SriMata Jaganmata Kalamsa Stree Lesson 2 It is believed that female form was not created by , but by Jaganmata who was part of Arthanarishwara. Female physical form is Kalamsa of Jaganmata. A women’s physical form has Kalamsa or presence of the of Jaganmata. Jiva inside the body might have its own course of life according to the deeds/ of that jiva, but the female physical form it is in has Shakti of Jaganmata. Jaganmata created or delivered this whole universe. Similarly female form which has the Kalamsa Shakti of Jaganmata is capable of delivering humans into this world. If one aims to seek blessings of Jaganmata, one has to take care not to hurt feelings of any female, as she is Kalamsa/part of Jaganmata. Insulting or hurting her is equivalent to being disrespectful to Jaganmata and therefore that person will forfeit blessings of Jaganmata. Depending on the karma and nature of jiva, the Shakti of Jaganmata is in different forms in different women. In some pious women Jaganmata is in a sathvic form, in some women she is in Rajasic and in others she is in tamasic form. Irrespective of which nature a woman has, she still has Kalamsa of Jaganmata. Our say that 10 sons are equivalent to 1 daughter. Although Himavan had 10 sons before having , he was far more joyous when he had a daughter than when he had 10 sons. Sanatana gave highest respect to women than any other religion or a country. Respecting women is ingrained in our culture, both in the past and in present times. Women had to fight for suffrage (right to vote) in several western countries, where as in India they were not only given equal rights as men, but were also included in writing of the Constitution of India.