Diamicton from the Vale of Pickering and Tabular Hills, north-east Yorkshire: evidence for a Middle Pleistocene (MIS8) glaciation? John H. Powell, Jonathan R. Ford and James B. Riding 1British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG, United Kingdom *Corresponding author: e-mail:
[email protected] (J.H. Powell) ABSTRACT Diamicton deposits (up to 6.90 m thick) in the Vale of Pickering and the Tabular Hills (North York Moors) have been confirmed by cored boreholes. The diamicton is interpreted as glacial till with a matrix consisting predominantly of grey-brown, yellow-brown and dark grey, stiff to very stiff clay and sandy clay with occasional thin beds of laminated sand and clay. Sub-rounded to sub-angular erratic clasts were sourced predominantly from local Upper Jurassic Corallian Group bedrock exposed in the southern part of the North York Moors. Clasts include well-rounded, pebbles of Jurassic sandstone, mudstone and sparse Jurassic coal derived from outcrops on the North York Moors. Fragments of underlying Upper Jurassic mudstone bedrock form the predominant clasts in the lower part of the till. The paucity of exotic clasts and a local derivation suggests a relatively small glacier - perhaps a temperate-plateau ice-field, was established on the Tabular Hills. The glacier subsequently advanced southwards to the Vale of Pickering depositing locally derived subglacial traction till at the base, passing up to lodgement till. Local preservation of the degraded till outcrops in the Vale of Pickering, the overconsolidated nature of the clay till matrix, striated pebbles and the presence of sub-rounded pebbles suggests deposition during a glacial cold stage post-MIS 12 (Anglian) and pre-MIS 2 (Devensian).