Utility Advisory Council Meeting Minutes of Meeting May 25, 2017 10:00Am – 2:30Pm
Utility Advisory Council Meeting Minutes of Meeting May 25, 2017 10:00am – 2:30pm Electrical Distribution Safety Centre for Health and Safety Innovation - 5110 Creekbank Road, Mississauga Utility Advisory Council Members Utility Alectra Utilities Jim Butler Burlington Hydro Festival Hydro Ysni Semsedini Guelph Hydro Michael Wittemund Hydro One Darren Desrosiers Hydro One - Transmission Clara Joseph Hydro Ottawa Edward Donkersteeg Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro Greig Cameron London Hydro Greg Sheil Newmarket-Tay Hydro Gaye-Donna Young Orillia Power Toronto Hydro Hani Taki Veridian Peter Petriw Government/Regulatory Ministry of Energy Vacant Ministry of Labour Vacant Ontario Energy Board Stephen Cain Safety Organizations IHSA Dean Dunn System Infrastructure Bell Canada/Telecom Industry Tony Pereira CSA Group Zahraa Al-Ali ORCGA/Excavating Industry Trades & Professions OACETT Ontario Electrical League Power Workers Union Consumers/Councils Consumer Advisory Council Joan Pajunen Industry Advisory Council Vacant Other Attendees Mary Beth Fazzari (Ministry of Government & Consumer Services), Richard Ford (Ministry of Energy), Jason Brooksbank (Hydro One Networks Inc), Mike Ploc (Peterborough Distribution Incorporated), Kathryn Farmer (Electricity Distributors Association), Tania Donovska (CSA Group), Paul Kuner (Alectra Utilities) ESA Attendees Martin Post, Jason Hrycyshyn, Farrah Bourre, Patrick Falzon, Scott Saint, Carita Edwards, Aisling O'Doherty, Kirill Leshchuk, Tatjana Dinic, Ted Olechna 1 Utility Advisory Council Meeting Minutes of Meeting May 25, 2017 10:00am – 2:30pm Electrical Distribution Safety 1 Notice & Quorum - The meeting had quorum 2 Minutes of UAC Meeting The following motion was carried: Motion: To accept the minutes of the last meeting as read Motioned by: Hani Taki Second: Edward Donkersteeg Motion carried. 3 Review of Action Items - 2013-07 - LDC notifying ESA of non LDC asset safety concern o ESA is currently working on this internally - 2013-12 - The suggestion was made that ESA could produce a guide that the utility can provide to the customer.
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