
Computer Science : Open Source

Haines, Nathan Beginning for Windows and Mac Users Start your Journey into Free and Open Source Software

Ideal for anyone who wants to get started with Free and Open Source Software - all you need is a laptop Written by Ubuntu expert Nathan Haines, active member of the Ubuntu community with vast knowledge on all aspects of Ubuntu This completely updated second edition includes all the latest features of Ubuntu and considerations to make for future developments Discover how to get the most out of Ubuntu for work, home, and play. Learning a new Apress operating system can feel daunting, especially if you're used to Windows or OS X. If you've been afraid to try Ubuntu because you don't know where to start, this book introduces you to a 2nd ed., XIX, 196 p. 131 2nd illus., 130 illus. in color. wide selection of software and settings that will make your computer ready to work for you. edition You'll see how Ubuntu can make your computing life easy. In addition to a tour of Ubuntu's modern and easy-to-use interface, you'll also learn how Ubuntu's Software Updater keeps all of your software secure and up-to-date. Browsing the Internet becomes faster and safer. Creating Printed book documents and sharing with others is built right in. Enjoying your music and movie libraries Softcover helps you unwind. Ubuntu is the world’s third most popular operating system and powers desktop and laptop computers, servers, private and public clouds, and embedded devices. Printed book There's never been a better time to install Ubuntu and move to an open source way of life. Softcover Completely updated for this exciting second edition, Beginning Ubuntu for Windows and Mac ISBN 978-1-4842-2999-6 Users will help you start your journey into Free and Open Source Software with Ubuntu 16.04 £ 24,99 | CHF 35,50 | 29,99 € | LTS. What You'll Learn Understand the advantages of Ubuntu and its variants—, 32,99 € (A) | 32,09 € (D) , and more Install Ubuntu on its own or alongside your computer's existing operating Available system Search Ubuntu's catalog of thousands of applications—all ready to install with a single Discount group click Work with files and disks that were created with Windows and OS X Run simple, Standard (0) interesting tasks and games using the command line Customize Ubuntu in powerful ways and Product category get work done with virtual machines Who This Book Is For Anyone who wants to move to using an open source operating system. Professional book Other renditions Softcover Order online at springer.com/booksellers Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH ISBN 978-1-4842-3001-5 Customer Service Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 69121 Heidelberg Germany T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 [email protected]

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