PI: Title: Antigen Detection assay for the Diagnosis of Melioidosis Received: 12/05/2013 FOA: PA10-124 Council: 05/2014 Competition ID: ADOBE-FORMS-B1 FOA Title: NIAID ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY STTR (NIAID-AT-STTR [R41/R42]) 2 R42 AI102482-03 Dual: Accession Number: 3650491 IPF: 3966401 Organization: INBIOS INTERNATIONAL, INC. Former Number: Department: IRG/SRG: ZRG1 IDM-V (12)B AIDS: N Expedited: N Subtotal Direct Costs Animals: N New Investigator: N (excludes consortium F&A) Humans: Y Early Stage Investigator: N Year 3: Clinical Trial: N Year 4: Current HS Code: E4 Year 5: HESC: N Senior/Key Personnel: Organization: Role Category: Always follow your funding opportunity's instructions for application format. Although this application demonstrates good grantsmanship, time has passed since the grantee applied. The sample may not reflect the latest format or rules. NIAID posts new samples periodically: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/grants-contracts/sample-applications The text of the application is copyrighted. You may use it only for nonprofit educational purposes provided the document remains unchanged and the PI, the grantee organization, and NIAID are credited. Note on Section 508 conformance and accessibility: We have reformatted these samples to improve accessibility for people with disabilities and users of assistive technology. If you have trouble accessing the content, please contact the NIAID Office of Knowledge and Educational Resources at
[email protected]. Additions for Review Accepted Publication Accepted manuscript news Post-submission supplemental material. Information about manuscript accepted for publication. OMB Number: 4040-0001 Expiration Date: 06/30/2011 APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 3. DATE RECEIVED BY STATE State Application Identifier SF 424 (R&R) 1.