Creeks - Arroyo Viejo Creek Restoration Complete!

Arroyo Viejo Creek Restoration Project

COMPLETED, January 2002

THE ARROYO VIEJO Creek Restoration Project in Arroyo Viejo Park is completed. After two years of preparations and plans, project implementation began last July and was completed at the end of January 2002. Sponsored by the City of Oakland, the California Coastal Conservancy , and the Alameda County Control and Water Conservation District, the project removed failing cement structures, stabilized banks, and restored native vegetation along a 750 linear-foot stretch of creek. These changes will help to restore ecological balance and riparian , improve water quality, while enhancing public access and safety, and recreational and educational opportunities for an underserved population of East Oakland.

760 tons of concrete was removed from the creek banks and bed and crushed for reuse by Aman Environmental, a debris-recycling company. The decaying concrete walls were replaced using a variety of bio-engineering techniques. For example, trunks from non-native trees removed from the site were used to secure the creek banks in several areas. Brush layering and willow staking were also used.

A dilapidated, unsafe, concrete amphitheatre was replaced with terraced pervious seating and a stage area, made from decomposed granite, sculpted into the of the creek . Replacement of the old amphitheatre allowed room to broaden the creek which in turn helped to increase flood capacity, visibility and enhance safety, while providing a new performance space for community theatre, music and dance performances. The 4,500 cubic yards of soil removed from the banks to broaden the channel were donated to the Hayward Area Regional Park District to be used in a wetlands restoration project.

A new bridge made from iron and sustainably harvested wood, was installed to provide access across the creek, improve pedestrian circulation, and link the new pathways. Two new picnic areas near the creek were installed to encourage enjoyment of the creek area. The picnic tables and benches are made from recycled plastic.

A few finishing touches will be completed during the next few months these include fencing around newly planted areas, installation of garbage and recycling receptacles and BBQs at the picnic areas near the creek.

There will be a watershed festival and celebration of the completion of the project on Earth Day, Saturday, April 20, 2002 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Arroyo Viejo Park.

For more information about the project, download a Fact Sheet (.pdf, 52k).

For more pictures of the restoration project in progress, see our Picture Gallery .