Extensions of Remarks
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September 2.4, 1981 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 21975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRESSIONAL BLACK This is an award that I deeply appre Farmers have traditionally paid back ASSOCIATES ciate, and one in which I take great their commodity support loans, and pride. It also will be a constant re when they have not, the Government HON. PETER W. RODINO, JR. minder that I share with this group a has been able to sell the commodities OF NEW JERSEY continuing responsibility to go on that it obtains as a result of the terms IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES working to correct injustices and im of the loans at a profit. Under the loan prove the quality of life for all Ameri program that was in effect for the Thursday, September 24, 1981 cans. It is an award I will long treas early years of the Carter administra e Mr. RODINO. Mr. Speaker, I wish ure. tion, . the Government actually made to express for the record my support more than $67 million on the loan pro for and appreciation of the contribu PERSONAL EXPLANATION gram. tions to the Congress and the commu Mr. Speaker, today's Wall Street nity of the Congressional Black Asso Journal published a story titled ciates. HON. HAL DAUB "Sugar Growers See Losses as Prices This organization of black employ OF NEBRASKA Hit 2-Year Lows on Expected Bumper ees on Capitol Hill was founded 1 year IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Crops." This story very clearly demon ago. Its mission, in its own words, is to enhance "the political, social, and eco Thursday, September 24, 1981 strates the problems that our sugar • Mr. DAUB. Mr. Speaker, yesterday I beet and cane growers are facing this nomic capabilities of black Americans year, and lends further evidence to the nationwide and throughout the inadvertently missed three rollcall world." It is "dedicated to the pursuit votes. If I had been present I would belief that we need a sugar price sup have voted "yes" on rollcall votes 217, port program in the farm bill this of black advancement and black excel year. lence in all aspects of life." 218, and 222.e Two valuable members of my staff, I commend this article to all of my Arlene Williams and Mary Turner, are colleagues, and ask permission to THE DOMESTIC SUGAR insert the article in the RECORD at this active members of this organization, so INDUSTRY IS LOSING MONEY I am personally aware of the services point. it is providing. The members have or [From the Wall Street Journal, Sept. 24, ganized drives to provide food for the HON. BOB TRAXLER 19811 poor people of Washington. They have OF MICHIGAN SUGAR GROWERS SEE LOSSES AS PRICES HIT 2- provided forums of discussion to edu IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES YEAR LOWS ON EXPECTED BUMPER CROPS cate citizens here on some of the key Thursday, September 24, 1981 (By Anne Mackay-Smith) issues that confront our society. They • Mr. TRAXLER. Mr. Speaker, those The roller coaster of sugar prices is near have sponsored field trips for area the bottom again, as anticipated bumper pupils to Capitol Hill, so that they who oppose efforts to provide for a sugar price support loan program crops have sent prices to two-year lows. might witness firsthand the workings The news is bad for sugar producers, who of the Congress. They have conducted often claim that this kind of assistance is not needed. They claim that our do have enjoyed unusually high profits for the memorial services for murder victims past 18 months and now figure to start here and in Atlanta. mestic producers can weather the bad showing losses. But users from Coca-Cola The motto of Congressional Black years because they have a few good Co. to housewives can expect reduced costs. Associates succinctly states its inten ones. For Washington policy makers, there is a tions and its determination: "We're a When we last considered sugar price new headache: The low price, about 12 cents community connection. We've come support legislation in the House, I a pound yesterday, revives the politically argued that we need to have a support complex issue of supporting the price of too far to give up." CBA members' sugar knowledge of the political process and program in order to restore some sta their determination to make the bility to the marketplace. We cannot A system designed in 1979 to support afford to have the roller-coaster price prices at 15 cents a pound has come into system work put them in an excellent effect again with a penny-a-pound levy on position to press toward their goals. scheme that we have encountered imported sugar, which accounts for about All my life, I have shared those since the Sugar Act expired in 1974. half of U.S. usage. The aim is to allow do goals: To eliminate racism from our so Every time prices go down, sugar pro mestic producers to sell their sugar for ciety and to provide decent education, ducers, both beet and cane, go out of more. Congress is considering legislation a chance to work, housing fit to live in, business. Processing plants close, and that would support a 17-to-18-cent a pound adequate health care, equal justice, never has one of these plants re price for domestic farmers. equal opportunity for all still denied opened. "Nonetheless, we expect all but the most these basic human rights. We are again receiving reports that efficient sugar producers to lose money next I therefore am honored to have been our entire domestic sugar industry-an year," reports Lee Tawes, a sugar specialist selected to receive the Congressional industry that provides a little more at Oppenheimer & Co. Black Associates Award for meritori than 50 percent of all of the sugar MIDDLEMEN LOSSES ous service to the black community of consumed in this Nation-is facing Players from all sides of the market are America. I am proud that the distin severe economic difficulties. Prices are trying to discover how the supports are guished mayor of Newark, N.J., Ken below the cost of production, and likely to affect them. All consumers will pay neth Gibson, also will receive the serv farmers cannot survive while losing more than the world price, but far less than ice award from the Congressional money. It has always amazed me that they did last year when prices skyrocketed we are willing to let farmers go out of to 43 cents a pound. Middlemen who hadn't Black Associates this week. Mayor counted on prices falling this far may be se Gibson's efforts on behalf of social production when we need to turn to rious losers because they sold long-term con justice for black Americans are ad the farmer three times a day for our tracts at fixed prices. And some particularly mired by people all over our country, meals. profitable producers, whose costs are below but we in Newark hold a special affec Sugar price support loan programs the support level, may find themselves well tion for him. do not cost the Government money. rewarded. e This "bulle:" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 21976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 24, 1981 Florida growers, who benefit from an ex A TRIBUTE TO CHARLES about the mechanisms of excess mucus cellent climate for sugarcane growing, are MENDEZ production in cystic fibrosis. While foremost among the profitable producers. this is still very b,asic research, it could Oppenheimer estimates that both U.S. lead to better means to control this Sugar Corp. and Gulf & Western Industries HON. CHARLES E. SCHUMER Inc., two of the nation's largest producers, OF NEW YORK important aspect of cystic fibrosis. have costs of only 12 cents a pound-far IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Immunology, the study of the body's defenses against infection, is a growing below the protected prices being considered Thursday, September 24, 1981 by Congress. area of cystic fibrosis research. Scien e Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise tists are developing a better under Other producers, however, aren't in such a to pay tribute to Charles Mendez of comfortable position. Major producers standing of why pseudomonas infec Amstar Corp. and Amfac Inc. have costs of Boy Scout Troop 395 Resurrection tions are so common, and so hard to 19 cents a pound or more, Mr. Tawes esti Church, Gerittsen Beach, Brooklyn. I combat, in cystic fibrosis. This under- mates. Small producers may be even less have ttie pleasure of announcing that . standing could lead to new strategies profitable, other analysis add. Higher trans Charles has attained the highest rank to treat the infections that are the portation and fertilizer costs, together with in Scouting before his 18th birthday, most serious of cystic fibrosis' effects the need to replace aging machinery, are that of Eagle Scout. on the body. driving many growers out of the sugar busi A liberal arts student of Brooklyn In terms of effort and support, the ness. Price supports of 17 cents or 18 cents a College, Charles has proved himself a last few years have shown a great ac pound may help them stay in business tem fine example to his friends, family, celeration in cystic fibrosis research. porarily, but in the long run may just pro and his community. Charles is a young In 1977, the Cystic Fibrosis Founda long the agony, an analyst says. man of great quality; we in Brooklyn tion was funding slightly more than $1 "It comes down to a choice of how you are proud to call him one of our own.e million in research, while the Federal prefer to die-slow starvation or a bullet through the head," he adds.