The Coordinated Action for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding for the Management of the Extended Transboundary Basin (Drin CORDA) is supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Drin Project. The latter is TABLE OF CONTENTS implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and executed by the Global Water Partnership (GWP) through GWP-Mediterranean (GWP-Med), in FOREWORD TO THE DRIN BASIN STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME 4 cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for (UNECE). GWP- Med serves as the Secretariat of the Drin Core Group (DCG), the multilateral body 1. INTRODUCTION 10 responsible for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding. 1.1 The Drin Basin 10 Disclaimer: The document adheres to the United Nations rules and policies regarding the names and international status of countries and/or other geographical areas. 1.2 Drin Coordinated Action – a history 12 The use of characterizations, names, maps or other geographical statements in this document in no way implies any political view or positions of the Parties that are 1.3 GEF Drin Project 14 executing and implementing the Project. 2. STEPS TOWARDS PREPARING THE STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME 16

The Drin SAP was developed with technical input from and the coordination of: Martin Bloxham, Peter Whalley and Dimitris Faloutsos. 2.1 TDA/SAP methodology 16

2.2 Drin Basin TDA approach 16



Scan the QR code 4.1 Transboundary problems 26 to watch the signing ceremony 4.2 Long-term vision 26

4.3 Goals to achieve the long-term vision and objectives to meet the goals 27


5.1 Overview 34

5.2 Nexus and SAP implementation 34 For more information, please contact 6. MONITORING AND EVALUATION 36





FOREWORD TO THE DRIN BASIN The key components of the SAP


Action at the Drin Basin level was presents the agreed strategy and uncoordinated until the development actions to address the transboundary INPUT of the Shared Vision for the Sustainable problems) known as a TDA/SAP process. MoU Article 3: GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL Management of the Drin Basin and the ‘Common Concerns’ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 signing of a related Memorandum of The Drin TDA adopted – to the Understanding (MoU – 25 November extent allowed by the availability of 2011, Tirana) by water and environment information and data – a source-to-sea ministers of the Drin Riparians (, approach to analyse the causes and Greece, ,1 and impacts of transboundary problems in

North Macedonia). The objective of the Drin Basin through the preparation OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES the MoU is to deliver the agreed shared of detailed thematic reports that MoU Article 4: INPUT vision, to “promote joint action for the characterized the basin and extensive ‘Priority Actions’ TDA recommendations coordinated integrated management regional and Riparian consultation of the shared water resources in the processes. The TDA identified four Drin Basin, as a means to safeguard Transboundary Problems: and restore to the extent possible the ecosystems and the services they • Deterioration of Water Quality provide, and to promote sustainable development across the Drin Basin.” • Natural and Regulated Variability of Hydrological Regime Actions to meet the Objectives INPUT Under the Coordinated Action for the MoU Article 4: (Including: Timescale, Priority, Location, Responsible implementation of the Memorandum • Biodiversity Degradation ‘Priority Actions’ organization, Financing, Budget, Indicators, Impact of action on water resources/ecosystem of Understanding for the Management of the Extended Transboundary • Variability of Sediment Drin Basin (Drin CORDA) process, Transport Regime the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Global Water Each of these problems is likely to be In delivering the TDA and the SAP the the Goals and Objectives, all proposed Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP- exacerbated by climate variability Riparians and the region have been management actions presented in Med) initiated the Global Environment and change. All actions proposed by provided, by the GEF Drin project, annex 1 include process indicators Facility (GEF) financed project this SAP to address the four problems will with significant data, information and time-related targets, of which the ‘Enabling transboundary cooperation have climate considerations included and analysis to assist with meeting latter should be updated at the start of and integrated water resources through the adoption of climate the ambition of the EU Association action implementation. Environmental management in the Extended Drin River resilient/no-regrets approaches. Agreements to meet EU water directives Quality Indicators and Stress Reduction Basin’ to facilitate the implementation and implement the United Nations Indicators will be also developed – of the MoU. This has been undertaken The Drin MoU presents a clear vision and Economic Commission for Europe adopted by the DCG – and used in this through a GEF inspired mechanism identified seven ‘common concerns’ (UNECE) Water Convention. regard (see also section 6 Monitoring of developing a Transboundary within the basin which are reaffirmed and Evaluation). Diagnostic Analysis (to understand in the SAP as ‘goals’ to be achieved Management Actions responding the transboundary problems affecting through the implementation of specific to these Objectives, Goals and the The seven MoU common concerns (SAP water/environment in the basin) and objectives and management actions. causes of the transboundary problems Goals) and the Objectives to meet the a Strategic Action Programme (that to deliver the Vision are presented goals are as follows: in detailed action tables (annex 1) to facilitate future SAP implementation. 1 This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. To monitor progress towards achieving



Improving access to comprehensive data and adequate information to fully understand Develop cooperation measures to minimize risks of disasters due to extreme natural the current state of the environment and the water resources and the hydrologic system phenomena and climate change by 2030. (including surface, underground and coastal waters) as well as ecosystems of the Drin Basin. OBJECTIVE 1

OBJECTIVE 1 Improved coordinated management among Riparians for flood risks by 2030

Establishment and implementation of monitoring programmes (water quality, hydrological/hydrogeological, sediment transport, biodiversity) for coordinated action OBJECTIVE 2 among Riparians for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2030

Improved coordinated management among Riparians for drought risks by 2030 OBJECTIVE 2

Enhancement and development of Riparian and regional data and information systems (water quality, hydrological/hydrogeological, sediment transport, biodiversity) for coordinated action among Riparians for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2030 GOAL 4

Improve management and appropriate disposal of solid wastes.


Reduction in and enhancement of the management of municipal solid wastes to Establish conditions for the sustainable use of water and its supported ecosystems. achieve desired targets by 2030


Establishment of a knowledge base on water resources and ecosystems for informed decision-making by 2025 GOAL 5

OBJECTIVE 2 Decrease nutrient pollution deriving from untreated or poorly treated wastewater discharges and unsustainable agricultural practices.

Strengthening mechanisms and policies to support management of water resources and ecosystems by 2030 OBJECTIVE 1

OBJECTIVE 3 Reduction of untreated wastewater discharge from urban areas by 2030

Implementation of local, Riparian and regional actions to promote sustainable water use OBJECTIVE 2 and ensure ecosystem functioning and resilience by 2030

Reduction of nutrient pollution deriving from unsustainable agricultural practices by 2030 OBJECTIVE 4

Improvement of capacities and increased awareness to promote sustainable water use and ensure ecosystem functioning and resilience by 2030



Decrease pollution from hazardous substances such as heavy metals and pesticides.


Reduction of heavy metal and pesticide pollution from industry, mining and agriculture by 2030


Minimize effects of hydromorphologic interventions that alter the nature of the hydrologic system and the supported ecosystems, resulting in their deterioration.


Minimize the effects of hydromorphological interventions from Hydropower Plants by 2030


Minimize the effects of other hydromorphological interventions including gravel extraction by 2030


19°0'0"E 20°0'0"E 21°0'0"E 43°0'0"N 43°0'0"N

Vrtac 1. INTRODUCTION Reservoir MONTENEGRO Niksic ± Liverovici Istog Slano Reservoir Skenderaj The GEF/UNDP/GWP-Med Project lakes linked by a small channel, with Reservoir /Shkoder ‘Enabling transboundary cooperation regulated water flow, which traverses Pejë sub-basin Klinë KOSOVO and integrated water resources the alluvial isthmus that separates Danilovgrad White Drin River management in the Extended Drin them. Micro Prespa is shared by Greece sub-basin River Basin’ (GEF Drin Project) was and Albania, and Macro Prespa Radoniqi Malishevë Podgorica Reservoir Cetinje Drin River implemented to support Albania, is shared by Albania, Greece and Tropojë Rahovec 2 Gjakovë Suharekë North Macedonia, Kosovo and North Macedonia. sub-basinBajram Curri Montenegro in implementing the Lake Skadar/Shkoder Koman Drin MoU, hence addressing the Water flows through underground Reservoir Kopliku Qëndër Fierza transboundary environmental problems karst cavities from Prespa to Lake Reservoir Krumë in the Basin. This has been undertaken Ohrid. Shared by Albania and North Shkodër Drin River by strengthening the transboundary Macedonia, Ohrid is the largest lake Kukës Pukë institutional settings, improving the in terms of water volume in South-East Buna/ River Vau Dejes Reservoir 42°0'0"N

capacities and knowledge level Europe. As the only surface outflow of sub-basin 42°0'0"N Buna/Bojana Brad and developing a Transboundary Lake Ohrid, the flows north A Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) with the through North Macedonia. Its main d r Shëngjin Black Drin River ambition of developing an agreed tributary is the River. It forms the i Lezhë sub-basin Strategic Action Programme (SAP) border with Albania for some kilometres, a Peshkopi that would identify interventions that before entering the country between t i Mavrovo

c Reservoir NORTH MACEDONIA are needed to address the causes the cities of Debar and Peshkopi. The ALBANIA of the transboundary problems White Drin rises in Kosovo and flows S Debar identified in the TDA. into Albania, where it meets the Black e Bulqizë Debar Drin, near the city of Kukës, to form Reservoir a 1.1 The Drin Basin the Drin River. Globocica The extended Drin Basin sits in the south- Flowing westward through Albania, Reservoir Lake Ohrid sub-basin east of the Balkan Peninsula with water one branch of the Drin joins the Buna/ Vevcani bodies and their watersheds spreading Bojana River approximately 1 km from Bosnia & Herzegovina across Albania, Greece, Montenegro, where the latter flows from Lake Skadar/ Ohrid Resen North Macedonia and Kosovo. It Shkodër near the city of Shkodra Croatia Lake Ohrid comprises the sub-basins of the Black in Albania. Shared by Albania and Montenegro

41°0'0"N Kosovo Lake Prespa Drin,3 White Drin,4 Drin, and Buna/ Montenegro, Lake Skadar/Shkodër is the sub-basin 41°0'0"N Bojana5 Rivers, of the Prespa, Ohrid largest lake in terms of surface in South- North Macedonia Lake Prespa 6 and Skadar/Shkodër lakes, and the East Europe. The largest river flowing Albania adjacent coastal and marine area. into the lake is the Morača, which Italy

passes through Podgorica, the capital Greece GREECE Lake Prespa is the starting point when of Montenegro. 0 25 50 km following the water flow towards the . Prespa comprises two 19°0'0"E 20°0'0"E 21°0'0"E Legend 2 This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the .! City Water body Kosovo declaration of independence. Lake 3 The river is called Drin i Zi in Albania and Crn Drim in North Macedonia. Hydrological border of the Drin Basin Reservoir 4 The river is called Drini i Bardhë in Albania and Kosovo. Drin Basin – outer borders of the 5 The river is called Buna in Albania and Bojana in Montenegro. river basin districts designated or proposed River for designation in the Drin Riparians 6 The lake is called Skadar in Montenegro and Shkodër in Albania. Borders of the Drin Riparians Sub-basins of Drin Basin Marine area of the Drin Basin system


The Buna/Bojana River drains Lake This was an outcome of the Drin Institutional structure of the Drin CORDA Skadar/Shkodër and flows into the Dialogue, coordinated by the Drin Adriatic Sea. Its lower part (23 km) forms Riparians with the support of GWP- part of the Albania–Montenegro border. Med and the United Nations Economic The other arm of the Drin (the older one) Commission for Europe (UNECE). discharges its limited flow directly into MEETING OF THE PARTIES the Adriatic Sea, south of the city of The ultimate goal of the work in the Drin Ministers responsible for the management of water resources Shkodra, near the city of Lezhë. Basin is to reach a point in the future and/or environment of the five Parties where management extends beyond A number of aquifers exist, often with single water bodies to the hydrological complex groundwater–surface-water interconnected system of the Drin Basin, interaction and interdependency. eventually leading from the sharing of There are five large reservoirs used for waters among Riparians and conflicting hydropower production and more than uses, to the sharing of benefits DRIN CORE GROUP 110 irrigation reservoirs. among stakeholders. Decision making group Representatives of the Riparians' Ministries responsible for the With its extensive water resources (the A process referred to as the 'Drin management of water resources and/or environment third greatest river discharge into the CORDA' (Drin Coordinated Action for Advisory group European Mediterranean, after the the implementation of the Drin MoU) • Joint Commissions and Committees of Lakes Prespa, Ohrid Po and Rhone), this complex system was established. Following the provisions and Skadar/Shkoder provides a wealth of services to the of the Drin MoU, an institutional structure • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Secretariat • Global Water Partnership-Mediterranean Riparians that share the basin: energy was established, including: of the Drin • Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture supply, recreation and tourism, fisheries, Core Group and Sustainable Development (representing civil society) water supply for irrigation and domestic • The Meeting of the Parties. uses, sustenance of unique endemic biodiversity, and livelihoods. The basin is • The Drin Core Group (DCG), home to over 1.61 million people, living comprising officially appointed in over 1,450 settlements. representatives of the line ministries of the Drin Riparians. This body has The aforementioned water bodies, the mandate to coordinate actions including their tributaries, smaller natural for the implementation of the MoU. and artificial lakes, the groundwater system, and the marine area, together • Four Expert Working Groups form the complex hydrological system (EWGs) to assist the DCG in its work: of the Drin Basin. > Water Framework Expert Expert Directive Implementation Working Working Expert Expert 1.2 Drin Coordinated Action – Expert Working Group. Group on Group on Working Working a history > Monitoring and EU Water Monitoring Group on Group on Information Exchange Framework and Biodiversity Floods Action at the Drin Basin level was Expert Working Group. Directive Information uncoordinated until the development > Biodiversity and Ecosystems of the Strategic Shared Vision for the Expert Working Group. Sustainable Management of the Drin > Floods Expert Working Group. Basin and the signing of a related Memorandum of Understanding (MoU The DCG Secretariat provides – 25 November 2011, Tirana) by water technical and administrative support and environment ministers of the Drin to the DCG. GWP-Med serves as the Riparians (Albania, Greece, Kosovo, Secretariat by appointment of the North Macedonia and Montenegro). Parties through the MoU.


1.3 GEF Drin Project

The aims, objectives and content of the GEF Drin Project are aligned with the Drin MoU.

The objective of the project is to “promote joint management of the shared water resources of the transboundary Drin River Basin, including coordination mechanisms among the various sub-basin joint commissions and committees”, and implement this across Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Montenegro. Greece, as an EU member state does not receive support from the GEF.

The GEF Drin Project has five components:

• Component 1: Consolidating a common knowledge base

• Component 2: Building the foundation for multi- riparian cooperation

• Component 3: Institutional strengthening for integrated river basin management

• Component 4: Demonstration of technologies and practices for IWRM and ecosystem management

• Component 5: Stakeholder involvement, gender mainstreaming, and communication strategies.

The project is implemented by UNDP and executed by the Global Water Partnership (GWP) through GWP-Med in cooperation with the UNECE. The DCG acts as the Steering Committee of the project.



2.1 TDA/SAP methodology The engagement of stakeholders is a key element in the TDA/SAP process, The Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis/ from the initial TDA development Strategic Action Programme (TDA/ steps to the subsequent development SAP) approach is a highly collaborative of alternative solutions during the process that has proven to be a formulation of the SAP. major strategic planning tool for GEF International Waters Projects over the 2.2 Drin Basin TDA approach last 20 years.7 The Drin TDA follows current GEF best The main technical role of a TDA is practice advice on TDA8 development. to identify, quantify and set priorities The development and drafting process for environmental problems that are of the Drin Basin TDA was carried out transboundary in nature. Consequently, between July 2016 and December a TDA provides the factual basis for the 2018. A list of workshops and activities formulation of a SAP. undertaken during its development are presented in the following table. The SAP is a negotiated policy document that should be endorsed at the highest level of all relevant sectors of government. It establishes clear priorities for action to resolve the priority transboundary problems identified in the TDA. Another key element involves the development of institutional mechanisms at the regional and Riparian levels for implementing the SAP and monitoring and evaluation procedures to measure the effectiveness of the outcomes of the process.

7 IW:LEARN TDA/SAP Methodology and training Course (2013). 8 As detailed in the GEF/ IW:LEARN TDA/SAP Manual


Events and activities undertaken for the development Time Location Meeting Topic of the Drin TDA Dec Athens CCA-SAP Workshop Local and International experts 2018 participated in the preparation of Time Location Meeting Topic the Thematic Reports, reviewed the Casual Chain Analysis and Project All Drin DCG and EWG The TDA table of contents was prepared a first set of interventions life Riparians meetings / twice adopted. At each consecutive to address the transboundary issues per year meeting, TDA development identified. progress was discussed, specific thematic reports were presented to the DCG/EWG members and the reports were reviewed/approved. To analyse the system, the source-to- The ‘Situation Analysis: Management of 9 Project All Drin Individual meetings Introduction of the project (the sea approach has been adopted, to the Extended Drin Basin’ (Drin Situation life Riparians with representatives TDA was part of introduction), the extent allowed by the information Analysis) served as a starting point of the relevant investigation of opportunities available on transitional waters and the for the Drin TDA. institutions: for cooperation; presentation marine area. The boundaries of the Drin Ministers, Directors of developments; receiving of Departments, guidance on issues related to Basin area are defined considering the The TDA is the core document, that Heads of Agencies, the development of the TDA natural characteristics of the area and synthesizes the findings of basin-wide etc. ensuring compatibility with the local conditions; the area consists Thematic Reports, undertaken at national priorities, especially the implementation of the EU Water of the natural elements comprising three levels: Sub-basin level; Riparian Framework Directive. the catchment, aquifers, transitional level within each sub-basin; and waters, coastal waters and the coastal the Drin Basin: Oct– Six cities Focus Group Among others: identified the zone/marine area. Nov covering meetings perceived key management issues 2016 all Drin and problems at the sub-basin and • Thematic Report on sub-basins basin levels as well as their causes The TDA provided necessary information Socio-economics and impacts from the stakeholders’ that enabled Drin Riparians to discuss perspective. and identify priority transboundary • Thematic Report on Institutional Mar Tirana Meeting with Coordination and preparation of problems and their causes, which inform and Legal Setting 2017 Riparian experts the thematic reports. the formulation of the actions included from all Drin in the SAP. In addition, the TDA assists • Thematic Report on Biodiversity Riparians in enhancing the knowledge basis of and Ecosystems

Nov Podgorica Stakeholders The stakeholders were presented the Drin Riparians regarding the state 2017 Conference with key findings from the process of the natural and anthropogenic • Thematic Report on the Hydrology of developing the thematic environment in the basin, developing and Hydrogeology reports on the Transboundary the building blocks of a Drin Basin Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and provided input. Focus was placed Management Plan in accordance • Thematic Report on Pollution on socio-economic, biodiversity with the EU Water Framework Directive, and Water Quality and institutional and legal setting should the Riparians decide to develop thematic reports as well as the main 10 findings of the TDA and the Casual such a plan in the future. • Thematic Report on the Nexus Chain Analysis.

Nov Ohrid Stakeholders The stakeholders were presented 2018 Conference with key findings from the process of developing the Transboundary 9 A source-to-sea approach consolidates analysis, planning, policymaking, and decision-making across sectors and scales. It Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and considers the entire social, ecological and economic system, from the land area that is drained by a river system to the coastal provided input. Focus was placed area and even the open ocean it flows into (Source: A source-to-sea on pollution and hydrology system includes the land area that is drained by a river system or systems, its lakes and tributaries (the river basin), connected thematic reports as well as the main aquifers and downstream recipients including deltas and estuaries, coastlines and near-shore waters, the adjoining sea and findings of the TDA and the Casual continental shelf as well as the open ocean. Water, sediment, pollutants, biota, materials and ecosystem services key flows Chain Analysis. connect the sub-systems in the source-to-sea continuum and their geographies. 10 The nexus assessment/approach looks into the interlinkages and trade-offs among the sectors of water, land, energy and environment aiming to identify solutions that will foster not only water and environment security, but also energy and food security. In other words, the nexus assessment has no bias towards a specific sector and is multi-centric by definition.


In addition, a Stakeholders Analysis was The Drin Basin SAP draws on the Drin used to map the stakeholders, analyse MoU. The Drin MoU presented a clear their characteristics and capture their vision (titled ‘Objective’) and identified views regarding the issues impacting seven ‘common concerns’ within the basin. The TDA document and the the basins which are reaffirmed in associated thematic reports are ‘living the SAP as ‘Goals’ to be achieved documents’ that will be periodically through the implementation of specific revised and are intended to serve Objectives. For each Objective, a series as a baseline against which future of Management Actions are detailed progress is measured. which include: timescale; priority; location; responsible organization; 2.3 Drin Basin SAP approach financing; budget; indicators; impact of action on water resources/ecosystem. The SAP was developed through a series The key components of the SAP and the of inputs from experts from the Drin linkages with the Drin MoU are shown in Riparians, international experts, the PCU the diagram below: and ultimately, representatives of key stakeholder groups.

The key components of the SAP

INPUT MoU Article 2: SAP VISION ‘Objective’


MoU Article 4: INPUT ‘Priority Actions’ TDA recommendations

Actions to meet the Objectives INPUT MoU Article 4: (Including: Timescale, Priority, Location, Responsible ‘Priority Actions’ organization, Financing, Budget, Indicators, Impact of action on water resources/ecosystem


SAP DEVELOPMENT Online ceremony for the signing of the Joint Scan the QR code Statement for the endorsement of the SAP by Ministers to watch the signing ceremony AND ADOPTION: and High level representatives of the Drin Riparians > 24 April 2020


MILESTONES 2019 Stakeholders Conference to present and consult on the final draft of the SAP 2020 > 30–31 January 2020, Tirana, Albania

Official consultation process in the Drin Riparians on the final draft of the SAP A first draft of the SAP is > November 2019 to January 2020 developed using the TDA and the extensive details provided in First technical meeting with the experts the thematic reports from the Drin Riparians, involved in > December 2018 the preparation of the TDA thematic DCG meetings to review, comment, negotiate and agree on reports, to develop an initial list of the final draft of the SAP: management actions > 30 May 2019, Pristina, Kosovo > 4–5 December 2018, Athens, Greece > 9 October 2019, Podgorica, Montenegro > 12 November 2019 and 18 November 2019, online

Meeting of the EWGs of the DCG to review and revise the draft SAP > 29 May 2019, Pristina

Six focus group meetings, engaging 173 Second technical meeting with experts from the Drin stakeholder representatives in total (77 Riparians, involved in the preparation of the TDA thematic women and 96 men) to review, comment and reports, to refine the SAP’s objectives and further develop the validate the SAP’s goals, objectives and initial management actions list of management actions. The meetings > 23–24 April 2019, Tirana were held on: > 12 March 2019, Tirana, Albania > 13 March 2019, Shkodra, Albania > 14 March 2019, Podgorica, Montenegro Meetings with representatives of line Ministries in each > 19 March 2019, , Kosovo Drin Riparian to review, comment and validate the SAP’s 20 March 2019, Skopje, North Macedonia > goals, objectives and initial list of management actions > 21 March 2019, Pogradec, Albania > 12–21 March 2019



The Riparians of the Drin Basin share Greece is willing to facilitate the other a common desire for cooperation Riparians by providing advice and including transboundary coordinated knowhow regarding the implementation actions in the Drin Basin for the benefit of the European Directives as necessary of present and future generations for the implementation of the SAP. clearly described in the Drin MoU. They recognize their roles and responsibilities By implementing climate change in conserving the global value of the resilient actions, it will be ensured that resources in the Drin Basin. people and ecosystems best adapt to climate changing conditions. The DCG decided in its seventeenth The Riparians that are Parties to the ordinary meeting (May 2019, Pristina) Convention on the Protection and Use to initiate actions to enable the of Transboundary Watercourses and Riparians to agree on the form and International Lakes (Water Convention) mandate of an institutional setting are committed to sustainable to succeed the Drin MoU and DCG management of shared waters and responding to the advanced level cooperation in managing the Drin Basin. of coordination necessary for the implementation of the SAP.

Through the EU Accession process and the adoption of the EU acquis, the Riparians have committed to the management of water bodies in accordance with the principles provided by the EU Water Framework Directive, the EU Flood Risks Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The implementation of these directives will also benefit the Riparians implementing and reporting of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets.

Greece intends to implement the Strategic Action Programme in a way that this is compatible with the EU acquis and the Agreement on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Prespa Park Area.


4.3 Goals to achieve the long- A number of specific, measurable, 4. THE DRIN BASIN STRATEGIC term vision and objectives to time delineated Objectives have meet the goals been developed under each Goal. ACTION PROGRAMME These along with the Goals are The Riparians have reaffirmed the MoU's presented below. Management Actions ‘Common Concerns for sustainable responding to these Objectives are 4.1 Transboundary problems The TDA undertook a Causal Chain development of the Drin Basin’ as seven presented in detailed SAP action Analysis that identified causes related High-level Long-term Goals to achieve tables (annex 1) to facilitate future SAP The TDA identified four key to the inadequacy of infrastructure, the vision and reduce the impact of implementation. transboundary problems each policies and enforcement. The each transboundary problem. exacerbated by the impacts from conclusions have directed the process climate variability and change. The key of identifying management actions in transboundary problems are: the SAP that will address the causes of the transboundary problems. • Deterioration of Water Quality 4.2 Long-term vision • Natural and Regulated Variability of Hydrological Regime The Riparians reaffirm the objective of the 2011 MoU for the Drin Basin, • Biodiversity Degradation as the long-term over-arching vision being a clear representation of the • Disturbance of the natural characteristics desired for the future Sediment Transport regime environment. The long-term vision is a political objective to be achieved within a 10–15 years timeframe and aspires to inspire the peoples of the Drin Basin and their leaders.

THE VISION OF THE DRIN RIPARIANS "The Parties, through their Ministers and their representatives, commit to promote joint action for the coordinated integrated management of the shared water resources in the Drin Basin, as a means to safeguard and restore to the extent possible the ecosystems and the services they provide, © 2S Studios and to promote sustainable development across the Drin Basin."

Memorandum of Understanding for the Management of the Extended Transboundary Drin Basin, 2011



Improving access to comprehensive data and adequate information to fully understand Establish conditions for the sustainable use of water and its supported ecosystems. the current state of the environment and the water resources and the hydrologic system (including surface, underground and coastal waters) as well as ecosystems of the Drin Basin. OBJECTIVE 1

Establishment of a knowledge base on water resources and ecosystems for informed OBJECTIVE 1 decision-making by 2025

Establishment and implementation of monitoring programmes (water quality, hydrological/hydrogeological, sediment transport, biodiversity) for coordinated action SUB OBJECTIVE 1.1 among Riparians for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2030

Establish a knowledge base on water quality for informed decision-making by 2025 SUB-OBJECTIVE 1.1

SUB-OBJECTIVE 1.2 Preparation and development of monitoring programmes for coordinated action for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2025 Establish a knowledge base on the hydrological/hydrogeological regime for informed decision-making by 2025 SUB-OBJECTIVE 1.2

SUB-OBJECTIVE 1.3 Implementation of monitoring programmes for coordinated action for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2030 Establish a knowledge base on biodiversity for informed decision-making by 2025

SUB-OBJECTIVE 1.3 SUB-OBJECTIVE 1.4 Delivery of a joint monitoring protocol for coordinated action for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2030 Establish a knowledge base on sediment transport for informed decision-making by 2025

OBJECTIVE 2 SUB-OBJECTIVE 1.5 Enhancement and development of Riparian and regional data and information systems (water quality, hydrological/hydrogeological, sediment transport, biodiversity) for Establish a knowledge base on sectoral developments and intersectoral impacts by coordinated action among Riparians for the management of the Extended Drin Basin 2025 by 2030

SUB-OBJECTIVE 1.6 SUB-OBJECTIVE 2.1 Establish a knowledge base on economic instruments by 2025 Preparation and development of an information management system for coordinated action for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2025 OBJECTIVE 2

SUB-OBJECTIVE 2.2 Strengthening mechanisms and policies to support management of water resources and ecosystems by 2030 Implementation of an information management system for coordinated action for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2030 SUB-OBJECTIVE 2.1

Strengthening regional governance and policies in the Extended Drin Basin by 2025



Strengthening governance and policies on water quality management by 2025 Develop cooperation measures to minimize risks of disasters due to extreme natural phenomena and climate change by 2030. SUB-OBJECTIVE 2.3

Strengthening governance and policies on hydrological/hydrogeological OBJECTIVE 1 management by 2025 Improved coordinated management among Riparians for flood risks by 2030

SUB-OBJECTIVE 2.4 OBJECTIVE 2 Strengthening governance and policies on biodiversity management by 2025 Improved coordinated management among Riparians for drought risks by 2030


Strengthening governance and policies on sediment management by 2025 GOAL 4 SUB-OBJECTIVE 2.6 Improve management and appropriate disposal of solid wastes. Strengthening intersectoral governance and policy coherence by 2025

OBJECTIVE 1 OBJECTIVE 3 Reduction in and enhancement of the management of municipal solid wastes to Implementation of local, Riparian and regional actions to promote sustainable water use achieve desired targets by 2030 and ensure ecosystem functioning and resilience by 2030


Improvement of capacities and increased awareness to promote sustainable water use GOAL 5 and ensure ecosystem functioning and resilience by 2030

Decrease nutrient pollution deriving from untreated or poorly treated wastewater discharges and unsustainable agricultural practices.


Reduction of untreated wastewater discharge from urban areas by 2030


Reduction of nutrient pollution deriving from unsustainable agricultural practices by 2030



Decrease pollution from hazardous substances such as heavy metals and pesticides.


Reduction of heavy metal and pesticide pollution from industry, mining and agriculture by 2030


Minimize effects of hydromorphologic interventions that alter the nature of the hydrologic system and the supported ecosystems, resulting in their deterioration.


Minimize the effects of hydromorphological interventions from HPP by 2030


Minimize the effects of other hydromorphological interventions including gravel extraction by 2030



5.1 Overview

The implementation of the SAP will be monitored at the regional level by the institutional structure Himantopus himantopus © Thomais Vlachogianni/MIO-ECSDE established through the Drin MoU. The implementation plan for the SAP will integrate actions closely with Riparian action plans/strategies in the Drin Riparians.

5.2 Nexus and SAP implementation

The nexus analysis and recommendations provide beneficial guidance for the implementation of the SAP by analysing the interlinkages between sectoral developments and the basin’s resources and their evolution in the future, hence increasing the awareness of intersectoral dynamics that are (or can be) triggered by strategic decisions taken ‘out of the basin area’, notably in the field of energy and agriculture, and improving the capacity of policy makers to account for them in the management of the Drin Basin.

Phase I of the nexus analysis included the identification of nexus issues of priority i.e. the role of hydropower operators in flood management, forest and biomass and agricultural development, and a qualitative assessment, for each of the priority issues, of linkages/benefits/trade- offs, among the nexus sectors. Phase II of the nexus analysis is to follow and will consist of the quantitative assessment of selected key linkages/ benefits/trade-offs.



The development and execution of of the progress being made towards a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) implementing actions and activities Plan is an essential component for the required for such purposes. implementation of the Drin Basin SAP and will be composed of two elements: • Stress reduction indicators

(a) Frequent monitoring of progress in Stress reduction indicators will typically the implementation of the Programme’s reflect how direct causes of socio- Goals, Objectives and Actions; and economic or ecosystem stress have been reduced or eliminated. (b) Periodic evaluation of the Programme’s performance in terms • Environmental status indicators of outputs produced and outcomes achieved, as well the cost-effectiveness Environmental status indicators will track of the actions. progress towards achieving the Drin Basin SAP Goals and Objectives. To ensure that SAP implementation can be effectively monitored and Process indicators have been evaluated, it is essential that early on developed and included in the SAP in the SAP implementation phase, a full Action Matrices given in annex 1. The baseline is established for all indicators two other sets of indicators to monitor that will be used to measure progress and evaluate SAP implementation i.e. during the implementation phase. stress reduction indicators and socio- economic and environmental status The following three types of M&E indicators, will be developed for, and indicators for SAP implementation adopted by, the DCG. are typically used under GEF-co- funded projects.11

• Process indicators

Strategic actions under the SAP are directed towards addressing the root causes of the transboundary problems identified in the TDA. It is likely that it will take considerable time before structural changes become reflected in measurable reductions of stress in the Drin Basin or in measurable changes in environmental and socio- economic conditions. Consequently, process indicators will be reflective

11 For more detailed information on the three key GEF indicators for monitoring and evaluation of progress and results in International Waters projects, please refer to:




The process for the development of the responsible for the Action. These list of SAP actions is presented in the 'Drin include local, Riparian basin-wide and Basin SAP approach' section (page 20). international organizations.

The SAP presents the proposed 6. Financing: This column outlines Management Actions under each potential funding sources (e.g. Riparian, of the SAP goals and related time- EU, development banks). bound objective. The seven SAP goals are linked and actions in one 7. Budget: This column outlines very goal contribute and inform other approximate costs: L – Low <100,000 euro; actions and goals. M – Moderate 100,000–1,000,000 euro; and H – High >1,000,000 euro. The SAP Action Matrices presented below are laid out with the following headings: 8. Indicators: The indicators presented aim to measure progress towards 1. Specific Actions: A brief description implementation of the actions. of given management actions12 with the focus on addressing the causes of the 9. Impact of action on water resources/ transboundary problems. ecosystem [at transboundary level]: This notes the ‘type’ of indicator (process 2. Timescale: The timescale has been set stress reduction or status) and the as years from the approval and signing expected beneficial ecosystem impacts of the Drin SAP. resulting from the action.

3. Priority: The priority column identifies those actions that are high, medium or low priority. Low priority does not suggest the Action is unimportant, merely that other Actions need to be considered first. © D.Panovski

4. Location: The location column identifies where in the Drin Basin the action is likely to take place. Many actions are basin-wide and include all the Riparians. Others are either Riparian, sub-basin or location specific.

5. Responsible Riparian’s organizations/authorities: This column identifies the organizations

12 More information on the background to the proposed riparian actions (e.g. sub-basin details, potential priority locations, riparian specific policy changes) at the local/sub-basin level are identified in the Thematic Reports and Riparian Action Plans/Strategies.

38 39 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 1/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.1


Improving access to comprehensive data and adequate information to fully understand the current state of the environment and the water resources and the hydrologic system (including surface, underground and coastal waters) as well as ecosystems of the Drin Basin13


Establishment and implementation of monitoring programmes (water quality, hydrological/hydrogeological, sediment transport, biodiversity) for coordinated action among Riparians for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2030

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

Sub-Objective 1.1: Preparation and development of monitoring programmes for coordinated action for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2025

1. a) Preparation of a study to assess:14 (i) existing < 5 years H All Riparians – Drin Monitoring and EU (e.g. M Assessment P (process) monitoring programmes and capacities at the sub-basins Information Instrument study identifying Riparian level; and (ii) required needs and procedures Exchange EWG for Pre- the need for Study will lead to harmonized for the Riparians to perform monitoring in the Drin Accession monitoring, monitoring meeting Water Framework Basin at the transboundary level, in accordance with Water Framework Assistance equipment, Directive requirements for basin-wide EU directives and strategic guidance from the Water Directive – IPA) training monitoring that is consistent with Convention: Implementation and related guidance from the Water Convention EWG Riparian cooperation/ • monitoring sites and parameters, including budgets synergy (assisted by small parameters identified15 with a potential for opportunities, etc. accidental release work groups GEF from institutions Adoption of the • frequency of monitoring in each Riparian recommendations responsible for • methodologies and protocols for transboundary monitoring and monitoring by the • equipment research) DCG and Riparian ministries • opportunities for shared analytical/laboratory DCG capabilities across Riparians • training requirements • quality assurance and quality control procedures • financing requirements.

b) Development of recommendations for all Riparians based on the results of the study to perform monitoring in the Drin Basin at the national level, in accordance with EU directives and strategic guidance from the Water Convention.

13 The implementation of the actions under this goal will make use (and lead to the improvement) of the thematic reports of the Drin TDA, the Drin Information System and the Drin Database. 14 Outputs of action 1 under goal 3, objective 1 will be used to prepare the study. 15 Hazardous sites with the risk of accidental release identified under action 1, goal 2, sub-objective 1.1.

40 41 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 1/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.1

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

2. Agreement on the Drin transboundary monitoring < 5 years H All Riparians – Drin Water Framework Riparian L Document P (process) programme: sub-basins Directive budgets indicating competent agreement on Agreed transboundary monitoring a) Agreement on transboundary monitoring authority from EU transboundary programme for the Drin Basin programme locations building on national networks each Riparian monitoring stations included in Riparian monitoring programmes.16 GEF Monitoring and Agreed list of b) Agreement on transboundary monitoring Information monitoring programme requirements and procedures. Exchange EWG parameters and protocols c) Preparation of joint monitoring guidelines for Water Framework Riparians based on international guidance and Directive Guidelines standards for implementing monitoring protocols. Implementation prepared and EWG agreed

(assisted by representatives of relevant scientific/ research/legal institutions)


3. Development of a programme to assess levels < 5 years M All Riparians – Drin Water Framework Riparian M Programme P (process) of main pollutants to complement national and sub-basins Directive budgets established transboundary monitoring programmes using: (i) competent Improved management information on remote sensing; (ii) pollution models17/machine authority from GEF Programme is the main pollutants in the Drin Basin learning: each Riparian operational

(a) Identification and establishment of cooperation Monitoring and Number of staff with international partners. Information members trained Exchange EWG (b) Preparation of a needs assessment (training, equipment, etc.) and feasibility study. Water Framework Directive (c) Development of the programme. Implementation EWG (d) Training of staff members of authorities responsible for monitoring (workshops, internships, etc.). (assisted by representatives of (e) Implementation of the programme. relevant scientific/ research/legal institutions)


Possible partners: European Commission /Joint Research Centre, the World Bank

16 Building also on the results of projects that have addressed monitoring, for example, the Drin project for surface and groundwater, GIZ projects, etc. 17 The Drin Pollution Model developed under the Pilot activity “Preparation of a wastewater management decision support tool” of the GEF Drin project will be used as basis.

42 43 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 1/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.2

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

Sub-Objective 1.2: Implementation of monitoring programmes for coordinated action for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2030

1. Designation of appropriate authorities responsible for < 5 years H All Riparians Institutions18 in National L Decision taken by P (process) the implementation of the transboundary monitoring each Riparian budgets each Riparian programme based on decisions made by each responsible for Clear responsibilities and Riparian following Riparian-level procedures. the management accountability in all Riparians of the Drin about the implementation of the Basin at the transboundary monitoring programme transboundary to strengthen governance and level management

2. Purchasing, operation and maintenance of < 5 years H All Riparians Institutions/ Riparian Relevant P (process) equipment: laboratories19 in budgets equipment each Riparian purchased Riparians have equipped laboratories a) Purchase of any additional necessary equipment responsible for the EU H to provide harmonized data identified by an assessment study. implementation Data provided Investment M of the Drin meet Riparian and b) Operation and maintenance of sampling, sample banks monitoring regional needs handling and laboratory equipment. programme Hydropower operators Hydropower operators

3. Recruitment and training of staff (in support of action < 5 years H All Riparians Institutions/ Riparian M Staff trained P (process) 4 below): laboratories20 in budgets each Riparian Training material Riparians have trained experts a) Engagement of new staff (human resources) in the responsible for the EU available for new providing harmonized data Riparians. implementation staff GEF of the Drin b) Development and delivery of training for existing monitoring and new staff: programme • sampling and measurement skills • laboratory methods • data collection, AQC, etc. • data management • reporting to relevant EU directives.

18 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities. 19 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities. 20 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

44 45 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 1/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.3

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

4. Implementation of Riparian and Drin transboundary < 5 years H All Riparians – Drin Institutions/ Riparian M Monitoring P (process) monitoring programmes for: sub-basins laboratories21 in budgets implemented each Riparian Harmonized monitoring meeting Water • surface water (rivers, lakes and coastal fresh responsible for the EU Framework Directive requirements and water, and marine waters) and groundwater implementation refining management responses to GEF related to water quality, hydrological/ of the Drin transboundary problems hydrogeological conditions (linked with monitoring hydrological monitoring in goal 3) programme • sediment transport DGC and • biodiversity. pertinent EWGs

5. Establishment of joint biodiversity-related monitoring 5–10 years H Protected areas Institutions/ Riparian L Report(s) from P (process) programmes in areas that are protected and in the Drin sub- laboratories22 in budgets joint monitoring adjacent (across Riparian borders): basins each Riparian exercise Harmonization of sampling and responsible for the analytical methods demonstrated establishment of joint technical groups by the implementation between Riparians Riparians of the Drin monitoring agreement on the content of joint monitoring programme programmes DCG and its implementation of the joint programmes. pertinent EWGs

Sub-Objective 1.3: Delivery of a joint monitoring protocol for coordinated action for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2030

1. Development of accreditation schemes and 5–10 years H All Riparians Institutions/ Riparian M Laboratories P (process) intercalibration exercises: laboratories23 in budgets accredited each Riparian All laboratories providing data for • review of current best practices (e.g. EU, responsible for the EU (e.g. IPA) Results from Drin monitoring have accredited international) implementation intercalibration quality increasing DCG confidence in GEF information • investigation into shared analytical facilities in the of the Drin region monitoring programme • accreditation of laboratories (e.g. ISO 17025) DCG and its • establishment of intercalibration programmes at pertinent EWGs transboundary areas.

2. Organization of joint cross-border monitoring 5–10 years H All Riparians – Drin Institutions/ Riparian L Report from joint P (process) exercises on water quality (physicochemical and/or sub-basins laboratories24 in budgets exercise hydrobiological) in selected locations every five years each Riparian Harmonization of sampling and (or more frequent if needed). responsible for the analytical methods demonstrated implementation between Riparians of the Drin monitoring programme

DCG and its pertinent EWGs

21 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities. 22 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities. 23 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities. 24 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

46 47 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 1/Objective 2/Sub-Objective 2.1


Enhancement and development of Riparian and regional data and information systems (water quality, hydrological/hydrogeological, sediment transport, biodiversity) for coordinated action for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2030

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

Sub-Objective 2.1: Preparation and development of an information management system for coordinated action for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2025

1. Identification of the status of existing relevant Riparian < 10 years M All Riparian authorities Riparian L Technical P (process) information management systems (IMS) and analysis of Riparians budgets report agreed historical Drin data for incorporation in the IMS: Monitoring and Information Historic data provide a baseline for Exchange EWG EU future management actions • review of existing IMS systems DCG GEF • analysis of historical data • preparation of a report and key recommendations for implementation.

2. Support for the development of a Drin Basin IMS: < 5 years H All Ministries of the Riparian M Data P (process) Riparians environment and other budgets management • definition of Drin data management requirements relevant institutions related specifications Harmonized approaches on IMS (building on Drin project activities) to data management25 EU assist basin management Agreed data • agreement on data-processing procedures and Adaptation protocols exchange formats at the regional level Monitoring and Information Exchange EWG Fund/UNDP • agreement on IMS specification, design and operation project Signed (building on the Drin project activities, the Drin DCG agreements GEF Information System and existing Riparian systems) Tested • preparation of a feasibility study to develop and test approaches data exchange mechanisms/procedures among for data Riparians. exchanges

25 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

48 49 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 1/Objective 2/Sub-Objective 2.2

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

Sub-Objective 2.2: Implementation of an information management system for coordinated action for the management of the Extended Drin Basin by 2030

1. Recruitment and training of staff: < 5 years M All Ministries of the Riparian L Number of P (process) Riparians environment and other budgets trained IMS a) Engagement of new staff (human resources) in the relevant institutions related staff in each Harmonized approaches on IMS Riparians. to data management26 GEF Riparian assist basin management b) Development and delivery of IMS training for existing and new staff, including:

• data collection, AQC, etc. • management of data • reporting to relevant EU Directives

2. Implementation of Drin Basin IMS: < 5 years H All Data management Riparian M Digital files of P (process) Riparians institutions within each budgets historic data • digitization of historic data on monitoring in Drin Riparian27 with data Historic data used as a baseline Riparians related to Drin Basin EU available and available in IMS for basin Monitoring and Information governance • development, operation and maintenance of Development Data Transboundary Drin Basin Information Management Exchange EWG partners available for System. DCG the regional GEF IMS

Operational regional IMS

26 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities. 27 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

50 51 © 2S Studios DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.1


Establish conditions for the sustainable use of water and its supported ecosystems


Establishment of a knowledge base on water resources and ecosystems for informed decision-making by 2025

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

Sub-Objective 1.1: Establish a knowledge base on water quality for informed decision-making by 2025

1. Development of updated Riparian level/sub-basin < 10 years M All Riparians – Drin Line ministries and Riparian M Pollution risk maps P (process) water quality pollution risk maps and inventory of sub-basins institutes29 budgets developed and hotspots (regarding hazardous substances, heavy accepted Pollution maps help Riparian metals, pesticides, etc.) to inform policymaking and EU authorities prioritize management accidental release monitoring/warning, and to actions to reduce pollution GEF guide necessary managerial action:

• review of existing surface and groundwater risk maps • completion of research • analysis of data • identification of potential sites for early warning of accidental release • preparation of a report, including recommendations of priority actions to be undertaken with an assessment of the cost of these actions28 and protocols to be followed in the event of accidental release to alert downstream Riparians.

28 Preliminary research and a report will determine recommended priority actions, costs, locations, etc. 29 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

54 55 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.1

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

2. Identification of vulnerable areas in accordance < 5 years H All Riparians – Drin Ministry of the Riparian L Sensitive areas P (process) with EU directives (e.g. the Water Framework sub-basins environment in each budgets identified in all Directive, Habitats Directive, Nitrates Directive, Riparian Riparians Identification of sensitive areas Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive) to inform Priority in EU to assist Riparians in prioritizing policymaking and guide necessary managerial plain, Montenegro management actions and future action: (Skadar/Shkodër reports to the EU sub-basin) • review of existing data relating to sensitive areas in accordance with the EU directives • completion of fieldwork • analysis of data • preparation of a report, including recommendations of priority actions to be undertaken with an assessment of the cost of these actions.30

3. Improvement of the understanding of the effects < 10 years M Sub-basins of the Competent Riparian Riparian M Technical reports P (process) of nutrient pollution in priority areas of ecological Prespa, Ohrid and authorities with budgets on the effects importance to inform policymaking and guide Skadar/Shkodër responsibility for of an excessive Information to assist the necessary managerial action: lakes nutrient pollution EU nutrient load to the development of management priority areas actions to reduce nutrient • identification of priority nutrient vulnerable zones Additional priority GEF pollution (using input from action 2 (above)) areas, to be identified • review of existing data on nutrient pollution in priority nutrient vulnerable areas of ecological importance • completion of research in priority areas • analysis of data • preparation of a report, including recommendations in terms of priority actions to be undertaken with an assessment of the cost of these actions.31

4. Identification of vulnerable drinking water sources to < 5 years H All Riparians – Drin Responsible institution Riparian L Report on the P (process) inform the establishment of drinking water protection sub-basins for health protection/ budgets vulnerability of zones: drinking water the main drinking Improved management actions providers/inspectors33 EU water abstraction in protecting drinking water review of existing data on vulnerable drinking water sites and sources sources recommendations on protection analysis of data and preparation of a report, zones including recommendations on the establishment of drinking water protection zones with an assessment of the cost of these actions.32

30 Preliminary research and a report will determine recommended priority actions, costs, locations, etc. 31 Preliminary research and a report will determine recommended priority actions, costs, locations, etc. 32 Preliminary research and a report will determine recommended priority actions, costs, locations, etc. 33 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

56 57 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.2

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

Sub-Objective 1.2: Establish a knowledge base on the hydrological/hydrogeological regime for informed decision-making by 2025

1. Development of an updated Drin Basin < 10 years H All Riparians Hydrogeological Riparian M Technical reports P (process) hydrogeological map including identification of institutes34 budgets groundwater flows in transboundary aquifers and Transboundary Improved management actions associated surface-water bodies of the Drin Basin: aquifers Water Framework EU through improved knowledge of Directive competent hydrogeology • review of existing data Prespa and Ohrid authorities lakes (further • completion of research into identifying investigation DCG groundwater flows of hydrological • preparation of a report on the delineation of the linkages) Drin transboundary aquifers.

2. Updating and increasing precision of water balance < 5 years H All Riparians – Drin Hydropower Riparian L Hydrological P (process) prepared through the GEF Drin Project using Basin companies of budgets models additional data from hydropower companies: Albania and North Improved models will assist Macedonia EU Technical reports water users and basin • agreement with hydropower companies on the management authorities exchange of available data DCG and pertinent Development with overall water resources EWGs partners planning, management and • usage of operational dams’ data (e.g. outflow implementation of drought of water per day) in available hydrological tools Adaptation actions and models to increase their accuracy and Fund/UNDP precision project

• update the water balance. GEF

3. Determination of water stress under different climate < 5 years H All Riparians Relevant Riparian Riparian L Technical reports P (process) change and developmental scenarios for the Drin authorities budgets and data sub-basins (update related work under the GEF Drin Improved understanding of the Project; use outputs of action 2 above): DCG EU impacts of climate variability and change on water resources • review of existing climate change scenarios Adaptation allows authorities to adjust Fund/UNDP sectoral economic planning and • review of existing data on water uses/demand project development per sector, including agriculture, industry, energy, domestic, etc. (update related work GIZ under the GEF Drin Project) GEF • completion of research into water stress under climate change scenarios using hydrological models • preparation of a report and recommendations in relation to water use per sub-basin and sector.

34 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

58 59 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.3

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

4. Estimation of seawater intrusion risks under different < 10 years M Coastal area of Ministries with Riparian L Technical report P (process) climate change scenarios to inform policymaking Drin responsibility for budgets and guide necessary managerial action: surface/groundwater Coastal authorities have for drinking/ EU information on groundwater • review of existing data/studies and completion agriculture seawater intrusion risks to guide of further research on seawater intrusion risks GEF management plans in the region • preparation of a report and key recommendations for policymaking, law drafting and managerial actions.

Sub-Objective 1.3: Establish a knowledge base on biodiversity for informed decision-making by 2025

1. Determination of the status and trends of Drin Basin < 10 years M Protected areas or Universities/research Riparian M Technical reports P (process) biodiversity (key habitats and species, including fish areas considered institutes budgets stocks in lakes and rivers, the distribution and effects for protection in all Improved Riparian decision makers of aquatic invasive species in the transboundary Riparians Environmental Internationally- understanding of have information on Drin Basin lakes, condition of coastal/marine ecosystems and agencies35 funded the biodiversity biodiversity and trends to use marine fisheries, distribution of Natura 2000 sites Drin Basin research status in the basin for policymaking in the fields of within the basin, etc.) to inform policymaking and Ministries of the projects area environmental protection and Lakes (Ohrid, guide necessary managerial action: environment, fisheries economic development Prespa and and agriculture GIZ • joint study on the status and trends of key Skadar/Shkodër EU habitats and species in the Drin Basin through lakes) Protected area the review of existing biodiversity data (including management Drin coastal areas GEF habitats and species) and field assessments authorities • assessment study report and management- Biodiversity and related recommendations. Ecosystems EWG


2. Estimation of the value of ecosystem services 5–10 years M Protected areas or Ministries of the Riparian M Maps and reports P (process) to inform policymaking and guide necessary areas considered environment budgets on ecosystem managerial action: for protection in all services and Ecosystem services and value in Riparians Universities/research EU valuation the Drin Basin available to guide • identification of areas of focus institutes36 decision makers World Wide Improved • completion of research into mapping and Biodiversity and Fund for Nature understanding of valuation of ecosystem services taking into Ecosystems EWG (WWF) ecosystem services consideration existing studies and work International • preparation of a report and key DCG Union for recommendations on ecosystem management Conservation of based on the findings. Nature (IUCN)


35 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities. 36 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

60 61 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.4

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

3. Assessment of acceptable ecological flows across < 5 years H All Riparians – Drin Ministries of the Riparian M Report available P (process) the Drin Basin: sub-basins environment and budgets water resources Minimum ecological flows • review of existing studies and work for the management EU established in the Drin Basin to assessment of acceptable ecological flows guide decision makers on water across the basin demand and use • preparation of a report and key recommendations • assessment of acceptable ecological flows in the Drin Basin.37

4. Assessment on the need, potential and location < 5 years L Albania, Competent Riparian M Report available P (process) for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the exclusive Montenegro authorities/ministries budgets economic zone (EEZ) of the coastal Riparians: for MPAs Coastal Riparians have Locations to be EU information on MPA location, • identification of areas of study determined based need and potential on the study • completion of a joint study • preparation of a report and key recommendations on the establishment of MPAs.

Sub-Objective 1.4: Establish a knowledge base on sediment transport for informed decision-making by 2025

1. Identification of the impacts of hydromorphological < 5 years H All Riparians – Drin Ministries and Riparian L Technical report, P (process) interventions (including related to agriculture, sub-basins organizations with budgets sediment and industry, tourism and forestry management responsibility for transport model Models available to practices) on sediment transport and actions to hydromorphological EU guide decision makers on address these: alterations (including Accepted hydromorphological issues Water Framework recommendations related to sediment transport, • review of existing data Directive competent (by DCG) which will benefit hydropower plant operators, farmers, gravel • development of sediment transport model authorities, environment extraction, etc. • preparation of a report and key ministries, hydropower recommendations for policymaking, law plant operators, drafting and management actions. tourism) 38

37 See action 2 on water balance in goal 2, sub-objective 1.2. 38 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

62 63 Melitaea phoebe © Thomais Vlachogianni/MIO-ECSDE DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.4

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

2. Update of coastal erosion trends making use of < 10 years M Albania, Geological institutions Riparian L Technical P (process) outputs of action 1 and quantification of the effect Montenegro budgets report and of the sediment balance on coastal erosion / Hydrometeorological recommendations Improved management of deposition processes to inform policymaking and institutions39 International coastal regions and planning of guide necessary managerial action: partners economic activities in coastal Ministries/authorities and marine areas • identification of areas of study responsible for the GEF environment, water • completion of research into the effect of the and agriculture/ sediment balance on coastal erosion/deposition forestry and maritime processes, taking into consideration existing affairs studies and work • preparation of a report and key recommendations for policymaking, law drafting and management actions.

3. Identification of standards and areas for the < 10 years M All Riparians – Drin Ministries of the National L Potential areas for P (process) exploitation of riverbed material extraction to inform sub-basins environment and resources gravel extraction policymaking and guide necessary managerial water administration identified and Riparian authorities have action: Authorities recommendations information to designate areas Authorities enforcing accepted for gravel extraction • review of existing data/studies gravel extraction Operators, geological Reduced ecosystem damage • development of criteria and standards for Private companies surveys (data, from riverbed material extraction extraction engaged in expertise), river • mapping of areas meeting the standards extraction basin/regional authorities, • recommendations for implementation of a municipalities, monitoring programme EU regional • preparation of a report and key operational recommendations for policymaking and law programmes drafting.

4. Identification of erosion hotspots to inform < 5 years H All Riparians – Drin Geological institutions Riparian L Technical report P (process) policymaking and guide necessary managerial sub-basins budgets action: Hydrometeorological Information available at the institutions International, basin level to guide measures to • review of existing data/studies including EU minimize erosion Ministries of the • identification of areas of study environment, Contributions • completion of further research on erosion agriculture/forestry from hotspots and water authority hydropower plant operators • preparation of a report and key recommendations for policymaking, law Research drafting and management actions to minimize projects erosion.

39 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

66 67 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.5

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

Sub-Objective 1.5: Establish a knowledge base on sectoral developments and intersectoral impacts by 2025

1. Assessment of the carrying capacity of the Drin < 5 years H All Riparians – Drin DCG Development L Intersectoral P (process) Basin in terms of renewable energy (hydropower and sub-basins partners meetings non-hydropower) production to inform policymaking University/research completed Riparian ministries (energy, water, and guide necessary managerial action: institutes etc.) have information for the Technical report sustainable energy production • review of existing data/studies and completion Hydrometeorological from renewables of research into energy development in the institutions40 basin Ministries of the • preparation of a report and key environment and recommendations for policymaking and law energy drafting.

2. Development of a basin-level climate-related 5–10 years M All Riparians Relevant Riparian Riparian M Technical report P (process) vulnerability assessment for key sectors (energy, authorities budgets and data agriculture, forestry, industry, urban areas, etc.):41 Riparian authorities and the DCG DCG EU have information to guide sectors • review of existing data/studies and completion with climate-related decisions of further research on climate-related Adaptation vulnerability in the basin (e.g. establishing Fund/UNDP emission limit values under different hydrological project conditions; water quantity in the energy sector) GIZ (including • preparation of a report and key academic recommendations. research projects)


3. Improved understanding of the impacts of < 5 years H All Riparians – Ministries and Riparian L–M Report and P (process) pesticides in the Drin Basin from current agricultural Drin sub-basins, authorities with budgets recommendations practices to inform policymaking and guide priority in areas responsibility for Research informs authorities on necessary managerial action: with intensive priority substances EU pesticide management agriculture in the • review of existing data on the impacts of White Drin, Prespa, pesticides Ohrid, Black Drin, • identification of areas of focus Zeta valley, Buna/ Bojana area • completion of research in areas of focus • analysis of data • preparation of report and recommendations.

40 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities. 41 The outputs of action 3 under goal 2, sub-objective 1.2, will be used as input for this action.

68 69 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.6

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

Sub-Objective 1.6: Establish a knowledge base on economic instruments by 2025

1. Identification of potential disincentives in the form 5–10 years M All Riparians Riparian water / Riparian L New regulations/ P (process) of economic instruments (charges, taxes, subsidies, environment budgets economic etc.) for untreated urban and industrial wastewater Protected areas industries, economy instruments Riparians aware of the discharges to inform policymaking and guide and important ministries43 EU identified opportunities and benefits from necessary managerial action: areas identified in the use of economic instruments studies under sub- Water utilities GEF in the basin • review of existing data/studies and completion objective 1.1 of further research on the use of economic instruments on wastewater discharges, taking into consideration the pollution related and socio-economic realities in the Drin • preparation of a report and key recommendations for introduction and enforcement of the economic instruments.42

2. Assessment of existing incentives and subsidies to 5–10 years M All Riparians Ministries of the Riparian L Technical reports P (process) identify those that have an effect on ecosystems economy, energy, budgets on economic (both positive and negative) and the services finance, agriculture incentives Riparians aware of the current provided, and identification of necessary reforms: and the environment Development impacts from subsidies partners Recommendations • review of existing data/studies and completion Environmental for policy change of further research on incentives and subsidies agencies that impact biodiversity University/research • preparation of a report and key recommended institutes designated Riparian-level reforms. by the competent ministries or other authorities

42 Links with actions on urban wastewater treatment works and associated legislation with respect to EU directives on wastewater. 43 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

70 71 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 1/Sub-Objective 1.6

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

3. Identification of market-based solutions and < 5 years H All Riparians Ministries of energy Development L–M Policy P (process) measures to reduce illegal forest exploitation: and the economy partners, recommendations Protected areas including banks for the wood Riparians aware of economic • implementation of feasibility studies on the and important Development banks energy sector measures to minimize destructive introduction of sustainable alternative heating areas identified in Riparian forestry practices fuels (e.g. pellets, briquettes) and energy studies under 1.1 Commercial banks budgets (co- Financing options efficiency measures for households, businesses financing) to implement DCG and public organizations that currently use recommendations, firewood as a primary heating source and implementation of • identify options for establishing cooperation recommendations with developmental and commercial banks for the development of microcredit options/ soft loans for households, businesses and public organizations to shift to alternative heating fuels (e.g. pellets, briquettes) and implement energy efficiency measures • preparation of a report and key recommendations for the establishment of financing options (e.g. subsidies, soft loans) to promote identified measures that will result in reduced demand for energy and firewood • identification of commercial banks to provide microcredit/soft loans.

© 2S Studios

72 73 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 2/Sub-Objective 2.1


Strengthening mechanisms and policies to support management of water resources and ecosystems by 2030

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

Sub-Objective 2.1: Strengthening regional governance and policies in the Extended Drin Basin by 2025

1. Signing an international agreement for the < 2 years H All Riparians Governments of the Drin Riparian M Feasibility P (process) management of the Drin Basin, including the Riparians budgets report establishment of a Joint Commission: Drin Basin management DCG EU Agreed plan through a regional Commission • review of institutional and legal options to implement GEF formation of • preparation of a feasibility study, including body proposal for the definition of roles and responsibilities, operational rules, rules of Terms of procedure, administrative rules, etc., as well Reference for as financing functions • preparation of legal text and negotiation Legal text for among Riparians international • signing of the agreement to be forwarded agreement for ratification by the parliaments of the Riparians.

2. Development and implementation of river < 5 years H All Riparians Governments of Drin Riparian M RBMPs P (process) basin management plans (RBMPs):44 Riparians budgets prepared at the Riparian level Riparians have Water • support the development and DCG EU Framework Directive implementation of RBMPs in each of the RBMPs compliant RBMPs to guide the Riparians for Drin sub-basins extending GEF prepared at the management of Drin Basin into their territory (in accordance with EU transboundary in each Riparian and at the directives) in cases where these do not exist sub-basin level transboundary (international) level • development of RBMPs for transboundary International sub-basins RBMP agreed SR (stress reduction)

• streamlining RBMP of transboundary sub- ES (ecosystem status) basins into national RBMPs • development of an international Drin RBMPs will have a positive effect RBMPs (in accordance with EU directives at the extended Drin Basin level and incorporating nexus considerations).

3. Application of the Sendai45 Framework for 5–10 years M All Riparians – Drin Competent ministries from Riparian L International P (process) Disaster Risk Reduction at the transboundary sub-basins Riparians with input to the budgets agreement, level: Sendai Framework at the technical report Riparians apply the Sendai transboundary level and adopted Framework to reduce • review of Sendai Framework implications for regulation transboundary risks of disasters the Riparians • implementation of the Sendai Framework in the Riparians.

44 Building on experiences from the Lake Ohrid RBMP development and based on information in Riparian RBMPs and TDA thematic reports. 45

74 75 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 2/Sub-Objective 2.3

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

Sub-Objective 2.2: Strengthening governance and policies on water quality management by 2025

1. Implementation of specific policy strengthening < 10 years H All Riparians Responsible authorities National M Updated P (process) actions on water quality management budgets institutions identified for each Riparian in the TDA.46 and policies Riparians have improved on water institutional and legal management arrangements implemented

2. Establishment of pollution classification 5–10 years M All Riparians – Drin Responsible institution for National L Scheme P (process) schemes (biological, chemical and sub-basins monitoring48 budgets developed and physicochemical):47 in use Riparians develop harmonized DCG EU pollution classification schemes • review of existing pollution classification to address pollution sources schemes • establishment of reference sites • development of classification schemes for parameters for which ecological/chemical quality limits do not exist in the Water Framework Directive.

3. Implementation of EU water-related directives 10–20 years H All Riparians Ministries responsible National H Directives P (process) in all Riparians in accordance with existing for EU water directives/ budgets implemented national laws and strategies, and consistent competent authorities SR (stress reduction) ES with the EU acquis. EU (ecosystem status) Implementation of directives lead to meeting agreed standards that will improve ecosystem conditions

Sub-Objective 2.3: Strengthening governance and policies on hydrological/hydrogeological management by 2025

1. Establishment of a dialogue between the < 5 years M Drin River, dams Hydrometeorological and Riparian L Report on P (process) hydropower companies, other relevant related institutions50 budgets model outputs authorities and the DCG/Drin Commission with Initiation of discussions regard to operation procedures of the dams to Ministries of water, energy, EU Improvement between DCG, hydropower improve flow regulation and minimize negative the economy options defined plant operators and authorities Austrian effects:49 concerned with key flow Hydropower plant Development regulation issues • feasibility study to assess the scope and operators Agency (nexus) level of cooperation DCG Hydropower • preparation and negotiation of an plant operators agreement document.

46 Identified in the Thematic Report on Institutional and Legal Setting. 47 Contributing to the implementation of action 2 under sub-objective 2.1 regarding the development of basin management plans at the Riparian level. 48 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities. 49 The outputs of action 1 under goal 7, objective 1 is a prerequisite for this action. 50 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

76 77 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 2/Sub-Objective 2.4

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

2. Establishment of regulations/economic 5–10 years H All Riparians Line ministries Riparian M New P (process) instruments for full cost recovery of budgets regulations/ water services and water use in the Drin Water service utilities economic Establishing regulations for transboundary sub-basins and basin.51 EU, KFW, instruments in full cost recovery will provide Completion of an economic analysis of European place resources for further protection water use in accordance with the EU Water Bank for of ecosystem services Framework Directive to enable full cost Reconstruction recovery of water services and water use: and Development • preparation of a report and key (EBRD), World recommendations Bank, GEF • development of a billing and environmental taxation system for water use (agricultural, domestic wastewater, industrial).

Sub-Objective 2.4: Strengthening governance and policies on biodiversity management by 2025

1. Establishment of harmonized fishery regulations < 5 years H Prespa, Skadar/ Authorities responsible for Riparian L Fishery P (process) and improved monitoring of compliance for Shkodër and Ohrid fisheries budgets regulations commercial fisheries in transboundary lakes: lakes Leading to harmonized fish Ministry of the environment EU Monitoring of management across Drin Basin • agreement on harmonized regulations fishing to better conserve/protect fish among Riparians in each transboundary Protected area stocks lake (regulations will be lake specific, management authorities Training including species available to catch, programmes EWGs duration of fishing bans, equipment that Number of can be used, types of fishing nets, sizes of people trained net openings, etc.) • establishment of training programmes for authorities responsible for monitoring and enforcement of regulations • enforcement of regulations and implementation of monitoring of commercial fishes.

2. Assessment of the state of commercial fish < 10 years H Prespa, Skadar/ Authorities responsible for Riparian L Agreements P (process) populations and agreement of fishing quota Shkodër and Ohrid fisheries budgets on commercial among Riparians in each transboundary lake. lakes species fishing SR (stress reduction) Ministry of the environment EU quota Decreased pressure on Protected area commercial fish stocks; management authorities decreased pressure on biodiversity

51 Contributing to the implementation of action 2 under goal 2, sub-objective 2.1 regarding the development of basin management plans.

78 79 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 2/Sub-Objective 2.6

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

3. Establishment of common approaches to 5–10 years M All Riparians – Drin Authorities responsible Riparian L Training P (process) monitoring of logging in forests including sub-basins for agriculture/forestry budgets programmes enforcement of regulations: inspection services Better monitoring will allow for EU Number of improved management and • perform needs assessment Forestry agencies people trained enforcement of regulations

• train relevant personnel Protected area Number of • improve statistics on wood energy and management authorities inspections related forest degradation. Monitoring of forest status improved

4. Harmonization of the zoning system in areas < 5 years H Areas that are Protected area Riparian L Map of P (process) that are protected and adjacent (across protected and management authorities budgets harmonized Riparian borders): adjacent (across zones Improved harmonization of Riparian borders) Ministries of the EU protected areas in the Drin Basin • establishment of joint technical groups by environment Zoning the Riparians Bilateral donor implemented Agencies (for the projects • joint research to fill in potential knowledge environment, water, forests, gaps tourism) • agreement on the harmonized zoning system and related regulations, including on enforcement measures and monitoring of compliance.

Sub-Objective 2.5: Strengthening governance and policies on sediment management by 2025

1. Definition of economic instruments (taxes/ < 10 years L All Riparians Line ministries Riparian L Report on P (process) concession fees) to regulate sand and gravel (environment, industry) funding legal basis exploitation from riverbeds: and economic SR (stress reduction) Development instruments Studies inform Riparians on • preparation of a study to define the partners and adopted possible economic instruments/ recommended economic instruments, regulations means and processes for their locations implementation in identified hotspots. New/updated Implementation of regulations policies will assist in reducing ecosystem implemented pressures

Sub-Objective 2.6: Strengthening intersectoral governance and policy coherence by 2025

1. Implementation of a nexus multisectoral < 5 years H All Riparians DCG Riparian Dialogue P (process) dialogue supported through the establishment budgets meetings of a related dialogue platform functioning as All nexus-relevant ministries Intersectoral discussions will advisory body for the DCG, involving energy, Development Nexus assist with Riparian and DCG water, agroforestry and environment sectors to: partners assessment management of the Drin Basin reports on • inform the development of RBMPs different issues of priority • identify and prioritize issues that require a collective response coordinated across Nexus solutions/ sectors interventions • propose and coordinate synergic actions. identified and applied



Implementation of local, Riparian and regional actions to promote sustainable water use and ensure ecosystem functioning and resilience by 2030

Impact of action on Timescale Responsible organization/ water resources/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location authority in each Drin Financing Budget Indicators ecosystem (at the signing SAP) Riparian transboundary level)

1. Minimization of the effect of phosphorus from detergents < 10 years H Identified Ministries of the environment Riparian L Phosphorus-free P (process) through the voluntary uptake of a phosphorus ban at the hotspots/ and trade/the economy budgets detergents used on municipal level including: sensitive a voluntary basis at SR (stress reduction) ecological EU the municipal level Riparians have necessary • assessment of monitoring data areas for pilot GEF Only phosphorus- technical and policy • identification of areas for pilot action implementation actions free detergents information to reduce • pilot action for voluntary uptake of a phosphorus ban Lumbardi Peje available on the phosphorus in detergents at the municipal level market Interested Pilots implemented to • implementation and assessment of results of pilot municipalities reduce phosphorus in activities in all wastewater discharges in the Drin Basin • development of policy measures and action plans Riparians for for interested municipalities in all Riparians to upscale enforcement the pilot action and perform capacity-building for of ban the implementation of the action plans, including the enforcement of a phosphorous detergent ban.

2. Application of irrigation practices to improve water < 10 years L White Drin, Riparian/local authorities with Riparian M Report on a P (process) and energy consumption efficiency through pilot Prespa, Ohrid, responsibility for irrigation budgets preliminary demonstration, small grants and microcredit programmes: Black Drin, assessment SR (stress reduction) Zeta valley, Ministries of water EU Riparians have the • identification of test sites based on agreed criteria the Buna/ Pilot interventions GEF necessary technical Bojana area on smart irrigation • identification of techniques to test (e.g. information information to reduce technology (IT) informed irrigation, drip irrigation, solar Financing options irrigation water demand pumps, metering) to scaling up of Implementation of • implementation and assessment of results of pilot pilots identified and new water and energy activities implemented consumption efficient • development of a feasibility study on investments for irrigation techniques scaling up the pilot action, indicating among others, areas, technical specifications and cost • identification of options for establishing cooperation with developmental and commercial banks to develop microcredit options/soft loans • development of a feasibility study including regarding the form and conditions of microcredit schemes • establishment of a small grants scheme for farmers to acquire necessary equipment for scaling up the pilot, including the process and criteria for participating in the scheme, selection of beneficiaries, reporting and monitoring, etc. • implementation of the small grants programme, possibly with the parallel implementation of a microcredit programme implemented by developmental/commercial banks.


Impact of action on Timescale Responsible organization/ water resources/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location authority in each Drin Financing Budget Indicators ecosystem (at the signing SAP) Riparian transboundary level)

3. Supporting the use of Best Agricultural Practices (BAP)52 < 10 years M To be Local and Riparian authorities Riparian M Locations P (process) (e.g. buffer strips, crop rotation, application of fertilizers, determined responsible for agriculture budgets identified, pilot no-till, use of cover crops) to prevent erosion and enhance among areas case confirmed, SR (stress reduction) ES soil conservation through training, pilot interventions, small in the White farmers trained (ecosystem status) grants and microcredit programmes, including: Drin, Prespa EU Farmers and agricultural and Ohrid Implementation of authorities have an • assessment for the identification of priority areas,53 lakes, the pilots improved understanding of BAP actions and interventions for each area Black Drin, Financing options BAP options for the basin. Zeta valley GEF • implementation of pilot actions and assessment of to scaling up of and the Buna/ results pilots identified and Implementation of pilots Bojana area implemented reduce soil erosion • development of a feasibility study on investments for scaling up the pilot action, indicating among others, Monitoring data Monitoring of emissions/ areas, technical specifications and cost demonstrates ecosystems enables • identification of options for establishing cooperation erosion, reduction improvements to be with developmental and commercial banks to and enhancement reported develop microcredit options/soft loans of soil conservation • development of a feasibility study including of the form and conditions of the microcredit schemes • (vocational) training courses for farmers in priority areas on BAP including the development of training courses and materials and implementation of training courses • development of a small grants scheme on a BAP implementation programme (for the necessary investments, etc.) including processes and criteria for participating in the programme, the selection of beneficiaries, reporting and monitoring, etc. • implementation of the small grants programme, possibly with the parallel implementation of a microcredit programme by developmental/ commercial banks.

4. Pilot study on metering water use (abstraction and use): < 10 years L All Riparians Authorities responsible for water Riparian M Registry of water P (process) – Drin sub- resources management budgets abstraction • identification/mapping of illegal abstraction points basins SR (stress reduction) EU Report on metering • preparation of a register of water abstractions approaches in the Improved understanding of • development of recommendations Riparians the benefits of metering

• implementation of pilot metering Implementation of Reduced water consumption as result of • assessment of effectiveness and recommendations pilot metering of pilot metering for upscaling. water use Assessment reports on results with recommendations for upscaling

52 See also the following BAP-related actions: action 2 under goal 5, objective 2, and action 3 under goal 6, objective 1. 53 See maps A1 and A2 on nitrogen and phosphorous load source apportionment in the Thematic Report on Pollution and Water Quality.


Impact of action on Timescale Responsible organization/ water resources/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location authority in each Drin Financing Budget Indicators ecosystem (at the signing SAP) Riparian transboundary level)

5. Implementation of mitigation measures to protect drinking < 10 years M All Riparians Responsible institutions for Riparian M Number of priority SR (stress reduction) water sources: – Drin sub- health protection/drinking budgets abstraction sites basins water providers/inspectors supported through Improved protection • establishment of protection zones and programme of the development measures for drinking water protection measures of protection sources implemented • support for implementation of direct (i.e. fencing) zones and the and indirect protection measures (monitoring and implementation enforcement of protection in zones which can of prescribed influence the abstraction site). protection measures

6. Rehabilitation/extension of water supply systems for urban 10–20 years M All Riparians Ministries responsible for water Riparian H Percentage of SR (stress reduction) and rural areas, following an initial review to identify (locations to supply infrastructure budgets population with locations/priorities. be identified) high quality Reduced losses of water EU drinking water from leakage Enhancing existing and installing new water treatment works as required. Socio-economic benefits of clean water to populations

7. Pilot interventions for reducing forest fire risks: < 10 years M Locations Ministries of agriculture/forestry Riparian L–M Study report P (process) identified budgets • study to identify priority areas, actions and through the Inspection services Interventions SR (stress reduction) ES interventions for each area study (ecosystem status) Forestry agencies Pilots implemented • implementation of pilot actions and assessment of Improved understanding of results Protected area management Feasibility study forest fires/locations authorities • development of a feasibility study on investments for Hectares of forests Pilots will reduce the risk of scaling up the pilot actions, indicating among others, protected forest fires areas, technical specifications and cost. Biodiversity Reduced forest fires protected benefit the forest ecosystem and reduce soil erosion resulting from destroyed fires

8. Restoration actions to ensure river continuity, including < 10 years M Initial sites Competent Riparian ministries Riparian M Feasibility study P (process) bank naturalization, restoring wetlands connectivity, etc.: to be and authorities budgets considered Restoration SR (stress reduction) ES • study to identify priority areas, actions and include EU activities (ecosystem status) interventions for each area Montenegro GEF Hectares of Riparians’ understanding (lower • implementation of pilot actions and assessment of wetlands restored of options/locations for Morača results restoration improved River), Kosovo Kilometres of • development of a feasibility study on investments (outside Peja riverbanks restored Increased biodiversity, for scaling up the implementation of related town) reduced stress to actions, indicating among others, areas, technical ecosystems, e.g. from specifications and cost. wetland restoration pilots • (building on experiences from other river restoration work in South-East Europe and including outputs from Improved ecosystem status the GEF DYNA54 project involving Montenegro) from restoration

54 Danube River Basin Hydromorphology and River Restoration.


Impact of action on Timescale Responsible organization/ water resources/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location authority in each Drin Financing Budget Indicators ecosystem (at the signing SAP) Riparian transboundary level)

9. Evaluation of approaches for the control of aquatic 5–10 years M–L Prespa, Competent Riparian authorities Riparian L–M Pilots P (process) invasive species in transboundary lakes: Skadar/ budgets Shkodër and Assessment of SR (stress reduction) ES • assessment and identification of priority locations and Ohrid lakes EU results (ecosystem status) interventions/pilot actions GEF Management Increased knowledge • implementation of pilot actions and assessment of instruments on issues associated with results identified and invasive species • development of studies on management implemented Implementing target pilots approaches/instruments/measures for controlling will reduce stress from invasive species invasive species • implementation of approaches/instruments/measures. Monitoring will highlight improvements to biodiversity (reduced invasive species)

10. Construction of fish ladders at priority locations: 10–20 years L Large dams Hydropower plant operators Riparian H Agreement to P (process) in Albania budgets implement fish • study on the identification of priority locations, and North Ministries of the environment ladders SR (stress reduction) ES interventions (e.g. cost/benefit for each location and Macedonia EU (ecosystem status) a feasibility plan) University/research institutes Fish ladders Hydropower constructed Studies identify options for • construction of fish ladders at selected priority areas plant fish ladders and assessment of results operators Constructed ladders • development of a feasibility study on investments reduce pressures from for scaling up the implementation of related hydropower dams to fish actions, indicating among others, areas, technical movement specifications and cost. Ecosystem status improvements demonstrated from monitoring data

11. Reduction of impacts from aquaculture activities: 10–20 years M Sites to be Ministries responsible for Riparian M Percentage of SR (stress reduction) identified by aquaculture budgets aquaculture • study on aquaculture and ecosystem impacts study produced in low Reducing pollution and Private other ecosystem impacts • implementation of pilot activities to reduce pollution impact sites sector from aquaculture impacts • report and recommendations for upscaling • initiation of upscaling/replication of actions.


Impact of action on Timescale Responsible organization/ water resources/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location authority in each Drin Financing Budget Indicators ecosystem (at the signing SAP) Riparian transboundary level)

12. Establishment of business incubators and small grants < 10 years M Prespa, DCG Riparian M Reports with ES (ecosystem/socio- programmes matched by microcredit programmes, for Skadar/ budgets recommendations economic status) environmentally friendly SME-business activities: Shkodër and Ohrid lakes EU Financing options Ecosystem status and • identification of options for establishing cooperation and the Buna/ to implement socio-economic status GEF with developmental and commercial banks Bojana area recommendations, improvements through to develop microcredit options/soft loans and and the operation of organizations specialized in providing services for implementation of environmentally friendly business development recommendations SME-business • development of a feasibility study including on the form and conditions of microcredit schemes • development of a feasibility study on the establishment of incubators • development of a small grants programme (for necessary investments, etc.), including process and criteria for participating in the programme, selection of beneficiaries, reporting and monitoring, etc. • implementation of the small grants programme with the parallel implementation of a microcredit programme implemented by developmental/ commercial banks.

13. Implementation of erosion control measures (e.g. < 10 years H All Riparians Line ministries for water and Riparian H Number of P (process) reforestation, nature-based solutions, sustainable tillage water directorates budgets priority areas and irrigation systems) in priority areas: 55 with mitigation SR (stress reduction) Municipalities EU measures Priority on Studies will lead to • preparation of a study to identify erosion implemented management measures in identified hotspots for Ohrid and Ministries and organizations57 GEF management prioritization testing and upscaling Skadar/ involved with erosion and lake Technical reports of locations for preliminary Shkodër lakes management, possibly forestry on measures actions 56 • agreement on priority areas and identification of (subject to measures) and measures Implementation of actions appropriate measures implemented will reduce erosion at • implementation of identified measures (infrastructure selected sites and/or non-infrastructure) • evaluation of the results • development of a feasibility study on investments for scaling up the implementation of related action, indicating, among others, areas, technical specifications and cost.

55 With links to actions within goal 2, sub-objective 1.4. 56 Selection among those identified through sub-objective 1.4. 57 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

90 91 Samenis situla © Thomais Vlachogianni/MIO-ECSDE DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 2/Objective 4


Improvement of capacities and increased awareness to promote sustainable water use and ensure ecosystem functioning and resilience by 2030

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

1. Preparation of summary reports for decision makers < 5 years H All Riparians – DCG GEF L Reports P (process) to raise awareness on priority transboundary Drin sub-basins published and environmental problems, including on the impacts of distributed Decision makers have increased climate change on different socio-economic sectors. awareness on transboundary issues and impacts

2. Environmental awareness-raising campaigns < 10 years H Schools in the Ministries of the Riparian L–M Awareness- P (process) and training programmes for schools on Drin Drin Basin environment and budgets raising transboundary management issues and water/ education material: Students and their families environment management: Development curriculum have raised awareness on the DCG partners (GIZ, and training transboundary problems and • development of awareness-raising material and UNDP, EU) courses and solutions campaigns agreed among Riparians, as well as material for EU research training curriculum and materials schools programmes • delivery of awareness campaigns and training • development of monitoring programmes and assessment of results.

3. Awareness-raising campaigns and training workshops < 5 years H Municipalities Environmental agencies Riparian L–M Seminars/ P (process) on water/environmental management for local level within the basin and ministries budgets awareness- authorities, local/regional water companies, etc: raising Stakeholders informed on water/ Universities/research Development environment management • agreement with local level authorities, local/ institutes58 partners (GIZ, Briefing regional water companies UNDP, EU) documents • development of awareness-raising material and campaigns as well as training curriculum and materials • delivery of awareness campaigns and training • development of monitoring programmes and assessment of results.

4. Awareness-raising campaign on BAP (including < 5 years M Focus on Agriculture authorities Riparian L Delivery of P (process) nutrient management) with farmers’ associations: specific crops (ministries, institutes, budgets awareness- in agricultural extension services) raising Stakeholders informed on • agreement with farmers’ associations areas in the Development campaigns water/the environment/farm Farmers associations Partners management • development of awareness-raising material White Drin, Prespa and (USAID, EU, • delivery of awareness campaigns for target Ohrid lakes, the GEF) audiences in all Riparians Black Drin, Zeta Riparian valley and the • assessment of effectiveness. financing Buna/Bojana area

58 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.


Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

5. Awareness-raising campaigns and training < 5 years M Skadar/Shkodër, Relevant local and Riparian L Delivery of P (process) programmes on sustainable fisheries for fishers on Ohrid and Riparian authorities budgets awareness- transboundary lakes: Prespa lakes raising Stakeholders informed and trained and marine/ EU campaigns on water/the environment/fisheries • agreement with fishers’ associations coastal areas and targeted management GEF • development of awareness-raising material and in Albania and training campaigns as well as training curriculum and Montenegro programmes materials • delivery of awareness campaigns and training • development of programme monitoring and an assessment of results.

6. Awareness-raising campaigns and training < 5 years M Dam operators Ministries of energy and Riparian L Delivery of P (process) programmes targeting small hydropower plant the environment budgets awareness- operators on the environment, water and energy: raising Stakeholders informed and Hydropower plant Hydropower campaigns trained on water/environment • development of awareness-raising material and operators plant and targeted management campaigns as well as training curriculum and operators training materials programmes EU • delivery of awareness campaigns and training • development of programme monitoring and an assessment of results.

7. Awareness-raising campaigns to reduce littering and < 10 years H All Riparians, Local and Riparian Riparian L Delivery of P (process) reduce plastic waste: especially in authorities budgets awareness- touristic areas of raising ES (ecosystem status) • stakeholder analysis to identify target groups Ohrid and Buna/ Public education institutes campaigns and civil society groups Stakeholders informed on plastic • development of awareness-raising materials and Bojana, Velipoje Reduced litter waste management campaigns in touristic Monitoring of reduced plastic • delivery of material campaigns to target areas, waste in environment audience in all Riparians increased • assessment of effectiveness. waste disposal containers in target locations

8. Vocational training courses for the establishment of < 10 years M Local Vocational training Riparian L Number of P (process) environmentally friendly SME business activities:59 communities centres, universities budgets vocational within training Stakeholders have training on • stakeholder analysis to identify target groups transboundary DCG International programmes appropriate biodiversity issues protected areas partners relating to different activities • study to identify vocations that have higher Local authorities in the Drin Basin (WWF, GIZ, Number of chances of financial sustainability in different etc.) participants parts of the basin Professional chambers and associations • development of curriculum/training courses and Private Number of materials business business initiated • implementation of vocational training courses GEF • assessment of effectiveness.

59 For example, nature tourism-related activities (beekeeping, sustainable forestry, non-conventional water resources management, etc.).


Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

9. Capacity-building of institutions with regard to the < 10 years M All Riparians – Line ministries and Riparian L Capacity- P (process) Industrial Emissions Directive and Seveso Directive Drin sub-basins environmental agencies budgets building to ensure more effective enforcement of legislation, and inspectorates60 material SR (stress reduction) including training and internships to ministries of EU Stakeholders receive training on European countries: Number of trainings the Seveso Directive • stakeholder analysis to identify target groups Number of Reports on enforcement indicate • development of capacity-building materials participants reduced stress from relevant industry • delivery of training to target audiences in all Riparians • assessment of effectiveness.

© 2S Studios

60 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.



Develop cooperation measures to minimize risks of disasters due to extreme natural phenomena and climate change by 2030


Improved coordinated management among Riparians for flood risks by 203061

Impact of action on Timescale Responsible organization/ water resources/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location authority in each Drin Financing Budget Indicators ecosystem (at the signing SAP) Riparian transboundary level)

1. Preparation of a unified and optimized basin-scale < 5 years H All Riparians Hydromet institutes Riparian H Functional P (process) assessment of monitoring needs to strengthen – Drin sub- budgets hydrometeorological hydrometric monitoring networks in the Riparians. basins network Agreed monitoring Adaptation programme will inform Fund/UNDP Riparians and the project DCG on hydrological parameters

2. Introduction of river basin modelling tools and < 5 years H All Riparians Relevant Riparian authorities Riparian M Use of tools P (process) technologies for strategic flood risk assessments based – Drin sub- budgets on the EU Floods Directive risk assessment, flood risk basins DCG Flood risk hotspots Improved awareness of mapping and flood management plans: Adaptation identified, technical flood risk hotspots Fund/UNDP report (a) Development of tools or adaptation of existing tools. project Tools available for Operational tool and management (b) Preparation of a study to identify flood risk hotspots. EU software

3. Development of a geographic information system < 5 years H All Riparians TBD Riparian H GIS database P (process) (GIS)-based vulnerability, loss and damages assessment – Drin sub- budgets established tool and database established to record, analyse and basins Agreed GIS-based tools predict flood events and associated losses. Adaptation will inform Riparians Fund/UNDP and the DCG on flood project impacts

4. Implementation of a Drin Basin flood risk management < 5years H All Riparians TBD Riparian H Riparian established P (process) policy framework and improved long-term cooperation – Drin sub- budgets policy frameworks on flood risk management. basins Implementation of a Adaptation basin-wide flood risk Fund/UNDP policy project

61 Financing of activities under this objective for Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia has been secured to a great extent through the Adaptation Fund project “Integrated climate-resilient transboundary flood risk management in the Drin River basin in the Western Balkans” (implemented by UNDP and co-executed by UNDP and GWP-Med). Kosovo is not beneficiary to this project.


Impact of action on Timescale Responsible organization/ water resources/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location authority in each Drin Financing Budget Indicators ecosystem (at the signing SAP) Riparian transboundary level)

5. Strengthening of regional and Riparian institutions < 5years H All Riparians TBD Riparian H Functional P (process) (including meteorological and hydrological sectors) – Drin sub- budgets Riparian and sub- by training in climate-resilient flood risk management, basins Riparian institutions Capacity-building to clarifying responsibilities and strengthening Adaptation strengthened enable the agreed coordination. Fund/UNDP monitoring programme to project be implemented, which will inform Riparians and the DCG on hydrological issues, including flood risk management

6. Development of a Drin Basin integrated climate change < 5years H All Riparians TBD Riparian H Climate change P (process) adaptation and flood risk management strategy and – Drin sub- budgets adaptation plan. basins and flood risk Agreed basin-wide plan Adaptation management including climate change Fund/UNDP strategy and plan adaptation within a flood project developed for the risk strategy basin

7. Introduction of an appraisal-led design for structural < 5years H All Riparians TBD Riparian H Appraisal methods P (process) and non-structural measures using climate risk – Drin sub- budgets accepted information and cost-benefit appraisal methods; basins Agreed structural design application of methods for the detailed design of Adaptation considerations to respond prioritized structural and non-structural measures for Fund/UNDP to climate change in the the Riparians, including mapping of high-value forests project Drin Basin (for flood protection, biodiversity, biomass), forest uses, Maps available for flood protection and reforestation potential. targeting flood protection

8. Construction/rehabilitation of structural risk reduction < 5years H All Riparians TBD Riparian H Number of measures SR (stress reduction) measures in prioritized areas (identified through – Drin sub- budgets constructed action 7). basins Implementation of flood Adaptation Hectares protected risk measures Including in Fund/UNDP (anticipated 12,000 Albania, in the project ha in the Albania Drin, Buna and part) Shkodra areas EU

Construction of flood protection on the Drini i Lezhës, Black Drin


Impact of action on Timescale Responsible organization/ water resources/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location authority in each Drin Financing Budget Indicators ecosystem (at the signing SAP) Riparian transboundary level)

9. Strengthening community resilience to flooding through < 5years H All Riparians TBD Riparian H Number of SR (stress reduction) the participatory design and implementation of non- – Drin sub- budgets communities/ structural community-based resilience, adaptation and basins individuals (male/ Implementation of awareness measures. Adaptation female) involved flood risk measures at Fund/UNDP community level project P (process)

Guidance for nature- based solutions approaches to flood protection

10. Evaluation and implementation of nature-based <5 years H Areas where Competent authorities Riparian H Number of pilots SR (stress reduction) solutions to reduce flooding: flood risk is depending on the measures budgets implemented ES (ecosystem/socio- high economic status) • preparation of a study on nature-based solutions DCG EU Number of nature- (including improved vegetation cover) to identify Priority in the based solutions Pilot implementation to measures and areas for pilot implementation Buna/Bojana financed reduce socio-economic and Skadar/ damage from floods • implementation of pilots and assessment of results Shkodër sub- • report with policy recommendations basins and the Struga feasibility study on investments for nature-based • area in North solutions indicating, among others, areas, technical Macedonia specifications and cost • implementation of nature-based solutions.



Improve coordinated management among Riparians for drought risks by 2030

Responsible Timescale (years Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions from signing Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

1. Introduction of river basin modelling tools and < 5 years H All Riparians Competent Riparian Riparian M Use of tools P (process) technologies for drought forecasting: - Drin Sub- authorities budgets basins Drought Improved knowledge on drought (a) Development of tools or adaptation of existing tools DCG Adaptation hotspots hotspots for drought forecasting (e.g. 3–6 months) – including the Fund/UNDP identified, use of for example, GEF Flood and Drought Management project Tools available for management Tools. technical report EU (b) Preparation of a study to identify drought hotspots. Operational tools and software

2. Evaluation and implementation of nature-based solutions < 5 years H All Riparians Competent authorities Riparian H Number of pilots SR (stress reduction) to increase groundwater replenishment: - Drin Sub- depending on the budgets implemented basins measures ES (ecosystem/socio-economic • preparation of a study on nature-based solutions to EU Number of status) identify measures and areas for pilot implementation DCG nature-based to increase groundwater replenishment solutions Pilot implementation to improve financed groundwater replenishment • implementation of pilots and assessment of results • report with policy recommendations • feasibility study on investments for nature-based solutions indicating among others, areas, technical specifications and cost • implementation of nature-based solutions.



Improve management and appropriate disposal of solid wastes


Reduction in and enhancement of the management of municipal solid wastes to achieve desired targets by 2030

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

1. Assessment of interventions at the Riparian/ < 10 years M All Riparians, priority on Local and Riparian Riparian M Report with P (process) local level to manage municipal solid the cities in the White authorities with solid waste budgets recommendations waste, including reuse and energy recovery Drin Basin (Svraka and responsibilities (collection and feasibility SR (stress reduction) in accordance with the EU waste policy: Lendovice disposal and disposal) EU studies Local waste authorities/waste sites), Skodra and • identification of priority locations and operators informed on means to improve solid waste collection interventions Nikshic in the upper Zeta Implemented plain • recommendations for action in actions on solid Implementation of pilots and selected priority areas waste upscaling reduces the amount of uncollected solid waste • implementation of actions and interventions Upscaling plans • assessment of the results accepted • report with policy recommendations • feasibility study on investments for scaling up the pilot interventions, indicating among others, areas, technical specifications and cost.

2. Assessment of the feasibility of closing < 5 years M Identification of sites Local municipalities Riparian L Report P (process) existing dumpsites with high risk to pollute based on hazard maps budgets groundwater: Authorities have information on EU priority dumpsites to close • identification of priority locations • review and assessment of existing data on dumpsites • preparation of report(s) including key recommendations on dumpsites to work with and actions to undertake

• development of a feasibility study62 on investments for closing identified priority dumpsites, including technical specifications and costs involved.

62 To inform the basin-wide action to address contaminated/hazardous waste sites addressed in goal 6, objective 1.


Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each Drin signing SAP) transboundary level) Riparian

3. Implementation of recommendations < 15 years H Sites to be identified by Local municipalities, Riparian H Reduced SR (stress reduction) (action 2 above) on closing inappropriate above study Riparian authorities budgets unregulated waste dumpsites across the Drin Basin and disposal Elimination of unregulated/ implementation of efficient waste EU inappropriate waste disposal sites collection and management procedures: Improved waste separation • investments in dumpsite closure • investments in municipal waste collection • construction of waste-sorting facilities • construction of waste incinerators • construction of modern dumpsites meeting national and international best practices.

4. Supporting the development of national < 10 years M All Riparians Competent ministries for Riparian L Analyses P (process) licencing, monitoring and reporting systems waste management budgets conducted for municipal solid waste: Local authorities have access to Municipalities Number of approaches on monitoring and • analysis of the licencing, monitoring municipalities licencing and reporting systems, including the DCG where support identification of priority municipalities is provided and recommendations for actions to develop the licencing, • pilot implementation of monitoring and recommendations in at least one reporting system priority municipality per Riparian • report with an assessment of results and recommendations for policymaking and law drafting.

5. Assessment of interventions at the < 10 years M All Riparians Competent Riparian Riparian M Regulation/ P (process) Riparian and local levels on plastic reuse, ministries/authorities with budgets economic recycling and reduction based on socio- solid waste, environment instruments SR (stress reduction) economic conditions (including use of and water responsibilities recommended Authorities informed on options to economic instruments). Assessment63 and reduce plastic waste identification of priority locations and Pilot actions completed actions: Pilots reduce plastic waste • implementation of pilot actions and assessment of results • report with policy recommendations • feasibility study on investments for scaling up the pilot actions, indicating among others, areas, technical specifications and cost.

63 To take into account current considerations, including circular economy and the 5Rs (refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle).



Decrease nutrient pollution deriving from untreated or poorly treated wastewater discharges and unsustainable agricultural practices


Reduction of untreated wastewater discharge from urban areas by 2030

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

1. Identification and costing of interventions for sewerage 10–20 years H All Ministries of the This action is H Report and P (process) networks and wastewater treatment plants in compliance Riparians environment and addressed recommended with the EU Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive: – Drin Sub- urban planning under Riparian– road map for SR (stress reduction) basins EU agreements compliance with The report will guide Riparian • preparation of an assessment regarding wastewater Municipalities EU directives management in small, medium and large settlements, authorities in prioritizing sewerage leading to prioritized investment lists based on the networks in need of upgrade or pressures assessment developed through the GEF Drin replacement Project updated by appropriate modelling Construction or upgrade of • report and recommendations, including on financing sewerage networks will reduce stress sources from multiple household discharges • development of main designs for upgrade/construction of sewerage in the priority areas • implementation of sewerage upgrade /construction in the priority areas.

2. Construction of new (or upgrading of existing) wastewater < 20 years H All Ministries of the This action is H Report of SR (stress reduction) treatment plants in all settlements above 2,000 population Riparians, environment addressed compliance equivalent in accordance with the Urban Waste Water priority on under Riparian– ES (ecosystem status) Treatment Directive, or in settlements below 2,000 population Prizren, Municipalities EU agreements Constructed wastewater treatment equivalent when assessments show significant impact to the Shkodër, plants will reduce nutrients and water resources and dependent ecosystems. Podgorica, biological oxygen demand (BOD) stress on the environment (70 Ohrid/ percent reduction in phosphorus) Struga and Peja Lowered nutrients/BOD pollution will improve ecosystem status as reported through monitoring systems



Reduction of nutrient pollution deriving from unsustainable agricultural practices by 2030

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

1. Enforcement of existing regulations on agricultural < 10 years H All Riparians – Ministries of agriculture Riparian L Number of P (process) nutrient pollution (point and diffuse), including locations identified and the environment budgets enforcement monitoring of compliance: in sub-basins where officers trained Training of enforcement officers pollution is noted in EU Recommendations for BAP • develop a needs assessment a thematic report Number of GEF enforcement implementation will target worst • capacity development for inspectors and actions farms enforcement officers. Improved law/ regulation enforcement

2. Support the use of BAP to reduce impacts < 10 years H All Riparians – Ministries of agriculture Riparian M Locations SR (stress reduction) from nutrient pollution through training, pilot agricultural areas and the environment budgets identified, pilot interventions, small grants and microcredit in the White Drin, cases confirmed, BAP implementation will reduce programmes, including: Prespa and Ohrid Agricultural Development farmers trained nutrients from selected farms lakes, the Black cooperatives partners • development of a study assessing fertilizer use Drin, Zeta valley and Pilots implemented EU in the Drin Basin (including quantification) to Buna/Bojana area identify priority areas (taking into consideration Financing options GEF pollution monitoring results) to scaling up of pilots identified • implementation of pilot actions in priority areas and implemented and assessment of results • development of a feasibility study on investments for scaling up the pilot action, indicating among others, areas, technical specifications and cost • identification of options for establishing cooperation with developmental and commercial banks to develop microcredit options/soft loans • preparation of a feasibility study including on the form and conditions of the microcredit schemes • training courses for farmers in priority areas on BAP • development of small grants for BAP implementation programmes (for the necessary investments, etc.), including the process and criteria for participating in the programme, selection of beneficiaries, reporting and monitoring, etc. • implementation of the small grants programme, possibly with the parallel implementation of a microcredit programme by developmental/ commercial banks.


Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

3. Evaluation of recycling of agricultural drainage < 20 years L Initially in Kosovo in Competent Riparian L Report on the P (process) water, including the capture of excess water the Toplluha sub- agriculture and water budgets efficiency and drained from fields, storage of drained water in basin authorities possible impacts of SR (stress reduction ponds or ditches and the use of stored water for the collection and Prioritization report will guide irrigation: reuse of drainage authorities on specific farms/ water including locations • assessment and identification of priority recommendations locations and interventions Implementation of pilots reduce Financing options • implementation of interventions water required for irrigation and to implement the release of nutrients • assessment of the results recommendations, and report with policy recommendations, law • implementation of drafting and management actions recommendations • feasibility study on investments for scaling up the pilot action, indicating, among others, areas, technical specifications and cost.

4. Evaluation of the applicability of nature-based 5–10 years M Agricultural areas Competent authorities Riparian M Report on benefits P (process) solutions to reduce impacts from nutrient pollution: in the White Drin, budgets and application Prespa and Ohrid of nature-based Guidance documents for • assessment and identification of priority lakes, the Black Drin, EU solutions to reduce applying nature-based solutions locations and interventions Zeta valley and the nutrients GEF • recommendations for action in selected Buna/Bojana area priority areas • implementation of actions and interventions • assessment of the results • report with policy recommendations, law drafting and management actions • feasibility study on investments for scaling up the pilot action, indicating among others, areas, technical specifications and cost.

116 117 © Thomais Vlachogianni/MIO-ECSDE DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Goal 6/Objective 1


Decrease pollution from hazardous substances such as heavy metals and pesticides


Reduction of heavy metal and pesticide pollution from industry, mining and agriculture by 2030

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

1. Improved monitoring of industrial and heavy metals < 10 years H All Riparians at Ministries of water, Riparian M Regional study P (process) emissions: industrial/mining the environment and budgets developed locations industry SR (stress reduction) regional study on hazardous waste management and EU emissions from industrial sites Priority areas Management actions guided by based on GEF improved information from emissions recommendations for strengthening the monitoring and information monitoring management of industrial wastewater in the TDA Guidance provided to industry Thematic Report introduction of routine monitoring on industrial will increase awareness of issues on Pollution and wastewater and potential means to reduce Water Quality discharges of heavy metals awareness-raising for industrial sites on the dangers of heavy metals in industrial wastewater and the means to control it.

2. Progressively transpose into national laws and < 5 years H All Riparians at Ministries of water, Riparian M Number of P (process) enforcement of regulations to fully apply the Industrial industrial/mining the environment and budgets enforcement Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU) and the Seveso locations industry officers trained SR (stress reduction) Directive: EU Priority areas Awareness/briefing Training support responsible • capacity-building for enforcement officers based on GEF documents for authorities information targeted industries/ • support to develop national Integrated Pollution Pilots result in reduced pollution from in the TDA mines Prevention and Control registers selected sites Thematic Report • support to the national monitoring and reporting on Pollution and Number of national processes Water Quality registers supported • awareness-raising of best environmental practices (BEP) for industry • recommendation on applying BEP to specific industry/sectors • pilot of BEP (for example the Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies (TEST) of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in targeted industries/mines.


Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

3. Support the use of BAP for the sustainable use of < 5 years H Agricultural Agriculture authorities Riparian M Locations P (process) pesticides through training, pilot interventions, small areas in the /extension services64 budgets identified, pilot grants and microcredit programmes, including: White Drin, cases confirmed, SR (stress reduction) Prespa and EU farmers trained Awareness and training material will • implementation of pilot actions and assessment of Ohrid lakes, the GEF improve farmers understanding of results Black Drin, Zeta Implementation of the use, storage and problems of valley and the pilots • development of a feasibility study on investments pesticides Buna/Bojana for scaling up the pilot action, indicating among Financing options area others, areas, technical specifications and cost to scaling up of Reduced use of pesticides through the implementation of BAP • identification of options for establishing TDA Thematic pilots identified cooperation with developmental and commercial Report on and implemented banks to develop microcredit options/soft loans Pollution and Water Quality preparation of a feasibility study including on the • to guide the form and conditions of the microcredit schemes selection of • (vocational) training courses for farmers in priority priority areas areas on BAP • development of a small grants for BAP implementation programme (for the necessary investments, etc.), including the process and criteria for participating in the programme, selection of beneficiaries, reporting and monitoring, etc. • implementation of the small grants programme possibly with the parallel implementation of a microcredit programme by developmental/ commercial banks.

4. Improved enforcement of existing regulations < 5 years H Agricultural Agriculture and National L Reports P (process) on pesticide management (including pesticide areas in the industry ministries budgets registration, compliance monitoring and enforcement): White Drin, Number of Trained officers guide farmers and Prespa and extension services65 EU enforcement extension officers on BAP regarding • needs assessment Ohrid lakes, the officers trained pesticides Black Drin, Zeta • capacity-building for inspectors and enforcement Recommendations valley and the officers adopted at the Buna/Bojana Riparian level • recommendation on applying BAP to specific area agricultural practices (input into action above).

64 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities. 65 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.


Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

5. Rehabilitation of contaminated sites from industrial and 10–20 years H All Riparians, Ministries and Riparian H Report, hazard P (process) mining operations in the Drin Basin (hazardous waste): prioritized based competent authorities budgets maps on hazard for mines, the SR (stress reduction) • preparation of a feasibility study66 maps (from the environment and EU Number of Feasibility study provides information Thematic Report water contaminated • identification, mapping and prioritization of on locations and specific processes on Pollution and sites remediated/ contaminated sites for remediation Water Quality, rehabilitated • development of a main design for the rehabilitation including map Measures for priority sites reduce of priority sites A6) environmental pollution from heavy • implementation of rehabilitation/remediation metals measures for priority sites (including the development of new sites for contaminated waste) • assessment of effectiveness and recommendations.

6. Testing of the establishment of a system that monitors < 5 years M Initially to test Environmental Riparian L Report on P (process) environmental permits for exploitation of mining: approach in budgets monitoring of Albania agency in Albania environmental Reports and pilot monitoring of • assessment and identification of priority locations in EU permits permits inform Riparian authorities on Albania Ministry of Tourism best approaches and Environment • implementation of a pilot study • assessment of effectiveness and recommendations for policymaking and law drafting.

7. Closure of mines that are exhausted or highly polluting, 10–20 years M Sites in Albania, Ministries of the Riparian H Number of mining SR (stress reduction) including remediation of sites Kosovo, North environment or budgets sites remediated Macedonia to economy Reduced mine waste pollution • study to identify/prioritize mines for closure be identified Private sector • recommendations on mines to close with cost through the (mine estimates for the remediation of sites study operators) • implementation of mine closure/remediation Ohrid Lake programme.

8. Development of port reception facilities to treat > 10 years M Sites in Albania, Authorities for Riparian H Number of port SR (stress reduction) contaminated bilge water and wastewater from vessels including in the transport, the budgets reception facilities Skadar, Komani environment and constructed/ Reduced pollution from shipping • study to identify the scope of port reception and Fierza waste disposal EU quantity of waste (illegal discharge of untreated bilge facilities, including relevant policies/legislation to lakes and in treated per year water, etc.) Private be implemented/enforced with regard to shipping Montenegro waste sector • recommendations with costs/locations to construct facilities • construction and operation of facilities.

66 Building on the basin-wide study on all waste sites in goal 4, objective 1.



Minimize effects of hydromorphologic interventions that alter the nature of the hydrologic system and the supported ecosystems, resulting in their deterioration


Minimize the effects of hydromorphological interventions from HPP by 2030

Responsible Timescale Impact of action on water organization/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators resources/ecosystem (at the authority in each signing SAP) transboundary level) Drin Riparian

1. Update of the hydrometeorological forecasting < 5 years H Large dams Hydrometeorological Riparian M Publication of the P (process) information system to include specialized information in Albania, or related budgets forecast from dam operators regarding water management Montenegro institutions67 Better information /forecast for (inflows/outflows): and North EU hydropower plant operators and Macedonia Ministries of water, for Riparians’ other water use • identification of information needed by dam energy, the economy Adaptation requirements operators Fund/UNDP project, • adaptation of hydrological models for dam hydropower management plant • testing model for improving dam operation operators • report and recommendations.

2. Evaluation of scenarios for the operation of dams to < 5 years H Albania Hydropower Austrian L Hydrological P (process) support sustainable basin management, contribute and North companies of Development models in the reduction of flood risks and maximize energy Macedonia Albania and North Agency Reports and recommendations production:68 Macedonia Energy models provide information to assist GEF discussions between the DCG and • identification of scenarios, including those Technical reports hydropower plant operators for the considering different levels of cooperation/ optimization of dam operations Agreed coordination among hydropower plants for the in relation to ecosystem service compensation operation of the dams demands, flood reduction and schemes for energy production • testing of the scenarios using hydrologic and hydropower plant energy models operators • assessment of results and recommendations on the level of coordination, including operation rules for each one of the dams under different scenarios • identification of compensation schemes for hydropower plants to be used for utilizing the dams as a flood mitigation mechanism.

67 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities. 68 To be used for the implementation of action 1 under goal 2, sub-objective 2.3.



Minimize the effects of other hydromorphological interventions including gravel extraction by 203069

Responsible Timescale organization/ Impact of action on water resources/ Specific actions (years from Priority Location Financing Budget Indicators authority in each ecosystem (at the transboundary level) signing SAP) Drin Riparian

1. Evaluation of options for beach sediment < 10 years M Coastal area Competent Riparian M Studies P (process) management at coastal sites where deposition (Buna /Bojana authorities budgets for pilot and/or erosion is occurring and resulting in the loss delta) (including tourism) interventions SR (stress reduction) of beach, and sedimentation management in the and municipalities Albania and completed Reports with recommendations to guide Buna /Bojana delta: Montenegro (e.g. water restoration actions on coasts for local • preparation of feasibility studies and coastal authorities management • recommendations on means and financing to Pilots demonstrate the efficacy of actions authorities) mitigate problems for priority restoration actions with recommendations for replication to in coastal areas EU other parts of coast • implementation of pilots to restore the sediment GEF balance • assessment of results and recommendation on policymaking, law drafting and priority action.

2. Application of lessons learned and < 20 years M Coastal area Relevant authorities Riparian H Percentage SR (stress reduction) recommendations for restoring beach sediments (Buna /Bojana (including tourism) budgets of beaches at all sites identified in the study, including the delta) and municipalities protected/ Beaches restored, stabilized and protected construction of beach stabilization structures. EU restored from excess loss Private sector (tourist resorts)

3. Improvement in the control and enforcement of < 10 years M Drin sub-basins in Ministries and Riparian L Reports P (process) sand and gravel extraction from riverbeds: Albania, Kosovo, organizations70 budgets on actions Montenegro responsible for/ taken at the Trained operators within gravel extraction • perform needs assessment on requirements to and North involved in Riparian level companies and trained permit enforcement improve roles and responsibilities of operators Macedonia erosion and to control officers are better equipped to minimize and enforcement officers extraction, water gravel ecological damage associated with gravel extraction • train relevant extraction company staff administrations, extraction environment permit • train enforcement officers on issues associated authorities Inspectors with gravel extraction trained • report on changes and improvements detected within five years.

69 Actions under goals 1 and 2 contribute significantly to achieving this objective. 70 Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities.

128 129 DRIN BASIN : STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME Shared among Albania, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia, the Drin Basin provides water resources for drinking, energy, fishing and agriculture, biodiversity, tourism and industry, benefiting 1.6 million residents. © 2S Studios ANNEX 2. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS

BAP Best Agricultural Practices BEP Best Environmental Practices BOD Biological Oxygen Demand CCA Causal Chain Analysis DCG Drin Core Group Drin CORDA Drin Coordinated Action for the implementation of the Drin MoU EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EWG Expert Working Group EU European Union GEF Global Environment Facility GIZ Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GWP Global Water Partnership GWP-Med Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean IMS Information Management System IW:LEARN International Waters Learning Exchange and Resource Network IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management MoU Memorandum of Understanding MPA Marine Protected Areas PCU Project Coordination Unit RBMP River Basin Management Plans SAP Strategic Action Programme SDG Sustainable Development Goal TDA Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis TEST Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization