Heartwww.heartofengland.nhs.uk SoulSpring 2011 Heartlands ice babies & Introducing Lord Hunt, new Trust chairman

Elderly care team receive excellent care award

Transforming community services

Elections results

Football and television star Gary Lineker on family and well-being

Staff Hats off to Free Health recognition new ward hospital profile...pain awards block parking trial management p3 p4 p11 p14

Birmingham Heartlands Hospital - Solihull Hospital - Good Hope Hospital - Birmingham Chest Clinic trust news Introducing Lord Ice Hunt, new Trust babies at chairman Heartlands

Heartlands Hospital is now Lord Philip Hunt has been in the last Government home to an innovative appointed the new Heart and chaired the National new treatment that could of England chairman, Patient Safety Agency prevent brain damage for after the Trust governors between 2004 and 2005. newborn babies. unanimously agreed the Roy Shields, lead appointment following governor and chairman Therapeutic hypothermia a formal Governors’ of the Governors’ or ‘cooling babies’ is a Consultative Council Appointment Committee treatment where babies meeting. said: “Lord Hunt will who are at risk of brain Lord Hunt will take up prove to be a great asset damage due to oxygen his new post on 1 April to the organisation. His deficiency and reduced 2011 and brings with him vast healthcare experience blood supply during birth, a wealth of experience in and passion for local are cooled from a normal healthcare at national and engagement will ensure body temp of 37 degrees local level. that each of our hospitals down to 33.5 degrees. He has been working remain strong within the The process of cooling with the Trust since communities it serves.” reduces the risk of long- October 2010 as a non Lord Hunt, from Kings term neurodevelopment executive director and is Heath, Birmingham, said: disabilities including also the current president “I am delighted to have blindness, deafness and of the Royal Society been asked to chair the cerebral palsy, which is often of Public Health and Trust. Clive Wilkinson has undiscovered until later on chairman of the All Party done excellent work and in the child’s life. Parliamentary Group on will be a very hard act to Heartlands is proud to be Primary Care and Public follow. My entire focus the official cooling centre Health. will be on ensuring a high for the Southern West A former chief executive quality of patient care and Midlands Newborn Network of the NHS Confederation, enhancing the contribution and has been using this Lord Hunt has also had two of our dedicated staff.” treatment since May 2010. spells as a health minister

2 www.heartofengland.nhs.uk health profile Free hospital parking trial Beating a free of charge parking option. It will also help determine to what extent the bugs free parking in the evening will help ease car park congestion during

the day, when the car S

parks are at their busiest. A A free parking trial is The trial will initially last y

now in operation at Good for a three month period, n o Hope. This will apply to ending 13 May 2011. to all the main visitor areas Noro! between the hours of For more information 6pm and 9pm, Monday to about the trial, contact the Anyone who has displayed Friday. Good Hope car parking symptoms of sickness The aim of the scheme office on 0121 424 7877. or diarrhoea in the last is to provide visitors with 48 hours, or has been in contact with anyone who has had the illness, is always Garden is a stroke of genius for patients asked to stay away from our Stroke patients at Solihull providing solace for those Hospitals to help prevent Hospital will benefit from looking for some quiet the spread of norovirus. therapeutic surroundings as time. It was this thinking Symptoms include: the Hospital sets to build a that first gave me the idea • Nausea and vomiting garden to help aid recovery. to raise funds for such a • Diarrhoea The garden designed garden.” • Fever by local designer, Linda Following months of • Headaches South from Blythebrook fundraising, Rachael and • Stomach cramps Designs, comes following the team have raised • Aching limbs an idea conceived by £30,000 and hopes to ward manager, Rachael continue raising funds There is also a wide range Morris, from the stroke towards the maintenance of information and out- unit at Solihull Hospital, and up keep of the garden. of-hours support and who wanted to turn the Dave White, commercial treatment that is available disused ground into a director at Earlswood said: across Birmingham and the rehabilitation area for “We have a great and West Midlands, aside from patients to enjoy. generous team with an the A&E. This includes Senior sister, Rachael eye for detail from design, NHS Direct and local Morris, said: “The power through construction to Walk-in Centres for minor of plants and flowers completion and the end ailments. has been found to be result will be an enduring therapeutic in stroke legacy for the benefit of NHS Direct is also available recovery. Gardens tend to stroke patients for many all day every day on (0845) be an area for socializing decades to come.” 46 47 or by visiting and companionship while www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk

Heart&Soul Spring 2011 3 trust news Help us raise Staff recognition funds for the awards 2011 children’s unit The Children and Family Centred Care appeal aims to raise £85,000 to complete the refurbishment of the children’s ward at Heartlands, including completely refurbishing the high dependency unit, improving the parent accommodation facilities and decorating the ward with professional artwork. Work first began with the refurbishment of paediatric assessment unit in 2010. This unit now comprises of a reception/play area, an assessment area with six trolleys, two assessment The Trust’s annual staff to their experience as a cubicles and a four bedded recognition awards are patient. observation bay. There fast approaching and we If you would like to is also a fully equipped need your help to ensure nominate a member resuscitation room for the people making a real of staff, simply visit paediatric emergencies, an difference for our patients the staff recognition open nursing work station in our hospitals are awards website at www. and doctor’s work room. recognised for their hard staffrecognitionawards. The team now hope work. co.uk or speak to Emma to bring the rest of the The awards are a chance Hale on 0121 424 0941. ward up to this excellent to celebrate excellence Winners will be standard for young patients and innovation in the announced by Dr Mark and are asking for support workplace and safe, top Newbold, chief executive, in helping raise these much quality care given by staff at a special ceremony at needed funds. in the last 12 months. the Cresent Theatre in The patient carer award Birmingham on 24 August If you are able to show your is open to the public 2011. As well an award support, contact Nicola who are encouraged to presentation, there will Beaumont on 0121 424 nominate a member of also be cash prizes given 3838 or email fundraising@ staff who has made an to the winners and runners heartofengland.nhs.uk. outstanding contribution up.

4 www.heartofengland.nhs.uk trust news Elderly care team receive VTE risk assessments excellent care award make patient care safer

Blood flow Valve

Blood clot

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a condition in which a blood clot (thrombus) forms in a vein. An A Good Hope elderly care with matron, Donna embolism occurs if all, or a team has been recognised Woodings in recent part, of the clot breaks off for its efforts in improving months to help find from the site where it was patient care. new ways of working formed and travels through An excellent care with patients and their the venous system. If the award was given to the families. clot lodges in the lung, short stay elderly care Di Collins, the daughter a potentially serious and team, who not only of Jean Robinson, sometimes fatal condition demonstrated having presented the award to called a pulmonary gone the extra mile to Gail Allport, senior sister embolism (PE) occurs. benefit their patients, for short stay elderly To prevent this but also their patients’ care. Di said: “I chose happening, we now risk families and carers as this ward to receive assess all adult inpatients for well. the prize money and VTE on admission. By doing The award was judged award because when I this, we can then update our by looking at how elderly visited the ward, I was so records so that appropriate care teams performed, impressed to see such a treatment can be prescribed. with particular focus on personalised and friendly This reduces their risk of patient experience and service for the patients. developing a DVT. the quality of nursing All the nursing staff, As a quality measure, care given. The family of patients and families taken as part of an indicator Jean Robinson, a patient were on first name terms of our dedication to improve who sadly passed away and this means a lot to safety in our organisation, in 2009, were involved relatives who want to the Trust has achieved and in choosing which team feel fully involved in is now sustaining, a 96 per should be awarded; what is happening with cent VTE risk assessment rate having worked closely their loved one.” of patients.

Heart&Soul Spring 2011 5 Good Hope’s new wards Hats off to Good Hope’s new ward block building The very first patients and staff moved into Good Hope’s brand new multi-million ward block building during February. Benefitting from modern, first class facilities, the new wards also provide a light, open and inviting environment for patients to be treated. Here is a little more information about the new wards and the patient services they are providing at the Hospital:

Ward 21 DATE unit and Vera Holley CDU

The DATE unit provides multi- disciplinary specialist elderly care at Good Hope’s front door, near to A&E. A multidisciplinary acute geriatric team in the unit has been established, led by a Ward 22 consultant geriatrician. The team Critical care “A really lovely supports both the rapid access environment to clinics and the Older Persons’ The new ITU/HDU brings the two work in, it makes Assessment and Liaison service old units together, giving more (OPAL). The Vera Holley CDU flexibility to accommodate the “us as staff and will be moving into its new variable numbers of level two our patients feel area within ward 21 of the new and three patients admitted. building towards the end of 2011 The new units have increased

really positive.” after Good Hope’s A&E upgrade capacity by six beds, with a is completed. total of 18. Each bed area Katie Snowden, has approximately 25 square staff nurse metres of floor space and has been equipped with a movable pendant system which provides oxygen, air and suction power supply on an arm suspended from the ceiling. This improves access to the patient and equipment at the bedside, and keeps the floor clear of cables and equipment.

6 www.heartofengland.nhs.uk Good Hope’s new wards Ward 23 Ward 24 CCU and cardiac ward Short stay elderly and Hats off to Good Hope’s hyper-acute stoke unit The coronary care unit and cardiac ward has experienced Short stay elderly provides a delay in moving due to multidisciplinary care for frail new ward block building operational staffing issues, but older patients who require a the team hope to move as soon short stay in hospital to resolve as possible. Cardiology comprises or manage their presenting of a CCU with six en-suite rooms problems and to safely transfer providing nurses with state-of- the care of patients into the-art monitoring facilities for appropriate community settings 18 patients. There is also a new, within 72 hours of admission. The purpose built pacing room set up unit features a ward based ‘gym’, in line with theatre-requirements a dedicated space for therapy “It feels fantastic to minimise infection risk. This assessment and treatment. It development will facilitate also enables the unit to hold to finally be in potential future developments group sessions allowing patients our beautiful such as intra-aortic balloon to socialise and for mental and “ pumping and CPAP. physical stimulation during their new unit. All hospital stay. our staff have found it provides our patients Overview with increased An overview of privacy in a bright the new building: 〈 and spacious Third floor: ward 24, environment.” short stay elderly and The hyper-acute stroke unit Hyper Acute Stroke Unit. features purpose built facilities Anne Mutlow, enabling staff to provide a first Second floor: ward 23, class service for the management matron critical care Coronary Care Unit and of patients who present acutely cardiac ward – this is with strokes and high risk TIAs operational from move in line with the national stroke date) strategy and NICE guidelines. Patients presenting to A&E and First floor: ward 22, ITU/ HDU AMU with strokes and high risk TIAs will be transferred directly Ground floor: ward into the Unit to be looked after 21, Vera Holley Clinical by the stroke team. This six Decisions Unit and bedded unit has been designed Day Assessment and to meet the privacy and dignity, Treatment Elderly Care as well as clinical needs of Unit (DATE Unit) individuals affected by stroke.

Heart&Soul Spring 2011 7 Gary Lineker Sports presenter Gary stepfamilies last year. starts going south. Lineker may have hit the Her daughter is from a “Thankfully, I haven’t half century but his family previous relationship with ex- suffered any health problems life and well-being are footballer Adam Willis. Gary apart from hepatitis once, healthier than ever. says: “Ella sees her father years ago due to food There’s a school-run - who’s a great dad - every poisoning, and a bit of wear looming, and homework and weekend and, of course, we and tear on my joints from tea to be organised but Gary see the boys all the time so my playing days.” Lineker’s taking it all in his it’s good. All the kids are fit -born Lineker, who stride. and happy – family life is joined Leicester City football He’s looking after his step- great.” club aged 16 and retired daughter Ella, nine, while her Something Lineker is less from international football mother Danielle is making happy about, however, is his with 80 caps and 48 goals, her acting debut in the stage age after turning fifty last always planned a media production of Calendar Girls, November. career. which is touring the UK until “Even as a player I knew April. eventually I wanted to go “Life’s a little trickier into broadcasting and I took than normal and I’m daddy time to learn the techniques daycare at the moment,” he and technology before I left says with a smile, as he chats It’s fair to the game,” he says. at the family home. His career’s included an “But it’s fine, Ella’s say I wasn’t eight-year stint as a team adorable and a real “completely captain on BBC One’s sports sweetheart. It’s all school- game show They Think It’s runs and picking her up from All Over, a period presenting her friends, but I’m used to overjoyed at BBC’s golf coverage, and that with the boys.” in 2009, with Danielle, he Lineker, a father of four facing up to hosted a series of BBC’s sons aged 13-19 from his first half a century” Northern Exposure. marriage, is a former England He’s actively involved football player, who began “It’s fair to say I wasn’t with cancer charities, an his television career in 1994 completely overjoyed at involvement which stems after retiring from the sport facing up to half a century,” from his eldest son, George, and has presented BBC One’s he says. 19, suffering leukaemia as a since 1999. “Obviously I’m happy baby. He’s clearly delighted that his I’ve got this far... but still. “George is absolutely wife is now enjoying some of Nowadays I’m telling myself fine, fit and well, which the limelight. that age is just a number - is wonderful. He goes for “It’s so exciting and I’m well, that’s my story and I’m check-ups every couple of very proud of her. She’s sticking to it,” he says. years but that’s mainly for wanted to act for so long - “Anyway, I’m hoping I research purposes,” he says. she’s put her heart and soul don’t look too bad for an He’s plainly delighted that into it and trained really old man! We’ve got a gym in all his sons - Harry, 17, Tobias, hard,” he says. the house, I have a personal 14, and Angus, 13 – enjoy The couple married trainer and workout as often sport and play football. in September 2009 as I can, which I think is “Tobias has just got back and Danielle, 31, made essential once you’re in your into the game after having a programme about fifties, otherwise everything to have a two-year break

8 www.heartofengland.nhs.uk Gary Lineker because unfortunately he suffered from severe knee pain. He’s really missed his football and is very happy to be back playing again,” he says. “He had a condition, which can affect some youngsters, called Osgood-Schlatter disease, which is partly caused by a period of rapid growth.” While he concedes that being the parent of teenagers is often demanding he says: “They’re all great individuals and fun to be with. “The thing I’ve always told the boys, and tried to follow myself, is to give yourself the best chance to succeed. If you’re going to do something, I believe you should give it your all. “I’m aware how incredibly lucky I’ve been - I was born with a gift for scoring goals and I had the right breaks at the right time. My ultimate ambition? I’d love to be broadcasting when England win the World Cup. We all have our dreams!”

Football & television star Gary Lineker on family and well-being

Heart&Soul Spring 2011 9 Sexual health Transfer of sexual health New HIV testing guidelines for services from Heart of all clinical areas Birmingham PCT (HOB) The rate of new HIV infections has risen in the West Midlands in recent years, especially amongst heterosexuals. 37 English In January 2009 the on HEFT employees. From local authorities now have Department of Health the 1 April 2011, services a prevalence of diagnosed launched Transforming from Hob will come under HIV greater than 2 per Community Services, a the HEFT umbrella and the 1,000 of the population. national programme aiming HoB PCT employees will As a result of this, and in to modernise the provision therefore become HEFT line with recommendations of NHS community health employees and have HEFT from the UK’s chief medical services. Key to this was name badges and e-mail and nursing officers, the the separation out of the addresses. For the present Trust has now implemented commissioning of services time though, this will be the a new set of guidelines from actually providing the only change, and all other around HIV testing. These services. aspects of each service will are in place for all clinicians In June 2010 Commissioners remain unaffected. to encourage HIV testing sent out requests for within clinical practice. expressions of interest in HEFT is to receive the By setting out clear Heart of Birmingham PCT following services: guidance, all doctors, Community Sexual Health • Sexual Health nurses and midwives are Services. HEFT expressed Promotion – to now able to offer patients an interest as did UHB and include HYPEe an HIV test as part of the decision was made to (Healthy Young their routine tests, in the split services between both Person’s Education) same way they would organisations with an aim • Healthy Gay Life for any other medical of completing the transfer • SAFE Project investigation. of staff and services by the • Chlamydia Screening The Trust guidelines national deadline of 1st • Reproductive Sexual also set out HIV indicators, April 2011. Health highlighting when The services to be testing is appropriate for transferred are a natural Our Trust will be hosting a patient. This should extension to the current two welcome induction then be included within portfolio of sexual health events for our new examination to rule-out the services already provided members of staff during risk of missing a diagnosis. by HEFT. March. The principle underpinning this transfer is a ‘lift and shift’ approach. The move will have no direct affect

10 www.heartofengland.nhs.uk trust news Patients give HEFT the thumbs up in national win

Want to stand out from the crowd but don’t want to pay design agency prices!?

Want intelligent creativity, bold communication and exciting concepts with reassuring professionalism? With competitive prices where your money goes into the NHS? Medical Illustration is HEFT has received “This is a fantastic a well established design service national recognition for award which reflects the based in Heartlands Hospital. its work on improving hard work and support, patient experience. both clinical and non Our award winning design team have a wealth of talent with The Trust’s ‘back to the clinical teams have put outstanding resources at their floor’ programme fought into developing a real- fingertips, producing innovative off tough competition time measure of patient graphics for all needs, including from organisations in satisfaction. We’re now branding, posters, exhibitions, both the public and surveying 100 per cent annual reports, brochures, private sectors to win of inpatient wards each marketing literature, and any other the award for ‘access to month across all three form of visual communication.

information’. hospital sites and the Our family of talent not only Simon Jarvis, head of results are really helping includes graphic designers, but patient engagement, said: teams monitor and photographers, multimedia “The back to the floor improve the services designers and web developers. But programme evaluates they offer based on this don’t take our word for it, the proof our patient’s experiences important customer is in the pudding so give us a call through one to one feedback.” today on 0121 424 3435 or email [email protected] for a surveys where patients The team were quote or just a simple chat on what are asked about their awarded by The Patient requirements you may have and we experience whilst in Experience Network will be happy to help you. hospital. The results are in a national awards then used to address any ceremony aimed at areas of concern, helping recognising, celebrating us to improve the overall and sharing examples of experience of all our great initiatives in patient patients.” experience. www.graphicshub.co.uk

Heart&Soul Spring 2011 11 members & governors

12 www.heartofengland.nhs.uk members & governors

Heart&Soul Spring 2011 13 trust news Trust welcomes new medical Medics get fit in director time for 2012 games Medics at the Trust overall health and fitness.” have launched a sports Richa Gautam, project challenge to get over manager and national 2,000 consultants, touch rugby coordinator nurses and surgeons said: “We first launched our participating in physical activity by 2012. A range of sporting tournaments including tennis, netball, touch rugby and football are being run throughout 2011 to Dr Aresh Anwar has joined encourage staff to keep fit. Heart of England as the Ian Cunliffe, consultant Trust’s medical director and ophthalmologist, said: a key new leader for the “Not only are these sport organisation. Joining from activities a chance for staff University Hospitals Coventry to meet new colleagues and and Warwickshire NHS Trust, have fun but they will also Dr Anwar is consultant help improve their health touch rugby tournament specialist in endocrinology and well being, which is our back in 2008 and it was a and diabetes mellitus. aim in the long term. Our real hit. Last year we had survey of the 2010 games more than 400 players from across the hospital, from Transforming consultants to porters. This year we want to community make the games bigger and better than ever services – and have extended our sporting activities to try and Solihull encourage even more staff to get involved.”

The Heart of England sports challenge is part of a national NHS Challenge to get 2,012 people in each showed that 95 per cent Primary Care Trust area of players increased their active by 2012. For more motivation to get fit and information visit www. 100 per cent of players felt sportandphysicalactivity. they had improved their nhs.uk/

14 www.heartofengland.nhs.uk trust news Health profile... pain management

Tim Priest, consultant strain and off balance. body, through gentle in anaesthesia and pain This is why unaccustomed exercise supervised by management, says: exercise hurts (if you don’t physiotherapists, and by believe it, just wait for training the brain, with “Pain is a message the weather to improve psychological help. Pain from the body that enough to tempt you into management is really communicates damage. a little Spring gardening!). about rehabilitation, about We feel pain after cuts, Pain messages travel making things work better. bruises, inflammation from the body to the brain It’s easier to make these and injury. We expect and it doesn’t matter to changes if some of the pain the pain to settle as our the brain from where can be reduced with pain- injuries heal. That’s usually the messages come, they killers, with injections, with true, but it isn’t always always feel the same. This acupuncture and other true. Sometimes people means that any change in treatments, but sometimes continue to feel pain long the nerves carrying these these treatments don’t after their wounds have messages could cause pain, work very well. healed and sometimes, even when the body isn’t “Pain can be frightening, try as we might, no-one affected at all. Some pain annoying, depressing and can find any trace of an comes from damage to the frustrating, but all of these injury. This is unexpected, nerves, for instance, after feelings can improve with and causes a lot of trouble: an operation, some from help. They are all natural some patients have endless infections that affect the responses to being in pain. appointments and tests nerves, like shingles, some It isn’t so commonly known without ever finding an from damage to the spinal that these stressful feelings explanation for their pain, cord, like with MS, and can ‘turn up the volume’ of some doctors and nurses some from the brain, as the pain message by their end up frustrated at their can happen after a stroke. effect on brain chemistry, inability to help. “What can we do? We and that, as a result, “There is a reason for can help the body and psychological help can also this. Pain messages can be the brain to communicate reduce the impact and generated without injury if more normally. We do intensity of pain.” your body is working under this by training the

Heart&Soul Spring 2011 15 Trust news Interactive Medic-Care Forthcoming members’ website Don’t forget to log on to the new and health interactive Heart of England membership seminars website – set up just for you to keep you up to Stroke date with membership 12th April 2011, 5.00 p.m. news. Visit membership. Dr David Sandler – heartofengland.nhs.uk The Trust has Heartlands Hospital, to find out more… teamed up with discounts Education Centre company Medic-Care to offer discounts at a range of local Ovarian Cancer businesses from cafes, pubs If you would like 16th May 2011, 3.00 p.m. any information in and restaurants to beauty salons and hairdressers to Mr Raj Saha – Good Hope large print, Braille, Heart of England staff and Hospital, Education Centre on an audio tape members of the Trust. Discounts are available Thyroid or in another through the Medic-Care 22nd June 2011, 5.00 p.m. language please gold card which can be Dr Andrew Bates – Solihull call 0121 424 1218 obtained from Sandra White, Hospital, Education Centre membership manager. Calling all members! You can contact Sandra White, Membership Manager, if someone you know We’re in Governors’ wants to become a member, if your Consultative contact details have the news changed or if you no Remember to visit the Trust Council longer wish to be a member. communications website Trust members and the at www.heartofengland- T: (0121) 424 1218 general public are invited communications.nhs.uk to W: membership.heartofengland.nhs.uk to attend the Governors’ find out the latest Trust news E: [email protected] General Consultative and announcements going out Council meetings on the to press. Alternately follow us Please also note our new address: following dates: Membership Office, on twitter... Ground floor, Stratford 23 May 2011, 4:30pm, House,Birmingham Heartlands Heartlands Education Hospital, Bordesley Green Centre East, B9 5SS 19 September 2011, 4:30pm, Heartlands www.twitter.com/ Education Centre heartofengland

16 www.heartofengland.nhs.uk