NATIONAL LIFE STORIES AN ORAL HISTORY OF BRITISH SCIENCE Professor Sir Peter Hirsch Interviewed by Dr Thomas Lean C1379/84 IMPORTANT Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this transcript, however no transcript is an exact translation of the spoken word, and this document is intended to be a guide to the original recording, not replace it. Please note that this transcript has been edited in accordance with the interviewee’s wishes to improve its technical accuracy. Additions have been included [in square brackets] and redundant words have been retained in the transcript but struckthrough. Should you find any errors please inform the Oral History curators. Oral History The British Library 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB 020 7412 7404
[email protected] British Library Sound Archive National Life Stories Interview Summary Sheet Title Page Ref no: C1379/84 Collection title: An Oral History of British Science Interviewee’s surname: Hirsch Title: Prof Sir Interviewee’s Peter Sex: Male forename: Occupation: Materials scientist Date and place of birth: Berlin, Germany, 16 January 1925 . Mother’s occupation: Father’s occupation: Textile trader Dates of recording, Compact flash cards used, tracks (from – to): 1-2, 16 Aug 2012; 3-4, 4 Oct 2012; 5-6, 18 Oct 2012; 7, 25 Oct 2012; 8, 29 Nov 2012; 9-10, 31 January 2013. Location of interview: Interviewee's office, Oxford. Name of interviewer: Thomas Lean Type of recorder: Marantz PMD661 on secure digital Recording format : WAV 24 bit 48 kHz Total no. of tracks 10 Mono or stereo Stereo Total Duration: 09:39:50 (HH:MM:SS) Additional material: Copyright/Clearance: Copyright to BL, interview open except for Track 6 13:02-13:29 which is closed indefinitely.