IV. The Secret of Strategy Is the Human Spirit

WHY CHOOSE SLAVERY? and America as a Principle by Dennis Speed

Feb. 19—Once again, as with the recent case of liar When the American people allow themselves to be “Little Dickie” Durbin’s “Trump said it, and I heard it!” “bamboozled” by British intelligence, or are merely Haiti whopper, Americans are being intentionally de- fully unaware victims, themselves, of some British-or- flected by their national Fake News media from over- chestrated foreign or domestic policy hustle perpetrated turning the coup against the Presidency of the United against them and their nation, there is often a fatal price States. As one saying has it, “whenever the media is that innocent people pay—whether that be in Iraq, Af- pushing a big story, find the story they are trying to dis- ghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, or Parkland High School, tract you from.” The Mueller “dev- Florida. Tens, perhaps hundreds astating indictment” of thirteen of thousands of Americans today Russians who will never stand are dying from self-inflicted inju- trial, itself based on a three-year- ries, whether through suicide, old story that has nothing to do death by opioids, or other means, with the Presidency, is distracting apart from shootings, including from the now increasingly abun- mass shootings. More American dant evidence that nearly everyone lives are needlessly squandered in in the Mueller investigative team is opioids-addiction-related deaths being revealed to be—where they each year—59,000 in 2016 are not shown to be directly guilty alone—than the United States of high crimes against the Consti- lost in the entirety of the Vietnam tution—at least criminally incom- War. petent. This is because the United This is evidenced by the FBI’s States, through the ongoing ille- nonfeasance with respect to Flori- gal insurrection against the Trump da’s Parkland High School mass Presidency, is being kept from shooting. Governor Scott of Flor- National Archives/George K. Warren giving its own citizens, in particu- Frederick Douglass, ca. 1879. ida, sensing the mood of white-hot lar its youth, a productive future rage building among the parents of by working together with the the victims and the state’s citizenry as a whole, cor- nation of China, and with Vladimir Putin’s Russia, in rectly called for the resignation of FBI Director Chris- what is called “the Belt and Road Initiative.” topher Wray, whose agency appears to be too busy pro- A remedy is urgently required; it is also available. tecting criminals in its midst, now shown to be working There must be a change in the American mind-set, a on behalf of British and “American Tory” interests return to the characteristic “anti-colonial” mind-set of against the President, to protect the American people revolutionary thinking that Benjamin Franklin, Alexan- through even the most rudimentary police work. der Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Doug-

44 Join with LaRouche EIR February 23, 2018 lass, among others, represented. the mind of the thinker, but also in The true, abiding national pur- the non-cognitive domain of non- pose of the United States, to pro- human nature, both living and vide for the promotion of the nonliving. The American Consti- General Welfare so that, through tution, which Frederick Douglass the improvement in the capacity ruthlessly defended against all de- of the sovereign individual citizen tractors, whether Confederate or to participate in the advancement abolitionist, in its Preamble’s ref- of the nation’s physical and cog- erence to ourselves and our poster- nitive growth, his increasing free- ity, established the perfecting of dom of thought and action be- the future, “a more perfect union,” comes the indispensable natural as both the task and the birthright resource by means of which the of all, regardless of lineage or eth- “more perfect American union” is nicity. Oligarchy, whether repre- achieved—this purpose must be sented by a king, slave-master, again taught, that it again become banker, or anyone else, was de- New York Historical Society known. Frederick Douglass spised and rejected. To be an To do this requires a society American is to fight, continuously devoted to the never-ending in- and relentlessly, until all citizens crease of the capacity of the individual, not to merely of one’s nation know that they, also, must not only “have more,” but rather to know more and to do more, have the right, but also earn the responsibility, to be in order to be more. To that end, EIR presents here the productively creative. April 2001 article by Lyndon LaRouche, entitled “The America is not merely a place. It is not a “geo-stra- Tragedy of U.S. Education: Shrunken Heads in Amer- tegic territory.” America is the process of continuous, ica Today.” never-ending perfection of the knowledge of the “physical principle” of self-government, as embodied From the Mountaintop in Gouverneur Morris’ phrase “a more perfect union.” In the very beginning of his article, LaRouche dis- All people, and only people, that are dedicated to that tinguishes between seeing the world from “inside-out” principle, are Americans. That is how Abraham Lin- and “bottom-up,” rather than seeing the world from the coln, Frederick Douglass, Ulysses Grant, and associ- “top-down.” LaRouche insists that the individual can, ated defenders of the Constitution, invented the and must, locate the meaning of his or her individual modern United States through a second American life, and therefore the mind, from the standpoint of, not Revolution, employing the then just-created Republi- mere “in the flesh” present-tense self-interest, but as a can Party for that purpose. That is why Franklin great Classical writer or composer would, in one’s Delano Roosevelt in 1932 posthumously recruited “after the flesh” future self-interest. Abraham Lincoln to the Democratic Party, calling his This requires an “education of the emotions” to policy, not a “New Reconstruction,” but a “New qualify that individual to engage in the passionate dis- Deal.” covery and invention of new physical principles for To this end, the example of Frederick Douglass changing mankind’s self-government of the future. demonstrates that there is no human being that cannot There is no “present time” as is commonly thought, defy the most adversely compelling circumstances of which is why there are no “current events”; these are even a constrained, imprisoned existence, to success- mere shadows, distractions intended to frighten the en- fully shape the course of all world history, even perhaps slaved cave dwellers chained to their various electronic in his lifetime, both in ways he or she can and cannot devices. There is only future history, including our know. Slavery as a mental condition must needs yield to future view of the past. “freedom” as a mental condition—a transformation For the world-historical individual, such as an that Douglass discusses as having happened as soon as Albert Einstein, a Beethoven, or a Frederick Douglass, he had learned to read. the idea of the future is a physical existent, not only in Douglass’ role in speaking out for freedom for the

February 23, 2018 EIR Join with LaRouche 45 Irish people in a trip he made to that nation in 1845, at ick Douglass is still thought of as an appendage to that the age of 27; his break with the anti-Constitution Second American Revolution, rather than a central, if Boston abolitionists, particularly William Lloyd Garri- still unacknowledged, leader of it. As a result, Doug- son, and later his break with John Brown on the eve of lass has suffered nearly the fate of Cassius Marcellus the Harpers Ferry raid; and his recruitment of over Clay, a far more important anti-slavery figure in Amer- 180,000 African-American men (and some women) to ican History than John Brown or William Lloyd Gar- fight for the Union, the Republic and the Constitution, rison, and who has been “disappeared from the books” were mere indicators of his greatness. He was the deci- because of his role in the emancipation of both Rus- sive factor, in personally demonstrating, by his very ex- sian serfs and American slaves, in a joint, international istence, not only the absurdity of the “congenital inferi- anti-British Empire project that American Ambassa- ority” of the African—a “sales pitch” that LaRouche dor Clay and Lincoln carried out with Russia’s Czar thoroughly documents was invented by the Venetian Alexander II. Both Douglass and Clay were excep- Empire. Douglass also demonstrated the perfectibility tional, successful American revolutionary fighters of the Constitution of the United States, in his relation- who acted on principle, named the right enemy, served ship with Abraham Lincoln. the American Presidency rather than smaller interests, Though they at times disagreed, their political inter- and won. section between the years 1856 and 1865—through the then-revolutionary project known as “the Republican ‘Agitate! Agitate! Agitate!’ Party,” and then the Lincoln Presidency, which became Douglass’ fiery, often dangerous, denunciations of the “Second American Revolution” in effect—was the slavery were polemical presentations to primarily embodiment of the “more perfect Union” of the Consti- “white” audiences that often, when most successful, tution’s Preamble, written by anti-slavery advocate emptied the room. The following account appeared in Gouverneur Morris of New York in 1789. the New York Sun’s edition of May 12, 1848: “Frederick Douglass said that after an anxious and Blacked-Out History careful investigation into causes of the continuance of It is unfortunate that the campaign to extirpate slavery in the land, he found that it was caused by too American history in general, including the extensive much religion. The people were too reverential God- “original source writings” of that history’s own major ward to be honest man-ward. There were hundreds of actors, from the United States educational curriculum churches in all directions, full of men and women over particularly the past 80 years, has also derailed the paying homage to God and exhibiting great piety. If heroic but limited efforts by serious historians such as any one of these churches were asked for a place of Benjamin Quarles, Carter G. Woodson, Joel Augustus meeting, the answer would be that they were for God to Rogers, James Weldon Johnson, and the James Ander- use. The poor Southern slaves, with their backs stream- son cited by LaRouche in his article. ing with blood and their hearts burning with the love of African-American History Month was never in- liberty, had no chance to arrest the sympathies of these tended to be permanent by those who originally pro- sanctimonious parties. After giving the names of sev- posed it. Now, with the disappearance of Lincoln’s eral Methodist Episcopalian clergyman who were birthday (February 12) and Washington’s birthday slaveholders—women whippers—he inquired, was (February 22) from the calendar, combined with the not his assertion correct? Why he continued, it is a no- containment of the “Negro/Black/ African-American torious fact that men were sold to build churches— History Month” campaign of many decades, one won- women were sold to pay the expenses of missionar- ders whether it might not be better, as a counter-assault ies—and children were sold to buy Bibles. to the British coup, to declare this present February Episcopalians, the Presbyterians, Universalists, Uni- “Blacked-Out History Month” and start a campaign to tarians, and the Methodists, are all in connection with re-introduce all of the real, non-British filtered, revolu- and abettors of slavery. The American church is a tionary history of this nation to its youth and the broader brotherhood of thieves (great confusion, excitement, population. hissing and cheering). Because of the general erasure of that literary “What is the man who seized the babe from the record from the minds of even the majority of Ameri- mother’s breast and sells it into slavery, but a thief and ca’s history teachers, despite the best efforts, Freder- a robber,—and did not these churches which tolerated

46 Join with LaRouche EIR February 23, 2018 such an act partake of the crime? Were they not thieves and robbers? (The speaker here had recourse to mimicry which he appeared to be a complete master of. He had some popular pulpit orator in his mind’s eye; for nearly 1/2 the audience laughed outrageously, while the other half started on their feet to go away.) Whilst the ladies and gentlemen were moving towards the door in a very exciting mode, the lec- turer addressed them thus— Suppose you yourselves were black, and that your sisters and brothers were in slavery, sub- ject to the brutality and the lash of the atrocious tyrant who Soldiers from the 54th Massachusetts. knew no Mercy—suppose, I say, that you were free, and that your dearest and near- but growing hotter every moment as it advanced . . . It est relatives were in the condition that the Southern was a great time for anti-slavery, and a hard time for slaves are, and that the church sanctioned with infamy, slavery; the one delighting in the sunshine of free dis- would you not feel as I do? There is no use in being of- cussion, and the other horror-stricken at its God-like fended with me, I have a right to address you. There is approach.” no difference, except of color, between us. And as I By the time he had nearly reached Ireland, how- said four years ago, I say now, I am your brother— ever, Douglass’ debating partners were more than (cheers and laughter)—yes I am, and although you merely irate. They “actually got up a mob—a real may pass me by as you will, and cut me and despise American, republican, democratic, Christian mob . . . me, I’ll tell everyone that I meet, that I am your brother. The clamour went on long after I ceased speaking. It (Cheers and laughter.)” was only silenced by the captain, who told the mob- Douglass insisted on organizing everywhere he ocrats if they did not cease their clamour, he would went, and in every waking minute he could devote to it, have them put in irons; and he actually sent for the because his physical freedom could be taken from him irons, and doubtless would have made use of them, at any time. Even in his 1845 voyage across the Atlan- had not the rioters become orderly. Such is but a faint tic, Douglass also took the opportunity to advocate, outline of an American mob on board of a British and to “agitate, agitate, agitate!” against slavery. In a steam packet.” letter to abolitionist (and anti-Constitution northern se- Douglass’ emphasis on freeing oneself through the cessionist) William Lloyd Garrison, he wrote the fol- agency of reading and education, and on the vigorous, lowing: polemical, and often inconvenient exercise of that edu- “Dear friend Garrison: thanks to a kind Providence, cation on behalf of the cause of freedom, illustrates I am now safely in old Ireland, in the beautiful city of something said by LaRouche in “Shrunken Heads”: Dublin. . . . I know it will gladden your heart to hear “Those who enjoy the right to a Classical humanist that from the moment we first lost sight of the Ameri- form of education, or its functional equivalent in self- can shore, till we landed at Liverpool, our gallant education, are implicitly free; those who lack that edu- steam-ship was the theater of an almost constant dis- cation, are assuredly inviting, if not already suffering cussion of the subject of slavery—commencing cool, the conditions imposed upon virtual human cattle, even

February 23, 2018 EIR Join with LaRouche 47 the conditions of slavery.” the internal standard for the Douglass was born into best of those legislators, both slavery in Maryland, and African-American and other- through self-education made wise. himself a writer, publicist and The comprehension and national conscience. His son, use of the Constitution’s Pre- Lewis Henry Douglass, was amble, as though it were seen born free in Massachusetts, from the standpoint of what joined the 54th Massachu- physicist Bernard Riemann setts Infantry Regiment in called a “thought-mass”— March of 1863, became a Ser- Geistesmasse—was the sub- geant Major, the highest rank jectively creative machine- then allowed for an African- tool which Douglass wielded American, saw combat and in a way that only Abraham was wounded, and after the Lincoln understood from the war became a teacher for the same “top-down” outlook. Freedmen’s Bureau. Doug- That, and only that, will be the lass’s grandson, Joseph Dou- basis upon which today’s glass, born in 1871, was a re- American citizens, who would nowned concert violinist Library of Congress not willingly be “fooled all the who performed at the World Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) is shown here with his time,”—slavishly snookered Columbian Exposition in grandson, concert violinist Joseph Douglass. by the constant British intelli- Chicago in 1893, also at- gence operations run against tended by his grandfather and poet Paul Laurence their Presidency—would educate themselves, with the Dunbar. Joseph Douglass was also the first violinist assistance of EIR, to defend it. of any ethnicity to record for the Victor Talking Ma- chine Company, later called RCA Victor. From the bull-whip seized from the slave-breaker, The Civil War to the Union army-issued rifle, to the violin—that is a And the chart, of sorts, of the progress of perfecting the Union, American between the years 1818 and 1893. These “machine System tools” found in the hands of the Douglass generations America’s between 1830 and 1880, show the efficiency of prog- Battle with Britain, ress brought about, both in his own family, and in the 1860-1876 whole United States, through the self-educated mind of By W. Allen Salisbury Frederick Douglass. Utilizing a rich selection Further, the election of hundreds of African- of primary-source American former slaves, most of them veterans of the documents, Salisbury 1861-65 War to Restore the Union, to hold public reintroduces the office throughout the South from particularly 1868 forgotten men of the Civil War-era battle for through 1876, would only have been possible because the American System. of the personal response of America’s Union veterans Together with Abraham to the cause of freedom to which they had been re- Lincoln, they demanded cruited by Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass’s industrial-technological progress, against the British “free trade” economists and the British-dominated collaboration. In the aftermath of Lincoln’s assassina- Confederacy. tion and with the strong support of President Ulysses Downloadable PDF $15.00 Grant, it was Douglass’ quarter century of warrior ad- 1-800-278-3135 vocacy of the Constitution and his educated agitation that preceded those Reconstruction-era elections that substantially shaped the subjective mind-set and set

48 Join with LaRouche EIR February 23, 2018