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2 0 17 F R a Nk F U R T H Ig H L Ig H 2017 FRANKFURT HIGHLIGHTS International Literary & Film Agency 54. Enrico Pandiani 91. Elio Modigliani/ FICTION Bestselling series feat. Chief Vanni Puccioni Mordenti Tra i tagliatori di teste 4. Ernesto AloiaNew Gemelli 56. Enrico Pandiani 92. Wolf Schäfer Lezioni di tenebra Dark Words Plus Winds of Change 6. Kae BaharNew Ivan Letters from a Kurd 58. Enrico Pandiani Troppo Piombo 96. Elio ToaffNew Perfidi ebrei, fratelli maggiori 8. Dimitar Baševski The Circle 60. Enrico Pandiani Les Italiens 98. Terence Ward New Baio Turning a Blind Eye 10. StefanoIvan BonBaio I SEGRETI DI TWILIGHTNew La ragazza che andò all’inferno 62. Paola Presciuttini manca bio manca La mannaia 100. Terence Ward bio manca bio New THE SECRETS OF TWILIGHTSearching for Hassan 12. Alex Boschetti mancaUn interminabile bio manca inverno 64. Paola Presciuttini The TwilightTrotula saga tied to the fascinating 104.theme Terence of the Ward bio manca bio Etruscan mysteries for the very first time.The GuardianA suggestive of Mercy 14. Shay CharkaNew mancaJudissea bio manca itinerary through66. Aleksandar the evocative Prokopiev sceneries of ancient bio manca bio Tuscany. Homunculus manca16. Giorgio bio manca Dell’Arti New Bibbia pagana The author takes us on a trip through Tuscany, through the settings bio manca bio 68. Idanna PucciNew manca bio manca of Twilight, andThe through Trials of Mariathe deep Barbella and mysterious reasons that 18. Laura FreudenthalerNew Diebio Königin manca schweigt bio brought a young writer from rainy Seattle to write about the ancient city of Volterra.70. In Idanna Twilight, Pucci anNew old story is told once again. A tale manca bio manca The Island That Is No More 20.bio Iris manca Hanika bio about the religions of the woods, about the trees and the wild Treffen sich zwei manca bio manca beasts that are72. actually Francesca spirits; Riario about Sforza the dark side of men who can Io, Caterina 22.bio Iris manca Hanika bio turn into wolves and other beasts, who can travel through the land Wie dermanca Müll geordnet bio wirdof shadows and crave to be immortal. 74. Marco RovelliNew La guerriera dagli occhi verdi 24. Nenad Joldeski Each With Their Own Lake“The evening shadows fall like veils of dark silk, on the woods, on 76. Monique Schwitter the white roads,Eins onim Andernthe hills, on the green, gold, lavender rectangles 26. Ivan D. KafalloNew At the Mercy of Madnessof the fields.” 78. Georgij Zotov “The Tuscan Apocalypsecountryside Welcome looks like it has been painted, field by 30. Abdullah KhanNew Patna Blues field, by the Masters of the Renaissance. It looks like paintings, it’s reality.” 34. Gertraud Klemm NON-FICTION Aberland pp. 220 LITERARY 36. Gertraud KlemmNew 80. Roberto Brunelli Erbsenzählen Angela Merkel 38. Oshrat KotlerNew Ija Mia! 81. Emanuele Coco Il circolo elettrico delle sirene 40. Yigal Leykin Una vita qualunque 82. Lauretta ColonnelliNew New 50 quadri. Che tutti conoscono. 42. Emanuela Mascherini Davvero? Alice senza meraviglie 83. Marco De AngelisNew 44. Gharbi M.Mustafa Filosofia per tutti. Manifesto FICTION What Comes with the Dust filosofico per il popolo europeo Goes with the Wind New New 84. Daniel Haber 48. Sacha Naspini Les surprises de l’economie Le case del malcontento Rights sold d’Israël 50. Gheula Nemni 88. Raphael Luzon Canarutto Italy Tramonto libico (Non) si può avere tutto CONTENTS ANTHROPOLOGY|ADVENTURE Tunué, 2006 New New 89. Goenawan Mohamad 52. Yinon Nir In Other Words The Last Soldier NON-FICTION Rights IL GIOCO DELLO SPECCHIO F|5 Rightssold sold IO & DAVIDE ItalyItaly MIRROR PLAY sold DAVID & I ItalyPiemmeBompiani Rizzoli Rise and fall of a king of the tv screen. Film A cyber-age thrilling novel about the Internet, capitalism,Orlando is beautiful cyber-security and desirable. and Sincecollective he was behaviours an adolescent, that standshe has always between used Mr.Robot his perfect and body 13 for Reasons money and Why for diggingambition inwithout the shadows any principle, of our till he era finally with reaches a literary the touch “throne” and of a reflectingfamous tv programme. on the quest for identity in our contemporary, Accompaniedalways connected by an ambiguous world. companion, his friend Davide, the new King will ride success following a script written for him. OneBut themorning path thatin mid-September Orlando will have of 2008, to follow the 50-year-oldis full of obstacles Marcoand temptations: Limo, watching fleeting TV reportone night on thestands, resounding alcohol bankruptcy and drug ofabuse, Lehman moving Brothers’ in a corrupt business world, bank, grotesque recognizes and the absurd Italian- Americansituations, Greg existential Lamberti conflicts among and his newly-dismisseda dreadful and unspeakable employees. Fortypast that years returns earlier, to in haunt that uncertain him. phase in childhood dissolving Atinto the adolescence, end of his journey, Greg lived Orlando in Italy will and witness, the two in were live the broadcasting,protagonists of the an fallobscure of all hisand delusive incoherent certainties episode, and, and inhave ansince ending lost touch. permeated But when with Gregself-destructive is framed by raving, the cameras, he will be it’s Ernesto Aloia consumedfor Marco as just if forty like oneyears of had the notproducts passed. he The advertises. temptation to look for the friend is irresistible. When they finally meet, for him it is as was born in Belluno pp. 156 in 1965, but has if the bubble of caution, mental reserves and hypocrisy in which always lived and he almost unconsciously found himself living, breaks into pieces. worked in Turin. For Prior to Lehman Brothers, Greg was among the founders Minimum Fax he has “…cleverof Numenor, under a every software aspect…his house style that leaves after you9/11 with developed your publishedMauro Marcialis two short mouthcounterterrorism open” surveillance programs for the US government; storyborn anthologies:in Rome in 1972, Marco is a former bank employee who has justAltervista founded Kleos, Chiis a si senior ricorda internal di Peter an agency that deals with laundering its clients web reputation. Szoke?revenue (2003) officer and in Greg has a dream, Marco has long since no dreams anymore, and SacraReggio fame Emilia, dell’oro his maybe that’s why he can not resist to the proposal of his friend: (2006). For Rizzoli, using the structure of Numenor’s old software, Kleos to develop Ernesto adoptive home town. Aloia heThis has is publishedhis second I the embryonic version of a new “deep-action” social network. LITERARY compagninovel, after di La fuoco The launch of Twins, the new platform, is a planetary success: andStrada for Minimumdella Violenza having a profile, or rather a “projection”, becomes a major obligation Fax(Street Paesaggio of Violence con among the younger ones. Twins quickly modifies collective Incendio.– Colorado noir, behaviors and lifestyles. Marco and Greg have succeeded, they TheMondadori, disenchanted 2006). managed to achieve a common dream. But when, on a summer mood of some morning, the corpse of twenty-four-year-old Milena is found, after descriptions and the she jumped from the sixth floor, the entire scenario begins to widespread sense change rapidly. of disillusion could pp. 291 evoke the name of the French Michel FICTION Houellebecq, as well as Jonathan Franzen’s and Don DeLillo’s works. All Rights F|7 Rights sold IOLETTERS & DAVIDE FROM A KURD Italyavailable Piemme DAVID & I ON SEPTEMBER 25TH A INDEPENDENCE REFERENDUM FOR IRAQI KURDISTAN RiseWAS HELD and HIfallS HA ofS BEENa kingA MILE ofS theTONE tvIN screen.URDISH HISTORY AND ITS ECHO Film . T K WILL RESONATE INTERNATIONALLY FOR A LONG TIME. Orlando is beautiful and desirable. Since he was an adolescent, he has always used his perfect body for money and for ambition Letterswithout fromany principle,a Kurd is tilla remarkablehe finally reaches book about the “throne” a young ofKurdish a boyfamous growing tv programme. up in Kurdistan in Iraq in the 1980s. Confused by an Accompaniedindistinctiveness by inan his ambiguous gender in companion, a country and his timefriend with Davide, a very therepressed new King sexual will ridepolitics, success young following Marywan a script struggles written to for find him. his way through a society in conflict with his personal identity, Kurdish But the path that Orlando will have to follow is full of obstacles Kae Bahar, identity as it relates to Greater Kurdistan, and Kurdish identity as and temptations: fleeting one night stands, alcohol and drug after working as an actor, Kae left Italy for England in an oppressed Iraqi minority. Through escapism in his enjoyment abuse, moving in a corrupt world, grotesque and absurd 1993. With a multilingual background, (Italian, English, of foreign films, notably those of Clint Eastwood, he tries to find situations, existential conflicts and a dreadful and unspeakable Kurdish, Arabic, Turkish) he immediately started working some semblance of life and love. War is ongoing between Iran past that returns to haunt him. in London, appearing in many stage productions, diverse and Iraq, and regime paranoia strikes repeatedly and tragically TV dramas and several films. His favourite stage work to asAt theMarywan end of growshis journey, up. A Orlando captivating will witness,and memorable in live read: The date is The House of the Spirits, by Isabel Allende. rawbroadcasting, energy and the passion fall of allin Kae’shis delusive writing certainties is utterly enthralling, and, in and Kae’s love for writing resulted in completing three feature bringsan ending the permeatedcharacters towith life self-destructive so vividly it is as raving, though he they will arebe real. consumed just like one of the products he advertises. film screenplays, entitled Safe Haven, Song Of Freedom and Blindfold Shoes as well as many treatments. pp. 156 In 2005. after living in exile for 25 years, Kae travelled back to Kirkuk three times and as a result he produced and directed his 90 minutes feature length documentary film; Return To Kirkuk/ A Year In The Fire.
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