❖illlllllllllllDIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIICllllllllllllt ----------------------------- ❖i I ilau' s ilut innk 1I I FOR I I DETROIT ! I ================== INCLUDING ====================== I a~ ANN ARBOR, GRAND RAPIDS, AND MANY i I SUBURBAN TOWNS. I ~ i a- !- ~ ~ -5 §- ! Edition for ] 91 2 27th Year a = = §- §- = = ~ i g § 5 5 -~ §- ~ PRICE FIVE DOLLARS ~ - - I- i- =a- -=a § DAU PUBLISHING CO. i i 40 West Thirty-third Street, New York City. ~ " 222 Moffat Block, Detroit ;:. ~ ~ ::- COPYRIGHT, 1912, BY DAU PUBLISHING COMPANY ::- ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------- ~ •:•JIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIHIIIIIIDIIHIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIHIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIHIIIIIIICIIIIIRIIIIIClllllllllfflCHlllfflHROIHIIHllf.ft" ❖" CARD PARTIES White Tables and Chairs /or Rent Artistic and Elegant Furniture and Old Sheffield Silver Imported Novelties, &c, &c. H. R. Leonard Furniture Co. 265-267-269 WOODWARD A VENUE I fiSSET§ OVER $11,6.50,000.00 Founded 1867 The Old flirqigau ilutual i£ifr lJusurunrr Qrnmpaun OF DETROIT Stands for the Best in Life Insurance Paid to policy holders in one year (1911) - $ 1,494,826~i5 Total amount paid to policy holders since the organization of the Company - 20,386,125.27 Total amount paid to policy holders since organization, plus the amount now held for their benefit - 30,968,831.16 A Record of Actual Results which speaks for itself ALL RESULTS GUARANTEED ·NO ESTIMATES 0. R. LOOKER. President A. F. MOORE, Secretary W4t Jrnplrs ~tatr Iaauk CORNER FORT AND SHELBY STREETS CA·PITAL, $1,500,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $2,000,000 <trnmmrrriul nu~ ~uuiugs ·irpurtmruts ~afr irpnsit 1tluults FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE AND LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS OFFICEflS . GEO. H. Rt"SSEL, President GEO. E. LAWSON, Vice-President R. "'.'"· S:\IYLIE., Mgr. Credits and Audits R. S. MASON, Vice-President J. R. BODDE. Assistant Cashier F. A. SCHULTE, Vice-President CHARLES H.· AYERS. Assistant Cashier B. s. COLB"C"R~., Vice-President EX-OCH S:\IITH, Assistant Cashier AUSTIN' E. WIN'G, Cashier R. T. Ceo:vroRE. Assistant Cashier- H. P. BORG:\IAN, Cashier Savings Dept." GE~. T. CO"t"RTXEY, Auditor . DIRECTORS · Russell .-\.. Alger Jeremiah Dwyc>r H. B. Led~·ard Angus Smitli George H. Barbour Frank J. Hecker P. H. M:c:\-Iillan F. A. Schulte W. T. Barbour Fred ".,.· Hodges R. S. l\Iason Hugo Scherer H. l\1'. Campbell J. C. Hutchins Fred T. :\Io ran Henn· Russel B. S. Colburn .Tames T. Keena l\'.I. J. ~Iurphy George H. Russel C. A. Ducharme Geo. E. Lawson "-- Howie l\Iuir A special department for women's commercial accounts in the Woman's Washington Arcade. The convenience of location with the sep­ arate facilities offered· 't\·ill commend this department to women Department desiring to keep their own commercial or household accounts. 4 MISS L. C. O'LEARY i£xrlusittr 1fl' urrirr IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER ORDER WORK AND ORIGINAL DESIGNS A SPECIALTY COLD STORAGE FOR FURS FIFTH PHONE FLOOR WASHINGTON ARC-A.DE CHERRY 1145-W -FOR.. PROGRESSIVE. PEOPLE • This is an age of progress. Are you progressive ? Oxypathy is the acme of modem curative science. Everybody is talking of Oxygen and the Oxypathor, how it cured _them of this or that ailment-how simple and fine it was to obtain such splendid re­ sults through its use. Stop using drugs. If you bore your friends with complaints of Insomnia or Nerves some one will surely say, -get an Oxypathor. If it's possible that you are not informed, call or phone and have our representative give you our literature and proposition. If it's not an Oxypathor, ifs not the best. MICHIGAN . OXYPATH0R COMPANY 40 Valpey Building ..-. .-. 2 1 3 Woodward Avenue 5 Hotel Woodward Broadway at 55th Street Ne,v York City Residential and Transient Established Reputation fir Catering 01J/y to People I .of Refinement Easy Access to Theatre and Shopping District Woodward Housekeeping Annex Furnished or Unfurnished Privacy of a Home-Convenience of a Hotel 6 Riverside Storage & Cartage Co, CASS AND CONGRESS STREETS • • • • • SUPERIOR FACILITIES • Storage Moving Packing Shipping Fireproof and Non-Fireproof Accommodations Lowest Rates of Insurance Automobile Van Service MAIN 6Q6,-------PHONES,-------,CITY 607 SOCIETY STATIONERY ENGRAVING AND DESIGNING WEDDING INVITATIONS, CALLING CARDS, ETC. MONOGRAMS, COATS OF ARMS. CRESTS, ETC. THE F. L. REEG CO. PHONE MAIN 4295 214 WOODWARD AVENUE OJ4t ii~it Wta ~4np J!Jnn.e .:!Bain 42ll 124 Jiarm.rr,, nrar 1Jn4n il ~trrrt tJ[ Arrangements can be made for Card ]:>arties, Bridge Luncheons, Teas or Dinners. tJ[ Special care taken of Clubs, Sororities, etc., in new Colonial Rooms. Lunch from 11 :30 to 2:30 . Dinner every evening, 6:00 to 7 :30 s Jrrfart I{ E Thirteenth Edition of the iUm ilnnk possesses some new features which we trust will entitle it to T retain the high place in public fa,}or that has been accorded its predecessors. We desire especially to thank our lady patrons for their cordial appreciation of our efforts. }leither time nor money has been spared to make this work as complete and ·-;:aluable as possible. The diffi­ culty attending the compiling of such a book can be easilJ,' appreciated; and we therefore trust that any omissions will be brought to our notice, that thes may be corrected in future. We hope to 1nake the iUu.r itnnk as nearl"J' perfect as it is possible to make such a voliune. We do not claim the illu.r ilnnk is either a City Directory or absolutely an Elite Director's; neither do wt· pretend to· pass upon the social or financial standing of the parties whose names are contained therein. It is simpZ,y,, a coni­ pilation of about fourteen hundred names of the 1nost promi­ nent householders published in the most con'i.,·em·ent form for reference b}1 our lady patrons. The title 0 jllne iSnnk.'' is given the work hecause of its blue co·uer. It does not refer to blue blood, as ;=rnny people suppose. Webster's definition of Blue Book is as follows: "Blue Book-a book containing a list of fasizfr1nable addresses." The data for this work have 11ot been compiled from cir­ culars or from other directories. Experienced men, particu­ larly adapted for such work, ha'i.,'e been assigned to each localit:y, and the greatest care has been used in selecting these names. Please send G1Z}' illformation 1•ou nzaJ h.a.·ve that will aid in keeping the records correct to Dau Publishiug Co., 40 West 33d Street, lvew York CitJ,'. THE PUBLISHERS KENNETH C. CRAIGIE Jfl'urrirr READY TO WEAR AND SPECIAL ORDER STORAGE REPAIRS PHONE MAIN 3886 146 Woodward Ave. DETROIT, MICH. JO Club List 1 ACANTHUS CLUB 10 Al.'"DCBOX CL"CB President, H. :\I. Utley; Secretary, President, Thomas E. X ewto1- ; Vice­ Rev. Paul Ziegler. (See list of mem­ Presiden t, F. Postal; Secretary­ bers in back of bo-ok.) Treasurer, \Y. H. Allison . 2 ACADEMY OF MEDICI~E 11 \\-OLVERINE AUTO)IOBILE ASSO­ President, Dr. P. :VI. Hickey; Vice­ CIATIOX President, Dr. C. D. Aaron ; Secre­ )Ir. G. H. Andrews, 688 Trumbull tary and Treasurer, Dr. Ray Connor. aYenue ( See back of book for list of mem­ 12 BAXKERS' CLUB bers.) President, Charles A. Dean; Vice• 3 .-\.DCRAFT CLUB President, George E. Lawson; Secre• President, ~:-m. C. Radcliffe ; 1st tary and Treasurer, J. W. Staley Vice-President, W. A. Shryer; 2d Yice-President, Joseph ::\Ieadon; Sec­ 14 BO.-\.RD OF GRAPHIC ARTS retary, R. C. Fowler; Treasurer, J. :\Ir. George E. Kunze, 602 "\Voodwarcl R. Cordon. aYenue -1 A::\IERICAX HISTORICAL ASSOC!• 15 BOYLSTOX CL'CB ATION :\Ir. Ora E. Butterfield, 93 Putnam 16 CHA:\IBER l\IUSIC SOCIETY avenue President, :Miss Clara E. Dyar ; Vice­ 5 Al\IERICAX INSTITuTE OF ARCH· President, Mrs. F. l\L Alger; Secre­ ITECTS tan·, Paul \\:-eadock; Treasurer, President, John Scott; Vice-Presi• Archibald Carey. dent, H. J. :\I. Grylls; Secretary, :\1. 21 COLLEGE CLUB OF DETROIT R. Burrowes; Treasurer, Charles Secretary, liiss Winnifred MacLoch­ Kotting; Director, .J. SI. Donaldson. lan, 2 2 Wi there11 ( See list of members in back ot book) ::!l COLLEGE EQ"C"AL SUFFRAGE LEA- 6 AMERICA~ NATIOXAL RED GUE CROSS President, Dr. liary T. Stevens; Sec­ President, Sidney T. :Miller ; Treasu• retan;, ::\frs. Mary H. Grosvenor, 1429 rer, Emory W. Clark; Se~retary, Grand River avenue Ralph M. Dyar 2 2 ASSOCIATIO~ OF COLLEGIATE 7 A:i\IERICAX SOCIETY OF CIVIL ALUl\IN-~E (DETROIT BRANCH) EXGIXEERS President, :Mrs. L. W. Atkinson; Vice­ 8 ARCHAEOLOGICAL IXSTITuTE President, :\:Irs. :Mary L. Dexter ; Re­ OF AMERICA cording Secretary, Mrs. I. S'tellwag­ President, Charles :\Ioore; Vice-Pres­ en Hurst ; Corresponding Secretar~·. idents, George Williams Bates, F. D. :\!rs. J. X. Keal; Treasurer, :Miss A. Taylor, :VIerton E. Farr and Prof. ::\IcSweeney; Auditor, l\Iiss :\I. P. ~:Iartin L. D'Ooge; Secretary, Percy ,Yaples · !Yes, 502 Cass avenue; Tr1?asurer, \\ralter C. Boynton 2 :3 COLU?\1BL\. .ALU:\1XI ASSOCIA- 9 SOCIETY OF ARTS .. AND CRAFTS TIOX OF DETROIT President, Dr. E. T. Tappey; Yice­ President. H. J. :l-Iaxwell Grylls; 1st President, Dr. H. \\,.._ Longyear ; Sec­ Vice-President, G. D. Pope; Second retary-Treasurer, Dr. T. A. l:IcGraw, Vice-President, Alexandrine :\-IcEw­ Jr. en; Treasurer, W. B. Stratton; Sec­ 25 COl.'"XTRY CLUB OF DETROIT retary, Helen Plumb. ( See list of President, Frederick l\:I. Alger; Vice­ members in back of book) President, \\,.._ Howie Muir ; Secre- Party and Reception Footwear IN ALL SHAPES AND COLORINGS Special Pairs to Order to Match Costumes An excellent line of Ready-to-Wear Slippers, Pumps, Ties, etc. in Black and Colors, Plain and Beaded Vamps. -:- We invite your inspection 183-185 Woodward Avenue The Dexter· ·School An Individual School For Boys Elementary and College Preparatory- Training Frederick Dexter Green, Head Master Telephone, Grand 575-577 Woodward Avenue 12 DETROIT tan·, L.
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