The Solemnity of Pentecost| May 24, 2015
THE S OLEMNITY OF P ENTECOST | M AY 24, 2015 CATHEDRAL OF S AINT P AUL NATIONAL S HRINE OF THE A POSTLE P AUL 239 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 651.228.1766 | Very Rev. John L. Ubel, Rector | Rev. Eugene Tiffany Deacons Phil Stewart, Russ Shupe, & Nao Kao Yang ARCHDIOCESE OF S AINT P AUL AND M INNEAPOLIS Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt, Archbishop Most Reverend Harry J. Flynn, Archbishop Emeritu s Most Reverend Lee A. Piché, Auxiliary Bishop Most Reverend Andrew H. Cozzens, Auxiliary Bishop LITURGY G UIDE FOR THE S OLEMNITY OF P ENTECOST OPENING H YMN LAMBILLOTTE SEQUENCE (S UNDAY M ASSES ) Veni Sancte Spiritus, Mode I 482 Come, Holy Ghost Sung from the Latin on Sunday at 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., and 5:00 p.m. Read on Sunday at 8:00 a.m. Translation at no. 862 . INTROIT (8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.) GOSPEL VIGIL John 7:37-39 Spiritus Domini Gregorian Missal, Mode VIII Spiritus Domini replevit orbem terrarum, alleluia: et hoc quod continet DAY John 20:19-23 omnia, scientiam habet vocis, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Ps. Exsurgat Deus, et Deacon: The Lord be with you. dissipentur inimici eius: et fugiant, qui oderent eum, a facie eius. ℟. And with your spirit. The Spirit of the Lord has filled the whole world, alleluia; and that which Deacon: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John. contains all things, knows every language spoken by men, alleluia, alleluia, ℟. Glory to you, O Lord.
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