(Anisoptera: Gomphidae) Phyllogomphoides Composed of 45
Odonatologica 30(4): 451-456 December 1, 2001 Phyllogomphoideslitoralis Belle: description of the final instar larva (Anisoptera: Gomphidae) ² O. Müller ¹ and F. Suhling 1 Birkenweg 6d, D-15306 Libbenichen, Germany 2 Zoologisches Institut, Technische Universitat Braunschweig, FasanenstraBe 3, D-38092 Braunschweig, Germany Received August 8, 2000 / Revised and Accepted January 20, 2001 Description and illustrations arepresented, based on material from the Republic of Panama, reared in the laboratory. INTRODUCTION The genus Phyllogomphoides Belle, 1970 is composed of 45 species in the neotropical region (COSTA et al., 1999). The larvae are typical stream-dwellers, usually inhabiting shady forest streams and rivers (e.g. BELLE & QUINTERO ARIAS, 1992). The larvae of 14 species are hithertoknown (see NEEDHAM, 1904, 1940; NEEDHAM & WESTFALL, 1955; BELLE, 1970; NOVELO-GUTIERREZ, COSTA ofthese from Central North 1993; RAMIREZ, 1996; et al., 1999), eight or America. Three species, P. appendiculatus (Kirby), P. insignatus Donnelly and P. litoralis Belle, occur in Panama (BELLE & QUINTERO ARIAS, 1992; DONNELLY, 1992). P. litoralis was recorded at only two sites in Panama: the male holotype in Chiriqui province (BELLE, 1984) and two larvae collected in Panama province, W of the PanamaCanal (SUHLING, 1999), whichshallbe describedhere. DESCRIPTION Material. — Two exuviae (reared in thelab), El Valle, Republic ofPanama, 5/6-III-1998 (cf. SUHLING, The male identified 1999). was according to FORSTER (1999), and verified by J. Belle. General. — Exuviae enlarged at middleand tapering caudad (Fig. la); total length 33.1 mm. 452 O. Muller & F. Suhling — Head. Wider than long, maximumwidth5.5 mm, with threeocelli. Antennae 4-jointed (Fig. 1c, d), the third largest and much longer than wide (length : width ratio = 1.52: 0.43 mm), ventrally slightly flattened; the fourth smallest (length : width ratio = 0.26; 0.09 mm); length of the antennomeres (in mm): 0.41,0.17,1.52, 0.26.
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