J. R. Royse, The Text of ’s Legum Allegoriae ...... 1

T. H. Tobin, The Beginning of Philo’s Legum Allegoriae ...... 29

A. van den Hoek, Philo and Origen: a Descriptive Catalogue of their Relationship...... 44

S. Etienne, Réflexion sur l’apostasie de Tibérius Julius Alexander...... 122


D. T. Runia, Alexandria and Cambridge: James Kugel’s Traditions of the Bible ...... 143


D. T. Runia, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. P. Martín, R. Radice, J. Riaud, K.-G. Sandelin, D. Satran, D. Zeller, Philo of Alexandria: an Annotated Bibliography 1997...... 148

Supplement: Provisional Bibliography 1998–2000...... 181


John M. G. Barclay, in the Mediterranean Diaspora: From Alexander to Trajan (323 BCE– 117 CE). Reviewed by Ellen Birnbaum ...... 192 Magne Saebø, Hebrew Bible/Old Testament: The History of Its Interpretation, Volume 1: From the Beginnings to the Middle Ages (Until 1300), Part 1: Antiquity. Reviewed by Gregory E. Sterling ...... 197 Christian Noack, Gottesbewußtsein: Exegetische Studien zur Soteriologie und Mystik bei Philo von Alexandria. Reviewed by Dieter Zeller...... 199 viii contents

P. Borgen, K. Fuglseth, and R. Skarsten, The Philo Index: A Complete Greek Word Index to the Writings of Philo of Alexandria. Reviewed by David Runia...... 205 Heleen M. Keizer, Life Time Entirety: A Study of AIWN in Greek Literature and Philosophy, the Septuagint and Philo. Reviewed by David M. Hay ...... 206 Louis Feldman, Studies in ’ Rewritten Bible. Reviewed by Gregory E. Sterling ...... 209 Maren R. Niehoff, ‘Alexandrian Judaism in 19th Century Wissen- schaft des Judentums’, in: A. Oppenheimer (ed.), Jüdische Geschichte in hellenistisch-römischer Zeit. Wege der Forschung: Vom alten zum neuen Schürer, Reviewed by Daniel R. Schwartz ...... 211 Stanley E. Porter (ed.). Handbook of Classical Rhetoric in the Hellenistic Period 330 B.C. – A.D. 400. Reviewed by Kenneth A. Fox ...... 215 Jaroslav Pelikan, What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? Timaeus and Genesis in Counterpoint. Reviewed by David Runia...... 218 Erich S. Gruen, Heritage and Hellenism. The Reinvention of Jewish Tradition. Reviewed by Maren Niehoff...... 222 G. Reydams-Schils, Demiurge and Providence. Stoic and Platonist Readings of Plato’s Timaeus. Reviewed by A.P. Bos ...... 226

News and Notes ...... 230

Notes on Contributors...... 232

Instructions to Contributors...... 235