Hazelwood’s closure in review: What happened 12 months on? Report for Environment Victoria March 2018 Disclaimer: The data, analysis and assessments included in this report are based on the best information available at the date of publication and the information is believed to be accurate at the time of writing. Green Energy Markets does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of any information or data contained in this report and accepts no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any users of this report in relation to any information or data contained in this report. Green Energy Markets Pty Ltd ABN 92 127 062 864 2 Domville Avenue Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia T +61 3 9805 0777 F +61 3 9815 1066
[email protected] greenmarkets.com.au Part of the Green Energy Group Green Energy Markets Green Energy Markets Pty Ltd has been engaged by Environment Victoria to undertake an assessment of how Victoria’s electricity market has filled the gap following the closure of the Hazelwood Power Station in March 2017. Summary Hazelwood Power Station representing 1600 MW of brown coal capacity closed at the end of March 2017, various politicians and commentators raised concerns about the ability of Victoria to keep the lights on. The 2017 peak summer period of 2017/18 passed on 28 February this year without any supply-side power outages. This report looks at what has transpired over the period since the closure of Hazelwood and how its contribution to meeting Victoria’s electricity demand since it closed was covered.