ISSN 2336-3193 Acta Mus. Siles. Sci. Natur., 69: 97-140, 2020 DOI: 10.2478/cszma-2020-0009 Published: online 1 July 2020, print July 2020

New records of the (Diptera) from the Muránska planina National Park (Central Slovakia)

Miloš Černý & Jindřich Roháček

New records of the Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the Muránska planina National Park (Central Slovakia). – Acta Mus. Siles. Sci. Natur. 69: 97-140, 2020.

Abstract: A total of 166 species of Agromyzidae have been recorded from the Muránska planina National Park in the Gemer region in Central Slovakia during surveys of Diptera in years 2012–2019. Of these 94 species represent first records from this area and 35 species, viz. Agromyza felleri Hering, 1941, A. orobi Hendel, 1920, A. seticercus L. Papp in Papp & Černý 2015, Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) luteiceps (Hendel, 1920), Aulagromyza luteoscutellata (de Meijere, 1924), Aul. similis (Brischke, 1880), Cerodontha (Butomomyza) falcata Černý in Papp & Černý, 2016, C. (B.) pseuderrans (Hendel, 1931), C. (B.) vigneae Nowakowski, 1967, C. (Cerodontha) stackelbergi Nowakowski, 1972, C. (C.) vanda- litiensis Spencer, 1965, C. (Dizygomyza) chaixiana (Hering, 1956), C. (Poemyza) estlandica Zlobin, 1993, C. (P. ) morula (Hendel, 1920), Chromatomyia luzulae (Hering, 1924), Ch. periclymeni (Hendel, 1922), Ch. primulae (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851), Ch. scolopendri (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851), Galiomyza morio (Brischke, 1880), Liriomyza taurica Zlobin, 2003, L. valerianae Hendel, 1932, Napomyza merita Zlobin, 1993, Melanagromyza zlobini Pakalniškis, 1996, Nemorimyza posticata (Meigen, 1830), Phytobia carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848), Phytomyza actaeae Hendel, 1922, Ph. artemisivora Spencer, 1971, Ph. elsae Hendel, 1927, Ph. homogyneae Hendel, 1927, Ph. kaltenbachi Hendel, 1922, Ph. obscurella Fallén, 1823, Ph. scotina Hendel, 1920, Ph. sedicola Hering, 1924, Ph. silai Hering, 1935 and Ph. vilnensis Pakalniškis, 1998 are new additions to the fauna of the whole of Slovakia. With these additions, altogether 213 species are currently known from the Muránska planina NP so representing by far the largest regional diversity of Agromyzidae hitherto ascertained in Slovakia.

Key words: Insecta, Diptera, Agromyzidae, new records, faunistics, Muránska planina NP, Gemer region, Slovakia, Europe


The fauna of the family Agromyzidae of the Gemer region in Central Slovakia (see Fig. 4) has been a subject of a relatively recent study realized in 2010 within the framework of the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories (ATBI) project - Gemer (Černý 2012). During this faunal investigation a total of 140 species occurring in 30 localities in the Gemer region have been confirmed in its three National parks as follows: Muránska planina NP – 126 species, Slovenský kras NP – 23 species and Slovenský raj NP – 54 species. This (first) study can be considered a pilot project aimed at inventory of the biological diversity of this family in the target area. Subsequently, in years 2011–2019, a more complex and extensive research on the biodiversity of Diptera has been performed in the Muránska planina NP by J. Roháček & J. Ševčík (Silesian Museum, Opava) and later also by M. Tkoč (National Museum, Praha). Materials of obtained during field work have been continuously elaborated and results of this research published in papers dealing with various Diptera families, see Roháček (2011, 2012a,b,c, 2013a,b), Roháček & Ševčík (2011), Ševčík & Kurina (2011a,b), Ševčík (2011, 2012), Rudzinski & Ševčík (2012), Ševčík et al. (2013), Mantič et al. (2015). Further records of Diptera from the study area can also be found in more general papers, e.g. Máca et al. (2015), Roháček (2012d, 2016), Roháček et al. (2016, 2017), Ševčík et al. (2016), Mantič & Ševčík (2017), Sikora et al. (2017a,b), Rudzinski & Ševčík (2019).


New data on the occurrence of Agromyzidae in the Muránska planina NP have been ascertained from the material collected within the above research activity. The specimens examined originate from 43 localities investigated in the area in 2012–2019 that proved to belong to 166 species of leaf-miner flies which are listed below with occurence data and notes on their general distribution.

Figs 1–3: Collecting methods. 1 – sweeping vegetation in a forest clearing in Havrania dolina res. (14.viii.2015) by J. Ševčík (left) and J. Roháček (right); 2 – Malaise trap just installed in Šarkanica res. (5.iv.2017), dipterists (from left to right): M. Tkoč, T. Sikora, J. Ševčík; 3 – a pooter with catch of living flies sucked from net used by J. Roháček above (on Fig. 1). Photo by M. Tkoč (1) and J. Roháček (others).


Material and methods

Material. The list of species recorded below from the Gemer region (Fig. 4) is based on material obtained during fieldwork performed in the Muránska planina NP in 2012–2019 by J. Roháček, J. Ševčík and M. Tkoč. All specimens were identified by M. Černý and are deposited in CMBP = personal collection by Miroslav Barták, Praha, Czech Republic, CMCH = personal collection Miloš Černý, Halenkovice, HNHM = Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary and SMOC = Silesian museum, Opava, Czech Republic.

Methods. Collecting. Two main methods have been used to collect Agromyzidae: (1) sweeping on various herbaceous vegetation (J. Roháček leg.), (2) Malaise traps (J. Roháček, J. Ševčík and M. Tkoč leg.) installed in 7 localities (see map on Fig. 5), situated mostly in woodland habitats including margins of forests, only that in Trsteník valley was located in a submontane peat-bog meadow. However, a few specimens were also captured by means of car net.

Localities. Muránska planina NP is a montane territory (karst plain, see Fig. 6) situated in northwestern part of the Gemer region (Fig. 4). The material examined originates from 43 localities of this area (see also map on Fig. 5) as follows:

1. Čertova dolina res., 48°44'10"N, 19°51'31"E, 700 m, sweeping 2. Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, 48°48'07"N, 20°07'22"E, 815 m, MT, sweeping 3. Dolná Pohorelá, 48°42'11"N, 19°52'44"E, 540 m, sweeping 4. Hrdzavá dolina res., upper part, 48°45'50"N, 19°59'00"E, 820 m, sweeping 5. Mokrá Poľana res., 48°47'08"N, 20°06'44"E, 890 m, sweeping 6. Muráň 0.9 km NE, 48°44'45"N, 20°03'25"E, 420 m, sweeping 7. Muráň 1.7 km W, Hrdzavá dolina res., 48°44'52"N, 20°01'37"E, 450 m, sweeping 8. Muráň 2 km W, Hrdzavá dolina res., 48°44'49"N, 20°01'16"E, 480 m, sweeping 9. Muráň 2.8 km W, Javorníkova dolina res., 48°44'11"N, 20°00'30"E, 570 m, sweeping 10. Muráň 6.3 km NW, Ľadová jama cave, 48°47'21"N, 20°00'10"E, 1170 m, sweeping 11. Muráň 6.5 km NW, Studňa na Muránskej planine, 48°47'26"N, 19°59'56"E, 1210 m, sweeping 12. Muráň castle env., 420-600 m, car net 13. Muráň env. NE margin, 48°44'38"N, 20°03'16"E, 400 m, sweeping 14. Muráň env., road between Studňa na Muránskej planine and Veľká lúka, 48°47'21"N, 20°00'10"E, car net 15. Muránska Huta 0.3 km W, Šiance res., 48°46'01"N, 20°06'29"E, 760 m, sweeping 16. Muránska Huta 1 km NW, Bobačka cave, 48°46'49"N, 20°06'16"E, 780 m, sweeeping 17. Muránska Lehota 3.7 km E, above Javorníčková dolina, 48°43'15"N, 19°59'56"E, 780 m, MT, sweeping 18. Muránska Lehota 4.2 km SW, Nemcová pass, 48°41'45"N, 20°01'18"E, 915 m, sweeping 19. Nižná Kľaková saddle, 48°46'03"N, 19°57'46"E, 1200 m, sweeping 20. near Maretkina, 48°45'57"N, 20°01'46"E, 970 m, sweeping 21. Patina gamekeeper´s lodge, 48°47'10"N, 19°56'11"E, 800 m, sweeping 22. Pohronská Polhora 5.9 km E, Kučalach Mt., 48°44'51"N, 19°52'27"E, 1060 m, sweeping 23. Poľudnica res., Suchý dol, 48°45'26"N, 20°02'32"E, 480 m, sweeping 24. Poľudnica res., top plateau, 48°45'50"N, 20°01'54"E, 960 m, MT, 25. Poľudnica res., top plateau, NE part, 48°46'13"N, 20°02'57"E, 900 m, sweeping 26. Stožky gamekeeper´s lodge, 48°49'14"N, 19°56'07"E, 870 m, sweeping 27. Šarkanica res., 48°42'45"N, 19°59'19"E, 580 m, sweeping 28. Šarkanica res., 48°42'46.8"N, 19°59'16.8"E, 540 m, MT, sweeping 29. Šiance res., 48°46'1.2"N, 20°6'28.8"E, 760 m, MT 30. Tisovec 1 km S, 48°39'56"N, 19°56'30"E, 385 m, sweeping 31. Tisovec 1.7 km S, 48°39'56"N, 19°56'31"E, 385 m, sweeping 32. Tisovec 1.8 km SW, Rejkovo, 48°40'08"N, 19°55'36"E, 400 m, sweeping 33. Tisovec 2.8 km WSW, Hlboký jarok res., 48°40'17"N, 19°54'27"E, 500 m, sweeping 34. Tisovec 3.4 km W, Teplica, 48°41'22"N, 19°53'57"E, sweeping 35. Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, 48°41'23"N, 19°53'59"E, 490 m, MT, sweeping 36. Tisovec 3.6 km W, Suché doly res., 48°41'14"N, 19°53'44"E, 560 m, sweeping 37. Tisovec 3.8 km SW, Dielik, 48°42'08"N, 19°58'58"E, 610 m, sweeping 38. Tisovec 4.6 km W, Suché doly res., 48°50'52"N, 19°52'53"E, 635 m, sweeping 39. Tisovec 4.7 km NW, Rimava valley, 48°43'02"N, 19°54'25"E, 570 m, sweeping 40. Veľká lúka, 48°46'21"N, 20°03'41"E, 880 m, sweeping 41. Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., 48°48'36"N, 20°04'16"E, 820 m, sweeping 42. Zlatno 2.5 km SW, Havrania dolina res., 48°48'30"N, 20°04'04"E, 830 m, sweeping 43. Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., 48°48'21"N, 20°03'52"E, 850 m, MT, sweeping

These localities are listed below (in the paragraph “Material“) in an abbreviated form but always with collecting method, date, number of specimens, their sex, name(s) of collector(s) and depository.


Nomenclature largely follows the most recent Checklist of Diptera of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, electronic version 2 (Černý & Vála 2009), Fauna Europaea (Martinez 2013) and monographs by Papp & Černý (2015, 2016, 2017, 2020).

Biology (habitat and host plant associations etc.) is not treated under particular species listed below because this information is dealt with in detail by Spencer (1973, 1990) and Papp & Černý (2015, 2016, 2017, 2020).

Abbreviations used in text: * = first records for Slovakia; CHKO = Protected Landscape Area (PLA), leg. = legit (collected), MT = Malaise trap, NP = National Park, res. = reserve.

Figs 4–5: Maps. 4 – Slovakia with its National Park and Protected Landscape Areas, with Muránska planina NP in red ellipse and borders of the Gemer region in blue; 5 – Muránska planina NP, with mapped localities under study numbered 1-43 as in the list on the page 99 (localities with Malaise traps red-circled).



A total of 166 species have been recognized in the material examined, including 94 species formerly unreported from the Muránska planina NP and 35 species that represent new additions to the fauna of Slovakia. Based on data by Černý (2012) and those presented below a total of 213 species of Agro- myzidae are currently known to occur in the Muránska planina NP and 226 species in the whole of the Germer region.



Agromyza abiens Zetterstedt, 1848

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Šarkanica res., 580 m, 11.vii.2017, 1♂, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest in ravine, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT,, 3♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, common and widespread in Europe. In Slovakia only recorded from the Bukov- ské vrchy Mts: Snina, Ruský Potok (Vála 1993, Vála & Černý 1995). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Agromyza albipennis Meigen, 1830

Material: Tisovec 2.8 km WSW, Hlboký jarok res., sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A common Holarctic species, in Slovakia known from a number of localities (see Vála 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009). There is only one old record from the Muránska planina NP (Muráň, see Vála 1986). The above record is the second in the study area.

Agromyza albitarsis Meigen, 1830

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: West Palaearctic species, mainly distributed in Europe but also reported from Turkey. In Slovakia it was only recorded from a few localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Agromyza anderssoni Spencer, 1976

Material: Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest in ravine,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A species known from a few countries in Europe but also recorded from Turkey and even South Korea. It is known in Slovakia from several localities in eastern parts of the country (Vála 1986, Vála & Černý 1995) and from the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). First record from the Muránska planina NP.

Agromyza anthracina Meigen, 1830

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook in spruce forest,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A common Palaearctic species, widespread in Europe, in Slovakia reported from several localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1993, Vála & Černý 1995) and the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Agromyza conjuncta Spencer, 1966

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook in spruce forest, 15.vii.2016, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species, confirmed in Slovakia from several localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts, Slovenský kras NP, Východoslovenská nížina lowland (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995) and the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). First finding from the Muránska planina NP.


*Agromyza felleri Hering, 1941

Material: Muránska Huta village, 0.2 km W small cascade, 48°46'44"N, 20°06'37"E, 700 m, sweeping vegetation along small brook,, 1♂, M. Černý leg. (CMCH); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 7♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A less common European species (Papp & Černý 2015). This is the first record from Slovakia.

Agromyza frontella (Rondani, 1875)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A Holarctic species in Slovakia hitherto recorded from two localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995), from one locality in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and from several localities in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Agromyza idaeiana Hardy, 1853

Material: Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, known from Slovakia under synonymy Agromyza potentillae (Kaltenbach, 1864) from a number of localities (cf. Korbel 1954, Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995) but the above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Agromyza lucida Hendel, 1920

Material: Tisovec 1.8 km SW, Rejkovo, sweeping over pasture meadow,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A less common but widespread Palaearctic and Oriental species. It was recorded from Slovakia from several localities in the Slovenský kras NP, Slovenské rudohorie Mts, Západné Tatry Mts (Vála 1986), in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1993, Vála & Černý 1995) and the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Agromyza mobilis Meigen, 1830

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC); Hrdzavá dolina res., upper part, sweeping vegetation along brook, 4.ix.2012, 1♂; Muráň 6.5 km NW, Studňa na Muránskej planine, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 1♂, all M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 1.8 km SW, Rejkovo, sweeping over pasture meadow,, 1♂; Tisovec 2.8 km WSW, Hlboký jarok res., sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 1♂; Tisovec 3.4 km W, Teplica, sweeping vegetation along brook,, 2♂; Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation in clearing & margin of mixed forest, 14.viii.2015, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT, 12.v.-, 1♂,, 4♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC), sweeping vegetation along brook in spruce forest,, 2♂, 15.vii.2016, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A common Palaearctic species, known from several European countries. It is apparently widely distributed in Slovakia (see Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009, Černý 2012).

Agromyza nana Meigen, 1830

Material: Muránska Lehota 4.2 km SW, Nemcová pass, sweeping over pasture meadow, 14.vii.2016, 1♂, J. Rohá- ček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A common species known from the Palaearctic and Oriental Regions. In Slovakia it was confirmed from localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1993, Vála & Černý 1995), and the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). Zavřel (1956) recorded its from the Vysoké Tatry Mts based on finding of mined leaves of the host plant Lamium album. The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Agromyza nigripes Meigen, 1830

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 2♂,, 2♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: A common and widespread Palaearctic species. It is apparently widely distributed in Slovakia (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009). From the Gemer region it was previously recorded only from Dobšinská


ľadová jaskyňa env. and Hnilecká jelšina res. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Agromyza nigrociliata Hendel, 1931

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂,, 1♂, all M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂,, 3♂, all M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, common and widespread in Europe and also in Slovakia (Vála 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009) but the above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Agromyza orobi Hendel, 1920

Material: Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 2♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: An uncommon European species mainly known from central and northern Europe. First record from Slovakia.

Agromyza pseudoreptans Nowakowski, 1967 (Fig. 7)

Material: Čertova dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook in ravine,, 1♂, 13.viii.2015, 3♂1♀; Dolná Pohorelá, sweeping vegetation along small brook, 13.viii.2015, 1♂; Hrdzavá dolina res., upper part, sweeping vegetation along brook, 4.ix.2012, 1♂; Muráň 2.8 km W, Javorníkova dolina res., sweeping undergrowth of beech forest along brook,, 2♂; Muráň 6.3 km NW, Ľadová jama cave, sweeping undergrowth of mixed forest,, 1♂; Muránska Huta 1 km NW, Bobačka cave, sweeping undergrowth of mixed forest, 11.v.2016, 1♀; Poľudnica res., Suchý dol, sweeping vegetation along brook and forest,, 1♂; Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping undergrowth of alder forest, 5.v.2015, 2♂2♀; Šarkanica res., 540 m, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest in ravine,, 2♂,, 1♀,, 1♂, 11.vii.2017, 1♂, 14.vii.2017, 2♂,, 1♀, 7.viii.2018, 2♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 8♂, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 7♂, 11.ix.-10.x.2018, 2♂, all M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 2.8 km WSW, Hlboký jarok res., sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 3♂1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 15♂,, 9♂, all M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP, SMOC), same locality, sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 4♂, 16.vii.2014, 1♂, sweeping vegetation along brook,, 2♂; Tisovec 4.7 km NW, Rimava valley, sweeping vegetation along brook, 5.ix.2012, 3♂; Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation in clearing and margin of mixed forest, 14.viii.2015, 1♂2♀, sweeping forest margin, 12.v.2016, 1♀; Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook,, 1♀, sweeping vegetation along brook in spruce forest, 15.vii.2016, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, very common in Central Europe and also in Slovakia (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009, Černý 2012). This the most frequent and common species in the Muránska planina NP.

Agromyza reptans Fallén, 1823 (Fig. 9)

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 2♂,, 5♂ all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest in ravine,, 1♂, 14.vii.2017, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 20.v.-, 2♂, all M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: Another Holarctic species, commonly occurring in Europe and also known from India. It is known from numerous localities in Slovakia including those from the Bukovské vrchy Mts and the Poľana Mts (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Agromyza seticercus L. Papp in Papp & Černý 2015

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: The species was originally described by L. Papp (Papp & Černý 2015) from Hungary. Recently, Černý (2018) reported this species also in Croatia, Czech Republic and Uzbekistan, and there are also records from Switzerland (Černý & Bächli 2018) and Ukraine (Guglya 2017). It is here recorded for the first time from Slovakia.

Agromyza sulfuriceps Strobl, 1898

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 2♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).


Remarks: A Holarctic species, locally common in Europe; in Slovakia it has been known from Skalica (Vála 1986), and several localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995) and the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Figs 6–7: Muránska planina NP and a leaf-miner . 6 – Landscape of the Muránska planina viewed from the Nemcova pass (14.vii.2014), Cigánka Mt. (with Muráň castle) in the middle; 7 – Agromyza pseudoreptans (male), the commonest species of Agromyzidae in the area under study. Photos by J. Roháček.


Figs 8–10: Šarkanica res. and its leaf-miner fly. 8 – entrance in Šarkanica res. in Martinová dolina valley (10.x.2018); 9 – Agromyza reptans (male), a common species in the habitat below; 10 – the most intensively investigated spot in Šarkanica res., a clearing in the bottom of the valley with rich herbaceous vegetation, with three Malaise traps ( Photos by J. Roháček.


Melanagromyza aenea (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW Trsteník valley, sweeping Carex boggy meadow,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A West Palaearctic species, widespread and common in Europe. In Slovakia it has been known from the Bukovské vrchy Mts, the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 1996, 2009) and the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012). From the Muránska planina NP first recorded by Černý (2012) from the locality Muráň village.

Melanagromyza cunctans (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Tisovec 4.6 km W, Suché doly res., sweeping over pasture,, 1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A widespread species known from the Palaearctic, Afrotropical and Oriental Regions. It is frequent and common in Slovakia and has been also confirmed from the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012: localities Javorníková res. and Muráň village).

Melanagromyza eupatorii Spencer, 1957

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A West Palaearctic species, in Slovakia first reported from Malé Trakany (Černý & Vála 1996), more recently also found in Cigánka res. and Hrdzavá dolina res. in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Melanagromyza sativae Spencer, 1957

Material: Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 2♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 7♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A West Palaearctic species, not yet recorded from northern Europe. In Slovakia it was reported from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995) and, subsequently, also from several localities in the Muránska planina NP and the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Melanagromyza tripolii Spencer, 1957

Material: Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 2♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 6♂,, 2♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: Previously only known from the West Palaearctic but recently also confirmed from Uzbekistan (Nartshuk 2019). In Slovakia it has hitherto been only found in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above records represent the second occurrence in Slovakia and the first in the Muránska planina NP (and the Gemer region).

*Melanagromyza zlobini Pakalniškis, 1996

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A species first described from Lithuania and subsequently also confirmed in Central Europe (Papp & Černý 2015, Černý & Bächli 2018) and from Greece (Černý 2011). First record from Slovakia.

Ophiomyia cunctata (Hendel, 1920) (Fig. 12)

Material: Muráň castle env., car net in beech forest,, 1♂; Tisovec 3.4 km W, Teplica, sweeping vegetation along brook,, 1♀, both J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, commonly occurring in Europe. In Slovakia, it was found in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1986, Vála & Černý 1995), the Muránska planina NP and the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Ophiomyia galii Hering, 1937

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Muránska Lehota 3.7 km E, above Javorníčková dolina, MT,, 1♀, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 4♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).


Remarks: A Palaearctic species scarcely recorded from Europe. In Slovakia it has been known from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995, Zboj), the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012, Paseky nr. Tisovec) and several localities in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009).

Figs 11–13: Tisovec 3.4-3.6 km W, Teplica and its leaf-miner fly. 11 – diverse herbaceous vegetation on the shores of the Furmanec brook (; 12 – Ophiomyia cunctata (male), a species occurring in the above habitat (Fig. 11); 13 – Malaise trap installed at a small tributary of Furmanec brook surrounded by a beech forest on the valley slopes ( Photos by J. Roháček.


Ophiomyia labiatarum Hering, 1937

Material: Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 1♂2♀; Poľudnica res., top plateau, sweeping undergrowth of mixed forest,, 1♀; Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping margin of beech forest,, 1♀; sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest in ravine,, 1♀; Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, sweeping vegetation along brook, 16.vii.2014, 1♀; Veľká lúka, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, common in Europe, in Slovakia known from several localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995) and the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Ophiomyia maura (Meigen, 1838)

Material: Muránska planina NP: Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation in clearing & margin of mixed forest, 14.viii.2015, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A widespread Holarctic species occurring throughout the whole of Europe but in Slovakia hitherto only found in single locality in the Bukovské vrchy Mts, viz. Nová Sedlica (Vála & Černý 1995). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP and the second from Slovakia.

Ophiomyia melandricaulis Hering, 1943

Material: Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest in ravine, 14.vii.2017, 1♂2♀; Tisovec 4.7 km NW, Rimava valley, sweeping vegetation along brook, 5.ix.2012, 1♂; Tisovec 1.8 km SW, Rejkovo, sweeping over pasture meadow,, 1♀; Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation in clearing & margin of mixed forest, 14.viii.2015, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook in spruce forest, 15.vii.2016, 1♀, J. Roháček leg.; same locality, MT,, 4♂,, 1♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A rather common species known throughout Europe, in Slovakia first recorded from several localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995) and later also from Paseky nr. Tisovec in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Ophiomyia nasuta (Melander, 1913)

Material: Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 1♂; Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping forest margin, 12.v.2016, 1♂, both J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species commonly occurring in the whole of Europe (Papp & Černý 2015), in Slovakia hitherto only known from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995), the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012) and the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009).

Ophiomyia orbiculata (Hendel, 1931)

Material: Čertova dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook, 5.ix.2012, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 2♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, frequent and widespread in Europe (Papp & Černý 2015), in Slovakia also known from a number of localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995), the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) as well as the Muránska planina NP (see Černý 2012).

Ophiomyia pannonica Černý in Papp & Černý 2015

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 3♂,, 5♂, all M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 8♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation in clearing & margin of mixed forest, 14.viii.2015, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 6♂,, 4♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This species was described from a type series consisting of specimens from Hungary and one specimen from Slovakia (Papp & Černý 2015, from the locality Stužica res. in the Bukovské vrchy Mts) which was originally misidentified by Vála & Černý (1995) as Ophiomyia ambrosia Spencer, 1981. The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.


Ophiomyia pulicaria (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species common in the whole of Europe including Slovakia but also recorded from the Afrotropical Region (Kenya), cf. Papp & Černý (2015). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Ophiomyia ranunculicaulis Hering, 1949

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 2♀, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC); Muráň 6.5 km NW, Studňa na Muránskej planine, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A less frequent European species hitherto unrecorded from southern Europe. In Slovakia it is known from the Bukovské vrchy Mts, the Poľana Mts, the Slovenský raj NP and also from the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Ophiomyia vimmeri Černý, 1994

Material: Poľudnica res., top plateau NE part, sweeping margin of beech forest, 12.viii.2015, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 2♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A West Palaearctic species (Papp & Černý 2015) also known from Slovakia where it is recorded from localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts, the Poľana Mts, the Slovenský raj NP and also from the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).


Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) gyrans (Fallén, 1823)

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 5♂, 11.ix.-10.x.2018, 1♂, all M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 3♂, 15.vii.-7.ix.2016, 4♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A less common species but known from many countries of Europe and from Japan. In Slovakia its occurrence has been confirmed in localities Trenčín, Vysoké Tatry Mts, Poľana Mts; there are also previous records from the Muránska planina NP – Hrdzavá dolina, Muráň village, Voniaca res. (Černý 2012).

Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) labiatarum (Hendel, 1920)

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: An uncommon but widespread species in Europe, also known from Turkey (Papp & Černý 2016). In Slovakia it has been confirmed from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1986, Vála & Černý 1995), the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and the Východoslovenská nížina lowland (Vála 1986). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) luteiceps (Hendel, 1920)

Material: Muránska Lehota 3.7 km E, above Javorníčková dolina, MT,, 1♀, MT, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT, 15.vii.-7.ix.2016, 1♂1♀, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: An uncommon species known from the West Palaearctic and Canada (Papp & Černý 2016). First record from Slovakia.

Aulagromyza anteposita (Strobl, 1898)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT, 11.v.–, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 6.vii.-7.viii.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).


Remarks: A European species also known from Slovakia. The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Aulagromyza discrepans (van der Wulp, 1871)

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♀, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species, in Slovakia only known from the Bukovské vrchy (Vála & Černý 1995). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Aulagromyza luteoscutellata (de Meijere, 1924)

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 2♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, uncommon in Europe (cf. Papp & Černý 2016). First record from Slovakia.

*Aulagromyza similis (Brischke, 1880)

Material: Muránska planina NP: Tisovec 3.4 km W, Teplica, 48°41'22''N, 19°53'57''E, 490 m, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂, MT, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A rather rare European species (Papp & Černý 2016). This is the first record from Slovakia.

Aulagromyza trivittata (Loew, 1873)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 4♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP; SMOC); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂,, 15♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP, SMOC); Veľká lúka, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A West Palaearctic species. In Slovakia it was first found in Nová Vieska, Podunajská nížina lowland (Černý & Vlk 2001). In the Gemer region there are records from the Muránska planina NP (Cigánka res., Hnilecká jelšina res., Veľká lúka – Piesky, Zlatno village), from the Slovenský raj NP (Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env.) as well as the Slovenský kras NP (Plešivecká planina), see Černý (2012).

Aulagromyza zernyi (Hendel, 1920)

Material: Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: An uncommon European species hitherto recorded from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia where it is only known from the locality Čenkov (Černý & Vála 1999). The above record is the second from Slovakia and the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Cerodontha (Butomomyza) angulata (Loew, 1869)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC); Muráň 2 km W, Hrdzavá dolina res., sweeping, 10.viii.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A widespread but only locally common Holarctic species, with many records from Europe. In Slovakia it has hitherto been found in a few localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts., the Poľana Mts (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009) and the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012: Muráň village).

Cerodontha (Butomomyza) eucaricis Nowakowski, 1967

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW Trsteník valley, sweeping over Carex boggy meadow,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT,, 2♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, uncommon in Central Europe. In Slovakia it has been reported from the Bukovské vrchy Mts and the Poľana Mts (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Cerodontha (Butomomyza) falcata Černý in Papp & Černý, 2016

Material: Tisovec 3.4 km W, Teplica, sweeping vegetation along brook,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).


Remarks: This species was described from only two specimens, a male holotype (Hungary) and a male paratype (Czech Republic), see Papp & Černý (2016). Subsequently, it has been also found in Austria (Černý 2018) and Switzerland (Černý & Bächli 2018). First record from Slovakia.

Cerodontha (Butomomyza) mellita Spencer, 1971 syn. Cerodontha (Butomomyza) gemerensis Černý 2012

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW Trsteník valley, sweeping Carex boggy meadow,, 1♂3♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); same locality, MT,, 8♂,, 6♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This rare European species has hitherto been only known from Belgium, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Poland, Portugal (Černý et al. 2018), Slovakia and Switzerland (Černý & Bächli 2018), but probably occurs also in surrounding areas (Papp & Černý 2016). It was formerly recorded from the Muránska planina NP by Černý (2012) under the synonym Cerodontha (Butomomyza) gemerensis Černý, 2012 but the first records from Slovakia were from Čierny Potok, Havranie skaly and Hronček in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009).

*Cerodontha (Butomomyza) pseuderrans (Hendel, 1931)

Material: Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂, MT, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species uncommon in Europe but also known from Turkey and Japan (Papp & Černý 2016). This is the first record from Slovakia.

Cerodontha (Butomomyza) staryi (Starý, 1930)

Material: Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest in ravine,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 1♂, all M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A relatively rare Palaearctic species scarcely recorded from Europe but also known from North Korea and Japan (Papp & Černý 2016). It was previously only known from a few localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1993, Vála & Černý 1995). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Cerodontha (Butomomyza) vigneae Nowakowski, 1967

Material: Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A rare species in Europe only reported from Andorra, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Sweden (Papp & Černý 2016). First record from Slovakia.

Cerodontha (Cerodontha) denticornis (Panzer, 1806) (Fig. 16)

Material: Muráň 0.9 km NE, sweeping over meadow at forest steppe, 12.v.2016, 1♀; Muráň 6.5 km NW, Studňa na Muránskej planine, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♂, 14.vii.2014, 2♂; Muránska Lehota 4.2 km SW, Nemcová pass, sweeping over pasture meadow, 14.vii.2016, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 11.ix.-10.x.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 1.8 km SW, Rejkovo, sweeping over pasture meadow,, 1♀; Tisovec 4.6 km W, Suché doly res., sweeping over pasture meadow,, 1♂; Veľká lúka, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A very common and widespread species known from the Palaearctic, Afrotropical and Oriental Regions (Papp & Černý 2016). It is also widespread and common in Slovakia (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009). In the Muránska planina NP it has hitherto been recorded from Muráň, Muránska Lehota, Nižná Kľaková res., Paseky near Tisovec and Suché doly res. (Černý 2012).

Cerodontha (Cerodontha) fulvipes (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Stožky gamekeeper´s lodge, sweeping over boggy meadow, 7.ix.2016, 1♀; Tisovec 3.4 km W, Teplica, sweeping vegetation along brook,, 1♀,, 1♂1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A widespread Palaearctic species, common in the whole of Europe including Slovakia (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009). In the Muránska planina NP it has only been known from the locality Javorníková res. (Černý 2012).


Figs 14–16: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley and a leaf-miner fly. 14 – habitat in Trsteník valley, a submontane peat-bog meadow with Carex spp. dominated vegetation (; 15 – Malaise trap in this habitat (12.5.2016), with J. Ševčík mounting the collecting head on the top of the trap. 16 – Cerodontha denticornis (male), a species characteristic for humid meadows. Photos by J. Roháček.


*Cerodontha (Cerodontha) stackelbergi Nowakowski, 1972

Material: near Maretkina, sweeping vegetation in forest clearing,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A very rare European species only reported from Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway (Andersen 2012), Poland, Russia and Sweden (Černý & Merz 2006). First record from Slovakia and the second finding in the whole of Central Europe.

*Cerodontha (Cerodontha) vandalitiensis Spencer, 1965

Material: Šiance res., MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: An uncommon European species known from the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Portugal, Russia and Spain (Černý 2009b; Papp & Černý 2016). This is the first record from Slovakia.

Cerodontha (Dizygomyza) bimaculata (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, sweeping Carex boggy meadow,, 1♂, sweeping over peat-bog meadow, 6.ix.2016, 1♂, 1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.- 11.ix.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, common in Europe; in Slovakia known from the Bukovské vrchy Mts and the Poľana Mts; in the Gemer region it has hitherto been recorded from localities Javorníková res., Nižná Kľaková res., Paseky near Tisovec in the Muránska planina NP and from Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

*Cerodontha (Dizygomyza) chaixiana (Hering, 1956)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, sweeping over Carex boggy meadow,, 1♂1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This Central European species has only been known from the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary (Papp & Černý 2016), Poland and Switzerland (Černý & Bächli 2018). First record from Slovakia.

Cerodontha (Dizygomyza) fasciata (Strobl, 1880)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km, SW Trsteník valley, sweeping over peat-bog meadow, 15.vii.2016, 2♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A rather common Holarctic species, frequently occurring in Europe; in Slovakia reported from a number of localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995), the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and also from Koniarská planina in the Slovenský kras NP (Černý 2012). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Cerodontha (Dizygomyza) hirtae Nowakowski, 1967

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, sweeping Carex boggy meadow,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: An uncommon species known from a few countries in Europe, namely from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary (Papp & Černý 2016), Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland (Černý & Bächli 2018), also found in North America. In Slovakia it was recorded from Sninský kameň Mt. in the CHKO Vihorlat (Vála 1986) and several localities in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Cerodontha (Dizygomyza) morosa (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC); same locality, sweeping over peat-bog meadow, 15.vii.2016, 1♂, 6.ix.2016, 2♂1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Muránska Huta 0.3 km W, Šiance res., sweeping vegetation at beech forest margin, 6.v.2015, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A common species widespread in the Palaearctic and Oriental Regions including the whole of Europe (Papp & Černý 2016). In Slovakia it has been mainly known from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995) and the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009), and also from the Gemer region where it was recorded from Havrania dolina res. in the Muránska planina NP and from Hnilecká jelšina res. and Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).


Cerodontha (Dizygomyza) suturalis (Hendel, 1931)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW Trsteník valley, sweeping over submontane boggy meadow,, 1♂, sweeping Carex boggy meadow,, 1♂1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This Palaearctic species is widespread in Europe, and also known from a number of localities in Slovakia (Vála 1986, 1993; Vála & Černý 2009). There are also previous records from the Gemer region, viz. from Muráň, Muránska Lehota, Paseky near Tisovec and Zlatno village in the Muránska planina NP, and from Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Cerodontha (Icteromyza) geniculata (Fallén, 1823)

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 11.ix.-10.x.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 2♂,, 1♂, all M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: A widespread species known from the Palaearctic, Afrotropical and Oriental Regions, locally common in Europe (Papp & Černý 2016, Černý & Bächli 2018). In Slovakia there are records from Motrogon res. in the CHKO Vihorlat (Černý & Vála 1996) and Havrania dolina res. in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Cerodontha (Poemyza) alpina Nowakowski, 1967

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: This species has been recorded from Central Europe, viz. from Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland and recently also from northern Italy (Černý 2018). In Slovakia it has only been known from Kamenica nad Hronom (Černý 2014). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP and the second record from Slovakia.

Cerodontha (Poemyza) atra (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Čertova dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook, 13.viii.2015, 1♀; Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, sweeping Carex boggy meadow,, 3♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); same locality, MT,, 3♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Hrdzavá dolina res., upper part, sweeping vegetation along brook, 4.ix.2012, 2♂; Muráň 2 km W, Hrdzavá dolina res., sweeping vegetation in clearing of forest,, 1♂; Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 1♂; Muránska Lehota 4.2 km SW, Nemcová pass, sweeping over pasture meadow, 14.vii.2016, 1♂1♀; Nižná Kľaková saddle, sweeping over pasture meadow, 4.ix.2012, 3♂; Stožky gamekeeper´s lodge, sweeping Glyceria fluitans on shore of a pond,, 1♂, sweeping over boggy meadow, 7.ix.2016, 1♂; Tisovec 1.7 km S, sweeping Carex acuta and Typha latifolia on shore of a pond, 14.vii.2016, 1♂; Veľká lúka, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♂,, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A very common Palaearctic species, widespread in Europe and also recorded from Japan, Uzbekistan and Yakutia in Russia (Papp & Černý 2016). It is also known from numerous localities in Slovakia (Vála 1986, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009, Černý 2012).

*Cerodontha (Poemyza) estlandica Zlobin, 1993

Material: Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This species was described from Estonia and subsequently also recorded from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania (see Papp & Černý 2016). First record from Slovakia.

Cerodontha (Poemyza) imbuta (Meigen, 1838)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 6♂; Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 2♂, MT, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A West Palaearctic species, widespread in Europe, but in southern Europe only known from Spain (Papp & Černý 2016). There are also records from Slovakia, viz. from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1993, Vála & Černý 1995), the Poľana Mts, the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012) and the CHKO Vihorlat (Vála 1986). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Cerodontha (Poemyza) incisa (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Hrdzavá dolina res., upper part, sweeping vegetation along brook, 4.ix.2012, 1♂; Poľudnica res., top plateau NE part, sweeping margin of beech forest, 12.viii.2015, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 1 km S, sweeping Carex acuta in boggy


meadow near pond,, 1♂; Tisovec 1.8 km SW, Rejkovo, sweeping over pasture meadow,, 1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 4♂; Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 11♂,, 7♂, 15.vii.-7.ix.2016, 7♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A common Holarctic species, widespread in Europe (Papp & Černý 2016) including Slovakia (Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009). In the Gemer region it has only been reported from the Plešivecká planina in the Slovenský kras NP (Černý 2012). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Cerodontha (Poemyza) lateralis (Macquart, 1835)

Material: Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 1♂1♀; Poľudnica res., top plateau, sweeping undergrowth of mixed forest, 18.ix.2013, 1♂1♀; Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping margin of beech forest,, 2♂; Veľká lúka, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, common in Europe (Papp & Černý 2016) and also in Slovakia where recorded from numerous localities (see Vála 1986, 1993, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009) including those from the Gemer region (Muránska planina NP, Slovenský kras NP and Slovenský raj NP), see Černý (2012).

Cerodontha (Poemyza) lyneborgi Spencer, 1972

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: This species is widespread in temperate and southern Europe and has also been found in Turkey (Černý 2018) and Uzbekistan (Papp & Černý 2016). The latter authors also reported it from Slovakia (Dobšiná) based on a specimen deposited in HNHM. The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Cerodontha (Poemyza) morula (Hendel, 1920)

Material: Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT,, 5♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.4 km W, Teplica, sweeping vegetation along brook,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This species was described from Austria, and later recorded from the Czech Republic and Hungary (Papp & Černý 2016), most recently also from Switzerland (Černý & Bächli 2018). First record from Slovakia.

Cerodontha (Poemyza) muscina (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW Trsteník valley, sweeping over submontane boggy meadow,, 1♂; Muráň 2 km W, Hrdzavá dolina res., sweeping undergrowth along fallen tree trunks in deciduous forest, 10.viii.2018; Muránska Huta 0.3 km W, Šiance res., sweeping vegetation at beech forest margin, 6.v.2015, 1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Muránska Lehota 3.7 km E, above Javorníčková dolina, MT,, 3♀, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping margin of beech forest,, 1♀, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest in ravine, 14.vii.2017, 1♂, both J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♀,, 5♂,, 6♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC); Tisovec 1.8 km SW, Rejkovo, sweeping over pasture meadow,, 1♂; Tisovec 3.4 km W, Teplica, sweeping vegetation along brook,, 1♂, both J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 3♂,, 2♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP, SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 9♂,, 8♂1♀, 15.vii.-7.ix.2016, 1♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A common Holarctic species widely distributed in Europe. In Slovakia it has been known from the Bu- kovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995), the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) as well as from the Gemer region where it has been confirmed in localities Javorníková dolina res., Paseky near Tisovec, Voniaca res. and Zlatno village in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Cerodontha (Poemyza) pygmaea (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 7♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 2♂, 15.vii.-7.ix.2016, 1♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This Holarctic species is widespread and common in Europe (Papp & Černý 2016). There are a few records from Slovakia, viz. from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995) and the Gemer region, where only found in Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý (2012). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.


Cerodontha (Poemyza) pygmella (Hendel, 1931) syn. Cerodontha (Poemyza) lapplandica (Rydén, 1956)

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 1♂, 11.ix.-13.x.2018, 1♂, all M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 2.8 km WSW, Hlboký jarok res., sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species recorded from a number of European countries (Papp & Černý 2016). It has been also published from Slovakia (Bukovské vrchy NP) by Vála (1993) and Vála & Černý (1995) under the synonym C. (P.) lapplandica (Rydén, 1956) The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Cerodontha (Poemyza) spencerae Zlobin, 1993

Material: Muráň 6.5 km NW, Studňa na Muránskej planine, sweeping over pasture meadow, 14.vii.2014, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 4♂, 5.vii.-7.ix.2016, 3♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This Palaearctic species is known from Europe but remains hitherto unrecorded from its western part. It was first reported from Slovakia under the incorrect name C. (P.) inconspicua (Malloch, 1913) from the Bukovské vrchy NP (Vála & Černý 1995). Susequently, it has been found in single locality in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and most recently recorded from a few localities in the Muránska planina NP and the Slo- venský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Cerodontha (Xenophytomyza) biseta (Hendel, 1920)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♀, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC); Poľudnica res., top plateau, sweeping undergrowth of mixed forest,, 2♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping margin of beech forest,, 1♂; Tisovec 3.4 km W, Teplica, sweeping vegetation along brook,, 7♂3♀; Tisovec 3.6 km W, Suché doly res., sweeping vegetation along brook,, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A very common Holarctic species, widespread in Europe including Slovakia (cf. Vála 1986, 1993; Vála & Černý 1995, 2009). In the Gemer region its has only been found in several localities in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Cerodontha (Xenophytomyza) venturii Nowakowski, 1967

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Muráň 6.5 km NW, Studňa na Muránskej planine, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♂; Muránska Huta 0.3 km W, Šiance res., sweeping margin of beech forest, 11.v.2016, 1♂, both J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species, although less common than C. (X.) biseta. In Slovakia it was first recorded in Turček in the Kremnické vrchy Mts (Vála 1986), and later ascertained also in the Bukovké vrchy Mts (Vála 1993, Vála & Černý 1995), the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and in the Gemer region including the Muránska planina NP, Slovenský kras NP and Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Chromatomyia fuscula (Zetterstedt, 1838)

Material: Čertova dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook, 13.viii.2015, 1♂; Muráň 6.5 km NW, Studňa na Muránskej planine, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♂; Muráň env., road between Studňa na Muránskej planine and Veľká lúka, forest path, car net,, 1♂; Tisovec 4.6 km W, Suché doly res., sweeping over pasture meadow,, 1♂; Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping forest margin, 12.v.2016, 1♂, sweeping vegetation in clearing & margin of mixed forest, 14.viii.2015, 4♂1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This species is widespread in the Holarctic region and is common also in the whole of Europe including Slovakia (Papp & Černý 2020). Interestingly, it was formerly only recorded from the Fabova hoľa res. in the Mu- ránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Chromatomyia gentianae (Hendel, 1920)

Material: Šarkanica res., 48°42'46.8"N, 19°59'16.8"E, 540 m, MT, 11.ix.-13.x.2018, 2♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: All confirmed records of this species have been from mountains of Europe and Japan (Papp & Černý 2020). First published records from Slovakia are those by Korbel (1954) from the locality Dunajec in the Pieniny


NP and by Zavřel (1956) from the Vysoké Tatry Mts, both based on larval mines found on leaves of host plant Gentiana asclepiadea. However, the first occurrence based on adults is from Stužica reserve in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995). Subsequently, this species was also found in the Fabova hoľa res. and Havrania dolina res. in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau, 1851)

Material: Poľudnica res., top plateau, sweeping undergrowth of mixed forest, 18.ix.2013, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A very common, subcosmopolitan and widely polyphytophagous species. In Slovakia it was first recorded from Vinné in the Vihorlat Mts (Vála 1986), later also found in several localities in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and from Zlatno village in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Chromatomyia isicae (Hering, 1962)

Material: Hrdzavá dolina res., upper part, sweeping vegetation along brook, 4.ix.2012, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species mainly occurring at higher altitudes but also in submontane cold habitats (Griffiths 1980, Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia it was first recorded from Čierny Potok in the Poľana Mts and from Mengusovská dolina in the Vysoké Tatry Mts (Černý et al. 2006); further records have been from additional localities in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and also from the Fabova hoľa res. in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

*Chromatomyia luzulae (Hering, 1924)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 2♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: This species was described from Germany and later sporadically reported from Dalmatia (Spasić & Spencer 1992), Finland, Great Britain, Lithuania, Norway (Andersen & Jonassen 1994), Poland and Sweden (Griffiths 1980). It is plausibly also a member of the fauna of the Czech Republic because there are older records based on findings of larval mines on the host plant Luzula pilosa from several localities in Moravia (Starý 1930) and on Luzula nemorosa from the same region (Hubáček 1978). This is the first record from Slovakia.

Chromatomyia milii (Kaltenbach, 1864)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW Trsteník valley, sweeping Carex boggy meadow,, 1♂; Muráň 6.5 km NW, Studňa na Muránskej planine, sweeping forest margin vegetation, 9.x.2014, 1♂; Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This species is widely distributed in the Holarctic and Oriental Regions, and commonly occurs in most of Europe including Slovakia (Vála 1986; Vála & Černý 1995, 2009). It is also known from the Gemer region, where it was found in several localities in the Muránska planina NP (Vála 1986, Černý 2012) and in Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

*Chromatomyia periclymeni (Hendel, 1922)

Material: Muránska Huta 1 km NW, Bobačka cave, sweeping undergrowth of mixed forest, 11.v.2016, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 5♂,, 1♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A common and widespread species, particularly in central and western Europe but also recorded from Estonia, Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro and Spain (Papp & Černý 2020). First record from Slovakia.

*Chromatomyia primulae (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: Although widespread in Europe (Papp & Černý 2020) this species is here recorded for the first time from Slovakia.

Chromatomyia pseudomilii Griffiths, 1980

Material: Čertova dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook in ravine, 28.ix.2017, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This Holarctic species was originally described from Alaska (USA) and Germany (Erzgebirge,


Thüringer Wald), and later confirmed also in other European countries, viz. Andorra, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Switzerland, largely in montane areas. There is a single previous record from Slovakia, namely from the Vysoké Tatry Mts: Javorová dolina (Černý & Vála 2005). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Chromatomyia ramosa (Hendel, 1923)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Muráň 6.5 km NW, Studňa na Muránskej planine, sweeping over montane meadow, 9.x.2014, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 11.ix.-13.x.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A species known from a number of countries in Europe, not rare in Central Europe. Korbel (1954) was the first to report on this species in Slovakia (from locality Dunajec) but first records confirmed by the collected adults are much later, from Stužica res. in the Bukovské vrchy Mts and Vinné in the Vihorlat Mts (Vála 1986, Vála & Černý 1995). More recently, the species has also been found in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and from Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. and Hnilecká jelšina res. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Chromatomyia scolopendri (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851)

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, 11.ix.-13.x.2018, 1♀, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species scarcely recorded from western and central Europe, Spain, northern Italy, Turkey and Japan (Papp & Černý 2020). First record from Slovakia.

Chromatomyia styriaca Griffiths, 1980

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂; Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT,, 6♂, all M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: An uncommon species recorded from Central Europe, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia it was first discovered in Mengusovská dolina and at Popradské pleso (lake) in the Vysoké Tatry Mts (Černý et al. 2006) but subsequently also found in Fabova hoľa res. in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012). This is the second record from the area under study.

Galiomyza galiivora (Spencer, 1969)

Material: Čertova dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook, 13.viii.2015, 1♀; Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest in ravine,, 1♂, 11.vii.2017, 1♂; Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, sweeping vegetation along brook, 16.vii.2014, 1♂,, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); same locality, MT, 20.v.-, 6♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP, SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species rather scarcely recorded from Europe (Papp & Černý 2017). In Slovakia it was first reported from Čalovo (Černý & Vlk 2001), and later found in several localities in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and in Paseky near Tisovec in the Muránska planina NP and Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

*Galiomyza morio (Brischke, 1880)

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 7♂, 15.vii.-7.ix.2016, 2♂, all J. Rohá- ček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species (Papp & Černý 2017) more widely distributed in the continent than G. galiivora. This is the first record from Slovakia.

Liriomyza artemisicola de Meijere, 1924

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 2♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: The species is known from the Palaearctic and also Oriental Regions (Papp & Černý 2017, Černý et al. 2018). Its occurrence in Slovakia has been confirmed only recently from Abrod res. (Černý 2009b) in the Záhorie region and also from Bystré-Vrátka in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.


Liriomyza centaureae Hering, 1927

Material: Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping forest margin, 2.v.2016, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, relatively common and widespread in Europe (Papp & Černý 2017, Černý & Bächli 2018), in Slovakia only known from Nová Sedlica in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Liriomyza flaveola (Fallén, 1823)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 2♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Nižná Kľaková saddle, sweeping over pasture meadow, 4.ix.2012, 1♂; Patina gamekeeper´s lodge, on decayed fungi, 7.ix.2016, 1♂; Poľudnica res., top plateau, sweeping undergrowth of mixed forest,, 1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m,, 3♂,, 1♂,, 4♂, 6.vii.- 7.viii.2018, 2♂, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 3♂, 11.ix.-10.x.2018, 1♂, all M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT,, 11♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP, SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 6♂, MT, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, widespread and common throughout Europe (Papp & Černý 2017, Černý 2018). In Slovakia it is frequently encountered from lowlands to montane areas (Vála 1986, Vála & Černý 1995, 2009). It has been also recorded from the Gemer region from localities Havrania dolina res., Hrdzavá dolina res., Nižná Kľaková res., Poludnica res. (all in the Muránska planina NP) and from Plešivecká planina in the Slovenský kras NP (Černý 2012).

Liriomyza infuscata Hering, 1926

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, widespread but uncommon in Europe including Slovakia (Papp & Černý 2017). In Slovakia first recorded from Stužica res. in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995) but later also found in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and in the Gemer region in localities Hrdzavá dolina res., Muráň village and Voniaca res. in the Muránska planina NP, and in Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. and Hnilecká jelšina res. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Liriomyza obliqua Hendel, 1931

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping forest margin, 12.v.2016, 1♂1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species mainly known from Central Europe (Papp & Černý 2017). The only previous record from Slovakia was that by Hendel (1931-1936) from Tátraháza [= Mlynčeky] in the Vysoké Tatry Mts. The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Liriomyza orbona (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: This Palaearctic species is widespread in most of Europe (Papp & Černý 2017, Černý et al. 2018) but it has only recently been reported from Slovakia, viz. from Mojtín in the Strážovské vrchy Mts (Černý 2018). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP and the second from the whole of Slovakia.

Liriomyza ptarmicae de Meijere, 1925

Material: Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping margin of beech forest,, 1♂; Tisovec 2.8 km WSW, Hlboký jarok res., sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 2♂; Tisovec 4.6 km W, Suché doly res., sweeping over pasture meadow,, 1♂; Veľká lúka, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, widespread throughout Europe (Papp & Černý 2017, Černý 2018). There are numerous published records from Slovakia (Vála 1986; Vála & Černý 1995, 2009), including those from the the Gemer region, where it was reported from Havrania dolina res., Muráň village, Muránska Huta village, Zlatno village in the Muránska planina NP and from Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).


Liriomyza puella (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A West Palaearctic species (Papp & Černý 2017), in Slovakia first recorded from Ubľa in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995). It has been also found in the Muránska planina NP (Muráň env. and Hrdzavá dolina res., see Černý 2012).

Liriomyza richteri Hering, 1927

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂,, 1♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Šev- čík leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species widespread in Europe (Papp & Černý 2017), also recorded from Slovakia. Its first Slovak finding was from Súľov (Vála 1986) but it was also reported from Čierny Potok and Spády valley in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). Černý (2012) confirmed its occrrence also in the Gemer region, both in the Muránska planina NP (Hrdzavá dolina res., Muráň village) and the Slovenský raj NP (Hnilecká jelšina res.).

Liriomyza strigata (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A polyphytophagous species known from the Palaearctic and Oriental Regions and widespread throughout much of Europe. Zavřel (1956) was the first to publish it from Slovakia recording mined leaves of its host plant Cirsium vulgare in the Vysoké Tatry Mts. Records of adults were published from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995) and the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). There are also findings from the Gemer region, namely from Hrdzavá dolina res. and Muráň village in the Muránska planina NP, and from Hnilecká jelšina res. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Liriomyza taraxaci Hering, 1927

Material: Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 1♂1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species widespread in Europe (Papp & Černý 2017). It was also found in Slovakia, first from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1996) and later from the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Liriomyza taurica Zlobin, 2003

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, 11.ix.-10.x.2018, 1♂, all M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: An uncommon species of unknown biology, originally described from Ukraine and subsequently recorded from Andorra, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary (Papp & Černý 2017) and Switzerland (Černý & Bächli 2018). First record from Slovakia.

*Liriomyza valerianae Hendel, 1932

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW Trsteník valley, sweeping Carex boggy meadow,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A generally rare European species, hitherto recorded from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary (Papp & Černý 2017), Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland (Černý & Bächli 2018). The above record is the first from Slovakia.

Metopomyza flavonotata (Haliday, 1833)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂,, 1♀, J. Rohá- ček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, widespread in Europe and also known from Slovakia where it was recorded from Turček (Vála 1986), the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995), the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and also from the Gemer region (both from the Muránska planina NP and the Slovenský raj NP, see Černý 2012).


Metopomyza scutellata (Fallén, 1823)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Muráň 0.9 km NE, sweeping over meadow at forest steppe, 12.v.2016, 1♀; Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping margin of beech forest,, 1♀, both J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, widespread in Europe. In Slovakia it was recorded from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995), the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and also from the Gemer region – it was found in Javorníková dolina res. and Muráň village in the Muránska planina NP and in Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. and Hnilecká jelšina res. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Metopomyza xanthaspioides (Frey, 1946)

Material: Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This Palaearctic species is uncommon in Europe including Slovakia, but abundant in Yakutia (Papp & Černý 2017, Černý & Bächli 2018). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Metopomyza xanthaspis (Loew, 1858)

Material: Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 1♂1♀; Tisovec 1.8 km SW, Rejkovo, sweeping over pasture meadow,, 1♀, both J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This Palaearctic species is known from Europe and Kazakhstan, Turkey and Asian part of Russia (Papp & Černý 2017, Andersen 2018). In Slovakia it was only reported from the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and several localities in the Gemer region belonging to the Muránska planina NP, Slovenský kras NP and Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Napomyza bellidis Griffiths, 1967

Material: Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 1♂; Pohronská Polhora 5.9 km E, Kučalach Mt., sweeping lush vegetation in clearing,, 1♂, both J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A widespread Palaearctic species occurring in most of Europe (Papp & Černý 2020) including Slovakia where only recently recorded from the locality Pod skalou in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012). The above records have confirmed the occurrence of the species in the Muránska planina NP.

Napomyza elegans (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂; Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂2♀, 15.vii.-7.ix.2016, 1♀, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC); same locality, sweeping vegetation along brook in spruce forest, 15.vii.2016, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, less common but also widespread throughout Europe (Papp & Černý 2020). There are only a few records from Slovakia, namely from Ruský Potok and Stužica res. in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995) and also from Vrchslatina in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Napomyza hirticornis Hendel, 1932

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 3♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A widespread Palaearctic species, frequently encountered in Europe (Papp & Černý 2020) and also recorded from Slovakia where it had only been found in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Napomyza lateralis (Fallén, 1823)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW Trsteník valley, sweeping over peat-bog meadow, 6.ix.2016, 2♂1♀; Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping margin of beech forest,, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 2♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Veľká lúka, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, common and widespread throughout Europe. In Slovakia recorded from Trenčín, Somotor, Stužica res., Nová Sedlica (Vála 1986, Vála & Černý 1995). In the Gemer region it was found in Cigánka res., Nižná Kl'aková res., Paseky near Tisovec and Voniaca res. in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012) and Zádiel in the Slovenský kras NP (Vála 1986).


*Napomyza merita Zlobin, 1993

Material: Tisovec 3.4 km W, Teplica, sweeping vegetation along brook,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: An uncommon European species hitherto only recorded from the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland (Papp & Černý 2020). First record from Slovakia.

Napomyza nigriceps van der Wulp, 1871

Material: Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 13♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This species is only known from temperate and northern Europe. In Slovakia it was first recorded from Skalica (Vála 1986), and later found in Ruský Potok in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Napomyza scrophulariae Spencer, 1966

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC); Muráň 1.7 km W, Hrdzavá dolina res., sweeping over meadow, 15.vii.2014, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This Palaearctic species is widespread in Europe (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia it has hitherto been only recorded from a few localities in the Bukovské vrchy NP (Vála & Černý 1995) and from Paseky near Tisovec in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

*Nemorimyza posticata (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Poľudnica res., top plateau, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂,, 1♂, all M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: This species is widespread in Europe but has also been recorded from Japan, Canada, United States of America and even from Costa Rica (Spencer 1976, Papp & Černý 2016, Černý & Bächli 2018). First record from Slovakia.

*Phytobia carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848)

Material: Šarkanica res., 580 m, MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT,, 11♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: A less frequent species mainly known from western, central and northern Europe, also reported from Spain (Papp & Černý 2016). First record from Slovakia.

Phytoliriomyza dorsata (Siebke, 1863)

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook in spruce forest, 15.vii.2016, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: An uncommon Holarctic species widely distributed in Europe and the East Palaearctic (Papp & Černý 2017). There are only two previous records from Slovakia, viz. from Sihla-Kamenistá dolina in the Poľana Mts (Černý et al. 2006, Vála & Černý 2009) and from Pribylina in the Podtatranská kotlina basin (Černý et al. 2006). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Phytoliriomyza melampyga (Loew, 1869)

Material: Čertova dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook, 13.viii.2015, 1♀; Muráň 2 km W, Hrdzavá dolina res., sweeping vegetation, 12.viii.2015, 1♀; Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest in ravine, 11.vii.2017, 1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 2.8 km WSW, Hlboký jarok res., sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 1♀; Tisovec 3.6 km W, Suché doly res. sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 1♀; Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook in spruce forest, 15.vii.2016, 1♂1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC), same locality, MT, 15.vii.-7.ix.2016, 1♀, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species (Papp & Černý 2017) widespread in Europe and also in Slovakia where recorded from several localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1986, Vála & Černý 1995) and from Kyslinky - Hrochotská dolina in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.


Phytomyza abdita Hering, 1927

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This rare species was described from a single male from Zurich (Switzerland) and much later published from Slovakia on the basis of one specimen from Velická dolina in the Vysoké Tatry Mts (Černý & Vála 2005). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP, the second finding in Slovakia and the third known specimen of the species.

*Phytomyza actaeae Hendel, 1922

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, in Europe known from Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and also recorded from Japan (Papp & Černý 2020). The above specimen represents the first finding of the species in Slovakia.

Phytomyza adjuncta Hering, 1928

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, 11.ix.-13.x.2018, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂,, 2♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: A European species. This species has been known from Slovakia only from the Gemer region from Havrania dolina res. in the Muránska planina NP and from Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. in the Slovenský kras NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza albipennis Fallén, 1823

Material: Muráň 0.9 km NE, sweeping over meadow at forest steppe, 12.v.2016, 1♀; Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 2♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, frequently recorded from almost the whole of Europe (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia it was reported from Kyslinky - Hrochotská dolina in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009), from the Ge- mer region it was found in several localities in the Muránska planina NP, the Slovenský raj NP as well as the Slo- venský kras NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza angelicae Kaltenbach, 1872

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, widespread throughout Europe (Papp & Černý 2020). First record (based on mines) from Slovakia was published by Korbel (1954) from Dunajec in the Pieniny NP. It was confirmed by finding adults by Černý et al. (2006) in Mengusovská dolina and Popradské pleso (lake) env. in the Vysoké Tatry Mts. The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Phytomyza angelicastri Hering, 1932

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species (Papp & Černý 2020), in Slovakia hitherto only reported from Jelenec in the Tribeč Mts (Černý & Vlk 2001) and from Havrania dolina res. in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012). There is also a male from Tatranská Lomnica (Vysoké Tatry Mts) deposited in HNHM (Papp & Černý 2020). The occurrence in the Muránska planina NP is confirmed here by finding the species in the same locality.

Phytomyza araciocecis Hering, 1958

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 2♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: This uncommon European species is only known from Germany, Italy, Poland and Slovakia (Papp & Černý 2020). It was first recorded from Slovakia by Vála (1986) from Turček in Kremnické vrchy Mts, and from Stužica res. and Ubľa in the Bukovské vrchy Mts. Vála & Černý (1995) added further records from the latter area, from localities Stakčín - Chotinka and Nová Sedlica. More recently it has been found in Spády valley in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.


*Phytomyza artemisivora Spencer, 1971

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, rather common in Europe (Papp & Černý 2020) but formerly unrecorded from Slovakia.

Phytomyza aurei Hering, 1931

Material: Muránska Huta 0.3 km W, Šiance res., sweeping margin of beech forest, 6.v.2015, 1♂, 11.v.2016, 1♂; Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping margin of beech forest,, 1♂, both J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A rarely encountered species, found in only a few countries of the West Palaearctic area, namely in the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland and Turkey (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia there are records from Stakčín - Chotinka and Ruský Potok in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995), further from Havranie skaly, Kyslinky - Hrochotská dolina and Spády valley in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and, most recently, also from Havrania dolina res. in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza chaerophylli Kaltenbach, 1856

Material: Muránska Huta 0.3 km W, Šiance res., sweeping vegetation at beech forest margin, 6.v.2015, 5♂; Pohronská Polhora 5.9 km E, Kučalach Mt., sweeping lush vegetation in clearing,, 1♂1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, common and widesread throughout Europe, also recorded from Japan and Turkey (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia it was reported from Ruský Potok in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995), from Kyslinky - Majerová and Očová in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009), and also from Muráň village and Paseky near Tisovec in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza chaerophylliana Hering, 1931

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook in spruce forest, 15.vii.2016, 1♂1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: The species is only known from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Switzerland (Papp & Černý 2020). There is only a single previous record from Slovakia, viz. from Mengusovská dolina in the Vysoké Tatry Mts (Černý & Vála 2005). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Phytomyza cirsii Hendel, 1923

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 7.viii.-11.ix.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A West Palaearctic species, mainly known from western and central Europe (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia only recently reported from Abrod res. in the Záhoří region (Černý 2009b). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Phytomyza continua Hendel, 1920

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping margin of beech forest,, 1♂; Tisovec 3.6 km W, Suché doly res. sweeping vegetation along brook,, 1♂; Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species known from the majority of European countries. In Slovakia it was first found in Ubľa in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1986, Vála & Černý 1995), later in Hronček in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009), and most recently, also in Voniaca res. in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza crassiseta Zetterstedt, 1860

Material: Muránska Lehota 3.7 km E, above Javorníčková dolina, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest, 5.v.2015, 1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: The species is widespread in the Holarctic Region and common throughout Europe. There are several published records from Slovakia, viz. from the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1996), the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009), and also the Gemer region where it is found in the Muránska planina NP and the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).


*Phytomyza elsae Hendel, 1927

Material: Muránska Lehota 3.7 km E, above Javorníčková dolina, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This is an uncommon Central European species, hitherto only known from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and Poland (Papp & Černý 2020). First record from Slovakia.

Phytomyza evanescens Hendel, 1920

Material: Muráň env. road between Studňa na Muránskej planine and Veľká lúka, forest path, car net,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, common in the whole of Europe. In Slovakia reported from various localities in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1996), the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and also the Gemer region (Muránska planina NP, Slovenský kras NP, Slovenský raj NP, see Černý 2012).

Phytomyza fallaciosa Brischke, 1880

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT, 15.vii.-7.ix.2016, 1♀, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, widespread and common in Europe (Papp & Černý 2020). It was first recorded from Slovakia by Černý & Vála (2005) from Boťany, and subsequently reported from several localities in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Phytomyza flavofemorata Strobl, 1893

Material: Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species (Papp & Černý 2020), in Slovakia formerly only recorded from Velická dolina in the Vysoké Tatry Mts (Černý & Vála 2005) and from Muráň village in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza hendeli Hering, 1923

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 7♂,, 1♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species (Papp & Černý 2020) known also from Slovakia although only from a few localities in the Poľana Mts (Černý et al. 2006, Vála & Černý 2009). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Phytomyza homogyneae Hendel, 1927

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, 15.vii.-7.ix.2016, 1♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This montane species is only known from Central Europe: Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Switzerland (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia it was first recorded by Zavřel (1956) from the Vysoké Tatry Mts on the basis of mines found on leaves of Homogyne alpina. The above record from Slovakia is the first documented by captured adult specimens.

*Phytomyza kaltenbachi Hendel, 1922

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 2♂, J. Roháček leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A West Palaearctic species known from Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Switzerland and Turkey (Papp & Černý 2020). This is the first record from Slovakia.

Phytomyza marginella Fallén, 1823

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 2♂, 6.vii.-7.viii.2018, 1♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Šev- čík leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: A European species (Papp & Černý 2020), in Slovakia only known from Javorová dolina in the Vysoké Tatry Mts (Černý & Vála 2005). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP.


Phytomyza medicaginis, Hering, 1925

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species, hitherto unrecorded from northern Europe (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia it was only known from Zlatno village in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012). The above records confirm the occurrence in further localities in the area under study.

Phytomyza nigrifemur Hering, 1934

Material: Veľká lúka, sweeping over pasture meadow,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species (Papp & Černý 2020), in Slovakia published from Stakčín - Chotinka and Hostovické lúky in the Bukovské vrchy Mts (Vála 1986, Vála & Černý 1995) and from Havrania dolina res. in the Muránska planina NP and Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza nigritula Zetterstedt, 1838

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, in Europe only known from temperate and northern areas (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia it has been recorded from a few localities in the Poľana Mts (Černý et al. 2006, Vála & Černý 2009). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Phytomyza obscurella Fallén, 1823

Material: Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest in ravine,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 2♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, scarcely recorded from Europe (Papp & Černý 2020). First record from Slovakia.

Phytomyza penicilla Hendel, 1935

Material: Muránska Huta 1 km NW, Bobačka cave, sweeping undergrowth of mixed forest, 11.v.2016, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This European species has hitherto only been known from Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia there are records only from Fabova hoľa res. in the Muránska planina NP and from Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza pimpinellae Hendel, 1924

Material: Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species (Papp & Černý 2020). First record of this species from Slovakia was published by Černý & Vála (2005) based on specimens from Biel (distr. Trebišov). From the Muránska planina NP it is only known from Muráň env. (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza ptarmicae Hering, 1937

Material: Šarkanica res., 580 m, sweeping margin of beech forest,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species hitherto known from Andorra, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Slovakia and Sweden (Papp & Černý 2020). The published records from Slovakia originate from Malé Trakany in the Východoslovenská nížina lowland (Vála 1986), from the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and also from Havrania dolina res. and Voniaca res. in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza pubicornis Hendel, 1920

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 5.-26.iv.2017, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A West Palaearctic species relatively common in Europe and Turkey, very recently confirmed also in Slovakia, from Bardejov (Papp & Černý 2020). The above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP and the second from Slovakia.


Figs 17–19: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res. and its leaf-miner fly. 17 – Phytomyza ranunculi (female), a common species in Havrania dolina res.; 18 – brook in the Havrania dolina valley, surrounded by spruce forest (12.v.2016); 19 – more open spots in the valley with lush herbaceous flora (, a rich habitat of Agro- myzidae (and other flies). Photos by J. Roháček.


Phytomyza ranunculi (Schrank, 1803) (Fig. 17)

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); same locality, sweeping over peat-bog meadow, 12.x.2018, 1♀; Mokrá Poľana res., sweeping margin of spruce forest, 1.x.2015, 1♀; Muránska Huta 1 km NW, Bobačka cave, sweeping undergrowth of mixed forest, 11.iv.2012, 2♂, 11.v.2016, 1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 1♂; Tisovec 3.8 km SW, Dielik, sweeping low vegetation in quarry, 5.v.2015, 1♀, on rotting cut grass,, 1♂1♀; Tisovec 4.6 km W, Suché doly res., sweeping over pasture meadow,, 3♂; Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping forest margin, 12.v.2016, 2♂; Zlatno 2.5 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook in spruce forest, 1.x.2015, 2♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC); Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♀, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A very common Holarctic and Oriental species widespread throughout Europe. It is frequently encountered in Slovakia occurring from lowlands to montane areas. First published records from Slovakia are those by Korbel (1954) from Dunajec. It is also known from the Muránska dolina (localities Cigánka res., Hrdzavá dolina, Nižná Kľaková res., Pod skalou, Veľká lúka) as well as from the Slovenský kras NP and the Slovenský raj NP in the Gemer region (see Černý 2012).

Phytomyza rapunculi Hendel, 1927

Material: Muránska planina NP: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT, 5.-26.iv.2017, 1♂, 11.ix.-13.x.2018, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: A European species known from Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland and Ukraine (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia it was recorded from Velická dolina in the Vysoké Tatry Mts under junior synonym Phytomyza campanulivora Spencer, 1971 by Černý & Vála (2005). The above records are the first from the Muránska planina NP and confirm the occurrence of this species in Slovakia.

Phytomyza robustella Hendel, 1936

Material: Muránska planina NP: Veľká lúka, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This European species is known from Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Sweden, Slovakia and Switzerland (Papp & Černý 2020). It has recently been reported from Slovakia by Černý (2018) from Mojtín in the Strážovské vrchy Mts. Consequently, the above record is the first from the Muránska planina NP and the second from Slovakia.

Phytomyza rostrata Hering, 1934 (Fig. 21)

Material: Muránska Lehota 3.7 km E, above Javorníčková dolina, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest, 5.v.2015, 2♂; Veľká lúka, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A West Palaearctic species, in Slovakia recorded from Detva - Horná Chrapková in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009). In the Gemer region has been known from Nižná Kľaková res., Veľká lúka and Zlatno village in the Muránska planina NP, from Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. and Hnilecká jelšina res. in the Slovenský raj NP, and from Koniarská planina in the Slovenský kras NP (Černý 2012).

*Phytomyza scotina Hendel, 1920

Material: Muráň 0.9 km NE, sweeping over meadow at forest steppe, 12.v.2016, 1♂1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species hitherto recorded from Albania, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain and Sweden (Papp & Černý 2020). First record from Slovakia.

*Phytomyza sedicola Hering, 1924

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 3♂,, 4♂, 6.vii.-7.viii.2018, 1♂, 7.viii.- 11.ix.2018, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP, SMOC).

Remarks: This widespread species is known from Europe but also recorded from India and South Korea (Papp & Černý 2020). It represents a new addition to the fauna of Slovakia.


Figs 20–22: Muránska Lehota 3.7 km E, above Javorníčková dolina valley and its leaf-miner fly. 20 – warm oak- linden forest in the locality with Malaise trap (5.v.2015); 21 – Phytomyza rostrata (male), a species occurring in this habitat; 22 – sparse herbaceous undergrowth in the forest (vernal aspect, 5.v.2015). Photos by J. Roháček.


*Phytomyza silai Hering, 1935

Material: Šarkanica res., 540 m, MT,, 1♂, M. Tkoč leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: The species was described from Poland and later recorded from the Czech Republic, Germany and Great Britain (Papp & Černý 2020). First record from Slovakia.

Phytomyza soenderupi Hering, 1941

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 2♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP); Tisovec 3.6 km W, Teplica, MT, 4.iv.-20.v.2019, 1♂, M. Tkoč, J. Roháček & J. Ševčík leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A European species but hitherto unknown in southern Europe. In Slovakia this species has hitherto been only known from the Gemer region, namely from Fabova hoľa res. in the Muránska planina NP, and from Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. and Hnilecká jelšina res. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza subrostrata Frey, 1946

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Ševčík leg. (CMBP).

Remarks: A rare species, only known from North and Central Europe. In Slovakia it was reported from several localities in the Poľana Mts (Černý et al. 2006) and from Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa env. in the Slovenský raj NP (Černý 2012). It has been previously unknown from the Muránska planina NP.

Phytomyza tetrasticha Hendel, 1927

Material: Muráň 2 km W, Hrdzavá dolina res., sweeping undergrowth along fallen tree trunks in deciduous forest, 10.viii.2018, 1♂, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, relatively common in Europe, in Slovakia first recorded from Hronček env. - Kamenistý potok in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009), and later also from Zlatno village in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza trollii Hering, 1930

Material: Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, MT,, 1♂, J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: This European species has hitherto been recorded from Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Lithuania, Norway, Russia (Karelia), Slovakia, Sweden and Switzerland (Papp & Černý 2020). There are only two previous records from Slovakia, viz. from Detva - Horná Chrapková and Kyslinky - Majerová in the Poľana Mts (Černý et al. 2006). The above finding is the first from the Muránska planina NP.

*Phytomyza vilnensis Pakalniškis, 1998

Material: Muráň 2.8 km W, Javorníkova dolina res., sweeping undergrowth of beech forest along brook,, 1♂; Muránska Huta 0.3 km W, Šiance res., sweeping vegetation at beech forest margin, 6.v.2015, 1♂, both J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A little known species described originally from Lithuania and recently also found in Hungary (Papp & Černý 2020). It represents a new addition to the fauna of Slovakia.

Phytomyza virgaureae Hering, 1926

Material: Zlatno 2.9 km SW, Havrania dolina res., MT,, 1♂, 15.vii.-7.ix.2016, 1♂, all J. Roháček, J. Ševčík & M. Tkoč leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Palaearctic species, in Europe recorded from the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France incl. Corsica, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden and Switzerland (Papp & Černý 2020). There is only a single previous record from Slovakia, viz. from Velická dolina in the Vysoké Tatry Mts (Černý & Vála 2005). The above findings are the first from the Muránska planina NP.

Phytomyza vitalbae Kaltenbach, 1872

Material: Muráň 2 km W, Hrdzavá dolina res., sweeping forest margin vegetation, 15.vii.2014, 1♂; Muráň 2.8 km W, Javorníkova dolina res., sweeping undergrowth of beech forest along brook,, 2♂; Muránska Huta 0.3 km W, Šiance res., sweeping vegetation at beech forest margin, 6.v.2015, 1♀; Pohronská Polhora 5.9 km E, Kučalach Mt., sweeping lush vegetation in clearing,, 1♂, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).


Remarks: The species is very widely distributed, being known from the Afrotropical (South Africa), Holarctic, Oriental and Australian (Australia) Regions. It also is widespread in Europe (Papp & Černý 2020) but in Slovakia it has hitherto been recorded from a single locality Paseky nr. Tisovec in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Phytomyza wahlgreni Rydén, 1944

Material: Muráň 6.5 km NW, Studňa na Muránskej planine, sweeping forest margin vegetation, 9.x.2014, 1♂; Mokrá Poľana res., sweeping margin of spruce forest, 1.x.2015, 1♂; Veľká lúka, sweeping over montane meadow,, 1♂1♀; Zlatno 2.3 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping forest margin, 12.v.2016, 1♂; Zlatno 2.5 km SW, Havrania dolina res., sweeping vegetation along brook in spruce forest, 1.x.2015, 1♂1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, widespread in Europe (Papp & Černý 2020). In Slovakia it was published from Vrchslatina in the Poľana Mts (Černý et al. 2006) and a few additional localities in the same area (Vála & Černý 2009). Recently, it has been also found in several localities in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Pseudonapomyza atra (Meigen, 1830)

Material: Muráň env. NE margin, sweeping over steppe meadow,, 2♂2♀; Nižná Kľaková saddle, sweeping over pasture meadow, 4.ix.2012, 1♀; Tisovec 2.8 km WSW, Hlboký jarok res., sweeping undergrowth of beech forest,, 1♀, all J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic and Oriental species, widespread and common in the whole of Europe including Slovakia (Papp & Černý 2017), most recently added from Liechtenstein (Černý 2018). It has been also recorded from the Gemer region from localities Muráň village, Muránska Huta village and Muránska Lehota village, all situated within the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Pseudonapomyza europaea Spencer, 1973 (Fig. 24)

Material: Muráň 0.9 km NE, sweeping over meadow at forest steppe, 12.v.2016, 3♂1♀, J. Roháček leg. (SMOC).

Remarks: A Holarctic species, common in Europe but also known from Japan, Canada and United States of America (Papp & Černý 2017), recently added for Croatia (Černý 2018) and Portugal (Černý et al. 2018). In Slovakia it was recorded from Koniarská planina and Gemerská Hôrka in the Slovenský kras NP (Černý 2005), later found in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009) and most recently also in Muráň village and Paseky nr. Tisovec in the Muránska planina NP (Černý 2012).

Discussion and conclusions

Species richness of Agromyzidae. Based on the new material examined a total of 166 species of Agromyzidae are reported here (see above) from the Muránska planina National Park including as many as 94 species formerly unknown in this area. Summarizing all available faunal data, i. e. those published by Černý (2012) and those obtained by the present study altogether 213 species of Agromyzidae are currently known from the Muránska planina NP. This high number includes two species new to science described by Černý (2012) and 35 species (recorded here) representing new additions to the fauna of Slovakia: Agromyza felleri Hering, 1941, A. orobi Hendel, 1920, A. seticercus L. Papp in Papp & Černý 2015, Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) luteiceps (Hendel, 1920), Aulagromyza luteoscutellata (de Meijere, 1924), Aul. similis (Brischke, 1880), Cerodontha (Butomomyza) falcata Černý in Papp & Černý, 2016, C. (B.) pseuderrans (Hendel, 1931), C. (B.) vigneae Nowakowski, 1967, C. (Cerodontha) stackelbergi Nowakowski, 1972, C. (C.) vandalitiensis Spencer, 1965, C. (Dizygomyza) chaixiana (Hering, 1956), C. (Poemyza) estlandica Zlobin, 1993, C. (P. ) morula (Hendel, 1920), Chromatomyia luzulae (Hering, 1924), Ch. periclymeni (Hendel, 1922), Ch. primulae (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851), Ch. scolopendri (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851), Galiomyza morio (Brischke, 1880), Liriomyza taurica Zlobin, 2003, L. valerianae Hendel, 1932, Napomyza merita Zlobin, 1993, Melanagromyza zlobini Pakalniškis, 1996, Nemorimyza posticata (Meigen, 1830), Phytobia carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848), Phytomyza actaeae Hendel, 1922, Ph. artemisivora Spencer, 1971, Ph. elsae Hendel, 1927, Ph. homogyneae Hendel, 1927, Ph. kaltenbachi Hendel, 1922, Ph. obscurella Fallén, 1823, Ph. scotina Hendel, 1920, Ph. sedi- cola Hering, 1924, Ph. silai Hering, 1935 and Ph. vilnensis Pakalniškis, 1998.


Figs 23–25: Murán village env. and its its leaf-miner fly. 23 – forest-steppe habitat and steppe meadows nr. Muráň at foot of the Cigánka Mt. (12.v.2016); 24 – Pseudonapomyza europaea (male), a species living in this habitat; 25 – Murán village viewed from the Muráň castle (on Cigánka Mt.) (30.ix.2015). Photos by J. Roháček.

The species richness of Agromyzidae in the Muránska planina NP is really unusually high. When comparing it with results of long-term dipterological faunal studies performed in the Bu- kovské vrchy Mts (Vála & Černý 1995, with only 150 species recorded), and in the Poľana Mts (Vála & Černý 2009, with 165 species) the Muránska planina NP (with its 213 species) clearly is an area with by far the highest diversity of leaf-miner flies hitherto recognized in Slovakia. Moreover, this species diversity is even greater than those obtained from similarly (or even more) detailed investigations of dipterous biodiversity formerly realized in the Czech Republic: on the territory of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve in southern Moravia only 189 species (Černý


& Vála 1999), in the Bílina and Duchcov environs (north-western Bohemia) 198 species (Černý et al. 2001), in the Podyjí National Park (south-western Moravia) 190 species (Černý et al. 2005), and, most recently, in the Jizerské hory Mts and Frýdlant region (northern Bohemia), 162 species (Černý 2009a) of Agromyzidae have been recorded. Matching these numbers of local species diversity clearly indicate an unusual richness not only of the Agromyzidae but of the whole of the entomofauna in the Muránska planina NP. Particularly, the high number of taxa newly recorded in this area (found after a previous, rather detailed, investigation of Agromyzidae, see Černý 2012) indicate the extraordinarily high natural value of the entire Gemer region. However, even this high number cannot be considered definite inasmuch as a further fieldwork in hitherto unexplored localities in the study area will surely reveal new additions to the local fauna or even to the fauna of the whole of Slovakia.

Composition of local fauna of Agromyzidae. Agromyza pseudoreptans Nowakowski, 1967 is the most frequently encountered leaf-miner species, commonly occurring in 15 localities in the study area. It is followed by Cerodontha (Poemyza) atra (Meigen, 1830) (11 localities), C. (P. ) muscina (Meigen, 1830) (10 localities) and Phytomyza ranunculi (Schrank, 1803) (10 localities). There is a number of other similarly common, frequent and habitat-tolerant species in the fauna of the Muránska planina, e.g. A. mobilis Meigen, 1830, Cerodontha (Cerodontha) denticornis (Panzer, 1806), C. (Dizygomyza) morosa (Meigen, 1830), C. (P.) lateralis (Macquart, 1835), Chromatomyia fuscula (Zetterstedt, 1838), Ch. horticola (Goureau, 1851), Ch. milii (Kaltenbach, 1864), Liriomyza flaveola (Fallén, 1823), L. strigata (Meigen, 1830), Metopomyza scutellata (Fallén, 1823), Phytomyza plantaginis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851, Ph. wahlgreni Rydén, 1944 and Pseudonapomyza atra (Meigen, 1830). However, to assess the environmental and natural quality of the area it is necessary to consider the presence/occurrence of more stenotopic taxa being characteristic of the best preserved localities and habitats. A number of such interesting, uncommon to rare or otherwise important species (in the context of the whole fauna of Slovakia) of Agromyzidae have been found in the Muránska planina NP (cf. Černý 2012 and results of this paper), for example Agromyza felleri Hering, 1941, A. orobi Hendel, 1920, Cerodontha (Cerodontha) stackelbergi Nowakowski, 1972, Cerodontha (Dizygomyza) luzulae (Groschke, 1957), C. (Poemyza) alpina Nowakowski, 1967, C. (P. ) morula (Hendel, 1920), Chromatomyia cepelaki Černý 2012, Ch. scolopendri (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851), Hexomyza cecidogena (Hering, 1927), H. simplicoides (Hendel, 1920), Liriomyza scorzonerae Rydén, 1951, L. muranica Černý 2012, L. taurica Zlobin, 2003, L. urophorina Mik, 1894, Melanagromyza zlobini Pakalniškis, 1996, Napomyza maritima von Tschirnhaus, 1981, Nap. merita Zlobin, 1993, Nemorimyza posticata (Meigen, 1830), Ophiomyia orientalis Černý, 1994, O. spenceri Černý, 1985, O. stenophaga Pakalniškis, 1998, Phytomyza abdita Hering, 1927, Ph. elsae Hendel, 1927, Ph. griffithsi Spencer, 1963, Ph. homogyneae Hendel, 1927, Ph. rydeni Hering, 1934, Ph. trolliivora Hering, 1935, Ph. vilnensis Pakalniškis, 1998 and Pseudonapomyza moraviae Černý, 1992. Although all 35 species listed above for the first time from Slovakia have currently their only known Slovak localities in the Muránska planina, not all of them can be considered important from the above point of view because they are generally widespread species which have been formerly overlooked in Slovakia. Two species new to science have been described from the Muránska planina NP, viz. Chromatomyia cepelaki Černý 2012 (hitherto only known from the type locality in Havrania dolina res., Fig. 26) and Liriomyza muranica Černý 2012 (type locality Muráň village env., Fig. 27) which has recently also been found in Switzerland (Černý & Bächli 2018). The occur- rence area of the latter species will surely be larger because this taxon has obviously passed unnoticed up to the present. Phytomyza abdita Hering, 1927 undoubtedly belongs among the rarer leaf-miner flies because it has hitherto been only known from three localities in Central Europe (Zürich, Vysoké Tatry Mts: Velická dolina and Muránska Planina NP). Another interest-


Figs 26–27: Type localities of Agromyzidae in the Muránska planina NP. 26 – Havrania dolina res., the type locality and habitat (a small sunlit glade in a spruce forest) of Chromatomyia cepelaki Černý, 2012, with J. Černá sitting in the middle (; 27 – Muráň env., the type locality and habitat (a flowery meadow) of Liriomyza muranica Černý, 2012 ( Photos by M. Černý.


ing species is the Palaearctic Nemorimyza posticata (Meigen, 1830). Although it is relatively well known, it occurs very locally in Europe and has now been confirmed in two localities in the Muránska planina NP. Its larvae develop in Aster amellus, Bellidiastrum michelii, Buphthalmum salicifolium, Solidago canadensis, S. gigantea and S. virgaurea forming on their leaves large, typical and conspicuous mines (Spencer 1990); despite this fact, this species has hitherto not been found in Slovak localities where these host plants grow commonly. Phytobia carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848) also belongs among the scarcer species; its larvae mine inside young branches of Crataegus and Malus (cf. Spencer 1990). Phytomyza elsae Hendel, 1927 is another rare species hitherto only known from Central Europe, that is here added to the fauna of Slovakia. Phytomyza homogyneae Hendel, 1927 has larvae mining leaves of Homogyne alpina. Although this host plant is relatively frequent and widespread in Slovakia this interesting species is here reported from Slovakia for the first time. Also Phytomyza vilnensis Pakalniškis, 1998 is to be considered a rare species. It was described from specimens reared from larvae mining in leaves of Chaerophyllum aromaticum in Lithuania and has only recently been recorded from several localities in Hungary (Papp & Černý 2020). Its finding in the Muránska planina NP is to be considered important because it confirmed the occurrence of this little known species in a further area of Central Europe.

Most valuable localities. Judging from the occurrence of Agromyzidae the most valuable areas in the Muránska planina NP are those with well-preserved and floristically rich habitats such as humid submontane to montane meadows, shore plant communities along brooks, dense herbaceous vegetation on margins of forests and in clearings or at forest paths. For example, a very rare European species Cerodontha (Cerodontha) stackelbergi Nowakowski, 1972 (second record from Central Europe) was only found in a forest glade near Maretkina. This record represents a new southernmost occurrence limit of the species in Europe. However, the most interesting and valuable localities in the Muránska planina NP are those as follows:

(1) Havrania dolina res. with very rich flora along brooks (Figs 18, 19) and on clearings (Figs 1, 26) in spruce forest, with 74 recorded species (including those reported by Černý 2012). Among them 7 species new to the fauna of Slovakia, viz. Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) luteiceps (Hendel, 1920), Cerodontha (Poemyza) morula (Hendel, 1920), Chromatomyia periclymeni (Hendel, 1922), Galiomyza morio (Brischke, 1880), Melanagromyza zlobini Pakalniškis, 1996, Phytomyza actaeae Hendel, 1922 and Ph. homogyneae Hendel, 1927 have been found during this study. Several rare species, such as C. (Butomomyza) falcata Černý in Papp & Černý, 2016, C. (B.) mellita Spencer, 1971, Napomyza elegans (Meigen, 1830) and Ophiomyia pannonica Černý in Papp & Černý 2015 also occur in this locality.

(2) Šarkanica res., mainly the lower part of Martinova dolina valley with a humid clearing at the bottom characterized by dense lush vegetation (Figs 8, 10), with 63 recorded species, is the richest locality as regards the number of species representing new additions to the dipte- rous fauna of Slovakia Slovenska. As many as 11 such species have been found in this locality, viz. Aulagromyza luteoscutellata (de Meijere, 1924), Chromatomyia primulae (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851), Ch. scolopendri (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851), Liriomyza taurica Zlobin, 2003, Nemorimyza posticata (Meigen, 1830), Phytobia carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848), Phytomyza artemisivora Spencer, 1971, Ph. kaltenbachi Hendel, 1922, Ph. obscurella Fallén, 1823, Ph. sedicola Hering, 1924 and Ph. silai Hering, 1935. This locality also is characterized by the occurrence of scarce and local species, e.g. Cerodontha (Poemyza) alpina Nowakowski, 1967, O. pannonica Černý in Papp & Černý 2015, Phytomyza marginella Fallén, 1823 and Ph. rapunculi Hendel, 1927.

(3) Červená Skala 2.4 km SW, Trsteník valley, with a submontane peat-bog meadow characterized by a rich wetland flora (Figs 14, 15), with 46 species including 6 reported here for the first time from Slovakia, viz. Aul. luteoscutellata (de Meijere, 1924), C. (Dizygomyza)


chaixiana (Hering, 1956), Ch. luzulae (Hering, 1924), Ch. primulae (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851), Liriomyza taurica Zlobin, 2003 and L. valerianae Hendel, 1932.

(4) Close vicinity of the Muráň village (Fig. 25) including SE slopes below Muráň castle and Cigánka res. (including data by Černý 2012) with small steppe meadows and forest-steppe habitats (Figs 23, 27), with 53 recorded species, including a species described as new from the area, viz. Liriomyza muranica Černý 2012 and one first reported from Slovakia, viz. Phytomyza scotina Hendel, 1920. In Cigánka res. a rare species associated with Lilium candidum and L. martagon, viz. Liriomyza urophorina Mik, 1894, was recorded by Černý (2012); this species was also found in a flowery montane meadow in Voniaca res. (Černý 2012) and remains to be known only from these localities in Slovakia.

(5) Tisovec 3.4–3.6 km W, Teplica, with rich lush vegetation along the Furmanec brook (Fig. 11), its tributaries and adjacent springs (Fig. 13), with 47 recorded species. Ten of them are new additions to the fauna of Slovakia, viz. Agromyza felleri Hering, 1941, Ag. orobi Hendel, 1920, Aulagromyza similis (Brischke, 1880), C. (Butomomyza) falcata Černý in Papp & Černý, 2016, C. (B.) pseuderrans (Hendel, 1931), C. (B.) vigneae Nowakowski, 1967, C. (P. ) estlandica Zlobin, 1993, C. (P. ) morula (Hendel, 1920), Napomyza merita Zlobin, 1993, Phytomyza obscurella Fallén, 1823 and some others belong to sporadic taxa documenting the high value of the locality, e.g. Aul. zernyi (Hendel, 1920), Melanagromyza tripolii Spencer, 1957, Phytobia carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848), Ophiomyia pannonica Černý in Papp & Černý 2015.

(6) Muránska Lehota 3.7 km E, above Javorníčková dolina (Figs 20, 22), with rather thermophilous herbaceous undergrowth of oak-linden forest, is distinguished by the occur- rence of Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) luteiceps (Hendel, 1920) and Phytomyza elsae Hendel, 1927, both of which have formerly been unknown from Slovakia. Also Phytomyza rostrata Hering, 1934 lives in this locality but this species is also known from the Slovenký raj NP and the Slovenský kras NP (Černý 2012).

(7) Javorníková dolina res., particularly its better accessible southeastern part with rich plant communities in beech forest along a brook, hosts several interesting species, particularly Phytomyza vilnensis Pakalniškis, 1998 (first record from Slovakia) and Ph. vitalbae Kaltenbach, 1872. At the eastern margin of the reserve, in open meadow habitats along a brook, mainly more common species of Cerodontha occur, but also Melanagromyza cunctans (Meigen, 1830), M. eupatorii Spencer, 1957, Metopomyza scutellata (Fallén, 1823), Met. xanthaspis (Loew, 1858) and Phytomyza salviae (Hering, 1924) have been ascertained there.

(8) Šiance res. An interesting and rare species, Cerodontha (Cerodontha) vandalitiensis Spencer, 1965 has been found on the top plateau of the calcareous cliff in this reserve. It is a new addition to the fauna of Slovakia and is otherwise only known from a few records in Europe. However, some additional significant species have also been recorded from lower parts of the reserve near Muránska Huta, at the margin of beech forest, e.g. Phytomyza vilnensis Pakalniškis, 1998 (also first record from Slovakia) or Ph. aurei Hering, 1931.

(9) Poludnica res. is mainly interesting because of the very locally occurring species Nemori- myza posticata (Meigen, 1830).

(10) Muránska Huta 1 km NW, Bobačka cave. This locality situated near the Šiance reserve is distinguished by the occurrence of Chromatomyia periclymeni (Hendel, 1922) (first record from Slovakia) and another uncommon species, Phytomyza penicilla Hendel, 1935, both of which were swept from undergrowth of mixed forest. It is to remark, that in the vicinity of Muránska Huta also Agromyza felleri Hering, 1941, another rare species formerly unrecorded from Slovakia, has been found.


The Agromyzidae fauna of Slovakia. In spite of the fact that the fauna of Diptera of Slovakia is rather well known and relatively intensively studied, the family Agromyzidae continues to be one of the groups obviously containing a number of further taxa awaiting discovery in this country. As stressed above, this species-rich acalyptrate family was most intensively explored in the Bukovské vrchy National Park (Vála & Černý 1995), the Poľana Biosphere Reserve (Vála & Černý 2009) and now also the Muránska planina National Park (Černý 2012; present study). Currently, a total of 371 species of Agromyzidae are known from Slovakia. However, when comparing numbers of species known from all countries of Central Europe we can see that most species have been sustained from Germany (570 species), followed by the Czech Republic (490 spp.), Poland (479 spp.), Hungary (478 spp.), Austria (396 spp.) and Switzerland (395 spp.), not to mention the only 10 species known from the small and poorly studied Liechtenstein. Surely, these data are dependent upon the level and intensity of faunal surveys (and also on the size) of particular countries but indicate that at least 100 more species of this difficult but interesting family can be expected to be found in Slovakia as and when further areas of this largely montane country are studied in more detail.

Acknowledgements: We would like to thank J. Ševčík (Ostrava, Czech Republic) and M. Tkoč (Praha, Czech Republic) who enabled us to study the material they collected in the Muránska planina NP. The kind assistance of both above colleagues, and D. Kaspřák, M. Mantič and T. Sikora (all Ostrava, Czech Republic) during the field work is also much appreciated. J. Tesák and T. Ilko (Administration of the Muránska planina National Park, Revúca, Slovakia) helped with selection of localities for study in the Muránka planina NP and S. Belánová (from the same institute) kindly supplied maps of the study area. P. J. Chandler (Melksham, England, U. K.) and both reviwers are thanked for their corrections, helpful comments and other improvements of the manuscript. J. Roháček’s research and field work in the Muránska planina NP (2012–2019) was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic through the institutional financing of long-term conceptual development of a research institution (the Silesian Museum, MK000100595).

Nové nálezy druhů čeledi Agromyzidae (Diptera) z Národního parku Muránska planina (střední Slovensko)

Jsou presentovány nové nálezy vrtalek (Diptera: Agromyzidae) z Národního parku Muránska planina v regionu Gemer na středním Slovensku. Na základě prostudovaného materiálu získaného terénním výzkumem v letech 2012-2019 bylo zjištěno 166 druhů čeledi Agromyzidae, z nichž 94 je nových pro faunu této oblasti. Třicet pět druhů, Agromyza felleri Hering, 1941, A. orobi Hendel, 1920, A. seticercus L. Papp in Papp & Černý 2015, Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) luteiceps (Hendel, 1920), Aulagromyza luteoscutellata (de Meijere, 1924), Aul. similis (Brischke, 1880), Cerodontha (Butomomyza) falcata Černý in Papp & Černý, 2016, C. (B.) pseuderrans (Hendel, 1931), C. (B.) vigneae Nowakowski, 1967, C. (Cerodontha) stackelbergi Nowakowski, 1972, C. (C.) vandalitiensis Spencer, 1965, C. (Dizygomyza) chaixiana (Hering, 1956), C. (Poemyza) estlandica Zlobin, 1993, C. (P. ) morula (Hendel, 1920), Chromatomyia luzulae (Hering, 1924), Ch. periclymeni (Hendel, 1922), Ch. primulae (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851), Ch. scolopendri (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851), Galiomyza morio (Brischke, 1880), Liriomyza taurica Zlobin, 2003, L. valerianae Hendel, 1932, Napomyza merita Zlobin, 1993, Melanagromyza zlobini Pakalniškis, 1996, Nemorimyza posticata (Meigen, 1830), Phytobia carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848), Phytomyza actaeae Hendel, 1922, Ph. artemisivora Spencer, 1971, Ph. elsae Hendel, 1927, Ph. homogyneae Hendel, 1927, Ph. kaltenbachi Hendel, 1922, Ph. obscurella Fallén, 1823, Ph. scotina Hendel, 1920, Ph. sedicola Hering, 1924, Ph. silai Hering, 1935 a Ph. vilnensis Pakalniškis, 1998, je zaznamenáno poprvé na Slovensku. Studie tak doplňuje dosavadní poznatky o čeledi Agromyzidae v NP Muránska planina (viz Černý 2012), ve které je nyní známo již 213 druhů vrtalek, což je nejvyšší regionální diverzita této skupiny dosud zjištěná na Slovensku.


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Authorsʼ addresses: Miloš Černý, CZ-763 63 Halenkovice 1, Czech Republic. E-mail: [email protected]

Jindřich Roháček, Silesian Museum, Nádražní okruh 31 , CZ-746 01 Opava, Czech Republic. E-mail: [email protected]