Effects of Prednisolone and Dexamethasone in Vivo and in Vitro: Studies of Insulin Binding, Deoxyglucose Uptake and Glucose Oxidation in Rat Adipocytes

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Effects of Prednisolone and Dexamethasone in Vivo and in Vitro: Studies of Insulin Binding, Deoxyglucose Uptake and Glucose Oxidation in Rat Adipocytes Diabetologia (1981) 21:149-153 Diabetologia Springer-Verlag 1981 Effects of Prednisolone and Dexamethasone in Vivo and in Vitro: Studies of Insulin Binding, Deoxyglucose Uptake and Glucose Oxidation in Rat Adipocytes R. De Pirro 1, A. Green, M. Yung-Chin Kao, and J. M. Olefsky Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Division of Endocrinology, Denver, CO 80262, USA Summary. We have studied the effects of dexa- glucose uptake and metabolism [5]. In addition to methasone and prednisolone in vitro and in vivo on their effects on glucose metabolism, administration insulin binding, deoxyglucose uptake and glucose of glucocorticoids in vivo may also impair insulin oxidation in rat adipocytes. In the studies in vivo, rats binding to target cells, and this could provide another were treated for 22 h with dexamethasone (30 ~tg/kg) cause for glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance. or prednisolone (200 ~tg/kg). Following sacrifice, The results of several studies support this hypothesis. adipocytes were prepared and the results demon- Thus, it has been demonstrated that treatment of rats strated that cells from prednisolone treated rats with dexamethasone decreases the insulin binding showed a 17% increase in insulin binding and capacity of hepatocytes and adipocytes [6, 7]. How- increased rates of basal and insulin stimulated deoxy- ever, Beck-Nielsen et al. [8] have demonstrated that glucose uptake and glucose oxidation. Conversely, administration of prednisone in man produces an dexamethasone administration resulted in a 22% increase in the insulin binding capacity of circulating decrease in insulin binding, and decreased rates of monocytes. These apparently conflicting results raise deoxyglucose uptake and glucose oxidation by the the possibility that different glucocorticoids can pro- cells. Thus, prednisolone and dexamethasone had duce divergent effects on both insulin binding and opposite effects in vivo. In contrast to the opposite glucose metabolism. In order to test this hypothesis effects of the two glucocorticoids in vivo, dexa- we have studied the effects of prednisolone and dexa- methasone and prednisolone (each at a concentration methasone on insulin binding and insulin action on of 1 ~mol/1) had similar effects on adipocytes in vitro. rat adipocytes both in vivo and in vitro. Incubation of adipocytes with the steroids did not alter insulin binding, while both agents led to a com- parable decrease in the rates of basal and insulin Materials and Methods stimulated deoxyglucose uptake and glucose oxida- tion. Thus, dexamethasone and prednisolone have Materials opposite effects on adipocyte glucose metabolism in Porcine highly-purified insulin was generously supplied by Dr. vivo but have similar effects in vitro. Ronald Chance of Eli Lilly, Indianapolis. Bovine serum albumin (fraction V) was purchased from Armour, Phoenix, Arizona; col- Key words: Insulin, adipocytes, prednisolone, dexa- methasone, insulin binding, deoxyglucose transport, glucose oxidation Table 1. Plasma glucose, non-ester• fatty acid and insulin con- centration in rats treated with dexamethasone or prednisolone for 22 h Plasma Control Dexamethasone Prednisolone Insulin resistance is a well documented consequence Glucose (mmol/1) 7.9+0.2 (7) 8.0_+0.1 (7) 7.6+0.2 (6) of glucocorticoid administration both in man [1, 2] NEFA (gmol/1) 176• (7) 274_+24c (7) 250+-34b (5) and rats [3, 4]. One cause of this insulin resistance is Insulin (mU/l) 16_+2 (7) 21+4 e (7) 11• a (6) the well known effect Of these drugs to inhibit tissue Results are means • SEM for number of rats shown in parenthe- ses. The statistical significance of differences between the treated I Present address: 2 Clinica Medica, Policlinico Umberto 1, groups and controls are indicated by a(p <0.05), b(p <0.01) and 1-00145 Roma, Italy C(p <0.001) 0012-186X/81/0021/0149/$01.00 150 R. De Pirro et al.: Glucocorticoid Effects on Adipocytes lagenase from Worthington Biochemicals, Freehold, New Jersey; This assay measures the total uptake of the radiolabelled 2-deoxy- [125I]Na, 2-deoxy-[1-3H]-glucose (16.1 Ci/mmol), L-[1-3H[-glu - glucose and is based on the principle that, although 2-deoxyglu- cose (10.7 Ci/mmol), [1-14C]-glucose (61 Ci/mmol) from New cose can be phosphorylated like D-glucose, it cannot be further England Nuclear, Cambridge, Massachusetts; dexamethasone and metabolised [17]. The assay was terminated at the end of 3 min by prednisolone from Sigma, St. Louis; silicone oil (6428-R15) from transferring 200 ~d aliquots from the assay mixture to plastic mi- Arthur H. Thomas, Philadelphia. crotubes containing 100 ~tl silicone oil. The tubes were centrifuged for 30 s in a Beckman microfuge, and the assay was considered terminated when centrifugation begins. In experiments in which Animals the stimulatory effect of insulin on uptake was measured, the cells were preincubated with insulin for 60 min at 24 ~ The amount of Male Sprague-Dawley rats (160-170 g) were used for all experi- sugar trapped in the extracellular water space of the cell layers was ments. Animals were injected SC three times (at 1500, 2300 and determined using L-[1-3H]-glucose, and was 0.033 _+ 0.001% 0700h) with saline (0.154mol/I), dexamethasone (30 [xg/kg) or (mean _+ SEM). prednisolone (200 ~tg/kg) and then stunned by a blow to the head and decapitated at 1300 h. Thus, each rat was killed 6 h after the last injection (22 h after the first injection). The injection volume was 0.4 ml and steroids were freshly prepared from stock solutions Glucose Oxidation in ethanol by drying the desired amount under nitrogen and resus- The ability of adipocytes to oxidize glucose was determined pending in saline. All rats had free access to standard rat chow and according to the method of Rodbell [9]. Adipocytes were incu- water. No weight differences were found between any of the bated at 37 ~ with [1J4C]-glucose (2 retool/l) in Krebs-Ringer groups. bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4) containing BSA (40 mg/ml). After 1 h of incubation the generated a4CO2 was collected and counted in a liquid scintillation counter. Preparation of Isolated Adipocytes Isolated fat cells were prepared from epididymal fat pads by shak- Analytical Methods ing at 37 ~ for 60 rain in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4) containing collagenase (3 mg/ml) and bovine serum albumin Plasma glucose was determined by the glucose oxidase method (BSA) (40 mg/ml) according to the method of Rodbell [9]. Cells using a Beckman glucose analyser. Plasma insulin was determined were filtered through 250 ~tM nylon mesh, centrifuged at 400 rev/ by the double antibody radioimmunoassay [ 18], and non-esterified min for 4 min and washed twice in buffer. Adipocyte counts were fatty acid (NEFA) by the method of Chlouverakis and Hojnicki performed according to a modification of method III of Hirsch and [19]. Gallian [10] in which the cells were fixed in 2% osmium tetroxide in 0.05 mol/1 collidine buffer (made up to physsiological osmolality with saline) for 24 h at 37 ~ and then taken up in a known volume of 0.154 mmol/1 NaC1 for counting with a Coulter Counter Model Statistical Analysis ZB. Results are presented as mean _+ SEM. Analysis of variance was used to test for significant changes. Iodination of Insulin [125I]insulin was prepared at a specific activity of 170-190 ~tCi/~tg according to a modification [11] of the method of Hunter and Results Greenwood [12]. Studies in Vivo Binding Studies The effects of 22 h dexamethasone or prednisolone Isolated fat cells were suspended in a buffer containing 35 mmol/1 treatment on plasma glucose, NEFA and insulin con- Tris, 120mmol/1 NaC1, 1.2mmol/1 MgSO4, 5mmol/1 KC1, centrations are presented in Table 1. As can be seen, 10 mmol/1 glucose, 2 mmol/1 CaC12; 24 retool/1 Na acetate and dexamethasone treatment led to an increase, whilst 10mg/ml BSA, pH 7.6, and incubated with [125I]insulin and unlabelled insulin in plastic flasks in a 24 ~ shaking water bath as prednisolone led to a decrease in plasma insulin con- previously described [13]. Optimal steady-state binding conditions centration. Neither steroid had any statistically sig- are achieved at 24 ~ after 60 min of incubation. The incubations nificant effect on plasma glucose concentration, were terminated by removing 200 ~tl aliquots from the cell suspen- whereas plasma NEFA concentrations were elevated sion and rapidly centrifuging the cells in plastic microtubes to which 100 ~tl silicone oil had been added [14]. The cells were then in both treatment groups. It should be noted that removed and the radioactivity determined. All studies were car- food intake and body weight were the same in con- ried out in triplicate. trols and both experimental groups over the treat- ment period. 2-Deoxyglucose Uptake Insulin Binding: Prednisolone and dexamethasone These studies were performed using the same cell centrifugation had opposite effects on the ability of adipocytes to technique as described for the binding studies, and the details of bind insulin. Cells from control rats bound 2.09 + this method have been previously reported [15, 16]. Unless other- wise stated, isolated adipocytes were incubated with 2-deoxy- 0.09% of a tracer concentration (0.2 ng/ml) of insu- [1-3H]-D-glucose at a concentration of 0.125 mmol/1 in Krebs- lin per 2 • 105 cells. Administration of prednisolone Ringer bicarbonate (pH 7.4) containing BSA (10 mg/ml) at 24 ~ resulted in an increase to 2.41 + 0.15% per 2 • l0 s R. De Pirro et al.: Glucocorticoid Effects on Adipocytes 151 cells, whilst dexamethasone led to a decrease to 1.64 ~ 2.52 + 0.10% per 2 • l0 s cells in binding.
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