Democrats Promise GOP Successor Solons Eye Booze, Bottles
Reaction Is Shock, By MARY KITZMANN November election “took its toll” on Herald Reporter him. “I really thought we would win Chagrin MANCHESTER - Carl that,” he said. “If people really Zinsser, Republican leader of analyzed the way they thought they By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA the Board of Directors would vote Republican.” resigned from the board today, Saying the Republicans needed a Herald Reporter better organization to win elections, nine years to the day since his MANCHESTER - Reaction Zinsser said he was interested in among political leaders of both appointment. becoming the GOP town chairman, political parties in town to news of Zinsser, a realtor, cited several who will be elected in March. But he Carl Zinsser’s retirement from the reasons for his resignation at a mor would not commit himself to run Board of Directors ranged from ning press conference at his business ning. shock to disappointment but respect office, ’The other candidates mentioned for the man and his achievements “If you’re not effective it’s time to are Robert Von Deck, and Curtis was universal. step down,’’ he said. “It’s frustrating Smith. Mayor Stephen Penny, who led being in the minority position, I con “I hope people don’t have the im Zinsser by a bare 334 votes in the last stantly hear about things that need to pression I’m resigning to run for the municioal election, expressed ap be done. I couldn’t see being on the chairmanship,” he said. “I’m not, I preciation for the work Zinsser per board another two years in the basically need a rest, and I’m taking formed during his eight years on the minority position." the month of February to do it,” board.
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