Summer 2010


Randy Nicholson - A True Arms of Hope Success Story

Touching Lives. Reaching Generations. Letter from the CEO Friends, friends made sure I received the di- personal growth and success moth- Witnessing rection, correction and encourage- ers and children experience while in each day the ment necessary to equip me to make our care will break these devastating tremendous good choices. cycles. The ripple effect from break- challenges At Arms of Hope, we see ing these cycles results in reaching faced by children and single mothers who are generations as hope and promise at-risk chil- still waiting to be loved, taught and get passed down by those who have dren and mentored. They long to learn how benefitted from Arms of Hope pro- s i n g l e - to make better decisions and find grams. m o t h e r hope. Unfortunately, these precious Thank you for supporting families we souls have often lost hope because Arms of Hope through your finan- serve at Arms of Hope, is a remind- of the challenges they have faced cial gifts, volunteering, prayers and er of how fortunate I was as a child. and continue to face each day. Our referrals. We are blessed to be able Having high quality role models purpose is to transform the lives to partner with you as we work to- providing love, encouragement and of children, youth and families by gether to offer hope to children, the instruction needed to learn how breaking destructive cycles of pov- youth and families. to make good decisions, helped erty, homelessness, abuse and ne- Very truly yours, keep my life on a positive path. My glect that plague so many families Kevin M. McDonald parents, grandparents, teachers and in our society. It is our hope that the Arms of Hope President & CEO vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Table of Contents Please help Calendar of Upcoming Events: 2 Solutions We Provide... 3 Our Heritage & Consolidation ACU Lectureship September 19-22, 2010 4 Special Announcements Stay Green! Arms of Hope Presentation by: 5 MLB Player Assists AOH Jim “The Rookie” Morris 6 Relics of Past Provide Hope Kevin McDonald, AOH CEO for the Future Troy Robertson, Campus Minister 7 Reaching Out to At-Risk Terry Drake, Dir. of Outreach Ministry Children Through Outreach Ministry San Antonio Golf Tournament Monday, September 13, 2010 8 Woodmont Hills Student Canyon Springs Golf Club Ministry Team Visits Medina For more information contact: 9 Campus Visitors Josh Clem 210.573.2475 10 Aggies For Christ Visit AOH We hope you enjoy our new mag- 11 Randy Nicholson - A True azine format. In an effort to be Dallas Golf Tournament Arms of Hope Success Story environmentally responsible and Monday, October 4, 2010 Woodbridge Golf Club 13 Special Thanks To... save on postal expenses, we’re moving to a biannual publica- For more information contact: 14 Arms of Hope Benefit Dinners Amy Duncan 972.740.0547 15 Boles Home Improvement tion. Email is the most economi- 15 Portrait of a Legacy cal way to keep you informed Abilene Benefit Dinner 16 Spring Creek Blesses Together and updated about our news. Saturday, November 20, 2010 Program Families Please update your email ad- Hunter Welcome Center - Abilene Christian University 16 Arms of Hope Prom Pictures dress at Also, please contact us if you prefer to For more information contact: 17 Great Honors Amy Duncan 972.740.0547 18 Arms of Hope Seniors 2010 receive our magazine by email. 19 Memorials & Honors Houston Benefit Dinner Saturday, January 15, 2011 On front cover: Hilton Americas - Houston Randy Nicholson surrounded by For more information contact: Arms of Hope children. See pg. 11. Please join us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Kristie Jackson 281.813.9154 1 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Arms of Hope Mission To transform the lives of disadvantaged children, youth and families by providing hope and support in a nurturing, Christian environment.

Arms of Hope is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Christian organization that was formed as a result of the consolida- tion of Boles Children’s Home (est. 1924) and Medina Children’s Home (est. 1958). Both homes had identical missions and programs and united to achieve efficiency, geographic diversity, increased capacity and additional program improvements and offerings. Solutions we provide...

RESIDENTIAL CHILD CARE RIGHT START Meets disadvantaged children’s Makes life a real choice by helping physical, emotional, educational and expectant single mothers prepare for spiritual needs in a warm family-like motherhood while providing shelter, atmosphere where houseparents necessities and skills needed to care for function as mother and father figures. their newborn babies.

TOGETHER PROGRAM Helps motivated single mothers and their children transition into successful, independent futures by providing parenting skills, career training and a home in a peaceful and safe environment. OUTREACH MINISTRY COLLEGE AND CAREER Provides assistance to underprivileged PROGRAM youth in their own neighborhoods. Provides assistance for Arms of Hope Programs for at-risk children include high school graduates with support youth events featuring inspirational through college, trade school or into speakers and the sponsorship of their first job and sometimes includes Christian based youth sports teams. accommodations for graduates who have not yet found a place to call home.

EMERGENCY SHELTER & ASSESSMENT CENTER Provides emergency shelter and assessment services for any child that has been removed from an abusive environment or is in crisis.

21300 State Hwy. 16N Medina, Texas 78055 Jeremiah 29:11 800.997.7918 2 Our Heritage and Consolidation Boles Children’s Home (est. testament of how God is working pres- bond that was once so strong between 1924) and Medina Children’s Home ent day miracles in the lives of single my son and me began to deteriorate. I (est. 1958) were mothers and children through both reached an ultimate bottom. I did not originally Arms of Hope campuses. I was 16 believe there was any possible way established years old when I found to find healing for myself, or recon- as Christian myself preg- ciliation with my son. homes for nant. Obvi- I started pray- orphans, but ously, it was ing. At first grew with not planned, I didn’t even innovative and natu- know what I p r o g r a m s rally I was was praying to serve at- afraid to for. I only knew risk children tell my that I was bro- and single- parents. ken beyond re- mother fami- The biological “father” of pair. I knew that lies. With over my son was not, and has never the only chance I had would have to 135 years of been, a part of our lives. Raising a be divine intervention. God answered combined experience, both homes child on your own is difficult, especial- my prayers. I found a place where my helped thousands of children and sin- ly at such a tender age. I know my son son and I would find shelter, commu- gle mothers heal physically, emotion- can tell you that it is equally difficult to nity, Christian counsel and a fresh start. ally and spiritually. Because we had be the child of a young, single moth- That place is Arms of Hope. I came to identical missions and programs, both er, and growing up without a father. the Together Program at the Medina homes consolidated to form Campus in October 2009. I Arms of Hope to achieve ef- came alone and began my ficiency, geographic diversity, personal journey to heal- increased capacity and addi- ing. In early January 2010, tional program improvements my son arrived at the as- and offerings. The consolida- sessment center located tion has been very successful at the Bole’s Campus in because we make it a prior- Quinlan, where he began ity to honor the history and his own journey to heal- tradition of the original or- ing. Today we are reunited. ganizations which hold such My son came to live with a special place in our hearts. me at the Medina Cam- Perhaps the most compel- pus in late March of this ling reasons for consoli- year. By the grace of God, dating can best be told by I am now getting my life the recipients of our care, and family back together. like the following story shared by At age 21, I began to make I have been given a second chance at a mother in the Together Program. some very poor choices that began to life, with my son, and an opportunity to “I am a 32 year old single rob my joy and ruin my life. I spent further my education and do something mother. My son is 15 years old. We several years living in denial about with my life that will glorify God.” would like to share our story, as a true my obvious problems. The emotional Boles and Medina Children’s Homes consolidated to become Arms of Hope for the precious mother and son in this story and the countless others who need the strengths and offerings that only can be provided by a com- bination of both campuses. Sep- arately, Boles Children’s Home and Medina Children’s Home did great things. Together, Arms of Hope can accomplish even more.

3 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Special Announcements Boles Childrens’s Home Celebrates 85 Years

May 1, 2010 was the perfect day for gather everyone at the rose garden. Shelly Boyle for their faithful service. Boles’ 85th Anniversary and Home- Next, the group gathered in the Onstead The “Eagle Award” was given to Jor- coming Celebration. Over one hun- Building to enjoy lunch. Carol Rodgers dan, one of our current residential kids, dred alumni and staff came together Borden told her story of the time she in recognition of his progress. Hearing to reconnect and share hugs and many was at Boles during the 1960’s and how the stories of those, whose lives have memories of their time at Boles. Be- she met her husband, Troy, who was been touched over the last 85 years, fore lunch, some of the alumni en- also a campus resident. The “Circle makes it evident that your support is joyed ringing the bell in an effort to of Fame” award was given to Don & reaching generations. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Bruce Barnard Joins Candace Cain Named Executive Mike Calvert Joins AOH Board of Directors Director - Medina Campus AOH Board of Directors B r u c e Candace Mike Cal- Barnard Cain has vert of of San been ap- Houston Antonio pointed j o i n e d j o i n e d E x e c u - the Arms the Arms tive Di- of Hope of Hope rector of Board of Board of the Arms Directors D i r e c - of Hope in Janu- tors in - Medina ary. Mike January. Campus. served on B r u c e Prior to the Boles has been j o i n i n g board for a sup- our team, a number porter of Arms of Hope - Medina Cam- she excelled as the Executive Direc- of years and we are thrilled he has de- pus for many years and has a true heart tor of Dallas based New Friends New cided to join in the exciting efforts of for our cause. He owns a large insur- Life. Her experience also includes six- assisting even more children and sin- ance agency and has other business in- teen years as the Dean of Students at gle-mother families through the con- terests in the San Antonio area. Bruce Rochester College. Candace Cain joins solidation of Boles and Medina Chil- is very involved in the community and Joe Brazell, Executive Director AOH - dren’s Homes. Mike has proven to be has a huge heart for serving underprivi- Boles Campus, under the direction of an extremely successful businessman leged children and families. His pas- Kevin McDonald, AOH President and and owns multiple automobile dealer- sion for our ministry is making a differ- CEO, to provide strong frontline lead- ships in Houston and across the state. ence in the lives of many. ership at both Arms of Hope campuses. 4 Major League Baseball Player Assists AOH Vernon Wells, Toronto Blue partnership with Arms of Hope, scheduled for completion this year. Jays center fielder, Arlington na- one of the most respected facilities In 2007, Vernon and Char- tive and one of the leading players in the country, we’re fulfilling our lene Wells partnered with Michael in the American League, and his goal of providing shelter to single Young and Taunee Taylor of the wife Charlene Texas Rangers broke ground on baseball club, two Boles cam- as well as Ar- pus quadraplex lington Police homes on Tues- Officer Stepha- day, April 6, nie Gillespie in 2010. The two a charitable en- structures will deavor that for- provide homes ever changed for eight single their lives. They mothers and took a group of their children underprivileged who are in need children shop- of financial and ping for basic emotional sup- necessities. port. The Vernon “These children Wells Perfect 10 are among the Foundation was homeless pop- established in ulation in Ar- 2009 to support Vernon & Charlene Wells and foundation executives join Arms of Hope board members as they break ground. lington, living and protect mothers and in motels c h i l d r e n “...we’re fulfilling our goal of children while with their and moth- providing shelter to single encouraging p a r e n t s ers in need. mothers and children while and equip- who are un- “We’re ex- ping them to able to pro- cited to encouraging and equipping improve their vide regu- begin con- them to improve their lives.” lives. This is lar meals struction on the first step in and proper our first project just a few months our long-term plan to help those hygiene,” after our first major fundraiser,” truly in need.” noted Char- said Vernon Wells. “Working in The ceremony on April 6, lene Wells. was in the middle “We initiat- of a three game ed a plan to season opening Vernon Wells and a Boles family. make a dif- series between ference in their lives by creating the the Texas Rang- Vernon Wells Perfect 10 Founda- ers and Toronto tion to support and protect children Blue Jays. Ve r - in need. Over the past year, we’ve non and Charlene begun fundraising and now we will Wells, the Foun- put those funds to work with our dation board and first facility. Our board and those representatives who support our Foundation are de- AOH kids enjoyed Blue Jays games in Texas as Medina residents attended the from Arms of lighted with this milestone and are game against the Astros and Boles residents, along with Dallas Outreach Ministry participants, attended the game against the Rangers. Wells put on a show hitting Hope attended. The motivated to reach the families who multiple home runs in the combined series. two new homes are first inspired Perfect 10.” 5 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Relics of the Past Provide Hope for the Future For more than thirty years, Jim and Judy Fox col- lected old petroleum items and memorabilia. They share many memories of driving down back roads discovering unexpected treasures. This was a labor of love between two special peo- ple who also have another great love - helping those in need. Several years ago Jim & Judy Fox began talk of searching for a way their treasures could leave a legacy of helping others; a way “their junk”, as Mrs. Fox Jim & Judy Fox on May 13, surrounded by friends and AOH board members and department heads. affectionate- The six unit, lived with his grandparents and an ly called it, 7,400 square foot aunt and uncle until he was 6 years could help facility houses old. A place like Arms of Hope and others for single-mother fam- the Fox Family Living Center would many years ilies enrolled in the have made a tremendous difference to come. It T o g e t h e r in their was then P r o g r a m , “Sometimes what we l i v e s . that they and resi- do not receive for our- We do decided to dents in the get more auction off College and selves, we have the than one their collec- Career pro- opportunity to extend o p p o r - tion and use gram. The to someone else.” t u n i t y the proceeds facility also in life. to build the includes quarters Sometimes what we do not receive Fox Fam- for staff members for ourselves, we have the opportuni- ily Living Jim & Judy with Curtis Bedrich, AOH Board Chair- who help provide ty to extend to someone else. We feel Center on the man & Kevin McDonald, CEO. single-mother fami- blessed to have this opportunity.” Arms of Hope - Medina Campus. lies and recent high school graduates Arms of Hope is very On May 13, Jim & Judy hands-on mentoring and guidance. blessed to have supporters like Fox, along with Arms of Hope Jim and Judy Fox have a Jim and Judy Fox who put their board members, staff, program par- special place in their hearts for those faith and huge hearts into action. ticipants, personal friends and area utilizing the new facility. As Mrs. dignitaries celebrated the open- Fox explained, “Jim’s father died ing of this beautiful new facility in 1933, when he was two years old with a ribbon cutting ceremony. and his mother was twenty. At that time there was no place for her to go and women did not have the op- portunities they have today. The only work available in southwest Oklahoma was domestic, for the few prominent people in town, or a waitress in the local cafe. Unable to provide for the both of them, Jim Collection, including items pictured, was auc- tioned off to fund the building. 6 Reaching out to at-risk chilren through Outreach Ministry In recognition of the need to reach out with a message of hope to at- risk youth where they live, Arms of Hope started its Outreach Ministry program. Over 100 3rd-8th grade students attended the Arms of Hope Celebrity Football & Cheer Former NFL Players & AOH Celebrity Character Camp coaches, Ray Mickens (New York Character Camp held at Memorial Jets), Gary Jones ( & New York Jets), Barry Foster (Pittsburgh Steelers) Stadium in San Antonio on June and Reggie Barnes ( & Pittsburgh Steelers). 12th. The camp was led by Terry Drake, Director of Outreach Min- istries, and featured former NFL players Reggie Barnes (Camp Cli- nician), Barry Foster, Gary Jones and Ray Mickens. The Harlandale High School Varsity Cheerleaders taught the cheer camp. The all-day camp consisted of skills training, testimonials from the celebrities, a devotional by Troy Robertson, AOH Campus Minister, and a con- stant reminder to the campers that “Character Creates Champions”. The camp was attended by at-risk boys and girls involved in YMCA activities or referred by Big Broth- ers and Big Sisters of San Antonio. Some Medina Campus residents participated in the camp while oth- Troy Robertson, ers served as volunteers. Thank AOH Campus you to the volunteers that gener- Minister ously gave their time and support to put on this amazing Arms of Hope event.

Sam, Medina resident and camp volunteer, with Terry Drake, AOH The Harlandale High School Varsity Cheerleaders coached the cheer camp. Director of Outreach Ministry. 7 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 In June, The Woodmont Hills Student Ministry Team from Nashville, Tennessee, brought 64 volunteers to the Arms of Hope - Medina Cam- pus for a week. Under the direction of Doug Berny, Jason Allen, and Dr. Terry Smith, the group accomplished many tasks improv- ing our campus and built unforgettable re- WHSM team led our high school students on a “wilderness trek” lationships with our Students painted barns, built fences including a devotional study on MCH mountain. residents and staff. and built an outdoor amphitheater. Woodmont Hills Student Ministry Team Visits Medina Campus Teens built new picnic tables for eight cottages and covered them with Bible verses.

Wonderful relationships were formed as the WHSM team led They entertained the entire campus with a concert on Satur- our children and families in day Night. This group has amazing musical talent. three nights of devotionals.

WHSM team cooked a fajita feast for the entire campus (over 250 total people).

They cleared cedar, took inventory Our “Tennessee cousins” attended the Medina High School graduation ceremony and in the commo and cleaned up our warehouse. were the loudest cheering section ever as they proudly cheered for our four graduates! 8 Boles Alumni Campus Visitors Teach Jack Frost Visits Boles Campus Children Gardening Skills Two Master Garden- ers and Boles Alum- ni visited campus to teach our children to grow roses. On- nie Dixon and Vanessa Blythe taught our chil- dren the proper way to prune, mulch and care for roses. Since the children completed their work, the garden is now in full bloom and looks Jack Frost surprised the Boles campus by covering it with a re- absolutely beautiful. We hope they will come cord snow fall of eight inches! When the kids came home from back again to show us how to continue to care school, house dads had armed themselves with snow balls and for our rose garden. Until they do, we will all strategically hid around campus. It was then that the twenty sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor. minute snow ball fight began! The children played in the snow Medina Campus for hours, cherishing every moment. Many children in this area may never see snow fall like this again and Success the Boles Campus will likely remember the winter of Story Gives 2010 for a long time to come! Vroom! Vroom! Corvettes! Back to Thank you Residents to Jim Chan- Arms of Hope - Me- dler of the dina Campus had the Bandera Cor- privilege of hosting vette Club for former resident and recent bringing nine Texas A&M graduate, Paige beautiful cor- Lacoe as she spoke to our vettes to Arms teenagers. Paige spent an en- of Hope - Me- tire afternoon inspiring the teens to make wise choices, lis- dina Campus. All residents were able to take ten to their house parents and follow God with all of their a close look and experience the beauty of hearts. What a great example Paige is for our kids! these amazing machines, both inside and out. Bikers Rally Big for Boles Joe Mac and mo- torcycle enthusiasts from the DFW area celebrated Easter at Boles by bringing baskets of toys, can- dy and Easter eggs for our kids. We are blessed by their love and compassion. 9 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Aggies For Christ Visit Arms of Hope The Aggies For Christ (AFC) Most importantly, they spent quality residents while leading devotion- from Texas A&M visited both Arms time interacting with and minister- als and performing drama skits. of Hope campuses this year to con- ing to our children and families. Although the work and duct service projects and build re- A different group of thirty- ministry were excellent, the most lationships with residents and staff. five AFC members spent a whole outstanding quality of AFC is their Both campuses of Arms of Hope week working on service projects ability to build relationships with were blessed by the love and compas- for the Arms of Hope - Medina our moms and children. They spent sion shown by the Aggies For Christ. Campus. They completed work quality time with each resident of On the Arms of Hope - projects including building fences, Arms of Hope and forged friend- Boles Campus, Aggies rebuilt, re- clearing brush, digging trenches, ships that will last through the years. paired and maintained fences. They tending to livestock, painting scrip- Thank you Aggies For also provided a much needed coat of tures on the walls of our youth Christ for your work and minis- paint to the Trek room, gave a good classroom and numerous other try. God bless you for the love and cleaning to several facilities and tasks. No job was too dirty or hard smiles you brought to the children cooked dinner for the entire campus. for this group! They ministered to and single moms of Arms of Hope.

“The Aggies For Christ volunteers define what it means to be servants.” - Kevin McDonald, AOH President & CEO 10 would help and where he’d Randy sleep that night. Nicholson, who’d been at Boles Chil- Nicholson - dren’s Home since he was only 18 months old, had aged A True out of care. With none of the “after-care” that is available Arms of Hope to high school graduates to- day, when Nicholson was Success Story just 17 years old he got a By Lori Massey, Arms of Hope hand shake and a ride to the Board Member big city – to the home of an uncle he’d never met. The To know Randy Nichol- only problem was that the son, you have to meet his wife. uncle and his family were Before I ever had the opportu- leaving on vacation and had nity to shake Mr. Nicholson’s no help to offer to the strang- hand, before I was ever put at er standing on their doorstep. ease by his quiet confidence Most 17 year olds I know to- and humble demeanor, I had day would have sat down on the fortune of sitting beside that street corner and cried. Mrs. Nicholson on my first tour Randy, however, made his of Boles Children’s Home. As way to the Center Avenue we sat on an unairconditioned Church of Christ and asked bus in the middle of a hot Dal- – not for a handout – but for las July, Mrs. Nicholson told a place to rent. He was told me of her husband who had of a widow who had a room grown up at Boles Children’s to rent. And, off he went. Home. Every building held He found a room. He found a memory and with every mem- “...he knows what zero a job. He found a life. ory came a story. She talked of is. He lived it Today, Ran- the hardships he’d overcome and dy Nich- the man he’d become, with pride and he made olson is sparkling in her eyes even as per- something out of it.” known for spiration beaded on her forehead. his inge- When I finally sat down prodded. But, he was much more nuity and with Nich- interested in enjoying the present determina- olson later than reliving the past. Maybe that tion. He that day, I comes from a level of appreciation pioneered already liked many of us will never understand. the “pay at him. But, I As Nicholson puts it, he the pump” soon found knows what zero is. He lived it technology that he and he made something out of it. that allows would have That day, I found myself drivers to none of that transported back in time, view- buy gaso- talk. Oh, ing the vivid memory of a teenage line at con- he’d give me Nicholson standing on a street cor- v e n i e n c e some infor- ner, all of his possessions in a small stores with- out leaving Nicholson as a first-grader. mation if I suitcase in his hand, looking up and poked and down the street wondering who their vehicle 11 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 – an inven- c o n t r i b u t - There aren’t tion lauded ing part of many people by USA his earnings like that around Today as to the ex- today. It’s nice one of the penses of the to know one top 25 in- home. While came from v e n t i o n s he says he Boles. of the last didn’t recog- After years 25 years. nize it at the of not want- Launching time, Boles ing people to the device taught him know he was in just two Randy with Suzy, one of the pigs he raised while his biggest a kid from gas stations growing up at Boles. blessings – Boles, Nichol- in 1987, humility and son now em- his company, AutoGas Systems, the honesty of hard work. braces his ex- Inc., now provides the software and He’d never met anyone Nicholson in high school wearing perience there. technical services to almost 2000 lower than what he thought his Boles High School letter jacket. He looks back stores na- on his time at tionwide. Boles and sees the same things You have in kids today that parents some- to won- times see in their own children, der what too much time on their hands was in- and too much technology at side of their fingertips. Maybe wak- R a n d y ing up before dawn to milk the N i c h o l- cows seems a little harsh today, son to but Nicholson knows it forged a keep him strength in him that has served m o v i n g him well. Now, he’s using that forward strength and those life lessons that day to serve the children of Arms of in Dal- Hope. las so In addition to meeting Mr. long ago. Nicholson, I found something I think o u t he’d say a b o u t it had a M r s . lot to do Nicholson, pictured with current residents, serves on the AOH Board. Nich- with Boles o l s o n Children’s Home. When he talks of he was, but he also knew that meant that day. his time at Boles, he speaks of the there was nowhere to go but up. She’s a hard work and the life lessons. He And up he went, not letting p r e t t y doesn’t just remember being cared the simple obstacles of everyday life s m a r t for. He remembers learning how keep him down. He is one of a rare lady. She to care for himself, learning to sew, breed that counts blessings rather knows a cook and iron. He remembers pick- than entitlements. Offered money gem when ing corn in the neighboring fields, for college, he turned it down be- she sees milking cows, bailing hay, and cause he’d had what he considered it and she Nicholson pictured around raising pigs. He remembers stash- the good fortune of saving enough holds on the time he met his wife. ing away any cash he’d made after money to pay his own way. tight. 12 Meeting Miss America AOH Children Volunteer in Their Community

Thanks to fifteen children from Arms of Hope - Medina Campus who joined 400 other volunteers in Kerrville through Partners in Ministry to help beautify the community as well as help those less fortunate. They worked cleaning areas in the community and helped local seniors around their homes. All the residents felt blessed to give back after receiving much needed love and support from others in their own lives. Sixteen New Washer & Dryer Sets! Park Avenue Church of Special thanks to Valero Energy for providing Christ in Denison blessed the AlexAndra, Ashlee and Jessica the opportunity to AOH - Boles Campus with a meet Caressa Cameron, Miss America 2010, at the generous donation allowing Family Fiesta Day during the Valero Texas Open. each Residential Care Cot- tage to purchase two much needed sets of washers and Special dryers. Sixteen sets were pur- chased and provided a won- derful improvement on cam- Thanks to... pus. Thank you Park Avenue for your love and support! Hill Country Charity Ball Benefits AOH

HCCBA presents check to Arms of Hope. From left: Candace Cain - AOH Medina Campus Exec. Dir., Lindsay Conklin-HCCBA VP, Misty O’Fiel-HCCBA Pres., Kevin McDonald - AOH President & CEO Back Row: Jim & Shawna Morris, Nathalie & Kevin McDonald Front Row: & James Penland - Chief Development Officer. Curtis & Molly Bedrich, Bruce & Julia Barnard, Brad & Martha Barron Arms of Hope - Medina Campus was selected to receive a substantial grant from the 2010 Hill Coun- try Charity Ball. The funds will be used to repurpose and remodel an existing facility to house the Arms of Hope Right Start program designed to serve first-time expectant mothers by providing safety and shelter for a new beginning. Arms of Hope is truly thankful for being selected as the recipient of this wonderful grant. 13 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Dallas Benefit Dinner The Annual North Texas Benefit Dinner Honoree, was held on May 1, at the Dallas Hilton Tanner Anatole. The dinner featured special Miller guest speaker June Jones, SMU Head Football Coach, who, after just two sea- sons at the helm of the SMU football program, has proven that he is a master architect in building and rebuilding foot- Honoree, Dan Branch ball programs. Legendary Dallas Cow- boys Special Teams Coach and the only three-time recipient of the Special Teams Coach of the Year Award, Joe Avezzano served as Master of Ceremonies. Special Amber Milner, Boles Campus Together honorees included Rep. Dan Branch and Program Director, with Mrs. Stacey Branch and Tanner Miller. resident, Angie Rose.

Coaches Jones & Avezzano with AOH children.

AOH friends, Pete & Pat Schenkel, June Jones and Diane & Jim Burnham. San Antonio Benefit Dinner The Annual San Antonio Benefit Dinner was held on May 22, at the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa. The dinner featured special guest speaker , Dallas Cowboys Superstar, who was a Pro Bowl player and mem- ber of three Championship teams. Jim Morris, the real life inspiration behind the critically acclaimed Walt Disney move “The Rookie”, was the Master of Ceremonies. The evening highlights, however, were the stories shared by Arms of Hope residents Alayzia, Andrew and Ashley.

Bill Bates (Guest Speaker), Jim “The Rookie” Morris (Mas- ter of Ceremonies), Terry Drake (AOH Director of Outreach Ministry), Kevin McDonald (AOH President & CEO).

Bill Bates signing cap for Sam, Medina High School Bill Bates meeting and posing with Arms of Hope residents. football player and AOH - Medina Campus resident. 14 Boles Home Improvement Arms of Hope churches coming hosted our first an- together to serve nual Boles Campus was a huge “Home Improve- encour- ment” in April. agement Area youth groups to the came to the Boles Arms of Campus for an eve- Hope fam- ning of worship ily. “Home and fellowship fol- I m p r o v e - lowed by a day of ment” volun- service. Six youth teers not only groups brought helped get much over eighty vol- needed work ac- unteers for this complished on event. We first campus, but they enjoyed a power- also made dona- ful message about tions to supply sharing our bless- tools and equip- ings with those in ment for our sum- need. Then, Tquan mer work pro- Moore, a Chris- gram. The greatest tian music artist, blessing from performed for the Boles “Home Im- group. The next provement”, how- day, volunteers ever, was the new and our children friendships that worked tirelessly were made. We together on a num- are very thank- ber of projects im- ful for our friends proving our facili- and their dedica- ties. Seeing teens tion and service from different to our ministry. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv William Selma “Etch” and Idabel Etchieson led lives demon- Portrait of strating Christian service. They were married in 1939 in Borger, Texas. Etch worked for Phillips Refinery Co. for 29 years before “retiring” a Legacy and becoming a successful oil and gas producer for the next 20 years. Idabel was a school teacher and enjoyed continuing to teach women’s Bible classes even after she retired. Although they never had children of their own, the Etchieson’s loved children, especially those in need. After moving to Dallas in 1982, the Etchiesons attended Preston Road Church of Christ and later Prestoncrest Church of Christ where they learned about Medina Children’s Home. Etch passed away on November 18, 2004. Idabel passed away on April 16, 2007. Leaving a legacy of Christian service to needy children, William “Etch” and the Etchiesons made a substantial estate gift to Medina Children’s Idabel Etchieson Home. Their gift will extend beyond their lifetime by making an im- pact on the lives of children in need for years to come. We are grate- ful to the Etchiesons for their generosity and heart for serving others. 15 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Spring Creek Blesses Together Program Families The Spring Creek Church of Christ blessed 25 Arms of Hope Moms with a special retreat and their 37 kids to a Va- cation Bible School. The Mom’s retreat talked about God’s ABC’s – that God is Able, God is Big, and God is Close. The VBS centered around “Big Faith Bay”. The kids were treated to puppet shows, games, crafts, cookies and singing. The families then were served a wonderful lunch and the entire day was filled with teaching, laughter and a lot of God’s love. Thank you to the 37 volunteers from Spring Creek and especially Casandra Martin and Molly Bedrich for organiz- ing such an incredible event.

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Boles Prom 2010 Medina Prom 2010 16 Hoops Star! State Champs! What an amaz- Great Honors ing year for Medina Bobcat Basketball and Andrew Landry, resident of Arms of Hope - Medina Cam- pus. The Bob- cats were Dis- Congratulations to five high school trict and Area Arms of Hope residents who won the Champs with an state championship in U.I.L. One Act overall record Play. Medina High School One Act of 25-7 while Andrew taking a shot & with Mark Turgeon, Texas A&M Coach. Play Company beat out all other 1A going undefeated schools in Texas to claim 1st place. in district play. “Andrew is a smart player who always hustles. Pictured above: Alex Flores, Michael Landry, only a His ability to overcome adversity ensures his Weisinger, Makayla Hannemann, Ka- sophomore, was future success on and off the court.” mille Miller and Britney Bustamante named District - Mark Turgeon, Texas A&M Basketball Coach Offensive MVP and averaged 17 points per game. In June, Andrew attended the Texas A&M Youth Basketball Camp and was awarded MVP of his division by , Mark Turgeon. Stock Show Twenty residents of Arms of Hope - Medina Campus participated in the Ban- dera Stock Show. Each resident was responsible for months of hard work with their animal including: feeding, cleaning and showing at the stock show. All did a great job and we even had a 1st place ribbon! Pictured right: Daniel proudly showing off his lamb.

New Boles Cheerleaders Scholarships for AOH Graduates

Carrie Murr from Schreiner University Cheerleading try-outs were com- presenting the Dean’s Scholarship to Maria. Curtis and Molly Bedrich with Michael. pleted with Mallory Wood join- Congratulations to Medina High School graduates, Maria Diosdado and ing the varsity squad and Jaeme- Michael Weisinger, who both were the recipients of the Schreiner Univer- sha Rogers joining the junior high sity Dean’s Scholarship in the amount of $28,000 each. Maria also received Squad. Mallory and Jaemesha will the Barnard-Lee Achievement Scholarship in the amount of $40,000 and be joining Jessica Kissinger (pic- Michael received the Bedrich Achievement Scholarship in the amount of tured), a four year member of the $40,000. Both Maria and Michael will continue to live on the Arms of Boles cheer squad. Hope - Medina Campus and participate in the College & Career program.

17 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Arms of Hope High School Graduates 2010

Maria Diosdado is a graduate of Medina High School and will be attending Schreiner University on Alayzia Hall was a December scholarship. Maria’s favorite high school achieve- Justin Edwards is a graduate graduate of Boles High School who ment was winning the Criminal Justice Award. Her of Boles High School where he spent the spring semester attending ultimate educational goal is to attend medical school. was a member of the track team, the Greenville Campus of Paris Ju- weight-lifting team and choir. Jus- nior College while residing on the tin plans on joining the Job Corp Boles Campus. She has moved to this summer in order to begin a Paris, Texas to continue her educa- career in the construction field. tion. Alayzia dreams of a career in Medicine, Education or both.

Michael Weisinger is a graduate of Medina High School and will be attend- ing Schreiner University on scholarship where he will pursue a degree in Political Abby Hunt, a Boles Campus resi- Science. Michael’s favorite high school dent, completed her GED and has achievement was winning the State achieved the highest level of the Championship in U.I.L. One Act Play. Pathways Program as a strong lead- Alex Walker is a graduate of Me- er and servant. She plans on con- dina High School and will be at- tinuing her education at Paris Ju- tending the Art Institute of Dallas nior College this summer while she to pursue a degree of Fine Arts pursues a career in Cosmetology. in Interior Design. Alex’s favor- ite high school achievement was Tanner Starr is a graduate of Me- winning the Spanish II award. dina High School and will be attend- ing Southwest Texas Junior College in Uvalde to obtain a certificate as an Reaching for the sky - Electrical Journeyman. Tanner’s fa- vorite high school achievement was Our future is bright ! winning the Pre-Calculus Award. 18 Memorials Received 11/25/09-5/31/10 Albert, Lael V. “Bosty” Steve & Martha Townsend Al & Peggy Agan David & Jean Hooten Don & Sue Burke Richard & Judy Roberts & kids Enchanted Shores Cindy Cunningham Burkett, Ronnie Alexander, Reagan Thayne & Betty Cuevas Benevolent Barbara Cunningham Billie Brazell Scott & Rachel Williams Elvira Amason Beam, Roy David & Pam Jones Betty Atkins Allen, Bill Red Hot Ladies of Boerne Grady & Ruth Beam Julie Agee Burleson, Rufus Gary & Cecelia Bingham Barr, Harvey Leon Clorine Beam Allan & Mariquetta Horton Dorothy Davis Allen, Sharon Randy & Barbara Brian & Sara McGee Bond, Lawrence Burnett, Lyndal B. Scott & Rachel Williams Nicholson Richard & Patsy Istre Peggy Massey The Robert Milton Family Allen, Virginia Baten, Beulah Ben & Bobbie Scirratt Rick & Diane Massey Burnett, Sr., Jerry C. “Jay” Gary & Cecelia Bingham T. Keith Baten Connie Beam Bonine, Michael Gerald & Catherine Skelly Allison, Frank Batey, Sue Bean, Caroline Navarro Gary & Ellen Owen Charlie & Nora Carswell Billy & Reba Whitley Virgie Hopson Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Gil West Houston C of C The Gene Newsom Family Allred, Cecil Baugh, Rex Randall Beck, Eldon & Myrtle Boone, Phyllis Bill & Janet Rogers Roy & Charlotte Oaks Buford & Dorothy Evetts Billy & Shirley Beck Jimmy & Betty Prather Thomas & Mary Fikes Allred, Pockets Barbara Walker Bedford, Dorcus Border, Bobby Burris, Oscar Lee Bobby & Rose Love Bettye Wiedeman Bob & Crystal Andrews Peggie Colvin & Family Louise Little Alls, Hawk Bill & Cathy Kneip Dewey & Marion Ramsey Boswell, Josh Burrus, Kay Linda Calcote Carol Posey Bell, Dennis Terry & Renee Nichol James & Helen Sorrells Amason, Charles Charles & Kathleen Cox Nelda Dunkle & girls Burton, Joe Elvira Amason Curtis & Molly Bedrich Bell, Reba Gary & Cecelia Bingham Bob & Crystal Andrews Anderson, Arthur Don & Diana Cannon Clarksville C of C Bradfute, Mary Lonnie Stafford, John Minnie Harris Don & Judy Cast Belyeu, Mildred Bill & Jo An Henry Willabay & Joleta Moore Anderson, Rachel Donna Leavelle Max & Wanda Womack Bradley, Brad Buske, M. C. “Jack” Dr. & Mrs. Richard Liggett Martha Daniel Bennett, Thomas Minnie Harris Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Combs Andrews, Jay Lynda Myers Jonita Riker Bradley, Robert Caffey, Harold Jimmy & Betty Prather Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Bentley, Oral D. West Houston C of C Elliott St. Church of Christ Angeli, Sr., Henry Thompson Carolyn Slatton Brasseal, Mildred Cahill, Ruthie West Houston C of C Dr. & Mrs. F. L. Leavelle Mr. & Mrs. T. L. Bryant Laura Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Sam Epperson Apperson, Bill Edna Krempin Bertrand, Olite Braswell, Sam Calvit, Ann Jean Nettles Everett & Diann Wright John & Lebland McAdams Ann & Clay Robertson Paige Phillips Armstrong, Kenneth James & Barbara Penland Bevill, Claudene Bray, Mack Campbell, Betty Virgie Hopson Jenifer Burnett Pryce-Nalls Bible Class Dorothy Davis Wayne & Nelda Fry Arnold, Layton Jerry & Madiene Gibson Bob & Crystal Andrews Breedlove, Ray Cannon, Ruth Ann Virgie Hopson Joe & Mary Nell Pirtle Richard, Mary & Lesli Mr. & Mrs. John Bradley Allen Cannon Arnwine, Clara Jean John & Ann Holloway Hogue Breitschopf, Anita Cannon, Velda Curtis & Lillian Bingham Marilyn Sammons Leon & Maydel Powers Jeff & Betty Branch Bob & Crystal Andrews Sipe, Jere & Margaret Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Smith Farrell & Charlotte Nalls Breitschopf, Bill Cantrell, Blanche Arriaga, Domingo Mrs. T. F. Floca Buster & Candy Clem Jeff & Betty Branch Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Harmon Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Pat & Elaine Chaney Paul & Nancy Nall Bridges, Clarence Capers, Jennifer Swindell Paul & Susan Poston Dewey & Marion Ramsey Gary & Cecelia Bingham Buster & Candy Clem Ayres, Edwin Raleigh R. White, IV Joleta Moore Britten, Samuel L. Cardwell, Suanne Clyde & Margaret Brimer Treena Jacques Lonnie Stafford Shane & Rhonda Gower Lynn & Donna Sue Nidy Bagwell, Tony Wade & Rebekah Matthews John Paul Willabay Ms. Carolyn Britten Carlson, Dorothy Minnie Harris Wade Matthews Art & Gayle Burns Brooks, Oscar Bobby & Rose Love Bailey, Darrell Alfred & Lee Knott Benny & Winnie Porter Roy & Charlotte Oaks Jim & Sandy Bednar Mike & Karen McCall Bill & Betty Jean Cloud Bibby, Margaret Brown, Charles Carraway, Dot Bailey, Grace Renee Fuller Dortha Poole Jimmy & Betty Prather Fred & Ann Olson Mike & Karen McCall Mark Fuller Gary & Cecelia Bingham Brown, Irene Carroll, Alieen Bailey, Lavern Katie & Tony Moncivais Bicknell, Connie Buford & Dorothy Evetts Charlene Holmes David & Deborah Deas Susan & Mancel Bolton Wayne & Nelda Fry Brown, Joyce Carter, Paul R. Baker, Lou Kasey & Chris Stant Bidwell, Wanda West Houston C of C Randy & Barbara Gary & Cecelia Bingham Will & Veda Bolton Richard & Glenda Fox Brown, Treva Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Sam Davis Perry & Laura Cloud Bizaillion Jenny Belton Church of Christ Caruso, Robert Bakewell, Bob Thomas Cloud Betty Atkins Browning, Amber Dawn Ken Bonham Phyllis Dunkin Diane Gunn Benny & Winnie Porter Ann & Clay Robertson Gary & Cecelia Bingham Ball, Delbert C. Don Ringler Blackman, Mrs. Bruce, Patricia Case, Linda Randy & Barbara Douglas Wheeler Lee Roy & Sharon Tidwell Gary & Cecelia Bingham Plano East Church of Christ Nicholson Dwayne & Joanna King Blackwood, Gene Bruner, Walter A. (Dub) James & Norma Hill Balley, Rosa Mallory Farrar & Barbara Keetch Dallas & Diane Dill Randy & Barbara Caskey, Renee Bob & Patsy McKinney Frank & Billie Petruy, Jr. Blaker, David Nicholson Glendon & Brenda Womble Barber, Bobbie Georgia Rion Virgil & Dorrace Poe Brunson, Judy Louise Little Chuck & Mindy Nichols June & Sue Lykes Blank, Ron Wilma Deaver Gladys Stone Barlow, Victor Kate Dimmitt Mr. & Mrs. Billy K. Pratt Bryan, Jean Thompson Cathey, Wilson & Myrtle Garland ISD-Webb MS Mr. & Mrs. B. E. Pope Steve & Nora Pratt Bill & Nicki Owens Bobbie Nell Wright Staff The Bullock Family Blanton, Sam Johnnye Maher Chandler, Ruth Barnes, Ted R. Tom & Gwen Bever Kenna & Chris Vanover Bryant, Laura James Martin Bill & Jo Hawkins Wyllis H. Ament Blassingame, Betty Chuck & Mindy Nichols Chandler, Sue Barnett, Joe Bob Allen & Nadine Lawton Phyllis Dunkin Bryson, David Louise Little Dick & Mary Holbein Bill & Ann Looney Bodine, Jeanine Chuck & Mindy Nichols Jerry & Alta Murray Barnett, W. Leroy Floyd & Wanda Hargrove Billie Allen Buckingham, Julia Chapman, Dolly Byron & Patsy Rogers Jimmy & Carolyn Wood Weldon Verta Hardegree Linda Calcote Lynda Nations Don & Michele Harris Linzy & Thigpen, Attorneys Boggs, Durward Burke, John David Chavez, Lillian Eloise McWatters at Law Mr. & Mrs. Richard Donald & Sue Burke Charlie, Sharon, Heath & Frankie & Margie Firenza Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Baugh Comstock Nancy Huff Sean Steele Mark & Sandra Mattick Patrick & Helen Deese Jack & Barbara Wooley Burke, Paul, John & Grady Chenault, Bobbie Tribble 19 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Minnie Harris Cupp, Charles Neva Handy Pearl Ford Essie Pearson Childress, Lola M. Berry Glen & Joyce Hornsberger Edwards, Velma Ford, Pearl Gipson, John “Pete” Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Curby, Mark Allen Frank & Lucille Briscoe Gary & Louise Blalack Mr. & Mrs. John Bradley Swindell Dorothy Curby Pat & Jeanette McKennon Ford, Robert Marion County Farm Bur. Childress, Thelma Cypert, Jonnie Patricia Glodfelty Aaron & Merilyn Cranford Girouard, Bob Dewey & Marion Ramsey Leeon & Donna Pettitt Santo Church of Christ Foster, Lois Elizabeth Stewart Childress, Sr., Doyal Reneau Davis, Jake W. D. & Sandra Roberts James Martin Thomas Boedecker Minnie Harris David & Viane Talbott Elliott, J. D. Fowler, Geneva Wayne Brumley Church, Reba Davis, Mary Ann Billy & Linda Black Bobby & Glenda Fowler John Morgan Dan & Marsha Bailey Bill & Jo Hawkins Ellis, Mamaw Fox, Ray Chris & Merry Trujillo Clark, Hazel Arvie Joe & Pam Owen Kathi Marsh Carol Lake David & Jennifer Anderson Donna Tomlin Doyle Raney & Family Endsley, Yvonne Mr. & Mrs. Joe Brazell Jean S. Good Clark, Jack Dayton, Debbie June Preston Buster & Candy Clem Gober, Imogene James & Candace Lewis Leonard & Myra Kent Eoff, Lillie Lester Keirn Essie Pearson Clark, James R. Dean, Cody Bobbie & Betty Glasson Francis, W. D. Goode, Don Steve & Rene Bailey John & Sue Dean Ersch, Emma Roy & Ruth Parker Tim & Susan McKinney & Clark, Philip Deckard, Desiree “Desi” Bettye Johnson Freeman,Mr.&Mrs. George R. Tolliver & Scout Janiearle Rust John & Michele Smith Erwin, Lois Dr. Joyce Freeman & Goodson, Brenda Sandra Clark Beth Norwood Harvey Lynn & Patsy Dr. Janice Freeman David Capps Clausen, William & Edith John & Carol Smith Milton Fretwell, Orville Goodwin, Opal Margaretha Edsall Denson, Ted Eubanks, Teddy Janie Finley Mr. & Mrs. Claude Jones Clayton, Mary Jimmie & Joy Cloud Jane Eubanks Fry, Edward Neil Gordon, Abigail “Abby” Neal & Marsha Sloan Denson, Tom & Nell Evans, Annie Marie Randy & Barbara Nicolson George & Lisa Skinner Clement, Maize Greg & Michelle Latson Bob & Crystal Andrews Fuller, Mary John Burns Mr. & Mrs. Tim Denison Desselle, Roy & Cecile Mary Jane Cathey Cathy Harrison Richard & Linda Brown Cleveland, Joyce Southside Church of Christ Dewey & Marion Ramsey Fuller, Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Tim & Julie Ingram Jerry & Glenda Burnett Dillman, Ray Evesong, Saribenne Kenneth & Linda Henry George & Lisa Skinner Coalson, Paul West Houston C of C Herb & Sid Thomas G., Charles Highland Oaks C of C Robert & Marilynn Kendall Dobbs, Martha Matt & Kimberly Hall Lupita Gutierrez Ingram Bible Class Codrick, Melanie David & Julie Singletary Richard & Janice Thomas Gallant, Nan Gordon, Von Randy & Barbara Nicolson Dodd, Jean Richard Thomas The James Gallant Family Wayne & Beverly Williams Coffin, William Arthur “Bill” Glenn & Rita Murphy Ewing, Dr. George & Thelma Gallant Gossett, Sadie Mae Reta McClellan Frieda Morton Ken & Tammy Baker Gardner, Sr., Herman A. Joan Jackson Dr. James & Claudia Donovan, Dolores Faglie, Brian Scott & Rachel Williams Doris J. Jones Atkinson James Martin Arthur & Amy Donaghe Geer, Odell Graham, James Wayne Commack, Minnie Doss, Melvin Faircloth, Robert David “Bob” Ruby King Stephanie Capt Bert & Elaine Thorne John & Michele Smith Bill & Carolyn Morris Travis & Fran Morris Graham, W. C. R. L. & Shirley Sanders Douglas, Clyde C. Fariss, Louis Gernentz, Tom John & Lorene Hawk Conley, Alfred Glyn & Mary Ann Jolly Darrell & Jan Fariss Bruce & Marsha Allen Graves, Raymond & Hattie John & Michele Smith June Hawkins Farr, Pat Gibbs, Tillie Harold Hulme Connell, Martha Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Brunner Harvey Lynn & Patsy Billy & Dorothy Ramsey Green, Claude & Iva Bob & Crystal Andrews Bumgardner, Morrison Milton John & Adlyn Smith Billy Green, Gerald Green, Cook, Ethel & Co., L.L.P. Faubus, Delfa Dee Bo & Dot Hall Shirley Quaid, & Joyce Ken & Sue Winters Charlotte Manuel Randy & Barbara Nicolson Charlsy Ford Beltz Larry & Barbara Royal Kenny French Ferguson, John “Jack” Martha Vaughan Green, Frances Lois Wick Should & Co., L.L.P. Bob & Crystal Andrews Roy & Ruth Parker H. D. Ellard Cook, Imogene Doyle, Harold Dean Fietz, John Mr. & Mrs. Roger Will & Marianne Zschiesche Irene Hullett Family, Harvey Lynn & Patsy Cary & Brenda Miller McMennamy Greene, Lula Mae Dorothy Hullett Brown Fam Milton Finley, Olen Grady Fields Jack & Ruby Moran Janic Hullett Hawkins Fam. Drew, Audrey J. Essie Pearson Lee & Jackie Sosebee Jack N. Floyd Linda Hullett Trice Family Dickie & Ann Robertson Fischer, Helen Ed & Pat Mc Loud Greer, George Glendon & Brenda Womble Duke, Mary Jerry & Glenda Burnett Jerry & Bonnie Calvert West Houston C of C Cooper, John (Bud) Fonda T. Brinlee Flatt, Hubert Mike & Dolores Spence Grieswell, Michael Louise Little Dunagan, Randall Don & Cheryl Flatt Skillman C of C Class 4 Jim & Carol Hudson Corbell, Gale James & Bonnie Burkett Flatt, Mable Butch & Margie Brunner Griffitt, Cornell Decatur Church of Christ Duncan, Ernest Don & Cheryl Flatt Kathy Elkins Louise Little Covin, Larry Curtis & Molly Bedrich Fletcher, Louise Thomas Baker Grimes, Peggy David Capps Duncan, Pauline Ray & Sharon Wells Mr. & Mrs. Erle Nye Amy Jones Cowie, Billie Gary & Cecelia Bingham Flinikin, Madilene Joan Carruthers Grippo, Linda West Houston C of C Dunn, Bernice Don & Sue Burke Frances Ivers Bob & Crystal Andrews Cox, Dr. Billy Ray Betty McAlister Floyd, Otis John & Myrna Hendrick Grounds, George Wayne & Glenda Bounds Dunn, George Bob & Crystal Andrews Phelps & Trisha Jones Margaret Terry Croom, Coralie Ray & Sharon Wells Pryce-Nalls Bible Class Ruth Moore Guin, Grandmother of Phillip Eloise McWatters Eads, II, Monte Joe Benny & Winnie Porter Skillman C of C Elders & Mary Bass Crow, Dorothy Dolores Quiroga Mary Jane Cathey Wives Gunn, Duward Virgie Hopson Marvin & Jo Ann Eads Alice Oler Dan & Laurie Giles Mr. & Mrs. James Aleander Crumley, Nellie Jane Luther Eagen, Ronnie Sonya Cunyus Bob & Janet Richter Haines, Al Duane & Suzanne Mock William & Janis Wingo Lois Spainhour Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Miller Wendell & Dell Hoover Theresa Dyer Eaker, Kenneth Eastern Star New Boston Dorothy Brown Hall, Helen Byers Cullum, Edgar West Houston C of C Chapter 700 Mary Seelye Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Vera Taylor Ebersole, Elaine Folmar, Dan Gertrude Harris Swindell Culwell, Sr., Marcus Monroe Martha Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Dana Cutright Hamberlin, Gail Mr. & Mrs. Sam Davis Oliver & Dorothy Cochran Houston, Jr. Frances Caldwell Chuck & Mindy Nichols Cunnius, George & Family Ford, Johnny Allen & Linda Luna Hamilton, Lyla Terry & Carolyn Redwine Eddy, Curtis Ken & Betty Plew Gideon, Virginia Billie Brazell 20 Hampton, Carl Thomas Hill June Preston Brad & Candace Coleman Vernon & Nobie Patterson Virgie Hopson Hillis, Beverly Jackson, Evalee T. Donald Janak Jordan, Irene Hampton, Jean Carroll & Linda Gloor Mr. & Mrs. J. Ray Scott Frances Perkins Cindy McPherson Don & Sue Sample Hines, Hubert Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Murphy Farms Jordan, Ralph Haney, Jane West Houston C of C Liggett Jennifer Salsbury Terry & Renee Nichol & Gary & Cecelia Bingham Hines, Melba Jo Jackson, Janet Irene Mr. & Mrs. Joe Brazell Girls Hantman, Carol Sue Thorpe E. R. “Boots” & Judy David Jackson John & Jean Martin Joyner, Bob Amy Lawson Harris Jackson, Melba Mike & Mary Malone The Robert Milton Family Beverly Awalt Hodge, Faye Bruce & Lynn Jackson Vicki Grover Kaspar, Frank Bliss & Glennon & Co. Mary Baggett Mary Turner Laura Rinard Pat & Sharon Carl Curtis & Molly Bedrich Hodges, Ben B. Jackson, Thomas C. Skillman Church of Christ Scott & Kimberly Shobe Don & Forrest Strohl Martha Hodges Marjorie Bristley & Elders & Wives Kasprzyk, Ernest R. Jan Christiansen Hodges, Mary Children Dick & Claudette White Martha Kasprzyk Jana Cole Charlene Holmes Jackson, Jr., David L. Crossing @ Waterford Keith, Yoneko Janice Ryan Hodgson, Howard Burk & Jo Bottoms L V Reid Farm HOA Plano East Church of Christ John & Karen Reuter Jim & Mary Alice West Jo Stuttz Carlton & Anne Winford Kelley, Leland Josephine Raimondi Hodgson, Stephen M. James, II, Robert Byrne Curtis & Molly Bedrich Randy & Barbara Kacy Moutray Ellis Scott & Rachel Williams Stephen Schneider Art & Jane Scharlach & Nicholson Larry & Marjorie Hantman Holley, Douglas Family Kelly, Betty Lesli Mathis Bob & Crystal Andrews James Tinsley West Houston C of C Loretto Thoroughman Hollis, Mother of Lola Farewell to a Amy Jones Kelton, Brandon Marsha Arnold Mickey & Shawna Spencer Former Boles Jerry & Alta Murray Terry & Carolyn Redwine Mary Stecklein Hollo, Heather Director Bill & Jo Ann Banister Kennedy, Linzel Pat Ford West Houston C of C & Dear Friend, Paul & Jo Ann Zweiacker Damon & Sally Ball Peggy Ingram Holmberg, Annika Gary & Cecelia Bingham Kerzee, Wilmer Robert Currie Margaretha Edsall John Janak Tom Alvarado Jimmy & Betty Prather Shari West Holmes, Doris Karen Wheeler Keys, Bonnie Kneip Sharon Caffrey Jimmie & Joy Cloud Susie Hartshorne William & Catherine Kneip Sue Hood Holmes, Reeve & Lila Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Curtis King, Estelle Susan O’Daniel Tim & Caroline Denison Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bowman Grapeland Church of Christ Texsun Pools Holt, Aubrey Lee Jenkins, Herman King, Thelma Theresa Koran Herb & Bobbye Haynes Jimmy & Betty Prather Bob & Crystal Andrews Carmelo & Hilary Mauro Hope, Kenneth J. Jiminez, Connie Pryce-Nalls Bible Class Jerrol & Pam Springer Bob & Crystal Andrews Barbara Houmes Lois Spainhour Sherry E. Cobb Janet Kirk Johnson, Eugene Kinney, Thena Inez John Martin, Jr. Horton, Danny Mickey & Shawna Spencer Norma Jean Dobson Hargrove, Irene Wayne & Nelda Fry Johnson, Francis Kinsey, Letha Billy & Jackie Green Hott, J. J. Ernie & Shay Ensminger & Vernon & Martha Peters Norton & Lou Lovell Horace & Frances Girls Kirk, Ruth Lucille Spencer Townsley Johnson, Grace Mayer Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Calvin Harper, Ann Houston, Juanita LaRue Charles Mayer Mr. & Mrs. William Calvin Beth Norwood Bill & Sylvia McClendon John David Janak was a Johnson, Jesse Lee Kirkman, Taylor Harris, Johnnie Hwe, David man who loved God, his Duane & Suzanne Mock Charlene Holmes Marion & Billie Glover Lola Vallandingham family, friends and com- Theresa Dyer Kirkpatrick, Bill Harrison, S. Clark Huffman, Helen munity. He also was an Johnson, John Wayne Mr. & Mrs. John Fleming Phyllis Hunsinger John & Barbara Estes avid birdwatcher, enjoyed Duane & Suzanne Mock Don & Suzie Burnes Havens, Terrell Hughes, Jean Theresa Dyer Kite, David Lee taking photographs of Ore City Church of Christ John & Lorene Hawk Johnson, Mabel L. Lester & Della Jo Kite Hawkins, Anita Hughes, Jerry wildlife and loved Boles Theresa Dyer Kite, Thomas Bill & Jo Hawkins Peggy Pirkle Home. He served on the Johnson, Mary Rose Chaney & Jo Jean Anderson Haynes, Julius E. “J.E.” Hulme, Millie Board for over 30 years, Theresa Dyer Klepper, Marie Charley & Nancy Palmer Harold Hulme many years of which he Duane & Suzanne Mock Plano East Church of Christ Helton, Lin Hulme, Wanita was Board President. Jones, Allen James & Norma Hill Jimmy & Ruth Hurt Harold Hulme He was a devoted advo- Dale & Laura Van Loh Kenny & Belinda Gardner Hendricks, Donna Huneke, Lynda cate for the children and Helen Wathen & Micky Ernest Houston Mr. & Mrs. David Harper Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Holmes Knaupp, Mother of Jeanette single-mother families. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Johnson Houston, Jr. Michaela Walsh Theresa Dyer Pat & Ruth Patterson Hunt, Damon AOH Board member Roger & Rea Stock Knopp, Neal “Buddy” Agathia Cook Ken Bonham Gary Bingham, stated Terry & Teresa Burton Chaney & Jo Jean Anderson David & Amy Cook & Fam. Hunter, Mamye Powers that “John provided a Jones, Breydon Jim & Patsy Rogers John & Beth Cook & Fam. Luke & Jennifer Basey calm and sure leadership Art & Jane Scharlach Fam. Village on the Park Trey & Jeanne Griffin & Bob & Polly Sumrow that gave all of us peace.” Jones, Dorothy Daniel & Deborah Ewald Family Lafon Hunter Simpson John was a “gentle gi- Leonard & Myra Kent Knorr, Woodrow Matt & Karen McKinney & Merle & Wanda Mueller ant”. His wisdom, gentle- Jones, Ida Mae Dennis & Sherry Knorr Family Pat & Nancy Hickman Bob & Crystal Andrews Koch, Al ness and calm spirit will Jim & Sarah Yarbrough Dr. & Mrs. Lowell Chaffin Jones, John D. Bill & Janie Milner Gene & Lois Inman Happy State Bank & Trust long be remembered. Virginia Little Koehler, Caroline Eric & Karen Inman Company Orlo Woodcock Leroy & Rose Marie Carver Shirley Maxine Rose Hutcheson, William Tom Jones, Lonnie Koenning, Barbara Bob & Patsy McKinney Carl & Billie Greer Janak, John David Bob & Crystal Andrews Bill & Carolyn Morris Gene & Jeanie Brock Deborah Hendrix Clyde & Midge Saunders Benny & Winnie Porter Krueger, Todd June McCartney Robert & Ramah Hester Jo Etter Jones, Steve Doyle & Doris Mauldin Jean Masters Sebastian Irwin, Susan Tom & Lucy Fullerton Charles & Gayle Payne Lacy, L. G. Joyce Hendrix Herb & Bobbye Haynes Moses & Katherine Attrep Jones, Tessie Carolyn Fox Richard & Mary Henderson Jack, Gerald Buster & Candy Clem Roy & Ruth Parker LaFollett, Velma Hill, Sarah Mr. & Mrs. Claude Jones Dick & Sally Davis Jones, Jr., Allen G. Bob & Gayla Strate

21 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Laird, Helen Elaine Scogin Bill & Betty Alcorn Frank & Joann Nance Laura Sharp Dennis & Fara Doggett Ernest & Jean Lidiak Dennis & Johnnie Dale Nelson, Ralph Peters, Jr., James B. Lamb, Weldon Porter & Betty Garner Norris James & Donna Nelson T. C. Hughes Belton Church of Christ Lusk, Braylin McWatters, Charles F. Newkirk, Dorothy Brumley Petty, Jim Lambeth, Jerry Richard & Elaine Gibson Eloise McWatters Saltillo Church of Christ Fred & Ann Olson Johnny & Ann Adams Madden, Buddy Philda Boswell Nicholson, Beverly Peugh, J. E. Lammey, Bert Scott & Rachel Williams Stephanie & Daren Kamp Scott & Rachel Williams Jerry & Linda Robertson Chuck & Shannon Boyer Magers, Lou Ellen Noah & Jonah Nisbeth, Gunvor Phillips, Ben Lanford, Don Lee Minnie Harris Medders, Mattie Margaretha Edsall Eleanor Horstman B. R. & Charlene Koehler Maggard, Greg Leston Jimmy & Betty Prather Noll, John David Phillips, Stephen Clifton Lang, Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Claude Jones Menn, Alma D. R. & Susan Wilbur & Len Phipps E. R. “Boots”& Judy Harris Sarah Smith R. E. & Rose Marie Allen Schieferstein, Jr. Bryan & Heather Jones, Langford, Otto Malley, Jim Metcalf, Clarence Nugent, Darlene Tanner, Tyler, & Michele Smith Scott & Rachel Williams Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Pruett Carl & Billie Greer Cheyenne; Kelly & Amy Lapino, Mrs. Manhart, Richard Mida, Harry O’Bryant, Floyd Phipps, Trinity & Margaret Porterfield John & Michele Smith Ron & Patti Dunn Mr. & Mrs. N. H. Williams Keagen & Ryan Phipps Lawrence, Larry Manning,Tom Miksch, Ruth Odell, Ida Nell Phillps, Shirley Sam & Charlene Huggins Tim & Susan McKinney & West Houston C of C Peggy Pirkle Barbara Hathcock Jeff & Rhonda Huggins Tolliver & Scout Miller, Cynthia Oler, Gayle & Mary Pierce, Vernon Doug & Dorothy Davis Maris, Wacyl Cary & Brenda Miller Loretta Clymer Bob & Crystal Andrews Dust Bunnies, Inc. Trietsch Memorial United Miller, Don Ooten, Wayne Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Dave & Sydnie Wood Methodist Church Terry & Renee (Avance) J. D. & Gwen Moore Swindell LeFan, Jackie Denise Robinson Sunday Nichol Osborne, Roy Mary Jane Cathey Grant Lovaasen School Class Miller, Margie Jane Childers Lola Vallandingham Benny & Winnie Porter Ledger, John & Gloria Marsh, Leta Adult II Sunday School Dpt Owens, Jo Ann Dewey & Marion Ramsey Peggy Parks Billie E. Hightower Arco Exteriors: Glenn & Charles & Marie Howard Farrell & Charlotte Nalls Lee, Ernie Marshall, Leola Brenda Hoggs, Glendora Dunleavy Pitts, Virginia Charles & Mary Ann Sarah Morgan Jason & Kaydanc David & Martha Davy Mary Killough Franzke Wendyl & Carolyn Leslie, Hope, & Jay Walsh Owens, John Plaaten, Harold LeNoir, Blanchard Dustin & Brook Brorson & Associates, P. C. Jack D. Owens West Houston C of C Rusty & Karen Stone Kenneth & Zelma Leslie Dennis & Janis Parton Owens, John Lee Poe, Gwen Leslie, Dolores Dahl Martin, Ardath Engine & Compressor Serv. Lester & Sue Scott Garon & Mildred Bates Birdella Dahl Hurst West Houston C of C Maradyne Corporation Packer, Lynn Polacek, Mildred Lewellen, Benton Martin, Don Miller Air Starter Co., Inc. Barry & Diane Packer Ken & Toby Bonham Faye, Michael, Paul, & Jeff Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Paul & Lucretia Casmedes Palk, Ed Pollock, Barbara Adele West Love Swindell Miller, Scott Tim & Susan McKinney & Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Lewis, Burke Mattick, Maxine Zada Tillman Tolliver & Scout Swindell Van Zandt Country Club Duane & Suzanne Mock Miller, Thelma Palla, Pat Pope, Randy Lewis, U. B. Theresa Dyer Virgie Hopson Virgie Hopson James & Donna Nelson Larry, Tammy & Tary Mauldin, Elizabeth Milton, Robert Palmore, Ruth Alston Pope, Ruth Varner Mrs. John Bradley Edward McGehee D. R. Palmore Charlie & Beverly Welch Little, Connie May. Sally Mireles, Judge Andy Parker, Helen Janie Finley Louise Little Bobby & Glenda Fowler Damon & Sally Ball Leonard & Myra Kent Porter, William Loescher, Algina McAlister, Lorene Mitchell, Jimmie Parker, Layne Scott & Rachel Williams Terry & Vergie Adams Sondra Blankenship Deborah Deas, Douglas New Road C of C Family Powers, Gene Logan, Mr. Ronald & Lezlie Mann Tanner, & Philip Tanner Parkman, Charles Howard Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Pringle Mr. & Mrs. Otis Newberry McCaleb, Earl Mitchell, Norma Mark & Kathy Rodenberger Pratt, Sr., Preston Long, Sandra Randy & Barbara Hubert & Betty Felts Mrs. L. W. Bassett Glenden & Brenda Womble Herbert & Rosemarie Nicholson Mitchell, Sue Dale & Kay Guest Preble, M.D., Harry E. Garrett McCall, John Clarence, Lynn, & Becky Neil & Sherry Collard Jo Preble Love, Bobby D. Leonard & Myra Kent Carlson Jerry & Dorothy Pearce Preston, June Gilley Clarence, Lynn, & Becky McCollum, Snavely Moody, Sister of L. C. Claude & Mary Jones Fred & Sandra Wingate Carlson Jim & Pat Catlett Mary Bass Erle Nye Mrs. L. W. Bassett Fairmont Park C of C McDowell, Tom Moore, Alice Louise Parsons, Jewell Leston & Lareece Maggard Guy & Cissy Speck Damon & Sally Ball Jackolyn Johnson The Robert Milton Family Roy & Loretta Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Camron McEndree, Timothy Moore, Harvey Parsons, Jimmie Kay Forbes Kathy Lupardus & Bruce & Marsha Allen Butch & Linda Merriman John & Karen Losher Chris Flannery Everyone at Harrell & McEntee, Gary Moore, Karen Patterson, Marge Rhonda Morton Lupardus L. W. & Karen Shepperd Billie Brazell Mr. & Mrs. J. Ray Scott Oak Hill Capital Partners Mr. & Mrs. Gene Carnes McGee, Phoebe Moore, Ruby Patterson, Sam Sarah Smith Shirley & Sherri Bassett Margaretha Edsall R. E. & Rose Marie Allen Gary & Cecelia Bingham Price, Betty Lowry, Archie B. McGehee, Toni Moore, Zelma Patton, Kathryn Harvey Lynn & Patsy Janet Kirk John & Lorene Hawk LaVerne Stokes Sue Dunn Milton L’Roy, Judy Fay McHenry, Cyril Morgan, Bill Patton, Kay Price, Helen Jill Kelley Belton Church of Christ Gene & Coleta Bruce Ken Bonham Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Cranford Lundquist, Ronald McKee, Mary Francis Morgan, Scott Patton, Steve Primrose, Robbie “Jo” Butch & Linda Merriman Jerry & Alta Murray Belton Church of Christ Doyle & Doris Mauldin Marion County Farm Bur. Lunsford, Charlotte Kay McKnight, Don Morris, Audra Pearce, Muriel Marie Hackney Prulhiere, Agnes Bill & Ione Webb Gary & Cecelia Bingham Wilburn & Sue Dodd Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Don & Cheryl Flatt Mrs. Voncille Tate McLen, Lillie Mutchler, Carl Swindell Puckett, F. Austin Palo Duro Class 1964 Virginia Little Billie Brazell Pearson, Kathleen Lillian Puckett Thomas & Patricia Kopp McMahan, John Nance, Fay Nell John & Lorene Hawk Punzi, II, Henry Anthony Tony Whitlow Bob & Crystal Andrews Wanda Cook Joe Gilbreath Sue LeMonds Joe & Nancy Seremet McMeans, Karen Pauline Pegues & Johnnie Pederson, Pete Purvis, Kathy Tricia Reed Bruce & Patsy Pruett Pegues Lois, Dan & Irene Martin Betty Montgomery Lurati, Aurelio Nicholas McNamara, Mickey Truman Tallant Perritt, John Putman, Wayne 22 Kiwanis Club of Robinson, Kyle Gail Church of Christ Duane & Suzanne Mock Pat Lincecum Lakewood Dallas Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Shearer, John Neldene Matusevich Stuart, Grace Query, James E. “Jim” Callaway Johnny & Kay White Smith, Joseph Mitchell Jo Harris Estelle Atnip Query Mr. & Mrs. L. C. Newman Lola Vallandingham Laura Sharp Sullivan, Effie Quick, Don Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Smith Shepherd, Bob Smith, Robert D. Mickey & Shawna Spencer Bobby & Rose Love Rogers, John Alvin West Houston C of C Frankie McCommon Sullivan, Peggy Rogers Rainey, Rita James Martin Shepherd, Mildred Smithey, Billy Bob & Cheryl Greenwalt Bob & Crystal Andrews Rogula, Charles Cunningham Ronny & Huberta Duke Gene Anne Huddleston Rains, Houston Dale & Laura White Jerry, Sarah & Shelly & Family Keith King Frieda Morton Romine, Neal Swindell Gary & Cecelia Bingham Sutton, Jim Randle, James J. “Jim” Decatur Church of Christ Sheppard, Doris Betty Bearden Mr. & Mrs. David Clay Victor & Ruth Riley Rose, Annie C. Bob & Crystal Andrews Mary Alice Steinheimer Sutton, Lillian H. Jerry & Diana Dodson Rebecca Cavalier Sheppard, Douglas Vernon Ken & Toby Bonham Chuck & Mindy Nichols Clara Reese Ross, Bennie Betty Herrold Solomon, Shorty Sweeney, Genevieve Guy & Cordelia Stone Herbert & Rosemarie Bill & Tommie Jean Sullens Dick & Mary Holbein Glenn & Elaine Sweeney Randolph, Hayle Garrett Cindy Haraughty Southall, Leonard J. Sweeney, Geoffrey Mr. & Mrs. Sam Davis Rotenberry, Charlie Homer F. Harris, Jr. Alreda W. Southall Glenn & Elaine Sweeney Raney, Bobbie Jo Wheeler John & Barbara Estes Southall, Russell M. Sweeney, Pauline Bill & Jo Hawkins Russel, Bill Kemper & Mona Howe Alreda W. Southall Glenn & Elaine Sweeney Raney, Flois Dorothy Reuland Kenneth Elder Spears, Juanita Swenson, Patty Vera King Jerry & Barbara Vickers Larry & Alice Faye Brown Margaret Baker-Lewis Butch & Linda Merriman Ransom, Edward Jim & Debbie Harman Larry & Becky Cox Ofcrs., Dirs. & Emps. of Swindell, Glyn Dewey & Marion Ramsey Ken Bonham Larry & Brenda Boyd Commercial National Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Bob & Crystal Andrews Ronny & Huberta Duke & Melissa Baker Bank -Brady, TX Swindell Buster & Candy Clem Family Peter & April Wardenburg Richard & Sherri Probst Swindell, Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Rawls, Mae Linker Gary & Cecelia Bingham Robert & Laura Kerr Ronnie Walker Life Group Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Clint Johnson & Tomie Ryan, Anna Mae Roger & Lesa Brown @ South MacArthur Swindell Johnson Glenden & Brenda Womble Sara Day Church of Christ Tarbet, Faye Rea, Murrel Ryan, Jeannine Paris Steve & Diane Pipkin Doug & Dorothy Davis John & Lorene Hawk James & Donna Nelson Virginia Thomson Tom & George Barger Spence, Lorraine Todd Gladys Stone Readnour, Irene Sallee, Adrain Tom & Robyn Lambrecht Bonnie L Brooks Louise Little Decatur Church of Christ Doris Jacoby Albert & Jeane Kunkle Miriam K. Williams Tate, Willard Reed, D. W. Sanders, Edna Bob & Betty Gibson Sprott, Libby Ken & Tammy Baker Dot Petty & Wade Petty Dennis & Fara Doggett & Robert G. Gibson, Jr. Belton Church of Christ Teel, Sue Rees, Mr. Richard Doggett U-11 Soccer Team Stacy, Bonnie Scott & Rachel Williams Scott & Rachel Williams Santignan, Norma B. R. & Charlene Koehler Molly Cannon Thacker, Cynthia Meeks Repka, Frank Bill & Eloise Patterson Carl & Dean Day Lonnie Shipley Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Larry & Judy Tullos Mr. & Mrs. John Bradley Friends at Haginas & Staggs, Guyetta M. Swindell Mark & Lorene Tullos Chuck & Mindy Nichols Chapman Estill Staggs Thomas, Wiley Reynolds, Clay Savage, Margette James & Sheila Wolfe Stanley, F. I. Dry Clean Super Center Terry & Teresa Burton Jay Vandiver Steven & Virginia Jones Sam & Cheryl Ellis Thomason, George Rhodes, Jo Schneider, Donna Sherwood, Stella Marie Stark, Marilyn Bob & Crystal Andrews Bill & Jennee McHenry Robin L. Miller Leroy & Rose Marie Carver Eva Dillenbeck Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Rice, Mildred Schoolfield, Charlene Shinn, Jimmie Starnes, Arlene Ruth Swindell Bruce & Julia Barnard Billy & Linda Black Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Harmon Scott & Elaine Henderson Thompson, Dortha Richards, Pete & Margaret Scoggins, Johnny Shipley, Dorothy Bob & Cece Holt Randy & Barbara Marjorie Duffy & Judy Mike & Linda Erwin Jim & Barbara McLendon Lynn Powell Nicholson Bouldin Scott, Craig Shumpert, Floyd Stautzenberger, Pauline Thompson, Jack Richardson, Jimmie Martin Jim & Barbara McLendon Jo Ann Combs Eloise McWatters Oleta Worley & Doris James Martin Scott, Jettie Simmons, Joe W. Steedman, W. S. “Bill” Patton Richey, Clarence Harold Linda Cause Kurt & Jean Simmons Louise Little Thompson, Sanford Harvey Lynn & Patsy Mr. & Mrs. Steve Anderson Simpson, Gus Stegall, Una Homer & Maxine Anderson Milton Ray & Sherry Duncan John & Sue Fredrick Don & Susan Ross Tindell, William N. Jerry & Ruth Ann Jones Wayne & Shirley Miller Tom & Lucy Fullerton Stephen, Larry Randy & Barbara John & Michele Smith Ernest & Elva Duncan Simpson, Von Mary Bass Nicholson Richmond, Leon Dortha Poole Curtis & Molly Bedrich Stephens, Joe & Nadine Tippie, Julie Ortiz Ken & Toby Bonham Saturn Rd. Church of Christ Sloan, Turney & Toni Barry & Diane Packer Randy & Barbara Richter, Tom 49er’s Group Neal & Marsha Sloan Stevens, Sue Nicholson Fred & Ann Olson Gary & Cecelia Bingham Smallwood, Porter Shorty & Lola Huber Tipps, Anna Ritter, Jim Arlene Tucker Jim & Dolores Parker Stevens, Thomas John & Barbara Estes Mickey & Shawna Spencer George & Barbara Wilemon Smead, Ed Bob & Crystal Andrews Todd, John “Briggs” Roach, Lila Seely, Cleo Tim & Susan McKinney, Stewart, Joyce Gary & Cecelia Bingham Jerry, Sarah & Shelly Vernon & Eleene Flenniken Tolliver & Scout James & Helen Sorrells Bill & Angie Little Swindell Shankle, Johnny Smith, Bernetta Stewart, Vineta Frost National Bank Dirs, Robbins, Henry Ed Becky Howard Shirley Roesler & Sons Inwood National Bank Officers, & Employees Eric & Tamitha Blocker Sharber, Mary Smith, Carl Stinchfield, Duane Gary & Dawn Wells Madison County Officials Charlene Holmes West Houston C of C West Houston C of C Aguilar Forming Rebar - Roberts, Joseph James Dana Hoog Leon & Maydel Powers Stogsdill, Juanita Construction, Inc. Leonard & Myra Kent Mrs. L. W. Bassett Smith, Cedric Gladys Stone Carol Edney Roberts, Mary Jerry & Dorothy Pearce David & Julie Singletary Savoy Church of Christ Charlie & Brenda Sanders West Houston C of C Neil & Sherry Collard Smith, Charlie Louise Little Deluxe Corp. Robertson, Margaret Leston & Lareece Maggard Bill & Vanda Powers John & Lorene Hawk Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ware Virgie Hopson Ozella Lilly Smith, Grace Strawn, Jane Terry & Susi Young Robinett, William Russell Claude & Mary Jones Peggie Colvin Jean Nettles Toldan, Lois Cindy Mitchell Shaw, Bill Smith, James Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Boyd Guy&Joyce Massey &Fam. 23 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Trout, Z. W. Weekly, Bill Bobbie Nell Wright Breitschopf, Dorothy Williams, Scott & Rachel David & Jenny Trout Claude & Georgia Johnson Wright, Bobby Branch, Jeff & Betty Dumas, Vince Tyson, Melvin & Ruby Weggemann, Betty Wakefield Julian & Zela Peel Bridges, Pete & Barbara Sammons, James John & Debra Jurek Jack & Ann Ferguson Wright, Ray Burke, Don & Sue Dunn, Bryan Ubil, Jonathan Welborn, W. G. Tim & Susan McKinney & Browder, Jerry & Marcia Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Nalan & Kathy Mitchell Ken & Tammy Baker Tolliver & Scout Mack, Steve & Sandy & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Utley, Pauline Welch, Herman Wright, Tommy & Gene Burke, Don & Sue Dunn, Phillip Mary Bass Nelda Dunkle Mr. & Mrs. Buster Masters Aven, Bill & Jodeen Gary Bingham & Assoc. Vanderburg, Pennie Welch, Ruth Yarbrough, Chuck Taylor, Kim & Randy Durflinger, Tracey Phyllis McGee Charlene Holmes Charlene Holmes Burke, Joshua Durflinger, Sally Veach, Tobe Weldon, Gwendolyn F. Young, Annie Taylor, Kim & Randy Eads, Marvin Glenden & Brenda Womble Beverly Weldon John & Lorene Hawk Burke, Pat Gary Bingham & Assoc. Vestal, Haley Wendell, Vivian Gladys Stone Burke, Don & Sue Ebel, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Chuck & Mindy Nichols Peggy Harris, Judy Danley, Louise Little Burke, Philip Rambie, John & Roselin Vickers, Charles N. & Beverly Jimmerson J. D. & Gwen Moore Taylor, Kim & Randy Edwards, Leo Randy & Barbara West, Arnold Zant, June Aven, Billy & Jodeen Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Nicholson Martha Griffith Nina Campbell Burns & McDonnell, Inc. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Vickrey, Dixie Wheeler, Calel Pipkin, Mike Elmore, Phil Bert & Shan Shipp William & Catherine Kneip Burt, Dan & Anne Gary Bingham & Assoc. Michelle Cullen Whitaker, Carolina Burt, Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Espinoza, Jude V. Skillman C of C Class 4 Leonard & Myra Kent Butler, Frank Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Jean Jenney White, Brian Honors Gary Bingham & Assoc. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Skillman Church of Christ Barry & Diana Perkins Received 11/25/09-5/31/10 Calvin, William E. Estes, Claire Elders and Wives White, Stephanie Aber, Rick Calvin, Roy & Mary Jane Estes, John & Barbara Addie Moore & Family Richard & Elaine Gibson Gary Bingham & Assoc. Cannon, Mariah Estes, Dr. Joe & Becky UBS Realty Investors Whiteley, Darrell Aguilar, Nick Gallardo, Anita Estes, John & Barbara Larry & Barbara Evans Billy Earl & Peggy Wright Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Rodriguez, Robert Ethridge, Sam Wafford, Minnie Jack & Brenda Sawyer & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Carter, Sue Andrews, Bob & Crystal Ted Atkins Whitworth, William “Bill” Alford, Steve Busbee, Jon Farkash, Dorothy Wagner, Palina Judith Anderson Gary Bingham & Assoc. Castillo, Ricardo Gary Bingham & Assoc. West Houston C of C Wiebold, Betty Allen, Patsy Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Fernandez, Sandra Walker, Grey Lee Roy & Sharon Tidwell Allen, Don & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Dr. & Mrs. Dallas Dill Wilkey, Ann Allied Mutual Insurance Co. Chegin, John & Maureen & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Walker, Joann Scott & Rachel Williams Pipkin, Mike Burnett, Jerry & Glenda Fikes, Tom & Mary Garon & Mildred Bates Willabay, Otis Aven, Bill & Jodeen Cheves Family (Brad & Burnett, Jerry & Glenda Walker, Marguerite Bob & Crystal Andrews Gibson, David & Karen Angela) Fisher, Thomas West Houston C of C Benny & Winnie Porter Burke, Don & Sue Cox, Berry & Jeanne Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Lonnie & Mary Breithaupt Williams, J. D. Taylor, Randy & Kim Ching, Robert & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Walker, Phil & Nell Mr. & Mrs. David Clay Bailey, Christene Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Fowler, Brian Roy E. Walker Williams, Jr., Noel E. Bailey, Dan & Marsha & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Wallace, Clarence & Joanne N. H. & Katie Williams Barker, Herbert Clark, Cora E. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Allen Cannon Mr. & Mrs. N. H. Williams Gary Bingham & Assoc. Moore, Mr. & Mrs. William Foy, Nick & Ursula Wallace, Marie Noel & Joyce Williams Barker, Jerry Ross Fowler, Ron Mickey & Shawna Spencer Williamson, Lotta May Gary Bingham & Assoc. Cohen, John Freeman, Deborah Tony Ann Spencer Mrs. Thomas Hendrix Barnard, Bonnie Gary Bingham & Assoc. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Walls, Matthew Williamson, Rena Mae Barnard, Bruce & Julia Collins, Rose Mary Freres, Rand Madsen Scott & Rachel Williams Johnny & Kay White Barnard, Julia Spencer, Clint & Rachel Dean, John & Sue Walton, Bill Lola Vallandingham Barnard, Bruce Covin, Chere Freres, Theodore Kemp West Houston C of C Wilson, Frank Barnard, Valerie Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Dean, John & Sue Walton, Bob Neva Handy Barnard, Bruce & Julia & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Fridie, Mr. & Mrs. Morris John & Lorene Hawk Wilson, Glenda Bartle, Jerry Cox, Everett & Caleb Burnett, Jerry & Glenda Ward, Barry Sam & Cheryl Ellis Gary Bingham & Assoc. Giles, Louis & Peggy Frye, Emily Mickey & Shawna Spencer Windham, Ernie Barzune, Dr. & Mrs. Larry Crain, Lillian Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Ward, E. C. Scott & Rachel Williams Denison, Tim & Caroline Andrews, Bob & Crystal & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Norman & Carolyn Parsons Womack, Bryan Ray Bass, John & Carolyn Crocker, Don Fuller, Don Wardlaw, Joe Dana Hoog Gary Bingham & Assoc. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Fuller, Darrell Charles & Debra Standard Womack, Charles C. Bedrich, Connor Dalton, Wayne & Carol Fuller, Paul Thurman & Jo Nell Boyd Sue Morgan Bedrich, Curtis & Molly Gary Bingham & Assoc. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Wardlaw, Joe & Helen Wood, Jimmie Bedrich, Curtis & Molly Dar, Seema Garza, Joseph A. Mr. & Mrs. D. T. Cunyus Duane & Suzanne Mock Hopkins, Jesse & Beverly Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Watkins, Eudell Woodard, Charles Dwayne Belt, David & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Richard Hogue Family Alma Villegas Gary Bingham & Assoc. Davis, John Garza, Mario Watt, Esther Bill Burke Bingham, Gary & Cecelia Goen, Lee & Sharon Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Doyle & Doris Mauldin Raymond F. Benson Cawyer, Fred & Carol Delagarza, Javier & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Fred & Ann Olson The Hideout Miller, Wayne & Shirley Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Gibbons, Lindsey & Thelma Weaver, Jr., John L. Woodard, Sue Blond, Carl & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Burke, Don & Sue Randy & Barbara Claude & Mary Jones Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Dennis, Denell Gonzales, Bernice Nicholson Woodson, Peggy & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Bonham, Ken Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Webb, Alma Louise Little Board of Directors & Co. Dennis, Don & Pat & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Smithville Church of Christ J. D. & Gwen Moore Officers Lufkin Industries, Inc. Burnett, Jerry & Glenda Gordon, David Webb, Floyd Woolard, Norma Lufkin Industries, Inc. Dickey, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. T. D. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. West Houston C of C Bobby & Rose Love Bonham, Ken Denison, Tim & Caroline & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Webb, Mac Wrenn, Cheryl Sue Looney, Danny & Vicki Donald, Mitch & Stacy Gould, Janet Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. John & Lorene Hawk Bray, Joe & Cheryl Gary Bingham & Assoc. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Houston, Jr. Wright, Bill Gary Bingham & Assoc. Dubb, Betty Gould, Mrs. Oliver 24 Denison, Tim & Caroline & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Denison, Tim & Caroline Estes, John & Barbara Vaughan, Martha Rita Green, Alan & Bonny Lamb, Charles & Laverne Ngo, Lan-Anh Le Ryba, Don & Karla Thompson, Gregory Green, Joel & Carol Andrews, Bob & Crystal Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Andrews, Bob & Crystal Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Greenwalt, Cheryl Land, Tammy & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Sage, Chris & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Parker, Carla Gary Bingham & Assoc. Nguyen, Wendy Gary Bingham & Assoc. Tidwell, Lee Roy Grice, Dick & Sherry Landrum, Maria Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Sager, Scott Masters, Mr. & Mrs. Buster Grice, Allen & Amy Gary Bingham & Assoc. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Sager, Margaret Tissue, DDS, Bridget H. Grice, Jeremy & Sam Lange, Mr. & Mrs. George Nicholson, Randy & Barbara Sampels, Mr. & Mrs. Merlyn Richardson, Thomas Grice, Allen & Amy Lange, Dennis & Jacque Rideout, Stella Denison, Tim & Caroline & Shirley Grice, Randy & Cil Lawrence, Warren & Carol Nix, Buddy & Ruth Sanchez, Annie Beene Trantham, Mike & Nancy Grice, Allen & Amy Beeman, John & Liz Andrews, Bob & Crystal Beene, Joan “Nana” Gary Bingham & Assoc. Gunuganti, Vijay Lee, Estine Nowicki, Steven Sanchez, Mr. & Mrs. David Tyler, Walter & Hope Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Lee, C. Bruce Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Marler, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Burnett, Jerry & Glenda & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Lee, Margie & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. & Jenny Underwood, Bud Hall, Cooper Loyd, Gary & Elizabeth Oddo, Tom & Martha Scheppler, Steven Gary Bingham & Assoc. Estes, John & Barbara Leonard, Lance & Melanie Whitten, Gary & Fay Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Van Frank, Timothy Hanover Insurance Burnett, Jerry & Glenda Ontiveros, Margarita M. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Companies Linch, Susan Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Schilling, Harry & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Pipkin, Mike Gary Bingham & Assoc. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Vela, Victor Harmon, Harriet Lindsey, Jim Ortiz, Victor & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Morris, Steve, Karen & Gary Bingham & Assoc. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Schmidt, Lana & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Beth Livingston, Shannon & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Joe Elder Family Vickrey, Dixie Hartford Financial Services Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Ortowski, Mr. & Mrs. Ronny Schuessler, William W. Green, Joel & Carol Group & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Fennell, Mr. & Mrs. M. A. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Waldrum, Mike & Penny Pipkin, Mike Lowe, William Owens, Rodney & Becky & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Burnett, Jerry & Glenda Hartley, Carrie Gary Bingham & Assoc. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Scott, Ruth Warmann, Harold & Carole Henslee, Marjean Lynch, Rick Ozan, Aydin Pipkin, Mike Ballard, Mrs. Leon Hawkins, Dwight & Patti Andrews, Bob & Crystal Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Seitzler, David Watson, James R. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Malik, Preeti & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Hesita, Ed Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Pak, David Seward, Jewel & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Seward, Clint & Cindy Watts, Linda & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Mann, Michael & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Shannon, Nick Gary Bingham & Assoc. Hicks, Glenn Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Phillips, John Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Weaver, Fred & Joan Sammons, James & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Naumann, Maurice Hofle, Stephanie Mason, Eva & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Sharp, Jerry & Betty Weeks, Jason Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Pickett, Stan Wright, Billy Earl & Peggy Grice, Allen & Amy & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Shneker, Ayham Weeks, Jim & Alicia Holder, Laura Massey, Brian Plunkett, Neil Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Grice, Allen & Amy Pipkin, Mike Gary Bingham & Assoc. Gary Bingham & Assoc. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Weldon, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hooten, Ronnie & Lexa Masters, Buster Polaris Engineering & Sipe, Dottie Chandler, Hazel Hooten, Dozier Tidwell, Lee Roy Construction Gary Bingham & Assoc. Wheeler, Lois Ho uston, Robert & Jean May, Genice Pipkin, Mike Slaughter, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Ponder, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar John Lee White, Bill Hudgins, Dr. & Mrs. Robert McCartney, Blake Denison, Tim & Caroline Williams, Scott & Rachel Gary Bingham & Assoc. Denison, Tim & Caroline Gary Bingham & Assoc. Pratt, Jabe & Yvonne Smith, Sarah Nell White, James Hurley, Lyndoll McCreless, Glen Pratt, Gary Forbes, Kay Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Jones, Edmond & Dolores Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Vickery, Royce & Rudine Snider, Leslie & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Isbell, Richard & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Price, Tony & Runelle Gary Bingham & Assoc. White, Lee & Larry Sammons, James McGlothlin, Matthew Gary Bingham & Assoc. Snider, Pete Jeffrey, Catherine Johnson, Winno Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Prior, Billie Gary Bingham & Assoc. Wick, Lois Johnson, Jared & Jodie & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Coley, Mark & Vicki Snyder, Pearl Kwast, Donna Jones, Jerry & Ruth Ann McHugh, Catherine Pruitt, Alejandro Graham, Rachel Wilks, Sharon Milligan , Ellan McHugh, John Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Sorrells, Reba Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Womble, Glendon & Means, Ashley & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Stodghill, Travis & Donna & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Brenda Barnard, Bruce & Julia Quick, Richard Spradling, Bobby & Amber Willard, Sue Justice, Rocky Milligan, Henry & Ellan Gary Bingham & Assoc. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Sherrill, Scotty Milton, Harvey Lynn Ramsey, Mr. & Mrs. Foster Starosciak, Gordon Williams, James Kadesky, Dr. & Mrs. Melvin & Patsy Ballard, Mrs. Leon Gary Bingham & Assoc. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Denison, Tim & Caroline Milton, Harvey Lynn & Patsy Rao, Arun Stubblefield, Leah & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Kellett, Goldie Milligan, Henry & Ellan Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Burke, Don & Sue Williams, Trudy Calvin, Roy & Mary Jane Womble, Glendon & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Stutts, Eddie Vaughan, Martha Rita Kelley, Harmon & Brenda Renner, Sam & Jo Gary Bingham & Assoc. Williams, Wayne & Evelyn Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Mize, Adelle K. Andrews, Bob & Crystal Stutts, Mike & Mark Bingham, Gary & Cecelia & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Baxley, William Reynolds, Eric & Nancy Gary Bingham & Assoc. Wood, David Kelley, Margaret Morris, Jim & Jean Gary Bingham & Assoc. Stutts, Shane Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Andrews, Bob & Crystal Richardson, Jim & Susan Gary Bingham & Assoc. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Morris, Pat Andrews, Bob & Crystal Sullens, Eric Wood, Dr. & Mrs. Tom Kennedy, Charlie Gary Bingham & Assoc. Riddle, W. E. Gary Bingham & Assoc. Denison, Tim & Caroline Williams, Scott & Rachel Morris, Steve & Karen Hamilton, Mack & Jana Swoverland, Donna Wu, William C. L. Kirk, Woodrow & Kathryn Griffin, Grae & Amy Robertson, Valerie Estes, John & Barbara Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Cathey, Patsy Whiteside, Reid & Natalie Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. Sypult, Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Knopp, Neal Morris, Nicole & Glass, Dr. Jeffrey L. Denison, Tim & Caroline Yarbrough, Mrs. David Fincher, Dorsey & Dollie Morris, Kelsey Rollins, Caylee Taylor, Kim Denison, Tim & Caroline Koneru, Suresh Fargason, Mark & Kelli Estes, John & Barbara Aven, Bill & Jodeen Zarbough, Bob Franklin, Jr., Dr. Morris E. New, Mr. & Mrs. Manfred Rollins, Stefanie Estes Taylor, Mary Gary Bingham & Assoc. 25 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Ways to Support Arms of Hope Planned Giving – Discover new ways to We invite you to make a gift that also takes into consideration 5 your personal circumstances and the needs of your heirs including Wills, Charitable Gift participate in maintaining Annuities, Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Lead Trusts, etc. Explore the value of charitable gifts and enhancing our that require a little thought, but pay off in big benefits to you, your family and Arms of Hope. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv programs. You can make Scholarships – Many of the children and sin- gle-mother families we care for have the de- a big difference for our sire, ability and need to further their education. 6 Sometimes the only missing ingredient is the children and families. necessary resources. You can help Arms of Hope make certain no one in its care is ever deprived Please consider the of quality education by providing funding for scholar- ships for our residents. following ways to help. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Sponsor a Child or Family in Our Care – Whether it is Christmas gifts, a birthday sur- General Donations – General donations prise or simply taking care of essential needs support the programs of care provided by 7 like clothing, food, school supplies and house- Arms of Hope. General donations can be 1 hold items, the children and families in our care ben- one time gifts or can be scheduled to auto- efit immensely when you show you care by financially matically recur monthly, quarterly or annually. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv supporting the procurement items essential to their Honors & Memorials may be given in care. Sponsorship programs are available for all giv- honor of or as a memorial to a friend or ing levels. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 2 relative. Honor and memorial donations may be contributed at any time during the Donate Livestock that may be processed for year and may be unrestricted or designated for a spe- food or converted to cash. cial program. The donor and the recipient or family vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv8 will receive an acknowledgement. Vehicle Gifts – Donate a running vehicle that is vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv in good condition. We can use everything from Stock/Equity Gifts – Make a gift of stocks cars and minivans for the transportation of the or equities. You can contact James Pen- 9 children and families in our care to trucks and 3 land at [email protected] to re- trailers for use in the maintenance and upkeep of our quest our DTC number or call him at (830) facilities and operations. You can contact James Pen- 522-2200. Learn how you can gain even greater tax land at [email protected] or (830) 522-2200 advantages with a gift of stock! for more information. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Matching Gifts – Many employers partic- Wish List – Check out our wish list at ipate in Matching Gift Programs. Please for gift ideas based on 4 ask your employer to determine if match- 10 our current needs including food, personal ing funds are available through your busi- care items, household furnishings and other ness. This is a way to make your gift go even further essential items necessary for providing for the children with no additional personal cost. and families in our care. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 26 21300 State Highway 16 North Medina, Texas 78055

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