Reactive Stream Processing for Data-centric Publish/Subscribe

Shweta Khare, Kyoungho An, Aniruddha Gokhale Sumant Tambe, Ashish Meena Dept of EECS, Vanderbilt University Real-Time Innovations Nashville, TN 37212, USA Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA {shweta.p.khare,,a.gokhale} {sumant,ashish}

ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has given rise to The Internet of Things (IoT) is a significant expansion of a new class of applications wherein complex data analytics the Internet to include physical devices; thereby bridging the must be performed in real-time on large volumes of fast- divide between the physical world and cyberspace. These moving and heterogeneous sensor-generated data. Such data devices or “things” are uniquely identifiable, fitted with sen- streams are often unbounded and must be processed in a sors and actuators, which enable them to gather informa- distributed and parallel manner to ensure timely process- tion about their environment and respond intelligently [8]. ing and delivery to interested subscribers. Dataflow archi- The Industrial IoT (IIoT)–distinct from consumer IoT–will tectures based on event-based design have served well in help realize critical infrastructures, such as smart-grids, in- such applications because events support asynchrony, loose telligent transportation systems, advanced manufacturing, coupling, and helps build resilient, responsive and scalable health-care tele-monitoring, etc. Industrial IoT are also applications. However, a unified programming model for called Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). They share sev- event processing and distribution that can naturally com- eral key cross-cutting aspects. First, they are often large- pose the processing stages in a dataflow while exploiting the scale, distributed systems comprising several, potentially inherent parallelism available in the environment and com- mobile, publishers of information that produce large volumes putation is still lacking. To that end, we investigate the of asynchronous events. Second, the resulting unbounded benefits of blending Reactive Programming with data dis- asynchronous streams of data must be combined with one- tribution frameworks for building distributed, reactive, and another and with historical data and analyzed in a respon- high-performance stream-processing applications. Specifi- sive manner. While doing so, the distributed set of resources cally, we present insights from our study integrating and and inherent parallelism in the system must be effectively evaluating .NET Reactive Extensions (Rx) with utilized. Third, the analyzed information must be transmit- OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS), which is a standards- ted downstream to a heterogeneous set of subscribers. In based publish/subscribe middleware suitable for demanding essence, the emerging IIoT systems can be understood as industrial IoT applications. Several key insights from both a distributed asynchronous dataflow. The key challenge lies qualitative and quantitative evaluation of our approach are in developing a dataflow-oriented programming model and presented. a middleware technology that can address both distribution and asynchronous processing requirements adequately. The distribution aspects of dataflow-oriented systems can Categories and Subject Descriptors be handled sufficiently by data-centric publish/subscribe (pub- C.2.4 [Distributed Systems]: Distributed applications; /sub) technologies [13], such as Object Management Group C.2.4 [Programming Languages]: Language constructs (OMG)’s Data Distribution Service (DDS) [19]. DDS is and features an event-driven publish-subscribe middleware that promotes asynchrony and loose-coupling between data publishers and subscribers which are decoupled with respect to (1) time Keywords (i.e., they need not be present at the same time), (2) space Reactive Programming, Reactive Extensions (Rx), Stream (i.e.,they may be located anywhere), (3) flow (i.e., data Processing, Data Distribution Service (DDS), Publish/Sub- publishers must offer equivalent or better quality-of-service scribe (QoS) than required by data subscribers), (4) behavior (i.e., business logic independent), (5) platforms, and (6) program- ming languages. In fact, as specified by the Reactive Man- ifesto [5], event-driven design is a pre-requisite for building systems that are reactive,i.e. readily responsive to incoming Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for data, user interaction events, failures and load variations- personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are traits which are desirable of critical IIoT systems. More- not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies over, asynchronous event-based architectures unify scaling bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific up (e.g., via multiple cores) and scaling out (e.g., via dis- permission and/or a fee. tributed compute nodes) while deferring the choice of the DEBS ’15 Oslo, Norway scalability mechanism at deployment-time without hiding Copyright 2015 ACM X-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX ...$15.00. the network from the programming model. Hence, the asyn- thermore, functional style of programming elegantly sup- chronous and event-driven programming model offered by ports composability of asynchronous event streams. It tends DDS makes it particularly well-suited for demanding IIoT to avoid shared mutable state at the application-level, which systems. is instrumental for multicore scalability. Therefore, there is However, the data processing aspects, which are local a compelling case to systematically blend reactive program- to the individual stages of a distributed dataflow, are of- ming paradigm with data-centric pub/sub mechanisms for ten not implemented as a dataflow due to lack of sufficient realizing emerging IIoT applications. composability and generality in the application program- In this paper we have combined concrete instances of pub- ming interface (API) of the pub/sub middleware. DDS of- /sub technology and reactive programming, to evaluate and fers various ways to receive data such as, listener callbacks demostrate our research ideas. The data-centric pub/sub for push-based notification, read/take functions for polling, instance we have used is OMG’s DDS, more specifically the waitset and read-condition to receive data from several en- DDS implementation provided by Real Time Innovations tities at a time, and query-conditions to enable application- Inc; while the reactive programming instance we have used specific filtering and demultiplexing. These primitives, how- is Microsoft’s .NET Reactive Extensions (Rx.NET) [3]. This ever, are designed for data and meta-data delivery 1 as op- paper makes the following contributions: posed to processing. Further, the lack of proper abstractions forces programmers to develop event-driven applications us- 1. We show the strong correspondence between the dis- ing the observer pattern– disadvantages of which are well tributed asynchronous dataflow model of DDS and the documented [16]. local asynchronous dataflow model of Rx. We inte- A desirable programming model is one that provides a grated the two technologies in the Rx4DDS.NET open- first-class abstraction for streams; and one that is compos- source library. The remarkable overlap between the able. Additionally, it should provide an exhaustive set of two technologies allows us to substitute one for the reusable coordination primitives for reception, demultiplex- other and overcome the missing capabilities in both, ing, multiplexing, merging, splitting, joining two or more such as the lack of a composable data processing API data streams. We go on to argue in this paper that a in DDS and the lack of interprocess communication dataflow programming model that provides the coordination and back-pressure support in .NET Rx; 4 primitives (combinators) implemented in functional program- ming style as opposed to an style 2. We present the advantages of adopting functional style yields significantly improved expressiveness, composability, 2 of programming for real-time stream processing. Func- reusability, and scalability. A desirable solution should en- tional stream abstractions enable seamless composabil- able an end-to-end dataflow model that unifies the local as ity of operations and preserve the conceptual “shape” well as the distribution aspects. of the application in the actual code. Furthermore, To that end we have focused on composable event pro- state management for sliding time-window, event syn- cessing inspired by Reactive Programming [7] and blended chronization and concurrency management can be del- it with data-centric pub/sub. Reactive programming lan- egated to the run-time which is made possible by the guages provide a dedicated abstraction for time-changing functional tenets, such as the immutable state. values called signals or behaviors. The language runtime tracks changes to the values of signals/behaviors and prop- 3. We evaluate the Rx4DDS.NET library using a publicly agates the change through the application by re-evaluating available high-speed sensor data processing challenge dependent variables automatically. Hence, the application [14]. We present the ease and the effect of introduc- can be visualized as a data-flow, wherein data and respec- ing concurrency in our functional implementation of tively changes thereof implicitly flow through the applica- “queries” running over high-speed streaming data. Our tion [21, 9]. Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) [12] dataflow programming admits concurrency very easily was originally developed in the context of pure functional and improves performance (up to 35%). language, Haskell. and has since been implemented in other languages, for example, Scala.React (Scala) [16], FlapJax (Javascript) [18], Frappe (Java) [11]. 4. Finally, we compare our functional implementation with Composable event processing–a modern variant3 of FRP– our imperative implementation of the same queries in is an emerging new way to create scalable reactive appli- C#. We highlight the architectural differences and the cations [22], which are applicable in a number of domains lessons learned with respect to “fitness for a purpose” including HD video streaming [4] and UIs. It offers a declar- of stream processing, state management, and config- ative approach to event processing wherein program specifi- urability of concurrency. cation amounts to “what” (i.e., declaration of intent) as op- posed to “how” (looping, explicit state management, etc.). The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 State and control flow are hidden from the programmers, compares our proposed solution with prior efforts; Section 3 which enables programs to be visualized as a data-flow. Fur- describes our reactive solution that integrates Rx and DDS; Section 4 reports on both our qualitative and quantitative 1Strictly, DDS API is designed for retrieving the state of an experience building a reactive solution to solve a specific case object rather than individual updates about an object study problem; and finally Section 5 provides concluding 2Microsoft Robotics Coordination and Concurrency remarks and lessons learned. Runtime (CCR) and Robot Operating System (ROS) 3without continuous time abstraction and denotation se- 4 Reactive Streams project [1], RxJava [2] support backpres- mantics sure 2. RELATED WORK lications nor are we able to determine from their site A research roadmap towards applying reactive program- whether this project is actively maintained or not. Similarly, ming in distributed event-based systems has been presented OpenDDS [27] and OpenSplice [25] describe integration of in [20]. In this work the authors highlight the key research DDS with Rx and other functional-style stream processing challenges in designing distributed reactive programming technologies. However, to the best of our knowledge, our systems to deal with“data-in-motion”. Our work on Rx4DDS- work includes the most comprehensive comparison and eval- .NET addresses the key open questions raised in this prior uation of the two technologies together. work. In our case we are integrating Reactive Programming with DDS that enables us to build a loosely coupled, highly 3. DESIGN OF THE RX4DDS.NET LIBRARY scalable and distributed pub/sub system, for reactive stream We now describe our approach to realizing Rx4DDS.NET. processing. To better understand our solution, we first provide a brief Nettle is a domain-specific language developed in Haskell, overview of DDS and Rx. We then illustrate some draw- a purely-functional , to solve the low- backs of our imperative solution implemented only using level, complex and error-prone problems of network con- DDS, which motivates the need for Rx4DDS.NET. trol [23]. Nettle uses Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) including both the discrete and continuous abstrac- 3.1 Overview of OMG DDS Data-Centric Pub- tions and has been applied in the context of OpenFlow soft- /Sub Middleware ware defined networking switches. Although the use case of Nettle is quite different from our work in Rx4DDS.NET, OMG DDS is a data-centric middleware that understands both approaches aim to demonstrate the integration of reac- the schema/structure of “data-in-motion”. The schemas are tive programming with an existing technology: we use DDS explicit and support keyed data types much like a primary where as Nettle uses OpenFlow. key in a database. Keyed data types partition the global The ASEBA project demonstrates the use of reactive pro- data-space into logical streams (i.e., instances) of data that gramming in the event-based control of complex robots [15]. have an observable lifecycle. The key reason for using reactive programming was the need DDS DataWriters (belonging to the publisher) and DataRe- for fast reactivity to events that arise at the level of physical aders (belonging to the subscriber) are endpoints used in devices. Authors of the ASEBA work argue that a central- DDS applications to write and read typed data messages ized controller for robots adds substantial delay and presents (DDS samples) from the global data space, respectively. a scalability issue. Consequently, they used reactive pro- DDS ensures that the endpoints are compatible with respect gramming at the level of sensors and actuators to process to the topic name, data type, and the QoS policies. events as close to the source as possible Our work on Rx4DDS.NET is orthogonal to the issues of 3.2 Microsoft Reactive Extensions (Rx) where to place the reactive programming logic. In our case Microsoft Reactive Extensions (Rx) [3] is a library for such a logic is placed with every processing element, such as composing asynchronous and event-based programs. Us- the subscriber that receives the topic data. ing Rx, programmers represent asynchronous data streams Prior work on Eventlets [6] comes close to our work on with Observables, query asynchronous data streams using a Rx4DDS.NET. Eventlets provides a container abstraction to library of composable functional Operators, and parameter- encapsulate the complex event processing logic inside a com- ize the concurrency in the asynchronous data streams using ponent so that a component-based service oriented architec- Schedulers. Rx offers many built-in primitives for filtering, ture can be realized. The key difference between Eventlets projecting, aggregating and composing multiple sources of and Rx4DDS.NET is that the former applies to service ori- events. Rx has been classified as a “cousin of reactive pro- ented architectures and component-based systems, while our gramming”[7] since Rx does not provide a dedicated abstrac- work is used in the context of publish/subscribe systems. Al- tion for time-changing values which can be used in ordinary though this distinction is evident, there are ongoing efforts to language expressions (i.e. automatic lifting of operators to merge component abstractions with pub/sub systems such work on behaviors/signals); rather it provides a container that we may be able to leverage component abstractions in (observable) and the programmer needs to manually extract our future work. the values from this container and encode dependencies be- style (akin to Rx) has been used tween container values explicitly (i.e. manual lifting of op- effectively in Spark Streaming [24] in the context of Lambda erators). Architecture (LA) [17] to write business logic just once using functional combinator libraries and reuse that implementa- 3.3 Challenges Manifested In Our Imperative tion for both real-time and batch processing of data. In Solution a typical LA, the batch layer maintains the master data We implemented the DEBS 2013 grand-challenge queries [14] whereas the “speed layer” compensates for the high latency in an imperative style using DDS and C#. This experience of the batch layer and also trades accuracy for speed. Busi- highlighted a number of challenges with our imperative so- ness queries represented using the functional style abstract lution which motivates our work on Rx4DDS.NET. We de- away the source of data (batch/streaming) and improve code scribe these challenges below: reuse. An ongoing project called Escalier [10] has very similar • Lack of built-in streaming constructs – We had goals as our work. Escalier provides a Scala language bind- to manually code the logic and maintain relevant state ing for DDS. The future goals of the Escalier project are to information for merging, joining, multiplexing, de-mult- provide a complete distributed reactive programming frame- iplexing and capturing data dependencies between mul- work, however, we have not yet found sufficient related pub- tiple streams of data. • Lack of a concurrency model to scale up event processing by employing multiple cores – Since DDS utilizes a single dedicated thread for a DataReader to receive an input event, there was a need to manu- ally create threads or a thread pool to exploit available cores for concurrent data processing.

• Lack of a reusable library for sliding time win- dows – A system for complex event processing typ- ically requires handling events based on different slid- ing time-windows (e.g., last one hour or one week). A reusable library for sliding time-windows which also operates with other streaming constructs is required. Figure 1: Conceptual Illustration of the In our imperative approach, we had to reinvent the Rx4DDS.NET Integration (DR = DataReader, solution every time it was needed. DW = DataWriter)

• Lack of flexibility in component boundaries – In DDS, data-writers/readers are used for publishing/- DDS supports a key field in a data type that represents a subscribing intermediate results between processing st- unique identifier for data streams defined in a topic. A data ages. However, this approach incurs overhead due stream identified by a key is called instance. If a DataReader to serialization and de-serialization of DDS samples uses a keyed data type, DDS distinguishes each key in the across the data writer-reader boundary, even if event data as a separate instance. An instance can be thought of processing blocks are deployed on the same machine. as a continuously changing row in a database table. DDS The use of data-writers/readers imposed a hard com- provides to detect instance lifecycle events including ponent boundary and there was no way to overcome Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD). Since each in- that transparently. stance is a logical stream by itself, a keyed topic can be viewed as a stream of keyed streams thereby mapping to 3.4 Rx4DDS.NET: Integrating Rx and DDS Rx’s IObservable grates .NET Reactive Extensions (Rx) framework with DDS. with a new key. Subsequently, Rx operations can be com- This solution is made available as a reusable library called posed on the newly created IGroupedObservable Rx4DDS.NET. We describe our design by illustrating the for instance-specific processing. As a result, pipelining and points of synergy between the two. data partitioning can be implemented very elegantly using In Rx, asynchronous data streams are represented using our integrated solution. Observables. For example, an IObservable produces Table 1 summarizes how various DDS concepts map nat- values of type T. Observers subscribe to data streams much urally to a small number of Rx concepts. DDS provides like the Subject-Observer pattern. Each Observer is noti- various events to keep track of communication status, such fied whenever a stream has a new data using the observer’s as deadlines missed and samples lost between DataReaders OnNext method. If the stream completes or has an error, and DataWriters. For discovery of DDS entities, the DDS the OnCompleted, and OnError operations are called, re- middleware uses special types of DDS entities to exchange spectively. IObservable supports chaining of functional discovery events with remote peers using predefined built-in operators to create pipelines of data processing operators topics. As introduced in the table, discovery events using (a.k.a. combinators). built-in topics and communication status events can be re- Some common examples of operators in Rx are Select, ceived and processed by Rx4DDS.NET API, but they are Where, SelectMany, Aggregate, Zip, etc. Since Rx has currently not implemented in our library and forms part of first-class support for streams, Observables can be passed our ongoing improvements to the library. and returned to/from functions. Additionally, Rx supports Due to the similarity in the dataflow models, Rx and DDS streams of streams where every object produced by an Ob- are quite interchangeable. Table 1 forms the basis of our servable is another Observable (e.g.,IObservable) correspond IObserver interfaces that represents the lifecycle of a data directly with DDS instances as described next. stream. These notions can be mapped directly to DDS in In DDS, a topic is a logical data stream in the global data- the form of strongly typed topics and the notion of instance space. DataReaders receive notifications when an update is lifecycle. No more (or less) information is required for a suc- available on a topic. Therefore, a topic of type T maps to cessful mapping as long as default QoS are used in DDS. Rx’s IObservable. This conceptual mapping is shown The converse is also true, however, only a subset of QoS at- in Figure 1, where the data received by a DataReader is tributes can be mapped to Rx operators as of this writing. converted into an Rx Observable which is later consumed by For example, DDS time-based filters can be mapped to Rx’s downstream query operators (represented by white squares Sample operator; Durability QoS with history maps to the in Figure 1). Replay operator. Table 1: Mapping of DDS concepts to Rx concepts DDS Concept Corresponding Rx Concept and the Rx4DDS.NET API Topic of type T An IObservable created using DDSObservable.fromTopic(...). Produces a hot ob- servable. Internally creates a DataReader. Topic of type T with key-type=Key An IObservable(keySelector) where keySelector maps T to Key. Internally uses a DataReader. Produces a hot observable. A new instance in a topic of type T An IGroupedObservable with Key==instance’s key. Notified using IObserver.take() Push new values of T using IObserver.OnNext(T). The fromTopic() and fromKeyedTopic() factories produce hot observables. Push potentially repeated values of T using IObserver.OnNext(T). The readFromDataReader() and readFromDataReader() factories produce cold observables. A transient local DataReader with IObservable.Replay(N) which caches the last N samples. history = N Hard error on a DataReader Notified using Observer.OnError(err) Entity status conditions (e.g., deadline Separate IObservable streams per entity where T is communication status types. For missed, sample lost etc.) example, IObservable. Built-in discovery topics Keyed observables for each built-in topic. For example, IObservable.Where() for filtering on sample state; New IGroupedObservable state, view state, and instance state) instance for new view state; and IObserver.Where() for content-based filtering. SELECT * in content-based filter topic IObservable.Select(elementSelector) where elementSelector maps T to * (CFT) expression FROM “Topic” in CFT expression DDSObservable.FromTopic(“Topic”) or DDSObservable.FromKeyedTopic(“Topic”) if keyed WHERE in CFT expression IObservable.Where(...) ORDER BY in CFT expression IObservable.OrderBy(...) MultiTopic (INNER JOIN) IObservable.selectMany(nestedSelector) where nestedSelector maps T to and IObservable. Other alternatives are Join, CombineLatest, and Zip Time-based filter IObservable.Sample(...)

4. EVALUATING RX4DDS.NET BASED SO- ning statistics for each player. Two sets of results – current LUTION running statistics and aggregate running statistics must be returned. Current running statistics should return the dis- This section reports on our qualitative and quantitative tance, speed and running intensity of a player, where run- experience in evaluating our Rx4DDS.NET based solution. ning intensity is classified into six states (stop, trot, low, For the evaluations we have used a case study, which we also medium, high and sprint) based on the current speed. Ag- describe briefly. gregate running statistics for each player are calculated from 4.1 Case Study: DEBS 2013 Grand Challenge the current running statistics and must be reported for four Problem different time windows: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 20 minutes and entire game duration. The ACM International Conference on Distributed Event- Query 3: Query 3 requires heat map statistics capturing based Systems (DEBS) 2013 Grand Challenge problem com- how long each player stays in various pre-defined regions of prises real-life data from a soccer game and queries in event- the field. The soccer field is divided into four grids with x based systems [14]. Although the data is recorded in a file rows and y columns (8x13, 16x25, 32x50, 64x100) and results for processing, this scenario reflects IoT use cases where should be generated for each grid type. Moreover, distinct streamed data must be processed at runtime and not as a calculations are required for different time windows. As a batch job. result, query 3 must output 16 result streams (a combination The sensors are located near each player’s cleats, in the of 4 different grid sizes and 4 time windows). ball, and attached to each goal keeper’s hands. The sen- sors attached to the players generate data at 200Hz while 4.2 Qualitative Evaluation of the Rx4DDS.NET the ball sensor outputs data at 2,000Hz. Each data sam- Solution ple contains the sensor ID, a timestamp in picoseconds, and three-dimensional coordinates of location, velocity, and ac- We now evaluate our Rx4DDS.NET based solution along celeration. The challenge problem consists of four distinct the dimensions of challenges expounded in Section 3.3 and queries that must be executed on the incoming streams of compare it qualitatively with our imperative solution for the data. Figure 2 shows the high-level view of the four query case study. components and the flow of data between them. For brevity we only describe queries 1 and 3 for which we also present 4.2.1 Automatic State Management experimental results later. Recall that the imperative approach requires additional Query 1: The goal of query 1 is to calculate the run- logic to maintain state and dependencies. For example, in Query 1

Current 1 min 5 min 20 min Whole Player Sensors (200Hz) Sensor Data Players Average Players Current Players Aggregate Running Ball Sensors Generator (50Hz) Processor (50Hz) Running Analyzer (50Hz) Analyzer (2000Hz)

Query 3 Players (50Hz) 16 streams Accumulating (4 time windows * 4 grid sizes) Players Heat Map Processor Heat Map Processor (1Hz) Ball Client (50Hz) Query 2

Current 1 min 5 min 20 min Whole

Players and Ball Player Ball Possession Players Team Ball Possession (50Hz) Processor (when possession updated) Processor

Players Ball In Field (when a hit occurs) Processor Query 4

Shot On Goal Ball Current (50Hz) Processor

Figure 2: High Level Data Flow Architecture of DEBS 2013 Grand Challenge the case study, to calculate average sensor data for a player from the sensor readings, we had to cache the sensor data for player_name = Nick Gertje each sensor id as it arrives in a map of sensor id to sensor data. If the current data is for sensor id 13, then the corre- sensor_id = 13 1 2 sponding player name is extracted and a list of other sensors also attached to this player is retrieved. Subsequently using sensor_id = 14 1 2 the retrieved sensor ids as keys, the sensor data is retrieved from the map and used to compute the average player data. sensor_id = 97 1 2 In the functional style, there is no need to store the sensor values. We can obtain the latest sample for each sensor sensor_id = 98 1 attached to the player with the CombineLatest function and then calculate the average sensor values. CombineLatest average stream operator can be used to synchronize multiple streams sensor data into one by combining a new value observed on a stream with 1 1 2 2 the latest values on other streams. In Listing 1, sensorStreamList is a list that contains ref- 1 2 2 2 erences to each sensor stream associated with sensors at- 1 1 1 2 tached to a player. For example, for player Nick Gertje with attached sensor ids (13, 14, 97, and 98), sensorStreamList 1 1 1 1 for Nick Gertje holds references to sensor streams for sen- sors (13, 14, 97 and 98). Doing a CombineLatest on sen- sorStreamList returns a list (lst in Listing 1) of latest sensor data for each sensor attached to this player. returnPlay- Figure 3: Marble Diagram of CombineLatest Oper- erData function is then used to obtain the average sensor ator values. The Marble diagram5 for CombineLatest is shown in Figure 3. the interval between the arrivals of two consecutive Player- Data samples) is calculated. Since our computation depends Listing 1: CombineLatest Operator Example Code on the previous and current data samples, we can make use List> sensorStreamList = new List>(); of the built-in Scan function and avoid maintaining previous Observable state information manually. Scan is a runtime accumulator .CombineLatest(sensorStreamList) that will return the result of the accumulator function (op- .Select(lst => returnPlayerData(lst)); tionally taking in a seed value) for each new value of source As another example of automatic state management, in sequence. Figure 4 shows the marble diagram of the Scan query 1 the current running statistics need to be computed operator. In the imperative approach, we employed the mid- from average sensor data for each player (PlayerData). The dleware cache to maintain previous state. distance traveled and average speed of a player (observed in 4.2.2 Concurrency Model to Scale-up Multi-core Event 5Marble diagrams are a way to express and visualize how the operators in Rx work. For details see http://rxwiki. Processing Rx provides abstractions that make concurrency manage- player_id = 1 2 3 4 Nick Gertje Current Running Analysis a b c d e Nick Gertje Scan a b c d (Distance and Aggregate Running Analysis a ab abc bcd cde Avg. Speed of Nick Gertje Nick Gertje)

Figure 5: Marble Diagram of Time-window Aggre- Figure 4: Marble Diagram of Scan Operator gator ment declarative, thereby removing the need to make ex- aries or points of data distribution. In fact, the points of plicit calls to create threads or thread pools. Rx has a free distribution can be chosen at deployment-time. The imper- threading model such that developers can choose to sub- ative solution often does not possess a composable dataflow- scribe to a stream, receive notifications and process data on oriented structure. Hence, more often than not, developers different threads of control with a simple call to subscribeOn tend to over-commit to various interprocess communication or ObserveOn, respectively. Delegating the management of mechanisms by hard-coding the dependency and eliminating shared state to stream operators also makes the code more the choice of an alternative mechanism. If scale-out or place- easily parallelizable. Implementing the same logic in the im- ment of these components on different machines is required, perative approach incurred greater complexity and the code then this design is desirable, otherwise overcommitment to was more verbose with explicit calls for creating and man- a specific distribution mechanism isolates the components aging the thread pools. and imposes “hard” component boundaries. The resulting In Query 1, the current running statistics and aggregate structure is very rigid and hard to co-locate efficiently. For running statistics get computed for each player indepen- example, each query processor in our imperative solution is dently of the other players. Thus, we can use a pool of a component. Moving the functionality of one into another threads to perform the necessary computation on a per- is intrusive and cannot be easily accomplished. player stream basis. In Listing 2, player streams represents a In Rx4DDS.NET, a stream of intermediate results can ei- stream of all player streams i.e., an IObservable>. Each player stream, which or can be used for local processing by chaining stream oper- is an IGroupedObservable keyed on pla- ators. The details of whether the “downstream” processing yer’s name, is then processed further on a separate thread happens locally or remotely can be abstracted away using by using ObserveOn. the Dependency Injection pattern [26]. As a consequence, component boundaries become more agile and the decision Listing 2: Concurrent Event Processing with Multi- of data distribution need not be taken at design time but threading can be deferred until deployment. player_streams.selectMany( player_stream => In our implementation, developers may choose to distribute { return player_stream data over DDS by simply passing a DDS DataWriter to the .ObserveOn(Scheduler.Default) Subscribe method. Alternatively, for local processing, a .CurrentRunningAnalysis(); Subject could be used in place of DDS DataWriter. }).Subscribe(); The choice of a Subject versus a DataWriter is configurable at deployment-time. 4.2.3 Library for Computations based on Different Table 2 summarizes the key distinctions between our im- Time-windows perative and Rx4DDS.NET based solution for the case-study One of the recurrent patterns in stream processing is to along each dimension of the challenges. calculate statistics over a moving time window. All four queries in the case study require this support for publishing 4.2.5 Program Structure aggregate statistics collected over different time windows. In The composability of operators in Rx allows us to write the imperative approach we had to reimplement the neces- programs that preserve the conceptual high-level view of sary functionality and manually maintain pertinent previous the application logic and data-flow. For example, Query state information for the same because DDS does not sup- 1 computes the AggregateRunningData for each player for 1 port a time-based cache which can cache samples observed minute, 5 minutes, 20 minutes and full game duration, as over a time-window. shown in Listing 3. Rx provides the “window abstraction” which is most com- In Listing 3, player streams is a stream of streams (e.g. monly needed by stream processing applications, and it sup- IObservable

the AggregateRunningData for each player for 1 minute, 5 If the DataReader is not fast enough, it will start buffering minutes, 20 minutes and full game durations, respectively. the incoming samples upto a pre-configured limit (including The use of Publish() and Connect() pair ensures that a sin- unlimited, as configured using History and Resource Limits gle underlying subscription to curr running stream is shared QoS) before throttling down the DataWriter in accordance by all subsequent AggregateRunning*() computations other- with the reliability protocol semantics. However, this back- wise the same CurrentRunningData will get re-computed for pressure is only limited to work across two DDS entities. each downstream AggregateRunning*() processing pipeline. Local processing stages implemented in Rx .NET do not support backpressure. Hence, if operators with unbounded buffer sizes (e.g., ObserveOn, Zip) are used then we may Listing 3: Program Structure of Query 1 player_streams.Subscribe(player_stream => observe an unbounded increase in queue lengths, arbitrarily { large response times or out-of-memory exceptions. var curr_running= Unlike Rx NET., the Reactive-Streams specification [1] player_stream .ObserveOn(ThreadPoolScheduler.Instance) implements a dynamic push-pull model for implementing .CurrentRunningAnalysis() backpressure between local processing stages. Their model .Publish(); can shift dynamically from being push-based (when the con- _ curr running.AggregateRunningTimeSpan(1); sumer can keep up with incoming data rate) to a pull-based curr_running.AggregateRunningTimeSpan(5); curr_running.AggregateRunningTimeSpan(20); model if the consumer is getting overwhelmed. The con- curr_running.AggregateRunningFullGame(); sumer specifies its “demand” using a backpressure channel to throttle the source. The producer can also use the “de- curr_running.Connect(); } mand” specifications of downstream operators to perform intelligent load-distribution. In the future, we plan to inte- 4.2.6 Backpressure grate the Reactive-Streams specification with DDS for end- to-end backpressure semantics. Integration of Rx with DDS allows us to leverage DDS QoS configurations and Real Time Publish Subscribe (RTPS) protocol to implement backpressure across the data reader- 4.3 Quantitative Evaluation of Rx4DDS.NET writer boundary. DDS offers a variety of QoS policies like To assess and compare the performance of Rx4DDS.NET Reliability, History and Resource Limits QoS policies that library with that of the imperative approach, we imple- can be tuned to implement the desired backpressure strat- mented the DEBS 2013 Grand Challenge queries in an im- egy. Reliability QoS governs the reliability of data delivery perative style using C# so that both implementations used between DataWriters and DataReaders. It can be set to C#. Specifically, we compare the performance of our imper- either BEST_EFFORT or RELIABLE reliability. BEST_EFFORT ative and Rx4DDS.NET solutions under single threaded and configuration does not use any cpu/memory resources to en- multi-threaded query implementations. All the tests have sure guaranteeded delivery of data samples. RELIABLE con- been performed on a host with two 6-core AMD Opteron figuration, on the other hand, uses ack/nack based protocol 4170 HE, 2.1 GHz processors and 32 GB RAM. The raw sen- to provide a spectrum of reliability guarantees from strict to sor stream was published by a DDS publisher by reading out best-effort. Reliability can be configured with History QoS, the sensor data file in a separate process, while the queries which specifies how many data samples must be stored by were executed in another process by subscribing to the raw the DDS middleware cache for the DataReader/DataWriter sensor stream published over DDS. Interprocess communi- subject to Resource Limits QoS settings. It controls whether cation happens over shared-memory. DDS should deliver only the most recent value (i.e., history We implemented the following strategies in the imperative depth=1), attempt to deliver all intermediate values (i.e., solution for parallelizing query execution along the lines of history depth=unlimited), or anything in between. Resource available Rx schedulers: SeparateThread, ThreadPool-Se- Limits QoS controls the amount of physical memory allo- nsorData, ThreadPool-PlayerData, NewThread-SensorDa- cated for middleware entities. If BEST_EFFORT QoS setting is ta and NewThread-PlayerData. In the SeparateThread used, the DataWriter will drop the samples when the writer strategy, SensorData is received on one thread while the side queue (queue size determined by History and Resource entire query execution is offloaded to a separate thread (all Limits QoS) becomes full. We can use this strategy to cope player streams are processed on this separate thread). The with a slow subscriber or bursty input data rates if the ap- ThreadPool-SensorData strategy offloads the received Sen- plication semantics support transient loss of data. On the sorData on a threadpool such that each player’s PlayerData other hand, if we use RELIABLE configuration, backpressure calculation and subsequent player-specific processing hap- can be supported across the data reader-writer boundary. pens on the threadpool. In the ThreadPool-PlayerData Table 3: Performance Comparison of Rx4DDS.NET over Imperative Solution

Rx Scheduler over Imperative Strategy query 1 query 1 query 3 query 3 query 1 3 query 1 3 %throughput Std. %throughput Std. %throughput Std. Dev difference Dev. difference Dev. difference Rx single-thread over Imperative single-thread -9.26 6.29 -4.3 7.3 1.19 5.67 Rx NewThread scheduler over Imperative -6.7 4.44 -8.61 2.9 -3.75 3.28 NewThread-PlayerData Strategy Rx ThreadPool scheduler over Imperative -8.73 6.55 -5.47 4.56 -5.3 6.05 ThreadPool-SensorData Strategy Rx Partitioner Eventloop over Imperative -13.87 7.04 -15.93 6.43 -10.87 3.67 NewThread-SensorData Strategy strategy, the PlayerData is calculated from SensorData on Query_1 % throughput higher/lower than single thread strategy the thread that receives SensorData from DDS; thereafter 50 40 the calculated PlayerData is offloaded to a threadpool for 30 further player specific processing. The NewThread-SensorD- 20 10 ata strategy creates a designated thread for processing each 0 player’s data. The received SensorData is dispatched to its separatethread threadpool SensorData threadpool PlayerData newThread SensorData newThread PlayerData Query_3 specific player thread, which computes that player’s PlayerD- % throughput higher/lower than single thread strategy ata and processes it further. The NewThread-PlayerData 60 strategy also creates a separate thread for processing each 40 20 player’s data. However, the PlayerData is calculated from 0 SensorData on the thread that receives data from DDS, separatethread threadpool SensorData threadpool PlayerData newThread SensorData newThread PlayerData -20 which is then dispatched to the player-specific thread for Query_1_3 % throughput higher/lower than single thread strategy further processing. 60

Figure 6 presents the performance of different imperative 40 strategies over single-threaded implementations of query_1, 20 query_3 and query_1_3 (runs both queries 1 and 3 to- 0 gether). Each query was run ten times and the error bars separatethread threadpool SensorData threadpool PlayerData newThread SensorData newThread PlayerData in the graphs denote one standard-deviation of values. For query_1, the average throughput gains per strategy over the single threaded implementation of query_1 are, respec- Figure 6: Performance of Imperative Strategies over tively, 29% for the SeparateThread strategy, 35% for the Single Threaded implementation ThreadPoolSensorData strategy, 23% for the ThreadPool- PlayerData strategy, 32% for the NewThread-SensorData strategy and 24% for the NewThread-PlayerData strategy. For query_3, the SeparateThread strategy shows an av- in a FIFO fashion; NewThreadScheduler processes each sched- erage of 40%, the ThreadPool-SensorData strategy shows uled task on a new thread; ThreadPoolScheduler processes an average of 12%, the ThreadPool-PlayerData strategy the scheduled tasks on the default threadpool while TaskPool- shows an average of 3%, the NewThread-SensorData shows Scheduler processes scheduled tasks on the default taskpool. an average of 15% and the NewThread-PlayerData strat- Apart from using ObserveOn to process each player’s Player- egy shows an average of 7% higher throughput than single- Data using a different scheduler, we also tested a variant threaded implementation of query_3. For query_1_3, the test-case named Partitioner EventLoop, wherein the in- SeparateThread strategy shows an average of 34%, the Thr- coming SensorData is de-multiplexed and offloaded onto a eadPool-SensorData strategy shows an average of 45%, the player-specific EventLoop (each player has its own EventLo- ThreadPool-PlayerData strategy shows an average of 42%, op) which will first calculate PlayerData and then perform the NewThread-SensorData strategy shows an average of further processing. This is similar to imperative NewThread- 47% and the NewThread-PlayerData strategy shows an av- SensorData strategy, wherein each player thread is also re- erage of 39% higher throughput than single-threaded imple- sponsible for calculating PlayerData from received SensorD- mentation of query_1_3. ata. To evaluate multi-threaded query implementations in our Figure 7 presents the performance of different Rx sched- Rx4DDS.NET solution, we made use of the built-in Rx sched- ulers over single-threaded implementations of query_1, quer- ulers as shown in Listing 3. ObserveOn in Listing 3 causes y_3 and query_1_3. For query_1, EventLoopScheduler each player stream(player_stream)’s data to get offloaded shows an average of 3%, NewThreadScheduler shows an on the specified scheduler and all downstream processing of average of 27%, ThreadPoolScheduler shows an average that player’s PlayerData takes place on the specified sched- of 23%, TaskPoolScheduler shows an average of 25% and uler passed to ObserveOn. Hence, in this case PlayerData Partitioner EventLoop shows an average of 25% increase gets calculated on the thread which receives data from DDS, in throughput over single threaded implementation. For but subsequent processing is offloaded to the specified Obser- query_3, EventLoopScheduler shows an average of 20% veOn scheduler. Rx offers many built-in schedulers such as lower performance, while NewThreadScheduler shows an the EventLoopScheduler, NewThreadScheduler, ThreadP- average of 3%, ThreadPoolScheduler shows an average of oolScheduler, TaskPoolScheduler, etc. for parameteriz- 2%, TaskPoolScheduler shows an average of .04% and Part- ing the concurrency of the application. EventLoopScheduler itioner EventLoop shows an average of 1% increase in per- provides a dedicated thread which processes scheduled tasks formance over single threaded implementation. For query_1- _3, EventLoopScheduler shows an average of 12%, NewThre- Query_1 (ThreadPoolScheduler) adScheduler shows an average of 32%, ThreadPoolSchedul- o/p rate i/p rate 25000 er shows an average of 33%, TaskPoolScheduler shows an 20000 average of 30% and Partitioner EventLoop shows an av- erage of 30% increase in performance over single threaded 15000

solution. 10000 Samples/sec 5000 Query_1 % throughput higher/lower than single threaded solution 0 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 30 player_id 20 Query_3 (ThreadPoolScheduler) o/p rate i/p rate 10 7000 0 6000

eventLoop newThread threadpool taskpool partitioner eventloop -10 5000 4000 Query_3 % throughput higher/lower than sinlge threaded solution 3000 20 Samples/Sec 2000 10 1000 0 0 -10 eventLoop newThread threadpool taskpool partitioner eventloop 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -20 player_id -30 Query_1_3 50 % throughput higher/lower than single thread solution 40 Figure 8: Input Vs Output data rate for 30 20 Rx4DDS.NET implementation of Query 1 and 10 Query 3 with ThreadPoolScheduler 0 eventLoop newThread threadpool taskpool partitioner eventloop

complex, requiring a fair amount of changes in the code. Figure 7: Performance of Different Rx schedulers over Single Threaded implementation eventLoop newThread threadPool partitioner eventloop taskPool 150

Query_1 processes each player’s aggregate running data 130 for all four time-windows, i.e. 1 min, 5 mins, 20 mins 110 and full-game duration, which is updated for each input PlayerData sample. Query_1 shows inherent parallelism 90 wherein each player’s data can be processed independently execution core 70 of each other in parallel. The multi-threaded implemen- Single tation of query_1 shows an increased performance with a 50 maximum performance gain of 35% over single threaded im- 30 plementation. Query_3, wherein each player’s heatmap is calculated for all four time-windows(1min, 5mins, 10mins 10 and full-game duration), also shows inherent parallelism in -10 2-cores 3-cores 4-cores 5-cores 6-cores 7-cores 8-cores 9-cores 10-cores 11-cores 12-cores that each player’s heatmap information can be calculated than higher/lower %throughput independently. However, query_3 is only required to fur- -30 nish an update after every 1 second (based on sensor times- -50 tamps) unlike query_1 which furnishes an update for each input sample. Hence in case of query_3 we find that intro- ducing parallelism imposes a greater overhead without sig- nificant performance gain. Figure 8 presents the difference Figure 9: Throughput of Rx4DDS.NET implemen- in input and output data-rates for query_1 and query_3 tation of Query 1 with different schedulers under in our Rx4DDS.NET based implementation parameterized increasing number of cores. with ThreadPoolScheduler. Table 3 compares the difference in the performance of Rx To verify whether the performance of multi-threaded query schedulers over its corresponding imperative solution strat- implementations scale with the availability of additional hard- egy. While it is expected that the Rx library will impose ware resources, we restricted the query-processor process to some overhead, it offers several advantages due to its declar- run using a specified number of available cores. Figure 9 ative approach towards system development, improved ex- shows the throughput of query 1 configured with different pressiveness and composability. Since Rx provides abstrac- Rx schedulers under increasing number of cores assigned to tions which make concurrency management declarative, test- the query-processor process. In accordance with Amdhal’s ing different concurrency options for an application requires law, we observe that the throughput of query 1 increases ini- negligible effort. By changing a few lines of code we can test tially as the number of assigned cores increases, but beyond whether introducing parallelism provides increased perfor- that we see no difference in the performance even if we keep mance gain (e.g., query 1) which is worth the added over- increasing the number of assigned cores. However, we note head or degrades it due to greater overhead (e.g., query 3). some erratic behavior in the case of EventLoopScheduler In contrast, gaining such insights by testing different imple- for 3-cores and Partitioner EventLoop for 2-cores, where mentation alternatives in the imperative approach was more the performance drops sharply and we are investigating the reason behind this. 7. REFERENCES [1] Reactive-Streams. 5. CONCLUSIONS Reactive programming is increasingly becoming impor- [2] RxJava. tant in the context of real-time stream processing for big [3] The Reactive Extensions (Rx). http://msdn. data analytics. 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