Style in Speech Sound of Count Dracula, the Leading Character in Hotel Transylvania – 2
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STYLE IN SPEECH SOUND OF COUNT DRACULA, THE LEADING CHARACTER IN HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA – 2 A THESIS BY: DONAL FERNADO LUBIS 157052007/MBE FACULTY OF CULTURAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN 2018 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA STYLE IN SPEECH SOUND OF COUNT DRACULA, THE LEADING CHARACTER IN HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA – 2 A THESIS Submitted as the Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts (M.A.) in English Postgraduate Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara BY: DONAL FERNADO LUBIS 157052007/MBE FACULTY OF CULTURAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN 2018 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA DECLARATION STYLE IN SPEECH SOUND OF COUNT DRACULA, THE LEADING CHARACTER IN HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA – 2 I certify that the thesis I wrote as one of the requirements to obtain the degree of Master of Arts from English Postgraduate Study Program, of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara, is exactly my own work. I certify that I clearly mentioned the reference of the citations I used in some specific parts of this thesis based on norm, rule, and etiquette of the technique of a scientific writing. I certify, in the future, that I am willing to accept the consequences of the renovation of my academic degree which I receive and other sanctions in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations provided some parts or all parts of this thesis are invented not to be my own work or to commit plagiarism. Medan, January 2018 The Writer, Donal Fernado Lubis UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA AN ANALYSIS OF STYLES IN SOUND LEVEL OF COUNT DRACULA CHARACTER IN HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA – 2 ABSTRACT Speech s tyles r eflect p ersonal ch aracters t hrough p articular w ays i n co nveying utterances, and this has to be the main concern of a v oice cast in a film. Count Dracula character in the animation film, ‘Hotel Transylvania – 2’, cast by Adam Sandler performs varieties of styles in his speech to reinforce the existence of the main character. The styles were pointed out through research in phonetic studies to fi gure out t he i nfluences of s ounds p roduced t o t he s tyles pe rformed b y t he character. The an alysis i nvolved PRAAT, software s pecially u sed i n d oing acoustic phonetic research. One hundred thirty three of 243 utterances (55%) from the film script were chosen to represent the data. By digital converter, the voice of Count Dracula was taken from the film, converted it into wave files to get better quality of re cording. The m ethod o f d ata an alysis i s t hrough d escriptive qualitative combining two fundamental studies, Leech’s theories on stylistic and phonetic approaches by Collins and Mess, and applied them through analysis. By focusing on the stylistic elements in phonetic level, it was found that the glottal settings in voice production proved that the voice cast involved several phonations in consolidating the character Count Dracula with the scenes. Modal voice, harsh voice, and falsetto voice accompanied the speech style, and these acoustic effects were analyzed and measured. Each phonation is characterized by certain ranges of intensity an d p itch an d t heir p articular f requency o f m odulation. An i mportant finding here is how fricative voices are not under the influence of glottal setting for its distant place of articulation from glottis. In segmental analysis, there were distinguished pronunc iations i n a rticulating t he c onsonants a nd v owels t hat associated t he v oice cas t t o a t ypical accen t o f I ndo-European, v iewed a nd compared by the General American English, where the acoustic features of [], [r], [], [], [n̪ ], and several vowels such as // and /e/ deviated from their conventions in articulation. I n phonol ogical s chemes, a lliterations, c onsonance, a ssonance, both l exical a nd non -lexical onomatopoeia were found in t he songs sung i n t he film, as well as in the script setting. These features perform how a film is meant linguistically and describe style effects in film script composition. Keywords: style, stylistic, phonetic, phonology, film, script. UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA SEBUAH ANALISA GAYA BAHASA PANGERAN DRAKULA PADA TINGKAT SUARA DALAM FILM HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA - 2 ABSTRAK Gaya berbicara menggambarkan karakter pribadi melalui cara-cara tertentu dalam menyampaikan ujaran-ujaran, dan hal ini menjadi perhatian penting bagi seorang pengisi suara dalam sebuah film. Karakter Pangeran Drakula dalam film ‘Hotel Transylvania – 2’, yang diperankan oleh Adam Sandler menampilkan berbagai gaya berbicara untuk memperkuat eksistensinya sebagai tokoh utama. Berbagai gaya tersebut ditonjolkan melalui penelitian dalam kajian Fonetik untuk menampilkan pengaruh suara-suara yang dihasilkan terhadap gaya-gaya yang ditampilkan oleh tokoh tersebut. Analisa melibatkan penggunaan PRAAT, perangkat lunak yang khusus digunakan dalam penelitian Fonetik Akustik. Seratus tiga puluh tiga dari 243 ujaran(55%) dari skrip film dipilih untuk mewakili data. Melalui konversi digital, Suara Pangeran Drakula diambil dari film, mengubahnya kedalam file ‘wave’ untuk mendapatkan kualitas rekaman yang yang lebih baik. Metode analisa data melalui kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggabungkan dua kajian dasar, teori-teori Stylistik Leech dan pendekatan fonetik Collins dan Mess, dan menerapkannya kedalam analisis. Dengan memfokuskan elemen-elemen stylistik pada tingkat fonetik, ditemukan bahwa pengaturan bunyi suara dalam produksi suara membuktikan bahwa pengisi suara melibatkan beberapa fonasi untuk memperkuat karakter Drakula dengan adegan-adegan di film. Suara asal, suara parau, dan suara falset mengiringi gaya berbicara, dan efek-efek akustik tersebut dianalisa dan diukur. Masing-masing fonasi di ciri-khaskan oleh jangkauan intensitas dan pitch dan frekuensi modulasi. Sebuah temuan penting disini adalah bagaimana suara frikatif tidak berada dibawah pengaruh pengaturan glotis oleh karena jarak dari tempat artikulasi yang jauh dari glottis. Dalam analisa segmen, terdapat pengucapan yang berbeda dalam mengartikulasikan konsonan dan vokal yang menghubungkan karakter pengisi suara dengan aksen Indo-Eropa, ditinjau dan dibandingkan dengan Bahasa Inggris Amerika Umum, dimana fitur-fitur fonetis [], [r], [], [], [n̪ ], dan beberapa fonem vocal seperti // dan /e/ menyimpang dari konvensi pengucapan dalam artikulasinya. Dalam analisa skema fonologi, aliterasi, konsonansi, asonansi, onomatope leksikal dan non-leksikal ditemukan dalam lagu yang dinyanyikan dalam film, serta di dalam penyusunan skrip film. Fitur-fitur ini menampilkan bagaimana sebuah film dimaknai secara kebahasaan dan menggambarkan efek-efek gaya dalam komposisi pengusunan skrip film. Kata Kunci: gaya, stylistik, fonetik, fonologi, film, skrip. UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Praise and majesty to the Almighty Saviour, Lord Jesus Christ for His blessing, mercy and grace to the writer in completing this thesis. In this occasion, the writer would like to express his gratitude to all who have contributed in conducting the research and the writing of this thesis. 1. Prof. Dr. Runtung Sitepu, S.H., M.hum. the Rector of University of Sumatera Utara. 2. Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. the Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara, 3. Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, S.H., M.A. the Head of English Postgraduate Program as well as the Supervisor in this research, for his guidance, time, advice, and constructive ideas in this thesis writing. 4. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. as the Co-Supervisor for his guidance, time, advice, and constructive ideas in this thesis writing. 5. Prof. Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., Dr. Roswita Silalahi, M.Hum., Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. and Dr. Umar Mono, M.Hum. who have given constructive ideas, criticism, and suggestion for the betterment of this thesis. 6. All of the lecturers and the staffs of the English Postgraduate Program for the facilities and opportunities given to the writer during his study in this university. 7. My beloved parents, K. Lubis and Mrs. H. R. br. Pandiangan, who have given all their supports and attention in prayers and financing along his study. 8. P. Sitorus and T. br. Hutauruk, for all their supports and attentions in prayers and financing as well as in initiating the study plan of the writer. iii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 9. My beloved wife, M. Pratiwi B. br. Sitorus, S.Pd, who has always been patient in accompanying the writer in facing any obstacles, and my two little heroes, John Prado Frederick Lubis and Frans Vajero Lubis who always bring joy and strength through their prayers to the writer. 10. Simson Nainggolan, S.S who has been assisting the writer during his study and for his encouragement through prayers. 11. All of the writer’s partners in the Third Batch of English Postgraduate Program, especially Boni Fasius Siregar and Dita A. Bangun for all great time we had in academic activities (seminars, workshop, and lectures) as well as for our friendship. At last the writer realizes that nothing is perfect in this life, including this thesis. Therefore the writer hopes every constructive criticism and suggestions to the betterment of this thesis, moreover to the academic improvement in English Postgraduate Program of Faculty of Cultural Sciences. God Bless us. Medan, December 2017 The Writer, Donal Fernado Lubis NIM: 157052007 iv UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Data Name : Donal Fernado Lubis Place, date of birth : Medan, 31st October 1983 Father’s Name : Karmel Lubis Mother’s Name : Heddi Ria Pandiangan Sex : Male Religion : Christianity Address : Jl. Sumbawa III No. 92 Komplek Marelan Indah. Kel. Rengas Pulau. Medan - Marelan Telephone Number : 0853 5939 7410 Email : [email protected] Academic Background 1. 1989 – 1995 : SD Swasta Melati, Medan 2. 1995 - 1998 : SMP Negeri 11 Medan 3. 1998 - 2001 : SMA Negeri 3 Medan 4. 2001 – 2005 : Bachelor of Arts (S.S.) of English Language and Literature, University of Methodist Indonesia 5.