croul, l\:lr. John E. 1155 \Yoodward a,enue The Pasadena Sum. Res.: :.\Iackinaw Island Clubs, :\Ir. Town Club Clubs. )Ir. 2;:;-:3"J-:17-(;7-Hi2-:.\Irs. G7- Crowl. )Ir. H. Bert Crowl 1:32 830 Second avenue Cutting, l\Ir. and )!rs. ll<'n. X. )Irs. W. H. Crowl 1.Ton<'s) ::.4-1~2 980 Rrush street Clubs. )Ir. 34-5-1-72-llG-12:1 Clul>s. )Ir. 44-GG Crowlc•y, Mr. and )!rs. Daniel T. (Dw~·t-r) Grosse Pointe Yillage Crowley, Mr. and )!rs. Joseph J. (Flynn :1 .\ILEY, )Ir. and )Irs. Charles "·· Lakeland avenue, Grosse Pointe Yil­ 44 Lincoln an•nue lage il Sum. RP~. : :\Iountain Yi<'w Park Clubs, )Ir. 33-73 )Ir. Carl X. Dail0y Clubs, )Irs. 139 Crowley, )lrs. Lafayette (Borgman) 192 l\IcDougall avenue Pailt'Y, )Ir. and )lrs. B. G. (Xicholson) Clubs. l\Irs. 91. 9:~ F<.,rrv an'nue ,Yest l\liss ·catherine B. Crowh'Y Sum. R<.~s. : Hickory Island )Ir. and l\lrs. Donald i ,. Thurber Dailey, )Ir. and )Irs. \Y. E. (Thompson) (Crowley) (Sigma Gamma) 146 Colburn aYenue Crowley, Mr. and l\Irs. "William C. Daker, :\Ir. and :\Irs. John Olartin) (Freeman) 443 Fourte<'ntb avenue 89 Erskine street. :\Jr. Duncan \V. Daker Clubs, :\Ir. 25-Mrs. 25 )Ir. John Daker. Jr. Crumrine, Dr. and l\Irs. Charles G. (Bird) )!rs. )Iary D. Farley ( Daker) 100 Delaware aYenue Dakin, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Henry 1V. (Ide) Clubs, Dr. 126 2G6 SPminole a ,('nue Cruso<.', l\Ir. and l\Irs. Joseph F. ( Rutledge) Clubs. )Ir. 25-29-3:3-:3-1-:{7-16;3-171- 1535 Second avenue l\lrs. 9-29-94-168 )Ir. Harold R. Crusoe Dalzell, :\Ir. and )Irs.. John (Xa~h) )Ir. William W. Crusoe 38 Alfred street :Miss l\Iarguerite C. Crusoe Danaher, l\liss Catherine Cudmore, :\fr. and :Mrs. Richard T. t::~4 Yirginia avenue (Sterling) Danaher. )Ir. and )Irs. Janws E. 73 Harmon av<'nue (::\IcMabon i Clubs. :\Ir. 12-1:m-)Irs. 120 45 ""illis a Yenue East Culbertson, :Mr. and :\Irs. Charles B. )Ir. Ray E. Danaher 44-66 (Hutchinson) Clubs, )Ir. 12-25-33-37-44 79 Fern· avenue East Sum. Res. : Girard. Pa. Danziger, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Jacob Carl (Kiefer) Miss ::\Iargaret Lou Culbertson 305 Burns an•nu<' Clubs, Mr. 25-33-44-162-Mrs. 91 Receives Thursday Currie, l\Ir. and )Irs. Cameron (Lewis) Clubs, :\Ir. 11-3:3, WalkerYille (Ont.) 675 Jefferson avenue Country Club-:\Irs. \Yalken·ille Miss Gwendolyn Currie (Ont.) Country Club Mr. John Donald Currie (Yale) Darmstaetter, )Ir. and :\lrs. Herman Clubs, :Mr. 25-34-37-66-134. also En­ ( WolltI) gineer's Club, :Xew York 59 Arden Park Currier, Mrs. F. l\I. (Parsell) :\Ir. Armin ..\. Darm~ta<'tt<'r. 30--1:~-63 481 ·woodward avenue (;G-162. also Town Club Curtenius, Miss ~Iary E. Clubs, :\Ir. 7:3 1053 .Jefferson avenue Da,ey, ~:Iiss Elizabeth Clubs, Miss 26 care of llrs. Stout, 1023 Jefferson Curtis, l\Ir. and l\Irs. Fred A. (Hale) avenue 81 Atkinson a,enue Clubs, Mrs. 120-122 Davies, Mr. and ::\Irs. Karl R. (Stenton) Curtis, l\Ir. and l\Irs. James A.. (Croft) 150 Pallister av<>nue 430½ Cass a,enue Sum. Res. : Ch<-'rr;y Beach Clubs, Mr. 87 Clubs, l'Ir. 3-36-66 Curtis, :Mr. and Mrs. 'William G. (Curtis) Davies, :Mr. and l\Irs. :Maxton R (~lay) 285 Grand boulevard East 158 Seward a,enue Miss Lucile Curtis Dr. Charles F. Davies Clubs, Mr. 11-33-34-44 Clubs, Mr. 3-11-36 "Pigure8 refer to c-lub members-see front of boo1..·. DETROIT 51

Davies, )Ir. and )Irs. Thomas Stephen Dawson, )Ir. and :\Trs. Jolln r. (Jacobs) (Frumvclkr) 115 \\"atson street 35 Horton avenue Davies, )Ir. and :\Irs. \Yilliam L. (Dougall) Day, Dr. and )Irs. Lawrence E. (Gilchrist) "Avondale," Roche~ter. N. Y. 3~9 Lincoln an•nue :\Ir. Llewellyn R. Davies Sum. Hes.: Lorel('i Lodg('. Glen Clubs, )Ir. 33-:3-1-37 llan•n. :.\Iicb. Da,is, )Ir. and )Irs. Charles Bartlett Ilcct•i vcs \Yednesday ()Iurph)·) Day. )Ir. and )!rs. IlohPrt II. (Smith) 206 Parker avenu(' 19(; Euclid aY('IlU('. WP~t Clubs, )Ir. 23-a4-:~7-123-135 Sum. Res. : --Lorelei Lodge."' Glen Davis, )Ir. and Mrs. Charles K. (\Yoolf) Hav<'n, Mich. 1007 Cass aYcnue Clubs. )Ir. 30-:~:1-GG-116-119 :\Ir. II. ~. ..-\. ll<>n Day, )Ir. and ::.\Irs. Ilob<•rt S. 79 Garfield avenue 192 Iroquois a,<'nlw Clubs, Mr. 34-12:3 Sum. Re~. : )Iuskegon. )Iich. DaYock, l\Ir. and )!rs. Harlow ~­ )Ir. Carl H. Deiruel 6G (Dickerson) liiss Jeannette Deinwl 230 Blaine ayenu'? llrs. Charlotte Deimel Elliott Clubs, l\Ir. 8-:l Delamater, )Ir. and )!rs. D~"Witt C. ( Hewitt) Da,ock, l\Irs. Harlow P. ('Whiting) 937 Second avenu·e 79 Garfield avenue Sum. Res.: Clark Lake, )Iich. Clubs, 1\:Irs. 122 Clubs, :\Ir. 12-3:J Dawson, l\Ir. and )!rs. George B. Velano. )Ir. and :\Irs. FredC'ric )Iortimer ( HeydlautI) · (Thomas) 32 Charlotte a ,·enue 126 Dubois street Sum. Res. : Cass Lake Receives Frida:r Clubs, Mr. 73-110 Clubs. )Ir. 34-llu-1:~:.,-)Irs. 91 Fir1urc8 refer to cluu members-see front of bool.-. THE SOCIETY BLt:'E BOOK

Delhridge, )Ir. and )Irs. Charles Fisher Uewev. )Ir. Frt•d G. ( Florence E. )I ore) • · 20 Ledya·rd street Grosse Pointe Yillage Clubs, 33-63-78-116-124 Uecei ,es Friday Dexter. :\fr. and )!rs. John L. (Scroggs) Clubs. )Ir. 32-:{:1-34-78-96-12:~-124-164, ti2-} The Addison also ~i~nu1 chi Frat<'rnity and De­ Clubs, :\Ir. 33-34-H7-S7-96-:\Irs. 67- troit Boat Club Yachtm<>n-::\Irs. 9G 87-H(; nelbridg<'. )!rs.. Tames B. (Fisher) Dcy, )Ir. and :\lrs. Hamilton (Gray) <_;;; Seward avenue 20:; The Pa::-ad<->na Clubs, :Mrs. 122 Club~. )Ir. 12-2::.-:36-37-10~ Delbridge. Dr. and :\Irs. Jay J. (Jamieson) 8!)4 \Yoodward avenue H<'y, )Ir. and ::\Irs. Hermann (O"Flynn) Clubs. Dr. :~4 42;j .frff:prson an•nu<' Clubs. )Ir. 12-2r:.-:-n-13-l Deming, )Ir. and )lrs. Paul Harn'~­ I ,cyo, :\Irs. Lilli<> Rarclay ' Smith 1 ··ChE>rn·lrnrst:· Grosse Pointe :-;2 (;arti<>ld avcnue Farnis. :\Iich. )Ir. \Yillia m Ra relay Deyo Clubs. )Ir. 2Z:,-37-4;j-16~ Clubs, )Ir~. 122 Demor~·. )Ir. and )!rs. A. Richard (Artz) I"Hack, :\Ir. and ::.\fr$ ..-\rcbibald "·· (Smith) :i02 The Pasadena ::it, I la ,·en port street Clubs. )Ir. 11-2Z'.>-~7-102-l;j8-)Irs. 122 Clubs. ::.\Ir. :H-12:i Denby, Hon. and )!rs. Edwin I ► iack. :\Iis$ Carolrn B. D.Iarion B. Thurber) iare of )Ir::-. Jackson. 213 Pallh,ter 739 Jefferson avenue a \"l'DU(' ~um. Res.: Huron )fountain Club I>ibhle. )Ir. and )Ir::-. Harr~· A. ( Lokie) Recei,es Friday 1:;2 Blain<• a,·pnuc Clubs. Hon. 2;:,-:~2-34-37-123-134-:\Irs. Cluhs. ::.\Ir. :3:-;-120 117 I >ickcrson. )Ir. and )!rs. Freeman B. Dennen, )Ir. and )!rs. Charles It. (Howard) Dlnrshall 1 G4 Rhode Island an'nue 3:-; L<'icester court :\Ir. and )!rs. Chas. Howard (Bodine) Clu hs. :\Ir. :n-::~:i--t.:3--H Clubs. )Ir. 44-)Irs. 44 Hickinson. :\Ir. ancl )Irs. Don :\I. Dennis. )Ir. and )frs. Arthur S. Tn•nton, :\Iich. 78 :\Ionterc~· avenue I >ickinson. )Ir. and )lrs. Horace K. Clubs, )Ir. :17 1Pashh,·) Dennis. )Ir. and )lrs. FrPderic \Y. (Clarke) 77 West1ilinstN aYenue 109 King- avPnu<> Clubs. )Ir. llH-1:3::; Clubs. )Ir. 11-::0-1:;:;-)Jrs. !):; r>ickinson. :\Ir. and ::\lrs.. J,;nws E. (Orr) I >ennis. :\Trs. Ida )I. ( Ruoff'I UG .losPphine aYPillH! 919 J1:-fferson avcnuc )Ir. Howard o: T>ickinson ~um. R<•s. : Grand<• Pointe )Ir.. John L. Dickinson f;7 )Iiss Eliza )Iaric Denni!-; Cluhs, ::.\Ir. :1:-;-)Irs. 42-00 I lickinson. l\Ir. and )lrs. Julian G. Dennis. :\fr. and :\!rs.. J. )I. · Grosse Ile (.Johnson) 40 ('antic>ld aY('DUC \Y(•st Dep<'w, )Ir. and )lrs. Sher1nan L. (Pingree) )Ir. .\ l fr('cl llickinson 4-l 1781 Jefff'·rson av~nue :\Ir. Julian Dickinson ~um. Res. : Lake Harbor, )Iich. :\Ir. Philip K Dickinson 1:~r, neceivcs Frida~· )Ir. Stanh•y H. Dickinson Cluhs. )Ir. 2:;-~:l-34-:~7-12:i-140-162- )liss Clara .T. I >ickinson ~I rs. 2Z.-122-1 ~ 1 Cluhs. :\Ir. :>2-:{:{-:{4-:n-79-98 Derh~·- :\Iiss Kathcrine also l><'troit Post G. .\. R.-)Irs. care of )lrs. Edgar, ;j(j;j ,Yoodward 2(i-8(i-122 avenue Dickinson, )Ir. and :\Irs. )I. ,Yesson (Grey) Des Rochcs. :\lr. Erncst R. 1:i2 ~\ tkinson av(•nue 2:18 F<•rry a ,·«-nue East Clubs. ::.\Ir. :rn :\Ir. Yictor E. DPs Roclws n·. of :\I.) Diefendorf. )Ir. and )lrs. Harry G. )Ir. Donald ,,·. Des Roches (~ara Edna Burton) DeYlin, )Ir. and )Irs. George Alhert ( :\hrnson) 220 Edison aYcnue c;rosse Pointe Farms Cluhs. )lr. :;:i-:37-4:i-1:-;:;-140. also Phi :\Iiss Elinor L. De,·lin lklta Th<>ta f'luh of Philarl<>lphia )Ir. Erle 1-;dwin Devlin nmon, :\Ir. ancl :\lrs. William :\I. (.J<>ffric•s) )Ir. Lyle ..:\lh(•rt Devlin 2:~:-; Yin(•wood avc-nu<' Cluhs, :\Ir. 2:.?-:{:-; Ditzler. )Ir. and )Irs. L. FrNlc-rick (Good) DeYoe, )Ir. antc•r )[. ~09 Warrc•n avenuc West :;o7!) Grand houlennd West Cluhs, )Ir. :~f;-116-:\Irs. 122 Cluh:-;. )lrs. Hr»

Fir1u.rex refer ff) club members-see front of 1Jook. DETROIT 53

Dodge, )Ir. and )lrs. Frank. H. (Crane) I )ore mus, Hon. and llrs. Frank E. ( Hately) 1908 Wocdward avenue 93 Philadelphia a'"enue_ East Clubs, :\Ir. 11-33-37-102 Clubs, Hon. 32 Uodge, )Ir. and )!rs. Horace E. Dorling, :\Iiss )lary Ann (Thompson) care of )!rs. Colton, 485 Grand Gross<' Pointe Village boulevard East Clubs, l\Ir. 66-:Mrs. 148 lJoty, )lrs. George (King) Dodge, :\Ir. and :llrs. John F. (Pausch) -1-:1 Hancock aYenue East 3;3 Boston boulevard East )Ir. and :\Irs. Charles 0. Roney )Iiss \Yinifred Dodge )Ir. and llrs. EYert Radford lliss Isabel Dodge Cluus, )Irs. HO Clubs. )Ir. :3:~-4J-63-66-162-)lrs. 137 Doughty. :\Ir. and )!rs. Edward Crosby Domine, :\Ir. and )!rs. George L. (Brodie) ( Russel) G4S Baldwin avenue 149 .Joseph Campau aYenue Clubs, :\Ir. 6~ Clubs, :\Ir. 25-123-llrs. 2;'.,-117 Donald, Dr. and :\Irs. \Yilliam )I. ( Douglas) Doughty, )Ir. and ::\Irs. Richard H. ffiO .Jeffprson avenue 4_Rumney1 Clubs, Dr. 126-:\Irs. 122-137 418 ~<•minol<' avenue , Donaldson. ~Ir. and )!rs. George (:\IcGrath) Clubs. :\Ir. 25-33-164-llrs. 20-26-86 81 Hazelwood an•nup Douglas. )lrs. BC'njamin (Biddle) Clubs, )Ir. :32-3-!-lG-!-)frs. 122 ··The Elms." Grosse Ile Donaldson. )Ir. and l\Irs. J olrn :\I. :\Iiss Lois Bushnell Douglas ( Grosn1 nor) :\Ii~s )lar~ar1~tta Douglas 1:~8 Alfred street )Ir. Stratford Douglas Sum. Res.: Hickor)· Island )Ir. Gilbert Douglas )Ir. ..-\le:xander Gros,·enor Donaldson Douglas, Dr. Charl<'s )Ir. Brue<.• )I. Donaldson (Princeton 939 ,Jpfferson a,enue Colleg-e) )Iiss Kathleen J. Douglas 6-137 Club~. )Ir. 5-S-9-12-28-33-34-:37-47-135- Clubs. Dr. 126-135 lG0-:\Irs. 122-128-187 Douglas. lfrs. Harriet ·wood Donaldson. :\Irs. Robert ( Rutson) ::i4 Lawrence avenue 20G ::\IcDougall avenue (U. M.) Sum. Res. : Grosse I le )Ir. )!organ Drexel Douglas of :\Ir. Charles E. Donaldson. 34 Douglas. :\Ir. and )lrs. Hiram A. (Gilmore) :\Iiss .-\nna Donaldson 16~ Yirginia Park lliss Christina Donaldson Clubs, )Ir. 37-44 )Iiss :\Iaude Don~1ldson Douglas, )Ir. and )!rs. SamuC'l T. (Dwight) )Ir. Ua~·mond Donaldson, 45 47:-t .JC'fferson a,enue. also Grosse :\Ir. William Donaldson Pointe Donnelly,-•:\lr. and )lrs.. John C. (:\Iinton) :\Ir. DaYid Dwight Douglas (at Yale) Office 1702 1-""'ord Buildin~ )Iiss :\Iarion Howe Doualas ··Rathmor." Bloomfi<'ld Hills. )Iich. Clubs. :\Ir. 4-12-15-25-§2-33-34-37-67- )Iiss Laura :\I. Donnelly 114-123-124-134-151-153-160, also )Ir. Edward Donnell)·. 30-:34-5::i-12:~- _-\merican Bar .:\.ssn.-Yrs. 67-113- 1:;3 120-132 :\Ir. \Villiam )Iinton Donnelly Dow, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Alex. (Kinnersley) :\Ii::-s _-\.nne )Iinton Donnell)" 50 Garfit~la avenue Clubs, .llr. 12-25-29-:32-37-52-70-123- lliss Dorothy Dow 124-134-140 :\Iiss )Iargaret Dow Donnell)·. :\Ir. and :Mrs. Thomas )Ir. ~orrnan G. Reinicker The Plaza. 36 :\Iadison avenue Clubs, :\Ir. 7-11-25-:~3-34-36-37-39-41- Clubs, )lrs. 122 44-10:3-108-140 Donovan. )Ir. James H. Downes. )Ir. and )Irs. "·m. A. (Warren) 81 Hancock ayenue East !);i Euclid ~wenue "-est :\Ir. Hamilton James Dono,·an (Prince­ )Ii~s Edna nownes ton• I>o)·le, )Ir. and )!rs. Edward II. (Walsh) Clull~. )Ir. 2:i ·'The Palms:· -1-19 .Teffer~on ayenue DonoYan. Ilon. and )!rs.. Joseph W. ~um. Rt>s. : Grosse Pointe (Brainard) Rt~ct•i Yes Frida\" :_;2 Bagley a\"entw :\Iiss )fary E. Doyle Cluhs. I-Ion. :;2 Clubs. :\Ir. 2:i-:t~-1-17 Doran. )Ir. and )!rs. Charles V. (Lumsden) Doyk. l:Iiss Sarah L. Hlairn' a ,·<'nue 3077 "-- Grand boule\"ard C1uu~. )Ir. :i!>-ti:{-tiG Clubs, )liss 1 :!:! Doran. )Ir. and )Irs. lIPnrY 8. ( nolwrh·) Doyle, :\Ir. and l-Irs. Thomas J. ( ReamC') · 400 <;rand boulentrcl East · · The Palms. -l-19 Jefferson a\"enuc :\Ti::;~ :\Iurgaret )I. Doran Sum. Res.: Grosse Pointe :\Ir. Harry F. I lornn Clubs. :\Ir. 11-25-33-37-16:! Fiyurci-: refer to c-lu1> 111r111brrs--~1•,, front of bool,·. 54 TIIE ~OCIETY BLl."E BOOK

Drake, l\lr. and Mrs. Earl Franklin Dudley. :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Thomas R. (N'immo) (Lawhead) 43 Jo)· street 51 Jo~· street Clubs, )Ir. 32-3:}-:H-39-44-78-116-129 lluffie. :\'Ir. and :VIrs .•John S'. (Currie) Drake, :liir. and :Mrs. George A. ( Sa,yyer) 193 Stanton aYenue 7 6 Blaine a Yenue Mr. G. Merton Duffie Clubs, :\Ir. :37.55 Duffield, Mr. and Mrs. Bethune ( ::.\Iuir) Drake. Dr. Harlow B. 480 "\Yoodward a\"emw · The Pasadena Sum. Res.: Harbor Point. ::.\Iich. :viiss Eleanor J. Drake. 26-122 Mr. l\luir B. Duffield, 3-l Clubs, Dr. 116-126 Miss ::.\Iar)" B. Duffield Clubs, )Ir. 25-32-37-116-lGO Drake, Mr. and Mrs. J. \\ralter (Myler) 112 Boston boule,·ard. "v\'" . Duffield, l\Ir. Divie Bethune Clubs. :\Ir. ll-32-:33-:3-1-36-37-44-78- 707 Jefferson m·enue 135. also Automobile Club of Dl"­ Clubs. l\1r. 6-27-32-34-3 7-3!)-55-72-7 S- troit 154 Duffil-:>ld, Dr. and l\Irs. Francis (:Muir) Driggs, Mr. Frederick E. 2 4 8 Seminole a venu0 36 .\.lfred street Clubs. Dr. 72 Clubs, Mr. 12-25-32-36-37 Duffield. Dr. and l\Irs. George (Cowie) Drummond, lfr. and Mrs. Robert S. 584 Second avenue 122 Marston aYenue Sum. Res. : Harbor Point. llic·h. Clubs, Mrs. 2 2 Mr. George Bethune Duffield Du Bois, Mr. and ::\1rs. J. Eugene Mr. Henry C. Duffield (Holmes) Club~. Dr. 2-34-44-116-12 6 251 Grand bouleYard. E Duffield. :vrr. and :\Irs. Graham Clubs, :\Ir. 33-66-158 C\Yalsh) :3:;9 ~eyburn a,·enm• Ducey. lirs. Abbie 42 ,varren aYenue, E Duffield. l\Ir. ~nd :Mrs. Muir B. l1iss Mary A. Ducey ( McChesner) Mr.• Tames G. Ducey Care of -180 ~'"oodward avpnne l\:Ir. John F. Ducey, 25 Duffield, Gen. Henry ::.\Iartyn Clubs, :\!rs. 2 5 707 Jefferson avenuP :\fr. Divie Bethune DuffiC'ld Du Charme, Mrs. Alfred .T. (Hilton) Cluhs. Gen. 25-32-27-79-116-1:H, De­ Pasadena Ap't. Hotel troit Post G. A. R., union League. Mr. Alfred J. Du Charme X. Y. rnh·ersity Club. N. Y .. Arm,· Clubs, Mr. 25-34-123-163 and Xavy Club, "v\rashington. D. C. Du Charme, :\fr. and Mrs. Charles A. Dumont. Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur S. (Roberts) (Philbrick) 1803 ,voodward aYenue Grosse Pointe, Mich. Clubs, l\'lr. 25-33-135 Clubs, l1r. 11-25-33-37-54-66-67-71-8:i- Dunbar. Mr. and l\Irs. Edward C (Ladue) 114-llG-1:~4-)Irs. 67-94-113-120-132 · 185 Canfield a venue>, "v\. 151 Sum. Res. :Petite Cote Du Charme. :\Ir. and Mrs. Charles B. Receives "v\·ednesda,· (Bradbeer) l\liss Mary L. Dunba1: Rivard bouleYard. Grosse Pointe Duncan. J.\.1rs. Harriet S. (Cady) Clubs. Mr. 25-52-123-124-Mrs. 117 3 9 Woodward terrac-e Du Charme. Mr. and )!rs. Frederick Trempe Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. "\Villiam S. Jr. (Canfield) ' ((Jamieson) 200 Burns aYenue 128 Englewood avenue Clubs, Mr. 2 5-37-134 Clubs, Mr. 36 Ducharme. Mr. George A. Dunk, l\lr. and Mrs. Alfred 0. nvatkins) 803 The Charle,·oix 99 Chicago boulevard Clubs, Mr. 33-34-67-108-114-14 7 S'um. Res. : Sea BreezP. Fla. Cluhs. :\Ir. 11-45-66-88-.lfrs. 20-21- Du Charme, Mr. and :Mrs. Harold (Post) 22-2 6-122 404 Montclair a,·enrP Sum. Res. : Huron :\fountain Dunlap. Mrs. George Receives Friday "Channel View," Grosse Ile Dunlap. Dr. "v\:"'illiam Clubs, Mr. 25-123 G61 Cass a,·enue Ducharme, Mr. and Mrs. \\,.illiam H. !\1i~s Louise Dunlap ( Kelly) Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. (Stark) 834 Jefferson avenue 1179 Brush street Clubs. Mr. 30 Clubs. Mr. 12-37-164 Dudley, Mr. and :Mrs. Albert L. (Phillips) Duntley, !\Ir. and Mrs. John F. ( Lyons) 36 Woodward terrace 426 Cadillac avenue Mr. Louis S. Dudle:r l\Iiss Blanche Duntley Clubs, Mrs. 122-128 Clubs, Mr. 102 Flgures refer to club members-see front of book. DETIWIT ------Durfee. l\Ir. and Mrs. Edgar Xoble 7,...-AIU-L-\RT, :\Ir. and l\Irs. I-Iarrr B. ( BealJ (SaYage) 'I~ 11:3 Virginia Park Ann .-\rbor, l\Iich. ~ :\Ir.• Joseph Earhart Durfee. Hon. and :Mrs. Edgar 0. (Bassett) Clubs. :\Ir. :·~3-44-116-:\Ir~. 12:.! 75 '\Yarren a,·enue East Earle, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Herbert Rowe (Cadwell) Sum. Res. : Gros~e Pointe 117 Delaware aYemw :\Ir. and Mrs. Edgar X. Durfee Clubs. )Ir. :J'i-4-l-1-10-:\Irs. 122 (Ann Arbor, Mich.) Miss Edith :M. Kimball Easle~-- )Ir. and ::\Irs. Charles G. Clubs, Hon. 103-:VIrs. 122 82 Forest a-,enue \Y('St )Ir. Harold Easl<'Y Durkee. l\fr. and ::\:Irs. Harry A. 125 Smith aYenue Eason, :\Ir. and :\Irs. George A. (:\Iedhury) -l-l-l \Yoodward a\·enue Dutton, ::\Trs ..Tames (Adams) :\liss Floren<'<' Eason S66 Cass aYenue Clubs, :)Jr. 3G Dwight. :\fr. and :VIrs. Percy D. ( Buel) :2:20 Burns a Yenue Eaton. )lrs. Elizabeth E. (Southworth) Re,·. Clarence Buel 9;iZ3 Third a Y<'ntie Clubs, :\Ir. S-:25-3:2-36-37-67-Mrs. 67 )Iis~ Irma Hai~ht Dwight, l\Ir. and :\Irs. ":-illiam :\I. · Clubs, :\Irs. 122 (Harding) Eaton, :\Ir. and :\Irs. LeYi F. (Medhury) 781 Jefferson avenue 30 Atkinson aYenue Miss Catharine H. Dwight. 20-22 Mr. LeYi :\I. Eaton Miss Laura M. Dwight, 20 Clubs, )Ir. 45-l\lrs. 15G Clubs. Mr. 103 Eaton. ::\Jrs. TlH•odore IT. (Clark 1 Dwyer. :\fr. and ::\Trs. Emmet (\\.ade) :n 2 The Pasadena 679 Jpfferson aYenue ~um. Res.: Kingsville. Ont. Clubs. :\'Ir. 34-52 Clubs. :\Irs. 26-113 Dwyer, ::\Trs. Francis T. (Fleitz) Grosse Pointe Farms Echlin. :\fr. and :\Irs. Lewis (Orth) Miss Frances R. Fleitz :?~S East Grand bouleYard Dwyer, 1\Ir. James Eddy-. :\Ir. R<'rt 4:21 Jefferson aYenue 102 Alger a,enue Miss Dwyer Edd~-- )fr. and )frs. Frank \Y. (Taylor) l\fr. Albert Dwyer «:rro:-;se Point,• Clubs, :Mr. 37 · :\Irs. ·wm. 0. Munn.,· erb~· Marquette, Mkh. Clubs, Mr. 1:2-25-:29-33-34-37-S3-134 Edgar, :\Ir. and lirs. )Ialcolm W. -::.\Jrs. 16-67-120-168 Grosse Pointe Dwyer. Mr. \\:--illiam A. :\Irs. :\L :\I. Edgar The Wood~·ard Apartments :\Ir. Louis :\I. Edgar Clubs. Mr. 25-37-52-66 Edmund. :\Irs. Ella E. Dyar. Mrs. Julia G3 Lincoln a venue Grosse Pointe Farms Edwards, :\Irs. A. D. (Smith) Clubs. ::\frs. 16-67-132-137 51 \Yinder street Dyar. Mrs.. Tohn BE>ekman (Maynard) Edwards. :\Ir. and :\Irs. .-\lh'n F. (Russel) Grosse PointE> Farms ·212 Seminole avenue 1\-lr. John '\Y. Dvar. :25-34-37-5:2-72-123 Rec<'i ,·es Frida~- l\1iss Clara E. Dyar, 122 Clu hs. :\Ir. 2i>-3~-:3,-119-123-)Irs. I >yar. :\Ir. and )'!rs. Ralph :\I. ( Stearns) Children's Free Hospital Assn. Grosse Pointe Farms Clubs, Mr. 6-12-16-25-33-34-37-67-163- Edwards. )Ir. and )lrs. George D. also Caledon Mt. Trout Club-Mrs. (Pierson) 67-132 ~9 Pingree a ,·enue Dye1·. :\Ir. and :\:lrs. \\·m. E. ( Hunter) :\Ir. Clinton Edward8 27 Led:ntrd street :\Ir. _-\.rthur L. Edwards Clubs. Mr. 34-Mrs. 95 Clubs, :\Ir. Woh·erine Auto Club Figures 1·efer to t:lub members-see front of book. 50 '.!'HF. SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Edwards. :\Ir. and )!rs. George ·w. (Brown) Emery, :\Ir. and )Irs. \Yilliam 0. (Bishop) ~a9 Cass aYenue 843 \Yaterloo avenue Sum. Hes.: ~antucket. :\lass. llr. Ogden B. Emery Clubs, )Ir. :!5-34-37-103-·)lrs. 91 Clubs, :\Ir. 36 Eede, Dr. and )Irs. Edmund "·· ('Yeigand) Emmert, llr. and Mrs. John I-I. (Finney) 508 "·oodward an~nue 2913 Grand boulevard "·est Ellair, )Ir. and l-Irs . .\lexandl1 r J. )Iiss Doris Emmert (St. Aubin) :\Ir. and llrs. R. T. Bates (Emmert) 210 Hancock an~nue East lliss Barbara Emmert Clubs, llr. 11-:13-a4-37-44 Ellair, )Ir. Archibald G. 32 Josephine aYenue Emmons. )Ir. and )!rs. Edwin D. (Chope) . 44 :\Ielbourne ..1VPnue Elliot, )Iiss Ida A. :\liss :\Iildred Emmons 907 r.rhe Pasadena :\liss ,Yinifred Emmo:.1s Elliott, )lr8. Charlotte Deimel Clubs, :\Ir. ;3:~-162 192 Iroquois avenue Emmons. :\Ir. and )!rs. IIar~)ld !.I. (Scotten) Elliott, )Ir. and )Irs. Clifford (Cicott) 792 Cass aYenue 111 Eliot street Clubs. )Ir. :32-33-:{4-7S-124-140 )Ir. Edwin A. Elliott Endicott, )Ir. and :\!rs. John (Booth) :Miss )larie Irene Elliott Birmingham, llich. Elliott. )Ir. and )Irs. Richard G. (Kibbee) Clubs, )Ir. ::rn-40-72-140 · 146 Canton avenue Enggass, )!rs. Adolph ( Hirschman) Clubs, )Ir. 34 141 Pallister avenue Elliott, )!rs. Richard R. <:McCarthy) )Ir. Clarence H. F:nggass. 3-H3-106 204 Palmer avenue East :\Ir. :\Iaurice A. Enggass, lOG Sum. Ifr~. : lWlH!rts Landing, St. Erdman, )!rs. Charles (Wilhelm·., Clair River S8 Erskine stre•~t )Ir. Thomas H. Elliott. 127 )!iss .:\gnes Erdm2.n :\Ir. "Wilfred Elliott )Ir. Edgar Elliott. 25-3-1 Erichsen. Dr. and lirs. Hugo· (Eggeman) )Iiss Percy Elliott 240 Chandler avenue Receives Frida:r Elliott, )!rs. ,Yilliam Herbert (Hogarth) :\Iiss . .-\gnes Erich!=:i~n 507 Cass avl~nm! Clubs. 2G Erving. )Ir. and l\Irs. George Burt (Har,e:r) Ellis, )!rs. Charles Herbert ( Cram) 185 Fern· a·n•nue Eas;t 61 Forest ~nenw· Ea:st l\Ir. Harry. Hartley )Ir. Herbert C. Ellis :vnss Amy E. Ellis Esselstyn, )Ir. Elton .-\. Clubs. )lrs. 122 62 Bagg street Ellis, Dr. E. R. E\·ans. )Ir. and :\!rs.. Josiah Bidwell (Bolt) · 24 Alexandrine a,enue East 91Z:. Brooklyn avenue )Iiss Isabf'lle Gunn Clubs, )Irs. i48 )Iiss Jessie R. Ellis Evans, )Ir. and :\-!rs. Richard P. (Palmer) )Iiss Gertrude E. Gunn 49 Erskine street Ellis, :\fajor and )!rs. Edward D. (liorgan) care of ii4 Bates street E,arts, )Ir. and )!rs. Charles R. (Cranson) Clubs, )!rs. 122 144 Palmer avenue ,Yest Ellis. )Ir. and :Mrs. Griffith Ogden ( Scripps) E,arts, :\Ir. and )!rs. Edwin (Cranston l 30 Kirby av<-'nue We!i-t 177 Ferry avenue \\'es-;: Clubs, :\Ir. 33-34-37-66-67-102-124- E,erett, :\Ir. Harry E. :\Irs. 26-67 27 L<>dyard street Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. (Baisch) Ewing, l\Ir. and l~rs. Alonzo P. (Bush) The Jefferson, 1055 Jefferson ave­ 134 Longfellow avenue nue Clubs, :\Ir. 3-38-34-36-:~7-41-44-66-114- Sum. Res. : Grosse Point~ 135 Clubs. :\Irs. 57 Ewing, )Ir. and )!rs. Henry ,Y. (Pratt) Ellis, :\Ir. and llrs. Roys Arthur (Ashley) 1G2 Euclid aYenue ,Ye~t 1,:1 ,Yestrninster :\Ir~. L. C. Platt Ely, )Ir. and )Irs. Herbert C. (Ten Eyck) Clubs, )Ir. 135 49 Canfield avenue West Clubs. :\Ir. 11.:25-37-44 Emerson. Dr. and llrs. Justin Edwards 7°.rAIRGRIEVE, ~Ir. and Mrs. Gordon D. ( Eliot) 2Jl (Chapoton) 128 Henry <::;trP•.:t 3000 East Grand boulevard )Ir. Philip Law Emerson. 34-123 Clubs, 11-33-37--15 )Ir. Ralf Pomeroy Emerson, 34 Fales. Mr. and :\!rs. James \\·. ( Lyons) Clubs. Dr. 2-8-36-72-Su-96-103-114-11°6- 14..t- Canfield avenue °\Yest 126-129-151-:\Irs. 20-::!:2-2 6-27-94- Sum. Res.: Bay View. !\1:ich. 96-113-125-137-151 :\Ir. Russell P. Fales Figures refer iv dub me111be1·s-sce front of bool,·. DETROIT 57

Faltis, Mr. John J. Fa~-, Dr. and :\Irs. George E. Hotel Hoffman, 415 "\Yoodward ( Van Der Kar) aYenue The Addison, corner Charlotte and ::\Irs. John .J. Fal tis ( Los •.\ngeles. Woodward avenues Cal.) Clubs, Dr. 34-123-124-126, American Clubs, l\Ir. 63-66-73 Medical Ass'n, Psi t.:-psilon Fra­ Farley, Mrs. :Mary D. (Daker) ternity-)Irs. 12 2 448 Fourteenth aYenue Fay, Dr. John 1Y. Farmer, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Arthur John 1-1-1 Hancock avenue West (Powell) Recei\·es Tuesda v Grosse Pointe Farms l\1iss :\Iary Root Fa~- Recei Yes Tuesdav Mr. Benjamin F. Fav Clubs, Mr. 11-25-3.3-3-1-71-116-135 Miss Annie A. Schoppmaer Farnsworth, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frank 1V. F'eehheimer. Dr. ::\foses ..:\.. (Brown) 110 Garfield aYenue 229 Chicago bouleYard · Miss Maude Fechheimer Clubs, Mr. :J-11-45. also \\:--alken·ille Jiiss Reeda Fechheimer Countr;y Club-lirs. 1-12 Clubs, Dr. 106-126 Fechheimer, l\lr. and :\Irs. Sidnev ":.\-1. Farnsworth_. )Iiss H~nrietta L. de X. (Krause) ~ 62 Bagg street 112 Garfield a venue ReceiYes ::.\Iondav Clubs. l\Ir. 106 ::\:liss Harriet E. P. Farnsworth, 26- 113 Fee. l\Ir. Robert L. Cl'Jbs, ::.\Iiss 26-91-113 67 Cass aYenue Farnsworth. Mrs. George Fenner. :\fr. and :\Irs. F. Howard 1270 Brush street (Anthony) . l\fr. GroYer C. Farnsworth 72 Boston bouleY::trd East l\Iiss Amy Louis<' Farnsworth. 143 Clubs. lir. 66 and Three Arts Club. Xew York Fenton. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Ronald C. Clubs, :\Ir. 25, 33. 3-1, 135 and De­ 691 Cass aYenue troit Tennis Club Ferguson. :\Iiss .Josephine E. Farquhar, l\Irs. Man· H. 5-1- Boston bouleYard East 3 7 Da Yenpoi-t street Clubs, Miss 13i Mr. Frederick Latta Smith Ferrin, Mrs. C. J. Clubs. )!rs. 26-122 50 ::\Iadison a,·enue Farr, l\Ir. and ~Irs. :\Ierton E. Ferris. :Miss Gladys -10 Putnam aYenue Care of ::\Irs. Rogers Miss ElYa Farr 111 ,Yestminster avenue ::.\J_iss Am~· Farr Ferry, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Dexter l\I., Jr. )fr. Lee :\I. Farr (Hawkins) Clubs, 8-12-37-1\Irs. 19-!H-122 10-1-0 ""\Yoodward a\·enue Farrand. ~Ir.• T. S .. Jr. Sum. Res.: "::\Iilfer," Unadilla, -157 ""\Yoodward aYenue X. Y. Clubs, l!r. 12-25-33-37-39-52-103-11-1- Clubs. :\Ir. 11-2 3-25-33-3 4-3 i --17-5 ~- 116-135 102-12:3 Farrand, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Richard P. Field, Dr. and :.virs. George L. (Folsom) 45i \\:--oodward avenue 5-1 Stimson place Receives l\Iondav Sum. Res.: "Mountain View Park" l\Ir. J. S. Farrand: Jr. l\Iace Day Lake, near ""\Yaterford :\Ir. and Mrs. ,J. Farrand w·miams Clubs, Dr. 127 Clubs, :.vrr. 25-33-::.\Irs. 26-113 Field, :\Ir. and ::\'Irs. Vincent (Hillier) 5S5 Field avenue Farrand, l\Ir. and 1\frs. vVilliam · Ra,·nolds Mr. Edward K. Field ( ""\Yallace) · Clubs, :\Ir. 11-3-1-40-63-7 3-111 720 J<,fferson aYenue 1 Fikes. Re\·. and ::\Irs. )Iaurice Penfield Miss RebE•kah 0 iYe Farrand. 25 (Pyle) Clubs. )Ir. 2Z:.-3:1-37-103-116-135-162- 63 Alfred street )Irs. 26-91-93-1=~, Sum. Res. : Long Lake, :Mich. Farrell, l\Ir. and ::VIrs. Percy J. (SteYens) Receives Tuesda,· 107 Alger aYenue Miss Florence Xita Fikes ::\Iis~ Ethel Farrell l\Iiss :\Iarion Graee Fikes Clubs, :\Ir. 66:-1-17-16-1-:\irs. 26-122 Filer, :\Ir. and :\Ir~. Frank

Findlater. Mr. and :\ilrs. C. "\Y. ( llosher) Fitch, )Ir. and )lrs. ErnPst ( \Yray ,1 313 Forest aYenue -n~est H7 IlazL•lwoJd .1 Yl'Due Clubs, :\Ir. 33-l'lrs. 7 4, also Hypatia )J h;::: Lola \"era. Fitc!1 Literary Club Flanagan. )Ir~. Thomas F. ( St. Pierre) Finn, Mr. and :\-!rs. Albert Henn· (Scott) 5U7 Porter street 36 Bethune aYenue, "~- · Clubs. )Irs. 9;:; Miss Irene Finn, 20-26--:1:2-1-:1:6 Flattery, :\Ir. FrPderick E. Mr. Eaton Scott Finn :184 Jeffrrson an•nue Clubs, Mr. 3-33-9:.l-116-135-::.\Irs. 95- )Ii::;s Flatterv 146 Fll•itz. )Iiss FrancPs Finney, l\Irs. Alice B. Grosse Pointe Farms 17 Garfield a,·enue Clubs. )Ji~s li7 Finney, Mr. and Mrs. Jared "\Y. Fldtz. )Ir. and )!rs. George L. (Hartnett) (Richards) 72.::; .J pfferson a venue 41 Edmund place ClulJs, )Ir. 1::;-:;.t-1(;2-)Irs. 25-132 Sum. Res.: Gratiot Beach. ::.\Iich. Fletcht•r. )Ir. and )Irs. Charles 'l'. ( Sheldon) l-Iiss Mary A. Finney The Palms. 44 7 Jefferson avenue :\Ir.. Harold R. Finnev Cluh~. :\fr. 37 :\Ir. Se;vmour Finney~ Fletcher, )Ir::::. En,J:rn E. (Gurley) Clubs, l\Ir. 32-3-l :;7 Canfield avenue East Fischer, )Ir. and :\Irs. Alexander T. )Iiss Kate S. Fletcher. 20-57-122 (Rhein) )Ir. H. 1\1. Fletcher · 60 :\Ia1·tin place Fletcher, )Ir. and )Irs. Frank \Y. (Parker) Sum. Res.: :\Iaple Leaf and :\:Iount 807 .Jefferson a ,·enue Clemens. Mich. )Ir. George P. Fletcher. 3-1-123 :\Iiss Adele E. Fischer )Ir. Philip K. Fletcher, ·34_ (U. of :\I.) :VCiss Carolina E. Fh,cher )Ir. and )lrs. Henn· E. Fletcher Miss Eleanor P. Fischer ( Gilchrist J 34-12i Fischer, Dr. and :\Irs. Oscar E. (Hadzsits) (Alpena, )Iich.) 507 Field aYenue Clubs. )Ir. 2:i-:H-:-;7 .l(;0-:\Irs. 26 ::\Irs. Emily M. Fischer Fletcher, )Ir. and )!rs. Henn· E. (Gilchrist) Clubs, Dr. -l 8-63-73-81-126-:\Irs. 2~- S07 .Jefferson a,·enue 26 Fletcher, :\Ir. and )Its. TlH'od2re G. (Hecker) Fish, :\Irs. Benjamin P. (Smith) 47 Kiru:r avenue East 766 Second aYenue Clubs. )Ir. :n-llG-)Irs. 122-1::n :\Ir. Smith Y. Fish Flinn, )Jr. and )!rs. ,James I-I. (Garretson) :\Tiss Augusta Fish :nu ~eminole a,·enut• :\Iiss Julia Fish Clubs. )Ir. 25-3:J-:n-12:J Fisher, :.\Ir. and :Mrs. Albert (Gangwish) 88 Trumbull a\·enue Flint, )Jr. Albert \Y. Sum. Res.: ~an Souci. Canada 876 Second aY~m~ ::\Iiss Alb<:•rta. Fisher Flint, )Ir. and )lrs. Henry Howard (Bryant) Clubs. Mr. 11-6!~-.:~ 177 AYer:r ayenue Fisher, )Ir. and )Irs. Arthur )I. (Patterson) Flintermann, ::.\Ir. and )Ir::::. Rudolph F. 126 Atkinson a\·enue Grosse Pointe Clubs, )-Ir. 66 Flowerda:r. )Ir. and )lrs. R II. (Petrequin) Fisher, l\Ir. and :\iirs. Edward l\1etcalf ~17 Lothrop a ,·enue (Merriam) Clubs, )Ir. 63 4 -n,estminster a...-enue Flowerday, :ur. and ~Irs. Hobert (Elder) Clubs, Mrs. 122 106 Lothrop aYrnue Fisher, :\Ir. and )lrs. Fred J. (:\-Iyers) 110 Chand~r aYenue Flowers, )Ir. and )!rs. Charles ReceiYes -n'"ednesda'" ( de X ormandiP) Clubs, Mr. 66 ~ 318 Fern· an~nuP \Yest Fisher, l\iir. and Mrs. George E. (Jones) Fluegel, l\Ir. and llrs. Otto L. ( \Yilliston) 62 Palmer a,·enue "\Yest 50 Ferr:r aYenue \Yest Clubs. Mr. ::i::;-34 )Iiss Carolyne Loui~e Flm.•gel Fisher, :.\Ir. and )lrs. Gc>orge ·w. ( Stead) Clubs, )Ir. 39-G6 jj Selden aYenue F]J·nn, )Ir. and )!rs.. Tallll'=-> \Y. ('Yall.:er) lliss lia:rme A. Fisher 127 Henry street Fisher, )Ir. and )!rs. Reynolds (Rurt) Follin. )Ir. )Ia:rnard D. 2074 "\Voodwarri'>l.-. DETROIT 59 ------· ·-·------· .... ------

Forhes. nr. ancl :\Ir:-:. Edwin n. 1. Fi:-:lwr) Fowh•r. )Ir. and )Ir:-:. Edward .-\. ()lay) fH Pa llister a Y<'nne :J08 Hancock awnue \Yest :\liss Eth<'l lr('n<~ Forh1•s )Ia:,;t«>r Edwin FislH.'r Forhe~ Fowlt-r. )Ir. and )!rs. George B. ( Filer) ( 'lull:-:. I >r. lili-:\Ir:-:. 1:.!:.! :-:.; Canti1·ld a n~nue \Yest 8um. H(•s.: Pointe aux Barques, Forl11•:,;. )Ir. an-J::;2 :n:; ~,•rninoll' ;\\"l'Illl(• Fowh•r. )Ir. and :\lrs. "-illiam II. (Kl•ndall) )Ir. Fr1•nue Fox. :\Ir. arHl :\Ir:-::. Charle::; Edgar Cluh:-:. )Ir. ::1;, )fa:-:ons ( :--towell .1 -1:~0 Ca::-:-:: a Yenue Ford. )Ir. arnl :\Ir:-:. Elnwr E. f Chas<') )Ir. ::\IauricP \Y. Fox (Culehra Canal :;o:; The Pasad1.•na Zon1•1 · :\Ir. Ellsworth Ford )Ir. Howard ~- Fox ( Cambridge, ::.\Iis::; .,\lice Ford )la::::s. J Club$, )Ir. 12 Clubs. )Ir. :if>-!)t"i-1 Hi-127-)lrs. 26-42- Ford. :\Ir. Emory Leyden ::i--1:-:,S-S!J-!.>l-~.;;-Oli-122-1:.3,-143-146- ;_;:_; Kirin- an•nue East l~l Cluhs. :\Ir: :!:i-::-t-:17---l: 7-:i2-i>:i-:-:S-!}2-10:3- Fox . .:\Iiss Franct::~:-: :\Iargarrt 12::-1:-:-1-1;; 1-11;::. also Princeton Gt.i Euclid aYenue \Yest Club of :\Iich. annU<' 2-!0 8E:Yburn aYenue Ford, :\Ir. and )lrs. Il<'nry (Bryant) :\Ir. John :\I. Fr.:mcis, Jr. 6(i Edi:-:on a Yemw Clubs. )Ir. :1-!-37--158 Clubs. ::\Ir. l:.!-:::>,-::7--l--l:-Gli Francois. :\Ir. anll :\!rs. Emile (Yaughn) FDrcl. )Ir::; ..Tam<':- II. (Buhl1 ·,o Tro,Yl..>ritlge stn•et 1008 Th1' Pa:-;.acl<•na Francois, Hon. and ::\Irs. Theophile (Roux) :\Ir. \Yalt1•r B. Ford. 2:i-37-12:3-1:1-1 ( Consul to Belgium) Clubs. )Ir:,:;. !)1-120 26 Peterboro street For!l. )h·. and )Ir:-..Tohn B. ( ~loane 1 ::\Iiss :\Iaude H. Franeois l 7::0 ,TPITt•r:-on ,n·••nw• :\Ir. and :\Irs. J. S. Sanders Clu hs. :\Ir. 25-2!}-:>,:3-::-1-::1,-:>, 7--l 7-:-12-72- (Francois) 1 :.!:3-1:H-1::::--► -:\lrs. f>-!H Clubs. Hon. 77 For. Franklin. ::\Ir. and ::\Ir::::. Cilarh-s G. 11:w ,Yoodward H\'t'IllW (Briggs) Cluh:";. :\!is:-; fi-20-67-0--l:-l.:.!2-1::2-1u:~ l :H:? Brush strf'et Forman, :\Ir. and ::\Jrs. Thoma:-:: 1 Ilank<'y) Rec-ein:'~ Thursda\· ::o For(•:--t in·C'nrn• "-('St :\I iss Frances Banriistp1·. :?6-1 ~~ )!i:'-s Isahl'l Forman Clubs. :\frs. i-! Cluhs. )Ir. liG-1:1;;-)Irs. fi-l-122-1::7 Franklin. :\Ir and )frs. Henr:r D. Forr(•:-:ter. )Ir. and :\Jr~ . .Tanws _-\. (Clark) (Campbell) 28-1 Putnam an,nue 7-l '\Yestminster aYenue ~urn. He::-. : ~:rlYan Lakt'. )Iich. ::\Irs. Eleanor Cole (Franklin) :\Iiss Grae(• Forrt.'Stl'r Franklin. :\Ir. '\Yallace Clubs. )Ir. 6:~-(;G-)[r~. !l:i :? 6 Lothrop a ,·enue For:-tN·. )Ir. and )Ir~. Chas. _\_ f Hurd 1 :\Ir. and :VIrs. Frederick Leonard 101 Pingr(•e ~n·(•nue Reeg Clubs, 33-:::.1-::;,-)lr:-;. 122 (Franklin) 11-33-37--! 1-9S ForstC'r, )Ir. and :\!rs. Thoma$ \Y. (Coulter) Fraser, ~Irs. '\Yilliarn A. ( Sawyer) li!:>:i Brush street 703 Trumbull a\"<'nue J{('C('i\"eS \Yedn~sda.•; ::\Iiss Bea triee Frast'r Clubs. )Ir. :H;-:\Irs. 148 :\Ir. DonoYan Fraser Fo$ter. )Ir:-: . ..:\nni.- ""ard (\Yard I :\!rs. Jane• F'. Brown c;::;4 \Yook. 60 THE SOCIETY BLl.::E BOOK

Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Fry, :\Ir. and Mrs. Vernon C. (Gourlay) (Beatty) 94 Hazlewood avenue 275 Seyburn avenue Clubs. Mrs. 120 Clubs, Mr. 33-34 Fuertes. ::\Iiss !\:!er-cedes de Goenaga y Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Care of :Mrs. Barbour, 661 Jefferson (Dodge) avenue 172 Glendale avenue, H. P. Fullenwider, Dr. and :\!rs. Allen Cameron Clubs, Mrs. 122 (Obetz) Fraser, :\Ir. and Mrs. Stuart .-\.. (Xoble) 20 High street "~est 279 Agnes avenue · Receives Tuesday Clubs, Mr. 33-34-111-l\Irs. 26 Ethel Obetz Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Clubs, Dr. 2-44-126-:\frs. 2-44-124 ( :\filligan) Fuller. Mrs. George C. 827 Second avenue 50 Madison avenue Sum. Res.: Grande Pointe, ::\Iich. The Lenox Clubs, Mrs. 1-18 Clubs, :\iirs. 122 Freeland: Mr. and Mrs. Del A. (Fisher) Fuller, Mr. and :\!rs. Henry Riley 33 Palmer a venue East (Albr<'cht) Clubs, Mr. 37-63 364 Jefferson avenue Freer, Mr. Charles L. Receives ,Yednesday 33 Ferry avenue East Clubs, ltir. 96-98-116-Mrs.19-54-122- Clubs, Mr. 4-5-8-25-28-34-37-47-52-67- 137-151 83-103-123-124-134-160. also Play­ Fuller, Miss Ida L. ers, N. Y.; Grolier. X. Y.; Cople7>· 795 ,Jefferson avenue Society, Boston; The Dobos Club. Fuller, :Mr. and ::\Irs. S. Arthur (Ketchum) Chicago ; Caxton Club, Chicago : 339 FiPld avenue PennsylYania Academy of Fine Sum. Res.: "The ::\Iaples," Sand­ Arts; Japan Society of America: wich. Ont. American Association of China : l\frs. C. B. Ketchum Royal Asia tic Societ~· of ·North Clubs, :\fl'. 3-1-Mrs. 94- China ; Bibliophile Society of Bos­ ton ; Franklin Club of St. Louis : Fulwell. Mr. and Mrs. George (Jones) Xational Geographic Society and · Hotel ~ormandie. 13-23 Congress Society of Art Collectors. street East Freese, Mr. and ::\-Irs. E. (Tuthill) Miss Lento R. Fulwell, 67-122 32 1Vo6dland a,·c>nue :Miss ::\L Roma Fulwell Clubs, l\Ir. 44 Clubs, l\Ir. 33.:rn-Mrs. 5S-122 French. :\Ir. and Mrs. George S. Funk. :\iir. and :\!rs. Henry P. (Redwood) 30 Edmund place 32 Van Dyke place Funke. l\Ir. and :\:Irs. Frederick C. :\Iiss Emma L. French (Funke) Miss X ellie ::\1. French 8:5 Alfred strPet Frink, :\Ir. John H. ReceiYes ::\Ionday 80 King avenue Mrs. Charles F. Funke Clubs, :Mr. 110 Clubs. :\Irs. 122 Frisbie. Rev. and Mrs. Stephan ,Y. Fyfe, :\Ir. and :\frs. Richard H. (Rice) (Barnes) 939 ,Yoodward aYenue 419 Brooklyn avenue Sum. Res. : Siasconset. Mass. Clubs, Mr. 1-36 ReceiYes :\fonda~- afternoons Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Harry "r· (:vrccord) Miss Jenny Fyfe 50 Kirby avenue "\Vest Clubs. :\Ir. 12-16-30-37-:iS-67-83-85-96- :\Iiss Mary :\fcCord Frost 103-116-Mrs. 16-26-5 8-67-91-94-96- Mr. Harry W. Frost. Jr. 103-113 Clubs. :Mr. 33-34-37-44-102. also Union League of Chicago and Rail­ road Club. X. Y.-:\frs. 91-122 AGE. l\Ir. anrl Mrs. Alex. Kimha11 Frost. Mr. and :\Irs. Richard Lincoln (Candler) · (Miller) 61 Garfield aYenue 1077 Second avenue Sum. Res.: "Greenway" Gratiot Frothingham, :\frs. G€'orge E. ( Barbour) B('ac·h, Port Huron. Mic·h. 700 "·oodward avenue Mrs. Claudius H. Candler ( Kap le) Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile 26-96 Dr. George E. Frothingham, 37 Clubs. Mr. 32-3..J-:Hi-78-123-164, also Miss Anna l\I. Frothingham Buffalo Lmn·er~ Club-:\Irs. 20-21· Frothingham, Mr. and Mrs. "\Villiam R 22-26-125 . (Slocum) Gage. l\Ir. and l\frs. "\Yilliam Tenne:r 49 Martin place "l\Iostlv Hall." Grosse Ile. :\rich. Fry, Mr. and :\Irs. John H. OYayne) Mr. "\Yiliiam H. Gag-e, 34-37-123 71 Davenport street Lieut. Philip S. Gage ( Portland, Sum. Res.: Palisades Parl{, Lake Me.) . "Michigan Clubs. l\Ir. 12-37-96-116 also G. A. R. Figures refer to <:Tub membcrf.:-.c.:cc front <,f 1>ool.. DETROIT 61

Gaghan, :\Ir. Thomas E. Gate's, :\Ir. and )Irs. Aaron B. 16 0 Bagg street ( Elsie B. Blanchard) Sum. Rl'S. : Adrian. Mich. 387 Harrison avenue Gailey, Dr. and :\Irs. John Knox (Bullock) Sum. Res. : Rockford, )Iich. 219 Longfellow aYenue Receives )IondaJ· Mr. John Knox, Gailey, .Jr. Cluhs. )Ir. President Gideons-::\Irs. 122 Clubs. Dr. 37-126 Gates. ::.\Iiss Eth<'l L. Ga:Iagher. :\-Ir. and Mrs. John P. care of )Irs. Itouinson. 425 Cass (Stephens) avenue J 23 Harmon aYenue Gates, )Ir. and llrs. Jasper C. (Foster) Gallogly, :\fr. and :\Irs. E!mer Ellsworth G42 Second avenue ( Harris) )Iiss )Iarjorie Gates E~ Lothrop a\·enue )Ir:,:. Caddie :\I. Farirngt'.)n ( Fost<>r) Sum. Res.: Lake ..-\ngelus, Pontiac. Clubs. )Ir. :~2·33-116-::\Irs. 26-42-89 ::\Iieh. 92-9G-12:!-1:n l\Ir. Robert LorimPr Gay, )Ir. and )!rs.• James P. ( Young) Clubs. :\Ir. l l-3!3-!H-:36--t--1-162-:\Irs. 137 179 .\lexandrine avenue "·est Galpin, Re\·. and :vrrs. Frederic Tower :\!rs. Ka therinP Ga)· ( Smith) )Iiss .\nna Gay 20 Pitcher street )Ir.. Archie "·· Gay Gal Yin. Mr. and Mr~. :\fartin E. (Mann) Clubs, )Ir. 119 -159 Second aYenue (;aylord, )lrs. E. )I. Clubs, :\Irs. 122 22 Forest a Yenm' East Gal\·in, l\fr. and :\Irs. Thaddeus F. ( Shaw) (;earing. :\Ir. Benjamin 160 Charlott<' aYenue 11:16 Third a\"enue :\-Ir. John F. Gal\"in )fo::s (;race G <-a ring :\fr. Don T. Gal\"in )Ir. Ray Gearin~ :.\:Iiss Lauretta Gal\"in :\liss Ruth Gearing :Vliss Ella Gal\"in Geer, :\Ir. and )Irs. Harrison (White) Gamble, l\Ir. and :Mrs. \\·alter J. (Hart) (;!~4 Woodward a\·enue ~6 Taylor a\"enue )Iiss Lucy <.ieer Sum. Res.: Xeebish. :\Iich. )Ir. "William Geer Ganapol. :\Ir. and lfrs. Boris L. ( Smart) Clubs, :\Ir. 2i'.H;;2 97 Erskine street (;t'iger. )!rs. Benjamin F. ( Redmond) Club~. :\Ir. 67-120-"\Yednesday Xight tm Stimson place Club-:\Irs. 61-75-120 ~um. Re's.: Pine Lake Garaghty, Mr. and l\Irs. Charles F. )!is~ Florence E. Gl'iger ( Campbell) (;t•mmer. )Ir. and )Irs. AlbC'rt (KC'ndrick) ··72 Pingr<'e a\"enue )Iount Cl<•nwn::- l'Iis~ Jane :\Iarie Garaghty Clubs. lirs. 122 ( ;t•orfw. )Irs. ita\·id IRak<'rt -l:i \Yt':--tmin::,:;t<'r a \"t•nm• Gardiner. :\In:. E. Louise Clarke ("\Yeller) )Iiss Fannie George l;i6 Yan Dyke a\"enue :\Iiss Bessie Gertrude Clarke (;porge. )Ir. and ~.:::.·:::. Edwin 8. (Scotten) :\Irs. Xona Louise Clarke Pann 27 Ea:'-t Willis a n•nue ~um. H<'s.: ··Erdenheim." Bloom­ Gardner, :\Iiss Elizabeth Putnam field Hills. Oakland County The Palms, -1-19 .Tefferson asenue Cluh~, )Ir. 2::i-3:J-:H-:~7-140-162-)Irs. Gardner. :\-Ir. and :\Irs. 0. X. ( Elblein) 10-1:1. · 2 S61 "\Yest Grand bouleYard (;eorg-l'. :\Ir. and )Irs. IIPnry F. (Green) Sum. Res.: Clarkston, :Mich. '· 2H.:i!) Grand houlPnud \Yest Clubs, :\Ir. 11-:J:t also Toledo Club. CI u b:,;. )Ir. ::;-l-t.iG Baltimore Ray Cluh, )Iuno:::;kong <;erhaus(•r. )Ir. and )!rs. \Yilliam ( Klippel) Hun ting and Fishing- Club 11:{7 ,Jefferson avenue Gardner. :\lr. and :\Irs. "·imam \Y. ( S,_•ars) )Ir. W. Ill'nry l;C'rhauser. ~-18 -t-~0 "\Yoodward a\"enut> )li:::-s Gract' .-\Ima f;t,rhausC'r Garrett. :\Ir. and )!rs. Grady "·C'stmoreland ~Ir. ,John Gt'rhtHl~l'r 1 HlC'azb~·) Cluhs, )Ir. :{8-::;-t-37-44 1-1-1 Owt•n a\·Pnu<' c aubs, )Ir='-. Eugene B. Cluh::,:;. )Ir:,:. 1-Hi (iO Erskine str('C't Garn•y. )lr:-:. ,Yillia m Y. ()Iorrow I Clubs. )!rs. 2G-91 GS-! :\!Jrrt•ll str1•<•t (;idding-s. )Ir. :rnd )Ir~. ThC'ron F. ·· ( ll"s\re:Hnhal 1 Gascoign<•. )Ir. and )Ir::.. Loui:-: ( (3owdy) Till' Lenox l:i4 ~rvburn avenue l» Gas:-:. )Ir. and )Ir::,:;. \Yaltt•r n. ( Si men) 7-133 Fif1111·,•.« r,•jcr to c-lul> 111cmbcn:-~cc front ,,_t book. 62 T'.'. E SOCIETY BLl"E BOOJ, ------·------Gilbert, )Ir. and )!rs. Charks Churchill (;tpndon. ~,Ir~ ancl )Irs.. Tohn P. ( lkl~on) (Gilmore) 1:-i )frdl:un· H\"t'nUP 91~ Second avenue HE>cei YPs :\i :rn cfa;\· Cluhs. )Ir. 38-Wi Clubs. :\Ir. :-:2-:_{3 Gilbert. )Ir. and )Irs. Fr<'cl"k C. (Crane) t Clubs, :.\Ir. :~:1-:rn Clubs. :\Ir. -14 ljillPspie. )Ir. and :\Irs. Hamilton n. (Bragg) (;odfrC'y. )Ir. and )Ir~. :\l:lr~hall 11. 919 .Tf'ffr•r:-:on a Y('DU<' 41i7 S(•concl a H'nm• Club~. )Ir. 11-:~-1-52. also ,Yalkerville c;oclfroy. )Iis:-: Carolirn• .\. (Ont.) Country Club-:\Irs. "Talker­ :~(jt; .Jpffpr:-:on an•nue Yill<.' (Ont.) Countr.r Cluh and Es­ ~um. H1•:::;.: Grosse Pointl' sex Country Club , 112 D(•la wa 1·1• a ,·c-nue )Ir:-:. Loui:-: <;oo,7-10:~-12fi (ioldman. The :\Iisses f;ilmartin. )Ir. Ilu~rn .\. Care of :\-Ir. Girn:ln:rg, S-l 0,1<:-!aide :122 Cadillac a Y('nu.­ strc•et )lrs. Gilmartin Good, )Ir. and )Irs. ( ;('org-P P. Ole Fall) )liss XataliP Cilmartin o::k Fic•ld a ,-.. nu1• Gingras, )Ir. and )Ir~. n"nj. rge P. (:\lolony) t ;~:i:; :,..p111in'.1lt' :l\"Pil\11' Rcc<>h·"~ 2d and -1th 8aturcla Y Club!'-:. )Ir. :32-:::1-::7-1:!:{-~Irs. 26 )Ii~!-- P.c-lla (;oldman. i'Z-. · ( ;oodc•now. Sir_ :rnd )Irs. Charlt-i-: ~- )Iiss )Iiriam l>. Goldman. 20-22-75 t )IcLartY 1 l\Ir. AYery J. Ginsbur~ 43r» Vinf'W()Ocl a,,,nu<' )Iiss G·olda )'[. Gin!--burg ( ;ooclman. )Ir:--. Loui~ )li~s .Tuclith licP )I. Olontr(•uil l Ii:! Bag-g- ~trt>1•i 1072 Fort str<-et West ( 'lulls. )Ir. 41-44-7!}-12:: )Iiss Flor~•nc:(' )I.

Goodwin, )lrs. Isaht•lle Graham, )Ir:-:. Carolim• )I. (Hart) 612 The Pasadena -!G )lartin place Goodwin. )Ir. ancl )lrs. L<'wis L«- n. )Iiss Caroline L. Graham <;rand bouleYaronal::-lie) -no Pn:-:adena .\partments Birmingham. )Iich. i20 .T1•ffer~on a Y<'lllH' Clu\Js. )Ir. :;:_;-:;7 Clul>::;. Hon. :;u-i~-.n-10~-12:!-12-t-. abo G. A. IL Post :::S-l-)Irs. ::?fi-SG Gordon. Hc>Y. and )Jr~.. Tohn )I. 1 Ho~s) ,a;:, Fourtt'l'nth aYenue 1 :rant. )fr~. Schuyl.-r Bum. HPs.: Lakt•sick. ~trait::; of ::1 i PPt• •rboro !-:trPet )lackinac :\Ii:-:s Flbi1 1 n. Clul>s. )Ir. li-:_;::--1::.--1::;-tHi-l l!l c:.1r1.' of )£rs. Baldwin, 175 Palmer :lYl'Illl<' Ea::-t «;orham. ::\[r. and )!rs. ::.\lal'Yi:w ( -.,·:1it<') 170 )lclJougnll :tYE>nue )Ii~:-: Belli~ C. Cluhs, )Ir. ::--1-1~8-lUJ cnrc of :\Irs. Woolf(,nden. 169 Ferry an.'n1w \Ye::-t <;orman, )Jr. and )Ir~.. T::>hn .T. (l>oherty) GOO Trumhull nn'nue Gray. )Ir. :111<1 )Irs. Cllarh'5 P.. (Fisher) )Iiss Xelli<' tiorrnan -l~ti \\"oodwar(l an'nue )Ir.. Tohn .T. <;orman .•Jr. $um. Ht'~-: Little Gable's, Bay Yi•'w, )Iich. Goss. )Ir. and )Ir:,;. ,Tohn C. L-\llt•n) -1-::0 ~«-Yhurn a ,·,•nue · · )Irs. F. S. 1-frnclrickson Cluh:,;. )Ii·. 63 )Ir. and )Irs. DaYicl (Platt) )leKinlt'). placl'. Gros:-:e Pointe <3oss, )Ir. and )Ir~.• To~('.ph C. t ~lwrman) Farms ;:-,oo Sheridan a Y< 1 nue HPcl'i \"(•:,; Friday (i-otfr<•dson. )Ir. and )lrs. Benjamin (Kolb) Clnhs. )Ir. l l-2::i-~9-:1:1-:{-1-37-1:~:;- . Ilot<'l Pon elm rtrain )Ir:-:. 1:~7 )fr. Robert B. GotfrP Cni\"t>I sit,·) ,2 Kin~ a Yl'Illll' Clubs. )Ir. :_::1-40-4:i )Iiss llaz1.•l )I. (;r:1)· Gott. )!rs. Edward ~\. I" Ortmann) Club:-:. )Ir. lili-)lr:-:. ~):; HOl PasadPna ..-\ part1rn~nt llotc>l Gray. )Iiss )la ri<'tta )Ir. Edgar <:ott (.'urn ~\rhor) .. GraJ· (;ahles"' c:rossP Ill' Gourlay. )Ir. ..-\lfrPcl L. <3ray. :\Ir. nnd )Ir~. Paul R. f Xoble) (H 7 ~<•toll(l a \'l'Illll' ;3:;,3 ~.-minoh' a Yl'nue · )Iiss )Iargaret Gourla~· Cluhs. )Ir. 12-2:i-33-~~-1-::~7--15-12:~-124- Courla~·. )Ir; and )Ir~. Charll'~ .-\. 1 :_;;:;-)I rs. 2J ( )linclH'n<'r) )Ir. and )!rs. Philip II. 22~ Conrn•cticut a YPlllll' ll. P. (.\lllH'na ~tudl('y ·1 Gourlny, )Ir. and )!rs.. T:1 nws I Crni~.!") 1 i, Forest a Yt>nuc E:1:-:t (i-l 7 Second n ,·pmw · ·· )Ir. Harold S. <:ray (Phillips Exeter .-\cademy, Ext't1'r, X. H.) Goux, Dr. and )Ir$. Loui$ .T. t\YnrrPn 1 Clubs. :\Ir. S-li>-:!:'i-:~:3-3-l--16-104-135- :10:~-1: Grand houh'Yarcl Ea:--t lti-l, also Dt•troit Orc·ht>~tr:tl .-\ssn. Club:-;, l >r. -1--l---l:i-tit;-J :W-)lr::::. 1:n Gray. )Jr. and )Irs. Robt'rt T. Dfan )I. (~tringer) Pn:::-.adena _.\.partments tj!) l>a n•n port stret.>t )Ir. nonald S. Gray ( S.hangbai, China) ~um. Ht•s.: Old Cluh, Ct. Claire ::\lr. "-illiam .T. Gray.. Tr. Flats Clu h~. :\Ir. 1:!-:?:i-29-:?:?-:H-36-37-67-123 (~lubs, :\Ir. !~7-10:~ -:\lrs. 67 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. 64 THE SOCIETY BLC'E BOOK

Greedus, lir. and l\lrs. CharlC's T. Griffiths, :\Ir. and Mrs. John Emory ( )Iapplebeek) (Granger) ::\Iaple Grove avenue, Greenfield 3 6 Stimson place Clubs. lir. :36 Miss Winnifred Griffiths Granger Green, lir. and lirs. Andrew H. ()liller) Clubs, l\Ir. 36 402 Jefferson avenue Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey C. (Chapman) Green. llr. and lirs. Andrew H. Jr. 243 Grand boulevard East (Burtenshaw J l:tecei ves :Monday s1:~ Jefferson avenue Clubs, Mr. 25-34 Clubs, )Ir. 2:3-3:l-37 -4:'.',-;j2-1:3;,-llrs. Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Green. l!r. and llrs. Frederick Dexter (Langley) · (Preston.1 Walken·ille, Ont. 42 Hancock avenue \Yest Receives First Thursdav lliss Elizabeth Preston l\Iiss Louise Griggs · Clubs. )Ir. 34-124-164-171-Mrs. 120- l-Iiss Edma S. Griggs 122 Mr. Elihu C. Griggs Clubs, Mr. 34-3 7 Green, llr. George B. Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. (Yoorhees) 895 Jefferson avenue 120 Chandler avenue l\Ir. Daniel W. Green :\iir. Edwin L. Grimes Green, lir. and lirs. Irving ,Y. (Thompson) Clubs, Mr. 33-:\-Irs. 21-22-95 :~:30 Kirby avenue ,Yest Grindley, :\Irs. Elizabeth (McBride) llr. Harold X. Green 5 9 Parsons street lliss Ethe 1 H. Green :\Ir. Joseph Grindley Green, llr. James .:\. Miss Sarah A. Grindley Tuller Hotel Miss l\-Iamie Grindley Grindley, l\Ir. and Mrs. Robert :\IcB . . reen, Gen. William S. ( Kitch) 2~ Delaware a,·enue 100 Forest aYenue 1Yest Clubs, Gen. 12-37-147 Sum. Res. : Pine Lake Greening, Mr. and :Mrs. George B. Miss Gertrude E. Grindle~· (Barium) Clubs, Mr. 33-14 7-:Mrs. 139 668 Fourteenth avenue Grinnell, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton A. (Ga:r) Sum. Res. : Pine Lake, Mich. 1695 ,vood,vard aYenue 1\-Ir. Thomas B. Greening Recei Yes V\. ednesday l\1r. George W. Greening Clubs. l\fr. ll-33-98-133-147-162- ("C'niYersity of Detroit) l\:Irs. 120-148 ~Ir. Andrew J. Greening Grinnell, :\Ir. and :\Irs. E. V\:-. (Crosby) (UniYersit;,· of Detroit) 253 Park street Clubs, Mr. 32-66-78-124-:\Irs. 141 Clubs, :i\Ir. Det. Shrine. F. & A. l\I. Greenwood. Dr.• James H. Grinnell, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Ira L. ( Lightfoot) 199 Seyburn avenue 61 Peterboro street liiss Ethel :Vliller Miss Hazel :\Iargueritc Grinnell Gregory, Mrs. G. :i\I. (Richmond) Griswold, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart C. East Grand boulevard (McKeon) ::\Iiss Helen R. Gregory Frances Apartments, 37 Canfield a ,·enue East Gregory, )Ir. and Mrs. \\:-illiam B. (Shook) Recei ,·es ,Yednesday 230 Seyburn avenue :\Irs. Cornelia S. Griswold Miss Adelaide Gregory Clubs. l\'.Ir. 30-33-78-Mrs. 60 Clubs, :\ilr. 33 Groesbeck. :\'Ir. Louis 2990 Grand boulevard East Gregory. Mr. and ~!rs. ,Villiam B. Jr. )fr. Alex. J. Groesbeck 32-6 6 (Van Dam) Miss Ernestine Groesbeck 245 Baldwin avenue :Miss Adele Groesbeck Gregory, Mr. and :Mrs. "'\V'illiam T. Clubs, Mr. 11-30-34-63 (Conney) Groff, l\Ir. and J\Irs. E. Frank (Hess) 267 Axerv aYenue 81 Forest avenue ,vest Mr. Charles J. Gregory :Miss :Mabel H. Groff Clubs, Mr. 66-119 (}roh. :Mr. and ::\1rs. Alexander Griffin, Dr. and Mrs. Judson :\I. (Ferill) Grosse Ile 50 l-Iadison ::n·enue Groh, ~Ii~s ..-\mber The Lenox Grosse Ile Mrs. C. .J. Ferrin Grosvenor, llr. and :\frs. Elliot O. Clubs, Dr. 66-98 (Hamilton) Griffith, Mr. Armond H. 1429 Grand RiYer avenue 40 Martin plac:c Mr. I. R. Gros Yenor Miss Georgiana Griffith Mr. E. 0. Grosn.•nor Miss Gene,·ieve Louise Griffith :\1i~s :\'Ia ry Grosvenor . Clubs, Mr. 28-37-4 7 -160 Clubs. )'.Ir. 123-:\Irs. 122-146 F-iaure1s refer to club membens-sce front of 1Jool.". DETROIT 65

Grylls, l\Ir. and ::.\Irs. H. J. ::.\i!axwell Hall. ::VIr. and ::\Irs. Albert Bruce (Field) (Kairn) 478 Field avenue 154 :McDougall a \"enue :\Ir. Humphry M. K. Gr:vlls (Trinity Clubs, :.\Ir. 158 College, Port Hope, Ont.) Hall. Mr. and ::\-Irs. Douglas (Inglis) Mr. R. GerYeys F. Grylls Grosse Ile Clubs, llr. 5-9-11-25-2 8-29-36-37 -67- 160-::.\Irs. 9-29-67-112 Hall, ::.\iir. and Mrs. John M. (Fox) 165 Boston boulevard East Guenther, :\Ir. and Mrs. Frederick Sum. Res. : Bay View, :\iich. (Kendrick) liiss Dorothy R. Hall 559 Third aYenue Clubs, Mr. :33-34-37-73-::.\Irs. 7 4 Hall, Dr. and l\:Irs. Louis (Douglas) "Douglas Farms," Grosse Ile Guibert, ~Ir. and l\Irs. F. Walter ~.,.int. Res.: Ann Arbor, :\Iich. ( Chittend<:"'n) l\fiss Elizab<'th Hall 187 Van· I>~·ke aYenue Mr. Louis Hall :i\iir. George C. Chittenden Clubs, Mr. 11-162 Hall, :.\Ir. and :\Irs. Louis M. (Bewick) 2 9 Yan Dyke a Yenue Guilford :\Ir. Clarence A. 3090 \Yest Grand boulevard Hall. l\Ir. and Mrs. Philo E. (Inglis) :\Irs. Florenc-e E. Guilford 14-l Canton avenue ( l\IcConnell) Clubs, Mrs. 151 Clubs, :.\Ir. 33-73 Hall, lirs. Theodore P. ( Godfroy) Gunderson. lVIrs. G. Burt (Brooks) Grosse Pointe !l21 Seminole aYenue Hallock, lfr. and :\-!rs. Lewis ~~- (Tucker) Gulley, :\Ir. and l\1rs. Orrin P. (Reid) 97 Jo)· street 27 Clairmount aYenue Clubs, lirs. 122 Gunn. The Misses HalseY, :\Iiss Ada C. Care of Dr. Elis. 2-l Alexandrine · Care of :M:r. Mitch<'ll, -259 l'.Ierrick aYenue. E. a,-enue GurneY. :\fr. and ll'h:s. Yictor ~- (Harmon) Halstead, :.\Ir. J. Preston · 1659 Second a ,·enue 909 Pasadena .\partment Hotel Clubs, :Mr. 39-44--15-140-~Irs. 95 Hamblen, l!r. and lirs. Joseph G. (Richards) ~O ·Garfield avenue "Ii!"~ A ASS. :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Julius H. Sum. Res.: :Xorth Bucksport, l\Ie. (Henkel) llr. Louis "·· Hamblen -l 8-l: Grand bouleYard East Clubs. )Ir. ~4-llrs. 122 Clubs, :\fr. 12-25-37-73 Hamblen. lir. and :\Irs. Joseph G .. Jr. Haberkorn. Mr. Christian Henry (Horton) ·45 Ferry avenue East The Eldorado ~O Winder street Miss Adelaide Dorothea Haberkorn Cluhs. )Ir. :{2-:~:~-34-iS. also Beta The­ l\'.Ir. Christian Henry Haberkorn, Jr. ta Pi. )Iichi:;ran Bar Assn.-)lrs. Clubs, lfr. 8-25-33-37-44 1 t:~-122. ~\lpha Phi Hackett, Mrs. Catherine Hamblen, )Ir. and ::.\Irs. Ralph Richard 2977 Grand bouleYard West ( Cl(~nwn t:::; 1 Hade, :Mr. and l\Irs. Hubbard E. :{4::i Lincoln an,nue (Gassaway) :\Ir::::. Charlt"'S Clements 36 "~ebb aYenue Hamburg. )Ir. "·imam G. Clubs, ::.\iir. 37-16-! The Addison Haigh. l\Ir. and :\[rs. Henry A. ( Comstock) Hamilton. )Ir. and )Irs. Herbert C. I 7 -1- SeminolP a \"enue 181 Sixteenth :;;treet Sum. Res.: Dearborn. :Mich. Hamilton. )Ir. and )!rs. ,James (Gilmour) l\Ir Andrew Comstock Haigh 174~ Jeffer~on avenue Mrs. A. W. Comstock Club~. )Ir. 2.;i-~2 Clubs. :\fr. 25-32-33-37--!6-54-123-124- Hamilton. )Ir. and )Irs. ~- Frank (Beck) 135-Mr~ 91-122 79 ::\Iedbury avenue Haig-ht, :\liss Irma Clubs, )Ir. :l4-44-~Irs. 122 Care of :Mrs. Eaton. 955 Third Hamilton. )Ir. and l\Irs. ".illiam P. aYenue (Farrand) Haines. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frederic W"illiam 49G Jefferson aY-enue (E\"arts) . Sum. Res.: Huron Mountain Club ;') 1 7 John R. street )foi:s )fary Hamilton Clubs. :\-Ir. 33-3-1-36 )Ir. Da,id Osborne Hamilton Hair, :\Ir. and Mrs. Andrew (Swinscoe) ::\Ii::::s Elizabeth F. Hamilton S;i Eliot street Club!-:. )Ir. 12-25-3:~-3,-12:l-153-llrs. R"cei\"es Monday 9-2G-ii-113-120-122-132 Clubs, :\Ir. 3:l-::\Irs. 5-l-58-9-t-143 Hamilton. :\Ir. and ).Irs. \Yilliam R. Hall. Prof. and ::.\ilrs A. G. ( Al\"in) ( "·right) 890 Greenwood a,·enue :'i85 Cass avenue Clubs, Prof. 36 Sum. Res. : .Algonac. ::\ficb. Fi!JlffC-~ refer to club members--~<'e front of book. 66 ·1HE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Hamlen, Dr. and )lrs. \Yilliam Hannan. )Ir. and )Irs. William W. (Greene) (Emily S. Pitcher) 726 .Tetf(•rson a Yenue 3401 \Yoodward a Yenue Clubs. )Ir. 2;:;-:1; Sum. Res. : Goderich. Ont. Harding, :\Ir. and llrs. Henry ·w. (Clute) Receh-es )Ionda~- · ;:;1 Hancock aYenue East )Iiss Kathleen Elizabeth Hamlen Club::;, )Ir. 11-66-:\Irs. 148 Hamlin, l\Ir ~ Byron E. Harding. )lrs. Julia N. (Delano) i19 Second aYenue 320 Penns;\·lvania avenue Sum. Res.: Sans Sauci. Essex Co., )Iiss Elizabeth )-Iortimer Harding Ontario · ::\Iiss _-\nnetta 'l'alman Harding :Miss Helen H. Hamlin, liG Clubs, :\fr. 33-66-96 Har<•, )Ir. and )Irs. Andrew _-\. 4:1 Hancock aYenue "\YPst Hamlin. )Ir. and l\Irs. Lot )I. (Kittredge) Clubs, )Ir. 102 · 19i Parker a,·enue Receh·es Friday HargreaYes. :\Ir. and l\Irs. Gr.orge, Jr. Clubs, )Ir. 25 (Bryan) 41~ Yincwood aYenue Hamlin, Mr. and :Mrs. William A. (Bowen) )Iiss Fannie HargreaYes 108 Lawrence aYenue Clubs,· :i\:Ir. 33-45-66-102 Clubs, :\Ir. 12-3:{-35-66-83-162 HargreaYcs, )Ir. and :Mrs. George (Cattle) Hammers. )Ir. )!organ J. 53 Rowena street 805 )I iss Hargrea ,·es Clubs, )Ir. 37-66 Mr. RobC'rt C. Hart?:reaYe!:'= Hammond, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles F. lliss )Iaude )Iar~· HargrC'aves, 122 (Kious) Clubs, )Ir. 36-:3i-:\Irs. 91 162 Joseph Campau aYenue ReceiYes Friday Harison, Dr. and l\Irs. B. D. (Lister) Clubs. )Ir. 12-25-3i-67-10:~-)Irs. 16- 47 Stimson place Sum. Res. : Steere·s Island. Sault 17-27-54-58-67-77-113-120-122 Ste )Iarie, llich. . Hammond. )Ir. and )!rs. Ed,vard P. 683 Jefferson aYenue Harmon, :Mr. and l\irs. Claude )I. (Caine) Clubs, Mr. l 1-25-34-3i-52-123-140 3087 Grand boulevard "\Yest 1\-Ir. Austin Caine Harmon ( EYans Hammond, l\Ir. and Mrs. George S. (Baxter) School. Arizona) 87 Willis avenue East Clubs. )Ir. 33-44-G6-S8-135-147-lirs. :\Ir. George Bradley Hammond 9;j :\Iiss Katharine Reed Hammond :\Ir. Cbarl~s Baxter Hammond Harmon, )Ir. and l\lrs. Haws~m B. ("Waldo) Hampton, :Mr. and }irs. Charles G. 67 Willis a,·enue East (Emma Stark) Clubs, )Ir. 34-116-124-:\Irs. 20-21-125 24 Blaine aYenue Harper. )Ir. and )!rs. J. L. (Forrester) Clubs. Mrs. 61 care of 284 Pufnam aYenue :\Ir. Arthur S. Hampton · Sum. Res. : S~·lvan Lake, )Iich. Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Hampton, Clubs, )Ir. 63 Jr. (Brearley), club. :\frs. 131 Harrah, Gen. and :Mrs. Charles ~·- (Russell.I Hampton, :\Ir. and )lrs. Charl('s S. ( Russell) 120 Pingree avenue 32 Piquette a Yenue Sum. Res. : Island Lake, :\Heb. Clubs, )Ir. 32 l\Iiss Helen E. Harrah Hance. Mr8. Elwood T. (:\Ioore) Clubs. Gen. 34-67-116-136-)Irs. 26- · 3077 East boule,ard 122 :\liss Elsie Chope-Hance, 19-91 Harrigan. l\Ir. and )Irs. John F. (Flrnn) Clubs. ::\Irs. 19-91 )lcKinley place Hancock, :\Ir. and )1rs. Thomas F. (Johnson) Grosse Pointe Farms 2915 Grand bouleYard East Mr. John L. Harrigan Clubs, :\Ir. 12-147-1\Irs. 120 Clubs. :\Ir. 25-37-43-66-110-162. also New York Athletic Club. Chicago Hand, )Ir. and Mrs. Sidne~· S. (Cloyes) Athletic Club and )lacbinery Club, 400 J~fferson aYenue Xew York Clubs, Mr. 36 Harrington, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Harry E. ( Orth) Haney, Mr. and :\!rs. Thomas ()Iarvin) 120 Burhngame avenue · 262 ·warren avenue ·west Clubs. _,Ir. 124-lirs. 95 Miss Nellie A. Marvin. 137 Clubs, Mr. 33-66-135 . Harrington. l\Ir. John H. 76 "\Yarren a,enue East Hanley, Mrs. George (Williams) 63 "\Ya tson street Harris, )Ir. Charl<'s L. !\Ir. George H. Hanley 462 Fourth a ,·enue Hanna. l\Ir. James E. Harris, :Mr. and :\Irs. George G. (Beeson) · 204 AYery avenue 74 Pallister a,enue :\Iiss Jennie Johnson Hanna l\Ir. John J. Harris Miss Frances Hanna Clubs, )Irs. 122 Figures refer to dub member~-see front of book. DETROIT G7 ·------·------

0 Harris, Dr. and lirs. George G. (Hanna) Hartman. lVlr. and Mrs. "\Yalter C. (Barnc>s) 54;3 Trumlmll an.•nue 7 5 Edison a Yenue Clubs, Dr. --1--1-10:1-:\Jrs. 122 Clubs, :\Ir. 11-33-3-!--!-!--!5-124-135-162 Harris. llr. ,Julian Hartwell Hartz, Dr. and l.Irs. Henry J. (Reade) · 177 Seminole a n•nue 1022 Cass a \·enue Clubs, )Ir. 2::i-::;2-3:~-:w-:~7-10S-12:3, also Clubs, Dr. 25-37-H-67-l\Irs. 122 .-\lpha I>c•lta Phi Club. XPw York Hartz, :\Ir. and l\Irs. J". Frederick Harri~. )Jr. and )Jr::;. LandPr S. (Burton) (Boynton) !)8 Pingn•c• a Yenue 55 ,Yoodward terrace ('luh:-:;. ::\Ir. :{--1--1:-:l-::\Irs. 12~ l\Iiss Frances B. Hartz Harri~. ::\Irs. )I .L. :Mr. Albert B. Hartz s:w ~<•co11Cl a n.•nue Clubs, l\Ir. 33-37--!-1-135-:\Irs. 122 Harri~. ::\lr. and )Ir8. \Yilliam C. (Clough) Harvev. :\Ir. Alfred "\Y. -lO IIazelwoocl a Yenm' · · 181 Lincoln a venue Sum. He:::;.: Orchard Lake. :\lich. Miss Louise Harvey ClulJ~, llr. 32-33-38-GG-11--1-llG-135-- Miss Cary Harn'y I-Iarris. )Ir. \Yilliam r. Harn•y, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Andrew (Smith) · 17;jl Jefferson aYenue 51 Forest a \-enue East Clubs, :\Ir. 25-3-!-36-37-67-116-12-t-- Dr. Andrew E. HarYey 153 l\Ii2s Elizabeth B. HarYey :\fr. "\Yilliam P. Harris, .Jr. Han-ey, :\Ir. and Mrs. Clarence Ford Harrison. Dr. and Mrs. John "·· (Fanson) ( :\-le Donald) Rec('i\-es Th ur!i.da~- 632 Cass a,-enue --129 Grand boulen1rd East Clubs, Mr. 3-1, also Tennis Club Harrison. ::\!rs. L. T. !.)0 Putnam an•nue Ean·ey, :\Ir. and Mrs. Fred. C. (Adams) !)56 Trumbull avenue Clubs. llrs. 56 Miss Helen H. HarYe~­ Harrison, Mr. and )!rs. Omar (Holmes) l\Iiss Bessie l\I. Han·ey 6:3 .Atkinson aYenue Miss L. Marguerite Harvey Sum. Res.: ··The Poplars;· (Clarks­ Harvey, l\Ir. and Mrs. George G. ton), :Mich. ( ,Yoodbeck) :\Iiss .:\Uce L. Harrison Clubs, )Ir. 36-(Hi-llrs. 122 181 Ferry a \·enue East Harr,·. )Ir. and llrs. Joseph (Bronner) Harvey, Mr. and :Mrs. James (::\IcCauley) • :{S Garfield aYenue East 5 7 Da Yenport street Clubs, )Ir. 34 Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile Miss Elizabeth Han-ey Harry, :\Ir. "\Yilliam Miss Eleanor HarYey 50 Eliot street Miss Carrie E. Han-ey Recein•s "\Vednesday ::\Iiss Helen R. Haryey Miss Mary Harry Mr. Howard James Han-ey l\'.Ir. and Mrs. Frederic Harry (Den­ Clubs, :\Ir. 33-:\Irs. 151 yer, Colo.) Clubs, Mr. 66 Harvey, Mrs. John (Campbell) 51 ·w--inder street Harry, Mr. and :\!rs. -n:--miam Georg<~ Sum. Res. : Orchard Island, Orchrd ( :\-loss) Lake 8-1 w·atson street Miss Caroline C. Harvey, 22--18-122 ReceiYes l\Ionday l\Iiss Jessie G. Haryey Miss Eliza beth Harry Dr. John G. Harve~-. 34-135 Miss l\largaret Collingwood Harry Mrs. A. D. Edwards (Smith) Clubs, l\fr. 33-3-1-Mrs. 122 :\Iiss Alice G. Harvey, 22-137 Harsha, Mr. and :Mrs. -n:--alter S. (l\'.Iott) :\Ir. Campbell HarYey 32 Peterboro street Clubs, :\-!rs. 137 Mr. Harold T. Jones Clubs, :\Ir. 37-116-123 Harn•~--. Mr. John -n·. 23 "\Yoodward terrace Hart, Mrs. Florence B. (Baker) Miss Harriet A. HarYey 1660 Jefferson a,·enue Clubs, Mr. -!4 Clubs, l1rs. 26-68 Hart, Mr. and )Irs. Frederic.-k Parker HarYey, Dr. and_ :Mrs. Virilliam :\1. (Fox) (Yan Orden) 303 Semmole aYenue 8 -n:--estminster aYenue Clubs, Dr. 3-1-66-126-lirs. 122 Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. (Bezner) Harward. :\Ir. and Mrs. F_ T. (Booth) Grosse Pointe Shores 80 Connecticut a venue Clubs, ::\Ir. 34 Sum. Res_ : Richmond, Maine Hart, Mr. and :Mrs. John II. (Barnett) Clubs. Mr. 32-33-3-1-36-78-96-116-129- 2885 Grand bouleYard \Yest 133. also American Bar Associa­ Clubs, Mr. 12-33 tion Hartley, Mr. HarrJ- Hascall. Mrs. .T•1~il'~ "'tY. (W.. illiams) 185 Ferry a YenuE' East 919 .T efferson a n•n ue Figures refer to club members-see front of book. 68 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Hasse, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hawkins, Mr. and ~Irs. Xon·al A. (Albertson) (Roberts) 300 Warren avenue West 100 Merrick a venue Hasse, Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. (Dupois) Clubs, Mr. 11-25-30-33-37-44-66 331 Grand boulevard East Hawks, Mr. and :\Irs. J·ames D. (Cooke) Hasse, Mr. and Mrs. Julius C. ( Clark) 999 Jefferson avenue 2 3 Brady street Sum. Res.: Gloucester, Mass. Sum. Res. : Hickory Island Receives Friday Miss Theo. B. Hasse Mr. James Russel Hawks Miss :Marion Hawks Hassen, :Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Mr. Edward A. Hawks. 25 (Hendrickson) Clubs, Mr. 25-27-37-103-116-:v.Irs. 91 29 Connecticut aYenue Hawley, :\Ir. and Mrs. George E. (Fisher) Hastings, Mrs. Charles (Kirby) 60 Palmer avenue "\Vest 32 Canfield aYenue East Clubs, :\Ir. 3--1-45-66-l\:Irs. 20 :\Iiss Louise M. Hastings Clubs, Mrs. 9-96-120-1:!2 Hawley, Mrs. Harriet l\'.I. (l\Iorhous) 13-1 High street \\·est Hastings, Mr. Charles D. Mr. OliYer Perry Hawley, 3--1 34 7 "\Varren a Yenue, East ~Ir. Charles S. Hawley Miss Helen L. Hastings ::\Iiss Mary J. Hastings Haworth. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour R. (Balle) Clubs, Mr. 3-1 5 30 Field a Yen ue Hasty, Mr. Joseph F. Hayes, ::v.Ir. and l\Irs. Addison J. (Garity) 120 Selden aYenue 455 Grand bouleYard "\Vest Miss Fannie B. Hast~·, 122 Hayc>s, lliss Annabel Hatch, Mr. and :Mrs. Charles H. (Gower) Care of Mrs. Coon, 125 Ferry 99 Delaware aYenue aYenue East Clubs, Mr. 32-78-116-123-:\'.Irs. 22 Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence :\I. (Tibbals) Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. (Robbins) 30 Prentis aYenue 51 \\Tatson street Clubs, Mr. 34-37-4--1-66-:.VIrs. 122 Miss Jane W. Robbins Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. ( Hannan) l\Iiss Juliet F. Robbins 9 6 Ferry a venue East Hatch, l.\fr. and 1\Irs. Herschel H. Hay('S, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. (Frain) (Haughton) 995 Cass aYenue 24 Euclid avenue \\'"est Clubs, :\Ir. 37-66 Miss Helen Louise Hatch 122 Hayes, :\Ir. and )Irs. J. R. (Stonwahl) Clubs, Mr: 32 ,Yayne Hotel Hatch, Mr. and :Mrs. Horace E. :\Iiss Hilda Stonwahl (Manwaring) Clubs. )Irs. 95 145 Willis aYenue \\Test Hayes, :\Ir. and :\'.Irs. John J. ( Strong) Sum. Res. : Lapeer, :\Iich. 497 Second avenue Miss Corinne H. Hatch Clubs. )Ir. 33-34-37. also Houghton Miss Grace E. Hatch, 20-22 Club, of Houghton, :Mich. Clubs, Mrs. 128 HaJ·es, Miss liercy J. Hathaway, :\Ir. and l\'.Irs. F. R. (Wood) 2294 .Jefferson an~nue 4 9 Atkinson a Yenue Clubs. :\Iiss 122 Miss Phoebe Hathaway Haves. :\Ir. and :\lrs. ·walter B. (Sommers) Miss Lois Hathaway · 14-3 Lincoln a Yenue Clubs. Mr. 37-44 Sum. Res.: ·wan Lake, :\Iich. Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Clubs, :\Ir. 33-34-36-70-78-l\Irs. 60 (Sweet) Hayes, :\Ir. and Mrs. Walter J. (Ellis) 262 \\Test Grand boulevard 2294 .Jefferson a ,·enue Haug, l'.Irs. Edmund (Tuller) Sum. Hes. : ""indsor. Canada The Tuller Clubs. :\Ir. 12-34-37 Sum. Res.: St. Clair Flats Hayward. Mr. and llrs. Lawrenc·e B. Haug, Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Toelle) (Nicholson) 229 Willis aYenue West ~4 Willis aYc>nue East Hawes, l\Ir. and Mrs. Oren S. Clubs. :\Ir. !~4-lHi (Salling) Hayward. )Irs. Lewis (Hastings) Grosse Pointe 130 Canfield a,enue ,Yest Clubs. Mr. 25-34-66 :\Iiss Louise H. Hayward Hawkins, l\irs. Helene B. (Fraser) )Ir. Charles L. HaJ·ward 31 Baker street Hayward. :\Ir. and :Mrs. R. R. (Johnston) Miss EYa B. Hawkins Grosse Ile l:Ir. Lorne F. Hawkins Healy, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Daniel. Jr. (llussy) Mr. Irving G. Hawkins 103 Chandler a,enuc l'.Iiss Alice Hawkins Healy, l\'.Ir. and )Irs. Daniel J. (Kennedy) Hawkins, The Misses 156 ,varren avenue ·west Care of Mrs Benham, 65 Ledyard . Miss Gertrude Heah· street )Ir. Sylvester T. Heal~- Figures refer to dub members-see front of book. DETROIT 69

Ilea mes, :\Ir. and )lrs. Richard )I. ( Broad J lknderson. )liss Belle 29 Hague an~nue care of :\!rs. Sellers. 49 Englewood Clubs, )Ir. 34 avenue II ea mes, )Ir. and :v1rs. "'illiam I~. (Clapp) Henderson, :\Ir. and )Irs. Edwin 86 Chandler avenue ( )lartindale) )liss Florence L. Heamc>s 10 Longfellow aYenue )Iiss Helen H. Hearnes )liss EYel~·n Laura Henderson Heath, )lrs. Chas.• J. (Kimhall 1 Cluhs, )Ir. 11-33-39-44-140 3S Hancock avenue \Yest l\Ir. J obn Kim hall I-lea th Henderson. )!rs.• John (\Yendell) •;Old :\Iansion House" Heaton. )Ir. and )!rs. Frank D. (Brooks) Sum. Res.: Grosse Ile 1;;2 Willis avenue \Yest )Ir. \Yendell Henderson )liss )Iahel L. Heaton )Ir. Oscar ll<'nderson Clubs. )Ir. 103-127 lkaton. )Ir. and )!rs. James S. (Hunt) Henderson. :\Ir. and )!rs. Thomas ·w. 70 Eliot street I Hawle,· I R<'ceives "'edne~clay 10:3 Garfield avenue Clubs, )Ir. 33--14-)Irs. 20 Hendrie, :\Ir. and :\Irs. George (Trowbridge) lkan•nrich. )Ir. Edgar B. ··Gearbolm," Grosse Pointe Farms 81 Warren avenue East :\Iiss Jessie S. HPndrie. 13t I-Ieavenrich. )Jr. and )Irs.. John A. (P.litz) )Iiss Sarah ·w. Hendrie :W \Yooclwarcl terrace :\'.Iiss )Iarjorie Hendrie )Ir. 'William Hendrie. 2;,-;32-123 I-Ieav<'nrich. :\Ir. and :\frs. ::;::amuel Clubs, )Ir. 12-25-:1-t-:37-G6-134-163- I Troun::-tine 1 also \Yindsor Club and Essex :w Palnwr an•nue \Yest Countr:-.· Club \\·inus::>r-:\Irs. 132 )Iiss Edith Heavenrich Hendrie. :\Ir. GPorge )I. I-frck1•r. )Ir. and l\Irs. Christian II. ( Bayes) The Palms 11 .-; La Sa Ile boulevard Clubs, )lr. 2:i-:!, -1:{4 Clubs, :\Ir. 2;3.:34.:n-79-12:1-1G2 Hecker. Col. and )!rs. Frank .J. Ilt>ndrie, )Ir. and ::\frs. George Trowbridge (\Yi1liam!-:OD I ­ :=; 3-94-12 2-132-13 7 -14 3-146 Hegeman. :\Ir. ar.cl :\Ir~.. John ~- ( .Tohnston) 19.2 Clairmont an'nue IIendri<'. )Ir. and )Irs. 8trathearn (:.\Ioran) Clubs, )Ir. 37 Grosse Pointe Farms R<.'ceiYes Saturda~- P. )I. IIt:'hl, )Ir. and )Irs.. John P. f Hansom, Clu hs. )Ir. 11-12-25-29-33-3-:l-~7-55-83- 9:; ~\.tkin!;on avenue 11::i-12:{-1:~4-H;:1, ah~o ..-\rm~- and Clubs, )Ir. G3 Xay~- Clul>. \Yashington. D. C .• and lldgho, :\Ir. and )Ir~. George \Y. ( Webster) St. Anthony Club. Xew York 1:iO Ilnncock aV<'nue \Yest · · Hendri<', :\Ir. \Yilliam. 2nd Clubs. )Ir. :~:{--:l4-6G ( ;ross(• Pointe Farms Heineman. )Ir. nn .T. II<>nkel Club~ lfr. :17 :\Ir. Robert Il<'nkPl ::\Ir. Frit7 II<•nk<>l lfrlson. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Richard (P.oyle) Clubs. :\Ir. 12-2;;-)Irs. 122 168 Charlotte aYenue Recl'i,·es Tuesda~- Ifrnkel. )Ir. ancl :\Irs. \Yaltc>r .T. ( Kunzie) )Ji:;;s :\IaudP IIPl~on, Hi :-t{8 c;rancl houl<',·ard East Clubs. )Ir. :i:1-11O H<.'C<'i\"('~ Thur:::clay Hemmeter. :\Ir. and )Ir:::; . .John P. I-l('nry, )Ir. ~\lbert )I. f Latterner) Grosse I 1ointe Farms 32 Hancock aYennc East :\Ir. Burns H<'nry )Ir. Herbert F. Hemmeter )liss Fa~- S. Henry, 26-113 Clubs, )Ir. 44 Clubs, :\Ir. 25-:31-:3:1-:37-1.:!4-163 Fiyur(•. .;; refer to dub members-8PC front of hook. ro TIIE SOCIETY BLl"E BOOK ------·------·---- H~mry, Mr. Burns Hickey, Dr. and Mrs. Preston ::\L (l\Iale~-) Grosse Pointe Farms 142 Forest aYenue ,Yest Clubs. l\fr. 9-10-25-33-34-37-52-123-133- ::.VIrs. Elmira :\fale,· 163-169, also Chagrin Valley Hunt Clubs, Dr. 2-39-44-45-63-123-124-126, Club. of CleYeland also Nu Sigma Xu and Phi Gamma of CleYeland Delta-lirs. 9 5 Henr:r, l\Ir. and )Irs. La )lotte P. (Arnot) • Hickie, l\'.Ir. and :Mrs. \Y. J. ( :\IcBri<'n) 608 Cass aYenue 58 l\Iedbury aYenuf' Clubs, )lr. 11-6:3-119 Mr. ":-illiam F. Hickie Henr:r, :\fr. and :\lrs. 0. Dwight (Coan) :\Iiss Edith Hicl~ie 229 Seyburn aYenue l\Iiss Beatrice Hickie Henry, llr. William G. Higginbotham. Mr. and Mrs. ,Yilliam E. 491 .Jeff<,rson aYenue (:\Iorphy) Clubs, l\Ir. 25-:-rn-:r,--162. also Chicago 77 Forest aYenue East .:\thletic Club. Chicago Club. and Miss Doris Higginbotham rniYersity Club. Chicag-o-!\lrs. 26- l\Ir. Bruce F. Higginbotham 91 ~ Higgins, l\Ir. and )!rs. E. Xelson (Hobbs) Hepburn, )fr. and )lrs.. T. L. ( Dewey) 108 "-ebb aYenue :l09 Warr<'n av<'nue ,Yest Clubs. Mr. 6i-10-!-135-::\Irs. 6i-120 Clubs, )lr. 110-:\Irs. 26 Higgins. Mr. Jame's L. Herbert, l\Ir. and l\Irs. Charles G. 659 Cass aYenue (Sedgwick) Sum. Res. : :\linneapolis. l\Iinn. 329 Hubbard aYenue Hill, l\Irs. D. S. (Stafford) Herbert. :\Ir. and )!rs. "·alter P. 101 Hazelwood a\·enue 329 Hubbard aYenue Sum. Res.: Ste. Claire Flats Clubs, :\Ir. 67 l\Iiss Grace E. Hill ::\Iiss Ruth D. Hill Herbst, Mr. and l\Irs. C. "·· ( Strang) l\Ir. F. E. Hill 117 King aYenue l\Ir. T. "-- Hill Clubs. )Ir. 44 Mr. .J. 0. Hill Herendeen, )Ir. and :\Irs. Fred<'ri.ck W. Hill, ::\Iiss Sarah Bacon (Ingraham) 605 .Jefferson aYenut> Grosse Pointe !•""'arms ::\Iiss Sarah S. Larrabee Clubs. :\Ir. 2;3-:l. Herendeen. l\Ir. Wm. L. Hill. l\Ir. and Mrs. Slwrwin ..-\. 709 Pasadena ..:\.partm<'nts Care of 101 Hazelwood a\·enue Clubs, l\Ir. 25 Clubs, :\Ir. 66-12:3 Herman, Mr. Raphael Hill. l\Ir. and l\Irs. ,Yilliam H. (Dwelle) 69 Canfield aYenue \Yest 700 Cass aYenue Clubs, 2 5-3 i Clubs. :\Ir. 11-44-110-127-162-:!.\Irs. 64 Herreshoff. :VIr. Chas. F. Hillger, l\Ir. and :.\Irs. "-jlliam ( Bloomfield) 30 Adelaide street 308 Bewick aYenuc Clubs, :\Ir. 52 Clubs, Mr. H 7 Hilsendegen. l\Ir. and ::.\Irs. George Hetherington. 1\-Ir. and )!rs. Henry P. (Schwartz) (Roganni) 200 Ferry ayenue East 21 Rhode Island aYenue )Irs. Susan Schwartz Mr. Frank I. Hetherington Clubs, l\Ir. 33-45-73-103-127-13:i Mr. Donald ..-\. Hetherington Hilton, l\fr. Charles E. Miss Grace l\I. Hetherington 7 S Stimson place Clubs, :\fr. 3 i Clubs. Mr. 32-34-6 7 Heyerman, Mr. and :Mrs. Charles F. Hilton, :\Ir. ·and :\!rs. Francis A. (:Milligan) (Hosie) 275 Pennsyh-ania aYenue 83 Forest aYenue East Mr. D' Arey Hilton, 34 Clubs, Mr. 34-50-79-105-116-123-147 Mr. Ronald Hilton Heyn. :\Ir. Emil :::.\iliss Stella :vr. Hilton 99 Garfield street Clubs, )fr. 45-66 Hibbard, Mr. and Mrs. James l\-I. Hilton, Mr. and ::\Irs. \Ym. Percy (Bullock) C:VIacknutt) 33 Richton aYcnue, H. P. 120 Medbury street Clubs. :\Ir. 3-! Clubs, Mr. 11-2il-45-66-169 Hickey, Mr. and l\frs. Edward .T. (~frilling) Hinchcliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Paye P. 0. Grosse Pointe 71 ::\Iarston court Mr. Joe Hickey Miss Lucy Hinchcliffe Mr. Edward I-licke)'· :\Ir.. John Hinchcliffe Hickey, ReY. and Mrs. George S. (Turner) Clubs. :\-Irs. 26 67 King avenue Hinchcliffe. :\Ir. and )!rs. Theodore D., .Jr. Miss Julia Blanche Hicke,· 561 Hurlbut aYenue Clubs, Rev. 36 · Hinchman. :v.Irs. Charles C. (Butterfield) Hickey, l\fr. and ::\Irs. John C. (Talbot) 556 Jefferson aYenue 235 ~roodland aYenue l\Ir. Harold S. Baker Clubs. Mrs. 122 :.\Iiss Grace B. Hinchman Fi{Jures refe,· to dub membe1·s-sce front of book. DETROIT 71

Hinchman. :\Ir. and llrs. F. Archt>r Hodges, Mr. and ::.\!rs. Frederick \\-. ( ":--illiams) (Cowie) 172 Lafayette boule,·ard 33 Eliot stn•et Recei\"es Tuesday Miss Elizabeth Hodges . Clubs, Mr. 25-123 :Miss Clara D. Hodges Hinchman, Mr. and :Mrs. Ford Dec. Clubs, Mr. 12-25-37-1:H-lfrs. 132 (Mary T. Thompson) Hodges, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Henry C. 172 Lafayette bouleYard (BidwPll) Receives Tuesday 839 Jefferson a ,·enue :Mr. John H. Hinchman Sum. R1:•s.: Petersham. :\Iass. Clubs, l\:Ir. 25-3-1-37-::.\-Irs. 76-94-120 :\fiss Clara Ilodges :Miss Yirginia Hodges Hinchman, Mr.. Tohn H. Clubs. i\Ir. 33 172 Lafayette houl<'Yard Hodges, :\Ir. and llrs. Howard R. Hinchman. Mrs. John l\I. C\Yhite) (\\~allac-e) 205 The Pasadena 169 Pallister aYenue Hinchman, :\Iiss ::\Iary Clubs, :\Ir. 3-t Care of :\Irs. O'Brien. 1:51. Joseph Hodges, :\Ir. and :\-Irs. Theodore R. Campau avenue (Roberts) 28 Edmund place Hinchman. )fr. and :Mrs. Theodore H .. Jr. Hoffman, Dr. and ~Irs. John \Y. · (Ballentine) (Mac Pherson) 22:3 Seminol«- aYenue 556 Jefferson a\"enue Clubs. :\Ir. :i-:3:3-:li--! l-123-124-165- Hoffman. Mr. and l1r~ . .Tules G. (Dubois) ::\Irs. 9 150 ::\IcDougall aYenue Hint·. :\!rs. James \Y. (Barnum) Miss Ac-I<>le Hoffman 19S Fern· .n·enue East :\Ir. Jules G. Hoffman. Jr. :\Jiss Katharine G. Hine, 22 Clubs. :\Ir. 103 Clubs. )frs. 122 Holden, :\Ir. J. L. Hines, Mr. and l\Irs. Edward X. (Steers) 2 5 Rowena street 106 Blaine aYenue Holden. l\Ir . .Tames S. · 2::i Rowena ~treet Hinsdale. :Miss GeneYie,·e S. Clubs. :\Ir. 12-25-33-~4-37-103-108- 139 Lafayette boule\"ard 123-1-Ji-16-l Clubs, :.\Iiss 60 Holden. :\Iiss :\Iar~aret Hirschman, Dr. and ::\Irs. Louis J. 698 " .. oodwarcl a,·enue (Carstens) ~Iiss Carob·n Holden 6-l Garfield aYenue Holden, )Ir. X. Parker Clubs. Dr. 33-126-1-l:'i, also Army and 27 Hancock aYenue. \V. Xa\"y Club. \Yashington. D. C. Holden. l\Ir. and :\!rs. \Yilliam H. Hirsh. Mr. and lfrs. Charles G. ( Spencer) (Jones) 450 Yinewood a\"enue 366 Cadillac aYenue Sum. Res.: Rickon· Island Hirth, :\liss Ida :VI. l\fr. Howard B. Holden. -14 513 Grand boulevard \Yest :\Iiss l\I. Alma .Tones. 5 i Clubs, ::\Iiss 122 Miss Alma C. Holden Hitchcock, Dr. and lfrs. Charles \V. Clubs. :lir. 34-::.\-Irs. 26-5 i-12:!-146 (Ingersoll) Holland, ::\Irs. Charles E. 55 Stimson place 249 SeminolE> a ,·enue i\Ir. David I. Hitchcock ~Ir. Edward l\Iorton Holland. 25-3-l Mr. Charles Carleton Hitchcock Holley, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Earl (Corliss) Clubs. Dr. 2-27-44-87-116-123-12-l-126 140 Putnam a,·enue Hitchcock, )Ir. and ~!rs. Dwight A. Clubs. :\fr. 34-66-16-t (Randall) Holley, )Ir. and Mrs. George l\'1. 51 "~oodl~n

Holmes, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Arthur L.· Horton. :Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. (Collins) · (Bailey) 352 Cadillac avenue 316 Hudson avenue Mr. Oscar F. Holmes :\Ir. Max B. Horton Mr. Arthur L. Holmes, .Jr. Clubs, Mr. 33-36 :Miss Kathlyn Holmes Hosie, Mrs. Robert Miss Josephine Holmes 83 Forest avenue, East Clubs, );fr. 33-66-88-116 :Miss Emeline Hosie Holmes, :Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. (Wormer) l!r. and Mrs. C. F. Heyerman 858 Second avenue (Hosie) Miss :VIabel L. Holmes Hosmer, Hon. and :Mrs. George S. Miss Louise. W. Holmes (Bagley) Miss Hazel S. Holmes 51 Eliot street Clubs, Mr. 25-33-37 Miss :\1argaret B. Hosmer. 117 Holmes, Miss :\Iargaret A. :VIiss Marjory W. Brown. 117 3000 Grand boule...-ard, West :\1iss Dorothy F. Brown. 117 :\Iiss Iza H. Holmes Clubs. Hon. 4-25-33-34-37-66-70-103- Holmes, :\fr. and :v.Irs. Roswell H. 108-116-124-134-123i. also Ausa­ (Shaw) ble Fishing Co.-Mrs. 8-9-91-122 2 3 J ov street Hough, :\Irs. Helen S. Clubs, :\Ir. i9-Mrs. 79 702 ,voodward aYenue Ho1mes. :\Ir. and Mrs. William L. Clubs, Mrs. 26-96 · ( ~Vheeler) Hough, :\Ir. and Mrs. \\Tillis (Mansfield) 251 Putnam avenue Royal Oak. Mich. :VIr. Harold Wheeler Holmes, 34-66 l1r. Earle :\I. Hough :\iliss Helen M. Holmes Clubs, :\Ir. 33-34 :Miss Ruth E. Holmes Houghton, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Charles W. Clubs, Mr. 66-1-lO-Mrs. 122 (Sage) Holt, Dr. and :Mrs. Frank Ward 2838 Grand boulevard, \\-est (Swift) Houghton, Dr. and Mrs. E. Mark 130 Tuxedo avenue, H. P. (Hunt) Clubs, Dr. 34-96-116 130 Longf("llow aeYnue Holt, Mr. and :\Irs. Frederick H. :Miss Ruth C. Houghton ( Si1k) Clubs, Dr. 37 116 Boston boule...-ard. East :.\Iiss Dorothy Holt Houghton. :\Ir. and :\'.!rs. Edgar H. Clubs, Mr. S-9-25-33-3-1-3i--t--t--45-58- (Hatcher) 6i-135---:\Irs. 8-9-58-6i-89-94-120- Grosse Pointe Farms 122-132-l-13-H6 Houghton, :\fr. and :\I rs. Reuel ( Smith) Holt, :\:Ir. and Mrs. Ira F. (\\Tard) 29 Glendale a,·enue. H. P. 130 Tuxedo aYenue, H. P. Houghton, :\Ir. and Mrs., ,Yilliam C. Clubs, :\Ir. 25-60-96 (Echlin) Holton, l\Ir. Charles J. 2-t-l A.Yen; aYenue 620 Trumbull aYenue )Ir. Harold. Vi:--. Houghton, 66 :VIiss Frances Baker ::\Iiss Edna Houghton Clubs. Mr. 63-73, Shriner House, Dr. F. Chandler 1717 ,Yoodward a,·enue Honore, :\Ir. and ~Irs. Paul (York) Sum. Res.: Ithaca. ~- Y. 855 Fourth avenue House, :\fr. George "\V. Hood, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Arthur J. (Dixon) -HO Grand bouleYard, East 2989 Grand boulevard, East Clubs, ll:r. 36-37-1-t-0 Clubs, Mr. 3-t--39-44-83 HoYey, :\Ir. and :Hrs. Frank D. ( Corbet) Hopkins, l\fiss F. lI. 31 Longfellow aYenue Care Mrs. Bowles, 32 \\:-arren ave­ ::\fiss Florence A. Ho,·ey nue. ,vest Hopper, :Mr. and l\Irs. George C. Ho,·ey, :\fr. aud Mrs. Horatio X. (Van Xess) 825 Cass aYenue 657 Cass aYenue ::VIr. Wi'~ard :i\I. Ho,·e~". 16-l ::\1iss Kate A. Hopper, 22 Clubs. :\Ir. 12-33-:3,-66-16~ )Ir. James Hopper, i8 HoYey, :\!rs. Silas P. (Glaspie) Clubs, :\fr. 7 8 1102--t- CharleYoix Hotel Hopper, :Mr. Harry F. Howard. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charle~ 625 Jefferson aYenuc> (Bodine) Clubs, Mr. 37 64 Rhode Island aYenue Hopson. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Henry C. Howard, :\Ir. Frank (Sprague) 369 John R. street 58 :Madison avenue ::\Iiss Julia .A. Howard Clubs, Mr. 127 Miss Anna McDonald Hornung, :\Ir. Jesse B. Howard, :\Ir. and Mrs. .T. Earle ( Titus) 35 Campau building 144 Virginia Park Clubs. Mr. 8-37 Clul>s, Mr. 44 Pigure8.. refer t,, c:lu.b member8-!::

Howard. :v.Ir. and :\frs. Robert R. Huebner, lir. and :\Irs. George John · ( SturteYant) (Riegel) 1-18 Seyburn aYenue South Side, Taylor aYenuP.. be­ Clubs, :\Ir. 103 tween Hamilton and Third Howard, :\Ir. S. "\V. J. (Degg) Recei ,·es :VIonday 26 Eliot street Clubs, :\-Ir. 33, also Palestine Club :VIr. "'\\,.._ Bruce Howard, 37 Hughes, l\Ir. and Mrs. John ,Yesley Ho,Yarth. :VIr. and :Mrs. John B. (Madden) · (Perkins) 90 King avenue 7 85 Cass a venue :\Ir. Stanley Hughes ::.\Iiss Marjorie Howarth :Miss ::.\Iargaret Hughes :VIr. ,v·inslow Howarth Hughes, )Ir. ,Ymiam H. Clubs. :\fr. ~3-36-37-96-135-:\Irs. 19- 9::! Edmund place 26-27-58-87-96-122-137-1-!3 Hulbert, Jud~e and :\Irs. Henn· S. (Row) Howe. :\Ir. and :vrrs. ,Jeremiah (Ganley) 50 ,Yeb avenue 227 Grand bouleYard, \\:-est - Clubs, Judge 3-1-36 :Miss :\Ian· B. Howe Hulbert. l\Ir. and :\!rs. Prescott :\I. :\Ir. Frank ,v. Howe · (Gaylord) :\Ir. Vincent Ho\\·e 18 S _-\ ven· a ,·en ue :\-Ir. Leo Howe l\Ir. Gaylord Hulbert :\Ir. Paul J. Howe Hull, :\Ir. C. IL .Jr. Clubs, :\Ir. 33 !) 5 7 .Jefferson a Yenue Howell. l\Ir. Harr~- E. :\Iiss :\I. ,Y. Hull 6 7 Cass a Yenuc Clubs. ::.\Ir. 2 5 Hull, l\-Iiss Isabella H. Howland. !\Ir. and :\Irs. J. "\Yard 541 Second avenue · (:\IcCormick) Sum. Res. : Hamburg, :\Iich. 39 Clairmount a,.-enue :\Iiss Ada l\Iay :\Ir. Dean "\Y. Howland Clubs, ::.\Iiss 21-22-42-89-12-1-131-137 Clubs. l\Ir. 33-39-4-1-66-135 Hull, :\fr. Lawrence Cameron Clubs. :\Ir. 3-39-4-1-66-135 541 Second avenue Hoy, :\frs. Richard F. ('Yard) l\Ir. Lawrence Cameron Hull, Jr. 331 Putnam aYenue (Xew York) Dr. Leroy "\\·etmore Hull ( Calumet, Hoyt, l\Irs. Birney ( Xoye) ::.\Iich.) Grosse Pointe Miss Isabella :\IcFarlane Hull (U. of Mr. Richard K. I-Io,·t M.) Mr. Hay·ward X. Hoyt Miss Gra~e Darling Hull CC. of :VI.) Ml". Arthur B. Hoyt Cluhs. :\Ir. 1-:l7-12-L Detroit Life Hoyt, Mr. and :Mrs. Henry ,v. rnclerwi-itt>rs· Assn. (Hastings) Humphrey, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Frank E. ·-179 East Grand bouleYard (Smith) Sum. Res. : l\Iuskoka Lakes. Ont. -11 -~lger a,·enue :\Iiss Sue H. HoYt. 20-42-125-146 :\Ir. Edwin Humphrey Clubs. l\:Ir. 33-34°-37-123 Humphrey, !\Ir. and :\!rs. \\""m. H. Hoyt. :VIr. and :\Irs. Hobart B. (Dix) ( Durfe(') 1101 Second avenue Grosse Pointe Shores Clubs. l\Ir. :{,-12:~-12-l Clubs, :\Ir. 32-33-34-123-124- Hunt, :\Ir. ancl :\!rs. Harn· Ed\\·ard Hubbard, :\Irs. Margaret (Parkinson) ( Ke11o~g) • 197 .-\Yer:, anmue 520 "\Yoodward a ,·enue l\Iiss R. L. Hubbard Clubs, :\Ir. 32-99, also American So­ Miss Frances Hubbard ciet~· of International Law and Hubbard, ::.\Ir. and :\Irs. Frank W. rnitarian Club, India Societ~· of (Lockwood) Detroit. Cosmos Club of Detroit. Grosse Pointe. :Mich. President Great Lakes Interna.:. Sum. Res.: Port Austin. ::.\Lich. tional Arbitration Society-l\Irs. Miss Carolyn L. Hubbard 21-22--12-60-S 9 Clubs. :\Ir. 12-25-33-37-S3-96-l\frs. Hunt, :\-Ir. and :\Irs. Ormond F. 96-132 (Bloom) Hudson, :\Irs. Helen (Clarke) 17 Garfield aYenue 92 Pitcher street Mrs. Alice B. Finney l\Iiss Isabelle Hudson Clubs. :\:Ir. 32-33-37-12-1-:\Irs. 122 :\Iiss nrace Helen Hudson Hunt, Mme. Rouen l\Ir. James F. King 662 \\·oodward aYenue Hunt. Mr. and :\!rs. "\Yellington Q. Hudson. :\Ir. and :v.Irs. Howard H. (Loud) (Lawrence) 189 Van Dvke avenue 806 Grand bouleYard, "\\:--est l1iss H. Mabel Hunt Huebner. :\Ir. and l\Irs. George C. l\Ir. W"ellington L. Hunt (Lotz) l\fr. John L. Hunt 130 ,vestminster ayenue Clubs. Mr. 3-1-37 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. 74 TI-IE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Hunt, :Vlr. and Mrs. ":-etmore (:Muir) Hut~hings, Dr. and Mrs. Willard H. 677 Jefferson a,·enue (Butt) :VIr. Cleaveland Muir Hunt The Palms Miss Helen '\Vetmore Hunt Clubs, Dr. 25-37-52 Clubs. Mr. 15-25-34-116-123-124-134- Hutchins, :Mr. and l\Irs. Jere Chamberlain 160 (Russel) Hunter, A'lr. and :Mrs. George T. 149 i\ilcDougall avenue ( "rilson) Sum. Res.: Grosse Pointe 147 Taylor aYenue Clubs. Mr. 4-8-12-25-33-34-37-66-88- Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. James (Barley) 103-ll!:l-133-135, Metropolitan Club 31 Forest a\·enue, East of Xew York: "Cnion Club of :\:Iiss Elizabeth G. Hunter Cleveland-Mrs. 42-76-122-134 Clubs, :Mr. 33-119 Hutchinson, :Mrs. Ernst D. ( Hockett) Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. (Ford) 34 ,Yestminster street :!6 Bethune avenue, "-est Clubs. l\Irs. 26-122 Miss Dorothy Rebecca Hunter Hutchinson. )Ir. Frank A. Clubs, Mr. 33-34-37-135-Mrs. 122 201 Elks Temple building Hunter, Mrs. Margaret (Pharis) Clubs, l\'Ir. 11-33 2 7 Ledyard street Hutton, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Robert Mr. and :Mrs. "~m. E. Dyer (Xutson) (Hunter) 6-2 Massachusetts avenue Clubs. Mr. 34-Mrs. 95 ,:\'.Iiss Blanche P. Hutton l\'Irs. A vis Locke :VIr. Raymond .J. Hutton Hunter, :\Ir. and ~Irs. Thomas (Worden) Clubs, )Ir. :~ 3 5 7 Eliot street Hutton. :!.\Irs. '\V. H. Harrison Clubs, Mr. 37-44-103 · ( :\Iaxfield) Hunter, ~Ir. and :\Irs. '\Y. Egerton X. 663 Second avenue (Kaye) :\Iiss ~atalie Hutton 190 Blaine avenue Clubs, ~lrs. 26 Sum. Res.: ::\fountain View Park, Hutton, l\Ir. and l\irs. '\Yilliam H. H., Jr. "raterford. :\Iich. ('\Yorkman) Miss Elsie Mabel Hunter 663 Second avenue Huntington, :\1r. and Mrs. George Clubs. :i\Ir. 34-37-10:3-116 (Burrows) 749 Second avenue Huyette, :Vlr. and ~Irs. Carl E. Sum. Res. : "Lakeside." Roscom- (Harding) mon, Mich. · 112 Hague avenue lVIiss Alice G. Huntington Clubs, 66-Mrs. 26 Mr. George B. Huntington Hyde. lfr. and l'.Irs. George Preston Mr. Edwin J. Huntington (Brossy) . Clubs, Mr. Exchange Club 2181 Jefferson a,·enue, East Hunton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert K. Receives Friday 33 Davenport street :\frs. :\Iar~- H. '\Vebb Clubs, l\fr. 103 :\Ir. Louis B. Hyde Hupp, l\Ir. and Mrs. L. G. Clubs, :\!rs. 77-120-122 (Hazelwood) 6 7 6 Grand boulevard, E. 'lf LLEXBERGER, Mr. Frank Hurd, J.\,Ir. and :Mrs. Earle ill 72 Seward avenue 458 Campbell avenue Clubs, Mr. 11-37-66 Hurlbut, Mr. and Mrs. :v.r. P. (Spellman) Ingersoll. )Ir. Edwin P. 163 Caufield a\·enue, '\Vest 141 Caufield avenue, W. Clubs, l\Ir. 34-102-:\Irs. 122 Hurst, :\Ir. and Mrs. ,Villiam .:\. Ingersoll, )Ir. and Mrs. Jerome (Clark) (Blake) Teceives :Monday 27 Euclid avenue. \\·. 24 Westminster avenue ::Hiss Harriet J. Ingersoll, 67 ~Iiss Helen C. Hurst Inglis. Dr. and Mrs. David (Baxter) Clubs, Mr. 4 4 "Bonnygate," Grosse Ile Huson, :\fiss Florence ( :M:. D.) :Miss Lois Inglis 506 Cass avenue ::\fiss Dorothy Inglis Clubs, Miss 67-122 Mr. Baxter Inglis Huston, Mr. Frank C. Clubs, Dr. 126-:Mrs. 120-12:! 42 Kirby avenue. West Inglis, lVIr. and :\Irs. James (Hughes) Hutchings, Mr. and :\Irs. Frank '\V. "Bonnie Oak," 6 2 6 Grand boule­ (Hoffman) vard. East 108 Atkinson avenue Clubs. :Mr. 6-12-25-29-33-34-37-83-135 Clubs, :\Ir. 11-:n -:Mrs. 19-68-88-120-1:~7 Hutchings, Mr. and Mrs. John Inglis. :\Ir. and Mrs. ,V'illiam (Coggeshall) (Rittenhouse) 511 John R. street 3 8 Edmund place :Miss Kate Hutchings Clubs, :\Ir. 34-37-44-:\Irs. 122 Figures refer to clu'b members-see front of 'book. DETROIT 75

Ingram. :\Ir. ancl ~1rs. Frederick F. .Jackson. )Ir. and :\lrs. Stonewall ( ~Iayo) ( Smylie) 316 Vinewood aYenue . 212 Burns avenue Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile, :\Iich. Jackson, lir. and ).!rs. William A. :\Ir. Frederick F. Ingram, Jr. (:Moore) Clubs. :\Ir. 33-45 24 FerQ· avenue, Th·est Ireland. .:Mr. and )frs. DaYid l\I. Sum. Res. : Roaring Brook, :\Iich. ( Schlegel) Clubs. l\Ir. 25-37 165 Grand bouleYard. East James, l\Ir. and :.\Irs. Charles B. Recei Yes Tuesda'" (Dalby) :\Ir. Da,·id 13. Ireland, 3-! -t- 3 Erskine street Clubs, :.\Ir. 3-! !\Iiss Gertrude A. James Ireland. :\Ir. Reade :\I. James. )fr. and :VIrs. Delbert C. 82 Forest aYenue, u·est (Parker) IrYine, :\Iiss Josephine l 30 Euclid a\·enue. "\\·est Grosse Pointe Farms Sum. Res. : Lake Orion Clubs, l\'Irs. 16:~ Clubs, l\Ir. 32-66-i8-~6-135-l\1rs. 95- In·ine. :.\Iiss :uary :.\Iatilda 122 -13 Garfield a\·euue James. :\Ir. and )!rs. Henry F. llr. 1Villiam Henry IrYine. 1-17 (Roseberry) 5-!- Palmer a \·enue. East Isham, :\:Irs. Charles S. (:\Iott) Sum. Res. : ::\Iaceday Lake, l\lich. 59 Rowena street :\fr. Con,vay James llr. Charles S. Isham. Jr. :\-Ir. X orman :.\lack James Isham, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Fred('ric Stewart :\Ir. Donald S. JamPs (Frue) Clubs, :.\Irs. 67-95-120-122 :'i!) Rowena street .James, :\Ir. and :Mrs ..J. H. Clubs. l\-Ir. 82-:\Ir~. 122 (Brown) J\·es, :.\Ir. and ::\frs. Butler (:\filler) 709 Ca!"s aYenue :W8 Grand boulevard. East Clubs.. :\Ir. 34 ::Vlr. Butler !Yes, .Jr. · .James. :\Ir. and l\frs. ,vmiam R. ::\Iiss Frances D. !Yes (Burns) Clubs. l\'Ir. :H 551 ,Yoodward aYenue !Yes, :\Ir. and :\I rs. Percy (Caron) i'i02 Cass an•nue Jameson. :\Irs. Amy F. (Fuller) Rl'ceiYes ,Yednesday 57 Alexandrine a\·enue, East :\Ir. Lewis J\·es Clubs. ~Irs. 122 Clubs. :\Ir. s .. :H--!6-6";"-108-::\lr~. 8- Jameson. :\Ir. Edgar "\\:-. 67-122 5, Alexandrine a venue, East Ives. :\Ir. and ::.\frs. Ya~entine S. (Hart) Clubs. :.\Ir. 34 ·· 165 ,Yarren avenm•. East Jamieson. :.\Irs. Robert A. (Thompson) Clubs. ::.\Irs. 120 95 :Vlerrick avenue Sum. Res. : Algonac Dr. Robert C .•Jamieson, 126 :\Ir. Douglas Jamieson ACKSOX. :\II~. nnd :\!rs. s\rcllil>ald Chas. Janes. :\Ir. and :Mrs. Oscar A. (:VIead) (Le Baron) · 3 O California a Yenue J -t 5 Ferns a venue. "\\:--est :\1iss :\Iarie Esther Janes. 122 Sum. Res.: ~orth HatlE>Y, Quebec. :\Ir. Henry l\Iead Janes · Can. l\-Ir. John E. Janes :.\Ir. Harold Charh's Jackson Clubs, Mr. 116-::Vlrs. 122 Clubs. :\Irs. 122 January, :.\Ir. and :\Irs. "\Yilliam L. Jackson, :\Ir. and :\frs. Edmund D. (Brucker) ( Diack) 110 "·oodland avenue 213 Pallister a,·enue Recei,·es Thursday :\-Iiss Carolyn B. Diack :\Iiss Marie :\largueretta .January Clubs. :i\'.Ir. 33-3-t-. also Perdue Uni­ Clubs. :.\Ir. ll-32-33-63-102-124 Yersity Club Jarvis, ).Irs. "\\-illiam Fowler (Elwood) Jackson. Dr. and :Mrs. H~rry H. 1-;oo Jefferson aYenm• ( Scott) Clubs, ::.\Irs. 25 317 Jefferson an•nue Jeffrey, :\Ir. and :Vlrs. Frank :\Iiss Virginia :\I. Jackson. 1:!2 (Corrigan) :\Ir. Harn· Hamilton Jackson, .Jr. 76 Pitcher street Clubs. Dr. 33-127-:\frs. 122 Miss Lillie .Jeffrey Jackson, :Mr. and :\!rs. Richard, Jr. cn·ise) l\fr. "\\:--ii 1 iam J effre~­ 1885 Second.aYenue Clubs. :\Ir. 33-66-162 Clubs. :\Ir. 30-33-4-1--66-135-U0-:\frs. Jenkins. :\-Ir. and :Mrs. Dean :\I. -!-4-1-10 · (Philleo) Jackson. :\Ir. and :VIrs. Roscoe B. 125 Boston boulevard. East Ul Fern· a\·enm'. East :\fr::,:. Ht>len Philleo Jenkins . Club~. :\Ir. ·2:5 . Clubs. :.\lrs. 60-u:3 76 THE SOCIETY BLl"E BOOK

Jenks, l\'.Ir. and Mrs. Charles C. Johns. )Ir. Kenneth )I. (Strachan) care of 11-1 Broadway 472 ·w·ood,vard aYenue .T ohnson, )lrs. George A. (Smith) Sum. Res. : Harbor Beach. :Mich. 4ZJ Canfield an,nue \Yest Miss Irene S. Jenks Miss Eloise C. Jenks, 117 Johnson, )Ir. and :\Irs. II. )I. (Bradford) Clubs. Mr. 12-25-37-116 1612 Third a'\"'enue Jenks, Mr. George A. Johnson. )Ir. and :\Irs. Homer S. ( RN'se) 40 Farnsworth aYenue 40 Rowena strN't Miss Harriet M .•frnks Clubs, :\Ir. 2:~-~{3-:~-1-:37-<37-123-HH Miss Helen M. Jenks Johnson, )Ir. and )Irs.. T. P. (Clark:, Jenks, Mr. and ::.\Jrs. George J. 27 Chandler a Yenue ('\Yells) Sum. Hes.: ··Redwood.'" )Iuskoka, 76i Cass aYenue Ont. . ::.\Iiss ,Judith Lloyd Jenl{S Clubs, )lrs. o;:; Clubs, :\Ir. -14-Mrs. 122 .Johnson. :\Ir. and ::\Irs ..John IL OicGrath :1 Jenks, Dr. Harrison D. :~-1 Palli::;;t.-r a ,·<'n ue 97 Lafayette boule,·ard ::\Ii:,,;s ,_;raCl' E. .Johnson Jenks, :\!rs. L. E. Cluhs. )Ir. 12-3:J-:J7-43-44-::.\Irs. 91. 581 "\Voodward a\"enue ,Tohns·)n. ::\Ir. and )!rs. S. Olin (Sturtenmt) Jenks, Dr. and :Mrs. Xathan (Cady) ;iti Howpna strPPt 231 Burns a,·enue ~um. Hes. : .:\mlwrsthurg_ Canada Clubs, Dr. 2-3-!-37-123-12G-:\Irs. 2G ::\Iiss .-\licl' li<'l"trude .T ohn:,;on :\Ir. Charl<•s Bi~sell ,John::--on Jenness, :Mr. and :\frs. Henry Leland Club~. lir. 10-ll-25-:{:1-:~7-H-6i-7i- (Burt) 88-'19-10:~-:\Irs. 16-2i'>-:!6-58-Gi-77- 3 9 Rowena street S8-91-113-1~0-1::? 2-1:30-166-171 Miss Constance B. Jenness. 26-117 Clubs. Mr. 34-103-116, Fontinalis Johnson. :\Ir. and ::\Irs. ,Yilliam Claflin Club-Mrs. 17 1 :\facdonald) Jenney, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Harry T. 97 4 .Jefferson avenue (Lingeman) necf'i YC":-: Friday )Ir. \Yaldo :\facdonald .Johnson. also 353 Hamilton aYl.'-nue Town Club, Alpha DC'lta Phi Jennings, l'Irs. Caroline ::\1. (Cook) ::\Ir. and ::\[rs. ..\. \Y. Car::-011 (Ishpe­ 609 The Pasadena ming. :\lich.) Jennings, Dr. and :Vlrs. Charles God·win Cluh:-. :\Ir. :;0-12:3-124, Alpha Delta (Felch) Phi -13i Jefferson aYenue Johnston. :\fr. and ::\Ir~. nonald .-\. (Widman:, Dr. Alpheus Felch Jennings. 25 12::t (;arffrld 3\"f'llll(' Dr. 2-6-25-33-3-1-3 7-116-12 6-13 -1.. "\Yit­ Cluh:::. :\Ir. (Hi-10::i-~Irs. 1:;7 enagemote Club-Mrs. 2 6 Johnston. :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Frank P. Jennings_. lir. and :\-!rs. JarYis S. Hotel Plaza (Carman) :\ir. Elwood C. Johnston 57 Garfield aYenue ::\Ir. w·m. Durand John:,;ton Sum. Res.: TraYerse City, Mich. Clubs. )Ir. 33-87-4-l--)lrs. 91-122 Mr. JarYis S. Jennings. Jr. John~ton. ::\Ir. and )Irs. T. Leslie Mr. Raymond C. Jennings. 140 Trh'r aYenue II. P. Miss Emily Jennings, 20-22 Jon('~. :\Ir. and )!rs. Edward D. (Richards) Miss Mary Jennings. 20-22 12G;j Grand boulC'nud East Mr. Frank .Jennings, Clubs. !\Ir. 30-66 Jones, :\Irs. Grace C. B. (Roberts:, 113 LothrDp avenue Jewell, Mrs. vVilliam F. :\Ir. Curtis Jones (Brownlee) Clubs. )!rs. 9;; 59 :vredbury aYenue Jones. :\Ir. Harold T. Sum. Res.: Pointe Du Chene, Al­ 32 Peterboro street gonac Mr. John Brownlee Jewe>ll (U. of Jones, l-Ir. and l\Irs. Henry K. ( Paddock) M.) 898 .frffl~rson a Yen ue Clubs, l\Ir. 12-33-46-116 )[iss .\nna ~- ,Tones :\Ir. I-I. Kirkland .Tones. ,Jr.. :H Jewett, :Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Clubs. )Ir. 23-::~-:1:-:3G-37-67-116-135-165 (Farwell) -~-Irs. 9-67 239 Burns aYenue Jon<'S, )!is$ Kate L. Receives Friday :{-:I: Cbandler aYenue Clubs. Mr. 10-25-33-3i-l 16-162-:Mrs. 26-27 Jones, )Ir. and )!rs. Lewis H. ( Sales) 1721 Jefferson a'\"'enue Jewett. Mr. and Mrs. Harr:r l\Iulford Sum. Res. : Harbor Pointe. llicb. (Vischer-,Yendell) )Ir. C. Bruce Jones, 25-:34 "llapleburst." Grosse Pointe, ~Iich. )liss .Tan<~t L. Jones ReceiY<'S Friday ~Iiss )farion A. Jones Clubs, :\Ir. 25-37-55-116-llrs. 94 Cluhs. :\Ir. 2:i-:H-;:n-:\Irs. 132-137 Figure::; refer to club members-see front of book. DETROIT 77

Jones. )li::;s )I. Alma Kales, )Ir. and )!rs. ,nmam R. {Gray) . ;J(;(j Cadillac an.>nue 19z:; Burns avC'nue Clubs, )liss :,7 Clubs. )lr. 25-;1-1-:~6-:37-123-165-)Irs. 2~. . Josh·n. )Ir. Charlc·s D. • :'."18 Kin~ an~nue Kallman. :\Irs lfrrman F. {Steinme,er) )Ir. and )Irs. John C. \Yilson ( .Tosl;\·n) 88 \Yatson street • Clubs, )Ir. :)2-:3i-4-1-6:~-96-90, also Rec<'ives ::.\Ionda, .:\..usable Fishing Cluu Miss )!eta Y. Kaliman. 86. S. P. C. A . )Ii:-:;s Augusta D. Schrader Joslrn. :\Ir. aud )Irs. Lee E. (\Yilson) Cluus, )Irs. S6 uu Euclid a \"('nue \Y<'~t )Ir. LPe E ..To:--lyn ..Tr. Kamper, :\Ir. and Mrs. Louis ( Kling) )Ih::.i::; Franct-s )larg-arPt Fox l-l 16 .Jefferson a n•n m" Cluhs. ::.\Ir. 32-3:::-::17--1-1-78-13;:-i-:\Irs. )Ir. Paul Kam1wr 122-1:37 Clubs. )Ir. ;j-87-i:-~ Kane, )Ir. and )Ir~. Edward E. (Franks) Joy. )Ir. and ::.\Irs. lIPnrY Bourne H-1-1- \Yoodward aYenue 1 J • ~cwber-r,· )!is~ GPrtrude E. Kan<• nro:--SC" Point<' Farm~ Club:-,:, ::.\Ir. :32-)Ir~. f.)1 ~um. U.C's. : Watch Hill. n. I. Clubs. )Ir. 2::i-29-:W-:I:{-:{-t-:{7--1:i-;i2-55- Kanter, :\Ir. and )!rs. Charks .Andrew SS-10::;-12:~-1:i::;-1:1-1-1::;::.-1 H2. Ya l<' (Langley_1 Club of ~e,Y York-:\Ir:,; .. G-!.)-16-2G­ The \\-est _.\partmc·nt:-,:. lZ:.2 Bagg :!i -:;s-t:;7-S7-nO-n3-11:~-120-122-1:.;2 ~tr<'<'t Club~. )Irs. 20 Joy, :\Ir.. Jam0:::. Kanter, :\Ir. and ::.\Ir~. Charil'::. E. ()IcKay) -!(i Wilkins stre(•t u:1 Eliot str<'Pt :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Richard PickPrinl,! )Ii:::;::; (;<•rtrud1• II. Kantt-r 1 :\Io·ne'i nr. William <;_ Kanter. 12<, (;rossc ·Pointe Farm~ )Ii~s FanniP IL KantPr )Iiss Ella II. .TOY )Ir~. ,Ym. )lcKar C 1u hs. )Ir. 12-2t>-2!.\-3-t--:ri -4:i-:i:i-83-103- Cluh:;.. ::.\Ir. 12-33-34-GG-llG-1-17-::\Irs. 1:1-l-Hi2. also ~ew York Yacht Club 122 Jo;\-, )!rs. Tho1nas .T. (Gifford 1 Kanter. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frank ,Y. 27-1 Pf'nnsYlnrnia aYC'nue (CamphPII) ::.\Tr. \Ya lt(•r ·u. .Toy 4-11 .Tohn R. str(•C't ::.\IiS$ Gertrude E ..To:-· Clubs. )Ir. ::1-:1:-GG )Ir. Ern<'st G ..Toy Kanter. )Ir:::.. IIenr,· Louis Cluh~. )Ir. :.{:~ ~um. Res. : rpp<.•r Saranac. X. Y. Ka.\·, )Ir. and )!rs. John (Garlick 1 nec<.'iYL's Friday 1012 The Pasadena · Clubs. Dr. 25-3-1-123-126 RPc<•in'S FridaY Judge. )Ir. anr court KC'al. )Ir. and )Irs. Geo. I. (XeYins·, )Iiss )Iarie Adelaide Judson 2(;5 :\Iedhury a,enue Clubs. Mrs. 22 K<.'aYy, )Ir. and )!rs. "·imam ( Stockton) i{(AHL. :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Frederick (Canniff) Yerona .\partment~. 50 Ferry ave­ 'l =~~2 Grand boule,ard East nue "·est Recei,es Tuesday Cluhs. :\Ir. a:i-)Ir!-;. 122-137 ::.\Iiss Kathleen· Kahl Keeler, )Ir. and )!rs. Hiram )I. (Barker) ::\Iiss Hazel Kahl 129 Selden avenue )Iiss Irene Kahl Sum. Res. : KC'eln's Cottage, St. Kaiser. )Ir. and lirs. John (Trombley) Clair Ri,er. )Iich. 23 Westmin~ter avenue )Ir. Fred P. Keeler )Ir. John Kais<'r. Jr. )Ir. Ralph "·· Keler :\fr. Cyrus Kai~er )Jis.s Eh;ie P. K<'<.~ler )Ii::;:::. Roseline Kaiser Clubs, :\Irs. 122 Figure,.., refer to c-lub members-see front of bool,. 78 THE SOCIETY BL'CE BOOK

Keen, Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. (:.\!organ) Kelsey, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Franklin A. (Oakley) 234 Burns avenue .-, Richelieu .:\.pt's, 3-1 Charlotte avenue Keen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. (Dean) Sum. Res.: 'Holmcroft," Grosse Ile, 3077 W. Grand boulevard :\lich. Clubs, Mr. 37-39 Clubs, :.\Ir. 33 Keena. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. (Kemp) Kelsey, :\Ir. and :Mrs. John ( Dallas) · 185 Kirby avenue East 54 Hancock aYenue East Miss Marjorie Keena Clubs, :.\Ir. 11-30-37 Mr. Kemp Keena Kemp, :\!rs. Francis P. Keena, Mr. and l\Irs. James T. (Smith) 91 High street East BelleYiew Apartments, 3077 Grand Kempf. Mr. and :Mrs.. Tohn R. (Kirk) bouleYar ,vest 24 Ferry aYenue "\Vest Sum. Res. : Bois Blanc Island, ::.\Iiss l-Ii!dred Kirk Kempf Amherstburg. Ont. Clubs, :\Ir. 33 Clubs, Mr. 32-37-S1-S3-9S-124-13-1-160- Kempf, :\Ir. and ~Irs. Reuben (Dancer) 164 Ann Arbor. ::.\Iich. Keenan, :Mr. and Mrs. James l\I. (Ruhl) Clubs. :\Ir. 37 97 Farns,vorth aYenue Kennary, l\lr. and :Mrs. J. Shurly Keenan, Mr. and :\!rs. Joseph "\Villiam (Zengerle) (Lancashire) !J 7 Alfred street 92 Medbury avenue Kennedy, .:\Ir~.

Kidner, Dr. Fred"k Clinton Kirchner. :\Ir. and ~frs. George H. 62 Bagg street. "The Alhambra," ( Yalentin) Clubs, Dr. :36-52-123-126-164, also 36:i Cadillac anmue St. Botolph Club, Boston :VIr. Ralph T. Kirchner· Clubs. :\Ir. 12-33-45-66 Kiefer, Dr. Herman Kirchner, :\Ir. and Mrs. Otto (:\Ieddaugh) 37 Chandler street 1717 Jefferson avenue Kimball, Miss Edith ::.\I. Sum. Res. : Breeze Hill, Camden, Care of :Mrs. Durfee, 7 5 \Varren Me. avenue Ea~t Clubs, ~Ir. 9-25-32-33-36-37-67-73-77- Kimball. ::.\Ir. and lfrs. ,James E. 79-88 - Mrs. S-16-25-42-67-77-86- · (Kalmbach) 113-1°20-131 38 Hancock avenue \Vest Kirchner, Mr. and :Mrs. Richard G. :\!rs. Charles J. Heath (Kimball) ( Carr~pau) Mr. John Kimball Heath -14 8 Cadillac a,·enue Clubs. :\lr. 25-34-123. also \\7est En,1 Kimber, :\Iiss Katharine Club and Camden Yacht Club. Care of Rev. Seward Camden. :M:aine-::\Ir~. 11 7 3087 Grand boule,·ard ,Yest Kirn, :\Ir. and Mrs. \Villiam H. (Ulley) King, :\Ir. and :\.Irs. Charles B. (Fletcher) 651 East Grand boulevard 814 Jefferson a,·enue Sum. Res.: \Valken·ille, Ont., Can. S'um. Res.: "The Anchorage,'' Clubs. :Mr. 36-37 Grosse Pointe. llich. Kiskadden. Dr. and ::\Irs. Harr~- S. (White) )Iiss Martha L. Miller Hotel Plaza. 36 ::.\Iadi~on avenue Clubs, :\-Ir. 25-33-34-37-79 Sum. Res. : Iddenkask Farm, Belle- ville. ::\Iich. King, )Ir. and Mrs. George D. (Plat) :\Ir. Donald S. Kiskadden 1-18 Putnam avenue :\Ir. Cameron H. Kiskadclen Clubs. :\fr!=:. 122 Clubs. Dr. 33-102-135-:\.Irs. 1 22-137 King, Dr. and :\.lrs. Harry S. (:\"IcFadden) Kittle, :\Ir. H. Maurice 13-1: A 1exanclrine avenue West 179 Adams a,·enue East Clubs, Dr. 30-34-126-149 l\fiss Margaret Kittle Klein, )Ir. and ::\Irs. Frank (Gnue) King, :\Ir. James F. 33;; Grand boulevard East 92 Pitcher street :\Ir. John Klein King, l\lrs. John Fi: (Davenport) Kling, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Kurt 919 Jefferson street (\Yeidner) l\'.Iiss Madeline King, 26-93 171 Parker a venue Clubs, :\!rs. 26-93-113-120 Clubs, :\Ir. 37 King, Mr. and :Mrs. L. B. (Carpenter) Kling. :\!rs. Philip 76 Stimson street 1416 Jefferson avenue ··Sum. Res.: Harbor Beach, l\-Iich. :\Ir. and :\frs. Louis Kamper ( Gling) l\Iiss Dorothea B. King l\Ir. August P. Kling, 73 Mr. Ralph B. King: 34-44-124 Klussman Mr. and Mrs. Ernst l\1r. R. Kent King, Det. Tennis Club 1055 Jefferson avenue )Iiss Janet E. King Knight, :\fr. and Mrs. Ernest 0. :\Ir. Francis C. King (::.\lac Farland) Clubs, )Ir. 44-66-116-124 362 :\IcGraw avenue King, :\:Ir. and :\!rs. \\""illiam ..\.. (Robinson) Clubs, Mr. 66 540 Second a,·enue Knight, Dr. and l\Irs. Stephen H. (Gifford) Mr. Edwin Robinson 37 "~illis a-venue. East lir. D. Clifton King Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile Kingsbur~-. :\iir. and lirs. James D. ( Abel) :\Ir. Hale G. Knight (Harvard) 601 Brush street ::.\Ir. Rufus Knight l-Ir. Fred Kingsbury Clubs. Dr. 2 7-:~3-39-44-72-85-96-9 8- ::.\Ir. Ralph A. Kingsbury 114-116-123-:\frs. 26-42-6-1-89-96 Kingsley. l-Irs. Knowlson, Mr. and :VIrs. Albert T. (Elms) 24 Pingree avenue 44 Virginia Park :\Iiss Kingsley Clubs, l\Ir. 34-l-Irs. 122 Kinsel, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Ed·ward C. ( ::.\feyer) Knowlton. ::\'Irs. Adelaide B. (Robertson) 35 Philadelphia avenue East 80 Richton avenue )fr. Benjamin B. Knowlton, 116 Kipp, Dr. Arthur \\'". :Miss ::\Iabelle A. Knowlton 535 Chene street :\Ir. and :\Irs. lfartin L. :vnus Kirby, :\Iiss Elizabeth P. (Knowlton) 32 Canfield avenue East Clubs, lirs. 26 :\frs. Kotcher, :\-Ir. and Mrs. Charles -n:-_ (Jansen) Kirby, )Ir. and F. A. (Spinner) 50 \\""arren avenue East 6-1:-1 Fourth avenue :\:Ir. George A. Kotcher. 34 Kirby. :\fr. and ::\Irs. Lewis Haight )fiss Helen B. Kotcher· (Stevens) Clubs, )Ir. 12-33-39-43-44-45-46-66- 6 9 Eliot street 110 Figures refer to club members-.f!:ee front of boo1..·. 80 THE SOCIETY BLuE BOOK

Kotting, :\Ir. and Mrs. Charles (Runkel) Kunze, Mr. and· Mrs. George ~- (Oliver) 60 Seward avenue 90 Eliot street Mr. H. Lester Kotting :\:Ir. Edward Oliver Kunze Clubs, Mr. 5-28 Miss Edith OliYer Kunze Krag, Mr. and Mrs. William W. (Brace) Clubs, Mr. 14-:\Irs. 26 132 Bagg street · Clubs, Mr. 25-33-34-39 7r ADD, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford ~~- Krausmann, Miss Sophie A. 1) l (Truesdale) li3 King avenue ~ 7 2 Delaware a venue Miss Catherine C. Krausman Sum. Res.: Gratiot Beach Port Kreit Dr. and Mrs. Herman Huron. Mich. (Yoight) Clubs, :\Ir. 32-33-3i-1:23-124-:\1rs. 95 Grosse Pointe Park Ladendorf. :VIr. and Mrs. "·alter C. Clubs, Mrs. 22 · (Holmes) Krentler, :\Ir. and l-Irs. Edwin O. 319 Brooklyn street (Kunzie) Sum. Res.: St. Clair Flats 469 Grand bouleYard East Clubs. :\Ir. 73-::.\Irs. 73 Mr. Gilbert Krentler Ladue, ::.\Irs. Cornelia (Pomeroy) Miss Lurella KrentlC'r 185 Canfield aYenue West Clubs, :\Ir. 12-33-37-63-73 Miss Carlotta Ladue Kresge, l\fr. and :\!rs. Sebastian S. l\:Ir. Theodore p_ Ladue (Harvey) Ladue, :\!rs. :\-Iary ( Abbott) 45 Pallister avenue 89-l Cass avenue Clubs, :\Ir. 11-33 :\Ir. and Mrs.. John T. Ladue Krolik, Mr. and Mrs. Day (Zenner) :\Ir. Howard A. Ladue, 116 7 6 Rowena street Miss Lois Ladue Clubs. :\-lrs. 26-96 Krolik, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Henry A. (Brown) 115 High street East k1.fer, l\Ir. and Mrs. Frank G. (Romine) Receh·es s·aturday 114 Lothrop avenue . Mr. Julian H. Kro1ik, 106 Sum. Res. : Granpian Hills, Ox­ Clubs, :\-Ir. 106-:\:Irs. 75-91-122-146 ford, :\-Iich. Mrs. R. E. Romine Krolik, Mr. and :\Irs. Joseph K. (Thayer) Clubs, :\fr. 33 975 Second avenue Clubs, Mr. 33-44-63-67-104-135-:Mrs. La Fcrte. Dr. and ::.\Irs. Daniel 67-120 362 Jefferson a ,·enue Dr. Alfred D. La Ferte. 126 Kross, Mr. and :\lrs. Clement F. (Talman) Clubs, Ur. 126 . 241 Seyburn aYenue :Miss :\Iai·~- Cordelia Powis Kross La Ferte. :\Ir. and Mrs. Edward C\"Valsh) Mr. Clement Talman Kross, 135 527 "\Yoodward aYenue Clubs. :Mr. 105. xa,·al and :Military l-Iiss Burke Order of the Spanish-American :Miss Xatalie Burke "\\.,.ar Clubs, Mrs. 122 Kruce, :\Ir. and Mrs. Edwin J. Laitner, ::.\Irs. Emma R. 41 Virginia Park · 240 LongfellO"\v a,·enue Clubs. Mrs. 122 Miss Matilda Laitner Mr. "\\Talter C. Laitner Krug, :Mr. and l\'.Irs. J". Adolph (Wailand) 235 :\:IcClcllan aYenue Lake. Mr. and :\Irs. E. H. (Burwick) Mr. Edward Krug 73 Seward avenue Mr. Otto K. Krug l\Iiss Hazel A. Lake Krum, l\'Ir. and 1\Irs. Alburn H. (Brainerd) Lamb<'rt, 1\-Ir. and :Mrs. A. T. (Dawson) 36 Seward aYenue 425 Alexandrine aYenue, "·est Miss Gracie B. Krum Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. :\-Ir. Chauncev X. Brainerd, 116 l Hea venrich) Clubs, Mr. 96-116 Sl Warren avenue East Kuhn. Mrs. Clara B. (Weaver) Mr. Louis Lambert 130 Charlotte avenue Lambert, :Mr. and Mrs. Bert (Hay) :\-Iiss Laona D. Kuhn, 122 7 4 Virginia Park Kuhn. Mr. Frank Clubs, Mr. 44-66-:\Irs. 95 517 Brush street Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Clubs, :Mr. 1 l-25-33-45-55-66-i3-135- (Tucker) 162 80 Yirginia Park Kuhn. Mr. Robert Sum. Res.: Allen,:ille, :Mich. 517 Brush street Miss Marjorie Lambert Clubs, Mr. ll-25-33-34-66-73-135-162 · Clubs, :\Ir. 33-37 Kundinger, :Mr. and :\!rs. Herman Lamkin. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv H. (Oertel) · (Woodruff) ~ 411 Grand bouleYard East 693 Trumbull aYenue Sum. Res. : Grand Point. Mich. Lancashire, Mrs.. Josephine :\I. (Conner) Mi~s Arlene Kundinger 326 Cadillac avem1e l\Ir. Raymond Kundfnger Miss Hazel Lancashire Figures refer to club members-see f-ront of book. DETROIT 81

Land, Dr. and l\Irs. Charles H. (Lodge) Lathrop, Dr. and )!rs. Henry K. Jr. (Gillett} 64 • Elizabeth street ~-est 188 LafaJ·ette boulevard Mr. Charles H. Land. Jr. Recei'\"es Tuesday Landsberg. l\lr. and )!rs. E. C. P. (Boyd) Clubs, )Ir. 96-103, also Michigan Den­ 99 Euclid a Yenue. East tal Assn. and First Dist. Dental !-;o­ Clubs. )Ir. i3 dety-)Irs. 26-i7-91-96-113-120, also Lane, )Irs. Frank L. (Sterling) Vassar Club of Detroit 49 Josephine a,enue Lathrop, )!rs. Harriet :.\I. ( Da,ison) Lane, )Ir. and )!rs. George E. (Cherry) 100 Atkinson a,enue 60 DE'laware a,enue Lathrop, )Ir. and )Irs. Kirke (Proudlock) Clubs, :Mr. 11-34-45 200 Parker avenue Lane, :\Ir. and l\Irs. George )I. (Edwards) Clubs, :\Ir. -1-25-29-33-3, -85-103-114- 34 )Ielbourne avenue 116-123-Mrs. 132 )Iiss Ruth \Yinifred Lane, 22 Lathrop. )Ir. and llrs. Rufus Gillett )Iiss Jes~ie Bradford Lane (Townst•nd) Clubs. )Ir. 124 221 Seyburn aYenue Lane. )Ir.. Tam"~ Receives Friday · 699 Second a venue Clubs. )Ir. 2:3-:12-:fi-116-1:H )Ir. (i<'orge Lam'. -,;:; Latinwr, ·)Ir. and )lrs. "-illiam G. (Perkins} Cluhi:-. )Ir. ,:~ :tn Second avenue Lang, )Ir. and )Irs. Currier (Allen) Sum. Res. : above ·walkerville, Ont. H34 Fort street East Clubs, )Ir. 37-)Irs. 122 Clubs, )Ir. !~4-;)2-128 La Tour, ::\Irs. Sarah J. (Grimes) LangleJ·, :\Ir. and )!rs ..Tame~ P. ( Simons) . 11s:3 Fourth avenue 173 Canfield aY<'nue ·west Receives \Yednesda, )Ir. Ralph ~- Langley Clul>s. :\!rs. 60-Gl • :\Ir.. Tohn Simons Langley Lau, Dr. and )!rs. Oliver II. (.)!apes) Clubs, )Irs. 122 693 John R. street Langlois. llr. and )lrs.• \. A. ()Iontreuil) Sum. Rt:>s.: Lake Orion, :\Heh. :3lti Putnam axenue )liss Z. Lau )Ir. Lt'o )I. Langlois )Ir. OliYer )Iaxwell Lau )liss Ethel Y. Langlois ::\Hss Ernestine Lau )liss Claire liarie Langlois Clubs. Dr. 63-126 )Ir. Cyril 0. Langlois Lauth, )Ir. George J. )lrs. II. F. ::\Iontreuil :_:n;j St. Antoine street Larned, )Ir. and :\Irs. Abner E. (Kellogg) )Iiss Elizabeth Lauth Grosse Pointe Shores :\Iiss )Iarie K. Lauth R<'ceiYes Thur~days Lau,·er. :\Ir. and )lrs.• \ndrew Jackson Clubs, ~Ir. 6-25-33-3,-58-6,-:\Irs. 2:5- · ( Funderburg) __26-5S-67-120-122 14:-; Pallister an,nue Larned. :\Ir. and ~irs. Charles P. )Ir.• John F. LaUY('r (1Yhitney) Clubs, :\Ir". :37-4-l-)Irs. 122 4:1;3 "-oodward a,enue Lavin. :'.\Ir. \Yilliam Sum. Res. : "RedclitI." Prince Ed­ 270 \.Yoodward an'nU(' ward Island. Canada ClUIJ$. )Ir. n, Clubs. )Ir. H,-54-07-116-167-:\frs. 6- Lawrence, )Ir. and )!rs. _-\ugustine :Xeil. Jr. 16-19-2G-:j4-;">8-G7-91-120-122-1~7- ( Louise Lieber) 14(3-1(;6 Phillips )Ian or .;\ partments Larned, Dr. and )Irs. Ezra Read (Ker:-:ley) Sum. Res.: Xorth Hath'y. Quebec, The Plaza Canada Clubs. I>r. :17-12G Lawson, )Ir. and )!rs. Carroll I-I. (Crampton) LarnC'd. )Irs. ~ylvC'st<'r 11:!-l C'a:'-S a YC'DUe GrossP Pointe Clubs. )Ir. 4-1-1:3::.-:\Ir~. 1:i7 Larrabe<'. )Ir. and )Irs . .Al,an F. (BlliJtt) Lawson, )Ir. and ::\lrs. Charles F. ( Xoble) 14G Canton aveune 862 Trumbull an'nUI' Larrabe<'. :\fi:-:!': ~arah S. Clubs, )Ir. -14-::\Irs. 122 <>0~ .1<:'ft\-rson awnue Lawton, Capt. and )Ir!':. F. n. (Ke)·s) Latham. )Ir. and )[rs Charl<.'S K. right) Residenc<>. Birmingham. )Iich. -188 1Yoodward aYem1p Clubs, )Ir. :{2-34-10S Cl u hs. :\Ir. 12-2:;-!1!'.;-~7--l-1-8:1-12:~-)Irs. Latham. )Ir. and )Irs.· Franklin \\". :2,;-1:22-1:w (Boldwin) Lawton. nr. and )Irs. Thonrn:'- )I. (Green) 1901 \Yest t,-rand bouh•nird ti(i!➔ Trumbull aY<'llU<' Lathrop. )Jr. and )Irs. Charles Gillett Sum. Res. : Hickory Island (Canby) )Ir. George Lawton Burns avenue corner Agnes )Ir. Fred Lawton Clubs, )Ir. 25-123-165-)Irs. 25 )Ir. Joseph Lawton

Fiyure.~ tf'JPJ" f() rl1tb member8--~rr front of boo!.-. 82 THE SOCIETY BLCE BOOK ------Leahy, Mr. 'William Leland, )Ir. Frank B. The Plaza 185 Burns aYcnue Clubs. :\Ir. 66 Clubs. :\Ir. 12-25-37-103 Le Beau, :Mr. :\IcCurdy C. Leland, Mr: and Mrs. Henry M. (Hull) 30S7 Grand boulevard West 2 9 8 4 Grand boulevard West :\!rs. Caroline ,Yicks Clubs, Mr. ll-33-3i-47-88-92-96-135- 140-151-162-)frs. 42-122-128-13i LedJ·ard, !\Ir. and :\Irs. Henry ( Hendrie) Leland, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred C. (Dewey) 579 Jefferson avenue 2980 Grand BouleYard. ""est Receives Frida~· Sum.: Res.: "'Vi'lchester," Lake Clubs, :\Ir. 25-37-133-1~4-163, also Angelus, Mich. Graduates Club, :Xew Haven, Conn., Receives Thursda:v Fontinalis Club and l-'Ialden Marsh Clubs. )-Ir. 11-33-34-37-4 7-88-96-135- Shooting Club, Ontario 140-162-1 il-Mrs. 58-96-122-13i Ledyard, )Ir. Henry B. Lennox, Dr. and ~Irs. Levi Johnson Gros!-:(' Pointe Farms (Cooper) :\Ir. Hugh Ledyard, 25 34 Garfield avenue Baroness Yon Ketteler (Ledyard) Receiv(>s ::\Ionday ( in Berli::i) Lenox, Mr. and )Irs. Harry ( Lott) Clubs, ~Ir. 19-25-37-71-116-134 115 Euclid a venue w· est Lee, :\-Ir. and )!rs. (jilbert Willson (Xorton) Clubs. :Mr. 3;3 (i7 Ferr\" an'nue East Lenox, lfrs. Jean W. (Gunn) Sum. Rc•s. : Grosse Pointe Renaud Apartments, SiS Second )Ir. Georg-e n. Lee. 25-34-123-124 avenue Clubs. :\Ir. 11-12-25-:{3-34-!37-103-134- :Miss Mabelle Lenox also Caledon )It. Trout Club Mr. Frederick H. Lenox Lee, Mr. and :Mrs. James L. (Lawson) Leonard, )Ir. and Mrs. Arthur C. (Hovey) 702 The Pasadena 46 Eliot street Sum. Res.. Les Ch<'neaux Club Miss Elizabeth H. Leonard l\Ir. Howard· B. Lee Clubs, Mr. 36 Clubs, )Ir. 25-33-34-:~7-116-135-:v.t:rs. Leonard, :\Ir. Everett A. 94-130-1~2-137 60 Stimson place ).Irs. Theodore 0. Leonard (Jenney) Lee, Dr. and )!rs. ,John. Jr., (Campros) l\Iiss Alice B. Leona rd 317 Cass avenue ::\liss :Mary E. Leonard Lee, lir. John .J. Mr. Henry l'I. Leonard. 66 84~ Lafayette houl<>Yard Clubs. :\fr. 33-34-44-46-88-116-12i-135 :\Ir. Benedict II. Lee Leonard. Mr. and l\Irs. Harry X. (Clark) Leete, l\Ir. and )Irs. Robert (Corlette) 3i Yan Dyke place Sum. Res.: Pointe Aux Barques 641 Cass a venu<' Clubs, Mr. 33-34-40-44-66. also Town :\Ir. RobC'rt B. L<'ete Club • L~ete, :\Ir. and )Ir~. Thomas 'l'. ( Hopkins) Leonard, ::.\Irs. Henry R. GS .-\lexandrine avenue ·west (Lawrence) )liss )Iargaret I-I. Leete lHl 3 4 Eliot street Leete, l\Ir. and )Irs. Thomas T .. Jr. :\fiss Julia C. Leonard (Cooper) · Miss Annie S. Leonard 64 Alexandrine av<'nue ·west Leonard, Mr. Orvice R. Sum. Res.: Oak GroYe. Orchard 165 Kirby avenue ,~:est Lake, Mich. Clubs. ::.\Ir. 33-39-44-6i-96-99-104-135 ~Irs. James Coopc>r Le Seure. Dr. and Mrs. Oscar (Stansbur~-) )Iiss Harriet P. Cooper 2 5 Row<'na street l\Iiss Lillian Leet<' Sum. Res.: Catskill :Mountains Clubs. )Ir. :32-66-124-1~:i-:\Irs. 42-131- Mr. .T. S. Holden 1:n Clubs, Dr. 108-124-126-liO Leggett, )Ir. and )!rs. ,Tohn ,Yheeler( Frue) Lesher, l\Ir. and Mrs. George II. care of Detroit Club 550 Brush street Clubs. )Ir. 37-147 Clubs, Mr. 12-32-34-63-73 Lesher, Mr. and :Mrs. Howard J. Leggett, :\Ir. ,Yilliam H. (Miniham) 2895 <;rand houle,ard East 106 ~·arren :1.Yenue ~·est Mr. Frederick C. Leggett Clubs. :\Ir. 12-3i--H lliss Lucile V. Leggett Le~·is, !\1r. and :\'[rs. Alexander Ingersoll Le Gro, Dr. and :\Irs. Albert L. (Filer) (Palms) 91 Ferry aYenue East Grosse Pointe Farms Clubs, Dr. 33-34-66 Clubs. Mr. 25-37 -52-134-l\lrs. 25 Lewis, )fr. and Mrs. E. St. Elmo (Wherr~·) Leidich, Mr. and :\Irs. Christian 109 Pingree avenue (Dohmstreich) Receives Thursday 150 Grand boule,ard East l\Irs. Elizabeth Wherry (Durfee) Leitch, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tilson (Hess) l\Iiss Camilla WherIT 690 Grand boule,·ard East Clubs, Mr. 33-37-44-~'I:rs. 74 · Pigu1·e.<.; refer to club members-see front of book. DETROIT 83

Lewis. )fr. and Mrs. Eugene '\\:-. Linn, Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. ( Maclay) ( :Mellinger) 59-:1: Cass aYenue 25 Da\·enport street Clubs, Dr. 55-66-105-126 Clubs. :\Ir. l l-2E>-3-:l:-:~i-Aero Club of Linzee, · ::.\Irs. A. J. (Stover) :Mich.-l\Irs. 2 5 1000 Brush street Lewis, Mr. and :\!rs. George Andrew Clubs, :\Irs. 137 (Xeal) 38 Adelaide street Little. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. ('\'Vise) Clubs. :\Ir. 3-66-:\Irs. 122 · Hotel Charle\·oix Lewis, )Ir. and :\Irs. Henry Bridge ( Croul) Clubs, :\fr_ 33-36 Grosse Point Farms Littlefield. :\Ir. and Mrs. Eddy James ReceiYes Friday ( Clea ,·eland) Clubs, Mr. :!a-34-37-134 1016 Cass aYenue Lewis, )Ir. and l\Irs. Ingersoll ( Palmes) Sum. Res.: Pointe Aux Barques Grosse Pointe Clubs, :Mr. 3-1-:\Irs. 34 Lewis, ::Vlr. and :\!rs. Lincoln G. ( Zciellner) LiYingston, :Mr. and ~Irs. "\V. T. (Gilbert) 520 ,vmis aYenue \Yest 50 Bethune aYenue '\Yest l\Ir. Lincoln Arnold Lewis :\Ir. "\Yilliam Gilbert LiYingston Clubs, :\Ir. 119 Clubs, lfr. :3:3--1-1. F. & .\. l\I. L'Hommedieu. l\Irs. CarriP D. LiYingstone, Dr. Peter .T. 119 Theodore street 180 Kirby aYenue ,Yest Miss Ruth L'Hommeclieu Miss Isabelle Li\·ingstone :.\Ir. Edgar L'HommediPu :\fiss Caroline Li ,·ingstone L'Hommedieu. :\Ir. and :\lrs. R. H. Clubs, Dr. -1-1-66-126 ()Iar~ton) Li\'ingstone. :\Ir_ and l\lrs. ,Yilliam RPceiY<'S Friday (Downie) 93i Jefferson a~cnue 4 0 Eliot stre<'t l'.Iiss Alma L'Hommecliu, Recei\'es "·eanesday l\Ir. Charles H. L'Hommedieu. 2-1-12~~- :\Ir. ,Yilliam A. Li\'ingstone. 37-66- 133 103-123-12-t Clubs. :\Ir. 25-29-33-116-:\Irs. 120- ::Miss Helen E. Li \"ingstone 1 •)·~ :\-Iiss Susan A. LiYingstone. 138 Lichtenberg. :\Ir. and l\lrs. "·m. G. ::.\Ir. Robert B. LiYingstone (Los An­ ( Plass) geles) 2890 East Grand boulentrd l\:Ir. Seabourn R. Li\'ingstone (U. of Sum. Res.: Ka,·anaugh Lake. :\Iich. l\iI.) Clubs. :\fr. 63-i3 !\Ir. T. °\\·. Palmer Li\"ingstone (U. Liggett. l\Iiss Ella )I. of l\I.) i3 Stimson place Clubs. :\Ir. 12-2;i-33-3-1-3 7 -44-66-83- Clubs, :Miss 22 103-111-135-162. also enion Club Liggett, l\Ir. and l\:Irs. Elmer (Drake) of Cle,·eland: Press Club of Xew "65 Stimson place York · Clubs, :\Ir. 67-:VIrs. 6i -120 Lh"sey, :\Ir. and :\Irs_ J. II. (Egan) Liggett, l\Ir. James Edward 86 Hanccok avenue East Clubs. :\Ir. 33-3-1-37--14-13:i- H 0-:\lrs. 65 Stimson place 1•)-) l\fiss Jeanette M. Liggett Clubs, :\Ir. 33-34-63-66-110 Lloyd, :\Ir. and Mrs. Alfred G. ( Ruse) Lightner, :\Ir_ and :Mrs. Clarence ..:\ .. 101 Harmon aYenue (::VIcGraw) ::.\Iiss Agnes M. Lloyd 1708 Jefferson aYenue Clubs, :;,\Ir. 3-1-66 :Mr. Theodore A. Lightner (Yale) Lloyd, :\!rs. Emil~· B. (Pulling) Clubs. :\Ir. l-25-29-32-33-3-l-36-67-70- !I 7 '\\.a tson street 103-114-12 3-12-1-135-:!.\Irs. 10-67-91 Miss B<•rtha E. Lloyd Lillibridge. ~Ir. and :Vlrs. Francis l\L :\Iiss Ethel Spencer L~o~·d ( :v!c::.\Iillan) Lloyd, :\fr. and Mrs. Ernest F.

Loc-ke, Mrs. A vis Lothrop, )Ir. and llrs. Cyrus E. 29 Ledyard street ( DuCharme )· Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. GrosHe Pointe (Hinchman) Clubs. :\Ir. 2:5-:37-134 158 McDougall avenue Loud, :\Irs. :\Iinnie C. Mr. Edward Hinchman Locke 46 Palmer a,·enue Ea8t Clubs, Mr. 116 )Ir. Pere~· K. Loud. 34-13.;-i Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. l\1. (Clough) )Ir. ·wm. Carl Loud. 45-1:~:; 2994 Grand boulevard East )Ir. Edward E. Loud. V~5 Miss Marjorie Locke Clubs. )!rs. 122-137 · :\Iiss Unabell Locke, 12 2 Lo,eleJ·, :\Ir. and )lrs. Edward A. Lockwood, Judge and ::\Irs. Harry A. 120 Seward avenue · (Stone) Clubs. :\Ir. 33-37-73-140-143-162 169 Canfield aYenue West LoYett, )!rs. ,Yilliam E. ('Watson 1 Mr. Albert H. Lockwood 464 Jefferson ayenuc Miss Gertrude A. Lockwood Receives Friday Miss Ezra "r· Lockwood Clubs. Mr. 11-116-:Mrs. 26-122 Low, :\Ir. and )Ir~. Alfred ::\I. (Isham) 198 ~<'minole avenue Lodge, Dr. and )lrs. Edwin (Berrr) :\Ir. H. Emf"rson Low Grosse Pointe )Iiss Yirginia :\1. Low Lodge, )Ir. Frank T. Clubs. :\Ir. :~4-16;j · 73 Tuxedo avenue Low, :\Ir. and )!rs. Joseph )I. (Hayward) Clubs. :\Ir. :32-33-34-66-78-116 742 Second avenue Lodge, )Ir. John C. Low('. )Ir. and lirs. "William B. (l\Ierrell) i:)7 :\Iedbury aYenue · 43 .\ tkinson a venue :\Iiss Harri<.•t T. Lodge Clubs. )Ir. 3-:l3-37-:·:m-44-)lrs. 122 Lonergan. :\Ir. and )Irs.• James :\I. (Lepp) I owell, )Ir. and )lr8. George K. (Park l 46 Gladstone avc>nue Hotel Cadillac :vrrs. Franc(•s Obe~- (Lepp) Sum. Res : York Beac-11. :\Te. Clubs. :\Ir. uG Clubs, :\Ir. ~7 Long, :\Ir. and )Irs. F. Earl (Richardson) Lowrie. )Ir. and )lrs. Albert B. (Gale) 14:l Hancock avenue East U(; Clairmount avenue ReCl'ives Friday Clubs, )Ir. 66-)lrs. 22 Clubs. )Ir. ll-87-44-45-06-140 Lowrie, )Ir. and )!rs. Clarence "William D. Longyear. Dr. and )Irs. Howard ·w. (Scott) (Clay, H;9H .T t•fferson a n·nue !"17 Canfkld an'nue ,Yest Sum. Res. : Huron )fountain Club, ~um. Hes. : Tawa Island. Detroit :\larquette, )Iich. Hin'r :\Iiss :\Iargaret :\·lunro Long~·<'ar :\Ir. Ross C. Lowrie. ::t4-12-1- Clubs. Dr. 2r,-34_::;7-12G-:\Irs. 26-122- )lr. and :\Irs.. Tam·es Lowrie. 34-124 . i::~2 (Cadwell) Looker, :Mr. and )Irs. Oscar R. (Sullivan) -Lowri~'- )Ir. and )Irs.. Tam<'s (Cadw('ll) 70 CantiPld aYenue East · !H Ca nfi('}d a ven uc ".est )fr. Oscar F. Lool~er Clubs. )Ir. :34-124 )Ir. Ream C. Looker Lowrie. :\Iiss llarion Loomis, )Irs.. -\.nne ,Y. ··Hawthorne Hedg-c>. ·• Grosse Ile Grosse Pointe Farms )Ir. Fr(>derick Lowrie :\Iiss Geraldine Loomis )Ir. HarrJ· Lowrie ::\Iiss )Iarie Loomis Clubs, )Ir. 2;) Lozier, )Ir. and )Ir~. Hf'nry A. ( ,Ya~:) Grosse PointP Farms Loomis. ::\Irs. E. :\I. ::\Ir.• -\rthur F. ·wa;\·. 2:i 443 Commonwealth avenue Clubs, Mr. 25-37-1~3-162 Loomis. :\Ir. and )Irs. "\Yilliam G. (Breen) Luce>. :\Ir. Charl<'~ II. 11S:3 Fourth avenue Hot('l Cha rh•Yoix. -1::i Park stre0t Lord. )Ir. and )lr8. 1-I<'rhP-rt Ivorr (Xorton) )Jr. DudlE-:,· ll. Luce 3odorc> ( Th Jmpson) Lorimer. )Ir. Robert 777 Second av~nu<' · 124 Lothrop a,·enue :\Ir. L E. Thompgon Lothrop, )Irs. Charles B. ( Stewart l Club:,.:. :\Ir. 12-:~0-:1:1-:14-:17-:19-S:3-110, 440 .Jefferson avenue · al=-~o l"nion Lt'agut> of Chicago Sum. Res.: Bells Point(', Leaming- Lucking, )Ir. and ).!rs. Alfred (Loree) ton. Ont. 3~ Rowena strl'et )Ir. George Y. X. Lothrop, 34-52-53-1~3 :\Ir. William .-\. Luckin~. ~0-34 ~Ir. Howard Lothrop. 34 )Ir. Dean L. Lucking, 30-164 l!iss Isabella G. D. Lothrop Clubs, :Mr. 36-37-4-4, also Les Chen­ )Iiss ::.\lary S. Lothrop eaux Club-::.VIrs. 122, also Indus­ Clubs. )Irs. 2G-~6 trial Home Jo~n J. $~ee~an & ~o. ~ookaellna, jttaitionn• auh ~u9~ai11ers 178 ~o.ohrarb ~21,.

~ niaii lo our uelll iJ;oi, li'oll .iuh ~ame ~eparhnetd 121ill beli~l auh r~,•~ iou.

. .. ·-: __

... · ·········· ......


Ludden, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Edwin .A. (Chapman) )IcCormick, :\Ir. and Mrs. Pranl~ D. 281 Agnes a venue ( Hawthorne) ::\Irs. S. Chapman 126 Taylm· av,•nue Clubs, l\Ir. 34-44 ::\IcCormick. )Ir. Robert H. Lumley, Dr. 'William G. 29 Pingree aYenu,~ 419 Commonwealth a,·enue :\Irs. Mary l\I. Reekie )Ir. N. G. Lumley Clubs, ~Ir. 7 )Iiss Etta Lumley :.\IcCornac. l\Ir. and l\Irs. Samuel T. ( Coffin) Lundy, Dr. C. Bradford (;2 Canfield avenue East 52 Woodland a,enue :\Ir. Roy ::\IcCornac, 34 :Mrs. C. J. Lundy ::\Irs. :\!aria Coffin Clubs, Dr. 30-33-34-54-5G-126-135 Clubs, l\Ir. 110-127 Lyday, l\Ir. and )!rs. Joseph H. 48 Leicester court :\IcCrickett. :\Ir. Thomas F. Clubs, l\Irs. 122 904 Brush street Lydecker, Gen. and )Irs. Garrett J. ::\Iiss Elizabeth McCrickett 160 Josl'ph Campau a \·enue :\Iiss Ethel ::\IcCrickett Clubs, Gen. 1 :~-! Clubs. )Ir. 7-8-28-34--:1:1-123-124 Lyle, Mr. and :\!rs. Hilliard G. (Halladav) ::\IcDonald, :Mr. and :\!rs. Charles S. 57 Canfield avenue ,·rest · ( Harris) Clubs, )Ir. 32-)Irs. 122 836 Second avenue Lynn, :\Ir. and )Irs. James 'l'. (Kerr) :.\Irs. ::\I. L. Harris 93 Eliot street Clubs, :\Ir. 32-37-123-124-Mrs. 20- :\Ir. F. K. Pelton 131 Clubs. )Ir. 11-12-25-37-41-103-)Irs. :\IcDonald, )Ir. and :\!rs. Ho·ward A. 25-103 (Xichols) ·.. yon, :Miss Anne P. 5 7 Euclid a venue East The Pasadena :.\!<:Donald, )Ir. and Mrs. James H. (Jewell) Clubs. )Iiss 163 6 8 Erskine street 1 ron, ~Irs. Ed~-ard (Ferguson., Sum. Res.: Ann Arbor, Mich. Grosse Ile, l\Iicb. ::\liss ::\Iartha I. :McDonald \Yin. Res.: Crescent CitY, Fla. ::\Iiss :Mary ::.\IcL. McDonald l\iiss Eva Lvon · Clubs, :\Ir. 10-32-33-36-48-7 8-124-135- Lyon, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. ·Edward F. (Lewis) 1-:1:7-l\Irs. 26-42-53-91-146-151 110 Taylor a,enue :\IcDonald. :\Ir. and :\:'.£rs. John A. Clubs, )Ir. 33-34 (::\IcQueen) Lyon, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Frank A. (Crimmins) 129 Yirginia Parl{ 1583 Helen a ,enue · Clubs. ~Ir. 33-34-73 ::\IcDonell, )Ir. and l\Irs. .\lexander H. (Rice) Lyon. :\Ir. a·nd :\!rs. ,Julian Porter ()lack) :lO Yirginia Park 54 Forest a n~nue East ::\Iiss Edith ::\fcDonell Clubs, l\Ir. 110-)Irs. 91-122 ::\Ir. E<.l"-•in ::\IcDonell Lyons, Dr. and :\Irs. Albert B. (Edd~-) Clubs. :\fr. 66-::\Irs. 1-!8 102 Alger avenue :\Ir. Bert Eddv ::\IcDonnell. :\Ir. and ::v.Irs. Henry P. ::\Iiss Lucin E. L,·,,n:::: C\lissionary on 136 Canfield avenue ,Yest furlough) l\Iiss :\farie :.\IcDonnell Clubs. Dr. l lfl :\Ir. Yincent B. McDonnell L~·ster. )Irs: Henrv F. ::\IcDonnell. :Mr. and :\!rs. Robert G. t.i04 The ·Pa.sadi:'na (Gordon) :\Ir. Henr~· L. Lvster. 25-29-32-34-3-,- 160 )Ierrick avenue 123 • . ::\IcEldowne:v. :\Ir. and l:Irs. James H. Clubs. :\Ir. 103-::\Irs. 27-113 (Elliott) 84 2 Second a Yenue 1111tcBHIDE. _)Ir. and :\!rs. J. C. )Ir. and Mrs. (de Block) Elliott H. l)Jrl. (\\ alker) :\IcEldowney 303 ::\ferrick a venue :\IcFall: Dr. and Mrs. Guy Harrison ::\liss )laud \Y. l\IcBride. 20-22-142 (Tucker) )IcCarroll. Re,. and Mrs. ,lohn ( Roberts) 95, Jefferson a·•.-enue 89 Hancock avenue \Yest Receives Friday . Sum. Res. : Sugar Hill. X. H. Clubs, Dr. 34-102-116-126-::v.Irs. 26, :.\Ir. Russell Hudson l\IcCarroll \'fomen's Hospital Board ::\fiss Lyndon ~I. l\f cCarroll ::\IcFarlane, )Ir. and l-Irs. \'\""illiam Phelps :.\IcCloskey. )Ir. Charles C. (Smith) 300 Hurlburt a,enue 3039 Grand boulevard East Club~. :\Ir. 3:~--15. also :\Iemklsolm Clubs, ::.\'.Ir. 11-45-66 Club ::\IcGann, )Ir. and )Irs. Thomas F. (Dolan) )IcCorkle. ~fr. and :\frs. 'William F. (Dalzell) 153 :\Iedbury aYenue :1s Alfred street ::\Ir. Frank McGann Cluos, )Ir. 32-34-123 ::\Iiss Irene McGann Figure~ refer to dub 111e111bcr8-,'!'<'C jront of book. 86 •.rHE SOCIETY BLGE BOOK

McGill, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank (Allen) McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm (Bartlet) 140 Trowbridge avenue 30 Atkinson aYenue Clubs, Mr. 66 Clubs, l\Ir. 32-44-66-78 McGowan, Capt. and Mrs. Thomas :\IcGregor. :Miss :\largaret (Horn) Care of Mrs. Blessed, 609 Second 1030 Fort street \\:-est a\"enue Mr. Thomas !\IcGowan. Jr. 135 Miss Lillian :l\lcGowari McGregor, ~Ir. and Mrs. Tracy vr. · (Whitney) McGrath, Miss Anna 239 Brush street Care of Mrs. Thomas, 792 Second Clubs, Mr. 123 avenue McGregor. l\Ir. and Mrs. Wm. A. ( "\Yilf ord) McGraw, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (Butler) 106 Seward avenue 1 i59 Jefferson avenue Clubs. Mr. 44 Mr. Arthur Butler :\IcGraw (Yale) Clubs, Mr. 25-34-36-3i-67-123-12-1- :\icGregor, Mr. "·miam H. 162, also Alpha Delta Phi Club of 221 Forest avenue West New York-Mrs. 9-26-67-113 !\!rs. A. McGregor McGraw, Mrs. Fred G. (Caroline Hunter) :McGuire, Mr. and :\lrs. William F. 37 Hancock a,·enue West 3 2 Palmer a venue ~-est Miss Carolyn Schuyler :\IcGraw Clubs, :Mr. 37 McGraw, Mrs. Harriet (Robinson) McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. James G. (Kanter) Grosse Pointe 114 Kirby aYenue East Mr. Harrie Robinson McGraw S'um. Res. : Grosse I le McGraw, Mr. and :\'.Ir·s. Homer (Anthony) Clubs. l\'.Ir. 32-33-55-72-78-123-124-154 1209 Cass avenue -.Mrs. 20, also Mich. Mt. Holyoke Sum. Res. : Pine Lake Alumnre Mr. Howard Anthony McGraw :\IcHugh, Mr. Philip A. Clubs, Mr. 8-33-37-162 609 The :Madison Apts., 62 :\ladison McGraw, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Sanborn Tenney aYenue (Renick) Clubs, Mr. 32-33-63-73-78-110-135 26 Pingree avenue ~IcKay, l\Ir. and Mrs. Alexander J. Clubs, Mr. 33-34-37 (Ferguson) McGraw, Dr. Theodore A. 96 Hazelwood avenue 1710 Jefferson avenue Mr. Duncan J. l\IcKay Clubs, Dr. 25-37-108-126 Mr. David McKay Mr. Robert S. McKay. 55 McGraw, Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A., Jr. (Longyear) l\Ir. Harry F. l\IcKay, 55 1710 Jefferson avenue McKay, Mr. and :\Irs. James B. C~Vilson) Receives Friday 33 Canfield a Y~nue ~·est Clubs, Dr.. 11-25-37-123-126-133-153, Clubs, :\Ir. 12-43-66-103 also Yale Club of New York-Mrs. McKay, Mrs. ~·m. 132 63 Eliot street McGraw, Mrs. Thomas (Gardner) :McKenney, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. 1085 Woodward avenue (Allen) McGraw, Mr. and l-Irs. Thomas Stanley 12 4 Euclid a venue East (Dickinson) Mr. Allen S. McKenney 81 Alfred street Mr. Harold B. McKenney Receives Wednesday l\:Ir. Ralph S. McKenney Mr. Stanley· D. McGraw (Alpha Mr. Paul R. McKenney, 11 · Delta Phi Club House, 136 W. 44th Clubs, Mrs. 143 street, N. Y. C.) McKendrick, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Clubs, Mr. 103-134, also Detroit Post (Kaps) G. A. R.-Mrs. 4-8-22-47-91-94-125- 642 Trumbull street 137, also College Club of Detroit, United Society of Audubon Clubs, McKibbin. Mr. John and Associate Alumnre of Vassar 460 Jefferson avenue College Miss Emily W. McKibbin, 25-163 McGraw, Mr. and Mrs. William T. (Fuller) l'.IcLane, Mrs. Ellen A. CVIc Lana than) The Plaza 124 Forest aYenue West Receives Monday Receives Thursday Sum. Res.: Countr)· Club Clubs. :\1rs. 91-96 Clubs, Mr. 25-34-37-162 McLa.uchlan, Mr. and llrs. Jay Chandler McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. James C. (Belair) (Williams) 630 Woodward avenue 211 Seminole avenue Clubs, Mr. 25-33-37-73 Clubs, Mr. 25-37-52-102-123-133-134- 163-Mrs. 26-91 McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. James F. (Wickham) l\'.I-cLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. John J; 229 Forest avenue West 825 ~roodward avenue Figures refer to cZub memoers-see front of book. DETROIT 87

McLean, Dr. and Mrs. Angus (Scotten) licliillan, :Miss :\Iary I. 19 Martin place 740 Jefferson aTenue Clubs, Dr. 6-33-37-111-126-140-151- !\Iiss Annie !\lc:Millan, 103 Mrs. 57-120-140 :Miss Eliza K. Mc:l1illan, 103 Clubs, :\Iiss 103 McLean. Mrs. Elfrida R. ( Swinscoe) McMillan. :\-Ir. :\Iaurice Beekman · 203 Lincoln ayenue The Palms :\Iiss Harriett McLean, Clubs. :Mr. 134 :\Iiss Elfrida S. llcLean )Icllillan. ::\Ir. and lirs. Philip Hamilton :McLean, Mrs. John (Patton) · (Anderson) 9 0 Howard street 727 Jefferson avenue Mr. Archer :McLean Clubs, lir. 12-25-30-34-37-52-67-85-10:~- - Clubs. ::Vlrs. 95 1:13-134-162-163, also Knickerl:>ocker Club, Xew York, Uni¥ersit~· Club, :McLean, Mr. and Mrs. John F. (Grant) Xew York. Yale Club, Xew York, 3052 Grand boulevard East and Raquet and Tennis Club, ~ew Clubs, ~fr. 33-124-164, also Univer­ York-llrs. 67 sitr of ::\-Iichigan Club of Detroit )Ic:\Iinn, )Ir. and )Irs. Hugh (Gearj -:\Irs. 20-22-122 12:3 Pingree an•nue l\lcLennan, Mr. and ·::\Irs. ,Villiam X. liiss Kitty llc::\Iinn (Ayrault) )Ir. and ::\Irs. L. .-\... Skinner (l\Ic­ 150 Atkinson street liinn) Clubs, :\iir. 66-::Mrs. 20-26-122 )Ic::\IullC"n. )Ir. and llrs. Herbert Y. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander I. ( Waples) (Millington) 127 Atkinson aYenue Grosse Pointe Farms lliss l\farcia P. ~·aples, 22-9;j Miss F. Janet McLeod Clubs. l\Ir. 11-67-1-33-lirs. 21-67- Clubs, Mr. ll-12-45-46-63-73-Mrs. 9J-i20-122 122-144-148 l\IcX-aughton. :\fr. and ::\Jrs. D. K. ( :\IcKnight) l\IcLeod, :VCrs. John J~ (Langley) 1141 Cass avenue 34 Lawrence a,·enue Clubs, :\Ir. 44 :Miss Hazel D. McLeod :\IcXeil. llr. and lirs. Hugh (Ellis) Clubs, ~lrs. 26 114 Hazelwood a,enue l\Ic:\Iabon, )Ir. and :\Irs. George P. Clubs, Mr. 33 (Hut~hins • McXiel, :Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carson (Carter) 270 Putnam aYenue 78 Watson street :i\Ir. :Maurice H; McMahon Clubs, )Ir. 33-34-123-124-164 l\lr. George B. Mc:\Iahon, Jr. :McPherson. )Ir. and )Irs. A.lex. (Ellsworth) llr. Charles H. ~!cMabon 989 Cass a venue Mcllaster. :Miss Jessie Clubs, )Ir. 12-25-37-44-103-Yrs. 122 136 :McDougall avenue licRae, llr. and ::\Irs. Milton A. ("\Yallis) Recei"ves Friday 36 Ferry avenue East )Iiss Mary Mc)Iaster )Ir. Lindsay S. McRae Miss Isabella McMa~ter )Iiss Helen Y. )lcRae, 164 :\Iiss Marie E. llcRae, 164 l\:Ic:\Iath, l\Ir. and Mrs. Francis C. (Cook) Clubs. Mr. 25-33-37-44-45-102-103-111- 215 Iroquois avenue 1:35-102-:\Irs. 91-122-137 ::\Iiss Marian H. Mcllath Mr. nobert R. lkl\fatb. 34 :.\IcVeigb, ::\Irs. Frances B. (U. -of l\il.) - care of :\Irs. Byrne, 24 Pallister :Mr. x~n c. l\Icliatb, 34 a,·enue ( Cornell univ.) licVeigh, :Mrs. James A.. (B~·rne) Clubs. Mr. 25-36-37-103-116-123-163- 24 Pallister a venue Mrs. 26-67-1~2-132 licVicar, :\Ir. and Mrs. John (Cary) 30 Alexandrine a"\""enue East :\Ic::Millan, !\Iiss Doris )Iiss Helen E. Cary 452 Jetferson a,enue Clubs, ::\Irs. 122 l\Icllillar.., :\Ir. and Mrs. James Thayer llcYittie, llrs. Alexander (McLeod) (Russel\ Sum. Res. : Harbor Beach. Mich. Grosse Pointe Park lliss Agnes l\IcVittie · Recei ¥es Friday lliss Alice McVittie l\Iiss Doris l\Ic)lilla:r,_ :\IcYittie, )Irs. "'Walter S. (Banghart) Clubs. l\:Ir. 25-33-37-52-114-119-123-133- 111 Hazelwood avenue 134-140-162-163-170. also Delta _Kap­ Sum. Res. : Harbor Beach pa Epsilon-::\Irs. 117 liaas, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Andrew J. (.Arnold) l\Icliillan. :Mr. and Mrs. :Xeil (Lebot) 208 Chandler avenue The :\Iadison Apartments Sum. Res. : l\Iaceday Lake Sum. Res.: Grande Pointe. :\Iich. Mrs. H. J. Arnold (Shaffer:, Mr. Enos L. :\Icllillan. 45 · Miss Carrie S. Arnold Mr. Neil :McMillan, Jr~ l\Ir. Glenn Maas Clubs, :\Ir. 33 Clubs, ?,Ir. 33-l\frs. 95-146 Figures refe1· to club members-see front of book. 88 1.'HE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

:Maas, :Mrs. :Mary L. (Quinn) :\Iacklem, Dr. and :\!rs. Glen Edrie (Pohl) 1417 Van Dyke a,enue care of 469 Third a venue l\Iiss Alberta l\Iaas Miss Angela Maas )IacLachlan. Dr. and :\Irs. Daniel A. :\Iabley, lir. and Mrs. John D. (Grace) (Hadley) 30 liedbury avenue 47 Watson street l\Ir. J. Harold )Iabley :\1iss "·inifred l\lacLachlan, 20 :Miss Grace Editn l\Iabley, 122 :VIiss Ruth MacLachlan Miss Josephine )labley Clubs, Dr. 44 :Mr. Charles E. )Iabley :\IacLaren, l\Ir. and l\Irs. Archibald Clubs. Mr. 66 (Gresimer) :\lacauley, :Mr. and )!rs. Alvan (Littlepage) 166 :Merrick a,enue 124 Boston boule,ard East l\.Iiss Irene Lenore :\IacLaren Clubs. :\Ir. 33-37-44-:\Irs. 122 :\Iaclean. :\!rs. Donald (Heath) :\hl.cauley, l\Ir. and Mrs. James F. 821 ,,oodward a,enue 68 Ah,xandrine avenue West Clubs, :\!rs. 19 :\Iiss "Winifred Macauley :\lacLeod, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Cbarlc>s J. L. :\Iacauley, )Ir. and )!rs. Richard H. (Braud) (Bulkeley) Council Corners, Royal Ouk, l\Iicb. 267 Seminole a ,enue Clubs, :\!rs. 95 Clubs, l\Ir. 11-25-37-123-:\Irs. 26-113 ::.\Iacpherson. :\Ir. and :.\!rs. Frank Herbert l1acn.uley, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Roy H. (Walker) bb) ClulJs, )Ir. 32-45-77-78-9S-171, also 156 Euclid a venue ,v ~:St :\lichigan Bar Assn., American Bar Sum. Res. : Truxton, Cortland Co., Assn. and Catholic Club of New X. Y. Yori.:· R,,cc>iYes Tbursd:1y :\Iaguire, Dr. and )!rs. Francis J. W. (Bosset) Clubs, )Ir. 7-:l 1 776 J effer!-,on avenue :\IacDonald, l\Ir. and :\frs. Donald G. Receives Friday (Duffie) Clubs, Dr. 2-6-11-33-40-66-98-126, 12531/2 Fourteenth aYenue )Iendelssobn Club-)Irs. 20 :\IacFarlane. Mr. Walter 1185 Third a,enue l\Iaier, )lrs. Elizabeth (Dorman) )Ir. Louis l\IacFarlane 110 Trumbull a,enue Clubs, :Mr. 5-37-103 )Ir. George :Maier, llG :\IacFarlane, )Ir. and Mrs. J. F. )I. (Story) :\Iain, l\Ir. and )!rs. James Porteous 1 ·, Joy street (Richardson) ~frs. L. D. :\I. Tou~h OlacFarlane) 98 Brainard street Clubs, l\Ir. 44-67-1(;2-l\Irs. 67-120-122 Clubs, )Ir. 33 :\IacGinnis. :\liss J·osephine D. )lalcolm. Re,. and :\Irs. T. ""alker Care of )!rs. Osborn, 89 Forest ave­ · (Coventry) nue E 186 Theodore street )lacgurn, :M:rs. Foster (Greene) Clubs, Re~. 111 196 Blaine a ,enue )Ialcolmson. )Ir. and )!rs.. -\lexander Y. Miss Georgian OliTe :\Iargurn (Schofield) )Ir. and )!rs. James E. Devoe ()Iac­ 1725 ,,oodward a,enue gurn) Sum. Res. : Orchard Lake liacKa~·- )Ir. and )!rs. John Donald Miss )far~- .T. :\Ialcomson (Hosie) l\Iiss Helen J. lfalcomson 44 Ferry a,·enue ,,est :\Ir. Georg<' '\Y. :.\Ialcom~on Clubs. :Mr. 32-:37-78-)Irs. 20 Clubs, )Ir. 66-141-149-~Irs. 143 :\Iackenzie. lir. and l'.frs. Da,id (Orrell) :\Ialcomson. )Ir. and )Irs. '\Ym. G. OicKinlay) 861 Cass aYenue 373 Trumbull aYenue ::\Iackinnon. · :\Ir. John A. lir. Arthur J. )Ialcomson 117 Farnsworth street )Iiss Caryl I. :\Ialcomson Miss Belle :Mackinnon :Jialcy, )Irs. Elmira Clubs, :\Ir. 66 142 Forest a,enue \Yest Figu1·es refer to club members-see front Qj 1Jook. DETROIT 89

Malone. :Mr. and :Mrs. Charles E. (Deshler) Marshall. lilr. and Mrs. Luther K. (Pierce) 315 Linden aYenue ·1-13 Virginia Park Sum. Res. : Point Look Out Receives Thursday Miss Alice Malone Miss Irene Marshall 137 l\Ir. George :Malone Manchester, l\Ir. and l\Irs. 'William C. )larsbutz. lir. and :\Irs. ~·illiam B. (Macgregor) 802 The Pasadena 219 Vinewood avenue Clubs, )Ir. 66-Mrs. 122 Clubs, llr. 11-:{2-33-48-78-102-Yrs. 22 :\fartz, lir. and :\Irs. Charles A. (Dust) i\Iancourt, )Ir. and l\Irs. Edward )I. 3017 East Grand boulevard (Kenney) Sum. Res. : St. Claire r,1~ts 810 The Pasadena Receives Tb. ursday :\Ir. A. Lester ::\Iancourt :Miss Kathr~·ne )Iartz Clubs, )Ir. 12-34-3.7-123 Clubs, :\Ir. 7:1-Mrs. 73 liandell, Hon. Henry Addison Yartz, :\Ir~. )lichael (Appollonia) 819 Jefferson a,enue 705 Jefferson avenue lfrs. Addison )Iandell :Miss )Iartz Miss Isabel Mandell Clubs, Hon. 25-29-32-34-37-103-123-134 ::.\Iarx, )Ir. and )!rs. Jacob L. (Kopple) Mann, lir. and :Mrs. Charles F. (Delbridge) 45 Rhode Island a,·enue :\i!r. Hubert K. Marx 91 Forest avenue West l\Ir. Donald A. liar:x: Clubs, Mr. 34-39-lirs. 122 )Ir. Ivan l\Iarx Mann, l\:Ir. J. Raymond )Ir. :\Iarcellus }farx 147 Willis aYenue West Clubs, l\lr. 106-1\Irs. 54 Mann. Mr. and l\Irs. Roland H. )farxhausen, :\Ir. and l\Irs. August, Jr. ()Iacdonald) (Lorch) 86 Canfield avenue East 102 ·watson street l\Irs. Ernest E. :Mann (Backus) (at Sum. Res.: Grosse Pointe Honolulu) ~Iiss Erma :\Iarxbausen l\Iiss Edna ..:\.. l\Iann (at Honolulu) Clubs. )Ir. 73, Concordia Singing So­ l\Ianning, Mr. and llrs. Michael J. ('Wickham) ciety 91 Delaware avenue :Mason, Mrs. Charles E. (l\Ioeller) l\Ianton. Dr. and :\!rs. Walter P. 67 Erskine- street . · ( W'illiamson) :\Iiss Julia B. liason, 91 45 Watson street liiss Mary Conant Mason. 26-113 Dr. Walter )Ianton, 123 Clubs, l\Irs. 91 )Iiss Helen )Ianton liason. Mr. and )Irs. Frederick J. (Jenks) Clubs, Dr. 3'i-11G · 1717 ·woodward avenue Markey, Mr. and :Mrs. Daniel P. :\Ir. Herbert :\Iason 28 Davenport street l\Ir. Ralph :Marke~- Mason, lir. and :\Irs. George D. (Whitaker) Clubs. l\Ir. 44 99 Chandler avenue )Iarkbam. 2\Irs. J. E. )Ir. and )Irs. Harold Craig Smith 37 Canfield avenue East Clubs, :\:Ir. 5-28-33-37-135-160 Marks, l\Ir. and :\!rs. Hiram (Albertson) liason, llr. and )Irs. Harry Beckwith 32 'Winder street (Thayer) Clubs, )Ir. 33-44-:\Irs. 122 281 Grand bouleYard East l\Iarquis. Rev. (D.D.) and 2\Irs. Samuel S. Sum. Res. : North Granville, N. Y. (~nyder, Recei ,·es Friday 35 Hancock avenue East Clubs, :\Ir. 34-98-135-:\Irs. 122-137 Sum. Res. : Algonac, l\Iich. Recei,es Monday :\Iason, )Ir. and )Irs. Joseph E. (Silsbey) Clubs. :\Irs. 20 24 \Yebb avenue :Marriott, l\Ir. and :Mrs. Frederick (l1itchell) )Iiss Ruth :\Iason 3067 Grand boulevard East :\Iason, :\Ir. and l\lrs. Joseph T. (Beck) Marshall. :.\1:r. A. J. 53 Garfield avenue ·1006 East Grand boulevard :\Iiss Ella L. Mason 1£iss lfargaret Marshall Clubs, :\Ir. 30-34-:\Irs. 122 ~Ir. Edward A. Marshall Clubs, Mr. 33-44-63-73 )Iason, )Ir. and :\Irs. Robert S. (Whiting) :\:Iarshall, l\Iiss C. Y. GS Arden Park Grosse Pointe. )Iich. Cluhs, l\Ir. 12-3:~-37-44-135-Mrs. 26- 1\-f arshall. :Miss Caroline 122-137-146 ·care :Miss L. D. Berry. Grosse Pointe )Iason, )Ir. and· )Irs. Sten~ns T. (Houghton) Marshall. l\Ir. and )Irs. George Tyler (Bell) 965 Jefferson a,enue 29 Seward an•nue Clubs, Mr. 2~. also Johns Hopkins :\Iiss Helen l\Iarsball Alumni-)lrs. 21-25, also Bryn Clubs, )fr. 33 :\Iawr Alumnae Figures ·refe1· to club members-see front of booT.-. 90 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

:Matheson, :\Ir. and :\Irs. John A. (White) Mayworm, :\Irs. Joseph ('Yieber) 92 Palmer avenue \Vest 94 Eliot street Sum. Res. : Lakeland, Mich. :Miss Alice H. Mayworm :\liss :Margaret N. l\latheson Miss Edna J. l\i!ayworm, 20 Miss Gladys Matheson :\Ir. Kenneth ·w. Matheson {Mc)Ias­ ).'fead, l\Ir. and l\Irs. John (Doyle) ters School, Woodstock, Can.) 635 Fourteenth avenue Clubs. )Ir. 11-33-44-135 :\.lead, Dr. and l\ilrs. John. Jr. ( Pickell) :\Iatthews. )Irs. John W. 633 Fourteenth aYenue 20 Park avenue ReceiYes Wednesday Maurice, )Irs. )Iatilda (Hopson) :\.lead, lfr. and Mrs. William Henry 28 Yan D)·ke place (Elliott) ::.\Ir. ,,alter B. ::\Iaurice. 33-34-36-41- 86 Palmer aYenue East 124 . lliss .Jennie M. :Mead :\Iiss Edith Maurice Clubs, )fr. 44-102 Ma:xon. Re,. and )Irs. William D. (Lush) · 408 Jefferson a,·enue :\ieade. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. :\Ir. Richard L. l\Ia:xon · Grosse Ile l\Ir. Paul )!axon :\.leaker, :\.Ir. and Mrs. John "\Y. Clubs. Re,. 25 Care of 339 Hurlbut aYenue )lay, l\Ir. and )!rs. Charles II. (Hulsart) 117 Erskine street lVIeaker, )Ir. and Mrs. Ralph H. P. Clubs, ::\Irs. 122 (Smith) l\Iay, )Ir. and !\Irs. James D. {Monnier) 339 Hurlbut aYenue :1026 Grand boule,ard East Me

:\Ieredith, :\-Ir. and Mrs. Howard Graves ::\Iiller, :\Ir. and )Irs. Charles Tyler (Pope) (Newland) w·alkerville. Ont. G;:iO Jefferson aY<'nue Clubs, :Mr. 37-4-1 Count ahd Countess Menno Limburg liiller, Dr. and :\!rs. Christopher C. Stirum (Xewland) abroad (Stratton) Mr. Xewland Meredith 31 w·inder street Clubs, :\fr. 25-33-37-134. also St. Sum. Res. : Maceday Lake, :Moun­ ,James Club, ::\Iontreal Canadian tain Yiew Park Shooting Club, and Scugog Lake Clubs, :\iirs. 122 Shooting Club ::\Iiller, l\fr. and Mrs. George S. (Crowe) :\Ierriam, :VIrs. H. 1V. 36 \Yoodland avenue 205 Seminole avenue :\liller, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Guy A. (Bliss) :\Ir. and l\Irs. :.\tvron C. l\'.Ierriman 50 Delal\·are a,·enue (Fairchild) :\fr. Edwin Miller, 116 43 ,Tov street Clubs. :\Ir. 44 :\Ir. Arthur Breeze l\Ierriman :\liller, :!.\Ir. and lfrs. Harvy (Larimer) 269 Iroquois avenue :Merriam. :\Ir. Xewell Sum. Res. : Beaumaris. Ont Can. ·s, Medbury avenue Clubs. :Mr. 25-71-133-Mrs. 71.:.168 )Iiss Emily :Merriam :\'.filler, l\fr. ·Harold 0. :.\Ierriam. :\Ir. and Mrs. Rob<•rt R. ( Haskell) 47 Forest avenue \\-est 213 Hancock avenue East Clubs, :\ilr. 6 7 :.\Iiss Beatrice Merriam ::\Iiller, l\Ir. and :\Irs. John :\Ir. Robert H. Merriam 63 ( Penning-Sanders) :\Ierriam. :\Ir. and Mrs. Seward L. 1000 ":-oodward avenue (Anderson) :\Iiller, :\-Iiss Martha L. ;; 6 Garfield a venue Care of ::\Irs. King, S 14 Jefferson Sum. Res. : Keewahdin Beach, avenue Port Huron. :Mich. :\filler, l\Ir. and ::\Irs. Sherman R. Jr. :\Ir. DeWitt· Merriam (Horner) Clubs, Mr. 32-37-44-:\Irs. 122 228 St. Paul avenue Clubs. :Mrs. 20 l\Ietcalf, l\Ir. and ::\'.Irs. Charles Horton ::\Iiller, :\-Ir. Sherman Ralsey (Woodbridge) The Lothrop Apartments Grosse Pointe Farms l\'.Iiss Christine C. Miller ·(at School :\Ietcalf, Dr. and Mrs. \\--illiam F. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.) ( Agnes Lovering) Clubs, lir. 33-37-103 636 \Yoodward avenue :\Iiller, l\Ir. and :Mrs. Sidney Trowbridge Sum. Res.: Bayfield. Ont. (Robinson) Clubs, Dr. 2-25-33-37-54-123-124-126- 524 Jefferson avenue . 135-162 ::\Iiss Elizabeth :\filler :\Ietzger. :\Irs. Joseph ( Allor) :\Ir. Sidney Trowbridge l\Iiller, Jr. 276 Iroquois avenue (at Yale) :\Ir. Louis A. :.\Ietzger Sum. Res. : Grosse Pointe Farms Clubs, :\Irs. 73 Clubs. :\fr. 6-25-29-32-33-34-36-37-52- ::\Ietzger, Mr. \\... illiam E. 67-72-85-116-123-134-163-Mrs. 67 28 Longfellow avenue ::\Iiller, :\Ir. and )!rs. William A. C. Clubs. :\Ir. 11-33-44-4;j-03-66-110-116 (Boyer) :\Ir. and Mrs. Ernest F. :\Ietzger 165 Parker avenue (Bosley) Clubs. :\:Ir. 25-33-37-66-103-1~3-124- lleyerfeld, Miss Rose 135, also Players Club Care of Mrs. \\... elt, 76 Hancock ave­ :\filler, :\'Irs. \\.. illiam A. C. (McGowan) nue East 7 3 Rowena street :\Ir. Albert C. Miller, 34 )l!dwortb. Mr. and )!rs. Cyril .A. ( Barnard) :\liss .Jessie :\filler 1777 Vinewood avenue :\Iiller, :\'Ir. and Mrs. William H. Mr. Harry :\lidworth, 36 (Canby) Clubs, Mr. 36 961 Cass aYenue ::.\fidworth. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clubs, Mr. 8-25-37 (Dubois) ::\Iilligan, Dr. and Mrs. Edward T. 5 2 Scovel place 687 Jefferson avenue Clubs, Mr. 36 Mr. Henr~· C. Milligan liillar, ::\Irs. Elizabeth C. ( Phillips) Mr. Frederick L. :Milligan 796 Trumbull a venue :\Iillin. :\Ir. and ::\Irs. J. Howard liiss Frances E. Millar · (Sanders) Miss Alyce M. Millar Lake Township. :Macomb County Miss lone ::\1. Millar :\Iillis, :\Ir. and Mrs. "-:--ade (Bowen) liillenbach. ~Ir. and Mrs. :Matthew P. 30 Hague aYenue (Kuhnlein) Receives \\;-ednesday 677 Grand boulevard East Clubs, lir. l 1-32-33-37-44-45-'18-123, Sum. Res. : Grosse Pointe also American Bar Assn., National Mr. Hugo ::VIillenbach Geographic Society, :Mich. Bar :\Ir. Walter .T. ::\Iillenbach Assn.-::\Irs. 42-122, Home Study :\Ir. :.\Iatthew G. Millenbach. Jr. Club Figures refer to dub members-see front of boo1,·. 92 THE SOCIETY BLCE BOOK

Mills, Mr. and Mrs. :Martin L. Moffett, Dr. and Mrs. John S. (Knowlton) 702 Woodward avenue 80 Richton avenue Dr. William X. Moffett Millls, Mr. Merrill B. Clubs, :\'.Ir. 12 :! 109 Randolph street Moll, Mrs. A. E. Clubs, Mr. 33-34-37- (Kalbfleisch) Mills. Mrs. Wildman 161 Charlotte avenue · 195 McDougall avenue l\Iiss Martha E. Moll, 61 Sum. Res. : Croswell, Mich. l\Iiss Clara 0. :Moll, 120 Milner, Mrs. Florence Moll, l\iir. and l\Irs. Charles F. (Gibb) (Cushman) 43 Selden aYenue Detroit University School Mr. .J. Lester S. Moll 16 Elmwood aYenue Monaghan, l\Ir. and Mrs. George F. Milward, :\fr. and Mrs. Harrv (Kotcher) (Pridgeon) - 44 Atkinson avenue 458 Woodward avenue Clubs, l\Ir. 32-33-37-40-43-44-45-66· Mrs. John Pridgeon 78-110 Miner, Mr. and :\!rs. Frank J. Monaghan, :Mrs. John T. (de Guise) 33 Garfield avenue 260 Holcomb avenue Mrs. :\ieta G. Owen Miss Celia Miner :Mrs. Sophie Goebel Clubs, Mr. 45-63 Clubs, Mr. 122 Miner, Mr. and Mrs. John (Cicotte) Monaghan, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. 5 5 0 Brush street (Noeker) Mr. Louis Miner 131 Chandler avenue Mr. and :\!rs. John E. Miner (To­ Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile ronto, Ont.) Clubs, Mr. 32.,8 Minton, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Monroe, :\-Ir. Sidne:r L. · (Knoll) 27 Brainard street 64 Collingwood avenue Clubs, Mr. 66 Monroe, Mr. and )!rs. Wilbur F. (Le Ro.r) . Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. 948 Trumbull ayenue (Irwin) Clubs, ::\ilr. 34-66-:\frs. 26-137 Arden Park Clubs, Mr. 33-44-Mrs. 44-122 :\Ion teblaird, Mr. Alfred 89 Chandler avenue Mitchell, Mrs. Barrett B. (Griggs) 1095 "\"\,... oodward avenue l\iontgomery. :\Ir. ad Mrs. ,·nmam F. Receives Monday (Smith) • Clubs, Mrs. 26-91-94-120, Thompson 1035 Second aYenue Home Board l\fr. Stanley F. :Montgomery Mitchell, l\'.Ir. John J. Clubs, ~Ir. 66 259 Merrick a"\·enue 11:ontrc-uil. Mrs. H. F. Miss Ada C. Halsey 316 Putnam aYenue Clubs. Mr. 135-Mrs. 135 lVIontrose, Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell D. Mitchell, Mr. Wm. l\Iontgomery (Clarke) 764 Cass avenue 2 ,v·indemere Flats, 111 Selden Clubs, Mr. 7-41-12-l avenue Mitton, Mrs. Laura Clubs, l\1rs. 148 The Woodward, 22 Forest avenue, Moody. l\Ir. and Mrs. George E. East . (Gibbs) Mr. Clarence Mitton 104 Virginia Park Mizner, Gen. _Henry R. Clubs. :\Ir. 37 61 Pitcher street :Mood.r, :\Ir. and )!rs. George Taylor Mrs. Julia L. Poillon (Rik<•r) Mock, Mrs. and Mrs. James C. 43 Eliot street (Johnson) Sum. Res.: I I arbor Beach, :Mich. 147 Virginia Park Miss Marjorie Elizabeth :\Ioody Sum. Res.: Center County, Pa. Clubs, Mr. 25-:J:J-:3, -66-102, Aldine Clubs, Mr. 41-44 Club of Xew York Moe, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick " ... · Moody, Dr. and Mrs. Phillip E. 425 Lincoln a"\·enue (Stowell) Clubs, Mrs. 12 2 192 <; lad~tnne a n•nue Moeller, Mr. and :Mrs. Herman F. Clubs. Dr. 12G (Smith) :\Ioody, :\Tr. ~ nd Mrs. Samuel Broadley 857 Cass avenue ( Earl) Clubs, Mr. 44-Mrs. 91 144 Lothrop avenue Moffat, Mrs. Addison (Buhl) irr. Paul B. :\1ood\" 1017 Fort street, \Vest :\1i!-:S Bessie G. l\Ioody Clubs, Mrs. 91 Mr. L. Earl :\foody FifJures refer to club members-see front of bool;. DETROIT 93

Moon, Mr. and Mrs. :Merle B. :\foore, Dr. and :Vlrs. Lindsay C. (Sparks) (Wilmoth) 115 Ferry avenue, East 116 Atkinson a venue Miss Erma Belle Sparks Dr. Edward C. Moore Clubs, ::V.Cr. 12-25-37-44-83-140-162, Moore, :Mrs. Lucian S. ( Pierson) also Union League of Chicago 'i 2 6 Jefferson a venue Moore, Mr. .\lbert C. Mr. Stephen P. :\Ioore 150 Taylor avenue Mr. Kenneth L. :\Ioore Miss Anna Moore :\-1oore. l\Ir. and Mrs. Lucian S., Jr. :Moore, Mr. Alvah F. . (Sibley) The Ansonia 192 Van Dyke avenue Clubs, :\Ir. 25-33-123-165 lfoore, Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Merriam) :!.\Ioore, l\lr. and Mrs. Martin ( Howe) 205 Seminole a,·enue 35 Euclid a\"enue, East Sum. Res.: Harwich Port. l\Iass. l\fiss Justine Grace :Moore Mrs. H. Vi.... :\'Ierriam :\Ioore, :\Ir. and :Vlrs. Yerdine K. ~Ir. James Merriam :\Ioore (Har­ (Sprague) vard University Law School) 50 Canfield avenue, "\Vest Clubs. Mr. 4-5-8-9-12-29-33-37-72-83- 96-114-116-135, also Century Club, :.\Ioore, :\Ir. and l\Irs. 1Y. Y. H. N. Y. C .. and Cosmos Club. Wash­ (Moran) ington-)Irs. 26-91-96-1~0-122-137 1055 v;.·oodward avenue :\'.Coore, Mr. and ::\Irs. Charles J. :.Moore, :Mrs. v,,rmiam S. ( Poffenberger) (Jacobs) 82 Putnam avenue 855 Cass avenue Receives "\Vednesday l\"Iiss Rhea :Moore · ::.\Ioore, lVIr. and :Mrs. Charles Vi.~illiam Dr. and Mrs. Allen D. l:IcLean (U. cw·ieand) S. X.) 2564 "\Yoodward a\"enue (:Moore) l\fiss Eleanore :Moore "\Yashington. D. C. Clubs, l\'.Ir. 33-44 :.\loore, l1r. and :\:1rs. "\Yilliam V. Moore. l\Ir. and Mrs.. George F. (Andrews) (Bruden) 1055 "\Voodward a\"enue 126 King avenue ~fr. and :\Irs. v..·. Y. H. :\Ioore Moore, Mr. and ~Irs. George Gordon (Moran) (::\Iurphy) . Clubs, :\Ir. 12-15-25-32-:~3-3-1-37-103- 444 Jefferson avenue 116-12 3-13-1-162 Sum. Res. : St. Claire, Mich. :\·Ioran, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Alfred B. C~~bs, :\Ir. 25-33-37 (Schmidt) Moore, :\Ir. and Mrs. George "\Yhitney 161 Grand boulevard. East ( De Lama ter) Clubs. :\Ir. :!5-37-162 . 30 Canfield a\"enue, ~,. :\-Ioran. lfrs. Frances A. Sum. Res. : Old Club, St. Clair · ( Dei-;no:ver) Flats 407 Jefferson avenue Clubs, :\Ir. 9-32-37-103-123-l\Irs. 91 l\Ir. \Yilliam A. ::\Ioran, 25 :\:Ioore. l\Ir. and l\lrs. George "\Yilliam Clubs. ::\frs. 25 (De lVIill) :\Ioran, l\'.Ir. and :\Jrs. Fred. T. 527 .Jefferson avenue ( Butterfield) Miss Katharine Palmc>r :\Ioore -115 Jefferson a\"enue Clubs. Mr. 25-32-33-37-91-11-!-l\Irs. Sum. Res.: Grosse Pointe 26-90-91-93 Clubs. l\Ir. 12-25-33-37-103-13-1-147 Moore, l\f rs. Helen H. (Heath) :vroran, :\fr. and :\Irs. John Y. 55 Edmund place (Etheridge) Mr. Franklin A. :Moore. 17 58-l .Jefferson an"nue Miss Doroth,r B. Mort l\Ir. Etheridge Moran Clubs, )lrs. 122 :\Iiss Elise ~Ioran l\Ioore. Mrs. Henry C. (Raymond) ~Ir. Cyril G. ~Ior;ln · 117 Edmund place Clubs, :\Ir. 3-1-:\Irs. ~)3 Mis~ Katharine Moore l\foreland. :\Ir. DeWitt H. Miss :wary R. :vroore 1~6 Philadelphia a\"enue. East Moore, l\Ir. and :\Ir~.- H1mry H. :Miss :\1arjorie Da ,v :.\loreland (Robbins) Mr. and l\Ir~. \Y. Fred Robinson 280 Putnam a \"Pnuc> ( ::\Iort•la nd) Sum. RPS.: Lake Yiew, :\lich. ::\Iis~ :\Iaht.>l Robinson l\Iiss Marion Robbins Clubs, llr. 66 Miss Vernie L. Robbins Moreton. Mr. and :\frs. E. Foskr ::.\Joore, Mr. Lawrence (.Tones) 82 Rowc>na strl"'<'t 2:=i30 v,,·oodward an•nue Clubs. :\Tr. :!;'i-5:! Sum. Rl'S. : "\Yalker\"ill('. Ont. Fiuun·.~ 1·cfcr to club members-see front of book. 94 THE SOCIETY BLC'E BOOI~

~Iorey, Mr. and Mrs. Austin E. ::\losley. :\-Ir. and ::\Irs. Arthur ( King) (Beebe) 46 Blaine avenue 239 Iroquois avenue ::\liss Frances :..\Iosley :Mr. Elbert :M. liorey Clubs, ~Ir. 66--Mrs. 148 Mr. Roy B. ::\Iorey :\loss, :\Ir. and :\Irs. William E. Clubs, l\Ir. 10-37-103 (Drake) 'Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. "'\Vm. Harrison 153 Alexandrine aYenue. ,Yest (Williams) :\Iiss Edith L. :\'loss 51 Kirby avenue. \\""est Miss Helen L. :Moss Clubs, Mr. 33-6i-l-1rs. 6i Clubs, Mr. 12-34-3i-83-96-lirs. 26- Morley, Mr. and :llrs. George 64-96-122 (Larking) ::\Iouat, :\fr. and Mrs. John D. 208 Frederick a\·enue (:McDonald) l\'f iss Fannie L. :vt:orley 169 Lincoln avenue Miss Lillian C. ::\Iorley :\'Iiss "Winifred J. :\Iouat Miss Louise :\I. :.\forley :\!over. :\Ir. and :\frs. Arthur -w---ardell Morley, Dr. W. H. - · (Goebel) 82 Rowena street 29i5 Grand bouleYard, \\-est Clubs, Dr. 30-33-3-:l:-3i-39-123-124-126 Clubs, :\fr. 11-34-164 :\Iorphy, Mr. John D. :\:toyer, :..\Irs:. "\Yardell Palm Apartments, Jefferson ave­ ( :\Ion tgomery) nue 29i5 Grand Boulevard. \\·est Clubs, :\'Ir. 10-ll-25-3i-103 Clubs. Mrs. 122 ::\Iorris, l\Ir. and Mrs. Edmund A. l\Iuellenhag<'n, Mr. and :\Irs. Charles J. (Hall) (Laible) :i9 Blaine avenue Si Garfield avenue Rec-eiYes °"r ednesday Clubs, Mrs. 122 Mr. ,valter J. liuellenhagen liiorris, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Mark G. :\Ir. Carl F. Muellenhagen · (Lambert) :Miss Lydia C. l\Iuellenhagen 12 Ferry avenue, ":-est Mr. Elmer C. ~Iuellenhagen l\Ir. Frederick L. l\Iorris Mueller, li!r. and Mrs. Lewis \\·. Miss Marion Morris ( Hoeninghausen) Morris, :Vlr. and ~lrs. Scott H. (Pease) 691 Brush street 395 Cadillac avenue Sum. Res. : Orion Lak<'. ).-Iich. S'um. Res. : Rushmere Club Mr. Frank E. liiueHer. 13G Mrs. ::\..label Barron Muir, :\!rs. James H. (FairgrieYe) Miss Jane Morris i 6 Alfred street ::\Iiss Anna :\Iorris :Mrs. A. R. Kerr •( FairgrieYe) Clubs, Mr. 43-45-63-110 :\Iiss Jane Isobel Kerr :\Iorse. :\Ir. Charles Frederic ::\Iuir, ::\frs. \\'. K. · 734 Brush street 655 Jefferson avenue ::\Iorse, Mrs. Lola :M. Sum. Res.: Pointe aux Barques 42-44 Watson ~treet :\Iiss Jennie Muir Sum. Res.; Walkerville, Ont. :Muir, Mr. and ::\Irs. ,n1uam Hamilton Clubs, Mrs. 131 ("Ctle~·) :i\forse, :\Ir. and Mrs. "\Vm. A. 166 Palmer aYenue, "-est (Smithers) :Muir, )Ir. and :\frs. "\Villiam Howie 376 Vinewood avenue (Lewis) Clubs, Mr. 122 Grosse Pointe Mort, ::\Iiss Dorothy B. ::\Iiss Betty Muir Care l-frs. Moore 55 Edmund place :Miss Marjorie Muir Morton, l\Ir. and :Mrs. Harry D. :\-Ir. William :\fuir (Davis) Clubs, Mr. 25-37-134 42 Roycourt Apartments ::\Iulford, 1\-Ir. and :\Irs. Benjamin F. Morton, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Robert M. (":rarner) (Ruthruff) 56 Glendale aYenue West Chicago boulevard l-Ir. and Mrs. Cecil \\:-arner ::\Iiss Marion R. Morton Clubs, :\-Ir. 32-66-6i-78-164-:M:rs. 67- :\Iiss· Helene D. Morton i-1-120 Clubs, Mr. 4 4 :\Iulford, :\Ir. and :Vlrs. Ora J. (~Villets) 1;)9 Parker avenue :Morton, :Mr. "'\\:rilliam D. Clubs. l\.Ir. 25-37-66-103 79 Watson street :\Iulkey, :Mr. and Mrs. John l\.l. ~liss Frances B. Cressey (Snell) Moses, Mr. and :\Irs. Charles Webber 1129 Jefferson aYenue (Traver) Miss Blanche liulkey 115 Selden avenue Mr. Claude Mulkey Clubs, Mr. 116-lfrs. 26-42-54--122- Mr. J. L. C. Mulke~-. 116 146 Clubs, Mr. 66-116 Fiyures refer to club members-see front of 1Jook. DETROIT 95

:\Iulkey, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Owen \Yynn€ :Murphy, :\Ir. John E. (Fino) The Addison Apartments 704 The Pasadena Clubs, Mr. ll-33-34:-44-66-110-14:9- Miss Mercedes :Mulkey 158, K. C. Clubs, :\Ir. 2 5-37-116-:\Irs. 122 :\Iurphy, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. :Mulkey, Mrs. "\'\,-. F. (Gleeson) ("Williams) 810 Jefferson avenue 82 Forrc•st aYenue, "\Yest :\Iiss Blanche ~Iurphy, 67 :\ir. and :VIrs. Charles G. Easley Mr. J. Harold Murphy. 25-34 lVIr. Harold Eas:ey Mr. Charles Murphy, 25-34-123 Mumford, :\irs. Benjamin P. (Cranage) Mr. Francis :Murphy 3-l Edmund place · :v.Iiss Constance Murphy :\Iiss Rosalie :\lumford. 20 Clubs, :\Ir. 12-25-34:-37-6i-103 :\Iumford, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. ::\'Iurphy~ Mrs. Thomas ( Stewart) (GoYe) 456 ~-oodward avenue 69 ,Vatson street Murphy, :\Ir. and :\Irs. "-illiam H. Clubs, Mr. 34-36-66 (Hayward) :VIundy, :\-Irs. '\Vm. 0. (Eddy) 30 Putnam avenue Grosse Pointe :Vliss ~i:-•ren::i K MurohY. 117-132 :\lunger, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Weber) Clubs, )Ir. S-25-37-44-103-123-Mrs. 91 166 Ferns avenue. West ::\Iurray, Dr. and :\lrs. James I. Clubs, ~Ir .. :H-:\Irs. 12 2 (Richardson) :\lunger, Mr. and :Mrs. Frank S. 40 ~:--illis avenue, East (Caverley) ReceiYes Friday 69 ~:-arren aYenue, East Clubs, Dr. 126 ::\Iiss Helena :\lunger, 12:! :irutter, :\Ir. and Mrs. George W. :\!rs. Fannie A. Ca Yerley (Pavey) Clubs. llrs. 122 168 :McDougall a"\"enue :iiunn, :\Ir. and Mrs. John C. (Totten) l\Ir. Harry V. :Mutter --101 Grand boulevard, ,vest Clubs, ~Ir. 33-34-37 l\Ir. John C. ::\Iunn, Jr. :\Iuzzy, :i\'Ir. and Mrs. J. Howard :\Ir. \Yilliam ::\Iunn (Gray) Clubs, l\'lr. 66 - ...t.· 71 Clairmount a,·enue :\Iunro, :\Ir. and Mrs. James.•.1\i. (Tuller) :VIiss Edith Dwight :Muzzy 4 60 Second a venue' -- :\Ir. H. Gray ~fuzzy Sum. Res.: St. -c1afre· 1'1:~ats Clubs. :Mr. 11-33-66 :\Iuren. Mr. J. H. :\-Iyers, l\-Ir. and l\Irs. Frank S. ( Gates) 80i Lenox Apartments 14:0 Hancock avenue, East Clubs, Mr. 66 Clubs. ).Ir. 3--66 :Murfin, Hon. and :\Irs. James Orin Clubs: :\Ir. 3-66-164:-~Irs. 120-164 (:Macklem) ::\Iyles, ::\Irs. Irvilla 726 Jefferson 69 Canfil•ld avenue, ,Vest Receives Friday Clubs. Hon. 25-32-37-67-78-102-116- 123-12--1-13--1-~lrs. 20-67 AGEL, :VIr. and :\-!rs. William J. :\Iurph:r, Judge and :\Irs. Alfred .T. (:\Iartz) ( Ducey) N 159 Seyburn avenue 100 Centurion .Apartments; 100 Clubs, Mr. 52-63-73 Brady ~ahigian. Mr. and Mrs. Ho\·sep C. Sum. Res. : Estes Park, Colorado 80 Colburn olace Clubs, Judge 25-32-34-37-73-78-119 Sum. Res. : Petoskey, )Iicb. :\Iurphy, Miss Anna D. Nahikian . .Mr. and Mrs. H. :VI. 1035 W-oodward ayenue 102 Seward avenue Clubs, Miss 122 ~all, Mr. and l\lrs. Edwin B. l\'Iurphy, :\Ir. and Mrs. Charles E. (Case) (Towsley) 1067 Jefferson avenue 7·26 Jefferson avenue Clubs, :\Ir. 33-34-55-116-Mrs. 122 Clubs, Mr. 103-116-Mrs. 91.-122 ~all, :Yir. and Mrs. Frank C. :\Iurphy, Mr. and :Mrs. Charles Hayward (Weaver) (Steele) 3 91 Cadillac a ,cnue 220 Van Dyke avenue :Mr. Arnott J. Nall Clubs, Mr. 25-33-34-37-52-103-123-133 Miss Marie F. ~all J 65-167 Miss Helen ~all Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Gleeson Clubs, l\Ir. 33-34-14:7 (Wilkinson) 32 Van Dyke place Xall. )fr. Louis A. Clubs, Mr. 3-25-34:-67-119-123, also 37 Hendrie aYenue Cornell Assn. of Mich-Mrs. 25-67 Clubs, Mr. 45 :\Iurphy, :\Ir. and Mrs. James F. Xavin, Mrs. Thomas J. (Ross) 3017 E. Grand boulevard 70 Ferry avenue, East ~aylon, :\Ir. and :Mrs. George E. Sum. Res. : Pointe aux Pines. (Waldo) Mich. 756 Second avenue Clubs, Mr. 3,-44-~Irs. 112 Clubs, Mr. 122 Figu,-e.s -refer to club member,s-see front of book. 96 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Xeal, Mr. and :Mrs. C. Stowe Xewbro, Mr. and Mrs. Dupont -M. (Loud) (Hall) 129 Chandler avenue 46 Pallister avenue Clubs, Mr. 44 Sum. Res.: Lake Angelus, Pontiac, Neal, Mr. :\I:uon W. Mich. The Lothrop, 115 Wayne street Clubs, Mr. 44 Clubs, Mr. 37-44 Newcomb, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Sharpe) (Davies) 625 \\roodward avenue 1809 \\:"oodward avenue Mrs. William E. Fuller. Jr. Clubs, Mr. ll-12-25-33-34-36-37-44-66 (::N'ewcomb) at Fan River. Miss.) Xebe, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Clubs, Mr. 8-25-33-Mrs. 8-91-122 (Thrall) Xewcomb, Mr. and Mrs. C. A., Jr. 255 Grand boulevard. East (Kellie) Miss Frances Thrall · 103 Rowena street Clubs, :\Ir. 34-!\Irs. 26-93 Sum. Res.: Harbor Beach Xehls, Mr. and :\!rs. Barney (Kaiser) ReceiYes :\Tondav 202 Van Dyke aYenue Clubs, Mr. 8-25-33-34-39-67-91-123-124 Sum. Res.: "The Snows," P. O. -Mrs. 67-122-1:52 address, Cedarville, Mich. Xewcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Mr. Carl B. X ehls ( Chemical Engi- (Hill) neer, U. of !\I.) 59 Burlingame aYenue Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Clube, Mr. 34-45-50-105-123 1737 ,Jefferson aYenue Sum. Res.: Les Ch<'neaux Club Xewcomb, Dr. William W. Mr. Frank Thayer Nelson 48 "\Vebb aYenue Miss Xathalie G. Xelson Clubs, Mr. 126 Clubs. Mr. 12-25-37 Xewhall, l\:Ir. Elbridge G. Nesbitt, l!rs. Amanda L. (Healy) 141 Alger avenue - 1;), Palmer aYenue, ,Vest Mrs. A. F. Kewhall Miss Josephine Nesbitt Clubs, Mr. 34-36 Mr. Frederick E. Nesbitt Xewkirk, :Mr. and ::.\Irs. Charles H. Netting, Mr. and :\·Irs: Conrad J. (Tenney) (Eissinger) 150 Lothrop avenue 332 PennsylYania aYenue :\Iiss Mary Louise Newkirk Mr. Conrad· ~etting-. Jr. Xewkirk, Mr. and :!\!rs. George T. Clubs, :Mr. 33-45-66, also Mendel- (Atkinson) sohn Club 54 Lothrop a,·enue Keumann, ::\tir. and l\{rs. William F. \r. Xe\"\rman, Dr. and Mrs. F. Lydston (Dittman) (Gallan) • 147 Delaware avenue 1081 Jefferson avenue Clubs, lilr. 11-45 Miss Dorothy Newman. 25-34 Xeville, Mrs. John Miss Xesta Xewman. 25-34 244 Parker avenue Clubs, Dr. 15-25-34-165-:\-Irs. 25 Newberry, Mrs. Helen H. (Handy) Xewman, Miss Madeleine X. 483 Jefferson avenue 164 Seyburn avenue S'um. Res. : Grosse Pointe Farms Mr. Graham H. Lindlev Clubs. Mr. 8-25-67 Clubs, Miss 25-67-77-9l N"ewberry, Mr. and Mrs. John Stoughton Xewman, Dr. and Mrs. R. Adlington (Stanton) (Scotten) 483 Jefferson avenue 1630 Jefferson avenue Sum. Res. : Grosse Pointe Farms Receives Friday afternoons Clubs, )fr. 25-33-34-37-103-114-116- Clubs, l\'.Ir. 9-25-33-34-35-36-37-47-52- 134-163-:\frs. 122-132-168 77-88-162-171, also Automobile Newberry, Hon. and )!rs. Truman H. Club of America and Caledon (Barnes) ~fountain Trout Club-:\Irs. 81- "Drybrook," Grosse Pointe Farms 120-171, also Girls' Friendly So- Mr. Barnes Xewberry (at Yale) ciety Mr. Phelps Newberry (at Yale) Newsom, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Henley Clubs. Hon. 4-6-25-29-30-33-34-37-47- (Brown) 52-55-73-85-88-103-114-116-123-133- 70 Chandler avenue 134-135-154-163, also Union Club Clubs, :Mr. 37-45-::.\frs. 122 ~- Y.; "C'niversity Club, N. Y.; Xewton, Dr. L. C. New York Yacht Club, St. Anthonv 555 Second aYenue Club, N. Y.; Automobile Club of Xichols, Mr. and Mrs. Ch-de A. America, Metropolitan Club, Wash- (Voorh~is) ~ ington, D. C.; Army and Na"\'v 1198 Beaubien street Cclub, Washington, D. C.; Chevy Xichols. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. hase Club, Washington. D. C., 482 Cadillac avenue and Chicago Club. Chicago- Sum. Res.: Fair Haven Mrs. 4-6-25-26-27-42-SG-89-91-94- :Miss Geraldine ~ichols 113-120-122.J137-168 l\fr. Ernest C. Smoots, 33-66-147 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. DETROIT 97

:Nichols, :\Irs. Elizabeth T. Xoriris, :VIr. and :Mrs. Frederick Taylor -( Slocum) ( Mary 1"Iowry) 1631 .Jefferson aYenue For address inquire of :VIrs. George Sum. Res.: Trenton, :\Iich. Anderson, 103 Ferry avenue, East Mr. Eliot S. Xichols :Miss Cordelia Mowry Birdsall Clubs, :\Ir. 123-124-162 Clubs, l\Ir. 12-37--50-79-Mrs. 122 Xichols, :VIr. and :Mrs. Howard T. Xonis, ~fr. and :\Irs. Henry C. (Reynolds) (McKenzie) 5 6 Medbury a Yenue 387 Pennsylvania avenue Sum. Res. : ~:-hitmore Lake, lVIich. Xo,rth, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Seth J. (Eldert) ReceiYes ~.,..ednesday 244 Longfellow aYenuc :Miss Zoa Xichols Xorthwood. :\Ir. and :Mrs. Frank Butler Xichols, )fr. and :\!rs. J. Brooks (S~·asey) (Dunlap) 21 Garfield a venue Grosse Pointe Farms Northwood, Mrs. William (Brown) Clubs, :VIr. 25-37-45-52-123-163 63 _-\xery avenue Xichols. l\Ir. and :\Irs. John T. Xowlin, :\Iiss Bessie Baldwin ( de :\I ora t) Care )Irs. Bolles, 948 Cass ave­ Grosse Pointe nue Clubs. ~Ir. ~5-:12-37-52-134-:\Irs. 132 ~iutten, ::.\Ir. and ~Irs. ~-esley I... Xicholson, :lfr. and :\!rs. "~alter G. (Van Vleck) (Daker) 121 Englewood aYenue 205 Philadelphia aYenue, East :\Ir. Clyde V. Xutten Clubs. ~Ir. 34 Clubs, :\Ir. 32-78-123, also Alpha Tau Omega Xicol, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Frank V. :Xye. :\'Ir. and :\Irs. Clinton I. (Ferguson) (Hopfhauer) 236 Pingree aYenue 34 Taylor aYenue ReceiYes Thursday Xicol, :\fr. and l\Irs. John :\'I. AKLEY, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Ralph "-­ (GloYer) @ ( Sheeran) 1441 Champlain street 333 Warren a,enue lir. Henry G. Xicol. 32-34-123-124- :\Iiss Francl'S A. Oakle~· 159 :\Ir. Frank D. Xicol. 25-123 Oakman, Dr. Carl S. :\Ir. John Xicol. 25-123 62 Bagg street Clubs, l\!rs. 20-122 Clubs. Dr. 2-16-52-67-72-'ii-96-123-126 Oakman. Dr. and l\Irs. Charles H. Ximmo, :\'.Irs. Charles ·Bruce . (Gibb) 3 0 Winder street 159 Ale:x:andrine avenue. West Ximmo, .:\,fr. and ~Irs. Harry :\I. Clubs, lirs. 12 2 (Beaton) Oakman, :\Ir. J. :iiilton 136 Clairmount aYenue 50 :Madison aYenue Clubs, Mr. 67-123-135-164 Clubs, :\fr. 33--36-66-73 Xoack. :\fr. and l'.Irs. ~-illiam C. Oberteuffer. :\Ir~. R. B. · (:\facKean) 39 PalmPr ~venue. "\Yest 562 Congress street, East Mr. Reece B. Oberteuffer Sum. Res. : :VIaesdae Lake, )Iich. Clubs, ::.\!rs. 12:.! Clubs, l\!r. 33-36-44 Obetz, Dr. and :\!rs. Henn- L. (Rudy) :Xoble, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles P. 20 High street, ~-est (\Villett) Receives Tuesdays 5 6 Forest a venue, East Clubs. Mr. 110 Obey, llrs. Frances (Lepp) 4G Gladstone avenue Xoblc, :\!rs. Edna C. (Chaffee) 780 1Voodward aYenue O'Brien, :\Ir. Falconer Sum. Res.: "Glen-Noble," Crom­ 6 0 0 The Pasadena ~-ell. Ct.-l\Irs.. Director Detroit Clubs, :\Ir. 25-52-123 Training ~chool of Elocution and O'Brien. ~Ir. and l\Irs. Herbert L. English Literature, Chaffee Hall 151 Joseph Campau aYenue Xoble. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Herbert ~r. :\Iiss l!ary Hinchman O'Brien ( De I bridge) :\Iiss :Mary Hinchman, 26-91 G5 Seward aYenue O'Brien, :\Ir. and :\Irs. l\I. Hubert :\fr. Sheldon R. Xoble Office, Ford buildin~ :\Iiss Irene Xoble Clubs, :\Ir. 32-33-34-52-55-70-7S-12~ Clubs, :\Ir. 12-33-3-l-36-37-83-116-162, O'Brien. :\I rs. :\Ian- (Brennan) also St. Xicholas Club, X. Y.-:\Irs. 341 Grand boulevard, East 42-12.2 :\Iiss Anna O'Brien Xorris, :\Ir. and Mrs. Fred H. O'Brien. :\Ir~. :\Iichael \\-. (.Jacobs) 523 Jefferson nYenue 77 :\Ielbourne avenue )Ir. Ignatius F. O'Brien ::.\Ir. George H. Xorris Clubs, :\Irs. 77--112 Figures refer to club membcrs-sre fi·ont of book. 98 ·1•HE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Cooper O'Leary, l'.Ir. \\:--illiam (Ringwalt) 2 5 Davenport street 884 Jefferson avenue Clubs, Mr. 8-37-44 Sum. Res. : "The Lilacs," Grosse Olds, Mrs. Georgia .J. (Apthorp) Ile 632 Cass avenue O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Mr. Charles G. Olds, 3-1 · (Beaubien) Miss Ella L. Apthorp 1057 Fort street, West Mr. Maurice O'Brien Olin, l\1rs. Rollin C. (Hillis) Clubs, Mr. 66 546 Woodward avenue Clubs, Mrs. 67-86-91-120 O'Brien, :\Ir. and Mrs. Timothy S. (Laura J. Sharpe) O'N"eill, lfr. and Mrs. James H. 11 i ::Massachusetts a venue (O'Connor) Receives Friday 410 Helen avenue Clubs, Mr. 44-140 Mr. Arthur E. O'Xeill O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. \\rilliam B. l\fr. John O'Connor (Flattery) Orleman, Dr. E. Louise (~ehls) 40 Virginia Park 3 2 Bagg street :Miss Irene O'Brien J\Iiss Elsie M. Orleman, 56-151 l\fr. William B. O'Brien, .Jr. Clubs, Dr. 21-22-122 Mr. Frederick F. O'Brien Orr, :\fr. and Mrs. William R. Clubs, Mr. 33-44-140 ( ShrieT"es) Ockford, Mrs. \\.illiam T. 27 Gladstone aYenue (Winter) :\fr. Scott Orr 64 California avenue Mr. \\Talter Orr Miss Lillian Ockford Clubs, Mr. 3-ll-33-36-37-45-135-162 O'Connor, Mr. and l\Irs. Arthur C. Orrell, Mr. and Mrs. William Crapo (Holmes) (Whaley) Seminole avenue, near St. Paul 87 Frederick aYenue avenue Clubs, l\1r. 66 Clubs. Mr. 32-33-34-37-73-165 Orth, Mrs. Adam J. (Bayer) O'Connell, Mrs. Ellen (Tracy) 238 Grand bouleYard. East 867 Cass avenue Miss Cyrilla Orth Mr. .James G. O'Connell. 119 Orth, :Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Mr. Thomas O'Connell, 119 (Jarrait) Miss Elizabeth O'Connell iOO Clinton avenue O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh (Botsford) Ortmann. Mrs. Charles L. (Solms) 59 Ferry avenue, East 1023 Jefferson ayenue Miss l\,fadeline O'Connor Osborn, :\Ir. and Mrs. Francis C. Mrs. Madeline Botsford ( Freele) Clubs, Mr. 10-25-33-37-103.,-162-Mrs. 64 Lawrence avenue 132 Miss Ruth Osborn O'Connor, :Mr. John Miss Laura Osborn 410 Helen a venue Mr. Francis C. Osborn, Jr. Clubs, Mr. 33-41-98, American So­ Odell. Miss Ione ciety of Mechanical Engineers, Care of Mrs. Wallace, 272 Han­ Franklin Institute. Peninsula lJelta cock a venue, East Upsilon Club-Mrs. 42-61-89-122- O'Donnell, Dr. and Mrs. D~,·id H. 131, also Michigan Women's Press (Parent) Club 893 Fourteenth avenue Osborn, Dr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile (Weber) O'Hara, Mr. Charles J. 89 Forest avenue, East 73 Delaware avenue Receives Monday Miss Jeannette H. O'Hara Miss Josephine D. MacGinnis Clubs, Mr. 33-41-44-55-102 Clubs, Dr. 127-Mrs. 122 Ohliger, Mr. and Mrs. Willard (Hard) Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Frank °".. · 75 Medbury avenue (Renick) Clubs, Mr. 34-37-102 30 Seward avenue O'Leary, Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Egbert C. Bradford (Dunklee) 51 Hendrie a venue Clubs, !\Ir. 34-44-140-Mrs. 95-12:"? Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Miss Laura C. O'Leary (Bousquet) Miss Frances G. O'Leary 34 Willis avenue, East Clubs. Mrs. 148, also Shakespeare Clubs, Mr. 66 Study Club, Woman's Relief Corps Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. L. Melbourne O'Leary, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F., Jr. (Hall) 27 Owen avenue 29 Alexandrine aYenue, East Clubs, Mrs. 122 Miss Eleanor Osborne "PirJure~ refer to club members-see .front of book. DETROIT

Osburn, Mr. and :\Irs. Frank A. Paige, l\Irs. G. "\Y. (Ringwalt) Care Mrs. Bennett, 2 86 Seminole 884: Jefferson avenue avenue Sum. Res. : "The Lilacs," Grosse Paine, l\:Ir. De Forest Ile 52 Putnam a venue Mr. ~Vallace X. Osburn, 123 Clubs, Mr. 32-36-3i-77-116-123-124- Miss Gertrude R. Osburn I35, also UniYersity of Chicago Clubs, :\-Ir. 59 Paine, :\Irs. Linda W. (Whitney) Osius, :\Ir. and Mrs. George (Rickel) 89 Melbourne a ,·enue Grosse Pointe Shores Miss Lillian "\Y. Paine. 131 :.\fiss Albertine l\:Iartha Osius Palmer. :\Ir. En·in Clubs. :\Ir. 12-25-33-66-,3-l\Irs. 25- 19 :Montcalm ·west 12.2° Mr. and Mrs. Er,·in R. Palmer (Reed) Otis. Mr. and :Mrs. Henrv l\lr. John ·w. Palmer ( Greene) · Miss Zelda l\I. Palmer 361 Field avenue Palmer: l\Ir. and Mrs. George B. Clubs, Mr. 36-66 (Hinds) Owen, i\:Irs. Caroline T. Grosse Ile i3 Hancock a\"enue, "~est l\Iiss Helen Palmer Clubs, Mrs. 6,-122 Palmer, Mr. and :Mrs. George Perry Owen. )fr. and Mrs. John ( Blodgett) · ( Fletcher) 46 Seward avenue 1750 Jefferson avenue :\!rs. C. C. Blodgett :\Iiss Helen Owen 1\-Irs. u·miam Craig 1\-Ir. John Owen. ind :\-Ir. Ralph C. Craig Clubs, :\:Ir. 25-30-33-34-3,-:\Irs. 132 Clubs, :\fr. 34-67-,3-:VIrs. 26-67-120 Owen, ):Irs. Julia F. Palmer, i\Ir. and :\Irs. Jonathan, Jr. (Huddleston) ( "\Varner) 551 Jefferson a,·enue 109 Theodore street Owen, Mrs. Meta G. Clubs, )Ir. 32-34-116 33 Garfield a venue Palmer, Dr. and l\Irs. R. Johnston Owen, Dr. and llrs. O. ·w. (Spragge) (Van Camp) 1730 u·oodward a\"enue 95 Philadelphia a venue. U.,..est Clubs. Dr. 126-:VIrs. 95 Miss Gladys Owen Palmer, l-liss Sarah H. Miss Gwendolyn Owen 10 3 The Pasadena Owen, Mr. and l\::Irs. ":-alter I. (1Vhite) Palmer, Hon. Thomas W. 110 Pallister a venue Palmer Park Clubs, Mr. 33-66 Palms, Mr. and :VIrs. Charles Louis Oxtoby,--:Mr. and Mrs. James Veech (u·alsh) (Lennox) 890 .Tefferson ayenue 3 4 Garfield a venue Recei Yes Frida)- Receives Monda~- Clubs. Mr. 12-25-29-33-34-3i-52-55- Clubs, l\:Ir. 32-33-34-44-45-i"S-123-124 7i-12 3-140-163-167-)Irs. 77-122- 132 Oxtoby, Mr. and :lirs. ""alter E. Palms, Mrs. Francis (Schmidt) (Chaney) 206 Seminole avenue 663 Jefferson aYenue Clubs, :\-Ir. 25-32-33-iS-124-:Mrs. 53 Receives Friday afternoons Palms: Mrs. Francis F. (Martin) 500 Jefferson avenue A.J3ST, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Miss Helene 1\1. Palms (Ruth C. Newton) Miss :\f~rh• Louise Palms 30 Prentis avenue Clubs, Mrs. 25 Pack. Mr. Arthur Pann. l\Irs. Nona Clarke Pontiac, Mich. · 156 Yan Dyke &.Yenue 'Paddock, Miss Emily S. Paquette, Mr. Frederick The Palms. 449 Jefferson aYenue 421 Hurlbut avenue Clubs, Miss 67 Clubs, Mr. 33-63-149 Paddock, :Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Pardridge. :\Ir. and :Mrs. u·mard E. (Ferguson) (Budd) 66 St. Aubin avenue 94 Atkinson aYenue Receives Friday Mrs. Eliz B. Budd Clubs, Mr. 25-32 34-36-3i-52-116 Clubs. )Ir. 6 3 Page, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. (Keena) P_arent, Mr. and Mrs. Charlt"'~ F. McKinley place, Grosse Pointe 58 Linwood aYt'nue Farms S'um. Res.: '"The Lilacs." Grosse Receives Friday Ile. Mich. l\Ir. Guy Rondot Miss Parent Clubs, Mr. 12:J-:\lrs. 67 l\Jr. Charles F. Parent. Jr. Figures refer to club members-see .front of book. 100 THE SOCIETY BLC:E BOOR:

Parks, :\!rs. Alexander K. (Burrell) Parker, Mr. and Mrs. George Whitfield Miss Christine Park (McGregor) :\Ir. Burrell A. Park 34 "'\Villis avenue, East Park, Mr. Henry M. Clubs, Mr. 32-33-37-119-135-149- 3 81 Grand boulevard. West :\Irs. 120 Miss Harriet F. C. Park Parker, Mr. John l\Iarshall Miss Frances J. Park 211 The Pasadena Park, Mr. and l\Irs. James Alexander Clubs, lir. 32-123-124 (Colton) 468 Bewir.h avenue Parker, Mrs. l\Iary L. (Hayes) Parker, :\Ir. and Mrs. Anson Lindsley 919 Jefferson avenue (Lincoln) Sum. Res. : Grande Pointe 74 Hazelwood avenue Parker, Dr. and :\Irs. :Morgan B. ( ::VI~rrell) Sum. Res.: "Ash Grove," Canan­ 98 Alexandrine avenue, West daigua Lake, N. Y. Sum. Res.: Rockwood, Mich. Recei Yes \\,.. ednesday Clubs, Mr. 33-135-:Mrs. 26-137 Parker, :i\"Ir. and Mrs. Thomas S. Parker, l\Ir. and Mrs. Arthur :\Iaxwell (Backus) (Pitts) 179 Kirby a Yenue, East 1691 Jefferson a-\·enue Clubs, :\Ir. 34-78-16-1 Sum. Res.: Bass Rocks, Glouces­ Parker, :\-Ir. and )!rs. \\'alter E. ter, Mass. (Smith) Clubs, l1r. 12-25-37-134-:\frs. 91- Grosse Pointe Farms 122-146 Clubs, :\Ir. 25-37-Mrs. 25-122 Parker, Dr. and :\Irs. Burton D. Parker, Dr. and l\Irs. Walter R. (Swales) (\\·atson) 196 Ferry avenue, East 285 Seminole aYenue Sum. Res.: Grosse Ile Clubs. Dr. 25-37-134 Clubs, Dr. 116 Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Parker, :\Irs. \\·illard F. (Mellen) (Campau) 16 5 Theodore street 161 licDougall aYenue Miss Caroline Parker Sum. Res.: Grand Point, :\Iich. Clubs, :Mrs. 26-91 )Iiss Gladys E. Parker Parkhill, :\Iiss Evelyn Clubs, )1r. 37-110 Care :Mrs. Bowen, 33 Forest avenue, Parker, Mr. and :Mrs. Charles A. (Cowan) West 111 Rosedale court Parks, Jr., :\Ir. and l1rs. J. Louis )Iiss Mildred Cowan (Bc>ntley) Clubs, Mr. 3-67-104-:Mrs. 67-120 Xe-n· York City Parker, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Charles ::\Iaxwell -(Smith) 1-'armeter, Dr. Rolland _ 170 Parker aYenue The Pasadena, 7 2 0 .T efferson a \·e­ ReceiYes Friday nue :\Iiss Aileen Louise Parker ( Detroit Clubs, lir. 123-126 Home and Da_,. School) Parsell, llrs. Eunice C. (Bryan) Clubs, l\fr. 37-16:5-167 481 \\·oodward a\·enue Parker, Dr. and :Mrs. Clarence G. ::\lrs. F. l:L Currier (Parsell) (Haskell) liiss Grace Currier 153 Hazelwood aYenue Parshall. Dr. and :\!rs. Homer E. (Eitel) Clubs, Dr. 33 ·31 Charlotte avenue Parker, Dr. and ~Irs. Dayton L. l\Ir. James E. Parshall (Gould) Clubs. Dr. 116 1332 Fourteenth avenue Parsons, lir. and :\Irs. Clifford \Y. Parker. Dr. Delos L. (l\Iontgomery) 559 .Jefferson aYenue 191 Edison a venue Clubs, Dr. 25-34-134 Clubs, :\Irs. 142 Parker. lirs. Eben L. (Yorston) Parsons, :\Ir. and :\!rs. H. B. 24 Smith avenue 13:'i Kildare road, '\YalkerYille, ::\Iiss Bertha Yorston Ont. Recei\"es First Thursd::n· Parker, :Mr. and l-Irs. Edward H. Clubs, :\Ir. 12-25-37, also ,Valker­ (Lyster) Yille Countr~· Club, \Yinclsor Club. 139 Seyburn avenue Hamilton Thistle Club. Hamilton Sum. Res. : Sand LakP, Mich. Boat Club, Caledonia Curling Clubs, :\Ir. 11-33-34-36-37-11-1-134- Club. and :\Iontreal .Amateur .\th­ Mrs. 27-29-91-113-132-168 letic · Assn. Parker, Miss Emma R. Parsons. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Howard H. The Alfred, 18 Alfred street ( Pratt) Parker, llr. and :\1rs. Frank E. 8-1 \Yarren aYenue, East (Wesbrook) l-Ir. Charles B. Parsons 18 Atkinson a venue :\Ir. ::\'.Iontgoml·r~· H. Parson~ Clubs, ::\-Ir. 33-45-:Mrs. 26-95 Cluhs, :\lrs. !H-12 :! Fiyures refer to club member.s-sce front of book. DETKOIT 101

Parsons. :\Ir. and Mrs. Laban A. Peacock, l\Ir. and ::\Irs. George L. ( Hazard) · i78 Second aYenue 727 Second street Sum. Res. : Grass Lake Clubs, :\Ir. 3-1-67-:\Irs. 6i-120 :\-Iiss Hazel B. Litchfield. SS-122-12-1- Pease. )Ir. and :\Irs. Marshall 137 · ( Gareissen) Clubs, Mr. 4-1-:Mrs. 91 The Alhambra Partlan, :\Ir. and :Mrs. James "-- C:\Iason) Clubs, :\Ir. -H-6i-:\1rs. 67 122 Garfield aYenue Pearson, Justice R. and :\Irs. (Day) Mrs. Georgie M. Tries ( :VIason 101 1Vestminster aYenue Clubs. Mr. 33-39--H-63-66-73-:\Irs. Sum. Res.: Xorv.-ood Hall,. Lake 26-93 Orion Partridge, Mr. and )!rs. Charlton E. ReceiYes "\"\·ednesday ( Harding) Peek. :\Ir. Albert F. 190 Putnam aYenue 304-306 Pasadena Apartments :VIrs. Xolan B. Harding ::.\Iiss Cora S. Peck. Clubs, ~Ir. 12-30-3-1-55 )li$S Janet A. Sales Patch. l'Ir. and :\Irs. Charles (Greene) Clubs. Mr. 11-12-25-33-34-3i-116-135 Grosse Pointe Peck, :\'.Irs. Edward I. (Townsend) :\Ir. Charles Patch, Jr. The Palms, -l-19 Jefferson aYenue Clubs. Mr. 12-25-33-37-52-83-96-163- Pt·den, )Ir. and :\Irs. w·miam J. (Forbes) ::.\Irs. 22 187 ::\IcDougall a,·enue Paterson, :\Ir. and :\'.Irs. Harry C. Sum. Res. : KingsYille, Ont. (Atkinson) ::\Iiss Jessie L. Peden 180 Seyburn aYenue Peltier. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charlc's F. ::\Iiss :\Iarjorie Paterson · 1055 Jefferson aYenue Clubs, :\Ir. 165 :.\liss Agnes Peltier Clubs. :\Ir. :~3-37 Paterson, lilr. :\Iurray G. Pelton. :\Ir. F. K. 556 Jefferson aYenue 9 3 Eliot street Sum. Res.: Hickory Island, :\Iich. Clubs, :\iir. -1-1 Pence, Re,·. and :VIrs. Edward H. ( Archer) 155 Fort street \\·est Paton, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Henn.· "\"\-. :\Ir. Da Yid "\"\-illiam Pence (Hardy) )Iiss Xorma Pence 123 Atkinson aYenue Pendleton, :\Ir. and :i\Irs. Edward "\"\:­ :Mr. Henry Donald Paton ( Berry) Miss Muriel Joy Paton 1100 Jefferson aYenue Clubs. Mr. 33-66-149 Sum. Res.: Harbor Pointe. )Iich., Patriarche, :VIr. and :\Irs. Arthur P. also Bloomfit>ld Hills. ::.\Iich. ( :\Iackelcan) Clubs, :\Ir. 8-30-32-:3:1--17-G7-9G-11..J:-12:3- 4"2 Palmer aYenue. "·est 1 ~4-135-HO. also Alpha Delta Phi :\-Iiss Grace Patriarche -:\Irs. S-67-120-122-137 Clubs, :\Ir. 36-37-66 Pendry. :\Ir. and l\Irs. \\-. Al10n ( Praigg) Patterson. :\Ir. and Mrs. Alfred E. (l5 Farnsworth aYenue (Teall) Penny, :\Ir. and )!rs. Henry C .. Jr. La, Sall<' (;c1rdens (Dunc-her) Clubs. :\Ir. 66-:VIrs. 26 :? 2 0 Fern· a ,·en ue East Patterson. :\Ir. and l\Irs. John Ed,Yard Sum. Res. : Old Club 230 Parker a,·enue :\!is$ Josephine Penny (~eil) Clubs. :\Ir. 103 Sum. Res.: Old Club. St. Claire Flats, Mich. Pennycook. )fr. Robert Clubs. :\Ir. :33-34-102-103-135-1-l 7 24 Ta,·lor a,·enue :\Ir. J. Xeil Patterson, l 1-2:5-:~3-34- ::.\.liss Alice :\I. Pennycook 50-103-123-124-135-1 i 4 :\Iiss .T ean C. Pennycook :\Ir. and :VIrs. Stanle)· Brooks :Miss Helen Pennycook (Patterson) Pt..=>rrett, :\Ir. and :\!rs. \\"illiam !\I (Barker) 135 Pingree a,·enue Paxton. ~fr. and :\!rs. Harry J. (HaYes) Perrin, :Mrs. Porter K. The Palms. 4-19 Jefferson an'nue 493 Trumbull a,·enue Recei,·es Friday :\Ir. Archer :\I. Pl'rrin Clubs. Mr. 33-34---H-103-::.\Irs. 9-1 ::\liss Yh·e B. Perrin Paxton. Mr. and Mrs·. Thomas .J. Perrin. :.\-Irs. Samu1:•l ( ~t. Aubin) -! 56 "-oodwarcl ayenue 398 Grand boule,·ard, East Pt~nT. :\Ir. and :\frs. Charles S. Peabody, Mr. and :\!rs. Witter J. GrOS$e ]le ( Atterbury) ::.\Iiss Florence Gardiner G-rosse Pointe Perry, :\Ir. George B. Recl'i n's \Yednegcla" Addison Apartm0nt~ Clubs, Mr. i 1-Mrs: 11 7 Club$. :\Ir. 25-3:!-5~-iO-,~-1 :!:1 Fiu10-r.~ rrfer to dub membcr,'1-,'lcr _front of 1ioo1-:. 102 THE SOCIETY BLt:'E BOOK

Persons, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hale (Doty) Pierson, :\fr. Harry Lynn 142 Gladstone avenue 55 liiarston court Pessano, Mr. and l\Irs. Antonio C. )fr. Harry Lynn Pierson. Jr. (Vilalker) Clubs, Mr. 33-34-36-37-164 652 Jefferson av~nue Pike. Mr. and :Mrs. Charles Sumner Sum. Res.: Cape May. N'. J. (Holliday) Miss Grace A. Pessano 216 Van Dyke avenue Miss Helen Ogden Pessano Clubs. Mr. 25-123-165 Clubs, Mr. 25-37 Pinet, Mrs. Annie :M. Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. :! 8 Forest a venue East . (Lillibridge) Pingree, Mrs. Frank C. ( McKeon) Birmingham. Mich. 5 8 Eliot street Clubs, Mr. 33-119 :Mr. Everett W. Pingree, 25-34-37-96- Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. (Ellis) 103-135 300 Seminole avenue l\1r. Roy E. Pingree, 25-3-:1:-123 Mr. Louis Peters Clubs, Mrs. 96-122 Clubs, Mr. 45-149 Pipp, 1\-Ir. and :\Irs. Edwin G. (Bratton) Pettibone, :\'Ir. and ::\frs. 1~tilliam H. 230 Stanley avenue (Haney) Clubs. :Mrs. Detroit Citv Gnion or 54 Josephine avenue International Order Kings Daugh­ Clubs, Mr. 33-66-Mrs. 148 ters and Sons Pfeiffer, Mr. and ::\Irs. Robert (Albrecht) Pipp. :\Ir. and Mrs. Frank H. (Patterson) 5 7 Martin place · 230 Stanley avenue Clubs, Mr. 7 3 ::\fr. Gaylord Pipp Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. (Fonda) Pitkin, Mr. Thomas H. 2 9 Martin place Detroit Club Mr. Charles B. Phelps.. Jr. Clubs, l\fr. 3 7 Clubs, Mr. 15-25-33-34-37 Pittman. Mr. and :Mrs. S. K. (Dakin) Phelps, Mrs. Jane 8-:1: Warren a venue East (McKenzie) Miss Catherine \Y. Pittman 689 Jefferson avenue Clubs. Mr. 25-29-37-165-Mrs. 25-29- Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. OliYer ( Shissler) 168 134 McDougall aYenue · Pittman, :\Ir. and Mrs. Samuel E. (:\Iizner) Receives Friday The Palms Apartments, Jefferson Mr. Oliver Phelps, Jr., 34 avenue Mr. Louis Phelps Receives Fridav Miss Valeria Shissler Clubs, Mr. 3-:1:-36:59-79-:Mrs. 26-67 Clubs, Mr. 34-37-116-134-Mrs. 26 Plass. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Henry ( Codd) Phelps, :\'.Ir. and Mrs. Ra.lph, Jr. 26 Adelaide street (Matheson) Sum. Res. : Kavanaugh Lake 689 JeffPrson avenue :\Iiss Gertrude Plass, 1-66, also East Receives· Fridav Side Settlem<'nt Clubs, Mr. 12-25-32-33-37-47-78-116- Clubs. Mr. 32-33-14 7-1\-Irs. 26-122, 124-Mrs. 122 also East Side Settlement Plass. l\'.Ir. and Mrs. Henry Codd (Fahner) Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. W"illiam E. (\\Tiley) 118 Chope place 142 Bagg street Mr. J. Wiley Phelps, 66 Plumb, Mr. and Mrs. James B. (Bauer) Phillips, ~Ir. and Mrs. T. Glenn ( Coady) 555 "roodward avenue 84 Prentis avenue l\Iiss Anna I. Plumb Clubs. Mr. 9-73-116-123, also Camp Plumb. :!.\-!rs. Robert E. (Dutro) Fire Club, Hopkin Club. ~I. A. C. 931 Jefferson avenue Alumni .\ssn.-Mrs. 122 Receives Frida,; Miss Helen A. Piumb. 20 Picard, 1',!rs. Cp.arles "'"· ( O'Grady) Miss Ethel :\L Plumb · , 1 Philadelphia a ,·enue East Mr. Dutro Plumb, 1~3 Picard, Mt-. and ~1:rs. Edward 8. ("-ebster) Miss ~fildred Plumb, 117 124 Virginia Park Clubs. )Ir~. 91-122 Pierson, Mr. David A. Polk, l\Ir. and Mrs. R. L. (Francis) 71 Davenport street !11 High stre('t East Sum. Res.: Birch Bea-ch, Lake Mrs. Franch:; P. Kemp Huron Clubs, :\fr. 37 Miss Laura Pierson Polk, :Mr. and :Mrs. Ralph L ..Tr. Miss Ella E. Pierson (Ruppe) Clubs, Mr. 33 1ao Chandler aYenue Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Sum. Res. : Calumet, l\Iicb. (Pears) Clubs, Mr. :34 112 Atkinson av<'nue Pollak, :\fr. and Mrs. S. Perrv (Reid)· Miss Ru th Pierson 500 The .Pasadena · Clubs, Mr. 37-Mrs. 122 Clubs. :\Ir. 33-37-~Irs. 122 · Figures refer to club members-see front of book. DETROIT

Pomeroy. ::\liss Bertha Potter, Mr. and 1\-Irs. Fred B. (Tucker) care of :\fr. C. DaYison. 60 Alfred 129 Field avenue street Miss Edna M. Potter Poole, Capt. and ::V.Crs. J. H. ( Boeing) Clubs. Mrs. 146 3 7 5 Seminole a Yenue Potter. :\fr. Robert B. Clubs, Mr. 7-25-37--11-52-123-140. ann. The "Cniversity Club ('Phone. :\Iain Army and Kayy Club, Washing­ 460-1) ton, D. C. Clubs, Mr. 25-123 Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Gusta\'US D. (Soper\ Powell, Miss Earldine E. 212 Iroquois avenue . ca re of :\!rs. Farm<.•r, Grosse Sum. Res.: Bloomfield Hills, Birm­ Pointe Farms ingham. Mich .. and Adirondacks Miss Mary Lee Pope . Power. Mr. and :Mrs. \\.illiam S. Clubs, :\Ir. 9-1 l-25-29-33-34-37-52-67 - ( Julia Blake Myler) 79-1-10-160-162-165-169-171- :Mrs 1 OO 3 The Pasadena 9-58-132 Clubs. :\Ir. 3-16-33--14-135-152-:\frs. 16--1-1-122-137 Pope, Mr. and :\Irs. \\~illard ( Shaw) 37 Putnam 3Y<'nue Pren tis, :\Ir. and ::\frs. George G. (Lindsay) Clubs, l\Ir. 3-1-:rn-44 178 Baldwin avenue Receives Friday Porter, Mrs. Frederick B. ( Pen-~-) Clubs. l\Ir. 73-78-123 186 .-\xen· aYenue Mr. Bertrand R. Porter Pratt. :VIr. !\orman H. Miss Mary E. Porter 90 Forest a\-enue ~·est Mrs. C. Helen Porter Pratt, l\frs. Stephen (Essick) Porter. Mrs. Julia C. ( Corne,·in) 515 Trumbull aYenue · 2138 \\'"oodward aYenue :\fr. Edward E. Pratt Mr. J. Henry Porter ::\Tiss Lucille Pratt :Miss Claire Porter, 112 l\Iiss Louisa Essick Prentis, :\Ir. George I-I. Porter, Miss Mary E. l!H Palmer ~Yenue East care of llrs. Reilly, 930 Trum­ Sum. Res. : Cuba, X. Y. bull aYenue ::\Iiss Caroline R. Prentis. 26-146 Posselius, )Ir. and l\frs. Alphonse D. (Vandenbush) Prescott. :\-Ir. and Mrs.. Toel Henry (Weber) 665 Grand bouleYard East · 84 Eliot street Sum. Res.: Poplar Beach, ~'.Iaine Preston, ::\fiss Eliza beth Cit)p, Mich. care of Mrs. Green. -12 Hancock :\Ir. Frank Posselius ayenue "\Vest :\Ir. Edward Posselius Preston, :\Ir. and Mrs. Frank B. (Davis) l\Iiss Marie PossC'lius 35 Gladstone aYenue Posselius, Mrs. J. Z. Sum. Res.: "False Presque Isle," 815 Grand bouleYard East Mich. Mr. _-\rthur Posselius Miss Helen Preston l\Ir. Alfred Posselius Clubs, :\Ir. 103 Post. Mrs. Hoyt (Hudson) Preston, Mrs. Ida :\I. (Beers) 342 Cadillac a,·enue 166 Blaine avenue Mr. HoYt Post. Jr. :\Irs. X. J. Beers Clubs, Mrs. 64-122 Preston, Mrs. John A. (Phippen) Post, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Simeon S. (Cook) 321 Grand boule\·ard "\Vest 322 Cadillac avenue Preston, l\fr. and :\!rs. Ralph E. (Fancher_) Sum. Res. : Chern: Beach. :Mich. 2-18 Bethune a,·enue Miss Marjorie Lee Post Rum. Res. : R~1Y Yiew. Mich. Clubs. :\Ir. 45-59-158 Clubs. :\Ir. ll-~0-3~-33-68-66-78 Post, :\Ir. and Mrs. \\Tilliam R. (Rathfon) Pridgeon. Mrs. John The Lenox, 50 Madison aYenue 458 "\Voodward aYenue Post, 1\-Ir. and Mrs. William R ...Tr. Proud. :Mr. and )!rs. Charles I. (Hartman) (Thompson) · 26-1 Grand bouleYard West Grosse Pointe Pungs, :\Ir. and :Mrs. \\·iniam A. (Coon) Postal, :\Ir. ~nd :\!rs. FrederiC'k 30 Ferry a Yenue East · (Southworth) Sum. Res.: St. Claire Flats 89 Chandler a,enue Mr. William A. Pungs, Jr. :\:Ir. _.\ lfred ::Montehla ird Mr. Earl E. Pungs :\Ir. Charles L. Postal Clubs. :\Ir. 66-liirs. 91 Clubs, :\Ir. 66 Purse, l\Ir. and Mrs. Harry .T. (Canty) Postal. Mr. and l\Irs. Harr~- (Hayes) 91 \\:'"illis aYenue "\Vest 71 Chandler aYenue Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Clubs. ::V.Cr. 11-66 (Van Vleit) Potter, :\fr. and ::V.Crs. 1''1·ank R. (Sheldon) 76 Englewood aYenue 65 7 s.-cond aYenue Mr. Howard E. Putnam Miss Harriet Potter Clubs. Mr. 116 Fi[Jures refer to club members-.'!lce front of book. 104 THE SOCIETY BLT.:'E BOOK

Putnam, ~Ir. and l\Irs. 'William P. Haseman, :\Ir. and ::.\1rs. Richard E. (Krebs) ( Alice .Fuller) 491 Grand boulevard East 1770 .John R. street :\Ir. Carl H. Raseman Clubs, ~r. 33-34-37-41-102-116 lubs, Mr. 5-30-67-73-:\Irs. 122 Rathbone. Mr. Charles A. Grosse Pointe 'CIXBY, :Mr. and Mrs. Har·ry -~v. Sum. Res.: lio-sha-ba Lodge, (Jordan) Grosse Pointe. Mich. (@ 1 O6 The Pasadena Clubs, :\fr. 25-33-34-37-55 Miss Mildred Quin by Ray, :\Ir. and l\frs. Cornelius X. (Little) 316 Seminole a venue Clubs. Mr. 9-33-37-44-162 J&ADCLIFFE, l\:Ir. and Mrs. John Raymond, ~Ir. and Mrs . ..:\.. Clayton 'I 398 Fourth avenue (Graves) Clubs, Mr. 63-Mrs. 63 123 Hancock avenue East Radcliffe. Miss Marie 1Vilhelmina Sum. Res.: Grande Pointe 201 Lafa~·ette boulevard :\Ir. Edwin P. Raymond, 66 Mr. \\-·alter G. Radcliffe :Mr .•John H. Raymond Radcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. (Pratt) ( Sinclair) 2962 Grand bouleYard T\·est 190 Putnam avenue Clubs, Mr. 33-44-116-151 Ra:vmond, lfr. and lfrs. Edward S. Radford, :\Ir. and Mrs. EYert A. (Roney) (Boland) 43 East Hancock avenue 55 \\-estminster avenue Radford, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mrs. M. E. Raymond (Doolittle) Raymond, :\Iiss Harriet E. 74 Hancock aYenue East 15 Garfield ayenue :\Ir. Fritz L. Radford :\Iiss Ida J. Ra:vmond. 26-137 lfiss Marjorie Radford :Miss Anna K. Raymond, 94-137 · Clubs, l\Ir. 116 Clubs, :\fiss 26-122-137 Rafferty, Mr. and Mrs. Philip (Putnam) Raymond. Dr. Henry C. 17 7 East Grand boulevard 9 3 Cass a Yenue Clubs, )fr. 25-33-37 Clubs, !\Ir. 25-37 Rainey, Mrs. Katherine S. (Smith) Raymond, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Henry ,Y. 53 Canfieltl aYenue \\·est (Thomson) Sum. Res.: Algonac. Mich. 75 Rhode Island avenue H. P. Clubs, :\!rs. 26-90-91-93 Clubs, Mr. 34 Rainey-, Mr. and l\Irs. William J. (Train) Rayna le. Mrs. Harriet E. (Clarke) 53 Canfield aYenue \\·est ~40 ,Yarren aYenue \\·est Sum. Res. : Algonac, Mich. Sum. Res.: Clarkston. ~Iich. Clubs, :\Ir. 66-116 :VIr. Elmer M. Raynale · Raiss, :\Ir. and )-Irs. Carl F. ( Gaffney) Clubs, :M:rs. 26--!2-54-89-137-1-18 459 Grand boulevard East Rea. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. (Calkins) :\Ir. Carl F. Raiss, .Jr. 9 7 w·estminster a venue Mr. Naomi M. Raiss !\Ir. Thatcher \\:-. Rea Ralph, Mr. Herman C. Clubs, l\fr. 36-44-Mrs. 122 145 Fort street West Reaume, :\Ir. and Mrs. Richard F. ( Adams) Clubs, Mr. 34-37-103 1057 Second avenue Randall. Mrs. James A. (Demond) ::.\Iiss Isabel Yera Reaume 2968 Grand boulevard East l\'Ir. Richard F. Reaume, Jr. .Sum. Res. : Bois Blanc Island Redfield, Mr. and :Mrs. John Y . Randall, Mr. and :\Irs. \\:-. M. (Henry) (Vi7akem) 161 Chandler avenue Grosse Pointe. Mich. Clubs, Mr. 3 Clubs, ~Ir. 25-37-123-1G2-)Irs. 88-132- Rands. :Mr. and :\1rs. William C. (Allor) 137-16S, also Girls' Friendly So­ 2 Forest a venue East ciety Clubs, Mr. 11-32 Reed. l'Ir. and :\frs. Charles F. ( Rowlson) 408 South Fourth aYe:rh~e. Ann Rank, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Arbor. !\Iich. (l!iss Bertha Leatzau) Miss Josephine Taylor 776 Twenty-fourth street Miss :\iargaret Reed Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. (Joy) Clubs, :\Ir. 30-33-34-116-119-162-:\Irs. 87 Hendrie avenue 120 Mrs. Martha J. ,Yynn (Sherman) Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood ~i. (Shaw) Ranney. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. (Balch) 260 ""arren aYenu<' West 130 Alfred street Mr. J. Theodore Reed, 25-33-102-124- S"um. Res. : Gross~ Ile. Mich. 135-167 Clubs. l\Ir. 85-96-114-116-129-Mrs. Reed, :Mrs. Frank A. (SeI:ick) 26-Si-90-96-113-122-137. al8o Young 387 Hubbard aYenue Women's Home Clubs, ::Mrs. 12 2 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. DETROIT

Reeder, l\Ir. and Mrs. Thomas E. (Lebau) Henshaw, :\Ir. and Mrs. H. Herbert Hotel Cadillac (German) Clubs. ::.\Ir. 25-37 190 CalYert a,·enue Reed-Hill, l\i!r. and :\Irs. "\Yilliam Clubs, :\Ir. 66 (Coulombe) Restrick, :\Ir. and lvlrs. Charles "\Y . . 210 Grand boule\·ard East ( Cowie) Clubs, l1r. 5-34-45 192 Canfield aYenue "\Yest Reeg, :\Ir. and :!.\Irs. Frederick L. )Ir. \Yilliam C. Restrick (Franklin) lfiss Edna H. Restrick 26 Lothrop aYenue :Miss Christine ,v. Cowie Clubs. :\fr. 33 Clubs. :\Ir. 66 Reekie, ~Irs. :Mary l\-I. Rexford, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Dwight Can·er 29 Pingree aYenue ( :\Iontgomery) Reese, :\Ir. and ::Vlrs. Carl 764: Cass aYenue 40 Rowena street Recei,es -n:--C'dnesda-\- :\Ir. "\Yalter Reese 1\Iiss Emil~- Hope l'Iontgomer~- Clubs, l\Ir. 73-:.\Irs. 73 l\Ir. \\"m. :\Iontgomery ~Iitche11. 'i--U- 124 Reid, l\Ir. and :\frs. Edward S. (Thompson) Clubs, :\Ir. 30-32-34-103-124-:\Irs. 70 Pingree aYenue 94-122-137 Clubs, ~Ir. ;~4 Reynolds. :\:Ir. and :\Irs. Frank P. (,Varner) Reid, ::.\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Lewis R. (Henrichs) 48 Alexandrine aYenue East The Renaud. 876 Second aYenue :\Iiss Grace A. ReYnolds Clubs. :.\Ir. 34 Clubs, l-Ir. 33 . Reid, ::.\Ir. and :\!rs. Philip J. (Corcoran) 99 Yirginia Park Rhines, 1\-Ir. and l\frs. Edward H. (Bowen) )Ir. Thomas Corcoran 114 Lawrence aYenue )Iiss Cecelia F. Corcoran, 11-72 Rhines, ::\Iiss ::.\IinerYa B. l\-Iiss Helen A. Reid Apartmf'nt 10. The Saragossa, Clubs. :\Ir. 51-73-96-l\Irs. 73-112 1611 -n·oodward aYenue Reid. Mr. ,Villiam Telephone. Xorth 3213 3000 Grand bouleYard "\Yest :Miss l\'.Ia rgaret Rhines. 12 0 Miss :Mary Reid Clubs, l-Iiss 20-22, also Kappa Alpha Miss Hattie Reid Theta Reilly, Hon. and :Mrs. Cornelius J. Rice. Mr. Delos E. (Lansing) 34 Hazelwood aYenue 3S1 Jeffer:5on anmue Miss Ella l\I. Rice l\Iiss Marie L. Lansing l\frs. Jennie Louise Thomas Clubs, l\Ir. S-12-25-32-33-34-36-37-134 Rice. l\fr. ElYer L. Ren~-. Dr. and :Mrs. Frank A. (Porter) 36 Smith aYenue 930 Trumbull aYenue Clubs, :\Ir. 11-33-66-116-135 :.Mrs. Sarah S. Reilly Miss }Ian,- E. Porter Rice, Dr. -n""illiam E. Lothrop Apartments Reilly, ::.\Ir. and :\frs. ,V"illiam E. ( Bigelow) Clubs, Dr. 25-37 9 5 Pingree a ,·enue Mr. Raymond Reilly Rich, Dr. and :\!rs. HerlJert )I. ( Abbot) l\'.Iiss LE>ila E. R<-'illy 190 Seyburn aYenue Clubs, )Ir. 12-30-33-34-37-83 Recei Yes Frida~· Reineke, l\Ir. and l\Irs. -nrm. J. ( :\IcCown) Clubs. Mr. 2-34-55-116-123-124-126- 106 Baldwin aYenue 151-l:Ira 94-137 Clubs. :!.\Ir. 37 Richards, Dr. and :\Irs. R. l\:Iilton (Fundis) Remick, :VIr. George Bradford The Albemarle, 14 i7 Grand Rh·er 433 Jefferson avenue a,enue Miss Mary J. Remick ReceiYes "\Yednesday Miss Grace M. Remick Clubs. Dr. 33-66-135. Detroit Homeo­ Clubs, Mr. 25-37-103-116-134, also pathic Society-Mrs. 122, Xorth­ Windsor Club western Woman's Club Remick. :\Ir. and :Mrs. Jerome H. ( l\IcCreery) Richardson, :Mrs. Elsie J. (White) 501 Jefferson aYenue 40 ""illis avenue East Sum. Res. : Bass Rocks. G louces­ Recein~s Friday ter. l\iiass. Richardson. Mr. and i\1rs. Hedley V. Miss Katharine :vrcc. Remick ( \\:--hi taker) Clubs, Mr. 25-37-52-116 51 Charlotte a Yenue Renaud, Dr. and Mrs. GE>orge L. (Peck) . Clubs. Mr. 32-34-67-104-123-124- Grosse Pointe Shores Mrs. 67 Clubs. Dr. 11-33-34-45-55-77-126-135 Richardson. l\lr. and Mrs. Henry (Laing) Renchard. :\:Ir. and Mrs. George \\"". 147 v\"illis avenue West · ( Guenther) :!.\fiss Ruby E. Richardson, 22 3000 Grand bouleYard East Miss Gertrude L. Richardson Clubs. :Mr. 3:l-44-73 l\:Ir ..T. Raymond Mann Figures refer to club members-see front of boo1,. 106 THE SOCIETY BL'CE BOOK

Richie, Col. Charles Swift Roberts, )Ir. and :vrrs. Robert EllI:!S Hotel Tuller (Shackelford) Clubs, Mr. 134 Sum. Res.: 'The Birches." Grosse Richmond, Mrs. Fredericka (Stange) Ile Grand bouleYard East l\Ir. Robert E. Roberts. Jr. ~Ir. Fred A. Richmond :\Iiss Cornelia Howard · Roberts Mrs. G. M. Gregory ( Richmond) Roberts, ::.VIrs. T. H. ("'\\:elch) Miss Helen R. Gregory 2 S Edmund place Rickel, Mr. and Mrs . .:\rmin ( Humburg) :\iir. Robert C. Roberts 95 Adelaide avenue l\fr. and :\iirs. Theodor<' R. Hodges (Roberts) Riddle, Mr. and Mrs. X elson King ( Dw:rer) 2 4 Eliot street Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Forbes ( Kol fag~··) :Mr. Frederick N. Riddle 291 Cadillac aYenue Miss Grace E. Riddle Clubs. Mr. 25-3-!--!5 Miss :\Iarguerite Riddle Robertson, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Franl~ A. (Blow) Ridgeley, )Ir. and Mrs. Ernest H. 22 A.\'ery ,n·enue (Doherty) Clubs, :\Ir. 33-3,-66 2i Garfield av<'nue Robertson. :\Ir. and ::\Irs. R. B. Ridgley, )Ir. Robert B. ( "'\Yilliamson) 2 7 Garfield a venue 898 Cass aYenue Ridley, :\Ir. and :\1rs. J. Roy ( Chih-er) Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile. :\Heh. 398 Third ayenue Clubs, :\Ir. 39 Robertson, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Robert L. Riker, :\Ir. Abraham L. (McKay) 60 Duffield street 30-l0 Grand boulevard East Riley, Mr. and Mrs. "'\Villiam (Pallister) Robins, :\Ir. and Mrs. \Yilliam ( Brolas.n:i) 12 S Burlingame a Y<'nue "'\Yalkerville. Out. Sum. Res. : Algonae. ::\Iich. :Miss Gertrude E. Robbins. 25 :Miss Tillie Riley ::.VIiss Margaret R. Keighley, 25 :Miss Alice Riley Clubs, :\Ir. 2 5-3i-162, also "'\'\Talkers- Mr. Russel \\:. Riley Yille (Ont.) Country Club-)lrs. Ringe, :\Ir. and :\frs. Harry F. (De Loye) •)• -.:> 32 Collingwood avenue Robinson, :Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ( \Yalker) Clubs, Mr. 66 Collingwood aYenue Ritter. :\Ir. and )!rs. Charles H. )fr. Eric Robinson ·

Re>hinson. l\-Ir. and :\Irs. \\-. Freorg-e H. :\fr. Herman Roehm 2nd (Hardcastle) Clubs. l\'Ir. 33-36-37--l-l--15-66-96 151 Hazelwood aYenue Roehm, l\Ir. and ::\Irs. Edward R. ( Strong-) Clubs, :\Ir. 2S-1\frs. 5 250 Kirby aYenue "\Yest Rose, :\Ir. and ::\-Irs. Frank \\~ilson ( :\IcKee) ::.VIiss Esther D. Roehm 176 Palmer aYenue East Roehm, :\'.Ir. and Mrs. Frank J. (Clark) :VIr. Reginald \\?. Rose 77 Brainard stn•et Cluhs. :\Ir. 73 Clubs, l\:Irs. 6-1-146 Rose. :VIr. and !\Irs. William Hayt>s (Obetz) Roehm, :Vlr. Herman ~16 Yirginia Park !J 1-l Brush street Clubs. :\Ir. 4-l-66-116-162 ::\Iiss Grace :\I. Roehm Rosenberger. ::\Ir. and ::.\-Irs. Oscar Roehm. :\Ir. and :\I rs. ·Robert .T. F. t Rogers, :\Ir. ann ::\lrs. Charh?s .\. :\Ir. Solomon B. Rosengarten. 2 8-1 O6 DiacDiarmid) :\Ir. Isadore B. RosE>ngarten. 33-106 :H {1 Lincoln a Yenue ::\Iiss Amy Rosengarten Rogers. :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Fordycp H. ( Haynes) Ross. l\Ir. ancl :.\Irs. Frank n. 29 Peterboro street S-13 Trumbull an•nue Sum. Res.: ··Graford," Old Club Clubs. :\-Irs. 122 ReceiYes :\Ionda~- Ross, :\Ir. and lfrs. John (Hinman) Clubs. :\Ir. 79-85-10:3-11-1-116-::.\-frs. 25 Chope place 91-94 Rogers. :\Ir. and :\lrs. George (Hayes) Ross. ::\:Irs. Susanna T. (Roach) 287 Twenty-third stre<'t S00 Serond aYenue Rogers. :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Herman Dickerson Ross, :\Ir. and :\[rs. "\Vm. Allan (Brennan) (Pitt) 82 Garfield ayenue 111 \\' estminster a Yen ue ::.\Iiss .Tessie Adele Ross l\-1iss Gladys Ferris Rothschild. :\Ir. and :Mrs. Alfred Rogers. :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. James S. ( \Yhite) ( Hea\·enrich) 1 S3 Seminole aYenu<> 9 7 :3 Brush stre<'t Cluh:::;, Mr. 5-33-3-1-36--l-l-66-11-!-123- Sum. Res. : Ruthmere, Sans Sorn:-i, ::\-Irs. 113 Harsen's Island Rohnert, :\I rs. :Morse <"Cihlein) ::.\Iiss Ruth E. Rothschild 166;) Jefferson aYenue East Clubs. 1\frs. 19 ::\:Iiss Eleonore .\. Rohnert Roth~child. :\Ir. and ::.\frs. Louis (Gibson) Clubs. :\Irs. 2;)-91-103-12 0-122-165. 181 Kirby m·enue East also Detroit "·oman·s Hospital Rohns. )Ir. and :\-!rs. Herman C. (Ruoff) Rowell, :\fr. and ::\-Irs. \\-illiam J. (Utley) · Grosse Pointe 93 :\Iedbury aYenue Rollins, :\Ir. and ::\frs. Fred H. (Redell) Ro·wland. ReY. and ::.\·Irs. Frank S. (Hosie) 1-l O Colorado a Yenue 7 l 9 Cass a Yenue Clubs, :\Ir. 33-66-::virs. 120-1-t S :.\fiss ::.\farguerite Rowland

T-'igurc8 refer to c-lub member8-81'r front of book. 108 THE SOCIETY BLt;E BOOK

Rowland. Dr. and Mrs. Russell Sturges Russel. Mr. John R. (Chace) 6,3 Jefferson aYenue 95 Edison aYenue Miss Anne Russel. 1~2 Clubs. Dr. 123-126-)Irs. 9-122 Miss Margery Russel Rowles, l\Ir. and Mrs. Fred'l~ "\\;-. l-Iiss Elizabeth Russel (Schroth) Clubs, :Mr. :25-33-37-123 100 Trumbull aYenue Russel. l-Ir. and )Irs. "\\'"alter S. (Rumney) Sum. Res. : Cherry Beach 863 Jefferson aYenue l\fr. Virilliam C. Rowles Sum. Res. : Cote des Ormes, Pike Clubs, Mr. 66 Creek, Ont. Rowley, Mr. and l\Irs. 1V'illiam C. (Bos'\Yell) Recei\·es Frida Y 1010 The Pasadt'na )Ir. Sidney R. Ru·ssell, 25 Clubs, Mr. 37 l\Iiss ::.\larie D. Russel. 56-117 Clubs. :\Ir. 9-11-15-19-25-33-34-37-41- Rucker, Mr. J. Deane 6i-71-88-92-123-124-134-135 - )!rs. The Pasadena 9-17-25-26-4 7-69-71-94-113-122-13:!- Clubs. Mrs. 163 137 Rucker, Capt. and ~frs. L. S. D. (Hough) Russell, Mrs. Emil~- L. (Baldwin) "Old Homestead," Grosse Ile 1550 Jefferson a\·enue Rudd, )Ir. and Mrs. Charles "\\·. (Gilman) Russell, :VIr. Harry L. 68 Hague aYenue 165 Fort street "\\·est Clubs, :\fr. 25-37 Ruelle, l\Irs. :\Iargaret Russell, Dr. and :\frs. Ralph "\\~. (Gorham) 316 Bewick aYenue 200 to 205 Chez:\Ioi Blocl, Mr. Charles "\\-. Ruelle Sum. Res.: Xew Baltimore, :\Iich. Rumney, )Ir. and )Irs. John G. (Pittman) Recei\"es Thursday Grosse Pointe Farms Clubs. Dr. 66 ReceiYes Tuesda,- Mr. Mason P. Rumney. 25 Russell, ~Iiss Ruth R. Clubs. ~fr. 9-25-29-33-34-37-67-M:rs. 21 ,~:ashington boule\"ard 9-16-25-26-29-67-86-113-132-137 Rust. lir. Da \"id Vi,... Rumsey, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K. · Grosse Pointe (Brownell) Clubs, :\'Ir. 25-37 3034 Grand bouleYard East Ryan, l\Ir. Frank Gibbs Receiv.es Tuesda~· 300 and 302 The Pasadena Clubs, Mr. 135 Miss Helen "\V. Ryan, 53-117 Rush, l\1r. Cecil Edward Clubs, :\-Ir. 25-33-34-37-134 500-501, The )Iadison Apartment Ryan. )Ir. and Mrs. H. C. ( Thoh1pson) Hotel 506 W'"illis av.enue \\'"est Clubs, l\lr. 33-110 Ryckman. :\Ir. and :\!rs. John "\\·. Rush, Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. ()Iatt) 27 Bethune avenue East 50 Ferry aYenue East Receires 1st and 3d Friday Rye, l\1r. and :\'frs. Lucian (Hayes) Mr. D. C. Rush lli Bethune aYenue East Mr. Edward EYerett Rush Clubs, Mr. 33-34-Mrs. 94-120 Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton W. (Rose) ~AFFORD. Dr. and ~Irs. Homer E. !40 Delaware avenue ~ (Sunderland) Sum. Res.: Island Lake, Mich. Receives Friday Mr. Francis Russell 22 Hancock aYenue ,vest Clubs, :Mr. 7-33-34-44 Sum. Res.: Plymouth. Mich. Clubs, Dr. 2-124-126-:\frs. ~1-120- Russel, Mr. George Howard 859 Jefferson avenue 122 !\Ir. George Bagg Russel. 25-37 S'ales. Miss .Janet A. Mr. Albert Wells Russel. 25-37 Care of )Ir. Albert F. Peck. 304-30G Miss Julia R. Russel Pasadena A partnwnts · Mr. Raymond Russel, 25-52 Sales, :\Ir. and Mrs.. Murray "\\·. ( Carter) Miss Frances Eunice Russel Grosse Pointe Farms Miss Catherine Russel Sum. Res. : Pointe aux Barques l\'1iss Marion Russel Miss Frances Sales Clubs, Mr. 12-2 5-33-34-37-63-67-83- l\Ir. Carter Sales 103-134-153-160 Clubs, :\Ir. 25-29-33-37-:\Irs. 2 6 Russel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Towl~) 91 7 Jefferson a Yenue Sampson, l\iir. and Mrs. George L. l\Ir. 'William Muir Russel (Hill School (Bradshaw) Pottstown, Pa.) 79 Palmer avenue East Clubs, Mr. 4-12-25-32-33-34-37-44-4 7- Sum. Res.: Ste. Clair Flats 67-77-119-124-135-162-163-170, al~ Clubs, :\Ir. 66-103-Mrs. 60-146 D. K. E. UniYersit;r Club, X. Y. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick (.Conrad) and Transportation Club, X. Y.­ 996 ·woodward avenue · Mrs. 25-67-120 Mr. Edwin Sanders, 73-'36 Figures 'refer to c-Zu1J members-see front of 1Jook DETROIT 109

Sanders, :\-Ir. and :.VIrs. George ":-· ( Cronk) ~chantz, ~Ir. Arnold Augustus (Rankin) Lake Township, l\1acomb County -l: ~) Stimson place l\Ir. and llrs. J. Howard )Iillin Clubs, :\Ir. 25-3i--l:-l:--l:5-63-66-119 ( Sanders) Sehenck, Dr. and :\Irs. Benjamin R. Sanders. :\Ir. and l\Irs. J. S. (Francois) (:\IcCallum) · 2 6 Peterboro street 336 Iroquois a\·enue Clubs, Dr. 2-6-3-1-123-126-129-151 Sanders, l\Ir. and :::.Vlrs. John D. (Rice.) 107 Boston boule\"ard East S"cherer, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Hugo ( ~chmidt) ReceiYes Tuesday 7 45 Jefferson aYenue :\Iiss Claire M. S,inders. 9-20-77 Sum. Res. : Grosse Pointe Miss Luretta G. Sanders, 20-22-7i Clubs, :\Ir. 25-3i-&6-103 Clubs, :\Ir. 11-3i--l:1-H-96-1~3-1-10- Scherer, Dr. and :\Irs. Otto ( Hesselbacher) :\Irs. 5-l:-6-1-S9-91-9-1-96-122 212 Frederick avenue Sanders, The ::\Iisses Sum. Res.: Grosse Pointe care of ::\Irs. A Yerill. 313 Schermerhorn. :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. James ren aYenue "\Yest (.Tenh:ins) 2 0 51 "\Yoodward a venue Sanders. :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. "\Yilliam A. :\:Iiss Gretchen S::·hermerhorn ( "\Yilliams) 55 Seward aYenue Scheyer, ::\Ir. and :\Irs. DaYid ( Krolik) ::\Iiss l\Iargaret Sanders i O Rowena street · ::.\Iiss l\:Iarfon San.Ciers Clubs, ~Ir. -15-63-i:3-106-::.\Irs. :?:?-75 Clubs. l\Ir. 33 S::-hi:::sler, ::.\Iiss Valerie P. 13-l: ::.\IcDougall a\"enu~ Sanderson, Dr. and ::.\Irs. Samuel E. Clubs. ::\Iiss f:?:? ( SteYens) 12 6 "\Yarren aYenue East Schlesinger. :\Irs. Adolph E. ( Burton) Clubs, Dr. 126-)Irs. 26 -l:iO Brush street er • ";\I d ";l,:I c:: H - H ( ~ ·) Miss Rachel Burton. i:'i S anoCI, .:., r. an .:., r~. enr~ · · ...,no\\ · -· )Iiss Leah Burton , ;> 16b2 Dou1~f\l __ a3· \-l:":3n-'-:e6. - -1 ·) ,,_1'.,r ··\· \. Cl. u bs, :\Irs. i 5 ' Cl u s. l-i~.:.ur. --- ;) ' ' - .., .:.urs. 67-117 Schlotman, :\Ir. Joseph B. · The .-\ lh?mbra $argeant. :\Ir. and :.\Irs. Thomas B. ( Hale) Clubs :\Ir. 3-:34-iH·-44-GG 131 Delaware a,·enue ... ' ... :Miss Charlotte H. Sargeant. 22 Schmeltz. Mr. aTI:d :\Irs. "\"\ 1lham F. 122 Blame avenue Sarmiento, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Francis J. :\1:iss :Muriel Schmeltz (Bowen-) Clubs, Mr. 36 Arlington place Sum. Res.: ::\Iackinac Island Schmidt. :.\Ir. and )Irs. Carl Ernest Miss Caroline B. Sarmiento (Candler) Clubs, )fr. 9-25-3-1-37-6i-162-:\Irs. Grosse Pointe Farms 67-168 ::\Iiss Candler · Clubs, ~Ur. 25-33-37-73·-103-1-!0 Sa\"age, :\Ir. and Mrs. George ~I. (Carey) .f .f Davenport street Schmidt, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Herman Theodore l\Iiss . \gnes Sa yage (Koch) Miss Dorothy Savage 35 l\Iedbury a venue Miss Clara H. Schmidt Mr. Philip J". Savage :\Iiss G('rtrude Schmidt Clubs, :\Irs. 77 Miss Dorothy K. Schmidt Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. (Bates) Clubs, :\'Ir. 63-i3 193 Palmer aYenue East ::\Iiss ::.\1argaret B. Sawyer Schmidt. Mrs. l\Iary R. (Beck) :\Ir. Charles F. SawyC'r 5 91 Jefferson a ,·en ue Clubs. Mr. 33-3-l:-36-:37-39-63-Mrs. 26- :\Ir. Albert H. Schmidt. 25-37-103 88-9-1-122 :\Ir. Edward J. Schmidt. 25-37-103 Saxb"\". :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frederick (Prunier) Schoppmaer, l\Iiss Annie A. ~ · S-l:-1 Fourtenth a\·enue 1-1-1 Hancock avenue "·est Recei\"es Thursday Schorr, Dr. and :Mrs. Robert Lee :\Ir. Frederick C. ~a:xby (Leonard) :::\Iiss Florence E. Saxb~- 291 Harper aYenue :\Ir. Maurice D. Saxby CC. S. ~-) Receives Wednesda v Clubs, Dr. 73-126-:M:rs. 26 Saxon, :\Ir. Carl D. Schrader. Miss Augusta D. 2-l:6 Forest avenue "\Ve~t care of :\Irs. Kallman, SS Watson ::\Iiss Belle Saxon street :Miss Florence Saxon Schram. :\'.Ir. and l\frs. Fred ( Zuckerman) Schaefer, :\Ir. and l\'.Irs. George E. (Yost) 9 Forest a\"enue ":-est 1 i -1 Commonwealth a venue Clubs. :\Ir. 33-Mrs. i 5 Clubs. :Mr. 3-102 Schro<'der. Mr. and Mrs. John (Peters) Schaffner. l\Ir. and Mrs. George (Xichols) -l:60 Grand boule\·ard East 55 Atkinson avenue Mr. Edwin Schroeder :\Ir. Raymond G-. Schaffner lfr. ""illiam Schroeder Figures refe)· ro club members-.see front of book. 110 THE SOCIETY BLC'E BOOK

Schroeter, Mr. and lirs. Bruno Scully, :\Irs. Kate .\. ("\Verner) 77 Pallister aYenue 397 Helen aYenue l\Ir. and J.Irs. F. X. Scully (l-Iorgan) )Iiss Clara Schroeter Scully, :VIr. and Hrs. ,Valter J. (Dillon) Mr. Bruno Schroeter, Jr. 77 Pallister aYenue Clubs. Mr. 73-:\Irs. 73 Clubs, :\Ir. 66 Schrol•ter. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo ( Russell) Seagrave. :\'.Ir. and Mrs. Frederick (Hyde) 590 Canton a,·enue 131 Gladstone aYenue Schulte. Mr. and :\Irs. Frank A. (Hennes) Clubs. :Mr. -H · 181 McDougall ayenue Searight. :Mr. and :Mrs.. John R. ( Spencer) Miss Laura Schulte 75 Palmer aYenue -n-est Clubs, Mr. 73-Mrs. 73 Miss E\"angeline ~earight Schulte, :\fr. and l\Irs. Henry A. (Han·ey) Srarle. )Ir. and :\-Irs. Frederick E. ( Dewe~,.) 761 Trumbull a Yenue Detroit "CniYersity Sehool, 16 Elm­ ReceiYes Thursday wood aYenue :\Ir. Han·ey A. Schultl' )Irs. Florence l-1ilner ( Cushman) :\Iiss Ada ·schulte Clubs, :\Ir. 34-129 Schwanbeck, )Ir. and lfrs. Louis Searles. :\Ir. and Mrs. John R. (Sewall) (Freitag) 166 Parker aYenue 203 Holbrook a ,·enue Club~. )Jr. 25-:3,-1~3-129-:\Irs. 25- Schwanbeck. l\Ir. and lirs. \Yilliam H. 120 (Yaeger) Sears, :\fr. and. :\Irs. Fletc-her ( Baxter) 65 Virginia Park 9:3 \\"ill is a \"<'nue East ::\Iiss Mamie S(:hwanbec·k Seed. J.Ir. and J.Irs. _-\.. ,Y. ::\1iss Laura Schwanbeck 211 Aserv a\"E•nue Schwartz. l\'.Irs. Susan :\'Ir. Arthur· Seec1 200 Ferry a Yenue East Club~, :Mrs. 95 Scott. Mr. and :Mrs. Barzillai A. (Palmer) Seely, :\Ir. and Mrs. \\ra1ter C-. (Harkness) 168 Stanley aYenue 40 J.Iassachusetts a venue H. P. Miss Vera Scott (Arizona) Sum. Res.: Orion. :\Iich. Clubs, llr. 37 ReceiY('S "\\.,..ednesday Scott, :\Ir. and Mrs. H. B~-ron (Cane) Clubs. l'Irs. 42-94-148 "Halcyon place," Grosse Ile, :\1ich. Seelye. lfr. and J.frs. Osman C. ( Ben ue,·) l\Iiss Grace- Scott 132 Glendale aYenue Miss Blanche Christian :\Ir. Howard P. Seelye Clubs. Mr. 37-73-103-:Mr~. 122 Seidman!. l\Ir~. Sarah l\I. Scott, :\Ir. and Mrs. Hereward S. (Cruise) 7-l ,Yarren a\"<'nue East 3000 Grand boule,·ard -n-est $C'llards. Dr. T. J.I. and )Irs: (Dr. Dorotb:r.1 Clubs. l\Ir. 37-39-44 2 4 Peterboro street Scott, Mr. and :Mrs. John (Woodward) Clubs, :Mrs. 120-122 ""\\.,..oodward Place," Rochester, Sellers, Hon. and J.Irs. Albert F. Mich. (Yan Husan) Clubs, :\Ir. 5-:17-40-Mrs. 16 156 Atkinson aYenue Scotten, lirs. Oren ( :VIcGregor) Sellers. J.Ir. and ~Irs. Elias H. 1085 Fort street \\-est ( Susan liacklem ZaYitz) ::\Iiss Priscilla Scotten 49 Englewood aYenue :\iir. Robert !\I. Scotten (Yale U.) Clubs. llr. 32-78-:\frs. 61-1-13-1!6- Mr. Daniel Scotten 148 Clubs, Mr. 34-123 Sellew, :\:Ir. and :\:Irs. -n-. H. (W.. elsh) Scotten. l\Ir. and Mrs. \Yalter (:v.I:orton) 101 Rowena street 221 Vinewood avenue Selling. )Ir. and :\!rs. Bernard B.

Sessions, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Francis :vr. Shefferly, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Yictor George (Alger) ( ::\Iiller) 16-1 Josephine avenue 402 Garland aYenue Clubs. Mr. 66-116-12-1-:\Irs. 21-22- :::\Iiss Josephine :Miller 122-1-12 Shelden, lVl:r. and Mrs. Henn· Dusenbury Severance, :\!rs. T. C. (:Mason) (Alger) • 773 Fourth a\·enue "Deeplands." Grosse Pointe Farms :Miss L. :\I ason Recei \·es Tuesday Clubs, Mrs. 7 -1 :\Ir. Allan Shelden Seward. Rev. Samu<"l S. ::\Iiss Annette Alger Shelden 3087 Grand boulevard ,Vest Clubs. )'Ir. 2:'i-:52-10~-134-Mr~. 26-94- ~Iiss Elizabeth K. Seward 113-120-122-132-168, also Farming­ :Miss Katharine Kimber ton Society Seyburn, Col. and :Mrs. Stephen Young Shepard, :\-Ir. Frank H. ("'\Vesson) 605 The Pasadena 1576 Jeffer~on avenue :::\iiss ::\Iinnie H. Shepard :Miss Edith "'\Y. Sevburn :Shepard. ::\Irs. :\Ia r10n :\I. :\Ir. \\-esson Seyburn, 11-52 10:3 Ferry a\·enue East Clubs. Col. 25-:~ :~-3-1-3 7 -5 5-7 9-11 E>-13 -!­ ~hepherd. :\Ir. Hu/:!h also ::\Ietropolitan Club. ·washing­ i'i2i> Jefferson a\·enue ton. D. C.: Xan1l and :\lilitary Clubs. ::\Ir. 25-:32 Order of the Spanish-American ,Yar. and Order of Indian \\-ars of Sheridan. :\Ir. and :\!rs. Thomas S. (Porter) the U. S.-::\ilrs. 132 760 Cass aYenue Sum. RPS.: Brandon, a\dirondacks 8eymour. :\Ir. and l\Irs. Gilbert B. (Burns) ::\Iiss Sarah :\I. Sheridan, -1-l :~3 Tyler avenue, ll. P. :\Ir. Fred R. Sheridan ~um. Res.: ::\Iackinac Island :\Ir. and l\lrs. Philip H. Sheridan Clubs, :\Ir. 66-1-19 Slwrill. :\Ir. Abram P. $"eymour. ::\Irs. Sadie H. (Hanna) 100 Lafayete boule>\·ard ..J 05 The Pasadena Clubs, :\Ir. 11-33-3-1-37-66 Cluhs, ::\lrs. 26-77-1:37 Sherrard. ::\Irs. H. G. Seymour. Mr. and ::\frs. w·miam .J. Grosse Pointe · (l\fcDougall) :\Ir. Joseph B. Sherrard 102:3 Jefferson avenue :\Iiss Florence Bain Seymour Sherrill, Dr. and ).!rs. Edwin S. ( na \·is) ::\Iiss :\Ian· r.,_,slie Sevmour 34 Charlotte aYenue ::.\Iiss Xora 8eymour · Clubs. Dr. 37-5-1-67-126-:\Irs. 120- :\-Ir. George ::Seymour 122-166 Shadbolt. :\Ir. and ::\frs. J0s~e G. (LewiR) Slwrwood, Mr. and ::\-Irs. Louis C. 21-5 Grand boulevard East ( Renaud) Clubs, ::\Irs. 1-18-156 21 Garfield avenue ~um. Res.: Plymouth, ::\Iich. Shafor, Dr. and ::\Irs. Harry A. ( \Yyrick) 2363 \\-oodward avenue Clubs. :\Ir. 12-33-3-1-::\Irs. 122 S"hiell. l\Ir. and lfrs. Robert (Green) Shallcross, Mr. and :\-!rs. ,Yatson C. 29 Delaware aYenue (Churchman) 325 Grand boulevard \\:-est Shipman. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Ernest J. (Hascall) Sharkey, :\'Ir. and Mrs. Henry B. ( Healy) :~55 Canfield avenue \\-<•st 93 Farnsworth avenue Clubs. :\Ir. 55 Sha"·· :\Ir. and )'!rs. Charles P. ( Goebel) Shipman, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Frederick C. 115 Erskine stn'et ( Ostler) :'i5 Rowena street Sha"·· :\Ir. David R. Sum. Res. : Greenfield, ::\Iich. 23 Joy street :\Iiss Francis 0. Shipman ( Liggett ~ha\v, :\Ir. and :.\Irs. George R. (.Johnson) School) Club8. :\Ir. 3a-37-102-1-17, also ::\Iichi­ 9-1 Philadelphia avenue East gan Bar Assn. Sha\Y, llr. and ::\1rs. James T. Shippen. Re\·. and Mrs. Eugene R. 1000 The Pasadena ( Blount) Clubs, Mr. 25-33-162 100 Eliot street ~l1aw. :\!rs. John T. (Pomeroy) Recei Yes Tuescla "" 2 3 Peterboro street Club:::;. Rev. 9-~:-!-72-::.\Irs. 77-122-1-13, Sum. Res.: ·•,Yhysall." near Birm­ D.·A. R. ingham. ::.\Iich. Shissler, l\Iiss Valeria Clubs, ::\Irs. 26-113 care of :\Irs. Phelps, 134 McDou­ Shaw, l\:Ir. and l\Irs. Len G. (Kratzer) gall aYenue 73 Tennyson aYenue Shockey. :\'.Ir. Howard G. 565 Twelfth strC'et Sheehy, :\Ir. George B. Clubs. :\Ir. 33 .JOO Jefferson avenue Shurley, )!rs. Edmund R. (Godwin) Clubs. :\Ir. 37 The Palms, -149 .Jefferson avenue Figures refe1· to clup memvers-see front of book. 112 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Shurly, Dr. and :\!rs. Burt Russell (Palms) Simpson, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence E. 544 Jefferson avenue (Patton) Sum. Res.: Point Aux Barques 103 Blaine aYenue Clubs, Dr. 2-6-25-37-52-55-77-79-108- Dr. and l\Irs. Clarence E. Simpson 115-123-126-151-:\Irs. 25-77-151 Simpson. Miss GenevieYe Shurly, Dr. Ernest L. care of l\Irs. Stephens, 99 Boston Bashur, Grosse Ile bouleYard East Mrs. Kinzie Bates ( Jennings) Simpson, l\Ir. and Mrs. George (Barnes) Clubs, Dr. 37-98-108-126 The Stratford Apartments, 143 Sibley, :\Ir. and ::urs. Frank C. Hancock a venue East · (Barkle)·) ::\-:Iiss Edith Isabel Simpson 190 Pingree aYenue ·west Mr. Robert Clair Simpson Clubs, Mr. 78-116-158 Simpson, :\'Ir. and :\!rs. James H. Sibley, Mr. and :\!rs. Frederic :\I. (Clapp) (Kennedy) 306 Hurlbut a\·enue 99 Canfield aYenue 1Vest Sum. Res. : Lake Orion Sum. Res.: Bay Yie\\·, :\Iich. Clubs, Mr. 33-3-! Mr. Howard L. Simpson Sibley, l\Ir. and l\Irs. Frederic )I., Jr. Simpson, :\Ir. and Mrs. Thomas I-I. ( Bessenger) (McDonald) 306 Hurlbut aYenue 25 Eliot street Clubs, J.\,Ir. 11 ReceiYes Thursday Clubs, :\Ir. 25-37-103-116 Sibley, Mr. and ::\Irs.. John A. ( l\IacPhers·on) Sisler, J.\,fr. and :i.\:lrs. Louis E. (Tilton) The Vendome Apartments 32 Alexandrine aYenue East Mr. Eugene Sibley, 158 lVIiss lV.taud Tilton Clubs, Mr. 158 l\Iiss Inez Kaufman ~kae, Mrs. Edward Askin Sibley, Mrs. Marie Louise (Miller) (Hammond) 410 Jefferson avenue \\)"est "·ind Farms, Pontiac, ::.\'.Iich. Miss Frances Wythes Sibley 67 :\Ir. Alexander Hamilton Sibley, 25-37- Skillman. l\Ir. and l\lrs.. Harry (Edwards) 52-67-108 106 Merrick aYenue Mr. Mark M. Sibley, 25 Cluhc:;, :\Ir. 25-33-3-1-37-102-135-Mrs. 122 Sibley, Miss Sarah A. Skinner. l\Ir. and l\,Irs. Frederick G. 432 Jefferson aYenue · (Kelson) l\iiiss Katherine :!.\IcEwen. 9-56 123 Theodore street Miss Alexandrine :McEwen, 9-56-67 Clubs, l\Ir. 37-39-44-140-l\'.Irs. 44 Sieder, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. (Frey) Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. (:\-Ic:!.\-Iinn) 434 Helen a,enue 125 Pingree a'l-enue Receives :Monday Slade, l\Irs. Martha Clubs. ::.VIr._ 45-63 2924 Grand bouleYard East Siegel, :\Ir. and )!rs. Benjamin ( Siegel) Slade, Mr.. and Mrs. Samuel I. (Buel) 62 Delaware avenue 220 Frederick aYenue l\.:Iiss Helen Slade · Sie,ers; :\Ir. and Mrs. Henrr (Fischer) 615 Jefferson avenue Mr. Buel Slade Sum. Res. : L~xington, Mich. Slaymaker, Mr. and :\Irs. Xathani<'l E. Miss Amelia Fischer (Russel) Miss Annie Sievers 144 Seyburn avenue Clubs, Mr. 73 ReceiYes Friday Mr. Kathaniel E. Slaymaker. Jr. Silk, l\frs. Albert E. (Joy) )Ir. George Duffield Slaymaker 4 6 Palmer a venue East Mr. Robert K. Slaymaker Mr. William E. Joy Clubs, 'Mrs. 122 Sloane, Mrs. :\-L B. 4 3 9 Cass a venue Silk, Mrs. W. ~. 51 Kirby avenue \\.,.est Slocum, Mr. Elliott Truax 149 Fort strf'et West Sill, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph (White) Sum. Res.: Slocum's Island, Wayne 41 Warren avenue East Co.. Mich. Clubs, Dr. 44-108-126 Clubs. :\Ir. 4-6-12-25-29-33-36-37-47- 66-83-85-116-123-124-162. also Pe­ Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron (Caminsky) ninsular Club of Grand Rapids, 33 Alfred street Grosse Ile Country Club, Universi­ Miss Zelda Simon ty of Michigan Club of Detroit, Miss Belle Simon and American Forestry Assn. Simons, Mrs. Thomas B. (Hadley) Slocum, Mr. and Mrs. James (Tindall) 45 Ferry avenue West 84 King avenue Sum. Res. : Muskoka Lakes Miss Joyce :\-1. Slocum Miss Mary E. Simons Miss Josephine W. Slocum . Miss Hazel Simons Clubs. l\Ir. 33-44-Mrs. 44 · Figures refer to club members-see fron-t of bool,. DETROIT 113

Small, l:Ir. and :\!rs. Elden E. (Kingsley) Smith. :Mr. and Mrs. Frank G., Jr. 2880 Grand bouleYard East 1795 Jefferson avenue Clubs, :Mrs. 148 Clubs, :\-Ir. 25-37-103 Smedley, :\Ir. and Mrs. John H. Smith, :\:Ir. Fred L. Grosse Ile 289 ,vest Grand bouleYard :\Ir. George Smedley :Miss Florence Smith :\Ir. Raymond Smedley Clubs, :\Ir. 5-25-37-52 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew (Gray) Smith, :\fr. and :V.Crs. Fred W. · Grosse Ile (Simmons) :\Iiss Dorothy Smith 102 '\Villis aYenue. \\~est Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. (:::.\IcCaw) liiss Frances Simmons 25 Josephine aYenue Clubs. :VIr. 66-73 :\fr. Albert K. Smith Smith. :\Ir. and Mrs. Frederick Bradford :\Iiss Muriel Smith · (Sackrider) Smith. :Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. ( Craig) 856 Second aYenue 43 S'mith :n·enue :\Ir. Frederick B. Smith. Jr., 135 Miss Bessie E. Smith Clubs, :\fr. 32-37-87-103-116-135- Smith. :\Ir. Charles L. :\Irs. 8 7 -I O3 · 639 Trumbull avenue Smith. :l\Ir. Frederick Latta Clubs, Mr. 25-34-:17-54-66 3 7 DaYenport street Smith, l\tlr. and l\'Irs. Conrad H. Smith. :\Ir. and :\-!rs. Frederick Poole ( Phillips) (\\~hite) 4 3 Pallister a Yenue 53 \\'."arren aYenue. East :\Ir. Stanley P. Smith :\!rs. Alfred \\~hite · Clubs. :Vlr. 11-33--1-:1:-45-66-14 7-:v.t:rs. Clubs, :\-Ir. 33-3-1-3"i-39-44-96 -:12-89-!)5 Smith, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. G. Emery (Earle) Smith, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Daniel ·w. 36 Prentis aYenue ( ::\Iittleberger) :\Ir. Earle Smith 149 Seyburn aYenue ~lubs, Mr. 37 Smith, :\:Iiss Gail · Smith, l\:lr. and l\Irs. Dudley \\·t>tmore Care of l-Irs. Stoddard, 30 E High (Beard) street 73 Pallister aYenue Smith. l\Irs. George L. (Leaverton) :Miss Elizabeth E. Smith, 6-91-9-1- 595 Jefferson a ,·enue 122-137-138 :\tiiss Mira Judson Smith Clubs. ~Ir. 33-36.-37--H--16-66-S5-102- Smith. l\Ir. and :Mrs. H. H. H. Crapo ·11-1-116-:\Irs. 64-91-12~ (Crapo) Smith. :\Ir. and Mrs. E. Hugh (Cornell) 789 .Jefferson avenue 7-2 Euclid aYenue. \\~est :\Ir. Crapo C. Smith, 34-72 Smith. )Ir. anrl Mrs. Edwin llerrill :\Iiss Henrietta Crapo Smith. 9-56-67 (Gertrude Geiger) Clubs, :\Ir~ 26-87-91-113 3 O PetPrboro street Smith, :\'Ir. and :\.Irs. Hal I-I. (Yates) Sum. Res. : Pine Lake, :\Iich. 4 S Dn venport street Clubs, Mr. 33-3-1-39-44-124-:Mrs. 19- Clubs. :\Ir. 12-37-39-66-"ii-83-123-124- 53 164, also Alpha Delta Phi Club, N. Smith. Mr. and :\Irs. Edwin J. Y., and Peninsula Club, Grand (Mouat) Rapids, l\:lich.-2\Irs. 122 163 Lincoln aYenue Smith. l-Ir. and :\Irs. Hal Craig . Smith. :\fr. and Mrs. Enoch (Lilian Whitaker Mason) (Cheney) 99 Chandler aYenue Grosse Pointe Farms, :\Iich. Clubs. l\Ir. 3-33-3-1-124-1~,5-:\Irs. 95 ),frs. Helen L. Cheney Smith, :\Ir. and )!rs. Horace G. Clubs, :\-Ir. 12-25-37-116 (EYeleth) Smith, :VIr. and Mrs. Ernest L. 639 Trumbull avenue (Thompson) :\Ir. Charles L. ~mith. 25-34-37-54-66 24 Chandler a,-enue :\li~s Alma Smith :\Iiss Abigail Smith Smith. Dr. and :\Irs. Eugene ( Freeman) :Vlr. Charles L. S"mith 119 High street. East Sum. Res. : Athol Springs. Erie Clubs, :\Ir. 66 Co.. X. Y. Smith. :\fr. and l-fr~. Ho-ward R. :\Ir. Eugene Smith. Jr. ( Palmer) ::\Iiss Karolyn Smith 3026 Grand bouleYard, "·est Clubs, Mrs. 122 Smith, llrs. J. H. !-:mith, Mr. Floyd 250 Seminole aYenue 35 King avenue Smith, :\Ir. and Mrs. J. Henry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. (Cafrert) (Judson) 101 Rowena street 595 Jefferson aYenue Clubs, l\-Ir. 3 7-66 Figure.~ refer to club members-see front of book. 114 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James A .. Jr. Smith, ::Mr. and l\Irs. ~·. Grierson (Robbins) (Morley) 76 "'\Vebb aYenue 50 Peterboro street Clubs, Mr. 37 Receiyes l\ionday Smith. Mr. and Mrs. James .Cosslett Clubs, Mr. 1-10-Mrs. 77-117--137-140 ·· (Ferguson) Smith. Mr. and ::\!rs. W. Pe~·ton -151 Jefferson aYenue · 894 Woodward avenue Clubs, :\Ir. 23-:32-:14-36-37-G7-70-116- Clubs. :\Ir. -!5-66-116-158. also Theta 1:H-160-)Irs. 26-67-77-11:3-120-132 Lamda Thi-Mrs. 122; also D. A. R. Smith, Mr. and l\lrs. James J. Smith, Mr. and lfrs. ~:-illiam C. (Sampson) (Mertz) 81 Palmer aYenue, East 520 Grand boulevard, West Sum. Res.: St. Claire Flats Sum. Res. : Cedar Point, San­ .ReceiYes :Monday dusk;\·, 0. Smith, )Ir. and Mrs. Joseph X. :::,moots, l\'.lr. Ernest C. (Douglas) 482 Cadillac an•nue Forest Apartments, 827 Second Clubs. :\Ir. 33-66-1-17 avenue S'mylie, !\Ir.· Robert \Y. Mr. Douglas R. Smith 212 Burns aYenue ::\Iiss Smylie Smith. )Ir. and :\ilrs. Joseph "\\·. Mr. R. Stanton Smylie · (Tarbell) ~Ir. and l\'Irs. Stonewall Jackson 103 Gladstone avenue Clubs, :i\Ir. 36-3 7 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Justin E. (Cowie) Snell, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence "\\~ordsworth 85 ~:-arren aYenue, East ( Chamberlin) Clubs, :\Ir. 25-3-1-37-39 2 4 Ferris a Yenue Clubs. :\Ir. 66-1.\Irs. 122-146 Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Snider. Dr. Samuel H. (Sinclair) · 323 Hubbard anmue 1503 Grand RiYer aYenue Sum. Res.: Hamilton, Ont. Clubs, ::.\Ir. 33-36 Receives Friday Srnith. Mrs. :\I. S. Mr. Royden I-I. Snider · 17 9 5 .T efferson a Yen ue Mr. Cecil H. Snider Clubs, Mrs. 122 ::,now, Mrs. Frank E. Smith, :.\!rs. Margaret H. Ogden ( Burtenshaw) (Thompson) The Pasadena 803 Second aYenue Snow, Mr. and )frs. l\Iuir B. Miss l\Iinona Be~1.trice Smith, 26 (\Vetmore) Mr. Charles Junior Smith 216 Seyburn aYenue Clubs, Mrs. 26-57-65-89-1-!6 Clubs, l\Ir. 52 Smith, Miss Mary F. S"now, Mr. and Mrs. Xeil ~r. Care Mrs. Clark_. 43 :Marston court (Miss Ingram, of Baltimore) Smith, )frs. Peter (Carroll) 16-1 McDougall aYenue 3 0 Edmund place Clubs, l\1r. 25-37-52-123 Smith, l\Ir. and )Irs. Preston Morris Snyder, l\Ir. and :.\frs. H. :\I. (Schmidt) ( Petttibone) 176 Seyburn aYenue 4 0 King a venue Sum. Res. : Grosse Pointe Miss Pauline l\-1. Snyder Clubs, )Ir. 52 Clubs, :i\lr. 11-33--15-66-:\Irs. 144 Southwick, )fr. and Mrs. James Scripps Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. ( Seager) ("Wilkie) 1013 Woodward avenue _ 286 Hancock avenue, ~:-est Sum. Res.: Harbor Point. ~Iich. Mr. Angus ~mith. 25-34-37-52-123-162 Southwick. Mr. \Villiam D. Miss Margaret D. Smith 4 80 Third a ,·enue Clubs, )Ir. 25-37-l\Irs. 8-122 Mr. Herman Duty Southwick Spalding, Dr. ( D. n. S.) and :\frs. Ed­ Smith, Mr. and lirs. Seth E. ward B. (Rogers) (Draper) 865 Second a,·enue Grosse Ile Clubs. Dr. :J:)-34-44-67-10-:l--116-123- Smith, )Ir. and Mrs. Stanley B. Mrs. 20-67 (Mallory) Spalding, :\Ir. and Mrs. Hinton E. 48 Stimson plac<' (Jenkins) . Clubs, Mr. 33-34-37 117 Boston boulevard, East )Ir. Edward Spalding Smith, Mr. Thomas Clubs, :\-Ir. 32-37--H-67-:\Irs. 60-67- 387 Lincoln avenue 122-143-146 Miss Colinette Smith Sparks. l\fr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Dr. and lVIrs. Yine La Rue (Owen) (Beecher) 215 Vinewood aYenue 109 Massachusetts aYenue, H. P. l\lr. Charles (" Sparks Clubs, Dr. 66-126 Clubs, l.\fr. 37 Figures refer to cluv m.empe1·s-see front of book. DETROIT 11:-i

Sparks, )Iiss Erma Ut-lle Stair, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Edward D. Care ::.\lrs. ::\iloon, 115 Fern,· aYe· ( Cookson) nue, East 112 3 "'\\"oodward avenue Sparling, Mrs. Joseph Sum. Res.: Great Xeck. L. I. 889 Second aYenue Clubs, Mr. 25-33-37.-14-63-103-135- Mr. Ralph Sparling -:\Irs. 120-122-132 )liss ,l osephine Sparling Staley. :\Tr. and ::.\frs ..John w·. (Bewick) Miss Mildred Sparling Grosse Point<> Farms ::.\Iiss E,·elyn Sparling Clubs, :\Ir. 1~-:J3-6:3-123-140 Clubs. :\Irs. 122-131 Speed. Hon. and :\lrs. John J. ~tandart, Mr. and :\!rs. Henry \Yinslow (Hastings) (:\layers) 474 Second avenue 730 Jefferson aYenue Clubs, Hon. 32 Clubs, :\Ir. 25-3-1-:37-52-123-134 Spellman. :Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Standart. :\Irs. Joseph G. (::\filler) · ( ~harpless) 83 Edmund place 91 Hazelwood aYenue ReeeiYes Thursday Clubs, :\Ir. 33-45-66-102-135-:Mrs. 95 ~tandart. :\Irs. Joseph Gardner Spence, Mr. and Mrs. H. "'\\-ibirt (Garrow) (Coppins) Grosse Pointe Yillage Grosse Ile. :.\Iieh. Reeei\·es Friday Clubs, :\Ir. 25-33-:ri--t-t-l\Irs. 122 ~pencer, l\lr. and ::\ilrs. Lafayette B. Standart. :\Ir. and Mrs. Xelson K. · ( :\Ion tgomery) · (Ross) -13-:1: Cass a\·enue 126 :\Iassachusetts a\"enue :.\Iiss H. Gene,·ieve Yreeland ReceiYes Friday Clubs, :\Ir. 66 :\!rs. Hannah L. Ross, 122 Clubs. l\Ir. 33-48-::.\Irs. 12:?. Spencer, :\lrs. Louise .:\. (Flint) 2 5 Pl~terboro street Standart, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Robert \\·. :\fiss Frances J. Spencer (Hyde) Miss Florence Spencer ~9 Edmund place Clubs, Mrs. 26 Clubs, ::Vlr. 25-33 Spencer, :\Ir. "'\\:-illiam A. Standart, :\Ir. and :Vlrs. Robert "'\\""., Jr. 710 Jefferson aYenue (Thomas) Clubs, Mr. 25-72-123 3-15 Seyburn aYenue Spicer, Mr. and :\Irs. Charles P. Clubs, :\-Ir. 3-1-123 (Miller) Standart, l\Ir. and Mrs. "'\\"m. E. -10 Hancock a,·enue. "\\·est (Garrison) Clubs, Mr. 3-1-16-1 171 Seyburn avenue Spicer, llr. and Mrs. w·m. Hume Clubs, :\Ir. 3-1 ( Hebe Louise Hurd) •· 686 Brush street Standish. Mrs. Charles Dana ()lack) Clubs, Mr. 119-16-1 1022 Cass aYenue Sum. Res.: Sylvan Lake. l\lic:h. Spicer, l\Irs. \Yilliam J. (Hume) Mr. Samuel B. Standish 596 "'\\:-oodward aYenue Mr. Myles "'\\:-. Standish l\Ir. Errol H. Spicer Mr. Herbert H. Spicer l'.Iiss Eloise :\I. Standish :\-Iiss ::Vlaude Spicer Clubs. Mrs. 90-93 Miss Elizabeth Spic-Pr ~tandish, Capt. and ::\Irs. Frederick D. :.\Iiss A Yery Yerington (Hubbard) ~pies. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frank ~\. 212 Seyburn aYenue ( Yirginia Eastman) Clubs, Capt. 6-29-3-t-37--10-55-103-105- -17 Garfield aYenue 116-1:35-:.\Irs. 29 Cluhs. :\Ir. 2Z.-34-:i7-GG--124-126-:\Irs. 67- (Eddy) 120-12 5 203 Sevburn aYenue Sprang<.'r. Dr. :\Iichael J. Clubs, Mr. 29-34-123-165-::\Irs. 68- 398 .Jefferson aYenue. East 120 Spratt. :\Ir. and :VIrs. John C. ( Shannon) Stanley, :Mr. and :\Irs. Louis C. ()Iahon) 1356 Champlain street -1 1.1 Seward avenue l\Iiss :Marjorie Spratt Sum. Res. : CharleYoix, Mich. Clubs. Mr. 11-3-1-:r; Mr. .John Stanley Stafford, Dr. C. :\I. :\Iiss Sarah !..'Estrange Stanley 5 89 Chene street ::Vliss Alice C. ~tanley Clubs, Dr. :36 Clubs. 1\-Ir. 32-33-34-124-:.\Irs. 56-137 Figures 1·efer to cillb membe1·s-see f1·ont of boo'... 116 THE SOCIETY BLt'E ROOK

Stansell. Mr. Arthur D. Stearns. :Mr. and :\Irs. Samuel 109 Pasadena Apartments (Gladstone) Sum. Res.: St. Clair Flats Hollenden Apartments Clubs. :\Ir. 33-34-78-123, Sigma Chi Sum. Res. : San Souci, St. Clair Fraternity, Sigma Chi Alumni As­ Lake sociation and Detroit Boat Club, l\Ir. William A. Stearns Yachtsmen Clubs, Mr. 106 Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. :\IarYin L. Stearns, Mr. and :\lrs. Wayland Dilie (Fletcher) (Mandell) 108 Parkview avenue 217 Seminole avenue Sum. Res. : Rockwood, Mich. Clubs, l\iir. 25-29-33-3-t-36-3i-il- Clubs. Mr. 11-34-66-164 Mrs. 25-88 Stanton, Mrs. Marvin M. (Lee) Stearns. :\Ir. and :\Irs. 't\"'illiam J. L. 112 Parkview avenue · (Yeats) Sum. Res. : Rockwood, :\Iich. 179 Yan Dyke aYenue Stanton, l\ir. and !\'Irs. Robert Lee Miss Gretchen Stearns (:Xewman) :.\Ir. W"illiam Y. Stearns ",Vestcroft.'' Grosse Ile Clubs, Mr. 66 ::\Iiss :Madeleine :Macomb Stanton Stebbins. :v.Irs. :\iI. F. :\Ir. Harry :XaYarre Stanton 20 Martin place :\Ir. Ernest :Xe·wman Stanton Stellwagen, Mr. and l\lrs. Augustus c;. Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. ,Vill J. (Fleming) (Amsden) 265 Putnam aYenue 154 Clairmount aYenue :\Ir. Karl D. Stellwagen Clubs. Mr. 32--l:-!-:50-51-12-! Clubs_. l\Ir. 12-32-33-59-66-i3-12-1-la5 Staples. :\'.Ir.' and :\!rs. Elmore Lowell (Johnson) Stephens. )Ir. and )!rs. Albert Leete \'\:"'ycliffe, B. C. (Loree) \\~in. Res.: 56 Rowena Street 665 Jefferson aYenue ClulJs, :\Irs. 2;'.;-26-67-88-166 Miss :\Iar,iorie Stephens Stapleton. Mr. ,villiam J. Clubs. l\Ir. 12-25-3i-9g-103-1B-!, also · 124 Lafayette boulevard Caledon ::\1t. Trout Club and Xew Sum. Res. : :\Iackinac Island York Yacht Club Dr. William ,J. Stapleton. Jr. 34-66 Stephens. '..\Ir. and Mrs. Al Ya J. (Reichle) Miss Sadie Stapleton 62 AY<.•rv a\·enue :\'Ir. John J. Stapleton Clubs, :vrr: 63-66 Mr. James Stapleton Stephens. Mr. Charles w·ainwright Stapleton, Dr. and llrs. \\·m.. T .. Jr. -112 The Pasadena (Ireland) :\fr. Frank ~iarsh Stephens 266 Seyburn avenue Stephens, )Irs. Henry (::\lellen) Clubs. Dr. 3-1-126 1271 \\~oodward a"·enue Starke;y, )Ir~ Harry R.. 79-10::,-11~ )Ih,s Gail Stephen~. 2;i 88 Pitcher street ::\Iiss Jacqueline Stephens. 25 :\Iiss Jennie 0. Starkey, 2G-4!l-82-91-9-! Clubs, Mrs. 25 Starret, Mr. Edgar 8tephens. Mrs. Roe 3 72 Grand bouleYard, \'\·est 37 \Voodward terrace :\-Iiss Edna Starret Stephens, :Mr. and :\!rs. Thomas H. Starret, ~Ir. and l\Irs. Thomas C. ( Greenslade) (Anderson) 99 Boston bouleYard. Enst 140 Canfield a,·enue, "-<•st l

Stevens, :\Ir. and l'Irs. Arthur E. (Brodie) St,...-wart, l!r. and Mrs. Charles C. 710 Second avenue (Xott) Sum. Res.: Hickon· Island, ::\Iich. 295 Avery avenue l!is Dorothy Stevens~ :Miss llargaret Stewart :Miss Margery Stevens Stewart, l:Ir. and :\Irs. Duncan Clubs, :\Ir. 63-116-135 ( \\.. oodbridge) Stevens, l\ilr. and Mrs. Frederic Beckwith 160 Canfield avenue, West (Anne E. Shipman) l-Iiss llary B. Stewart - 6 9 Eliot street · Sum. Res. : Orchard Lake, :\1ich. Stewart: Mrs. Horatio C. (Everhart) :\Ir. and Mrs. Lewis Haight Kirby 6 3 Lincoln a venue ·(SteYens), 712 ::5outh street, "\"\'.'"., l!rs. Ella E. Edmund Kalamazoo, llich. Stewart, :\Ir. and llrs. Joseph A. Clubs. :\Ir. 12-33-36-37-67-S5-92-96- (Rutledge) 135-2.\Irs. S-26-67-91-96-122 264 A,ery avenue Ste,ens, lir. and lirs. Frederic J. Stewart, :\Ir. and l\ilrs. Richard R. (Wood) (Stewart) 107 Delaware avenue 20 Highland avenue lliss Emily Stewart ReceiYes Friday Clubs, :Vlrs. 95 Stevens. :\Ir. H. Glover · 1075 "\Yoodward avenue Stewart, Dr. and Mrs. William W. Clubs, lir. -1-1-52 (Dr. Carrie B. T.) Stevens. :\Ir. and :\!rs. :\lark Burnham 1-1 7 "\Yestminster a Yenue · (Gilmore) Sum. Res. : Bay View, Mich. 5-15 Jefferson a,enue Stewart. l:Ir. Robert Stuart Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile · -140 Jefferson avenue ReceiYes Friday :\iliss llary B. Stewart, 137 Clubs. :\Ir. 33-36-67-116-:\Irs. 58-67- Clubs, :\Ir. 25-34--11-123-135 120-137 Stibbard. l\lr. and llrs. Albert A. Stevens, Dr. llary Thompson (Bixler) 23 Pingree avenue -18 Canfield a venue, East Clubs, Dr. 122-12-1 Still: :\Ir. and Mrs. Frederick R. Stevens, Dr. and Mrs. Rollin H. (Humphrey) (Thompson) 83 Hancock avenue, E 23 Pingree avenue Clubs, :\fr. 25-33-41-43--!5-162 Clubs, Dr. 33-48-12-1-126 Stevens, l\Ir. and llrs. Stanley G. Stillman ,:\Irs. Estelle Barbour (Jackson) 13-1 Lafayette boulevard 2 8 Hendrie a Yenue Stimpson, Dr. Robert A. Sum. Res.: 1Voodrowe Beach, Ont. 3S0 ::\lcGraw avenue Clubs, l\Ir. 16-1-:v.Irs. 122 lliss Frances A. Stimpson Stevens. -Dr. and Mrs. William C. llrs. llary F. Stimpson (1Vhite) Stimson, :.\Ir. Edward I. 385 Fourteenth axenue 65 Hazelwood avenue :\Iiss Violet M. Stevens lfr. George W. Stimson Stevens, llr. and l!rs. \Villiam P. llr. Arthur K. Stimson (Flinn) lir. Frank \\r. Stimson Grosse Pointe Farms Clubs. l\Ir. 147 Clubs, :Mr. 25-33-3-1-37-103-123-133- Stinchfield, lVIr. and :\Irs. Charles Mrs. 25 (Tillson) Stevenson, :Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hugh Bloomfield Hills, P. 0., Pontiac, (Helson) Mich. 2 7 Edison a venue llr. Charles Stinchfield, Jr. (Oregon) Receives llonday l'Irs. J. W. Stinchfield Clubs. ::\Ir. -1-8-16-2 3-3 7 -6 7 -7 7-l!rs. Clubs. lir. 33-34-37-96:..103-116-14-0- 16-77 162-Mrs. 91-122-137 Ste,enson. llr. Elliott G. Stirling, )!rs. John R. (Bateman) 34 Da,enport street 73 Ledyard street Sum. Res. : "Fairacres," Gordon, llr. and :v.Irs. John l\IacA. Stirling Ont. (Dorge) Clubs. :\Ir. 25-32-36-37--1-1 :\Ir. Robert B. Stirling) Stevenson, lilr. and llrs. George E. Dr. Alexander ll. Stirling (Piquette) Stockard, Mr. and ::\frs. J. Lewis 34 Davenport street (Davies) Clubs, :v.Ir. 34 . The Chesterfield Apartments Stevenson, :Mr. and :\Irs. James S. Stockwell, lir. and lfrs. Frederick (Duncan) (Perkins) ~ 7 3 \\:-estminster a ,enue 767 Cass avenue :\Ir. Alfred G. St~venson Clubs. :\fr. 44-e3-Mrs. 122 Miss Yvonne Stevenson Stockwell, :\Ir. and Mrs. George W. :\1iss Marie Stevenson (Conroy) Clubs, :\Ir. 37-45, also Xew Century 105 Euclid avenue, \\i... est Club-llrs. 95 Clubs, :\Ir. 38 Figures refer to club members-see front of boo~. 118 THE SOCIETY BLuE BOOK

Stockwell, Dr. and Mrs. Glenn 1Yiley Stowell, Mr. and :\Irs. Myron C. (Heron) (Burdick) 1825 "·oodward aYenue 236 Hancock avenue. \\,.est Clubs, Dr. 66-126 Mr. Clinton M. Stowell Stoddard, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Strasburg, :\Ir. and Mrs. Herman A. (Florine Smith) (Pinet) 3 0 E High street 28 Forest aYenue, East Sum. Res.: "Waitstill," Orchard Sum. Res.: Pointe aux Barques, Lake, Mich. Mich. Miss Gail Smith, 9-26-91-94-137 :Mrs. Annie l\I. Pinet Mrs. Jane Smith Miss Marjorie Strasburg, 21-22 Clubs, Mr. 11-116-1\Irs. 9-26-91-94- Mr. Paul Strasburg ( Lafayette Col­ 113-122-137 lege) Stoddard, Miss Jennie ~I. Miss Hermine Strasburg (Vassar) 1380 Fourteenth avenue Clubs, l\Ir. 11-44-Mrs. 44 Clubs, Miss 120-143 Strasburg, !\Ir. and Mrs. Max Stoddard, Mr. and Mrs. Rodman G. (Barringer) (Stewart) 24 \\'estminster aYenue 217 Stanton aYenue Clubs, Mr. 44-Mrs. 122 Mr. Rodman Stewart Stoddard, 135 Stratton. l\Ir. \\rilliam B. Clubs, Mr. 119-Mrs. 26 165 Fort street. \\Test Stoepel, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Clubs, Mr. 5-9-28-33-34-123 (Sutton) Straw, l\ir. and :\-Irs. Lucius E. 830 ·woodward avenue . (Ireland) Sum. Res. : Pine Lake, Pontiac 300 Seyburn aYenue Mr. Ralph Stoepel, 25-33-34-37-123 Clubs, Mr. 25-33-37-Mrs. 91 Strelinger, Mr. and :lirs. Charles A. (Penfield) Stoepel, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. 51 Edmund place (Semmes) Sum. Res.: Gratiot Beach 132 Seyburn avenue l\Ir. Seth \\.,._ P. Strelinger Receives Friday Mr. Gilbert P. Strelinger Clubs, l\Ir. 25-34 Clubs. :\Ir. 15-37-135 Stoepel, Mrs. Herman R. Stridiron. Mr. \\'illiam (Van Court) 218 Seyburn a\·enue 210 The Pasadena Miss Grace Stridiron, 67-120 Mr. v\·arren V. C. Stoepel Miss Elizabeth S. Stridiron, 67-120 Mr. H. Robert Stoepel. Jr. Clubs, :lir. 103 Stone, Mr. and l\Irs. Ralph Stringer, i\-Ir. and Mrs. Edwin S. (Jeffords) ( Gillies) 975 Cass aYenue 408 Lincoln a\·enue Clubs, :\:Ir. 12-33-34-37-52-87-116-123- ::\Iiss Christina Ruth Stringer 124, also Det Tennis Club-1\frs. Mr. Roy E. Stringer 122 Clubs, ~Ir. 33 Stoneman. Mr. and l\Irs. Lewis A. Stringfellow, l\ir. and :lirs. Horace (Potter) (Young) 164 Longfellow avenue 182 Seyburn aYenue Clubs. :\:Ir. 34-44-66-67-78-:\'.Irs. 2 6- Clubs, 1\-Ir. 165 67-120 Stringham, l\Ir. and Mrs. Joseph Strong Stonwahl. Miss Hilda (:MacDonald) Care Mrs. Hayes, Wayne Hotel 275 Seminole ayenue Stott, Mr. David Clubs, Mr. 11-25-33-34-37-41-52-67- 135 Commonwealth aYenue 116-123-135-162-165-Mrs. 67-122 Miss Bertha A. Stott, 122 Stroh, Mr. and l\Irs. Bernhard Miss Julia L. Stott, 20-112-122 (Salzmann) Miss Ethel V. Stott Grosse Pointe Mr. Ernest Stott :\liss Isabelle \°\'. Stroh Mr. Arthur F. Stott :\Ir. Bernard Stroh. Jr.. 163 Clubs, Mr. 12-44 :\Ir. Edwin R. Stroh . Stott, Mr. and Mrs. DaYid E .. Jr. Clubs. Mr. 25-37 (Tarsney) Stroh, Mr. and l\Irs. Emil 2624 Grand bouleYard, \\"'est ( Flandermeyer) 3-:1:5 Cadillac aYenue Stoughton, )fr. and Mrs. Edwin R. (Mann) Stroh, :\Ir. and l\Irs. George (Benoit) 7 O9 The Pasadena 54S Grand bouleYard, East Clubs, !\Ir. 37 Miss Eleonora Stroh l\Iiss Irene Stroh Stout, Mrs. Furman Miss Adele Stroh 1023 Jefferson aYenue Mr. George Stroh, Jr. Miss Eliza beth DaYey Clubs, Mr. 63-,3 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. DETROir 119

Stroh, l\Ir. and Mrs. Julius (Melchers) Sutter, l\Ir. and Mrs. Samuel C. 1676 Jefferson avenue 9 6 5 Cass a venue Miss Florence S'troh Miss Adelaide G. Sutter l\fiss Marguerite Stroh Suttie, Dr. and :\frs. George (Porte) l\Ir. Gari Melchers Stroh 150 Blaine avenue Mr. John "·imam Stroh (Virginia Mr. Gerald L. P. Suttie Military Institute) Clubs, Mr. 12-25-37 Sutton, Mr. and l\frs. Wm. Andrus (Morea) Strong, Mrs. Charles J. ( Sherman) 507 W. Grand boulevard 50 Holbrook avenue Clubs, Mrs. 26 Mrs. L. S. Strong (Duffy) Swales, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Strong, Mrs. Fannie E. M. Grosse Ile Care Mrs. Burnham, 429 Seminole Swales, lfrs. Susan lI. (Bradshaw) avenue 77 Garfield avenue Stuart, l\Ir. and Mrs. Alexander (Clapper) l\!r. Charles E. Swales 6 6 12 Forest avenue East Swan, :\fr. and Mrs. Charles F. (Parshall) Stuart, Mr. J. C. 27 Delaware a,·enue 895 Second avenue l\Ir. Harry Bennett Swan 123 Studer, Dr. and l\Irs. A. G. ( Buick) Mr. Ellwood P. Swan 140 Hancock avenue West Swan, Judge and :\Irs. Henry H. ( Clark) l\Ir. Eliot \\r. Studer Grosse Pointe Miss Ruth B. Studer l\liss :\'.Iary C. Swan Clubs. Dr. 33-34-44-135-164 ~Ir. w·miam M. Swan 32-34-50-123 Sturgeon, Mr. and Mrs. William Alfred · Clubs, Judge 32-70-123-124 (Frisbie) Swan, Mr. and Mrs. James (Groh) 158 ~:--arren aYenue, West 162-1 ~·oodward a,enue Miss Drusilla F. Sturgeon (Liggetts Sum. Res., '·The Wells." Grosse Ile School) Clubs, :\Ir. 32-73 . Clubs. l\Ir. 37-162 Swart, :\Ir. and Mrs. James H. ( Pursell) Sullivan, Dr. Henry B. Hotel Cadillac 97 Melbourne avenue Clubs, l\Ir. 11-25-34-37-66-71-96-98- Dr. l\Iary SulliYan 102 SulliYan. Mrs. James Swart, Mr. and l\Irs. Robert B. (Pearsall) 683 Trumbull avenue 153 Forest avenue \\:rest l\Ir. Frank J. Sullivan 3 7 Mr. Cecil B. Swart Sullivan, l\Ir. and Mrs. John D. (Quinn) Swart, :Mrs. \\.illiam C. 434 Four_teenth avenue Hotel Cadillac Sullivan, l\fr. and Mrs. John H. (Viger) Sweeney, l\Ir. and :Mrs. John Scripps 624 Second avenue (Stanley) Sullivan·; l\Ir. and Mrs. William H. 42 Forest avenue East (Charlesworth) Sum. Res .. Grosse Pointe 83 )·farston court Miss Mary Margaret Sweeney Clubs. Mrs. 95 l\fr. John Scripps Sweeney, Jr. Clubs, Mr. 25-35-37-135-163-:\Irs. 91- Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. (Tappey) 132 232 Seminole avenue Clubs, Mr. 25-29-33-34-52-79-123- Swift, :\Ir. Charles M. Mrs. 29-94-132-137 Grosse Pointe Clubs, l\Ir. 25-37-52-134 Sumner, Mrs. Florence B. 222 Seminole a,enue Swift, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Y. ( Eldridge) Win. Res., St. Augustine. Fla. 184 Lafayette boule,·ard Mr. and Mrs. L. A. D'Englebronner Clubs, Mr. 8-25-32-33-34-37-72-l\Irs. (England) 87-113 Clubs, Mrs. 25-26-122-132 Swift, Mr. and l\frs. Ernest G. (Cope) Sumner, :\Ir and Mrs. Wm. ~rvatt (Potts) 760 Jefferson avenue 95 California a-venue · Sum. Res. : Cameron Island, Mag­ Mr. G. Howard Sumner netewan ri Yer, Ont. Clubs. Mr. 66 Recei Yes Friday Sundstrom. l\Ir. Karl G. Mr. Herbert D. Swift (Institute of 626 Trumbull aYenue Technology, Boston, ::v.rass.) :Miss Elizabeth Sundstrom 122 )fr. Clar<"nce B. Swift ( Harvard Susemihl, :\fr. and Mrs. Francis G. Cni\·ersity) (Horony) · Clubs. :\Ir. 25-33-34-37-103-Mrs. 57- 2970 Grand boulevard West 94-122 Miss Blanche M. Susemihl Swift. Mr. and :Mrs. Frederick ~:r. Miss Lulu .T. Susemihl · ( Holbrook) Sutter. l\Ir. and Mrs. Fred 485 John R. street (Emily Ward :\:Iayhew) :\fiss Caroline B. Swift 17 4 Canfield avenue West Miss Frederika \\:r. Swift Clubs. :\Ir. 34-123-Mrs. 26-146 Clubs, Mrs. 19 Figures refer to club members-see front of boo~. 120 THE SOCIETY BLT.:E BOOK

Swift, :\Irs. George ( Mackenna) Taylor, :\Ir. and :\frs. Milton (l\!asterson) i 3 Farnsworth avenue i 4 Alger a venue Miss Frances Louise Swift Receives Wednesday Mr. Samuel S. Swift ::\-Iiss Edna Taylor Clubs, )Irs. 51-122 Taylor, :i\-Ir. and Mrs. Orla B. (de Tromble) Symington, Mr. and :Mrs. Campbell 95 Warren avenue East (McBean) Receives l'Ionday 705 Second avenue Clubs, l'Ir. 25-32-33-37-38-83-124- l\:Iiss Grace G. Symington :Mrs. 69-91-122 Miss Christine M. Symington 132 Thatcher, ::\Ir. and Mrs. John S. (West) Mr. James Symington 34 -115 Comonwealth avenue Clubs, Mr. 37 Clubs, :VIrs. 26-42-64-88-94 Svmington, )Ir. and :\Irs. Campbell, Jr. Thom, ::\Ir. and l\Irs. Charles A. H. ~ (~Vormer) (Holmes) 81 Palmer avenue East 83 ::.\Iedbury avenue Clubs, ::\Ir. 34 ::\Ir. Kenneth Thom ::\Ir. George Thom Thom, :VIr. and :\!rs. John H. (:McCormick) ffl ALBOT, :\Iiss Emma 2 9 Hendrie a venue ~ Care of. )Irs. Tryon, 2 Forest :VIr. S. Campbell A. H. Thom avenue E l\Iiss llaude I. Thom Taliaferro, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. :\Ir. Frank H. Thom (:\IcKay) :\-Ir. Fred G. Thom The Palms :\Ir. Charles W. Thom Sum. Res. : Bloomfield Hills. Birm- Clubs, :i\lr. 44, also Drug and Chem­ ingham. :\::Iich. ical Club, :N". Y. :Miss :\Iary H. Taliaferro Thomas, ::\Ir. and Mrs. Claudius W. :Miss Elizabeth B. Taliaferro (Hanaford) Clubs, Mr. 25-37-116--:\-Irs. 25 4i8 Jefferson avenue Talman, Mrs. William S. (Sawyer) :Vliss Elizabeth Thomas 919 Jefferson avenue :\1iss :\label A. Thomas :\Irs. Mary Talman Sterling ::\Ir. Raphael .T. Thomas Mr. "'\\.,.illiam Whitney Talman 52-116· :Mr. Robert H. Thomas 123 Clubs, l'Ir. 33-36 Tannahill, :Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Thomas, :\Ir. and ::\-Irs. Fred W. (Thomas) (Hudson) 19 7 Parker a venue 63 Boston bouleYard :Miss Mabel :Mary Thomas :\fr. Richard H. Webber Clubs, Mr. 3-:1:-l\Irs. 67 :\Ir. Robert Hudson Tannahill Thomas. ::\-Irs. Jennie Louise Miss Josephine Hudson Clay · 3-1 Hazelwood avenue Miss Eleanor Clay Thomas, ::\Ir. and Mrs. Jdhn B. (l\IcGrath) Clubs, Mr. 11-33 792 Second aYenue Tappe~·. Dr. and )Irs. Ernest T. (Lightner) Miss Gladys :\I. Thomas 180 Parker avenue lfr. \\'."ilber Thomas Sum. Res., Huron :\H. Club liiss .~nna McGrath Clubs. Dr. 2-23-25-29-33-37-123-124- Clubs, Mr. 36 126:.153 Thomas, :\Ir. and l\-Irs. Robert P. (Pattison) Taylor, Mr. Clifford The Alhambra, 62 Bagg street 257 Seminole avenue Clubs, :\Ir. 66-110 Taylor, :\Ir. and Mrs. De Witt H. (Andrus) Thomas, ::\Ir. and l\'Irs. 'ri.Tiliam Griffin 25 Alfred street (Stanton) Sum. Res. : :l\Iadison. Conn. 257 Seminole avenue Miss Agnes A. Taylor · :\-Ir. Clifford Taylor :Miss Agnes Andrus Clubs, lir. 11-33-34 Clubs. Mr. 25-29-32-33-3-1-37-88-103- Thompson, ::\Ir. and :Mrs. Frank A. 116~135-Mrs. 29-137 (Campbell) Ta~·lor, ::\Ir. and )!rs. Frank Dwight 1015 Brush street 105 "\Yatson street Clubs, llr. 33-34-128-162-)Irs. 91- :Miss Florence Gertrude Taylor 94-12:! Clubs, :Mr. 8-33-34-4 7-96-116-135- Thompson. :\:Ir. and :VI rs. Frank M. ( Piper) :i\Irs. 42-122-128-137-138 1016 Brush street Taylor, lirs. Harry Strong (Fisher) liiss :\lalYina H. Thompson 901 The Pasadena liiss Grace Thompson Taylor, :\Ir. and Mrs. Hedley V. (Hunt) Thompson. ::\Ir. and :Mrs. Fred B. (Carr) 9 9 Jefferson a venue 502 The Lenox Miss Eileen Taylor Clubs, )Ir. 44-66 Clubs, :Ur. 34-36 Thompson, Dr. and l,lrs. Frederick M. Taylor, Miss Josephine (Bump) Care of llrs. Reed, 4 0 8 Sou th · 17 Alexandrine avenue West Fourth avenue, Ann Arbor, Mich. Sum. Res.: "\\'"aterford, Mich. · Fig1lres refer to club members-see front of boo~- DETROIT 121

Thompson, l\Ir. and l\Irs. George F. Thorpe, :\Iiss Elizabeth (Reaume) 270 \\,.oodward avenue 50 :Madison avenue Thorpe, ::\Ir. and l\Irs. John V. ( Campbell) l\Ir. Ernest Thompson 574 Second avenue l\Ir. and :Mrs. F. B. Thompson Sum. R('S. : Harbor Beach Clubs, ::\Ir. 66 :\Iiss Janet Thorpe Thompson, :Mr. and i\Irs. H. l\:I. (Sheridan) Thorpe, ~Ir. and :.VIrs. "\Villiam P. (Trinder) 12 Smith aYcnue 308 Howard street Thompson, ::.\Ir. and :Mrs. Harry S. Sum. Res.. \\,.inona Beach (licCurdy) :Miss Lulu Thorpe 347 East Grand boulevard Miss Bessie Thorpe Thorpe, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. William P. J. Thompson, Mr. and :Mrs. J. ,~tilfred (Failing) (Calkins) 918 Trumbull a ,·enue 90 Putnam avenue Mrs. L. T. Harrison 56 Thrall, Miss Frances Mr. \\:--ilfred S. Thompson 34-44-116 255 Grand boulevard E and Town Club Thrall, ~Ir. and l\Irs. George ( Clarkson) Clubs, :\'.Ir. 11-25-33-37-44-116 and Grosse Ile Citv Club of Kalamazoo, Mich.- l\Iiss Frances Thrall 1\Irs. 26-67-77-122 Thrall, Mr. and :\Irs. George C. (Campau) Thompson, ::.\Ir. L. E. 202 :\IcDougall avenue 777 S'econd avenue Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. (Barton) Thurber. :Mr. and :\!rs. Donald D. 940 Cass aYenue · (Crowley) 192 :\IcDougall a,·enue Thompson. :\Iiss :\Iary Clubs. :\Irs. Sigma Gamma Care of :\Irs. Atwater, 60 Hancock Thurber, ::\Ir. and l\Irs. Jefferson G. a venue E ( SymingtOn) Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Percy (McCloskey) The Ansonia apartments 300 Hurlbut av('nue Thurber. ::\Ir. and l\Irs. Jefferson ::\:I. Thompson. :VIr. and Mrs. "\\. alter (Calkins) · (Levingston) "Eastover," Bloomfield Hills 2 8 Lincoln a venue Clubs, Mr. 33-34-37-67-116-140-149- Clubs, l\-Ir. 66 ~Irs. 56-67 Tiffin. Dr. and :\Irs. \\:--alter E. (Hanks) Thompson, Hon. and ::\Irs. "\Villiam B. 1870 \\~oodward avenue (Hynes) Clubs, Dr. 126-:Mrs. 95 727 Trumbull ayenue Tigchon. l\'.Ir. and ~Irs. John H. (Bush) :\Iiss Irene E. Th_ompson 9 6 6 :\Ieldrum a venue :\Ir. w·m. G. Thompson l\Ir. and :\Irs. George Lyon Hoag :\Ir. Francis Leo Thompson (Poughkeepsie. X. Y.) Clubs, Hon. 30-33 Clubs, :\Ir. 11-33-37-44-45-63-66-135- Thompsoi:i. ::.\Ir. and ::.\frs. "\Ym. D .. ( Foster) 14 7 463 Campbell aYenue Tillotson, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Frank F. (Haight) Sum. Res.: South Rockwood, Mich. 100 Chandler aYenue :\Iiss Jennie A. Thomp!:;on :\fr. Edward H. Tillotson Clubs, Mr. 33-44-119 Clubs. :\Ir. 12-33-34-66-83-96-102- Thomson, :Mr. and Mrs. David A. (Dn•wery) l\Irs. 96-102-122 159 ::.\Ielbourne avenue Timlin, ::.\Ir. and ::\Irs. John J. (W.. hitmarsh) Thomson. :Mr. and :\Irs. F. Chas. (Gin.dens) 580 Second avenue 157 Lothrop avenue Titus, l\Irs. Frank Clubs, Mr. 34-36 1795 Jefferson avenue Thorburn. :\'Ir. and l\-Irs. ,James T. (Craig) Todd, :\Ir. and Mrs. Frederick J. 813 Second avenue ( Schermerhorn) Clubs. l\1:r. 33-135-Mrs. 137, also 729 Second avenue Afternoon Study Club :\Iiss R. \\:--inifred Todd Thorne, :.\Ir. and Mrs. Louis ( Soul ts) Clubs, :Mrs. 122 170 Yan D~·ke avenue Toepel, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Fred (Waltz) :M:r. Charles R. Thorne 326 Grand boulevard East :\iiss :\Iayme E. Thorne Mr. Albert Toepel l\fiss Emilv J. Thorne T 1 Mr. \\:--illian.1 l\I. Thorne Mr. Edward oepe Cl b :\I 63 Toepel. :\-Ir. and :\!rs. Herman ('Yoodruff) u s. - r. 288 Grand bouleYard East Thorpe. :.\-Ir. and l\Irs. Albert C. (Franklin) Clubs 'Ii· 3 , 1430 John R. street ' -' · -:1: Thorpe, Mr. and ::\Irs. Dyer P. (Lautz) Toepel, l\Ir. and ~Irs. John H. (Derch) 102 Hancock avenue East 288 Grand boulevard East Miss Hazel Thorpe Toll, Mrs. Irene H. l\Ir. Cl:i.re Thorpe 804 The Pasadena Miss Helene Thorpe Sum. Res.. Grosse Ile l\Ir. Jamie Thorpe (Dexter School) Miss Irene J. Toll Figures refer to club members-see front of boo1c. 122 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Toll, :llrs. Irene Hinchman Tries, Mrs. Georgie :M. (:Mason) 5i8 Jefferson avenue 122 Garfield avenue Tompkins, :Miss ,Yinifred Trix, Mr. and :Mrs. John (Phelps) Care of ::\lrs. Waterman, 72 Seward 61 Hancock avenue East aYenue Sum. Res. : Algonac, :\Iich. Torrey, Mrs. Charlotte Foote (Foote) Mr. Herbert B. Trix 20 Kirby avenue \\:-est Clubs. :Mr. 33-66-73-:liirs. 26-122-143 Mr. Dana Hungerford Torrey Trix, l\Ir. and l\Irs .. Ralph K. (Gordon) l\Iiss Charlotte Fo·ote Torrey 79 Hancock avenue East Torrey, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sum. Res. : Locust Point Grosse Ile Clubs, Mrs. 120 Miss Lucille Torrey Troester, Mrs. ,Josephine Torrey, Dr and :\lrs. Harry Xorton (Ford) 2 7 4 Grand boule,ard East 1130 Woodward avenue l-Ir. John Troester Miss Stella D. Ford. 6-29-67-94-122- Trowbridge, Mr. and :Mrs. Frank C. 132-163 . (Stephens) Clubs, Dr. 25-30-33-37-52-67-123-124- 214 Grand boulevard East 126-135-151-163-:Mrs. 6"/-163 Trowbridge, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Jr. Tough, l'Irs. L. D. :\I. ( MacFarlane) Grosse Pointe, :liich. 1 i Joy street Recei\·es Friday Towar, :\Ir. and Mrs. Edgar Ten Eyck Clubs, Mr. 25-36-123-133-:\.Irs. 94 46 Palmer avenue E Trowbridge, )liss l\Iary E. Clubs, Mrs. 122 494 Jefferson a,enue Towar, Dr. and :Mrs. George W. (Cook) Sum. Res. : Pointe aux Barques 2 6 Pitcher street liiss Kathleen Trowbridge, 16-120 Mr. George Towar Clubs, )liss 26-67-120 Miss Mary Porter Towar l\Ir. 1\L S. Towar True, Mr. and ::\Irs. George A. (Russel) Clubs. Mrs. 128 169 McDougall avenue Towle, ):Ir ·and Mrs. Frederic (Hubbard) Clubs, Mr. 34-37-67-Mrs. 67 Witherell Apartments, 919 Jeffer­ Trump, Mr. and Mrs. ,vm. D. (Grow) son avenue 52 Gladstone avenue Mr. Prescott King Towle Mr. Howard G. Trump Clubs, Mr. 25-34-37-116 Clubs, Mr. 44-66-119-:Mrs. 122 Towler, Mr. and Mrs. lV[ax J. L. (Schaffer) Trunk. :\Ir. and Mrs. George F. CMcFaul) 444 Vinewood avenue 469 Field avenue Townsend, Dr. Irwin S. Tryon, )!rs. Marion G. ( Grant) 20 Willis avenue East 2 Forest a venue East Clubs. Dr. 12-2i-33-36-79-9i-98-102- )Iiss Emma Talbot llf-126-135. also member Physi­ cians and Surgeons-Amer. Assn. of Tucker, Mr. and :lirs. Porter A. ( Shotwell) Physicians and Surgeons-State Med. 142 Longfellow avenue Society-.-\.meEican :l-Iedical Soc.­ Clubs, :Mrs. 122 Masons-Odd Fellows and Knights Tuller, :\.Ir. Lew W. of Pythias Hotel Tuller Townsend, Mr. and :llrs. John Clarke Mrs. Edmund Haug (Cheeseman) Clubs, l\ir. 45 152 Seward avenue Tuomey, Mrs. Timothy R. (Doody) Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. (Gillis) 26 King avenue 664 Cass avenue l!r. William Tuomey )Ir Alexander H. Townsend Turnbull, :\Ir. and Mrs. E. A. (Tinkham) Miss Charlotte A. Townsend Grosse Pointe Farms Tracy, :\[rs. George Douglas (\\:-ilkins) Sum. Res.: '•Birchwood Lodge," 1004 The Pasadena Grayling, llich. )Ir. George R. Tracy :\Irs. S. A. Tinkham Clubs, Mr. 25-37-162 Traub, Mr. Christian M. Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. John Inglis 71 ,v a tson street (Ferguson) Traub, :\Ir. Jacob F. 379 Field avenue 2 2 2 Jefferson a venue Receives 1st Friday Traub, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. (Taylor) Mr. John Ferguson Turnbull 57 Alger avenue Clubs, Mr. 33-45-14 i-:\Irs. 122 (After August 1, Arden Park) Turner, :\.Ir. and :Mrs. Clinton E. (Lewis) Clubs, Mr. 34 228 Hubbard avenue Traub, Mr. and ::\frs Wm. H. ( Clark) Miss Louise Turner 121 Garfield a venue :Mr. Ralph Turner . Clubs, :\Ir. 63-73 Turner, l\lr .. and Mrs. George L (Bowers) Treble, l\Ir. and Mrs. George R. 181 Lothrop avenue (McWhinney) Turner, l\lr. and l\Irs. Harry O. 107 ~~arren a venue East 3049 \\:-. Grand boulevard Clubs, Mr. 33-34-36-39 Clubs, )Ir. 66 Figures ref er to club members-see front of book. DETROIT 123

Turner, :\Ir. and :\Irs. James (Tappey) Yan Benscoter, :\!rs. \\'.""illiam I. 2-n Seminole avenue (Annin) Clubs, Mr. 25-29-32-34-52-78-123-124- 752 Second ayenue 153-165 and :Vlich. State Bar :\Ir. and :\!rs. "\Yilliam A. Yan Ben­ Assn.-l\Irs. 13 2 scoter, Clubs, :\Ir. 44-:\Irs. 20 Turner, :\-Ir. and :VIrs. \\.iliam H. ( Caskey) :Miss :\lary I. Van Benscoter, 20 102 Alfred street :\Ir. Homer \\Thitne~- Van Benscoter Clubs, :\Ir. 32-103-lirs. 122 Van Buren, :\Ir. Pliny H. 3 7 Canfield a Yenue, East Turner, lVIr. and :VIrs. \\·m. P. (Lutts) ::Vliss Caroline E. Van Buren 124 Gladstone avenue :\Iiss Amelia C. Van Buren Clubs, l\Ir. 66 :\Iiss Anna Van Buren Turne~-. :\Ir. and :Vlrs. Charles :\I. Clubs. :\Ir. 34 ( Skiffington) Yan Dusen, · :\Ir. and l-Irs. Charles B. 120 Lincoln avenue (Buick) Turney, lir. and :Mrs. F. A. (:\Ierriam) 140 Virginia Park 87 :\Iedbury avenue :\Ir. DaYid Van Dusen :\Ir. Xewell :\Ieriam Clubs. )Ir. 34-:\Irs. 22 :\Ir. Clarence C. Taylor (Asst. Supt. Dyke, Frank G. Am. Car Co.) 1314 Ford building :\fr. :i\'Iack H. ,Yilliams Yan Dyke. :\!rs. George "\Y. :\Iiss Emily :\Ierriam (Perley) Turney, )Tr. and :Mrs. Oris A. (:\Iaples) 1 H Rivard street 120 Lincoln aYenue :\Ir. Frank G. Van Dyke, 11-25-33- Turrell, :\-Ir. and :Mrs. L. II. (\Valker) 116 3020 Grand bouleYard 1Yest llr. Harold A. Van Dyke Clubs, :\!rs. 95 :\Iiss Agnes Desnoyers Yan Dyke Van Dvke. :.\Ir. and :.\!rs. "\Villiam Tuttle, :\Ir. arid :\frs. Arthur J. ( Stewart) . (Stinchfield) 235 Englewood avenue BeYerley place, Grosse Pointe Sum. Res. : Pleasant Lake, Mich. Farms, :\Iich. Clubs, l\Ir. 78-123-124 Sum. Res. : Birmingham, Mich. Tuttle, :i\'lr. and :\Irs. Charles B. (Stoll) Clubs, lir. 25-32-33-34-52 5 2 8 E. Grand boulevard Van Husan. lfrs. C.. lI. Sum. Res. : X ew Baltimore 655 Jefferson avenue :\1r. Elmer E .. Tuttle Sum. Res. : Pointe aux Barques ::\Iiss Ruth Tuttle :\1iss Christina Van Husan ~ Clubs, Mr. 44 Clubs, :\!rs.. 67 Yan Husan. l\Ir. and :\Irs. Edward C. BSDELL, Mr.· and :Mrs. John ..:-\. (Morrell) (Havers) 3 3 Peterboro street l: 294 "\V. Grand bouleYard :\Iiss Florence Yan Husan ~um. Res. : Grosse Ile :\Ir. -Harold :\I. Van Husan, 34 Clubs. :\Ir. 37 :.\Ir. l\Iarshall W. Van Husan l:ffelman, :\Ir. Charles Clubs, :\Ir. 34-66-103 96 Josephine aYenue Yan Riper. Mr.. La ::\Iotte :\Iiss Lena "Cffelman 443 Commonwealth avenue "Gffreduzi. :\Irs. C .. Clubs, :\Ir. 34-37-66 1065 Jefferson avenue Yan Sickle. :\Ir. and l:lrs. \\--m. (Robertson) C"nger, :\Irs. Irvine B. (Perrin) 736 Cass avenue 456 "\Yoodward ayenue Sum. Res. : Lakeland, :\Heh. :VIrs. Samuel Perrin Clubs, :\Ir. 33-45-66-135 Clubs, l1rs. 122 Yan Syckle, :\!rs. Given E. "Ctlev, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Henry :\I. ( Burr) ( Clemens) · · 19 5 Charlotte a \·enue S56 Cass aYenue Sum. Res.: Epworth Heights, )Iich. l\Ir .. Raymond E. Van Syckle, 32-66- ::\Iiss Frances H. 'Ctle:v 2 6 78-116-124 Clubs. :Mr. 1-4-108-124, Alpha Delta :\Iiss :\Iaude L. Van Syckle, 26-42-58- Phi 60-67-91-15 l rtley, )Ir. 8tuart ·wells Clubs. :.Vlrs. 26-42-60-S9 146 Forest aYenue East Yan Tuvl. l\Ir. and llrs. Horace G. :\Ir. Jerome A. Utley 30 .. (Hill) ::\Iiss Bea trice :\I. utley 32 "Winder street Clubs, )Ir. 34-41-55-57-123-12!-154 :\Iiss Ella B. Van Tuyl Yan Volkenburg, :\Ir. H. S. ALPEY. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Lewis ~­ 26 :\Ielbourne aYenue ( Gerow) Sum. Res.: Pointe Duchene, :::\lich. lt 28 Edison avenue :\Ir.. Yivian A. Van Volkenburgh :\Iiss Edna G. Yalpey :\Ir. James Leon Van Volkenburgh Clubs, :\Ir. S-33-96-140 :\Ir. Robert H. Van Yolkenburgh Yan Aderstine, ::\Iiss Gertrude (\\·est Point) 40 \\·nus avenue, East Clubs. :\Ir. 33, also Exchange Club Figures refer to club members-see f;·ont of boo;:. 124 THE SOCIETY BLC'E BOOK

Van Zile, Judge and l\-Irs. Philip T. Viger, Miss Gertrude (Jones) Care )!rs. Bush. 1055 Jeff aYenue 148 Forest aYenue, "\Yest Viger, llr. and Mrs. Nathan T. (Shotwell) Sum. Res. : Bay View, Mich. 71 Da Yenport street Miss Hortense E. Van Zile Clubs. l\Ir. 34-12-:1:-164-l\Irs. 164 Mr. Philip Donald Van Zile, 34 Vincent, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Jesse G. (Blood) Clubs, Judge 32-66-Mrs. 122 Addison Apartments Varney, l\Ir. and Mrs. Almon C. . Clubs, llr. 11-37 (Seidmore) Vinton, l\Irs. G. Jay ( King) 7 4 Warren a Yenue, East 63 Stimson place Sum. Res.: St. Clair Flats lfr. Robert K. Yinton Miss Eva J. Varne~- Clubs. Mrs. 137 Mrs. Sarah M. Seidmore Yinton, l\Ir. · and Mrs. \"\'"arren J. Clubs, ):Ir. 66-l\Irs. 1-18 (Jones) Varney, l\:Ir. and :Mrs. F. Orla 6 8 "\Y. \'i"illis a Yenue (Hubbard) Clubs, :\:tr. 33-124-::Vlrs. 93-122 24 Putnam aYenue Yisscher, l\Irs. Mary Clubs, :\Ir. 33 159 Fort street, "\\". Varney, )fr. and l\Irs. Freeman X. YiYier. :\Ir. and :\Irs. ""alter S. ( Clarke) ( Mary L. Baer) · 1020 Second aYenue 224 Putnam aYenue Sum. Res. : \"\:-indiate Park Sum. Res. : Orion, :\'Iich. ,·oelkner, Dr. and :.\!rs. George H. Mr. and Mrs. F. Orla Varney (Brown) Varney, l\Ir. and Mrs. Freeman X .. 40 Bethune a Yenue, \"\". (Baer) Clubs. Dr. 63-126 224 Putnam aYenue Yoelkner, )Ir. Henry A. Clubs, :\fr. 33 44 Bethune avenue, "\V. Varney, Dr. and Mrs. H. Rockwell Clubs. :\ir. 39-73 (Comstock) Yoigt, l\Ir. Edward \"\:--. 61 Euclid avenue, West -138 Second aYenue Clubs, Dr. 2-34-44-126 S'um. Res.: Grosse Ile Vaughan, Dr. and Mrs. J. Walter l\Iiss Augusta L. Yoigt . (Leffingwell) Miss Paulina :M. Voigt 145 Kirby avenue. \\rest Clubs, :\Ir. 73 Yon Schneider. )!rs. A. )I. H. Sum. Res. : Old Mission, Mich. (Pope) Clubs, Dr. 2-11-34-66-126, also ·walk­ 9-1-1 St. Paul a ,·enue etville Golf Club-:?.\Irs. WalkerYille :\Ir. D'Alton .T. Von Schneider, 33-37 Golf Club Vreeland. l:Iiss H. GenevieYe Vaughan, Dr. V. Clarence. Jr. 434 Cass aYenue 1939 ,Voodward aYenue Clubs, Dr. 2-108-126 1i11t ADE, l\Ir. and :\-Irs. Charles A. Vernor, l\fr. and :\Irs. Benjamin G. (Hart) 1titl (Topping) 80 Clairmount a,·enue 7 O Atkinson a Yenue Clubs, )Ir. 12-34 l\Iiss Helen E. \'i:--ade Vernor, l\Ir. and :V.Crs. Charles H. ,Yadsworth. :\Ir. Frederick E. · (Granger) 8 Berkshire place, Grosse Pointe 1098 Cass aYenue Farms M1ss Edna Vernor Clubs, :\Ir. 25-34-37-45-103 Vernor, l\fr. James ,Yads\Yorth, l\Ir. and l\Irs. Thomas Abner 45 Canfield aYenue, "\\". (Jennie Roehl) Clubs, Mr. 7 9 i 41 .Jefferson aYenue :\fr. Harold Lee \'i:--adsworth ( Yale Vernor, Mr. and Mrs. James, Jr. College) 141 Putnam aYenue Clubs. l\Ir. 63-::Mrs. 94 Clubs, :?.\Ir. 34 \"\"aite, :\Ir. Will A. Vernor, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah S. 41 Adelaide street (Carpenter) Sum. Res. : Portage Lake, :\Ianistee 164 Bagg street Co. Vhay, Mrs. )Iary F. Clubs, lfr. 66-116-140 (Farrell) "\Yalclo, l\Ir. and :.\!rs. Frank 0. ()Iartin) 1638 \"\roodward a,·enue 104 Delaware aYenue Miss Anna E. Vhay Clubs, :\Ir. 4-1-52-66 Vhar, Mr. and l\frs. ,Villiam J. \"\"aldo. :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. George C. (Girardin) (La FeYre) Birmingham, Mich. 41 Seward a,enue Vieman, Mr. Charles L. \"\raldo, l\Ir. and l\Irs. Lewis C. 408 Lenox Apartment Hotel (Roby) Clubs, Mr. 66-102 106 Canfield aYenue, W. Viger, Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. (Thurber) Sum. Res.: Grand Pointe. Mich. 26 Ferry ayenue, \'ir. Miss Catharine R. \"\:--aldo, 122 Mr. Harold Viger - Miss Eloise R. \"\Taldo Mr. Edward R. Viger, Jr. Clubs, l\fr. 25-33-37-103-:\Irs. 91-122 Figures refer to club members-see front of boo;:. DETROIT 125

~Valdon, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Sidney D. (Burton) "'\Yalker, :VIr. and Mrs. Jame's Harrington 59 Josephine aYenue (Talman) Sum. Res. : Fisherton Farm, Pon· S73 Jefferson aYenue tiac. :\Iich. Sum. Res. : Magnolia. :\lass. :Mrs. Florence "·aldon Recei Yes Frida;\· Clubs, :\Irs. 2 5-3 7 :\Ir. F. Caldwell \\Talker vraldron, :\Ir. and :\Irs. \Yilliam A. :.\.Iiss Mary ::\Iargaret "-alker (King) Clubs, :\Ir. S-25-37-52-134 197 Seminole aYenue ,~:alker, Mr. and :\frs. James ::\Iarshall Clubs, ::\Ir. 165-:\frs. 165 (Mix) 210 Grand boule,-ard, E. Walker, :\Ir. Bryant Clubs, :\'.Irs. 19-33-91-112 4 5 Alfred street Sum. Res.: Huron :\fountain Club "-alker. ::\'fiss Jennie C. Clubs, :\Ir. 32-37-10:~-10S-153 2 2 Forest a Yenue. E. )Irs. E. :\I. Gaylord "'\Yalker, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Charles R. \Yalker, )Ir. and )Irs. John (Paton) (Elizabeth R. Da'\\·son) 4 7 Edmund place 736 Cass a\·enue ~Ih-s Irene :\I. Walker Clubs, :\Ir. :33-:~7-66-1-17-162 Clubs. )Ir. 33-44-60. Ro;\·al Canadian ,Yalker. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Edward C. Yacht Cluh-)Irs. 17-19-42-S9-91- "·alkerYille. Ont. 122-131 Clubs, :\!rs. 163 \Yalker, l\Ir. and :\Ir:::::. John X. 10.::;3 Jefferson awnue ,Valker, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Edward J. (:\Ioebs) \\-alker, )Ir. and )!rs. Joseph Y. 526 Baldwin aYenue 1 Thompson) Clubs. :\fr. 149 307 ~Iedbury a,enue "-alker, Dr. and )!rs. Thaddeus (Da\""iS) vralker, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Edward Mansfield ""\YalkerYille, Ont. (Reed) Clubs, Dr. ;:;, 190 Owen aY('nue Clubs, l\:Ir. 41-96-123-Mrs. 122 Walker, ::\Ir. and ::\Irs. \Yilliam D. (Xichols) \\·alker, Dr. and :VIrs. Frank Banghart 4!) Hhod(' Island aYenue. H. P. (Jacobs) Clul>s, ::\Ir. 44 · 115 "\Ya tson street ,,-alker, :\Ir. and :Mrs. \Yilliam :M. :\Ir. and :.\tirs. Thomas Stephen (O'Holloran) DaYies (Jacobs) 28,G Grand BoulcYarcl, E :\lr. Roger Yenning "·alker Walker, ::\Ir. and )!rs. ·wm. Theodore Clubs, Dr. 67-123-12-1-126-1-15-:\1:r~. (\Yayne) 67-91 237 \Y(>bb a,·enue "'\Yalker, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Franklin Hiram Clubs. )Ir. 3:1 (Holbrook) ,,-alker, )Ir. and )!rs. ""\Yillia m \Yayne ··850 .Jefferson aYenue , Howell:-:, Clubs, l\Ir. S-25-37-52-103-134 -1-12 Iluhhard an•nue 1Valker, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Harrington E. Hl•c<.'in•::.: Thursday ( ::\Iarfie-) \t·a11ace, )Ir. and )!rs. DaYid (Balmer) \\:'"alkerYille, Ontario -U Cbandh'r a,Pnue Clubs. :\fr. 25-12 3 )Ir. Harold L. \Yn llace \\-alker, l\Ir. and ::\frs. Harry C. \\-anace. ~Ir. Frank B. (Tidd) 843 Jc-fferson an'nue 21 Dela'\\·are aYenue :\Ir.. James I. \Yallace Sum. Res.: Pointe aux Barques Clubs. Mr. 3-11-33-39--1-1-45-63-73-110- Wallace. )Ir. and :\!rs. Edward B. (Clark) 162 (iO Rhode Island ~n-enue ,,-allacc-. :\Irs. George (Paton) Walker, :Mr. and :\!rs. Henry L. 4:3 ::\Iartin place ( r,·es) )Iiss Jeannette "\Yallace 197 Iroquois aYenue :\frs. Henry X. "'\Yalker. 26-93 ·wallace. Dr. and )Irs. G<'orge C. (Odell) ::\Iiss Elizabeth G. "'\Yalker 272 Hancock aYenue. E Clubs. Mr. 25-33-34-37-10:3-:\lr!:=. 26- :\Iiss Ione Odell · 93 \"\"allace, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Harry G. ()Iartin) Walker. ~Ir. and :\Irs. Hiram II. 763 )fount Elliott a,enue · (Stroh) "\\·allace. :\Ir. Hazelton A. "·alkerYille, Ont. 1W3S Second a"\""enue Clubs, ::\Ir. 25-123, also "·alke>rYille Clubs. :\Ir. 44 Country Club and "·alkerYille \\·allacc-_. :\Ir. and Mrs. Hugh Boat Club (ArmE>s) 'Walker. :\Ir. James 3~ Yirginia Park -H "Tillis a Yenue, E. Cluhs. )Ir. 12-33-34-:\Irs. 122 Mr.s :\Iargaret Cleland ("·allier) \Yallace. ::\Ir. and )Irs. "'\Y. Axery (Berster) l\:Iiss :\Iarjorie l\'I. Cleland 154 Virginia Park Figures refer to clHb members-see frnnt of boo~. 126 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Walsh. :\Ir. and )Irs. John (Stackpole) Warner. ).liss Hanna T. G96 Trumbull aYenue Care )Irs. Cook, 30 Bagg street llr. John J. '\Yalsh ,,arner, Dr. and )Irs. J. H. (Brooks) )Iiss Katharyne Walsh 274 Seyburn avenue )Ir. and l\Irs. James E. Barrett (Walsh) ,, arner, )Ir. and lfrs. James T. (Powell) )Ir. James E. Walsh 255 Grand boulevard, ,v )Iiss Alice Walsh '\Yarner, )Iiss :Martha S. Clubs, l\Irs. 148 7 4 Pitcher street Walsh, l\frs. )Iary A. (Flattery) )!rs. H. A. Bishop (\\Tarner) 8 112 Alfred street :\liss Helen L. Bishop Sum. Res.: Owen Sound, Ont. Clubs, :\!rs. 22-lfiss 8 Dr. Charles R. Walsh Warren, )Iiss Anna J. )Ir. Thomas J. Walsh Care of :Mrs . .Anthony, 79 Winder l\Iiss Linnie ·walsh street )Iiss Aloysius G. '\Yalsh '\Yarren, )Ir. and :\Irs. Benjamin Streeter l\Irs. Grace ,Yalsh Kennedy (Latta) Walters, )Ir. and lirs. Frank (Palmer) Grosse Pointe Shores 49 Erskine street Clubs, Mr. 15-25-29-34-3 i-5.2-103-134- Clubs, )Ir. 32 163-~\Irs. 168 "'i.Varren. :\Ir. and :VIrs. Charles A. "'... alters, )Ir. and )Irs. Henry C. (Gordon) · ( \\-hi tney) Grosse Pointe Shores i 89 Cass a ,·enue Clubs. )Ir. 32-33-39-44-45-124 and lirs. Hattie L. Fox: )Iichigan Bar Association Clubs. l-Ir. 12-33-36-66-S3-96-116-135 Walton, )Ir. ~d )!rs. Eugene (Lyon) -:\Irs. 26-94-96-122-128-137 448 Woodward avenue Warren, :\Ir. and llrs. Charles Beecher Clubs, l\Ir. 66 ('\Yetmore) Waples, lliss l-Iarcia P. S25 Jeffer·son avenue Care l\Irs. licl\Iullen, 127 Atkinson Receives Friday a,enue Clubs, )Ir. 25-32-33-37-123-12-1-134- Clubs, Miss 22-95 153-llrs. 132 '\Vard. llrs. Eber ( Xicol) '\Varren, :\Ir. and llrs. Charles W. (W"ood) 289 Hurlbut avenue Royal Oak, :l'Iich. Sum. Res. : St. Clair, liich. Clubs, Mr. 33-116 ·ward, l\Ir. and )Irs. Herbert E. (Nice) '\Varren, lliss Elizabeth B. 2S9 Hurlbut a-venue Care of Mrs. Buhl, 1610 Jefferson llrs. Eber ·ward avenue \\:-arren. :\fr. and :\frs. Homer ,,rard, l\Ir. and )Irs. Louis F. (Danaher) · ( Flora l-1. Perry) 97 Ferr)· aYenue. E 778 Cass avenue Sum. Hes. : Ludington, :\Iich. Clubs, :\Ir. 11-25-33'-37-44-45-66-103- :\liss l\Iabel .:\. ·ward 14 ,-:\Irs. 1:'.!2 )Ir. Leonard Ward ,Yarren, Dr. and llrs. \\'ads-worth Clubs, l\Ir. 25-33-37-44-Mrs. 122 (Birdsall) Ward. )Ir. and l\Irs. 'Willis C. 21 Van Dyke place · Orchard Lake, )Iich. Receives Friday lliss )Iarjorie L. 1·rard Clubs. Dr. 2-34-37-10S-124-)Irs. 9- llr. Harold L. Ward 16-54-58-S2 Clubs, )Ir. 11-25-37-lirs. 53 'wasey, :\Ir. and :!.Vlrs. Edward G. '\Yardell, :\Irs. Elias ·w. (Wilson) (\\-illike) 29 Hague a,enue 1S70 Second avenue Miss Frances Edna \\Tardell Clubs, :\Ir. 32-33-34-39-7 S-99-129- Clubs, :\:Ir. 147-)Irs. 95 llrs. 20 Waterman, )Ir. and l\Irs. Cameron B. ,,ardrop. )Ir. and :\Irs. Xon·aI (Sulli'\"an) (:Miller) 12, Delaware avenue Grosse Pointe Clubs, )Ir. 33 Clubs, l:Ir. 25-123 Wardwell. )Ir. and )lrs. Harold F. (Russel) ,Yaterman, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Cameron D. 20:3 geyburn a Yenue (Beach) Clubs, )Ir. 5-123-)Irs. 6-25-29-77-162 1.25 Lafayette boulevard Sum. Res. : "The Lilacs,·• Grosse \Yarner. :\Irs. Alice B. (Burr) Ile 47 ·warren aYenue, E Receives Tuesdav :\Ir. Ira D. Waterman 25 Warner. Mr. and )Irs. Cecil Clubs, )fr. 11-15-25-29-37-52-103-133- ;jQ Glendale avenue 135-:\Irs. 19-~5-29-94 ,·r arner, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Edward L. \\-aterman, :Mr. and ~Irs. Frederick S. (De Graff) (Armitage) 165 Theodore street 67 Dela\\·are avenue Clubs. )Ir. 44-)Irs. 44 Clubs, :\Ir. 33 Figures refer to dub members-sec f1·ont of boo~. DETROIT 127

Waterman, :VIr. and :\Irs. :Noble J. Webber, llrs. ::\Iary C. (Abbey) (Tompkins) 98 Kenilworth avenue i2 Seward avenue Sum. Res. : Bois Blanc Island, :\iiiss Winifred Tompkins Straits of liackinac Waters, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Dudley E. ,Vebber, :\Ir. Richard H. Grand Rapids, l\Iich. 6 3 Bos ton boulevard East Clubs, :Mr. 116 Clubs, :\Ir. 25-33-34-135 "-·eber, :\'Ir. and Mrs. Frank J. (:Mayworm) "raters, l\Ir. and :\frs. Judd R. (Cross) 108 Brady street 57 Hazelwod avenue Sum. Res.: "\Valkerville, Canada :\ilr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Cross Clubs, l\Ir. 36 Clubs, l\Ir. 135 Weber, :Mr. and :Mrs. Henry C. (Schwartz) "Waterworth, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Thomas Edward 660 Grand boulevard East ( Florence Prime Wilkinson) :\Iiss Delia L. ,Yeber 122 3i Rosedale court :\Iiss Aline C. \\:-eber 122 Receives "\Yednesday :.\Ir. Herbert S. \\·eber Clubs, Mr. "Cnitarian :\!en's Club­ lir. Charles H. Weber :\Irs. 60-61-143 Clubs. :\fr. 73-110 ·Watkins, Dr. and llrs. George B. (Helen "\Yeber, :\Ir. Joseph F. Lincoln) 62 Eliot street 49i Second avenue. "The Ansonia" Sum. Res. : St. Clair Flats Dr. and :\Irs. G. Lincoln "\Yatkins :\Iiss :\Iary Elizabeth \\:-eber 6-94 (Pueblo, Colo.) ~Ir. Thomas Maybury "-"eber Dr. and :\Irs. Ralph E. Watkins :Miss Jane T. ,veber (Vassar, l\Iich.) Clubs, :\-Ir. 33 :\Ir. Frank D. ,Vatkins ( Pueblo, "\Vebster, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Arthur (Russell) Colo.) 113 :\Iedbury aYenue Clubs. Dr. 96-:\-Irs. 26-95-96 Clubs, :\Ir. 32-33-34-7 8-123 Watling, :\Ir. and Mrs. John W. (Rice) Weed, Dr. and Mrs. Odillion B. (Xewton) Care of 320 Ford building 158 Kirby a,enue West Sum. Res. : Pine Lake Weil, :\Ir. and ~Irs. ::\Ioe C. (Waldheim) Clubs, l'Ir. 34-44-123-:.\Irs. 60 2 5 Yfrginia Park v\""atson, Dr. and lfrs. Milton T. (Ryan) :\:Iiss Florence :X. \\-en 865 Second avenue Clubs, :\Ir. 106-135 Clubs, Dr. 11-33-34-126-162-::\'.lrs. 122 Weir, :\!rs. .James Douglas (Provanso) 695 Jefferson avenue ,~rattles, :\Iiss Helen lL Sum. Res. : Willow Bank, Grosse Care of ~Irs. Webb, 50 :Madison Pointe Farms avenue ReceiYes Friday Way, !\fr. Arthur F. Clubs. Mrs. 25-91-93-112, also Chil­ Grosse Pointe Farms dren's Free Hospital and Women's Cl'ubs, liir. 25 Exchange Weitzel, l\Ir. and :VIrs. \\-iliam B. ( Br3,·son) \\:-ay, liirs. Frances :\L (:\I.D.) (Tripp) 120 ":--ebb street 18 .Adelaide street ,velch, l\Ir. and ::\Irs. Chas. Hosmer :\Ir. George P. Way 161 Forest avenue \\:-. Clubs, :\Irs. 122 \\:-ells, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Daniel (Lennox) \\:-eadock. :\Ir. Bernard F. -16 \\-oodward terrace Lenox Apartments Clubs, :\Ir. 33-3-1-37-66-7i-105-123, ,,,-eadock, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Thomas A. E. and Sigma Phi-::\,Irs. 77-120-151 ( Curtiss) "\Yells, :\Irs. \\:--illiam Hubbard (Yan Husan) 102 Fern· avenue E. 550 Jefferson avenue Receh·es ·Thursday "Welstead, :lirs. Alice \Y. (Pickell) :\Ir. Paul ,Veadock 1 S Hague a \·enue :\Iiss Weadock :\Ir. Charles :\I. \\-elstead :\Iiss l-Ionica W'"eadock \Yelt, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Louis (Meyerfeld) ~Ir. George P. \\·eadock 70 Hancock avenue East Clubs. :\fr. 32-37-78-123-:\Irs. 2 6 :VIr. Joseph :M. Welt 67 "-·eaver, l\Ir. and :.\Irs. Franklin L. (Elliott) :\Iiss Rose l\Ie~·erfeld 75 25 E. W"illis avenue Clubs, :\Ir. 106-:\Irs. 75-122 \\:-elt, :\Ir. and :Mrs. :\'.fC'h-ille S. Webb, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Eudora B. ("'\'i:attles) ( Oberfelder) Lenox Apartment Hotel 25 Connecticut avenue l\Iiss Helen ~I. \\:-attles Clubs, :\frs. 122 :\fr.• Jarvis B. \\·ebb 34 "\Yelton, :\Ir. and :VIrs. Harrison E. (Beard) Clubs. Mr. 66-:\Irs. 148 129 Palmer avenue East Webb, :\Ir. and :\Irs. George Herbert "\Yendell, l\Ir. and Mrs. Emory (Torrey) 60 Hancock avenue ":--· 52 Forest avenue East Clubs, :\Ir. 44 Receives Thursday Webb, :\Irs. :\Iary H. :Miss \Yinifred Lee "\Yendell 2181 Jefferson avenue East Clubs, :\Irs. 26-93-113 Figures refer to club members-see front of boo'!c. 128 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Wendell, Mr. and Mrs. John H. (Visscher) \"\"heeler, l\Ir. and Mrs. Edgar S. (Deniston) 159 Fort street West 76 Pingree a,·enue Sum. Res.: Larkspur, Bloomfield Sum. Res. : Ste. Claire Flats Hills, Mich. Miss Bess lVI. ~Theeler Receives Tuesdav Clubs, Mr. 66 )!rs. Mary Yisscher: 26-113 Wheeler, Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. (Kingsley) Clubs, Mr. 25-33-35-103-Mrs. 19-26- 151 High street East 113 Dr. Charles M. Wheeler Wenger, Mr. and )!rs. Emil P. (Olshausen) 100 Pallister avenue ~Theelock. Mrs. William A. (Baker) Clubs, Mr. 37-44 39 Tuxedo avenue H. P. Werneken, Mr. Frank S. Miss Geraldine l\I. Wheelock 3 0 3 The Pasadena ~Thelden, Mr. and :\Irs. Frank H. l\!iss Helen Scott ·werneken 122 (Hopkins) Mr. Frank E. Werneken 25-3-1: 121 Field avenue Clubs, Mr. 25-34-37-103 Clubs, :v.Ir. 33-3i-45-162-:Mrs. 122 West, Mr. George M. \\:-berry. l\Irs. Elizabeth (Durfee) 3 0 Edmund Place 109 Pingree avenue Miss Bessie ~·est 19-26-87 l\Iiss Camilla ~·berry Clubs, Mr. 11-12-25-33-34-37-83-87-116 Whipple, l\Irs. Hannah 1\1. (O'Neill) Westcott, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. ~Tard. Jr. 731 Second avenue (Squier) Mr. F. o. w·hipple 29 Buena Vista avenue East H. P. l\Irs. J. R. Babcock ( O'Xeill) Westcott, Capt. and :vrrs. John \\·. ( Crane) Clubs, l\iirs. 1-13 142 Hancock avenue West Miss liary Louise \\Testcott "\Yhirl, l\Ir. and :VIrs. John J. ( Sparks) Hotel Plaza. 36 Madison avenue Mr. Charles H. ~restcott l\Ir. Alvin :\'I. ·\\:-hirl Clubs. :\:Ir. 66-119 Miss Helen Sparks \\Thirl Wetherbee. Mr. George C. 777 Cass avenue Clubs, :Mr. ll-33-44-88-102-135-162- Clubs, :\'.Ir. 79-96-116-127 Mrs. 148 Wetmore, Mr. and Mrs. Ale~nder B. "\Yhitall, Gen. Samuel R. (Henderson) Grosse Ile 412 The Pasadena l\Ir. Louis \\.,.hi tall Mr. Charles Wainwright Stephens \\~hitbeck, :\Ir. and l:Irs. Ansel Ellis Mr. Frank March Stephens (Bates) Miss Edith D. "\Vetmore 609 John R. street Clubs, :\:Ir. 25-34-37-116 Sum. Res. : ~:-alker\"ille, Canada. Wetmore. Mrs. Charles Hurlbut (Buel) Recei\·es \\·eanesday 876 Jefferson a,enue Clubs. :\fr. 11-66 Receives Friday '\Yhitcomb, :l\-Irs. Cummings D. ('Webber) Mr. Buel Wetmore 25-123 182 Henry street. Mr. J. McMillan ,Vetmore 123 '\Yhitcomb. l\'.Ir. and l\-Irs. Edgar B. ( Scripps) Wetmore. Mr. Ernest Curtenius 40 Pitcher street 1055 Jefferson avenue l\•Ir. James S. "\Yhitcomb Miss !\I. Blanche ,Vetmore 2 6 :\Iiss Harriet G. \\:-hitcomb Miss :Mary E. Curtenius 2 6 Clubs. :\Ir. 37-45-1-:li-Mrs. Parmenas Miss Anna C. ~retmore Study Club Clubs, Mr. 25-37-116-134 "\Yhite, l\Ir. and 1\-Irs. Albert E. F. Wetzel, :\fr. and :\:Irs. Jesse G. (Brown) (Van Court) 193 Euclid aYenue ·w. 61 Alfred street Clubs, l\Ir. )Ianager of 37 Clubs, l\Ir. 12-25-37-66 Weyhing. ~Ir. and Mrs. Burt T. (Hardy) "\Yhite, Mr. and l\Irs. C. E. 276 St. Paul street Stanton Farms, Grosse Ile Weyhing, Mr. and Mrs. George L. l\Ir. Kenneth "\V'hite (Maxwell) ,Vhite, l\Ir. and Mrs. Charles S. ( Dutton) The Penrose 11 O Virginia Park Weyhing. l\fr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mr. Wilbur White (Jackson) l\'.Iiss l:Iarguerite D. White 804 Field avenue l\fiss Kathleen E. \\Thi te Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. (\\rild) Clubs, :\Irs. 122 117 Avery aYenue White, l\fr. and Mrs. Frank P. (:\Iann) Sum. Res. : Pine Lake, l\Iich. 161 Tennyson avenue Wheeler, Dr. Charles M. '\Yhite, Mr. and :\Irs. H. Kirke (Fortier.) 151 High street East 3 7 High street East Wheeler, l\'.Ir. and Mrs. Ebenezer S. (Fuller) Sum. Res. : Siasconset, Mass. 76 Delaware avenue Clubs, Mr. 12-3i Mr. and Mrs. l\Iaurice "Wheeler \\.hite, l\Ir. and :vlrs. H. Kirke. Jr. (Hoag) (Truesdale) 1807 \\·oodward avenue Clubs. Mr. 7-41-123, also l\!ich Engi­ Sum. Res. : Spring Lake, :Mich. neering Society Clubs, Mr. 25-33-34-3i-44-123-~r. 25 Figures refer to ciub members-see front of boo~. DETROIT 129

White, Dr. and :\Irs. J. Vernon (Holmes) \\rhittemore. :\Ir. and :Mrs. Laurence J. 88 Putnam avenue (Putnam) White, :\Ir. and Mrs. Kirby B. (Xash) 98 Burlingame aYenue 78 .Antoinette street Clubs, Mr. 78-96-114-116-123-135- Clubs, :\Ir. 34 lirs. 26-122 White, Dr. and Mrs. Oliver Wilson ,Vhittemore, l\Ir. and Mrs. W. Nelson ( Olive E. Luick) (:Miller) Boston boulevard 1465 Brush street Sum. Res. : Topinabee, )Iicb. Clubs, Mr. 11-34 Clubs, Dr. 33-.J:-!-12-1-126-135-:.\Irs. \Yhittlesey, :\Ir. and Mrs. :Matthew B. 155 . (Hargreaves) 109 Rowena street "Whitehead, :\Ir. and Mrs. James T. ( Frazer) Mr. -! 5 Rowena street Clubs, 32-33-34-36-123-124 Sum. Res. : Harbor Beach. lVIich. Whitton, l\Irs. F. B. (Boynton) l\Ir. James Frazer ~·hitehead 34 85 Hancock avenue West :\Ir. Thomas C. Whitehead, 117 Clubs, ::VIrs. 9-67-122 liiss l:Iary Elizabeth "\Vhitehe2.d "\'tickersham, :Mr. J. Ward Clubs, l"Ir. 12-25-30-34-37-4.J:-lirs. 109 Charlotte avenue 91-9-1 Clubs, :\Ir. 36 \\.hiteley. :\Ir. and :\!rs. Robert H. K. "\Yicks, lirs. Caroline (Eberts) 3087 Grand boulevard West 292 Hurlbut avenue l\Iiss Helen Le Baron \\71iteley "\Yicks, Dr. and :VIrs. Edwin H. ( Farthing) 185 Seward avenue Whiteman. Dr. and l'.Irs. w·"ilbert J. (Koch) Clubs, Dr. 157-:\Irs. 95 1200 Brush street Clubs, Dr. 36 "\Yidman, :\Ir. and Mrs. Albert U. (Yerge) 35 Marston court w·hiting, l\ilr. and l\Irs. Frederick W. Clubs, :\Ir. 33 ( l'lcGeorge-Stafford) Grosse Pointe Farms ,Vidman, :\Ir. and l\Irs. John C. Clubs, :Mr. 25-32-34-36-123-134-Mrs. ( Kief ha ber) 9-94 79 Canfield avenue East Whiting, Mr. and ~Irs. James A. (Jennings) :\Ir. Frank \\.,.idman 795 Cass avenue l\Ir. David C. Widman :Mr. Howard l\L \Yhiting :\Ir. Arthur Widman Clubs, lir. 30 Clubs, Mr. 33 Whitmarsh. Mr. and :\Irs. \\.illiam H. "\Yidman, :\Ir. and Mrs. Joseph William (D<;xter) (Campbell) 580 Second a¥enue 204 Atkinson aYenue :VIr. and :\Irs. John J. Timlin (Whit­ • :Miss Ethel Widman marsh) Clubs, Mr. 34 :Miss Allan Clubs, :\Jr. 34 Wiggins, :\Irs. Harriet (Cogswell) Whitney, l\Ir. and :Mrs. Bertram Cecil 3S8 Second aYenue (Larned) "\Vig ht, Mr. and l\'.lrs. Henry A. ( Strong) Grosse Pointe, lfich. 197 Parker avenue :\'.Irs. Sylvester Larned Sum. Res. : Pike Creek, Ont. Clubs. Mr. 25-33-34-3i-45-6i-i3-96-103- Receives Friday 116-135-:VIrs. 6-26-2 i-42-67-85-86- \\'.""igle, ).Ir. and :Mrs. William R. (Fox) 89 - 90-91-92-93-.94-113-122-13"2-151- ~01 Clairmount avenue 162-163-164-165 Clubs, :\'.Ir. 33 Whitney, :\!rs. David "\Vilco:x, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Alfred F. ( Millington) _825 \\'.""oodward avenue Oakland place. w·oodward avenue, Whitney, l\Ir. and :\!rs. David C. ( l!arshall) Royal Oak P. O. "Ridgemont," Grosse Pointe Farms Receives Tuesday :\Ir. David l\L ,Vhitney Clubs, ·:i1rs. 26 Clubs. l\iir. 25-30-34-37-103-16::!-:Mrs. \\-ilcox, :\-Ir. and ::\:Irs. Clarence Edward 120-132 . 24-1 Pallister avenue Whitne;\·, l\Ir. and Mrs. Granger (Pittman) "Wilcox, :\Ir. and Mrs. Frank P. (Dutton) 262 Grand boulevard \\·est 866 Cass avenue Clubs. :\Ir. 108-123 ~·na, ~Ir. and :\Irs. Wm. L. (Brooks) \Yhittaker, )fr. and :Mrs. Thomas G. 111 Atkinson avenue (Bailey) Sum. Res. : Pine Lake, Mich. 2 2 81 Grand bouleYard West l\Ir. and Mrs. Melville D. "\"Vilson ::\Iiss Eliza J. \\Thi ttaker (~-ild) :\Iiss Grace "Whittaker Clubs, l\Ir. 44 :\Iiss Gertrude Whittaker ,Vilder, l\ir. and :\Irs. Bert C. (Cogswell) Whittemore, :\Ir. and :\Irs. James (Leggett) 146 Hazelwood aveuue 67 Garfield avenue Sum. Res. : Hickory Island, :\Iich. :\Iiss :\:Iargaret F. \\nittemore 122 :\Ir.· Gerald F. Wilder Clubs, Mr. 32-33-3-!-37-44-108-135, also :\-Ir. Cyril H. ~'.""ilder Toledo Club, Toledo, Ohio-:lirs. :\Ir. Bert C. Wilder, Jr. 74-122 Clubs, :\:Ir. 116-119 Figures refer to club mernbers-see front of boo~- 130 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Denny 0. (Willits) Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Hatry l\I. (Lyons) 2 84 Hancock a venue West · 2897 Grand boulevard East Clubs, Mr. 33-Mrs. 148 Clubs, llrs. 95 Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. George (Doeltz) ~·illiams, Mrs. · Henry (Silk) 4 0 Pallister a venue 51 Kirby avenue West Mr. George S. Wiley Sum. Res. : Pointe aux Barques Mr. Robert D. Wiley Mrs. W. X. Silk - Clubs, Mr. 12-33-34-Mrs. 122 Mr. and Mrs. ·wm. Harrison Morgan Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson (Williams) ( Cunningham) Clubs. Mrs. 122 103 Virginia Park Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Henrv P. (Mennen) Miss Mary H. Wiley 91 Merrick avenue w Miss Margaret W. Wiley Clubs, l\fr. 34-37 Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. John D. (Safford) ~·illiams, l\Ir. and Mrs. J. Farrand 300 Putnam avenue (Beckley) Clubs, Mrs. 148 4 5 7 "\Voodward a venue Wilkie, Mr. and Mrs. James (Warren) Clubs, Mr. 25-34-123-133-164 286 Hancock avenue West Williams, :Mr. and Mrs. James F. (Chene) 220 Putnam avenue Clubs, . Mrs. 64 Receives Fridav Wilkie, Mr. and Mrs. Warren (Stuart) Clubs, Mr. 63-73 . . 12 Forest avenue East Williams, i\!r. and Mrs. Jay Fletcher Wilkins, Mr. Charles Trowbridge (Bloore) 51 Chandler avenue 50 Euclid avenue West Clubs, l\:Ir. 25-32-33-34-37-72-78-79-88- \\rilliams, Miss Jennv M. 116-123-124-134, also Delta Kappa The Withereil, 919 Jefferson avenue Epsilon Club, X. Y. Receives Friday Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ross (Ward) Mrs. Julius W. Hascall ("Williams) 621 Jefferson avenue Mr. · and Mrs. William Wilkins Williams, Mrs. Mack H. (Moore) 87 Medbun· aYellue Miss Thyrza W. Wilkins Williams, Mr. and Mrs. :Maurice 0. Miss Elizabeth T. Wilkins (Gregory) Clubs, Mr. 15 567 Jefferson avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-25-34-116 Wilkinson, Mrs. Albert H. (Allen) "\Villiams, Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. 380 Cadillac avenue (Farrand) Miss Margaret Allen 457 Woodward avenue Clubs, ::\Irs. Det. Hist. Soc. Clubs. l\'.Ir. 25-123 Wilkinson-, :\Ir. Charles M. Williams, Mr.· and ::\Irs. Walter H. 876 Second avenue ( Churchill) Mr. Albert W. Flint 19 Marston avenue Willette, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. (Martz) Clubs, Mr. 33-34-37 1127 Jefferson avenue Williams, Mr. and ::\frs. William C. Clubs, Mr. 37 (Murray) Williams. Bishop and Mrs. Charles D. The Norveil, 550 Jefferson avenue (Benedict) Clubs, Mr. 6-12-25-29-36-44-:VJ:rs. 25- 3 2 Stimson place 27-29-94-113 Sum. Res. : Les Chenaux Islands Williams, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Miss Elizabeth Williams (Phillips) Miss Annie C. Williams 307 Commonwealth aYenue Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Brett (Bogota, Mr. Charles C. Williams N. J.) l\Ir. Vinson ~rnuams Miss Mary Olivia Williams Mr. Robert ~rnuams Mr. Chas. D. Williams, Jr. Williams, :\Ir. Wm. K. Clubs, Bishop, 37-116, also Citv Club 512 Addison apartments N. Y., Arthurs Club of Boston, and Clubs, l\Ir. 25-34-123-124 Cobden Club, London. Eng. ~-''illiamson, Dr. and Mrs. Hedley (Kane) Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larned 184 Hancock avenue East (Hoyt) Clubs, Dr. 44 60 Erskine street Williamson. Mr. and l-Irs. John, Jr. Clubs. :M:r. 158-Mrs. 26-91 (Stewart) 138 California avenue H. P. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Sum. Res. : Grosse Ile, Mich. 183 Commonwealth avenue Miss OliYe ,\Tilliamson Clubs, l\Irs. 22. Miss Lillian S. Williamson Williams, Mr. Frank B. :Miss Edith ""illiamson 266 Kirb:r avenue West Clubs, Mr. 39 Mr. Donald D. Williams Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. John •E. Miss Mildred Williams (Gordon) Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison G. 615 Fourteenth a-,enue (Davies) Sum. Res. : Lakeside Straits of 38 Woodward terrace Mackinac. Cheboygan, ::\Iich. Receives Wednesday Clubs, l\Ir. 102-146-:Mrs. 42 Figures refer to club members-see front of book. DETROIT 131

Williamson. l\f:r. and :Mrs. Thomas (Carter) Wineman, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Henry (Boden) 898 Cass avenue 100 Pingree avenue Sum. Res.: Grosse Ile, Mich. Miss MinerYa Wineman Clubs, Mr. 33-39-66 Miss Helene V\Tineman Wills, Mr. and ):Irs. C. Harold (Preston) 1\ring, l\Ir. and Mrs. Austin E. (Sterling) 39 Bethune avenue \\-... est 178 McDougall aYenue ·clubs, Mr. 33-37-44 Clubs, Mr. 12-34-37 Wills, Mr. and Mrs. David H. F. (Bigsby) \Ying, Mrs. Elizabeth T. (Thurber) 190 Longfellow avenue 200 McDougall aYenue Clubs, l\Irs. 26-113 Wilson: Capt. and Mrs. Charles L. (Keal) 164: \\Tillis avenue 1Vest Wing, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson T. (Axford) Miss Leah \Yilson 1886 Woodward avenue )fr. J. Thurber \\:--ing Wilson, l\Ir. and Mrs. Charles R. Clubs, Mr. 33-34-36-37-:\Irs. 122 (Lulu A. Welling) 69 Frederick avenue Winningham. l\Ir. and lirs. Chas. C. Mr. C. Haines Wilson 11-33-34-45-135 (Dungan) Clubs, l\fr. 33-162-Mrs. 42-7 4-122-137 427 E. Grand boulevard Clubs, :\Ir. 34-37-45 Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. Harold (Gran's) 357 Seminole street 1Vinter, Dr. and Mrs. James A. (Sackrider) l\Iiss Unity F. \\·ilson 100 Lafayette boulevard Clubs, Dr. 108-1:rn-Mrs. 20 )!rs. l\Iary S. \\Tinter Miss Louise A. \\·inter v\''Uson, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. (Little) Clubs, Dr. 127 2 4 Marston court l\Iiss Crickett 1\:--ilson ( Liggett \\.,.irts, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Stephen l\I. (Arnold) School) 84 Hague avenue Clubs, :Mr. 33-39-44-66 1Volfschlager, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. \\·ilson, Mr. and l\Irs. James ( Sutton) (Hollands) 107 Ferry a venue East 770 Second a,enue Sum. Res. : Orchard Lake. :\Iich. Sum. Res. : St. Clair, :\Iich. Miss )Iargaret H. ""Wilson ReceiYes Friday . Clubs. :\Ir. 119-l-Irs. 42-61-89-122 Vi.,.ilson, l\'.Ir.-- and :Mrs. James E. ( Hare) Wohlgemuth, :\-Ir. and ~Irs. 1\'Iortime.r 6 2 B~g ~trect (Becker) Clubs, Mr. 66 97 Forest avenue E. Vi:--ilson. :Mr. and Mrs. John C. (Josl~"n) ·wohlgemuth. Mr. and :\Irs. ~roses · 58 King a,·enue 290 Kirby avenue West :\-Ir. Charles D. Joslyn Miss J<'annette Wohlgemuth 1Yilson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. (Chipman) Miss Hazel A. \\-.,.ohlgemuth 7 4 :\Ielbourne a,enue \\-·ood, l\Ir. Albert F. l\Ir. Stanley C. \\Tilson 135 164 Fort street \\'est \Yilson, ··:\Ir. and l\-Irs. Lucius E. (Bramer) Mr. Sheldon A. 1\... ood 116 2403 W. Grand boulevard Clubs, :\Ir. 116 Clubs, lfr. 37 \\·ood, Mr. Andrew C. \\... ilson, Mr. and Mrs. Melville D. (\\... ild) 31.5 Grand boulevard West 111 Atkinson aYenue :\Ir. Hugh J. \\.,.ood 116 :\fiss Grace l-!. \\·ood "Wilson, Mr. and l\Irs. Philip J. (\\:--ilkinson) Miss June ·wood 217 Vinewood avenue Clubs. :\Ir. 116 \\·nson, l\frs. \\". E. (Davis) \\:--ood, Mr. Cooper 46 ""\Yillis aYenue East 305 The Pasadena Clubs. :Mr. 25-34-37-52-123-133-163, \\"ilson, ReY. and Mrs. William \\"arne alst Pittsburg Club of Pittsburg, (Thompson) and Yale Club of X. Y. 69 Theodore street l\Ir. Clarence \\Tarne \\Tilson 30-36-50 1Yood, Mr. and Mrs. James Schuyler Clubs, Rev. 30 (Philips) 2 5 Forest a Yenue East Wilt, l\fr. Abram D .. Jr. . Receh·es Monday 525 Jefferson aYenue Mr. Arthur Philips \\'"ood Clubs, Mr. 25-52-123 Miss Adalene Philips \\... ood ""Wilton, Mr. and Mrs. ·H. Leonard (.Tones) Miss Eleura Frederick Wood Grosse Ile, :Mich. ·wood, Mr. and llrs. John G. (Boydell) ~Iiss Dor.othy Wilton 81 Virginia. Park Clubs. :Mr. 37-66-135-llrs. 122-137 Clubs, :Mr. 11-45-66 1\"inckler, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. '\Vood, Mrs. Louisa (Chidsey) 54 Lawrence avenue 99 King avenue \\"oodbridge. l\Ir. and Mrs. Angus Cameron Sum. Res.: Algonac, Mich. (Leland) \\·ind, :\fr. and l\frs. C. Thomas (Simpson) 2980 Grand bouleYard West 415 Park,·iew avenue Sum. Res.: KingsYille. Ont. Clubs. Mr. 45 Recei Yes Thursday Figures refer to club members-see front of book. 132 ·.ruE SOCIETY BL'C'E BOOK

"Toodford, Mr. and :\Irs. Fred Van R. ~rorcester, Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. (Bury) (Kimball) 40 Seward avenue 115 Canfield a\"enue West Clubs, :\fr. 30-33 Miss Susan A. Worcester Woodhouse. Mr. John T. Worcester, lVIr. and lfrs John A. (Byrne) 167 Putnam avenue 49 Alexandrine avenue West M,iss Mary E. Woodhouse Miss Helen ·worcester Miss Ruth Helen Woodhouse (Briar­ ~rorcester, l\Ir. and Mrs. ·w·mard N. (Seely) cliffe Manor, N. Y.) 51 Rowena street Clubs, :Mr. 11-25-37-45-66-73, Aero l\Ir. Willard S. Worcester Club :\Ir. Philip I. Worcester (Morristown. Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. (Barnaby) X. J. School) 44 4 7 5 Grand boulevard East Miss :Mabel Worcester (Wellesley Mr. Wilfred J. ·woodruff College) Clubs, :\Ir. 116 :Miss Sarah C. Worcester Woodruff, l-Ir. and Mrs. Char)es A. Clubs, Mr. 44 (De Puy) · \\'~orden. :VIr. and ::\Irs. George Adelbert 919 Jefferson avenue · (lioody) Clubs. l\fr. 11-44-:\Irs. 122 7 5 Rowena street Sum. Res. : Harbor Beach, Mich. Woodruff. Mr. and l\frs. Fred (Kilbourne) Receives Wednesday Care of 4 7 5 East Grand boulevard Clubs, l\Ir. 123 Woodruff, Mr. and l\Irs. Fremont (Stevens) \Yorkman, l\iir and :Mrs. ~Tilliam H. -n ~ratson street (Chaffee) Sum. Res. : Charle\"oix, :V.Cich. 1045 St. Antoine street liir. Stevens Woodruff Sum. Res.: Rochester. Vermont Miss Ruth Woodruff 117 Clubs. Mr. 33-34-37-44-50-103-116-140 Wormer, l-fr. and l\frs. Clarkson C. -Mrs. 9-77 (Horton) The Palms, 44i Jefferson a\"enue "'ri.roodward, :\'.Ir. and l\Irs. A. M. Clubs, )Ir. 25-33-37-44-103 (Himmell) 200 Chandler avenue Wormer, :\Ir. and Mrs. Clarkson C., Jr. , Clubs, Mr. 36-44-:\1:rs. 95 (Klein) 79 Palmer avenue East Woodward, :\Ir. and :Mrs. James P. Clubs, Mr. 25-33-34-147 (Packard) 4 4 3 Commonweal th a venue Wormer, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Mrs. E. · :\I? Loomis (Copland) Miss Helene Woodward 511-512 Pasadena Apartments Sum. Res.: Lake Harbor, Mich. ·woodworth. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Clubs, l\Ir 25-33-37-44-140 (Voight) v\Tormer, Mrs. Grover S. 51 Erskine street The Palms,' 449 · Jefferson aYenue Woolfenden, :!.\Irs. Ella R. (Raymond) Wormer, :\Ir. and Mrs. Henry Grover 169 Ferry avenue W. (Hoar) Miss Belle C. Gray 46 Canfield aYenue East Mr. F. Raymond Woolfenden 116 Sum. Res. : Houghton, Mich. Miss Annie Woolfen den Clubs, Mr. 34-147 Woolfenden, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frederick Wreaks, Mr. and lirs. 1Yilliam B. (Perry) (Mackie) "Chesterfield Apts.," 608 Cass 264 Lincoln avenue avenue Clubs, llr. 116 Sum. Res. : '·Fleur de lis Lodge," Woolfenden. Mrs. George R. ( Conradth) Guilford. Conn. 450 Vinewood avenue Clubs, Mr. 37-123. also Detroit Ten­ :\'Cr. Charles K. Woolfenden nis Club. and 'Cni\"ersity Club of Mr. Frank J. Woolfenden ~- Y. City Miss Grace Woolfenden Wright. l\Ir. and Mrs. Charles (Kemlo) Miss Bessie Woolfenden 630 Jefferson avenue Clubs, Mrs. 60 Receives Friday Woolfenden. l\Ir. and Mrs. Joseph B. :\liss Helene 1Vright (Lumsden) :\fr. Charles Wright, Jr. 25-52-123- 25 Alexandrine avenue. East 133 Mr. John J. Woolfenderi 6 6 Clubs. :Mr. 25-34-67-116-:.\Irs. 67-120 :Miss Annie R Woolfenden Wright, :\Ir. and :\iirs. Cyrus (Blindbury) Clubs, :\Ir. 8-:\Irs. 42-60-91 786 Fourteenth avenue Woolley, Mr. and :V.Crs. George H. Receives Friday (Sherman) Wright, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Henry :\I. ( Haight) 42 Chicago boulevard 715 Jefferson aYenue Mr. l\Ialcoln E. Woolley :\Iiss Wright (Bryn :Mawr, Pa.) Clubs, Mrs. 122 :\-Iiss Winfiel<'l Wright Woolley, Mr. and Mrs. George H., Jr. Mr. Hemry H. Wright 25-133 (Peck) Mr. Edward F. "'ri.~right 1556 John R. street Clubs, :\'.Ir. 25-33-:\frs. 26-113· Figures refer to club me111 bers-see f 1·ont of boo~- DETROIT 133

""right, )Irs James X. (l-Iorse) Young, :VIr. and :\Irs. George A. (Campbell) 34 \\-·arren avenue East 3000 Grand boule,·ard East Sum. Res. : ::v.Ian-han-nock, St. Mrs. :\Iarion Campbell Clair. Mich. Young, :\Ir. and l:lrs. Louis B. ( O'Keefe) ReceiYeS l\Iondav 43 Forest avenu(' West :\fr. Philip Xorth iVright 164 Sum. Res. : Gull Lake, Mich. Clubs, )!rs. 91-96-120 :\Iiss Helen A. Young ,vright, Mr. and )Irs. OrYin J. (Heath) ::Miss Deborah F. Young 126 Euclid avenue \Yest Clubs, :\Ir. 66 Miss Louise ":-right Miss Leona ":-right Young, Rev. and Mrs. Thomas W. (Biddle) Clubs, l\Irs. 95-122 129 Pingree avenue "\Yright, ~Ir. and ::\Irs. Thomas K. ( Sto,er) Yunck, :\Ir. and l\'.Irs. William (Kirchner) The Pasadena 129 1Vatson street )Ir. \\'m. Karl Yunck 66-73 "'\\rurzer, Mr. and :\I rs. Louis C. (Henkel) :\Ir. Herman A. Yunck 129 8 Brush street · :\Ir. Siegfried \\r. Yunck Clubs, :Vlr. 25-32-55-73-78-123 Clubs, :\Ir. -73 \\-·ynn, ::\Irs. l\Iartha J 8 7 Hendrie a venue "'\\rynne, :VIr. and :\Irs. John, Jr. (Wilbur) ~ ABRISKIE. :\Ir. and :\!rs. Frederic Grosse Pointe Farms L (Brown) :\Ir. Harold E. "'\\rynne 33 Alexandrine avenue East l\Ir. Robert J. °\\~Ynne :\Ir. "William F. Zabriskie Clubs, Mr. 66-1\lrs. 122 Clubs. :\Ir. 29-48-:\lrs. 19-29-69-94 Zacharias, l\Ir. and Mrs. Allen H. (Wiley) 123 Yirginia Park ATES, )Irs. Burton ·w. (Hovey) Clubs, l\Ir. 34 48 Alexandrine aYenue ·west Sum. Res.: Pointe aux Barques, Zanger, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Gusta,· Vir. :\Ii ch. ( "'\\. oodbridge) Mr. Herbert H. Yates Grose;~ PClinte Farms Clubs. )Tr. 25-:Mrs. 25 'Yates, :\Ir. and Mrs J. S. (Beck) 162 Pallister avenue Zeiss, Dr. and :\-Irs. "'\\:-illiam ("'\\'.'"ood) Clubs, Mr. 33 5-1 Lawrence avenue Yeats, )Ir. and l\Irs. Richard \Yalter Receives :\Ionday (Wells) Mrs. Louisa Wood 35 Edison avenue :\!rs. Harriet Wood Douglas Clubs. :\Ir. 11-33-66. also Auto Club :\Ir. Morgan Drexel Douglas (U. of Detroit-Mrs. 1-:1:8 of :\I.) :\Ir. Ford Rogers Zeiss Yerington. ~1iss AYery Care of Mrs. Spicer, 596 \Vood­ Zengerle, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Casper l-1. (Rose) ward aYenue fl 7 Alfred street Yerkes, :\Ir. and :\Irs. George B. :'.\Ir. (32) and Mrs. (112) J. Shurly (Butterfield) Kennary ( Zengerle) 1001 Second a,·enue :\Ir. J. Arthur Zengerlc :Mrs. Rebecca J. Butterfield Zickel, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Harry H, ( Parker) Clubs. Mr. 32-34-39-44-78-124-!\Irs. 105 Rosedale court 91-122 Ziegler, Re,·. and :VIrs. Paul (Bell) York, l\fr. and )Irs. Chauncev F. (Xoll) 14 Breckenridge street 53 Palmer avenue East Sum. Res.: Pointe aux Pins. Mich. Sum. Res : Clark Lake, Mich. :\Ir. \\-·infred Hamlin Ziegler, D. L. S. Receh·er Thursday 2 :30 to 5 o'clock Clubs, Rev. 1-::v.Irs. 26 Clubs, Mr. 11-33 York, Mr. and :\Irs. Francis L. (Albright) Zimmerman. Mr. and :Mrs. Fred C. (Wirth) 235 Hancock avenue \Vest 15 Taft avenue Sum. Res.: Ojibwa, Ont. :\Iiss Florence E. Zimmerman :Miss Satia Francis York :Mr. Walter F. Zimmerman Clubs, :\Ir. 1-67-123 Zimmerman, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Henry :\I. York, Dr. and :\Irs. Harry J. (Carrie L. Carver) (Hutchinson) Pontiac, Mich. 761 Cass. aYenue Clubs. :VIr. 12-37, :Mich. Yale Alumni Clubs, Dr. 33 A.sso. Yorke, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Thomas (Killorin) Zuckerman, :\Ir. and Mrs. Leo (Goldfinger) 68 Eliot street 129 East Hancock avenue ::\Iiss Alice Yorke Clubs, :\Ir. 33-Mrs. 75 Yorston. Miss Bertha Zug, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Robert M. (Austin) · Care of )!rs. E. L. Parker, 24 8 9 Eliot street Smith avenue Clubs, :\Ir. 33-135 Figures refer to club members-see front of boo~. ljnmr,a :!lnht iirnutiful O home is complete without shade trees. Let us show you the great N number of beautiful trees with which we have ornamented Detroit's finest homes. Native trees of .all varieties and sizes set out and guaranteed to grow. Trees and shrubbery of any size moved and transplanted. Trees cut down and moved. Care of trees, shrubbery and hedges by the season a specialty. All kinds of work done by experts, comprising tree surgery, chain brac­ ing, trimming, spraying, torching, pasting, removing bores, etc. Will gladly look at work you want done, give estimates of cost and other information free. ilrtrnit i,qahr Wrrr Q.tnmpnuy Established 1893 Bell Phone 803 Hammond Building A. T. GIBSON, Pres. & Mgr. DETROIT, MICH.


134 Alpabetical Street Index

ADAMS AVENUE EAST 179 :\Ir. H. :Maurice Kittle 5 6-60 l\, :\!rs. Amy F. Jameson 30 Mr. and )!rs. John ::\IcYicar .:>, :\Ir. Edgar ~--. Jameson 32 l\Iiss Inez Kaufman ALEXANDRINE AVENUE WEST 17 Dr. and Mrs. F-rederi<:k :\I. Thompson 103 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Thomas G. Craig 39 Dr. and :\!rs. Frank B. Allison 10S :!.\Ir. and :\Irs. John Bornman 48 ::\Irs. Burton W"". Yates 134 Dr. and ::\Irs. Harry S. King 4 r, ).[r. and :\frs. .John A. " .. orcester 153 :\fr. and :\!rs. \Yilliam E. )loss 58 :\Ir. and :\-!rs. Thomas T. LEer.~ 159 Dr. and :\!rs. Charles H. Oakman 64 :\Irs. James Cooper 179 l\Ir. and :\!rs. James P. Gay 64 ::.VIr. and l\Irs. Thomas T. Lee-te. Jr. 181 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Henry E. Botsford 68 :\Ir. and ::\frs. James F. ·::\Iacnuley 435 :\Ir. and ::.\Irs ..-\. T. Lambert 98 Dr. and Mrs. Morgan B. Parl~er ALFRED STREET 18 l\Iiss Emma R. Parker 7 4 l\Ir. and :\Irs. James D. Standish 25 :\Iiss Agnes Andrus 76 l\Irs. A. R. Kerr 25 ::.\Ir. a.nd :\!rs. De W"itt H. Taylor 76 Mrs. James I-I. ::\Iuir 30 :\(r. and Mrs. Charles A. Kent 81 l\1r. and ::\Irs. Thomas Stanley l\Ic- 33 l\Ir. and !\Irs. Aaron S"imon Graw 36 :!.\Ir. Frederick E. Driggs 85 :\:Ir. and :\Irs. Frederick C. Funke 38 :\Ir. and l\frs. John Dalzell 97 l\Ir. and l\Irs. J. Shurlr Kennary 38 l\Ir. and :Mrs. """illiam F. ::\IcCorkle 97 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Casper l\L Zengerle 45 :\Ir. Bryant "\Yalker 102 l\:Ir. and l\Irs. ":--illiam H. Turner 60 Mr. Clement A. DaYison 112 :\!rs. Grace """alsh Kennedy 60 :\!iss Bertha Pomeroy 112 ::\Irs. :\Iary A. Walsh 61 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Albert E. F. """hite 115 l\Irs. Conrad Ling 63 ReY. and Mrs. Maurice P. Fikes 130 l\:Ir. and :\Irs. Frederick T. Ranney 60 :\Ir. and l\Irs. Ga:vlord \\.,.._ Gillis 138 l\Ir. and l\Irs. John l\I. Donaldson 69 l\!rs. Ransom Gillis ALGER AVENUE 32 :\Ir. and ::\frs. Burton CollYer 107 :\Ir. and l\:Irs. Percy J. Farrell 41 :\Ir. and ::\lrs. Frank E. Humphrey 123 l\Ir. Rufus X. Crosman ,-?'u l\Ir. and Mrs. Charles A. Chidsey 129 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Edwin C. Brown 'j 4 :\fr. and ~:Irs. :\Iilton Taylor 141 l\Ir. Elbridge G. X-ewhall 93 l\Ir. and l\Irs. Frank H. Conant 161 ~Ir. and Mrs. ,John A. Burbank 102 l\Ir. Bert Eddr 223 Count and Countess Alessandro G. 102 Dr. and Mrs. Albert B. Lyons Antona 133 136 THE SOCIETY BLuE BOOK

ANTOINETTE STREET i8 :Mr. and Mrs. Kirby B. White ARDEN PARK Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Traub 68 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Robert S. Mason 59 Mr. and :Mrs. Herman Darmstaetter ARLINGTON PLACE Mr. and l\Irs. Francis J. Sarmiento

ATKINSON AVENUE 12 Dr. and l\Irs. James H. Boulter 94 :\Ir. and :\frs. °"rillard E. Pardridge 18 Dr. and l\lrs. Frank E. Parker 95 :\:Ir. and l\Irs. John P. Hehl 30 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm :McGregor 100 :\:Irs. Harriet M. Lathrop 34 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Glass 108 Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Hutchings 40 Mr. and :\Irs. l\Iarvin H.. Chamber- 111 l\fr. and :vrrs. Wm. L. Wild lain. Jr. 111 l\-Ir. and Mrs. 1\Ieh·ille D. Wilson 4 3 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lowe 112 :\Ir. and :\'.Irs. Frederick B. Pierson 44 1\-!r. and :Mrs. George F. Monaghan 116 Dr. and Mrs. Lindsav C. Moore 49 Mr. and :Mrs. F. R. Hathaway . 123 )Ir. and Mrs. Henry· W. Paton 50 l\Ir. and Mrs. Levi F. Eaton 126 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Fisher 55 Mr. and Mrs. George Schaffner 127 :,\,Ir. and :Mrs. Herbert Y. Mcl\Iullen 56 Mr. and )-Irs. Edward Alfred Fiske 127 :Vliss Marcia P. Waples 59 Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Blair 132 )Ir. and Mrs. :\I. Wesson Dickinson 63 Mr. and Mrs. Omar Harrison 150 :VIr. and :Mrs. W·illiam N. McLennan 70 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wade 156 Hon. and Mrs. Albert F. Sellers 71 Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Boynton 204 lHss Allan 81 l\Ir. and Mrs. Fred. A. Curtis 20-! lir. and :Mrs. Joseph William 1Vidman AVERY AVENUE 22 Mr. and ~Irs. Frank A. Robertson 19 8 Mr. and Mrs. Jim H. Cousins 6:). Mr. and Mrs. Alva J. Stephens 204 ~Ir. and ~Irs. A. H. Botsford 6 3 Mrs. William Northwood 204 :\Ir. James E. Hanna 117 l\'.Ir. and l-Irs. Charles H. Wheeler 211 l\'Ir. and :\Irs. A. W. Seed 149 l\'Ir. Alfred Bennett 241 :\Ir. and Mrs. William C. Houghton l 7 7 3.1 r. and :Mrs. ~rilliam E. Bryant 264 :\fr. and :\Irs. Joseph A. Stewart 17"7 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howard Flint 2 6 7 l\Ir. and Mrs. "\Villiam T. Gregory 186 Mrs. Frederick B. Porter 292 l-Ir. and :Mrs. Mason L. Brown 188 Mr. and Mrs. Prescott lI. Hulbert 295 lfr. and lirs. Charles· C. Stewart 19"7 l\Irs. Margaret Hubbard 334 :Vlr. and :\!rs. Laverne Bassett BAGG STREET 30 Mr. and :Mrs. Charles T. Cook 6 2 Dr. Carl S. Oakman 30 Miss Hanna T. Warner 62 l\Ir. and Mrs. Robert P. Thomas 32 Dr. E. Louise Orleman 62 :VIr. and :\-Irs. James E. Wilson 45 Dr. and Mrs. Anton E. Carton 124 :.\Ir. and Mrs. Robert M. Chamberlain 5 3 Mr. and Mrs. George ,vnuams Ba t<"s 132 Mr. "\Yilliam H. Brace 62 l\Ir. and Mrs. Frank C. Andrews 132 :\Ir. and :VIrs. ,Yilliam \\·. Krag 62 Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Collins 138 :\Ir. Norman D. Carpenter 62 l\lr. Elton .A. Esselstyn 1-! 2 :Mr. and :\Irs. \\Tilliam E. Phelps 62 Miss Henrietta L. de N'. Farnsworth 152 :\'Ir. and Mrs. Charles Andrew Kanter 62 Mr. Chauncey M. Goodrich 16 O l\'Ir. Thomas E. Gaghan 62 Dr. Frederick Clinton Kidner 164 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Jeremiah S. Vernor BAKER STREET 31 :Mrs. Helene B. Hawkins BAGLEY AVENUE 32 Hon. and :\Irs. Joseph W. Donovan BATES STREET 54 Major and :\Irs. Edward D. Ellis BALDWIN AVENUE 106 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Reineke 245 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Gregory, Jr. 110 Mr. and Mr:.. J. Remsen Bishop • 526 :\:Ir. and Mrs. Edward J. \\:--alker 144 Mrs. Andrew Burnham 548 :\Ir. and l1rs. George L. Domine. 178 Mr. and Mrs. George G. Prentis DETROIT 137

BEAUBIEN STREET 1198 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. N'ichols

BETHUNE AVENUE EAST 2 7 Mrs. John E. Conn 7 3 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Burgess 27 Mr. and Mrs. John W. R·yckman 11 7 Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Rye BETHUNE AVENUE WEST 17 Mr. and Mrs. Claude S. Briggs 40 Dr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Voelkner 26 l\Ir. and Mrs. Joseph H. Hunter ·H Mr. Henry A. Voelkner 30 :\Ir. and Mrs. Frederick A. Forbes 50 Mr. and Mrs. ·w. T. Livingston 36 Mr. and :ii:rs. Albert Henry Finn 248 Mr. and :.\Irs. Ralph E. Preston 3 9 l\1r. and Mrs. C. Harold Wills

BEWICK AVENUE 308 :\'Ir. and :\Irs. ~:"illiam Hillger 345 :\Ir. and Mrs. George I. Berridge 316 lirs. Margaret Ruelle 468 :Vlr. and :Mrs. James Alexander Park BLAINE AVENUE 24 :\Ir. and Mrs. Charles G. Hampton 111 :\Irs. Geor~e B. Cadwell 34 Mr. Wells X. Anderson 12 2 Mr. and Mrs. ,Vuliam F. Schmeltz 40 Mr. and Mrs. ,VUliam H. Coots 150 Dr. and Mrs. George Suttie 46 Mr. and :\'.lrs. Arthur :\Iosley 1 f ~- Mr. and l\Irs. Harry A. Dibble 59 Mr. and :\Irs. Chas. J. ~Iuellenhagen 1 u 3 l\Ir. and :Mrs. Albert P. Backus 70 Mr. and l\-Irs. De Forest ,Y. Candler 166 Mrs. Ida :\I. Preston 75 :\fr. and Mrs. George A. Crawford 190 )fr. and :\Irs. \\-. Egerton N'. Hunter 76 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Drake 196 l-Ir. and :\!rs. James E. Deyoe 80 l\Ir. and Mrs. Charles H. Collins 19 6 Mrs. Foster :\Iacgurn 103 Dr. and l\Irs. Clarence E. Simpson 230 Mr. and :Mrs. Harlow X. DaYock 106 :\'.Ir. and :\frs. Edward ~- Hines :Mr. and :\Irs. Charles V. Doran BOSTON BOULEVARD EAST 33 l\1r. and :Mrs. Rie H. Ashbaugh 99 l\Ir. and Mrs. Thomas H. Stephens 33 Mr. and :Mrs. John F. Dodge 10, :\Ir. and Mrs. John D. Sanders 54 Mrs. Julia Ferguson Cobb 116 l\Ir. and )..lrs. Frederick H. Holt 5-1 l\Iiss Josephine E. Ferguson 117 :\Ir. and Mrs. Hinton E. Spalding 12-1 :\'.Ir. 63 Mr. Richard H. Webber •)• and :\Irs. AlYan :Macauley 72 :Mr. and ~Irs. F. Howard Fenner 1 -.:> :\'Ir. and Mrs. Dean l\1. Jenkins 96 :\Irs. James Arthur 165 ::.\fr. and l\Irs. John l\:I. Hall '9 9 l\fiss GeneYieYe Simpson Dr. and Mrs. OliYer Wilson ~-hite BOSTON BOULEVARD WEST 63 :\Ir. and Mrs. Robert B. Tannahill 10-1 l\fr. and :.\Irs. Joseph A. Roe 6 3 The :.\'lisses Clay 112 l\'Ir. and :\Irs. J. ,Yalter Drake BRADY STREET 2 3 l\Ir. and l\Irs. Julius C. Hasse 108 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frank J. ~-eber 100 Judge and l\1rs. Alfred J. :\Iurphy BRAINARD STREET 27 l\Ir. and Mrs. Clarence :\I. Burton !lS :\Ir. and l\Irs. James Porteous :\Iain 2i )Ir. Sidne:'\· L. :\·Ionroe 108 D1·. and :\!rs. Arthur S. Atkinson 7i :\Ir. and :\!rs. Franl{ J. Roehn1 BRECKENRIDGE STREET 1-1 ReY. and :\lrs. Paul ZiC'gler BROADWAY 114 :.\Ir. Kenneth :\1. .Johns BROOKLYN AVENUE 31 r, Mr. and :\frs. 1\-alter C. Ladendorf 915 :\Ir. and Mrs. Josiah Bidwell EYans -:l:19 ReY. and :Mrs. Stephen 1\-. Frisbie 101-1 :\Irs. Lottie Bradley 138 THE SOCIETY BL'CE BOOK

BRUSH STREET 239 l\ilr. and :\Irs. Tracy W. )IcGregor 7 62 :Vlr. and :\Irs. Arthur R. Armstrong 468 Mr. and Mrs. Abraham E. Rosengar- 904 :\-Ir. Thomas F. McCrickett ten 910 l1r. and :Vlrs. Joseph T. Belanger 4 iO l'Irs. _.\.dolph E. Schlesinger 91-! :Vlr. Herman Roehm 517 Mr. Frank Kuhn 973 liir. and l\:Irs. Alfred Rothschild 517 Mr. Robert Kuhn 980 :\Ir. and Mrs. Ben X. Cutting 550 Mr. and l'.Irs. George H. Lesher 1000 :Mrs. A. J. Linzee 550 Mr. and Mrs. John :\liner 1015 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Frank A. Thompson 556 :\Ir. and llrs. Gustav J. Albrecht 1016 :\Ir. and Mrs. Frank :\I. Thompson 601 :\Ir. and Mrs. James D. Kingsbury 1179 l\lr. and Mrs. Charles R. Dunn 604 Rev. and lirs. Edward Collins 1200 :\Ir. and Mrs. George B. Godfrey 620 :Miss Jane l'Iaybury 1200 Dr. and l-Irs. Wilbert J. Whiteman 6il :\Ir. and Mrs. Henry J. l\Ieier 1298 :\Ir. and Mrs. Louis C. 1Yurzer 686 :\Ir. ,~;;imam Hume Spicer 1:312 liiss Frances Bannister 691 :\Ir. and l\ilrs. Lewis ,Y. :VIueller 1312 :\Ir. and Mrs. Charles G. Franklin 695 :\-Ir. and :\[rs. Thomas W. Forster 1465 :\Ir. and :\lrs. "\V. Xelson Whittemore 734 :\-Ir. and Mrs. John Atkinson 1691 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Albert \Y. Allen 734 :\Ir. Charles Frederic :\Iorse BUENA VISTA AVENUE EAST 2:) :\Ir. and )frs. J. Ward W.. estcott, .Jr. BURLINGAME AVENUE 45 Mr. and :Vfrs. Robert L. Fisher 120 :\Ir. and l-Irs. Harry E. Harrington 59 :\fr. and Mrs. Howard R. ~ewcomb 12 8 :\Ir. and ::.\[rs. \\'illiam Riley 98 l'Ir. and :\Ir!';. Laurence .J. \Yhittemore BURNS AVENUE 185 :\Ir. F!'ank B. Leland 231 Dr. and Mrs. Xathan Jenks 195 :Mr. and :Mrs. William R. Kales 234 :\Ir. and Mrs. Albert S. Keen 197 ::\fr. and :\Irs. Francis E. Brossy 239 :Vlr. and ::.\'Irs. Edward H. Jewett 200 l\'.lr. Frederick Trempe Du Charme 255 :.\'Ir. and :\!rs. "\Valter Brooks 212 Mr. and ::V.Crs. Stonewall Jackson 265 :.\'Ir. and :\Irs. Herbert J. Conn 212 :\1r. Robert W. Smylie 28,) :\Ir. and :\!rs. Howard Brooke 215 :\Ir. and l!rs. Burnham S. Colburn 293 :\-Ir. and l!rs. Herbert Armstrong 220 :\Ir. and Mrs. Percy D. Dwight 305 :\Ir. and :v.Irs. Jacob Carl Danziger 227 Mr. and lirs. Louis D. Bolton )fr. and Mrs. Charles Gillett Lathrop CADILLAC AVENUE 291 Mr. and lfrs. Forbes Robertson 3S0 :\!rs.. \lbert H. \Vilkin_son 3·)•). Mr. Hugo A. Gilmartin 391 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frank C. );;;lll 322 Mr. and Mrs. Simeon S. Post 395 :\Ir. and :\frs. Scott H. !\!orris 326 )!rs. Josephine :\I. Lancashire 426 llr. and :\frs. John F. Duntley 342 :\Irs. Hoyt Post 4 3 4 :Mrs. Sarah E. Coffin · 345 l1r. and Mrs. Emil Stroh 448 Mr. and l\Irs. Richard G. Kirchner 352 :\Ir. and Mrs. Arthur L. Holmes . 466 lfrs. George G. Cooke 365 ::V.Cr. and :\Irs. George H. Kirchner 482 :\-Ir. and ::.\Irs. E. T. Xichols 366 Mr. and Mrs. \\rilliam H. Holden 482 :\Ir. Ernest C. Smoots 366 Miss M. Alma Jones 529 :\Ir. and lirs. w·a1ter C. Brandon 380 :Miss Margaret Allen CALIFORNIA AVENUE 30 :\-Ir. and Mrs. Oscar A. Janes 95 :.\'Ir. and Mrs. Wm. \\7yatt Sumner 54 :Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Cheeseman 138 :\Ir. and lfrs. John \\Tilliamson, Jr. 64 :Mrs. William T. Ockford 162 :\-Ir. and ~frs. William :\I. Berridge CALVERT AVENUE 190 )Ir. and :\!rs. H. Herbert Renshaw CAMPBELL AVENUE 458 Mr. and :\Irs. Earle Hurd 463 :l-Ir. and Mrs. Wm. D. Thompson CANFIELD AVENUE EAST 3 2 Mrs. Charles Hastings 46 :\Ir. and l-Irs. Henry Grover ·wormer 32 lliss Elizabeth P. Kirbv 48 :\Ir. and Mrs. Albert A. Stibbard 37 Mr. and Mrs. Henry H: Browning 6 2 llrs. Maria Coffin 37 Mrs. Evelyn E. Fletcher 62 :\:Ir. and lfrs. Samuel T. :\Ic'2ornac 37 Mr. and Mrs.•. Stewart C. Griswold 7 0 :\Ir. and Mrs. Oscar R. Looker 37 Mrs. J. E. Markham 79 ~Ir. and :\!rs. John C. Widman 37 :\Ir. Pliny H. Van Buren ·34 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Charles F. Backus 39 Dr. and :Mrs. Harry P. liera 86 lir. and :Mrs. Roland H. Mann DETROIT 189

CANFIELD AVENUE WEST :!5 :\Irs. Delia Carter 115 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Albert A. ,Vorcester 25 )fr. and :\!rs. Frank Filer 1:?3 :\Ir. and :\irs. "\Yilliam R. Campbell 30 Mr. and :\!rs. George "\Vhitney :Moore 130 :\Irs. Lewis Hayward 33 :\fr. and :\!rs. James B. :\IcKa;y 136 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Henrv P. :\IcDonnell 34 Hon. John B. Corliss HO :\Irs. l'Iary B. Ande·rson 3-1 Miss S. l\Iaria Cox 140 Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis Chambers 36 :\Ir. and Mrs. George B. Fowler 140 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Thomas C. Starret -10 l\Ir. and Mrs. Julian G. Dickinson 14 1 :\Irs. Lou Burt -11 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Egbert Herron Da \"is 141 :\Ir. Edwin P. Ingersoll -15 Mrs. George A. Johnson 14 3 :\Iiss Theresa Blakeslee -1:5 :\Ir. James Vernor 1-13 l\Ir. and l\Irs. \\:"'illiam A. Crampton 4i :\Ir. and :\Irs. Ernest H. Bisset 14-1 :\Ir. and :\Irs. James \\r. Fales 4 9 :\-Ir. and :Vlrs. Herbert C. Ely 149 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Kenneth Anderson 50 Mr. and :\Irs. Verdine K ..:Moore 150 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. George ·w. Golden 53 :VIrs. Katherine S. Rainey 160 :\fr. and :Mrs. Duncan Stewart 53 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. ,Villiam .J. Rainey 163 )fr. and ::\Irs. :\I. P. Hurlbut 57 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Hilliard G. Lyle 169 .Judge and :\!rs. Harry A. Lockwood 69 :Vlr. Raphael Herman 173 :\Ir. and :\!rs. James P. Langley 69 :\Irs. Irvilla :\I~·les 17 4 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Fred Sutter 96 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Jay Bassett 180 Dr. and ::\Irs. Henry Cowie 9i :\Ir. and l\Irs. James Lowri" 185 :.\Ir. and ::\!rs. Edward C. Dunbar !)7 :\,Ir. and lirs. Clarence ,Vi1liam D. 185 :\!rs. Cornelia Ladue Lowrie 19:? :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Charles W. Restrick 99 :\Ir. and :\Irs.. Tames H. Simpson 355 :\Ir. and )!rs. Ernest J. Shipman 106 :\Ir. and )!rs. Le\vis C. \\~aldo

CANTON AVENUE 14-l :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Philo E. Hall 146 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Al\"an F. Larrabee 146 :\:Ir. and ::\Irs. Richard G. Elliott 590 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Hugo Schroeter CASS AVENUE 67 :\fr. Robert L. Fee 697 :\Irs. George G. Bogue 67 :\:Ir. Harry E. Howell 700 )Ir. and l\Irs. 'William H. Hill 93 Dr. Henry C. Raymond 709 :VIrs. Jennie E. Brown 317 Dr. and :\-Irs. John Lee. Jr. 709 ::.\Ir. and :\Irs. J. H. James 363 :VIr. and :\!rs. Allan Priest Cox 719 ReY. and :\!rs. Frank S. Rowland -125 :Miss Ethel L. Gates 736 :\Irs. Harriet E. Chase 425 :\Ir. and :\!rs. George O. Robinson 736 :\Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Van Sickle 430 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Charles Edgar Fox 736 l'Ir. and :\Irs. Charles R. Walker 430% :.\Ir. and :Mrs.. James .-\. Curtis 7 40 :\Ir.· and :Mrs. Charles A. Dean 434 :\fr. and l\Irs. Lafayette B. Spencer 7 44 :\Ir. and l'Irs. 1Villiam Sumner Joy 434 :Miss I-I. Gene\"ieve Vreeland 760 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Thomas S. Sheridan 139 :\!rs. :\Tan,· E. Baker 761 Dr. and l\Irs. Harry J. York 4 3 9 :\Irs. :.\I. B. Sloane 7.64 :\Ir. and l\Irs. ,Villiam :\Iontgomery 500 :\Ir. and l\Irs. Douglas Cochrane. :\Iitchell 502 Mr. and :VIrs. Percy Iv<'s 764 :VIr. and :\Irs. Dwight Carver Rexford 506 Miss Florence Huson (:\I. D.) 767 :\Ir. and Mrs. George J. Jenks 507 ::\Irs. William Herbert Elliott 767 :.\Ir. and :\!rs. Frederick Stockwell 511 :Mr. and :\Irs. Edward D. Chase ·, , , :\fr. and :Mrs. George C. Wetherbee 539 Mr. and ~Irs. George W. Edwards 778 :\'Ir. and :.\Irs. Homer Warren 551 :\'Ir. and :\iirs. 1Valter E. Campbell 7 85 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. John B. Howarth 556 :\Ir. and Mrs. Fred A. Robinson 7 89 :VIr. and :\1:rs. Charles A. \\rarren 562 :VIiss Edith F. Conely 7 9 2 :\Ir. and ::\-Irs. Harold H. Emmons 575 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Olney B. Cook 795 :\Iiss :\Iargaret A. Black 5S5 :\Ir. and Mrs. \\rilliam R. Hamilton 795 :\Ir. and ::\frs.. Tames A. Whiting 590 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Elmer H. Beach S:?5 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Horatio N. Hovey 5!"14 Dr. and :\!rs. Robert $. Linn 855 :\-Ir. and :\!rs. Charles J. ::\-1:oore 608 l\Ir. and :\1rs. La :\Iottc- P. Henry 8:i6 :\lrs. Gi\·ens E. Yan Syckle 608 :\Ir. and :\Irs. \\:-illiam B. \\,..reaks 85 7 :\Ir. and lV[rs. Herman F. :Moeller 621 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frank :VI. Baldwin 861 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Da,id :Mackenzie 630 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. George S. Ande!"son 86-1 ::\Irs. :\Ian· C. Aspinall 632 ::\Iiss Ella L. Apthorp 864 :\Ir. and :\!rs. James Craig. Jr. 6~2 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Clarence Ford Har\"ey 866 ::\Irs. James Dutton 632 :\lrs. Geor_gia .J. Olds 866 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Frank P. '\Yilcox 641 :\Ir. and :\lrs. Robert Leete 867 :\Irs. Ellen O'Connell ':>57 :\Ir. and :\Irs. George C. Hopper 894 :\lrs. :liary Ladue 659 :\Ir.. James L. Higgins 898 :\Ir. and Mrs. R. B. Robertson 661 Dr. \\.illiam Dunlap 898 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Thomas Williamson 664 :\Ir. ad :\frs. \\:-m. H. Townsl'nLl 940 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Lewis F. Thompson 6ql :\Ir. ancl :\Irs. Josephus C. Chambers 9 4 8 :\Iiss Bessie Baldwin X owlin 691 :\Ir. and :VIrs. Ronald C. Fenton 948 :\Ir. and l-Irs. J. E. Bolles HE. COAST LI TO

THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER Spend your vacation on the Great Lakes, the most economical and enjoyable outing in America WHERE YOU CAN GO No matter to what point you want to go, use D. & C. Line Steamers operating to all important ports. • Daily service between Detroit and Buffalo, May 1st to November 1st. City of Detroit III and City of Cleveland III. the largest side wheel steamers in the world, on this division June 10th to September 10th. Daily service between Detroit and Oeveland April 15th to DeceIJ?.ber 1st. During July and August two boats out of Detroit and Cleveland every Saturday and Sunday night. · Four trips weekly between Toledo. Detroit. Mackinac Island and way ports. Daily service between Toledo, Cleveland and Put-in-Bay. Special Steamer Cleveland to Mackinac Island, two trips weekly. June 1;th to September I 0th stopping only at Detroit every trip and Goderich, Ont., every other trip. Special Day Trips between Detroit and Cleveland, During July and Ausrust Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday out 0£ Detroit; Monday, Wednes• day, Thursday and Friday out of Oeveland. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE:-Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit and Buffalo and Detroit and Cleveland will be honored for transportation on D. & C. Line Steamers in either direction. Send 2 cent stamp for lllustrated Pamphlet and Great Lakes Map. Address: LG. Lewis, G. P.A., Detroit. Mich. Philip H. McMillan, Pres. A A. Schantz, Gen"l Mgr. Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company

140 DETROIT 141

CASS AVENUE-Continued 960 l\fr. Michael A. Adams 1022 l:Irs. Charles Dana Standish 961 Mr. and Mrs. William H. :Miller 1033 l\Ir. and :\Irs. George Beck 965 ).Ir. and Mrs. Samuel C. Sutter 10-U Mr. John E. Baker 975 :\Ir. and Mrs. Ralph Stone 1096 Mr. and llrs. James Scripps Booth 989 Mr. and l\Irs. Alex. McPherson 1098 l\Ir. and Mrs. Charles H. Vernor 995 ).fr. and Mrs. H. J. Hayes 1124 Mr. and Mrs. Carroll H; Lawson 1007 Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Davis 114-1 Mr. and llrs. D. K. l\lc:Xaughton 1014 Rev. and Mrs. John Brittan Clark 1209 Mr. and Mrs. Homl~r ::\'.IcGraw 1016 llr. and Mrs. Eddy James Littlefield 1216 :\Ir. and Mrs. Howard B. Anthony 1022 Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hartz CHAMPLAIN STREET 1356 Mr. and ::urs. John C. ~pratt 1441 l\Ir. and ::\Irs. John l\I. Xicol 1435 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic George Austin CHANDLER AVENUE 22 :\Ir. and Mrs. Harver Ford 100 Mr. and l\Irs. Frank F. Tillotson 24 Mr. and :Mrs. Ernest L. Smith 10:3 )Ir. and )Irs. Dankl lll'aly, Sr. 27 lVIr. and :\Irs. J. P. Jobns6n 110 :\'Ir. and Mrs. Fred J. Fisher 3 4 Miss Kate L. Jones 112 Mr. and :\-!rs. Thomas l\:Iay 3 7 Dr. and :\Irs. Carl Bonning 120 :\Ir. and Mrs. George L. Grimes 37 Dr. Herman Kiefer 129 :Mr. and Mrs. C. Stowe Xeal 39 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Barr 130 Mr. and l:Irs. Ralph L. Polk, Jr. 41 Mr. and Mrs. Da vicl ,~:allac-e 131 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Peter J. ::\lonaghan 51 Mr. Charles Trowbridge \Yilkins 140 l\Ir. and ::\Irs. John 0. Campbell , 0 Mr. and Mrs. Horace Henley X ewsom 161 Mr. and Mrs. \\-. M. Randall 71 l\Ir. and l\Irs. Harry Postal 165 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. J. Henry Ling 86 l\fr. and Mrs. ,nrnam E. Reames 200 :\Ir. and :Mrs. A. :u. \\-oodward 89 :\Ir. Alfred Monteblaird 208 Mrs. H. J. Arnold 89 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Frederick Postal 208 l\-Ir. and l\Irs. Andrew J. )Taas 99 l\lr. and Mrs. George D. :Vfa.son 240 Dr. and ::\Irs. Hugo Erichsen 9!) l\Ir. Hal Craig Smith CHARLOTTE AVENUE 30 THE ADDIS02' 32 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. George B. Dawson l\Ir. and Mrs. James vnu AilE>s 32 :Mrs. Charles Roe l\fr. and Mrs. Frank D. Andrus 34 l\Ir. and ~Irs. Franklin A. Kelsev lV[r. and Mrs. Xewton Annis 34 Dr. and ::\Irs. Edwin S. Sherrill · l\Ir. Edward Atkins 46 :\Ir. John J. Benson ~Ir. Clarence Booth 51 l\Ir. and :Mrs. Hedley Y. Richardson l\irr. and ::\frs. John L. Dexter :\Irs. ::\lary Reed Bennett Dr. and :\!rs. tieorge E. Fay 109' ;) :\Ir. J. \Yard \\-iC'kersham :\Ir. and :Mrs. Fritz GoPbel 130 llrs. Clara B. Kulm 1\1:r. "\Yilliam G. Hamburg 160 )Ir. and ::\Irs. Thaddeus F. GalYin )Ir. John E. Murphy 161 ::\Irs. A. E. :\Ion :\Ir. George B. Perry 16S :\Ir. and )!rs. Richard Helson llr. and :\!rs. .Jesse G. Yincen t 194 Mrs. :\Ian· R. Co~·I l\Ir. 1Villiam K. W"illiams 19il :\Ir. and :Mrs. Henry :\I. "Ctley 31 Dr. and l\Irs. Homer E. Parshall CHENE STREET 535 Dr. Arthur \Y. Kipp 58'-l Dr. C. :\I. Stafford CHICAGO BOULEVARD 4:2 :\Ir. and lirs. George H. \Yoolley 2:2fJ :\Ir. ancl )lrs. Frank \Y. F:1rnsworth 9 ~) :\Ir. and::\Irs. Alfred 0. Dunk :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Robert :\I. ::\!orton H-! :Mr. and :.\Irs. Frank H. Be~sengC'r CHOPE PLACE 25 l\Ir. and :\[rs. John Ross 118 :\Ir. and ::\frs. Henry C1ldd Plass 44 :\Ir. and )!rs. Charles B. C!·amer 1 :22 ).Ir. and ::\Irs. Ray :\I. Champe CLAIRMOUNT AVENUE •)- :Mr. and :\!rs. .Orrin P. Gulle~.- 101 ).Ir. and )Ir~. Robert J. Conway 3''-·)· l\Ir. and :\I rs. L. Frederick Ditzler 111 :\Ir. and :\I rs. Charl~s R. B:1xt1'r 3!1 ::.\Ir. and :\!rs. J. ,~:a.rd Ho\\·Iand 136 ::.\Ir. and :\!rs. Harry :\I. Ximmo 66 ~Ir. and :\I rs. Albert B. Lowrie 154 :\Ir. and :\Irs. \Yill J. Stant0n 'j 1 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. •T. Howard ::\Tuzz:,.· 19 :2 )Tr. John s. Heg-eman so l\Ir. and ::\Irs. Benjamin G. Yen1or ~01 ).fr. and :\!rs. \Yilliam R. \Yigle CLINTON AVENUE 700 )Ir. and )!1 ~- Elmer A. Orth 142 THE SOCIETY BL'CE BOOK

COLBURN PLACE SO Mr. and Mrs. Hovsep C. Xahigian 151 l\lr. and :\!rs. ·ward :Macauley 14 6 :Mr. and lfrs. W. E. Dailey COLLINGWOOD AVENUE 12 :\Ir. and l-Irs. Leonard Davis 82 :\Ir. and Mrs. Howard C. Boss 32 ~Ir. and llrs. Harry F. Ringe 127 :V.Cr. and :\lrs. Roy H. l\ilacauley 64 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frederick \\r. l-1inton :\Ir. and :\Irs. Arnold Robinson COLORADO AVENUE 1-10 lfr. and :\Irs. Fred H. Rollins COMMONWEALTH AVENUE -13 :\Ir. and )Irs. :\Iarshall T. Boden 2i9 Dr. and :\Irs. \\~illiam Appelbe 84 l\Ir. and :\Irs. Orlistus S. Coate 307 Mr. and l\Ir::;. \Yilliam H. Williams 115112 :.\Ir. and Mrs. Clarence St. Clair 415 :\Ir. and l\Irs. John S. Thacher Balsley · 419 Dr. \\~illiam G. Lumley 135 :\Ir. DaYid Stott 443 :\Irs. E. :\I. Loomis 17 4 :\Ir. and Mrs. George E. Schaefer 4-13 :\Ir. La Motte Van Riper 183 :\Ir. and Mrs. D. D. Williams -143 l-Ir. and l\Irs. James P. Woodward 194 l\Ir. and l\Irs. Archibald V. Cousins CONGRESS STREET EAST 23 :\Ir. and )Irs. George Fulwell 5 6 7 :\Ir. Percy L. Barter 5 6 2 lir. and :\Irs. w·miam C. X oack CONNECTICUT AVENUE 25 Mr. and l:Irs. :Vlel~ille S. Welt 80 :\Ir. and :.\Irs. F. T. Harward 29 ·)Ir. and :\Irs. Ernest F. Hassen 225 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles A. Gourlay 40 :\Ir. and Mrs. George P. Goodale DAVENPORT STREET 25 :\Ir. and Mrs. Eugene \\i.... Lewis -18 :\Ir. and Mrs. Hal H. Smith 25 :V.Cr. "-nuam .0-Leary 52 Dr. and l\Irs. George G. Caron 25 l\Ir. and Mrs. Byram C. Robbins 5 3 llr. and l\Irs. Bernard Bigsb:v 2 8 :\'Ir. and Mrs. Daniel P. l\Iarkey 56 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Archibald W. Diack 33 :\'Ir. and Mrs. Albert K. Hunton ::> • Mr. and :\frs. James Harvey 34: )Ir. and ~Irs. George E. Stevenson 6 7 :\Ir. and lfrs. GeorgQ 0. Begg 3 7 lirs. :\Iary H. Farquhar 68 :.\Ir. and :\!rs. 1\rilliam P. Hollidav 37 :\Ir. Frederick Latta Smith 69 :\Ir. and Mrs. Burke M. Graham· 40 ::\Irs. David Carter 71 :\Ir. and Mrs. John H. Frv 43 :\Ir. Edwin A. Burch 71 :\Ir. Da \"id A. Pierson · 44 l\:Ir. and :\Irs. George l\I. Savage 71 l\Ir. and :\Irs. Xathan T: Viger DELAWARE AVENUE 21 :\Ir. and lfrs. Harry C. Walker 94 l\Ir. and Mrs. Frank W. Baumgart­ 27 l\fr. and Mrs. Charles F. Swan . ner 29 Gen. William S. Green 99 l\Ir. and lilrs. Charles H. Hatch 29 Mr. and :\:Irs. Robert Shieil 100 Dr .and llrs. Charles G. Crumrine 32 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Allee 104 Mr. and Mrs. Frank 0. 1\:-aldo 34 Mr. Elliott G. Stevenson 107 Mr. and l-Irs. Richard R. Stewart 43 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Golden 111 :\:Ir. and :V.Crs. Orville S. Boda 44 :v.Ir. and :\'lrs. Charlemagne Clark 112 Mr. and :\Irs. Samuel T. Goldberg 50 )Ir. and :V.Crs. Guy A. :V.Ciller 112 ::\Irs. Louis Goodman 60 :\fr. and l.\lrs. George E. Lane 117 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rowe Earle 62 :\fr. and Mrs. Benjamin Siegel 118 Mrs. Charles F. Burton 66 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Breitmeyer 127 :\-Ir. and Mrs. Xon·aI "\Vardroo 67 Mr. and :\Irs. Frederick S. Waterman 131 :\:Ir. and Mrs. Thomas B. Sargeant 72 Mr. and Mrs. Sanford "\V. Ladd 13-1 :Mr. and :\frs. Charles F. Bornman 73 Mr. Charles J. O'Hara 135 Mrs. l\1ary B. Brownell 7 6 Mr. and :\Irs. Ebenezer S'. Wheeler 135 )fr. and :\frs. Paul E. Da\"is 91 lfr. and ::\lrs. :\Iichacl J. Manning 140 :\fr. and ~frs. Clinton "·· Russrll 147 Mr. and :Mrs. ,Villiam F. V. :N"eumann DUBOIS STREET 126 :v.I:r. and Mrs. Fred. Mortimer Delano 130 )!Ir. Orville C. Allen DUFFIELD· STREET 60 :\Ir. Abraham L. Riker DETROIT 143

EAST BOULEVARD 3077 ::.\!rs. Elwood T. Hance EDISON AVENUE 27 lfr. and lfrs. Charles Hugh Ste,enson 75 ::.\Ir. and l-Irs. Walter C. Hartman 28 ::.\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Lewis X. Yalpey 95 Dr. and :Mrs. Russell Sturges Rowland 30 ::.\Ir. and llrs. Henry P. Borgman 191 l-Ir. and Mrs. Clifford W. ·Parsons 35 Mr. and :\!rs. Richard Walter Yeats 220 ::.\Ir. and )'.Irs. Harry G. Diefendorf 66 :\Ir. and lirs. Henry Ford 2-19 :\Ir. and l'.Irs. Harry Albert Burnett EDMUND PLACE 22 Dr. and llrs. '\Yilliam R. Chittick 51 :Mr. and :Mrs. Charles A. Strelingel" 28 l\Ir. and :\!rs. Theodore R. Hodges ::>.:> ::.\Iiss Dorothy B. l-Iort 28 ::\Irs. T. H. Roberts ;) ;) ::\Irs. Helen lI. :Moore 30 :\'Ir. and ::\Irs. '\Ya~·ne C. Bogue Gi ::.\Ir. and ::.\Irs. James S'. Goodrich 30 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Henry P. Funk 7 4 llr. and :\Irs. Horace J·. ~~ulkins 30 :Mrs. Peter Smith 8:3 lirs. Joseph G. Standart 30 :\:Ir. George :;,v1. ,vest 88 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Frank J. Bayley 34 ::.\Irs. Benjamin P. ::.\Iumford 9 .-, :\Ir. 'William H. Hughes 3 8 lfr. and Mrs. ,villiam Inglis 99- :\Ir. and l\-Irs. Robert W. Standart -11 lir. and ~Irs. Jared \\'. Finney 117 ::\Irs. Henry C. :\Ioore 4 7 lir. and l\Irs. John Walker

ELIOT STREET 2-! :\Ir. and ::.\'.Irs. Xelson King Riddle 69 :\Ir. and lirs. Fred. Beckwith Stevens 25 ::.\Ir. and l\Irs. Thomas H. Simpson 70 ::.\Ir. and ~Irs. James S. Heaton 26 ::.\Ir. S. \\'."'. J. Howard • .:> ::.\Ir. and l-Irs. August Goebel, Jr. 33 ~Ir. and :\frs. Frederick \\~. Hodges 81 ::.\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles H. Bredin 3-! :\Irs. Henn· R. Leonard 84 :\fr. and :\Irs. Joel Henr~- Prescott 40 :\Ir. and Mrs. \\.illiam Livingst0ne 85 l\Ir. and :\Irs. Andrew Hair 42 :\Ir. and l\'.Irs. George Taylor lioody 85 :\:Ir. and :\Irs. Hugh E. Kenny 46 :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Arthur C. Leonard 89 · :\Ir. and ~Irs. Robert 1\1. Zug 50 :\Ir. \\--illiam Harr:,.- 90 :\Ir. and :\Irs. George E. Kunze 51 ::.\Iiss Marjory W. Brown 93 :\Ir. and ~Ir~. .James T. Lynn 51 Hon. and Mrs. George S. Hosmer 93 lir. F. K. Pelton 5 7 :\Ir. and l'Irs. Thomas Hunter 9-! lirs. ,Joseph :\Iayworm 5 8 ::\-Irs. Frank C. Pingree 9 9 :\Iiss Sylvia Allen 62 Mr. Joseph F. \Yeber 100 Re\·. and :liirs. Eugene R. Shippen 63 :Mr. and :Mrs. Charles E. Kanter 104 :\Ir. and :\!rs. George l\I. Holley 63 ::.\Irs. 1Villiam :McKay 111 ::.\Ir. and :\Irs. Clifford Elliott 68 :\:Ir. and ::.\Irs. Thomas Yorke 112 ::.\Ir. and :\Irs. Frank \\T. Atkinson 69 ::.\Ir. and l'.Irs. Lewis Haight Kirby ELIZABETH STREET WEST 64 Dr. and ~Irs. Charles H. I.and ELM STREET 86 l-Iiss Elizabeth Foster ELMWOOD AVENUE I 13 ::.\Irs. Florence Milner 16 ::.\Ir. and Mrs. Frederick E. Searle ENGLEWOOD AVENUE 49 liiss Belle Henderson 128 :\Ir. and :Mrs. \\'."illiam S., Duncan, Jr. 49 :\Ir. and l\frs. Elias H. Sellen:: 1-! 7 lirs. :Margaret H . ..-\Iden 76 lir. and lirs. Thomas R. Putnam 235 ::.\Ir. and :\Irs. Arthur J. Tuttle 121 :\Ir. and :\Irs. ,Vesley L. Xutten ERSKINE STREET 35 :\Irs. Kate A. Clark 67 ::.\Irs. Charles E. :\Jason 43 Mr. and :Mrs. Charles B. James 68 :\Ir. and Mrs. James H. McDonald 46 )fr. and llrs. ,Villiam T. Benallack 73 :\Ir. and :\Irs. :\-fax Broock 49 l\Ir. and :\frs. Richard P. E\·ans 88 :\frs. Charles Erdman 49 :\:Ir. and )frs. Frank \\·alters SH :\Ir. and lirs. \\.illiam C. Crowley 51 :\Ir. and Mrs. Georg-e H. \\·ooclworth !'17 :\Tr. and :\Irs. Borh:: L. Ganapol 60 :\frs. Eugene B. Gibbs 115 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles P. Shaw 60 :\Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Larned \\·imams 117 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Charles H. liav 65 :\Ir. and 'Mrs. Harry B. Coleman 121 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Chas. B. CalYert MARTIN MAIER & CO. ESTABLISHED IN ·1aes

MAKERS OF .-··i- .~, i;_) TRUNKS l I TRAVELING BAGS I L' SUIT CASES and High Class ~L 1 LEATHER GOODS \ Mo4.u for -~ •t Everything for the Tourist MEN } ~: Trunks and Bags Repaired "!.I' u,.U fl.I' ; ~ fP'OIIJA · -J.. -~ 102 Woodward Ave. WARDROBE TRUNK 'Phone Main 1216. 'Phone City 1216.'' Between Congress and Larned Sts.


]44 DETROIT 145

EUCLID AVENUE EAST 35 :\Ir. and Mrs. Martin Moore 99 :\fr. and :Mrs. E. C. P. Landsberg 4i l\Ir. and ::\Irs. X. Bates .Ackley 12-l Mr. and :Mrs. Franklin S. McKenney 5 i Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. l\IcDonald EUCLID AVENUE WEST 24 Mr. and ::\Irs. Herschel H. Hatch 81 Dr. Ray Connor 27 :\'Ir. and :\Irs. Jerome Ingersoll 95 :\-Ir. and :Mrs. "\'\'"m. A. Downes 31 :\:Ir. and ::\Irs. Clarence H. Booth 105 Mr. and Mrs. George 1V. Stockwell 40 Mr. and Mrs. Junius I. Bruce 115 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lenox 50 :\Ir. anr Mrs. Jay Fletcher Willlams 126 l\Ir. and Mrs. Orvin J. Wright 54 ::\!Ir. and Mrs. Charles W. nurton 130 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Delbert C. James 61 Dr. and Mrs. H. Rockwell Varney 1-10 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Theodore E. Ball 6 6 :\iliss Frances Margaret Fox 152 :\Ir. and Mrs. Henry "\'\:'". Ewing 66 :\Ir. and Mrs. Lee E. Joslyn 156 ~Ir. and Mrs. :Milo S. MacDiarmid i2 :\Ir. and :\Irs. E. Hugh Smith 193 :\fr. and l\Irs. Jesse G. Wetzel , , Dr. and )'.Ir<=. Ge::>rge P. Cooley, Jr. 196 :\:Ir. and ::\Irs. Robert H. Day 81 Dr. and Mrs. Guy L. Connor

FARNSWORTH AVENUE -10 :\Ir. George A. Jenks 93 :Mr. and :.\frs. Henry B. Sharkey 65 :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. W. Allen Pendry 97 lfr. and ).1rs. James lVI. Keenan 73 :\lrs. George Swift 117 :\Ir. John A. :\Iackinnon 75 l\Ir. and llrs. Clarence L. _-\~·res

FERRIS AVENUE 2-l :Mr. and llrs. Lawrence Wordsworth Snell

FERRY AVENUE EAST 30 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. 1Villiam A. Pungs lOi ::\Ir. and :\!rs. James "\'\Tilson 33 :\Ir. Charles L. Freer 108 :\fr. and Mrs. Frank E. Robson 3 6 :\-Ir. and lfrs. l-Iilton A. McRae 115 lir. and Mrs. Merle B. l\:'J:oon 4-1 ~Ir. and :Mrs. Clarence B. Hoages 115 ::\Irs. Erma Belle Sparks -15 :\Ir. Christian Henry Haberkorn 120 )fr. and ::\Irs. Henry E. Canaler 5 0 :Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Rush 121 Mr. and :Mrs. Irvin Butterworth 51 :\!rs. Charles K. Backus 125 :\Ir. and Mrs. Henry F. Coon 5 9 Mrs. :\Iadeline Botsford 125 ::\-Iiss .-\nabel Hayes 59 :\Ir. and !\-1rs. Hugh O'Connor 151 l\Ir. and Mrs. Roscoe B .•Tackson 67 :\Ir. and Mrs. Gilbert Willson Lee 175 Mr. and l\-Irs. Robert J. F. Roehm 70 ::.v.rr. and l\frs. James F. Murphy 181 :\fr. and Mrs. George G. Han·ey i9 :\'.Ir. and Mrs. Charles B. Culbertson 185 :Mr. and :\!rs. George Burt Erving 85 Mr. and !\'Irs. William L. Barclay 185 Mr. Harry- Hartley 91 Dr. and ::\!rs.Albert L. Le Gro 196 ·Dr. and l\'Irs. Burton D. Parker 96 :\Ir. and Mrs. Edward D. Hayes 198 :\Irs. James ~:-. Hine 97 :\Ir. and ::Mrs. Louis F. ~:-ard 200 :\Ir. and ::\frs. George Hilsendegen 102 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. E. Weadock 200 )!rs. Susan Schwartz 103 Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson 220 :Mr. and Mrs. Henry C .. Penny, Jr. 103 :V.Crs. James T. Birchard 238 lir. Ernest R. Des Roches 103 liir. and Mrs. Fn•derick Taylor Xorris 2 i 2 Hon. and Mrs. Fred H. Aldrich 103 :\Irs. Marion :\I. Shepard

FERRY AVENUE WEST 12 Mr. and Mrs. l\·Iark G. Morris 4 8 :\Irs. ~Iary E. Carle 16 Mr. and Mrs. Frank :\lunger 48 :\Ir. Charles Y. Judson 18 Dr. and ::\1rs. Theodore Romeyn But- 50 lilr. and lfrs. Otto L. Fluegel trick 50 :\Ir. and l-Irs. "\'\:-illiam Keayv 2-1 )Ir. and )[rs. ~;illiam A. Jacksor 50 :.\Ir. and l-frs. James Roach· 24 l\fr. and ~Irs. John R. Kem~~ 93 :\Ir. and :\£rs. E. G. Dailey 26 :\-lrs. :VIary L. :VIcPherson Browning 164 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Ralph Ainsworth 26 l\:lr. and ::\Irs. Edward R. Viger 169 ::\Iiss Belle C. Gray 4-1 :\Ir. and :\-Irs. John Donald l\1acKay 169 ::\-lrs. Ella R. ~-oolfenden -15 :Mr. and :Mrs. Archibald Chas. Jack- 177 :\Ir. and Mrs. Edwin EYarts son 31S )Ir. and lirs. Charles Flowers 45 :\Irs. Thomas B. Simons FIELD AVENUE 121 :\'Ir. and :\frs. Frank H. ~-helden 339 :\Ir. and Mrs. S. Arthur Fuller 129 ::\Ir. and lvlrs. Fred B. Pott~r 339 )!rs. C. B. Ketchum 140 THE SOCIETY BL'GE BOOK

FIELD AVENUE-Continued 361 l\Ir. and Mrs. Henrv Otis 495 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bodde 379 Mr. and Mrs. John· Inglis Turnbull 507 Dr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Fischer 435 Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew A. Blay 530 Mr. and l\lrs. Seymour R. Haworth 469 l\'.Ir. and Mrs. George F. Trunk 585 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Field 478 Mr. and Mrs. H. J. :\Iaxwell Grylls 638 Mr. and Mrs. George P. Good 484 Mr. and Mrs. Christian J. Balle 804 lV[r. and l\frs. Robert L. Weyhing FOREST AVENUE EAST 2 Mr. and :Mrs. Wm. C. Rands 54 Mr. and Mrs. Julian Porter L~~on 2 Miss Emma Talbot 56 :Mr. and l\lrs. Charles P. Koble 2 Mrs. Marion G. Tryon 58 Mr. and l\frs. Walter S. Campbell 12 Mr. and l\lrs. Frederick Cod~· 60 l\'.Ir. and Mrs. Arthur B. Cram 12 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Chamberlin 61 Mrs. Charles Herbert Ellis 12 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Stuart 6 6 l\'.lrs. Allen 0. Carter 12 Mr. and ::.\irs. vv·arren 1';-ilkie 77 :\Ir. and :\-!rs. \\.illiarr.. E. Higgin- 2 2 :\'.Irs. E. l\L Gaylord botham 22 1\1:rs. Laura Mitton 83 Mrs. Robert Hosie 25 Mr. and Mrs. James Schuyler 1\;-ood 83 l\ilr. and :\!rs. Charles F. Hererman 2 8 !\Irs. Annie M. Pinet 89 :Miss Josephine D. MacGinnis 2 8 Mr. and :v.Irs. Herman A. Strasburg 89 Dr. and l\frs. Reuben H. Osborn 31 Mr. and :V.Crs. James Hunter 97 Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer 1';-ohlegemuth 42 :\Ir. and Mrs. John Scripps Sweeney 146 l\Ir. Stuart 1\rells Utley 51 :\1 r. and :\lrs. Andrew Harvev 177 :Mr. and :\-Irs. Philip H. Gray 52 Mr. and Mrs. Emory 1\·endeil FOREST AVENUE WEST 9 lV[r. and :\!rs. Fred Schram 96 Dr. and :\Irs. Fred ,Vright Robbins 22 Miss Jennie C. Walker 100 Mr. and :\-Irs. Robert McB. Grindley 30 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Forman 12 4 l\frs. Ellen A. Mc Lane 33 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bowen 142 Dr. and Mrs. Preston M. Hickey 33 Miss Evelyn Parkhill 142 :Mrs. Elmira :\Ialey 40 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Conlon 148 Judge and :!.\!rs. Philip T. Van Zile 43 Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Young 150 l\Ir. Charles M. Carran 4 7 l\Ir. Harold 0. Miller 153 l\Ir. and llrs. Robert B. S'wart 55 :Mr. Herbert L. Baker 156 :\Ir. and Mrs. Frederick 1';-. Bourl{e 81 Mr. and Mrs. E. Frank Groff 161 Dr. James Cleland 82 Mr. and :V.Crs. Charles G. Easlev 161 :\-Ir. and Mrs. Charles Hosmer 1\Teich 82 :\fr. Reade M. Ireland · 178 Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Anderson 82 Mrs. W. F. Mulkev 2 21 l\fr. "\Villiam H. McGregor 86 l\ilr. and l'.Irs. John· J. Alley 229 :\Ir. and Mrs. James F. :\IcGregor . 90 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Coolev 246 l\fr. Carl D. Saxon 90 Mr. Xorman H. Pratt • 260 Dr. and Mrs. John Rintoul Kellie 91 :\Ir. and Mrs. Charles F. Mann 313 l\Ir. and ::.\Irs. C. 1\:'". Findlater 92 l\Ir. and Mrs. George M. Black FORT STREET EAST 634 lVIr. and Mrs. Currier Lang FORT STREET WEST 107 Dr. Charles G. Anderson 165 l\1:r. 1\'"illiam B. Stratton 107 Dr. Robert \\"". Gillman 356 Miss Sadie M. Alley 145 l\Ir. Herman C. Ralph 8 0 7 l\Irs. Florence B. Mayhew 149 Mr. Elliott Truax Slocum 1017 Mrs. Addison Moffat 15 0 Mrs. Annette Alger 1 O3 O Capt. and :Mrs. Thomas l\icGo·wan 155 Rev. and ·Mrs. Edward Ii. .Pence 1057 :\Ir. and Mrs. Samuel P. O'Brien 15 9 l\Irs. Mary Visscher 1070 :\!rs. Isabella H. Barnard 159 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wenoell 1072 :Mrs. Felice M. Girardot 164 Mr. Albert F. Wood 1085 :Mrs. Oren Scotten 16 5 l\lr. Harry L. Russell FOURTEENTH AVENUE 385 Dr. and Mrs. William C. Stevens 824 l\Ir. and Mrs. Fred T. Gies 434 l\fr. and Mrs. John D. Sullivan 838 :\Irs. Alexander K. Park 443 Mr. and Mrs. John Daker 844 :\Ir. and ~Irs. Frederick Saxby 443 Mrs. Mary D. Farley 893 Dr. and :v.Irs. David H. O'Donnell 615 Rev. and Mrs. John M. Gordon 1039 l\Ir. and Mrs. Henry C. Carson 615 }.fr. and Mrs. John E. Williamson 1253½ :v.Ir. and Mrs. Donald G. :MacDonald 633 Dr. and Mrs. John Mead, Jr. 1320 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Anderson 635 Mr. and Mrs. John Mead 1332 Dr. and Mrs. Dayton L. Parker 668 Mr. and Mrs. George B. Greening 1380 :Miss Jennie M. Stoddard 786 Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus I. \\""right DETROIT 1-:17

FOURTH AVENUE ·393 l\fr. Horace S. Bouten 644 :\Ir. and :\Irs. F. A. Kirby 398 l\Ir. and Mrs. Stephen S. Lindner 773 Mrs. T. C. SeYerance 398 l\lr. and :Mrs. John Radcliffe 855 !\fr. and :Mrs. Paul Honore 408 :\Iiss Josephine Taylor 118:3 :\Irs. Sarah J. La Tour 462 ~Ir. Charles L. Harris 1183 :\Ir. and :\Irs. 1Yilliam G. Loomis 623 Mr. and ~Irs. Frank E. Carleton FREDERICK AVENUE 69 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles R. \\~ils0n 212 Dr. and Mrs. Otto Scherer 87 l\Ir. and ~Irs. "'\"Vm. Crapo Orrell 220 ~Ir. and l\Irs. Samuel I. Slade 208 Mr. and :\'!rs. George :Morley 2-17 :i1r. George S. DaYis GARFIELD AVENUE 15 :\Iiss Harriet E. Raymond 56 :\Ir. and Mrs. Seward L. ::.\Ierriam 1 • :.\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Ormond F. Hunt 56 :\fr. and :Mrs. John DaYis 1 7 :\Trs. Alice B. Finney .>, :\Ir. and ::.\lrs. Jarvis S. Jennings 21 :\Ir. and Mrs. Louis C. Sherwood 61 2.\-ir. and Mrs. Alex. Kimball Gage 21 ::.\Ir. and l\Irs. Frank Butler Xorth- 64 Dr. and :\Irs. Louis J. Hirschman wood 67 Mr. and l\Irs. James \\71ittemore 27 :.\Ir. Robert B. Ridgley 71 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Edward H. Ashley 27 l\Ir. and :\Irs. Ernest I-I. Ridgeley 7 7 l\Irs. Susan :\I. S't\·ales 32 :!.\Iiss Agnes L. Barclay 79 l\Irs. Harlo\\· P. Davock 32 :\Irs. Lillie Barclay Deyo 79 2.\-Ir. and lirs. C. ,v. DaYock 33 :\!rs. Sophie Goebel 80 !\Ir. and lirs. Joseph G. Hamblen 33 l\Irs. John T. ::.\Ionaghan 82 l\Ir. and :\Irs. Wm. Allan Ross 33 ::\!rs. :\Ieta G. Owen 87 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Edmund A. :\!orris 34 Dr. and :\Irs. Levi ,Johnson Lennox 99 :\[r. Emil HPyn 34 :\fr. and Mrs.. James Yeech Oxtoby 105 :Mr. and l\Irs. Thomas ,Y. Henderson 3 8 :\Ir. and :VIrs. Edmund D. Bronner 110 Dr. :Moses A. Fechheimer 38 :\[r. and :\frs. Joseph Harry 112 l\Ir. and :\Irs. Sidney :\I. Fechheimer 4 3 :\Iiss :\Iary :Via tilda IrYine 121 :\Ir. and :\Irs. \\-illiam H. Traub 4 6 :\fr. and :\Irs. Theodore L. Backus 122 :\Ir. and :.\Irs. Janws \\-. Partlan 4 7 :\Ir. and Mrs. Frank A. Spies 12 2 :\Irs. George M. Tries 5 O :\Ir. and !\-'.£rs. Alex. Dow 12 3 :\fr. and :VIrs. Donald A. .T ohnston i'> ~ :.\Ir. and lfrs. Joseph T. :\Iason 12-! :\Ir. and :\Irs. Oscar L. Buehler GARLAND AVENUE 402 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Yictor George Shefferly GLADSTONE AVENUE .--,- )Ir. and Mrs . \\-m. R. Orr 103 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Jo~e1>h ,Y. Smith 35. l\:fr. and :\Irs. Frank B. Preston 12-! l\Ir. and )!rs. ,Ym. P. Turner 46 l\:Ir. and :Mrs. .Tames M . Lonergan 131 ~Ir. and :\Irs. Frederick ~eagraYe 46 Mrs. Frances Obey 1-12 :\Ir. and llrs. Byron Hale Persons -•) ;)_ :.\[r. and :\iirs. \\-m. D. Trump 192 Dr. and l\Irs. Phillip E. Moody GLENDALE -AVENUE H. P. 29 l\Ir. and lfrs. Reuel Houghton 132 :\Ir. and :\frs. Osman C. Seeh·e 56 :\Ir. and l\Irs. Benjamin F. l\Iulford 17 2 :\Ir. and :.\Irs. George P. Fraser 5 6 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Cecil \\-arner GRAND BOULEVARD EAST 130 :\liss Louise Chambe 238 :\Ir. and :\lrs. Lewis Echlin 135 :\Ir. and l\'.Irs. ::\Iilford Stern 243 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Chauncey C. Griggs 150 l\Ir. and :Mrs. Christian Leidich 245 Re\". and Mrs. Hobart H. Barber 160 ::.\Ir. and Mrs. :\Iichael J. Bourke 251 :\fr. and ~Irs. .J. Eugene Du Bois 161 l\Ir. and l\Irs. Alfred B. l\foran 255 llr. and :Mrs. Albert J. Xebe .-,- - 165 :\Ir. and Mrs. DaYid ~I. Ireland - ;) ;) Miss Frances Thrall 177 l\Ir. and l\frs. Philip Rafferty 268 l\Ir. and Mrs. Joseph A. Burns 179 l\Ir. and Mrs. Henry \\'.'. H')yt 271 :\Ir. and llrs. Lee Counselman 200 l\Ir. and Mrs. Lucius T-L Collins 27-1 :\Irs. .Josephine Trol"'ster 203 !\Ir. and ::.\lrs. Ernest l\1. Baker 281 :VIr. and Mrs. Harn.- Beckwith lfason 205 Mr. and :Mrs. Frank M. Brennan 284 Dr. and Mrs. Sig-urd Becker 208 Mr. and :\Irs. Butler lYes 28::i ~Ir. and :Mrs. ,nlliam G. Curtis . 210 Mr. and Mrs. James :Marshall \\-alker 286 Mr. and :\!rs. Harry Austin 210 l\'.Ir. and Mrs. \\-illiam Reed-Hill 288 l\Ir. and Mrs. John H. Toepel 214 llr. and :Mrs. Frank C. Trowbridge 288 :Mr. and :.\lrs. Herman Toepel 215 )Ir. and :Mrs. Jesse G. Shadbolt 300 :\Ir. and :.\Irs. Joseph Belanger 238 :\Irs. Adam J. Orth 301 :\Irs. Jacob Bastendorf 148 THE SOCIETY BLL'E BOOK

GRAND BOULEVARD EAST-Continued 326 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toepel 2872 lfr. and :VIrs. "\'\,..alter 0. Briggs 331 l\-Ir. and Mrs. Earl R. Hasse 2876 Mr. and :\Irs. "'\Villiam :\I. \\·alker 332 Mr. and l\i!rs. Patrick C. · Baker 2880 :\fr. and :.\Irs. Elden E. Small 335 Mr. and l\Irs. Frank Klein 2890 :\Ir. and Mrs. Wm. G. Lichtenberg 338 Mr. and :.\Irs. Walter J. Henkel 2895 1\-Ir. William H. Leggett 341 l\-Irs. :\Iary O'Brien 2897 Mr. and Mrs. Harry l\L "\'\.illiams 345 l\Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Fred. Blue, Jr. 2904 Judge and lfrs. \\.illiam F. Connolly 347 :\Ir. and l\Irs. Harry S. Thompson 2913 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Emmert 382 :\-Ir. and ).!rs. Frederick Kahl 2915 Mr. and :Mrs. Thomas F. Hancock 398 l\Ir. and Mrs. Thomas J. Paxton 2924 Mr. and :\!rs. Willard Bryant 400 Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Doran 2924 Mrs. Martha Slade -Ul :\Ir. and Mrs. Herman Kundinger 2946 Mr. Robert J. Brennan 4•)- ).Ir. Charles C. "\'\,..inningham 2967 :Mr. Carlton A. Beardsley 429-· Dr. and l\Irs. John W. Harrison 2967 :\Ir. \\·alter Boies 440 l\Ir. George \\·. House 2968 :\Irs. James A. Randall 455 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Brady 2977 :\Ir. and Mrs. Percy E. Biddlecombe 459 Mr. and :Mrs. Carl F. Raiss 2989 Mr. and :\ilrs. Charles E. Baxter 460 :\Ir. and Mrs.. John Schroeder 2989 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Arthur J. Hoocl 469 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 0. Krentler 2990 l\ilr. Louis Groesbeck 475 l\1r. and !\Irs. C. M. Woodruff 2994 l\-Ir. and Mrs. Wm. M. Locke 475 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Fred \\Toodruff 3000 :\Ir. and :Mrs. George A. Young 484 l\fr. and Mrs. Julius H. Haass 3000 ~Ir. and :\ilrs. George v;.r, Rt>nchard 485 :\Ir. and Mrs. Arthur Colton 3000 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. FairgrieYe 485 :l\Iiss Mary Ann Dorling 3000 l\Irs. Marion Campbell 409 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Richard E. Raseman 3017 l\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles .-\. :Martz 512 :\Ir. and lirs. Charles H. Ritter 3017 Mrs. Thomas .T. XaYin 525 Mrs. Theresa Rolshoven 3026 Mr. and Mrs. James D. l\Iay 528 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles B. Tuttle 3034 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K. Rums<'Y 548 ):Ir. and Mrs. George Stroh 3034 Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Goux 576 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Mayer 3035 Mr. and :\Irs. Thomas "\V. Barnes 580 :\fr. and Mrs. Herman A. Rolshoven 3039 Mr. and Mrs. William Phelps llcFar- 626 :VIr. and Mrs. James Inglis lane 651 :\Ir. and Mrs. William H. Kirn 3040 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Robertson 665 ~Ir. and ::\Irs. Alphonse D. Posselius 3050 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Herbert Broad- 660 :\Ir. and Mrs. Henry C. "\Veber well 676 Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hupp 3052 Mr. and :\Irs. John F. lVIcLean 677 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Millenbach 3063 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Bloom 690 :Mr. and Mrs. J. Tilson Leitch 3063 ::Vlrs. George E. Avery 815 :\!rs. J. Z. Posselius 3063 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cramer 831 :\Irs. Anna Breitmeyer 3066 :\Ir. "\'\:-alter B. Cary 884 Mr. and Mrs. \\·alter H. Gass 3067 :\Ir. and Mrs. Frederick ::\Iarriott 1006 Mr. A. J. :\Iarshall ~Irs. G. :VI. Grgory 1265 :\fr. and Mrs. Edward D. Jones ::Vlr. and :\!rs. Lewis Le B. Good\\·in 2120 :\fr. and ~frs. John l\'.Iay Mrs. Fredericka Richmond GRAND BOULEVARD WEST 227 :\i!r. and Mrs. Jeremiah Howe 2913 :\Ir. and :Mrs. R. T. Bates •)- - - i) i) :\Ir. and Mrs. James T. Warner 2928 l\Ir. and l\Irs. :\Iaurice Berenson 262 Mr. and :Mrs. Granger 1Vbitney 2959 :\Ir. and Mrs. Henry F. George 262 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Hathaway 2962 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles L. Raymond 264 :\Ir. and Mrs. Charles I. Proud 2970 l\:lr. and :\Irs. Francis G. Susemihl 289 Mr. Fred L. Smith 2975 Mr. and :Mrs. Arthur \\·ardell :\Ioyer 294 :\Ir. and l\-Irs. John A. Ubsdell 2975 Mrs. Wardell Moyer 315 Mr. Andrew C. Wood 2977 ::\Irs. X('llie E. Barnes 318 Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Campbell 2977 Mrs. Catherine Hackett 321 Mrs. .John A. Preston 2980 ::\Ir. and ::Vlrs. Wilfred C. Leland 325 Mr. and :\Irs. Watson C. Shallcross 2980 :!.\Ir. and l\1rs. Angus Cameron \\T ood- 372 ).Ir. Edgar Starret bridge 381 Mr. Henry l\iI. Park 2984 :\Ir. and Mrs. Henry :\I. Leland 401 Mr. and ::\1.rs. Joh!! C. :\Iunn 3000 l\Ir. and Mrs. Charles E. Cheney 455 ~fr. and :i\frs. Addison J. Hayes 3000 l\Iiss Margaret A. Holmes 507 ~Ir. and Mrs. ,vm. Andrus Sutton 3000 )Ir. and Mrs. Charles E. Cheney 513 :\Iiss Ida M. Hirth 3000 l\Ir. ,villiam Reid 520 :\Ir. and Mrs. "\'\:-illiam C. Smith 3000 l\Ir. and Mrs. Hereward S. Scott 806 :\Ir. and Mrs. Howard H. Hmison 3020 :\Ir. and :Mrs. L. II. Turrell 1901 l\Ir. and Mrs. Franklin W. Latham 3026 Mr. and :\!rs. Howard R. Smith 2019 Mrs. Marie KPrn 3049 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Billing 2281 :VIr. and :Mrs. Thomas G. Whittaker 3049 Mr. and Mrs. Harry 0. Turner 2403 Mr. and Mrs. Lucius E. -,-n1~on 3077 Dr. and :Mrs. "\'\rilliam A. Spitzley 2624 Mr. and Mrs. DaYid E. S'tott. ,Jr. 3077 :\fr. and Mrs. James T. Keena 2838 l\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles W. Houghton 3077 Miss Sarah L. Doyle 2861 Mr. and :\!rs. 0. X. Gardner 3077 :\Ir. and )Irs. Joseph S. Keen· 2885 :\Ir. and :Mrs. John H. Hart 3077 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles S. Ritter DETROIT 1-W

GRAND BOULEVARD WEST-Continued 3079 llr. and :\Irs. Peter lI. Ditzler :rns7 :\Ir. ::\IcCurdy C. Le Beau !~079 :\Ir. and ::.\lrs. Paul J. Brown 3087 :\!rs. Caroline \Vicks 3087 · l\Ir. and l-Irs. Claude :\I. Harmon 30S7 Rev. Samuel S. Seward 3087 liiss Katharine Kimber 3090 :\Ir. Clarence A. Guilford GRAND RIVER AVENUE H.29 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Elliot 0. Gros\·enor 1503 ::\Ir. and l-Irs. Leslie C. Smith H 77 Dr. and :Mrs. R. :Milton Richards HAGUE AVENUE 29 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Richard :\I. Hea mes 68 :\Ir. and ::\!rs. Charles \\~. Rudd 18 :Mrs. A.lice \Y. \\'elstead 80 l!r. and Mrs. \\'. D. Biggers 2!1 :\Irs. Elias \\~. \\"ardell 8-1 llr. and :Mrs. Stephen :\I. \\~irts 29 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. 1Villiam Edmund Big­ 85 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Frank E. Bogart ger~ 112 ::\Ir. and :\!rs. Carl E. Huyette :rn :\Ir. and :\Irs. \YndE• ::\Iillis HAMIL TON AVENUE 353 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Harry T. Jenrn'y HANCOCK AVENUE EAST 32 :\Ir. and llrs. John P. Hemmeter 8-1 Dr. and lfrs. John E. Gleason 35 ReY. and Mrs. Samuel S. ::\Iarquis, 86 :\Ir. and l!rs.. T. H. LiYsev (D. D.) 9 7 lfrs. Eustace C. Bowman· 3 7 Mrs. Thomas H ..\nderson 10.2 :\Ir. and l\frs. Dyer P. Thorpe -13 Mrs. George Doty 105 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Arthur Bassett 43 :VIr. and j_\lrs. EYert .\. R:::idf )rel 123 Mr. and Mrs. A. Clayton Raymond -13 l\:Ir. and :\!rs. Charles 0. Rone:/ 128 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. James H. Cutcheon 51 :\Ir. and Mrs. Henry w·. Harding 129 :\Ir. and Mrs. Leo Zuckerman 5-1 Mr. and ::\Irs. John Kel!!2~0 14 0 Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. ::\Iyers 60 Mr. and :\Irs. Almon B. Atwater 143 Mr. and ::\Irs. F. Earl Long 60 liiss :Mary Thompson 143 :Vlr. and :\Irs. George Simpson 61 :\:Ir. and ::\Irs.. John Trix 143 :\Ir. and Mrs. George Carleton 70 Mr. and :Mrs. Louis \\0 ('lt 18-1 Dr. and lVIrs. Hedley 1Villiamson 70 liiss Rose Meyerfeld 210 :Mr. and :\!rs. Alexander .J. Ellair 7 4 Mr. and ::\Irs. George \\'". Radford 213 l\Ir. and llrs. Robert R. :\Ierriam 7 9 :\Ir. and :\frs. Ralph K. Trix 272 Dr. and :Mrs. George C. \\·anace 81 :\Ir. James H. DonoYan 27.2 )Iiss Ion<' Odell 83 Mr .. and l\Irs. Frederick R. Still HANCOCK AVENUE WEST :!2 Dr. and Mrs. Homer E. Safford 89 Rev. and Mrs. John ::\IcCarroll 23 :\!rs. Caroline T. Owen 140 Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Studer 25 :\Ir. and Mrs. Ralph Collamore 142 Capt. and Mrs. John W. w·estcott 26 :\Ir. and Mrs. Roys J. Cram 14-1 Dr.. John W. Fav 27 :\Ir. and )!rs. Charles H. Bunnell 14-1 Miss Annie A. Schoppmaer 27 :\Ir. X. Parker Holden 150 :\Ir. and :\.1rs. George \\·. Heigho 33 l\lr. and Mrs. Frdk. C. Gilbert 235 :\Ir. and l\Irs. Francis L. York 37 Mrs. Fred G. ::\fcGraw 236 Mr. and l\Irs. Myron C. Stowell 38 :\Ir. and l\-Irs. James E. Kimball 247 :iir. and Mrs. Lewis Clinton Carson 38 )Irs. Charles J. Heath 284 :vrr. and ::\Irs. Denny 0. \\Tiley 40 :\Ir. and Mrs. Charles P. Spicer 285 Mr. and :VIrs. Charles F. Bielman 4 2 :\-Ir. and )-!rs. Frederick Dexter Green 286 Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkie 42 ::\Iiss Elizabeth Preston 286 :\Ir. and Mrs. James Scripps South­ 4 2 :\!rs. Frederick W. Baker wick 43 ).fr. and Mrs. Andrew A. HarP 292 :\Ir. and l-Irs. \\Tilliam J. Berry 60 :\Ir. and :Mrs. George Herbert \\·ebb 308 )Ir. and :\!rs. Edward A. Fowler 85 Dr. Oscar S. Armstrong 326 :\Ir. and :\frs. Alfred E. ::\1eigs 85 lirs. F. B. 1Vhitton HARMON AVENUE 22 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Henry Blackwell 101 :\Ir. and Mrs. Alfred G. Lloyd 73 l\Ir. and l\Irs. Richard T. Cudmore 1.2 3 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. John P. Gallagher HARPER AVENUE 130 :\Ir. and ::\1rs. Erastus H. Cha~herlin 291 Dr. and l\-Irs. Robert Lee Schorr HARRISON AVENUE :~87 l\Ir. and :\Irs. Aaron B.

HAZLEWOOD AVENUE 34 Mr. Delos E. Rice 9~ Mr. and lfrs. Alexander J. McKay 34 Mrs. Jennie Louise Thomas 9 1 l'lr. and llrs. Ernest Fitch 40 Mr. and Mrs. Williams C. Harris 101 llrs. D. S. Hill 45 Mr. and Mrs. E. Percy Ashton 101 lfr. and Mrs. Sherwin A. Hill 57 Mr. and Mrs. Judd R. \\.. aters 110 Re,·. and Mrs. Charles B. Allen 5 7 :Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cro:::s 111 llrs. \\"alter S. McVittie 6 5 Mr. Edward I. Stimson 114 :\Ir. and Mrs. Hugh McXeil 7 4 Mr. and Mrs. Anson Lindsley Parker 117 :\fr. and Mrs. Harry B. Bullen 81 :vrr. and Mrs. George Donaldson 146 ~fr. and l-Irs. Bert C. \\'"ilder 91 Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Spellman 151 llr. and llrs. George H. Rope~ 94 Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Fry .L53 Dr. and Mrs. Clarnce G. Parkf'r HELEN AVENUE 39i Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Schroeter 434 l\Ir. and :Mrs. Charles P. Sieder 410 Mr. and :Mrs. James H. O'Xeill 1583 :\-Ir. and Mrs. Frank A. Lyon 410 Mr. John O'Connor HENDRIE AVENUE 28 l\'.tr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Stevens 51 :\Irs. \\'"illiam Bernart 29 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thom 51 ::.\iirs. ::.\iiargaret O'Leary 3 7 Mr. and Mrs. George Y. Candler 87 lfr. and Mrs. Francis E. Rankin 37 Mr. Louis A. Xall 87 l\Irs. :\!Iartha J. \\'"ynn HENRY STREET 127 Mr. and Mrs. Jams W. Flynn 182 !\!rs. Cummings D. \\'"hitcomb 128 Dr. and Mrs. Justin Edwards Emerson HIGH STREET EAST 24 Dr. Sarah J. Lloyd 91 Mrs. Francis P. Kemp 30 Mr. and Mrs. Edward w·. Stoddard 115 lir. and Mrs. Henry A. Krolik 30 Miss Gail Smith 116 :\Iiss Louie DaYison 32 Dr. George W. Corns 119 Dr. and llrs. Eugene Smith 37 l\Ir. and Mrs. H. Kirke Whit~-- Vil Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. \\'"heeler 58 Mr. and Mrs. Volney P. Bayle~- 151 Dr. Charles M. \\'"heeler 91 Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Polk · HIGH STREET WEST 20 Dr. and Mrs. Allen Cameron Fullen­ 130 llrs. Lucretia A. Dean wider 13-l :Mrs. Harriet M. Rawle,· 20 Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Obetz 166 l\frs. Anna Holmes · 130 Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Dean HIGHLAND ·AVENUE, H. P. 20 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic J. SteYens -t- 6 Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Manly Connor 26 Mr. and llrs. Kenneth C. Craigie HOLBROOK AVENUE 45 Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher W. Root 203 ::v.Ir. and Mrs. Louis Schwanbeck 50 Mrs. Charles J. Strong HOLCOMB AVENUE 260 :Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. :\iliner HORTON AVENUE 33 Mr. and !\'.Irs. James G. Barton :n lfr. and Mrs. John P. Dawson HOWARD STREET 90 Mrs. John McLean 308 :\Ir. and Mrs. \Villiam P. Thorpe HUBBARD AVENUE 228 Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Turner 32q Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Herbert 32 3 Dr. Samuel H. Snider 387 Mrs. Frank A. Reed 329 Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Herbert -t--t-2 Mr. and Mrs. William v\Ta:vne \\-alker HUDSON AVENUE 264: Mrs. R. E. Baetcke · 316 Mr. and Mrs. Henry \"\:-. Horton DETROIT 151

HURLBURT AVENUE 289 Mrs. Eber Ward 339 Mr. and :\!rs. Ralph H. P. Meaker 289 :\Ir. and Mrs. Herbert E. ,vard 343 l\Ir. and Mrs. Kenneth Crittenden 2!1t Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. K. Whiteley 355 :\Ir. and Mrs. Aikman Armstrong 300 Mr. Charles C. ::\IcCloskey 397 Dr. George E. Clark 300 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thompson 421 :\Ir. Frderick Paquette 306 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic M. Sibley, Jr. 425 Mr. and Mrs. Mark "\V. Allen 306 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic l\I. Sibley 561 l\Ir. and :\!rs. Theodore D. Hinchcliffe 339 l\Ir. and :Mrs. John W. l\tieaker IROQUOIS AVENUE 17S l\h·. and :\!rs. James P. Scranton 22:J ~Ir. and :\Irs. Charles J. Butler 1s:3 ,;..vir. a;nd Mrs. James Crapo Cristy 239 Mr. and Mrs. Austin E. Morey 187 Dr. and Mrs. C. Hollister Judd 258 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Buhl 188 Mr. and Mrs. C. Goodloe Edgar 269 :\Ir. and Mrs. Harvy Miller 192 ::\:Irs. Eugene B. Deimel 275 :\Ir. and :VIrs. Hugh Chalmers 192 :\Irs. Charlotte Deirnel Elliott 2 7 6 ::\Irs. Joseph Metzger 196 :VIr. and :.\Irs ..John "-:-. Anderson 2 82 :VIr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Aldrich 197 l\:Ir. and l\Irs. Henry L. "-7 alker 336 Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Schenck ~i2 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Gusta,·us D. Pope 470 Dr. and Mrs. "-·. E. Blodgett 215 l\Ir. and l\:Irs. Francis C. :\Ic:\Iath 1913 Mr. and ::\Irs. Fredk. H. Andrus JEFFERSON AVENUE •)•>·> :\Ir. Jacob F. Traub 473 )Ir. and :\:lrs. Samuel T. Douglas :n 7 !Ir. and ::\Irs. Harn· H. Jacl~son -17 8 :\Ir. and :.\frs. Claudius ,Y. Thomas 319 :\:Ir. John P. Antis.del -1 s:~ :Mrs. Hele-n H. Xewberry 362 Dr. and ~Irs. Daniel La Ferte -is:J :\Ir. and ::\frs. John Stoughton Xew- 364 l\Ir. and ::\:lrs. Henry Rile~- Fuller bern· 3 81 Hon. and Mrs. Cornelius J. .H.eillr 4 ~ 1 Mr. "\Yilliam G. Henry 383 :\:lrs. Henry D. Barnard 494 l\Iiss Mary E. Trowbridge 384 Mr. Frederick E. Flattery 496 l\Ir. and Mrs. William P. Hamilton 398 Dr. Michael J. Spranger 500 Mrs. Francis F. Palms 400 :\:Ir. and Mrs. Sidney S. Hand 501 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome H. Remick 400 Mr. George B. Sheehy 514 :\Ir. and Mrs. Cornelius Corbett 402 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Green 52 3 :\Irs. :\Iichael W. O'Brien 4 0 7 :Mrs. Frances A. Moran 525 Mr. James Kendrick Bangs, Jr. 408 Rev. and Mrs. William D. :\!axon 525 Mr. Hugh Shepherd 410 :v.rrs. Marie Louise Sibley 525 Mr. Abram D. w·nt. Jr. 415 Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. :Moran 527 Mr. and Mrs. George William :.\Ioore 421 :\Ir. James Dwyer 541 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Charles H. Hodges 425 .:\Ir. and Mrs. Hermann Dey 544 Dr. and Mrs. Burt Russell Shurb· 432 :Miss Sarah A. Sibley 545 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burnham Stevens 433 Mr. George Bradford Remick 550 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Burtenshaw 437 Dr. and Mrs. Charles Godwin ,Jennings 550 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ivory Lord 440 ::\Irs. Charles B. Lathrop 550 Mrs. Elijah W. Meddaugh 440 :\Ir. Robert Stuart Stewart 550 Mrs. \\-imam Hubbard w·ens 444 :\Ir. and Mrs. George Gordon -Moore 550 l\:lr. and Mrs. "";-illiam C. Williams 44 7-9 THE PAL:\1:S 551 :Mrs. Julia F. Owen :\Ir. George "\V. Alexander 556 Mrs. Charles C. Hinchman Dr. and Mrs. James B. Book 556 Dr. and Mrs. John vV. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Chapman 556 Mr. Murray G. Paterson Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Fletcher 559 Dr. Delos L. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson C. \\i·ormer 565 Mr. and Mrs. John H. _.\xen- Mr. and Mrs. Wesson Cook 567 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Bennett B. Cushman 569 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Doyle 575 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Casgrain l\'.Ir. and l\Irs. Thomas JJ. Doyle 5 7 8 :\Irs. Irene Hinchman Toll l\liss Elizabeth Putnam Gardner 579 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ledyard Mr. John D. :Morphy 584 :Mr. and Mrs. John Y. Moran Miss Emily S. Paddock 591 Mrs. Mary R. Schmidt :Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Paxton 595 :\Ir. and Mrs. Frank G. Smith l\lrs. Edmund R. Shurley 595 Mrs. George L. Smith Mrs. Grover S. Wormer 597 :Mrs. John T. Brodhead Judge and Mrs. Henry X. BreYoort 605 :Miss Sarah Bacon Hill Mr. George l\I. Hendrie 605 Miss Sarah S. Larrabee Dr. and Mrs. Willard H. Hutchings 612 :\Ir. and Mrs. Edward A. Barnes Mr. Maurice Beekman McMillan 613 Mr. and Mrs. George H. Barbour, Jr. 'Mrs. Edward I. Peck 615 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sie'\.·ers Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Pittman 6 21 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wilkin~ 451 l\fr. and :\Irs. James Cosslett Smith 625 l\fr. Harry F. Hopper 451 Mr. and Mrs. James Cosslet Smith 625 :\fr. and Mrs. Charles F. !\fellish 452 Miss Doris McMillan 630 :\Ir. and Mrs. Charles ~~right 460 Mr. .John McKibbin 645 Mr. and !\lrs. Robert T. Gray 464 Mrs. William E. Lovett 649 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bissell EASY WALKS THE FOOT THAT WEARS A WALK-OVER SHOE MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN WALK OVER SHOE CO.


There is One Table Milk In Detroit that can be depended upon for purity, cleanliness and freedom from all harmful germs and bacilli. That Milk is , perfectly TOWar S · astuerized 'Phone a Trial Order To T ow-ar' s Crea01ery 73-75-77 Bagley Ave. Main 4327-City 365 . DETROI'r ------JEFFERSON AVENUE-Cont. 650 l\-Ir. and ~!rs. I-Io,vard GraYes liere- )Ir. and )Ir~. William .John GraJ· dith )Ir. .J. Preston 11alstead 6:52 :\Ir. and Mrs. Antonio C. Pessano )Ir. :\!organ .T. 1Ia1111uers 65-1 )Ir. and Mrs. George L. Bahl )Ir. and ~)Irs. Wm. \Y. Hannan 6:55 :\!rs. ,v. K. :\Iuir )Ir. William L. 1-IC'rendeen 655 :\1rs. C. :\I. Yan Husan )Ir~.. John )I. Hinchman 6:56 :\Ir. and Mrs. George L. Canfield )!rs. Caroline ~\1, .knnings G61 :\liss :\Iercedl'S de Goenaga y Fuertes )Ir. and ::.\Irs ..John Kay 6 6 3 Mrs. Francis Palms )Ir. and )!rs. Emil E. Keller 66;i Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leete Stephens :\Ir. and )Ir!:-. .JamC's L. Lee 666 Dr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Holmes )Iiss .-\.nnie P. Lyon 673 :\Ir. John R. Russell )Irs. I-Ienr~- F. Lyster 675 Mr. and )Irs. Cameron Currie )Ir. and :\Irs. Edward )I. )Iancourt 677 :\Ir. and :\!rs. \\·etmore Hunt )Ir. and )!rs. William B. :\Iarshutz 679 :\-Ir. and :Mrs. Emmet Dwyer )!rs. Lucian S. )Ioore 683 Mr_ and :\Irs. Edward P. Hammond )Ir. and :\lrs. Owen \Y. )Iulkey 685 :\lrs. Ellen Croul Hon. and )Irs.. James 0. :\Iurfin 687 Dr. and Mrs. Edward T. Milligan )Ir. and )Ir~. Charles E. )lurphy 689 :Mrs. Jane Phelps )Ir. Falconer O"Brien 689 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Ralph Phelps. Jr. :\Iiss Sarah H. Palmer 692 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Jeremiah DWY<'r )Ir.. John )larshall Parker 695 :\Irs. James Douglas W"eir I lr. Rolland Parmeter 705 :\!rs. Michael Martz )Ir. Alhert F. Peck 707 l\Ir. Divie Bethune Duffield )Ir. and :\Irs. S. Perry Pollak 707 Gen. H('nry llartyn Duffield )Ir. and )lrs. \Yilliam S. POWl'r 710 l\Ir. \\"illiam A. Spencer )Ir. and )!rs. Harry W. Quinby 'i15 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Henry M. Wright )Ir. and )Ir:,:;. Willam C. RowlPJ' 725 :\Ir. and :\ilrs. George L. Fleitz )Ir.. J. f>Pane RuckPr 72-1- 726 THE PASADE~A )Ir. Frank Gibhs Ryan :\Iiss Annie Gran•s Adams )Iiss .Tan.-t .\. ~ale:-: :\Irs. Francis ~\dams )Irs. ~adil' H. Se.nnour :\Irs. GC'orge ·w. Alexander )Ir. and )!rs. ,James T. ~haw :\!rs. Geo. Hall Angell :\Ir. Frank H. Shepard ~Irs. Kate M. Baker )Irs. Frank E. Snow l\Ir. and lfrs. \\rilliam H. Ball )Ir. .Arthur D. Stansell Mr. John C. Bills )Ir. Charlc-s Wainwright ~tpph('ns :\Ir. Brady Bradbeer )Ir. and )Irs. Il('rman R. ~tOl'IWl :\Irs lsalwlle Croul Bradheer )[r. and :\Irs. Edwin R. ~toughton -:Ur. and :\Irs. Frank "·- Brook~ )Ir::::. Harry Strong Taylor )fr. and )lrs. Frank \Y. Brook~.. Jr. )!rs. Irene I-I. Toll )Ir. and .,Irs. .\.lanson S. Brooks )Irs. George Do~glas Tracy )fr. and )!rs. Herbert E. Boynton )Ir. Frank S. \"\ erneken )Ir. .-\ lh<>rt C. Burch )Ir. and l\Irs . .Alexander B. \Yetmor" :\Irs. James Burtenshaw :\Ir. Cooper ·wood l\Is. and Mrr. Fred(>rick E. Butkr l\Ir. and )!rs. Frederick F. \Yormer Dr. and ) ... rs. Henry Cadi<'UX )Ir. and )!rs. 'l'bomas K. \\"right :\Ii~s Charlotte C. Campau ,27 ~Ir. and Mrs. Philip Hamilton :\IcMil­ ::\Irs. George T. Campau lan )lrs. Silas B. ColC'man 730 Mr. John 1\1. :Mayers )!rs. Charles Hotchkiss Campbell 730 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winslow Stand- )Ir. and )!rs.• John S. Conant art G-<'n. and )!rs. Charles ..-\. Coolidg-<' 739 Hon. and ::\Irs. Edwin Denby )!rs. ,Tames S. Conkling · 7 40 :\Iiss Mar)· I. McMillan )Irs.• John S. Cooper 7-11 Mr. and ::\Irs. Thomas Abner Wads- :\Ir.. -\.lc-xander \Y. Copland worth :\Ir. ,John E. Croul 745 Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Scherer )Ir. and )t:rs. ,James E. Davi~ 7 50 :\Ir. Edward ~:--- Bissell )Ir. and )lrs. .\. Richard Demory 750 Mr. Roman A. Bissell l\Ir. and .,!rs. Hamilton Dey 753 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Keep Dr. Harlow B. Drake 757 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dwyer )Irs. Alfred J. Du Cbarme 760 l\Ir. and Mrs. Ernest G. Swift ::.\Irs. Theodore H. Eaton 776 I ,r. and Mrs. Francis J. \\·. !\Iaguire :Miss Ida .-\.. Elliott 781 Mr. and Mrs. W"illiam M. Dwight )Ir. and )!rs. \Yilliam R. Farrand 7 89 Mr. and Mrs. H. H. H. Crapo Smith )Ir. and )Irs. Elmer E. Ford 7 9 5 Miss Ida L. Fuller l\Irs.• James H. Ford 807 :Mr. and Mrs. Frank \\T. Fletcher )Ir. and )Irs. Harr:y R. Gill('Spie 807 Mr. and :\frs. Henn· E. Fletcher )Ir. HarrJ· S. Gillespil' 810 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Murphy )lrs. Isabelle Goodwin 813 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Green, Jr. )Ir~. Edward A. Gott 81-1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. King Hon. and )Irs. Claudius Il. Grant 81-l !\Iiss Martha L. Miller [-C KENT-COSTI KY AN (INCORPORATED)




THE SCHOOL OF THOROUGHNESS. ·-r-r-.~--:---.---:.-.-~-=·-__ :·---.--.-·,:-----_·: BUILT ON MERIT ii_ . •, • . . . .- . ,· " .. THE ' Clark Academy of Dancing 56-60 Adams Ave. E. OPPOSITE Y. M. C. A.

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~!!ll!ll!!!l!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~b~ To Rent for Receptions, Balls, etc. Phones Main or City 3 717

154 DETROIT 155

JEFFERSON AVENUE-Cont. S19 Hon. Henry Addison :\Iandell 1065 Mr. and :\Irs. Arthur D. Maguire 825 lir. and Mrs. Chas. Beecher "rarren 1065 Mrs. C. Uffreduzi 834 Mr. and Mrs. "\Villin.m H. Ducharme 1067 lir. and l:Irs. Edwin B. N'all 837 :Mr. Frank H. Canfield 1081 Dr. and Mrs. F. Lydston Newman 839 :\fr. and Mrs. Henry C. Hodges 1100 Mr. Thomas Berry 84 2 Mrs. Campau-Thompson 1100 lir. and Mrs. Edward "r· Pendleton 843 Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Carhartt 1105 Dr. Alexander W. Blain 845 Mr. Frank B. Wallace 1105 Mr. and :Mrs. B~thune D. Blain 850 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Hiram 1\·a1ker 1105 Dr. E. L. Robinoon 859 Mr. George Howard Russel 1113 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Richard Sterrett Kevs 863 Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Russel 1113 Capt. and Mrs. F. G. Lawton · 873 Mr. and ::\Irs.• Jas. Harrington ~Valker 1127 :\Ir. and Mrs. Frank J. Willette 876 Mrs. Charles Hurlbut Wetmore 1129 l\Ir. and :Mrs. John M. :\Iulkev 881 Mr. and Mrs. John X. Bagley 1137 Mr. and Mrs. William Gerhauser 884 :\fr. and Mrs. Noel Cooper O'Brien 1191 Mrs. Mildred A. Bolt 884 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Osburn 1313 )Ir. and Mrs . .1.,lcKinstry Burt 885 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Barbour 1313 )Ir. Solon Burt 890 :\Ir. and Mrs. Charles Louis Palms 1416 )Ir. and )!rs. Louis Kamper 895 Mr. George B. Green 1416 :Mrs. Philip Kling 898 Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Jones 1550 :\Ir. Lyman H. Baldwin 913 :Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Campbell 1;'.i50 )!rs. Emily L. Russell 917 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Russel 1576 Col. and l\Irs. Stephen Young Se:rbnrn 919 Mr. Paul F. Bagley 1;:,9r, :\Ir. Edward B. Caulkins !)19 Mrs. Helen M. Campau HilO :Miss Elizabeth B. Warren 919 Mrs. Ida :\if. Dennis 1610 )!rs. Theodore D. Buhl 919 :\Ir. and Mrs. Hamilton D. Gillespie 16:-:w Dr. and :Mrs. R. Adlington Xewman 919 Mrs. Julius W. Hascall 1681 :\!rs. Elizabeth T. Nichols 919 Mrs.. Tohn H. King 16(i0 )Ir~. Florence B. Hart 919 Mrs. Mary L. Parker 166.;'.i )Ir!;. )lorse Rohnert 919 Mrs. William S'. Talman 16i6 )Ir. and )Irs. Julius Stroh 919 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Towle 1680 :\Ir. and ::\-Irs. Charles Bewick 919 Miss Jenny M. Williams Hi85 )Ir. and )Irs. Frederick Kimball 919 lVIr. and :Mrs. Charles A. ~:--oodruff Stearns 931 lfrs. Robert E. Plumb 169 )Ir. and )!rs. Arthur licGraw 1023 Mrs. Furman Stout 1781 )Ir. and lirs. Sherman L. Depew 1055 Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland R. Alexander 1795 )Ir. and )Irs. Frank G. Smith. .Tr. 1O:i5 Dr. arid :Mrs. Ben.iamin r. Brouie l 0:i5 Mrs. Emily :\L Bush 1795 )Irs. )[. S. Smith 1055 ::\Iiss .-\nna E. Candler 1795 llrs. Frank Titus 105:i Miss l\Iary E. Curtenius v:~oo Mr. and ::\frs. ,nms E. Buhl 10i55 Mr. and :vrrs. Robert G. Ellis 1815 )Ir. and )Irs.. Tames B. Book. Jr. 105:i Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Klussman 2181 )Ir. and )Ir~. G<'orge Preston Hyde 1055 :\Ir. and Mrs. Cha1·tes F. Pelti<'r 2181 )Irs. )fary H. Webb 1055 Miss Gertrude Viger 2294 )Iiss l!C'rcy .T. Hayes 1 0:i5 :\fr. and Mrs. John X. "\Yalker 2294 )Ir. and )!rs. "·alter J'. Haye~ l 055 :\Ir. Ernest Curtenius w·etmore 2a(i1 ).Ir. and )Irs. George D. Coane)·

JOHN R. STREET 199 )Irs. )lary H. Christie ~17 )Ir. and )Ir:s. Frederic William Haines ~07 )Ir. and :\Irs. HPnr)· I. .-\.rm~trong tiOH )Ir. and )Ir~. Ansf'l Ellis ".bitbeck :~29 :\Ir. and :\Ir~. Edward Brankin 6n:-: Dr. and lir~. Oliver H. Lau =~69 )Ir. Frank Howard 14:~0 )Ir. and )Irs. .-\lhert C. Thorpe 441 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Frank "\Y. Kanter l:'.>:iti )Ir. and )Ir~. George H. "·oolley, Jr. 4~:; ::\Irs. A. Judson Burt 1770 )Ir. and )Irs. \Yilliam P. Putnam 485 )Ir. and )Irs. Frederick "~- Swift 2047 lir. and )Irs. Arthur Travn- Brennan :il 1::\Ir. and :\Irs.. John Hutchings 156 ·£HE SOCIETY BLCE BOOK

JOSEPH CAMPAU AVENUE 149 l!r. and llrs. Edward Crosby Uoughty 162 )Ir. and )Irs. Charlei::: F. Hammond 151 lliss llarr Hinchman ::is l!r. Irwin :::--. ~crimger 151 :\Ir. and )Irs. Herbert L. O"Brien 18fi4 llr. and llrs. .:\ndn•w T. Carmichael 160 Gen. and Mrs. Garrett J. Lydecker JOSEPHINE AVENUE 2;; )Ir. and Mrs. C. E. Smith ~9 :\Ir. and l\Irs. 8idnev D. \Yaldon :32 )Ir. .Archibald G. Ellair 66 )Ir. and llrs.• Janws E. Dickinson 4H :Miss Katharine L. Hitchcock 70 :\Ir. and llrs. George S. Ritt(~r 49 )Ir. Frank L. Lane 96 llr. Charles rffelman 49 llrs. John )1. ~terling l:.!:; )Ir. and llrs. Rohert Campl><'ll 54 :\'.Ir. and Mrs. William H. PettiiJom• 1•;-1 )Ir. and )Irs. Francis )1. ~es~ion:::- JOY STREET 17 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. )I. )lacFarlanP and )lrs. llyron C. )lerriman 17 )Irs. L. D. )1. Tough and )lrs. Thomas R. Dudl(\r 23 l\lr. and )Irs. Roswell H. Holnw:::- ston 0. Chatfield 24 llr. and :\lrs.• Tos(~ph )1. Serrill and )lrs. Lewis \Y. Hallock 4:{ )Ir. and llrs. Earl Franklin Drake KENILWORTH AVENUE (;5 )Ir. and lirs. Harold Helmer HS llrs. liar~· C. \Yehb<>r KING AVENUE 26 )!rs. Timothy R. Tuome,· 8-:1: )Ir. and )Irs.• Tames Slocum 30 )Ir. and )!rs. Sheldon \Y. Bro-:~;n s::. )Ir. and )lrs. n. Uuluff Sterling :{~ :Mr. and llrs. Frederick L. Cook !}0 )Ir. and )lrs.. John \Yesle:r HughPs :{5 :\Ir. Floyd Smith !)f) :\Ir. and )Irs. Frederick C. Winc:kl 0 r 40 Mr. and :\Irs. H. :\I. Snyder 10!:) )Ir. and lirs. Frl•d<~ric \Y. D(•nni:; 58 )Ir. Charles D .•Tosl~·n 11-1 )Ir. and )Irs. CharlPs .:\. Brownell 58 l\Ir. and )lrs.• Tohn C. \Yilson 117 )Ir. and ::\Irs. C. \Y. 1-I<>rh:--t 67 Rev. and )Irs. George S. Hick<>~- 126 ~Ir. and Mrs. George F. ::\Ioore 68 l\Ir. and )!rs. Geo. A. Armstrong 17:-; )Iiss ~ophi<.> .:\. Krau$mann 72 Mr. and Mrs. David )I. Gray lSl )Ir. and )Ir~. Cbarll'S II. .\.yC'rs ~o )Ir.• Tohn H. Frink KILDARE ROAD 1;-;;; )Ir. and l1rs. H. B. Par~ons KIRBY AVENUE EAST ::rn llr. Emory Leyden Ford 12~) Dr. and )!rs.• T. .-\ustin Bucknall 47 )Ir. and )!rs. Theodore G. Fh,tch<•r 17H :\Ir. and ::\'.lrs. Thomas ~- Park1.·r 114 )Ir. and Mrs. James G. )lcHenr~· 181 )Ir. and l\Ir:s. Louis Rothschild 117 llr. and Mrs. Frank Herlwrt )lacph~r­ 18:i )Ir. and Mrs. Charll'S W. Keena son KIRBY AVENUE WEST 20 )Irs. George Foote 8H )Ir. and )!rs. Charles E. F. <;occlwi11 20 Miss Helen A. Barnum 92 )Ir. and llrs. ~Iaurice B;ac:k 20 llrs. Frederick Grout Chidsey 14:5 Dr. and M!"s. J. "'"alter Vaughan 20 Mrs. Charlotte Foote Torrey 158 Dr. and llrs. Odillion B. \Yeed 20 )Ir. Harry Eugene A.very 165 l\lr. On·ice R. Leonard ao )Ir. and :Mrs. Griffith Ogden Ellis 178 Mr. and :\Irs. Samuel B. Rro,)ks 42 Mr. and :\Irs. Henry W. Campht·ll 180 Dr. Peter .T. LivingstODl' 42 l\Ir. Frank C. Huston 2;">0 Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Roehm 50 llr. and llrs. Harry W. Fro.~t 2Hf, :Mr. Frank ll. 'Williams 51 Mrs. Henry '\Villiams 290 ~1r. and llrs. !.\loses \YohlgPmuth 51 l\:Ir. and Mrs. ·wm. Harrison )Ior~an :1:>,o )Ir. and )!rs. Irving \Y. Gr('l'Il 51 l\Irs. W. N. Silk - LAFAYETTE BOULEVARD 97 nr. Harrison D. Jenks 172 llr. and Mrs. Ford DeC. Hinchman 100 Dr. ·and llrs. James A. Wint(>r 172 lir. and )!rs. I·". ..\.rch•.•r Hinchman 100 Mr. Abram P. Sherill 184 Mr. and )!rs. Edward Y. Swift 124 llr. \Yilliam J. Stapleton 188 Dr. and Mrs. HenrJ· K. Lathrop. Jr. 125 Mr. and :Mrs. Cameron D. '\Yat:>:·1:1an 188 llrs. Rufus ·w. Gillett 134 llr. and Mrs. George H. Barhour 201 Miss llarie 'Wilhelmina Radcliffe 134 Mrs. Estelle Barbour Stillman :{a6 :\Ir. 'William H. llaybury 135 Mr. and llrs. Eber W. Cottrell 35H llrs. llaybur:r C. Berk4..•ry 139 Miss Genevieve S. Hinsdale 842 llr . .John J. Lee 172 )Ir.• Tohn H. Hinchman Exclusive Robes Motor· Gloves Toggery Auto Trunks

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LA SALLE BOULEVARD 11(; )Ir. and )!rs. Christian H. Ilecl"t'r LAWRENCE AVENUE :~-1 )lrs.. Tohn J. )!cL<'::>d H2 :\Ir. and )Irs. Ern('St H. Ben:-;on :i-1- Dr. and :\Irs. William ZC'ii-:,; m; )lr. and :\Irs. Da Yid .\. Brown :i-1 )Irs. Louisa Wood 108 )Ir. and :\Irs. ,Yilliam ~\. Hamlin :i-1 )Ir::-. IIarriPt Wood Douglas 11-1 )Ir. and )lrs. Edward H. Rhine:,; •i-1 )Ir. and )!rs. Francis C. Oshorn LEDYARD STREET 20 :\Ir. Fred G. Dt-we,· 6:i )Ir. and llrs. Tlwron I>. B(•nham 27 :\Irs. ::uargaret Huritl'r ti:i The )Iiss<:'~ Hawkins 27 )Ir. Harr,· E. En•rt>tt ffi )Ir. and :\lrs. "'alt1.•r D. P.enham 27 )Ir. and )Irs. \Ym. E. Dy<:'r 7:·: )!rs. ,John R. Stirling 2n :\!rs. ..\ Yis Locke 7::; :\liss I·Ielem• .\ustin LEICESTER COURT :~;{ )Ir. and )lrs. FreC"man B. Dick<:'rso:;:i -l:S )Ir. and )Irs.. Tos(•ph II. Lyday -10 )Ir. and ~Irs. Gt•org:(' Hungc>rford :iO )Ir. and )Irs. Huy Brt-w:,;tf>r Cady Foote HB :\Ir. and )!rs. I.. Bruce> .Judson LINCOLN AVENUE is )Ir. and )!rs. Jpfferson )I. Thurber 24i-l )Ir. and )Irs. Frederick \Yoolfrnclt•n -H )Ir. and )!rs. Charks "·· Dailt~,- 27.2 :\Ir. and )lrs. Xorman )Iaddocks tiO )Ir. and )!rs. Georg<.' .T. Bradhet.'r :~-1;; :\Ir. and )lrs. Ralph Richard Hamblen u:; :.\Irs. Horatio C. Stewart :Hn )Ir. and )lrs. Char1<'S .:\. Hog('r:-- c;:~ )!rs. Ella E. Edmund :.;;;;; )Ii::-.s Harriett )I. Armstrong 120 )Ir. and )!rs. Oris A. Turnc>y :.;;;~) Ur. and )!rs. Lawr<"nce E. DaJ· 120 )lr. and )lrs. Charles :!.\I. Turnt>:r :rn:. )Ir. and :\lrs. Thomas H. Chiln•rs 1-1:~ )Ir. and )lrs. Walt<.•r B. 1-Ian•s :{~7 )Ir. Thomas Smith 11;:{ )Ir. and )lrs. Edwin J. Smit"h :rn:1 )Ir. and )!rs. Alex. ..\.. )Iacf>iarmid lHH )Ir. and )lrs. John D. )Iouat -10~ )Ir. and l\Irs. Edwin S. Stringpr 181 )Ir. Alfred \Y. Harn•~- -12:i )Ir. and )!rs. Fredc-rick W. )lot> 1~;-. )Ir. and )Irs. :\Iartin Kell)· -ms )lrs. Horace )1. Dean 20:{ )!rs. Elfrida R. _,.1.cLean

LINDEN AVENUE ::i::; )Ir. and )Irs. Charles E. )!alone- LINWOOD AVENUE :i8 )Ir. and )lrs. Charlt'S F. Parent

LONGFELLOW AVENUE 10 )Ir. and )Irs. Edwin lIPnd(~r:--on VH )Ir. and )!rs.. \lonzo P. Ewing .28 )Ir. William E. )Ietzger 1-1-2 )Ir. and )!rs. Porter .:\. Tuck•_:r :n )Ir. and )!rs. Frank n. I-fo,·py l;i-1 )Ir. and )!rs. Gl'orge R. a\nthony :i-1 )Ir. and )!rs. Yincent D. Cliff H,-1 )Ir. and )lrs. Lt>wis a\. Stoneman -I-:! )Ir. and :\frs. Frank G. Barton 190 )Ir. and :\Ir:;;. I>avid H. F. "'ills 70 Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Chooe 219 Dr. and )!rs.. Tohn Knox Gail('y H-1- )Ir. and )frs. James Couzc>ns · 240 )lrs. Emma n. Laitner 1:rn Dr. and llrs. E. )lark Houghton 244 )Ir. and lirs. Seth J. Xortb

LOTHROP AVENUE ::w )Ir. Wallace Franklin 1:~-1, :\Ir. and )!rs. Oscar Rosenbergt•r 2H )Ir. and )!rs. FrC"d<'rick L. RP<'g 144 llr. and )lrs. Samuc>l Broadley )Ioody :i4 :\Ir. and )!rs. George T. :Xewkirk l:iO :\Ir. and )!rs. Charlt's H. ~ewkirk 11:~ llrs. Grace C. B. .Jones 157 l\Ir. and )lrs. F. Chas. Thomson 11-l )Ir. and ~Irs. Frank G. Lafrr 1~1 :\!rs. Harri<'t X. Bow<"rs 140 )lrs. H. E. Romin<' 181 )Ir. and )Ir~. George L. Turn<"r 12-l )Ir. and )Irs. Elmer Ellsworth Gallo­ 20H )Ir. and )!rs. Rohert Flow('rday gly 217 ).Ir. and :Mrs. R. H. Flowerday 12-1- )Ir. Robert Lorinwr McCLELLAN .AVENUE .2.,.) )Ir. and )Irs.• T. Adolph Krug 158 THE SOCIETY BL'C'E BOOK

McDOUGALL AVENUE 134 )Iiss Valerie P. Schissler 170 )Ir. and :Mrs. l\Iarvine Gorham 1:34 Mr. and Mrs. Olh·er Phelps 178 )Ir. and l\Irs. Austin E. Wing 136 :\Iiss Jessie l\IcMaster 1~1 )Ir. and )!rs. Frank A. Scbultt- 148 :\Ir. and l\Irs. Frank Hobbs Croul 1S7 )Ir. and l\Irs. William J. Ped(•n 149 )Ir. and Mrs. Jere Chamberlain 191 )Ir. and llrs. Theodore P. B:nam Hutchins 192 )!rs. Lafa)·ette Crowley 150 l\Ir. and Mrs. Jules G. Hoffman 192 )Ir. and )Irs. Donald D. ThurbN· 154 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Albert Bruce Hall 195 )Ir. and :Mrs. Thomas Jacks·on ~\nke- 158 )Ir. and l'.lrs. Charles E. Locke tell 161 :Mr. and l\Irs. Byron ,v. Parker 195 )!rs. Wildman Mills 162 )Ir. and :Mrs. Henr)· H. Sanger 200 )!rs. Elizabeth T. Wing 164 l\Ir. and :\Irs. Neil ·w. Snow 202 )Ir. and l\Irs. George C. Thrall 168 )Ir. and :\Irs. George ·w. )!utter 20G )Irs. Hobert Donaldson 169 )Ir. and :\Irs. George A. True McGRAW AVENUE 362 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Ernest 0. Knight 493 )Ir. and )Irs. Howard Beardslt\,.

MADISON AVENUE 36 TIIE PLAZA 50 THE LExox (Continued) :\Ir. and Mrs. Frank P. Johnston :\Ir. Bernard F. Weadock l\Ir. 'William Leahy Dr. and :Mrs. Frank C. Colhy Dr. and :\Irs. Ezra Read Larned )!rs. C. J. Ferrin :\Ir. and l\Irs. William T. :\IcGraw )Irs. George C. Fuller )Ir. Henry N'. Backus Dr. and l\Irs. Judson :\I. Griffin :\Ir. and )frs. Frank S. Bigler :\fr. and :Mrs. Edward .A. )lei~<'r l\Ir. and l\Irs. Thomas Donnelly :\Ir.. T. )lilton Oakman Dr. and :\Irs. Harry S. Kiskadden )Ir. and :\!rs. William R. Post · l\Ir. and l\Irs. Jobn J. Whirl )Irs. Helen M. Wattles 50 THE LEXOX )Ir. and l\Irs. Eudora B. Weuu Mr. and Mrs. Theron F. Giddings 5 8 THE MADISOX Mr. J. H. Muren )Ir. CC'cil Edward Rush l\Ir. and :\Irs. Fred B. Thompson :\Ir. and )Irs. Neil )ldlillan )Ir. and :\Irs. George F. Thomps:m Mr. and l\Irs. Henry C. Hopson l\Ir. Charles L. Vieman Mr. Philip A. McHugh MARSTON AVENUE 19 )Ir. and )lrs. "·alter H. Williams li :\Ir. and )!rs. Thomas J. Bosquett MARSTON COURT 24 )Ir. and l\lrs. Hugh T. ·wnson GS lir. and )Irs. Harr)· Breitmey('r 35 l\Ir. and :Mrs. Albert U. Widman 71 )Ir. and )Irs. Theodore D. Hinchcliffe 43 :Mr. and Mrs. .-\rthur James Clark s:1 )Ir. and Mrs. ,nuiam H. Sullinrn 43 ::\Iiss )lary F. Smith H8 llr. Charles H. Bieber 55 l\Ir. Harry Lynn Pierson 1:!2 )1r. and )!rs. Robert S. Drummond MARTIN PLACE 19 Dr. and )!rs. Angus McLean -lO )Ir. Armond H ..Griffith 20 Dr. and )!rs. Ah·ah ~- Collins -1:i :\lrs. George ,vallace 20 l-lrs. )I. F. Stebbins 45 llrs. Caroline ~I. Graham 26 )Ir. and :Mrs. Frank Crandell 4!) )Ir. and l\frs. William B. Frothingham 29 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles B. Phelps ;:;7 )Ir. Albert A. Albrecht 36 )Ir. and )!rs. Harry E. Beecher Gi )Ir. and )!rs. Robert PfeiffN· 39 )Ir. and :\Irs. "~illiam A. Gorby no :\Ir. and l\Irs. Alexander T. Fi8clwr MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE 40 )Jr. and :\!rs. "·altf'r G. Seel)· 109 Dr. and l\Irs. Vine La Rue Smith 62 l\lr. and )Irs. Hobert Hutton 117 :\Ir. and l\lrs. Timothy S. 0-Hrkn 105 :Mr. and )Irs. Frank P. Bush 12G )Ir. and )!rs. Xelson K. Standart ME:::DBURY AVENUE 25 :\Ir. and )!rs.. Tohn P. Glc-ndon :iG :\Ir. and :\frs. Howard 'r. Xichol~ 30 )Ir. and )!rs. John D. l\Iabky 57 )Ir. John C. Lodge 35 Mr. and )!rs. Herman Theodore :;s )Ir. and :\Irs. ,v.. T. Hickie Schmidt Zifl )!rs. William F. ,Jewell 39 )Ir. and Mrs. William James Gordon 7:; :\Ir. and llrs. ,Villard Obliger .· 56 )Ir. and llrs. (jeorge X. M. Collin 'j!.) )Ir. and :Mrs. ~- Frank Hamilton DETROIT 159

MEDBURV AVENUE-Continued 83 :\Ir. and :Mrs. Charles A. II. Thom 109 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Ulysses T. Boldry Si l\Ir. and Mrs. F. A. Turney 115 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bird Si :\Ir. Newell l\Ierriam 120 Mr. and :\Irs. James M. Hibbard Si l\Ir. :\lack H. Williams 153 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. :\IcGann 92 l\Ir. and Mrs. Joseph 1n1uam Keenan 265 :\Ir. and Mrs. Geo. I. Keal 9:l )Ir. and )Irs. 'William J. Rowell 30, l\Ir. and Mrs. Joseph V. ·walker 95 Mr. and l\Irs. Harr~- H. Burr MELBOURNE AVENUE 26 l\Ir. H. S. Van Volkenburgh 74 Mr. and )Irs. Joseph C. ·wnson 2i Mr. James l\.. Candler 77 :\fr. and l\Irs. Fred H. ~orris 27 Mr. and l\Irs. Charles 0. Ford 89 Mrs. Linda '\\"'. Paine 34 l\Ir. and )!rs. George lL Lane 9i Dr. Henry Sulli",an 44 l\:lr. and l\frs. Edwin D. Emmons 11:~ :\Ir. and lirs. Arthur ,Y('hster .,., l\Ir. and Mrs. J. Conrad Brede 1;'.;9 :\lr. and l\Irs. DaYid A. Thomson 71 )Ir. and ~Irs. Carlisle N. Anderson MELDRUM AVENUE :11m :\Ir. and )Irs. John II. Tigchon

MERRICK AVENUE 91 )Ir. and :Mrs. Henry P. Williams 163 )Ir. and l\Irs. Samuel S. Babcock 95 :\Ir. and Mrs. J. Frank Boydell 166 Mr. and )Irs. Archibald liacLaren 95 l\Irs. Robert .A. Jamieson 259 )Ir. John J. ::Mitchell 100 l\Ir. and l\frs. NorYal A. Hawkins 259 l\Iiss Ada C. Halsey 106 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Skillman 305 ~Ir. and )Irs. J. C. McBride 160 )Ir. and l\Irs. Robert G. :\IcDonnC'll 338 :\Ir. and )!rs. 'William· )I. Courtis MISSOURI AVENUE S5 Re,. and :\frs. 'Wm ...:-\. Atkinson 19 Mr. En•in Palmer 684 Mrs. William Y. Garvey MONTCLAIR AVENUE 24S Dr. and :\Irs.• T ohn R. Kestell 40-:1: :\Ir. and l\Irs. Harold Du Charme 36-:1: )Ir. and :\Irs. Clarence ·w. A.Yery MONTEREY AVENUE 78 )Ir. and )Irs. ..-\.rthur S. Dennis MORRELL STREET 362 )Ir. and )Irs. Edmon F. BN.::ancon MT. ELLIOTT AVENUE 763 )Ir. and )lrs. Harry G. \Yallace

OWEN AVENUE 2 7 :\Ir. and Mrs. Thos. F. O'Leary. Jr. 141 )Ir. Arthur Andrew Bleazby 141 )Ir. and :\Irs. Grady ·westmoreland 190 )Ir. and llrs. Edward :\Iansfield '\\·a1- Garrett ker PALLISTER AVENUE 24 )Ir. and Mrs. Frank P. Byrne SO )Ir. and llrs. Fred J. Robinson 24 :\1rs. Frances B. McVeigh 94 Dr. and )Irs. Edwin B. Forbes 24 )!rs. James A. :\IcVeigh 100 )Ir. and l\Irs. Emil P. '\\·enger 34 l\Ir. and l\Irs. John H. Johnson 110 )Ir. and l\Irs. l\·a1ter I. Owen 37 :\Ir. and Mrs. Edward J. Corbett 126 Dr. and Mrs. George ..A. Ford 4~ )Ir. and )!rs. George Wile:r 141 )Irs. Adolph Enggass 4,3 :\Ir. and Mrs. Conrad H. Smith 143 )Ir. and Mrs. Andrew .Tackson LauvC'r 45 l\Ir. and )Irs. Sebastian S. Kresge 150 )Ir. and )Irs. Karl R. Davies 46 l\Ir. and l\Irs. Dupont M. ~ewbro 154 Dr. and :llrs. Thomag P. Camelon 66 }Ir. and Mrs. Leo l\I. Butzel 162 )Ir. and )Irs. J. S. Yates ,3 l\Ir. and ~frs. Dudley Wetmore Smith 169 :\Ir. and l\Irs. Howard R. Hodges , 4 )Ir. and l\Irs. George G. Harris 213 Miss Carolyn B. Diack 7'i )Irs. Kate .A. Scully 213 )Ir. and )!rs. Edmund D. .Jack::-on 7i )Ir. and :\Irs. Wa1tn J. Scu11;\· 144 :\Ir. and )lrs. Clarence' Edward Wilcox. 1.:; ~~II m. ldk TAILORS 95 FORT STREET WEST

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f:lI We request an opportunity to offer suggestions and esti­ mates for Wedding Breakfasts and Luncheons, Afternoon Teas, Receptions and similar functions. We supply every­ thing required, \\7 ith special attention to the nature of the occasion and surroundings. f:lI We manufacture a full line of American and French Ice Creams, having added a larger variety of petit fours and fancy cakes. TEAROOM PHONES J BELL ~1AIN 861-862 • l HOME CITY 3923 Open 7 to 7 Daily

100 DETl?OIT 161

PALMER AVENUE EAST :1:3 )Ir. and )Irs. Dt'l . ..-\.. FrPdancl 11:1 )Ir. and l\Irs. IIerl>t'rt P. Carrow ,1-(; )Ir. \Yilliam E. Joy 11;; )Ir. and )Irs. Standish Backus •Hi )Irs. :\Iinnie C. Loud 129 :\Ir. and )!rs. Harrison E. ""elton ·W )[rs. ~\lbert E. ~ilk l(ii'.i :\Ir. and )!rs. ,Tames C. Carpenter 46 :\Ir. and )!rs. Edgar Ten Eyck Towar 1n;; ::\Irs. )I. E. Gleason r.:{ :\Ir. and )!rs. Chauncey F. York ti.::. :\Ir. and )!rs. Orrin R. Bald,vin ;;-1 )Ir. and :\Irs. Henry F ..Tames 1 j::, :\Ir. George Burgoyne 7!l :\Ir. and )Ir~. uffer 1:-.0 )Ir. and )Irs. Francis )1. Lillibridge 42 )Ir. and :\Ir~.. Arthur P. Patriarchc 1:i-1 )Ir. and )!rs. Edward H. Burlage UO )Ir. and :\Irs. George E. Hawley 1::ii )!rs. Amanda L. );esbitt H2 )Ir. and )!rs. George E. Fisher Hm )Ir. and )!rs. \Yilliam Hamilton )Iuir i;; :\Ir. and :\lrs. John R. SPari~ht PALMER PARK Hon. Thomas \Y. Palmer PARK AVENUE CH..\RLJ-:nnx: APAln')U:~TS )Ir. Richard "·· Allen )Ir. .:\lt>xander \Y. Beal :\Ir. and )!rs. Cor)· L. .\ndrcws )Ir. and )Irs. George H. Bo)·nton )Ir. Chas. 11. LUC<' )Ir. George A. Ducharnw Mrs. John W. :Matthews )lrs. Silas P. Hovey 2::;:1 )Ir. and )Ir$. E. W. Grinnell PARKER AVENUE 1:-.~) )Ir. and )h·s. Ora .T. )lulford 1H7 )Ir. and l1rs. Fred W. Thomas 16:-. )Ir. William A. C. ·)Iilkr l~i )Ir. and )!rs. Henr~· .\. ""ight Hin )Ir. and )!rs.. John R. Searle::; 200 .. .1r. and :\lrs. Kirke Lathrop 170 )Ir. and )lrs. Charles ::\Iaxwell Parker 20f; )Ir. and )Irs. Charles Bartl<>tt DaYis lil irr.--and llrs. Kurt Klin~ 2:10 )Ir. ancl )!rs. ~tanlev Brook~ 1 ,:~ )Ir. and )Irs. Charles ""illiam Baird 2:w :\Ir. and )!rs.. John °Edward Patterson 180 Dr. and )irs. Ernest T. Tapp(\\" :!44 llr. and )!rs. Leonard R. Carley 188 )Ir. and )lrs. Frederick L. Colby 244 )Ir. and )!rs. .T amcs D. Kennedy 189 )lrs. R. )IcDougall Campau 244 )Irs.. John ~eYille t!}i )Ir. and )Ir~. Henry Lester Barton 287 )lrs. )lar~- .-\mherg l!)i )Ir. and )lrs. Lot )1. Hamlin PARKVIEW AVENUE 108 )Ir. and )Irs. )IarYin L. 8tanton ..n;; :\Ir. and )Ir~. C. Thomas \Yind 112 )!rs. )Iarvin )1. Stanton PARSONS STREET 2:~ )Ir. William S. Baker :-1n )lrs. Elizabeth <.irindley 2:{ )Ir.. Jas. )I. Crombie PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE 2i0 )!rs. Tboma_s .T ..Joy :'.;:12 )Ir. and llrs. C~onrad J. ~etting 27=3 )Ir. and )!rs. Francis A. Hilton :-:s, )Ir. and )!rs. Ifonry C. Xorrh; H02 )Ir. and )!rs. "·m. H ...\.nderson -!OS Dr. and )!rs. Gilbert J. Ander~on :120 :\!rs. .Julia X. Harding PETERBORO STREET 28 )!rs. John T. ~haw :i2 )Ir. Harold T. Jones 24 Dr. T. )1. and )lrs. Sellards :{:{ )Ir. and ::\lrs. Edward C. Van Husan 2Zl ::Vlrs. Louise ~\.. Spt>DC(•r :{f; :\Ir. and )lrs. Le Vert Clark 2fi Hon. and )Irs. Theophile Francoi~ :1H .,Irs. Schuyler Grant 2(i )Ir. and )Irs. .J. ~- Sanders ::-,o :\Ir. and )!rs. \Y. Grierson Smith 29 )Ir. and )!rs. Fordyce H. Rog<'r$ .;;4 :\Ir. and )lrs. Lem \Y. Bowen ao )Ir. and ::\Irs. E. )frrrill Smith ~1-1 :\Ir. and )Irs. \Yilliam Cotter :~2 :\Ir. and )lrs. \\"alter S. Har~ha til )Ir. and )Ir~. Ira L. Grinnell 162 THE SOCIETY BL"CE BOOK

PHILADELPHIA AVENUE EAST 21 :\Ir. and Mrs. Charles A. Grant 97 l\i:r. and )!rs. Robert C. :\I. Judge 35 :\Ir. and Mrs. Edward C. Kinsel 100 )Ir. and )!rs. Gustav O. Ciliax · 71 Mrs. Charles ·w. Picard 12U l>r. and :\lrs. Hem·.r H. Cook 81 l\lr. and )Irs. Frank P. Archer 126 )-Ir. l)p\Yitt H. )Ioreland 90 Dr. and Mrs. .Allen H. Kessler 126 )Ir. and )!rs. ~·. Fred Robinson 93 Hon. and Mrs. Frank E. Dormeus 185 )Ir. Samuel X. Goldberg 94 )Ir. and Mrs. George R. Shaw 205 :\Ir. and llrs. Walter G. Nicholson

PHILADELPHIA AVENUE WEST 95 Dr. and ~Irs. 0. ~·. Owen 121 ::\liss Grace Rosamond ConoYer 121 l!r. and Mrs. Jefferson Butler 161 )Ir. and :\-!rs. :\lilton Carmichael PINGREE AVENUE 23 Dr. :Mary Thompson Stevens 98 )Ir. and )!rs. Lander S. Harris ~J Dr. and Mrs. Rollin H. SteYens 101 :VIr. and )!rs. Chas. A. Forster 24 )Ir. and l\Irs. George T. Courtm·)· 109 )Ir. and :v.t:rs. E. St. Elmo Lewis 24 )!rs. Kingsley 109 )Irs. Elizabeth Wherr'\"' 26 Mr. and l\:Irs. Sanborn Tenney )IcGraw 110 )Ir. and llrs. Henn· \V'ineman 29 )Ir. Robert H. :McCormick 112 )!rs. Jane Boden • 29 :\lrs. l\lary )I. Reekie 119 )Ir. and llrs. \Yillard K. Bush 39 l\Ir. and :\Irs. George D. Edwards 120 (i1~n. and )!rs. Charles ·w. Harrah 40 )Ir. and l\lrs. George Y. Brown 12::i )Ir. and )!rs. Hugh )lc:\Iinn 55 )Ir. and ::\Irs. George 0. Baldwin 1:l5 :\Ir. and )!rs. L. A. Skinner 70 )-:Ir. and l\Irs. Edward S. Reid 129 ReY. and :Mrs. Thomas \Y. Young 72 )Ir. and :\!rs. Charles F. Garaghty V~5 )Ir. and )Irs. "William )I. Perrett 73 ~fr. and :\!rs. Sherman D. Callender 1~5 )Ir. and l\lrs. )IorleY ·w. Deacon 76 Mr. and l\lrs. Edgar S. "·heeler 190 l\:lr. and Mrs. Frank C. Sible'\· 79 Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Decker 2:~u )Ir. and :\Irs. Frank Y. ~icoi 95 )Ir. and )lrs. Wllliam E. Reilly PIQUETTE AVENUE 32 )Ir. and Mrs. Charles S. Hampton

PITCH ER STREET 20 Rev. and Mrs. Frederic Tower Galpin 74 )liss )Iartba S. ~·arner 24 Mr. and }lrs. Francis E. Carter 76 :\'.Ir. and :\Irs. Frank Jeffrey 26 Dr. and Mrs. George W. Towar 88 )Ir. Harr:v S. Starkey · 40 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. '\\.bitcomb 8S liiss ,Jennie 0. Starke,· 61 Gen. Henry R. Mizner 92 )Irs. Helen Hudson · 7 4 Mrs. Harriette A. Bishop 92 )Ir. James F. King PORTER STREET ~67 )!rs. Thomas F. Flanagan

PRENTIS AVENUE 30 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence :u. Hayes :J(; :\Ir. and :\Irs. G. Emery Smith 30 Mr. and )!rs. N. ..\. Pabst 84 )Ir. and :\Irs. T. Glenn Phillips PUTNAM AVENUE 30 Mr. and Mrs. William H. lI urphy 132 )Ir. and l\Irs. SC'aman L. Bird 37 Mr. and Mrs. Willard Pope lb2 )lr. and llrs. \Varren Bigelow 40 Mr. and Mrs. Merton E. Farr 167 )'.Ir . .John T. Woodhouse 52 Mr. De Forest Paine 190 llr. and l\lrs. Charlton E. Partridge 82 Mrs. William S. Moore 190 llr. and Mrs. William T. Radcliffe 85 :\1rs. William R. Candler 199 )Ir. Charles Telford lla~·o 88 Dr. and Mrs. J. Vernon ~·bite 220 Mr. and Mrs. James I•"'. Williams 9v Mrs. L. T. Harrison 224 )Ir. and Mrs. F. Orla Varney 90 Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilfred Thompson 224 Mr. and Mrs. Freeman N. Varnev 93 Mr. and Mrs. Ora E. Butterfield 251 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holmes · 140 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holley 2;j!{ :\Ir. and Mrs. Samuel J. Servic~ 141 Mr. and llrs. James Vernor, Jr. 265 l\Ir. and :Mrs.• -\ugustus C. Stellwagen 142 Mr. and )frs. Frank L. Bromley 267 llr. and )lrs. '\Villiam F. Day 148 l\lrs. E. K. Cadieux 270 l\lr. and )!rs.- GC'orge P. l\lc:\~ahon 148 Mr. and Mrs. George D. King (>ETltO(T

PUTNAM AVENUE-Continued 277 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Oscar Edward ..-\ngstman 312 )Ir. and l\Irs. John )1. _\nderson :!80 :\lr. and )!rs. Henry H. :\Ioore :n6 :\Ir. and :\Irs. A. A. Langlois .280 The ::\lisses Robbins :nG :\Irs. H. F. )Iontreuil 2~-... :\1r. and :\lrs. James ..-\. Fone~ter :):n :\Irs. Richard F. Hoy 284 :\1 r. and :\Irs. J. L. Harper :}G7 )Ir. and l\Irs. Charles Preston Mac­ 292 :\Ir. and :\lrs. Charles A. Bachmann Diarmid :mo :\Ir. and :\lrs. John D. \Yiley -:1:12 )!rs. August H. Bachmann :)0!) Rev. and )lrs. James )I. Barkle~- RANDOLPH STREET lOH )Ir. )Ierrill B. )Iills :n S Dr. and l\Irs. ..\. Sutphin Brewer RHODE ISLAND AVENUE 21 )lr. and :\Irs. Henry p Hetherington G-1 )Ir. and )!rs. Charles R. Dennen :H :\Ir. and :Mrs. ,vm. J. Kennedy r. and )us. llax Ballin 53 l\Ir. and )!rs. George Hargreaves 101 )Ir. and Mrs. "·· H. Sellew 55 )Ir. and :Urs. Frederick C. Shipman 101 )Ir. and )lrs. J. llenr~- Smith 56 )Ir. and l\Irs. S. Olin Johnson 10:1 )Ir. and )Irs. C. A. Xewcomb, Jr. 59 )Ir. and :Mrs. Frederic Stewart Isham 109 )Ir. and )lrs. )lattbew B. \Yhittlesey 59 )[rs. Charles S. Isham ST. AUBIN AVENUE GG )Ir. and :\:Irs. Lewis H. Paddock SCOVEL PLACE :i2 )Ir. and )!rs. Lawrence E. )Iidworth SECOND AVENUE 321 llr. and )!rs. "-nuam G. Latimer 540 )Ir. Edwin Robinson 388 l\Ir. and )Irs. Arthur C. Cogswell 541 )Ir. Lawrence Cameron Hull 388 Mrs. Harriet "~iggins :i-:1:1 )Ir. and )Ir~. Charles H. Cadwallader 488 lir. Edward W. Voigt 541 lfiss Isabella II. Hull 459 lir. and :\!rs. :\1artin E. Galvin :i;ii'l Dr. L. C. Xewton 460 l\Ir. and l\Ir~. James )I. )Iunro 574 )Ir. and llrs. John Y. Thorpe 465 l\Irs. Jesse H. Farwell ::;so :Mr. and llrs. John J. Timlin 467 )Ir. and Mrs. :Marshall II. Godfr1-;\· 580 :\Ir. and Mrs. 'William H. ".hitmarsh 47 4 Hon. and Mrs. John J. Speed 584 Dr. and Mrs. George Duffield 491 l\liss Jessie C. Chase 009 )!rs. John Blessed 497 :\Ir. and l\Irs. John J. Hayeg 609 liiss )Iargaret McGregor 497 Dr. and l\Irs. George B. \Yatkins 624 )Ir. and llrs. John H. Sullivan 522 )Ir. and )!rs. Frank T. Hendr~- < ► -1-2 llr. and llrs.. Jasper C. Gates 540 )Ir. and )Irs. \Yilliam A. King H-1::2 :Vlr!.. Caddie l\I. Farrington Wailnrs @,4irtmaktrs


Suits $50.00 Upwards Shirts $3.50 Upwards

Hi4: DETROIT 165

SECOND AVENUE-Continued )Ir. Alfred L. Gourla)· 850 :\Ir. and ::\lrs. Frederick Bradford )Ir. and )lrs. James Gourla)· Smith )Ir. and )Irs. Frank R. Potter 85S )Ir. and )Irs. Frank B. Holmes )lrs. \Y. H. Harrison ll u tton 8G5 Dr. ( U.D. S.) and l\Irs. Edward B. )Ir. and )lrs. \Yilliam I-I. II. Button. Spalding Jr. SG::i Dr. and )!rs. :Milton T. '\'Vatson (;f;;:. )Ir. and ::\Ir8. Hiram \Y. Barie 876 )Ir. and :\!rs. Lewis R. Reid mm )Ir. James Lane Si6 )Ir. Charles )1. Wilkinson i.00 )Irs. _.\nnic )1. Bo)·lan 8i6 )Ir. Albert '\'\". Flint jQ;j )Ir. and )Irs. Campbell S~•mington SiG )Ir. and :\!rs. Joshua :\I. Brooks ilH )Irs. Hattie Ilood Grace 878 )lrs. Jean \Y. Lenox -•)- )Ir. and )Irs. George L. P('acock :-:s:1 )Ir. and ).!rs. '\'\.illiam A. Butler, .Jr. i29 )Ir. and llrs. Frederick J. Todd 88!) )Ir.. JosPph Sparling i:J0·-· )Ir. and )!rs. Arthur E. SteYens 89;"; :\Ir.. T. C. Stuart j:{1 :Mrs. J. R. Babcock S99 :\Ir. and Mrs. George T. Cah"ert 7;31 )lrs. Hannah :\I. \Yhipple 915 )Ir. and )!rs. Charles Churchill Gil- j::;::, Dr. and ::\Irs. John E. Clark bert i39 )Ir. and )lrs. Newton D. Backus 0:11 )Ir. and )!rs. Da,id C. Kay i42 )Ir. and ::Mrs. Joseph )I. Low n:17 )Ir. and )Irs. De'\'\"itt C. DelamatPr i49 )Ir. and )!rs. George Huntington !)-l;; :\Irs. Henr::- Louis Kanter i52 )lrs. \Yilliam I. Benscoter !)(;0 ::\Irs. Albert John Armstrong i56 :Mr. and :\frs. George E. Xaylon 065 )Ir. and :\Irs. E. Howard Bingham i66 ::\lrs. Benjamin P. Fish 975 )Ir. and )!rs. Joseph ~- Krolik i70 )Ir. and )!rs. Anthon'" I·"'. \Yolfschlager 985 :Mr. and Mrs. George T. Abrey 777 )Ir. and l\Irs. Theodore Luce 1001 )!rs. Heb<'rca .J. Butterfield 777 )Ir. L. E. Thompson 1001 )Ir. and )!rs. George B. Yerkes 77S )Ir. and )!rs. L. A. Parsons 1020 )Ir. and )Irs. ·waiter S. Yi,ier 792 )Ir. and )Irs. John B. Thomas 10:35 :\Ir. ar.d :\lrs. 'William F. )Iontgomery 792 )Iiss Anna )IcGrath 1042 Dr. and )lrs. James Cleland. .Jr. suo )!rs. Susanna T. Ross 10::;7 )Ir. and )lrs. Richard F. Reaume su:1 )!rs. )Iargaret H. Ogden Smith 1077 )Ir. and )Irs. Richard Lincoln Frost si::; )Ir. and .1.\lrs. Jam<.•s T. 'l'horburn 1101 :Mr. and :\Irs. "'\'\:-m. H. Humphrey 827 llr. Alexander A. Bouten 1-115 )Ir. and )!rs. Robert S. Day 827 )Ir. and )!rs. ,Joseph ~- Smith 1;:;:35 )Ir. and )Irs. Joseph F. CrJisoe 827 )Ir. and )!rs. Thomas H. Fraser u;;:;s )Ir. Hazelton A. ·wallace s:~o )!rs. \\"m. II. Crowl l(i::;9 )Ir. and :\Irs. Victor N. Gurney 886 )Ir. and )!rs. Charles S. )lcDonald lSi0 )Ir. and )!rs. Edward G. '\'\·aser S3G )lrs. )I. L. Harris · 1ss::; )Ir. and :\lrs. Richard Jackson, .Jr. 8-.1:2 )Ir. and )!rs.. James II. :\lcEldowm'y SELDEN AVENUE 4:~ )Ir. and :\Irs. Charles F. )foll l~O :\Ir. Joseph F. Hasty ;:-.5 :\Ir. and )lrs. a Yid )l(>ginnitY 178 ::\Ir. and :\!rs. Ralph T. Bradbeere 111 )Ir. and :\Irs. Cromwc•ll ~i>. )iontros(' 179 )Ir. and :\Irs. Edwin '\'\·. Abbott 11:; )Ir. and :\Ir~. Yictor B('nham 180 ::\Ir. and )Irs. Thomas .J. BradbeN· 115 )Ir. and )lr8. Charles \Yebher )losl--s SEMINOLE AVENUE 11;:; )Ir. and :\Irs. Harry Conant Bulkl('Y )Ir. and :\Irs.. James Turner 17-! )Ir. and )!rs. Henr;\· _-\._ Haigh )Ir. and llrs.. lohn ·w. Beaumont 177 )Ir.. Julian Hartwell Harris Dr. and )!rs. Francis Duffield 180 l\Ir. and )!rs. Stanford T. Crapo )Irs. Charles E. Holland 1s:1 )Ir. and )!rs. James S. RogPrs :\Ir. and )!rs. Hobert )lcClelland Brady lSG )Ir. and :\Irs. "William S. Conant ::\Ir. and )!rs. Horace G. LobenstinP 187 Dr. and )!rs. Andrew P. Biddl<.• :::\Irs. J. I-I. Smith HJ7 )Ir. and :\Irs. \Yilliam .:\.. ,Yaldron )Ir. and )Irs. \Yilliam Griffin Thomas l!JS )Ir. and )Irs. Alfred )I. Low )Ir. Clifford Taylor 205 )Ir. and :\!rs. Charles :\Ioore :\Ir. and Mrs. Henr:r ·w. Dakin 20ri )Irs. H. W. )Ierriam )Ir. and )lrs. Richard H. )facauley 1tJ6 )Ir. and :\Irs. ""alter E. Oxtohy )Ir. and :\Irs. Joseph Strong String- 211 :\Ir. and )Irs. Jay Cbandkr ::\IcLaucll- ham lan 285 Dr. and )!rs. "\Yalter R. Park<'r 212 )Ir. and )!rs. _.\.llen F. Edwards 280 )Ir. and )Irs. Edward S. Bennett 2Hi )Ir. and )lr:s.. Taul"es H. Flinn 286 :\Irs. G·. ,Y. Paige 217 )Ir. and )lrs. Wa;\·land Dike Stearns 295 )Ir. and )!rs. :\Iartin G. Borgman 222 )lrs. Florence Il. ~umner :300 )Ir. and :\Irs. Louis ..:\. Peters 228 )Ir. and )!rs. Theodore II. Hinchman. Dr. and )!rs. "William )I. Harvey ,Jr. =~0:1 227 :\Ir. and )Ir~. Cullrn Brown !°)15 )Ir. and )!rs. Frank D. F.:rhusb 232 l\Ir. and :\!rs. Edward A. Sum!':ler :nn :\Ir. and )!rs. Cornelius X. Ray 2:33 Dr. L<.•o Brf!h-ach<.'r ::;21 :\Ir~. G. Burt Gunderson 166 THE SOCIETY BLl"E BOOK

SEMINOLE AVENUE-Continued 335 )Ir. and :Mrs. Luman \Yebster Good- 417 )Ir. and )Irs. Elmer L. Cousino enough 418 Mr. and )Irs. Richard H. Dought:r 336 :\Ir. and l\Irs. Paul R. Gra~· 4:::?9 )Ir. and :\Irs. Ralph E. Burnham 357 Dr. and l\Irs. Harold ·wilson 429 )Irs. Fannie E. :\I. Strong 375 Capt. and lirs. J. H. Poole :\:Ir. and )Irs. Arthur C. O'Connor SEWARD AVENUE 29 :Mr. and l\Irs. George Tyler )Iarshall :\'!rs. ,James B. Delbridge 30 l\Ir. and llrs. Frank \Y. OslJorne l\Ir. Frank Ulenberger 30 l\Irs. Egbert C. Bradford )Ir. and )Irs. Noble .J. Waterman 36 )Ir. Chauncey N. Brainerd :\Iiss \Yinifred Tompkins :36 l\Ir. and l\Irs. Alhurn H. Krum llr. and )Irs. E. H. Lake 40 )Irs. Frank C. Bury llr. and ~Irs. H. )I. Xahikian 40 Mr. and l\Irs. Fred Yan R. Woodford llr. and :Mrs. \Vm . ..:-\. :\IcGrP.gor 41 )Ir. and Mrs. George C. ""aldo Judge and )!rs. \Yilliam L. Carpenter · 46 Mr. and Mrs. George Perr:r Palnwr l\Ir. and :v.t:rs. Edward ..-\. Lovel('Y 46 )Irs. S. C. Blodgett Mr. Frederick w·. Brede 49 Mr. and )Irs. Louis C. Stanley )Ir. and )!rs.• John Clarke Town~end 55 l\lr. and )Irs. \Villiam A. Sanders )Ir. and )lrs. llaxton R. DaYi<'s 60 Mr. and l\lrs. Charles Kotting l>r. and )lr8. Edwin H. ""icks 65 )Ir. and :Mrs. Herbert "·· Xoble SEVBURN AVENUE 1:l2 )Ir. and )Irs. Frederick S. St'.)epel 20:~ )Ir. and )!rs. Harold F. \Yardwell 1:39 )Ir. and lirs. Edward H. Park•:!r 20::i )Irs. Delos 0. Cole 144 :\Ir. and Mrs. ~athaniel E. Slaymaker 211 )Ir. and )Irs. James H. Benedict 148 Mr. and Mrs. Israel Towne Cowles 212 Capt. and Mrs. Frederick D. Standish 148 Mr. and :Mrs. Robert R. Howard 214> )Ir. and )Irs. )Iuir B. Snow 149 )Ir. and llrs. Daniel W. Smith ~18 )Ir. ,Yilliam Stridiron ur2 Mr. and :Mrs. Albert D. Babcock 221 :\Ir. and )lrs. Rufus Gillc-tt Lathl"Ol) 15-1 )Ir. and :Mrs. Louis Gascoign~ 229 Mrs. Dwight )I. Coonle~· 159 Mr. and :Mrs. ,villiam J. Nagel 229 Mr. and :\!rs. 0. Dwight Henry 164 Mr. Graham H. Lindley 230 )Ir. and llrs. ,Yilliam B. Gr<'gor:r 164 Miss lladeleine X. Newman 23~ lir. and )!rs. Robert F. Barie 171 Mr. and lI:cs. Wm. E. Standart 240 Mr. and lirs. .John M. Francis 173 l\Irs. Julius l\Ielchers 241 )Ir. and :\Irs. Clement F. Kross 176 :\Ir. Preston l\Iorris Smith 2tm Dr. and )!rs. William .J. Stapleton ..Jr. 177 )Ir. and l-Irs. ""illiam B. Cady 27 4 Dr. and Mrs. J. I-I. ":--arner 180 l\Ir. and Mrs. Harry C. Paterson 27:'.> )Ir. and :Mrs. FredQrick L. Fraser 182 l\Ir. and Mrs. Horace Stringfrllow :mo Mr. and :\Irs. Lucius E. Straw 183 )Ir. and Mrs. Peter Katu~ :::1!\ )Ir. and )!rs. Graham Duffield 190 Dr. and :Mrs. Herbert )I. Rich ::4:; )Ir. and llrs. Holwrt \Y. ~tandart. .Tr. 19!) Dr.. JameR H. Greenwood -1:-:0 :\Ir. and :\Irs.. John C. Go~s 20::: )Ir. and )Irs. \Y. Colburn Standish SHERIDAN AVENUE :;oo :\Ir. and )!rs. Joseph C. Gos8 SHIPHERD COURT 1 )Ir. and :Mrs. Frank S. Robin~on =~ llr. and :\lrs. (;eorg<• E. KPrwin 2 )Ir. and )Irs. Elwood Croul 4 )Ir. and )lrs. \Yilliam It Graing<'r SIXTEENTH STREET 181 )Ir. and )!rs. ll<'rb<>rt C. Hamilton SMITH AVENUE 12 l\Ir. and )!rs. II. )I. Thompson 1;0 Hon. and )Irs. \\"illiam ""hiting Chapin 24 :Mrs. Eben L. Parker S2 )Ir. James D. Candler 2-1 lliss Bertha Yorston Jon )Ir. and llrs. L ..J. Kellogg :J6 )Ir. Elver L. Rice 1 :!:i )Ir. and :\!rs. Harry .\. l>urkee 43 )Ir. and Mrs. Charles H. Smith :.!60 )Ir. and )Irs. Thomas IL P.rown 47 )Ir. and )Irs. Frederick P. Child 2U:2 :\Ir. and :\Irs. lhn·id .J. Brown SPRUCE STREET ::.:~ )Ir. and )Irs. Lewi~ Cass Butkr STANLEY AVENUE lGS llr. and l\Irs. Barzillai A. ~rott 230 l\lr. and )Irs. Frank II. Pipp · 2:30 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Pipp DETROIT 167'

STANTON AVENUE 1:;o )Ir. and )!rs. ,Ym. I-I. Allen 217' l\Ir. and )lrs. Rodman G. St0ddard J.!):J )Ir. and ::\lrs. John S. Duffie ·STIMSON PLACE ;12 Bishop and )Irs. Charles D. ""illiams HO )Ir. EverPtt ..-\. Leonard :-a; )Ir. and )!rs.. John Emor,· Griffiths n::; lirs. G. .Ta v Vinton 37 )Irs. ::\Iaur,· Davis Bentle,· 0 (_;;. ::\Ir. and lfrs. Elmer Liggett 4 7 Dr. and Mrs. B. D. Harison (;:-. )Ir.. Jamf's Edward Liggett 48 )Ir. and ::\Irs. Stanle-r- B. Smith rn; ::\!rs. Benjamin F. Geiger -tS Mr. and Mrs.. -\.rnold. Augustus Schantz 7:1 )Iiss Ella )I. Liggett Gl )Ir. and )!rs. Edwin .T. Booth 7G )Ir. and )lrs. L. B. King 54: Dr. and l\Irs. George L. FiPld 7~ )Ir. Charles E. Hilton ::;5 Dr. and :\Irs. Charles W. Hitchcock ST. ANTOINE STREET :11::; lir. George J. Lauth 10-t:3 )Ir. and )Irs. William H. \Yorkman ST. PAUL AVENUE 228 )Ir. and )Irs. Sherman R. )IillN·. .Tr. !H--1- lirs. A. )I. H. Yon Schneider 27fJ :\fr. an(J llrs. Burt T. "·eyhing TAFT AVENUE 1::; )Ir. and )!rs. Fred C. Zimmerman TAYLOR AVENUE 24: )Ir. Rouert Pennycook 126 )Ir. and )!rs. Frank D. ::\IcCormick :H llr. and :\lrs. Clinton I. ~~-e 147 ::\Ir. and :\frs. George T. Hunkr 9t; )Ir. and Mrs. "-alter .J. Gamble 1::;o ::\Ir . .Albert C. )loore 104 )Ir. and )lrs. Charles A. Begle lGO Dr. and llrs. Francis II. Creusel 110 ::\Ir. and )!rs. Edward F. Lyon 170 )Ir. and ::\·frs. \Yalt(-'r Hugh Bentley 11:; ::\Ir. and )!rs. Charles L. Boyce -- :v.£r. and Mrs. George .John Huebner TENNYSON AVENUE lGl )Ir. and ::\Irs. Frank P. \\"hite ,:~ )Ir. and )lrs. L<'n G. ~haw THEODORE STREET (;9 Re,. and )!rs. William ""arne \Yilson 12:;; )Ir. and )!rs. Frederick G. Skinner 109 :\Ir. and )!rs.• Jonathan Palnwr. Jr. 165 )!rs. \Yillard F. Parker 119 )!rs. :\fartha J. Barnes · Hi::i )Ir. and )!rs. Edward L. \Yarner 11!> )Irs. Carrie B. L'Hommedic•t1. 186 HeY. and )!rs. T. Walkc>r llalcolm THIRD AVENUE :::!)8 )Ir. and Yrs. J. Roy Ridle~· 9;y:; ::\Iiss Irma Haight 4G!) Dr. and :\Irs. Glen Edrie )lackl<:'m 11:-;(; )lr. Benjamin Gearing 480 )Ir. "William D. Southwick 118;; )Ir. Walter )IacFarlane 49J :\Ir. and l\Irs. Frank E. Beecher 1612 ::\Ir. and :\lrs. II. l\I. .Johnson :-,:;!) )Ir. and )!rs. 1-""'r<:'derick Guenthl•r 1782 )Ir. and :\Irs. Bertram B. Butch('r 9::;.::; )1 rs. Elizabeth E. Ea ton TROWBRIDGE STREET 33 l\'.lr. and l\-Irs. Edward J. Beers 140 )Ir. and )Irs. J. Frank :McGill 70 )lr. and )lrs. Emile Francois TRUMBULL AVENUE ~S )Ir. and ::\!rs. Albert 1-""'isher H20 )Iiss Frances Baker 100 ::\Ir. Xathaniel E. Bachnl•r fi20 )Ir. Charles .T. Holton 100 ::\Ir. and l\lrs. Frederick "-- Rowh•~ (;2(; ::\Ir. Karl (;. Sundstrom 110 )Irs. Elizabeth _.... aier mm ::\Ir. and )Irs. Horace G. Smith 37:3 Mr. and :\!rs. ~rm. G. l\lalcomson (P,!) ::\Ir. Charles L. Smith --19:~ )!rs. Porter K. Perrin (i-12 )Ir. and llrs. Joseph H. )IcKendrick 500 )Ir. and l\Irs. John .J. Gorman 669 Dr. and :\irs. Th-omas )1. Lawton ;;1:; )lrs. Stephen Pratt ti83 Mrs. James Sulli,an ;;4::~ Dr. and lirs. George G. Harri:-:: HSS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Andrews 54 7 ::\Ir. and lirs. John :\I. Boden H9:} )Ir. and l\Irs. Harry H. Lamkin ~HS llrs.. James E. Scripps tiHfJ l\lr. and )Irs. James E. Barrett fiH8 :..\Ir. and ::\Irs. ,Ymiam E. ~cripps ti!)., )Ir. and )lrs.• John "-alsh ELOCUTION Detroit DELSARTE PHILOSOPHY SHAKESPEARE School of DRAMATIC TRAINING VOCAL AND • PHYSICAL CULTURE E xpresston CHILDREN'S CLASSES MRS. MILDRED A. BOLT DIRECTOR 1191 Jefferson Avenue DETROIT, MICH.

Paris School of Fren·ch GRAMMAR, LITERATURE HISTORY, CONVERSATION Class and Private Lessons

Preparation for Schools and Colleges Circular on Application

Monsieur et Madame B. E. de Montigny Gingras 408 Fine Arts Building DETROIT


TRUMBULL AVENUE-Continued . 703 :Mrs. Jane F. Brown 873 Dr. and )!rs. Frederick B. Burke 703 )!rs. ,villiam A. Fraser fHS l\Ir. and Mrs. 'William P. J. Thorpe 709 )Ir. and l-'Irs. S. Niles Case 980 :\Iiss )Iary E. Porter 727 Hon. and l\Irs. '\\,.illiam B. Thompson 9:~o Dr. and :!..\'.Irs. Frank A. Reilly 761 )Ir. and :\Irs. Henry A. Schulte 948 )Ir. and )Irs. ·wnbur F. )lonroe 79(> )!rs. Elizabeth C. )Iillar 9:36 )Ir. and )!rs. Fred C. Han·ey 843 )Ir. and )!rs. Frank D. Ross 1051 )Ir. and llrs. George L. Robinson 86~ )Ir. and :Mrs. Charles F. Lawson TWELFTH STREET 565 )Ir. Howard G. Sbocke:y TWENTY-FOURTH STREET 776 )Ir. and Mrs. J. F. Rank 142::i )Ir. and :\Irs. '\\"m. F. Brown TWENTY-THIRD STREET 287 l\Ir. and )Irs. George Rogers TUXEDO AVENUE 39 )!rs. William A. ,vheelock 1:-;o Dr. and )Irs. Frank '\\"ard Holt 75 :Mr. Frank T. Lodge 1:Jo )Ir. and l\Irs. Ira F. Holt TYLER AVENUE H. P. 33 )Ir. and Mrs. Gilbert B. Seymour 140 )Ir. and Mrs. T. Leslie Johnston 39 )Ir. and :Mrs. Stephen E. Clark VAN DYKE AVENUE 14::. )Ir. and )!rs. ,Yilliam l\Iuir Finck 189 )Ir. and )Irs. '\\"ellington Q. Hunt 156 )!rs. E. Louise Clarke Gardiner 192 )Ir. A.lfred E. Brush 156 )!rs. ~ona Clarke Pann 192 :\Ir. and )!rs. Lucian S. lloore, Jr. 169 )Ir. and )Irs. Henry E. Bodman 202 :\Ir. and )!rs. Barney Nehls 170 )Ir. and Mrs. Louis Thorne 21G )Ir. and )!rs. Charles Sumner Pike 175 )Ir. and )Irs. Frederick L. Bliss 220 )Ir. and :\Irs. Charles Hayward Mur- 179 )Ir. and )Irs. '\\"illiam J. L. Stearns phy 187 )Ir. Geor~e C. Chittenden 1417 Mrs. )Iary L. )Iaas 187 )Ir. and )Irs. F. Walter GuibC'rt

VAN DYKE PLACE 21 Dr. and )!rs. '\\"adsworth '\\"arren :~2 )Ir. and )Irs. George S. French 28 l\Irs. l\Iatilda )Iaurice 37 )Ir. and )Irs. Harry X. Leonard 29 )Ir. and )!rs. Louis )I. Hall 41 )Ir. and :\Ir~. Arthur E. Barker 30 :\Ir. and )!rs. Gleeson )Iurphy VINEWOOD AVENUE 21:i lir. and )Irs. Chas. Sparks 376 )Ir. and )!rs. '\\"m . ..-\. )Iorse 217 )Ir. and )Irs. Philip J. ""ilson 419 )Ir. and :\Irs. George Hargreaves, Jr. 218 Dr. and )Irs. Thomas Kenning 485 lir. and :\Irs. Charles N. Goodenow 219 :\Ir. and :\Irs. William C. :\Ianchester 444 ~Ir. and ~Irs. )lax J. L. Towler 221 )Ir. and Mrs. '\\:-alter Scotten 4::i0 )Ir. and )Irs. James A. Ballard 238 l\Ir. and :\Irs. "William M. Dillon -150 )Ir. and :\Irs. Donald C. Gordon 299 l\Iiss Bertha C. Barney 450 )Ir. and )!rs. Charles G. Hirsh 31fi )Ir. and )Irs. Fred<'rick F. Ingram 4;"i0 )!rs. George R. '\\" oolfenden 36!) )Ir. and )Irs. Seaton D. Campbell 1777 :\Ir. and )Irs. C:uil A. )Iidwortb

VIRGINIA PARK 2;; )Ir. and :Mrs. l\Ioe C. '\\"eil 80 )Ir. and )!rs.. John E. Lamb<'rt ~3 )Ir. and :!..\!rs. Hugh '\\"allace 81 l\Ir. and l\Irs. John G. ,Yood 3-1 llr. and !\Irs. George A. Robinson 98 )Ir. and l\Irs. Bernard B. Selling 40 )Ir. and )Its. \, illiam B. O'Brien 99 )1 r. Thomas Corcoran 41 )Ir. and l\Irs. Edwin J. Kruce 99 :\Ir. and :!..\Irs. Philip J. Reid 4-i :\Ir. and lirs. Albert T. Knowlson lu. .5 )Ir. and :\Irs. Jefferson '\\·ne:r 50 :\Ir. and )Irs. Alexander H. l\IcDonell 104 )Ir. and :\Irs. George E. )Ioody 65 lir. and Mrs. William H. Schwanbeck 110 )Ir. and Mrs. Charles S. White 70 )Ir. and )Irs. Jacob Cotner, Jr. 115 )Ir. and )!rs.Harry B. Earhart 74 )Ir. and !\Irs. Bert Lambert 120 )Ir. and )Irs. Wm. Brown 170 THE SOCIETY BL'CE BOOK

VIRGINIA ~ARK-Continued 12:l )Ir. and :\Irs. Allen H. Zacharias 14:~ )Ir. and Mrs. Luther K. l\Iarshall 124 :vrr. and Mrs. Edward S. Picard 144 )Ir. and l\Irs. J. Earle Howard 129 )Ir. and Mrs. John A. McDonald 147 :\Ir. and )lrs. James C. Mock 134 :Miss -Catherine Danaher 1;:;4 )Ir. and lirs. \Y. A.Yery ,vallac<' 139 Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. DaT'is 162 :Mr. and Mrs. Hiram A. Dougla:,; 140 )Ir. and )!rs. Charl(>S B. Van Dusen 216 lir. and )Irs. 'William Hayes Ro:--e WARREN AVENUE EAST 32 )Ir. and :Mrs. Robert L. Bailie 7::; )Iiss Edith )I. Kimball 32 Miss Louise Brown 76 )Ir. and :Mrs. John .T. Bennt>tt 34 Mrs. James X. ""right 76 )Ir. John H. Harrington 37 Mr. Charles ...... Roehm 81 )Ir. Edgar :E. Heavenrich 41 Dr. and )Irs. Joseph Sill 81 )Ir. and )!rs. Benjamin L. LamhPrt 42 )Irs. Abbie DuceJ· S4 :\Ir. and '.Mrs. Howard H. Parson:-- 46 )Ir. and )!rs. Friend )1. Aiken 84 )Ir. and )lrs. S. K. Pittman 47 Hon. and !\frs. George P. Codd f,:::; )Ir. and )Irs. Justin E. Smith 47 Mrs. Alice B. ""arner 89 )Ir. and Mrs. Albert W. Bosley 50 )Ir. and )!rs. Charles ""· Kotcher 95 )Ir. and )!rs. Orla B. Taylor 53 :Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Poole Smith 107 :.\fr. and :Mrs. George R. Treble 62 :\Ir. and )!rs. ""illiam T. DeGraff 126 Dr. and )Irs. Samu«-1 E. Sanderson 69 l\Irs. Fannie A.. CaYerley 142 )Ir. and :\!rs. Charl<'s \Yickliff )Ia.Ynard 69 )Ir. and l\Irs. Frank S. :Munger Hi5 )Ir. and l\Irs. Valentine 8. lYC'S • 7 4 )Irs. Sarah M:. Seid more l 81 )Ir. and :\!rs. \Yilliam E. Robinson 74 )Ir. and )lrs. _.\.lmon C. Yarney :14 7 )Ir. Charles D. Hastings 75 Hon. and )Irs. Edgar 0. Durfee WARREN AVENUE WEST ~2 Dr. and )!rs. George C. Bowles 300 :\Ir. and )Irs. D. L. Has~e 32 )Iiss F. )I. J;Iopk:i.ns 307 :llr. and )!rs. John ·w. Br('nnan 34 l\Ir. and )!rs. Allan Campbell 309 )Ir. and l\Irs. Franklin S. l)ewe:r 86 )Ir. and :Mrs. Ernest F. Lloyd :~09 )Ir. and )Irs. J. L. Hepburn 106 :\Ir. and )!rs. Howard J. Lesher 31:1 )Ir. and l\Irs. Frank ·w . ..\Yerill 156 )Ir. and :\!rs. Daniel J. Healy :n::; The )Iisses Sanders 158 )fr. and l\Irs. William Alfred Sturgeon :t20 )Ir. and :Mrs. \Yilliam E. Bolles 260 )Ir. and )Irs. Elwood :\I. Reed ;~3:1 )Ir. and )Irs. Ralph ""· OaklC'y 262 l\Ir. and )Irs. Thoma~ Han<')" :3-10 )lrs. HarriC't E. Haynak :300 :\Ir. and )!rs. Frank L. Alb('rtson WATERLOO AVENUE 843 :\Ir. and )!rs. ".illiam 0. Emery WASHINGTON BOULEVARD 21 l\Iiss Ruth R. Ru~sell WATERMAN AVENUE 220 )Ir. Samuel X. R Crawford

WATSON STREET 41 )Ir. and )Irs. Frem::mt Wooaruff ,...71 Mr. Christian M. Traub 42-44 )Ir. and llrs. Charks .J. ::.\frrhach ... )Ir. and Mrs. Theodore D. Bak1•r 42-44 )!rs. Lola )1. )Iorse 78' j )Ir. and )lrs. \\~alter Carson )k~i,•1 4:~ )!rs. Helen _.\._ Clark 79 )Uss Frances B. Cress<')" 45 Dr. and ::\Irs. \\"alter P. l\Ianton 79 )Ir. 1Villiam D. :Morton 47 Dr. and )Irs. Daniel ~.\.. )IacLachlan 84 )Ir. and )frs. William George Harry 49 Hon. and :llrs. Alexis C. Ang<'ll 88 :Mrs. Herman F. Ka 11 man 51 )Ir. and :\Irs. Eugene E. Hatch 88 )Iiss .Augusta D. Schrad('r ;'.>1 The :Misses Robbins 97 )!rs. Emily B. Lloyd ::;7 :llr. and lirs. Da,id D. Cady 102 )Ir. and )!rs. August )Iarxhau~c-n ..Jr. 63 )!rs. G<'orge Hanley 105 )Ir. and )!rs. Frank Dwight Taylor 64 )Ir. J. Edward Bland 115 )Ir. and Mrs. Thomas St(•phen DaYies 67 )Ir. and :\Ir~. Edwin Eugene Arm- 11::i Dr. and )Irs. Frank Ranghart ""alker strong 118 :\Irs. ""alter Buhl G9 )Ir. and )lrs. Samuel C. )Iumforcl 129 )Ir. and )!rs. William Yunck WAYNE STREET 11;:; )Ir. )Iyron \Y. Xeal 115 )[r. Sherman Ralsc-y )Iiller 115 Dr. \\"illiam E. Rice DF.TROIT 171

WEBB AVENUE 2-l :\Ir. and :\lr:-: .•Joseph E. )fason l OS )Ir. and )Irs. E. ~elson Ili~idns :{ti :\Ir. and )!rs. Hubbard E. Hade 120 )Ir. and )Irs. ,Yilliam B. Weitzel -:1:8 Dr. William W. ~ewcomb 199 )Ir. Harold V. Albertus 50 Judge and )!rs. Henr:r S. Hulbert :w:1 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Emerson DaYi:-; iG )Ir. and )!rs. James A. Smith, ,Jr. 2~J7 :\Ir. and )!rs. "·m. Theodore Wa Iker WESTMINSTER AVENUE -l )Ir. and )!rs. Edward :\l<'tcalf Fisher 7-l )Ir. and )Irs. Clarence' Conely 8 )Ir. and l\lrs. Frederick Parker Hart 74 :\Ir. and )Irs. Henry D. Franklin ')•) -·-• )Ir. and )lrs. ,John Kaiser I I :\Ir. and )Irs. Horace K. Dickinson 2-1 Mr. and :VIrs. 1Villiam A. Hurst 81 )Ir. and )Irs. Clifford C. Boone 2-l )Ir. and )Irs. :\lax Strasburg Hi )Ir. and )Irs. ,vm. H. Rea •)•) .).) )Ir. and )Irs. )fax l\Iay 101 11r. and )Irs. Justice R. Pearson 3-1 .urs. Ernst D. Hutchinson 107 )Irs. B. Cameron Bastedo ::m )Ir. and )lrs. ~orris A. Cole 111 :\Jiss Gladys Ferris -1::-. )Ir:-:. lJa Yid George 111 )Ir. and )Irs. Herman Dickerson Rog- 48 )Ir. and )Ir~. Lamont C. Bidwell ers ;j-:1: )Ir. and :\Irs. (;porge 'r. Bader 1:~o )Ir. ancl )Irs. George C. Huebner ;j;j )Ir. and )Irs. Edward "-'•~ Haymond 18(; )Ir. and )lrs. Robert .....~ Brown (iO :\Ir. and )Irs. Horace E. Cartl'r 1-:1:7 Dr. and :\Irs. \Yilliam \Y. Stewart --, ~ I•> )Ir. and l\Irs. Jas. ·-. ~ten•nson 173 :\Ir. and :\Irs. no:rs .-\rthur Ellis WILLIS AVENUE EAST 20 )!rs. John Belknap 40 )lrs. El::;ie .J. Richar

WILLIS AVENUE WEST 31 )Ir. CharlC's F. Collins H 7 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson 68 )Ir. and )Irs. ,Yarren J. Yinton 1:iO )Ir. and :\Irs. George Farwell 91 :\Ir.-.and )!rs. Harry .J. Pur:'.e 1;:;2 )Ir. and :\Irs. Frank D. Heaton 102 )Ir. and )!rs. Fred ~-- Smith H,4 Capt. and Mrs. Charles L. Wilson 104 )Ir. and )!rs. ";-illis E. Cal-:P 229 )Ir. and lirs. Henry Haug 14::i )Ir. and )Irs. Horace E. Hatch 506 )Ir. and )!rs. H. C. Ryan 1-17 :\Ir.. J. Raymond )Iann 520 l\lr. and Mrs. Lincoln G. Lewis

WINDER STREET 'l'I-1 E ELDOIL\DO :-:2 )Ir. and :\Irs. Horace G. Yan Tuvl )Ir. \\·alter X. Baker :n Dr. and :\Irs. Christopher C. :\Iiller :\fr. and Mrs~ ,Villiam C. Bell :il :\lrs. A. D. Edwards D1·. and :\Irs. I-lenr:r C. Corn~ 51 :\Irs. John Har,ey )Ir. and l\Irs. ,Joseph G. HamblC'n ..Jr. 7!) )Irs. Elizabeth S. Anthony :32 )Ir. and :Mrs. Hiram )larks 79 :\liss .-\nna ,J. WarrPn · :rn :\Irs. Charles Bruce Ximmo WINONA STREET l 02 )Ir. and )!rs. Tlwoclon• ~-\. :\Iau WOODLAND AVENUE 32 )Ir. and )Irs. CharlC's E. Freese :i2 Dr. C. Bradford Lundy ~rn )Ir. and )Irs. Ueor~e ~- :\filler 110 )Ir. and )Irs. 'William L. Januarv 51 :\Ir. and )!rs. Dw_ight .:\. Hitchcock 2:~::; )Ir. and ~lrs.• Tohn C. Hickey ·

WOODWARD AVENUE 2-l )Ir. .:\lbert L. BC'ck -:1:1:; )Ir. John .J. Faltis 270 )Ir. William I...aYin -120 )Ir. and :\Irs. William W. Gardn<•r 270 l\.1iss Eliza beth Thorpe -1:28 )Ir. and :\lrs. Solomon E. Heineman :370 Dr. and )Irs. Edmund A. Clrnpoton .,rn::; )Ir. and )Irs. Charles P. Larned QUR CANDIES represent the highest Art of the Candy Maker's Craft.

TEA ROOM KUHN'S KUHN BUILDING 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. 216 Woodward Ave.

JOHN C. STUART Jtaun Pupil of Wager Wane, Paris DelJelopment of Pitch Sight Reading Studio: 509 GLADWIN BLDG.

VIOLETS "Phones: Bell, Main 2224; Home, City 2748 ORCHIDS Established 1872

1Jtlnrist attb irrnrntnr

CONSERVATORIES Hendricks and Elmwood Aves. 56 BROADWAY

172 DETROIT 173

WOODWARD AVENUE-Continued 443 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Eugene ,·r alton 894: :\Ir. and :\Irs. Fred C. Andrews 444 :\Ir. and l\lrs. George A. Eason S!)-1 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Franz .:\. AIH:'l 456 :\Irs. Thomas :\Iurpby 89-1 Dr. and )Irs. Jay .J. Delbridge 4.::;r, · :\Irs. Samuel Perrin S!l4: :\Ir. and l\lrs. "·· Pc-Yton Smith 4ri(i )Irs. lrYine B. "Cnger n:m :\Ir. and Mrs. Richard H. F,·fe 4Z'.i7 :\Ir. J. S. Ferrand. Jr. 9-19 )Ir. and :Mrs.Edward H. Butler 457 ::V.Cr. and Mrs. Richard P. Farrand 996 )Ir. and l\lrs. Frederick Sanders 4:37 )Ir. and l\Irs. J. Farrand ""illiams 1000 :\Ir. and llrs. ,John :\liller 4.::;7 )Ir. and )!rs. Richard P. ""illiar!.1$ 101;~ )Ir. and )Irs. Samuel L. Smith 4:38 )Ir. and )lrs. Harry l\Iilward 10:1;:. :\Iiss Anna D. )lurpb~· 4.::;s )!rs.. John Pridgc-on lCHO :\Ir. and Mrs. Dexter :\I. FerrY. Jr. 472 )Ir. and :\:Irs. Charles C'. Jc-nk~ 1Ct5G )Ir. and l\Irs. "·· Y. H. ::\Ioore· · 480 :\Ir. and )Irs. Bethune Uuffi.Pld 105.::; )Ir. and )!rs. \Yilliam Y. :\Ioore 480 Mr. and l\lrs.... , ... uir B. Duffi.Pld 10ti5 :\Ir. and Mrs. Clarence A. Black 481 l\Irs. F. )I. CurriPr 107::i :\Ir. I-I. GloYer SteYen$ 481 )lrs. Eunice C. Parsell 1085 )Irs. Thomas :\lcGraw 48H :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles B. Gra~· 10!~::; )!rs. Barrett B. :\Iitcht'll 488 :\Ir. and )!rs. George E. L::nn:::on 1100 )Ir. Robert J. SerYiCP r.os Dr. and :\Irs. Edmund \Y. Et>dP 112:1 )Ir. and )!rs. Edward D. Stair ::,1:-i )Ir. and )lrs. :\IarYin II. Chamh(•rlain 11:{0 :\liss Stella D. Ford 520 )Ir. and ~Irs. Harr:y Edward Hunt 11:lo Dr. and ::\Irs. Harry Xorton Torre'" 527 The l\:Iisses Burke 11;;:; )Ir. and )!rs. Dwight Cutler · 527 )Ir. and :\Irs. Edward La FPrt<- llH:i :\Ir. and )Ir~. GC'org-e L. BN•cher 5:~o )Ir. and :\lrs. James H. Bc-11 1170 Col. and :\Irs. Frank J. Heck<.>r 54fi :\Irs. Rollin C. Olin 1200 l\Irs. Charles C. Hodges 5ril )Ir. and :\Irs. \Yilliam R. ,Tamp~ 1271 )us. l-Ic-nr~- Stl'phens ~ !'.iriri )Ir. and l\Irs. James B. Plumh 12n:1 ::\Irs. )far'" S. Colburn 5(;4 Dr. and )!rs. GustaY II. Hoh(•rtz H► l 1 :\Iiss ::\liner"\"a B. Rhines 5GZ'.i :\Iiss Katherine Derby 1624 :\Ir. and )!rs. James Swan 5(iri :\Irs. James Edgar 163fi )!rs. \Yilliam n. Fox 581 l\'.Irs. L. E. Jenks Hi38 ~!rs. :\lar:r F. \"hay 59:; :\Ir. and l\Irs. Lorenzo E. Clark 1(;!-}Z:, llr. and lirs. Clayton .\.. Grinnell 596 )Irs. \Yilliam J. Spic<.>r 1702 )Ir. and ::\Irs. John A. :\Iercier 596 :!.\:Iiss Axc-ry Yerington 1717 :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Orton ""· Albee G2O Dr. and lirs. J. Henry Car~tens 171 7 Dr. F. Chandler House 625 Mr. and :\Irs. C. A. N"ewcomb 1717 :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frederick J. )Iason 630 )Ir. and )Irs. Jam<.>s C. :\IcGr<'gor 1725 )Ir. and :\Irs. Alexander Y. :\Ialcomson 6:~6 Dr. and :\Irs. "William F. )fotcalf 1730Dr. and l\Irs. R. Johnston Palmer 637 )Ir. and )!rs. Joseph Bo~·er 180:{ ):Ir. and :\Irs. Arthur S. Dumont 644 )Ir. and )lrs. Edward E. Kane 180::i )!rs. ""illiam Craig 651 -llr. and )Irs. )larYil I. Brahb 1so7 :\lr. and :\Ir:..;. H. Kirke WhitP. Jr. 654 )Ir. and )!rs. Frank Scott Clark 1809 )Ir. and :\Irs. Thomas Xeal · 654: :\Irs. Annie ""ard Foster 1s2;; Dr. and ::\Irs. GlC'nn \YileY ~tockwell 661 Hon. and )Irs. LeYi L. Barbour 1~70 Dr. and ::\Irs. \Yalt('r E. Tiffin (Hi2 :\Ime. Rouen Hunt 188t, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Jeff<'rson T. Wing 68-1 ::\Iiss Sarah Stead 1900 )Ir. and )Irs. Fred('ric L. .\hC'l 694 )Ir. and )lrs. Harrison G<.><.>r 1908 :\Ir. and :\!rs. Frank I-I. Dodge 698 ::\Iiss :\Iargaret Holden 19:39 Dr. Y. Chll"('nce Yaughan. ii·. 700 )!rs. George E. Frothingham 19St, :\Ir. and )!rs. Allan II. Fraz<'r 702 )h.·s. Helen S. Hough 2or.1 :\Ir. and :\!rs.. Jamc-s SchPrm(•rborn 702 nr. and :\Ir~.. John S. l\Ioffc-tt 207-1 :\Ir. and :\Ir~. Reynolds Fh:her 2138 :\lrs. Julia C. Porter 780 )Ir~. Edna C. ~oble 2:{(;:~ Dr. and :\Irs. Harr:r _-\_ Slrnfor ~21 ::\lrs. Donald ::\faclean 2-120 )!rs. Frank I-I. Baml<>t ~2.:i :\Ir. and :\Irs. ,John .T. )lcLaug-hlin 25:~o :\Ir. and :\!rs. E. Foster :\Ior('ton ~2,:') :\Ir~. D:n·id \Yhitn<'r 256-1 )Ir. and :\Irs. Charl(,s 'William :\foore 830 )Ir. and :\Irs. Frc-d<'rick C. Sto('P<'l 3401 Dr. and :\lrs. William Hamlen WOODWARD AVENUE TERRACE 23 )Ir.. John "·· HarYeY :~s :\Ir. and )!rs. ~ewton J. Cor<'Y 2G l\Ir. and :\'.lrs. John ;\.. HC:'a,·c-nrich :-is )Ir. and :\Ir~. Harrison G. Williams :12 Prof. and ::\Irs. George G. Bc-cht('l :rn :\Ir:-:. Harriet S. Duncan 35 )Ir. and )Irs. Thomas P:1 lnwr Stc-plwni::: -lti )lr. and :\lrs. Dani<.'l \Y,•11~ 36 )Ir. and )!rs.. Albert L. Dudh'~- 5:~ Dr. and )!rs. "\Ym. 8. Brownell :~7 )!rs. Roe St('plH'nS .1.1 )Ir. and )Irs . .T. Frl•dt'rick II:..utz 59 Jllltst 46t4 Every possible anangement of Rooms, with the Handsomest of Furnishings 8'.rrutr.r anb

❖ it;ntrl Jattrrsnn 5g m 4.& 581tl47


1, -1 Detroit Club List


OFFICERS. Henn,· ::\i. "C'tley ...... President. Rev. Paul Ziegler, 1-1 Breckenridge street ...... Secretary.

:\lE:\IBERS. Angstman. 0. E. Cllant~Y, \Yillia rd. :\I. D. ,v·nkinson, Charles A. Barbour Le·vi L. Frisbie. ReY. s. W. York. Bt~rtrand n. BlauYelt. "\Yarren S. Heineman. DaYid E. l."'tley. Henry :\-I. Bowen. Herbert Hull, La\\~rence C. York, Francis L. Carson. Lewis C. Ramsay, ReY. Charles L. Ziegler, Rev. Paul


OFFICERS. Dr. P. M. Hickey ...... President. Dr. C. D. Aaron ...... "Vice-President. Dr. Ray Connor ...... Secretary-Treasurer.

ACTIVE FELLOWS. Aaron. Charles D. Hitchcock. C. W. Robbins, F. '\Y. Ballin, :Max Hickey, P. ~I. Safford, H. E. Biddle. A. P. Holmes. A. D. Schenck, B. R. Chittick, w·. R. Jenks, H. D. Shurly, B. R. Collins, A. ~­ Jenks. X. Spitzley. ~,._ A. Connor, G. L. Jennings. C. O. Tibbals, F. B. Connor, R. ·· Kiefer, G. L. Varney, H. R. Cooler, T. B. :\laire, L. E. Vaughan, J. 1\,._ Duffield, G. ::\Ianton, ,v. P. Yaughan, Y. C., Jr. Emerson. J. E. Metcalf. ,v. F. 1\.illiamson. H. Gillman, R. ,v. Parker. D. L. '\Yinter. J. A. Haass. E. W. Rich. H. ::\l.


:\IE:V.CBERS. Alger, F. l\-1. Chalfaut, E. P. Hayden. L. C. Alg(•r. Russc•l A. Campbell, F. J. Harrigan. J. -F. Bennett. A- D. Chiera, G. Hudson. J. L. Bezner, · F. O. Carhartt. H.. Jr. Hall. C. M . Baumh~ckel. C. E. Chittenden. ,v. J. •Jones. Arthur Bosquett, T. J. Craig. Frank D. Lewis, F. 11. Briscoe, Frank Ducharme. C. B. Le,vis. E. W. Barbour, W. T. Dorb. J. D. Lyster, H. L. Brooks. A. S. I >yar~ John 1\". Lane, G. E. Brady, J. H. D'.lnham. G. \\·. Larned, A. E. Buhl. A. H. Depew. S. L. Lau~ier. E. B. Brooks, C. C. Dow. Alex. :\-Ic:\Iillan. Phillip Bolton. L. D. EYeritt, B. F. l\:lc)Iath. F. C. Rarnes. Claire Fitzsimrnon!:::, P. ,y_ A. l\Iagie. H. Breitmeyer. Philip George., Edwin S. l\Ietzger.°"'· "·m. E. Chapin. R. D. H<~nry. Burns :\liller. 1\"". H. Colburn, B. S. Huff. RussE>ll :\Iurfin. J. 0. Coffin. H. E. Hibbard. J. :\I. :\le llish. Charles F. Hotel Cumberland NEW YORK BROADWAY AT 54TH STREET

X ear 50th Street Subwav Station and Bd Street " L "

r ... ..~.. :.-· -· , ...... ,·""'···· ... -.. -. . . ·-.; :,

"Broadway" Cars from Grand Central Depot pass the door 7th Ave. Cars from Pennsyl­ .. vania Station . NEW AND FIREPROOF ,:· . ~. . . " ., • ..• ::i Best Hotel Accommodations I .. l :'. .• :II in N. Y. at Reasonable Rates i• . . ~·.a, $2.50 WITH BATH and UP SUITES $4.00 and UP Special Rates !or Permanent Guests EUROPEAN PLAN All Hard Wood Floors and Oriental Rugs Ten minutes walk to 20 Theatres

Only New York Hotel Window-screened Throughout EXCELLENT RESTAURANT PRICES MODERATE SEND FOR BOOKLET HARRY P. STIMSON, Formerly with Hotel Imperial

176 177 lionson, C. S. Smith, F. L. Vincent, J. G. lic:\Iasters, E. E. Snow, X. "\Y. Waldon, S. D. Mars, J. C. SeagraYe, F. S. Withington, W. Xa\"in, F. Stoddard, E. J. Wadsworth, F. E. Xeumann, W. F. V. ~tearns, F. S. Waters, D. E. Pope, G. D. Spooner. F. E. Wickes, H. T. Poss, F. R. Spli tdorf, C. G. Whittemore. James Pelletier, E. L. SeYerance, H. C. "\Yeinberg, F. Russel, A. W. Schautz. A. A. "roadhouse. J. T. Russel, W. S. Stringham. J. S. "relch, A. R. Renaud. Dr. G. L. Skae, E. A. "'."" arren, Homer Rite, H. W .. Jr. Sadler, H. C. Woodruff, Chas. A. Seager, J. B. Ta:vlor, C. H. w·ens, D. Smith, Angus Tudhope, Hugh ""ilcox, H. S.


:\-IE:l-IBRES. Alger, lime. Fredk. :\1. Clarke. l\Ime. DeGuise Hartz, ::\Ime. J. F. Adams, :Vllle. Katharine Clay, Mlle. Josephine Hardcastle, Emma S. Alexander. Mme. K. B. Cooley, ).!me. T. B. Hauser, ":\:Ille. Alice Elsie Alger, lln:ie. 1-tus::;ell, Jr. Corbett. :\Ille. Edith Hawks, Mlle. Marion Altman, Mme. Charles Croul, ).!me. Frank H. Hefftler. :\I. V. R. Andrews, :\Ille. Helen Currie, Mlle. Gwendolyn Heineman, ~I. David Angell, Mlle. Sarah C. Curtis. :Madame J. A. Hendrie, Mme. Stra th earn Armstrong-, lVIme. J. G. Danaher. :\Ille. Catherine Hill, Mlle. Grace Ashbaugh, lime. H.. H. Da Yis, Mme. James E. Hinchman, Mme. F. Ashleman, :\Ille. A. L. Da Yis, Mme. Chas. B. Archer _-\sen·, Mlle. Clara A. DaYis, :Mme. Charles K. Hitchcock. Dr. C. W. Austin, Mlle. Emma H. DaYis, :\I. Charles K. Hodges, Mlle. Clara D. Ballinger. :\:Ille. Lucy deBlois, )I. 1V. :\il. Hosie. l\-Ille. Clara :\I. Banker. Mlle. Grace E. deBlois. )lme. Rhoda F., Hubbard, Mme. Elizabeth Barbour, :\Ime. Wm. T. :\:I. D. L. Barbour. l\'I. Levi Def', ::\lllP. :\Iargart•t Hutchins, Mme. Jere C. Baribault, Dr. Louis C. DeYlin. ::.\Ille. Eleano1· Hutchinson, )!me. Eliza- Barnard, )Ille. Mary Dogulas. :\frs. S. T. beth Barnes, lime. E. ..-\.. Dodge, :\!me. John F. Hyde, ::\Ime. George Belanger, :\I. Joseph Doyle. :\iille. :Mary !Yes, Dr. A. W. and :\Ime. Belanger, Mmme. Joseph Duncan. }I. Thos. Earle J anisse, l\I. George Blackmore, }.-Imme. 0. H. Dwyer, :\Ime. Francis T. Johnson. :Mme. Olin Book, :\I. Frank P. Dwyer. :\!me. John :\i. Jones. :\Ille. Anna Book, :\I. Herbert V. Dyar, :Mlle. Chua E. Joy. l\I. ";--illiam E. Book. ·Madame J. B .. Jr. Elston, ::.\Ime. I. C. Judd, Mme. C. H. Bowen, :\I. Lemuel W. Flanigan, :.\Ille. Eleanor Kelly, l\Ille. Josephine Bowen. :\tlme. Lemuel W. Flanigan, :\Ille. ::.\Iargaret Kentle, Mlle. Phyllis Boynton, :\I. "\Yalter t.:. Flattery. :\Ille. Anna Kidde, M. Rt•gnar Boynton, )lme. \Yalter Fleitz, ::.\[Ile. Frances Kidde, Mme. Regnar C. Fowler. :\Ime. G. B. King, Dr. J. EYerett Brankin, :\iI. Edward Fran~oi~. :.\.I. Theophile King. Mme. Francis Briscoe, :\tI. Frank Fuller. :\Imf'. Henn· Rilev Kirchner, M. Otto Briscoe, :\:lme. Frank Gau\"r·eau. :\I. Victor . Kirchner. l\'.Ime. Ot::o Brooks, ~Ille. Helen Gilman. Dr. R. "'.""· Klein, :\Ille. Adele Brownlee Gillmore. :\:Ille. Gertrude Kyle, :\!me. Du,·al Bucknall, Dr. J. A. A. Bull, :\Ille. G. Gingras, :\I. B. E. de La Ferte. Dr. Daniel Burtenshaw, :\:Ime. C. :\iontigny Lancashire, :\Ime. J. Burtenshaw. Mlle. S. Gingras. :\Ime. B. E. de Henry Butler, )!me. E. K. ::.\Iontigny Lathrop. :\ilme. H. K. Butler, :\Ille. Selenah Goodrich. :\I. Chauncey Lewis. :\Ime. Alexander I. Campau, lille. Charlotte ::.\Iarsh· Liggett. :\Ille. Jeannt~tte C. Goodwin. :\1 ll.-. Gladys Lindquiest, :\Ille. Lilly Campau, :VI. Daniel J. Gray, )Ime. \\-. .T. Livingston, l\f. "'.""· Gil_bert Campau. Mlle. Elise Green, :\I. Andrew.. Tr. Lydecker. :\Ille. A.lice Campbell. :Mlle. Cornelia Green, ::.\lnw. Andrew, Jr. :\Ialcomson. :\I. 1V. J. Campbell, Mme. Allan Gregg, :\Ille. Ethel :\Ianton, :\!me. ":-alter Carpenter, :\"Ille. Florence Hamilton. :\L G. T. :::\Ianton; ~Ille. Helen A. Hamilton, Mlle. :\Iary Mc- ::.\Iason, ::.\Ille. Julia Casgrain, lime. Charles Lellan :\feddaugh, Mlle. Clara Casgrain, :\Ille. Charlotte Hamilton. :\!me. W. P. :McDonald, 2\Ille. .-\ileen Chen·olet, ::\Ime. Louis Hamlin. :\I. Lot :\Iorrill :\IcGraw. Mme. w·. A. Chen·olet, :\I. Louis Hanchett, :\Ime. Benton :\IcKibbin, :\Ille. Emily W. Garrick Theatre Times Sauare ., llffany & Co...... _...._ 6.Altman & Co. ;•~.::•r-• •• -~".. •JI:~~,-•.-~~, ••• , '("_■ -1'~------~ ·T-·(:'··J,J,C'-· .. ~--"'' ;Ji~:,: ... -~h "":J ,- 1 _·f• )/" --~~~:-~:•, ' . ··;.• :~ j .. :"l'1_,,· . . -M ~•· ~ · t{f ~:. _· ·-~:~\)1 :'.~=-~ .t~',_·.,:~-,\ ·__ ,. .. ,- ~!;zi:. ~-f

:!I ;:;I :r

16I .... t -1 00 ~

'01 C: :§ '5 co '"O ~ :cCl> I} ... ! }I'I 'l_:·.• •;~~ I!..._• ...... : -fl.slJ-.i ;_. ,::.::r;l-t-a,,.~ Sixth Avenue Jas. Mccreery & Co . HOTEL COLLINGWOOD, Broadway and 35th St. EUROPEAN PLAN, ROOMS and BATH $2.00 PER DAY and UP Special Rates by the Week, Month or Year ALSO THE SOUTHERN HOTEL, COLUMBUS, OHIO S. H. MOSELEY WM H. MOSELEY & SONS DETROIT CLl.."BS

Me:Lellan, Mlle. Alfreda Phelps. :\Ime. Chas. B. Stair, ::\Ime. E. D. :\le:\Iillan, )I. Philip H. Planche. M. Etienne Starikoff, M. Joseph l\Ic)Iillan, Mme. Philip H. Podlewski, :\Ille. Queenie Ste,·ens, Mme. W. H. l\'I<:Laughlin, Mlle. Mary Pond, Mlle. Florence L. Stevens, Mlle. MarJorie Miller, M. Sidney T. Prentiss. Mlle. Fanny K. Stillman, Mme. E. B. Miller, Mme. Sidney T. Renaud. l >octeur George Stroh. Mlle. Norma Miller. Mlle. Elizabeth L. Sullh·an, Mlle. :\largaret Miller, Mlle. Jessie F. Richardot, Mme. M. L. ~ulliYan. Genevie,·e Moore. :\,!me. Lucian, Sr. Robbins, Mme. Fred K. Thompson. Mme. J. W. ~Iorrison, )Ille. Margaret Russel. :\Ille. Frances Trowbridge, :\lme. L. S .. Morse, :\I. Charles Fred- Russel, :\,Ille. Helen Jr. eric Ryan. MllC'. Helen W. Van Court, )Ille. Glad~·s II. Mulkey. Mlle. Mercedes Sanders, Mlle. L. G. Van Eps, Mme. Isabella Murphy, M. M. J. Sanders. :\Ille. C. Yier, Edmond A. Murphy, Mlle. Blanche Sarmiento. :Mme. F . .r. Vier. l\Ime. E. _-\. l\Iurphy, Mlle. Constance Sarmiento. :\Ille. Caroline Van· Oss, l\I. _-\lexander l\Iontbarbou, Philippe ~avage. )!me. George "\Valker, Mme. E. C. K ewman, :vr. R. Adling- Schimmell. l\L G. R. Warren, M. C. B. ton Scripps, )Ime. "-- E. "-Tarren, Mme. C. B. N e,Yman, :\Ille. Madeleine SerYice. l\Ille. :Marion 1Vells, l\L Daniel K ewman. )Ille. Mary Seymour. Mme. S. \\--ells, Mme. Daniel Noble, :Mme. Edna Chaf- Shippen, Mme. Eugene ~·ells. Mme. W. H. 7 fee Shurly, Dr. B. R. "- hite, l\'I. H. K., Jr. Oakman, Docteur Carl S. Sibley, Mme. F. T. "-Thite, :\!me. H. K .. Jr. O'Brien. Mme. M. W. Smith, :\,Ille. :\I. D. Whitton, Mme. F. B. Paine. 1\-L DeForest Stephens, .Jacqu<'line Wicker, Mme. Louise Palms, M. Charles Louis Stephens. l\Ille. Gail Wild, :\I. F. Percy Palms, Mme. Chas. Louis Stroh. :VIarguerite "-Ting. )I. Thurber Palms. 1Vl1le. Josephine D. Smith, :\Ime. James Co!:;s- \\-·oodruff, Mme. Fremont Palms, Mme. F. F. lett "--orkman. :\!me. .Helen Palms. Mlle. Helen Smith. M. !!al H. Chaff<>e Paterson, M. Murray G. Smith. :\Ille. Letta Crapo Yates. Mme. Robert· rarker. Dr. Delos L. Smith. :\Ime. Grierson Pc-·ltit•r, l\Ille. Agnes Silencer, Mlle. Leah A.



··John Scott ...... ?resident. H. J. M. Grylls ...... :. ic:e-President. Marcus R. Burrowes ...... ·.:::ecretary. Charles Kotting ...... Treasurer. John M. Donaldson ...... Director.


Baldwin. Frank C. Rogers. James S. Han·ey. George L. Donaldson. John M. Scott, John Kahn, Albert tln.-IIs. H. · J. Maxwell Scott. .-\rthur H. Kamper, Louis MacFarlane, Walter Parcroft. FrPd Kotting. Charles Mason. George D. Burrowes. :\Iarcus R. Munger, --\.Yerton E. Mt>ier, Henry J. C<'lse. John \\T. Reed-Hill. William Raseman, Richard E. Chittenden. Alpheus °":--· Stratton. "·m. B. Ric-E', Zack C.1quard. Lt>Cln Smith. Fred L.


Butterfield. Wells 1.J. ::\lueller, G. A. Yan Le:r<'n. Edw. C. Cl<>mc>nt. Hugh B. ~ettleton. James B. "\Vhite, Thos. E. Eisen. Adolph Pottle, George Y. \\-ilby. Ernest Gra Yes. Geo. ~·. ~tanton. S. l\I. l\Iildner. Richard ~tahl ..T:lh:1 C., .Jr.


Cooley, M. E. Lorch. Emil :\Ioore, Charles Freer. Charles L. Lothrop. Cyrus E. HOTEL EMPIRE Broad,vay & 63 St., NE\V YORK CITY Pronounced a Most Delightful Hotel by Travellers and Tourists from all Parts of the World In the Very Centre of Everything ., •.:. ... ,, ... ·•

" . . '\ :~~~; . (

- .:. ~ J • {,;~¼~t,-·· --~-C:

FIVE Ml1'\UTES' WALK TO 40 THEATRES A~D ALL FA~1OUS SHOPS ALL STREET CARS A:-,.D FIFTH AVE~UE BUSSES PASS OUR DOOR SUBWAY A~D ELEVATED RAILWAY STATIO~S O~E :MI~VTE'S \'VALK FRO~! DOOR We offer you the most delightful Hotel Accommodations at \·ery moderate rates Restaurant noted for its Excellent Cookinl!", Efficient Sen·ice and Moderate Charires All MODERN IMPROVEMENTS Hot and Cold Running Water in Every Room Single Rooms (detached Bath) 51.00 up Sinl!"le Rooms (Prirnte Baths) 1.;o up Double " 1 Person 1. ;o '. Double " " 1 Person 2.00 .. " 2 2.00 .. 2 2. 50 " Suites with 1 2. 50 •. Send for Free Guide to City W. JOHNSON QUINN, Proprietor

180 DErROJT C'LCBS 181


OFFICERS. Frederick :\I. Alger ...... Prest. and Comomdore. W. Howie :Muir ...... Vice-President. Lewis H. Paddock ...... Secretary. Edwin S. Barbour ...... Treasurer.

:\IE:\IBERS. Alden, H. W. Buhl. "\"\·mis E. Deming, Paul H. ~\iken. F. :\I. Bulkley. Harry C. Demory, A. R. Alexander, George \\T. Burch. Edwin A. Denby, Edwin Alger, Frederick l\I. Burtenshaw. ,v. H. nepew, Sherman L. Alger, Russell A. Butler, C. J. Devlin. George A. Altland. D. F. Butler, E. H. De~·. Hamilton Anderson, John \\·. Butler, Frederick E. Dey, Hermann .Anderson. \\:--. C. Butler, Lawrence K. Donnelly, John C . Andrus, Fred. H. Butler. \Ym. A .. Jr. Doughty, E. C. _-\ngell. "Alexis C. Byrne, Frank P. Doughty, R. H. .Alexander. K. B. Cadwell, E. B. Douglas, Samuel T . .Armstrong. .John G. Cadr, DaYid D. Do~·Ie, Thos. J . Anketell, Thorr.as J. Cain. J. "'\"\:--. Dow. Alexander Armstrong, Edwin E. Caldwell. Arthur B~·rd Doyle. E. H. Atterbury, Allen W. Campbell. Charles H. Driggs, F. E. Austin, Fredk. G. Campbell. Don :\I. Ducey, :\Irs. P. A. .A.Yen·. Harry E. Campbell, Henn~ :M. DuCbarme, Alfred J . AYery, John H. Campau, :\Iiss C. C. DuCharme. Charles .\. AYery, \\:--aldo A. Campau. Daniel J. DuCharme. C. B. Backus. Standish Canfield, Geo. L. DuCharme; F. T. Bagley, John ~- Carhartt, Hamiltori DuCharme. Harold Bagley. Paul F. Carhartt. "'\"\'"ylie "'\"\7• Duffield, Bethune Bahl, Geo. L. Carle~·. L. R. Dumont, Arthur S. Baird. Charles W. Campbell, H. :\I. Dwight. Percy D. Baker. Ernest l\i. Campau, :\I. W. Dwyer, Jeremi::ih Baldwin. Abram T. Carmichael. Otto Dwyer, John l\'L Ball. .,v·. H. Carter. Da Yid S. Dwyer. "'\"Villiam A. Barbour, Edwin S. Case. Louis H. Dyar. John W. Barbour, George H. Caulkins. E. B. Dyar, Ralph :M. Barbour, George H., Jr~ Chalmns. Hugh Ea ton, :\Irs. T. H. Barbour, \\'"illiam T. Chamberlain. :.\I. H. Edd~·. Frank W. Barton, H. L. Chapin, R. D. Edgar. C. G. Barbour. ··H. W. Chesbrough. Frank P. Edwards. Allen F. Baker, H. D. Chittenden, \Y . .J., Jr. Edwards. George 1\·. Barker, Arthur E. Clark, Emory w·. Elliott. Edgar Barnes, E. A. Clark. F. H. Ely, Herbert C. Barter. Percy L. Clark, R. "'\"\-.... Farmer, Arthur .John Bennett. E. S. Clark, _Lorenzo E. Farrand, .J. S., Jr. Bezner, F. O. Cliff. Y. D. Farrand. "\"\·imam R. Bissell, Edward W. Coaney. Geo. D. Ferry. D. :\-I. Black, George :\I. Coffin, H. E. Filer, Frank Blue, C. F., Jr. Colburn. Burnham S. Fiske, E. A. Bodde, John R. Cole, Henry T. Fleitz, George L. Bodman, Henry E. Conant, \'\'". S. Flinn.. Tas. H. Book.. J. B. Conkling, S. P. Ford, E. L. Book, J. B.. Jr. Coolidge. C. A. Ford, Henry Begg, George 0. Corbett, Cornelius Ford. John B. Boon. Ralph H. Corbett, E. J. Fowler, George B. Bowen. Lem "'\"\·. Couzens. .James Frazer, .-\llen H. Boyer.· .Joseph H. 0.ottrell, Eber ,v. Freer, Charles L. Boyn ton. Herbert E. Cowles, Israel T. Ford, F. C. Brace, W. H. Crapo, S. T. G~r, Harrison Briscoe, Frank Croul, )!rs. Eloise P. George. Edwin S. Brodie, B. P. Culbertson. Chas. B. Gillespie. H. B. Brooks. Alanson S. Currie. Cameron Gillis, Gaylord W. Brooks, F. W. Cutler; lJwight, Jr. Gray, DaYid Brooks, ,Valt<'r Danaher. James E. Gray, Philip H. Brown. Cullen Dakin, Henry W. Gray. Paul R. Brown. E. H. DaYis. Charles B. Gray, Robert T. Browning, McPherson DaYis, C. K. Gray, William J. Brush, A. E. DaYis, .James E. Green, A. H., Jr. Buhl, .-\rthur H. Dean, Chas. A. · Gn·IIs, H. J. Maxwell Buhl. :\!rs. Theo. D. Dean. Harry J. Haass. J. H. Up North-Down South East-West Ulomtn :bave ~ttlared Park & Tilford Candies Best

An exceptuma]ly LigL standard 0£ Purity and Exce_llence Las cliaracterized tL.e refinement of quality of Park fd Tilford Candies. and won tLis declaration on tL.e part 0£ all women. Teinp~gly Delicious acknowledged everywliere.

Our eales continue increasing 80 plienom­ enally. tL.at your· euly orders. as far in advance 0£ your requirements .as possil,le. will at tlm eeuon l,e freatly appreciated. PARK & TILFORD NEW YORK HAVANA

182 DEX RO IT CL UBS 183

Haberkorn, C. H. Lee, James L. Xichols, J. Brooks Haigh, Henry A. Leland. Frank B. Nicol, Frank Hamilton, Wm. P. Lewis, · A. I. O'Brien, Falconer Hamlin, Lot M. Lewis, Eugene \\:--. O'Connor, Hugh Hammond, Charles F. Lewis, Henry B. Owen. John Hammond, Edward P. Ling. Louis C. Oxtob~·. W. E. Hannon, W. W. L'Hommedi('U. R. H. Osius, George Harris. William P. Lightner, Clarence A. Paddock, Lewis H. Harrigan, .J. F. Lh·ingstone, William Palms, Charles · L. Hartz, Henry .J. Lobenstine, Horace G. Palms, Francis Hawes, 0. S. Longyear. H. W. Palms, Mrs. F. F. Hanna, C. H. Loomis, l-Irs. Anne W. Palms, William .T. Hawkins, X. A. Lord, Herbert I. Parker, Arthur M. Hawks, .James D. Lozier. Il(•nr)· A. Parker, ~·- E. Hecker, Frank .J. Lothrop. Cyrus E. Parker, D. L. Hendrie, George Lothrop, Mrs. Geo. H. Parker, \\'"alter R. Hendrie, George T. Lynn, James T. Patch, C. 0. Hendrie, Strathearn Lyster, Henry L. Peabody. W. J. Hendrie, William L)·on, Tracy Palmer. H. D. Henkel, Robert l\Iacauley. R. H. Peabody, H. E. Henry. A. M. l\:Iacpherson, F. H. Peck, A. F. Henry. W. G. Mandell, Henry A. Perry. George B. Herendeen, Fred W. l\Iason. SteYens T. Pessano. Antonio C. Herman, Raphael McGraw, Arthur Phelps, Charles B. Hecker. C. H. l\IcGra w, :\Irs. \\r. A. Phelps, Ralph, Jr. Henry,· Burns McGraw, T ..-\. Pike, Charles S. Hibbard, .J. M. McGraw, T. A., Jr. Pingree, EYerett W. Hinchman, F. Archer McGraw. \\:--. T. Poole, J. H. Hinchman, Ford D. C. .McLauchlan, Jay C. Pope. Gusta\"US D. Hodges, Clarence B. l\Ic:\Iath, Francis C. Potter, Robt. B. Hodges. Charles H. McMillan. James Thaver Pittman. S. K. Hodges, F. W. ::\Ic:\Iillan~ Philip H. . Rafferty, Philip Holden, J as. S. McPherson. Alex. Rathbone, Charles A. Holland, E. M. McRae, Milton A. Redfield. John V. Holmes. A. D. :Murphy, Chas. R. Reeder, Thomas E. Holt. F. H. McGregor. Jas. C. Reilly, Cornelius J. Hosmer. Geo. H. Mellish, Charles F. Remick, George B. I-fonDer. H. I·"". Meredith. Howard G. Remick, Jerome H. Hubbard, F. W. Metcalf, \\·. F. Robins, W"illiam Hunt, Wetmore Miller, Han·ey Rumney, John G. Hutchins, Jere C. l\Iiller, Sidney T. Root, F. C. Hutchinson, 0. C. Miller. "'\Y. A. C., Jr. Rohnert, Mrs. l'.Iorse Hutchings. W. H. Miller. \\.illiam H. Russel, George B. Imrie, Andrew W. Mitchell. Barrett B. Russel, George H. Inglis. James :\Ioody. George Taylor Russel. Henry .Jackson, R. B. Moon. ::\lerle B . Russell, Harry L. .Jackson, W. A. Moore. George \\1'llliam Russel. John R . .Jenks, C. C. ::\Ioore, Geo. G. Russel, \\:--alter S . .Jennings. Charles G. Moore. Lawrence Russel, Sydney R . .Jewett, Edward H. Moore, L. S., .Jr. Rust. Da Yid 1V. .Jewett, Henry l\I. Mitchell, C. P . Ryan, Frank G . .r ennings. v\T. H. Moran, Fred. T. Sales, ::.\Iurray ~,.._ .J olmson. S. Olin ::\'.Iuir, \\·. Howie Sanger, Harry H. Johnston, George Muir, :\Irs. \\:--_ K. Sarmiento. F. J . .Tones, Henry K. Mulford. 0. J. Schantz, A. A. Jones. Lewis H. Mulkey,· Owen W. Scherer, Hugo Joy, Henry B. :!\Iurfin. James 0. Schmidt. Albert H. Joy. Richard P. Munger, F. S. Schmidt, Carl E. Judd, C. Hollister :Murph~·. Alfred J. Schmidt. Edward .J. Kales, 1Vm. R. :\lurphy, C. Hayward Seager, Schuyler F. Kerwin, George E. l\Iurphy. Gleeson Searles, John R. Kirchner. Richard G. Murphy. J. Harold Seyburn. Stephen Y. Kirchner, Otto l\Iurphy, M. J. Shaw.. James T. Krag, W.W. :\Iurphy, \\·. H. Shelden. Henry D. Kuhn, Frank Xelson, E. H. Shepherd. Hugh Kuhn. Robert XE>ster, George Sibley, Alexander H. La w~on, George E. Xewberry. John S. Simpson, T. H. Larned, Abner .I!:. Xewberr:v, Truman H. Skae. Edward ..\. Lathrop, Charle.s G. Xewcomb. C. A. Skillman, Harry Lathrop, Kirke Xeal. Thos. Smith, Enoch Lathrop, Rufu~ G. Newman. F. Lydston ~helden. Allen L<~dyard. Henry Xewcomb. C. A., Jr. Shurley~ B. R. Ledyard, Henn· B. Xewman. R. A. ~now. XE>il Lee, Gilbert \\·. Xichols, John T. Slocum, Elliott T. Mattres$ But there are seven more, carefully laid by band_:built, not stuffed. They make a mattress which can never gro,v hard, lumpy or saggy. It is as comfortable as a ne,v, high- '-' priced hair mattress, and has ever so many advan- tages over it. No decaying animal hair, inviting ~ · disease germs and affording a /::::·.-:. - ...... · ~:;'."""~,- hav:n for vermin. Absolutely /<.-· i.: -~-~ .. ·. · : \ sanitary and non-absorbent.

inside never needs remaking. ~~~-· ··~am\ i\.n occasional sun-bath keeps · it always soft and springy.

Send Postal for Our Free 144 ■ Page Book and Samples of Ticking 30 NIGHTS' FREE TRIAL. You may sleep on an Ostermoor for a month and, if not tkoroug-lzly satisfied, have your Itloney back ,\ithout question. Full particulars in our beautifully illustrated 144-page book-sent tree with samples of ticking on request. WE SELL BY MAIL OR THROUGH Mattresses Cost 2.500 OSTERMOOR DEALERS Express Charges Prepaid Exclusive Ostermooragencies everywhere-that 41 6'-45 lb $15 00 is our aim; the highest grade merchant in every • s. · place. The Ostarmoor dealer in your vicinity-be 41-01-40 " 13.35 sure to ask us who he is-will show you a mattress 3'-6'-35 " 11.-,0 with the'·Ostermoor~• name and trademark sewn ' ~ on the end. Mattress .shipped, express paid 3'-0'-30 " 10.00 : b;•:i~Ti~ day check is received, if you order of 2,_6,_25 ,c S.lS, OSTERMOOR & CO. All 6 feet 3 inches long Elizabeth Street. New York In two parts, 50 cents extra Canada: Alaska Feather & Down Co., Ltd.• Montreal. .______, 184 DETROIT CL UBS 185

Smith, Chas. L. Swan, James H. \\-arner. J. H. Smith, F. A. Sweene\·. John S. \\-arren, Homer Smith, F. G .. Jr. Swift. Charles ::M. Warren, Benjamin S. Smith ..James Cosslett Swift, E. G. Warren. Charles B. Smith, Justin E. Swift, E. Y. Waterman, Cameron B. Smith, Samuel L. Taliaferro. T. W. Waterman. Cameron D. Spies. Frank Tappey, Ernest T. \\-ay, A. F. Speck, Elmer D. Taylor. De,ntt H. \\-ebber. R. H. Standart, H. ",..· Taylor, Orla B. \\-endell. ,John H. Standart. J. G. Thompson. :\.:Irs. A. C. Werneken, Frank S. Standish, James D. Thompson, E. R. West. George )I. Stearns. Frederick K. Thompson . .J. \\:--. \\:--etmore, A. B. Stearns. Fred Sweet Torrey, H. X. Wetmore, Ernest C. Stearns; "\Yayland D. Towle, Frederic \\;--erneken, F. E. Stephens, A. L. Trowbridge, Edw. D. Wormer. F. C., Jr. Stephens, l\'.Irs. Sarah M. Trowbridge, L. S., Jr. \\,..etzel. I-IerYe>· E. SteYens, George B. Turner, James \\,..hite.· A. E. F. SteYens, William P. Turnbull, E. A. \\-bite: H. K., Jr. SteYenson, ElliQtt G. Yan f)yke. "\Yilliam \\;--hitehead. James T. 8tair, E. D. Yan n:,·ke. Frank G. Whitney, B. C. Seyburn, \\-esson ,Yadsworth. F. E. \\-hitney, DaYid C. Ste\·ens, H. G. "\Yaldo. L. C. \\-illiarns, J. Farrand Stroh, Gari. :\-I. \\-aldron. S. D. \\:--illiams, :\I. 0. Stewart. Robt. S. "\Yalker. E. Chandler \\-illiams, Richard I-. Stoepel,. F. C. ,Valker. Franklin H. \\-illiams, \\-illiam C. Stoepel. F. S. .\\-alker. Harrington E. ·wmiarns, ·wm. K. Stoepel. Ralph \\-alker. H0nry L. \\-oodhouse. John T. Stroh, Bernhard \\-alker, Hiram H. \\,.. ormer. C. C. Stroh. Julius \\,..alker.. T. Harrington Wormer. F. F. SulliYan. ~I. "-ard, Louis F. \\-right,· Henry :.\I. Sumner. E. A. \\-ard, \\-illis C. \\-urzer. Louis C. Sumner: :\frs. Florence B. "-alker, F. C. \\rright. C.. Jr. Zanger. Geo. \\-. ASSOC!.-\ TE :\IE::\IBERS Angell. George H. Hendrie. George :\1. Sibley, :.\lark :\I. Beal, F. E. King. Charles B. Smith, Angus Cady, \\-illiam B. :Moran, A. B. Smith. F. L. Carhartt. Hamilton, J"r. :\.Ioran. "\Y. A. Standart. R. \\-. Chittenden. A. \\•. Morphy. .T ohn D. ~tringham. J ost•ph H. Codd. George P. Raymond. Henry C. \\-ood. Cooper Griggs, C. C. Rice. \\-. E. Hanis. Julian H. Russel, Albert "--

AR:\IY AXD XA\"Y PRIVILEGE Baldwin, Capt. T. A.

FI\"E YEAR :-.IE:\IBERS Armstrong, P. M. Halstead. J. P. Russel, Ra~·mond Bag-le~·. John D. Hull. C. B.. .Tr. Small. S. R. Baldwin, R. H. Jennings. A. F. Smith, Edson H. Bangs. J. Kendrick, Jr. Ledyard. Hugh Spencer. "\Ym. A. Brodhead, John Lee. Geo. H. Stroh, Bernhard, Jr. Burch. A. C. :Moore. \\-. Y. H. Stroh. E. R. Brooks. F. W .. Jr. Mc::.\Iillan, E. L. Sullh"an, E. D. Dean. C. A.. Jr. :\Ic::.\lillan, Xeil. Jr. \\-at<.'rman. Ira D. Dwyer. Emmett ::.\{oran. John Bell \\-etmore, Buel Farnsworth, Grover D. Potter, J. H. \\-ilt. A. D., Jr. Goodfellow. A. X. Patterson. J. ~eil "\\-right. Henry H. Gray. \\r. J., Jr. Pingree, Roy E. \\,..right. Philip H. Hodges. \\-etmore · Reed. J. T. Hunt, C. l\L Rumne~·- :\I. P.

:XOX-RES IDE:XT :\IE:\IBERS. Bald"·in, F. C. DeLong, F. T. Kingsbury, Fred Bishoi:,, A. G. Ducey. J. F. Lancashire. James H. Callan. Wm. Fletcher, Allan :..\I. Lydecker. G. J. Chaney. H. F. Ford, \\-alter B. Maxon. Re\·. \\-. D. Carpenter, Clarence Jones. C. Bruce Meredith, J. S. Colburn. F. S. Gr<~ene. Richard \\-ard Miller. Reuben Comstock, \\-illiarn A. lrYine. l\Irs. R ..J. C. l\Iorrison. )I. D. GENTLEMEN THEIR WIVES AND DAUGHTERS

-will find all the

_· \ I. . comfort and repose of a well-ordered private residence as well as the advantages of a modem hotel, at Hotel Algonquin 59 to 65 West 44th Street


.JI quiet, refined and convenient stopping place for ladies travel­ ing alone.

Rooms with Private Bath, $2.50 the Day Larger Suites in Proportion Rooms for maids and valets, $1.00 the Day Frank Case 1S7

Xester, John F. I~oher~·on. \Y. B. Ste\"enson, Kenneth Xichols, Edwin C. Pelouze, L. H. Taylor, John W. Owen, Ralph R. Root, George K. Trafford, B. \\'". Paine. George H. Rutlwrforc], .J. II. \\""emple, F. B. Pearson, \\·. B. Sa Yidge. "\Yilliam \\·awkey, \\'". II. Smith, F. W. Yawkey, ·w. II.

CLERGY. Yance. Re\". Dr. Jos. H.

LADIES. PRIYILEGE. Coleman. :\Irs. S. B. Xewberry. ::\Irs. H. H. lioore. llrs. L. S. Coole:v. :\Iiss E. S. Xewman. :\Iiss :\I. X. Atterbury, ::.\Irs. H. X. Elliott. :\Irs. \\:-illiam H. Owen, :\Irs.. J. Emory ::\kKibbin. :\Iiss E. W. Pond, ::\Iiss Florence L.

HOXORARY :\IE:\IBERS. Duffield, Gen. Henry )I. Dickinson, Hon. Don :\I.


O?FICERS. Charles F. :\:lellish ...... President. "\Yilliam H. Burtensha,Y ...... 1st Yice-President. Ernest G. Swift ...... 2d Vice-Presiden:. All~n F. Edwards ...... Secretary. Henry H. Sanger ...... Treasurer. Rufus G. Lathrop ...... \uditor. Frederick H. Holt ...... Chairman House C-Jm. G€'orge. 1';-. Alexander · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··} :.Uem bers House Com. Frederick :\I. Alger ...... -

Aiken, F. )I. Barton. Il<'n r~- L. Breisacher, Leo Albee. 0. "\Y. Beal. Alexander -nr. Breitmeyer, Philip Aldrich. R. L. Bea L Frank E. Briggs, 0. P. Alexander, George \\·. Beaumont. John \\'". Briggs, \\·. O. Alger, Frederick :M. Begg. Georg-e 0. Briscoe, Frank . \h!"Pr, Ru$::;ell ..-\., ,Jr. Benedict. James H. Broadwell. E. H . Allee, H. D. Bennett. E. S. Brodie. Benjamin P. A tland, Daniel F. B<.>rcry. \Yillia m a\. Bromley, F. L. Anderson, Charles u. Bezner. F. 0. Brooks, Frank w·. A.n

Summer Hotels The MANOIR RICHELIEU, Murray Bay, Quebec The TADOUSAC, Tadousac, Quebec Owned and operated by the Company, and charmingly situated on the Banks of the St. Lawrence

Magnificent Palatial Steel Steamers Plying Between TORONTO, ROCHESTER, KINGSTON, CLAYTON AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS Embracing a delightful sail across Lake Ontario, a trip through the fascinating scenery of the Thousand Islands (the Venice of America), and the exciting descent of all the marvelous rapids to MONTREAL (the Metropolis of Canada) where connection is made for cool and refreshing night ride to the famous old walled city of QUEBEC (America's Gibraltar), thence on to :vrurray Bay, Tadousac, and pJints on the world renowned Saguenay River (the scenery of this remarkable river is unequalled -for wild grandeur and variety). For Further Particulars Apply to THOS. HENRY, Traffic Manager, MONTREAL, CAN. DETROIT CL'C"BS 189

Campbell, Charles H. Dougles, H. A. Green, Andrew H., Jr. Campbell, Henry :\I. Dougla~. IL ..\. Green, Heatley Campbell, '\Yalter E. Dow, Alexander Green. '\\:--illiam S. Campbell, Don M. Doyle. Thos. J. Griffith, A. H. Campbell, John 0. Drake, Geo. A. Griggs, Stephen A. Carhartt, Hamilton D_rake.. J. R. Grylls. H. J. :uaxwell Carbartt, Hamilton, Jr. Drake. J. '\\·. Gunderson. G. Bert Carpenter, Xorman D. Driggs, Frederick E. Haass, Julius Carpenter, '\Y. L. DucharmP, Charles A. Baberkorn, C. H. Carran, Charles :\L Ducharme. Frederick T. Hade. H. E. Carstens. J. Henry Duffield, Bethune Haigh, Henn.· -~­ Carter. DaYid S. l>uffield. DiYie B. Hammers, :\I. J. Case. Louis H. Duffield, Hem·~· :vr. Hamilton. \\-illiam P. Casgrain, Charles W. Dunn, <.:has. R. Hammond, Charles F'. Caughey, Frank T. Dwight, Percy D. Hammond. Edward P. Chalmers. Hugh Dwyer, Francis T. Hannan, \\-illiam '\Y. Chapin. R. D. J1w:n•r ..TanH•~ ::\I. Harbeck. JerYis R. Chapman, B. G. Dw~·er. James '\\·. Hargrea,·es. George ChittPncll'n . ..\Iplwu~ \Y. Dwyc,r. Jeremiah Harmon, Henry A. Chittl'llcl<.>n. ""illiam .J. Dw~·er. John ::\L Harrigan. John F. Chittenden, \\:--. J., Jr. Dwyer. '\Yilliam A. Harris, .Julian H. Chittick, '\Yilliam R. Dyar.. John '\\·. Harris, '\Yilliam P. Church. Austin Dyar. Ralph :\I. Harsha. \\·alter S. Clarl~. Emory '\\'". Earle. Herbert R. Hartz. Henry J. Clark. Frank H. Eddy, Frank '\Y. Hartz. J. F. Clarke. \\·. H. Edgar. C. Goodloe Hathaway. F. R. Cliff. Y. D. Edwards. Allen F. Hawkins. X. A. Coffin. H. E. Ed·wards. Georg-e W. Hawks, .James D. Colburn. Burnham S. Ellis, Griffith Ogrlen Hayes. C. ::.\I. Colby. Fred"k L. Ely, Herbert Hayes, H. J. Collins, Charles F. Emmert, J. H. Hayes. .J olm J. Comstock. \Yil Iiam A. Hayes. \\·alter J. Conant. John S. FairgrieYe. G. D. Hecker, Frank J. Conant. \\:--illiam S. Farr. l\-Ierton E. Hecker. Christian Conklin, :\Iillard T. Farrand. J. S .. Jr. Hegeman. J. ~- Conklin, Samuel P. Farrand. '\Ym. R. Helmer, Harold Corbett. Edward J. Farrell. Jos. F. Hendrie, George Co1·ey. Xewton J. Ferr)·. Dexter :.\:f., Jr. Hendrie. George :\I. Corliss. John B. Filer. Frank Hendrie. George T. Cotner. J .. Jr. Fletcher.. .\llan :\I. Hendrie. Stra thearn Cotter.· \\·m. Fletcher, Ch:.u-les T. Henry. Albert :\I. Cottr<'ll. Eber W. Fletcher, Fran!~ '\\r. Henry, Burns Counselman. Lee Fletcher, Theo. G. Henry. \\·. G. Couzens, ·James Flinn. J. H. Herbert, H. J. -Co\Yles. Israel T. Forbes. Frederick A. HE>rman. Raplrn.Pl Cramer. J L. Forcl. John B ...Tr. Hetherington. H. P. Crapo, Stanford T. Ford. E. Layden Hinchman, Ford D. C. Crombie, .J. l\'.1. Forcl. Hem·~· Hinchman. .John 1L Croul, Frank H. Ford. _'\\-alter B. Hinchman, Theo. H., Jr. Currie, Cameron Forster, C. .\. Hodges. Charle~ H. Curtis. J. A. Fowler. George B. Hodges. Clarence B. Cutler. Dwight. Jr. Francis. J. ::\i". Hodges, Frederick ,v. Dakin. H. "\Y. Franklin. ,Yallace Holden. James S. Danaher. James E. Freeland, D . .-\. Holliday. \\.illiam P. DaYies. '\\.illiam L. Freer, Charles L. Holmes. Arthur D. DaYi~. Charles B. Frost, Harry '\\·. Holmes. Frank B. Da \"is, C. K. Frothingham. G<'o. E. Holt, Frederic-I~ H. DaYis.. Tam0s E. Fyfe. Richard H. Hopper, Harry F. Dean. Charles A. Gage. '\Yilliam H. Hornung. .JessE> B. Dean, Harry J. Gage. \Yilliam T. Hornung, John T. Decker, E. P. Gaile~-. John K. Hosmer. George S. Deming, P. H. George, Edwin S. Hough, Edward C. Demory. A. R. (;Prhau::--t•r. William Houghton. E. :\lark Denby. Edwin Gilbert, C. C. House. George '\\·. Depew. Sherman L. Gillman. Robert \\·. HoYey. H. X. DeYlin. George A. Gordon. Frank A. Howard. \\·. Brue-€' De~·. Hamilton Goebel. August, Jr. Howarth. John B. Dey. I-frrman Goodenough, L. \\·. Ho~·t. H. \\·. Dickinson. Don lI. Graham, Burke )I. Hubbard. F. ,Y. Dickinson. Julian G. Grant. \\-m. ~I. HUd!$On. .J oser h L. Diefendorf, H. G. Gray. DaYid Hull, L. C. Dodge. F. H. Gra.r. Paul R. Humphre~·- '\Y. H. Donaldson. John :?.I. Gray. Robert T. Hunt. Ormond F. Donnelly, John C. Gray. \Yilliam .T. Hunt. \\·ellington Q. BREDE & SCHROETER 3Jutrrinr lrrnratnrs



TELEPHONE CHERRY 513-J ESTABLISHED 1887 J. ADOLPH KRUG llinlinists~ &upply i;nusr



HARRY LENOX ... Wutlnr .••






Hunter, Thomas Lowell. George K. Xewberry, Truman H. Hunter, Jos. H. Lozier. H. A. Newman, R. Adlington Hutchings, F. W. Luce. ·Chas. H. Newsom, H. H. Hutchings. "\Villiard H. Luce; Theo. Nichols, J. Brooks Hutchins. Jere C. Lucking, Alfred Nichols, John T. Hutton, "t\:-. H. H.. Jr. Lynn, James T. Xoble, Herbert "'· Illenberger. Frank Lyster, Henry L. :N"orris, Frederick "r. Imrie, Andrew W. Macauley, Alvan O'Connor, Arthur C. Inglis, James )Iacauley, Richard H. O'Connor. Hugh Inglis. "·miam l\IacFarlane, ,Valter Ohliger, Willard •Jackson. \\'."'. A. :\IacKay. John D . O'Leary, \\.illiam .T enks, C. C. liacphE>rson, F. H. Orr, W.R. Jenks, Xathan :\Iain, P. H. Owen, John, Jr. Jennings, Charles G. :\Iancourt. E. 1\-I. Paddock. Lewis H. Jewett, Edward H. :\Iandell. Henry A. Paine, DeForest Jewett, Harry :\I. :\Ianton. \\,..alter P. Palmer, W. B. .lolmson. Homer S. :\Iason. · George D . Palms, Charles Louis Johnson. John H. l-!ason. Robert S. Palms, Francis Johnson: S. Olin Matthews. \\·. H. Parker, Arthur )I. •T ohnston. Frank P. :\IcDonald, Charles S. Parker, B. \\,._ Jones, Henry K. :McGraw. Arthur Parker, Charles :\-I. Jones, Lewis H. l-Icnraw. Homer Parker, Edward H. Joslyn, Charles D. :\lcGraw. ~anborn T. Parker, \\,..alter E. Joslyn. Lee E. :McGraw, Theodore A. Parker. G. \Y. Joy, Henry B. ::.\fcGraw. Theodore A., Jr. Parker. ·walt"r IL Joy, Richard P. :\IcGraw, ,Yillfam T. Parsons. H. B . .Judson, C. Y. l\IcGuire. \\-·. F. Patch, Chas. O. Kales, \\'m. R. :\IcLauchlan. .Ja:y C. Patriarche, Arthur Kamper, Louis :\IcLean. Angu:::: Peck. Albert F. Keen, Joseph S. l\Ic:liath. Franci~ Pelletreau, A. :.\I. Keena. James T. :\fc:\Iechan. Gerald J. Peltier, Charles F. Keller, E. E. :\Ic:\fillan, Philip H. Pessano. Antonio C. Kelsey, John ).fc)fillan. J. T. ~helps, Charles B. Kempf. Reuben :McPherson. Alexander Phelps. Ralph, Jr. Kennedy, \\r. C. ).IeRae, ).Iilton A. Phelps, Olh·er Kinnucan, H. .T. :\Ieier, Henn.· J. Pickell, Charles "'"· King, Cl1arles B. ).[ellish. Charles F. Pierson. Frederick B. King, Charles S. :\Ieredith, Howard G. Pierson, Harry L. Kirchner. Otto ::.\Ierriam, SE>\Yard T.... Pingree, E. \\'". Kirn, \\'illiam H. ).Jetcalf. "\Yill ia m F. Pitkin, Thomas H. Kling. Kurt :\Iiller. Chas. T. Pittman, S. K. Krentler, E. O. . :\Tiller. Sherman R. Plumb. Robert E. Ladd, Sanford "r· l!iller. SYdneY T. Polk, R. L. Lambert, John E. :\Tiller. "--- A." C. Pollak, S. P. Larned. A. E. ::.\Iiller. ".illiam H. Poole. J. H. Larned, E. R. :\Iillis, "-ade Pope, G. D. La trop. Kirk P. :\lills. lierrill B. Putnam, °\\'. P. Latrop. Rufus G. :\Ionaghan. Geo. F. Rafferty. Philip Latimer, "\Villiam G. :\foody,. George T. Ra thbone, Charles A. Lau Yer, A. J. )loon. )If'rlP P. Ralph, Herman C. Lawson, George E. :Moore. Charle::- Rathbone, John A. Ledyard, Henry l\Ioore, George "\Y. Ray, Cornelius X. Ledyard. Henry B. ~Ioore, \\.illiam Y. Raymond. Henr~· C. Lee, Gilbert \\-·. lioore. Ge'"lrge n-. Redfield, .John Y. Lee: James L. )Ioran, -~lfred B. Reeder, Thomas E. Leggett, John "'"· l\:Ioran. Fred T. Reilly, Cornelius J. Leland, Frank B. l\Iore~-. Austin E. Reilly, ,V. E. L11Iand, II1•nry ~I. :lforph~-. John n. Hf'ill(•k<'. \Y. .T. T..elancl, \\·nrrerl C. :\loss, ".illiam E. Remick. George B. Lesher. Howard J. ).!uir, "·- Howie Remick. JeromE> H. Lewis. AlexandE>r I. )[ulford. Ora J. Rice. \\... illiam E. Lewis: £. St. Elmo :\Iurfin. Jamt'S 0. Robbins. Frederick \\;,-. Lewis. E. W. :\Iurphy, James F. Robertson. F. -~­ Lewis, Henry B. ::.\furphy, s\lfred .J. Robson, Frank E. Little. W. H. :\Iurphy, )Jic·hael J. Roehm, C. :\I. Li\•ingstone, ,v.. \. )Iurphy, \\·miam H. RolshoYen. H ..\. LiYing:::-tom'. \Yilliam )furphy, C. Hayw~rd Root. Frank C. LiYsey, J. H. :llutter. Georg-e \\:--. Rowley, \Y. C. Long. F. E. Xeal. :\:Iiron \Y. Rumney, John G. Longyear, Howard W. Xeal. Thomas Rush, Harry Lord, Herbert I. Xelson, Edwin H. Russel, Albert W. Lothrop, Cyrus E. Xester. George Russel. George H. LoYeley, Edward A. Xe~ter. John F. Russel, George B. Lowe. "'· B. ~ewh1•rry ..lohn ~- Russel, Henry C.M.BURTON FRED BURTON C. W. BURTON, RALPH BURTON The ·Burton Abstract Office

FURNISHES Abstracts of Title to all Lands in Wayne County. T ~x Statements and Searches of Title quickly and accurately made and at reasonable rates

21-25 Home Bank Building DETROIT

C. Pfeiff er Brewing Co.

==BREWERS AND BOTTLERS OF== 1Aji94 ~raht iittrs Famous Wiirzberger and Export Beers

908-940 BEAUFAIT AVENUE Telephone 98 7 East DETROIT, MICH.


Russel, John R. Spalding. Hinton E. Yon Schneider. D. J. Russel. Vi·alter S. ~parks. Chas. Wadsworth, Frederick E.. Russell. Henry L. Spies, F. A. Waldo, Lewis C. Rust, DaYid W. Spence, H. \\:-ibert Waldson. Sidney D. Ryan. Frank G. Spratt, John C. Walke.r, Bryant Sales, :\Iurray W. Stair. Edward D. Walker, Chas. R. Sanders, J. D. ~tanclart. Henry \Y. Walker, E. Chandler Sanger, Henry I-I. ~tanph G. Walker, Frank H. Sarmiento, Francis J. Standish, Fred D. Walker, J. Harrington Sawyer. Charles B. Standish, James D. Walker. Thaddeus H. Schantz, A. A- Starret, T. C. \\:-alker~ Henry L. ~clwrN·. I-Iu~o Stearns. Frederick K. w·alker. Henry O . Schlotman. Jos. B. Stearns, Frederick Sweet \'\'ard, \Yillis C. Schmidt, Albert H. Stearns, Wayland D. \\'ard. Louis F. Schmidt, Carl E. Stearns. Samuel C. \\-:-arren, Benjamin S. Schmidt. Edward .J. Stephens, Albert L. Vi:--arren, Charles B. Scott, B. .-\. SteYens, F. B. Vi-:-arren, Homer Scott, H. Byron SteYens, Thos. H. \\¥arren. \\·aasworth Scott, H. S. SteYcns. \\·. P. \\:-a terman. Cameron D. Scott, John SteYenson. Chas. H. "\Veadoc k, Thomas A. E. Searles, J. R. SteYenson, Elliott G. \\·ens. Daniel Seager, S. F. SteYenson. .T. S. \Yerncken. Frank ~­ SerYice. Robert J. ~tinchfield, Charles ,vest, George :\iL Seyburn, Stephen Y. Stoepel, F. C. Vi:-enger. Emil P. Sheehy, George B. StoeJ)el. Ralph Wetmore, Alexander B. Sherrill, Abram P. Stone. Ralph Vi;--etmore. Ernest C. Sherrill. Edwin S. Stoughton. E. R. "\Vhelden. F. H. Shipman, Fredericl~ C. Strelinger. Charles A. \\.,.hi tcom b. E. B. Shurley. Ernest L. Stringham. J. S. Virhite. .-\lbert E. F. Sibley, Alex. Hamilton Stroh, BP.rnard White, H. K ...Jr. Simpson. Thomas H. Stroh, Julius Virhi tehead. ,Ta mes Skae, E. A. Sullh"an, F. J. "Wbittemore. James ~kill man, Harry Sumner, Edward A., Jr. \\:-hitney, Bertram C. :::::kinner, F. G. Swart, James H. Whitney, DaYid C. Slocum. Elliott Truax Sweeny. John S. Wilkins, Charles T. Smith, Angus Swift, Charles :\I. \\-·ms, C. Harold Smith, C. L. Swift, E. G. Vi:--ilh'tte. Frank J. Smith, Daniel \\-:-. Swift, Edward Y. Vi:--illiams, Henry P. Smith, Dudley W. Symington. Campbell Vi:-illiams. \\:-alter H. Smith, Enoch Taliaferro. T. \\:-. \\·ilson. Lucius E. Smith. Frank G. Tappey, Ernest T. Vi:--il ton: H. L. Smith. Frank G., Jr. Taylor. DeV\:-itt H. Vi·ing. Austin E. Smith: Frederic L. Taylor, Orla B. W"ing. Jefferson T. Smith, Frederick A. Thompson, J. "\Yilfred \\:--inning-ham, C. C. Smith, Frederick B. Thompson. \\·a1ter \\·ood. Cooper ~mith, Frederick P. Tigchon, .John H. \\·oodhouse, John T. Smith, Fred L. Torrey, H. X. Vi·oodbury, \\·. B. Smith, Hal. H. Towl<', Frederick "\Voodruff. Fremont Smith, James A. To~·nton. F. E. \\:-ormer, · Clarkson C. Smith, James Cosslett, Jr. True, Geor~e A. Vi·ormer, Fred'k Smith, Justin E. Turnbull, E. A. ~·rea ks. "\\·m. B. Smith. Samuel L. rh~dPll ..T. a\., .Jr. Yawke\·, \\·. H. Smith. Stanley B. Unger. Irvine B. Zimmerman. Henry :\I. Smylie. Robert \Y. Yan Ripe·r, T4. :\I. Snow. Xeil W. Yincent, J. G. xo:-:--RESIDE:-:-T :\rE:\IBERS. Alexander. E. \\r. Buhl. F. H. Denby, Gan·in Alexander: George L. Butler. "\Villiam Dickson. J. A. Armstrong. R. T. CamC'ron, G. D. Dort, J. D. AYen,·. Harry E. Campbell. E. R. Dresskell. F. S. Baldt\·in, F. C. Carpenter, Clarence Durant. \\·. C. Barnes, Claire L. Carrow, Fleming Elston.· I. C .. Jr. Bellman, V\r. :\I. Carton. John J. Emery, Ralph Bennett. A. D. Can· Henrv X. Everard. H. H. Bigelow, Jay W. Cha·se. Herbert T. Ewing, E. A. Bishop, A. G. Chesbrough. F. B. Farnsworth. F. E. Borden. John H. Cogswell. \\·. B. Fitzsimmons. P. "\\'·. A. Bowditch. Ernest W. · Conant. Harry A. Frambach, H. A. Briscoe, Benj. Cole. H. T. Gallagher, Vi-:-. F. Brush. A. P. Cooley, :\Iortimer E. Gardner. Frederick Bruce: John l\I. Curry. John Gaylord. F. B. Buchanan. J. A. naYis. F. \\r., Jr. Gilchrist, Frank W. Burr. C. B. Dean. E. S. Gilchrist, Ralph E. Burrows, George L. D('Long, F. T. Gorham, Chas. E. 194 THE SOCIETY BLt:E BOOK

Goulder, Harvey D. Mair, George Shepherd, F. B. Gross, R. J. Martin, "r· L. Sloan, A. P., Jr. Gustin, Henry K. Mather, "'· G. Smith, J. '\Yilliam Hamilton, Claude Millen, John Smith, James A. Hanchett, Benj. S. Mills, M,-ron W. Smith, 1'-m. Alden Harty, J. W. Moore, E. W. Smith, W. 0. Hays, C. M. Morley, '\Y. H. Stanley, \\-. E. Hazard, F. R. Mott, C. S. Stanton, Stephen K. Hemphill, Robert W. Musselman, Amos S. Steere, Joseph H. Henderson, Ernest G. Nancrede. C. B. Sterling, W. C., Jr. Herendeen, F. W. Newman.· T. F. Studebaker, Clement. Jr. Hill, W. H. Xichols. Edwin C. Sunn~·. Bernard E. Hollister, C. H. Olds, R. E. Taylor, E. lL Holt, J. C. Osborn. Chase S. Tippey, B. 0. Hopkins, W. F. Otis, Spencer Thorsen. J. Mitchell Howe, M. K. Pack. Arthur Tobin, Benj. F. Hoyt, John G. Packard, J. W. Tracy, Jos. P. Hughart, John H.P. Pearson, W. B. Trafford. B. ,Y. Jenks, John H. Pelouze. L. H. Trump, E. K. Jopling, Alfred 0. Pen ton, Henry Von Schlegell. A. Kingsbury, N. C. Penton. John A. Wallace, "\Villiam H. Kinne, E. D. Pickands, Jay l\L Waldby·, H. B. Kirb~·. Lewis H. Platt, F. A. Walker, Frederick ~V. Lancashire, J. Henry Powell, W'". B. Wallace. J. C. Lathrop. A. P. Pulling. \\-illiam J. '\Yard, C. v\'". Lawrence, John F. Reynolds, v\:--iley R. \\raters, Dudley E. Leach, F. W. Roberson. \\-. B. \\restcott, Charles H. Leigh, E. B. Richards, F. B. Whaling, J. A. Livingstone, R. B. Richardson, A. J. v\,..hite. H. K., Sr. Long~·ear, J. 1\1. Robins. \\-illiam \\Tight. s. B. Loomis, H. E. Root, G. K. Wickes, H. T. Lo,eland, Ralph Rust. Ezra \\rickes, ,Villiam J. McAdam, A. D. Ryan, John \\Tilliams. Charles D. Mcconkey, T. G. Savidge, W'"illiam v\,..ilson, \\-. D. l\'.IcMahon. W.. C. Sawyer, Homer E. Wilson, W. G. McMurray, Max Saw:yer, 1\-. H. Wing. Charles R. McCurdY, George L. Scranton, G. G. Woolley, Clarence M. McIntosh, Geo. lr. Seager, J. H. v\rorcester, Harry A. McMillen, Emerson Sharpe, 1'-illiam G. w~·les, T. R. ARMY AXD XAYY. Brackett, v\,._ :\IcClaskey, J. v\'. DeYalin, C. M. Hopkins. v\-illiam McCormick, C. :\I. Riche, C. S. Jacob, R. H. Townsend, C. l\'.IcD. Lydecker, G. J. \\'allace, H. G. S.


OFFICERS. Gen. C. A. Coolidge ...... President. Herbert Bowen ...... Vice-President. C. F. Heyerman ...... Secretar~·-Treasurer. R. E. Smith ...... Sales Superintendent. C¾eorge W. Rice ...... } Dr. '\Y. 1:,. Babcock...... ExecutiYe Committt>e. S. E. Hememan and society officers ......

l\IE:\:IBERS. Babcock, Dr. W. L. Fernald, A. R. Parker. C. F., Captain Beck, Howard C. Ferris, C. G. Rice. George -n-. Bennett. Don R. Fowler,. Henry .\. Sanderson. E. L. Boers. Herman W. Hartenstein. Julius ~chmalzriedt. Fred R. Bowen. Herbert Heineman. S. E. Smith. Russell E. Ballen tine, D. L. Heyermari, C. F. Stanton. v\r. J. Bandhol tz. Gen. Harry H. Hinchman. T. H., Jr. Swan, ~·!11. l\I. Bresler, Victor J"ackson, Stedman W. Scott. J" as. E. Cornell, Wm. F. Kay. John Telfer, Eugene Colburn, B. S. Ladue, Theo. P. ~--nson, Clarence W. ('oolidg<'. Gt>n. C. A. LiYingston. w--. T. \\'"oodruff. Fremont Clark, Hugh M. Look, Henry Warren. Homer Cady, Wm. B. ~ewcomb, Ho\\:"ard R. DETROIT Cl.l:HS 195


OFFICERS. Sidney T. Miller ...... President. Russell A. Alger ...... Yice-President. Philip H. :\IcMillan ...... Secretary and Treasurer.

:\-IE:'.I.IBERS. Alger, F. M. Hendrie, George Russel, Raymond Alger, R. A. Hendrie. ,Vm., 2nd Sales, Murray w·. AlPxander, K. B. Henry, Burns Seyburn, \\'"esson Angell, George H. Herreshoff, Charles H. Shelden. H. D. Bagley, Paul F. Hutchings. Dr. "\V. H. Shurly, Dr. B. R. Barbour, George H., Jr. Joy, Henry B. Sibley, A. ·H. Barbour, W. T. Kidner, Dr. F. Clinton 8mith, Angus Bennett, Edward S. Lang. Currier Smith, Fred L. Bezner, F. O. Lewis, Alexander I. Smith, Ernest M. Brady, James J. Lothrop. George Y. X. Smith, Preston :\!orris Browning. McPherson McLauchlan. J. C. Snow. liuir B. Brush, Alfred E. Mcliillan, James· T. Snow. Xeil \\-. Case. Louis H. l\Ic:\lillan, Philip H. Standart, J. G. Caulkins. E. B. :\filler. Sidney T. Stearns, Frederick S. Chaney, Henry lioore. Lawrence Stevens. Henry G. Chapin, R. D. Murphy. C. Hayward Stoepel. Ralph Chittenden, A. W. Nagel. \\·. J. Stone. Ralph Chittenden. \\... J ., Jr. Xewberry, Truman H. Stringham.. Joseph S. Cole, H. T. !\'ewman, Dr. R. A.. Stroh, Bernhard Copland, A. ~'". Xichols. J. Brooks Sumner, E. A. DuCharme, C. B. ~ichols, John T. Swift. Charles :\I. Dwyer, Emmet Oakman, Dr. C. S. Talman, \\·m. D"wyer, \\.. m. A. 0-Brien. l\I. Hubert Torrey, Dr. H. X. D:var, John W. o·nriPn." Fnulcon('r Turner. Jame~ Farrand. Jacob S., Jr. Paddock, Lewis H. Van D~·ke, \\'."'illiam Ferry, D. l\I., Jr. Palms. Francis Walker, F. H. Ford. J. B. Palms, Charles L. Walker. J. Harrington Ford, E. L. P('abody. Horace \\'.""arren. B. S. ~ Freer, Charles L. Perry, George B. Wendell, R. l\Iurray Gillespie, Hamilton D. Poole, Capt. J. H. Wilt. A. D. Green. Andrew H., Jr. Poppe. Gustavus D. w·ood, Cooper Hamilton. Jamc>s Pond, A.shle~- \\·right, Charles, Jr. Hammond, E. P. Remick. Jerome H.


OFFICERS. Charles P. Larned ...... President. Walter S. Russel ...... First Yice-President. Hedley V. Richardson ...... Second Yice-President. J. Edward Bland...... Secretary. Mrs. l-Iary H. Christie ...... Treasurer. Mrs. Ralph H. Page ...... ) :\frs. Lee S. :\IcCollestC'r ...... • .. • • • •-Directors liiss Elizabeth Stridiron ...... - • • • • • •· f · Dr. F. H. Gruesel ......

:MEllBERSHIP C0:'.1.DUTTEE. E. E. Liggett lliss Carrie Da Yidson :\!rs. \\-. A. Spitzley Dr. E. C. Barkley A. \\-. Chi ttenclen :\Irs. OliYer Phelps

PROGRA)..I C0:'.1.DIITTEE. Louis C. Ling :\!rs. Mary H. Christie :\Iiss :\label H. Cady Rabbi Leo M. Franklin· J. Xelson Krolik H. H. Armstrong

HOl"SE CO:'.I.DIITTEE. Mrs. H. K. JonE>s :\1rs. Strathearn Hendrie lirs. Sidney T. ::\Iiller Miss Anne D. Russel Mrs. C. :\I. Yan Husen :\Iiss Emily Paddock Season 1912-13 Telephone Calls : City 3989, Main 2960


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''The Sporting Goods Store" THE W. B. JARVIS COMPANY is + owned and managed by enthusiastic sportsmen. You will find here at all times an absolutely complete assortment of everything the sportsman could possibly wish for. The. W. B. JARVIS COMPANY 237-239 Woodward Avenue








Reference, Carpet Dept. Nen,comb, Endicott & Co. TEL. MAIN 1321

:\IE:\IBERS. Alexander, Frederick Cutler. :\Ir. and :\!rs. Harrah. )Ir. and )!rs. -.\lexander, :\-Ir. and llrs. D\Yight C. \Y. Kirk B. Coluurn. :.\fr. and )Ir$. B. O. Harris, -n·iniam P. Alger: :\Jr. and :VIrs. F. :\I. DaYison. liiss Louise Hartz. Dr. and llrs. II. l I. Alger, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Rus- DaYison~ )Iiss Carrie Heberlein. :\!rs. Clara K. sell A. I l<•xt1•r. llr. and llrs. J. L. Heineman. DaYid E. Allen, l\Iiss Julia lJeYiin. :\Iiss Elinor Heineman, :\Ir. and )Ir~. Allen. ::Miss Syl \·ia Louise Sol. Andrus, Miss Agnes Dickinson. )fr. J. L. Hendrie. )!rs. Stra thearn Andrus, l-Ir. and Mrs. Dodge, :\fr. and ::..\Irs. Al­ HE'nry, ·)Ir. and )[rs. A. Fred H. Yan :\I. L. C. Antona, Count and Coun- Doug-la::-. :..\Ir. and lirs. S. T. Herbert. )Ir. W. Pt'rey tess Duc-harn:ie, ::\:Ir. and :\Irs. Higgins, :\fr. and :\Irs. E. Armstrong, Harold H. C. _.\. Xelson Atterbur:v, ::.\Irs. Allen W. Ducharme. George A. Hilton. Charles E. A Yery, :\Iiss Florence Q. Dwight. :\Ir. and llrs. Holt, ::Vlr. and :.\Irs. F. H. AYery, H. E. Percy D. Ilombur"". :\fr. R1:>inbard Angell, ::.\Iiss Sarah C-. Dw.H'r. )Ir. and )Irs. F. T. Huson, Dr. Florence Bagley, )lr. and llrs. J. X. Dyar. :\Ii$S Clara E. Hutchins, l-Ir. and :l-Irs. Barbour, )Ir. and ::.\:lrs. Dyar. )Irs. .T. B. J. C. "·· T. nyar. )Ir. and )fr~. R. )I. Barkley, Dr. Earl C. Vrapt•r. )Ir. and )Ir:-: ..-\. )1. Ingersoll, Miss Harriet J. l-Ir. and Barnes. )Ir. and )Ir~. E ..-\.. Emery. :\Iiss Elizabetl• !Yes. lirs. Perc~- Bennett, Miss Elizabeth Elli:':, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Grif- J acobson, Harr~· Bentley, .-\lYa A. fith 0. Johnson. :\fiss Alice Bentley, lVIrs. C. ::.\I. Forcl. ::.\Iiss Stella D. Johnson. ::\Iiss Claire Olin Bland, J. Edward Flei tz. :\Ii::::$ Frances R. Johnson, :Miss Elizabeth Blodgett, Dr. and l-Irs. Johnson, :\Ir. and lirs. S. -n·. E. Franklin. R:1 bbi and :\!rs. Leo ::u. Olin Bodman, )Ir. and lfrs. Frt.'<~r, )Ir. Chnrlc:-: L. Jones, )Ir. and :\Irs. H. E. Henry K. Booth. )Ir. and )Irs. G. B. Fullwell, )Iiss LE>nto R. F:'\·ft>, )Ir. and ::\Ir.:::. R. H. Jo~-. l-Irs. H. B. Bowen, l\Ir. and )!rs. L. ""'· Jackson, ::\ilr. and :Urs. A. Brand, :\Ir. and )Ir:-:. C. It Flint. .-\lbert °":-· C. Brown. ):Ir. and lfrs. (;anapol. :\Ir. :i. nd )Irs. Frederick W. Boris L. Kahn, :\Ir. and l-Irs. Al­ Burlage, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Ed- Goebel. :\Ir. and :\!rs. bert ward H. Fritz Goodrich. )Ir. and )Ir:-:. Kerr. "'\Ym. _.\. Rh,:-:et. )Ir. and )!rs. B . .-\.. Kirc-hner, l-Ir. and :\Ir:::. . Badde. John R. .T. K Gordon. :\Iiss Ada Lillian Otto Cad~·•. l\Iiss ~label H. Krolik, )Ir. and )!rs.. J. X. Caldwell. ::\::Iiss l\Iinnie B. Grou::-::el. nr. and )Ir~. F. II. Campbell. :\Ir. and :l-Irs. GuC'$t, liiss Grac-t: D. Ladue. l-Irs. A. Y. Guysie. :\Ii:E=s .-\lice V. Henn·0 :\I. Ladue. ::.\Iiss Alice Carh.'Y. llr. and )Ir::-::.· L. R. Gu~·sie. lliss Jeannette Lnr1wd. llr. and )Ir::::. C. P. Case. :\Ir. and )lrs. L. B. G1Tlls. )fr. anrl )Irs. H. I.a \•in. -n·nuam Chittenden. A .-n·. J. )I. Leonard. ::.\lrs. A. C. Christie, :\Irs. :\Ian~ H. Ilaa:-::-:. Dr. and )fr~. E. \Y. Ll'Onard. )Ir. OrYiCE' R. Cook. :\'Iiss Luc-y R. Ha mmonu, )Ir. :1nd )Ir.s. Lerchen. l\Ir. and :\!rs. Corbett. :v.Irs. Sidney, Jr. C. F. -n·m. G. Corey, :\Ir. and :\!rs. :;.\;". J. Harral-:, ~ii!->$ .\. lI. Lewis, )Ir. and :\Ir~. J. F. For Continuous Good Health Drink ]lntgt' n i&Qritt9nlh

The Lager Beer of Old





Lichtenstein, :\Ir. and Xewberr~-. llrs. Helen H. Sibley, A. I-I. l\Ir~. Edmond Xewcomb. :\Ir. and :Mrs. Sih•er. Dr. and )!rs. )I. D. Lichenstein. l\'.Iiss Hilda C. A .. .Jr. Simons. )Ir. Xathan Liggett, l\Ir. and l\Irs. E. Xewman. :\li:--s :\Iadt>line X. Smith. :\Ir. and :\Ir::: ..J. C. E. Ximmo .. l\Ir. and :\!rs. Smith·. :\Iiss L<.'tta Crapo Lightner, l\Ir. and :\irs. HaITY )I. Spalding, Dr. and )!rs. Clarence A. Oakman. Dr. C. S. E. B. Ling. Louis C. Owen. l\Irs. F. '\Y. Spalding. :\Ir. and :Mrs. LYdecker, ::\Iiss Alice Paddock, l\Iiss Emily S. H. E. L~·on, :Vliss Louise A. Page. :\Ir...,<::. R. H. Stair. :\Ir. and :\Irs. E. D. La-rned, :\Ir. and :\!rs. A. Palm<.'r. :\Ir. and :\-!rs. SteYens. Henry G. E. Geon:e P. Spies. :\Ir. and :VIrs. l\'IcCollester, Dr. and Mrs. Parkc•r.~ ::\Ir. and )Irs. A. ~­ Frank A. L. S. Parl~<'r, )Ir. nncl )Ir~. C . .A. Spitzley, Dr. and )Ir!'-l. ''"· .-\. l\Ic Donald, Miss Emma Paterson, l!urra;y G. St. John, :\Ir. and :\--Irs. :McDonald. :!.\lliss Char- Paulus, E. S. Bert lotte · Pease. l\Iar~hall Ste\·ens. l\Ir. and :\Irs. F. McDonald, :\Iiss Kate Peocock. :\Ir. and :\!rs. B .. l\IcEwen. :\Iiss A.lexan­ George L. Ste\·ens, l\Ir. and ~1rs. :M. drine · B. l\Icl\1ath, l\1r. and l\'.Irs. F. Phelps. :\Ir. and :\!rs. Oli\'er Ste\'ens. :\lark ~-. C. . Stridiron. :Miss Elizabeth l\Ic::.\Iillan, l\-Ir. and Mrs. Pope•. )Ir. nnd )!rs. G. D. Stringham. J. S. Phillip H. Preston. :\Iiss Elizabeth Sumner. E. A. l\IcGraw. Mr. and Mrs. PNlhocly. :\lr. and )!rs. Swift, Chas. :\I. Arthur H.B. Thompson, :\Ir. tnd l\Irs. l\IacFarlane, l\Ir. and Renwick, l1r. and :\Irs. ~:-alter :i\Irs. J. F. ~I. Llewen~-n L. Trowbridge. :VIiss K. S. l\fr::\Iullen, :Mr. and l\Irs. Richardson, :\Ir. and :\Irs. True. :\Ir. and :\Irs. G. A. H. Y. Hedlev V. Torrey. Dr. and )Irs. I-I. X. l\1aY. :\Ir. Thomas Robinson. :\Ir. and :Mrs. Tanrey. :\Iiss Bernice !\I. l\1a~-. l\Iiss Carye Fred A. Tuix. :!\Ir. and l\1rs. l\Ietcalf, lVIr. and l\1rs. C. Rumney, :\Ir. and Mrs. Ralph K . H. .John G. Tallman. ~-m. Russel. :\lis~ Anne D. Millc>r. )Ir. Harold 0. Yan Husan. :\Irs. C. M. l\Iiller. :\Ir. and l\Irs. Sid­ Russel, A. ~-­ Van Syckle, ::\Iiss ::!.\Iaude ney T. Russel, George B. :\!organ. Mr. and :Mrs. Russel. George H. ~-alker, lirs. E. Chand- ~-m. H. Russel. Henry ler :Morse. Charles F. Russe!. l\Ir. and Mrs. ~-alker. Dr. and :\Irs. l\Ie~·er. :\Iiss Xorma \\-alter ~- Frank B. Mulford, .Mr. and :\frs. Sanger. lfr. and l1rs. '\Yallace, Allan P. Benjamin F. Henry H. "-elt. Joseph :\I. Murph~-. :\fiss Blanche Sarmiento. :\Ir. and Mrs. ~·hitney, Mr. and ::\Irs. l\1ur})h~-. Mr. and l\Irs. F . .T. B. C. Gleeson Saunders. :\Irs. :Xellie ".hitton, Mrs. F. B. l\:Iurphy, M. J. Peck '\Yright. :\Ir. and l\Irs. :Murfin. l\Irs. J. 0. S'herrill. Dr. and :Mrs. Charles X<'uhoff. :\Ir. and )Irs. H. A. Edwin S. York. )Ir. F. L. FONTINALIS CLUB 0F!":'.'CE?.S. Henry Russel ...... Presrnent. Henry Ledyard ...... Secretary. H. L. Jenness ...... Treasurer. :\'.l:E:\IBERS. Russel, Geo. H. LeSeure. Osc-ar .Jennc>ss, H. L. Russel, Henrv L'HommecHeu. R. H. l\IcMillan.. T. T. Seyb1:1rn. S. Y. True, G. A. Colburn .. B. S. Edwards. A. F. Ledyard. Henry Hutchins, .J. C. GARDEN CLUB OF MICHIGAN OFFICERS. Mrs. Franc.is King ...... President. l\Irs. Truman H. N'ewberry ...... ·...... 1st Yice-President. Mrs. Benjamin S. ~:-arren ...... 2nd Yice-Presiden~. Mrs. Charles A. Du Charmt' ...... 3rd Vice-President. Mrs. Edward H. Parker ...... Recording Secreta?·y. :\!rs. Andrew H. Green. .Jr ...... Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Henry L. ~:-alker ...... Treasurer. l\1rs. Han·y Miller ...... :Librarian 200 THE SOCIETY BLl"E BOOK

BOARD OF . GARDEXERS. Mrs. .John :M. Dwyer Miss Cooley Mrs. Edward Lowe Mrs. .J. S. Xewberry, .Jr. Mrs. Robert Berry Mrs. Russell A. Alger, Jr. BOARD OF AD::\IISSIOXS. :v.Irs. Harry :\I. Jewett, :::.\Irs. Edwin S. Barbour Mrs. Strathearn Hendrie Chairman :\Irs. ""'-· Howie :\Iuir :\:IE:\:IBERS. :Mrs. Frederick M. Alger :Mrs. Ralph ::M. Dyar Mrs. Truman H. ~ ewberry Mrs. Russell A. Alger, Jr. Mrs. R. H. Emerson l-Irs. Charles L. Palms Mrs. Fred'k P. Anderson l\1rs. David Gray lfrs. Edward H. Parker Mrs. Gourlay Armstrong :\Irs. Andrew H. Grt~en, Jr. Mrs. Walter E. Parker Miss Florence A very :\Irs. George T. Hendrie Mrs. S. Kemp Pittman Mrs. \Villiam A. Bahlke Miss Sarah Hendrie :\Iiss Florence Pond Mrs. Edwin S. Barbour Mrs. Strathearn Hendrie l\Irs. .J. Hudson Poole :\Irs. \Villiam T. Barbour Mrs. Edward H. Jewett :Mrs. John V. Redfield :Mrs. Robert Berry Mrs. Harry l\I. Jewett Mrs. Clark L. Ring :\Irs. W. S. Blau'°elt Mrs. Francis King l\Irs. Francis Sarmiento :\Irs. v\:--alter Brooks :\Irs.. -\lexand('l" L. LC'wis :\Irs. Henry D. Shelden :Mrs. Edwin H. Brown l\Irs. Horace G. Lobenstine :\Irs. Luther S. Trowuridgc, Mrs. Edward Campbell Mrs. Edward Lowe Jr. ::\Irs. Vi"". J. Chittenden, Jr. :Mrs. .J. H. Lancashire Mrs. W. H. Waite Mrs. ViT. L. Clements ~frs. C~·rus Lothrop Mrs. Franklin H. Walker Miss Elizabeth S. Cooley Miss Clara :\Ieddaugh Mrs. Henry L. Walker Mrs. Henry W. Dakin :\Irs. Han·y :\Iiller Mrs. Benjamin S. \\·arren :Mrs. Chas. A. Du Charme Mrs. Vi:--. Howie liuir Mrs. John H. Wendell ~frs. John Dwyer :Mrs. John S. Xewberry, Jr. Mrs. Bertram C. \\7 hi mey Mrs. L. \\"". W"illiams GROSSE POINTE RIDING AND HUNT CLUB

OFFICERS. Henry Burns ...... President. Henry T. Cole ...... Vice-President. Edward A. Sumner ...... Secretary and Treasurer.

::\IE::\IEERS. Alger, Frederick :\I. Hendrie, \\·imam Nichols, J. Brooks Alger, Russell A. Hendrie, Strathearn Nichols, Elliott S. Atterbury. :\Irs. A. W. Hendrie, George Xichols, John T. Angell, George H. Henry, Burns :Xewber:ry, Truman H. Barbour. Edwin S. Henry A. M. Xewberry, John S. Bissell. Miss Blanche Harris, \\:·imam P. Nicol, Frank D. Book, J. Burgess, Jr. Harris. Julian H. Palms, Charles L. Beaumont, John W. Hutchins, .J. C. Peabody, Witter J. Brown, Edwin H. Hodges, Charles H. Patch, Charles CJ. Brush. Alfred Hodges, Vi:-etmore Rucker, J. Dean Cole, Henry T. Irvine, :l\iiiss Josephine Russel, A. -nr. Carhartt, Hamilton. .Jr. .Jewett. Harn· :M. Russel, Henry Campbell, H. l\I., Jr. Joy. Henry B. Sumner, Edward A. Colburn, B. S. Lathrop, Rufus G. Stoepel, Ralph Dyar, John W. Lyster. Henry L. Sweeney, John S. Dyar, Ralph liI. Loomis, :Vlrs. DeWitt Shelden, Allan Deming, Paul H. Ledyard, Henry Stillman, :M:rs. George S. Dwyer, Emmet Lathrop, George V. ~­ Stearns. F. S. Denby, Edwin Lewis. .-\.. J. Swift, Charles :\I. Ducharme, A. J. Lyon, Miss Anne P. Stroh, Bernard, Jr. Fleitz, :Miss Frances R. McKibbin, :\Iiss Emily Torrey, H. N. Ford, Frederick C. )IcMillan, James T. 1Vrigbt, Charles. Jr. Ferry, D. :M., Jr. )Ic)Iillan. Phillip H. \\Talker, Mrs. Edward C. Ford, E. L. l\Iiller, Sidney T. Warren, Benjamin S. Ford, Miss Stella D. :Moran, F. T. Walker, F. H. Green, Andrew H .• Jr. l'Iuir. W. Howie \\:·arren, Charles B. Hendrie, George T. :\IcLauchlan, .Jay C. Wood, Cooper


OFFICERS. John M. Longyear ...... President. Charles H. Hodges ...... Vice-President. Bryant Walker ...... Secretary and Treasurer. DETROIT CI.CBS 201

DETROIT :\IE:\IBERS. Armstrong, Henry I. Hamilton. \\·m. P. Swift, Chas. :\I. Campbell, H. :VI. Hodges, Chas. H. Tapper, E. T. Denby, Edwin Longyear. Howard Walker, Bryant Ducharme, C. A. Miller. S. T. \\Taterman, Cameron D. Douglas. S. T. Russel. John R. Warren, Chas. B. Dwyer, John M. Russel, George H.


ACTI\"E :?.IE:\'IBERS Gray, Paul R. Colburn, B. S. Chalmers. Hugh Brady, R. :\IcClelland Armstron:;r. Herbert Forbush, Frank D. Goodenough, Luman W. Maurice, "·alter B. Bodman. Henry E. Brooke. Howard Stearns. S. C. Kross. Clement F. Schenck, Benjamin R. Robinson. Frank S. Jewett, E. H. Dakin. Henry W. Fraser. Stuart A. Poole, Capt. J. H. O'Connor, Arthur C. Stringfellow. Horace Lord. Herbert I. l\Ic:\iath, F. C. Dunham ,G. \\·. Lathrop, Chas. G. Pope, G.D. Kewman, :\Iadeline X. Dwight. P. D. Stearns. W. D. ~elson. Edwin H. Low, Alfred :M:. Kales, "rm. R. Ford, J. B. Lightner, Clarence A. Hinchman, T. H., Jr. Stringham. J. S. Lobenstine, Horace G. Grylls, H. Maxwell Andrus, Fred H. Jones, Henry K. Murphy--. C. Hayward Paterson, H. C. Jennings, ":--· H. DaYis. Chas. B. Pittman, S. K. Chapin. Roy D. Thomas, W. G. Dexter, Russell E. True, George A. Gorham, ::Marvine Angell, Judge Alexis C. Duffield, Graham Rich. Dr. Herbert M. Butler, C. J. Inglis, Jas. Peabody, Horace B. Depew. Sherman L. Leonard, H. X. :\Ioore, Lucian S., Jr. HarYey, Dr. \\"illiam lf. \\·alker, Henry L. :Miller, HarYey \\·ilson, Dr. Harold Pike, C. S. Fitschen, Re,·. J. F., Jr.

HO'C'SEHOLD :\IE:\IBERS. Lindley, Graham H. Xelson. Frank T. Slaymaker, Robert K. l\Ic:\Iath, Robert R. Taylor. Clifford ..\.


OFFICERS. Roy J. Cram ...... President. W. S. Blauvelt ...... Yice-President. George A. Ducharme ...... Secretary. •James S. Holden ...... Treasurer.

:\IE)IBERS. Boynton, 1Valter C. Shurly. Dr. B. R. Brady, George ~- Bagley, John N". Palmer, Hon. Thomas W. Berry. Admiral R. :\iI. \\.hittemore, James Bissell,John H. Bowen. Herbert Wilson. Dr. Harold Baker, Herbert L. Beaumont, John W. Yaughn, Dr. V. C., Jr. Le Seure. Dr. Oscar Carpenter, Hon. W. L. \\.hitney, Granger !Yes, Percy Barbour, Le,i L. Sill. Dr. Joseph Campbell. Henry ~I. Warren. Dr. ,Yadsworth Atwater, A. B. Angell. Hon. Alexis C. MacM:illan. Dr. J. A. Grant, Judge C. B. Hosmer. Hon. George S. Pope, Willard Kent, Chas. A. Latham, C. K. Dow, Alex: McGraw. Dr. Th. A. "'"alker. Bryant Stearns. F. K. Shurl)·, Dr. E. L. "'Ctley, Henry M. Canfield, George L. OUR A \N NI NG s ADD BEAUTY AS WELL ---AS COMFORT TO THE HOME---



B. FEIMAN ijahies~ Wttilnr anh :!llllaker nf itroing i!jabits anh ilittweh @,kirts



OFFICERS. H. J. ).Iaxwell Grylls ...... President. Gustan1~ D. Pope ...... 1st Yice-President. Alexanclrme :\IcEwen ...... 2nd Vice-President. \Yilliam B. Stratton ...... Treasurer. Helen Plumb ...... Secretary.

:\IE:\IBERS. Armstrong. ).Jrs. Gourley Grt-'en, :\Irs. Andrew H., Odel1, Dr. Anna _.\xerr, lliss Florence Jr. Pullen, l\Iiss Rose ..lnketell. :\lrs. T. .J. Hamilton. )Ir. Gl'O. T. Pope, )Ir. G. D. At\\·ater. l\Irs. A- B. Guest, :\Iiss Grace D. Pope, l\Irs. Gustavus Alger, F. "\'V. . Guysi, )Iiss Jeannette Pl um b, :\!rs. R. E . ..-\.Itland, :\Irs. l>. I-·. Guysi, )Iiss Alice Y. Petr>·, ::\Iiss Harriet Begner, ).Iiss Florence Grylls, )!rs. H. J. )I. Pottle, :\Ir. Geo. P. Bowen. :Mrs. L. W. Grylls. II. .J. ).f. Phipps. )Ir. Henry _\. Booth,· Geo. Hendrie, (iE-orge T. Phillips, T. G. • Booth. lIrs. Geo. Hendrie, lfrs. George T. Perrin, l-Iiss Ethel Baldwin, :\Iiss Florence Hendrie. :\Iiss Sarah Potter, :Miss :\Iarcia Baldwin. :\!rs. ..-\.. II. Henr~-- :\Ir. Burn:-:: Perry, :Miss liary Chase Bern·, :Miss :Martha Hosmer. )Irs. Geo. S. Peck. :.\Iiss Julia Berr~-. lfiss Eli~abeth Hinchman, llrs. J. H. Parker, :\Irs. "·alter Haldwin. :\Ir. I·. C. Holmes. :\Irs. Arthur Plumb. l-Iiss Helen Black, ~Irs. Clarence Hamilton. :\Irs. 1Ym. P. Remick, l\fiss Grace Black. )Ir. Clarence Hendrie. ::\Irs. Geo. Russel, )Ir. Walter Barr.· l\Irs. J. F. Hastings, :Mrs. Charles Russel. ::\Irs. \"\:--alter Baldwin. :Mrs. F. C. Jenks, :,rrs. Geo. J. Ray, :\!rs. C. N. Campbell, )Iiss Cornelia Jackson, :\Irs. R. B. Riedinger, l'liss Crawford, :\fiss Agnes Joy. :\Irs. Henry B. Rowland, Mrs. Russel Caulkins. )Ir. H .•J. Jones. .\!rs. Harry Smith, l\Iiss L. Crapo Campbell. )lr. Cha:,;:. H. Johnson. l!rs. Olin ~mith. )Ir. ,Judson l>(•.J. Cooley, l\1iss Elizabeth Kirchner, :Hrs. Otto Stratton. )Ir. Wm. B. Carpenter. ::\Iiss Florence Kahn. )Ir.. -\llwrt Shippen; )Ir. Eugl'De R. ( 'hitknckn. :\Ir. .-\lpheu:-: Kiml>all. )Ii~~ Alice .:-\. Spenser, lfrs. Gertrude P. Campbell, lfrs. H. :M_. Knowlson. lirs. A. T. Stevens, :\Ir. H('nr~· ,;roY ~r Cady, :\Irs. ,ym. B. Keep, :\Iiss Helen Sible.r, )liss Frances Clay, :urs. Wm.. Loud. liiss :\Iarian Stair, Mrs. E. D. Cady,_ :\Iiss l\Iabel Lloyd, lliss Bertha E. ~aunder, )Iiss Claire ( ·ach·. )Ir. Guy Lloyd. ::\Iiss Ethel S. Sarmiento. ::\Irs. Cau·lkins. )Irs. H. J. Lane. liiss Jessie Stevens. ::\Irs. F. B. Case, Mrs. Leland B. Ledyard, :\!rs. Henry Swan, James Crapo, :Mrs. S. J. L'Hommedieu, )Irs. R. H. Swan, :\Irs. James Carle;c )Ir. Leonard R. Lester. :\Irs. Lead Smith, :Mrs. E. B. Carlev, :Mrs. Leonard I.iYing:-t:Jn. )Ir. 1\-m . .-\. Stearns, :\frs. F. K. Cutler. :\iirs. Dwight Lancashire. :\Irs. J. H. Thompson. Mrs. J. \"\·. ColbY,. :\Irs. F. L. Lothrop. :\Irs. C. B. Thomas. Mrs. F. W. Campau, :\Iiss Charlotte J.arrn,fl. )Ir.. \bner Taylor, lfrs. Cecil Corbett, Mrs. Sidney, Jr. Larned, )!rs. Abner True. .:\Irs. G€o. Colburn, )Irs. B. S. :\IcEwen, :\Iiss ..-\. Turn.er. :Miss ::\Iary Campau. :Mrs. R. :McD. :McEwen. )Iiss Katherine 'l'rowbridg<'. :\Iiss Kathleen I 1wver, )Ir. \Ym. .,\. ~Iumford. !\1iss Gertrude Dw~ver, :\Irs. John :\I. lfackenzie. )Iiss Janet Voss, :\Iiss Joan Dvar. :Miss Clara E. l-IcGraw. :\!rs. Arthur Yhay, ::\Irs. John D. ni1kin. lirs. Henry :\Iurphy, · :\Iiss Blanche \"\. a Iker. 1\Irs. E. C. Doyle, :\Iiss !\Ia ry E. )lc<.iregor. i\Irs. Tracy Walker, )lrs. J. H. Douglas, :\Irs. S. T. liehling. )Ir. GC'o. \"\.bite, lirs. J. V. Douglas, Miss Kathleen J. ~IcKihhin. )Ii:;.::s Emily "\Yebber. Mrs. J. T. Donald. Mrs. "\"\~m. :ucl:Iillan. liiss A. Weidemann. l\liss )lathildc Dwyer, )!rs. Francis T. :Meddaugb. ::\Iiss Clara \"\.hittemore. :\!rs. James Du Cbarnw. )Ir. Geo.. \. !\filler, ::\frs. Sidne:v T. \"\:-hitton. Mrs. F. B. Hudson, )Ir. .T. L. ::\Ioore, :\Irs. Lucien ""ilton. )Ir. Leonard H. Eliott, ~Irs. ~·m. H. ::\IcKee, liiss Stella :\I. W"ilton, lfrs. Leonard H. Ford, l\Irs. J. B. llor::::<'. )Ir. Charl<':;.:: I;"'_ Walkt'r, )Ir. E. C. Ferry, :::\Irs. D. :\I., Jr. ::\Ioore, :\Irs. Charles \"\·ynne, Mrs. John Farnsworth, :Miss )Iary :\k:\Iillan. ::\Irs. Phillip LoYejoy. :Mrs. Ira S .. Fletcher, :\Irs. T. G. Xewcomb. ::\Irs. C. A., Jr. Zacharias. :Urs. Allen Fleitz, :Mrs. Geo. L. Owen. ::\Irs. John, Jr. :\Iuehlman, Henry HIRAM MARKS ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS WIRING OF ALL KINDS FIXTURES TOASTERS VACUUM CLEANERS 48 Woodward Ave., Below Jefferson DETROIT, MICHIGAN TELEPHONES: Main 1981, Cherry 1087, Cedar 476-J

The Oldest Bank in Michigan Established in 1849 THE DETROIT SAVINGS BANK , Fort Street West DETROIT, MICHIGAN OFFICERS D. C. DELAMATER, President C. A. DEAN, Vice-President GEO. S. BAKER, Cashier T. F. HANCOCK, Ass't. Cashier JAS. H. DOHERTY, Ass't. Cashier. DIRECTORS Geo. Hendrie D. C. Delamater C. A. Dean E. A. Chapoton, M. D. Philip H. McMillan · Sidney T. Miller Stratheam Hendrie Arthur M. Parker John M. Dwyer Paul F. Bagley

DETROIT RUBBER STAMP COMPANY General Engravers and Die Sinkers . Name Plates, Monograms for Autos, Boats, Baggage, Etc. Linen M ark_ers and Wax Seals BRASS STENCILS Phone M 3818. 96 GRISWOLD ST.

Detroit Steam Carpet Cleaning Works, Inc. Vacuum System used for cleaning ORIENTAL and DOMESTIC RUGS RENOVATING A SPECIALTY We will willingly mail you a price list or send a representative to see you Phones, Main 4199, City 4199 26 Gilman Street



OFFICE~S. John Xewbury Bagley ...... Gon'rnor. Edward ,Valdo Pendleton ...... Deputy GoYernor "\Villiams Cooper Harris ...... Secretary. Charles l\1:oore ...... Treasurer. Clarence Monroe Burton ...... Registrar and Historia!'l. Re\". Lee SulliYan McCollester ...... Chaplain.

:\IE:\IBERS. AYery, John Herbert Finck. \\"illiam :Muir Newberrr. Truman H. Bagley~ John Xewberry Farrand, .Jacob Shaw, Jr. Newberry. John S. Barbour, George Harrison Gibson. Edwin \\:--ells Nelson. Edwin Horatio Brooks, Alanson Sheley Hawks~ J am.-s Dudle\· Pendleton. Edward "'i.Yaldn Bates. George Williams Holliday, \\"illiam Post Parker, Edward Horatio Burton, Clarence Monroe Hinrnan, Edw. Chauncey Rogers, James Smith Bancker, Enoch Harris. \\"illiams Cooper Rogers, Fred. Percival Colhurn, Burnbam Stan- Holt, Frank \\rard Rogers. Fordyce H. dish Jerome. Thomas Spencer Ranney, Frederick Tappan Colton. Allen Lysander Hemphill. Robt. \\'"m., Jr. Scranton, Benjamin Hand Comfort, Benj. Fr~eman Jenks. Xathan. :VI. D. Skinner, Henr~- ,Vhipple Cady. Gu:r Brewster Jan·es, Deming Sa Yidge, Henry Patten Clark, Lorenzo E. Knight, S. Herriclr, l\I. D. SaYidge. \\"illiam Clark. Emory \\:-endell Lathrop. Kirke Smith, Dudley \\:-etmore Du Charme, Chas. Albert Lightner, Clarence Ashley Slocum. Elliott Truax Douglas, Saml. Townsend Lathrop, Alanson P. Ste\·ens. Frederic B. Ducharme, Geo. Alfred l\Ic:\Iillan. Philio Hamilton \\:-alker: Bn·ant Emerson, J. E., 1\1. D. l\IcCollester. Lee S., D. D. \\:-hittemore: Laurence J. Ewing, Alonzo Prentiss l\Iiller. Sidney Trowbridge Fyfe, Richard Henry l\Ioore, Charles


OFFICERS. Burnham S. Colburn ...... Governor. George A. Loud ...... Deputy Governor. l\Hss Jessie C. Chase ...... Secretary. :Mrs. Austin Y. Ladue ...... Treasurer. :Miss Bessie l\:I. West ...... Historian.

BOARD OF ASSIST AXTS. l\fr. Edward C. Hinman l\frs. :\Ierib R. Patterson Mr. John L. Dexter l\'.Irs. John B. Howarth

l\IE:\!BERS. A Yery, l\Iiss Clara Arlette Gurney, Theron S'amuel Owen. l\Irs. Georgiana W. .Ayers, Charles Henry Hawks, James Dudley "Parker, Mrs. Orlando Allen, ~Irs. Clara C. Harris. :VIrs. Theodore H. Patterson, Mrs. :\Ieri b R. Banks, Dr. Gertrude S. Hildnei.·. l\Irs. Louise S. Richardson. :Marcia :\Ia ria Butler, !\frs. Wm. A., Jr. Hill, lirs. Agnes Kelcey Robbins. l-Irs. Louise B. Cad,·. :\Ir:::. DaYid D. Hitchcock, Chas. °"~enman Smith. Frederick B. caa"Y. :Miss !\Iabel tlenri Howard. Joshua Edward Smith, )Irs. Lucy Crapo Chase, !\Hss Jessie Clara Howarth. )Irs. John B. Standish. Frederick Dana Colburn. Burnham S. Hinman.· Edw. Chauncy Stone, Ralph na Yis. ~frs. Frank Y. Jewett. ·)Irs. Emma F. Van CleYe. )Iargaret Fox Deane. :\Irs. Charles H. Judson. :\Irs. Xathan Yosper. )Irs. Benj. Dexter, John Lloyd Keep. :\Iiss Helen E. \\·aterman. :Mrs. Alice H. Doty. Paul Ladue. :Mrs. Austin Y. ""ebster. l!rs. P. Y. B. Goodwin, Louis Le Baron Leonard. Theodore O. "\Yest, l\Iiss Bessie :M. Gorham. Charles Edward Loud, George A. \Yest. (;(.'O. Grelling, Miss Adaline l\:L l\Ierrill. \\·imam Gra Yes, :Mrs. Clara Xims, l\Irs. Fred A. Detroit's Leading Photographer





206 DEl'R'rT C'LT"BS 20,


OFFICERS. )I rs. Charles P. Larned ...... President. :\Irs. :X ellie Peck Saunders ...... Yice-President. l-Irs. JamE;S :Murfin ...... Secretary. :\Irs. Edwin Denby ...... Treasurer.

:\IE:\IBERS • Alexander, )Irs. Kirkland .Johnson, ::\Iiss .-\lice Plass. )Iiss Gertrude . Alger, :\!rs. Frederick ~I. Johnson. ::\Irs. S. Olin Saunders, :\Irs. Xellie P. Angell, Miss Sarah Hammond. :\frs. Chas. Sherill. Mrs. Edwin Antona, :\Iadame Annette Larned, :\Irs. Chas. P. Smith, ~Irs. Jamt~::; Cossh>tt Barbour. ~lrs. Geo. H., Jr. Loomis, :l-Iiss Anne Spitzley, :Mrs. \Ym. A. Cady, :Miss Mabel ~liller, l-Iiss Elizabeth ~pies, l\Irs. F. .:\.. Cooke, Mrs. George :Mitchel, llrs. Piquette Stearns, l!rs. Frederick S. Denby. l\'.Irs. Edwin ::\Iurfin, :\Irs. James ~~:right. ::Mrs. Chas. I lucharme. :\Ir~. Charles < ~~burn. )Ih:~ (;ertrude \\:--arren, :Vlrs. Chas. B. Bagley Page, :\Irs. Ralph H. Hendrie. :\!rs. Stratbearn Ford, :\Irs. Frederick C. Peabody, :\!rs. Horace Jenks. ::\Irs. Xathan Peacock, :VIrs. George


OFFICERS. :\Irs. Homer E. Safford ...... President. ::\Irs. S ..T. SerYice ...... Yice-President. :\Irs. C. W_ Case ...... Recording Secertary :\Iiss Bessie Smit~ ...... •...Corresponding Secretary. :VIrs. 0. R. Baldwm ...... Treasurer.

ASSOCIATE :\IE::llBERS A.clams. :VIrs. Isabc•lla C. Goodwin. :\Irs. :\'fa.rtha E. Xewcomb. :\frs. C. A. Andrews, :\Irs. Cory L. Hamblen. :\Irs. Joseph G. X ewsom. :\!rs. Horace ..\ngell, ::\Irs. Alexis C. Haigh. :\!rs. Henry A . Henley Annis, ~Irs. X ewton Hawes. :\Irs. 0. S. Orleman, :Mrs. E. L. Anthony, :\Irs. B. l\I. Hoover, ::\Iiss :\Iargaret Park~r. ::\frs. \\·alter E. Ashley, ~Irs. E. H. Howarth. ::\Irs. John B. Parker, l-Irs. Arthur :\I. Barbour. :\1rs. \\... m. Tefft. Isham. ::Mrs. Frederick S. Pingree, :\Irs. Frank Barr, )!rs. James F. Jackson, :Mrs. \\·m. H. Pierson. :Mrs. Frank B . Blatchley. )!rs. Chas. H. .Joy, )[rs. Henry B. Pollak. :\Irs. S. Perry Bogue, lVIrs. Geo. G. Keil, :\Irs. Louis O. Ra~·mond, ::\Iiss Harriet Broock. :\Jrs. ).'.lax Kelsey. :\!rs. Eber L. E. Bucknall, )!rs. J. Austin King. :\!Ts. Geo. D. Robbins, :VIrs. B~-ram C. Butterworth. :Mrs. Irvin L' Ilommedieu. ::\Irs. R. Rohnert. Mrs. :Morse Candler, Miss Anna E. Henry Rice, l\Irs. Henry :\I. Collins. Mrs. C. P. l'Iarsh. ::\Irs. W. S. Schmidt, :\!rs. Carl L. Coonle~·, :Mrs. Flora A. :\'Iarshutz. ).lrs. \'\'m. B. Smith. :Mrs. Dudle:r Vi.·et- Farwell. Mrs. Jeremiah G. :Mason, :\!rs. Joseph T. more Filer, :VIrs. Frank Moore. :\Irs. Helen :\I. Stone. :\Irs. Ralph Fraser, )!rs. W. A. :Morris. :\!rs. Edmund A. Thompson. llrs. ,T. \\'. Fulwell, Mrs. George Murphy, ::\Iiss Annie D. Waldo, l:Irs. Lewis C. Gamble. Mrs. \'\,..alter J. Xewberry. :\Irs. Trurnan \'\.illiams, :\!rs. Eliza beth Goddard, :\1rs. Frank H. \\:--oole~-. l'.lrs. George H.

ACTIVE :\IE:\IBERS. Abbott, :lilrs. Wm. Sher- Antisdel, :\liss E. :\I. Barney, lii~s Blanche K. man Arthur, l!rs. James Barton, :\Irs. Henry Les­ Alden, l\·Irs. Margaret H. Ashbaugh, ~Irs. R. H. ter Ainsworth. Mrs. Ralph ..\shleman, :\Iiss Lovcley A. Barton, l\Irs. Frank G. Archer. Miss Atwater, :Mrs . .-\. B. Barr, l\Irs. Alfred Hamil- Aldrich. :Mrs. Ralph L. Auer. :\Irs. Henry C. ton Allee, Mrs. Herbert D. Baker. :\:Irs. Frederick W. Bates, :\Irs. Kinzie Allen, :\Iiss Julia L. Baldwin. :\!rs. 0. R. Bates. l\Irs. Geo. W. Allen, :Miss Sylvia Bailey, :\[rs. R. Arthur Beane, l\1iss Ellen :\I. Angstman, :\[rs. Oscar E. Ba11in. l-Irs. )I. Bear. :\frs. Chas. U. Angstman. Miss Charlotte Bannister, :\Iiss F. Beaubien. :\!rs. ).[arguer- Anthony, llrs. H. B. Barie, Mrs. Hiram \'\·. ite 5 cents~GLOVES CLEANED-5 cents We Clean Ladies' and Gents' Wearing Apparel, Drapes, Curtains. Blankets, Robes, Plumes and Fancy Articles. Goods called for and delivered. Phones: Main 3247, Home-City 1,000

EN'T C'-EAN\NG AMDOYE\N A. IMLAY, Proprietor Main Office and Works, 433-435 GRAND RIVER A VE., Detroit, Mich. Our Garment Cleaning and Dyeing Factory is one of the Best equipped in the World





Begle, :\!rs. Chas. A. Delbridge. llrs. James B. Hatch, :Mrs. J osepb C. Bennett. :\ilrs. Chas. H. I lemon·, :\!rs. A. Richard Hayes, :Vlrs. Clarence :\I. Bigler, :Mrs. Frank S. Dennis, J.Irs. _.\lice Spen- Hayes, :Miss l\Iercy Bingham, :\irs. E. H. cer Helbig, :\Irs. August Bird. :\Irs. S. H. Dewey. )!rs. Franklin S. Hendrie, l\'.Irs. Geo. T. Bishop, lfrs. Jerome H. Deyo. :\Irs. Lillie Barclay Henkel, Mrs. Robert Blackmore, :Mrs. John E. Dickinson, :Mrs. Julian Henkel, ~Iiss Jessie R. Blair, :\Irs. Frank W. G. Ricker. :\Irs. John C. Bolles, :i\'.Irs. J. E. Donald. :\!rs. Wm. :\I. Hill, lVIrs. Sarah l\I. Bolton, :Mrs. Louis D. Donaldson, l\Irs. John l\I. Hine, :.\Irs. James W. Borgmann, Mrs. :Martin Donaldson. :\!rs. George Hirth, l:Iiss Ida M. G. Donnell~-. :Mrs. Thomas Holden, Mrs. \\.... H. Boyer, J.:Irs. Joseph Doyle. :\Iiss Sarah L. Holmes. :\Irs. Wm. L. Boynton, :\Irs. Albert G. Drake. :\Iiss Holt. ::.VIrs. Frederick H. BreYoort, ~Irs. Henry Na- Dunn, )lrs. Clara C. Hosmer, :Mrs. George S. varre Durfee. :\!rs. Edgar O. Houser. l\Irs. Elmer Briscoe. Mrs. Frank Dyar. :\Iiss Clara E. Howen; l\frs. Andrew Broka"t'.~, Dr. :\·laud E. Eade~ :Miss :\Iinnie Hughes. :Mrs. Charles A. Bromle~-. :.\lrs. F. L. Earle, :\!rs. Herb€!rt R. Hunt, :\-"Irs. Ormond F. Brooks, :\-Irs. Samuel B. Eaton, 2.\Irs. Eliza beth E. Hunter, Mrs. Joseph H. Brotherton, l\Irs. Wilbur Elliott, :Vliss Lucy E. Hurlburt. llrs. :\I. P. Browning, :\Irs. :\Iary L. Elliott. :\:Irs. ,vm. H. Huson, Dr. Florence l-IcPherson Ellis, :\Irs. C. H. Hutchins, Mrs. Jere C. Bruce, l\:Irs. Junius I. Farquhar. :\!rs. ::.\Iary H. Hutchinson, :\Irs. Ernest Brumme, lfrs. Carl L. Farrell, :\Irs. Percy J. D. Bruske, :Mrs. Paul Hale Fay, :\Irs. G<.'orge F. Hyde, :Mrs. Geo. P. Bull, ::.\Iiss Anna W. Fisher, :.\Irs. Edward Met- Inglis, :VIrs. \\.illiam Burgess. :\!rs. C. G. calf Inglis, :Vlrs. David Burt, :Mrs. Lou Fletcher, :\Irs. Theodore Inglis. :.\Iiss Lois Butterneld. :;_\,lrs. 0. E. G. !Yes. llrs. Percy Buttrick. lfrs. Theo. R. Fletcher, ::.\Iiss Kate S. Jackson, Mrs. A. C. Byers, :Mrs. Dennison Forbes. )!rs. Edwin B. Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Drew Forbush. :\Irs. Frank D. Jackson. ::.\Iiss Virginia lI. Cadieux. ::.\Irs. E. K. Forster, :\lrs. Charles A. James, :Mrs. Delbert C. Cady, ~Irs. D. D. Foster. · ::.\Irs. Jesse A. Jameson. ~Irs. Amy F. Callender, :\!rs. Sherman Fowler. Mrs. \\,..m. H. Janes, )Irs. Oscar A. D. Fox, :\Irs. Charl~s E. Janes, :\Iiss Campbell. :i\Irs. Henry W. Franke, 2.\lrs. August A.. Jenks, l\Irs. Geo. J. Caron, :i\frs. George G. Fraser. )!rs. Geo. Pirie Johnson, l\lrs. Bertha C. Carpenter, :Mrs. "\Vm. L. Frost. lirs. H. "'\'\-. Johnson, :Mrs. S. Olin Carpenter, :Miss Fuller, J.Irs. Emory L. .Johnson, :\-!rs. Hugh, Jt-. Carson, l\:Irs. Lewis C. Fulwell, ::.\liss Lento R. .Johnston. l\Irs. Frank P. Carstens, :\Iiss Hattie M. Funke, ::\Irs. Frederick C. J obnston: :\!rs. George Carter. :\Irs'. Frank E. Garaghty, lirs. Charles F. Kanter. :\!rs. Claude E. Case, :\Irs. Claude W. Garrison, J.Irs. Chas. H. Kay, 'lirs. Robert D. CasP. )lrs. Julian ~I. Gates. :\Irs.. \aron B. Kea vy_, ~Irs. \\-nuam Chambers. :VIrs. C. L. Gates, :.\!rs. Jasper C. Keeler, l-"Irs. Hiram \V-. Chapman," :VIrs. J. Wei~ talmon'. )lr~. I... B. Keller, :\Irs. Emil E. lington Goodwin. :\Irs. Chas. E. F. Kelsey. :\Irs. Franklin _.\. Chase, :\Iiss Alice S. Grace. :\Irs. H. R. Kendall. :\lrs. Edward J. Cheney, ~Irs. Chas. E. Grelling, ::.\Iiss Adeline :M. Kenn~-. ·?t1rs. Hugh E. Clark, l\Irs. Lawrence T. Gros\"enor. :Mrs. Elliot 0. Kinne, :\lrs. Edward D. Cleland, ~!rs. James, Jr. Guysie. ::\Iiss Alice V. Kirby, :\:!rs. F. A. Colburn, :\!rs. Burnham Hallock. lirs. Lewis W. Kiskadden, )frs. H. S. s. Hamblen, ::.\Irs. Joseph G., Knowlson. :\Irs. Albert T. Colby, :;.\,!rs. Archie L. Jr. Krolik, Mrs. Henry A. Colson, Mrs. \\--m. Har- Hamilton. :\Irs. \\-. F. Kruce. ::\-Irs. Edward J. yey Hammond. lirs. Chas. F. Krueger, ~Iiss :\Iathilda Conger. Miss D. C. Hardy, :\Irs. P. B. H. Conn, :\!rs. George C. HargreaYes. :\Ii~s Kulm. :\Iiss Laona lJ. Cook, :.\Iiss :Mary A. Harrah. :\Irs. Chas. W. La Ferte. :\Irs. Edward Cotner. l'.lrs. J .. Jr. Harris, :\Irs. Lander S. Langle~-. J.:lrs. James P. Courtney. :Mrs. Geo. Thos. Harris. :\Irs. Geo. G. Larned. :\Irs. C. P. Cowles, Mrs. I. Towne Harrison. ::.\Irs. Omar Larned, :\lrs. Abner E. Craig, Mrs. William Harry, :.\Irs. "\Ym. G. Latimer, Mrs. \\·m. G. Cram, :.\Irs. Roys J. Hartsuff. :\!rs . .-\lice E. LauYer. ::\Irs. A. J. Crouch, Mrs. W. A. Haney. J..Iiss Caroline C. Lawson, J.Irs. Chas. F. Crouch, Miss Zelma J. Hartwell. :\!rs. Arthur Lawson, )frs. Geo. E. Crowl, :Mrs. W. H. Hartz, .:\Irs. Henry J. Lea. Dr. Juanita I. Curtis, :VIrs. Fred A. Hartz, :\!rs. .J. Frederick Leland. :\Irs. Henry :\I. DaYis, Mrs. Paul E. Hastings, :\!rs. Charles Lemkie. l\'.Irs. Felix ..-\. DaYock, :M:rs. Harlow P. Hastings. ::.\Iiss Sarah B. Leonard. :\lrs. X. B. Dawson. :\iiss ::.\Iinnie E. Hast~·. :\Iiss Fanny B. Lewis, ::.\Irs. Geo. A. Dean, :\ilrs. Horace :\I. Hatc-h. lfr~s Helen L. Lewis, llrs. Geo. W. 21 JOHN R. STREET




High Class on C Millinery For All Occasions f

OUR IMPORTATIONS ARE ALWAYS THE LATEST 23 West 33d Street, Near 5th Avenue, NEW YORK Telephone 5268 Mad. Sq.

A. ROMAN 1 EAST 47TH STREET NEW YORK OPPOSITE THE RITZ•CARLTON ANO SLOAN BLDG. Miss Roman begs to announce that she is non, exhibiting the very latest Models in Tailor-made Gon,ns ond wraps. fiutomobile Garments, Riding Habits, Breeches and Sporting Garments of every description. These represent the newest and most approved creations of the exclusive houses of Europe, also original designs in advanced styles. Special concessions to young Ladies at School. Telephone 3198 Bryant

210 DETROIT CLliBS :.:11

Le\Yis, :.\1rs. Harry Par!:=ons, :VIrs. Howard Ste\·enson. ::\1rs. Elliott G. Lindsay, :.\Irs. A. G. H. SteYens. :.\1rs. Stanley G. Litchfield. :.\Iiss Hazel Parsons, llrs. Edwin See­ Stockwell. Mrs. Frederick Littell, l\Irs. L. Bayard h· Stoddard, l\1rs. Edv,ard Li\·sey, l\Irs. J. H. Pendleton. :\-1rs. Ed"·ard w. Lloyd. )Jiss rneken. ::.\Iiss Helen )IOS('S, lfrs. Chas. ,v. Scott l\Ioss. :\1rs. \'V'm. E. Sherwood. :\!rs. Louis C. ::.\Iul ke~·. :.\1rs. Owen Shipp1'n. ::.\frs. Eug-ene R. 'Yhite. :\!rs. Charles S. n-_,·nne Silk, :\Irs. Albert E. "\Yhitney. llrs. Bertram C. Skillman. ~Irs. Harn.· \\-hittemore. :.\Irs. James :\lunger. ::\Irs. Frank S. Smith. :\Irs. Hal H .. "\"\.hittemore. ::\Iiss llanrn- :.\lunger, :\'.Iiss Helena Smith, l\'.Irs. Eugene ret F. · :Hunger. l\.Irs. Frank Smith. ::.\Iiss Elizabeth E. "\"\-hittemore. lirs. Laur- Xall. :\!rs. Edwin B. Smith. :\!rs. "-- PeYton ence T. Xash, l\Irs. \Ym. T. Snell. l\Irs. Lawrence \\.hitton. :\[rs. Frances B Xewman, Mrs. Chas. \\:--ordsworth \\·iley. lirs. George · Browning Sowle. :\Ir~. .-\. A. ,,·miams. :Mrs. James B. ~oble. )-!rs. Herbert \\'."". Spalding. ::\·Irs. Hinton E. "\"\.i }$On. :\!rs. Chas. R. \"\·nton, l'Irs. H. Leonard Xoble. :\!rs. Lucy0 S. Spalding. :\!rs. Clayton

X• O\"ec::,. -• l\lr~.. .._ • ;,.irar,.i,.\oJ. •\" 7',1"..:..l.l.. Anderson· \"\:--iltsie, :.\Iiss Katherine Oakman. :.\'.Irs. Chas. H. ~parling. )Irs. Joseph D. O'Leary: :Mrs. Thos. F., Spence. :Mrs. H. \\-ibert \"\·ineman, :\Irs. Leopold Jz·. Sr.ice. !\Irs. Horace Lind- "·ing. :\-Irs. J. 1'. l<'Y \"\·irts, lirs. StPphen :\1. Osborn. :\Irs. F. C. Stan.dart. :.\Irs. Xelson K. "·olfschlager. :\!rs. An- Osborn, ::.\Irs. R. H. S"tarret. )Irs. T. C. thony T. Osius. Mrs. George Sterling, Miss Carrie C. \"\·oodruff. :\1rs. Chas. A. Owen, :\trs. F. \\-. SteYens. :\Irs. Frederic B. "\Yright. :\Irs. OrYin .r. Park, :.\Irs. .James Stan­ SteYens, Dr. ::\Iary Thomp- "·ynn. )!rs. .John. Jr. ton son Yerkes. :\!rs. Gt>o. B.

WITENAGEMOTE :ne'..\rBEP.S. Bagley, John H. Ben~-- Rear-Adm. R. :v.t.. Carpenter. Hon. "-- L. Brooke, Hon. F. L. Campbt.:•11. Henr~- ).I. Cowles. I. T. 212 THE SOCIETY BLl"E BOOK

Browne, Dr. W. H. I sham. Fred S. Ryan, Frank G. Crapo. S. T. Jennings. Dr. C. G. Samson. Dr. James Donaldson. J. M. .Toslyn, Charles D. Smith, F. L. Douglas, S. T. Keena, James T. Smith. J. C. Duffield, Bethune Lydecker. Gen. G. J. Spalding. H. E. Fletcher, Frank Mc:Math, Francis E. Swift. Charies :\I. Freer, C. L. :Mason, Geo. D. Townsend. Col. Chas. Gray, William J. Moore, Chas. :VIcB .. Green. A. H. Pope, G. D. Walker, Bryant Griffith, A. H. Rice, Z. Warren, Dr. ,~:acls"\\·orth Grylls, H. J. M. Riche, C. S. Waterman. C. D. Hodges, C. H. Russel, J. R. Wetmore, E. C. Hosmer, Hon. Geo. S. Russel, w·. S. Hunt, \\retmore Russel, G. II. WOMAN'S INDOOR ATHLETIC CLUB

OFFICERS. ·:\Irs. S. Hendrie ...... President. )Irs. T. G Fletcher ...... Yice-Preoident. :Miss E. Armstrong ...... Secretar~~- ::\Irs. H. B. Joy...... - ...... Treasurer. :\IE:.\IBERS. Aaron, :\!rs. Charles D. Filer, l-Irs. F. :\Iurpl1J-, )Ii~s B. Alger, Mrs. :F'. M. Fletcher. lfrs. Theo. G. :\Iurphy, Miss S. K. Alger, )!rs. R. A. Ford. )Iiss S. B. Xewberry, lirs. H. H. Alger. :Mrs. R. A .. Jr. Fowler, :\!rs. Geo. B. Xewberry, l\Irs.. J. S., .Tr. Altland, l\frs. Dan F. George. :\!rs. R. Xewberry, llrs. T. H. Armstrong, l\Iiss Estelle Green, :\-Irs. A. H. N"ew(;omb. :Mrs. C. A-, Jr. Armstrong. :\Irs. Herbert Hamilton. :\Irs. W. P. Owen, Mrs. John Atterbury. Mrs. H. N. Hecker, :\'!rs. F. J. Palms. Mrs. C. I.. A very, lfiss F. O. Hendrie, :\Irs. Geo. Peabody. lirs. \\'". J. Baldwin, l\Irs. F. C. Hendrie, Miss J. Pond, :\Iiss F. L. Barbour, Mrs. W. T. Hendrie. :\:Iiss l\L W. Pope, :\!rs. G. D. Barbour, lirs. G. H., Jr. Hendrie. :Miss S. Russel. :\Ir~. ,v. S. Berry, Miss E. Hendrie. lfrs. Stra th earn Redfield, :Mrs. Bishop, ~Irs. J .. H., Jr. Hendrie, :\[rs. Geo. T. Rumney, l\frs. J. G. Bishop, :Miss D. Holme~. :Mrs. A. D. Scherer, :Mrs. Hugo Roy<'r. :.\frs. J. H. Holt. lfrs. F. H. Seyburn, :VIrs. S. Y. Bro"\\-n, :Miss :\L Hubbard. )frs. F. W. Shelden, Mrs. H. D. Butler, :\1:rs. E. K. Jenks. Mrs. ~athan Smith, :\!rs. F. \\-·. Byrne, )·frs. F. P. Jenness. l-Irs. H. L. Smith, l-Irs. J. C. Cady, Miss :M. H. Jennings. :Mrs. C. G. Smith. :\fiss :VI. Campbell, Mrs. D. l\f. Jones. ::\frs. L. H. Stearns, Mrs. F. K. Campbell, :::.VIrs. E. B. Joy, Mrs. H. B. Stevens. :Mrs. F. B. Campbell, l-Irs. H. l\1. Joy, Mrs. R. P. SteYens: l\Irs. '\\'"m. Caulkins, :\!rs. H. J. King. Mrs. George C. Stroh, :\frs. B. Chamberlain. ~Irs. :VI. H. Kirchner, Mrs. Otto Sumner, )Jrs. E. A. Cheseborough, !\Irs. G. La th rop, l\:Irs. Kirke Sumner, llrs. F. B. Clark, :Mrs. LeYert Lewis, ~Irs. A. I. Sweeney, :.\frs. J. S. Colburn. l!rs. B. S. LongyPar, )[rs. H. W. Srmington. Miss C. Croul. :Mrs. F. H. Loomis, :\!rs. De"\\·itt Turner, Mrs. J. Cutler, Mrs. Dwight Lothrop. :VIrs. C. E. \\TaJkPr, :\iirs. E. C Deming, Mrs. P. H. :McGraw, ).;!rs. A. \\~arren, Mrs. C. R Douglas, :\Irs. S. T. McGraw. :V!rs. T. A. \\rarren, Miss L. S. Ducharme. 1\-Irs. C. A. McGraw, Mrs ,v ..-\. \\'°bite. Mrs. A. E. F. Dyar, l\Irs. J. B. Mc:\·Iatb. :Mrs. F. C. \\'"hitne~-. l-Irs. D. C. Dyar, Miss C. E. McMillan. ::\f·,s. P. H. ,Vhitney, :\Irs. B. C. Dyar, )!rs. R. ~­ ~filler, 1\Irs. S. T. Fleitz, :\!rs. G. E. Muir, :\Irs. ,v. Ilowie ~O-S-RESIDE::--T :\-IE~1E.ERS H<'Iln<'tt, )!rs. A. D. Hill, lfrs. A. Ston<'. :\!rs. llary H. Bradfield, l\'Irs. E. P. Hodge, Mrs. F. ~·. "\Yalbridge. :\lrs. w·. S. Campbell, Mrs. E. D. King, l\1rs. Francis Ward. :Mrs. C. A. Church, :\frs. W. F. Lancashire, :VIrs ..T. H. \\Tard. :Mrs. "\Y. C. Comstock, liiss lI. Parke, Mrs. H. C. '\V!thington, :\-Iiss K. w·. Dort, l\irs. J. D. Parke. l\Iiss :\I. L. Green, :\1:rs. H. Sawyer, l\,lrs. W. H. ~R:\f:Y Baldwin, lfrs. T. A. DETROIT CL-CBS

Y ONDOTEGA CLUB OFFICERS. Philip H. ~Ic:\lillan ...... Chairman. Cameron Currie ...... • ...... Yice-Chairman Frederick l\l. Alger ...... Registrar. Henry Ledyard ...... Bursar. :\IE:\IBERS. .\.lger, Frederick :Vloulton Hecker, Frank Joseph Xewberry, John Stough- Alger, Russell Alexander Hendrie. George ton Anderson, John Wendell Hendrie, George :Muir Xe\Yberry, Truman H. Austin, Frederic George Hendrie. John Strathearn Xichols, John Taylor Avery, John Herbert Hunt, "\\:-etmore Xichols, Edwin Charles Bagley, John Xewbury Hendrie. Strathearn Parker, Arthur :\laxwell Bagley, Paul Frederick Hutchinson, Sidney Pem- Parker. Delos Leonard Barbour, Edwin Scott berton Palms.· Francis narbour, "\Yilliam Tefft Hodges, Charles Hem·y Penrose, Spencer Boynton, Herbert Eugene Hodges, Fredk. "\Yalter Parker. Ed·ward Horatio Brandeth, Franklin Hosmer. George Stedman Parker~ "\\:-alter Robt. Brooks, Alanson Shelf'y Hutchins, Jere Chamber- Phelps,' QliYer Brodie, Benjamin Pitcher lain Pun-es, Austin :\lontgom- Bulkley, Harry Conant .Jennings. Charles Godwin erv Burtenshaw. '\Ym. Hawley .Jerome, Thos. Spencer Pitts, Lendall Campbell, Henry :Monroe .Joy, Henry Bourne Reilly. Cornelius John Campbell, Charles Hotch- Joy, Richard Pickering Remick. Geo. Bradford kiss Keena, James Trafton Riche, Charles Swift Carpenter, Clar<'nC'e Lathrop. Rufus Gillrt Rogers, Robt. Cameron Clark, Emory "\\-en dell LeclYarcl Henn- Brock- Russel. Geo. Howard Clark. Franklin Haven hoist ' . Russel, Walter s Conant, Harry Armitage Ledyard. Henn- Ryan. Frank Gibbs Cowles. Israel Towne L<.'e. Gilbert \Vilson SaYidge. "\\.illiam Church. Frederick Stuart Lothrop. Cyrus Edwin Seyburn. Stephen Young Croul, ·Frank Hobbs Lewis. _-\lexanclrr Ingersoll Stephens. Albert Leete·· Currie, Cameron Lewis. Henry Bridge Stone. Edwin Pearson Cooley. :\Iortimer Elwyn Lydecker, Garrett J. Swift, Chas. :\lay T>ey, Herman :i\Icllillan, Gilbert Xew- ShE>lden. Henry Dusenbury Donnelly, .John Calhoun berry Smith, Ja!i=. Cosslet Douglas, Samuel Town- llc:\Iillan. James Thayer Standart, Henry "\\:-inslow send :\lc:\Iillan. :\Iaurice Beek­ \\""aters. Ducllev E. DuCharme, Charles Albert man \\""alker. Edw. ·chandler DuCharme, Fren. Andrew Heatle,-. Moran. Frederick Toll """ooley, Elijah Smith J~ . :\loor·e. "\\·m. Van \\·orcester. Harry Augus- Gardner, Frederic Wm. :\fuir. "\\.illiam Howie tus Gaylord, Frank nourne :\Iurfin, James Orin Young-, :uorrison "\\""aite

tlusnrll i\rt Q.Tn. 21 Washington Boulevard

Hand Painted China Exclusively. Choice Assortment for Weddings, Club Prizes and Gift Purposes. Best China Paints and Gold. We lnlJite Inspection and Respectfully Solicit your Patronage.



MONROE AND IOWA AVENUES l!::======"THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL AT HOME''======:.! GRAND RAPIDS BLUE BOOK 1912-1913 Editor's Note-Owing to the renumbering of the entire residence section of this City we have exercised the utmost care in making the following list as accurate and reliable as possible. Un­ fortunately the street names have not all been changed at the time of going to press, so in some cases we are forced to use the old address, but in each case the new number is given. _ We wish heartily to thank the City Engineer and his associates for placing the official records of the renumbering at our disposal. DAU PUBLISHING CO.

Grand Rapids Society Alphabetical Index

Adams, Col. and Mrs. Milton B. (Lewis) Alden, l\Ir. and l\Irs. George vV-. 428 ·washington street 31i ,Vashington street Adams, Mr. and Mrs. William M. (Pray) Sum. Res. : Mackinac 5 2 9 Lyon street Mr. Jo R. Alden Adsit, Mrs. Allen C. Aldrich. Mrs. James 400 S •.College avenue · 845 Madison aYenue l\fiss A. l\'Iay Aldrich Adzit, ~Ir. and :Mrs. Henry L. Miss Grace A. Aldrich 152 Prospect avenue Aldrich, Mrs. M. V. Agnew, Mr. and Mrs.:. Jopn K. Y. (Quigley) li2 South College aYenue 325 South Union avenue l\fr. Fred. B. Aldrich Miss Margaret H. Agnew Aldrich, Mr. and ::\-Irs. \\~m. Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. (Innis) 23 X. Lafayette a,·enue 254 James street l\'.Iiss Gertrude Aldrich Miss Olive Ainsworth Aldworth. :\fr. and Mrs. Edward J. Miss Lucille Ainsworth 448 East Fulton street l\fr. C. Bennett Ainsworth Alexander. l\1r. and l\Irs. James G. Albee, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur X. 822 Eastern aYen.ue South 654 Cherry street Miss Frances E. Alexander Albee. :\Ir. and Mrs. A. Le Grande Miss Mabel B. Alexander 213 Henry avenue Alexander. :\Ir. and ::Mrs. Lloyd Alden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles :\1. ( Garrick) South Eastern a \"C'rme 901 Scribner street Miss Kate .\. Alden Allen, :Miss Elizabeth A. T. Miss Gertrude Alden 538 La GraYe street 214 GRAXD Il.!PIDS 215

Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Babcock, :.\Ir. and Mrs. Otis H. 731 Morris avenue 615 Madison avenue Allen. :\Ir. and Mrs. George R. (Miller) :Miss Eugenia Babcock 352 Morris avenue :Miss Mary Louise Babcock Allen, l\Irs. George "\Y. (Fales) Bacon, Mr. and l'Irs. Charles S. (Holden) 315 Cherry street 612 "\\:-indsor terrace Allen, Miss Marina D. Bacon, l\Ir. and :::.\Irs. Charles W". 205 Sheldon avenue 635 S. Vinon aYenue Amberg, Mr. and :Mrs. Abraham M. 238 ~orth Division avenue Baker, Mrs. Sibyl Amberg. l\ir. and :::.\Irs. David M . "Hoffman Flats" . S. College a venue, corner Logan Baldwin, :vrr. and l\1rs. Frank A. !\Ir. Julius Amberg 23-l South College avenue Ames, Mr. and :Mrs. George :\I. (Early) l\Ir. Ralph Baldwin 599 Crescent avenue Baldwin, ~frs. ::.\Ielvin D. (Belknap) Anderson, l\Ir. and :Mrs. "'W"illiam H. 566 South College avenue (Rogers) Ball, Mrs. Anna Hopkins 23 South Lafayette aT"enue "\\·ashington street and :Madison Angell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. aYenue 511 Terrace a venue Bali, l-Iiss Lucy A.nsorge, Mr. and l\:Irs. Edward, .Tr. 900 "\\·ealthy street (Thoma) 4 3 9 Livingston street Ball, :Mrs. Orson A. l\Iiss l\Iary A. Ansorge 309 South College avenue Antisdel, Mr. and l\'.Irs. A. Edwin (Quinn) Barber, :.\Ir. and Mrs. Addison A. 4 Central place 2-13 :\'.Iorris aYenue Sum. Res.: l\Iacatawa Park Barber, l\Ir. and ~Irs. Gordon Receives Thursday "\\:-est Leonard road Antisdel, Mr. and l\lrs. Arthur R. Barber, l\Ir. and Mrs. :\I. H. (Pettit) 638 Coit avenue 1Vest Leonard road Apted, :v.Irs. Alfred M. Recei Yes Thursday "The Hoffman" Barbour, lirs. C. C. Apted. Dr. and :VIrs. Ralph 23 Grand street 4 0 Ransom street Sum. Res.: Ottawa Beach Ardiel, Dr. and l\Irs. Walter )Ir. Harry Barbour 77 Porter Blk. Barclay, :\Ir. and l\lrs. ""arren Y. (Jaquith) Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Denson H. 135 Sheldon aYenue 561 Paris a,·enue Sum. Res.: Trenton Ashley, :Mrs. !\-I. S. 206 Fountain street Barlow, l\Ir. and :::.\:Irs. Heman G :Miss-. l\Ia tie Ashley 321 Lyon street l\Iiss Anna .:\shley Barlow, :\Ir. and :\Irs. John B. Atkinson, lirs. Katherine F. "\\·. Leonard road 342 Cherry street Barnard. )Ir. and :\!rs. B. ~·. Austin, l\lr. and :Mrs. D. B. · 345 Allen street 65 Monroe street l\Iiss Gladys Barnard Austin, l\Ir. and :Mrs. James E. Barnard, :::.\lr. Robert A. 117 Sheldon a,·enue 306 State street Mr. "\Valter S. Austin Barnes, ~Ir. and l-'.Irs. Byron X. (Edmunds) Austin, Mrs. L. H. 402 South "Cnion avenue 245 Barclay street ::.\Iiss Grace Barnes · Avery, Mr. and :::.\Irs. Albert N. :\fr. Berry F. Barnes 147 Island street Barnes. :\Ir. and Mrs. Edward H. A very, l\iir. and l\Irs. X. Fred. (Barstow) · 46 South Lafayette aYenue 40 Jefferson aYenue Barnett. l\Ir. and ::.\iirs. James ~I. (Foote) A:1:ery, :\Ir. and Mrs. Xoyes L. 148 Xorth Lafayette avenue 4 7 Barclay street Mr. James F. Barnett _-:\yer, !\Ir. and M_rs. Charles M. Miss Laura E. Barnett 583 Madison avenue Miss Lucy E. Barnett Mr. AlYan C. Ayer l\Iiss Katharine E. Barnett Avers. :Mr. and Mrs. Archie H. Barnhart. ~Ir. and Mrs. Franklin (Judson) · 743 South College aT"enue \\:-. Leonard road :Miss Florence E. ·Ayers Barnhart, Mr. and :\!rs. lrYing \\:-. 214 Terrace a venue Baars, :\Iiss Annie F. Barnhart, ~Ir. and Mrs. Roy S. (Cody) 407 Fountain street Miss Carolina S. Baars 435 Cherry street l\Tiss Gertrude X. Baars Barnhart. l\Ir. and )!rs. Willard (Putnam) :Miss Mary L. Baars 127 Prospect aYenue 21(i THE SOCIETY BLUE BOO!-..

Barrett, Mr. and :\Irs. James H. (l'.Iasters) Berge, Dr. and :Mrs. F. Emil (Pendell) 731 Paris avenue 235 South Union avenue Barstow, :Mrs. George B. Berl{ey, :\Ir. Charles H. 209 Charles street 228 ::\Iadison avenue Barth, Dr. and l\:Irs. Louis :.\Iiss Mar~- Berkey 14 9 East Fulton street Mr. George Berkey Batdorf, l\Ir. and lfrs. Jacob C. (Reynolds) Berkey, Mrs. Julius 301 James street 1-3 Crescent a,·enue Mrs. Roselie :M. Rickenbaugh Batts, Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Eastern avenue BerrJ·, :Miss Binnie L. Irving Hotel Baxter, Mr. and :\Irs. Alfred 264 Paris avenue Berry, lfr. =:i.nd l\-Irs. Douglas Stratford Arms Baxter, ~Ir. and :\Irs. Frederick L. Alger and l-Iadison aYenue Bertsch, :\Ir. and l\Irs. John (Harley) 538 South College avenue Baxter, Mr. and :\Irs. Harry B. Mr. C. Harley Bertsch Pennell avenue east of Madison :\Iiss Kellie A. Bertsch avenue ::\Iiss Amy L. Bertsch Baxter, Mr. and :Mrs. Solon \Y. Bertsch, :VIr. and :\Irs. Christian CW"alther) 319 ::.\Iichigan street 24 7 Xorth Lafayette avenue Bayne, :\Ir. and Mrs. James :VIiss Cora Loraine Bertsch 704 Terrace avenue Bettes, :Mrs. Darius Mr. James A. Bayne 615 Prince str~et Bechtel, :Mr. and ::\Irs. Thomas F. (:\IcRo:v) l\iiss Lucy :VI. Bettes The Iowa, 158 Oakes street :Miss Annie E. Bettes Beckwith, Mrs. A. B. Miss Vina H. Bettes E. Leonard road Birdsall, :\-Ir. and :\frs. Ira D. :Mr. and :Mrs. Guy A. Beckwith 582 Terrace aYenue lfrs. D. M. Rutherford Bishop, Mr. and :\Irs. J. Clinton Beckwith. M:r. and :\!rs. Charles lI. 421 Paris avenue 616 Kellogg street Bishop, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Loomis K. (Smith) BeckwiC-. :V!r. John B. -157 Paris avenue l >:>tel Pantlind Beckwith. :\1iss Angie :\I. Bishop, :\Ir. W. D. 230 Xorth Ionia avenue 5-!7 Coit a,·enuc :\Iiss Cora J. Beckwith Bissell, :\Irs. ::.\IelYille R.. Sr. :Miss l\linerYa G. Beckwith 114 Sou th College a venue Bedford, :Mr. and l-Irs. Horace G. Bissell, :Mr. and :\Irs. Ir~·ing 329 Xorth College avenue :\.!orris aYenue :\Ir. Frank \\:--. Bedford :\liss Marion Bedford Bissell. :\Ir. and liirs. l:Ieh·ille R .. Jr. 233 :\!orris a,·enue Belden, lfr. and lirs. Oscar E. 935 Sheldon avenue Black. :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. F. D. (Roell) ::\Iiss !Ya ::\I. Belden 335 Eurl'ka aYenue :Mr. Ray l\I. Belden Sum. Res.: Greenville. :Mich. Belknap, Mr. Charles E. Blackman, ::\Iiss Amelia R. 455 Madison avenue 62 La Gra,.-e street lilrs. Bertha Bliss BlaC!kmer, :\Ir. Belknap, l\Ir. and Mrs. Herbert P. 565 South College aYenue 262 James street ::\Ir. Harry E. Chase Miss Frances Belknap Miss Julie Belknap Blair. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles B. 534 Fountain street Bemis. l-Irs. William l\Ir. Charles C. Blair 218 Lyon street ::\fr. Albert \\~. Bemis Blair. ::\Irs. Eliza :\Iiss Emily K. Bemis 111 ::\Iadison avenue :.\Ir. Hugh Blair Bemis, ::.\!r. and lirs. George T. 1111 Madison avenue Blake, :i.\Irs. F. IrYing ( Richmond 1 316 Sheldon aYenue Bender, ~fr. and Mrs. Charles H. (Knapp) 221 South "Cnion avenue Blake, :\-fr. and :\frs. F. L. (Gibson) Benjamin, :\'Ir. and Mrs. John L. (l'.Iurray) 316 Sheldon aYenue · 2 3 9 James street Blake, ::.\.Iiss Ophelia C. :\'.Iiss Anna L. Benjamin 311 Cherr~- street Bennett, Mr. and :\iirs ..Aaron L. (Treat) Blake. :Vlr. and :\-Irs. "'-m. Frederick 511 Ethel avenue 320 South College avenue :\Iiss ,Tennie E. Bennett :\Iiss Ethel Blake liiiss Grace R. Bennett l\Iiss Dorothy Blak~ GRA~rn RAPIDS :.:17

Bliss. :\Ir. and )'.lrs. Emerson "\Ym. Brayton. :\fr. and Mrs. James P. · 350 \'\~ashington street 516 S. College a,;enue ReceiYes Tuesday Brewer, )fr. ::incl l\frs. Joseph H. Blodgett, :\!rs. Delos A. 462 Gay street 411 East Fulton street Briggs, l\-Ir. ::ind :\!rs. Fred. l\L (Stroup) Sum. Res.: Mackinac Island 2-10 Henry street Blodgett, ~Ir. and Mrs. John ,vood Briggs, Col. and l-Irs. ~orge G. (Peirce) (Comnock) 143 X. Lafa~·ette aYenue 401 Chern· street :\-Iiss Frances Peirce Sum. Res.: York Harbor. :\'.Iaine Recei\-es ::.\:Ionday · Brigham, Dr. and Mrs. Homer C. Bacher, Rev. and Mrs. ::.\1arcus L. (Richards) 401 Terrace avenue 515 Fountain street Brooks, l\Ir. and :\Irs. A. E. Recei Yes Tuesday 637 Coit a Yenue ::.\Iiss Julia R. Bocher ::.\Tr. ::.\Tareus D. Brooks Mrs. Theodore F. Richards Miss Beulah Brooks Boer, Mrs. John L. (Rice) Brooks, :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Jay '\\:-. 14 4 Paddock street 901 Fairmont street Boise, Dr. and :.\I rs. Eugene (Chubb) Brooks, :\Irs. Henry A. 5 Elmwood place, Cherry street 11 Hastings street Boltwood. Mr. and )!rs. George S. (Rice) ::.\Irs. Katherine Stiles 1139 .Jefferson aYenue 316 Orchard Hill Sum. Res. : Ottawa Beach Brower. :\Ir. and )!rs . .T. EYerett Miss Ruth G. Boltwood 316 Orchard Hill Boltwood, Mr. and ::.\'.Irs. Lucius ( Comstock) "RiYerside," E street Brown, lir. and :\Irs. ..-\h·ab ·w. (Phillip) l\Ir. Lucius C. Boltwood 501 Paris avenue l\Ir. Chester G. Boltwood Brown. Mr. and :.\-Irs. Alfred J. (Thrasher) Boltwood. :\-Irs. Lucius :VI. (\'\:iJliarns) 521 P::fris aYenue 265 Morris aYenue :\Ir. T. Herschel Brown l\Iiss Elvira "\\". Boltwood Brown. :\Ir. DaYicl H. l\Iiss Fanny H. Boltwood · 216 Xorth Lafayette a,;enue l\Ir. Charles \'\r. Boltwood Brown, :\Ir. and :.\Irs. George W. (Towne) Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund W. 1-15 Clifton place 230 Fountain street Brown, :\Ir. and )!rs. Harvey L. l\Iiss Esther Booth 2 6 Garden street Bostock. :\Ir. and l\Irs. u·illiam B. Brown. l\Ir. and l\Irs. Henry D. · 157 Cherry street 109 Fountain street l\Iiss Jeannette :\:I. Bostock Brown, Mr. and l\'.Irs. Da\·id S. (Yaslo) 635 Cherry street Bosworth,--l\Ir. and l\1rs. 1Villi:im E. :.\liss Marian :\lead 448 Thomas street Brown. :\fr. and lirs. Orrin E. Bowen, l\1r. and Mrs. John E. · 153 Prospect aYenue 332 Jefferson avenue Sum. Res. : Alpine, :\-Iich. :.\Iiss Ada Bowen :Miss Hallie Brown Boyce. :\Irs. Jonathan Brown, :\Irs. Robert S. 333 Sheldon avenue -157 South Cnion aYenue Miss .Jessie L. Boyce Brown, Re,·. Robert \'\-. :.\Iiss Isabel J. Boyce 831 Bridge street X. ~·- Boyns, lir. and l\'.Irs. \'\"'illiam H. 39 :\Iichigan avenue Brubaker, :\Ir. and )!rs.. T. H. 620 Paris aYenue Bradfield. l\lr. and ::.\Irs. Frc>d. Ellsworth 'ill Fountain street Bryant, :\Ir. and :\frs. John Bradfield. :\Ir. and :VIrs. Sidney C. -1 7 Caledonia street 550 Fountain street Bryer, :\Ir. and ~Irs. Charles (Turnbull) Bradfield. Dr. Thomas D. 804 Lake drh"e 216 State street Buchanan. l\-Ir. and l-Irs. Claude R. l\Iiss Helen Bradfield 240 S. Eastern a,enue Bradford. :\1rs. L. J. (Coye) Mr. Claude S. Buchanan · 826 Scribner street Brady, Dr. and :\Irs. John (Boden) Bull, Dr. C. H. 233 Sheldon avenue "The Herkimer" l\Ir. Joseph B. Brady Bullen, Dr. and :\Irs. Charles S. l\Iiss Elizabeth L. Brady -10-1 S. College a \·enue Miss :Marv I. Bractv :\fr. Charles S. Bullen, Jr. Brandt, l\Ir. and Mrs. A.~ H. Bundy, )!rs. l\·lcGeorge (Hollister) 557 Jefferson avenue 535 E. Fulton street Brandt, :;,\Ir. and :Mrs. George W. Mr. Xathan Hollister Bundy 623 Cherry street :\Ir. HarYey Hollister Bundy :\Ir. George V. Brandt :\!rs. Solomon Bundy 218 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Burch, 1\-Ir. and Mrs. Asa F. (Gates) Carpenter, Mr. and l\Irs. X. B. 116 Ransom street 7 4 6 Cherry street Burleson, Dr. and :.\-1rs. Willard M. (Wilson) Carr, :\iir. and Mrs. Harvey 0. 451 Paris avenue 7 2 9 Cherry street Mrs. Ellen E. Wilson Burleson. Dr. and Mrs. John F. Carr, ::\frs. J. C. 328 l\1orris avenue 421 Graham street lfiss Norma M. Husted Buss, Mr. and lfrs. "\"\r. R. Miss Elizabeth J. Husted 445 Paris avenue Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. (Drake>) Carrier, lirs. E. :N. 231 Paris avenue 334 1Voodmere court Sum. Res. : "\"\,"'bite Lake, Mich. Mr. Xewel H. Carrier Mr. Roger C. Butterfield Miss Ruth A. Carrier ):Ir. Isaac L. Butterfield :Vlr. Ralph E. Carrier :.\Ir. Archibald D. Butterfield Carroll, Mr. and :\lrs. Thomas F. Byrne, Mrs. Catharine 24 South Lafayute a,·enue 139 Sheldon avenue lfiss Katherine Carroll Carstens, lfr. and ::\frs. C. "\"\r. Byrne, Mr. and Mrs. John T. 521 Coit avenue 125 South College avenue Miss Elsie Carstens Cary, Mr. and llrs. Lucms :\I. Calder, Mr. and :Mrs. George W. 610 "\"\;--indsor terrace 310 South College a,enue Case, Mr. and Mrs. John D. (Throop) Calder, :.\lr. and Mrs. Robert G. (Bluthardt) 408 Terrace ave11ue 516 Cherry street lliss Frances Case Calkins, :i.\Iiss Anna R. Cassard, Mr. and :Mrs. :Morris 26-:1: State street E. S. College a venue and S. of E. Calkins, Col. and Mrs. Charles W. (Scovel) Fulton street 223 North Lafayette avenue Caukin llr. and Mrs. Lavant Z. (Daniels) · :\Iiss Charlotte 1\raitJCalkins ' 437 South "Cnion aYenue Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Caulfield, :\Ir. and Mrs. George B. 1040 Lake dri\·e 1060 Lake driYe Camburn, lir. and :.\Irs. Charles :\I. 4 8 Portsmouth terrace Caulfield, Mr. and lirs.• John (Eagen) 138 Sheldon aYenue Campau, Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. :Miss Marie Caulfield "The Elmwood," .Cherry street :\Ir. John Caulfield, Jr. Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. Alexander M. (McLean) Cawthra. :\Ir. and l-Irs. Don A. 222 :\Iadison avenue 144 Cherry street Campbell, ::V.Cr. and :.\!rs. Charles ( Sweet) Champlin, l\Ir. and :Mrs. Frederick :VI. 3 2 2 Cherry street 524 Crescent avenue Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Chandler, llrs. Charles (White) 3 7 Prospect a v~nue 209 Logan street Campbell, )Ir. and )!rs. J. Francis Chapel, Mr. and l\Irs. Gurdeon T. (Burch) (Ramsdell) 216 Barclay street 837 Fairmount street Miss Hazel Chapel Chapin, ~Ir. and :\Irs. Frank B. Canfield, Mrs. Clara 624 Cherry street 141 Prospect avenue :Mr. Carl "·heeler Chapin :Miss Adah Canfield :Miss Fidelia. E. Chapin Canfield, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. (Esler) Chase, Mr. Harry E. 642 Evans avenue 565 South College a...-enue Cargill, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Chase, Mr. and :Mrs. Herbert T. 533 Terrace avenue 433 E. Fulton street Cargill, l\lr. and :\frs. Frank K. Plymouth a,·enue near \Yealthy Chene,·, :\Ir. and lilrs. Zerah Yail Miss Yula F. Cargill · 6-:1:3 East Fulton street Cherryman, :Mrs. :Myrtle Koon Cargill, Mr. and Mrs. George T. HO Sh<:>ldon avenue 117 Fairbanks street :\Iiss Gladys Cherryman Carmody, Mrs. Martin H. :\!rs. Percy l'I. Koon 245 S. Union avenue Cherryman, Mrs. W. :\L Caro, Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. 50 Grant street 62 9 Clancy street ~Iiss Pearl Cherryman Carpenter, :.\!rs. Eugene A. :\iliss Lena Cherr,rman 12 Portsmouth terrace Chick, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Carpenter, Mrs. J. R. 849 Scribner street 438 Crescent avenue :Vlr. Glenn Chick GR.!:XD RAPIDS 219

Chickerin~ ~Ir. and Mrs. Frank Cole, )!rs. Edwin L. :f05 :\Iadison aYenue 422 East Fulton street :\,fr. George C. Chickering Cole, llr. and )!rs. Harry S. (Eldrett) Childs, :\-Irs. Frances L. 522 South Lafayette avenue 61 7 Windsor terrace Coleman. )Ir. and )!rs. Frank S. :\Iiss Ida Childs 200 Fountain street Childs, l\Ir. ancl )Irs. Ralph S. Sum. Res.: . Ottawa Beach · 44 Gay street Recei \·es Thursday Chil\·er, l\Ir. and Mrs. Arthur H. ( ,Verner) :\Ir. Rohert Earl Coleman 45 7 Fifth street )Iiss Grace :\I. Coleman Miss Elizabeth ChilYer Collat. )lr.. Julius Church, :\Ir. MelYin B. · 5G3 )Iadison a venue 438 Eastern avenue South Collins. )Ir. and )!rs. Hiram Clapperton_. Mr. and :\Irs. George 132 Eastern ayenue South 317 Xorth Lafayette avenue Collins. )Ir. and :\!rs. Joel :\Ir. Douglas Clapperton · (HO Kl'llogg street Clark. lir. and :::\Irs. Clarence U. :\Ir. Joel Collins, .Jr. 1025 Jefferson aYenue Collins. :\Irs. Robert :\I. Clark, :\Ir. and l\:Irs. Cornelius (Shurtleff) · .59 Ransom street 321 Barclay street Colwell, )Ir. and :\!rs. Charles ~- :\fr. ,Villiam .r. Clark 12i ~- Lafayette a,enue Clark, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Ed\\·ard J. )Iiss :\Iarguerite E. Colwell 118 Paddock street )Iiss ::.\Iil<.lred Colwell Clark, l\Irs. Cora S. Combs. :\Iiss Xellie 137 ,VaYerly place · 109 Fountain street Clark, :\frs. Fred. S. ::.\Iiss Alice Combs 537 Coit avenue Conger, )Ir. and )Irs. Eugene D. :Miss Blanche Clark 504 South College annue Clark, Mrs. :\Ielvin J. (Jewell) Conlon. :\Ir. and )!rs. Francis ( Grady) 1033 Lake driYe 223 Sheldon aYenue Sum. Res. : lfaca tawa Park )Iiss )lay F. Conlon Clark, :Mr. and :\!rs. ""illiam l-I. )Iiss Katherine Con Ion 357 Madison aYf'nue )Iiss Sarah :\I. Conlon Clay, :\Ir. and :\-!rs. George G. (Elliott) 240 South Union aYenue Conklin, )Ir. and )Irs. ,Yilliam P. :i.\Iiss ::.\Iartha E. Clay 144 Auburn aYenue :\Iiss :Marian Clay )Iiss C. Ethel Conklin Clay, :\,!rs. John ( Clark) Cook, )Ir. and )!rs. \Yilliam X. 863 Clancv street 110 La Gr:1Ye street Cleland, :Sirs. Andrew H. Coon, )!rs.. -\.llyn .J. ()IcGrath) 659 Lake driYe 2Q0 Cherr~· street ClC'land, :\Ir. and :\I rs. Rolland J. Coopens, )Irs. P. J. 325 So. Fuller aYenue 1211 Lake DriYe Clements, :\Ir. and :\Irs. E. A. (Johnson) :\Iiss Agnes C. :\-Ioulton 738 South College aYenue Corl, )Ir. and )!rs. Samuel S. (English) 7 Closterhouse. :\-!rs. John \\ • 20!) ~orth College a,enue 1302 ,vealth)· street Corl. :\Ir. and )!rs. ,Yilliam ~- :\Ir. Leon T. Closterhouse 5GG Tt•rrace aYenue 7 Closterhouse. Mrs. John \\ • Recl'i,es Tuesday 1302 WE>altby Street Cor:-:on. )Ir. and )Irs. Robert ·w. l\Ir. Leon T. Cl0~-:.:(•rhouse -123 )Iadison aYenue Coburn, lir. and )!rs. Charles S. ( Smi-::h) )Iiss )Iarguerite Corson 543 South "'Cnion aYenue Coulter. )Ir. and :\!rs. Joseph E. Cody, :\Ir. and )!rs. Lewis P. -1;:;, South 'Cnion a,enue 1008 s. DiYision aYcnuP Sum. Res.: Highland Park )Ir. Douglas Coulter Coffin, :\Ir. and ~lrs. Charles P. )Ir. Joseph E. Coulter. Jr. 604 Paris ayenue CoYode. )Ir. and )Irs. John .A. (Beall) Coffinberry. :\lrs. Andrew B. 458 E. Fulton street 316 Jem~rson aYenuE> Cowlishaw. )Jr. and :\Irs. \\~illiam E. 7 lliss Rebecca .T •. Coffinherr~- • (\\ hite) ::.\Iiss .Julia F. Coffino(•rry 920 Jefferson a,enue Cogshall. )Ir. and )!rs. George E. Cowlishaw. ~Ir. and :\Irs. "\Yilliam C. 7 -11 Clancy street 846 South Lafa~·ette aYenue Coit. )!rs. Charles ,Y. Cox. )Ir. and )Irs. ,Yilliam 8;'.;6 Cherry street 601 Clancey streC't :\Ir. ..\.. )lerrill Coit )Iiss :Mary E. Cox )Ir. Robert H. Coit llr. ""illiam E. Cox 220 THE SOCIETY BLC'E BOOK

Co~·e, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Dean. :\Ir. and llrs. Arthur ·w. (Wheeler) 339 S. College a Yenue 737 lladison avenue Sum. Res.: l\Iacatawa Park, l\Iich. Dean. :\Ir. Harr~- K. Cramer. :\Ir. and :\Irs. John F. 2G Tcrraee an'nue · 39 ::\Iichigan street Deane, llr. and l\Irs. Edward McR. (Clark) Crane. :\Ir. and )!rs. Albert 439 ""ashington street · 147 Prospect aYenue Deane. :\Irs. Charles II. !\liss Gertrude X. Crane 126 'l'l'rrace a wnue Miss Alice GeneYieYe Crane Deane. Mr and lirs. Frank G. Craw, l\fr. Edward L. 262 l\'.Iorris aYenue 632 S. Lnion a,enue l\Iiss liar~· Craw Deane. lir. and :\Irs. Fred licR. :Miss Viola Craw · 438 :\Iadison an•nue l\Iiss Sarah Craw lleem. )lrs. John J. (Phillips) )Ir. Edward S. Craw 201 Summer avenue Crawford, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Edward DeKleine. l\Ir. and J..\Irs. Franklin (:\Iacey) 834 Jefferson a\"enue 1210 K Lafayette aYenue Crawford. :\Ir. and Mrs. Cornelius C. Delano, :\1iss Elizabeth 43J Paris avenue 437 Terrace aYenue Crawford. Dr. and )!rs. Glen A. )Iis::: Grace Delano 527 Paris avenue DeLano. :\Irs. Jane B. Crippen, l\Ir. and :Mrs. Alfred A. 426 Paris a Yenm• 54 Ransom street )Ir. and l\Irs. Edgar B. DeLano Sum. Res. : Harbor Springs Delano. Dr. and )!rs. \Yilliam Miss Bessie Crippen · 510 ~outh l"nion avenue Crosby, Mr. and )!rs. James l\f. (Barnhardt) Denison, )Ir. and l\Irs. .Arthur C. Kent Hills 329 Lyon strC'et Crozier. :Mr. and l\Irs. Ernest A. Sum. Res. : White Lake · 416 Crescent avenue :\Ir. Donald G. Denison Cummings. )Ir. and llrs. Frank (Schmidt) llr. ,Tohn \\". Denison Gll Terrace avenue Dennis. l\Ir. and )!rs. .Akin L. Currie. Mr. and l\Irs. J. (Leitch) · 703 lladison avenue · 110 Hansom avenue The lliss(•s Dennis liiss )label Currie Dennis. l\Ir. and )!rs. Elmer E. (Jenison) Curtis, Mr. and ~Irs. H. "\\,.._ · ti20 )Iadi~on a Yen ue Morris a Yenue _,.Lr. Lero~· E. Dennis Cutcheon. )Ir. Lewis D. Denton. :irrs. D. H. 431 Lyon street · 35, \Yasbington. street :\Irs. John L. Smith DeRutyer. ~:'[rs. Johanna Daane, )Ir. Gilbert L. -:1:52 Prospect aYenue 789 )!orris a venue Dettenthaler, l\Ir. and :\Irs. F. ,T. Daane, Mr. and )!rs. Hubert Hoffman Flats 914 Cas a,·enue Deutsch, :\Ir. and Mrs. Louis (Tefil) Daane, )Ir. )lartin H. 519 South Lafayette aYenue 614 S. "Gnion a venue DeYore, Dr. and :Mrs. James A. Dales. 1\-:frs. Oscar L. 421 Clancy street · 824 Turner street l\Ir. Francis L. DeYore Miss Louise Dales ::\1:iss Hazel DeYore Danforth. Mr. Frank L. Miss Jennie DeYore 127 Sheldon a,enue De"\\~ar, Dr. and :\Irs. Harry D. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. George B. (Nichols) 6 2 0 Sou th College a \·en ue 326 E. Fulton street De"t\~itt, Mr. and l\Irs. Charles A. ~Iiss Nina :\I. Daniels 611 Prospect aYenue Miss Eva Daniels l\Ir. Eugene "·· De\Yitt Davis, Mr. and :\Irs. Charles E. (Bancroft) Dickinson, J..\Ir. and :\!rs. Albert G. 136 S. Fulton avenue (Trumbull) Dans, Mr. and Mrs. Frank l\I. (Haubrich) 28 South Lafayette aYenue 254 E. Fulton street Dickinson, :\ilr. and :\!rs. Henry R. 4 3 2 Thomas street Da,is, l\Ir. and )!rs. Jesse B. :Miss Julia R. Dickinson 546 Fountain street :Miss Irene L. Dickinson Davis, Mr. and )!rs. George A. (Barnard) J..\liss l\'.tary Dickinson 535 Fountain street l\Iiss )iartha R. Dickinson Da,ison. Mr. George H. (Doty) Dodson. Dr. and l\'.Irs. Silas E. 307 La Gra,e strct 1-1:? Prospect a Yenue GIUXD H.\l'ID~

Doornink. :\Irs. Derl~ J. Earle, ::i.\Iiss Emily A. 81 Fair a\"enue 226 South Cnion aYenue Doornink. :\Ir. and :\!rs. '\Ym. F. C. :\Iiss Kate ~I. Earle 6 Packard street :\Ir. Lawrence C. Earle Doornink. :\ilr. and l\Irs. Rudolph Eastman. ~Ir. and :\Irs. ,1:m. H. 632 Hawthorne street 53, South College an.•nue l.>oran, :\Ir. Thomas Ea ton, :.\frs. Homer 210 Summer a Yenue 24-1 Barclm· :-:tred ::\fiss Julia Y. Doran liiss :\Iar~· Eaton l\'liss ::.\Iargaret P. Doran Eaton. :.\Ir. and :\!rs. James A. (Xewell) Doring, l\Ir. and :Mrs. S. F. (Rodger!-i) 709 Cherry street 'il-1 South DiYision a\"enue :\fiss l\Iary Xewell Eaton Doty, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Payson l\i. Eaton, :\Irs. "-m. T. 216 Sheldon a\"enue 212 Chern· ~trE>et ~nss Carrie· Belknap Dowling, :\Ir. George P. E: 3-12 Paris a\"enue Eddy, l\Ir. and :\Irs. F. D. (Booth) 227 La Gra\"e street Do~·Ie, Judge and :\Irs. Emanuel J. ~1iss Gene,·ie\"e Eddv 328 Auburn a\"enue :\Ir. William EddY . :\Ir. Martin Doyle :\iiss Ruby EddY. Doyle, 1\-Irs. John :.\Ir. Charies Edd,· 2-13 S. Cnion a\"enue :\Ir. Salem Eddy. Drake, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Sidney B. Eddy, Dr. E,·erett H. 36 Gay street Michigan a\"enue :\Iiss l\Iarjorie Drake Eddy, l\Ir. and :\!rs. Yas~ H. Draper, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Morris B. (Brown) 3 3, Henry street 814 Cherry street Eddy, l\Irs. Priscilla Driggs, :\Irs. Anson T. 1107 South Dh·ision an•nue 548 Fainiew aYenue Edge. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frank l\Ir. and :\Irs. George S. Driggs , 12 :\Iadison a ,·enue l\Ir. Albert E. Driggs Edie. Dr. J. Orton Driggs. l\Ir. and ),!rs. Martin J. · 15 Terrace a Yenue 326 S. College a\"enue Edwards. Dr. and llrs. E. G. (Edwards) ·512 Xorwood a,·enue Drollinger, Dr. and .Mrs. Schuyler F. (Rudt'r) Edwards, Dr. A. H. 701 Paris a\"enue -13, \\~. Leonard street :\Ir. Ho,Yard B.· Drollinger Eisenhardt. :Mr. and :\Irs. Jacob (Hess) Drueke. :Olr. and :\Irs. ,Ymiam 526 LiYingston stre<'t 116 Summer a,·enue liiss Esther Eisenhardt :\Iiss Sophie Eisenhardt Drueke, )Ir. and :\frs. ,nlliam, .Tr. Mr. Russell J. Eisenhardt 120 Grand ..n·enue EJgin, :\Ir. :uarshall D. Drummond. l\Ir. and l\Irs. J. H. ~2-1 Charles str(:et -113 Cass a\"enue Elliott, :.\Ir. and :.\Irs. \\:--. E. Dudle~·. l\Irs.. James ::u. The LiYingston 60 Eastern a \"enue South :\fr. :irnton L. Elliott Dudley, :\Ir. Gordon C. Emery, :Mr. and ::.\:Irs. \\-m. S. 1148 Sigsbee street 420 South College a ,·enue Duffy, l\Ir. and l\Irs. John Enos, :\Ir. Russell J. 20 Gay street 610 Fountain street Dunham, :VIrs. '\Villiam :\Ir. Frank Enos 239 Cherry street 1\.Iiss Kate Enos Dunn, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Thomas ~~- (Halsted) E,·erett, :\Ir. and Mrs. James C. ( Darn hart) 617 Cherry street 43 S. Union avenue :\Iiss :Mabel Dunn Dunton, lfr. and :.\Irs. George B. Ewing, :\[r. and :\Irs. A.1'·in E. ( Bailey) 613 Cherry street 34., Charles street :\Ir. George B. Dunton, Jr. Dykema. l\Ir. and ;.\frs. Frank L. (Granb::) Fairchild, :.\Ir. and :\Irs. Harry E. (Ford) 725 Fountain street 2-12 EastPrn a Yenue ~outh !\!rs. \Y. H. Granby Fairchild. ::.\Irs. Henn· B. Dykema. :\fr~. :Minnie- \\,.._ 54 0 '\Veal th~: street 3-11 South Lafayette aYenue F'allass. ::.\Irs. Henn· B . . 219 Ransom street Earle, Dr. Elizabeth ~iiss Florence Fallass -146 L~·on street FeJkc>!". l\Irs. Henr~· J. Earle, l\Ir. and ~Irs. J. I!Mward 22, James street 301 Fountain _street Sum. Res.: Highland Park. :inch. 222 THE SOCIETY BLuE BOOK

Ferdon, l\Ir. and :Mrs. John W. Fox. :\Ir. and :\'!rs. \\:--m. R. 555 South College avenue 135 Prospec-t avenue :\Ir. John Ferdon :Miss Xellie H. Fox Findlater, Mr. and Mrs. \\:--. S. Freeman, :\-Ir. and :!.\Irs. Thomas S. 271 South Union avenue 260 State street ::\Irs. Louise A. Orcott Miss Jane Freeman Fink, Mr. and l\Irs. Charles E. Freeman, l\Ir. and :Mrs. \\:--illiam L. 123 North Union avenue (Graham) Fisher, Mr. and lfrs. Chauncey H. 62 3 Kellogg street (Failing) :\Iiss ::\Iargaret Fr<•eman 565 :Madison ayenue :\Iiss Doris Fr~eman Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. (Rood) Friant, :v.Ir. and Mrs. Thomas 565 Madison avenue 607 Cherry street Mr. John E. Fisher Frick, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mr. l\Iorris B. Fisher 109 Paddock street l\Iiss Margaret E. Fisher Friedman. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Adolph Fitch, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Charles L. (Searls) 342 Richard terrace 55 ~orth "Gnion avenue Friedman, :\'Ir. and l\lrs. :Morris liiss H. E. Searls 212 S. Union a Yenue l\fr. Charles C. Searles Friedrich. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Herman Fitch, :\I rs. George E. 701 Livingston aYenue 231 Jefferson avenue Friedrich, :\fr. and ::\Irs. .fiugo C. W. l:liss Louise M. Fitch 608 FairYiew avenue Mr. George E. Fitch F:iedr.i<"'h. Mr. and :\!rs. ,Julius A. J. Fitch, Mr. :M. L. 7G6 Livingston aYenue 10-10 Lake drive Friedrich, :\:Ir. and :i\Irs. Julius A. J., Jr. FitzGerald. ~fr. and Mrs. Edward (Balbach) 417 Washington street 638 Coit aYenue :\Ir. J. \\~atson FitzGerald Friedrich, :\-Ir. and l\frs. Otto P. T. ::\Iiss May C. FitzGerald (\\7unsch) Fitzgerald. l\Ir. and Mrs. Gerald 732 Hawthorne street 130 Jefferson avenue Frincke, Re\". and Mrs. C. J. T. (Birkmer) Fletcher, :\Ir. and Mrs. Edgar A. (Seabury) 338 Xorth Division avenue 2-18 Hollister street :\iirs. Frieda Frincke :Mr. Rudolph l\tl. Frinclie Follmer, :Mr. and :i\'Irs. Chas. Carroll -165 Fountain street Frost, :\Ir. and :\Irs. _.\lexander B. 636 Kellogg street Foote, Mr. and l'.lrs. Elijah H. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Stoel :\I. Fro~t 505 Lyon street :\Iiss Phebe A. Frost Foote, Mr. and l\Irs. F. Stuart Frost, lVIr. and Mrs. Charles L. 2 6 5 Orchard Hill 627 Fountain street Forbes, Mr. and :\Irs. David (Squires) 650 Hawthorne street Frost, :i\Ir. and 2-\Irs. :\iial"l:us A. Sum. Res.: Sylvan Beach 68 l\It. Vernon street Force, Mr. and M:rs. Wilbur S'um. Res. : J eni::5on Park 502 Terrace avenue Frost, :\Ir. and Mrs. Shepherd P. (Haines) Ford, :\Ir. and Mrs. .Arthur :\I. GrandYille, :\Iich. 100 S. Fuller a,enue Fryett, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Frank C. (Reschke) Ford, Mr. and :\frs. E. W. 1059 Terrace aYenue 146 Xorth College avenue Sum. Res.: Ottawa Beach :\-Ir. H. E. Ford Fuller. :\Ir. and l\Irs. Philo C. Mr. Irving Ford 40 Xorth Lafayette avenue Fowle, :Mr. and :\frs. \\:--m. H. (Stiven) :\Ir. Edward Fuller 1905 :\Iadison avenue Fuller, Dr. and .Mrs. ,Ym. (\\"'ickham) :\Ir. 1Ym. Fowle 637 Fountain street :\Ir. W. Stuart Fowle ::.\Iiss liaud Fuller Fox, ~fr. and ::\Irs. Charles (Hinsdill) :\Ir. Rodolphus "\'\'."'. Fuller 4 5 9 Cherry street l\fr. Rodolphus Fuller Fox. :\-Ir. and ::\Irs. Hiram Fuller. :\Irs. \\"'m. D. 409 Lyon street -139 Eastern aYenue South ::.\Tiss Hester Fuller Fox, :i.\-Ir. Jesse W. :\Ir. John E. Ful!er 723 Scribner strC'et Furman, :\Ir. and :VIrs. James E. Fox. :\Ir. Perrin V. 5 :3 3 Scribner street 219 Lyon street Fyfe, :\Ir. Andre\Y Fox, l\lrs. Samuel 439 Prospect avenue 361 LeGrave street :\Irs. Richard Fvfe Franchot. Mr. and :Mrs. Richard H. ( Stott) :\Ir. Alexander Fyfe 511 \\""ealthy street :\Iiss Alexia Fyfe GRAND RAPIDS

Ganson, :\Ir. and :\Irs. C. VanCleve GraYes, Dr. Schuyler C. 60 Xorth College avenue 522 South Lafayette avenuE> Receives Tuesday Sum. Res. : Spring Lake, ::\Iich. Garfield, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles "\V. Greene, Mr. and :\!rs. Anson (Carpenter) 200 Burton a venue 47 X. -Union aYenue Receives Friday Greene, :\Ir. and :\'.lrs. Alfred N. Garratt, lir. and :\Irs. Thomas F. 13 5 Lyon placA 15 O Jefferson a venue Greenbaum, :\Ir. and ::\-Irs. Arnold Mr. Charles Garratt 500 South Union avenue Gan·ey, lfr. and l\Irs. · Percival B. (Jenks) Greeson. Mr. \\-·m. A. "The Herkimer" · 37 South College a"\"enue Receives lionday Gregory, ~Ir. and ::.\oirs. Arthur E. Gay. l:Irs. Hiram T. 1219 Cass avenue 643 Hawthorne street :Yiiss :\Iartha Gay 1Jregory. :\Irs. James D. 1015 Sigsbee street Gay, l\Irs. Stephen S. (~·heeler) 249 State street Greulich, ::.\Iiss Louise · 10:3 Xational aYenue Ga:r. :\Ir. and :VIrs. ~rm. H. :.\!rs. Charles J. Greulich 422 East Fulton street Griffin, :\Ir. and ~!rs. Thomas Gibson. :\Ir. and :VIrs . ..-\. Blake (:\Iowat) 54 7 ::.\Iichigan street · 522 Paris avenue Griffith, :\Ir. and :Mrs. W. R. Giddings, :\Ir. and :Mrs. D. ,vanace 2 21 Cherry street 322 South "Gnion avenue Grinnell, ~Ir. and :\frs. Charles L. Gillett, ~:Ir. and lfrs. Orville ..-\. (Reynolds) 45 Xorth College avenue 851 Sigsbee street :Miss Olh·e Grinnell :\lrs. P. :i\-1. :Malcolm ::.\Iiss Ruth Grinnell Gleason, :\Ir. and :VIrs. Clark H. (Robinson) Griswold, Dr. Joseph B. 700 ::.\-Iadison a,·enue 238 Xorth Lafayette avenue Godfrey, :\Iiss May L. :\Iiss Grace H. Griswold 119 East Fulton street Groesbeck, :\Ir. Edward C. Godfrey, :Mrs. Silas F. 256 Paris avenue 22 East Park olace ::.\Iiss Katherine Groesbeck l-1 iss Florence Godfrey Groskopf, :\fr. and :\!rs. "\"Villiam (Hauser) Goetz, :\Ir. and ~!rs. Adolph 433 Livingston street 145 l\Iichigan a,0 enue )Iiss Hazel :\-I. Groskopf :i\Iiss Y era Goetz )liss Ada L. Groskopf Goldsmith, :\Irs. John ( Comstock) Grove, Hon. and :\!rs. Wm. E. (Caswell) ~ 5 8 :\Iadison a \·enue 226 Xorth Lafayette avenue Gonzalez, :VIr. and :\!rs. Jose A. :.\Ir. "\Ym. l-1. Gro•re 245 Paris avenue Miss Carrie R. Grove Recei\·es Monday Mrs. Caroline Caswell G•.>odman, :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Addison S. Grover, :\!rs. Harrison P. 5 5 Prospect a ,·enue 3 7 7 Benjamin t&£race Goodman. l\Iiss Clara :\I. Haftenkamp, :Vlr. and :Mrs. Hubert 318 Barclay street ( Slabecord) l\-Iiss .Julia E. Goodman 515 Prospect avenue :\Iiss Sarah B. Goodman :.\Iiss Alice Haftenkamp Goodrich, l\Ir. and !\Irs. Eugene C. (Long) 517 Paris avenue IIaft0nkamp, :\Iii:-s ~ellie K. 1206 Logan street Goodspeed. l\Ir. and l\Irs. John ~·- 568 Madison avenue Haggerty. l-Irs. \\·m. H. 533 Crescent aYenue Goodspeed, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Theron H. :\Iiss Lillah :\I. Haggerty (Champion) l:Iiss Frances Haggerty 4 2 7 Cherry street Sum. Res. : Highland Park, Grand Hake: :\Ir. and l\Irs. Albert \\r. (Berles) Haven, :\lich. 207 ::.\olt. Yernon street Gorham, Mr. arnd :\Irs. Frederick .-\. Hake, :Mr. and l-Irs. Edward A. (Conger) 659 Innes street Kent Hills road Hake. :\Ir. and :\Irs. \\:''illiam !\Iiss Virginia Gorham 2-16 Ransom street Goss, lilrs. Dwight Hake, Dr. and l-Irs. "\Yilliam F. (Voigt) 21 Xorth "C"nion avenue ;) 7 6 Sou th College a \·enue Graham, ReY. ~ncl Mrs.. John Recei ,·es Tuesday 905 Fairmount street Hall, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Charles H. l\Ir. \\.illiam S. Graham 1563 w·ealthy streC't Granger, l\Ir. ~~ill Hall. :\[rs. Ferdinand A. Stratford Arms 227 James street 224 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Hall, Mr. Sberwoocl Hauser, :\·Ir. Charles A. 416 South Lafayette a,·enue 151 Gold street Mr. Marcus Hall Hawkins, Mr. Lewis E. Mr. James L. Hall 55 Prospect aYenue Mr. Sherwood Hall, Jr. :.\Irs. Julia H. ::\Iarsh l\1r. Vi\·ian Hall Hayden, Mr. Stewart Halsted Mr. and Mrs. Charles X. (Snyder) The Herkimer ' 340 South "C'nion aYenue Hayes, l\iir. and Mrs. S. V. R. Hamilton, Mr. and )frs. Claude T. (Hills) 562 Terrace aYenue 37 Terrace aYenue Hayes, Mr. and l\lrs. U. S. (Loring) Hamilton, Mrs. P. L. 148 Grand aYenue 132 North Lafayette aYenue Miss Elizabeth Hayes Miss Agnes Yan Buren Miss X ellie Hayes l\iiss Frances Van Buren l\iiss Helen Hares Hamilton, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Eugene A. HaYes. l\tlr. ·and :Mrs. \\"'m. R. 573 South College aYenue • · 1030 Terrace avenue :\tiiss Jeannette Hamilton Mr. Joseph H. Hamilton Hazeltine. Dr. and l\Irs. Charles S. 203 John street Hamilton, ·Mr. and Mrs. George ,v. (Edwards) Hazeltine, :\!rs. Ella Y. 127 Packard street 216 Henry street Miss E. Estelle Hazeltine Hamilton. l\ilr. and )Irs. James L. :\Iiss Josephine Hazeltine · (Burlingame) 233 Madison avenue Heald, :Mr. and )frs. Henry T. 55 Barelay street Hanchet. l\Iiss Lizzie R. ·224 Henry street Heald, Mrs. J o.seph 53S l\ladison aYenue Hanchet, :l\Ir. and l\Irs. Benj. S. ::\frs. Joseph "\V. Heald Cor. 1v·ealthy street and Plymouth avenue Heath, :\Ir. Ferr~- K. 315 Paris avenue Hanes, Mr. and :\!rs. Daniel (DeCarnp) 517 Fairview aYenue Hefferan, Mr. and Mrs. George (Backus) 126 :Xorth Lafayette aYenue Hannah, Mr. and )lrs. Alfred Eastern aYenue South, near Bur­ Hefferan, :\Ir. and Mrs. T. W"illiam (Fuller) ton avenue 648 Fountain street Hardv, Mr. and Mrs. Will G. Hefferan. :\Ir. and ::\'.Irs. Thomas • (Herpolsheimer) ·519 Paris aYenuE:. 651 Parkwood street Sum. Res.: EastmanYille, Mich. Miss l\Ian· Hefferan Harrington, Mrs. Eli F. (Instructor Ch'icago University) 115 lit. Yernon street Heinzelman, ::.\'Ir. and l\iirs. George J. Hart, l\Ir. and )Irs. George Vi:--. (Holiday) (Carsters) 415 Pleasant street 523 LiYingston street Hart, l\lr. and Mrs. Joseph S. (Spitz) l\'.Ir. Edwin G. Heinzelman 2 61 South College a Yenue Henion, l\Ir. and Mrs. Daniel (Higgins) Mrs. F. Spitz 819 Terrace aYenue Hartlev. ReY. and )Irs. R. H. (D.D.) Herkner. l\Ir. J. C. · · (Hammond) · 264 State street 310 ,v·ashington aYenue :Miss Elizabeth Herkner Sum. Res.: Edgewood, ::\-Iich. l\Iiss Anna R. Calkins Mr. "\"\ralter E. Hartley Miss Ada :\I. Hartley Herold, :Mr. and ::\-Irs. A 1otazo (Bole) 263 Charles street Han·ey, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. (Miller) Mr. Clifford A. Herold 310 :Madison aYenue Miss Verna R. Herold Harve)·, Mr. and :\lrs. Frank A. (Leonard) Herpolsheimer. Mr. and :i1rs. Henry B. 444 S'outh Lafayette aYenue 119 :Xorth Lafayette aYenue Hatch. Mr. and ~frs. Albert L. (Hoster) l\Ir. Heinrich Herpolsheimer · 12 7 Waverly place Herpolsheimer. Mr. "\"\:-illiam B. Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. (W'"illiamson) 347 Jefferson aYenue 336 LaGraYe street Herpolsheimer. Mr. and ::\Irs. ·wm. G. Mr. Cyrus F. Hatch. Jr. 540 Crescent aYenur Hatch, l\Ir. Reuben Mr. Ralph C. Herpolsheimer . The Hoffman, 68 Ransom street l\Ir. Christian Herpolsheimer Hathawav. Mr. and :\Irs. B. A. Herrick, !\Ir. and )Irs. Edwin J. (Terrell) 832 \\,.ealthy street 265 Paris a\·enuc Haugh, Mr. and 1\1:rs. Da,id S. He,·man, :\Tr. and :\!rs. :Morris A. 527 Terrace avenue · 317 South "Cnion aYenue Mr. Clarence D. Haugh l\'.Iiss Clara Vi.... Heyman GR.\:XD R..\.rIDS

Heystel{, l\ilrs. Henry J. Holt, :\Ir. and :i\-Irs. H. Gaylord 333 Paris avenue 6 7 5 Lake street Hicks, :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Albert S. (Wicl{s) l:Iiss Carol li. Holt 304 Madison a v.mue Holt, :\-Ir. and :\!rs. John C. ( Gilbert) Higgins, l\Ir. and :\'Irs. George H. 5 0 X orth Lafayette a \·enue 1435 Robinson road liiss Elizabeth Holt ::\Iiss Ila Higgins :\Iiss Belle Gilbert Holt :.\Iiss Kate Gilbert Holt Hill, :\Ir. and :\[rs. Han·ey E. 7 -1-1 Clwn·-~ strc.1t Holt, !\'Ir. and Mrs. Samuel A. (Easton) 443 Xorth Ionia aYenue Hilliker, Dr. and )Irs.. John B. ::.\Iiss Emily E. Holt 701 South Lafayette aYenue :\-Iiss Blanche Hilliker Homiller, :\'.Ir. John P. 2 5 Jefferson a n,~1 ue Hilliker. :\Ir. Chas. F. · 730 Fountain street Hompe, :\Ir. and llrs. Alexander W. 2 3 South Colkge a \·enue Hills, Mr. and :\Irs. Clarence R. (Smith) :Miss Marjorie Hompe 3~5 :.\Iad.ison aYenue Hood, :\Ir. and :\Irs. George P. Himes. :\fr. and )Irs. Albert (:\lunger) 602 Pleasant street 265 :Madison a nmue ::.\Iiss Lois Himes Hoogesteger, )[r. and :\!rs. :\I. D. 1971 South DiYision aYenue Himes, :\fr. and l-Irs. John :\I. (Pulcher) 232 S. Union aYenue Hooker, :\Ir. ancl lirs. Charles B. 60!) .Jefferson an•nue Hine, :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Albert ,v. , 5 2 :\!orris a \"en ue Hooker, Dr. and ~Irs. Charles E. (Pratt)- :\'Iiss Marion E. Hine 116 South Gnion aYenue Hine, :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. • Frank \'i."'. Hopkins, ::.\Irs. S. L. (Rathbone) 331 Carlton ,.n·enue 400 \Yashington street :\Iiss C. R. Hopkins Hinman, Dr. and )fr::;. S. D. 133 Library street Horner, ::\Ir. and llrs. Jos<'ph ( Knowlson) 243 Ransom street Hinsdill, :\Irs. Chester B. )Ir. Abram Horner -15 9 Cherry street :\Ir.. Joseph Horner. Jr. Hodges. :VIr. and :Mrs. Alonzo X. :\Ir. R. Kenneth Horner 719 Kellogg- street Hosken, l-Ir. and :Mrs. Harry E. :\fr. Edward Hodges 837 Fairmount street :\[iss Florence L. Hodges Hosken, l\Ir. and :\!rs. Juhn H. (Baker) Hodges, :\fr. and :i.\1rs. .T olm A. S3 S Cherry street 713 Kellogg street :\Ir. John C. Hosken Hoertz, :\Ir. and :\Irs. °"'· C. (Ross) Hoult. :\Ir. and :VIrs. John C. 11-~2 Lake drive · 417 LiYingston street Hoffman, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles J. House, Dr. and :\Irs. J. 1Yard (Shepard) 1-lll East Fulton street 257 )!orris a,·enue ::.\Iiss Amelia Hoffman :Miss Caroline Hoffman Houseman, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Henry L. :\Iiss Harriet C. Hoffman 3:22 ::.\Iadison aYenue :\Ir. Charles J. Hoffman, Jr. Houseman. ::.\Irs. Joseph (Rose) Hoffman. :\Ir. and ::.VIrs. C. H. The Loraine Hoffman Flats Sum. Res. : Ottawa Beach Hogadorn'', l:Ir. and ::.\Irs. E. D. :\Ir. Henry lI. Houseman 101 Jefferson aYenue HoYey, :\Ir. and :VIrs. Charles Taylor lliss Clara E. Hogadone 539 Paris aYenue " :\liss Irma Hogadone Howard, :\Ir. and )!rs. James B. (Bushnell} Hollister. Mr. and :\!rs. Clay H. ( :\Ierrick) 4 79 Fountain street 521 East Fulton street ::\Iiss Ellen B. Howard Holmes. :\Ir. and :\!rs. A. L. (.\Ibey) Hoyt, ::.\Irs. Edwin. Jr. (Knight) · 518 \\:-ealthy street 14 South 'Cnion avenue :\Ir. Alvin P. Holmes Hubbard, :\Ir. and Mrs. E. F. (Radcliffe), l-Iiss Alice Holmes 157 Xorth 1.:nion aYenue Holmes. l-Iiss Elizabeth A. liiss Rena Hubbard 3 3 8 Jefferson a Yenue Hubbard. ::\frs. l:I. A. Holmes, :Vlr. and :\Irs. Judson D. ( Bush) 252 liaclison aYenue 7 4 6 Cherry street Huggett. lir. and lirs. ~I. C. Holt. Dr. and ~Irs. Charles H. (Fox) 338 °"·ashington street 103 :\It. Vernon street :\fr. Sheldon Holt Hughart. :\Ir. and l\Irs. John H. P. l\fr. Boice Holt ()Iorrison) :\'Ir. Philip l\L Holt 461 East Fulton street Holt, :\Ir. and ~Irs. Charles S. Hughart, :\Ir. and llrs. \\·m. Oden, Jr. 5-t:~ South Lafayette avenue 302 East Fulton street 226 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

ECONOMY DYE. HOUSE FRENCH DRY CLEANERS, EXPERT DYERS NETIOYAGE ;_ SEC. Fancy Dyeing of Ladies' and Gents' Garments and Household Goods. We Dye Carpets, Make Buttons All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Goods Called for and Delivered. Prompt Service OFFICE 150 E. FULTON STREET BOTH 'PHONES 2424 WORKS 147-149 LOGAN STREET, 445 JEFFERSON A VENUE


Entrance on 34th St. S. E. Comer Phone Opposite Altman' s Madison Square 4785

Hughes, ~Irs. Charlotte S. (Smith) Husted, :Miss Korma :.\1. 20 :North College avenue . 4 21 Graham street Hughes, Mrs. Lucy S. Miss Elizabeth J. Husted 71 Prospect avenue Hyde, Mr. and l\frs. Wesley W. (Powell) Hull, Mr. and :v.Irs. Charles E. 325 East Fulton street 111 Davis a·venue Hyland, )Ir. and Mrs. l\I. (Minogue) Miss Edna l\:'.C. Hull 443 Sheldon avenue Miss Anna Hyland Hull. Mr. V\Tilliam S. Hyman, Mr. anu Mrs. Robert Bosworth · 109 Fountain street ( Xickerson) Hulst, Dr. and Mrs. Henry (Steketee) 415 Paris a,·enue 100 Fountain street Miss Jane Bosvi.-orth Hyman Hummer, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Mr. Frederick X. Hyman 407 :Madison avenue Miss Katherine A. Hummer Idema, Mrs. C. F. · Miss :Marguerite Hummer 35.2 Auburn avenue Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Idema, l\Ir. and Mrs. Henry 41 Eastern avenue South 103 South College avenue Hunt, l\!r. and Mrs. Edward H. Sum. Res. : Betchwood on Black 253 Madison avenue Lake Miss Helen Hunt Mr. Chester Frederick Idema ( Coun­ Hunt, Mrs. James A. try Club) 4 80 Crescent a yenue l\Ir. Walter D. Idema (Country Club) Hunt, Mrs. Simeon Mr. Ed·ward H. Idema (Country 244 Paris avenue Club) Miss Anna I. Hunt Clubs. :\:'.Cr. Country Club--l\Irs. Lit­ erary Club Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. John ~r. Immen. Mr. Frederick 338 Washington street 35 Korth Lafayette avenue Hunting, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ~r. Innis, Dr. and )!rs. J. Harvey 254 South College avenue 145 South Lafayette avenue Mrs. Isaac Hunting Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. E. w·. Mr. David D. Hunting 350 Sycamore street GRA.XD RAPIDS

Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. R. \\.... Jordan, Mr. and l\Irs. H. S. 523 Terrace avenue 230 Cherr~- street Irwin, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Joslin, Miss ~lary E. 546 \Yealthy street 326 South College avenue Irwin, Mr. W"illiam W. Judd, :Mr. and :\Irs. Charles B. 813 Madison avenue 4 4 5 Cherry street :\Iiss Lucile M. Ir\\ In Sum. Res.: Ottawa Beach Jack, :\Ir. and :Mrs. \\r. A. Judd, Mr. and l\Irs. Elliot E. ( Clay) 619 Terrace avenue 129 Xorth College avenue Judd, 1\-Ir. George H. Jackson, Dr. and l\Irs. Edwin R. 102 "\Yaverly place E. Leonard road Judkins, Judge and :\Irs. J. Byron (Haskin) Jacob~-. Mrs. Julius 639 Kellogg street 2 5 9 Jefferson a venue l\fiss La Verne :\Iargaret Judkins Mr. Louis Jacoby Judson, l\Ir. and :\!rs. Karl S. ( Osband) l\Ir. Henry ,Jacoby 2 4 8 l\iorris a venue :\1iss Flora Jacoby Judson, Mr. and :\Irs. \\"illiam (Barnhart) Miss llinnie Jaco by 225 Fountain street .Tames, :\Iiss Alice l\I. Justin. :\Ir. and :Mrs. Charles A . 15 7 Clifton place. · 1011 Scribner street Jandorf, l'Ir. and Mrs. Charles S. :\!rs. P. lI. Thomas (Greenbaum) 318 Paris anmue Kalmbach. lir. and :!.\Irs. John G. Receives Thursday 622 Fairview a venue Jan·is, Mr. and lirs. \\... illiam· B. Karkle, l\Irs. Ella 724 Cherry stn.et 447 l-Iadison avenue l\!iss Bernice E\·ans Keate, l\Ir. and lfrs. Edward J. liiss Beatrice Evans 427 Thomas street Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. R. (Judson) :VIiss Florence Keate 1117 Lake drive Keegan, l\Ir. and lfrs. James E. Jenks. l\'.Irs. Samuel Bu~.hnell 930 Jefferson avenue The Herkimer Keeler, Mr. and :.\Irs. l\L S. Jennings, l\Ir. and Mrs. Albert 227 South College a,·enue . 539 Scribner street Mr. Isaac S. Keeler Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Charles \\r. (Holley) Keeler, Mr. and :Mrs. Isaac H. 426 S. Lafayette a,·enue 403 S. College avenue l\'.Ir. C. \\.... Jennings, .Jr. Keeney, l\Ir. and Mrs. 1Villard F. (Morton) Jewell, Mr. and :\!rs. Frank 32 South Lafayette avenue 44 7 South College a,·enue Kelly, Mr. and :\Irs. Charles A. :\Ir. E. Alden Jewell 117 LaGrave street Miss Agnes Jewell l\Ir. Brace Kelly l\Ir. Edward A. Jewell Kellogg, Mr. and llrs. R. B. Jewell, :\fr... and Mrs. George K. 32 South "Cnion avenue Paris township Kellogg, l\Ir. and :\Irs. Truman (\\... ebber) Jewell, Judgs and Mrs. Harry D. 230 Xorth Lafayette avenue 262 Hollister street Miss Abi E. Kellogg Jewell, llr. and Mrs. John E. Kellogg, Mr. and lirs. Orson C. 535 James street 754 South Fuller avenue Johnson, Mr. and lfrs. Jacob C. (Fraser) Kelsey, l\Ir. and lfrs. Charles B. (Atwater) 501 LeGrave street 300 \\·ashington street Johnston, l\Ir. and l\Irs. Andrew \\~. Sum. Res.: Eastmanville. Mich. (DeYoe) Miss. Anne F. Kelsey 422 Xorth avenue Kendall. ::\Irs. David \\:--. (Miller) Johnston. Dr. and Mrs. Collins H. 145 Fountain street 34 7 Madison avenue Mrs. llary A. lliller Sum. Res.: Ottawa Beach Kendall, :\Ir. and Mrs. George T. ~fiss Carrie E. Johnston Coit road Mr. George S. J uhnston Kennedy. l\1r. and lfrs. Alexander Johnston, l\Ir. and Mrs. \\rill1am T. 303 liadison avenue 901 South Ionia avenue Mr. Alexander Kennedy, Jr. l\Iiss Jessie E. Johnston l\Ir. \Yilliam A. Kennedy Jones. Mr. C. \\·. l\fiss Bessie L. Kenn<>d,· 34 S ..Tefferson a,·enue Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. \\·imam J. (Fuller) :Miss Jean Jones 1061 Lake drive •Tones. llr. and ~'.Irs. E. Berkey ( ~chaefer) Kenning. :\Ir. and Mrs. John E . 670 Scribner street 55G South College avenue Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene ,Y. Dr. J. C. Kenning 252 Paris avenue KeyE-s, ~Ir. and Mrs. Da,·id E. (.\rmcs) Jones, :\Iiss Helen E. 315 State street 344 ~Vashington street Miss Edla S. Keyes Miss Elizabeth Jones Killean, :\-Ir. and :\Irs. John l\Iiss C~·nthia D. Jones 432 Clancy street Jones. :\Ir. and llrs. \\... illiam H. l\Ir. E

Kimball, :Mrs. George C. Lawrence, :\Ir. John S. 452 Fountain street 307 East Fulton street Mr. Harry Kimball Leathers, :\1rs. ::\Iary J. Kimball, lir. and Mrs. l\.f. C. 33 Sheldon avenue 606 S. Lafayette avenue Leavenworth, :Mrs. Alonzo D. Kimberlr, :\Ir. Dwight R. 316 LaGraYe street 121 South Divi~lon aYenue LeaYenworth, Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. (Realy) Kimes, :\Ir. and Mrs. Byron C. ( Clark) Hoffman Fla ts 1140 South Lafayette avenue ::\Iiss Martha \\'.'"oodcock ::\Iiss Helen A. Ki111es Leavenworth, l\fr. and :i\ilrs. Benn \\·. Kirk. Miss Julia A. W. Leonard road 138 Waverly place Leavenworth, :\fr. and Mrs. E. C. Kirkland, Dr. and Mrs. Reynold J. (Revell) 611 South Division aYenue 27 Buckley street ::\Iiss Franc Leavenworth Kleinhans, :\Ir. and Mrs. Jacob (:\filler) LeClear, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Albert A. (:Xeal) 246 Jefferson aYenue 614 Crescent a·\"C~nue Klingman. Mr. and l:Irs. Philip J. (Dunsing) :Miss Ethelyeen l-1. LeClear Stratford Arms :\-!is$ Lona Keal Knappen. Hon. and l\frs. Loyal E. Ledeboer. l-Iiss Ethel 330 Washington street 32--!- Shawmut aYenue Knappen, :V.Cr. and l\Irs. Stuart E. Ledyard, Mrs. "\V. B. 550 Madison avenue 5 4 7 Cherry street Knettle, :Mrs. Ida l\I. Lee. Dr. and ~Irs. Ben H. (Slayton) 551 Jefferson avenue 1146 Lake drive Knott, :\Ir. and ::\lrs. Heber A. (Walker) Receives Saturday 2 20 Chern· street Lee, Dr. F. J. Knowlson. l\ir. an

Logie, :\:Ir. and :\Irs. William :\IcCallum. ::.\!rs. Peter 633 Ha,vthorne street 13-10 Logan street Logie, :Vlr. \Yilliam G. :\IcClelland. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Francis 563 South "Union aYenue 218 ::\Iadison avenue Lombard. l\Ir. and :\Irs. Jamt•s .\. :\IcColl, Dr. and ::\Irs. John A. 223 Prospect avenue 939 Scribner street :\Irs. Rose R. Hale ::\IcCool, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Daniel ::.\Iiss E\·a R. Lombard -123 Prospect avenue :\Iiss Fern ::\L Lombard ::.\IcConnell. lfrs. :\Iargaret R. Long. llr. George H. -12 3 ::.\Iadison a Yenue 215 Sheldon aYenue ~Iiss E. H. :\IcConne11 Sum. Res.: Ottawa Beach. :\Iich. ::\Iiss Emma S. Long · ::.\IcCormick, ::\Ir. and :\Irs. Henry F. ~\Iiss Louise C. Long 222 :\Iadison a ,·enue Long, :\Ir. and :\Irs. ,Ynl \\... ::.\IcCormick, ReY. and )Irs. ,John X. 13-16 \\·ealthy street -:1::l S. Lafayette a Yenue :\liss :\IcCormick Loomis. :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Frank C. (:\'.lc:\Iahon) :\Ir. Donald :.\IcCormick · 48 Ransom street :\IcCoy, :\Irs. D3:niel ( Ayer) Loomis, :Miss Emma S. 304 Paris aYenue 126 Barclay street :\Ir. and :\Irs. Gerald :\IcCoy :\Iiss A lice F. Loomis :\Iiss ::.\Iarie L. Loomis ::.\IcCra th. :\Ir. J. \Y. 34 Buckley street Loomis, :\Ir. and )!rs. \\·m. H. (Smith) 112 Barclay street ::.\IcCrath. "::.\Ir. and :\Irs. Louis T. 200 Chern· street Lo\Ye, ::.\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Edward ::\Irs. Fauna :\IcCrath Coon 61 7 Cherry street Sum. Res.: Manchester-by-the-Sea licCrone. :\Ir. and :\frs. C. E. :\Iiss Barbara Lowe 129 Library street ::.\liss Louise "-ittemore :.\IcCura,-. :\Ir. and :\In~. Ray Lowe. :\Ir. Rowland • 826 Wealthy street Half Century .\partments :.\IcDonald. ::\Ir. and :\Irs. F. H. Lowell, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Arthur L. 55-1 ::\Iadison aYenue 665 Cherry street :\IcDonald. Hon. and :\!rs. John S. (Duncan) :\Iiss Anna A. Parker 115 3 Cass a ,·enue Luce. ::.\Ir. Charles A. :.\IcGowen, :\Ir. and :\Irs. John \\·esley -:1:32 "\Vashirnnon street (Atkins) ::\fr. Charlt•s :\I. Luce 78 LaGra,·e street l:Iiss Flora :\I. Luce :\IcGraw, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Frank P. Luce, :\Irs, Ransom C. 1159 Jefferson aYenue 206 East Fulton street ::.\Iiss Sadie :\IcGraw Sum. Res.: Xeahtahwanta :\Iiss :\Iarie :\IcGraw :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. (Kress) ::.\Iorton H. :\liss :\Iildred ~IcGraw Luce :\Ir. John E. llcGraw liiss :Maria Addis :\Ir. \\'."m. H. :\IcGra\\- Luther, ::\Ir. and :\Irs. George E. (Hardy) :\IcGurrin, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Wm. T. (Ryan~ -112 South College ayenue :!06 Sheldon aYenue Lynch, ::.\Ir. and :\!rs. Daniel :\Ir. "\Ym. G. ~IcGurrin 107 LaGraYe street ::\Iiss Irene :\IcGurrin S'um. Res. : 8pring Lake :\Ir. Gerald :i\IcGurrin ::\Iiss Elizabeth Lynch ::\Ir. Edgar F. licGurrin llrs. J. Condon ::.\Ielnn-re. :\Ir. and :\£rs. Alexander :Miss :\Iargaret Lynch · 1159 Lake dri\'e ::\Iiss :\Iarigold Lynch :\Ir. _-\lexander :\IIcintyre. Jr. Lyon, :\Ir. and )!rs. Charles D. (Sears) ::.\Iiss Beatrice ::\Iclntyre 33 South Lafayette aYenue ::\Iclntn·e, :\Irs. John Lytle. :\Ir. and ::VIrs. Alton A. (Castleton) · -! 0 Lyon street i 65 Scribner street :\IcKean, :\.Ir. and :\Irs. \\-illiam \\-. :\Iiss :\Iary Lytle (Thayer) . 523 :\Ic.-\.llister. ::\Ir. ancl llrs. James T. South Union aYenue · ( ::\Iadclen) :\IcKee ::\Ir. and :\!rs. James H. 2-16 South Cnion aYenue · 22-! Lyon streE>t :\IcBain, :\Irs. \\-. Fred. ( Hughston) ::\Ir. and :\[rs. .T. Langdon McKee Stratford Arms (Buchanan) Sum. Res.: Spring Lali:e :\liss Laura E. :McKee :McBain, )!rs. \\-illiam lkKee. ::\.Tr. and :\!rs. Joseph C. (Sweet) -135 Crescent a,·enue · 132 :\Iadison aYenue :\Ir. Donald G. :\icBain licKee, ::\Ir. and :Vlrs. S. \\·anace :\Ir. "-m. C. licBtdn -! 1 S X orth a \'e:-iue 230 THE SOCIETY BL'C'E BOOK

McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. L. Frank (Burns) l1artin, l\Ir. and ~1rs. Joseph H. 2 44 S. Union a venue 515 :\Iadison street McKnight, Mr. and :\.1rs. "William F: :Martindale. l\Ir. and Mrs. vnnard .A. 71 N. Lafayette avenue ·(covelle) McLachlan, Mr. and Mrs. :Malcolm 915 N"eland avenue 441 South Lafayette avenue Marvin. Dr. and l\'Irs. LaDor McMillan, Mr. and :\Irs. James J. 330 Michigan aYenue 1167 Jefferson avenue Maskell. Mrs. Abraham B. Dr. Harry Brown Mcl\fillan · 264 S. College avenue Mc:\lullen, Mr. Ralph ~:-. Master, l\Ir. and Mrs. S. F. 411 Lyon street Hoffman Fla ts Mc:\Iullen, Mrs. William Mather, Mr. and ::.\Irs. Xorman '\°\'. (Swem) 332 Morris avenue 238 Paris avenue Miss :Melvina B. Mcl1ullen Mather, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Carl X. Miss Blanche Mcl\Iullen i\iorris a venue McXabb, l\ir. and Mrs. John :Maxwell, l\Ir. and Mrs. Edgar G. 62-1 Fountain street 415 Madison a venue Miss Isabel :\1cXabb Mayhew, :\Irs. George R. McPherson, Dr. and Mrs. James A. 3-1 Tl'rrace a\"enue 343 Jefferson a\·enue :Miss Blanche lL :\iia Yhew McPherson, Dr. and Mrs. Alexander G. i\Ir. and l.\Irs. Percy· :Mayhew 258 Jefferson avenue l\fay, l\Ir. and :\Irs. BL•rnard S. McQue'\'\·an, Mr. Charles 529 l\Iaaison avenue 93 Washington street :Miss Rita :May McVean, l\Ir. and Mrs. John J. May, Mr. and :\!rs. :Meyer S. (Amberg) 120 Terrace avenue l\i!adison A.Yenue and Logan :Miss :Marion l\ilcYean :\Ieech, l\Irs. Asa McVean, Mr. J. Palmer 135 Michigan street · 3 04 S. Union a Yenue Miss Edith :\ileech McWhorter, lVIr. David M. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. (Holmes) 832 Wealthy street 559 1Vealthy street MacBride. Mr. and Mrs. James G. (Perkins) Miss Zella !<'. l\Iercer 215 Paris avenue Miss Mina L. :\Iercer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas l\lacBride Merrick, )Ir. Benjamin P. Miss Josephine l\lacBride 219 S. College avenue l\lacFarland, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Merrill. :Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Terrace a Yenue 317 E. Fulton street Maddox, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Miss :Mary L. :i\'.I~rrill 122 South College an~nue l\Ir. Robert H. :\Ierrill Merrit, Mrs. S. ),I. (Krum) Mainzer, 1\-Ir. and ~frs. Simon (Housman) 554 :\!orris a,·enue 347 State street Miss Ida A. Mainzer l\liss :\Iary l\Iitchell Miss Blanche H. l\Iainzer l\Ietheany, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar l\1. Miss Lillian l\Iainzer 434 Paris an~nue Mallard, Mrs. Frances M. l\Ietheany, Mr. R. R. 219 Crescent avenue 342 Paris aYenue Miss Henrietta L. .Mallard )Ietz, l\iir. and :\Irs. George Malloy, Mr. and l\:Irs. ~eil (Moss) 600 Cherry street 512 Coit avenue :\Iiddleton. l\Ir. and 2.\-Irs. ~-- H. Mangold, Mr. Edward C. 33 Xorth "Cnion avenue 548 Scribner street )Iighells, l\Ir. and l\Irs. E. B. Miss Matilda S. l\langold Hoffman Fla ts Miss Clara D. :Mangold l\Iiles, l\Ir. and Mrs. Frank R. ( Peck) Miss Melinda E. Mangold 534 1Vealthy street Mr. George A. Mangold i\.fi<:g Hnth 1\ifilpc:: Manly, Mrs. Lillian l\Iiller, Mr. and :Mrs. Charles E. The Iowa (Solomon) :Miss Hazel G. :Manly 151 Crescent avenue Maris, lVIr. and Mrs. A.. M. :\Ii ss :\Iadge :\Iille1· 119 Korth Division avenue l\iirs. '\"\-. H. Solomon Miller, :\fr. and Mrs. David A. Marrin, Mr. and l\-Irs. l\'.I. ~L (Edwards) 257 Terrace aYenue 13 31 Sigsbee street Mills, l\Ir. A. H. Marshall, Mrs. William The LiYingston 501 South Lafayette avenue Mills. l\Ir. and ~Irs. John B. (Hammond) Miss Ida H. l\'larshall 131 Lyon place l\Iiss Helen A. Marshall Sum. Res.: Dunbarton, X.' H. GR.-\XD RAPIDS

Mills. :Mr. and Mrs. L. )I. (l\IcDowell) Mowat. llr. and :\!rs. John 41 Jefferson avenue 336 CherQ· street l\Ii tchell. ::\iir. and Mrs. A. S. Miss Elizabeth :Mowat 116 LaGrave street :\Iueller, :\Ir. and ::.\frs. J. Fred. (Oesterle) :Mitchell, Mr. and l\Irs. Henry 567 Terrace avenue 606 Michigan street ::\iluir, Mr. and ::\Irs. A. A. l\'Ir. Gay L. Mitchell 527 South Gnion avenue Mitchell, Mr. Martin L. S. Muir, Mr. and :\!rs. James D. (\\.-heeler) 132 Madison avenue 157 Xorth Lafayette avenue Moffat, Dr. and :Mrs. ""·alter Receives Saturday 934 Jefferson avenue l\frs. Emily D. \Yheeler Mr. Frank C. lioffat :Muir, :\Ir. and Mrs. John :\Ir. W"alker G. :\Ioffat 259 Paris avenue Mohl, :\Ir. Robert ,V. ::.\Iiss Elizabeth :M. ::\Iuir 135 Korth Ottawa avenue Muir, Mr. and ::\Irs. John D. Montgomer~·. Mr. and :Mrs. Edward L. 348 Charles street 422 ":--ashington avenue :\Ir. .J. Keith l\Iuir l\Ir. Charles H. :Montgomery Muir, Mr. and l\:Irs. "\\·. H. Moore. Mr. and :Mrs. H. Bruce 250 Paris aYenue 329 ::.Vladison avenue l\Iunson, :\!rs. Edward A. Moore, Mrs. H. X. (Dean) 517 Crescent avenue 6 Elmwood place. Cherry street :\fr. Ray "\\-. l-Iunson Sum. Res. : Ottawa Beach ::\Iiss Albertine :Munson l\Iorman, :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Samuel .\. :\Iunson, :\Ir. and l\Irs. George W. 440 East Fulton street ( .Da,•i dson) Miss Helen Morman 26 Grant avenue ::.\Iorman, :Mrs. ""-illiam Murphy, :\Ir. an, ·, S College a Yenue Moseley. :\Ir. and Mrs. Timothy F. ( Belnap j X ewell. lir. and l\Irs. George H. 206 Chern· street 571 Fountain street :Miss Helen ·E. Moseley Xewnham, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. l\1ould, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas "\\·. (Higinbotham) 115 Pleasant street 831 Vi·ealthy street l\Ioulton, :V.Ir. and :V!rs. Luther V. l\Iiss Laura A. Xewnham 116 Hastings street Xewton, l\1r. Hubbard P. l\1oulton, l\1r. and Mrs. Roy K. 611 Evans aYenue The Hoffman Xichols, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Fred r. Miss Ethel Sedeboer 455 South College avenue 2:32 THE SOCIETY BLCE BOOK

N"oble, Mrs. Elizabeth P. Palin, ::\Iiss Anna 731 Scribner street 549 \Vealthy street Noel, :\!rs. l\Iargaret Palmer, :\Ir. and Mrs. \\·. Millard 441 Franklin street (Seymour) l\Ir. J. S. ~oel 221 Paris avenue :Miss Agnes L. X oel Sum. Res. : Highland Park Miss Jennie L. Xoel ::\Iiss :Margaret H. Palmer Norris, l\'.Iiss :1\Iarie W., M. D. :\iir. Walter S. Palmer 21 Prospect aYenue :\Iiss :Mary L. Palmer Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Mark :\Ir. Carroll E. Palmer 29 Prospect aYenue Panigot, Mr. and :\!rs. Jules Miss ::\Iargaret Norris 349 Sycamore street :V.Cr. Abbott L. Xorris l-Irs. Burrows ~orthrop, :\lrs. Xelson ,Y. Pantlind, :\Ir. and Mrs. J. Boyd · 324 Richard terrace 13-1 South College aYenue K"orthrop, :Mr. and :\!rs. D. "\Yaldo :\Ir. and :VIrs. Fred Pantlind (:\Iartin) Parish, :\ilr. and Mrs. A. S. (Woodward) 324 Richard terrace -!37 Coit a\·enue K'"orthrup, :\!rs. Herbert F. Parsons, :\i!iss :Margaret l'.f. 117 Terrace aYenue 22 Terrace avenue Patten, l!r. and :\!rs. Lyman E. O'Brien, Mr. Patrick H. 15 Terrace aYenue 129 E Fulton street Mr. Andrew B. O'Brien Payette, lir. Peter C. Miss !\'Iarjorie O'Brien 643 :Madison avenue O'Brien, l\Ir. and ::\1Irs. Thomas J. Pearsall, Mrs. 0. K. (Howard) 565 :Michigan street (U.S. Ambassador to Rome, Italy) Mr. Orlando Pearsall :\Ir. Howard O'Brien Pearse, l!r. ancl :Mrs. Harry Ide O'Connor, :\Ir. and Mrs. Patrick W. 503 Terrace aYenue 250 Charles street Pease, :Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Oesterle, J\Iiss Kate 834 S DiYision avenue 567 Terrace ayenue Pease, :Mr. and :\!rs. H. Emory Miss :\Iinnie Oesterle 638 S Lafayette a,enue Olin. 1\-lr. and Mrs. Fred H. Miss Emma L. Pease 197 4 Jefferson aYenue Peck, :\fr. and llrs. Clarence E. ReceiYes Saturday 537 Terrace avenue Miss Mildred E. Olin l!iss E. \\-inifred • Miss Kathryn A. Olin Peck, :\Ir. and :\i!rs. John E. ( Carpenter) OliYer, Mr. and ~frs. .T. W. 345 \\·ashington street 243 South College avenue Miss Clara Peck Orr, l!r. and Mrs. Robert Peck, lir. and :Mrs. Percy S. 72 5 Terrace a Yenue 120 Jefferson aYenue Orsinger, l!r. and Mrs. Frank W. (Peters) Peck, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Thomas ~I. 611 \\-. eal thy street 28 Jefferson avenue Peckham. Mr. and l-Irs. Albert H. Osterhout, :\fr. and Mrs. Peter 226 Paris aYenue 450 South College avenue Otte, l-Ir. and Mrs. Adrian ( Denharder) Peckham. Mr. and :\!rs. Perry C. 1001 S Lafayette avenue 346 South College avenue Miss Helena Otte Pelton, l-Irs. Chauncey Otte, :M:r. and Mrs. John (Harris) 35 Fountain street 6 3 O Madison a venue Perkins, l!r. and :\Irs. Carroll H. Owen, Mr. and 1Yirs. Edwi11. (GraY<'S) 336 :Morris aYenue 82 6 Lake drive Perkins, :\-Ir. and :\1rs. Charles H. (Hale) Miss Irene Owen 314 S College avenue Owen, Mr. and George F. Perkins, :\Ir. and l\'.Irs. Cyrus E. (Foote) 59 N Union avenue 327 Washington street Owen, Dr. and :\!rs. L. F. (Pierce) :\fr. Edward F. Perkins 314 Xorwood aYenue )Iiss liabel H. Perkins :Miss :\Iarion J. Owen Perkins, l\-Ir. and :\Irs. Charles Francis l\!iss La Yinia Owen (Voigt) 43 S t;nion avenue Paine, Mr. and 1\-Irs. Charles S. Perkins, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Frederick L. (McQuewan) 1305 Sigsbee street 335 Washington street Perkins, Mr. and :\!rs. Gaius W. ( ];>ike) Palin, Dr. and "Mrs. John H. 241 Fountain street 618 Windsor terrace :\Jr. Gaius \\:-. Perkins, Jr. Ice Cream and Ices HILESAl£4111dRETAIL 204 SHELDON ST. CIAND IAPIE MICH.


•-•••-O•-·•... ,





Perkins. Hon. and Mrs. Willis B. Probasco, l\Ir. and llrs. H. 0. · 2 i O Henry street (Vosburg) Mr. Charles H. Perkins 14 Jefferson avenue Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Putnam, Mrs. L. D. (Knappen) 2 O Sheldon a venue 431 Terrace avenue Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin R. Quimby, Mr. and Mrs. George Ir\"ing 259 LaGrave avenue 652 E Fulton street Perry, Hon. and :\Irs. George R. (Blake) Quinn. l'Ir. and l\Irs. J. Frank (:\leech) 328 E. Fulton street · i16 Fountain street Miss Jeannette Perry Raab; ::.\'Ir. and :\!rs. John D. (Hunt) Phelps, l\Ir. Charles A. 103 Xorth College avenue 433 ::\-Iadison avenue Radcliffe. ::\lrs. Jessie M. Phelps, l\fr. and lfrs.. Joseph C. (Evans) 239 South "C"nion avenue 240 Paris avenue ::\:liss Hazel Radcliffe :::.vuss Ula Phelps :\'.Ir. Charles Radcliffe Mr. Lloyd I. Phelps Raiguell, Mr. and :\!rs. "\Y. Edward Phelps, Mr. and ~Irs. "\V. A. (Andrews) ( Sullivan) 209 Charles street 735 Terrace avenue Receives first and second Tuesday Raiguell. Mr. and l\Irs. Phillip S. Philbrick, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. · (Brower) (Van Slyck) 1037 .Jefferson avenue 40 Korth College avenue l\Iiss Mary E. Tanner Miss .Addie li. Philbrick Raniville, Mrs. Felix Phillips, ::.\-Ir. and ::\Irs. J. Bright ( Gill) 446 Terrace avenue 1051 Madison avenue :\Ir. Francis F. Raniville Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Raniville, :\Ir. and :\lrs. Eugene ('Wightman) 436 S. Lafayette avenue 15 2 Prospect a venue Rankin, Dr. and ::\Irs. Charles E. Pierce, :\Ir. and Mrs. Herbert l\I. 543 Terrace avenue (Powell) :Mr. Charles E. Rankin, Jr. 3 31 Eureka a venue l'Iiss Laura. Rankin Pike, ::\1:rs. A. W. (Roberts) Rathbone. Mrs. Alfred D. 239 :Marris a,enue Wealthy street and Plymouth ave­ l\fr. Frank L. Pike nue l:Iiss Carrie Pike Rathbone, :\Ir. and l\.Irs. Alfred D., .Jr. Pike, ~Ir. and Mrs. Charles F. Plymouth av~nue and Wealthy (Harrington) street 531 Fountain street Miss Elenora E. Pike Rathbone. :\Ir. and :\frs. ,J. :::.\Iortimer '·l\:Iorton House" Platte, Mr. and :\!rs. John P. Sum. Res.: Ottawa Beach (Middleton) 220 E. Fulton street Rathbun, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. 35-1 Washington avenue Porter, :i\Ir. and ::\Irs. Alonzo B. Sum. Res. : .. Lansingwald" Farm, ( Carrey) Paris Township 333 Washington street Raven, :\!rs. A. Amos (Stonehouse) Post, lfr. and Mrs. Henry C. 3 0 2 Conant terrace 223 Barclay street Rav. :\Ir. and :.\Irs. D. l\L Post, Mrs. Hoyt · · 5 3 X College a YC'nue 216 Ransom street Ravmond, Mr. and ::\Irs. Edward G. Post, :Mr. and Mrs. J. E. (Burch) . (Abbott) 116 Ransom street 815 v..realthy street Powell, Mrs. Isaac Platt Sum. Res.: ::Macatawa Park, :\Iich. 3 6 Portsmouth terrace Ravmond, Mr. and :Mrs. George E. :\Ir. Edward :M. Powell · (Spring) 131 :Madison avenue Powers, Mr. and ::\frs. Charles F. ::\Ir. Edward S. Raymond 192 North Lafayette avenue Raymond, l\'.Ir. and :Mrs. Maurice H. X. Powers, :\Ir. and Mrs. Frederick W. "The Iowa" 137 LaGrave street Rea, :\Ir. and ~Irs. v;.:-miam F. Powers, Dr. Isador S. 524 X Lafayette avenue "Cody Hotel" Reeder, ::\-Ir. and :Mrs. George H. (Cole) Clinton road Preusser, :Mr. Albert Remington, Mr. and Mrs. Charles N., Jr. 3 31 E. Fulton street (Dreher) Prichett, ~fr. Edward K. 340 S College avenue 600 Terrace avenue Receives Monday GRA::-m R.-\1'1D8

Remington. )Ir. and :Mrs. Leonard C. Robinson. lirs Albert (Baker) 709 " 7 ealthy street 50 Sheldon aYenue :\Iiss :\I. E. Remington :.\:liss :\Iary B. Robinson :\frs. Helen Remington Fay Dr. Addison B. Robinson Remington. :\Iiss Grace :\Iiss Olga Robinson "Stratford Arms'' Robinson. Mr. and ::\tlrs. H. Parker l\Iiss Hazel Remington 222 Fountain street Rempis, l\Ir. and !\Irs. John H. (Dear) Robinson, :\Ir. and :\Irs. James G. 545 FairYiew aYenue 2 3 8 Barclay street l\ir. Tenny Rempis Robinson. :\Ir. Frank lliss Lillian Rempis -! 1 7 Prospect a venue :Miss Mamie Rempis l\Iiss Loretta Rempis Robinson, :\Ir. and :\'!rs. Wm. M. 121 Madison aYenue Renwick, :\Ir. and :\Irs. Charles A. ( Rood) :.\Iiss lfa.ry B. Robinson 334 State street :\.Iiss Emma S. Clapp Sum. R

Russell, Mr. and :Mrs. Huntley Shank, Dr. and ::\Irs. ,John ,v. Eastern avenue South, near Com­ 832 Madison aYenue stock place Sharpe, Mr. and l\Irs. Arthur C. Rutherford, Dr. Frances A. 5:rn Paris aYenue 55 Sheldon avenue Mr. \\-illard P. Sharpe Receives l\Ionday Sharp~teen, )Ir. and :\:Irs. Samuel L. Rutherford, Mrs. D. l'I. 21 Garden street 61.6 Kellogg street Ryan, Mr. and l\Irs. l\I. D. (Shanahan) Sharrow. l\fr. and :\lr5. Charles D. (Connor) 506 Crescent a,·enue ·718 Paris street Miss l\Iary· E. Ryan Shaw, :.\Irs. John L. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. ":-ill E. 233 South Colleg~ avenue 4 3 6 Adams street Shaw. l\fr. Rolin \\-. 2054 Horton avenue Sandler, Mr. and Mrs. Louis (Sandler) 10 Crescent aY1::-nue Shedd, :\fr. and Mrs. Dana B. (Stone) Miss Ethel Sandler 836 "'\'\'"ealthy street Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. \\.. alter K. Shelby, )Ir. and :.\!rs. \\-illiam R. 715 South College avenue 65 Xorth Lafayette a,·enue Schneider, l\1iss Emma Shelby, :\Ir. and l\Irs. George 445 South Gnion aYenue 13S Barclay street Miss Henrietta Schneider' Sheppard. )Ir. and Mrs. "\Yilliam C. Schneider. Mr. and )Irs. C. F. 333 l\Iarris aYenue Hoffman Flats Mr. James H. Sheppard Schram, l\Ir. and Mrs. D. (Lancaster) Sherman. l\Irs. Sidney W. 359 LaGraYe street ilOO Lyon street Miss Christina F. Schram Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. A. Harry Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. George C. 363 State street 219 James street Sum. Res.: Macatawa Park Schrouder, Mr. and Mrs. Beraud :Miss l\Iabel G. Sherwood (Schneider) l\Ir. \\-illiam \Y. Sherwood 321 South Fuller avenue Sherwood. l\Irs. Harve~· C. Schurtz, Dr. and Mrs. Perry 122 South t.::-nion an•nue 2 5 5 Cherry street Miss Ellen Al Yord Scribner, Mr. and Mrs. David C. (Freeman) Shirts, l\Irs. John D. l\I. (Austin) 309 S. College aYenue 349 .\uburn aYenue Sears, Mr. and :Mrs. Samuel A. ShriYer, Mrs. Frederick, Sr. (:\loon) 4 2 Terrace a venue 240 Lyon ~treet Sears, l\:Ir. and l\Irs. Stephen A. Mrs. Lillian Manly 42 Terrace a venue Sidener. :\Ir. and Mrs. G. \\,.._ (Bates) Mr. Harold '\'\-. Sears 144 Xorth Lafayette avenue Miss Helen :M. ""'neeler Miss Grace B. Sidener Seeley, l\Ir. Geo. 0. Mr. J. D. Sidener l\Iiss Clara Sidener Seekell, Mr. and l\Irs. Alfred C. (Phillips) The Gilbert Siegel, Mr. and llrs. Joseph 151 Fountain street 319 Ransom str, iet Miss Bertha Seekell l\f iss Leona Siegel Miss Edith G. Seekell Mr. )Iorton Siegel ... Mr. Percy Cook Sinclair. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Miss Bertha L. Seekell 147 Jefferson avenue Seydel, Mr. and Mrs. L. Victor Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. George F. (Spoon) 234 X. College aYenue 124 :Madison aYenue Seymour. Mr. and l\frs. Charles K. Sinclair, Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm C. (Luton) (Meacham) 212 Sheldon aYenue 300 Paris a Yenue :\Iiss Jean Sinclair Miss Charlotte E. Seymour Sinclair. ::Mrs. Robert P. Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. George H. (Porter) · 249 East Fulton street 427 Paris a-,enue Sintz. :\Ir. and :i..\-Irs. Claude Shanahan. Mr. and Mrs. .John ,V. l\

Sligh, Mr. and :Mrs. Charles R. Stanton, :\Ir. and ~frs "\V. F. (Xason) 31 Terrace avenue 1633 Plainfield avenue Smedley, :\Ir. and :VIrs. Charles 0. Stark, )Ir. and :Mrs. Geo. 10 Portsmouth terrace 635 l\Iadison avenue Smith, l\Ir. and :\!rs. Dwight Stearns, :\:Ir. and :VIrs. Daniel E. 112 South College avenue 321 State street Smith, l!r. and :.\Irs. Frank (Jones) 8um. Res. : Ottawa Beach 73 Sumner avenue Ensign Clark D. Stearns, 1.7. S. X. Smith. Miss l\'.I. Gertrude Stearns, Hon. Justus S. 201 Lyon street Ludington. :Mich. :.\Iiss J. DeRyke Stebbins, :.\Irs. Andrew J (Pierce) Smith. Mr. Henry 621 FairYiew aYenue Bridge ~treet X. \\·., near limits Stein. :\Ir. Morris :\Iiss Sarah Smith · 1 Central place Smith, Dr. and l\lrs. Richard R. ( ",.ondC'rly) Steketee, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Daniel C. 135 l:Iadison a,·enue 122 Xorth College avenue ~mith, :\Iiss Sara K. Sum. Res.: )Iac:atawa Park 102 Jefferson avenue Steketee, l\fr.. John C. Smith, Hon. and :.\-Irs. "\Ym. Alden 727 :.\'.Iadison avenue 4i0South College avenue Skketee, l\Ir. and :Vlrs. Paul F. Smith. :\fr. and :.\Irs. "\Ym. R. 4, X. College aYenue 228 Carroll avenue Sorrick. ~Ir. and Mrs. :.\Iarsh H. Steketee, :\Ir. and lirs. Paul .J. · 141 Lyon place 31 Xorth College a,·enue Sum. Res. : Highland Park Steketee. l\Irs. PC'ter P :\fr Carl ::i1. Sorrick · 10 Terrace avenue Spears, l\lr. and l\Irs. Charl<•s A. l\'.liss Helen ~teketee 1115 :Vladison avenue liiss Xella :\I. Steketee ~Ir. Roy Spears Stevens, l\Ir. Forris D. A. Speir, l\'.lr. Robert Y. 426 \\·ashington street 249 Paris avenu~ Ste,·ens, ::\Ir. and :\Irs. Frank E. (Gibson) Spencer, Dr. and l\-Irs. Ralph H. ( Bush) 564 Jefferson street 32 7 Paris a venue: :\Irs. lI. H. Gibson Sproat, Mr. and ::\frs. J. Clark Ste\·ens, l\Ir. and ~Irs. Sidney F. (Delano) 1054 Cass a,·enue 126 Sheldon avenue l\Ir. Erle L. Sproat Ste\·ens. l\Ir. and :Mrs. \\-ilder D. :\I1· ...Howard E. Sproat -1::?6 \\-ashington street Sproat, :\Ir. and lfrs ,Yilliam J. Ste\"C~nson. ~Irs L. J. 344 Richard terrace 8-12 Henry street Sproul, l\Ir. and lirs. Robert (:\'Iuir) Stickley. :\Ir. and ~!rs. Albert 621 Fountain street 60 Prospect aYenue :Miss Helen L. Sproul Stiles, l\Ir. and :\!rs. E. ,v. l\Ir. James M. Sproul 558. ~Iad"ison avenue Sproul, :\Ir. and l\1rs. \\·imam \Y. ::VIiss ::\Iildred P. Stiles (Hefferan) :::\Iiss Sadie A. Stiles 706 East Fulton street l\fr. Fred. E. Stiles Stace. :Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. :\-Iiss Augusta Stiles 262 Henry street Stimson. ::\-Ir. and ~!rs. \\'.'""arren B. )'.liss ::.\I. Elizabeth Stac<' · 321 South "Cnion avenue 1\-lr. and l-Irs. Arthur \\·. Stace Miss Blanche Stimson Stadon, Mr. and Mrs Samuel G. ( Campbell) Mr. Robert L. Stimson 2 2 Lyon street Mr. Archibald C Stimson Stair. lVIr. and :.\Irs. Orrin (Thompson) Stimson. l\Ir. :.\!orris H. 1225 Lake drive 542 Logan street Stainton. Mr. and :\Irs . .John C. Stitt. ::\Ir. and ~Irs. Harry B. 814 Cherry street 503 Terrace an'nue Stanley, :\Irs. Justin )I. (Cottrell) Stocking. :\:! "· and :\I rs. F. E. 332 Sheldon avenue Hoffman Fla ts )Iiss S. Adt•lia Stanley Stone, :\fr. and :\Irs. Fr:.=mk A. (Colestoe1{) Stanton, :\Ir. and lirs. Henry T. 217 Terrace aYent.Ie 437 \Yashington 21t"enue liiss Franc Stone Stanton, l\Ir. Espy Stow. ~Irs. R. J. 437 \\Tashington avenue · 540 Terrac<' a ,·enue l\Ir. Phillip Stanton l\lr. L. R. Stow Stanton. Mrs. Levi B. Stow<•, :\frs. Ernest A. 264 Eastern avenue South 126 ProspEC:t avenue 238 THE SOCIETY BLCE BOOK

Stowe, Mr. Ernest A. Thayer, l-Ir. George °"~-, Jr Hoffman Flats 500 North Lafayette avenue Stowe, 'M:r. and Mrs. W. A. (Robertson) Thayer, Mr. George \\r. 506 Jefferson avenue 4 4 6 X orth Ionia a Yenue Mrs. ,vm. T. Stowe Thoits, l\,lr. and :Mrs. Ah-in T. Strahan, :\lrs John 411 Pleasant street 5 M:t. Vernon street Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. ''"· S. Miss :\Iargaret Scrahan · 4 79 E. Fulton street Strahan, l\Ir. and Mrs. Thomas W. Thomas, :\Ir. and l:Irs. ,Villiam J. 131 Mt. Vernon street 607 Cre::;cent aYenue Strong, Mrs. :K. E. l\Iiss Leah R. Thomas 219 Xorth College a,·enue Thompson. Mrs. Byron R Miss L. Jette Strong 3·32 South College a Yenue Miss May A. Strong :Miss EYa A. Thompson Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Le,vis G. Thompson, l\Ir. and :\Irs. George W. · 38 Terrace avenue (Rosette) :\Ir. Victor Stuart 515 Coit aYenue Miss :\:rarian Stuart l\Iiss liab('l F. Thompson Stuart, Hon. and )Irs. 'William J. (Hadley) :\Ir. John R. Thompson 139 South Lafayette aYenue Thomson, Mr. and :\Irs. John J. Studley, l\Ir and Mrs. Elbridge G. (MacIntosh) 64 Prospect aYenue 631 Clinton street Sum. Res. : Spring Lake Thomson. :\-Ir. and :\Irs. J. Russell l\liss Helen E. Studley 638 Coit avenue SulliYan, :\:Ir. and Mrs. Henry :\lrs. Elizabeth P. Thomson 327 Jefferson aYenue Thornton, :\Ir. and l\Irs Howard A. Swartz, Mrs. S. P. (\\--eatherly) 135 South College avenue 245 State street Thum, 1\-Ir Hugo Miss Lillian B. Swartz S'pring Lake, Mich. S·weet, Mr. and 'Mrs. Edwin F. (Fuller) Thum. )Ir. and :\!rs. Otto (Warner) · 237 East Fulton street 247 :\!orris avenue Mrs. Edward P. Fuller Thwing, l\fr. and Mrs. Z. Clark Sweet, Mr. and llrs. Carroll F. 248 South College a,·enue Kent Hills road Sum. Res.: Ottawa Beach Sweet, Mr and l\'.lrs. George Tibbs. l\Irs. '\"\~m. H. ( Hoag) 4 7 ~orth College avenue · 30 Xorth College aYenue Sweet, Mr. and :M:rs. Frank H. 552 East Fulton street :\1iss Charlotte E. Tibbs Tietsort, :Mr. and Mrs. R. P. (Eastman) 430 :\'.Iadison avenue Taggart. Mr. and lfrs. Edward ( Carner) Miss Helen Tietsort 135 Xorth College aYenue Tinkham. :\1rs. Edward °":r· Miss l\Iabel Edith Taggart 361 Sheldon avenue Taggart, ~Ir. and :Mrs. Ganson Tinkham, :Mr. and l\Irs. Frederick K. 551 Fountain street (Heath) Taggart, l\fr. and :\!rs. :\loses 315 Paris avenue 400 Coit a Yenue Tobey, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Fred. W. Miss Anna Van Cle\"e Taggart 344: l\Iadison aYenue Tateum, Mr. Wm. Aldrich Tolley, Dr. Elmer W. Stratford Arms 220 Cherry street Tavlor. :\-Ir. and :\Irs. Joseph R. Torre~·. :\Ir. and Mrs. Fred. S. w ·707 Fountain street 566 Paris avenue Taylor, :\!rs. Stephen Torrey, l\Ir. and Mrs. Arthur C. 522 LaGrave street 414: Washington avenue ::\fiss M::ary J. Taylor Tower, llr. Daniel ~V. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Wisner 843 Jefferson a\·enue 611 LiYingston street :Miss Belle M. Tower Miss Julia B. Taylor Trankla, :Mr. and Mrs. Charles :Miss Louise K. Taylor 113 Packard street Teal, Mr. and l\-:Irs. Arthur Miss Hattie .A. Trankla °"rest L<'onard road Miss Carrie Trankla Mrs. W. H. White Travis, :\fr. and Mrs. C. S. (Rogers) Temple, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. 1405 Eastern aYenue 505 South Lafayette avenue Travis, l\:Ir. and :\Irs. P. H. ( Slayton) Temple, Dr. and l\'.lrs. Francis W. 240 Morris avenue Lake View Park TraYis, llr. and :Mrs. J. l\L Thayer, Mrs. Edwin 826 Jefferson a Yenue 570 Fountain street l'Iiss Calla V. Tra Yis l\Iiss Maude Thayer Miss Maude Travis GR.-\:XD Il.\l'ID:-;

Treadwav. :\Ir. and l:Irs. E. A. (Platt) Vanclerstolp, Dr. and :\Irs. J. (Owen) ·310 Lvon street 254 1Vashington avenue Sum. Res.: ~eahtawanta, on Grand Yan Etten, l\Ir. and Mrs. Clarence J. Traverse Bay (Godwin) :\fr. Alfred A. Treadway 2 60 Paris a venue Trebing, Mrs. Charles W. Yan Xes!:':, :\Irs. Van R. 304 Chern· street 340 South College avenue _Miss Bertha· E. Trebing Van Vranken. :Mr. and Mrs. )I. Benson Treusch, ::.\Ir. and ::.\!rs. ::.\1. H. 611 .i,... ountain street 215 ,Yealthy street Miss Grace Treusch Yan \Yiltenberg. l:Irs. M. 409 Crescent avenue Trowbridge. ::.\Irs. Charlt:-:::; S. ::.\Iiss Eugenia Van \\"iltenberg 643 Hawthorne street Verdier, ::.\Ir. and ::\Irs. F. Lawrence Tucker, Mr. and ::.\!rs. Joseph J. (Olin) (Louwers) 31 South Gnion avenue 144 Grand aYenue Turner,· l'Irs. Frances B. Yerclier, ::.\Ir. and :\!rs. Jas. (D'Ooge) 13 2 6 \\. eal thy street 301 Ransom street ::.\:Iiss Edith Turner ::.\Jr. )Iartin D. Yerdier Turm•r, ::VIrs. \\.illis Hall Yerdier. )Ir. and :\Irs. Leonard D. 157 Xorth Lafayette avenue · (Carpenter) Tusch, ::.\Ir. F. A. 6-! 1 Parkwood a venue Lake drive anc! Auburn a venue Voigt, ::.\Irs. Carl G. A. :Miss Emily L. Tusch 115 South College avenue :\Uss Julia D. Tusch Recei\·es \\'ednesday Tuthill. ~'.Ir. and :\Irs. Victor :M. ::.\Ir. Ralph A. ,-oigt · 226 South College avenue :\Iiss Emma L. Yoigt ::.\Iiss :\Iarguerite Tuthill Yoigt. )Ir. and lirs. Carl S. Tuttle, :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. F. E. 2-13 S. "Cnion a Yenue 4 80 Fountain street Yoigt. :\Ir. and )!rs. Frank A. ::.\Ir. Palmer Tuttle 332 S. College avenue l\!iss \\"inifred Tuttle :Miss Virginia Tuttle Yolland, llrs. A. J. (Funk) 440 Paris street )Iiss Alyce l\I. Twamley liiss Ethel Volland 5i South Lafa;\·ette avenue ::.\:Iiss Bessie Twamley Yorr Platen, ~Ir. and Mrs. G. :\Ir. Fred. A. Twamley :rn4 S. College a venue Mr. Thomas Twamley Yoorhis, ::vrr. and ::.\Irs. George 422 ,Yashington street Udell, :vrr.··and ~Irs. Cor""t~.-in S. :\Ir. and lirs. ( Voorhis) E. L. :\Iont­ 509 Crescent avenue gomery Uhl, :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. David E. (Harmon) ""\Yaddell, ::.\Ir. ancl :\!rs. John (Jones) 21 i ::.\Iadison avenue 316 South "Cnion avenue Ghl. ::.\Irs. Edwin F. \\-agner, :\Ir. George X. "\\"aldheim," Madison avenue. be­ 600 Fountain street vond limits ~Iiss Katherine B. \\ragner Sum. Res. : "Charle,oix" ::.\Iiss Jessie L. Wagner :\Ir. :\Iarshall ::.\I. "Chl "\Yagner. ::.\Ir. and l'.Irs. Levi B. "Ctle:v, Mr. and l-Irs. Fred. :VI. C:Morse) · 6.2 X. Union avenue 215 Antisdel court ):Ir. James L. Wagner Utley, :Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. (Smith) )'.Ir. Frank H. Wagner 622 Kellogg street \\:-alch. :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Henry F. (Horton) l\'Iiss Blanche :\I. ""(jtley. · 131 Sheldon avenue Mr. Jay D. Utley. Jr. :\Ir. Hadley H. \\--alch ::.\Ir. 1Villiam C. Utley \\.,.alker, :!\Ir. and :Mrs. Edward E. ( Palmer) ::.\Iiss Genevieve Utley 316 State street ,Yalker, :\Irs. Joseph H. Van Asmus. l-Ir. and Mrs. Henry D. C. 226 Summer aYenue ( Yan Oosten) 32i Hollister street \\.,.alker, l\Ir. and )!rs. Clifford 1335 Logan street Vandenberg, :\Ir. and lirs. Arthur H. 3(8 :\'!orris avenue \\"alker, Mr. and :Mrs. Samuel S. ( lVIcLellan) Vanden Berg, Dr. Martin D. 311 East Fulton street 145 Jefferson street :\Ir. Samuel ..-\.. Walker Van der Sluis, )fr. and :Mrs.. James ::.\Ir. :\larshall S. Walker 324 Ransom street :\Ir. Edward B. "\Valker Sum. Res.: Ottawa Beach ,Yallace, :\Ir. and l\Irs. \\7infred J. ~Iiss Frances J. Van der Sluis (Ainsworth) l\Iiss Rose Van der Sluis 563 Terrace avenue 240 THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK

Wallin, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. West, Mr. and :\!rs. Raymond B. 50 Xorth College aYenue Hoffman Flats Wallin, Mr. and Mrs. 'William C. \\""est, Mr. and Mrs. Judson C. 611 Parkwood aYenue "Dulox," Robinson road Wallin, Mr. and Mrs. Van Arthur Mr. Benjamin E. West 4 4 2 Madison a Yenue \\"'eston. :VIr. and lVIrs. A. A. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. MJron K. (Kelsey) 1054 South Lafayette avenue 441 Paris avenue \\Teston, :\Ir. and Mrs. "\Yilliam B. Miss Bessie L. "\'\Talton (Johnson) Wanty, Mrs. George P. (Xichols) 433 Coit a,·enue 405 Washington street Weston, Mr. and :\frs. W. Paul Mr. Thomas Wanty 116 Ransom street Ward, Mrs. Edward F. "\Yetzel, )1rs. Albert C. 189 Crescent aYenue 44 Portsmouth terrace l\Iiss Anna J. "\'\Tard ~"'hinery, Dr. and llrs. Joseph B. (Barker) Mrs. Hattie Virilliams 236 South Lafayette avenue ·ward, Mr. and Mrs. George S. ,vhite, Mr. and :\Irs. Algernon E. 445 Pleasant street 518 Paris avenue Miss Evelyn L. ,vard Mr. Charles G. 1Vhite Miss Helen E. Dickerman ,vhite, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. (Cook) Ward, Mr. and l\'Crs. Orin A. 302 James street 232 Morris avenue Summer: In travel Waters, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Miss Lynette A. White Plymouth boulevard :\Iiss Lucy L. 1Vhite Miss Ida l\'.I. \\--aters "\Yhite, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Waters, Mr. and lVIrs. Dudley E. \\--. Leonard road "Oakhurst," South College a,enue Mrs. C. M. Hardy l\Ir. William E. Waters :\Ir. Floyd White Waters, Mrs. D. H. 'White, Mr. and ::\-Irs. Robert E. (Studley) "Oakhurst," South College avP011e 64 Prospect a Yenue ·watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles u. '\Yhite, l'Ir. and l\frs. T. Ste"·art (Hastings) 423 East Fulton street 416 Washington street Sum. Ses. : :Mackinac Island Watkins, Mr. Roy M. "\'\Thite, Mr. and Mrs. 1Villiam E. (White) 1351 Sigsbe~ street 509 Thomas street Watson, Dr. Harry D. 1Vhittier, Mr. and Mrs. \\-alter H. 746 Morris avenue 424 Terrace a,·enue 'V\reatherly, Mr. Warren C. 1\-hittemore, l\'.Ir. and l\1rs. Edw&.rd O. 218 Pearl street (Hathaway) 12 3 Packard street Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Miss Ruth \\,..hittemore 330 Eastern avenue South "\'\~itworth, Mr. and Mrs. George G. Webster, Dr. A. M. (Bertsch) • 10 Lyon street 463 Crescent aYenue Mr. Donald E. \\:--ebster 1Vicks, ~-Ir. and Mrs. Kirk E. Webster. Mrs. K. M. 112 Eastern aYenue South · 133 Waverly place ""iddicomb, :Mr. and l\frs. Harry H. Webster, Mr. Wm. T. 340 Cherry street 1029 Jefferson avenue ~-iddicomb. :\1rs. John Weguson, l\Ir. and Mrs. A. S. 4 71 E. Fulton street 720 East Fulton street ~Tiddicomb, :VIr. Harry Jr. Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman W. 140 N. College avenue 300 Madison avenue ~·iddicomb. :Mr. and Mrs. William, Jr. ~fr. Kenneth C. Welch 432 Fountain street Weiton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 328 Paris avenue Widdicomb. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mr. Harold W. Welton 70-1 Fountain street Wenham, Mrs. John O. · Wilcox, :\Ir. and l\Irs. Frederick P. 2 2 2 Fountain street 15 South College a,·enue Wernicke, Mr. O. H. L. Wilde, Mr. Charles E. 830 Bates street 607 Parkwood aYenue Mr. Carl F. J. Wernicke Willard. :\fr. and Mrs. w--. B. ( '\Yithey) Wesselius, Mr. and l\frs. S. s. · 21 Terrace a Yenue 617 South Lafa),ette avenue Sum. Res. : Omena, Mich. Miss Marie H. Wesselius ~:--illey, l\1r. and :\Irs. Elmer l\L (Bailey) West, Mr. and Mrs. Byron D. 1223 Wealthv street · 827 Madison avenue l1r. Clarence :.\L ~,..illey GRA.'.:'i'D RAPIDS 241

-n·mey, :VIr. Herbert E. -n·olf, :.\Ir. and ::.\Irs. David 838 Kirtland aYenue 553 Terrace avenue ·w·miams. Dr. and :\Irs. Alden H. "\Yolf, )Ir. Gustave A. 5-19 Logan street 238 Xorth Division avenue ,Villiams. lfr. and :\Irs. Charles T. ,Volf, lir. and )!rs. Jacob 1-18 Charles aYenue 238 Xorth Division avenue ,Yilliams, :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Henry Wolfe, :\Ir. and :\-!rs. X elson F. -:1:27 Terrace avenue 835 Terrace avenue ":-illiams, :\'.Ir. and :::Vlrs. Theodore O. Wolff, ).,fr. and lfrs. M. (Whitcomb) 742 South College avenue 350 Xorwood avenue "\Yonderly, )Ir. and ~Irs. HarYey F. "\Yilliams. llr. "\Villiam P. 223 Xorth Lafayette aYenue 700 Cherry street '\Vonderly, :\Irs. Joseph H. (Ledyard) ,Villiamson, Mr. ,•nmam -:1:15 Cherry street 10 8 :Madison a ,·enue \Yood, :\Ir. and :\Irs. John "\Yills, ::.\Irs. "\Yil!iam H. ( Sabin) 630 Lake driYe 817 Scribner street -n·ood, Dr. and )lrs. Lawson D. "\Vilmarth. :.\Ir. and :\Irs. Lewis T. ~-17 Henry street 540 Cherry street "\Yoo

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NEW MANAGEMENT E. W. WARFIELD, MA~AGER bc:::::::::1c::=ic====-c::::===c:::======·~

2-12 Ann Arbor Society Alphabetical Index

A.dams (LL.D.). Mr. and :Mrs. Henry C. D'Ooge (LL.D.), Rev. and Mrs. :Martin L. Allen (l\1.E.), :\Ir. and- :\Irs. John R. Doty, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. Vi'". G. (Conrad) Douglas, :\1r. and ::.\Irs. ~-m. ""· Sum. Res.: Les Chenaux: Islands Vouglas, l\Ir. and lirs. Henry Vi'". Anderson ( l\-I.E.). Mr. and ::.\Irs. Henry C. ::\Iiss Alice Douglas Angell (LL.D.), Pre3. James B. l\fiss Kate Douglas Miss Louise Douglas Dow (A.B.). Mr. and l\Irs. E::i.r!e Vir. Babcock. ::\Irs. James L. (Pettee) Bae h, l\Irs. Anna Drake (Ph.D.), :\Ir. and :\Irs. Joseph H. Bailey (B.S.), l\Ir. Benjamin F. S'um. Res. : Orion Lake, :Mich. Effinger (Ph.D.), :\Ir. and :\'!rs. John R., Jr. Bartelme, Mr. and :Mrs. P. G. Barrett ( ::\I.D.). :Mr. and ::\:Irs. Albert ::.\1. Finney (A.B.), :\Ir. and :\Irs. Byron A. Barrett. Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Florer (Ph.D.), l\Ir. and l\Irs. Vi'"arren W. Bates ( LL.B.), l.VIr. and :VIrs. HE-nr~- l\I. Freeman, Hon. and :Mrs. A. F. Beakes. Mr. and :Mrs. Samuel "\V. Beal, :\Ir. and :Mrs. Junius E. Glon~r (Ph.D.). :l\.Ir. and l\frs. James Vi-. Beman (A.:M.), :\:Ir. and :\Irs. Vi-ooster Vi-. ('Yebber) Bennett, :Mr. and Mrs. J. W". Bigelow (Ph.D.). :\'Ir. and ::\Irs. S. Lawrence Goddard (Ph.D.. LL.B.), :\Ir. and :\Irs. Bogle ( LL.B.), Mr. and :\-Irs. Thomas A. Edwin C. Bonner (Ph.D.). :\Ir. and ::.\Irs. Camnbell Goodyear. :\fr. and ::\Irs. J. J. Booth. ::.\Ir. ""· .J. Goulding· (B.S.), Mr. and l\-Irs. Herbert J. Boucke, :\-Ir. and l-Irs. Ewald ( Benedict) (:\IcCune) Brt-akey, Dr. and ::.\Irs. James F. Granger. :\Ir. and :\I rs. Ross Breakey. Dr. and :\Irs. "--illiam F. :\Ir. Bradle~· Granger Brown, Mr. and :Mrs. Henry J. Greene. :\!rs. Charles E. The :\Iisses Brown Gu the (Ph.D.), :\Ir. and :\Irs. K. E. Bunker ( A.M.). l\Ir. and :\Irs. Robert E. Bunting, Dr. and ::.\Irs. R. Vi-. Hale (Ph.D.), :\Ir. Vi-illiam J. Bursley. :\Ir. and :\!rs. Joseph A. Hall. :\Irs. Eugene B. Butts (A.:\I.), l\Ir. and :Mrs. Vi-m. H. Hall, l\-Ir. and :\Irs. Arthur G. l\Irs. ::\Iarie Louise Hall-Vi-alker) Campbell ( B.S.), Mr. and ::.\Irs. Edward n. Hall (DD.S.), :\:Ir. and :\Irs. Louis P. Canfield ( .:\..:V.C.), l\Ir. and l-Irs. Arthur G. Hardy, :\Irs. Susan S. Canfield. Dr. and l'.Irs. Roy B. l-Iiss Sarah Hardy Case (Ph.D.). :\Ir. and Mrs. E. C. :\Iiss Cynthia Sager Chute, Prof. and Mrs. Horatio X. Clark. l\Irs. Fred. C. (Knight) Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Clarkson. Mr. and :\Irs. Sidney Vi'". Hawley, ::.\Irs. Harry Vi~. Cole, Mr. Harrie X. Hewlett. Dr. and ::.\Irs. Albion """· Condon. l\1r. Hildm•r · (Ph.D.), :.\Ir. and lirs. Jonathan The liisses Condon A. C. Cooley (Ph.D.), :\Ir. and l\Irs. Charles H. Hinsdale. :Mrs. Burke A. Cooley (:i.VI.E.), Mr. and :\Irs. ::\1ortimer E. Hinsdale (A.l-I.). Dr. and Mrs. Vi"ilbert B. Cooley, :Miss ::.\Iargaret A. Hobbs (Ph.D.), :\fr. and l\Irs. ~1'"ill1am H. Cornwell. Mr. and :l-Irs. Frank Hoff ( D.D.S.). ::::-.11·. and ::\lrs. Xe\·ille S. Craig (Ph.D.), l\Ir. and 1\-Irs. James A. Holbrook (L.L.B.), :\Ir. and :\Irs. Evans Crocker. l\Irs. Daniel Putnam Howland, l\Ir. and Mrs. William ..:\. Cross (Ph.D.). l\Ir. Arthur L. Huber. Dr. and ::.\!rs. G-. Carl Hulett (Ph.D.), Mr. George A. Hussey. Mr. and lirs. Vi-. J. Darling, Dr. and ::.\Ir::=. Cyrenus G. Hutchins (LL.D.), ::.\Ir. and ::\Irs. Harry B. Davis ( .A.M.). l\Ir. and :\Ir~. Raymond C. (Crocker) Dean, Hon. and l\Irs. Henry S. Sum. Res.: Cotuit, :\lass. :Miss Elizabeth Dean Demmon (LL.D.), Mr. and ::.\Irs. Isaac X. Jennings, :Mr. and lir~. .Alfred E. Denison (M.S., C.E. ). ::.\Ir. Charles S. Jocelyn. ::.\Ir. and )!rs. Louis P. De Pont, l-Irs. Paul R. Johnson ( Ph.C., A.l\L), :\-Ir. and :\Irs. Otis C. Piekhoff (Ph.D.), ::.\Ir. and )!rs. Tobias .Ton<'s (Ph.D.). ::\Ir. and Mrs. Edward D. Dieterle (A.B.), l\:Ir. John Jordan (A.B.), :l\.Ir. and Mrs. Fred. P. 243 24-:1: THE SOCIETY BLCE BOOK

Kelsey (Ph.D.), l\lr. and Mrs. Francis W. Russell, Mrs. Israel C. Kempf, :Mr. and Mrs. Reuben !{~nne, Hon. and llrs. Edward D. (Morse) Sadler. ~Ir. Herb<'rt C. Kmyon, Dr. and Mrs. Claudius B. Sanders (Ph.D.), Mr. Henry A. Knowlton, Mrs. Ernest J. (Potter) S_chlotterbeck (Ph.C.), Mr. and )lrs. J. O. 715 Forest avenue ~cott, Mr. and :\Irs. E,·art Knowlton (A.B., LL.B.), :\Ir. and :Mrs. Scott (Ph.D.). l\Ir. ~ nd "'{rs. Freel. X. Jerome C. Shaw, l-Ir. and :\Irs. W. B. Koch (A.M.), :\Ir. and Mrs. Theodore ,v. Shearer. :\Id. and :.\Irs. Chauncey H. Kraus (Ph.D.), Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. · (Deshler) · Sum. Res.: Pointe Aux Barques Lane ( C.E., LL.B.), :\Ir. and )!rs. Victor H. :\Iiss :\Iarie Louise D. Shearer (Knowlton) ~heehan. :Vlr. and l\Irs. John V. 715 Foster avenue Sheley, :\Irs. l-Iina Lawrence, Mr. and :\Irs. John F. Slauson. Supt. and :.\Irs. H. l\I. Levi, Mr. and :Mrs. Moritz (1Volf) Smith, :\'.?:r. and Mrs. Andrew F. Lorch ( A.lI.). Mr. and Mrs. Emil Smith, l\lr. and Mrs. Shirley \\r. Lloyd (Ph.D.), Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Solis, Dr. Jeanne C. · (~ocker) Soule, :\Ir. and Mrs. Harrison Stalker, ReY. and :\Irs. A. W. Lichty ()I.S.), )fr. and lfrs. David M. Stanley. Prof. Albert A. Lockwood, l\ir. Albert ~trauss (Ph.:VI.). :\Ir. and l-Irs. Louis A. Lombard (A.B.), Dr. and l\Irs. Warren P. Streeter (M.D.),· Dr. and :.\Irs. George L. Loree (E.). Dr. and Mrs. Ira D. Lydecker, Mrs. J. "·ard Lynds, Dr. James G. Tatlock, Rev. and !\lrs. Henrv :lfiss :Margaret L. Tatlock l\lr. Orrett Tatlock licOmber, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Mack. :Vlr. and :Mrs. Walter C. Tatlock (Ph.D.). :\Ir. and 1\Irs. John S. P. l\Iarkley (Ph.D.), Mr. and )!rs. Joseph L. Taylor, (Ph.D.), )Ir. and lirs. Fred. lI. :\leader (A.B.), :\Ir. and :\Irs. Clarence L. Thieme (Ph.D.), :Mr. and Mrs. Hm:w P. (Farmer) Thompson C\LS., LL.B.), llr. and 'Mrs. Bradley M. :Mensel (Ph.D.). l\Ir. and Mrs. Ernst H. Millen, Mr. and l-Irs. Charles F Tilden (B.S.), l\Ir. and lfrs. C. J. :Miller. )Ir. and )Irs. George · Tilley (Ph.D.), Mr. and Mrs. :\!orris P. Murfin, Mrs. ·Jose H. Travis. :\Ir. and l\frs. J". E. :\Iyers, Dr. Dean W. Trueblood (A..:.\1.), Mr. and l\frs. Thomas C. de Muralt ()I.E.), :Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Yan Tyne (Ph.D.), ~Ir. and :.\Irs. Claude H. de Xancrede (LL.D.), Dr. and )!rs. Chas. Vaughan (Ph.D.). Dr. and :\frs. Victor C. B. Vernon, Major and :v.Irs. C. A. Miss de Xancrede l\Iiss Katherine de Xancrede \\:--ade, Mr. James H. ~ewcomb (Ph.D.), Mr. and )!rs. Fred. C. \\Tagner. :\Ir. and :Vlrs. Charles "·· ::'\ ovy ( Sc.D.), Dr. and :\!rs. Frederick G. \\Tait (Ph.D.), l\Ir. and Mrs. \\Tilliam H. (Hodley) Pa ttengill, :Miss Waldron (Ph.D.). :\Ir. and Mrs. Patterson (Ph.D.), Mr. and :Mrs. George Frederick R. W., Jr. (Rowley) Waldron, :Mrs. \\.'"illiam Perr~·. :\Ir. Walter S. :lirs. H. :u. Sherman Peterson. Dr. and Mrs. Reuben \\:--alker, ).!rs. :Vlarie Pettee. Mrs. William H. ,vaples. l\irs. Rufus Phillips (Ph.D.). l\Ir. and l\:Irs. "'G. B. Ward (D.D.Sc.), :\Ir. and Mrs. l\I. L. Plimpton, Mrs. Clara \\:--arthin (Ph.D.). Dr. and :.\Irs. Alfred S. Mrs. Lulu Downs \Yenley (Sc.D., Ph.D.), :Vlr. and ~lrs. Pollock ( Sc.D.). Mr. and :.\Irs. James B. Robert :\I. (Allen) \\'"hc>at, ::.\Irs. Ida Clement Pond, Mrs. E. B. \\rhite, l-Ir. and :\[rs. Alfred H. Post. l\[r. and :\frs. Edward C. -n-hitney ( A.B.), lfr. Allen S. Prescott. l-Irs. Albert B. ,Villiams ( C.E.), :\Ir. and Mrs. Gardner S. \\-ines, :\Ir. and l\lrs. LeYi D. Sum. Res.: Lakeside, Les Cheneaux: Reed (Ph.D.), Mr. and :Mrs. John 0. Islands Reed, Mr. and l-Irs. C. F. Reeve, Mr. and l\Irs. Hamilton \\:-inkier (Ph.D.). Mr. and Mrs. ::.\fax Ree,es (Ph.D.). Mr. and Mrs.. Jesse S. w-ilgus (M.S.). Mr. and Mrs. HorRc-e I... Reighard ( (Ph.B.). :\Ir. and l\'lrs. Jacob B. W'"ood, :\Ir. and lirs. ~orman A. (Phelps) Reilly, Mrs. Robert K. Sum. Res. : Portage Lake, :\Iich. Rich, Mr. and )!rs. Edward :D. Riggs (C.E.). Mr. and :.\Irs. H. E. Yutzy, Dr. and llrs. Simon 1\1. . , Rominger. Miss Marie Rood (LL.B.), l\fr. and :\!rs.. John R. Zimmerman, :\Ir. and :\!rs. Daniel • ~0?4L.-_----.:!.,..____ -,,,I NANUFACTVRE.R TEA GOWNS AN,O /NPO/?T£"RS AGEIVT KIM O NAS MANOARINS FINE ~INGER.IE DRESSES SUITS COATS 6 ADAMS AVE. W., DETROIT Phone Cherry 920 ALSO 3440 BROADWAY NEW YORK

C C .,► •:r -C" 0

DETROIT OPERA .HOUSF HAIR STORE is the place to get your work done. :!ltthamr ·1tnhiusnu Only the best methods used. Manicuring, Electric Face Massage and Scalp Treatment, Shampooing, Hair Dressing, Dyeing and Bleaching a Specialty.



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s0 ::u -0 r- ..>z m r­> (') z0. -< I 090-92-94 Third Avenue Phone North 1436 The on!)} exclusit>e garment storage building in the state. Superior services. Unequaled protection. Lowest charges. FOR rURS, SUITS.,. COATS

THE G1\RRICK THEATRE JJLrlrnu Ladies• Tailoring at its Best 137 WOODWARD AVENUE DETROIT. MICHIGAN PHONE NORTH 138 First-Class Materials ar.d Trimmings Only All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable

~ ,.; 'C) ..1-), ~.... 7.1

. If=!ei THE GARRICI< THEATRE Index to Advertisers

l'.\til•: l'.\(il-: .\lgonquin Ilotrl ( X. Y.) ...... 1:-:li Lenox. Harn· ...... 1!)0 Amh<'rg. .:\.. & Co ...... 210 LPonnrd, II. ·R. & Co...... =~ .\m. GarrnPnt Ckaning- Co ...... 1~ Ling<'mann. C. & Co...... 1-:1: .\rthur ~tuclio ...... 20ti )lcCabe. )Ii~:--(•S ( X. Y.) ...... 22(; Brltramini & nush ...... HiO )fai<•r. ::.\1artin & Co...... 144 Black. L. Co...... 10 )larks. Hiram Electric Co...... 20-:1: Bolt. )fildrPd .\...... l(i:-- )larshall & RE>n.chard ...... Hi-1 Br<~dr & ~chro<•ter ...... l~O )Iau. Theodore C...... l!lli Bughee-. (X. Y.) ...... 210 )I n~rs. )Ii:-:s )l~-rt]p ...... l! ➔ li Burton ..,\ hstract Offi.cp ...... lf:12 )Iichigan. ::\[utual LifP Ins. Co...... )lichigan Oxypa thor Co...... a Carton. Dr...... 198 )Iichi~an Tc•nt and a\wning Co...... 2:.4 Clark. F. S...... 1-1 )loll & Stock ...... IGO Clark I )ancing .\cad0mr ...... 1:i-1 Collingwood HotPl (X. Y.·1 ...... 17~ Xetting. C. .T...... 20S Craig:h'. K. C...... 10 Crawford Laundn· Co... In~idP hack con•r 0-Lf•ary. )Ii~s L. C...... ;) CumhPrland Iloki ( X. Y. 1 ...... 17H Old Xati::mal Hank ...... 2~:1 Ostc-rmoor & Co...... 184 D<•troit & Clen'land XaY. Co...... 1-1:0 Ox.nlonor Sales Co...... IS netroit Catl'ring Co...... ltiO Detroit Opera House ...... 2-:l~-2-l-(i Pari:-: ~chool of French ...... H~S J")(>troit Huhher Stamp Co...... 20-! Park & Tilford ...... 182 D<'tr::>it ~aYings Bank ...... 204: Patt<•rson HotE'l ( X. Y. 1 •••••••••• 174 J:•Ptroit ~chool of Expression ...... Hi~ Pend<'r1!ast ...... · ...... · ...... 2-17 lh'troit ~hade Tr<'<' Co...... 1:;4 P<•nnin<>'ton-)IcK0e C'o.. 2;; Gri:-:wold .. 202 D<>troit ~t<•am Carpet Cl<•aning- \York~ 2fl-l­ P<'opl0·s Stak Bank ...... 4 I ><•xt<'r School ...... 12 Pfriff(•r Br(•win.g Co...... 1!➔ 2 Dixit• Tea ~hop ...... S Pi<'I"C<'. P.. 1-·...... ••...... 2:-i:{ l'onch, IX. Y. 1 •••••••••••••••••••• 210 Earlington Hotel. Xew York ...... 2-12 Economy Dye Hou~<' ...... 22fi H«-<•~. F. L. & Co...... s Empire Ilott,1. Xew York ...... 1 ~o Hiclwlic•u & Ont. XaY. C'o ...... 18~ Hinr:-:ide :--tora;:<' & Cartage Co...... ~ Famo Co...... Hi Hohin:-:on ...... 2-1:. F<-iman. R...... 202 Hohinson. )!me...... 2-!G 1-~<'lco,· ...... 2-!S l{on1an. ~\...... 210 F'yfo, R. II. & Co...... 12 Ru~:-:Pll Art Co...... 21:1 ~chro<-ter. B...... 172 Garrick Theatre Diagram ...... 2-l-7-2-1f- ~hock<'~- ~hoe Co...... :!7 G<'orgP, House of. 1. In~ide front ~mart ~hop ...... 22 CO\"(•r 'i Sl)runk Engra,·ing Co...... 202 Grain9"er-Hannan-Kay Co. (Im,ide front 1!)7 CO\"pr) ~tar Car-et Cleaning Co...... ~troll Brewery Co. ~ ...... l-l-1: <;rand Rapid~ SaYings Bank ...... 21-1 Stuart. .Tobn C...... <;ray. Theo. )I...... 1-l­ 172 (.;.rinnell .... ,ros...... 20 Th•tzP. )Iilo. Ch.•aning & Dyeing Co. 1!)8 Grinnell ElC'ctric Car Co...... 20 Towar·:-: Cr<•amery ...... 152 Gm.'nthC'r. Fred ...... I!)O Tuttle & Clark ...... ~,•c- insert Hoo,er. ~uttou Co...... Hi Yoigt·s .l1r0w(•ry ...... 198 Walk On'r ~llol' Co...... 1:.2 Imlar. .\...... 208 Walk('r Bros...... 14 "·e:-:t Side Brew<•ry ...... 1:H .JarYi:" "·· R. Co...... 1!)(; Wi>vbing Bros. )lfg. Co...... 22 .Ton<•~ & Brincli:-:i ...... :!:.4 \Yikandt'r Institute ...... 24 Woodward Hotel ...... (> K('nt-Costikyan ...... 1;;-1 \,'right. Kay & Co...... 2H Krug.. J .• \dol·•u ...... 1!)0 Kuhn's ...... 172 "f o~t. ,.rf'o. P...... • . . 20G Detroit Shopper's Guide

ABSTRACT COMPANY People's Stak Bank, The, S. E. Cor. Burton Abstract Office. ( See Page Fort ""· and ~hell)\". Branclw:-: 2U)u­ ~::W0 \Y. Jefferson a,·e .. 10:! Wa:i-hindon 192.) an' .. Cor. Uussell and LJ·man pl.. ~{ E. ART GLASS Cor. :.\lichigan and .Junction av,,s. and Detroit Stained Glass \Yorks. 295-297 l$t -:W:3 Gratiot ave. ( See ribbon. al::::o cor. Grand Ri\·er aY. · page 4.) Fr.)hlich Glass Co., The, ;j2-54 Larned w BICYCLES and G0-72 Shelb~-- .JarYi:-:. \Y. B. Co ...... SC'e pag(' l!H; ART GOODS BOOKS AND STATIONERY l-IC'aly. Daniel J., 224-226 "·oodward aY. Hudson, .T. L. Co., The, n. w. cor. Gratiot Russell Art Co. See page 213. av. and Farmer. :.\Iacauley Bros .. 172 \Yoodward aY. S )laxwell-Briscoe-:\IcLeod Co., The. 24-:3-2-1-::i ,Jefferson aY. CANDIES Packard )Iotor Car Co., cor. E Grand Boul. Kuhn·s Candies ...... see page 172 and Belt Line. Park & Tilford Candies ...... see page 182 Seidler-)Iiner Automobile Co.. 24-1 .J eff(1rson a,. CANOPIES Pennington-McKee Co., 25 Griswold. AUTOMOBILE CLOTHING (See page 202.) Tuttle & Clark. 189 .Jeffers:n av. :--·('P in- sert. · CARPET CLEANING WORKS Brossy, L. C .. Dyeing Co., (i9-71-7:{ Larn(•d AWNINGS. CANOPIES. TENTS. ETC. e .. .;.89 ff·oodward av., 86 )Iicbig:an av. )Iichigan Tent and Awning Co .. Trumimll and 62 Gratiot ~n-. and Cherry ~treet~. SPe adv. pag-f' 2:i-t-. Detroit Steam Carpet Cleaning v/orks, Pennington-McKee Co., 25 Griswold. 26 Gilman. ( See page 20-1-.) ( See page 202.) Star Carpet Cl<'aning Co. See ad,·. p.1~1! 1!)7. BANKS. CATERERS Detroit Savings Bank, Penobscot Bldg. Detroit Catering Co., 292 \Yoodward Branches 199 Gratiot av. and 02:~ Dix an'. 1_ Sc-•e page lGO.:, av. Sec ad,. pag<> 204. 1-'ierc<>. n. F .. Grand Rapid!-:. SN• page 2:·;8. Detroit Trust Co., The, P('nobscot Bldg. Walker Bros. Catering Co.. ::w Farmer l>ime .::,aYings Bank. s. e. cor. Griswold :-we ad,·. page 14. and Fort. Branches 1174 ,Jefferson av. and 1491 "·oodward aY. CHIMNEY EXPERT First Xational Bank of Detroit, Ford Bldg., \\"hitle,·. Frederick N.. 21:; Fulton n. w. cor. Gris\\"old and Congress. street. Brooklyn, :S. Y. Smoky fire- Old Xational Bank, Grand Rapids. See nlaces made to draw-. Payment condi­ page 2:1a. tional upon succ('~:i-. Hefrrences and Grand Rapids Sa,ings Bank. S<>e page 21-l particular:i; on r(•quest. DETROIT

CHIROPODIST EDUCATIONAL Brewer, Dr., Rooms 302 and 304 Davison, Miss Louie, Concert Violin­ Broadwar Central Bldg., 92 Broadway. ist and Tt>acher of Piano. Grangpr­ I-Iannan Bldg.. 240 "·oodward av. Re~i­ CHINA-MONOGRAM dence 116 High street. east. Telephone The A::.-t China Import Co.. :~2-34 "·· 20th )Iain -lOl 7. street. Xe...... York. Flat, rais<.'d paste. Detroit Conscrn1tory of l\Iusic, :;30 ,Yood­ and encrusted china for the hostess of ward av. discriminating taste. Detroit Home and Day School, 73 CHINA. CROCKERY AND GLASS­ Stimson pl. WARE Detroit School of Expression, 1191 King, L. B. e., Co., Cor. Grand River Jefferson ;_we. (See page lG8.1 E. and FarrRr. Dc>xter Slhool. ;'.;7;3-7 ~'."'oodward a\·. ~('e Wright, Kay & Co., 140-144 \Voodward adv.. page 12. an•. ( See page 2G . .I Paris School of French, 408 Fine CLEANERS AND DYERS Arts llldg. ( See page 168.) Am<'rican Garment Cleaning Co .. 36;j Wood- Stuart, John C., Piano Teacher, 509 ward av...... see adv.. pap;e lS Gladwin Bldg. (Sec page 172 .. 1 Brossy. L. C. Dyeing Co .. 984 "·oodward av .. 1r. e. Grand River av .. 86 )Iichigan ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS a\·. and 62 Gratiot av. Campau, Charle~ P .. 701 "·oodward av. Marks, Hiram Electric Co., 155 Jeffer­ Ecsnop--- Dye House, Grand Rapids. see son a Ye. ( See page 204.) page 226. :-5eidler )liner Electric Co .. 207 Jefferson a,·. Tiet'l.e-:\Iilo Co.. 207 Griswold street. ~ee 1me-e 198. ELECTROLYSIS Imlay, A., 357 "'\Voodward ave. (See Butler. _,!me. Lulu. 82 Broad"·a,. Face ''fH?'e 208.) and scalo treatment (:\Iarinello ~ sJ·stem). Also chirO"'Oitm<>~·er s ~2 Broadway, cor. Gratiot aY. r. \Yoodward and Con­ page 172.) ' ~ress strN•ts. "·i•io-ht-Kay & Co...... $ee page 2G FURS DRAPERIES Annis, Newton, Annis Bldg., \Vo:::>d­ Hudson & ~nnington. Hudson Bldg. ward a ,·e. Crai~ie. K. C.. 146 Woodward a,. ~ee . DRUGGISTS ad\·. page 10. Gray & Worcester, 208 Woodward a,·. George, House of, 259 Woodward ave. DRY GOODS <~l'l' in~ide front coYer.) :\!nu. Thc•odore c .. 2G7 ""oodward aY. $t·P ).;ewcomh-Endicott Co., ,Yoodward :n-.. pag<' l!hi. <;rand Rin•r ancl Farrar. Xe-wcomh. Endicott Co., The>. 190-20(i ,Yood­ He~·n·s Bazaar Co .. 14 7-1:31 \Yoodward ::n·. ward av. DYEING AND CLEANING O'Leary, Miss L. C., ,vashington Ar­ cade. ( See page Bross,. L. C. D,eing0 Co.. ns-1- \Yoodward r..) aY.: 1::-i Grand RiYt~r aY .. e. SH :\lichigan Yost. (;po. P., 2o7-20fl-211 \Yoodwarct ::,·. av .. 62 Gratiot a,. See ach·. pa~n• 20li. THE SOClETY BLl"E BOOK

GOWNS LAUNDRIES Beck(-'r, lliss lfarie lI.. 405 <.ias OflicP Colonial Laundry Co., Cor. Congress Bld~. Phone Chern· 6i3ZJ. Bughee, X. Y...... see page 210 and .Antoine. High Grad<• Hand Work. House of George, 259· ,Yoodward a,·. ( St'<' Crawford Laundry Co., 393-395 Jeffer­ inside front coyer). :-:on an~. ( See inside back cov<'r., GROCERS LEATHER GOODS Gra~·. Theo. lI., 751 \Yoodward -aY. S('(• Tuttle & Clark, 1S9 .J 0fft•rson a,·. ~«='P i .1- ad,·. page 1-:1:. sert. -uc.:.,lillan G. & R. Co.. ( Imnorted and Do­ .JarYis. \Y. 13. Co...... ~('1' pag,, 1 · ;c; mestic.) lol ,\'·oodward a,·enue. LINGERIE O"Brien & Co., 121-12:1-12:3 \YoJdward av. Smart Shop, 20:.~ ScllL•rcr Illdg.. ~t•e a<:,·. . HAIR DRESSING. MANICURING. page 22 . ETC. MANICURING Butler, Mme. Lulu, 82 Broadway. Butler, Mme. Lulu, 82 Broadway. Hairdr<'ssing. Electrolysis. FacP and Phone City 4290-X. Also :\Iain :-;:-:O!L Scahl 'l'r(•atnwnt. ( llarinello systc.:•1111. Phon(~ City -:1:290-X, also llain ;3:30!). MANTELS. GRATES AND Tl LES Hohin:.-:on. llnw...... ~('<' pag(' 1-rn Detroit )Iantcl & Tile Co.. 11-:1:-llU Bro~Hl­ HATS wav Baumgartner·s Fashion Shop Chamber of Netti~g, C. J. & Co., The, 256 \Vood- Comm(.'rce Bldg. ward a YP. :-;ee page 208.) HOTELS MASSAGE Algonquin Hotel. X. Y...... 186 Carton, Dr. Anton, Glad win Bldg. Collingwood Hotel. X. Y...... 178 ( ~ee page 198.) Cumberland Hotel, Xew York. (Se2 MATTRESSES page 17(>.) Ostc•rmoor & Co...... $('(' pag1• l~-E Earlin~ton Hotel. (X. Y.) ...... 2-:1:2 Empire Hotel. X. Y...... 180 MEDICAL Pattrrson Hotel. X. Y...... 17-:1: u.ot<.>l Pontchartrain. \Yikancl1•r Institute ...... :!-l Hotel Tuiler. MILLINERY Woodward Hotel ...... H Poncb, X. Y...... se(• pa~l' :!10 INSURANCE Storz, Mrs. G., 289 · \Voodward ave. llichi,...an llutual Life Ins. Co. See ad,·. "Phone )lain -l-:i6!). page 3. Woodward Millinery, 890 \Voodward INTERIOR DECORATORS Brede &. Schroeter. ( See page 190.) MOTORBOAT SUPPLIES Dean, H. J. Co., 193 Griswold. .TarYis. \Y. n. Co...... :0:1•p pag-" 1 !IG JEWELERS MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRU­ Rolsho,·en F. & Co .. 166 \Yood,vard a,·. MENTS Grainger-1-Iannan-Ka~· Co.. :!:18 \Yoodward Grinnell Bros.. Grinnell Bldg. av...... see inside front cover Krug, J. Adolph. (See page 190.) Traub Brothers. Detroit·s Old('st .TewC'lers, \Yoodward av .. cor. Comrr(•ss street. NOVEL TIES-IMPORTED Weyhin .... Bros. :\Ifg. Co., 2:fi'-2-:1:1 \Yoodward .TarYis. W. B. Co...... S('(' p.i '~I' 1 :.1; aY. See page 22. NURSES Wright, Kay &. Co., 140-144 Woodward Haetckc•. )Iiss _.\gncs L.. 218 Lincoln :l\". ave. (See page 2G.:, OPTICIANS LADIES' TAILORS Black. L. Co.. i:rn \Yoodwar9 \Yoodward aY. SN• pag<• • • • • . • • . • • • . • . . • . • . . :--c1• :tCY. 1:.?;;1· ::.11 -02. FelcoY ...... Se<• pag(' 2-1~ ORIENTAL RUGS "Jacobson," 209 vVashington Arcade. KPnt-Costik~·an. X. Y...... :-:1•1• p:1g1• 1:i-1 Phone )lain l:-:1:7~. Ladie~· Tailor and Nahigian, House of, 14 Adams ave.7 Habit :\laker. All kinds of Fancy and \Y. and Petoske~-, llicb. 1 Fine Hu:.!s ~treet Costumes. Exclusivel~-- PC'tricek. .J., Ladies' Tailor. :{!) rniY(_•rsity Building. 1::i-21 Ea8t nrancl Hi\"(•r av. OSTEOPATH IC PHYSICIANS Pilon<' ChC'rr~- 11U8. ForOr!re A .. -U:{ ~ten•n:-: Bldg.. 31- KlPin ..Jacob. Uoom 20:~ \Yooclwarcl .\rc.l l(•. :!!J (;rand Rin•r av. Phone )Iain 2:i87. Phone Ch<-'rr~- 18!);:. : Cit~- :172:.{-X. ~<'llarcl~ & Sellards, 24 P(•krhoro. Phones~ Homan. _\ .. X. Y...... ~n· :::,·.:-!• :no <;rand 111: Cit~- 111. DETROIT

OXYDONOR SPORTING GOODS Sales Department, 244 \Voodward ave. .r,u•yi~. ,Y. B. Co...... Sec pag<' 196 Tl'L )Iain 2-n:t Cit~· GUll. ( 8ee page 18. STATIONERS OXYPATHOR (irainger-Hannan-Kay Co.. diamond· im­ page 5 .. porters. jewelers and silYersmitbs. 1:38 )Iichigan Ox"·1)athor Co., sec ad,·. an,1 2-!0 ""oodward aY. ( See inside PHONOGRAPHS front coYer). American Phonograph Co., 2:32 ,Yoodward STEAM SH IP AGE NCI ES Phone :\fain -:1!)(_;.. a'". Guenther, Fred, Hammond Bldg. ( See CLOTHIERS page 190.) Baumgartner·::; Fashion ::5hop, Cham!Jc·r of Commerce Bldg. _ STORAGE Tran~r-Bird Co., 171-177 ,Yoodward. Dr.. Cushion Shoe House. 272 ·wood- )Iichitmn an~. ward aY. · Shockey Shoe Co...... S(.'(' pag1.? 27 VACUUM CLEANERS Walk-Over S.hoe Co., 153 '\Voodward 1-Ioon.•r Sutton Co., 207 "·ashington .\r­ aYt'. (8eP page 1:i2 ..1 cadt:'. -,ec adY. page 10. SILKS VIOLINS Amberg, A. &. Co., Silk Shop, 21 John Krug, J. Adolph, 16 Champlain. (See H. ( ~C'e page :"?10. I pag-,, 1no. :, OOrirutul i!lugs


1Jnnrs & 1Brinhisi 452 FIFTH AVENUE, COR. 40TH STREET NEW YORK

Telephone 7537 Bryant

JOHN W. JONES E. BRINDISI buyer for 15 years formerly of for B. Altman & Co. Cairo, Egypt