M.E.T. Marine Education Textbooks 124 North Van Avenue Houma, Louisiana 70363-5895 Phone: (985) 879-3866 Fax: (985) 879-3911 DSR Website: www.marineeducationtextbooks.com Email:
[email protected] DECK STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS Revision #4, December 15, 2010. Edited by: Richard A. Block, B.A., M.S. Ed., Master, N.C., 500/1600 tons. [Comment: All previous deck study recommendations are cancelled.] TABLE OF CONTENTS their experience to improve the quality of this information by reporting any discrepancies. Our Study Material Recommendations.............................1 We understand that many of our recommendations involve The New Terminology ....................................................1 considerable expense. We encourage you to ask your public Select the Credential You Want.......................................2 library to acquire the basic books required by all persons in Types of Officer Endorsements .......................................4 the commercial marine industry. Learn how to use all the The Difference Between Exam “Topics” & “Modules”....4 reference books that are used on your vessel. Share your Applying for a Credential or an Endorsement...................5 information with other mariners, but beware of outdated Is This Your First Coast Guard Credential? ….................6 information while preparing for an exam! Obsolete material Coast Guard Credentialing Regulations ...........................6 can mislead you in a number of ways. How Do I find the Study Material I Need?.......................7 List of Exam Topics (Figure 1)........................................8 Individual Chapters Fill Knowledge Gaps Special Order of Individual “Deck” Chapters.................12 Marine Education Textbooks (MET) has been in Special Order of Individual “Engine” Chapters..............14 business for over 40 years catering to the needs of “limited Special Order of “Other” Chapters.................................14 tonnage” merchant mariners.