Mineralogical Studies on Manganese Dioxide and Hydroxide Minerals in Hokkaido, Japan
Title Mineralogical Studies on Manganese Dioxide and Hydroxide Minerals in Hokkaido, Japan Author(s) Hariya, Yu Citation Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy, 10(4), 641-702 Issue Date 1961-03 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/35921 Type bulletin (article) File Information 10(4)_641-702.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP MKNERALOGICAL STCIDXES ON MANGANESE g]bXCbXgDE ,AND HYDROXIDE MENERALS gN ffE(OKKAI'DO, JAPAN By Yku IEIARIyA (With 29 Text Figures, 17 Tables and 3 Plates) Contribution from the Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Faculty of Seience, Hokkaido University No. 825 CONTENTS I. Introduction,.,..,,.,,.,,.,,,,.,.,,...,,,...,,.,.,,.,.,.,,,.,,., 642 II. Geoteetonic constitution of the Island of Hokkaido ,.,..,.,,.,... 643 1. Geographieal diseribution of mang4nese deposits in Hokkaido . , 644 A. South-western Tegion .,..,.,.,.,....,,.....,..,,,,,.....,.. 644 1) Western sub-province ..,.,.,.,....,,.,,...,.,,..,..,..... 644 a) Palaeozoic deposits .,..,.,.,...,..,..,,.,.,.,,,,,..,.,.,. 645 b) Neogene Tertiary deposits .,,,.,,.,...,.,.,...,.,,.,.,., 645 2) Eastern sub-province.,..,.,.,.,...,,..,,...,.,.,,,..,.,.,. 646 B. Axia} zone.,.,,.,..,.,.,..,...,,,.....,..,,,....,....,...... 646 C. North-eastern region,.,,,.,..,,,,.,.,,,.,,...,.,,,,.,.,.,.,, 647 D. Quaternary volcanie zones .,.,.,,,.,...,..,.,..,.,,.,..,.-・・ 647 2. 0n the respeetive manganese minerals of the above described deposits ......,..,..,..,.,,...,.,.,,,,,..,.,.,.,..,..,.......
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