FINE ANTIQUE MAPS, GLOBES, CITY PLANS & VIEWS FIN E ANTI QUE M APS , G LO BE S, C ITY PL ANS & VIE WS 70 E AST 5 5 TH ST RE ET • NE W Y O RK , NEW Y OR K 1 0 0 2 2 CATALOGUE 46 To Order or Inquire: Telephone: 800-423-3741 or 212-308-0018 Fax: 212-308-0074 E-Mail:
[email protected] Website: Gallery Hours: Monday through Friday 9:30 to 6:00 Saturday and Evening Hours by Appointment. We welcome any questions you might have regarding items in the catalogue. ę ¢ ¢ ǯ We are also happy to discuss with you any aspect of map collecting. Please contact us to receive periodic updates of recent acquisitions. Robert Augustyn Richard Lan Seyla Martayan James Roy Terms of Sale: All items are sent subject to approval and can be returned for any reason with- in a week of receipt. All items are original engravings, woodcuts or manuscripts and guaranteed as described. New York State residents add 8.875 % sales tax. Personal checks, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and wire transfers are accepted. Pictured on front cover (left to right): items 13, 16, 19. CATALOGUE 46 Fine Antique Maps, Globes, City Plans & Views THE HERON TOWER 70 EAST 55TH STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022 CONTENTS Items Globes 1-3 World Maps 4-15 Western Hemisphere & General North America 16-25 Northeast & New York 26-48 New Jersey & Pennsylvania 49-50 Virginia & Maryland 51-55 Southeast & Florida 56-64 Great Lakes & Midwest 65-66 Texas & Southwest 67 West & Pacific Northwest 68-69 Caribbean & Bermuda 70-74 Canada & Arctic 75-84 South America 85-89 Asia 90-101 Holy Land & Jerusalem 102-109 Turkey & The Middle East 110-113 Africa 114-120 General Europe 121-123 British Isles 124-126 Spain & Portugal 127-128 Paris 129-130 Italy 131-133 Greece & Greek Islands 134-136 Germany 137-138 Eastern Europe 139-141 Northern Europe & Scandinavia 142-146 Pocket Atlas 147 Portraits 148-149 2 Globes A Fine American Floor Globe 1.