FOR RECOMMENDATION PUBLIC OPEN SESSION TO: Committee on Academic Policy and Programs SPONSOR: Sioban Nelson, Vice-Provost, Academic Programs CONTACT INFO: (416) 978-2122,
[email protected] PRESENTER: See Sponsor CONTACT INFO: DATE: March 11, 2016 to March 30, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: 1 ITEM IDENTIFICATION: Proposal for a new conjoint Master of Arts in Theological Studies, Toronto School of Theology JURISDICTIONAL INFORMATION: The Committee on Academic Policy and Programs has the authority to recommend to the Academic Board for approval new graduate programs and degrees. (AP&P Terms of Reference, Section 4.4.a.ii) GOVERNANCE PATH: 1. Committee on Academic Policy and Programs [for recommendation] (March 30, 2016) 2. Academic Board [for approval] (April 21, 2016) 3. Executive Committee [for confirmation] (May 9, 2016) PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: The proposal for the conjoint Master of Arts in Theological Studies received approval from the Toronto School of Theology Academic Council on March 4, 2016. HIGHLIGHTS: This is a proposal for a new research master’s program in Theological Studies. The proposed M.A. will be offered conjointly by the University of Toronto (U of T) and the Toronto School of Theology (TST). Page 1 of 3 Committee on Academic Policy and Programs – Proposal for conjoint M.A. in Theological Studies Background TST and the seven theological colleges associated with it are institutionally independent of U of T and have their own systems of governance. The relationship between U of T and TST arose as follows: Whereas European universities from their founding included the offering of degrees in theology as one of their roles, historically, U of T’s charter did not include the power to grant degrees in theology.