Summer 2010 ReacGenerationshing Randy Nicholson - A True Arms of Hope Success Story Touching Lives. Reaching Generations. Letter from the CEO Friends, friends made sure I received the di- personal growth and success moth- Witnessing rection, correction and encourage- ers and children experience while in each day the ment necessary to equip me to make our care will break these devastating tremendous good choices. cycles. The ripple effect from break- challenges At Arms of Hope, we see ing these cycles results in reaching faced by children and single mothers who are generations as hope and promise at-risk chil- still waiting to be loved, taught and get passed down by those who have dren and mentored. They long to learn how benefitted from Arms of Hope pro- s i n g l e - to make better decisions and find grams. m o t h e r hope. Unfortunately, these precious Thank you for supporting families we souls have often lost hope because Arms of Hope through your finan- serve at Arms of Hope, is a remind- of the challenges they have faced cial gifts, volunteering, prayers and er of how fortunate I was as a child. and continue to face each day. Our referrals. We are blessed to be able Having high quality role models purpose is to transform the lives to partner with you as we work to- providing love, encouragement and of children, youth and families by gether to offer hope to children, the instruction needed to learn how breaking destructive cycles of pov- youth and families. to make good decisions, helped erty, homelessness, abuse and ne- Very truly yours, keep my life on a positive path. My glect that plague so many families Kevin M. McDonald parents, grandparents, teachers and in our society. It is our hope that the Arms of Hope President & CEO vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Table of Contents Please help Calendar of Upcoming Events: 2 Solutions We Provide... 3 Our Heritage & Consolidation ACU Lectureship September 19-22, 2010 4 Special Announcements Stay Green! Arms of Hope Presentation by: 5 MLB Player Assists AOH Jim “The Rookie” Morris 6 Relics of Past Provide Hope Kevin McDonald, AOH CEO for the Future Troy Robertson, Campus Minister 7 Reaching Out to At-Risk Terry Drake, Dir. of Outreach Ministry Children Through Outreach Ministry San Antonio Golf Tournament Monday, September 13, 2010 8 Woodmont Hills Student Canyon Springs Golf Club Ministry Team Visits Medina For more information contact: 9 Campus Visitors Josh Clem 210.573.2475 10 Aggies For Christ Visit AOH We hope you enjoy our new mag- 11 Randy Nicholson - A True azine format. In an effort to be Dallas Golf Tournament Arms of Hope Success Story environmentally responsible and Monday, October 4, 2010 Woodbridge Golf Club 13 Special Thanks To... save on postal expenses, we’re moving to a biannual publica- For more information contact: 14 Arms of Hope Benefit Dinners Amy Duncan 972.740.0547 15 Boles Home Improvement tion. Email is the most economi- 15 Portrait of a Legacy cal way to keep you informed Abilene Benefit Dinner 16 Spring Creek Blesses Together and updated about our news. Saturday, November 20, 2010 Program Families Please update your email ad- Hunter Welcome Center - Abilene Christian University 16 Arms of Hope Prom Pictures dress at ArmsofHope.com. Also, please contact us if you prefer to For more information contact: 17 Great Honors Amy Duncan 972.740.0547 18 Arms of Hope Seniors 2010 receive our magazine by email. 19 Memorials & Honors Houston Benefit Dinner Saturday, January 15, 2011 On front cover: Hilton Americas - Houston Randy Nicholson surrounded by For more information contact: Arms of Hope children. See pg. 11. Please join us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Kristie Jackson 281.813.9154 1 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Arms of Hope Mission To transform the lives of disadvantaged children, youth and families by providing hope and support in a nurturing, Christian environment. Arms of Hope is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Christian organization that was formed as a result of the consolida- tion of Boles Children’s Home (est. 1924) and Medina Children’s Home (est. 1958). Both homes had identical missions and programs and united to achieve efficiency, geographic diversity, increased capacity and additional program improvements and offerings. Solutions we provide... RESIDENTIAL CHILD CARE RIGHT START Meets disadvantaged children’s Makes life a real choice by helping physical, emotional, educational and expectant single mothers prepare for spiritual needs in a warm family-like motherhood while providing shelter, atmosphere where houseparents necessities and skills needed to care for function as mother and father figures. their newborn babies. TOGETHER PROGRAM Helps motivated single mothers and their children transition into successful, independent futures by providing parenting skills, career training and a home in a peaceful and safe environment. OUTREACH MINISTRY COLLEGE AND CAREER Provides assistance to underprivileged PROGRAM youth in their own neighborhoods. Provides assistance for Arms of Hope Programs for at-risk children include high school graduates with support youth events featuring inspirational through college, trade school or into speakers and the sponsorship of their first job and sometimes includes Christian based youth sports teams. accommodations for graduates who have not yet found a place to call home. EMERGENCY SHELTER & ASSESSMENT CENTER Provides emergency shelter and assessment services for any child that has been removed from an abusive environment or is in crisis. 21300 State Hwy. 16N Medina, Texas 78055 Jeremiah 29:11 800.997.7918 ArmsofHope.com 2 Our Heritage and Consolidation Boles Children’s Home (est. testament of how God is working pres- bond that was once so strong between 1924) and Medina Children’s Home ent day miracles in the lives of single my son and me began to deteriorate. I (est. 1958) were mothers and children through both reached an ultimate bottom. I did not originally Arms of Hope campuses. I was 16 believe there was any possible way established years old when I found to find healing for myself, or recon- as Christian myself preg- ciliation with my son. homes for nant. Obvi- I started pray- orphans, but ously, it was ing. At first grew with not planned, I didn’t even innovative and natu- know what I p r o g r a m s rally I was was praying to serve at- afraid to for. I only knew risk children tell my that I was bro- and single- parents. ken beyond re- mother fami- The biological “father” of pair. I knew that lies. With over my son was not, and has never the only chance I had would have to 135 years of been, a part of our lives. Raising a be divine intervention. God answered combined experience, both homes child on your own is difficult, especial- my prayers. I found a place where my helped thousands of children and sin- ly at such a tender age. I know my son son and I would find shelter, commu- gle mothers heal physically, emotion- can tell you that it is equally difficult to nity, Christian counsel and a fresh start. ally and spiritually. Because we had be the child of a young, single moth- That place is Arms of Hope. I came to identical missions and programs, both er, and growing up without a father. the Together Program at the Medina homes consolidated to form Campus in October 2009. I Arms of Hope to achieve ef- came alone and began my ficiency, geographic diversity, personal journey to heal- increased capacity and addi- ing. In early January 2010, tional program improvements my son arrived at the as- and offerings. The consolida- sessment center located tion has been very successful at the Bole’s Campus in because we make it a prior- Quinlan, where he began ity to honor the history and his own journey to heal- tradition of the original or- ing. Today we are reunited. ganizations which hold such My son came to live with a special place in our hearts. me at the Medina Cam- Perhaps the most compel- pus in late March of this ling reasons for consoli- year. By the grace of God, dating can best be told by I am now getting my life the recipients of our care, and family back together. like the following story shared by At age 21, I began to make I have been given a second chance at a mother in the Together Program. some very poor choices that began to life, with my son, and an opportunity to “I am a 32 year old single rob my joy and ruin my life. I spent further my education and do something mother. My son is 15 years old. We several years living in denial about with my life that will glorify God.” would like to share our story, as a true my obvious problems. The emotional Boles and Medina Children’s Homes consolidated to become Arms of Hope for the precious mother and son in this story and the countless others who need the strengths and offerings that only can be provided by a com- bination of both campuses. Sep- arately, Boles Children’s Home and Medina Children’s Home did great things. Together, Arms of Hope can accomplish even more. 3 Reaching Generations - Summer 2010 Special Announcements Boles Childrens’s Home Celebrates 85 Years May 1, 2010 was the perfect day for gather everyone at the rose garden. Shelly Boyle for their faithful service. Boles’ 85th Anniversary and Home- Next, the group gathered in the Onstead The “Eagle Award” was given to Jor- coming Celebration. Over one hun- Building to enjoy lunch.
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