Fast Algorithms for Hard Graph Problems: Bidimensionality, Minors
FastFast AlgorithmsAlgorithms foforr HardHard GraphGraph Problems:Problems: BidimensionalityBidimensionality,, Minors,Minors, andand (Local)(Local) TreewidthTreewidth MohammadTaghiMohammadTaghi HajiaghayiHajiaghayi CSCS && AIAI LabLab M.I.T.M.I.T. JointJoint workwork mainlymainly withwith ErikErik DemaineDemaine EDD = Erik D. Demaine, MTH = MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi ReferencesReferences FVF = Fedor Fomin, DMT = Dimitrios Thilikos ❚ EDD & MTH, “Bidimensionality: New ❚ EDD & MTH, “Fast Algorithms for Connections between FPT Algorithms Hard Graph Problems: Bidimen- and PTASs”, SODA 2005. sionality, Minors, and Local ❚ EDD & MTH, “Graphs Excluding a Fixed Treewidth”, GD 2004. Minor have Grids as Large as ❚ EDD, FVF, MTH, & DMT, Treewidth, with Combinatorial and “Bidimensional Parameters and Local Algorithmic Applications through Treewidth”, SIDMA 2005. Bidimensionality”, SODA 2005. ❚ ❚ EDD & MTH, “Diameter and Tree- EDD, MTH & DMT, “Exponential Speed- width in Minor-Closed Graph Fami- up of FPT Algorithms for Classes of lies, Revisited”, Algorithmica 2004. Graphs Excluding Single-Crossing ❚ Graphs as Minors”, Algorithmica 2005. EDD, MTH, & DMT, “The Bidimen- ❚ sional Theory of Bounded-Genus EDD, FVF, MTH, & DMT, “Fixed- Graphs”, SIDMA 2005. Parameter Algorithms for (k, r)-Center ❚ in Planar Graphs and Map Graphs”, ACM EDD & MTH, “Equivalence of Local Trans. on Algorithms 2005. Treewidth and Linear Local ❚ Treewidth and its Algorithmic EDD, MTH, Naomi Nishimura, Applications”, SODA 2004. Prabhakar Ragde, & DMT, “Approx- ❚ imation algorithms for classes of EDD, FVF, MTH, & DMT, “Subexpo- graphs excluding single-crossing graphs nential parameterized algorithms on as minors”, J. Comp & System Sci.2004. graphs of bounded genus and H- ❚ minor-free graphs”, JACM 2005. EDD, MTH, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, ❚ “Algorithmic Graph Minor Theory: Uriel Feige, MTH & James R. Lee, Decomposition, Approximation, and “Improved approximation algorithms Coloring’’, FOCS 2005.
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