Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 14 (2011): 723-730 NUTRITIONAL AND ANTINUTRITIONAL EVALUATION OF WILD YAM (Dioscorea spp.) [EVALUACIÓN DEL VALOR NUTRICIONAL Y FACTORES ANTINUTRICIONALES DE Dioscorea spp. SILVESTRE] P.S. Shajeela1, V. R. Mohan2*, L. Louis Jesudas3 and P. Tresina Soris2 1PG & Research Department of Botany, St. John’s College, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu, India. 2Ethnopharmacology Unit, Research Department of Botany, V.O.Chidambaram College, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India. 3PG & Research Department of Botany, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu, India. *Corresponding Author SUMMARY RESUMEN The wild yam tubers consumed by the tribes Los tubérculos de variedades silvestres de Dioscorea Kanikkars / Palliyars of South- Eastern slopes of spp. Son consumidos por las tribus Kanikkars / Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu (Dioscorea alata, D. Palliyars de la región sur y oriental de los Ghats bulbifera var vera, D. esculenta, D. oppositifolia var Occidentales de Tamil Nadu. Dioscorea alata, D. dukhumensis, D.oppositifolia var. oppositifolia, D. bulbifera var vera, D. esculenta, D. oppositifolia var pentaphylla var. pentaphylla, D. spicata, D. tomentosa dukhumensis, D.oppositifolia var. oppositifolia, D. and D. wallichi) were evaluated for its nutritional pentaphylla var. pentaphylla, D. spicata, D. tomentosa quality. From the present investigation, it is observed y D. wallichi fueron evaluados en cuanto a su calidad that most of the wild edible yams were found to be a nutricional. Se encontró que fueron una buena fuente good source of protein, lipid, crude fibre, starch, de protein, lípidos, fibra cruda, almidón, vitaminas y vitamins and minerals. Antinutritional substances like minerales. Adicionalmente se cuantificó el contenido total free phenolics, tannins, hydrogen cyanide, total de fenoles totales libres, taninos, cianuro de hidrógeno oxalate, amylase and trypsin inhibitor activities were y oxalatos totales.
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