Dipterologica bohemoslovaca 9: 143-152, 1999 Key to males of Norwegian species of Eupeodes (Diptera: Syrphidae) 1 1 2 Libor MAZÁNEK , Pavel LÁSKA , Vítězslav BIČÍK 3 & Tore Randulff NIELSEN 1,2Department of Zoology, Natural Science Faculty, Palacký University, Tř. Svobody 26, 77146 Olomouc, Czech Republic. E-mail: 1
[email protected]; 2
[email protected] 3 Sandvedhagen 8, N-4300 Sandnes, Norway. E-mail:
[email protected] MAZÁNEK, L., LÁSKA, P., BIČÍK, V., NIELSEN, T. R., 1999: Key to males of Norwegian species of Eupeodes (Diptera, Syrphidae). Dipterologica bohemoslovaca 9: 143-152 Abstract: A key to males of 12 species of Eupeodes Osten-Sacken, 1877 from Norway is given. The male terminalia of similar species are figured. E. tirolensis (Dušek et Láska, 1973) is new for the Norwegian fauna. Key words: Diptera, Syrphidae, Eupeodes, key, Norway, new records. INTRODUCTION The genus Eupeodes Osten-Sacken, 1877 belongs to the most difficult one due to great number of similar species, to great variation depending on the temperature during pupal stage (DUŠEK & LÁSKA 1974) and on the geographical origin (MAZÁNEK et al. 1999). Understanding of the genus demands very rich material of various geographical origin. When preparing the Check List of Norwegian Syrphidae (NIELSEN 1999) Tore Nielsen collected sufficient material which enables us to prepare a key to males of the described Norwegian species. A key is based also on the results of a revision of the type material of E. chillcotti Fluke, 1952 published simultaneously in this journal (MAZÁNEK et al. 1999). We treat the males only, as the identification of females has not yet been finished.