The Spring Migration April 1-May 31, 1977
The Spring Migration April I-May 31, 1977 NORTHEASTERN MARITIME REGION heavy along the Massachusettscoast with 40+ birds seen / Peter D. Vickery each day from the Cape (BN). Farther north, "large num- bers" were seen passingby Schoodic Pt., Hancock Co., The spring was generally quiet. Most reports noted the Me. (WCT) and in the Bay of Fundy four Red-throated unimpressivemigration with few, if any, days of heavy move- Loons were observed from the deck of the "Princess of ment. This was particularly true of the passerines.Readers Arcadia" between St. John, N.B. and Digby, N.S., May 20 will note, however,that the period April 6-8 broughta great (PDV). Interestingly, no unusual numbers were noted from Nova Scotia. Red-necked Grebes continued their extraor- dinary incursion off s. New England. In March 463 grebes were counted from five flocks, the largest being 183-1-at Mahomet Mar. 5 (WRP), 118+ off Scituate Apr. 2, and 152 off Manomet Apr. 7 (WRP). In New Hampshiretwo flocks totaled 52, the largest 39 birds at N. Hampton Mar. 31 (EWP, fide DJA). Combined with the totals noted in the Winter SeasonReport, no fewer than 1966Red-necked Grebes were seen in the period February-April. This figure, derived from only the major concentrations observed, was no doubt a fraction of the actual numbers present. Off Schoodic Pt., Me., Mar. 6, a bird observed at close range was almost certainly an Fared Grebe, constituting the fifth state record (WCT). TUBENOSES--The M.B.O. trip to George's Bank May 27 producedthe only N.
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