Note: This is a preliminary version of the syllabus that may be subject to modification in light of class interests and other factors. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY 01:450:334:01 Instructor: Prof. J. K. Mitchell Fall 2014 Lucy Stone B-232 (445-4103) M.Th. 3 (12.00-1.20pm) E-mail:
[email protected] Til-230, LIV EUROPE: COURSE OUTLINE This course provides a broad introduction to the geography of Europe, with a particular focus on Western Europe1. More detailed coverage of Eastern Europe is provided by a separate course: 01:450:332 (Newly Independent States and Eastern Europe.) The course has several objectives: (1) to increase your knowledge of EuroPe’s human and environmental geograPhies; (2) to exPlain the ways in which European lands and populations have interacted to create distinctive landscapes; (3) to examine the territorial organization of EuroPe sPatially and at different scales; and (4) to Provide information about contemporary Problems faced by EuroPe, its component regions and major cities. Information gained by taking this course will come Partly from lectures, readings and other formal materials Provided by the instructor. Where aPProPriate, there may also be presentations by visiting speakers who possess special knowledge about a Particular EuroPean area or issue. Student ParticiPation and involvement is essential. This includes leading in-class discussions and making oral Presentations. You are expected to: 1) Complete assigned readings on time; 2) Lead and Participate in class discussions as designated 3) Promptly submit written assignments; 4) Be PrePared to deliver a formal oral Presentation of your assignment 1 The area included within the following countries: Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, U.K., Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Cyprus, Greece and the mini-states of Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City.