Happy Isles in Crisis Happy Isles in Crisis The historical causes for a failing state in Solomon Islands, 1998-2004 Clive Moore @ Asia Pacinc Press 2004 Th1s WOl'k is copyright. Apan from those uses whieh may be permitted under the CoppJgfJt Act 196'8 as omended, no part I11f\Y be reproduced by any process v·,Iithout written permission from the publishers. The vi,ews expressed in t.his bO(lk are those of the l1uU)()!' and not necessarily of the publishers. Asia PncWc Press Asia Pacific School of Economics (lnd Government The Australian National Unversity Canberra ACT 0200 Ph: GI·2·5J2;i 4700 Fax: 51·2·5257 2885 EmaIl:
[email protected] Wehslte: http://wwwasiapaeificpress.col11 National Library of Australia Cataloguing·in-Publicatlon entry Moore, Clive. Happy Isles in Crisis: the historical causes for a railing state in SoloI1lon Isiands, 1998.. 2004. Bibliography ISBN 0 73 J5 3709 2. ]. Solomon Islands - Politics and government.a. 2. Solomon Islands - Economic conditions. 3. Solomon Islands· Social conditions. 4. Solomon Isiands . History I. Title. 320.99593 Editor: Matthew May, Asia Pacific Press Cover design: Annie Ili Nallo Design Printed in Australia by University Pl'inting Service Cover Image: Jocelyn CarlJn Contents Tables vi Maps vi Abbreviatiuns vii Acknuwledgments ix 1 An overview of the Solumun Islands crisis 2 Government, politics and civil society, 18DJ-2000 25 3 Fish, oil palm, timber and gold: the economy, 19705-1 D90s 68 4 Liberating Guadalcanal: the Isatabu Freedom Movement and the Malaitan refugees, 1DD8-2000