State fragility in the Central African Republic: What prompted the 2013 coup? Rapid literature review July 2013 Siân Herbert, Nathalia Dukhan, and Marielle Debos About this report This rapid review provides a short synthesis of some of the most recent, high quality literature on the topic of state fragility, security and political processes in the Central African Republic. It aims to orient policymakers to the key debates and emerging issues, and draws on 13 days of desk-based research. It was prepared for the European Commission’s Instrument for Stability, © European Union 2013. The views expressed in this report are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of GSDRC, its partner agencies or the European Commission. Expert contributors Louisa N. Lombard, University of California, Berkeley Jocelyn Coulon, Réseau de recherche sur les opérations de paix Emmanuel Klimis, Université Saint-Louis, Brussels Andreas Kalk, GIZ Suggested citation Herbert, S., Dukham, N. & Debos, M. (2013). State fragility in the Central African Republic: What prompted the 2013 coup? Rapid literature review. Birmingham, UK: GSDRC, University of Birmingham. About GSDRC GSDRC is a partnership of research institutes, think-tanks and consultancy organisations with expertise in governance, social development, humanitarian and conflict issues. We provide applied knowledge services on demand and online. Our specialist research team supports a range of international development agencies, synthesising the latest evidence and expert thinking to inform policy and practice. GSDRC, International Development Department, College of Social Sciences University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK
[email protected] Contents 1. Overview 2 2. Principal internal actors 4 2.1 Political groups and parties 4 2.2 Principal rebel groups 5 2.3 Principal national security forces 5 2.4 Civil society 5 3.