March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 1


Taxonomic notes on the afrotropical taxa of the tribe Boisduval, 1833 (: : ) By Graham A. Henning and Mark C. Williams ...... 2 Life History of Saffron Sapphire Iolaus (Aphniolaus) pallene (Wallengren, 1857) compared to that of Bowker's Marbled Sapphire Stugeta bowkeri tearei Dickson, 1980 By Steve E. Woodhall ...... 39

Front cover: Iolaus pallene ♂ bred ex iMfolozi Back cover, left column: Iolaus pallene , bred ex iMfolozi, early stages: Top left Eggs nd 2 row left 1st instar 3rd row left 2nd instar larva 4th row left 3rd instar larva 5th row left 4th instar larva 6th row left Prepupa Bottom left Pupa Back cover, right column: Stugeta bowkeri tearei , bred ex iMfolozi, early stages: Top right Egg 2nd row right 1st instar larva 3rd row right 2nd instar larva 4th row right 3rd instar larva 5th row right 4th instar larva 6th row right Prepupa Bottom right Pupa

Front & back cover photographs by S. Woodhall 2 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Taxonomic notes on the afrotropical taxa of the tribe Acraeini Boisduval, 1833 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae)

By Graham A. Henning(1) and Mark C. Williams(2) (1) 17 Sonderend Str., Helderkruin, 1724, Gauteng, South (2) 183 van der Merwe Street, Rietondale, 0084, Gauteng, South Africa Abstract

The tribe Acraeini Boisduval, 1833 of the subfamily Heliconiinae Swainson, 1822 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the Afrotropical Region is reviewed with regard to recent publications pertaining to its .

Key words

Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae, Acraeini, , Telchinia, Rubraea, Stephenia, Bematistes, Auracraea, Alacria, Hyalites, phylogenetics.

The tribe Acraeini in the Afrotropics is a paraphyletic group of taxa requiring a comprehensive phylogenetic review (Silva-Brandão et al., 2008). Recent events detailed hereunder require a temporary evaluation of the African species until such time as a comprehensive review is undertaken.

Pierre & Bernaud (1999) published an investigation into the taxonomic history and early stages of Acraea terpsichore (Linnaeus, 1758). This species was, at the time, designated as a senior subjective synonym of (Fabricius, 1775) (Papilio). Upon investigation, it was found that Linnaeus had actually described a common Indian species. Fabricius (1793) erroneously described it again as Papilio violae, this name was still in use at the time of Pierre & Bernaud's publication. It was also found that Fabricius' Papilio serena was the common , which had been described as Papilio eponina by Cramer in 1780, and was, until the aforementioned publication, in common use. Acraea serena therefore replaced Acraea eponina and Acraea terpsichore replaced Acraea violae.

The raising of Acraea serena made the genus name Telchinia Hübner, [1819], with its type species Papilio serena, available as it had previously been synonymised with Acraea. Telchinia pre-dates Hyalites Doubleday, 1848 (in Doubleday & Westwood, [1846-52]) and therefore takes precedence over Hyalites, which had been used by Henning (1992; 1993a, b); however, subsequent to these contributions some publications on the African species followed Pierre (1987), who recognized only Acraea Fabricius as the sole constituent genus of the tribe. March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 3

In this paper all species hitherto placed in Hyalites are transferred to Telchinia, where applicable. Bematistes Hemming, which was retained as a genus name by Henning (1992), is accorded subgeneric rank within Acraea, largely due to their shared host-plants (), while Telchinia species use Urticaceae as their principal host-plant family.

Relevant sections of Williams (2008) have been used in the preparation of this paper.

The conclusions regarding taxonomy of a recent phylogenetic study of the Acraeini by Silva-Brandão et al. (2008) were: (1) Acraea should be used temporarily at generic level for the mainly Passifloraceae- feeding afrotropical members of the tribe, until further sampling better defines the natural groups in this paraphyletic genus.

(2) Telchinia Hübner, [1819] [type species: Papilio serena Fabricius, 1775, more familiar as its junior synonym Acraea eponina (Cramer, [1780]) and formerly known as Acraea terpsichore (L., 1758); see Larsen, 2005] would be revived at generic level for the mainly Urticaceae-feeding species included by Pierre (1987) in his subgenus (“Old World Actinote ” in this paper), and (3) Actinote Hübner, [1819] should be expanded to include all neotropical Acraeini.

Until such time as further research is undertaken to resolve the problem of paraphyly of the afrotropical Acraeini, we will use Henning (1992, 1993a, b) as a basis for current taxonomy as these contributions have formed the basis for regional reference works such as Pringle et al. (1994) and Woodhall (2005).

Larsen (2005) refers to Henning (1992, 1993a, b) as having a limited number of characters as compared to the contribution by Pierre (1987), which, although a thorough analysis, was, according to Henning, too complex. Henning proposed, among other things, that the genus Actinote be restricted to the neotropics, which has subsequently been confirmed by Silva-Brandão et al. (2008), unlike Pierre (loc. cit.), who lumped the neotropical and afrotropical Acraeini together. Henning (loc. cit.) focused on the characters which are the basis of taxonomy, the morphology of the body, legs, wings and genitalia and showed from synapomorphic characters that the afrotropical Acraeini can be separated into seven subgenera. These groups are indicated in the phylogenetic tree inferred by Bayesian analysis proposed by Silva-Brandão et al. 2008 (Fig. 4), although only a limited number of species were included. Pierre's work, which has been followed by Larsen (2005), created a number of groups and subgroups. Henning (loc. cit.), along with the genera and subgenera, also proposed groups and species groups for all the African Acraeini; none of these will be included in this work. Some taxonomic changes were made to the South African Acraeini in Henning et al. (2009). 4 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Family Nymphalidae Swainson, 1827 Subfamily Heliconiinae Swainson, 1822 Tribe Acraeini Boisduval, 1833 Subtribe Acraeina Boisduval, 1833

Genus Acraea Fabricius, 1807 In: Illiger, K., Magazin für Insektenkunde 6: 284 (277-289). Type-species: Papilio horta Linnaeus, by subsequent designation (Scudder, 1875. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 10: 101 (91-293).

Key to the subgenera of genus Acraea

1. All forewing radial veins stalked, not branching off from cell, cell of hind wing slightly more than one-third of total wing length … Bematistes - R1 branching off from cell, cell of hind wing about half total wing length … 2 2. Aedeagus thin, needle-like … Acraea - Aedeagus narrow but not needle-like …. 3 3. Aedeagus anteriorly bifid, aedeagus and saccus not very elongated … Rubraea - Aedeagus not anteriorly bifid, aedeagus and saccus very elongated …Stephenia

Subgenus Acraea Fabricius, 1807

Legs: Anterior legs without terminal spine.

Wing venation: Radial veins of forewing not stalked; R1 branching off from cell rather than stalked. Cell of hind wing about half of total wing length.

Male genitalia: Aedeagus thin, needle like; sclerotized and modified 8th tergite and sternite often present (the 8th tergite and sternite forms part of the pregenital abdomen but are here highly sclerotized and modified in shape to apparently affect the workings of the genitalia); valves elongate, broad basally, may be inwardly curved or have inward projections; uncus beak-shaped and elongate.

Female genitalia: Sterigma usually taking the form of a large plate; ostium central; ductus short, of even width and sclerotized; bursa spherical; signa very small or absent.

Early stages: Egg short, ovoid, almost as broad as high.

Foodplants: Passifloraceae, Turneraceae, Malvaceae, Flacourtiaceae, Violaceae, Celastraceae, Verbenaceae, Achariaceae, Tiliaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaceae. March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 5

Acraea anemosa ♂: A. Coetzer Acraea (Acraea) acara Hewitson, 1865 Acraea acara Hewitson, 1865 in Hewitson, 1862-6. Illustrations of new species of exotic 3: 16 (124 pp.). London. Acraea (Acraea) acara acara Hewitson, 1865 Acraea (Acraea) acara melanophanes Le Cerf, 1927 Acraea zetes sufferti form melanophanes Le Cerf, 1927. Encyclopédie Entomologique (B. 3. Lepidoptera) 2: 50 (44-58). Acraea (Acraea) admatha Hewitson, 1865 Acrae [sic] admatha Hewitson, 1865 in Hewitson, 1862-6. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies 3: 15 (124 pp.). London. Acraea (Acraea) anemosa Hewitson, 1865 Acraea anemosa Hewitson, 1865 in Hewitson, 1862-6. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies 3: 15 (124 pp.). London. Acraea (Acraea) barberi Trimen, 1881 Acraea barberi Trimen, 1881. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1881: 433 (433-445). Acraea (Acraea) boopis Wichgraf, 1914 Acraea admatha f. boopis Wichgraf, 1914. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitung 1914: 346 (345-353). Acraea (Acraea) boopis boopis Wichgraf, 1914 Acraea (Acraea) boopis ama Pierre, 1979 Acraea boopis ama Pierre, 1979. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.) 15: 734 (719-737). Acraea (Acraea) boopis choloui Pierre, 1979 Acraea boopis choloui Pierre, 1979. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.) 15: 735 (719-737). 6 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Acraea (Acraea) brainei Henning, 1986 Acraea brainei Henning, 1986. Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 49: 31 (29-37). Acraea (Acraea) camaena (Drury, [1773]) Papilio camaena Drury, [1773]. Illustrations of Natural History 2: index et 12 (90 pp.). London. Acraea (Acraea) chilo Godman, 1880 Acraea chilo Godman, 1880 in Godman & Distant, 1880. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1880: 184 (182-185). Acraea (Acraea) chilo chilo Godman, 1880 Acraea (Acraea) chilo yemensis Le Doux, 1931 Acraea chilo yemensis Le Doux, 1931. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 2: 42 (42-43). Acraea (Acraea) cuva Grose-Smith, 1889 Acraea cuva Grose-Smith, 1889. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 3: 126 (121-137). Acraea (Acraea) dammii van Vollenhoven, 1869 Acraea dammii van Vollenhoven, 1869. In: Pollen, F.P.L. & Van Dam, D.C. Recherches sur la Faune de Madagascar et de ses dépendances (5): 12 (7-14). Acraea (Acraea) eltringhami Joicey & Talbot, 1921 Acraea eltringhami Joicey & Talbot, 1921. Bulletin of the Hill Museum, Witley 1: 47 (40-166). Acraea (Acraea) endoscota Le Doux, 1928 Acraea admatha endoscota Le Doux, 1928. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1928: 108 (97-115). Acraea (Acraea) eugenia Karsch, 1893 Acraea eugenia Karsch, 1893. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 38: 196 (1-266). Acraea (Acraea) eugenia eugenia Karsch, 1893 Acraea (Acraea) eugenia ochreata Grünberg, 1910 Acraea eugenia var. ochreata Grünberg, 1910. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1910: 470 (469-480). Acraea (Acraea) hamata Joicey & Talbot, 1922 Acraea hamata Joicey & Talbot, 1922. Bulletin of the Hill Museum, Witley 1: 340 (339-342). Acraea (Acraea) horta (Linnaeus, 1764) Papilio horta Linnaeus, 1764. Museum Ludovicae Ulricae Reginae: 234 (720 pp.). Holmiae. Acraea (Acraea) hova Boisduval, 1833 Acraea hova Boisduval, 1833. Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 2: 177 (149-270). Acraea (Acraea) hypoleuca Trimen, 1898 Acraea hypoleuca Trimen, 1898. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1898: 2 (1-16). Acraea (Acraea) igati Boisduval, 1833 Acraea igati Boisduval, 1833. Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 2: 177 (149-270). March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 7

Acraea (Acraea) insignis Distant, 1880 Acraea insignis Distant, 1880 in Godman & Distant, 1880. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1880: 184 (182-185). Acraea (Acraea) insignis insignis Distant, 1880 Acraea (Acraea) insignis gorongozae van Son, 1963 Acraea insignis gorongozae van Son, 1963. Transvaal Museum Memoirs No. 14: 14 (130 pp.). Acraea (Acraea) kappa Pierre, 1979 Acraea kappa Pierre, 1979. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.) 15: 733 (719-737). Acraea (Acraea) kia Pierre, 1990 Acraea kia Pierre, 1990. Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat (68): 1 (4 pp.). Acraea (Acraea) kinduana Pierre, 1979 Acraea kinduana Pierre, 1979. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.) 15: 732 (719-737). Acraea (Acraea) leucographa Ribbe, 1889 Acraea leucographa Ribbe, 1889. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 2: 181 (181-182). Acraea (Acraea) machequena Grose-Smith, 1887 Acraea machequena Grose-Smith, 1887. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5) 19: 62 (62-66). Acraea (Acraea) magnifica Carpenter & Jackson, 1950 Acraea chilo magnifica Carpenter & Jackson, 1950. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 19: 105 (97-108). Acraea (Acraea) mahela Boisduval, 1833 Acraea mahela Boisduval, 1833. Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 2: 179 (149-270). Acraea (Acraea) matuapa Grose-Smith, 1889 Acraea matuapa Grose-Smith, 1889. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 3: 127 (121-137). Acraea (Acraea) neobule Doubleday, 1847 Acraea neobule Doubleday, 1847 in Doubleday & Westwood, [1846-52]. The genera of diurnal Lepidoptera, London: pl. 19 (1847), 140 (1848) (1: 1-250 pp.; 2: 251-534 pp.). London. Acraea (Acraea) neobule neobule Doubleday, 1847 Acraea (Acraea) neobule legrandi Carcasson, 1964 Acraea neobule legrandi Carcasson, 1964. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society & Coryndon Museum 24 (4): 69 (67-72). Acraea (Acraea) oscari Rothschild, 1902 Acraea oscari Rothschild, 1902. Novitates Zoologicae 9: 595 (595-598). Acraea (Acraea) pseudolycia Butler, 1874 Acraea pseudolycia Butler, 1874. Cistula Entomologica 1: 213 (209-217). Acraea (Acraea) pseudolycia pseudolycia Butler, 1874 Acraea (Acraea) pseudolycia astrigera Butler, 1899 Acraea astrigera Butler, 1899. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1899: 421 (417-427). 8 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Acraea (Acraea) punctimarginea Pinhey, 1956 Acraea punctimarginea Pinhey, 1956. Occasional Papers. Coryndon Memorial Museum (4): 15 (10-16). Acraea (Acraea) quirina (Fabricius, 1781) Papilio quirina Fabricius, 1781. Species Insectorum 2: 36 (499 pp.). Hamburgi & Kilonii. Acraea (Acraea) quirina quirina (Fabricius, 1781) Acraea (Acraea) quirina rosa Eltringham, 1912 Acraea quirina rosa Eltringham, 1912. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1912: 60 (1-374). Acraea (Acraea) rabbaiae Ward, 1873 Acraea rabbaiae Ward, 1873. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 10: 152 (59-60, 151-152). Acraea (Acraea) rabbaiae rabbaiae Ward, 1873 Acraea (Acraea) rabbaiae perlucida Henning & Henning, 1996 Acraea (Acraea) rabbaiae perlucida Henning & Henning, 1996. Metamorphosis 7 (2): 66 (65-67). Acraea (Acraea) ranavalona Boisduval, 1833 Acraea ranalova Boisduval, 1833. Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 2: 178 (149-270). Acraea (Acraea) satis Ward, 1871 Acraea satis Ward, 1871. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 8: 35 (34-36, 58-60, 81-82, 118-122). Acraea (Acraea) trimeni Aurivillius, 1899 Acraea barberi ab. or var. trimeni Aurivillius, 1899 in Aurivillius, 1898-9. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapakademiens Handlingar 31 (5): 91 (1-561). Acraea (Acraea) turlini Pierre, 1979 Acraea turlini Pierre, 1979. Revue Française d'Entomologie (N.S.) 1: 27 (27-29). Acraea (Acraea) turna Mabille, 1877 Acraea turna Mabille, 1877. Petites Nouvelles Entomologiques 2: 158 (157-158). Acraea (Acraea) zetes (Linnaeus, 1758) Papilio zetes Linnaeus, 1758. Systema Naturae 1, Regnum Animale, 10th edition: 487 (824 pp.). Holmiae. Acraea (Acraea) zetes zetes (Linnaeus, 1758) Acraea (Acraea) zetes annobona d'Abrera, 1980 Acraea zetes annobona d'Abrera, 1980. Butterflies of the Afrotropical region 144 (593 pp.). Melbourne. Acraea (Acraea) zetes rudolfi Eltringham, 1929 Acraea zetes rudolfi Eltringham, 1929 in Eltringham et al., 1929. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 77: 490 (475-504). Acraea (Acraea) zetes sidamona Rothschild & Jordan, 1905 Acraea zetes sidamona Rothschild & Jordan, 1905. Novitates Zoologicae 12: 179 (175-191). Acraea (Acraea) zonata Hewitson, 1877 Acraea zonata Hewitson, 1877. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 14: 154 (153-155). March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 9

Subgenus Rubraea Henning, 1992 Metamorphosis 3(3): 106 (100-114). Type-species: Papilio egina Cramer, by original designation.

Legs: Anterior legs without terminal spine.

Wing venation: Radial veins of forewing not stalked; R1 branching off from cell. Cell of hind wing about half of total wing length.

Male genitalia: Aedeagus narrow but not thin or needle-like while in the acrita group thin distally but massive basally; aedeagus of the subgenus strongly bifid anteriorly. Valves not narrowed distally and occasionally with prominent projections or processes posteriorly. A highly sclerotized and enlarged 8th tergite is present in the acrita group. Female genitalia: Sterigma a convex plate with U-shaped ridges with the ostium placed at the anterior end; ductus short; bursa rounded with signa absent or at most small.

Early stages: Eggs conical and about three quarters as broad as high.

Foodplants: Passifloraceae, Turneraceae, Flacourtiaceae, Tiliaceae.

Acraea acrita acrita ♂: J. Dobson 10 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Acraea (Rubraea) abdera Hewitson, 1852 Acraea abdera Hewitson, 1852 in Hewitson, 1851-6. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies 1: 57 ([124] pp.). London. Acraea (Rubraea) abdera abdera Hewitson, 1852 Acraea (Rubraea) abdera eginopsis Aurivillius, 1899 Acraea cepheus var. eginopsis Aurivillius, 1899 in Aurivillius, 1898-9. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapakademiens Handlingar 31(5): 93 (1-561). Acraea (Rubraea) acrita Hewitson, 1865 Acraea acrita Hewitson, 1865 in Hewitson, 1862-6. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies 3: 16 (124 pp.). London. Acraea (Rubraea) acrita acrita Hewitson, 1865 Acraea (Rubraea) acrita ambigua Trimen, 1891 Acraea ambigua Trimen, 1891. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1891: 70 (59-107). Acraea (Rubraea) annonae Pierre, 1987 Acraea annonae Pierre, 1987. Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 4: 15 (5-27). Acraea (Rubraea) asema Hewitson, 1877 Acraea asema Hewitson, 1877. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 14: 52 (51- 52). Acraea (Rubraea) atolmis Westwood, 1881 Acraea atolmis Westwood, 1881. In: Oates, F., Matabeleland and the Victoria Falls, 1st edition: 343 (331-365). London. Acraea (Rubraea) bailundensis Wichgraf, 1918 Acraea bailundensis Wichgraf, 1918. Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift 12: 28 (26-30). Acraea (Rubraea) bellona Weymer, 1908 Acraea acrita bellona Weymer, 1908. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1908: 728 (728-735). Acraea (Rubraea) bergeriana Pierre, 1979 Acraea cepheus bergeriana Pierre, 1979. Compte Rendu des Séances de la Société de Biogéographie 481: 79 (73-79). Acraea (Rubraea) cepheus (Linnaeus, 1758) Papilio cepheus Linnaeus, 1758. Systema Naturae 1, Regnum Animale, 10th edition: 478 (824 pp.). Holmiae. Acraea (Rubraea) chaeribula Oberthür, 1893 Acraea chaeribula Oberthür, 1893. Études d'Entomologie 17: 19 (17-36). Acraea (Rubraea) chambezi Neave, 1910 Acraea nohara chambezi Neave, 1910. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1910: 21 (2-86). Acraea (Rubraea) diogenes Suffert, 1904 Acraea diogenes Suffert, 1904. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 17: 14 (12-107). Acraea (Rubraea) dondoensis Stevenson, 1934 Acraea nohara dondoensis Stevenson, 1934. Occasional Papers of the Rhodesia Museum 1 (3): 12 (10-17). March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 11

Acraea (Rubraea) egina (Cramer, [1775]) Papilio egina Cramer, [1775] in Cramer, [1775-6]. Die Uitlandsche Kapellen voorkomende in de drie waerrelddeelen Asia, Africa en America 1: 64 (16 + 155 pp.). Amsteldam [sic] & Utrecht. Acraea (Rubraea) egina egina (Cramer, 1775) Acraea (Rubraea) egina areca Mabille, 1889 Acraea areca Mabille, 1889. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France (6) 8: 169 (169-170). Acraea (Rubraea) egina harrisoni Sharpe, 1904 Acraea harrisoni Sharpe, 1904. Entomologist 37: 132 (131-134). Acraea (Rubraea) egina pembana Kielland, 1990 Acraea egina pembana Kielland, 1990 (as pambanus). Butterflies of : 155 (363 pp.). Melbourne. Acraea (Rubraea) eltringhamiana Le Doux, 1932 Acraea acrita eltringhamiana Le Doux, 1932. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 18: 197 (172-225). Acraea (Rubraea) guillemei Oberthür, 1893 Acraea guillemei Oberthür, 1893. Études d'Entomologie 17: 19 (17-36). Acraea (Rubraea) guluensis Le Doux, 1932 Acraea manca guluensis Le Doux, 1932. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 18: 199 (172-225). Acraea (Rubraea) lapidorum Pierre, 1988 Acraea lapidorum Pierre, 1988. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.) 24: 282 (263-287). Acraea (Rubraea) lofua Eltringham, 1911 Acraea lofua Eltringham, 1911. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 150 (149-153). Acraea (Rubraea) loranae Pierre, 1987 Acraea loranae Pierre, 1987. Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 4: 15 (5-27). Acraea (Rubraea) lualabae Neave, 1910 Acraea lualabae Neave, 1910. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1910: 18 (2-86). Acraea (Rubraea) manca Thurau, 1904 Acraea guillemei var. manca Thurau, 1904. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 48: 305 (301-314). Acraea (Rubraea) mansya Eltringham, 1911 Acraea mansya Eltringham, 1911. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 153 (149-153). Acraea (Rubraea) medea (Cramer, [1775]) Papilio medea Cramer, [1775] in Cramer, [1775-6]. Die Uitlandsche Kapellen voorkomende in de drie waerrelddeelen Asia, Africa en America 1: 128 (16 + 155 pp.). Amsteldam [sic] & Utrecht. Acraea (Rubraea) niobe Sharpe, 1893 Acraea niobe Sharpe, 1893. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1893: 554 (553-558). Acraea (Rubraea) nohara Boisduval, 1847 Acraea nohara Boisduval, 1847. In: Delegorgue, A., Voyage dans l'Afrique australe 2: 590 (585-602). 12 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Acraea (Rubraea) nohara nohara Boisduval, 1847 Acraea (Rubraea) nohara halali Marshall, 1896 Acraea halali Marshall, 1896. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1896: 555 (551-565). Acraea (Rubraea) omrora Trimen, 1894 Acraea omrora Trimen, 1894. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1894: 24 (14-82). Acraea (Rubraea) omrora omrora Trimen, 1894 Acraea (Rubraea) omrora umbraetae Pierre, 1988 Acraea omrora umbraetae Pierre, 1988. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.) 24: 272 (263-287). Acraea (Rubraea) onerata Trimen, 1891 Acraea onerata Trimen, 1891. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1891: 67 (59-107). Acraea (Rubraea) overlaeti Pierre, 1988 Acraea overlaeti Pierre, 1988. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.) 24: 272 (263-287). Acraea (Rubraea) peetersi Pierre, 1992 Acraea peetersi Pierre, 1992. Lambillionea 94 (2): 309 (308-310). Acraea (Rubraea) periphanes Oberthür, 1893 Acraea periphanes Oberthür, 1893. Études d'Entomologie 17: 20 (17-36). Acraea (Rubraea) petraea Boisduval, 1847 Acraea petraea Boisduval, 1847. In: Delegorgue, A., Voyage dans l'Afrique australe 2: 589 (585-602). Acraea (Rubraea) pseudatolmis Eltringham, 1912 Acraea nohara pseudatolmis Eltringham, 1912. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1912: 130 (1-374). Acraea (Rubraea) pudorina Staudinger, 1885 Acraea pudorina Staudinger, 1885 in Staudinger & Schatz, 1884-8. Exotische Schmetterlinge 1: 84 (333 pp.). Fürth, Bavaria. Acraea (Rubraea) punctellata Eltringham, 1912 Acraea nohara punctellata Eltringham, 1912. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1912: 131 (1-374). Acraea (Rubraea) rohlfsi Suffert, 1904 Acraea rohlfsi Suffert, 1904. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 17: 124 (124-132). Acraea (Rubraea) utengulensis Thurau, 1903 Acraea acrita var. utengulensis Thurau, 1903. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 48: 130 (117-143). Acraea (Rubraea) violarum Boisduval, 1847 Acraea violarum Boisduval, 1847. In: Delegorgue, A., Voyage dans l'Afrique australe 2: 591 (585-602). March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 13

Subgenus Stephenia Henning, 1992 Metamorphosis 3(3): 106 (100-114). Type-species: Papilio caecilia Fabricius, by original designation.

Legs: Anterior legs without terminal spine.

Wing venation: Radial veins of forewing not stalked; R1 branching off from cell. Cell of hind wing about half of total wing length.

Male genitalia: Aedeagus moderately narrow and very elongated; sclerotized saccus very elongated; valves comparatively short and angular, distally broad; uncus short.

Female genitalia: Sterigma produced posteriorly; ductus long; bursa round with paired small, rounded, spinose signa.

Early stages: Eggs conical, two thirds as broad as high, flat-topped.

Foodplants: Passifloraceae, Turneraceae, Malvaceae, Flacourtiaceae, Tiliaceae.

Acraea aglaonice ♂: J. Dobson 14 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Acraea (Stephenia) aglaonice Westwood, 1881 Acraea aglaonice Westwood, 1881. In: Oates, F., Matabeleland and the Victoria Falls, 1st edition: 346 (331-365). London. Acraea (Stephenia) asboloplintha Karsch, 1894 Acraea asboloplintha Karsch, 1894. Entomologische Nachrichten Berlin 20: 223 (209-240). Acraea (Stephenia) asboloplintha asboloplintha Karsch, 1894 Acraea (Stephenia) asboloplintha rubescens Trimen, 1909 Acraea asboloplintha rubescens Trimen, 1909. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1909: 547 (547-557). Acraea (Stephenia) atatis Pierre, 2004 Acraea atatis Pierre, 2004. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 109 (1): 73 (73-76). Acraea (Stephenia) atergatis Westwood, 1881 Acraea atergatis Westwood, 1881. In: Oates, F., Matabeleland and the Victoria Falls, 1st edition: 342 (331-365). London. Acraea (Stephenia) axina Westwood, 1881 Acraea axina Westwood, 1881. In: Oates, F., Matabeleland and the Victoria Falls, 1st edition: 344 (331-365). London. Acraea (Stephenia) braesia Godman, 1885 Acraea braesia Godman, 1885. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1885: 538 (537-541). Acraea (Stephenia) buettneri Rogenhofer, 1890 Acraea buettneri Rogenhofer, 1890. Annalen des (K.K.) Naturhistorischen Museums Wien 4: 553 (547-554). Acraea (Stephenia) caecilia (Fabricius, 1781) Papilio caecilia Fabricius, 1781. Species Insectorum 2: 34 (499 pp.). Hamburgi & Kilonii. Acraea (Stephenia) caecilia caecilia (Fabricius, 1781) Acraea (Stephenia) caecilia kulal van Someren, 1936 Acraea caecilia kulal van Someren, 1936. Journal of the East Africa and Natural History Society 12: 154 (147-199). Acraea (Stephenia) caecilia pudora Aurivillius, 1910 Acraea caecilia f. pudora Aurivillius, 1910. In: Sjöstedt, B. Y., Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1905-1906 2(9): 4 (56 pp.). Stockholm. Acraea (Stephenia) caldarena Hewitson, 1877 Acraea caldarena Hewitson, 1877. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 14: 52 (51-52). Acraea (Stephenia) caldarena caldarena Hewitson, 1877 Acraea (Stephenia) caldarena neluska Oberthür, 1878 Acraea oncaea var. neluska Oberthür, 1878. Études d'Entomologie 3: 25 (1-48). Acraea (Stephenia) doubledayi Guérin-Méneville, 1849 Acraea doubledayi Guérin-Méneville, 1849. In: Lefebvre, T., Voyage en Abyssinie (4) 6 (Zoologie): 378 (364-386). March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 15

Acraea (Stephenia) doubledayi doubledayi Guérin-Méneville, 1849 Acraea (Stephenia) doubledayi azvaki d'Abrera, 1980 Acraea doubledayi azvaki d'Abrera, 1980. Butterflies of the Afrotropical region 142 (593 pp.). Melbourne. Acraea (Stephenia) ella Eltringham, 1911 Acraea ella Eltringham, 1911. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 151 (149-153). Acraea (Stephenia) equatorialis Neave, 1904 Acraea doubledayi equatorialis Neave, 1904. Novitates Zoologicae 11: 327 (323-363). Acraea (Stephenia) equatorialis equatorialis Neave, 1904 Acraea (Stephenia) equatorialis anaemia Eltringham, 1912 Acraea equatorialis anaemia Eltringham, 1912. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1912: 179 (1-374). Acraea (Stephenia) intermediodes Ackery, 1995 Acraea (Acraea) intermediodes Ackery, 1995 in Ackery et al., 1995: 238. Acraea (Stephenia) leucopyga Aurivillius, 1904 Acraea leucopyga Aurivillius, 1904. Entomologisk Tidskrift 25: 92 (92-96). Acraea (Stephenia) lyci Pierre, 2006 Acraea lyci Pierre, 2006. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 111 (4): 544 (544). Acraea (Stephenia) lygus Druce, 1875 Acraea lygus Druce, 1875. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1875: 408 (406-417). Acraea (Stephenia) marnois Rogenhofer, 1890 Acraea (Telchinia) marnois Rogenhofer, 1890. Annalen des (K.K.) Naturhistorischen Museums Wien 4: 552 (547-554). Acraea (Stephenia) mirabilis Butler, 1886 Acraea mirabilis Butler, 1886. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1885: 760 (756-776). Acraea (Stephenia) miranda Riley, 1920 Acraea miranda Riley, 1920. Entomologist 53: 74 (73-75). Acraea (Stephenia) natalica Boisduval, 1847 Acraea natalica Boisduval, 1847. In: Delegorgue, A., Voyage dans l'Afrique australe 2: 590 (585-602). Acraea (Stephenia) oncaea Hopffer, 1855 Acraea oncaea Hopffer, 1855. Berichte über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1855: 640 (639-643). Acraea (Stephenia) pseudegina Westwood, 1852 Acraea pseudegina Westwood, 1852 in Doubleday & Westwood, [1846-52]. The genera of diurnal Lepidoptera: 531 (1: 1-250.; 2: 251-534.). London. Acraea (Stephenia) pudorella Aurivillius, 1899 Acraea caldarena var. pudorella Aurivillius, 1899 in Aurivillius, 1898-9. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapakademiens Handlingar 31(5): 99 (1-561). Acraea (Stephenia) regalis Oberthür, 1893 Acraea regalis Oberthür, 1893. Études d'Entomologie 17: 20 (17-36). 16 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Acraea (Stephenia) rhodesiana Wichgraf, 1909 Acraea rhodesiana Wichgraf, 1909. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 53: 240 (240-247). Acraea (Stephenia) rogersi Hewitson, 1873 Acraea rogersi Hewitson, 1873. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 10: 57 (57-58). Acraea (Stephenia) rogersi rogersi Hewitson, 1873 Acraea (Stephenia) rogersi lankesteri Carpenter, 1941 Acraea rogersi lankesteri Carpenter, 1941. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 10: 216 (216-217). Acraea (Stephenia) stenobea Wallengren, 1860 Acraea stenobea Wallengren, 1860. Wiener Entomologische Monatschrift 4: 35 (33-46). Acraea (Stephenia) sykesi Sharpe, 1902 Acraea sykesi Sharpe, 1902. Entomologist 35: 279 (276-280). Acraea (Stephenia) zoumi (Pierre, 1995) Acraea zoumi Pierre, 1995. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 100(3): 312 (307-314).

Acraea axina ♂: A. Coetzer Acraea natalica ♂: S. Woodhall

Acraea natalica ♀: A. Coetzer Acraea oncaea ♂: A. Coetzer March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 17

Subgenus Bematistes Hemming, 1935 In Carpenter, 1935, Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 83: 374 (313-447).

Legs: Anterior legs with terminal spine.

Wing venation: All radial veins of forewing stalked; R1 arising from beyond the upper angle of cell. Cell of hind wing slightly more than one-third of total wing length.

Male genitalia: Aedeagus narrow but not needle-like. Uncus very short and bilobed.

Female genitalia: Two sub-pupillary glands present. Bursa rounded with four spinose signa; ductus sclerotized.

Early stages: Egg cylindrical, almost twice as high as wide, evenly domed on top. Pupa bearing four pairs of long dorsal processes on abdominal segments 1-4.

Foodplants: Passifloraceae, Vitaceae.

Acraea aganice aganice ♂: S. Woodhall

Acraea aganice aganice ♀: S. Woodhall 18 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Acraea (Bematistes) adrasta Weymer, 1892 Acraea adrasta Weymer, 1892. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 53: 85 (79-125). Acraea (Bematistes) adrasta adrasta Weymer, 1892 Acraea (Bematistes) adrasta pancalis (Jordan, 1910) Planema adrastum pancale Jordan, 1910. Novitates Zoologicae 17: 462 (462-469). Acraea (Bematistes) aganice Hewitson, 1852 Acraea aganice Hewitson, 1852 in Hewitson, 1851-6. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies 1: 58 ([124] pp.). London. Acraea (Bematistes) aganice aganice Hewitson, 1852 Acraea (Bematistes) aganice montana (Butler, 1888) Planema montanum Butler, 1888. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1888: 91 (91-98). Acraea (Bematistes) aganice nicega (Suffert, 1904) Planema aganice nicega Suffert, 1904. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 17: 78 (12-107). Acraea (Bematistes) aganice nyassae (Carpenter, 1920) Planema aganice race nyassae Carpenter, 1920. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 53: 98 (84-98). Acraea (Bematistes) aganice orientalis (Ungemach, 1932) Planema aganice orientale Ungemach, 1932. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles (et Physiques) du Maroc 32: ? (1-122). Acraea (Bematistes) aganice ugandae (van Someren, 1936) Bematistes aganice ugandae van Someren, 1936. Journal of the East Africa and Uganda Natural History Society 12: 152 (147-199). Acraea (Bematistes) alcinoe Felder & Felder, 1865 Acraea alcinoe Felder & Felder, 1865, in Felder & Felder [1865-7]. Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara: 368 (549 pp.). Wien. Acraea (Bematistes) alcinoe alcinoe Felder & Felder, 1865 Acraea (Bematistes) alcinoe camerunica (Aurivillius, 1893) Planema alcinoe var. camerunicum Aurivillius, 1893. Entomologisk Tidskrift 14: 285 (257-292). Acraea (Bematistes) alcinoe nado (Ungemach, 1932) Planema nado Ungemach, 1932. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles (et Physiques) du Maroc 32: 72 (1-122). Acraea (Bematistes) alcinoe racaji (Pyrcz, 1991) Bematistes alcinoe racaji Pyrcz, 1991. Lambillionea 91: 370, 373 (362-373). Acraea (Bematistes) consanguinea (Aurivillius, 1893) Planema consanguineum Aurivillius, 1893. Entomologisk Tidskrift 14: 282 (257- 292). Acraea (Bematistes) consanguinea consanguinea (Aurivillius, 1893) Acraea (Bematistes) consanguinea albicolor (Karsch, 1895) Planema albicolor Karsch, 1895. Entomologische Nachrichten Berlin 21: 280 (275-286). Acraea (Bematistes) consanguinea intermedia (Aurivillius, 1899) March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 19

Planema consanguineum var. intermedium Aurivillius, 1899 in Aurivillius, 1898-9. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapakademiens Handlingar 31(5): 120 (1-561). Acraea (Bematistes) consanguinea sartina (Jordan, 1910) Planema consanguineum sartinum Jordan, 1910. Novitates Zoologicae 17: 462 (462-469). Acraea (Bematistes) elongata (Butler, 1874) Planema elongatum Butler, 1874. Cistula Entomologica 1: 212 (209-217). Acraea (Bematistes) epaea (Cramer, [1779]) Papilio epaea Cramer, [1779] in Cramer, [1779-80]. Die Uitlandsche Kapellen voorkomende in de drie waerrelddeelen Asia, Africa en America 3: 64 (176 pp.). Amsteldam [sic] & Utrecht. Acraea (Bematistes) epaea epaea (Cramer, [1779]) Acraea (Bematistes) epaea homochroa (Rothschild & Jordan, 1905) Planema epaeum homochroum Rothschild & Jordan, 1905. Novitates Zoologicae 12: 185 (175-191). Acraea (Bematistes) epaea insulana (Ackery, 1995) Acraea (Acraea) epaea insulana Ackery, 1995 in Ackery et al., 1995: 237. Acraea (Bematistes) epaea melina (Thurau, 1903) Planema epaeum var. melinum Thurau, 1903. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 48: 135 (117-143). Acraea (Bematistes) epaea parageum (Grose-Smith, 1900) Planema parageum Grose-Smith, 1900. Novitates Zoologicae 7: 547 (544-547). Acraea (Bematistes) epiprotea (Butler, 1874) Planema epiproteum Butler, 1874. Cistula Entomologica 1: 210 (209-217). Acraea (Bematistes) epitellus Staudinger, 1896 Acraea epitellus Staudinger, 1896. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 9: 207 (193-240). Acraea (Bematistes) excisa (Butler, 1874) Planema excisum Butler, 1874. Cistula Entomologica 1: 212 (209-217). Acraea (Bematistes) formosa (Butler, 1874) Planemum formosa Butler, 1874. Cistula Entomologica 1: 213 (209-217). Acraea (Bematistes) indentata (Butler, 1895) Planema indentatum Butler, 1895. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 16: 416 (415-417). Acraea (Bematistes) leopoldina (Aurivillius, 1895) Planema leopoldinum Aurivillius, 1895. Entomologisk Tidskrift 16: 112 (111-112). Acraea (Bematistes) leopoldina leopoldina (Aurivillius, 1895) Acraea (Bematistes) leopoldina brevimacula (Talbot, 1928) Planema poggei brevimacula Talbot, 1928. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 16: 217 (217-220). Acraea (Bematistes) leopoldina macrosticha (Bethune-Baker, 1908) Planema macrostichum Bethune-Baker, 1908. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8) 2: 472 (469-482). Acraea (Bematistes) macaria (Fabricius, 1793) Papilio macaria Fabricius, 1793. Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta 3(1): 174 (488 pp.). 20 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Acraea (Bematistes) macarista (Sharpe, 1906) Planema macaristum Sharpe, 1906. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 18: 76 (75-76). Acraea (Bematistes) macarista macarista (Sharpe, 1906) Acraea (Bematistes) macarista latefasciata (Suffert, 1904) Planema formosum latefasciatum Suffert, 1904. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 17: 37 (12-107). Acraea (Bematistes) obliqua (Aurivillius, 1913) Planema obliquum Aurivillius, 1913 in Seitz, 1908-25. Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde, Stuttgart (2) 13 Die Afrikanischen Tagfalter: 243 (614 pp.). Acraea (Bematistes) obliqua obliqua (Aurivillius, 1913) Acraea (Bematistes) obliqua elgonensis (Poulton, 1927) Planema elgonense Poulton, 1927. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 2: 37 (36-37). Acraea (Bematistes) obliqua kivuensis (Joicey & Talbot, 1927) Planema obliquum kivuense Joicey & Talbot, 1927. Encyclopédie Entomologique (B.3. Lepidoptera) 2: 12 (1-14). Acraea (Bematistes) persanguinea (Rebel, 1914) Planema persanguineum Rebel, 1914. Annalen des (K.K.) Naturhistorischen Museums Wien 28: 235 (219-294). Acraea (Bematistes) poggei Dewitz, 1879 Acraea poggei Dewitz, 1879. Nova Acta Academiae Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicum Naturae Curiosorum 4 (2): 190 (173-212). Acraea (Bematistes) poggei poggei Dewitz, 1879 Acraea (Bematistes) poggei nelsoni Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1892 Acraea nelsoni Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1892 in Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1887-92. Rhopalocera exotica, being illustrations of new, rare and unfigured species of butterflies 1: 10 (183 pp.). London. Acraea (Bematistes) poggei ras (Ungemach, 1932) Planema nelsoni ras Ungemach, 1932. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles (et Physiques) du Maroc 32: 71 (1-122). Acraea (Bematistes) pseuderyta Godman & Salvin, 1890 Acraea pseuderyta Godman & Salvin, 1890. In: Jameson, J.J., Story of the rear column of the Emin Pasha relief expedition: 429 (426-445). Acraea (Bematistes) quadricolor (Rogenhofer, 1891) Planema quadricolor Rogenhofer, 1891. Annalen des (K.K.) Naturhistorischen Museums Wien 6: 458 (455-466). Acraea (Bematistes) quadricolor quadricolor (Rogenhofer, 1891) Acraea (Bematistes) quadricolor itumbana (Jordan, 1910) Planema quadricolor itumbanum Jordan, 1910. Novitates Zoologicae 17: 463 (462- 469). Acraea (Bematistes) quadricolor latifasciata (Sharpe, 1892) Planema latifasciatum Sharpe, 1892. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1891: 635 (633-638). Acraea (Bematistes) quadricolor leptis (Jordan, 1910) Planema quadricolor leptis Jordan, 1910. Novitates Zoologicae 17: 463 (462-469). March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 21

Acraea (Bematistes) quadricolor mahale (Kielland, 1990) Bematistes quadricolor mahale Kielland, 1990. Butterflies of Tanzania: 147 (363 pp.). Melbourne. Acraea (Bematistes) quadricolor morogoro (Carpenter & Jackson, 1950) Bematistes quadricolor morogoro Carpenter & Jackson, 1950. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 19: 105 (97-108). Acraea (Bematistes) quadricolor uluguru (Kielland, 1990) Bematistes quadricolor uluguru Kielland, 1990. Butterflies of Tanzania: 147 (363 pp.). Melbourne. Acraea (Bematistes) scalivittata (Butler, 1896) Planema scalivittatum Butler, 1896. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 18: 159 (159-163). Acraea (Bematistes) scalivittata scalivittata (Butler, 1896) Acraea (Bematistes) scalivittata kiellandiana (Koçak, 1996) Acraea (Acraea) scalivittata kiellandiana Koçak, 1996. Centre for Entomological Studies Miscellaneous Papers 27-28: 12 (10-16). Acraea (Bematistes) schubotzi (Grünberg, 1911) Planema schubotzi Grünberg, 1911. Wissenschaftliche Ergibnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika Expedition 1907-1908 3(17): 519 (506-560), 4 pls. Leipzig. Acraea (Bematistes) tellus (Aurivillius, 1893) Planema tellus Aurivillius, 1893. Entomologisk Tidskrift 14: 280 (257-292). Acraea (Bematistes) tellus tellus (Aurivillius, 1893) Acraea (Bematistes) tellus eumelis (Jordan, 1910) Planema tellus eumelis Jordan, 1910. Novitates Zoologicae 17: 462 (462-469). Acraea (Bematistes) umbra (Drury, 1782) Papilio umbra Drury, 1782. Illustrations of Natural History 3: index et 23 (76 pp.). London. Acraea (Bematistes) umbra umbra (Drury, 1782) Acraea (Bematistes) umbra carpenteri (Le Doux, 1937) Planema umbra carpenteri Le Doux, 1937. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 29: 180 (151-187). Acraea (Bematistes) umbra hemileuca (Jordan, 1914) Planema macaria hemileucum Jordan, 1914. Novitates Zoologicae 21: 254 (254). Acraea (Bematistes) umbra macarioides (Aurivillius, 1893) Planema macarioides Aurivillius, 1893. Entomologisk Tidskrift 14: 284 (257-292). Acraea (Bematistes) vestalis Felder & Felder, 1865 Acraea vestalis Felder & Felder, 1865 in Felder & Felder, [1865-7]. Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara 369: (549 pp.). Wien. Acraea (Bematistes) vestalis vestalis Felder & Felder, 1865 Acraea (Bematistes) vestalis congoensis (Le Doux, 1937) Planema vestale congoense Le Doux, 1937. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 29: 185 (151-187). Acraea (Bematistes) vestalis stavelia (Suffert, 1904) Planema vestale stavelium Suffert, 1904. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 17: 39 (12-107). 22 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

SUBTRIBE ACTINOTINA Henning, 1992 Metamorphosis 3(3): 107 (100-114). Type-genus: Actinote Hübner, by original designation.

Genus Telchinia Hübner, [1819] In Hübner, [1816-[1826]. Verzeichniss bekannter Schmettlinge (2): 27 (432 + 72 pp.). Augsburg. Type-species: Papilio serena Fabricius, 1775, by subsequent designation (Scudder, 1875, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 10: 91-293).

Key to the subgenera of genus Telchinia

1. Hind wing with a rudimentary vein between second anal and second cubital veins … Auracraea - Hind wing without rudimentary vein …. 2 2. Claws of male pterothoracic legs asymmetrical, aedeagus distally rounded or acute …. Telchinia - Claws of male pterothoracic legs symmetrical, aedeagus distally truncate … Alacria

Subgenus Telchinia Hübner, [1819] In Hübner, [1816-[1826]. Verzeichniss bekannter Schmettlinge (2): 27 (432 + 72 pp.) Augsburg. Type-species: Papilio serena Fabricius, 1775, by subsequent designation (Scudder, 1875, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 10: 91-293).

Legs: Claws of male pterothoracic legs asymmetrical.

Wing venation: Hind wing without a rudimentary vein between second anal and second cubital veins.

Male genitalia: Aedeagus not narrow, distally acute; valve broad tapering distally to an upturned apex; vinculum “V” shaped; juxta subtriangular.

Female genitalia: Sterigma with a pouch-like vestibulum with a small posterior projection in some groups; ductus short and narrow; bursa large; sub-pupillary gland developed anteriorly; one terminal gland.

Early stages: Egg cylindrical, two-thirds as wide as high, narrowing sharply dorsally to a flat top. March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 23

Foodplants: Urticaceae, Fabaceae, Commelinaceae, Tiliaceae, Sterculiaceae, Malvaceae, Solanaceae, Rosaceae, Lythraceae, Convolvulaceae, Moraceae, Asteraceae, Flacourtiaceae, Violaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Verbenaceae, Ehretiaceae.

Telchinia encedon encedon ♂: J. Dobson Telchinia (Telchinia) acerata (Hewitson, 1874) comb. n. Acraea acerata Hewitson, 1874. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (4) 13: 381 (380-383). Telchinia (Telchinia) actinotina (Lathy, 1903) comb. n. Telipna actinotina Lathy, 1903. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1903: 194 (183-206). Telchinia (Telchinia) acuta (Howarth, 1969) comb. n. Acraea ansorgei acuta Howarth, 1969. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 38: 146 (141-156). Telchinia (Telchinia) acuta acuta (Howarth, 1969) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) acuta ngorongoro (Kielland, 1990) comb. n. Acraea acuta ngorongoro Kielland, 1990. Butterflies of Tanzania: 150 (363 pp.). Melbourne. Telchinia (Telchinia) acuta nigromaculata (Kielland, 1990) comb. n. Acraea acuta nigromaculata Kielland, 1990. Butterflies of Tanzania: 150 (363 pp.). Melbourne. Telchinia (Telchinia) acuta rubrobasalis (Kielland, 1990) comb. n. Acraea acuta rubrobasalis Kielland, 1990. Butterflies of Tanzania: 149 (363 pp.). Melbourne. 24 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Telchinia (Telchinia) alciope (Hewitson, 1852) comb. n. Acraea alciope Hewitson, 1852 in Hewitson, 1851-6. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies 1: 57 ([124] pp.). London. Telchinia (Telchinia) alciopoides (Joicey & Talbot, 1921) comb. n. Acraea disjuncta form alciopoides Joicey & Talbot, 1921. Bulletin of the Hill Museum, Witley 1: 49 (40-166). Telchinia (Telchinia) alicia Sharpe, 1890 Telchinia alicia Sharpe, 1890. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 5: 442 (440-443). Telchinia (Telchinia) alicia alicia Sharpe, 1890 Telchinia (Telchinia) alicia mbulu (Kielland, 1990) comb. n. Acraea alicia mbulu Kielland, 1990. Butterflies of Tanzania: 150 (363 pp.). Melbourne. Telchinia (Telchinia) alicia uzungwae (Kielland, 1990) comb. N. Acraea alicia uzungwae Kielland, 1990. Butterflies of Tanzania: 150 (363 pp.). Melbourne. Telchinia (Telchinia) althoffi (Dewitz, 1889) comb. n. Acraea althoffi Dewitz, 1889. Entomologische Nachrichten Berlin 15: 102 (101- 110). Telchinia (Telchinia) althoffi althoffi (Dewitz, 1889) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) althoffi bitjana (Bethune-Baker, 1926) comb. n. Acraea althoffi f. bitjana Bethune-Baker, 1926. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9) 17: 384 (384-402). Telchinia (Telchinia) althoffi neavei (Poulton, 1924) comb. n. Acraea althoffi neavei Poulton, 1924. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1924: 144 (140-145). Telchinia (Telchinia) althoffi rubrofasciata (Aurivillius, 1895) comb. n. Acraea althoffi var. rubrofasciata Aurivillius, 1895. Entomologisk Tidskrift 16: 111 (111-112). Telchinia (Telchinia) amicitiae (Heron, 1909) comb. n. Acraea amicitiae Heron, 1909. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 19: 148 (141-178). Telchinia (Telchinia) ansorgei (Grose-Smith, 1898) comb. n. Acraea ansorgei Grose-Smith, 1898. Novitates Zoologicae 5: 351 (350-358). Telchinia (Telchinia) aurivillii (Staudinger, 1896) comb. n. Acraea aurivillii Staudinger, 1896. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 9: 209 (193-240). Telchinia (Telchinia) aurivillii aurivillii (Staudinger, 1896) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) aurivillii schecana (Rothschild & Jordan, 1905) comb. n. Acraea alciope schecana Rothschild & Jordan, 1905. Novitates Zoologicae 12: 184 (175-191). Telchinia (Telchinia) baxteri (Sharpe, 1902) comb. n. Acraea baxteri Sharpe, 1902. Entomologist 35: 40 (40-42). Telchinia (Telchinia) baxteri baxteri (Sharpe, 1902) comb. n. March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 25

Telchinia (Telchinia) baxteri oldeani (Kielland, 1990) comb. n. Acraea baxteri oldeani Kielland, 1990. Butterflies of Tanzania: 152 (363 pp.). Melbourne. Telchinia (Telchinia) baxteri philos (Le Cerf, 1933) comb. n. Acraea baxteri philos Le Cerf, 1933. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 38: 158 (158). Telchinia (Telchinia) baxteri subsquamia (Thurau, 1903) comb. n. Acraea fuelleborni var. subsquamia Thurau, 1903. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 48: 135 (117-143). Telchinia (Telchinia) bergeri (Gaede, 1915) comb. n. Acraea bergeri Gaede, 1915. Entomologische Rundschau 32: 51 (50-52). Telchinia (Telchinia) bonasia (Fabricius, 1775) comb. n. Papilio bonasia Fabricius, 1775. Systema Entomologiae: 464 (832 pp.). Flensburgi & Lipsiae. Telchinia (Telchinia) bonasia bonasia (Fabricius, 1775) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) bonasia banka (Eltringham, 1912) comb. n. Acraea bonasia banka Eltringham, 1912. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1912: 226 (1-374). Telchinia (Telchinia) buschbecki (Dewitz, 1889) comb. n. Acraea buschbecki Dewitz, 1889. Entomologische Nachrichten Berlin 15: 102 (101-110). Telchinia (Telchinia) burgessi (Jackson, 1956) comb. n. Acraea burgessi Jackson, 1956. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society 23: 69 (63-102). Telchinia (Telchinia) burni (Butler, 1896) Acraea burni Butler, 1896. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 18: 467 (467). Telchinia (Telchinia) cabira (Hopffer, 1855) Acraea cabira Hopffer, 1855. Berichte über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1855: 640 (639-643). Telchinia (Telchinia) cerasa (Hewitson, 1861) Acraea cerasa Hewitson, 1861 in Hewitson, 1857-61. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies 2: 40 ([124] pp.). London. Telchinia (Telchinia) cerasa cerasa (Hewitson, 1861) Telchinia (Telchinia) cerasa cerita (Sharpe, 1906) comb. n. Acraea cerita Sharpe, 1906. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 18: 75 (75-76). Telchinia (Telchinia) cerasa kiellandi (Carcasson, 1964) comb. n. Acraea cerasa kiellandi Carcasson, 1964. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society & Coryndon Museum 24 (4): 70 (67-72). Telchinia (Telchinia) circeis (Drury, 1782) comb. n. Papilio circeis Drury, 1782. Illustrations of Natural History 3: index et 24 (76 pp.). London. Telchinia (Telchinia) comor Pierre, 1992 comb. n. Acraea comor Pierre, 1992. Entomologiste (Paris) 48 (6): 358 (351-363). 26 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Telchinia (Telchinia) disjuncta (Grose-Smith, 1898) comb. n. Acraea disjuncta Grose-Smith, 1898. Novitates Zoologicae 5: 351 (350-358). Telchinia (Telchinia) disjuncta disjuncta (Grose-Smith, 1898) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) disjuncta kigeziensis (Jackson, 1956) comb. n. Acraea disjuncta kigeziensis Jackson, 1956. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society 23: 70 (63-102). Telchinia (Telchinia) encedana (Pierre, 1976) comb. n. Acraea encedana Pierre, 1976. Compte Rendu Hebdomadaire des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris (D) 282: 731 (731-734). Telchinia (Telchinia) encedon (Linnaeus, 1758) Papilio encedon Linnaeus, 1758. Systema Naturae 1, Regnum Animale, 10th edition: 488 (824 pp.). Holmiae. Telchinia (Telchinia) encedon encedon (Linnaeus, 1758) Telchinia (Telchinia) encedon rathjensi (Le Doux, 1933) comb. n. Acraea encedon rathjensi Le Doux, 1933. Mitteilungen der Münchener Entomologischen Gesellschaft 23: 35 (35-36). Telchinia (Telchinia) encoda (Pierre, 1981) comb. n. Acraea encoda Pierre, 1981. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 86: 80 (79-87). Telchinia (Telchinia) esebria (Hewitson, 1861) Acraea esebria Hewitson, 1861 in Hewitson, 1857-61. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies 2: 40 ([124] pp.). London. Telchinia (Telchinia) excelsior (Sharpe, 1891) comb. n. Acraea excelsior Sharpe, 1891. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1891: 192 (187-194). Telchinia (Telchinia) excelsior excelsior (Sharpe, 1891) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) excelsior usambarae (Jackson, 1951) comb. n. Acraea excelsior usambarae Jackson, 1951. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 20: 103 (91-105). Telchinia (Telchinia) fornax (Butler, 1879) comb. n. Acraea fornax Butler, 1879. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5) 4: 230 (227-246). Telchinia (Telchinia) goetzei (Thurau, 1903) comb. n. Acraea goetzei Thurau, 1903. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 48: 132 (117-143). Telchinia (Telchinia) grosvenori (Eltringham, 1912) comb. n. Acraea grosvenori Eltringham, 1912. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1912: 276 (1-374). Telchinia (Telchinia) hecqui (Berger, 1981) comb. n. Acraea hecqui Berger, 1981. Les Papillons du Zaire 201 (543 pp.). Bruxelles. Telchinia (Telchinia) humilis (Sharpe, 1897) comb. n. Acraea humilis Sharpe, 1897. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 19: 582 (581-582). Telchinia (Telchinia) insularis (Sharpe, 1893) comb. n. Acraea insularis Sharpe, 1893. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1893: 555 (553-558). March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 27

Telchinia (Telchinia) iturina (Grose-Smith, 1890) comb. n. Acraea iturina Grose-Smith, 1890. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1890: 465 (463-473). Telchinia (Telchinia) iturina iturina (Grose-Smith, 1890) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) iturina kakana (Eltringham, 1911) comb. n. Acraea iturina kakana Eltringham, 1911. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 150 (149-153). Telchinia (Telchinia) jodutta (Fabricius, 1793) comb. n. Papilio jodutta Fabricius, 1793. Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta 3 (1): 175 (488 pp.). Telchinia (Telchinia) jodutta jodutta (Fabricius, 1793) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) jodutta aethiops (Rothschild & Jordan, 1905) comb. n. Acraea jodutta aethiops Rothschild & Jordan, 1905. Novitates Zoologicae 12: 183 (175-191). Telchinia (Telchinia) johnstoni (Godman, 1885) comb. n. Acraea johnstoni Godman, 1885. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1885: 537 (537-541). Telchinia (Telchinia) kalinzu (Carpenter, 1936) comb. n. Acraea kalinzu Carpenter, 1936. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 5: 162 (162-164). Telchinia (Telchinia) kraka (Aurivillius, 1893) comb. n. Acraea kraka Aurivillius, 1893. Entomologisk Tidskrift 14: 272 (257-292). Telchinia (Telchinia) lia (Mabille, 1879) comb. n. Acraea lia Mabille, 1879. Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Paris (7) 3: 132 (132-144). Telchinia (Telchinia) lumiri (Bethune-Baker, 1908) comb. n. Acraea lumiri Bethune-Baker, 1908. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8) 2: 471 (469-482). Telchinia (Telchinia) lycoa (Godart, [1819]) comb. n. Acraea lycoa Godart, [1819] in Latreille & Godart, [1819], [1824]. Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle [Zoologie] 9 (Entomologie): 239 (1-328 [1819], 329- 828 [1824]). Paris. Telchinia (Telchinia) masamba (Ward, 1872) comb. n. Acraea masamba Ward, 1872. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 9: 3 (2-3). Telchinia (Telchinia) masaris (Oberthür, 1893) comb. n. Acraea masaris Oberthür, 1893. Études d'Entomologie 17: 27 (17-36). Telchinia (Telchinia) masaris masaris (Oberthür, 1893) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) masaris jodina (Pierre, 1992) comb. n. Acraea masaris jodina Pierre, 1992. Entomologiste (Paris) 48 (6): 358 (351-363). Telchinia (Telchinia) necoda (Hewitson, 1861) comb. n. Acraea necoda Hewitson, 1861 in Hewitson, 1857-61. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies 2: 39 ([124] pp.). London. Telchinia (Telchinia) obeira (Hewitson, 1863) comb. n. Acraea obeira Hewitson, 1863. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1863: 65 (64-65). 28 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Telchinia (Telchinia) oberthueri (Butler, 1895) comb. n. Acraea oberthueri Butler, 1895. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 16: 271 (271). Telchinia (Telchinia) orestia (Hewitson, 1874) comb. n. Acraea orestia Hewitson, 1874. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 11: 131 (130- 132). Telchinia (Telchinia) orestia orestia (Hewitson, 1874) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) orestia sambar (Stoneham, 1943) comb. n. Acraea sambar Stoneham, 1943. Bulletin of the Stoneham Museum 45: 2 (4 pp.). Telchinia (Telchinia) pelopeia (Staudinger, 1896) comb. n. Acraea peneleos form [?] pelopeia Staudinger, 1896. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 9: 199 (193-240). Telchinia (Telchinia) peneleos (Ward, 1871) comb. n. Acraea peneleos Ward, 1871. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 8: 60 (34-36, 58-60, 81-82, 118-122). Telchinia (Telchinia) peneleos peneleos (Ward, 1871) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) peneleos gelonica (Rothschild & Jordan, 1905) comb. n. Acraea peneleos gelonica Rothschild & Jordan, 1905. Novitates Zoologicae 12: 183 (175-191). Telchinia (Telchinia) peneleos pelasgia (Grose-Smith, 1900) comb. n. Acraea pelasgia Grose-Smith, 1900. Novitates Zoologicae 7: 545 (544-547). Telchinia (Telchinia) pentapolis (Ward, 1871) comb. n. Acraea pentapolis Ward, 1871. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 8: 60 (34-36, 58- 60, 81-82, 118-122). Telchinia (Telchinia) pentapolis pentapolis (Ward, 1871) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) pentapolis epidica (Oberthür, 1893) comb. n. Acraea epidica Oberthür, 1893. Études d'Entomologie 17: 18 (17-36). Telchinia (Telchinia) pharsalus (Ward, 1871) comb. n. Acraea pharsalus Ward, 1871. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 8: 81 (34-36, 58-60, 81-82, 118-122). Telchinia (Telchinia) pharsalus pharsalus (Ward, 1871) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) pharsalus carmen (Pyrcz, 1991) comb. n. Acraea pharsalus carmen Pyrcz, 1991. Lambillionea 91: 369, 373 (362-373). Telchinia (Telchinia) pharsalus pharsaloides (Holland, 1892) comb. n. Acraea pharsaloides Holland, 1892. Entomologist (Supplement) 25: 89 (89-95). Telchinia (Telchinia) pharsalus rhodina (Rothschild, 1902) comb. n. Acraea pharsalus rhodina Rothschild, 1902. Novitates Zoologicae 9: 595 (595-598). Telchinia (Telchinia) pierrei (Berger, 1981) comb. n. Acraea pierrei Berger, 1981. Les Papillons du Zaire: 202 (543 pp.). Bruxelles. Telchinia (Telchinia) polis (Pierre, 1999) comb. n. Acraea polis Pierre, 1999. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 104 (1): 7 (5-14). March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 29

Telchinia (Telchinia) pseudepaea (Dudgeon, 1909) comb. n. Acraea pseudepaea Dudgeon, 1909. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1909: 53 (50-54). Telchinia (Telchinia) rangatana (Eltringham, 1912) comb. n. Acraea terpsichore form rangatana Eltringham, 1912. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1912: 247 (1-374). Telchinia (Telchinia) rangatana rangatana (Eltringham, 1912) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) rangatana bettiana (Joicey & Talbot, 1921) comb. n. Acraea bettiana Joicey & Talbot, 1921. Bulletin of the Hill Museum, Witley 1: 48 (40- 166). Telchinia (Telchinia) rangatana ecketti (Jackson, 1951) comb. n. Acraea rangatana ecketti Jackson, 1951. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 20: 103 (91-105). Telchinia (Telchinia) rangatana maji (Carpenter, 1935) comb. n. Acraea maji Carpenter, 1935. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 83: 385 (313-447). Telchinia (Telchinia) rileyi (Le Doux, 1931) comb. n. Acraea rileyi Le Doux, 1931. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1931: 50 (49- 59). Telchinia (Telchinia) rupicola (Schultze, 1912) comb. n. Acraea rupicola Schultze, 1912. Entomologische Rundschau 29: 92 (91-93). Telchinia (Telchinia) sambavae (Ward, 1873) comb. n. Acraea sambavae Ward, 1873. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 10: 59 (59-60, 151- 152). Telchinia (Telchinia) serena (Fabricius, 1775) comb. n. Papilio serena Fabricius, 1775. Systema Entomologiae. 832 pp. Flensburgi & Lipsiae. Acraea serena (Fabricius, 1775). Pierre & Bernaud, 1999. Telchinia (Telchinia) silia (Mabille, [1885]) comb. n. Acraea masamba var. silia Mabille, [1885]. In Grandidier, [1885-7]. Histoire Physique, Naturelle et Politique de Madagascar 18: 105 (18 [1887]: 364 pp.; 19 [1885]: 55 pls.). Telchinia (Telchinia) siliana (Oberthür, 1916) comb. n. Acraea siliana Oberthür, 1916. Études de Lépidoptérologie Comparée 11: 160 (123- 174). Telchinia (Telchinia) sotikensis (Sharpe, 1892) comb. n. Acraea sotikensis Sharpe, 1892. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1891: 634 (633-638). Telchinia (Telchinia) sotikensis sotikensis (Sharpe, 1892) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) sotikensis karschi (Aurivillius, 1899) comb. n. Acraea viviana var. karschi Aurivillius, 1899. In Aurivillius, 1898-9. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapakademiens Handlingar 31(5): 106 (1-561). Telchinia (Telchinia) strattipocles (Oberthür, 1893) comb. n. Acraea strattipocles Oberthür, 1893. Études d'Entomologie 17: 18 (17-36). 30 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Telchinia (Telchinia) supponina (Staudinger, 1896) comb. n. Acraea supponina Staudinger, 1896. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 9: 204 (193-240). Telchinia (Telchinia) toruna (Grose-Smith, 1900) comb. n. Acraea toruna Grose-Smith, 1900. Novitates Zoologicae 7: 546 (544-547). Telchinia (Telchinia) unimaculata (Grose-Smith, 1898) comb. n. Acraea unimaculata Grose-Smith, 1898. Novitates Zoologicae 5: 350 (350-358). Telchinia (Telchinia) uvui (Grose-Smith, 1890) comb. n. Acraea uvui Grose-Smith, 1890. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 5: 168 (167-168). Telchinia (Telchinia) uvui uvui (Grose-Smith, 1890) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) uvui balina (Karsch, 1892) comb. n. Acraea balina Karsch, 1892. Entomologische Nachrichten Berlin 18: 170 (161- 183). Telchinia (Telchinia) ventura (Hewitson, 1877) comb. n. Acraea ventura Hewitson, 1877. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 14: 51 (51-52). Telchinia (Telchinia) ventura ventura (Hewitson, 1877) comb. n. Telchinia (Telchinia) ventura ochrascens (Sharpe, 1902) comb. n. Acraea ochrascens Sharpe, 1902. Entomologist 35: 41 (40-42). Telchinia (Telchinia) vesperalis (Grose-Smith, 1890) comb. n. Acraea vesperalis Grose-Smith, 1890. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1890: 466 (463-473). Telchinia (Telchinia) viviana (Staudinger, 1896) comb. n. Acraea viviana Staudinger, 1896. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 9: 204 (193-240). Telchinia (Telchinia) vuilloti (Mabille, 1889) comb. n. Acraea vuilloti Mabille, 1889. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France (6) 8: 170 (169-170).

Telchinia cabira ♂: S. Woodhall Telchinia serena ♂: A. Coetzer March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 31

Subgenus Auracraea Henning, 1993 Metamorphosis 4 (1): 5 (5-18).

Legs: Claws of male pterothoracic legs asymmetrical.

Wing venation: Hind wing with a rudimentary vein between second anal and second cubital veins.

Male genitalia: Uncus beak-shaped, half the length of tegumen, acute at tip; valve short and broad basally, narrowing to a blunt upturned apex distally. Aedeagus tapering at both ends, curved slightly.

Female genitalia: Sterigma forming a vestibulum, posterior side projecting ventrally; ductus very short; signa indistinct oval patches; sub-pupillary gland developed anteriorly; one terminal gland.

Early stages: Egg narrowing dorsally with an evenly rounded top; only slightly higher than broad.

Foodplants: Rosaceae, Fabaceae, Turneraceae, Polygonaceae, Asteraceae.

Telchinia alalonga ♂: A. Coetzer 32 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Telchinia (Auracraea) alalonga (Henning & Henning, 1996) Hyalites (Auracraea) alalonga Henning & Henning, 1996. Metamorphosis 7 (2): 72 (71-80). Telchinia (Auracraea) anacreon (Trimen, 1868) Acraea anacreon Trimen, 1868. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1868: 77 (69-96). Telchinia (Auracraea) anacreontica (Grose-Smith, 1898) comb. n. Acraea anacreontica Grose-Smith, 1898. Novitates Zoologicae 5: 352 (350-358). Telchinia (Auracraea) anacreontica anacreontica (Grose-Smith, 1898) comb. n. Telchinia (Auracraea) anacreontica chyulu (van Someren, 1939) comb. n. Acraea anacreon chyulu van Someren, 1939. Journal of the East Africa and Uganda Natural History Society 14: 140 (130-151). Telchinia (Auracraea) bomba (Grose-Smith, 1889) comb. n. Acraea bomba Grose-Smith, 1889. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 3: 128 (121-137). Telchinia (Auracraea) calida (Butler, 1878) comb. n Acraea calida Butler, 1878. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5) 2: 288 (283- 297). Telchinia (Auracraea) guichardi (Gabriel, 1949) comb. n. Acraea guichardi Gabriel, 1949. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 18: 208 (207-216). Telchinia (Auracraea) induna (Trimen, 1895) comb. n. Acraea induna Trimen, 1895. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1895: 184 (181-194). Telchinia (Auracraea) induna induna (Trimen, 1895) comb. n. Telchinia (Auracraea) induna salmontana (Henning & Henning, 1996) Hyalites (Auracraea) induna salmontana Henning & Henning, 1996. Metamorphosis 7 (2): 78 (71-80). Telchinia (Auracraea) kaduna (Pierre, 1993) comb. n. Acraea kaduna Pierre, 1993. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 98 (3): 288 (287-290). Telchinia (Auracraea) lusinga (Overlaet, 1955) comb. n. Acraea anacreon lusinga Overlaet, 1955. Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba 27: 79 (1-106). Telchinia (Auracraea) mirifica (Lathy, 1906) comb. n. Acraea mirifica Lathy, 1906. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1906: 2 (1-10). Telchinia (Auracraea) odzalae (Collins, 1997) comb. n. Acraea odzalae Collins, 1997. In: d'Abrera, 1997. Butterflies of the Afrotropical Region. Part 1: 152. March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 33

Telchinia (Auracraea) parei (Henning & Henning, 1996) comb. n. Hyalites (Auracraea) parei Henning & Henning, 1996. Metamorphosis 7 (2): 74 (71- 80). Telchinia (Auracraea) parei parei (Henning & Henning, 1996) comb. n. Telchinia (Auracraea) parei orangica (Henning & Henning, 1996) comb. n. Hyalites (Auracraea) parei orangica Henning & Henning, 1996. Metamorphosis 7 (2): 75 (71-80). Telchinia (Auracraea) rahira (Boisduval, 1833) Acraea rahira Boisduval, 1833. Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 2: 181 (149-270). Telchinia (Auracraea) rahira rahira (Boisduval, 1833) Telchinia (Auracraea) rahira mufindi (Kielland, 1990) comb. n. Acraea rahira mufindi Kielland, 1990. Butterflies of Tanzania, 163 (363 pp.). Melbourne. Telchinia (Auracraea) speciosa (Wichgraf, 1909) comb. n. Acraea anacreon speciosa Wichgraf, 1909. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 53: 245 (240-247). Telchinia (Auracraea) wigginsi (Neave, 1904) comb. n. Acraea wigginsi Neave, 1904. Novitates Zoologicae 11: 326 (323-363). Telchinia (Auracraea) wigginsi wigginsi (Neave, 1904) comb. n. Telchinia (Auracraea) wigginsi occidentalis (Bethune-Baker, 1926) comb. n. Acraea wigginsi race occidentalis Bethune-Baker, 1926. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 38: 115 (115-116). Telchinia (Auracraea) zitja (Boisduval, 1833) comb. n. Acraea zitja Boisduval, 1833. Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 2: 180 (149-270).

Telchinia rahira rahira ♂: S. Woodhall Telchinia anacreon ♂: J. Dobson 34 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Subgenus Alacria Henning, 1992 Metamorphosis 3 (3): 109 (100-114). Type-species: Acraea semivitrea Aurivillius, by original designation. The species in this subgenus have a stronger flight than in the other subgenera.

Legs: Claws of pterothoracic legs symmetrical in both sexes.

Wing venation: Hind wing without a rudimentary vein between second anal and second cubital veins.

Male genitalia: Uncus beak-shaped and small; valves elongate and upturned, obtuse distally; aedeagus short and stout, distally truncate and anteriorly bulbous; juxta very small; vinculum broad.

Female genitalia: A large anal pouch present; sterigma small with little sclerification; bursa elongate with two elongate signa.

Early stages: Egg not conical but more cylindrical in shape, twice as high as broad. Pupa shorter and stouter than in other subgenera.

Foodplants: Urticaceae, Moraceae, Dioscoreaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Menispermaceae, Passifloraceae, Asteraceae.

Telchinia igola ♂: S. Woodhall March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 35

Telchinia (Alacria) alticola (Schultze, 1923) comb. n. Acraea mairessi var. alticola Schultze, 1923 in Schultze & Aurivillius, 1923. Ergebnisse der Zweiten Deutschen Zentral-Afrika Expedition 1(17): 1123 (1113-1242). Telchinia (Alacria) aubyni (Eltringham, 1912) comb. n. Acraea aubyni Eltringham, 1912. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1912: 304 (1-374). Telchinia (Alacria) cinerea (Neave, 1904) comb. n. Acraea cinerea Neave, 1904. Novitates Zoologicae 11: 325 (323-363). Telchinia (Alacria) cinerea cinerea (Neave, 1904) comb. n. Telchinia (Alacria) cinerea luluae (Berger, 1981) comb. n. Acraea cinerea luluae Berger, 1981. Les Papillons du Zaire, 197 (543 pp.). Bruxelles. Telchinia (Alacria) conradti (Oberthür, 1893) comb. n. Acraea conradti Oberthür, 1893. Études d'Entomologie 17: 22 (17-36). (= Acraea (Alacria) kuekenthali Le Doux, 1922. Acraea kuekenthali Le Doux, 1922. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1922: 309 (297-316). comb. n., syn. rev.) Telchinia (Alacria) igola (Trimen, 1889) Acraea igola Trimen, 1889. South-African butterflies: a monograph of the extratropical species. Vol. 3: Papilionidae and Hesperidae [sic] 379 (438 pp.). London. Telchinia (Alacria) melanoxantha (Sharpe, 1891) comb. n. Acraea melanoxantha Sharpe, 1891. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1891: 193 (187-194). Telchinia (Alacria) newtoni (Sharpe, 1893) comb. n. Acraea newtoni Sharpe, 1893. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1893: 554 (553-558). Telchinia (Alacria) ntebiae (Sharpe, 1897) comb. n. Acraea ntebiae Sharpe, 1897. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 19: 581 (581-582). Telchinia (Alacria) ntebiae ntebiae (Sharpe, 1897) comb. n. Telchinia (Alacria) ntebiae dewitzi (Carcasson, 1981) comb. n. Acraea ntebiae dewitzi Carcasson, 1981. Collins handguide to the butterflies of Africa: 175 (188 pp.). Telchinia (Alacria) ntebiae kigoma (Kielland, 1978) comb. n. Acraea ntebiae kigoma Kielland, 1978. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 121: 191 (147- 237). Telchinia (Alacria) oreas (Sharpe, 1891) comb. n. Acraea oreas Sharpe, 1891. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1891: 193 (187-194). Telchinia (Alacria) oreas oreas (Sharpe, 1891) comb. n. Telchinia (Alacria) oreas angolana (Lathy, 1906) comb. n. Acraea angolana Lathy, 1906. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1906: 3 (1-10). Telchinia (Alacria) oreas oboti (Collins & Larsen, 2000) comb. n. Acraea oreas oboti Collins & Larsen, 2000. Metamorphosis 11 (2): 67 (57-75). 36 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Telchinia (Alacria) orina (Hewitson, 1874) comb. n. Acraea orina Hewitson, 1874. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 11: 130 (130- 132). Telchinia (Alacria) orinata (Oberthür, 1893) comb. n. Acraea orinata Oberthür, 1893. Études d'Entomologie 17: 22 (17-36). Telchinia (Alacria) parrhasia (Fabricius, 1793) comb. n. Papilio parrhasia Fabricius, 1793. Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta 3 (1): 175 (488 pp.). Telchinia (Alacria) parrhasia parrhasia (Fabricius, 1793) comb. n. Telchinia (Alacria) parrhasia servona (Godart, [1819]) comb. n. Acraea servona Godart, [1819] in Latreille & Godart, [1819], [1824]. Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle [Zoologie] 9 Entomologie: 239 (1-328 [1819], 329- 828 [1824]). Paris. Telchinia (Alacria) parrhasia (van Someren & Rogers, 1926) comb. n. Acraea servona kenya van Someren & Rogers, 1926. Journal of the East Africa and Uganda Natural History Society 1926 (27): 225 (213-243). Telchinia (Alacria) parrhasia limonata (Eltringham, 1912) comb. n. Acraea servona limonata Eltringham, 1912. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1912: 295 (1-374). Telchinia (Alacria) parrhasia orientis (Aurivillius, 1904) comb. n. Acraea circeis var. orientis Aurivillius, 1904. Entomologisk Tidskrift 25: 94 (92-96). Telchinia (Alacria) penelope (Staudinger, 1896) comb. n. Acraea penelope Staudinger, 1896. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 9: 195 (193-240). Telchinia (Alacria) penelope penelope (Staudinger, 1896) comb. n. Telchinia (Alacria) penelope vitrea (Eltringham, 1912) comb. n. Acraea penelope vitrea Eltringham, 1912. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1912: 284 (1-374). Telchinia (Alacria) perenna (Doubleday, [1847]) comb. n. Acraea perenna Doubleday, [1847] in Doubleday & Westwood, [1846-52]. The genera of diurnal Lepidoptera, London: pl. 19 [1847], 141 [1848] (1: 1-250 pp.; 2: 251-534 pp.). London. Telchinia (Alacria) perenna perenna (Doubleday, [1847]) comb. n. Telchinia (Alacria) perenna kaffana (Rothschild, 1902) comb. n. Acraea perenna kaffana Rothschild, 1902. Novitates Zoologicae 9: 595 (595-598). Telchinia (Alacria) perenna thesprio (Oberthür, 1893) comb. n. Acraea thesprio Oberthür, 1893. Études d'Entomologie 17: 21 (17-36). Telchinia (Alacria) quirinalis (Grose-Smith, 1900) comb. n. Acraea quirinalis Grose-Smith, 1900. Novitates Zoologicae 7: 544 (544-547). Telchinia (Alacria) safie (Felder & Felder, [1865]) comb. n. Acraea safie Felder & Felder, [1865] in Felder & Felder, [1865-7]. Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara 370 (549 pp.). Wien. Telchinia (Alacria) safie safie (Felder & Felder, [1865]) comb. n. March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 37

Telchinia (Alacria) safie antinorii (Oberthür, 1880) comb. n. Acraea antinorii Oberthür, 1880. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale (di Genova) Giacomo Doria 15: 157 (129-186). Telchinia (Alacria) semivitrea (Aurivillius, 1895) comb. n. Acraea semivitrea Aurivillius, 1895. Entomologisk Tidskrift 16: 111 (111-112). Telchinia (Alacria) simulata (Le Doux, 1923) comb. n. Acraea simulata Le Doux, 1923. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1923: 220 (207-226). Telchinia (Alacria) simulatrix (Ackery, 1995) comb. n. Acraea (Acraea) simulatrix Ackery, 1995 in Ackery et al., 1995: 245. Telchinia (Alacria) translucida (Eltringham, 1912) comb. n. Acraea penelope translucida Eltringham, 1912. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1912: 285 (1-374). Telchinia (Alacria) ungemachi (Le Cerf, 1927) comb. n. Acraea ungemachi Le Cerf, 1927. Encyclopédie Entomologique (B. 3. Lepidoptera) 2: 48 (44-58). Telchinia (Alacria) vumbui (Stevenson, 1934) comb. n. Acraea conradti race vumbui Stevenson, 1934. Occasional Papers of the Rhodesia Museum 1 (3): 13 (10-17).

Telchinia igola ♀: S. Woodhall 38 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010


DOUBLEDAY, E. & WESTWOOD, J.O. [1846-1852]. The genera of diurnal Lepidoptera 1: [xii], 140. London. FABRICIUS, J.C. 1793. Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta 3(1): [vi] + 488pp. Hafniae. HENNING, G.A. 1992. Phylogenetic notes on the African species of the subfamily Acraeinae. Part 1. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Metamorphosis 3(3): 100-114. HENNING, G.A. 1993a. Phylogenetic notes on the African species of the subfamily Acraeinae. Part 2. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Metamorphosis 4(1): 5-18. HENNING, G.A. 1993b. Phylogenetic notes on the African species of the subfamily Acraeinae. Part 3. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Metamorphosis 4(2): 53-68. HENNING, G.A., TERBLANCHE, R.F. & BALL, J.B. [Eds] 2009. South African Red Data Book: Butterflies. SANBI Biodiversity Series 13. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria. LARSEN, T.B. 2005. Butterflies of West Africa. Apollo Books, Svendborg, Denmark: 1-595, 1-270. PIERRE, J. 1987. Systématique cladistique chez les Acraea (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.) 23 (1): 11-27. PIERRE, J. & BERNAUD, D. 1999. Acraea serena (Fabricius, 1775) (A. eponina Cramer, 1780), problème de nomenclature et premiers etats (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 104(4): 357-364. PRINGLE, E.L., HENNING, G.A. & BALL, J.B. [Eds] 1994. Pennington's Butterflies of Southern Africa, 2nd ed. Struik Winchester, Cape Town: 1-800. SILVA-BRANDÃO, K.L., WAHLBERG, N., FRANCINI, R.B., AZEREDO- ESPIN, A.M.L., BROWN, K.S., PALUCH, M., LEES, D.C. & FREITAS, A.V.L. 2008. Phylogenetic relationships of butterflies of the tribe Acraeini (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae) and the evolution of host plant use. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46: 515-531. WILLIAMS, M.C. 2008. Afrotropical butterflies. A digital encyclopaedia. WOODHALL, S.E. 2005. Field guide to butterflies of South Africa. Struik, Cape Town, 1-437. March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 39

Life History of Saffron Sapphire Iolaus (Aphniolaus) pallene (Wallengren, 1857) compared to that of Bowker's Marbled Sapphire Stugeta bowkeri tearei Dickson, 1980

S. E. Woodhall

2 Madeleine Drive, Gillitts 3603, KwaZulu-Natal

For many years, collectors have searched plants of Small Sourplum Ximenia americana Linn. or Large Sourplum Ximenia caffra Sond. (Olacaceae) for eggs and larvae of Iolaus species. It's seen as being rather like a game of chance - unless lucky enough to find late instar larvae (which are often parasitized) you just pick as many as you can in the hope that a reasonable proportion will be the sought-after Saffron Sapphire. The eggs and baby larvae are identical, aren't they, after all?

I remember myself going to Enoch's Walk near Pretoria and doing this. And then one spring I saw a little yellow butterfly behaving suspiciously near a Sourplum. Yes indeed, none other than a female pallene. I followed her around collecting eggs, and was able to see them when fresh.

I compared them to some other eggs found on the same bushes, which seemed flatter and a more 'sparkly' white. I suspected I had learned to tell the difference between this species' eggs and those of Bowker's Marbled Sapphire. When I bred them through, I could see that I had been correct. And that's how it stayed for some time; I was able to look at an egg found at random on a Sourplum and say with reasonable certainty which of the two species it was.

Brother lepidopterists were of course sceptical. You can imagine the sarcastic comments - but look at my series of bred pallene - that's the proof.

Now we live in the 21st century and we have magical tools like digital cameras and image manipulation software that runs on computers more powerful than ever before. My Nikon D80 can be set up with a reversed 28 mm lens on the filter thread of its 105 mm AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor lens, and it has a superb wireless macro flash system. Canon fans at this point will say they have the MP-E65 that can do the same thing in a much simpler way, and of course they do, but hey - the Nikon setup is far better than I ever dreamed of when I first started doing macro. And being digital I can check my images before saving them, and take another shot if I need to.

We also have the almost sci-fi capability of image stacking. This completely gets rid of the biggest bugbear of macrophotographers - razor-thin depth of field. We've all 40 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

seen pictures with most of the subject out of focus and only a thin slice of it looking sharp, at the point the lens was focused on. Well, with stacking you shift that focus point 'through' the subject and take a whole series of shots with successive 'slices' of sharp image. The software takes all the sharp bits and throws out all the fuzziness in between, and leaves the background nicely out of focus and a shot with incredible depth of field. For things like eggs, only 0.5 mm across, up to 30 shots are needed to get a uniformly sharp result with no fuzzy bands!

But it's worth it. I remember Mark Williams once showing us scanning electron micrographs of Iolaus eggs - the depth of field was stunning but they were monochrome. Stacking gives you the shots in colour!

Here are two Iolaus pallene eggs (see back cover for colour):

Saffron Sapphire Iolaus pallene eggs ex iMfolozi Reserve, 16 December 2009 And here is a Stugeta bowkeri tearei egg for comparison (see back cover for colour):

Bowker's Marbled Sapphire Stugeta bowkeri tearei egg ex iMfolozi Reserve, 16 December 2009 March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 41

The technique can be used for larvae as well, in fact for all the life stages including adults - as long as they sit still! For bigger subjects fewer images are needed for a stack. And the results are often much better than using a small aperture because the subject is sharp across its body, but the background is still out of focus.

There follows a series of photographs of the life stages of these two butterflies (see back cover for colour photos of early stages & front cover for Iolaus pallene ♂ underside).

Stugeta bowkeri tearei ♀ uns. Senalala Iolaus pallene ♂ bred ex iMfolozi

Stugeta bowkeri tearei 1st instar larva ex iMfolozi Iolaus pallene 1st instar larva ex iMfolozi

Stugeta bowkeri tearei 2nd instar larva ex iMfolozi Iolaus pallene 2nd instar larva ex iMfolozi 42 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010

Stugeta bowkeri tearei 3rd instar larva ex iMfolozi Iolaus pallene 3rd instar larva ex iMfolozi

Stugeta bowkeri tearei 4th instar larva ex iMfolozi Iolaus pallene 4th instar larva ex iMfolozi

Stugeta bowkeri tearei prepupa ex iMfolozi Iolaus pallene prepupa ex iMfolozi

Stugeta bowkeri tearei pupa ex iMfolozi Iolaus pallene pupa ex iMfolozi March 2010 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 43

Sponsor & Honorary Life Members of LEPSOC

The following members, apart from their significant contributions to the Society as individuals, have also chosen to be sponsor members for 2010 and have through their generosity provided significant financial support which is much appreciated:

Sponsor Members Honorary Life Members

Dr Jonathan Ball Ivan Bampton Justin Bode Dr Stephen Henning Yolande Bode Dr Douglas Kroon Kevin Cockburn Clive Quickelberge Dr Bennie Coetzer Dr Lajos Vári Steve Collins Prof. Mark Williams Alf Curle Martin Curle Jeremy Dobson Dr Dave Edge Owen Garvie Tim Gilbert Glynis Hardy Graham Henning John Joannou Duncan MacFadyen (E. Oppenheimer & Son) Dave McDermott Ernest Pringle Harald Selb Peter Sharland Hermann Staude Reinier Terblanche Steve Woodhall

Any member can volunteer to become a sponsor member on an annual basis and make a contribution of R600. As the Society does need all the financial support it can get it is hoped that more members will select to become sponsor members in the future. Donations to the Society will also be most welcome. 44 METAMORPHOSIS, VOL. 21, No. 1 March 2010