Noelle Stevenson,Sanford Greene | 112 pages | 24 Dec 2015 | Marvel Comics | 9780785198826 | English | New York, United States Runaways: Battleworld (Volume) - Comic Vine

Black Widow stages a Black Widow stages a daring jailbreak from a South American prison! In the middle of an alien uprising, will Captain Marvel defy the Avengers and side with the underdogs? The 's most exciting action heroes continue their adventures! Black Widow discovers a deadly Black Widow discovers a deadly plot that spans the entire globe! Captain Marvel sets out to find the real reason behind the resettlement of Rocket Girl's people! Marvel discovers Brute Force. Wreckless the bear! Soar the eagle! Surfstreak the dolphin! Hip Hop the kangaroo! And Lionheart And Lionheart the, uh, lion! They're the cybernetically-enhanced protectors of the environment, Brute Force! And they're fighting to save the Earth, whether you asked them to or The award-winning animator behind Dexter's Laboratory, Samurai Jack and Hotel Transylvania brings his visionary talents On the mean streets of Harlem, shoes are big, shirts are large, bottoms are belled and crime is rampant! But in the heart Champions Vol. Because the world needs heroes, they are the Champions! Viv Vision! And the Totally Awesome Hulk! They're young and idealistic, and their movement is gathering pace -but the newly minted Champions will get a harsh Cloak and Dagger: Runaways and Reversals. Catch up with Marvel's newest television sensations, Cloak and Dagger, as they walk the line I hadn't read anything else from those other characters like Jubilee, Pixie, Cloak and Dagger, but I liked their interaction. Aug 26, Emily rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novels , superheroes , , young-adult. Oct 12, Scott rated it liked it. It wasn't great, but it ultimately proved to be better than I expected it to be from the first issue. Oct 09, Venus Maneater rated it did not like it Shelves: comics. Hysterical, over-the-top, ridiculous. Hate the rubber faces, hate the ridiculous dialogue. Wanted to dip myself in Runaways again, but this isn't scratching that itch. Dec 30, Murphy rated it it was amazing Shelves: five-stars , marvel , reviewed. After seeing how many of my favorite characters were in this comic I immediately purchased it and thankfully it lived up to my hopes. Since it's part of the Secret Wars the events that happen in this short series aren't really in line with the rest of the Marvel universe and the characters may not be the same versions as the ones we're familiar with, but it's the dynamics between them that cause reading each issue to be enjoyable. If you don't mind disconnecting from typical canon and you aren't After seeing how many of my favorite characters were in this comic I immediately purchased it and thankfully it lived up to my hopes. If you don't mind disconnecting from typical canon and you aren't a person usually annoyed by teenage characters, you'll probably have a good time reading this, I definitely did. Nov 28, Cassie-la rated it liked it Shelves: reads. Much like Thors, the new Runaways series really has nothing on the original Runaways, dreamed up by Brian K. Vaughan and later helmed by Joss Whedon. While I appreciated that Noelle Stevenson and crew continued to bring diversity into the series, it fell sort of flat. Dec 15, Tiferet rated it it was amazing Shelves: comics. Queer girls! Bloody battles! More queer girls! Mar 09, Blythe Penland rated it it was amazing. I thought this graphic novel was an amazing Secret War. I wish there was more because only four issues was not nearly enough, but maybe their brevity is what made them so good. I'll be honest, the only reason I read Battleworld was because I was under the impression that it was part of the Runawa I thought this graphic novel was an amazing Secret War. I'll be honest, the only reason I read Battleworld was because I was under the impression that it was part of the Runaways series. And it sort of is since it's got Molly and the plotline is a group of teenagers finding out their authority figures were evil and then running away. Basically the same premise, but still extremely well-written. Not sure what exactly who Doom was or why the world is in the crapper, but context wasn't necessarily needed because the characters defined the story. I liked that each new character we were introduced to was given a little green placard to explain who they were and what they could do. I hadn't seen the pairing of Jubilee and Sanna coming, but after all the tension between them, it kind of put me at ease. I was sad to see Pixie killed, but now Molly can be a Night Witch, at least. It was weird to see Ty and Tandy's powers switched, and also them being siblings. Kind of threw me off, but they were still awesome per usual. I'm not clear on why you would have a Final Exam for students every year where they have to kill each other. I'm not sure that that roots out the weakest or the disobedient. I thought the addition of the Supervision Unit, Emily, was nice. It was sad to see Sanna stay behind, but that's what made her with Jubilee all the more sweet. I shipped Delphyne and Amadeus. Valeria Von Doom was an interesting character. She's the headmaster of the school and is somehow a genius and the daughter of Lord Doom, but she still is obviously a child. She was bragging to Bucky about how she lost a tooth. I mean, what the heck? I was proud of Tandy for teleporting most of the Runaways. She was stronger than she thought, even if she had Cloak's powers. I felt bad for Amadeus when they found out that his parents had been killed by Lord Doom. Delphyne sacrificing her arm for Amadeus was crazy brave, but kind of ironic that Bucky was the one who did it. Fortunately, she had the power to grow it back. Tandy and Ty broadcasting to the whole school was brilliant and hilarious. I was glad to see that some of the kids had been saved from a life or a death at the institute. I love that Molly appointed Ty as general. He's good at giving orders. Bucky letting the Runaways go was the best thing ever. In that moment, I was so proud of the Winter Soldier from knowing right and wrong. The worst part, however, was his death that resulted from his disobedience. And the scene with Valeria trying to stop the units from killing Bucky was heartbreaking. She obviously cared for him a lot and, after all, she is just a little girl. Molly is always a great comic relief. When all the Runaways start to pair up, Molly asks Skaar if he's going to get gooshy and they fistbump. And I am living. Molly has a new bestie that will protect her and I couldn't be happier. So, overall, one of my favorite comics and I would highly recommend it to everyone. Jun 04, Fizzgig76 rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novels-and-trade-paperbacks. When a fight breaks out in the halls before the exams a group of students find themselves thrust together as a team…and are about to uncover a big secret about the Institute and what passing their test really means. The issues feature art by Sanford Greene and Noelle Stevenson. I read a lot of the Runaways on their first run. The series was fun, funny, and even shocking at points. Battleworld: Runaways goes more along the lines of fun despite having deaths , and it features a hodgepodge of characters pulled from multiple areas. The comic book moves at a lightning pace. With so much going on, the character relationships seem left behind and that was always a joy of the Runaways and teen books in general. Like a lot of weird team books, there are good characters in this book. It is a good combo that seems a bit wasted. The back-up issue of Secret Wars: Secret Love is kind of fun. It is a anthology issue with a bunch of short stories which tie in to some of the other Secret Wars books and parts of it were reprinted in other collections. It is working under a tight schedule being a limited series that has to be finished by the time Secret Wars is finished. I like books with teens since teens build natural drama, but if you enjoy Runaways, you should probably stick to the originals. Nov 06, Eli rated it really liked it Shelves: , marvel-comics. I didn't expect this to be that good because the average rating is about a 3. I haven't read Secret Wars yet but I'm slightly familiar with the plot and I understand for the most part what kind of world Battleworld is, so I thankfully didn't go in blind. But this is only my second time reading about the Runaways. And judging from some of the other reviews, these aren't the original Runaways either. But they're still likable in that shallow, "there are a lot of I didn't expect this to be that good because the average rating is about a 3. But they're still likable in that shallow, "there are a lot of young characters here so let's reveal what we can about each of them" way. And the Doom academy they were in was interesting enough. I think my favorite part was the diversity. It's honestly not super diverse, but they do have some significant non-white American characters and LGBT characters. I love seeing that in comics because it makes me feel like progress is being made in one of my absolute favorite genres superheroes. The Runaways issues were good and I would like to continue their story. The brief issues in the back about Daredevil, Ms. Overall, I really liked this. Mar 04, K rated it really liked it Shelves: for-the-girls , graphic-novels. Augh, of course I managed to pick up a series that's just started and only has one published volume! This is not to be confused with the other Runaways Deluxe, Vol. From my uneducated view of all things comics, this appears to be an alternate universe where Dr. Doom does, in fact, rule the world. Children with superpowers are enrolled in his special school and trained to be completely loyal to Doom. Every year, there is a test that determines if a student gets to contin Augh, of course I managed to pick up a series that's just started and only has one published volume! Every year, there is a test that determines if a student gets to continue at the school or is asked to leave. A misfit group of freshmen are shocked to learn that the test is actually a method of having the students kill each other off, to cull the weak and give cover to Doom killing off unloyal subjects. When they realize what's happening, they first seek to run away from the school, then eventually return to try to free their fellow students. Feb 21, Craig Fisher rated it it was amazing Shelves: graphic-novels. This was wonderful. Fun, cool and any number of other positive adjectives. Read it. I love Molly and the only character I would be happier to see is the long deceased Gertrude back with her beloved Old Lace. Calling this Runaways was the only disappointment, Jubilee, Amadeus Cho, Cloak and Dagger are all cool, but not effective replacements. The shift from expectation to printed page was a bit jarring. Once I got used to the basic premise though, this comic has everything. A perfect, self contained, original story with a dramatic premise and plenty of well reaslised characters. Jul 06, Abigail Pankau rated it liked it Shelves: graphic- novels. So now they must Runaway. This was fun! Sep 26, Villain E rated it liked it Shelves: comics , superheroes. Of the original Runaways, only shows up in this book. A bunch of teenage characters from different realms attend the Victor Von Doom Institute For Gifted Youths which should have been called Battleschool or University of Doom where final exams can be fatal. So some of them run away. For one issue. Then they go back. Also included is Secret Wars: Secret Love which are cute little slice-of-life stories in alternate universes in which no one is actually engaged in any kind of Of the original Runaways, only Molly Hayes shows up in this book. Also included is Secret Wars: Secret Love which are cute little slice-of-life stories in alternate universes in which no one is actually engaged in any kind of secret love. Oct 22, Sarah rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. A short Battleworld story about a group of young people trying to run away from the Doom school when they find out a terrible truth. So not the original Runaways unfortunately, although it does include Molly Hayes and a fun cast of characters, has a decent plotline unlike the later Runaways stories honestly , and has a punch to the gut at the end. Feels very cut short, one-shot spin-off though and at times somewhat rushed. Jul 10, Sarah Snyder rated it it was ok. Nov 13, Azul Swan rated it really liked it Shelves: comics. Another Battleworld and another mixed bag. First off, Stevenson's dialogue is great. She has a great handle on young characters. The plot in this was a little too scattered and had too many holes. I also wish it was actually a book featuring the Runaways. Greene's art was good but at times too sketchy. Nov 25, Jesse rated it it was amazing Shelves: marvel. It was great! They took the runaways concept and placed it into a completely different scenario. Battle Royale meets the breakfast club. The character choices were great, I'm so glad jubilee was a major character. And the gayness was wonderful! Ginger haze did real good by this book. Top notch. Apr 05, Connor rated it liked it Shelves: owned. No connection to the previous Runaways view spoiler [except for Molly Hayes hide spoiler ] or really any Marvel characters view spoiler [except maybe for Valeria Richards hide spoiler ]. All the characters that share names with regular Marvel characters act kind of differently than normal. RUNAWAYS BATTLEWORLD TPB - Runaways - Marvel - Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks - Comic Books

In a land beset by magic and monstrosity, they seek a new and seductive evil- not witchbreed, but deal-making Faustians, who View Product. A- Force Presents Vol. Prepare for excitement and action as Marvel's most spectacular heroes continue their adventures! Black Widow's Black Widow's quest for atonement takes a dark and mysterious turn! Will Captain Marvel survive on the front lines of a war on an alien world? The Marvel heroes everyone is talking about continue their epic adventures! Black Widow stages a Black Widow stages a daring jailbreak from a South American prison! In the middle of an alien uprising, will Captain Marvel defy the Avengers and side with the underdogs? The Marvel Universe's most exciting action heroes continue their adventures! Black Widow discovers a deadly Black Widow discovers a deadly plot that spans the entire globe! Captain Marvel sets out to find the real reason behind the resettlement of Rocket Girl's people! Marvel discovers Brute Force. Wreckless the bear! Soar the eagle! Surfstreak the dolphin! Hip Hop the kangaroo! And Lionheart And Lionheart the, uh, lion! They're the cybernetically- enhanced protectors of the environment, Brute Force! And they're fighting to save the Earth, whether you asked them to or The award-winning animator behind Dexter's Laboratory, Samurai Jack and Hotel Transylvania brings his visionary talents On the mean streets of Harlem, shoes are big, shirts are large, bottoms are belled and crime is rampant! But the new class doesn't react so well when they discover that the school's beloved headmaster is actually a diabolical super villain! Final exams are looming at Battleworld's Institute for Gifted Youths - of course, Battleworld's equivalent of a final exam is a brutal deathmatch between students! Faced with harsh lessons and an even harsher truth, the students take to the road - and end up in the Wild West domain of ! The Winter Soldier is hot on their tail, but who cares because Molly Hayes totally gets a cowboy hat. Maybe some making out! Definitely some death! The Runaways can't run forever, and the end of the road is approaching! Product Tags Add Your Tags:. Related Products. My Cart. You have no items in your shopping cart. Community Poll. Marvel HeroClix: Secret Wars - Battleworld | HeroClix

But the new class doesn't react so well when they discover that the school's beloved headmaster is actually a diabolical super villain! Final exams are looming at Battleworld's Institute for Gifted Youths - of course, Battleworld's equivalent of a final exam is a brutal deathmatch between students! Faced with harsh lessons and an even harsher truth, the students take to the road - and end up in the Wild West domain of ! The Winter Soldier is hot on their tail, but who cares because Molly Hayes totally gets a cowboy hat. Maybe some making out! Definitely some death! The Runaways can't run forever, and the end of the road is approaching! Product Tags Add Your Tags:. Related Products. My Cart. You have no items in your shopping cart. Community Poll. That's my growing realization with a lot of these Secret Wars books Sep 26, Artemy rated it it was ok Shelves: comics , marvel , marvel-secret-wars. Not something I would expect from someone who wrote awesome Lumberjanes. It has some cute moments, but overall this was just not a very good read. Jul 24, Adam Stone rated it liked it Shelves: superhero-comics , marvel-secret-wars. Friends are made, alliances are forged, betrayal, love, blah blah blah blah blah. The school is run by a waaaaaaaaaaaay out of c A fairly average Secret Wars title, this book reads more like or Avengers Arena than Runaways. The school is run by a waaaaaaaaaaaay out of character Valeria Richards, aka Doom's daughter in this universe, and she is unrecognizable in this book. Instead of one of the smartest people in the world, trying to figure out her "father's" plans like she does in the main book, she's just a bratty evil placeholder here. It's not terrible. Sanford Greene 's art looks great though I'm not a fan of the color blocked page concept , and the story isn't completely without charm. But it's only connection to the actual Runaways books is Princess Powerful. And instead of running away from parents, like the rebellious characters from the actual Runaways books, they're running away from a school that's trying to kill them, which, you know, makes sense. But doesn't make them runaways. Jul 29, nae rated it liked it Shelves: read-in , comics. I think it was a nice story about Runaways, but I had the silly idea that it was about the original Runaways, though it wasn't I enjoyed the new characters, and couldn't fully understand why was Molly the only original. But still it was the best because Molly is one of my favorites. The story itself has some flaws but i think it also has some great moments and the best part was the characters, some of them have a nice development and some others had a rushed one. I didn't feel like I was reading t I think it was a nice story about Runaways, but I had the silly idea that it was about the original Runaways, though it wasn't I enjoyed the new characters, and couldn't fully understand why was Molly the only original. I didn't feel like I was reading the Runaways just because the impact of the reason why they're running away wasn't the same as in the original series. But I did enjoyed some of the humor in there and as I said before the new characters were also good. I hadn't read anything else from those other characters like Jubilee, Pixie, Cloak and Dagger, but I liked their interaction. Aug 26, Emily rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novels , superheroes , , young-adult. Oct 12, Scott rated it liked it. It wasn't great, but it ultimately proved to be better than I expected it to be from the first issue. Oct 09, Venus Maneater rated it did not like it Shelves: comics. Hysterical, over-the-top, ridiculous. Hate the rubber faces, hate the ridiculous dialogue. Wanted to dip myself in Runaways again, but this isn't scratching that itch. Dec 30, Murphy rated it it was amazing Shelves: five-stars , marvel , reviewed. After seeing how many of my favorite characters were in this comic I immediately purchased it and thankfully it lived up to my hopes. Since it's part of the Secret Wars the events that happen in this short series aren't really in line with the rest of the Marvel universe and the characters may not be the same versions as the ones we're familiar with, but it's the dynamics between them that cause reading each issue to be enjoyable. If you don't mind disconnecting from typical canon and you aren't After seeing how many of my favorite characters were in this comic I immediately purchased it and thankfully it lived up to my hopes. If you don't mind disconnecting from typical canon and you aren't a person usually annoyed by teenage characters, you'll probably have a good time reading this, I definitely did. Nov 28, Cassie-la rated it liked it Shelves: reads. Much like Thors, the new Runaways series really has nothing on the original Runaways, dreamed up by Brian K. Vaughan and later helmed by Joss Whedon. While I appreciated that Noelle Stevenson and crew continued to bring diversity into the series, it fell sort of flat. Dec 15, Tiferet rated it it was amazing Shelves: comics. Queer girls! Bloody battles! More queer girls! Mar 09, Blythe Penland rated it it was amazing. I thought this graphic novel was an amazing Secret War. I wish there was more because only four issues was not nearly enough, but maybe their brevity is what made them so good. I'll be honest, the only reason I read Battleworld was because I was under the impression that it was part of the Runawa I thought this graphic novel was an amazing Secret War. I'll be honest, the only reason I read Battleworld was because I was under the impression that it was part of the Runaways series. And it sort of is since it's got Molly and the plotline is a group of teenagers finding out their authority figures were evil and then running away. Basically the same premise, but still extremely well-written. Not sure what exactly who Doom was or why the world is in the crapper, but context wasn't necessarily needed because the characters defined the story. I liked that each new character we were introduced to was given a little green placard to explain who they were and what they could do. I hadn't seen the pairing of Jubilee and Sanna coming, but after all the tension between them, it kind of put me at ease. I was sad to see Pixie killed, but now Molly can be a Night Witch, at least. It was weird to see Ty and Tandy's powers switched, and also them being siblings. Kind of threw me off, but they were still awesome per usual. I'm not clear on why you would have a Final Exam for students every year where they have to kill each other. I'm not sure that that roots out the weakest or the disobedient. I thought the addition of the Supervision Unit, Emily, was nice. It was sad to see Sanna stay behind, but that's what made her reunion with Jubilee all the more sweet. I shipped Delphyne and Amadeus. Valeria Von Doom was an interesting character. She's the headmaster of the school and is somehow a genius and the daughter of Lord Doom, but she still is obviously a child. She was bragging to Bucky about how she lost a tooth. I mean, what the heck? I was proud of Tandy for teleporting most of the Runaways. She was stronger than she thought, even if she had Cloak's powers. I felt bad for Amadeus when they found out that his parents had been killed by Lord Doom. Delphyne sacrificing her arm for Amadeus was crazy brave, but kind of ironic that Bucky was the one who did it. Fortunately, she had the power to grow it back. Tandy and Ty broadcasting to the whole school was brilliant and hilarious. I was glad to see that some of the kids had been saved from a life or a death at the institute. I love that Molly appointed Ty as general. He's good at giving orders. Bucky letting the Runaways go was the best thing ever. In that moment, I was so proud of the Winter Soldier from knowing right and wrong. The worst part, however, was his death that resulted from his disobedience. And the scene with Valeria trying to stop the units from killing Bucky was heartbreaking. She obviously cared for him a lot and, after all, she is just a little girl. Molly is always a great comic relief. When all the Runaways start to pair up, Molly asks Skaar if he's going to get gooshy and they fistbump. And I am living. Molly has a new bestie that will protect her and I couldn't be happier. So, overall, one of my favorite comics and I would highly recommend it to everyone. Jun 04, Fizzgig76 rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novels-and-trade-paperbacks. When a fight breaks out in the halls before the exams a group of students find themselves thrust together as a team…and are about to uncover a big secret about the Institute and what passing their test really means. The issues feature art by Sanford Greene and Noelle Stevenson. I read a lot of the Runaways on their first run. The series was fun, funny, and even shocking at points. Battleworld: Runaways goes more along the lines of fun despite having deaths , and it features a hodgepodge of characters pulled from multiple areas. The comic book moves at a lightning pace. With so much going on, the character relationships seem left behind and that was always a joy of the Runaways and teen books in general. Like a lot of weird team books, there are good characters in this book. It is a good combo that seems a bit wasted. The back-up issue of Secret Wars: Secret Love is kind of fun. It is a anthology issue with a bunch of short stories which tie in to some of the other Secret Wars books and parts of it were reprinted in other collections. It is working under a tight schedule being a limited series that has to be finished by the time Secret Wars is finished. I like books with teens since teens build natural drama, but if you enjoy Runaways, you should probably stick to the originals. Nov 06, Eli rated it really liked it Shelves: , marvel-comics. I didn't expect this to be that good because the average rating is about a 3. I haven't read Secret Wars yet but I'm slightly familiar with the plot and I understand for the most part what kind of world Battleworld is, so I thankfully didn't go in blind. But this is only my second time reading about the Runaways. And judging from some of the other reviews, these aren't the original Runaways either. But they're still likable in that shallow, "there are a lot of I didn't expect this to be that good because the average rating is about a 3. But they're still likable in that shallow, "there are a lot of young characters here so let's reveal what we can about each of them" way. And the Doom academy they were in was interesting enough. I think my favorite part was the diversity. It's honestly not super diverse, but they do have some significant non-white American characters and LGBT characters. I love seeing that in comics because it makes me feel like progress is being made in one of my absolute favorite genres superheroes. The Runaways issues were good and I would like to continue their story. The brief issues in the back about Daredevil, Ms. Overall, I really liked this. Mar 04, K rated it really liked it Shelves: for-the-girls , graphic-novels. Augh, of course I managed to pick up a series that's just started and only has one published volume! This is not to be confused with the other Runaways Deluxe, Vol. From my uneducated view of all things comics, this appears to be an alternate universe where Dr. Doom does, in fact, rule the world. Children with superpowers are enrolled in his special school and trained to be completely loyal to Doom. Every year, there is a test that determines if a student gets to contin Augh, of course I managed to pick up a series that's just started and only has one published volume! Every year, there is a test that determines if a student gets to continue at the school or is asked to leave. A misfit group of freshmen are shocked to learn that the test is actually a method of having the students kill each other off, to cull the weak and give cover to Doom killing off unloyal subjects. When they realize what's happening, they first seek to run away from the school, then eventually return to try to free their fellow students. Feb 21, Craig Fisher rated it it was amazing Shelves: graphic-novels. This was wonderful. Fun, cool and any number of other positive adjectives. Read it. I love Molly and the only character I would be happier to see is the long deceased Gertrude back with her beloved Old Lace. Calling this Runaways was the only disappointment, Jubilee, Amadeus Cho, Cloak and Dagger are all cool, but not effective replacements. The shift from expectation to printed page was a bit jarring. Once I got used to the basic premise though, this comic has everything. A perfect, self contained, original story with a dramatic premise and plenty of well reaslised characters. Jul 06, Abigail Pankau rated it liked it Shelves: graphic- novels. So now they must Runaway. This was fun! Sep 26, Villain E rated it liked it Shelves: comics , superheroes. Of the original Runaways, only Molly Hayes shows up in this book. A bunch of teenage characters from different realms attend the Victor Von Doom Institute For Gifted Youths which should have been called Battleschool or University of Doom where final exams can be fatal. So some of them run away. For one issue. Then they go back. Also included is Secret Wars: Secret Love which are cute little slice-of-life stories in alternate universes in which no one is actually engaged in any kind of Of the original Runaways, only Molly Hayes shows up in this book. Also included is Secret Wars: Secret Love which are cute little slice-of-life stories in alternate universes in which no one is actually engaged in any kind of secret love. Oct 22, Sarah rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. A short Battleworld story about a group of young people trying to run away from the Doom school when they find out a terrible truth.

Runaways: Battleworld (Trade Paperback) | Comic Issues | Comic Books | Marvel Faced with harsh lessons and an even harsher truth, the students take to the road - and end up in the Wild West domain of ! The Winter Soldier is hot on their tail, but who cares because Molly Hayes totally gets a cowboy hat. Maybe some making out! Definitely some death! The Runaways can't run forever, and the end of the road is approaching! Product Tags Add Your Tags:. Related Products. My Cart. You have no items in your shopping cart. Community Poll. Who's better Marvel or DC? Marvel DC Vote. Michael Fiffe writer and illustrator ,. Felipe Smith writer and illustrator ,. Jeremy Whitley Goodreads Author ,. Marguerite Bennett ,. Katie Cook writer and illustrator ,. Val Staples illustrator ,. Gurihiru illustrator ,. Kris Anka illustrator. The best and brightest teens from all corners of Battleworld are chosen to attend a prestigious school on the planet's capital! But what does the new class do when they discover the school's beloved headmaster is actually a diabolical super villain? Get A Copy. Paperback , pages. More Details Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Runaways , please sign up. This looks amazing!!! Louie FYI- Runaways 1 is free on ComiXology right now, if you want to see how it all started and get a feel for the characters. See all 3 questions about Runaways…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Runaways: Battleworld. Dec 18, Paul E. Morph rated it liked it Shelves: comics-read-in Just for the sake of variety, here is a review of this book written by my wife, who has not read the book. Take it away, darlin': This is a documentary book which helps the reader to learn various different ways of wearing a cape, pashmina or, indeed, scarf. Once you have read this book, you will know the secret qualities hidden within your spandex wardrobe items. Read this if you like seeing people, you know, like, in the middle of running, because you can't actually see them running, you just s Just for the sake of variety, here is a review of this book written by my wife, who has not read the book. Read this if you like seeing people, you know, like, in the middle of running, because you can't actually see them running, you just see them in the middle of it. They might eat a burger; we don't know; but they'll be hungry because of all the standing still running. It's possible there's some goodies, some baddies and probably some OKies. I doubt there's a banana in this story but I'm hopeful. There's a lot of, like, un-coloured in bits so you could colour them in yourself Unless it's digital, in which case, no. The characters are in the book so don't shake it too hard or they might fall out. Full stop. Don't go changin'. Y'all come back now, y'hear! The end. This review has been brought to you by the letters Z and Z and Z and the number Z. Thanks, Hun. My wife's review has as much to do with this book as this book has to do with the original Runaways series. The only connection is that Molly Hayes is in it. Well, an alternative universe version of her anyway. If you're a big fan of the Hunger Games and all its YA brethren you'll either love this book for being more of the same or hate it for being a rip-off. It just made me feel old, to be honest. It was OK. View all 5 comments. Sep 25, Sesana rated it it was ok Shelves: comics , superhumans. Sadly disappointing. I loved Runaways, but this miniseries has very little to do with that. In fact, only one of the characters from Runaways Molly appears at all, which feels like a waste. I've only see one other Runaways alum in these Secret Wars miniseries so far, and this seemed like a natural use. There's a pet velociraptor just waiting to be used, people. The actual cast used is Cloak and Dagger, Pixie, Jubilee, and then several characters I've never heard of before plus Sadly disappointing. Cloak and Dagger, Pixie, Jubilee, and then several characters I've never heard of before plus Amadeus Cho, a character who I just don't find the least bit appealing. Bucky and Valeria also play small but important parts, but they both felt kind of off to me. At any rate, this miniseries just entirely failed to get the same feel as the original Runaways series, maybe because there wasn't enough time to develop it, maybe because there's little enough time actually running away, and maybe because running away from boarding school just doesn't have the same emotional depth as running away from your own parents. In a miniseries as short as this, the middle shouldn't feel quite so much like padding. It isn't all bad. The original scenario that causes the brief rebellion is fairly well done, and there's one halfway interesting romance. But it's just way too little to hang the whole miniseries on. I really wanted this one to be better than this. View 2 comments. Good story. Nice continuation of the spirit of the Runaways comics. I do wish the series was longer. That's my growing realization with a lot of these Secret Wars books Sep 26, Artemy rated it it was ok Shelves: comics , marvel , marvel-secret-wars. Not something I would expect from someone who wrote awesome Lumberjanes. It has some cute moments, but overall this was just not a very good read. Jul 24, Adam Stone rated it liked it Shelves: superhero-comics , marvel-secret-wars. Friends are made, alliances are forged, betrayal, love, blah blah blah blah blah. The school is run by a waaaaaaaaaaaay out of c A fairly average Secret Wars title, this book reads more like Avengers Academy or Avengers Arena than Runaways. The school is run by a waaaaaaaaaaaay out of character Valeria Richards, aka Doom's daughter in this universe, and she is unrecognizable in this book. Instead of one of the smartest people in the world, trying to figure out her "father's" plans like she does in the main book, she's just a bratty evil placeholder here. It's not terrible. Sanford Greene 's art looks great though I'm not a fan of the color blocked page concept , and the story isn't completely without charm. But it's only connection to the actual Runaways books is Princess Powerful. And instead of running away from parents, like the rebellious characters from the actual Runaways books, they're running away from a school that's trying to kill them, which, you know, makes sense. But doesn't make them runaways. Jul 29, nae rated it liked it Shelves: read-in , comics. I think it was a nice story about Runaways, but I had the silly idea that it was about the original Runaways, though it wasn't I enjoyed the new characters, and couldn't fully understand why was Molly the only original. But still it was the best because Molly is one of my favorites. The story itself has some flaws but i think it also has some great moments and the best part was the characters, some of them have a nice development and some others had a rushed one. I didn't feel like I was reading t I think it was a nice story about Runaways, but I had the silly idea that it was about the original Runaways, though it wasn't I enjoyed the new characters, and couldn't fully understand why was Molly the only original. I didn't feel like I was reading the Runaways just because the impact of the reason why they're running away wasn't the same as in the original series. But I did enjoyed some of the humor in there and as I said before the new characters were also good. I hadn't read anything else from those other characters like Jubilee, Pixie, Cloak and Dagger, but I liked their interaction. Aug 26, Emily rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novels , superheroes , , young-adult. Oct 12, Scott rated it liked it. It wasn't great, but it ultimately proved to be better than I expected it to be from the first issue. Oct 09, Venus Maneater rated it did not like it Shelves: comics. Hysterical, over-the-top, ridiculous. Hate the rubber faces, hate the ridiculous dialogue. Wanted to dip myself in Runaways again, but this isn't scratching that itch. Dec 30, Murphy rated it it was amazing Shelves: five-stars , marvel , reviewed. After seeing how many of my favorite characters were in this comic I immediately purchased it and thankfully it lived up to my hopes. Since it's part of the Secret Wars the events that happen in this short series aren't really in line with the rest of the Marvel universe and the characters may not be the same versions as the ones we're familiar with, but it's the dynamics between them that cause reading each issue to be enjoyable. If you don't mind disconnecting from typical canon and you aren't After seeing how many of my favorite characters were in this comic I immediately purchased it and thankfully it lived up to my hopes. If you don't mind disconnecting from typical canon and you aren't a person usually annoyed by teenage characters, you'll probably have a good time reading this, I definitely did. Nov 28, Cassie-la rated it liked it Shelves: reads. Much like Thors, the new Runaways series really has nothing on the original Runaways, dreamed up by Brian K. Vaughan and later helmed by Joss Whedon. While I appreciated that Noelle Stevenson and crew continued to bring diversity into the series, it fell sort of flat. Dec 15, Tiferet rated it it was amazing Shelves: comics. Queer girls! Bloody battles! More queer girls! Mar 09, Blythe Penland rated it it was amazing. I thought this graphic novel was an amazing Secret War. I wish there was more because only four issues was not nearly enough, but maybe their brevity is what made them so good. I'll be honest, the only reason I read Battleworld was because I was under the impression that it was part of the Runawa I thought this graphic novel was an amazing Secret War. I'll be honest, the only reason I read Battleworld was because I was under the impression that it was part of the Runaways series. And it sort of is since it's got Molly and the plotline is a group of teenagers finding out their authority figures were evil and then running away. Basically the same premise, but still extremely well-written. Not sure what exactly who Doom was or why the world is in the crapper, but context wasn't necessarily needed because the characters defined the story. I liked that each new character we were introduced to was given a little green placard to explain who they were and what they could do. I hadn't seen the pairing of Jubilee and Sanna coming, but after all the tension between them, it kind of put me at ease. I was sad to see Pixie killed, but now Molly can be a Night Witch, at least. It was weird to see Ty and Tandy's powers switched, and also them being siblings. Kind of threw me off, but they were still awesome per usual. I'm not clear on why you would have a Final Exam for students every year where they have to kill each other. I'm not sure that that roots out the weakest or the disobedient. I thought the addition of the Supervision Unit, Emily, was nice. It was sad to see Sanna stay behind, but that's what made her reunion with Jubilee all the more sweet. I shipped Delphyne and Amadeus. Valeria Von Doom was an interesting character. She's the headmaster of the school and is somehow a genius and the daughter of Lord Doom, but she still is obviously a child. She was bragging to Bucky about how she lost a tooth. I mean, what the heck? I was proud of Tandy for teleporting most of the Runaways. She was stronger than she thought, even if she had Cloak's powers. I felt bad for Amadeus when they found out that his parents had been killed by Lord Doom. Delphyne sacrificing her arm for Amadeus was crazy brave, but kind of ironic that Bucky was the one who did it. Fortunately, she had the power to grow it back.

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