
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 13, Number 6 (2017), pp. 2079-2087 © Research India Publications http://www.ripublication.com

Trace of Positive Integer Power of Adjacency

Jagdish Kumar Pahade1* and Manoj Jha2

1Department of Mathematics, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (M.P.) India.

2Department of Mathematics, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (M.P.), India.


Finding the trace of positive integer power of a matrix is an important problem in matrix theory. In the Graph Theory an important application of the trace of positive integer power of is counting the triangles in connected graph. In this paper we present a new efficient formula to find the trace of positive integer power of some special Adjacency matrix of connected simple graph. The key idea of our formula is to multiply the matrix k times, where k is positive integer.

Keywords: Adjacency matrix, Complete Graph, Trace, , Matrix power.

INTRODUCTION Traces of powers of matrices arise in several fields of mathematics. More specifically Network Analysis, Number theory, Dynamical systems, Matrix theory, and Differential equations [3]. There are many applications in matrix theory and numerical . For example, in order to obtain approximations of the smallest and the largest Eigen values of a A, a procedure based on estimates of the trace of An and A-n, n is natural, was proposed in [4]. When analyzing a complex network, an important problem is to compute the total number of triangles 2080 Jagdish Kumar Pahade and Manoj Jha of a connected simple graph. This number is equal to Tr(A3)/6 where A is the adjacency matrix of the graph [2].It is possible to solve triangle finding and counting in a graph by adjacency matrix representation of the graph [9]. For any integer matrix M and any prime number p, the entries of the unique Witt vector consisting of p-adic integers are expressed from the traces of powers of the integer matrix M [6].Traces of powers of integer matrices are connected with the Euler congruence [6] r r1 r TrM p ≡ TrM p (mod p )

Holds for all integer matrices M, all primes p, and all natural r. There are many applications of this congruence to dynamical systems, which is natural in studying those invariants of dynamical systems that are described in terms of the traces of powers of integer matrices, for example in studying the Lefschetz numbers [6].Solution of Lyapunov matrix equations can be solved by using matrix polynomials and characteristic polynomials where the computation of the traces of matrix powers are needed [1].There is a question in [11],can trace SkA(where SkA is the k-th symmetric power of n×n matrix A) be written in terms of some coefficient of Ak+1 and the corresponding coefficient in A ? The computation of the trace of matrix powers has received much attention. In [1], an algorithm for computing Tr(Ak), k is integer , is proposed, when A is a lower Hessenberg matrix with a unit codiagonal. In [7], a symbolic calculation of the trace of powers of Tridiagonal matrices is presented. Trace of positive integer power of real2×2matrices is presented in [8].A formula for trace of any symmetric power of a n×n matrix is presented in [10] in terms of the ordinary power of matrix. Let A be a q symmetric positive , and let {λk} denote its Eigen values. For q ∊R, A is also symmetric positive definite, and it holds [5] q q TrA =Ʃkλk

But for higher order matrix finding Eigen values λk is very difficult and time consuming, therefore other formula to compute trace of matrix power is needed. Now we present a new theorem to compute trace of matrix power for adjacency matrix of a connected simple graph with any number of vertices. Our estimation for the trace of Ak is based on the multiplication of matrix. This formula will depend only on order of the matrix.

Trace of a n×n matrix A = [aij], is defined to be the sum of the elements on the main diagonal of A.i.e. TrA = a11 + a22 + …..+ann

A complete graph is a simple undirected graph in which every pair of distinct vertices is connected by a unique edge. For a given number of vertices, there's a Trace of Positive Integer Power of Adjacency Matrix 2081 unique complete graph. The adjacency matrix of the complete graph takes the particularly simple form of all 1ˈs with 0ˈs on the diagonal, i.e., the unit matrix minus the .


Theorem 1.Let A is an adjacency symmetric matrix of a complete simple graph with n vertices, then n 2/ k r 2rk     nnnrksTrA  21),(  , for even positive integer k r1 and

n 2/1 k r 2rk     nnnrksTrA  21),(  , for odd positive integer k. where r1 , rkS be a number depending upon k and r, and defined by

k 1     kkSkkSkS 2/1,,12/,,11,   and     rkSrkSrkS  1,2,1,,,  2

Proof: Consider a adjacency symmetric matrix A = (aij),1 ≤ i ≤ n , 1 ≤ j ≤ n where

1 if  ji aij =  0 if  ji

 2 2 n Now A = (aij),1 ≤ i ≤ n , 1 ≤ j ≤ n where aij =  n 1

HenceTrA2 = nn 1 

1  1.22 Or TrA2=     nnnS  211,2 

Or TrA2= 1  r nnnrs  )2()1(),2(  .22 r r1 2082 Jagdish Kumar Pahade and Manoj Jha

   21 2 if  ji 3 nn Again A = (aij),1 ≤ i ≤ n , 1 ≤ j ≤ n where aij =   nn  21  if  ji

Hence TrA3 =  nnn  21 

1  1.23 Or TrA3=     nnnS  211,3 

Or TrA3 = 1  r nnnrS  )2()1(),3(  .23 r r1

4 Again A = (aij),1 ≤ i ≤ n , 1 ≤ j ≤ n where

2        nnnnn  21221   aij =  2     nnn  211  

3     nnn  2212  Or aij =  2 2    nnn  211 

2 2 Hence TrA4 =    nnnnn  211 

Or TrA4 =   1  1.24  2 nnnSnnns  )2()1()2,4()2()1(1,4  2.24

Or TrA4 = 2  r nnnrS  )2()1(),4(  .24 r r1

5 Again A = (aij),1 ≤ i ≤ n , 1 ≤ j ≤ n where

2 2 3           nnnnnnn  22122211   ij = a  3      nnnn  22121   Trace of Positive Integer Power of Adjacency Matrix 2083

2 2 4      nnnn  22131  if  ji Or aij =  2 3        nnnn  21212  if ji

2 3 Hence TrA5 =      nnnnnn  21212 

Or TrA5 =   1  1.25  2 nnnSnnnS  )2()1()2,5()2()1(1,5  2.25

Or 2 5 Tr A   r nnnrS  )2()1(),5(  .25 r r1

6 Again A = (aij),1 ≤ i ≤ n , 1 ≤ j ≤ n where

2 3 2 2 4            nnnnnnnnn  22131221212   aij=  2 2 4       nnnnn  221311  

2 3 5         nnnnn  2214213  Or aij =  3 2 2 4        nnnnn  212131 

6 3 2 2 4 Hence TrA = nn  )1( + nn  )1(3 n  )2( +   nnn  )2(1

Or TrA6 =   1  1.26  2 nnnSnnnS  )2()1()2,6()2()1(1,6  2.26

3  3.26 + nnnS  )2()1()3,6(

Or TrA6 = 3  r nnnrS  )2()1(),6(  .26 r r1 7 Again A = (aij),1≤ i ≤ n , 1 ≤ j ≤ n where

 3  2  2  nnnnn  212131 4  2 3 5 aij=           nnnnnn  22142132    2 3 5          nnnnnn  22142131   2084 Jagdish Kumar Pahade and Manoj Jha

3 2 2 4 6   nnnnnn  22152161  if i  j Or  aij  3 2 3 5       nnnnnn  21214213  if i  j

7 Hence TrA = nn  )1(3 3 n  )2( + nn  )1(4 2 n  )2( 3

5 +   nnn  )2(1

7 Or TrA =   1  1.27  2 nnnSnnnS  )2()1()2,7()2()1(1,7  2.27

3  3.27 + nnnS  )2()1()3,7(

Or TrA7 = 3  r nnnrS  )2()1(),7(  .27 r r1

Continuing this process of multiplication of matrix, we conclude that,

n 2/ k r 2rk     nnnrksTrA  21),(  , for even positive integer k and r1

n 2/1 , for odd positive integer k. k      r nnnrkSTrA  21,  2rk where , rkS r 1be a number depending upon k and r, and defined by

k 1     kkSkkSkS 2/1,,12/,,11,   and     rkSrkSrkS  1,2,1,,,  2

This completes the proof. Trace of Positive Integer Power of Adjacency Matrix 2085

0 1 1 1 1 1

1 0 1 1 1 1

0 Example 1: Consider a matrix A = 1 1 1 1 1 and let we are to find 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 [1 1 1 1 1 0] TrA5.

Here n = 6 and k = 5 .then by our theorem, we have

TrA5 = 2  r nnnrS  )2()1(),5(  .25 r r1 5 Or TrA = S  1  1.25  S 2  )26()16(6)2,5()26()16(61,5  2.25 Or TrA5 = 6×5×43 + 2×6×52×4 = 3120

Example 2: How many triangles are there in the following graph?

1 4

2 3

We know that the number of triangles in the connected graph is Tr(A3)/6, where A is the adjacency matrix of the graph.

0 1 1 1    1 0 1 1 The adjacency matrix of this graph is A =   1 1 0 1    1 1 1 0

By our theorem TrA3 = 1  .23  r nnnrS  )2()1(),3( r r1 1  1.23 Here n = 4, TrA3 = S  )24()14(4)1,3( 2086 Jagdish Kumar Pahade and Manoj Jha

Or TrA3 = 4×3×2 = 24

Number of triangles in the graph = Tr(A3)/6 = 24/6 = 4,namely 123,124,134,234.

Example 3: How many triangles in the following graph?





3 5


Here adjacency matrix of the graph is A = (aij),1 ≤ i ≤ 7 , 1 ≤ j ≤ 7 where

1 if i  j   aij 0 if i  j

By our theorem TrA3 = 1  .23  r nnnrS  )2()1(),3( r r1 1  1.23 Heren = 7, TrA3 = S  )27()17(7)1,3(

Or TrA3 = 7×6×5 = 210

Number of triangles in the graph = Tr(A3)/6 = 210/6 = 35.

CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this paper ,we extended the order of matrix presented in [8] for the trace of positive integer power of 2×2 real matrix to the trace of positive integer power of some adjacency matrix of any order.as explained in the paper such estimates have applications in various branches of mathematics. The ideas presented in this paper could be extended to any matrix.

Trace of Positive Integer Power of Adjacency Matrix 2087

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to hardly thankful with great attitude to Director, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal for financial support and we also thankful to HOD, Department of Mathematics of this institute for giving me opportunity to expose my research in scientific world.


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