oint initiative of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and the Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo DICE REPORT Journal for Institutional Comparisons VOLUME 6, NO .4 W INTER 2008 Forum Peter Auer and Bernard Gazier Lans Bovenberg, Ton Wilthagen and Sonja Bekker FLEXICURITY Torben M. Andersen and Michael Svarer Luca Nunziata Wolfgang Ochel, Oliver Röhn, Anja Rohwer and Thomas Stratmann Richard V. Burkhauser Research Report CONTROL MECHANISMS FOR Steffen Kern SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS Reform Model TWO-TIER EMPLOYMENT PROTECTION Samuel Bentolila, Juan J. Dolado and REFORMS:THE SPANISH EXPERIENCE Juan F. Jimeno Database DEPOSIT INSURANCE EMISSIONS TRADING ENERGY MARKETS TEMPORARY LABOUR MIGRATION ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS BISMARCK VERSUS BEVERIDGE News NEW AT DICE DATABASE, CONFERENCES,BOOKS The international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University’s Center for Economic Studies and the Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Munich CESifo DICE Report ISSN 1612-0663 A quarterly journal for institutional comparisons Publisher and distributor: Ifo Institute for Economic Research e.V. Poschingerstr. 5, D-81679 Munich, Germany Telephone ++49 89 9224-0, Telefax ++49 89 9224-1462, e-mail
[email protected] Annual subscription rate: n50.00 Editor: Christa Hainz (
[email protected]), Wolfgang Ochel (
[email protected]) Editor of this issue: Wolfgang Ochel Copy editing: Anne Heritage, Paul Kremmel Reproduction permitted only if source is stated and copy is sent to the Ifo Institute. DICE Database: www.cesifo.de/DICE DICE Report Volume 6, Number 4 Winter 2008 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Forum FLEXICURITY Flexicurity as a Policy Agenda Peter Auer and Bernard Gazier 3 Flexicurity: Lessons and Proposals from the Netherlands Lans Bovenberg, Ton Wilthagen and Sonja Bekker 9 Flexicurity in Denmark Torben M.