Adam Peterson 425.985.8197 |
[email protected] | Portfolio Experience 343 Industries, Redmond WA 2010 - present (Halo Next) Senior Environment Artist As the studio retools and thematically resets I have worked as a Senior Environment Artist developing a beauty corner that focuses on ancient ruins architecture with encroaching nature. Focusing on materials and shape I used the opportunity to become proficient in Substance Designer and the use of Photogrammetry sourced textures as well as making use of Houdini to automate some geo aging. (Halo 5) Lead World Artist, DLC Map Lead, Senior Environment Artist Halo 5 Campaign is divided into 3 worlds. I lead the Forerunner team and worked as the primary world building artist on 2 of the 5 missions. For Multiplayer DLC I worked on 2 DLC maps, one as Senior Environment Artist and one as Map Lead. My duties included massing out environments, creating materials, creating terrain with World Machine, modeling high and low-poly hard-surface and organic models, and taking several key areas to finish. (Halo 4) Lead Mission Artist Lead my team to the completion of 2 of the 8 Campaign missions and one Multiplayer DLC map. Duties included massing out environments, creating materials, modeling high and low-poly hard surface and organic models, and taking several key areas to finish. Sony Bend, Bend OR 2004 -2010 Senior Environment Artist At Sony I worked exclusively on mobile platforms. PSP titles included Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow and Resistance Retribution. PS Vita titles included Uncharted: The Golden Abyss.