Fresh Cow Management 2
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FRESH COW MANAGEMENT 2 FOREWORD Fresh Cow Management is the eleventh in Veepro Holland is indebted to those who a series of management manuals pub- contributed to this manual, particularly lished by Veepro Holland. These Veepro Prof. Dr. Jos Noordhuizen, Head of the Holland manuals are intended to provide Department of Animal Husbandry of a useful management tool to all those Wageningen Agricultural University, and associated with the dairy industry world- Dr. Maarten Pieterse and Ing. Paul wide. Dairy cattle have to be well-man- Dobbelaar of the Department of Herd aged to benefit optimally from their ge- Health Management and Reproduction of netic potential. the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, State No single booklet can cover a subject as University of Utrecht for their constructive diverse and complex as dairying. Nor will criticism. probably everyone associated with dairy- We would like to thank the IPC Livestock/ ing agree on all points covered in one Dairy Training Centre ‘Friesland’ of Oenkerk publication. But we of Veepro Holland for their valuable assistance in the prepara- believe the combination of this manual tion of this manual. and other publications on the subject may Many thanks also to those associations and broaden your knowledge about fresh cow publishers who permitted us to use various management and will subsequently data and illustrations. contribute to a healthy and highly produc- tive herd. VEEPRO HOLLAND Publisher / Editor : VEEPRO HOLLAND Information centre for Dutch cattle / P.O.Box 454 / 6800 AL ARNHEM / HOLLAND / Tlx: 45541 NRS NL / Phone: ** 31 26 3861133 / Fax: ** 31 26 3861452 Copyright © VEEPRO HOLLAND. Publication from this manual is permitted only after approval of VEEPRO HOLLAND and on condition of statement of the source. Photos:Veeteelt, E. Geverink Design & Realization : D vision 3 INTRODUCTION Successful calving is one of the highlights to a lactating condition. Also, owing to in dairy farming. A smooth calving process increased energy demands, the ration will lead to higher milk production from should be changed from a dry cow ration healthier cows in new lactation. High milk to a milk production ration, and be care- production can be obtained only if the fully planned and adjusted in advance. The composition of the daily ration during the start of the new lactation is of utmost importance for the dairy cow to meet her nutritive needs. In this way, the negative energy balance can be limited to an acceptable level, which contributes optimally to the cow’s health. Consult Veepro’s Feeding Man- agement manuals, Vol- umes 1 & 2, for more information. In this manual we will first discuss the importance of a sound feeding strategy in relation to the cow’s body condition, and subse- quently dry cow manage- ment and care during calving. In the last part of the manual a number of metabolic disorders and other abnormalities which might occur around calving time are discussed. High production can only be obtained through FEEDING STRATEGY AND BODY CONDITION sound fresh cow management A proper feeding strategy throughout the freshly calved cow is given good care and cow’s lactation and dry period will lead to attention before, during and after partu- a smoother calving process and higher rition. It should always be kept in mind that milk production of healthier cows in the fresh cow management starts already next lactation. It is important that cows are before drying off the lactating cow. dried off in optimal condition, which Calving is always one of the most critical depends on the feeding management periods in a cow’s life. During this time, the during the preceding lactation. Optimal cow undergoes a number of physical and body condition at calving is an absolute psychological stressors. In addition, a must to achieve optimal milk production physiological change is taking place, such and health during the new lactation. as the udder change from a non-lactating Cows in optimal shape show better 4 appetite just after calving and conse- Regaining body reserves quently higher feed intake, which is At about lactation day 90 the dry matter essential to be able to cope with the intake is sufficient to meet the cow’s highly increasing energy demands in early nutritional requirements. From day 90 lactation. onwards the milk production decreases gradually further, whereas the dry matter Early lactation intake remains at a relatively high level, From the lactation start onwards the daily resulting in a positive energy balance. milk yield increases considerably. The dairy The body reserves lost during the start of cow requires adequate amounts of body lactation are restored and the cow is reserves to be able to achieve a high peak regaining body condition. production and very good persistency. The feeding of rich-carbohydrate rations Cows usually peak between 30 and 50 will now have less effect on milk produc- days after calving, while the dry matter tion than in early lactation. It is advised to intake capacity reaches its maximum be careful in supplying slowly degraded between 60 and 90 days after calving. starch (maize) and sugars, because of the A feed intake remaining behind produc- risk of overconditioning towards the end of tion results in a negative energy balance. lactation. It is therefore recommended to In this period well-balanced rations with feed rations with a high amount of high energy content should be fed to the roughages and a low content of easily high-yielding cows to enable them to meet degraded carbohydrates. their nutritive needs as well as possible. In this way, the negative energy balance Underconditioned can be minimized optimally to stimulate Cows too thin at calving are lacking the cow’s health and fertility. sufficient amounts of body reserves, result- The high-yielding dairy cow should be fed well- ing in lower production. The production balanced rations to meet her nutritive needs increases slowly after calving and peak 5 production will be lower than expected. Cows in optimal body condition result from If the average body condition of cows in proper feeding early lactation is too low, the ration should be checked. The energy level of the ration Overconditioned cows usually peak earlier might be insufficient for these cows to in lactation at a relatively high level for a meet the nutritional requirements. short period, but show lower persistency Cows too thin at lactation day 200 should during lactation due to less appetite on be fed extra energy by supplying extra average. concentrates or higher-quality roughage If cows are overconditioned in the second to gain body condition. part of lactation, the feeding strategy should be adjusted. It cannot be empha- A gain in body condition during lactation is sized enough that here the basis is laid for more efficient than in the dry period. It is cows to be in proper condition at calving. therefore advised to adjust the body Reduction of the cow’s body condition in condition of individual cows between 200 the dry period is not advisable. and 300 days in lactation to get optimal body condition at drying off. During the Therefore, overconditioned cows should be dry period the body condition can be only fed lower energy rations by feeding less or marginally adjusted. omitting concentrates and/or by feeding roughage with a lower energy density in Overconditioned the second part of lactation. For larger At calving, overconditioned cows show a herds it is recommended to make milk higher incidence of calving difficulties, production groups in order to feed retained placentas and metabolic disor- optimally to the cow’s requirements. ders. They have a lower feed intake and consequently large amounts of body DRY COW MANAGEMENT reserves are mobilised, resulting in a considerable loss of body condition. This Length of dry period might lead to (sub)clinical ketosis, which is The optimal length of the dry period is indicated by a high milk fat percentage about 60 days. Longer dry periods, such as and low protein percentage. may occur after a delayed conception, 6 should not be practiced, since cows may Fibrous roughages should be fed to dry cows for easily become overconditioned. proper functioning of the rumen How to dry off yielding about 5 kg milk daily. The dry cows should be separated from Furthermore, pregnancy increases the their herdmates and be put on a low level cow’s water consumption by over one- of nutrition to assist in rapid cessation of third, so always have plenty of good- milk secretion. Cessation of milking for two quality water available. milkings will induce a quick suppression of Bulky and fibrous feeds of good quality milk secretion. with a low energy content, such as grain straw and hay of grass seed cropping, are Drying off and mastitis ideal products for proper functioning of Cows with a (sub)clinical mastitis history the rumen. These feeds should be available should be treated with proper ‘dry cow without any restriction to satisfy the cow’s therapy’ (antibiotics) immediately after dry matter intake. Feed intake should be the last milking. All recently dried-off cows limited only if forages with a high energy should be monitored closely after drying- value are supplied. off. Consult your veterinarian for advice. It is strongly recommended that towards Dry cow nutrition the end of the dry period the forage part of the ration be gradually changed to the The emphasis should be on feeding dry forages to be consumed after calving. It cows to maintain the desired body condi- takes about 2 weeks for the cow’s rumen tion, keeping them lean and alert. It is function and morphology to adapt to a recommended to have feed samples new ration.