BIAWAK Quarterly Journal of Varanid Biology and Husbandry Volume 4 Number 2 ISSN: 1936-296X On the Cover: Varanus obor Varanus obor is the most recent species of monitor lizard to be described from Indonesia. Discovered by Weijola and Sweet (2010. A new melanistic species of monitor [Reptilia: Squa- mata: Varanidae] from Sanana Island, Indone- sia. Zootaxa 2434: 17-32.), V. obor also repre- sents the most recently described member of the V. indicus complex. Data and observations on its natural history and ecology are included within the species description. The specimens depicted on the cover and inset of this issue were photographed by Valter Wei- jola on Sanana Island, Maluku, Indonesia on 28 March and 3 April 2009. The specimen depicted on the cover and to the left was observed around 1600 h in a coastal Sago area of northeastern Sanana. The specimen depicted below was first observed foraging in coastal vegetation, but as- cended a coconut palm when it noticed the ob- server. BIAWAK Quarterly Journal of Varanid Biology and Husbandry Editor Editorial Review ROBERT W. MENDYK MICHAEL J. BALSAI Center for Science Teaching and Learning Department of Biology, Temple University 1 Tanglewood Road Philadelphia, PA 19122, US Rockville Centre, NY 11570, US
[email protected] [email protected] BERND EIDENMÜLLER Griesheimer Ufer 53 Associate Editors 65933 Frankfurt, DE
[email protected] DANIEL BENNETT School of Biology, Leeds University MICHAEL FOST Leeds LS2 9JT, UK Department of Math and Statistics
[email protected] Georgia State University Atlanta, GA 30303, US MICHAEL Cota
[email protected] Thailand Natural History Museum, National Science Museum, RUston W.